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(ART ! % )E&ERAL

!.! A.

RELATED DOC'ME&TS Dra*+n,s and ,eneral prov+s+ons o- the Contract. +ncl/d+n, )eneral and S/pplementar0 Cond+t+ons and other D+v+s+on ! Spec+-+cat+on Sect+ons. appl0 to th+s Sect+on.

!.2 A.

S'MMAR1 Sect+on +ncl/des adm+n+strat+ve and proced/ral re2/+rements -or doc/ment+n, the pro,ress oconstr/ct+on d/r+n, per-ormance o- the Wor3. +ncl/d+n, the -ollo*+n,4 !. Start/p constr/ct+on sched/le. 2. Contractor5s constr/ct+on sched/le. ". Constr/ct+on sched/le /pdat+n, reports. 6. S+te cond+t+on reports. $. Spec+al reports. Related Re2/+rements4 !. D+v+s+on ! Sect+on 7S/mmar07 -or prepar+n, a Contractor5s constr/ct+on sched/le. 2. D+v+s+on ! Sect+on 7S/8m+ttal (roced/res7 -or s/8m+tt+n, sched/les and reports. ". D+v+s+on ! Sect+on 79/al+t0 Re2/+rements7 -or s/8m+tt+n, a sched/le o- tests and +nspect+ons.


!." A.

DEFI&ITIO&S Act+v+t04 A d+screte part o- a pro:ect that can 8e +dent+-+ed -or plann+n,. sched/l+n,. mon+tor+n,. and controll+n, the constr/ct+on pro:ect. Act+v+t+es +ncl/ded +n a constr/ct+on sched/le cons/me t+me and reso/rces. !. Cr+t+cal Act+v+t04 An act+v+t0 on the cr+t+cal path that m/st start and -+n+sh on the planned earl0 start and -+n+sh t+mes. 2. (redecessor Act+v+t04 An act+v+t0 that precedes another act+v+t0 +n the net*or3. ". S/ccessor Act+v+t04 An act+v+t0 that -ollo*s another act+v+t0 +n the net*or3. Cost Load+n,4 The allocat+on o- the sched/le o- val/es -or the complet+on o- an act+v+t0 as sched/led. The s/m o- costs -or all act+v+t+es m/st e2/al the total Contract S/m /nless other*+se approved 80 Arch+tect. C(M4 Cr+t+cal path method. *h+ch +s a method o- plann+n, and sched/l+n, a constr/ct+on pro:ect *here act+v+t+es are arran,ed 8ased on act+v+t0 relat+onsh+ps. &et*or3 calc/lat+ons determ+ne *hen act+v+t+es can 8e per-ormed and the cr+t+cal path o- (ro:ect. Cr+t+cal (ath4 The lon,est connected cha+n o- +nterdependent act+v+t+es thro/,h the net*or3 sched/le that esta8l+shes the m+n+m/m overall (ro:ect d/rat+on and conta+ns no -loat. Event4 The start+n, or end+n, po+nt o- an act+v+t0. Float4 The meas/re o- lee*a0 +n start+n, and complet+n, an act+v+t0. !. Float t+me +s not -or the e;cl/s+ve /se or 8ene-+t o- e+ther O*ner or Contractor. 8/t +s a :o+ntl0 o*ned. e;p+r+n, (ro:ect reso/rce ava+la8le to 8oth part+es as needed to meet sched/le m+lestones and Contract complet+on date. ! .!!#$ !"2 %!




E. F.



WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

Free -loat +s the amo/nt o- t+me an act+v+t0 can 8e dela0ed *+tho/t adversel0 a--ect+n, the earl0 start o- the s/ccessor act+v+t0. Total -loat +s the meas/re o- lee*a0 +n start+n, or complet+n, an act+v+t0 *+tho/t adversel0 a--ect+n, the planned (ro:ect complet+on date.


Reso/rce Load+n,4 The allocat+on o- manpo*er and e2/+pment necessar0 -or the complet+on o- an act+v+t0 as sched/led.

!.6 A.

I&FORMATIO&AL S'BMITTALS Format -or S/8m+ttals4 S/8m+t re2/+red s/8m+ttals +n the -ollo*+n, -ormat4 !. Wor3+n, electron+c cop0 o- sched/le -+le. *here +nd+cated. 2. (DF electron+c -+le. ". Two paper cop+es. Contractor5s Constr/ct+on Sched/le4 In+t+al sched/le. o- s+<e re2/+red to d+spla0 ent+re sched/le -or ent+re constr/ct+on per+od. !. S/8m+t a *or3+n, electron+c cop0 o- sched/le. /s+n, so-t*are +nd+cated. and la8eled to compl0 *+th re2/+rements -or s/8m+ttals. Incl/de t0pe o- sched/le =+n+t+al or /pdated> and date on la8el. Constr/ct+on Sched/le 'pdat+n, Reports4 S/8m+t *+th Appl+cat+ons -or (a0ment. S+te Cond+t+on Reports4 S/8m+t at t+me o- d+scover0 o- d+--er+n, cond+t+ons. Spec+al Reports4 S/8m+t at t+me o- /n/s/al event.


C. D. E.

!.$ A.

COORDI&ATIO& Coord+nate preparat+on and process+n, o- sched/les and reports *+th per-ormance o- constr/ct+on act+v+t+es and *+th sched/l+n, and report+n, o- separate contractors. Coord+nate Contractor5s constr/ct+on sched/le *+th the sched/le o- val/es. s/8m+ttal sched/le. pro,ress reports. pa0ment re2/ests. and other re2/+red sched/les and reports. !. Sec/re t+me comm+tments -or per-orm+n, cr+t+cal elements o- the Wor3 -rom ent+t+es +nvolved. 2. Coord+nate each constr/ct+on act+v+t0 +n the net*or3 *+th other act+v+t+es and sched/le them +n proper se2/ence.



2.! A.

CO&TRACTOR5S CO&STR'CTIO& SC?ED'LE. )E&ERAL T+me Frame4 E;tend sched/le -rom date esta8l+shed -or commencement o- the Wor3 @the &ot+ce to (roceedA to date o- S/8stant+al Complet+on -or each phase and -+nal complet+on. !. Contract complet+on date shall not 8e chan,ed 80 s/8m+ss+on o- a sched/le that sho*s an later complet+on date. /nless spec+-+call0 a/thor+<ed 80 Chan,e Order. Act+v+t+es4 Treat each stor0 or separate area as a separate n/m8ered act+v+t0 -or each ma+n element o- the Wor3. Compl0 *+th the -ollo*+n,4 !. Act+v+t0 D/rat+on4 De-+ne act+v+t+es so no act+v+t0 +s lon,er than @20A da0s. /nless spec+-+call0 allo*ed 80 Arch+tect.


DECEMBER 2 !" !"2 %2

! .!!#$


WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement




(roc/rement Act+v+t+es4 Incl/de proc/rement process act+v+t+es -or the -ollo*+n, lon, lead +tems and ma:or +tems. re2/+r+n, a c0cle o- more than B da0s. as separate act+v+t+es +n sched/le. (roc/rement c0cle act+v+t+es +ncl/de. 8/t are not l+m+ted to. s/8m+ttals. approvals. p/rchas+n,. -a8r+cat+on. and del+ver0. S/8m+ttal Rev+e* T+me4 Incl/de rev+e* and res/8m+ttal t+mes +nd+cated +n D+v+s+on ! Sect+on 7S/8m+ttal (roced/res7 +n sched/le. Coord+nate s/8m+ttal rev+e* t+mes +n Contractor5s constr/ct+on sched/le *+th s/8m+ttal sched/le. S/8stant+al Complet+on4 Ind+cate complet+on +n advance o- date esta8l+shed -or S/8stant+al Complet+on. and allo* t+me -or Arch+tect5s adm+n+strat+ve proced/res necessar0 -or cert+-+cat+on oS/8stant+al Complet+on. (/nch L+st and F+nal Complet+on4 Incl/de not more than @30A da0s -or complet+on o- p/nch l+st +tems and -+nal complet+on.


Constra+nts4 Incl/de constra+nts and *or3 restr+ct+ons +nd+cated +n the Contract Doc/ments and as -ollo*s +n sched/le. and sho* ho* the se2/ence o- the Wor3 +s a--ected. !. (has+n,4 Arran,e l+st o- act+v+t+es on sched/le 80 phase. 2. Wor3 Restr+ct+ons4 Sho* the e--ect o- the -ollo*+n, +tems on the sched/le4 a. Coord+nat+on *+th e;+st+n, constr/ct+on. 8. L+m+tat+ons o- cont+n/ed occ/panc+es. c. 'n+nterr/pt+8le serv+ces. d. (art+al occ/panc0 8e-ore S/8stant+al Complet+on. e. 'se o- prem+ses restr+ct+ons. -. (rov+s+ons -or -/t/re constr/ct+on. ,. Seasonal var+at+ons. h. Env+ronmental control. ". Wor3 Sta,es4 Ind+cate +mportant sta,es o- constr/ct+on -or each ma:or port+on o- the Wor3. +ncl/d+n,. 8/t not l+m+ted to. the -ollo*+n,4 a. S/8m+ttals. 8. (/rchases. c. Fa8r+cat+on. d. Del+ver+es. e. Installat+on. -. Tests and +nspect+ons. ,. Ad:/st+n,. 6. Constr/ct+on Areas4 Ident+-0 each ma:or area o- constr/ct+on -or each ma:or port+on o- the Wor3. Ind+cate *here each constr/ct+on act+v+t0 *+th+n a ma:or area m/st 8e se2/enced or +nte,rated *+th other constr/ct+on act+v+t+es to prov+de -or the -ollo*+n,4 a. Temporar0 enclos/re and space cond+t+on+n,. 8. (ermanent space enclos/re. c. Complet+on o- mechan+cal +nstallat+on. d. Complet+on o- electr+cal +nstallat+on. e. S/8stant+al Complet+on. M+lestones4 Incl/de m+lestones +nd+cated +n the Contract Doc/ments +n sched/le. +ncl/d+n,. 8/t not l+m+ted to. the &ot+ce to (roceed. S/8stant+al Complet+on. and -+nal complet+on.


2.2 A.

START'( CO&STR'CTIO& SC?ED'LE Bar%Chart Sched/le4 S/8m+t start/p. hor+<ontal. 8ar%chart%t0pe constr/ct+on sched/le *+th+n seven da0s o- date esta8l+shed -or commencement o- the Wor3. (reparat+on4 Ind+cate each s+,n+-+cant constr/ct+on act+v+t0 separatel0. Ident+-0 -+rst *or3da0 o- each *ee3 *+th a cont+n/o/s vert+cal l+ne. O/tl+ne s+,n+-+cant constr/ct+on act+v+t+es -or -+rst @90A da0s oconstr/ct+on. Incl/de s3eleton d+a,ram -or the rema+nder o- the Wor3 and a cash re2/+rement pred+ct+on 8ased on +nd+cated act+v+t+es. ! .!!#$ !"2 %"




WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

)antt%Chart Sched/le4 S/8m+t a comprehens+ve. -/ll0 developed. hor+<ontal. )antt%chart%t0pe. Contractor5s constr/ct+on sched/le /pon commencement o- the Wor3. Base sched/le on the start/p constr/ct+on sched/le and add+t+onal +n-ormat+on rece+ved s+nce the start o- (ro:ect. (reparat+on4 Ind+cate each s+,n+-+cant constr/ct+on act+v+t0 separatel0. Ident+-0 -+rst *or3da0 o- each *ee3 *+th a cont+n/o/s vert+cal l+ne.


2.6 A.

RE(ORTS S+te Cond+t+on Reports4 Immed+atel0 on d+scover0 o- a d+--erence 8et*een s+te cond+t+ons and the Contract Doc/ments. prepare and s/8m+t a deta+led report. S/8m+t *+th a Re2/est -or In-ormat+on. Incl/de a deta+led descr+pt+on o- the d+--er+n, cond+t+ons. to,ether *+th recommendat+ons -or chan,+n, the Contract Doc/ments.

2.$ A.

S(ECIAL RE(ORTS )eneral4 S/8m+t spec+al reports d+rectl0 to O*ner *+th+n one da0=s> o- an occ/rrence. D+str+8/te cop+es o- report to part+es a--ected 80 the occ/rrence. Report+n, 'n/s/al Events4 When an event o- an /n/s/al and s+,n+-+cant nat/re occ/rs at (ro:ect s+te. *hether or not related d+rectl0 to the Wor3. prepare and s/8m+t a spec+al report. L+st cha+n o- events. persons part+c+pat+n,. response 80 Contractor5s personnel. eval/at+on o- res/lts or e--ects. and s+m+lar pert+nent +n-ormat+on. Adv+se O*ner +n advance *hen these events are 3no*n or pred+cta8le.



".! A.

CO&TRACTOR5S CO&STR'CTIO& SC?ED'LE Contractor5s Constr/ct+on Sched/le 'pdat+n,4 At monthly +ntervals. /pdate sched/le to re-lect act/al constr/ct+on pro,ress and act+v+t+es. Iss/e sched/le one week 8e-ore each re,/larl0 sched/led pro,ress meet+n,. !. Rev+se sched/le +mmed+atel0 a-ter each meet+n, or other act+v+t0 *here rev+s+ons have 8een reco,n+<ed or made. Iss/e /pdated sched/le conc/rrentl0 *+th the report o- each s/ch meet+n,. 2. Incl/de a report *+th /pdated sched/le that +nd+cates ever0 chan,e. +ncl/d+n,. 8/t not l+m+ted to. chan,es +n lo,+c. d/rat+ons. act/al starts and -+n+shes. and act+v+t0 d/rat+ons. ". As the Wor3 pro,resses. +nd+cate -+nal complet+on percenta,e -or each act+v+t0. E&D OF SECTIO& !"2

DECEMBER 2 !" !"2 %6

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