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(nuovo)Partito comunista italiano

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BP3 4 rue !"nine #34$% !&'le (t Denis )*rancia+ e.mail: ,

La Voce del (nuovo)Partito comunista italiano, n. 44 .uly /0%3

Gramsci and the Protracted Revolutionary Peoples War

The war of position of Gramsci is essentially a paraphrase of the more explicit expression of PRPW that we use, taking it from Mao.( ! We gla"ly pu#lish the article #y $omra"e %olco R. which shows the contri#ution #y &ntonio Gramsci to the "e'elopment of the strategy of the re'olutionary people(s war as a strategy of the socialist re'olution in the imperialist countries. Firstly, #ecause the communist mo'ement in our country a#solutely nee"s to refine his ela#oration a#out the forms of socialist re'olution. The more our fight progresses, the more wi"ely the war that we starte" with the foun"ing of the Party sprea"s, as the crisis of capitalism "ri'es the masses to enlist in the PRPW, as in the )*+, )*- perio" a growing num#er of young people, workers, farmers an" housewi'es .oine" the Resistance, the more it is necessary that the Party learns to put the general conception of PRPW in concrete initiati'es/ in campaigns, #attles an" operations until the mo#ili0ation of the #roa" masses that will esta#lish socialism in 1taly an" so will gi'e their contri#ution to the secon" wa'e of the proletarian re'olution a"'ancing worl"wi"e. Secondly, to gi'e &ntonio Gramsci the place he "eser'es in the 1talian an" international communist mo'ement for the work he "i". &gainst the misrepresentation of his work ma"e #y Togliatti an" his accomplices an" successors who ha'e su#mitte" Gramsci as a precursor of peaceful roa" to socialism, in practice of wai'er of the socialist re'olution. 2ut also against the anti,$ommunist use of Gramsci the #ourgeois left tries to make these years/ it presents him in 1taly an" in the worl" as an opponent of the concept an" the line personifie" #y 3talin who le" the $ommunist 1nternational an" the $ommunist mo'ement until )-4. While in reality it was Gramsci, e'en if he was segregate" in fascist prisons, who "e'elope", in the light of the tasks of the socialist re'olution an" the experience of the communist mo'ement, the most comprehensi'e criti5ue of Trotsky an" 2ukharin6s conceptions who were the main opponents of 3talin a#out the orientation to #e gi'en to the re'olution in the 3o'iet 7nion an" internationally, an" a#out the line with which pursuing it. These two reasons amply .ustify the pu#lication of the contri#ution of the comra"e, although his stu"y of Gramsci(s work is still in progress, which is also reflecte" #y the uncertainty in pointing out the main texts among those rele'ant to the assimilation of the teachings of Gramsci a#out the PRPW. the e"itors

0n issue n. 43 o1 8a 9oce 2mberto C. writes that 3ramsci 4 the one an" only communist lea"er ... which reflecte" on the form of the socialist re'olution in the imperialist countries, ... "e'elope" (see the Prison 5oteboo6s :, (; 4!, < (; %

)!, + (;:!, an" others! the theory of the war of position=, which, freeing oursel'es from the language impose" #y fascist prison censorship, to"ay we woul" call protracte" re'olutionary people(s war. 7

8he Protracte, 9evolutionary People:s ;ar )P9P;+ is socialist revolution that is being built. 8he P9P; as conception is oppose, to the conception o1 common sense )that is to say the current ways o1 spea6ing an, thin6ing the result o1 clergy an, bourgeoisie:s ,ominant role+ that the socialist revolution woul, brea6 out that woul, be a spontaneous rebellion o1 masses o1 the people 1orce, to intolerable con,itions. 8he communist movement at its beginning )%<4<+ inherite, this conception an, un,erstoo, the socialist revolution as a revolution that brea6s out the way o1 the revolutions o1 the past. 8his conception o1 the socialist revolution anyway was at o,,s with the e=perience that the communist movement was ,eveloping. 8he Communists little by little reali-e, this contrast between their conception o1 the socialist revolution an, the practice o1 socialist revolution. >ngels was the 1irst who in %<#$ e=hibite, in an organic way the concept that the socialist revolution was by its nature a 1orm ,i11erent 1rom the revolutions o1 the past that ,oes not brea6 out but it is being built.)/+ But the socialist parties o1 the time )which were connecte, to each other in the (econ, 0nternational+ ,i, not accept his ,iscovery. >ven lea,ers o1 those parties who pro1esse, themselves ?ar=ists such as the 3erman (ocial Democratic Party @oine, ?ar=ism in a ,ogmatic way albeit in ,i11erent gra,ations. Communism socialism an, socialist revolution were articles o1 1aith which were not put in the lines 1or gui,ing the current activity o1 the parties. Precisely 1or this reason they were unable to cope with their tas6 as the events o1 %#%4 blatantly ,emonstrate,. Among the socialist parties o1 the time only !enin:s party put >ngels: conception in his practice but it ,i, it without ma6ing >ngels: conception a weapon in the struggle against ,ogmatism opportunism an, economism.)3+ Be built the revolution in 9ussia as a P9P; but without being aware o1 it )so con1irming that the practice is generally richer than the theory+. (imilarly (talin an, the Communist 0nternational in the early part o1 the last century le, a success1ul socialist revolution internationally as P9P; o1 which the (oviet 2nion was the worl, re, base but ,i, not reach 1ull consciousness o1 what they were ,oing. 8his gave way in the Communist 0nternational to ,ogmatism opportunism an, economism that came to light openly in the $0s o1 last century. ?ao 8seCtung was the 1irst party lea,er who ,evelope, the conception o1 the P9P; as a strategy o1 socialist revolution. ?ao 8seCtung however enunciate, this conception as a strategy o1 the revolution in China tying it to the speci1ic 1eatures o1 Chinese social an, political situation ) Why $an Re" Power >xist in $hinaD C Ectober %#/< 3electe" Works of Mao Tse ,tung vol. / >,itions (ocial 9elations available on the website o1 the )n+PC0 in 0talian language+. !ater it was in,icate, as the strategy o1 the revolution 1or all the colonial semiCcolonial an, neoCcolonial countries in which the mass o1 the population was still ma,e up o1 peasants. Enly with the rise o1 ?ar=ismC!eninismC?aoism as the thir, an, higher stage o1 communist thought it was acGuire, the conception that the P9P; is the universal strategy o1 the socialist revolution the strategy that the Communists must 1ollow in every country in or,er to win.)4+ 3ramsci in his con,ition as a prisoner o1 the 1ascists 1rom %#/F to his ,eath in %#3H ,i, not lea, the revolutionary process in 0taly but wor6ing out the e=perience o1 the socialist revolution in 0taly an, o1 the other imperialist countries an, also analy-ing the way in which the Bolshevi6s ha, won in 9ussia has brought important contributions to the 1ormulation o1 the strategy o1 P9P;.)$+ Below 0 e=pose the main aspects o1 P9P; that 3ramsci has more or less wi,ely ,evelope, in his Prison ?ote#ooks. 8he Guotations 1rom 3ramsci or others are in italics. 8he emphases in bol, are mine. /

1 . The proletarian revolution in the imperialist phase 0mperialism is the highest stage o1 capitalism but it is also the last stage o1 class society an, then it closes not only a secular but millenary perio, that is to say not only the perio, o1 capitalism but that o1 the ,ivision o1 human 6in, into classes o1 oppresse, an, oppressors o1 e=ploiters an, e=ploite,. (o the socialist revolution is ,i11erent 1rom all other revolutions in the precise sense that previous revolutions serve, to a class to sei-e power in a society that remaine, ,ivi,e, into classes o1 e=ploiters an, classes o1 e=ploite,I the socialist revolution instea, serves to the wor6ing class to sei-e power at the hea, o1 the rest o1 the popular masses to manage a society that abolishes the ,ivision into classes step by step. 8he 1orm o1 the revolution is there1ore ,i11erent: it is no longer an insurrection that brea6s out in which a class starts ,riving the revolt o1 the masses an, uses it to install itsel1 in the ,riving seat as a new e=ploiting class but it is a revolution that is built up step by step battle a1ter battle campaign a1ter campaign such as a war ,uring which the popular masses are trans1orme, because organi-ing themselves in the Communist Party an, in mass organi-ations they start to get the role o1 conscious creators o1 history. 8he socialist revolution then starts be1ore the conGuest o1 political power an, in 0taly is alrea,y going on. 0t is revolution un,er construction conGuest o1 hegemony as an e=tension an, embe,,ing o1 the 5ew Power which began as a P9P; with the 1oun,ation o1 the new 0talian Communist Party in 5ovember /004. 8he power what 3ramsci calle, hegemony in 0talian society as in any mo,ern society is ultimately the "irection of practical acti'ity of the masses. The "irection com#ines winning the hearts an" min"s of the masses with the exercise of coercion an" with the organi0ation of e'ery"ay life in all its aspects .)F+ 0n our country the P9P; will 1ollow a path ,etermine, by speci1ic con,itions an, that is the way of the accumulation of re'olutionary forces through the esta#lishment an" the resistance of the un"ergroun" party an" its "irection on the popular masses to .oin in the mass organi0ations of all kin"s necessary to satisfy their material an" spiritual nee", to participate in the #ourgeois political struggle in or"er to su#'ert its course an" to con"uct claim struggle, until the #eginning of the ci'il war. This in our country is the same of what is encircling the cities from the countrysi"e= in semi,feu"al countries. To surroun" the cities from the countrysi"e is impossi#le in the imperialist countries, #ut it is entirely possi#le, an" the practice has shown it, to "efine the specific 5uantitati'e "e'elopment which is the first phase of the PRPW an" through which we are mo'ing towar"s its secon" phase. With the ci'il war generate" #y the 5uantitati'e "e'elopment, the secon" phase of the PRPW will #egin. The #eginning of the $i'il War will #e marke" #y the creation of the Popular &rme" %orces that from that moment will conten" the lan" to the arme" forces of reaction. )H+ 2. The essence o the Protracted Revolutionary Peoples War The essence of PRPW consists in the esta#lishment of the communist party as the center of the new popular power of the working class, in the mo#ili0ation an" increasing aggregation of all the re'olutionary forces of society aroun" the communist party, in the ele'ation of the le'el of the re'olutionary forces, in their use accor"ing to a plan to weaken the power of the imperialist #ourgeoisie an" strengthen the new power, to o'erthrow the relations of forces, to eliminate the state of the imperialist #ourgeoisie an" to esta#lish the rule of the "ictatorship of the proletariat. )<+ 3ramsci ,escribes these essential traits tal6ing o1 %+ the party as Mo"ern Prince /+ the revolutionary 1orces that @oin together as a national,popular collecti'e will of which the party is #oth the organi0er an" the acti'e an" operating expression 3

3 + the elevation o1 the revolutionary 1orces as intellectual an" moral reform )#+ 4+ the use o1 the revolutionary 1orces until the establishment o1 the socialist state that is until the completion of a higher an" total Ji. e. covering all aspects o1 society e,itor:s noteK form of mo"ern ci'ili0ation.)%0+ 8he P9P; begins with the establishment o1 the Communist Party. 8he Communist Party is 1oun,e, on the communist conception o1 the worl,: 41n practice, we nee" a cohesi'e, "iscipline", strong party an" in the long run a re'olutionary party can #e cohesi'e an" "iscipline" only if its mem#ers are unite" on a conception of the worl" (mo'ementists think that this smacks of the sect, #ut it is an accusation that the $ommunists ha'e often hear"! an" if it personifies what unites the workers #eyon" the "ifferences an" contrasts of categories an" crafts, culture, nationality, sex, tra"itions which esta#lishes them as a new ruling class of the masses/ the communist conception of the worl".= )%%+ 8he communist conception o1 the worl, is the i,eology that step by step uni1ies the masses by giving them a common goal. 3ramsci spea6s o1 it ,ealing with the ?achiavelli:s Prince/ it is a living an, concrete conception which is materiali-e, in practice not a ,ogmatic abstraction.)%/+ 0t is ,ialectical materialism an, its most a,vance, 1orm is ?aoism thir, higher stage o1 communist thought . ?achiavelli shows as gui,e o1 community an in,ivi,ual a lea,er a Prince able to convince tal6ing 4 to min,s an, hearts7 o1 the masses that is with science an, art with scientist:s ,etachment an, artist:s participation. 8o,ay the lea,ership o1 the masses can no longer be an in,ivi,ual because the revolutionary transition is not to replace a lea,ership o1 those masses with another one but to lea, the masses to change until they:ll be able to lea, themselves by themselves. 8he sub@ect that lea,s this process is there1ore not an in,ivi,ual but a collective which alrea,y in itsel1 @ust because it:s a collective re1lects the nee, )the possibility an, un,er certain con,itions the capacity + that the collectivity rules itsel1 an, e=periments how to ,o it within itsel1. 8his collective sub@ect is the Communist Party an, the revolution begins in the 1orm o1 P9P; with its constitution. ;here there is no Communist Party or where it is not yet strong enough to set itsel1 up as a gui,e to the mobili-ation o1 the popular masses they 1ollow other gui,es which can be bac6war, or reactionary groups or in,ivi,uals who ta6e the role o1 popular lea,er as is the case 1or Beppe 3rillo Jan 0talian come,ian who has been able to gather wi,e masses an, to get /H L o1 votes in this year:s national elections 5ote o1 8ranslatorK. ;ho critici-es the popular masses because they 1ollow 3rillo is a political illiterate or an incompetent who re1uses to analy-e its limits that is to say he ,oes not as6 himsel1 which are his o!n limits that ma6e the popular masses 1ollow 3rillo an, not him or his group. Consoling himsel1 with the 1alse i,ea that the popular masses are bac6war, he thin6s in the same way o1 the imperialist bourgeoisie that is to say he shares the contempt which the bourgeoisie has against the popular masses. 8he party that ,escribes 3ramsci is now the new PC0 with his caravan that is to say with the 1orces that share its @ourney in lan,s not yet e=plore, towar,s concrete an" really rational goals, #ut of a reality an" rationality not yet #een 'erifie" an" critici0e" #y a historical experience an" effectual uni'ersally known .)%3+ 8he caravan o1 the new PC0 in 1act is ,oing the revolution in an imperialist country an enterprise new to the international communist movement an, it is e=perimenting a new metho, in an imperialist country the P9P;. 0t cannot there1ore rely on previous effectual e=periences namely that have been e11ective. ;e have no e"amples to bring to those who hesitate or ,oubt. )%4+ 8hose who continue to hesitate to maintain reservations to loo6 with s6epticism the passion that ,rives us cannot remain what they are because the progress o1 the crisis reGuires them to change. ;hen the house is on 1ire you have to leave says Bu,,ha in the poetry o1 Brecht.)%$+ >ven i1 we cannot bring a certain outcome because no one has yet ,one what we are ,oing to,ay anyway we bring the passion o1 those who ,iscover new lan,s an, buil, new things 6nowing that we are reali-ing 4the ,ream o1 one thing 4 that the worl, owns 1or a long time: the abolition o1 the ,ivision o1 human beings into classes o1 e=ploiters an, 4

e=ploite,.)%F+ # . The revolution is $ein% $uilt Accor,ing to common sense the socialist revolution brea6s out: it is there1ore an event limite, in time an insurrection a riot a spontaneous popular uprising as mentione, above. 8his conception has settle, in the common sense because the revolutions up to a certain point in history on the si,e o1 the popular masses were always insurrections spontaneous outbursts ,ue upon the completion o1 the con,itions that ma,e it impossible the continuation o1 e=isting con,itions. 0n the common sense anyway ne=t to the conception o1 the 4revolution brea6ing out4 the opposite conception o1 4 ma6ing the revolution7 appears. 0n the 1irst case the masses rise up against a situation that has become intolerable. 8heir then is a passive movement: the popular masses are not move, by their internal trans1ormation but by e=ternal 1actors ,etermine, by the action o1 other classes such as a bo,y that moves ,riven by another. 0n the secon, case the popular masses ,o )i.e. buil,+ the revolution: their one is an active movement. 8he activity reGuires consciousness: inventing planning e=amination in the course o1 wor6 stoc6 ,etermination in short to ta6e up our intellectual an, moral 1aculties at the highest level because revolution is to ,iscover new things an, invent an, because the enemy class uses any means in1amy an, cruelty to maintain its power . 8he two ways o1 un,erstan,ing the revolution stan, as opposites because the 1irst lea,s socialist revolution to de eat the secon, lea,s socialist revolution to success. 8he 1irst way wor6e, actually an, 1or millennia in classC,ivi,e, societies but it stoppe, wor6ing in a given historical moment namely when the con,itions were ripe 1or the abolition o1 class ,ivisions namely in >urope in the mi,Cnineteenth century. At this time the sub@ect that lea,s the abolition o1 classes comes: it is the conscious an, organi-e, communist movement )with its political parties tra,e unions an, other mass organi-ations+. 8he publication o1 the Manifesto of the $ommunist Party o1 ?ar= an, >ngels in %<4< was its 4birth certi1icate4. 8he conscious an, organi-e, communist movement began to ma&e the revolution it only won when more or less consciously $uilt the revolution an, when it ,i, not ,o it it learne, the har, way that the revolution then was no longer something that brea6s out. 0t was a brea6through o1 historic signi1icance. *or the 1irst time in human history social change was thought by the popular masses implementing it an, not ,etermine, by causes outsi,e o1 them. Consciousness )reason an, will+ o1 human beings their conception o1 the worl, ha, ta6en on an unprece,ente, role. ;e can an, then we must reali-e the ol, ,ream o1 buil,ing a society an, a civili-ation with rational metho, an, it is up to the wor6ing class to lea, this process.)%H+ 8his conception o1 the worl, has its 1oun,ations in the 6nowle,ge that revolution ,evelops )it is ,one+ as war ,evelops )as war is promote, an, con,ucte,+ an, to,ay the 6nowle,ge that it is a P9P; e=perience, in the oppresse, countries in a conscious way by the Chinese Communist Party. 2n,er the gui,ance o1 the e=perience o1 the socialist revolution in >urope in the early twentieth century 3ramsci e=plains that this strategy also applies to the imperialist countries an, also to 0taly . 4 . The class stru%%le is a !ar 3ramsci ,escribes the class struggle as a war. Be says that the transition 1rom war o1 maneuver )an, 1rom the 1rontal attac6+ to the war o1 position occurs also in the political 1iel, an, critici-es 8rots6y who in one way or another can be consi,ere, the political theorist of the frontal attack in a perio" in which it is only cause of "efeat. )%<+ ;ith the war of maneu'er or of mo'ement 3ramsci means the war o1 those who consi,er the attac6 as a Guic6 an, conclusive operation as a people:s uprising in which the Communist Party too6 the lea,. 0t:s a war ,oome, to 1ailure in the 1ace o1 an enemy which in turn carries out a planne, war with all the political an, military means at its ,isposal in $

large Guantities. (ince in the mi,,le o1 the nineteenth century in >urope the con,itions 1or the abolition o1 classes became ripe the bourgeoisie has 1iel,e, political an, military means to prevent this 1rom happening. 0n the regimes o1 preventive counter revolution they are mainly political instruments.)%#+ 8he more the crisis progresses an, the pillars o1 preventive counter revolution crumble the more the class struggle openly e=presses his character o1 class war1are )an, the clearer it becomes the inconsistency o1 movementism.)/0+ Bere says 3ramsci we pass to siege, compresse", "ifficult, warfare, in which exceptional 5ualities of patience an" in'enti'e spirit are nee"e". )/%+ 8he siege war or war of position is the P9P; against the imperialist bourgeoisie an, the Communist Party that lea,s it must have patience strategic 1irmness 1acing any enemy attac6 an, ability to 1ight 1or as long as necessary an, in'enti'e spirit tactical 1le=ibility an, innovative capacity which is necessary 1or those who go in une=plore, lan, as the caravan o1 the new PC0 is ,oing.)//+ ' . War and crisis 0n M %H o1 5oteboo6 %3 the theme is &nalysis of situations/ relations of forces .)/3+ 3ramsci ,escribes the situation in which the war between classes ta6es place. 0t is the revolutionary situation that ,evelops in con@unction with the general crisis 1or absolute overpro,uction o1 capital: 3ramsci re1ers to the 1irst crisis o1 this 6in,. 8here are clear parallels with the situation to,ay the secon, general crisis . 3ramsci tal6s o1 the i,eological religious philosophical political controversies which ta6e place aroun, a thousan, phenomena in which the crisis occurs )the various 1orms in which the resistance o1 wor6ers laborers an, popular masses is e=presse, the various 1orms o1 social massacre o1 the governments o1 the imperialist bourgeoisie which can be summari-e, in an un,eclare, war o1 e=termination wage, against the popular masses an, as regar,s the most stri6ing phenomena suici,es 6illing o1 women etc.+ 8hese controversies ma6e sense only i1 they are convincin% an, eventually they show to be true only when they !in. 0n the clash the Communists are both convincing an, winners because they combine the occasional phenomenon to the general issue namely the crisisI because they have a conception o1 the worl, that on one han, has 6nowle,ge o1 the nature o1 the crisis on the other han, has a strategy to overcome it )the P9P;+. 8o convince that is to win 4hearts an, min,s4 o1 the popular masses ,eci,es the outcome o1 the war. (u11ice it to loo6 at all the apparatus 1iel,e, by the imperialist bourgeoisie to convince the masses that it is right they go to misery an, ,eath to save a ,ecaying political class an, the 1inancial system that is behin, it run by a lowest group o1 criminals at the international level an, in every country passing themselves o11 as the international community )as they pass their wars o11 as peace missions+. 4Ence given the ob@ective con,itions o1 socialism which in >urope have e=iste, 1or more than a century the ,ecisive 1actor 1or the victory o1 the socialist revolution is the sub@ective con,itions.4)/4+ 8he conscious an, organi-e, communist movement there1ore can buil, the socialist revolution. 3ramsci con1irms this by saying that there are the con"itions necessary an" sufficient for certain tasks can an" therefore must #e resol'e" historically a,,ing that this must be ,one because e'ery failing in the historic "uty increases the necessary "isor"er an" prepares more serious "isasters namely that the reactionary mobili-ation o1 the masses prevails that the bourgeoisie is able to impose 1ascism an, war. Communists must sol'e their tasks historically 3ramsci says: not ,oing it prepares more serious "isasters. 8hat is to say the tas6 that the Communists have to solve are pose, by the course o1 history an, i,enti1iable by stu,ying the course o1 history. 8hese tas6s must be 1ul1ille,. 8he society that ,oes not 1ul1ill them incurs ,isasters more an, more severe. 8he crisis re(uires that we strive to ma6e 0taly a new socialist country. 8he ruling class an, common sense see the negative aspects o1 the crisis but all the negative aspects o1 the crisis originate in the re1usal to ,o what the crisis F

reGuires to ,o in wanting to persist in this economic social an, political system in wanting to 6eep this material con,ition in not wanting to believe an, reali-e the possible 1uture that the crisis reGuires as necessary. 8he economists unable to see beyon, the phenomenon an, the ,ogmatists which replace the e=amination o1 reality with their own schemes are neither convincing nor winning. 3ramsci insists that it is absolutely necessary to ta6e into account the lin6 between the general crisis an, its single mani1estations )single local phenomena o1 a sector o1 the hour etc.+. Enly in this way we are able to e11ectively attac6 the enemy. *orcing our action within the ,etails ,ispersing ourselves in the single struggles is a weapon o1 war in the han,s o1 the enemy. ;ho su11ers the i,eological in1luence o1 the bourgeoisie )the le1t bourgeoisie an, his 1ollowers + easily 1all victim to this weapon o1 the enemy because the bourgeoisie itsel1 ,oes not have theoretical 6nowle,ge o1 the relationship between general an, particular because they ,o not have an, cannot have a science o1 the economic social an, political reality )that science woul, show that bourgeoisie:s reign is over+. 8he theoretical analysis o1 reality ma,e by the bourgeoisie is always analysis o1 ,etails )oneCsi,e, analysis+ it ,oes not show the lin6 between them the only one lin6 that allows to un,erstan, the true role an, meaning o1 every single ,etail. 8o ta6e into account the lin6 between each event an, the general crisis means to 1rame every single battle every single campaign within the overall strategy o1 the P9P; to buil, the revolution because here the 5uestion is not to reconstruct the past history #ut to #uil" the present an" future one. A1ter the analysis of the situation 3ramsci goes on to e=amine the relations of forces which are ,ivi,e, into moments . 8he 1irst o1 them is the starting point i.e. the relations o1 1orces between classes in relation to the ob@ective situation to the economic set up o1 society an, the conseGuent class composition. 8he secon, moment is when a class begins to become aware o1 itsel1 as a class an, here it moves 1irstly on the groun, o1 claims an, then on that o1 the political struggle that is to say that the o1 bourgeois political struggle . 8his step is shown in the ?P as a transition rom claim stru%%le to political stru%%le in >urope an, ta6es place at the en, o1 the nineteenth century with the 1ormation o1 large unions an, the socialist parties o1 the (econ, 0nternational. 8he thir, moment is transition rom the political stru%%le to the revolutionary stru%%le. 8he wor6ing class un,erstan,s that to ,e1en, its interests it is not enough to act in the political conte=t pre,etermine, by the bourgeoisie. 8he ?P e=plains it as 1ollows: 4 With Marxism workers reache" the full consciousness of their social situation . Their struggle #ecame more conscious, until it assume" a superior character. 1t #ecame a re'olutionary political struggle, the struggle to o'erthrow the rule of the #ourgeoisie, to #uil" their own state an", thanks to the power gaine", to create a new system of pro"uction an" a new social or"er, to eliminate exploitation an" its historical expression/ the "i'ision of society into classes.)/$+ 0n this thir" moment the wor6ing class un,erstan,s that its own class interests are the interests o1 the whole society . 0n this thir, moment the relationship between classes is inevitably boun, to result in a relation o1 war in the classical sense that is to say the relation o1 military 1orces. 3ramsci in,icates that military con1rontation is a necessary step 1or the socialist revolution. .ust this point was the main misrepresentation o1 3ramsci by the mo,ern revisionists 1rom 8ogliatti on 1rom the eighth congress o1 the 0talian Communist Party )%#$F+ which establishe, the peace1ul an, parliamentary socialism as the o11icial ,octrine o1 the party. As 1or those who unli6e the revisionists are 1or the socialist revolution but not 1or the socialist revolution which is built as a war but 1or the socialist revolution that brea6s out 3ramsci shows that accor,ing to the e=perience it is not 1oregone that the economic crises automatically generate uprisings. 8he worsening o1 the economic con,itions ,o not necessarily generate the mobili-ation o1 the popular masses in a revolutionary sense. En the contrary the mobili-ation o1 the popular masses in a revolutionary sense ,oes not reGuire that the economic con,itions are to a certain ,egree o1 intolerability. 8hat revolutionary mobili-ation ,epen,s on the action o1 a party that lea,s their course 1rom battle to H

battle 1rom a campaign to another culminating in the decisive military relationship that is to say until the time when the imperialist bourgeoisie who ,e1en,s its own regime is 1orce, or to leave the 1iel, or to resort to civil war. 8his course is ,escribe, by 3ramsci in ,etail: we must 1in, the least resistance o1 the enemy where the shot is more e11ective we must un,erstan, what are the imme"iate tactical operations ... how you can #est set up a campaign of political turmoil, what language will #e #etter un"erstoo" #y the multitu"es etc . . All this is precisely the ,evelopment o1 the P9P; in an imperialist country li6e 0taly o1 which here 3ramsci ,escribes the 1irst stage the stage o1 strategic ,e1ensive when the superiority o1 the bourgeoisie is overwhelming. 8he Communist Party must accumulate the revolutionary 1orces. 0t must gather the revolutionary 1orces aroun, him )in the mass organi-ations an, in the 1ront+ an, within itsel1 )in the Party organi-ations+ e=pan, its presence an, its in1luence an, e,ucate the revolutionary 1orces in the 1ight lea,ing them to 1ight. 8he progress o1 the new power is measure, by the amount o1 the revolutionary 1orces gathere, in the 1ront an, by the level o1 the 1orces themselves. 0n this phase the main ob@ective is not the elimination o1 enemy 1orces but to gather the revolutionary 1orces among the masses an, to e=ten, Communist Party:s in1luence an, lea,ership raising the level o1 the revolutionary 1orces: to strengthen their conscience an, their organi-ation to ma6e them more capable to 1ight to ma6e their struggle against the bourgeoisie more e11ective to raise their level o1 combativeness.)/F+ ) . The socialist revolution does not $rea&s out 8here is spontaneity an, there is spontaneism. 3ramsci critici-es those who re1use to give conscious ,irection to the revolutionary process on principle )/H+ those who believe that such a ,irection means to imprison to schemati-e to impoverish the revolutionary process to ta6e cre,it o1 it. Current e=ample o1 this movementist tren, is the attempt to buil, an AntiCcapitalist an, !ibertarian ?ovement )Assembly o1 Bologna ?ay %% /0%3 +)/<+. 0t proclaims itsel1 a movement not in the sense that it @ust wants to unite ,i11erent organi-ations an, classes regar,less o1 their particular orientations in other 1iel,s into a concrete political battle but in the sense that wants to ,eclare itsel1 against the current state o1 things )capitalism+ but re1using the establishment o1 socialism the Communist Party an, the communist conception o1 the worl, )that is to say it stan,s on the groun, o1 the bourgeois le1t+. 0t is a%ainst something )against capitalism+ but not or something )socialism an, communism+. ;ho wants to be 41or7 must ma6e plans organi-e himsel1 as well as everybo,y must ,o whenever he want to buil, something whatever it may be. 0t is li$ertarian that is to say it proclaims 1ree,om in general but it ,oes not say 41ree,om o1 the masses 1rom capitalism7. 0t uses the term 4 libertarian4 because it is the term use, by the anarchist ten,encies that re@ect any scheme organi-ation or,er rule ,iscipline by anybo,y: even the one that a collective chooses 1or itsel1 even the one that the struggle itsel1 reGuires. 0t re@ects them so 1ar as to give up the 1ight an, remain within capitalism. 8he reedom an, the movement they are ,ealing with in this umpteenth attempt are those o1 the water that is 1ree to move ,ownwar,s. 8here is no thought no re1lection no stoc6 o1 the e=perience o1 those who have struggle, be1ore us why an, where they won or lost there is no plan 1or the 1uture an, there1ore there is no momentum. >verything is re,uce, at the en, to the opposite o1 1ree,om to a mechanical reaction )i.e. the way in which a part in a mechanism ,oes not move 1or its proper motion but 1or the pulse it receives 1rom another+ to the attac6 o1 the enemy which instea, has organi-e, armies )which since the ancient 9ome times an, even earlier have shown always to be able to win ,isorgani-e, masses in revolt even i1 they were in number ten an, more times greater+ an, a plan to maintain his power etc. 3ramsci e=plains that this suppose, 1ree,om is reverse, in mechanical response an, e=pression o1 subor,ination to the class enemy because it ,oes not Guali1y 1or itsel1 1or what it wants to buil, but 1or the enemy he opposes < an,

there1ore depends on the enemy to the way a wor6er depends on his master. 01 a group ,oes not strive to create its own science o1 reality an, history 1inally its analyses are those o1 bourgeois propagan,a they are ta6en 1rom bourgeoisie:s newspapers an, boo6s even i1 they rea, them 4upsi,e ,own4 )critici-ing them being outrage, ,enouncing them etc.+ 8hose who move in this sense "oes not e'en suspect that their story may #e of any significance says 3ramsci here. As 1or the content they ,eal with this story using in economic political philosophical 1iel, criteria an, ,ata provi,e, by the bourgeoisie con1orm to the bourgeois conception o1 the worl,. As 1or the 1orm they spea6 but not act an, so they ,o not run the ris6 o1 being proven wrong or they separate speech 1rom acting they ,o not re1lect on their own practice they ,o not learn 1rom mista6es. ;hen they are success1ul they ,o not use it as a base to buil, the 5ew Power they ,o not even use as a base to move to a higher level o1 1ighting. ;e saw it clearly last year: a1ter the great ,emonstrations o1 3% ?arch an, /H Ectober /0%/ the pre,ominant moo, among the promoters was: 4An, now what ,o we ,oD7 8he ob@ective con,itions that ,rive the popular masses to mobili-e to create the new society )that ma6e necessary its creation because not ,oing it lea,s to more serious ,isasters + are e=isting 1or a long time that is why popular masses: movement is spontaneous as the water o1 the river that goes to the sea. But it is ,i11erent 1rom the water o1 the river that goes to the sea because it regar,s human beings. 8hey nee, to represent the way they 1ollow: the water goes to the sea only un,er certain con,itions. This unity of spontaneity an" conscious "irection, that is of the "iscipline= is precisely the real political action of the su#altern classes, as mass politics an" not .ust an a"'enture for groups that appeal to the mass, 3ramsci says an, a,,s that to renounce to gi'e them a conscious "irection to ele'ate them to a higher le'el is to leave the way open to the imperialist bourgeoisie which ,e1lects the mobili-ation o1 the masses in a reactionary ,irection. 8he mobili-ation o1 the masses in a reactionary ,irection )1ascism war+ is the result of the resignation of the groups responsi#le for Jthe Communists e,itor:s noteK gi'ing conscious "irection to the spontaneous mo'ements an" so make them #ecome a positi'e political factor. 8hose who ,eny the principle that the revolution is being built that must be ,irecte, an, ,irecte, as a revolutionary people:s war who is waiting 1or 4 the masses to move7 an, ,oes not see that the masses are movin% )but obviously the way which the oppresse, masses can move until they have no conscious an, @ust goal nor organi-ation or ,irection+ leaves a space that is occupie, by the reaction. All those who to,ay can ta6e the role o1 government in the country in 5ational !iberation Committees in !ocal >mergency A,ministrations in a 3overnment o1 5ational (alvation in short in organi-ations that mobili-e the masses against the war that the imperialist bourgeoisie moves against them an, hesitate to ,o so the more they hesitate the more they are ob@ectively liable 1or the reactionary mobili-ation o1 the masses. 8he movementists are oppose, to ma6ing plans. Accor,ing to them says 3ramsci any set plan is utopian an" reactionary.)/#+ >verybo,y who has gone to movementists showing them as necessary a path to the goal o1 revolutionary trans1ormation has been tol, that the path in,icate, was an imposition an attempt to cage to clip the wings o1 spontaneous movement an, there1ore the plan was reactionary an, planning a concrete path towar, the revolution was unrealistic . 8his type o1 response is an e=pression o1 a general tren, among the popular masses an, it is an e=pression o1 their subor,ination e=pression o1 their being still un,er the in1luence o1 the bourgeois conception in their consciousness. 0t is clear that the bourgeoisie is intereste, in 1ighting the ,evelopment o1 any plan to overthrow its power an, it is even clearer its interest to ,eclare impossible the goal o1 overthrowing his power. 8he most that the imperialist bourgeoisie may grant to the popular masses is the ,ream o1 revolution as something that woul, be nee,e, but that will never be. Acceptable heroes are those who believe, it possible an, lost )they were ,e1eate,+ which proves that theirs was an impossible ,ream. 9osa !u=embourg an, Che 3uevara are the best 6nown e=amples. ;ho has instea, le, the masses to victory li6e (talin who le, the victory against the 1ascists is 4,ictator4 an, 4reactionary4 1or bias . #

;ho is only a%ainst waits 1or insurrection an, ,oes not ma6e plans stan,s contemplating every spontaneous mobili-ation o1 the popular masses then 1all into ,epression when the mobili-ation ceases. 0t is inevitable that it ceases: i1 it is assume, to be a natural thing it has its beginning an, its en, as in the case o1 a storm scattering in an infinite num#er of in"i'i"ual wills says 3ramsci.)30+ 8his is the story o1 many attempts o1 coor,ination in past two years here in 0taly: they arise 1or certain contingencies )Nagainst the crisisN Nwe shall not pay the ,ebtN etc.+ they pro,uce initiatives where the participation o1 the masses e=cee,s their e=pectations ),emonstrations with hun,re,s o1 thousan,s participants+ which they are not able to han,le precisely because they ,o not have a line they ,o not have a 4 set planN hence the promoters hol, bac6 as apprentice sorcerers unable to manage the 4simple an, magical powersN o1 which on F April /0%3 on occasion o1 an important wor6ers: assembly in (outhern 0taly a 1i1thCgra,e chil, was able to spea6 re1erring the wor6ing class. 0n short or not wanting to get rules in line with the nee,s reality imposes that is or not wanting to learn the ,ialectic between 1ree,om an, necessity or wanting to stay 41ree7 in the sense that they ,o not want to 1rame in any party that they ,o not want to 1ollow any plan much less there1ore to attempt an e=perience until to,ay not success1ul the revolution in an imperialist country something so new an, 1ull o1 ris6s that to propose it without analysis an, without plan is irresponsibility that bor,ers on crime enemy. 0n M H o1 the 5oteboo6 %3 3ramsci says that the revolution as insurrection wor6s 1or the bourgeoisie 1rom the *rench 9evolution )%H<#+ until the time when the wor6ing class brea6s as a new revolutionary class )%<4<+. A1ter this ,ate the bourgeoisie there1ore ceases to be revolutionary class struggling against the clergy an, the nobles an, stan,s in battle against the wor6ing class. 8he bourgeoisie prepares minutely an" technically in peacetime the war against the wor6ing class with lots o1 trenches an" fortifications within the massi'e structure of mo"ern "emocracies, #oth as 3tate organi0ations or as complex of associations in ci'il life.)3%+ 8his massi'e structure of mo"ern "emocracies is the regime o1 preventive counterCrevolution. 8he revolution presses it is an ob@ective movement an, the bourgeoisie buil,s an apparatus well 1inishe, to the least ,etail to prevent the will an, the nee, 1or participation an, sel1Cgovernment o1 the popular masses against the single not enslave, union representative against the sel1Cmanage, social center against any political 1orce that ,oes not accept the preCarrange, canons to participate in the petty theater o1 the bourgeois political struggle an, especially against the Communist Party highest e=pression o1 the autonomy an, in,epen,ence o1 the wor6ing class an, popular masses . 8his apparatus is precisely the regime o1 preventive counterCrevolution applie, in the imperialist countries. Against this apparatus the strategy o1 the Communists is the P9P; in which the accumulation o1 1orces an, the conGuest o1 new territory )the e=pansion o1 hegemony over the popular masses at bourgeoisie:s e=penses+ is an eGually meticulous wor6 that step by step arrives at the actual military con1lict. 3ramsci e=plains why it is impossible to imagine a war o1 maneuver that brea6s through enemy lines an, thereby ta6es over the centers o1 power when behin, enemy lines there is a whole array o1 which the lines are @ust the 1irst 1ront.)3/+ Be says that society has become a very complex structure resistant to catastrophic "raids" of the immediate economic element (crises, depressions +I the superstructures of ci'il society are similar to the system of trenches in mo"ern war ... nor the assaulting troops, due to the crisis, organize themselves in a flash in time and space, much less they get an aggressive spirit. 3ramsci recommen,s to stu,y the Ectober 9evolution in the light o1 the theory o1 P9P;. 8o this we can a,, that a1ter the victory o1 the Ectober 9evolution the imperialist bourgeoisie has ta6en all countermeasures it can ta6e to avoi, to be caught by surprise by any insurrection . 8hose who presume to brea6 into the enemy camp to sow irreversible panic an, con1usion in the enemy sol,iers to %0 or wanting to 6eep this chil,ish attitu,e unacceptable in any human activity minimally comple= they en, up being the opposite o1 1ree that is to say being puppets in the han,s o1 the

organi-e their troops su,,enly as su,,enly to create the ca,res or putting e=isting ca,res in lea,ing positions imme,iately recogni-e, by a population in revolt those who presume to @oin imme,iately this population towar, a common goal they are mystic says 3ramsci.)33+ 0n 1act those who thin6 in these religious terms they are still waiting 1or someone else to begin or 1or someone to come 1rom outsi,e to bring the revolution 1rom 9ussia or China yester,ay 1rom the oppresse, peoples to,ay )1rom Palestine 0n,ia 5epal or 1rom countries li6e Oene-uela or Cuba ,epen,ing on the tren,s they pre1er+.)34+ 8he e=amination o1 the positions o1 3ramsci con1irms its anticipation o1 one o1 the 1oun,ations o1 the revolutionary theory that is the strategy o1 the P9P; one o1 the most important contributions o1 ?aoism to the revolutionary science to the communist conception o1 the worl,.)3$+ 3ramsci in a,,ition to this one has given other very important anticipations. 8he ongoing stu,y o1 the wor6 o1 3ramsci is recovery o1 these valuable anticipations that 3ramsci wor6e, out in or,er to give the right light to his stature as a lea,er o1 the communist movement at national an, international level an, especially to continue his wor6 until the attainment o1 the ob@ectives 1or which he gave his li1e . %olco R. *otes
1. 8a 9oce "el (nuo'o!Partito comunista italiano n. 43 ?arch /0%3 p. $. 8he te=ts o1 8a 9oce an, the Manifesto Program o1 the )new! 1talian $ommunist Party) ?P+ o1ten Guote, in this article are all available on the site )see re1erences in +ppendi" at the en, o1 this article+. 2. Manifesto Program of the new P$1 >,ition (ocial 9elations ?ilan /00< in<0F%#.html. *rom here on ?P . #. 8hree ,eviations constantly present also in the parties o1 the imperialist countries even though they ,eclare themselves ?ar=ist. @ogmatism/ to have a relationship towar,s ?ar=ism similar to that o1 a believer towar,s religious ,octrines ta6ing it as a ,escription o1 the worl, but not as science gui,ing action to trans1orm it. Apportunism: to participate in the bourgeois political struggle solely or principally to sei-e the opportunities it creates to improve the con,itions o1 wor6ers in the 1ramewor6 o1 the system o1 bourgeois social relations . >conomism: to limit the class struggle to the claims o1 better wages an, wor6ing con,itions . 4. (ee in this regar, The >ighth @iscriminating %actor publishe, in 8a 9oce n # 5ovember /00% an, n. %0 ?arch /00/ available in,iscr</1irstprt.html. '. 3ramsci spea6s about the trans1ormation o1 capitalism into imperialism an, o1 the change o1 the 1orm o1 the revolution in Prison 5oteboo6 J1rom now on P5K < M /3F an, in P5 %0 M # . ). ?P page <0 in PD* version )see Appen,i=I 1rom here on the page numbers are re1erre, to that PD* version+. JPou may compare this passage in ?P with this one by Amil Q.: 4 egemony! "oercion # "onsent! Beginning 1irst with the Guestion o1 hegemony/ Dominant social groups maintain their power in two ,istinct ways: through domination , coercion an, through intellectual-moral leadership , consent. Dominant social groups ,ominate the classes with which they have an antagonistic relationship by liGui,ating or sub@ugating them through arme, 1orce )$H+I but they lea, 46in,re, an, allie, groups7 by provi,ing moral an, intellectual ,irection.7 )in Gramsci(s Prison ?ote#ooks/ Towar"s a War of Position+ R >,itor:s 5oteK . . 8a 9oce "el nuo'o P$1 n . %H .uly /004 p . 3%. /. ?P pages <0C<%. 0. 3ramsci spea6s e=plicitly o1 the nee, to give conscious ,irection to the spontaneous movements o1 the masses to raise them to a higher plane in P5 3 M 4< . 11. P5 %3 M %. 11. ?P pages F4CF$. 12. P5 %3 M %. 1#. P5 %3 M %.


14. E1 course in 1avor an, 4,emonstration4 o1 our line we have to bring an, we bring in a,,ition to the analysis o1 the class struggle going on to,ay the e=perience o1 the 1irst wave o1 proletarian revolution that is to say both the e=perience o1 the successes achieve, with the establishment o1 the 1irst socialist countries )starting 1rom the Ectober 9evolution an, the creation o1 the (oviet 2nion+ which 1or several ,eca,es playe, the role o1 re, bases o1 worl, proletarian revolution an, the e=perience o1 the ,e1eats we have su11ere,. ;e are strongly oppose, to oblivion an, even more to the ,enigration o1 the historical e=perience o1 the 1irst wave o1 proletarian revolution an, in particular also o1 that o1 the 1irst socialist countries. Eurs is a scienti1ic position: we use e=perience successes an, 1ailures to ,evelop to a higher level the science o1 the trans1ormation o1 bourgeois society in communist society science with which we shall get victory. 8his attitu,e clearly ,istinguishes us 1rom the bourgeois le1t even 1rom those o1 its members who almost call themselves Communist )see 1or e=ample the 1oun,ers o1 9oss@ meeting in Bologna in the Assembly o1 (atur,ay ?ay %% /0%3 + an, also those lovers o1 4socialism o1 the SS0 century7 local or not as !uciano Oasapollo an, ?artha Barnec6er who ,eep ,own present the important struggle going on in Oene-uela an, in other !atin American countries primarily as an alternative an, negation o1 socialism o1 the twentieth century that o1 the 1irst wave o1 proletarian revolution an, o1 the 1irst socialist countries. ;hat woul, you say in any other 1iel, o1 human activity o1 people who ,eclare that they are ,etermine, to pursue an ob@ective but that ignore neglect or even ,enigrate the e=perience o1 all those who be1ore them have pursue, it because they ,i, not get itD 1'. 45ot long ago 0 saw a house. 0t burne,. 8he roo1 / lappe, by 1lames. 0 went over an, 0 perceive, / that there were people in there. *rom the ,oorway / 0 calle, them because the roo1 was burning urging them / to go out an, soon. But they / ,i, not seem to be in a hurry. Ene as6e, me / while the bla-e alrea,y was scorching his eyebrows / what was the weather li6e whether maybe was it raining / whether maybe was win, blowing i1 there was another house / an, so on. 5o answering / 0 went out there. 8hose people 0 thought / must burn be1ore stopping with the Guestions. 4 )B. Brecht The para#le of the 2u""ha on the house on fire+. 1). 4Pou will see then how long the worl, has the ,ream o1 one thing o1 which he ,oes have only the consciousness in or,er to really own it. 4 )Q. ?ar= 8etter to Ruge (eptember %#43+. 1.. Buil,ing society an, civili-ation as a rational metho, arouses horror in the 1iel, o1 the imperialist bourgeoisie. Accor,ing to the bourgeois conception o1 the worl, this is 4restriction o1 in,ivi,ual 1ree,om4: it is actually ,enial o1 bourgeoisie:s 1ree,om. 8he opposition to the use o1 the rational metho, in the construction o1 the socialist revolution that is to say the position o1 those who consi,er this metho, restrictive o1 the 4spontaneity4 o1 the popular masses an, o1 their 4insurrection they are waiting 1or7 is an e=pression o1 bourgeois conception o1 the worl,. 1/. P5 F M %3<. 8he Prison ?ote#ooks contain the most comprehensive critiGue that as 1ar as 0 6now has been ma,e o1 what 8rots6y meant with the e=pression 4permanent revolution7 use, by ?ar= an, >ngels an, o1 the conception that 8rots6y built un,er the banner o1 it. 0t is the most comprehensive in the sense that the criticism is ma,e in the light not only o1 the tas6s o1 the socialist revolution in 9ussia an, tas6s o1 the Communist 0nternational in the /0s but o1 the entire historical e=perience o1 the communist movement in >urope an, 9ussia since the its 1oun,ing in %<4<. 10 . ;hat are the preventive counter revolution regimes is e=plaine, in ?P p. %< 11. 21. ?ovementism means to limit the class struggle to the 1orms o1 action in accor,ance with common sense an, relationships inherent in bourgeois society e=clu,ing planning an, even more the communist conception o1 the worl, . 0n essence it:s eGuivalent to spontaneism . 21. P5 F M %3<. 22. 3ramsci goes bac6 to the opposition between war of position an, war of maneu'er or frontal i.e. between P9P; an, the insurrection whose outbrea6 is waite, by spontaneists economists or movementists in P5 H M %F. Bere !enin is shown as the one who le, the P9P; . En the opposite si,e 3ramsci puts 8rots6y (orel 9osa !u=emburg. 2#. P5 %3 M %H. 24. ?P p. %4. 2'. ?P p.%0. 2). see ?P p. <%. 3ramsci re1ers to the accumulation o1 revolutionary 1orces tal6ing about forces permanently organi0e" an" prepare" for years. )5B %3 M %H + 2. . 5B 3 M 4<. 2/. (ee criticism by the new PC0 in the ?otice to Mariners %< ?ay $ /0%3 in,1a/avvnav%</avvnav%<.html. Jin


0talian languageK.

20. P5 %3 M %. #1. ibi,.

#1. P5 %3 M H. #2. P5 %3 M /4.

##. P5 %4 M F<. #4. 8he e=am is ,one on the 3ramsci:s re1erences to the two oppose, 1orms o1 strategy o1 the revolution that is the insurgency an, the P9P; liste, in the items war of mo'ement an, war of position o1 the @i0ionario Gramsciano (Gramscian @ictionary! by 3ui,o !iguori an, PasGuale Oo-a )Carocci publisher 2rbino /0%%+.


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(ne!)2talian 3ommunist Party

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