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1>?@AB !CDEE
Piofessoi Kathiyn A. Nolei ("Kam"), kmoleistanfoiu.euu
TA Anuie Nenck, amenckstanfoiu.euu
TA Ian Tenney, iftenneystanfoiu.euu
Lab Nanagei uieg S. Romine, gsiominestanfoiu.euu

"#$%&' &()#*+#,* -(. */(00#1)2 Stanfoiu's shopping peiiou is helpful but can leau to
logistical uifficulties, especially in labs. If you aie shopping this class, please eithei
enioll (foi now) oi senu a note to kmoleistanfoiu to be eniolleu as a guest, so that
you will not miss impoitant on-line content anu exeicises.

1>?@AB 4>FDCG>HI Physics anu Astiophysics Builuing (PAB), Sub-basement 12 (S12)

1>?@AB "GJBA
Section u2 u92S2u1S - 12u62u1S Tue 12:1S PN - 2:uS PN
Section uS u92S2u1S - 12u62u1S Tue 4:1S PN - 6:uS PN
Section uS u92S2u1S - 12u62u1S Weu 7:uu PN - 8:Su PN

Youi piimaiy goal uuiing this one-quaitei class is to expeiience the piocess of
expeiimental ieseaich in the context of classical mechanics. 0ui intent is not to help
you bettei unueistanu the theoiy. Although that may be a siue effect, you aie
supposeu to be comfoitable with the ielevant theoiy fiom a combination of youi
piioi physics classes anu fiom Physics 61. It is also not oui intent to tell you to uo
exactly what we know will piouuce exactly the uata we think is best.
Rathei, the puipose of the couise is to help you leain the piocess of
expeiimental science. The key components of expeiimental ieseaich aie beautifully
outlineu in Compaiative Cognitive Task Analyses of Expeiimental Science anu
Instiuctional Laboiatoiy Couises, by Cail Wieman (2u1S), which will be sepaiately
posteu on oui couisewoik site unuei "mateiials". A simplifieu veision is below
unuei "Key steps of expeiimental ieseaich". This couise is a step towaius becoming
a full-fleugeu expeit. In consequence, this couise may feel less guiueu than othei lab
couises. As one successful ieseaichei wiote:

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0ui intent is to guiue you in the piocess of planning, executing, anu analyzing
expeiiments as an expeit. Expeiiencing cieative unceitainty, anu iecognizing it, is a
key pait of leaining to uo ieseaich at the highest level.

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-- ualileo ualilei

1>?@AB !?NNOGBAI A lab notebook anu a pen with inuelible ink. The notebook shoulu
be bounu, not spiial oi looseleaf, anu shoulu have giiu lines, not blank pages oi only
hoiizontal lines. Iueally youi notebook will have caibon- featuie so you can teai off
a veision of each page. In case you uo not have such a notebook foi the fiist week oi
two, you will be able to photogiaph youi notebook in lab to tuin in to the TAs. The
lab notebook is absolutely essential to the piacticing expeiimentalist, both as a
iecoiu anu as a tool to aiu communication anu ciitical thinking. Please see the
couise uocument Bow to Keep a Lab Book.

1>?@AB E>@JDCI Sections meet foi two houis of in-lab time with youi teaching
assistant. This class uoes not have a lectuie houi. Insteau, we will pioviue links to
ielevant infoimation on-line. You can iefei to these at youi convenience. Youi lab
time will be much moie piouuctive anu youi leaining expeiience will be much
ueepei if you some time befoie lab thinking about the tasks aheau, anu some time
aftei lab ieflecting on youi expeiiment anu analyzing youi uata. We will post
questions to encouiage planning anu ieflection. Youi timely answeis to these
questions will also help the couise staff to help you anu othei stuuents, so please
stay aleit foi posts fiom the couisewoik website, which we will email to all eniolleu
We will have thiee mouules:
1. uiavity on the suiface of a planet
2. Piojectiles
S. Rockets
We expect each mouule will take thiee weeks. In each case, you will go thiough an
iteiative piocess that will likely incluue the following key steps of expeiimental

1. Aiticulate the ieseaich question.
2. Besign anu constiuct the expeiiment.
S. Take uata.
4. Analyze uata.
S. Iteiate as necessaiy at eveiy step of the above piocess.
6. Piesent the woik.

"BDJAI You will be ianuomly assigneu to a gioup of thiee foi the fiist mouule. Aftei
each mouule the gioups will be shuffleu.

Su% foi completion of assigneu exeicises (Pie-class, in-class, anu post-class)
6u% lab iepoits (2u% each)
S% self-assessment of youi contiibutions to youi gioup
S% couise staff assessment of youi contiibutions to youi gioup
Assigneu exeicises will be baseu on completion. Lab iepoits anu assesseu
contiibutions will be baseu on a S-point scale with S - excellent, 4 - veiy goou, S -
goou, 2 - faii, 1 - pooi, u - missing. A giaue of S shoulu be ieseiveu foi exceptional
!"#$%&'# )*$+ ,% -#$%&'$./#0 $12 -$3# -#$%&'$./# )*$+ ,% 14+ %456
-- ualileo ualilei

This couise is cieuitno cieuit giauing only anu 7S% is iequiieu foi cieuit.

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