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Oded Kishony's Oil Varnish Oil Varnish 2 parts resin to 1 part oil* (see note below) (linseed or walnut

-cold pressed) Ingredients (All easure ents in the recipe are by !olu e") *#o aintain an accurate oil to resin ratio it should be done by weight with the oil e$ual to %&' o( the resin 2%) l - *arch +esin,Venetian #urpentine" (Kre er - &2)1) - Venetian #urpentine" ./i0ture o( &2)) and &)1),&)11." Or you can use a co bination o( 2urgundy +osin and 3trasbourg turp or 2urgundy rosin alone or collected oleoresin,pitch o( pine") 1,2 !olu e o( crushed cold coo4ed resin (see below) -*inseed oil or 5alnut oil 6old pressed" (Kre er - 71)%8 - 1 liter 91)) 2%) l li$uid-5ood ash (:$ual !olu e o( the (iltered solution obtained by passing distilled water through hardwood ash; which has been placed in a co((ee (ilter -- <i"e" i( 2 tablespoons o( resin are used then 2 tablespoons o( ash should be used" =ote> ?ardwood ashes are stronger but a i0 o( hardwood and spruce is (ine)" 1,8 teaspoon - 3la4ed *i e (Kre er - ) 1,2 teaspoon - /anganese 2rown,@ ber (Kre er - 8)&2) 3pirits o( Au #urpentine :$uip ent ?ot plate -- with di((user screen- ( etal screen door screen) #her o eter (6andy a0i u o( 2))B 6 will be OK *ab spoon (or stirring Cire e0tinguisher" #he Drocess all coo4ing is done in glass or ena eled saucepan on hot plate with a screen di((user" Add> Eistilled 5ater (iltered through 5ood Ash pass distilled water through the ash; which is placed in a co((ee (ilter" @se as uch !olu e as you ha!e resin" Add> 1,8 teaspoon o( 3la4ed *i e" Add> 1,2 teaspoon o( /anganese 2rown (@ ber) Add > 2%)- l resin 6OOK A# 2%)-1)) 6:=#IA+AE: (or %-1% hours" Allow the coo4ed resin to cool" It will harden when cooled" *onger coo4ing yields dar4er color" 6oo4ing with iron present gi!es a redder color" =o iron green,yellow,brown color 6rush; easure and /:*# the coo4ed resin"

3lowly add the *inseed oil" 1,2 the !olu e o( the crushed resin" 6ontinue to coo4 @ntil the !arnish .strings. 2+I=A #:/D:+A#@+: #O 1)) 6:=#IA+AE: 3top stirring pot when the !arnish starts to string-you want any sedi ent to settle to the botto o( the pot" #est the !arnish periodically by conducting the string test" I":"> Dlace

a drop o( hot !arnish into a glass o( water; let cool (or %-1) seconds; pic4 up the !arnish by touching it with your Inde0 (inger; sha4e o(( e0cess water then pinch the !arnish between your #hu b and inde0 (ingers" As you pull your (ingers apart a string o( !arnish should (or between the thu b and inde0 (inger" 6ontinue coo4ing until you are able to pull the string o( !arnish; using the string test (see abo!e); without it separating as the (ingers are spread apart 1"% c to 2 c 6OO* VA+=I3? #O 2))6 Add> ?:A# 3pirits o( Au #urpentine in the sa e $uantity as #?: +:3I= A=E AEE to the !arnish when the coo4ing process is co pleted" Obser!e care in war ing the turps; it is war enough when a *I##*: !apor is obser!ed (or ing abo!e the turps in the coo4ing !essel" (5ar it in a sto!e top rated Dyre0 easuring cup O+ :=A/:*:E DA= o!er the hot plate") ?a!e Cire e0tinguisher a!ailable" Cilter> Dour 5A+/ i0ture through a cloth (old tee shirt) to (ilter out any undissol!ed particles or dirt" I( there is sedi ent at the botto o( the coo4ing pot don't try (iltering it Fust decant the clean !arnish" Add> A(ter !arnish has co pletely cooled you ay add a tablespoon o( alcohol or hal( a # o( alcohol and hal( # o( spi4e la!ender oil" #his last step will help the !arnish dry it also i pro!es (low out and helps dissol!e any undissol!ed particles" #his !arnish does not s4i o!er in the Far and will i pro!e with age" Eo not apply this !arnish in a thic4 (il ; always spread it thinly" 5or4ing ti e on the sur(ace is 2)-2% in" Gou should add a (ew drops o( thic4ened linseed oil to the last layers o( !arnish to aintain the (at o!er lean rule o( oil painting" Erying> #he !arnish will dry o!ernight" Gou can optionally use @V lighting in a drying cabinet" Dolishing> 5hen you are ready to rub down and polish the sur(ace this !arnish will so(ten with alcohol" Gou can rub down and polish by putting so e 0000 pu ice on a cloth with oil and alcohol Fust as you would when doing nor al Crench polish" Cor a (inal polish I use the sa e techni$ue with a bit o( tripoli instead o( pu ice" I use linseed oil when Crench polishing-this (acilitates an additional coat o( !arnish (I don't ha!e to worry about ha!ing a non drying oil on the sur(ace)"

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