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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI





Looking at our countrys national income during the first quarter of 2013, increasing at 7.1 percent in real terms, might point to an over helming sentiment among consumers ! that more household consumption spending for our "asic needs as evident.

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

*nderstanding +ncome as measured ,rom -.P& -N+ and N.+

by /ose Ramon -$ Albert& Ph$.

&$ 4

Filipino version



Almost a month ago, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) released the Report on the Performance of the conom! for the "irst #uarter of $%&'( )n this report, *e mentioned that the countr! posted +(, percent gro*th in the first -uarter of $%&'( .he main dri/er of the first -uarter gro*th in the production side *as ser/ices gro*ing at +(% percent, and this *as supported 0! industr! at &%(1 percent gro*th and agriculture at '(' percent( 2n the e3penditure side, increased consumer and go/ernment spending, accompanied 0! higher in/estment in construction, *ere the main contri0utors to gro*th (.a0les &, $, ' and 4)( 5oo6ing at our countr!7s national income during the first -uarter of $%&', increasing at +(& percent in real terms, might point to an o/er*helming sentiment among consumers 8 that more household consumption spending for our 0asic needs *as e/ident( 9ith higher income, there *ould 0e increased spending, e(g( spending for food, clothing : foot*ear, housing, furnishings, health, transport, communication, education, and other miscellaneous ser/ices (.a0les ;, <, + and ,)= "rom estimates of household final consumption e3penditures for the "irst #uarter of $%&', among "ilipinos, the top fi/e highest spending items (in real terms) *ere communications (,(' percent), restaurants and hotels (+(; percent), recreation and culture (+(& percent) other miscellaneous ser/ices li6e personal ser/ices, etc( (<(+ percent)( As *e ha/e pointed out in the past, the >ross Domestic Product (>DP) and >ross National )ncome (>N)) are measures of economic progress( .he! do not necessaril! measure *elfare and de/elopment, although man! economists *ould agree that economic gro*th is necessar! 0ut not sufficient for impro/ed *elfare( A num0er of people ha/e as6ed us /er! interesting -uestions a0out the >DP and >N)( 2ne of them is ?*ith the +(, percent gro*th of >DP and +(& percent gro*th of >N), is e/er!one getting a fair share of the countr!7s income=@ Another is ?should higher >DP and >N) 0ring higher compensationAincome recei/ed, *hich, in turn, can translate to higher disposa0le income among households=@ Bost importantl!, it is interesting to 6no* ?*hat is the effect of higher >DP and higher >N) in /arious groups in the population e(g( high income, middle income and lo* income classes=@ Before *e commence ans*ering these -uestions, let us define >DP and >N) from a

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

la!man7s /ie*point( .he >DP figure that *e release at the NSCB represents the /alue of all goods and ser/ices produced *ithin the domestic territor! for the specific period of time( .he >DP can also 0e related *ith the goods and ser/ices *hich go to consumption, to in/estments, including those that go to e3ports less the countr!7s imports( Similarl!, the term >N), formerl! termed as the >ross National Product (>NP), also refers to income deri/ed from production of goods and ser/ices( But this production is not onl! those produced in the countr! 0ut also those produced outside the countr!( .he gro*th of >DP and >N) denotes the performance of the entire econom! at the macro le/el( )t should 0e impressed that economic gro*th as measured 0! the >DPA>N) does not al*a!s translate to a 0etter life for e/er!0od!, especiall! as such gro*th is not necessaril! uniforml! spread( )n fact, >DPA>N) figures do not sho* the distri0ution of income and the une/en spread of financial *ealth( "or this article, *e *ill present comparison of a/aila0le statistics that *ill sho* some trends on >DP and >N) and some rele/ant deri/ed statistics( -.P and -N+ During the first -uarter of $%&', *ith our countr!7s population estimated at 1<(, million, each indi/idual has a per capita income (>DP) generated *ithin the domestic econom! of P$+,4;4( )f *e discount the inflation or the effect of prices, the total income of each indi/idual generated in the econom! *ould 0e P&<,;4< in $%%% prices( 2n the a/erage, this income is increasing 0! +($ percent on a -uarterl! 0asis( (.a0le &%)( )f income coming from a0road 0! residents (>N)) is accounted for, each indi/idual *ill get e/en higher income at P'$,+<,, in current prices, and P&1,<$1 in $%%% prices (.a0le &%)( .hese indicators on per capita income, *hether from >DP or >N), simpl! sho* ho* much each "ilipino is sharing from the countr!7s total income if all these income is e-uall! spread across the population, and *ould not actuall! sho* details of income ine-ualit! or disparit!( .isposable +ncome )n $%&%, the net disposa0le income (ND)) or the total income read! for spending 0! Pino!s *as estimated at P&&(%4% 0illion( .his figure is not far from >DP at P1(%%' 0illion and the >N) at P&%(,;$ 0illion( .his means that the amount of income read! for spending 0! "ilipinos is onl! &(+ percent higher than those income reported in the >N)( /en in $%&&, the trend did not change much( >DP for $%&& *as P1(+%< 0illion, >N) at P&&(;1, 0illion (.a0le &) and Disposa0le )ncome at P&&(,+1 0illion (.a0le 1)( Again, the rate of increase 0et*een >N) and Disposa0le )ncome is at $(4 percent,

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

slightl! higher from last !ear7s &(+ percent( Note that estimates on disposa0le income *as sourced from the $%&& annual report of the NSCB7s Consolidated Accounts and )ncome and 2utla! *hich is e3pected to change *hen updated data are released on %' Cul! $%&'( +ncomes by +ncome )lasses $

Although the NSCB .echnical Staff attempted to define income classes in the last National Con/ention on Statistics using per capita incomes sourced from the triennial "amil! )ncome and 3penditure Sur/e! (") S), conducted 0! the National Statistics 2ffice, ) *ould prefer to e3amine income classes in a simple *a!, and also ma6e use of the official po/ert! lines( Consider defining the lo* income group as those families *hose per capita incomes are at most t*ice the po/ert! line, the middle income class as those families *ith per capita incomes 0et*een t*ice and ten times the po/ert! line, and the high income group as those families ma6ing more than ten times the po/ert! line( Consider estimating the num0er of persons 0! income class, as *ell as the share of income accruing to these classes from the $%%< and $%%1 ") S( No*, let us use these information, to generate per capita income 0! income class from the >DP, >N) and ND)( 9e find that those from high income classes, ha/e incomes rising much faster than those in the middle and lo* income class( 9hile the high income class comprises onl! &;(&D&;(1 percent of the total population, the share of the income to national income is a0out three fifths( .he gro*th in the incomes of the upper income class 0! >DP is at &%(1 percent, >N) at 1(1 percent, and the ND) at &%(< percent, *hile in contrast the gro*th in the middle income group is 4(' percent, '(4 percent and 4(& percent, respecti/el! for >DP, >N) and ND) (.a0le &$)( 9hile such an e3amination of income is rather simplistic, it points to issues a0out income ine-ualit!, and the need for go/ernment and societ! to address these disparities, and ensure a path to*ard inclusi/e gro*th( Per )apita -.P ' by ASEAN )ountry

)n $%&&, among the &% AS AN mem0er states (ABS), the Philippines ran6ed <th in terms of per capita >DP at 4,&&1 measured in international ES dollars( As e3pected, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Bala!sia top the list *ith per capita >DP of <%,<,,, ;&,+<% and &<,%;& respecti/el!( .hese *ere follo*ed 0! .hailand at ,,<4< and )ndonesia *ith 4,<'<( Fiet NamGs per capita >DP *as ',4&$ (.a0le &' and "igure &)( Ho*e/er, in terms of the gro*th rate of per capita >DP, the top three countries sho*ed conser/ati/e increasesI SingaporeGs gro*th is at ;(% percent, Brunei at $(+ percent and Bala!sia at ;(+ percent( Compara0l!, )ndonesia gre* 0! +(+ percent and Fiet Nam at +(& percent( .he Philippines per capita >DP moderatel! gre* 0! 4(4 percent *hile .hailand gre* 0! &(+ percent(

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

Per capital >DP as sho*n here is 0ased on purchasing po*er parit! (PPP), that is, >DP in international dollars reflecting relati/e /alue of currencies accounting for cost of li/ing differences across countries( 1ealth Accounting After our discussion of income generated out of >DP and >N), let us point out that there are limitations regarding income accounts( >DP and >N), e/en on a per capita 0asis, are not meant to measure *elfare( .his is *h! *e !ield po/ert! statistics( )n addition, *ealth, 0oth produced and nonDproduced *ealth, needs to 0e measured in order to determine if *e can sustain the income generated from production( .he >DP and >N) do not measure *ealth( Nonetheless, *e, at the NSCB, ha/e attempted to account for our natural resources 8 forest, fishes, trees, land including the recording of our clean air, clean *ater and clean soil( .hrough a proJect supported 0! the Enited Nations De/elopment Program in the midDnineties, *e o0tained pilot estimates to pro/ide an indication of en/ironmentall! adJusted >DP, *hich is currentl! 0eing referred to as ?>reen >DP@( .his figure pro/ides an indication on the true gro*th of the econom!, after ha/ing accounted for the depleted forest, o/erfishing, degraded land including polluted air, *ater and soil( Such an e3ercise *as done on a pilot 0asis simpl! to e3plore *hether the Philippine Statistical S!stem (PSS) *as read! that time to come up *ith a 0etter measure of >DP( Enfortunatel!, these efforts *ere not sustained after the Department of Budget and Banagement (DBB) did not act on the 3ecuti/e 2rder 4%< signed 0! then President "idel F( Ramos, that is, institutionaliKing the Philippine conomicD n/ironmental and Natural Resources Accounting (P NRA) S!stem, *hich in/ol/ed esta0lishing units *ithin the NSCB, National conomic De/elopment Authorit! (N DA), and the Department of Natural and n/ironment Resources (D NR)( 9ith the current rene*ed interest in en/ironmental accounting, efforts are no* under*a! to*ard 9ealth Accounting and Faluation of cos!stem Ser/ices (9AF S), supported 0! the 9orld Ban6( .his ne* tas6 for en/ironmental accounting is 0eing spearheaded 0! N DA, *ith cooperation from NSCB, D NR and DBB( Final 1ords A num0er of people ha/e 0een noted that economic gro*th has not !et translated into po/ert! reduction( .his is the main challenge 0eing faced not onl! 0! go/ernment 0ut 0! the entire countr!( 2fficial statistics in the PSS are telling us a stor!, and *e, as a people, are supposed to reflect on *hat these num0ers mean( Blaming *ill get us no*here( )t is concerted action of go/ernment and the pri/ate sector that *ill ensure that gro*th 0ecomes inclusi/e( 9e seem to 0e in a hurr! to find changes, 0ut changes ta6e time( Spea6ing of changes, the PSS *ill 0e undergoing some changes( 5ast Cune <, $%&', the Senate and the House Jointl! passed a 0ill, *hich *as certified 0! the President as urgent, to reorganiKe the PSS( Staff of maJor statistical agencies in the PSS engaged in primar! data collection and compilation of data, /iK(, the NSCB, NS2, Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, and the Bureau of 5a0or and mplo!ment

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

Statistics *ill 0e merged into one 0od!, to 0e called the ?Philippine Statistics Authorit! (PSA)(@ )n addition, the research and training arm of the PSS *ill 0e strengthened into the Philippine Statistical Research and .raining )nstitute from the current Statistical Research and .raining Center( )t is our hope that the ne* PSA *ill li/e up to e3pectations of all sta6eholders of the PSS that *e *ill ha/e ?Better Statistics for a Better Philippines(@ (httpIAA***(nsc0(go/(phAstatfocusA$%&' AS"L%<$%&'LPP&LPSS(asp) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Reactions and /ie*s are *elcome thru email to the author at Jrg(al0ertMnsc0(go/(ph

Filipino 2ersion

Pag-unawa ng Kita na Sinukat mula sa GDP, GNI at NDI &

Ni /ose Ramon -$ Albert& Ph$.$

Halos isang 0u*an na ang na6araraan nang inilathala ng National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) ang ulat tung6ol sa 6alaga!an o ta60o ng e6onomi!a para sa unang tatlong 0u*an ng $%&'( Sa na0anggit na ulat, ipinaha!ag namin na na6apagtala ang 0ansa ng +(, pors!entong paglago sa unang tatlong 0u*an ng $%&'( Ang pangunahing nagdala sa paglagong ito sa panig ng produ6s!on a! ang Ser/ices na lumago ng +(% pors!ento at sinuportahan ng )ndustr! na ma! &%(1 pors!ento at agri6ultra na ma! '(' pors!ento( Napag tinignan ang ating pinag6agastusan, ang mataas na paggastos ng mga consumer at ng go0!erno 6asama na ang pamumuhunan sa construction ang mga pangunahing nagdala ng paglago ng e6onomi!a (.a0le &, $, ' at 4)( Nung titingnan ang pam0ansang 6ita nitong unang tatlong 0u*an ng $%&' na tumaas ng +(& pors!ento sa tuna! o real terms, tututungo ito sa sentimiento sa hana! ng mga consumer na 8 mas lita* ang gastusing pangsam0aha!an para sa 0ata!ang mga pangangailangan( Pagtumaas ang 6ita, ma! 6aalinsa0a! na pagtaas ng paggastos, halim0a*a, paggastos para sa pag6ain, pananamit at foot*ear, pa0aha!, pang6alusugan, transportas!on, 6omuni6as!on, edu6as!on at i0a pang ser0is!o (.a0le ;, <, + at ,)= Bula sa pagtant!a ng pinal na gastusing pangsam0aha!an para sa unang tatlong 0u*an ng $%&', ang limang pangunahing pinag6a6agastusan (sa real terms) ng mga Pilipino a! ang 6omuni6as!on (,(' pors!ento), restaurants and hotels (+(; pors!ento), recreation and culture (+(& pors!ento), i0a pang mga samu7t saring ser0is!o tulad ng personal services, at0p (<(+ pors!ento)( .ulad ng na0anggit na namin noon, ang 6a0uuang local na produ6to o >ross Domestic

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

Product (>DP) at 6a0uuang pam0ansang 6ita o >ross National )ncome (>N)) a! mga panu6at ng pagDunlad ng e6onomi!a( Hindi nito sinusu6at ang 6apa6anang panlipunan at 6aunlaran 0agama7t maraming e6onomista ang sasang a!on na ang paglago ng e6onomi!a a! 6ailangan pero hindi sapat para mapa0uti ang 6apa6anang panlipunan( )lan na ring tao ang nagtatanong sa amin ng mga interesanteng mga 6a6atanungan u6ol sa >DP at >N)( )sa sa 6anila a! ?sa +(, pors!entong paglago ng >DP at sa +(& pors!entong paglago ng >N), lahat 0a a! na6a6ahuha ng patas na parte sa 6ita ng 0ansa=@ Ang isa pa a! ?ma6apag0i0iga! 0a ng mas mataas na 6a0a!aranA6ita ang >DPA>N) at ito 0a7! maisasalin sa mas mataas na gastusing 6ita o disposa0le income ng sam0aha!an o household= Ang mas mahalaga at interesanteng malaman a! ?ano ang epe6to ng mas mataas na >DP at mataas na >N) sa i0a7t i0a grupo o hana! sa ating populas!on, halim0a*a ang ma! mataas na 6ita, nasa gitna at ma0a0ang 6ita=@ Bago namin sagutin ang mga 6atanungang ito, alamin muna natin ang 6ahulugan ng >DP at >N) sa panana* ng isang 6arani*ang tao( Ang inila0as naming mga numero ng >DP a! naglalara*an ng halaga ng lahat ng mga produ6to7t ser0is!ong ga*a sa loo0 ng teritor!o ng Pilipinas sa isang ta6dang panahon( Ang >DP a! maaari ding iugna! sa mga produ6to7t ser0is!o na napupunta sa mga gastusin, sa pamumuhunan 6asama na !aong napupunta sa ating netong e6sport (e6sport 0a*as ang import)( Ang >N), na ang ta*ag dati7! >ross National Product (>NP) o 6a0uuang pam0ansang produ6to, a! tumutu6o! din sa 6ita mula sa pagga*a ng produ6to7t ser0is!o pero ang sa6la* nito a! di lang !aong ga*a sa loo0 ng teritor!o ng Pilipinas 6undi pati na !aong produ6to7t ser0is!ong ga*a sa la0as ng teritor!o ng Pilipinas sa isang ta6dang panahon( Ang paglago ng >DP at >N) a! sumasalamin sa paggana o 6alaga!an ng 0uong e6onom!a sa masa6la* na antas( Pag6atandaan natin na ang paglago ng e6onomi!a 0ata! sa panu6at na >DPA>N) a! hindi nangangahulugan ng mati*asa! na 6a0uha!an para sa lahat lalo na7t ang paglago a! hindi naman nai6a6alat ng panta!Dpanta!( Sa 6atuna!an, ang mga numerong pina6i6ita ng >DPA>N) a! hindi naglalara*an ng pag0ahagi ng 6ita at ng di panta! na 6alat ng !amang pinans!al( Para sa arti6ulong ito, ilalatag namin ang paghaham0ing ng mga naisapu0li6ong estadisti6a na maglalara*an ng ta60o ng >DP at >N) at ilang hala* na mga importanteng estadisti6a( -.P at -N+ Noong unang tatlong 0u*an ng $%&', ang populas!on ng natin sa 0ansa a! uma0ot sa 1<(, mil!on, at ang 0a*at indi0id*al a! masasa0ing ma! per capita income (>DP) na ma6u6uha sa local na e6onomi!a na P$+,4;4( Nung aalisin natin ang epe6to ng pagtaas ng pres!o ng 0ilihin o inflation, ang 6a0uuang 6ita ng 0a*at indi0id*al mula sa e6onomi!a a! P&<,;4< sa pres!o noong $%%%( Sa 6arani*an, ang 6itang ito a!

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

tumaas ng +($ pors!ento sa 0ata!ang -uarterl! (.a0le &%)( Nung ang 6ita mula sa la0as ng 0ansa ng mga residente (>N)) a! isasama, ang 0a*at indi0id*al a! ma6a6a6uha ng mas mataas na 6ita na P'$,+<,, sa 6asalu6u!ang pres!o, at P&1,<$1 sa pres!o noong $%%% (.a0le &%)( Ang mga estadisti6ang ito ng per capita income, mula man sa >DP o >N), a! nagpapa6ita lamang ng 6ung gaano 6ala6i ang 0ahagi ng 0a*at Pilipino sa 6a0uuang 6ita ng 0ansa 6ung ang 6itang ito a! i0a0ahagi ng panta! panta! sa 0uong populas!on at hindi talaga magpapa6ita ng detal!e ng di pag6a6apanta! panta! ng 6ita o di pag6a6apareho( P!edeng -astusing 3ita Noong $%&%, ang netong gastusing 6ita o net disposable income (ND)) o ang 6a0uuang 6ita na p*edeng gastusin ng mga Pino! a! aa0ot sa P&&(%4% 0il!on( Ang numerong ito a! di mala!o sa >DP na P1(%%' 0il!on at sa >N) na P&%(,;$ 0il!on( )0ig sa0ihin, ang 6ita ng mga Pilipino na p*edeng gastusin a! aa0ot lamang sa &(+ pors!ento mataas 6a!sa sa nailulat na 6ita sa >N)( Nahit noong $%&&, ang ta60ong ito a! di nag0ago ng mala6i( Ang >DP noong $%&& a! P1(+%< 0il!on, >N) a! P&&(;1, 0il!on (.a0le &) at Disposable Income a! P&&(,+1 0il!on (.a0le 1)( Sa muli, ang tantos ng pagtaas sa pagitan ng >N) at Disposable Income a! nasa $(4 pors!ento, mas mataas ng 6aunti 6a!sa noong isang taon na &(+ pors!ento( .andaan natin na ang tant!ang Disposable Income a! nagmula sa $%&& taunang ulat ng NSCB Consolidated Accounst at Income and Outlay na inaasahan mag0a0ago 6apag dumating na mga 0agong datos at ilala0as nga!on 6atapusan ng Hul!o ', $%&'( 3ita ng Ba!at +ncome )lass $

Bagamat nagtang6a ang NSCB .echnical Staff na 0ig!ang 6ahulugan ang mga income classes noong na6araang National Con/ention on Statistics gamit ang per capita income mula sa Family Income and Expenditure Survey (") S) na isinaga*a ng National Statistics 2ffice 6ada tatlong taon, mas nanaisin 6ong suriin ang mga income classes sa isang pa!a6 na paraan at gamitin ang opis!al na poverty lines( Sa0ihin na natin na ang grupo ng low income a! !aong mga pamil!a na ma! per capita income na di tataas sa do0le 6a!sa po/ert! line, ang middle income class a! !aong mga pamil!a na ma! per capita income sa pagitan ng do0le at sampung 0eses na mataas 6a!sa poverty line, at ang grupo ng high income naman a! !aong mga pamil!a na ma! per capita income na mahigit sa sampung 0eses 6a!sa poverty line( Big!an nating pansin ang pagtant!a sa 0ilang ng mga tao 0ata! sa income class at sa 0ahagi ng naiulat na 6a0uuang 6itang napupunta sa mga income class mula sa $%%< at $%%1 ") S( Nga!on, gamitin natin ang mga sumusunod na impormas!on ito para ma6a6uha ng pagtant!a ng per capita income 0ata! sa income class mula sa >DP, >N) at ND)( Bapapansin natin na ang mga nasa high income class a! ma! 6ita na ma0ilis na tumataas 6a!sa sa middle income at lo*er income class( Bagamat ang

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

high income class a! 0umu0uo lamang ng &;(& 8 &;(1 pors!ento ng 6a0uuang populas!on, ang 0ahagi ng 6ita nila a! aa0ot halos <% pors!ento ng pam0ansang 6ita( Ang paglago ng 6ita ng mga nasa high income class sa >DP a! nasa &%(1 pors!ento, sa >N) 1(1(pors!ento, at sa ND) &%(< pors!ento ha0ang ang paglago naman ng 6ita mula sa mga nasa middle income a! 4(' pors!ento, '(4 pors!ento at 4(& pors!ento, a!on sa pag6asunodDsunod, para sa >DP, >N) and ND) (.a0le &$)( Ha0ang ang pagsusuring ito a! med!o simple lang, pina6i6ita nito ang is!u tung6ol sa di pag6apanta!Dpanta! ng 6ita sa 0ansa at ang pangangailangan na dapat 0ig!an pansin ng pamahalaan at ng lipunan ang ganitong di pag6a6apanta!Dpanta! at para mati!a6 ang pagtaha6 sa landas tungo sa lahatang panig na paglago o inclusive growth. Per )apita -.P ' ng mga Bansang 3asapi ng ASEAN

.ingnan naman natin ang laga! ng Pilipinas 6ung i6u6umpara sa mga mi!em0ro ng AS AN sa tuntuning per capita >DP na sinu6at sa ES dollar( .ulad ng inaasahan, ang Singapore, Brunei Darussalam at Bala!sia ang tatlong nangungunang 0ansa na nagpapa6ita ng pina6amataas na per capita >DP sa ES dollar( Halim0a*a, noong $%&&, ang per capita >DP ng Singapore a! <%,,,,, ang Brunei, ;&,+%% at ang Bala!sia, &<,%;&( Ang per capita ng Pilipinas a! ma0a0a at nasa 4,&&1 at 6ahana! ng )ndonesia na ma! 4,<'< at Fietnam na ma! ',4&$ (.a0le &' and "igure &)( >anumpaman, sa tuntunin ng tantos ng paglago ng per capita >DP, ang tatlong nangungunang 0ansa a! nagpapa6ita ng conser0ati0ong pagtaas( Ang paglago ng Singapore a! ;(% pors!ento, Brunei a! $(+ pors!ento at Bala!sia sa ;(+ pors!ento( Ang susunod ng grupo a! nagpapa6ita ng mas mataas na paglago D ang )ndonesia a! lumago ng +(+ por!ento at ang Fietnam a! +(& pors!ento( Samanatala, ang per capita >DP ng Pilipinas a! lumago ng 4(4 pors!ento halos 6alahati 6ung i6u6umpara sa )ndonesia at Fietnam( Ang pina6i6itang per capita >DP a! 0ata! sa purchasing power parity (PPP) na 6ung saan ang >DP a! isinalin sa dol!ar 0ata! sa pag6a6ai0a ng mga ginagamit na currenc! at pag6a6ai0a ng pres!o ng mga 0ilihin sa mga 0ansa( Ang Pagtutuos sa 4aman ng Pilipinas Ba! mga limitas!on ang natala6a! nating 6ita na nagmumula sa >DP at >N) lalo na pagdating sa pagtutuos ng 6ita( Ang >DP at >N), 6ahit sa 0ata!ang per capita, a! hindi panu6at ng 6agalingan o 6apa6anan( Na!a nga 0a7t meron din ta!ong estadisti6a ng 6ahirapan( Dagdag pa, ang !aman, li6as at di li6as, a! nangangailangang su6atin para malaman natin 6ung mapapanatili natin ang 6ita mula sa produ6s!on( Hindi sinusu6at ng >DP at >N) ang !aman ng isang 0ansa( Na!a nga 0a nagtang6a ang NSCB na su6atin din ang ating li6as na !aman 8 6agu0atan, mga isda, mga puno, 6alupaan 6asama na ang pagtala sa malinis ng hangin, tu0ig at 6alupaan( Sa pamamagitan ng isang pro!e6to na pinondohan ng nited !ations Development

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

"rogramme noong de6ada 1%, na6uha namin ang panimulang patutuos na nag0i0iga! indi6as!on ng isang environmentally ad#usted $D" na 6ung tagurian nga!on a! ?$reen $D"(@ Ang na0anggit na mga numero a! nag0i0ga! indi6as!on ng totoong paglago ng e6onomi!a matapos matant!a ang pag6au0os ng ating 6agu0atan, so0rang pangingisda, pag6asira sa lupa 6asama na ang polus!on ng hangin, tu0ig at 6alupaan( Ang ganitong panimulang pagtutuos a! para matanto ng Philippine Statistical S!stem (PSS) 6ung handa na nga 0a ta!o para sa isang mas mahusa! ng panu6at ng >DP(Ang na0anggit na pagtutuos a! di nga lamang naitulo! dahil di na0ig!an ng pondo ng Department of Budget and Banagement (DBB) 6ahit pa nilagdaan ng pangulong "idel F( Ramos ang Executive Order %&', ang Institutionali(ation o) the "hilippine Economic*Environmental and !atural +esources Accounting ,"EE!+A- System na 6ung saan mag0u0uo ng mga !unit sa NSCB, National conomic De/elopment Authorit! (N DA) at Department of n/ironment and Natural Resources (D NR)( Sa muling pag6a6aroon ng interes sa en/ironmental accounting, ma! mga ha60angin na tungo sa .ealth Accounting and /aluation o) Ecosystem Services ,.A/ES- na suportado ng .orld 0an1( Ang pani0agong ga*aing ito sa en/ironmental accounting a! pinangungunahan ng N DA sa pa6i6ipagtulungan ng NSCB, D NR at DBB( 5uling Pananalita Napansin ng ilang tao na ang pagsi0ol o paglago ng e6onomi!a a! di pa humahantong sa pag0a*as ng 6ahirapan( )to ang hamong 6ina6aharap di lamang ng go0!ernon 6undi ng 0uong 0ansa( Ang opis!al na estadisti6a ng PSS a! nag6*e6*ento sa atin, at ta!o, 0ilang mama!ang Pilipino, a! dapat magmunimuni sa mga 6ahulugan ng mga numerong ito( Ang paninisi a! *alang 6ahahantungan( Ang pinagsamang a6s!on ng go0!erno at pri0adong sector ang mag titi!a6 na ang paglago a! lahatang panig( .ila 0aga nagmamadali ta!o na ma6ahanap ng pag0a0ago ngunit ang pag0a0ago a! di daglian( Nung pagDuusapan ang pag0a0ago, mag6a6aroon ng mga pag0a0ago sa PSS( Noong Hun!o <, $%&', inapru0ahan ng ng Senado at 6ongreso ang isang panu6alang 0atas, na sinertipi6ahan urgent ng Pangulo, ang reorganisas!on ng PSS( 5ahat ng staff ng mga ma!or na ahens!ang pang estadisti6a na sang6ot sa pangangalap at pagcompile ng mga datos, tulad ng NSCB, NS2, Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) at Bureau of 5a0or and mplo!ment Statistics (B5 S) a! pagDiisahin na 0ilang isang ahens!a na tata*aging ?Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)(@ Dagdag pa, ang research and training arm ng PSS a! palala6asin 0ilang Philippine Statistical Research and .raining )nstitute mula sa 6asalu6u!ang Statistical Research and .raining Center( )naasahan na gaga*in ng 0agong PSA ang lahat ng 6an!ang ma6a6a!anan para matu*a ang mga sta1eholders ng PSS at masiguro na ta!o7! mag6aroon ng Bas Bahusa! na stadisti6a Para sa Bas Bahusa! na Pilipinas( (.ingnan saI httpIAA***(nsc0(go/(phAstatfocus A$%&'AS"L%<$%&'LPP&LPSS(aspOfil/ersion) Nung 6a!o a! ma! rea6s!on o i0ang panana* u6ol sa arti6ulong ito, mang!ari lamang na sumulat sa ma! a6da sa email address naIJrg(al0ertMnsc0(go/(ph(

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI


Secretar! >eneral of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)( .he NSCB, a statistical agenc!

functionall! attached to the National conomic and De/elopment Authorit! (N DA), is the highest polic! ma6ing and coordinating 0od! on statistical matters in the Philippines( )mmediatel! prior to his appointment at NSCB, Dr( Al0ert *as a Senior Research "ello* at the Philippine )nstitute for De/elopment Studies, a polic! thin6 tan6 attached to N DA( Dr( Al0ert finished summa cum laude *ith a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Bathematics from the De 5a Salle Eni/ersit! in &1,,( He completed a Baster of Science in Statistics from the State Eni/ersit! of Ne* Por6 at Ston! Broo6 in &1,1 and a Ph(D( in Statistics from the same uni/ersit! in &11'( He is a Professorial 5ecturer at the Decision Sciences and )nno/ation Department of Ramon F( Del Rosario College of Business, De 5a Salle Eni/ersit!( He is also a past President of the Philippine Statistical Association, a "ello* of the Social 9eather Stations, and an lected Regular Bem0er of the National Research Council of the Philippines( .his article *as coD*ritten 0! Fi/ian R( )larina , Di/ision Chief of 3penditure Accounts Di/ision, conomic

Statistics 2ffice of the NSCB( .his article *as translated in "ilipino 0! Br( d*ard ugenio P( 5opeK Dee of NSCB( .he authors than6 Dir( Candido C( Astrologo, Cr(, d*ard ugenio P( 5opeKDDee, Bs( Bechelle B( Fiernes, Bs( )rene .( .alam and Bs( Simonette A( Nisperos for the assistance on special statistical computations and preparation of statistical ta0les( .he /ie*s e3pressed in the article are those of the authors and do not necessaril! reflect those of the NSCB and its .echnical Staff( 5o* )ncome Class "amilies are those *ith income 0elo* $ times the annual per capita po/ert! threshold Q Biddle )ncome Class "amilies are those *ith income 0et*een $ to &% times the annual per capita po/ert! threshold Q and High )ncome Class "amilies are those *ith income greater than &% times the annual per capita po/ert! threshold ' >DP per capita 0ased on purchasing po*er parit! (PPP)( PPP >DP is gross domestic product con/erted to international dollars using purchasing po*er parit! rates( An international dollar has the same purchasing po*er o/er >DP as the E(S( dollar has in the Enited States( >DP at purchaserGs prices is the sum of gross /alue added 0! all resident producers in the econom! plus an! product ta3es and minus an! su0sidies not included in the /alue of the products( )t is calculated *ithout ma6ing deductions for depreciation of fa0ricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources( Data are in current international dollars( $

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI





What's this?

NSCB - Zamboanga Peninsula posts 12.4 percent economic

Foreign Direct Investments - 4th Quarter 2012 2012 Approved

Bakit anun ito?ay gusto ko....

NSCB - How Important is Agriculture in the Economy?

Poverty incidence unchanged, as of first semester

it's also better to look at the services sector which by the way has the largest

Starting with the release of the (full year) 2009official poverty statistics,

6able 0$ -R7SS NA6+7NA% +N)7ME AN. -R7SS .7MES6+) PR7.*)6

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8/23/2013 10:44 AM

NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890: and Annual 8900 8908 At )urrent Prices ;+n million pesos<

+N.*S6R4=-.P= -N+ &( A>R)(, HEN.)N>, "2R S.RP AND ")SH)N> $( )NDES.RP '( S RF)C >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B

8900 '0 '&%,4'+ +'&,,;4 &,&1+,+%< $,$'1,11+ $,<1+,++& '8 $,1,4&' +;%,+&& &,',4,&,1 $,4$4,'&' $,1%&,'44 ': $+;,'<< <1;,%'' &,';+,$,& $,'$+,<,% $,+,',;'< '> ';1,+1+ ,<4,4<& &,41%,%&1 $,+&4,$++ ',$&;,;;' '0 '%&,<&< ++1,+$$ &,''<,4;' $,4&+,+1& $,1%$,;+% '8

8908 ': $,,,$;% +4<,1'< &,;&1,4&+ $,;;4,<%4 ',%;;,$&, '> '+$,1&; 1;+,+$+

890: '0 '&%,%+< ,<;,''' 8900

Annual 8908 &,$;%,<&< ',$,4,;%, <,%$1,+<$ &%,;<4,,,< &$,<%,,+'%

$,+,,'< ,%%,&$$ &,;';,$+; $,<$',$'4 ',&;%,+'%

&,$';,%&' ',%4$,%<% ;,4$1,&1< 1,+%<,$<, &&,;1,,$%;

&,<',,<&+ &,4,&,&<, $,1<1,$;, $,<;<,;+, ',;%%,$&$ ',&+%,+,$

SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

6able 8$ -R7SS NA6+7NA% +N)7ME AN. -R7SS .7MES6+) PR7.*)6 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890: and Annual 8900 8908 At )onstant Prices ;+n million pesos<

+N.*S6R4 &( A>R)(, HEN.)N>, "2R S.RP AND ")SH)N> $( )NDES.RP '( S RF)C >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B

8900 '0 &+%,<&; 4;4,++& +<,,;14 &,'1',1+1 &,<++,;+& '8 &<%,1&; 4,&,%'' ,;+,1<< &,411,1&; &,+,%,+&& ': &;$,&1; 44<,&;% ,$',,+4 &,4$$,$&1 &,<,1,;&% '> &1<,&&% ;&&,'%$ ,,;,4+4 &,;1$,,,+ &,,1$,&;; '0 &+$,;<% 4+,,1$4 ,'',''+ &,4,4,,$& &,++',,+4 '8

8908 ': &;,,,$< 4++,,,+ ,,1,1&% &,;$<,<$$ &,,&$,,+& '> $%;,<<4 ;;<,1<; 14$,1&< &,+%;,;4; $,%&$,1'$

890: '0 &+,,'4% ;'%,114 ,1&,<+< &,<%&,%&% &,,11,'<4

Annual 8900 <+1,,'; &,,1',$;< ','';,1%1 ;,1%1,%%% +,%'1,14, 8908 <1,,1'+ $,%$$,<$' ',;1%,&&& <,'&&,<+& +,41<,;4<

&<&,,,+ ;%,,,4+ 1$',14, &,;14,<,$ &,,1<,,<1

SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

6able :$ -R7SS NA6+7NA% +N)7ME AN. -R7SS .7MES6+) PR7.*)6 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890:& Annual 8900 8908 -ro!th Rates At )urrent Prices

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

;+n Percent<

+N.*S6R4 &( A>R)(, HEN.)N>, "2R S.RP AND ")SH)N> $( )NDES.RP '( S RF)C >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B
SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

8900 '0 D$(, <(; &&(< +(1 +(< '8 D%(; <(< &%(1 ,($ ,(<

8908 ': 4(+ +(; &&(1 1(+ 1(, '> '(< &%(, &%(% 1(4 ,(1

8908 0: '0 $(, &&(% &%(, 1(1 1($

Annual 8900 8908 &(' ,(% &&(& ,(, ,(+

6able >$ -R7SS NA6+7NA% +N)7ME AN. -R7SS .7MES6+) PR7.*)6 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890: & Annual 8900 8908 -ro!th Rates At )onstant Prices ;+n Percent<

+N.*S6R4 &( A>R)(, HEN.)N>, "2R S.RP AND ")SH)N> $( )NDES.RP '( S RF)C >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B

8900 '0 &(& ;(' ,(4 <(; ;(+ '8 %(< ;(, +(+ <(' <(;

8908 ': 4(4 +(& ,(% +(' +(' '> 4(1 ,(1 <(; +(& <(4

8908 0: '0 '(' &%(1 +(% +(, +(&

Annual 8900 8908 $(, <(, +(< <(, <(;

SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

6able ?$ 57*SE57%. F+NA% )7NS*MP6+7N E@PEN.+6*RE 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890: and Anuual 8900 8908 At )urrent Prices ;+n million pesos<

E@PEN.+6*RE -R7*P H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N

8900 '0 '8 ': '> '0 '8

8908 ': '>

890: '0

Annual 8900 8908

&,<'<,;&+ &,++1,<%4 &,+%,,;4$ $,%%+,1&, &,,$$,&<1 &,1$+,&4$ &,,,&,$<% $,$%+,'%1 &,1++,&%;

+,&'$,;,& +,,'+,,,&

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

RP ND).ER &( "ood and NonDalcoholic 0e/erages $( Alcoholic 0e/erages, .o0acco '( Clothing and "oot*ear 4( Housing, *ater, electricit!, gas and other fuels ;( "urnishings, household e-uipment and routine household maintenance <( +( ,( 1( Health .ransport Communication Recreation and culture <<+,+,+ &,,'1% $$,;$' $%,,,%; +;<,&4; $$,++, $<,4<& $$,,44< +$&,%%4 $',%4$ $4,+', $&,,$,% 1%,,4&& $+,;<& $+,&<4 $$',+1+ +4,,'$' $%,$&% $',14$ $$1,++; ,$$,,41 $;,'&+ $1,%4$ $4;,,%, +,&,'++ $4,<14 $<,+4$ $4;,+,4 11%,,+1 '%,+%1 $,,+<< $44,',+ +1,,&<, ',%;','4+ ','4',4$+ $&,%<& $<,<4+ $41,,$% 1&,++% &%%,,,< ,+1,'$, &%%,1'% &%,,41$ 1<;,+;'

<,,%%& 4%,;1, &,+,+<4 ;+,<'< $+,''4 <4,'1, <','1; $%1,,,+

+1,$,, '1,114 $%%,1$, ;,,$<1 '%,$'& <<,,;, ;+,,,1 $&$,'&+

<4,%'1 4,,;,' &1$,1<; 4+,,4, '%,<4$ +&,<%1 <+,&<< &1,,<$+

,%,;+; 44,$+% &,,,++< <&,<%4 4&,'1, +1,1;& +;,$+' $41,&',

+&,4%& 4+,&+4 $%1,1$& <$,,,& '$,'+% <1,%'; +$,&44 $'4,114

,',''$ 4+,%'' $%,,&+, <',<,, '$,4+' +$,&+% <',;%; $'',+4,

+&,;+' ;<,<1< $&+,,;+ ;$,11< '$,;1; ++,%;1 +',<&4 $$%,$+4

,',14$ 4,,1&, $%&,<&' <,,',& 4;,4&' ,4,;%1 ,$,&1, $1+,;1;

+,,'&+ ;%,%;$ $'%,'$& <,,4+, ';,4&' +<,<$, ,&,'%< $<%,,14

$1&,1%' &+',444 ++%,4'' $$;,';, &$1,<%; $,$,,&< $<',+$' ,<1,1<1

'&%,$41 &11,,$& ,'+,;<1 $4+,14< &4$,,;& '%$,++$ $1&,4<% 1,<,<&&

&%( ducation &&( Restaurants and hotels &$( Biscellaneous goods and ser/ices

SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

6able A$ 57*SE57%. F+NA% )7NS*MP6+7N E@PEN.+6*RE 0S6 '*AR6ER 8909 67 0S6 '*AR6ER 890: and Annual 8900 8908 A6 )7NS6AN6 PR+)ES ;+n million pesos<

E@PEN.+6*RE -R7*P H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER &( "ood and NonDalcoholic 0e/erages $( Alcoholic 0e/erages, .o0acco '( Clothing and "oot*ear 4( Housing, *ater, electricit!, gas and other fuels ;( "urnishings, household e-uipment and routine household maintenance

8900 '0 '8 ': '> '0 '8

8908 ': '>

89 0: '0

Annual 8900 8908

1<1,;', &,%$;,%1% 1,;,4'% &,&,,,,;$ &,%';,1,' &,%1$,<11 &,%;&,%'+ &,$<$,,%4 ',+,,<; &$,$<& &<,;$% &&4,+$% 4$4,&,; 4$%,&&4 &;,'%, &,,14, &4,%&& &+,4;+ ;$&,,;+ &,,$;& &1,+,% &&<,&;< 4&;,,$< &$,,;' &<,1'$ &$%,;;& 4;<,<;, &<,$%$ &1,,&% &$4,<;; 4'1,4&% &4,,1; &+,1<% &&+,1++ ;4+,,++ &1,'<; &1,1;4 &$$,+<%

&,%,1,$;% 4,&<,,1&% 4,44$,;$' 4',,$&& &,+;4,%$& &,,;1,++% &$,;<& &+,4+' &$%,1'' ;1,,'& +$,+%< 4;,,,$1 <','&< +4,<;; 4,;,14'

&$%,,44 &%+,&&%












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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

<( +( ,( 1(

Health .ransport Communication Recreation and culture

$$,%<% ,+,%1$ ;4,%+1 $%,&+, '%,1&& 4&,;%& &$<,44&

$&,<4$ 1$,&'< ;;,',& $$,'&4 '&,<4< ',,,%%

$;,%1+ +1,'4+ 4;,;'% $&,'&& '',%+< 4$,;%+

$','$, ,;,111 <%,$1, '%,%', '1,$$& 4,,<%< &<%,,;,

$4,1'< 1$,$;% ;,,+&+ $',''+ '&,<$' 4;,,%4 &';,+;<

$4,<4& 1',$4$ <%,4,+ $',;&4 '$,<'% 4&,$'& &'$,+1<

$,,4%; ,,,1;, ;%,$,& $',4'' '4,%,$ 4;,&%< &'4,+%$

$;,%%< 1%,$&, <<,;;, '$,&&; '1,<,' ;&,;&, &,$,;1%

$;,<&, 1,,&&% <',;+; $4,1,; '',<'4 41,$;+ &44,,<;

1$,&$< '44,;+; $&;,$,, 1',,4& &'4,,;4 &+&,4&4 ;'',&+,

&%$,1,, '<4,<<+ $'<,%4' &%$,'11 &',,%&, &,',<;1 ;,;,,44

&%( ducation &&( Restaurants and hotels &$( Biscellaneous goods and ser/ices

&&,,&'4 &$+,+4;

SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

6able B$ 57*SE57%. F+NA% )7NS*MP6+7N E@PEN.+6*RE 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890:& Annual 8900 8908 -ro!th Rates At )urrent Prices ;+n Percent<

E@PEN.+6*RE -R7*P H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER &( "ood and NonDalcoholic 0e/erages $( Alcoholic 0e/erages, .o0acco '( Clothing and "oot*ear 4( Housing, *ater, electricit!, gas and other fuels ;( "urnishings, household e-uipment and routine household maintenance <( Health +( .ransport ,( Communication 1( Recreation and culture &%( ducation &&( Restaurants and hotels &$( Biscellaneous goods and ser/ices
SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

8900 8908 '0 &&(' &$(& 1(1 <(' &%(% ;(% &<($ &&(, 1(& &,(4 +($ &'(, &$(% '8 ,(' ,(, &&(& 1(, +(< ;(& &+(< '(< 1(' +(4 +(1 1(+ &%(& ': &%(& ,(4 +($ ,(& &$(< &&(, &<(+ &$(1 &%(, <(4 +(< 1(< &%(1 '> 1(1 1(& &&(4 ;(1 1($ 4($ &%(; <(, &&(% 1(+ ;(+ 1($ &1(;

8908 890: '0 ,(; <(+ 4($ &&(' ,(+ 1(+ <(& 1(+ ,(1 1(4 &&(% &$(+ &&(%

Annual 8900 8908 1(1 1(; &%(% +(; 1(, <(' &;($ ,(+ &%(% &%($ +(& &%(; &'(4

6able C$ 57*SE57%. F+NA% )7NS*MP6+7N E@PEN.+6*RE 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890:& Annual 8900 8908

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8/23/2013 10:44 AM

NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

-ro!th Rates At )onstant Prices ;+n Percent<

8900 8908 E@PEN.+6*RE -R7*P H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER &( "ood and NonDalcoholic 0e/erages $( Alcoholic 0e/erages, .o0acco '( Clothing and "oot*ear 4( Housing, *ater, electricit!, gas and other fuels ;( "urnishings, household e-uipment and routine household maintenance <( Health +( .ransport ,( Communication 1( Recreation and culture &%( ducation &&( Restaurants and hotels &$( Biscellaneous goods and ser/ices
SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

8908 890: '> <(+ 4(< <(' $(1 &%(& +(& &'($ &$(& &%(4 &%(% '(% <(& ;(4 <($ ;(% <(& %(1 ;(+ &(& +($ 4(1 &%(4 <(1 &($ <(% &'(; '0 ;(& ;(4 D$(' '($ %(' 4(< $(+ <(4 ,(' +(& <(4 +(; <(+

Annual 8900 8908 <(< <(% ;(, $(+ ;(1 $(1 &&(, ;(, 1(< 1(& $(' +(& 1(1

'0 <(1 +($ 4(, $(; ;(& $(+ &'(% ;(1 ,(< &;(+ $(' &%(4 +(4

'8 <(< +(+ ;(, 4(; '($ &(< &'(1 &($ 1($ ;(4 '(& <(' &$(4


6able D$ NA6+7NA% .+SP7SAB%E +N)7ME 899D 8900 at )urrent Prices ;+n Million Pesos<

899D NA.)2NA5 D)SP2SAB5 )NC2B >ro*th Rates (S)

SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board

8909 &&,%4%,4+& &$(4

8900 &&,,+1,$,& +(<


6able 09$ PER )AP+6AE -R7SS .7MES6+) PR7.*)6& -R7SS NA6+7NA% +N)7ME& AN. 57*SE57%. F+NA% )7NS*MP6+7N E@PEN.+6*RE 0S6 'uarter 8900 67 0S6 'uarter 890:

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

64PE 7F E@PEN.+6*RE A( stimates in current pesos &( >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. $( >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B '( H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER B( stimates in constant ($%%%) pesos &( >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. $( >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B '( H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER C( PopulationT (million persons)

8900 '0 '8 ': '> '0 '8

8908 ': '>

890: '0

$',1'' $,,,$4 &+,4,;

$;,+14 '%,,+% &,,1';

$4,<<$ $1,41$ &,,&%$

$,,<'+ '',1$< $&,&,4

$;,4%$ '%,41< &1,&4;

$+,44+ '$,1<< $%,&<4

$<,<&1 '&,,'; &1,<%$

'%,,&& '<,'$& $$,1%;

$+,4;4 '$,+<, $%,4'$

&4,,14 &+,1$4 &%,';1

&;,1;1 &,,14< &%,1%+

&;,%<, &+,1%% &%,44&

&<,,%< &1,1<' &$,;4'

&;,<%% &,,<'+ &%,,,;

&<,<,; &1,,4+ &&,4''

&;,1%+ &,,,1% &%,1;$

&+,<1, $%,,,, &',&%4

&<,;4< &1,<$1 &&,$;+










T Per methodolog! ad/ised 0! the NS2, the NSCB .echnical Staff and the NS2 computed annual and endD-uarter population estimates using interpolation at decelerating rates, *ith the results of the $%%% and $%&% Censuses of Population and Housing (CPH) as start and end dates of the reference population( "or purposes of national accounts estimation, midD-uarter population estimates are usedQ this is o0tained 0! interpolating t*o consecuti/e endD-uarter estimates(

6able 00$ PER )AP+6AE -R7SS .7MES6+) PR7.*)6& -R7SS NA6+7NA% +N)7ME& AN. 57*SE57%. F+NA% )7NS*MP6+7N E@PEN.+6*RE 0S6 'uarter 8909 67 0S6 'uarter 890: -ro!th Rates ;+n Percent<

8900 8908 64PE 7F E@PEN.+6*RE A( stimates in current pesos &( >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. $( >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B <(& ;(, <(4 <(, +(1 +(1 +(< +(& '0 '8 ': '>

8908 89 0: '0

Annual 8900 8908

,(& +(;

+(% <(1

19 of 23

8/23/2013 10:44 AM

NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

'( H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER B( stimates in constant ($%%%) pesos &( >R2SS D2B S.)C PR2DEC. $( >R2SS NA.)2NA5 )NC2B '( H2ES H25D ")NA5 C2NSEBP.)2N RP ND).ER
SourceI National Statistical Coordination Board







4(+ 4(% ;(&

4(< 4(, 4(,

;(< ;(; 4(1

;(' 4(< 4(;

<(& ;(' '(4

;(% 4(+ 4(,

6able 08$ -.P& -N+ and N.+ per capita by +ncome )lass& 8909 8900 at )urrent Prices ;+n Pesos<

8909 5o* )ncome Biddle )ncome High )ncome 8900 5o* )ncome Biddle )ncome High )ncome -ro!th Rates 8909 and 8900 5o* )ncome Biddle )ncome High )ncome

-.P 4<,$'+ &<,,<<+ +&',<+, -.P ;%,%'1 &+;,1%4 +1&,&+' -.P ,($ 4(' &%(1

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

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Figure 0$ )omparison o, Per )apita -.P by ASEAN )ountry

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A0out Es | Ne*s | Statistics | /ents || .erms of Ese *pdated 88 Aug 890: Fer( &<($%&'(<+D%,(+

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NSCB - Sexy Statistics - Understanding Income as measured from GDP, GNI and NDI

&11+D$%&', National Statistical Coordination Board, Ba6ati Cit!, Philippines

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