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China Diesel Engine Industry Production & Marketing Forecast and Trans or!ation & "#grading $nalysis %e#ort& 2011-2015
' ! " # $ % % & ' ( ) * ++,-+./01 *234#5678 9:(; <=!>?/4@ ABC( DEFGHF@ 200( FI 1000 JI2010 FKL 1500 JMN@OI1)*( PQ RST2010 UVW=/+(0 SWF@ ,2 2010 FX 1+(+-,. JYZ@,5-5.*[ 210-(+ JYZ@ /)-,1*[\1/5-., JY +,-/2* ]^#RV _2010 F_` (15-,( JaQ8b /2-+(*cd(R/efc Z1C'g#R/2010 F` 2++-5/ JZ115-)0* 'hijklRmno pqrstc@u(g# vnwxyz{|} Chinas diesel engine industry !e4"f7.html# maintained a fast de$elopment during the %ele$enth fi$e years& that it gained considera"le achie$ements in the aspects of independent inno$ation' product quality' standardized construction' industrial structure ad(ustment and e)ports. *ince the %ele$enth fi$e years& diesel engine constantly ad(usts industrial structure and updates products+ industry corporations optimize the resources allocation+ the industry concentration degree greatly impro$es. ,he organization structure of diesel engine corporations further optimizes -hile the corporation reconstruction of' inter.region and inter. o-nership accelerates. ,he medium and small corporations as -ell as pri$ate economy gain a considera"le achie$ement. /n the aspect of foreign trade e)port' the e)port $olume and $alue of ma(or diesel engine products maintain a relati$ely rapid gro-th -hile the e)port product structure and trade methods are perfecting. ,he total output $alue of diesel engine industry gets an annual increase in current years. ,he output $alue -as less than 0!! "illion 1uan in 2!!7 -hile it -as more than 05! "illion 1uan "y 2!0! and -ith a compounded gro-th rate of 023. 4ccording to statistics from *tate *tatistics 5ureau' there -ere 67! industry corporations of scale in 2!0!' up 2 comparing -ith that in last year. ,he total sales re$enue -as 20.!76 "illion 1uan' -ith a year.on.year gro-th of 42. 03+ the gross "enefit -as 04.56 "illion 1uan' -ith a year. on.year gro-th of 6 .423. /n the aspect of mar7et competition' Chinas diesel engine corporations -ere ma(or as corporations that the total sales re$enue of three. capital corporations in 2!0! -as 70.5 7 "illion 1uan -hich accounted for 42.673. *tate.o-ned and pri$ate corporations also maintain a high proportion. 4mong -hich the total sales re$enue of state.o-ned corporations in 2!0! -as 26.654 "illion 1uan -hich accounted for 05.2!3. Chinas economic transition enters the deepening stage during the %t-elfth fi$e years& -hile it -ill "ring ne- dri$ing force to economic gro-th. 4mong -hich the ad(ustment of income distri"ution policy -ill promote the

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constant upgrading of consumption' the ne- ur"anization -ill promote a continuous gro-th of real estate and rele$ant industry' and the industrial structure upgrading -ill impro$e the competiti$e ad$antages of equipment manufacturing industry. 8uring the %t-elfth fi$e years& it is predicted that industries li7e truc7' passenger $ehicle' engineering machinery and agricultural machinery may preser$e a gro-ing trend. ,herefore' Chinas diesel engine mar7et -ill continue the fast de$elopment in general. 4nd competition among leading corporations -ill trend to "e fierce. 4s the competition of diesel engine industry is fiercer that the outstanding domestic diesel engine corporations pay more and more attention to the industry mar7et research' especially the in.depth research of product consumers. 5ecause of this' a large num"er of e)cellent domestic diesel engine "rands rise up rapidly' then gradually "ecome leading corporations in diesel engine industry9 :ith ;or-ards the long.term trac7ing and collecting mar7et data of diesel engine industry' -e roundly and accurately analyze the structure system for you from the $ie- of mastering the -hole industry. ,his report -ill "ase on the macro condition of current diesel engine industry' production and mar7eting condition' industry demand trend of auto industry' then detailed analyzes the current mar7et capa"ility' mar7et scale' de$elopment speed and competiti$e landscape of China diesel engine industry. ,his report mainly analyzes the follo-ing aspects: production and de$elopment of China diesel engine industry+ current mar7et en$ironment and corporations competiti$eness of diesel engine industry+ mar7et demand features of diesel engine industry+ ma(or mar7ets of diesel engine industry+ competiti$e landscape and trend of diesel engine industry+ de$elopment status of ma(or diesel engine mar7et segmentation+ leading corporations operational condition in diesel engine mar7et+ de$elopment trend and prospects forecast of diesel engine industry. <ean-hile' together -ith the comprehensi$e and detailed mar7et data -hich is accumulated for 5 years' ;or-ard helps you to grasp the mar7et and de$elopment trends of diesel engine industry' so as to -in ad$antages from competition9 <a(or characteristics of this report are for-ard.loo7ing and timeliness. 5ase on the for-ard.loo7ing analysis of massi$e research data' -e further analyze the de$elopment scale and competiti$e landscape of diesel engine industry. 4long -ith the industry de$elopment route and our practical e)perience' -e analyze and predict the future de$elopment prospect of diesel engine industry. ,his report is of a high $alue for enterprises li7e diesel engine manufacturers' =>8 institutions' sales corporations and in$estment corporations to accurately 7no- the latest industry de$elopment trend' and o"tain mar7et opportunities and determine an insightful operation strategy and de$elopment direction. /n the meantime' it is the first hea$y -eight report to analyze the up/ industry chain and industry

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leading corporations of diesel engine industry in an o$erall and systemic -ay. ?ere' -ed li7e to e)press our sincere gratitude to *tate @conomic /nformation Center' Aational *tatistics 5ureau of China' Beneral 4dministration of Customs' /nternational /nformation /nstitute' Aational /nstitute of the <inistry of Commerce' Aational ,sing ?ua Cni$ersity Di"rary' /nstitute of <ar7et @conomy of the *tate Council 8e$elopment =esearch Center' and 5ei(ing Einghua ;or-ard <ar7et =esearch Center' etc. ,han7 you so much9 Aotice: all the mar7et data' especially the corporation list data in this report is only for "usiness reference. Flease dont ta7e the data for enterprise pu"licity. ,han7 you9 Gr ;or-ard shall not ta7e any responsi"ility for any consequences9 ;or-ard and /ntelligence Co.' Dtd. /ndustry =esearch College =esearch ,eam of 8iesel @ngine /ndustry

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