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Secret files reveal US abuse of British detainee

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AFP/File Ethiopian born former terror suspect Binyam Mohamed is pictured in central London in August, 2 !" #he $ by %uy &ac'son %uy &ac'son & ' hr '( mins ago )*ND*N +,F%- & , .ormer British /uantanamo Ba0 inmate as shackled and arned he ould 1disappear1 i. he re.used to cooperate ith "S interrogators2 .ormerl0 secret government in.ormation sho ed3 #he in.ormation concerning the treatment o. Bin0am Mohamed as published in a seven4 paragraph summar0 a.ter Foreign Secretar0 David Miliband lost a court appeal to tr0 and prevent its disclosure3 #he redacted in.ormation concerns hat the 5I, told British intelligence o..icials about 1intervie s1 ith Mohamed in %akistan in 60062 t o 0ears be.ore he as taken to /uantanamo3 #he British government had arned that publishing the in.ormation ould damage its intelligence4sharing relationship ith the "nited States2 and on 7ednesda0 the 7hite 8ouse said it as 1e9tremel0 disappointed1 b0 the decision3 But 8igh 5ourt :udges ruled there as 1over helming1 public interest in publishing the material and that the risk to national securit0 as 1not a serious one13 #he :udges said the content o. the summar02 hich describes Mohamed;s treatment as 1cruel2 inhuman and degrading12 as alread0 in the public domain .ollo ing a decision in December b0 a "S court in another case3 #he summar0 released b0 the court said that 1at some stage during that .urther intervie process b0 the "nited States authorities2 BM had been intentionall0 sub:ected to continuous sleep deprivation31 1It as reported that combined ith the sleep deprivation2 threats and inducements ere made to him3 8is .ears o. being removed .rom "nited States custod0 and ;disappearing; ere pla0ed upon21 it said3

#he summar0 adds< 1It as reported that the stress brought about b0 these deliberate tactics as increased b0 him being shackled in his intervie s31 Miliband said ho ever that Britain had 1no in.ormation1 to corroborate Mohamed;s allegations that he had also been sub:ected to genital mutilation3 8e also disclosed that police ere investigating allegations o. criminal actions b0 a British o..icial linked to the case3 Ethiopian4born Mohamed2 ='2 had come to Britain in '>>? seeking as0lum3 8e as arrested in %akistan in 6006 hile tr0ing to return to Britain and spent nearl0 seven 0ears in "S custod0 or in countries taking part in the "S4run rendition programme o. terror suspects3 8e claims that in Morocco in 6006 he as @uestioned using in.ormation hich could onl0 have come .rom the British intelligence service3 ,.ter a length0 campaign b0 his supporters2 he became the .irst prisoner to be released .rom /uantanamo under %resident Barack *bama and returned to Britain in Februar0 last 0ear3 Miliband said he accepted the court;s :udgement2 but insisted that Britain;s intelligence4sharing relationship ith the "S had been at stake in the legal battle2 not the content o. the summar03 #he minister told la makers he had spoken to "S Secretar0 o. State 8illar0 5linton on #uesda02 and Britain ould ork ith "S o..icials to stud0 the implications o. the ruling 1in the light o. our shared goals and commitments31 #he 7hite 8ouse criticised the :udgment sa0ing the in.ormation had been shared 1in con.idence and ith certain e9pectations31 1,s e arned2 the court;s :udgment ill complicate the con.identialit0 o. our intelligence4 sharing relationship ith the "A2 and it ill have to .actor into our decision4making going .or ard21 said Ben )aBolt2 a spokesman .or %resident Barack *bama3!elated article<Disclosure ma0 a..ect intelligence sharing #he director o. !eprieve2 the campaign group hich has championed Mohamed;s case2 accused the government o. going to 1enormous lengths1 to prevent the disclosure o. 1this tin0 .raction1 o. Bin0am;s stor03 1#he0 still re.use to admit that he as abused21 said 5live Sta..ord Smith2 adding that the ne l0 released details 1are onl0 the tip o. the iceberg31

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