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What I have learned in read in the previous chapters and also seen on T.V.

over the years is that the police officers are train and taught to live by a specific code of ethics that helps them in their profession and show what the meaning of severing means. The main problem that many people fail to see and look at is the fact remaining that our police officers are human beings just as everyone else and they are expected to have the highest professionalism and respect towards the people who really are the ones paying their salary. s as humans! sometimes give in to temptation and bad judgment while being an officer of the law these fall in hand in hand everyday while working on duty trying to protect and serve those who are in need but! the deviant behaviors that officers succumb to sometimes lead to corruption! misconduct! and brutality that makes the ones that are working hard look bad and having them have to show the city and the people "that pay their taxes # that not all police officers fall down the wrong path and when it happen theres always answer to why the police officer doing the harm. $egardless of the goodwill behind it! any abnormal behavior by a person sworn to uphold the law cannot and will not be tolerated for the means be that the department has a strong image to with hold and anything that would being its image down will have to go. When most people hear ethics they mostly think of a code that you follow and live by! that might be true but! theres more to ethics then what you heard thats what most police officers are taught and have to remember when being out on duty. %nother way of explaining ethics would be through a word called moral philosophy which means the systemati&ing! defending! and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior

which falls into ethics. The nature of ethics goes as fellow to protect human beings from any harms way and any problem that arises from a threat to showing a helping hand. The ethics of the police officer is making sure that they are there to ether prevent something from happening or stopping. The police officers role in policing is mainly making sure that the people and city is safe and that theres no threat. 'olicing involves patrolling areas of the city! responding to calls in a fast means possible and also securing the people that they are out looking for those doing crime and trying to prevent it any way possible. The ethics and policing fall right next to each other because of what each of them mean and what they do for the police officer. % police officer is more than just a person with a badge its showing the means and will of what they are sworn to protect and serve while being on duty and in my option a police officer is out there making sure that they are keeping the streets clean from crime and criminals that want to do harm to others or even to them selfs. There are ethical standards that fall into place which define the police officers main roll while working on duty. These three ethical standards are always having to be follow because they are the main reason a police officer is a officer of the law and they are duties to the public! to the client and profession. $eviewing these three youll see exactly I been saying and talking about in the past paragraphs which allows you to know that these are the ones that have to be proven while the police officer is out on duty and has to also maintain the main other ethics that follow. " Taking a look at the deviant behaviors and their effects of police corruption! police misconduct and police brutality we get deep into the reasons and some of the down fall

for this type of issue that happens within a department. 'olice corruption is designed to obtain financial benefits! other personal gain! and(or career advancement for a police officer or officers in exchange for not pursuing! or selectively pursuing! an investigation or arrest. " 'olice misconduct refers to inappropriate actions taken by police officer in connection with their official duties. 'olice misconduct can lead to a miscarriage of justice and sometimes involves discrimination. " 'olice brutality is the use of any force exceeding that reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose usually physical! but potentially also in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation cause by a police officer. )ver viewing the different forms of ethic and the different reasons for a police officer to commit unlawful acts! I still feel strong about the other police officer that are following the code of ethics and also making sure that our city is safe from many types of problems from threats to the criminals and even with the past issues in the other cities I still believe that a police officer has the right and will power in making the choices of ether helping the people by protecting them or using their badge as a way of showing power but! I know that there are police officers who follow and act on the code of ethics and follow the means of the people which is to protect and serve.


Wikipedia. "n.d.#. 'olice corruption $etrieved *ay +,! -,.,! at/


Wikipedia. "n.d.#. 'olice misconduct $etrieved *ay +,! -,.,! at/


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