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Psychology Guest Lecture -Explanations for MDD Behavioural Model: Depression results from a low rate of positive reinforcement

nt in the environment Cognitive Model: Depression is caused by negative beliefs and expectations Cognitive Triad-Negative thoughts about oneself, the world, and the future Learned helplessness-tendency to feel helpless in the face of events we cannot control Personal failure is due to internal factors Success is due to external factors (they believe) Biology and Genetics: Genes exert a moderate influence on MDD Variation in serotonin transporter gene Low levels of norepinephrine Decreased levels of dopamine Bipolar Disorder: Condition marked by a history of at least one manic episode (irresponsible beaviour, reckless sex, excessive talking, extreme movement, extreme irregular sleep habits) More than 1/2 the time, a major depressive episode precedes or follows a manic episode Equally common in men and women Manic episodes often produce serious problems in social and occupational functioning One of the most genectically influenced mental disorders Twin studies=85% heritability Stressful life events=increase in manic episodes (good or bad life events) Suicide Facts and Fiction: Major depression and bipolar disorder 11th leading cause of death in US 3rd leading cause of death for children, adolescents, and young adults 30,000 per year in US 3x as many men as women commit suicide, but 3x as many women attemt it Myths about suicide: People who talk a lot about suicide, almost never commit it Talking to people with depression about suicide makes them more likely to commit the act Suicide is almost always completed with no warning Suicide risk decreases as severe depression lifts Most people who threaten suicide are seeking attention Risk factors: Depression, hopelessness, substance abuse Schizophrenis Gay/lesbian (discrimination and harassment) Unemployment Chronic,painful, or disfiguring physical illness

Loss of a loved one, divorced, seperated, or widowed Personal family history of suicide Personality disorders Anxiety disorders (panic and social phobia) Old age-especially in men Recent discharge from the hospital Anxiety Disorders Most are transient and can be adaptive Most prevalent of all disorders 29% of us will meet criteria for anxiety disorders in our lives Average onset is 11 years old Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Continual feelings of worry, anxiety, physical tension, and irritabilty across many areas of life functioning 1/3 of individuals with GAD devlop it after a major stressful event More previlant in females (and caucasians) Often experience other anxiety disorders, including phobias and panic disorders Panic Disorder Repeated unexpected panic attakcs, along with either persistent concerns about future attacks or a change in behaviour to avoid future attacks Physical symptoms: sweating, dizziness, lightheadedness, racing heart, shortness of breath, feelings of unreality, fear of dying or going crazy Can occur randomly, or be associated with certain situations

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