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On 7 Steps For Club Seduction

by Tyler Durden
Mystery thought out his model while we were in NYC. We'd talk about it 24/7. Basi ally! he ombined the "# ste$s with the shit %rom my &' $age s$asti ramblings $ost! and ame out with a 7(ste$s model. )he reason that Mystery is so into these models and methods! is that he is like a *+, su$er om$uter. Whate-er so%twear you $lug into Mystery will be instantly e.e uted in %ield! with utmost %rightening $re ision. /or the rest o% us *+,(mortals! this may still be %ound use%ul! so 0 will $ost it. )his is %rom the to$ o% my head! and $robably not totally a urate. 11111 2,3+45 "6 7*4N5 8B "' / *+, " You are the N49) :+Y 7/ )84 N0:8) to ome hit on her. 26 N4:;! W7<= )84 :<7+*5 8B " / *+, "' You ;W,* -alues! by negging the hi k! and demonstrating higher -alue to her 7B30>+43Y through hatting her %riends and showing yoursel% to be attra ti-e. #6 >+,30/Y ( ;,Y )7 )84 ),<:4) ?B4,+)Y 0; C7MM7N.. W8,) @7 Y7+ 8,24 )8,) M,=4; Y7+ ;),N@ 7+)A5 8B B / *+, "'

)he hi k now has demonstrated hersel% as worthy at your reCuest! and %eels better about hersel%! ha-ing re(gained your a e$tan e. 46 <,**7<)5 8B B / *+, B Now you di-ulge 2+3N4<,B030)04; and C7MM7N,30)04; to bring yoursel% down to her le-el. You M44) at the ra$$ort le-el! and C7NN4C). &6 ;495 8B "' / *+, "' You get with the hi k! and you both %eel great %or ha-ing %ound someone new. (((((((((( By making a hi k go %rom 8,)0N: you to 30=0N: you in su h a short $eriod o% time! she is $ushed through maDor drama(states. You stand out to her! be ause you were so larger(than(li%e E%riends lo-ed you! you had so ial $roo%! you on-eyed attra ti-e Cualities to her obliCuely through her %riends6! but then it turned out that she C7+3@ indeed %ind onne tion with you. ()@ )he 7 ste$s are the %oundation o% how men and women intera t %rom %irst meet to se.. )he new Mystery Method is onstantly in my head while 0 am intera ting with women. 0t allows me to ha-e a model in my head o% when to shi%t gears %rom ,))<,C) mode to >+,30/Y0N: to <,**7<) to ;4@+C4. Ni e diagram! )@! es$e ially how you use numbers to show the sel%(esteem le-els o% the 8B and *+,. ,lthough you ha-e mastery o% the Method! 0Fd like to add a %ew ritiCues o% the diagram and elaborate to more thoroughly e.$lain the Mystery Method to the sedu tion ommunity brothers on the board. ". /0N@ G*+, E8ow 8B 2iews *+,6! 8B E8er ;el%(4steem le-el6H 3ook around and %ind a $arti ularly attra ti-e girl. 0% you are in a night lub! you'll o%ten %ind the worthy girl in grou$s. 0deally! $awn some girls o%%...make instant $ you'll ha-e some so ial $roo%. *awning is es$e ially use%ul in a 2(set! whether the $awn is a $i-ot or wing. 0% you are a $arti ularly gorgeous guy! the 8B may be immediately attra ted to you. You may also %ind a lone wol% during the daytime! where sim$ly o$ening is attra ti-e and %as inating the the 8B. 0n these ases! you usually start with <,**7<) mode. 8owe-er! below are the ste$s most *+,s %a e in the bars/ lubs. 2. ,**<7,C8 G*+, E&(I6! 8B EJ("'6H

7$en her and/or her set and start the on-ersation. You may %ollow the )ao o% ;te-ie with a N47 or one o% )@'s CK/ o$ener or blow it u$ with something really uniCue EMystery's magi ! ra$$y sket h! or e-en dan ing i% on the dan e%loor6. GChe k out my %uture @an e Club Method $ost %or a linear @(%loor systemH When you o$en a girl at a bar o% $arti ularly high beauty! her -alue o% hersel% will be high Ein )@'s gra$h...maybe a "'6 and in her eyes! you will be lower than her Ein )@'s gra$h...maybe a "...%or generally e.aggerated $ur$oses6. You must hange this by shi%ting into ,))<,C) mode. #. ,))<,C) G*+, EJ("'6! 8B E&(I6H @emonstrate higher -alue with your sense o% humor! on%iden e! attitude! reati-ity! and so ial $roo%...while simultaneously negging! teasing! using $ush/$ull! takeaway body(language! and on-eying your $ersonality. ;how that you are a wonder%ul guy! di%%erent %rom the rest. While you are demonstrating what a at h you are! the hot babe will gi-e you more regard and res$e t. ;imultaneously! you tease the girl and are $lay%ul! whi h shows that unlike most guys at the bar! you donFt $ut her on a $edestalLyou are the $riMe! not her. )his will kno k her o%% her $edestal %ast. You do this right and you will be -iewed as M7N4YNNN CK/ %rames will de%initely hel$ you to build your -alue u$ abo-e hers in the so ial dynami s o% the night lub/bar/grou$. Calibrate when you ha-e done enough -alue on-eyan e and begin to Cuali%y her. 4. >+,30/Y G*+, EB(J6! 8B EI(76H @emonstrate to the girl you noti e something about her Eother than her looks6 attra ti-e to you. You an do this with a om$liment or sim$ly o$en on-ersational threads about mutually im$ortant and %as inating to$i s. 3et her know how mu h you are enDoying talking about with her. @o this i% you genuinely %ind there is something about the girl that is attra ti-e to you...i% not! eDe t! buddy. ,%ter you ha-e Cuali%ied her! the girl will %eel like she has -alue to you and that you res$e t her as a $erson. Now! it's time to %o us on dee$er le-els o% ra$$ort. &. <,**7<) G*+, 7(B! 8B E7(B6H @e-elo$ a ommon ground! share a se ret and/or hildhood e.$erien e! work on a ?yes? ladder. When you %ind you share o$inions! say ?Me tooN? /ind out about who she is and lead the on-ersation with subDe ts that are %un to talk about. 4li it her -alues and be a good story(teller. 0t's time to show this girl that you ha-e a lot in ommon! you are a on-ersationalist -irtuoso! and share a $ositi-e attitude! s$irit! and ha-e a lot going %or you that she wants to %ind out more about. You guys really like ea h other...kiss her...makeout...ha-e %un...and sedu e her. I. ;4@+C4 G*+, EB(J6! 8B EB(J6H :et her isolated! $hase(shi%t into se.ual state i% you ha-en't done this. 0% you'-e been making kissing...kee$ doing it. *roDe t your se.uality. Make your ;70 known. 4s alate kino into more $ersonal areas. ;tart thinking about where to ha-e se.. Bring u$ sensual to$i s. 0% you know ;$eed ;edu tion! this is a good $la e to use those skills. 0% not! work on $roDe ting your se.ual state with your body language! on%iden e! and i% ongruent with your $ersonality! you may want to go a-eman! and lead the interea tion towards se. with your body language/kino. 7. ;49 G*+, E"'6! 8B E"'6H

0t's time %or the a t...the )his is where you both share the $assion you ha-e %or ea h other. Be reati-e in bed! enDoy the e.$erien e! make it something that both o% you an look ba k on and enDoy the memory o% it. ,nd! most im$ortantly! use a ondom. Now that you ha-e had se.! both o% you %eel like "'s. 0t was an amaMing e.$erien e that you both really wanted to ha-e ha$$en. )ell your se. $artner that you really enDoyed the e.$erien e! thank her %or sharing su h a wonder%ul moment! and make the de ision to kee$ it a one(night stand 7< start the %oundation %or a su ess%ul relationshi$. Cheers! *a$a

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