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HABIT OF COLLABORATION The ability to work effectively with others, while seeking and giving appropriate help.
Main Indicators peaks and listens at the appropriate ti!es Exceeds Proficient Always listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others in the gro"p. Tries to keep people working well together. The st"dent listens caref"lly and asks relevant follow*"p ("estions. 'o"tinely "ses ti!e well thro"gho"t the pro+ect to ens"re tasks get done on ti!e. ,ro"p does not have to ad+"st deadlines or work responsibilities. 'o"tinely provides "sef"l ideas when participating in the gro"p and.or in classroo! disc"ssion. A definite leader who contrib"tes a lot of effort. Always has a positive attit"de abo"t the task0s1. Never is p"blicly critical of the pro+ect or the work of others. Always listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together. Meets Proficient #s"ally listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others in the gro"p. $oes not ca"se %waves% in the gro"p. The st"dent listens caref"lly and asks general follow*"p ("estions. #s"ally "ses ti!e well thro"gho"t the pro+ect, b"t !ay have procrastinated on one task. ,ro"p does not have to ad+"st deadlines or work responsibilities. #s"ally provides "sef"l ideas when participating in the gro"p and.or in classroo! disc"ssion. A strong gro"p !e!ber who tries hard/ &ften has a positive attit"de abo"t the task0s1. 'arely is p"blicly critical of the pro+ect or the work of others. Approaching Proficient &ften listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others in the gro"p b"t so!eti!es is not a good tea! !e!ber. The st"dent rarely asks follow*"p ("estions. Not Approaching Proficient 'arely listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others in the gro"p. &ften is not a good tea! !e!ber. The st"dent did not ask any follow*"p ("estions.

Asks clarifying ("estions and restates others) ideas within the gro"p tays foc"sed on the gro"p and task and !eets all deadlines.

Tends to procrastinate, b"t always gets tasks done by the deadlines. ,ro"p does not have to ad+"st deadlines or work responsibilities. o!eti!es provides "sef"l ideas when participating in the gro"p and.or in classroo! disc"ssion. A satisfactory gro"p !e!ber. o!eti!es has a positive attit"de abo"t the task0s1. &ccasionally is p"blicly critical of the pro+ect or the work of other !e!bers of the gro"p. o!eti!es listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others, b"t so!eti!es is not a good tea! !e!ber.

'arely gets tasks done by the deadlines AN$ gro"p has to ad+"st deadlines or work responsibilities beca"se of inade("ate ti!e !anage!ent. 'arely provides "sef"l ideas when participating in the gro"p and.or in classroo! disc"ssion. May ref"se to participate. &ften has a negative attit"de abo"t the task0s1. &ften is p"blicly critical of the pro+ect or the work of other !e!bers of the gro"p. 'arely listens to, shares with, and s"pports the efforts of others. &ften is not a good tea! player.

-ontrib"tes an e("itable share of gro"p work

Enco"rages and appreciates the contrib"tions of others

Is willing to work well with anyone

#s"ally listens to, shares, with, and s"pports the efforts of others. $oes not ca"se %waves% in the gro"p.

HABIT OF CONNECTION The ability to identify significant relationships at work within any sit"ation, setting or syste!. Main Indicators Identifies i!portant ideas and details Explains connections -onnects ideas fro! !"ltiple disciplines Exceeds Proficient The thesis state!ent identifies the topic and o"tlines the !ain points to be addressed. All connections are clearly described with relevant details. trong interdisciplinary connection to core content classes. -onnections are clearly explained and enhances the prod"ct. t"dents create an original, acc"rate and interesting prod"ct that effectively addresses the iss"e. Meets Proficient The thesis state!ent identifies the topic. Most of the connections are described with relevant details. Interdisciplinary connection to core content classes. -onnections are explained and enhances the prod"ct. t"dents create a prod"ct that ade("ately addresses the iss"e. Approaching Proficient The thesis state!ent is not clear. Not Approaching Proficient There is no thesis state!ent.

Atte!pted to !ake No relevant connections connections with details. are !ade. Interdisciplinary connection to core content classes are li!ited and do not enhance the prod"ct. t"dents create a prod"ct b"t it does not ade("ately address the iss"e. No Interdisciplinary connection.

#ses skills and knowledge to address real*life sit"ations

The prod"ct is not acc"rate and does not address the iss"e.

HABIT OF EVIDENCE The ability to gather relevant infor!ation, +"dge the credibility of a so"rce, and test the validity of a clai!. Main Indicators
#ses evidence to effectively s"pport and.or co"nter an arg"!ent

Exceeds Proficient Incl"des 2 3 4 or !ore pieces of evidence that s"pport the position state!ent. The writer anticipates concerns, biases or arg"!ents and has provided at least 2 co"nter*arg"!ent. The evidence and exa!ples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence enhances the a"thor6s position. #ses 2 a!o"nt of different types of so"rces that s"pport the thesis. All so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts are credible. All so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts are cited correctly.

Meets Proficient Incl"des 2 or !ore pieces of evidence that s"pport the position state!ent and.or lacks co"nter arg"!ent.

Approaching Proficient Incl"des 2* 4 pieces of evidence that s"pport the position state!ent and.or lacks a co"nter arg"!ent.

Not Approaching Proficient Incl"des 2*5 or fewer pieces of evidence that s"pports the position state!ent and has no co"nter arg"!ent.

-ollects s"fficient evidence relevant to the topic

The evidence and exa!ples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence s"pports the a"thor6s position. #ses !"ltiple for!s of so"rces that s"pport the thesis. Most of the so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts are credible. Most so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts are cited correctly.

o!e of the pieces of evidence and exa!ples are relevant and has an explanation that shows how that piece of evidence s"pports the a"thor6s position. #ses non acade!ic so"rces to s"pport the thesis. o!e of the so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts are credible. o!e so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts cited correctly.

Evidence and exa!ples are N&T relevant AN$.&' are not explained.

#ses a variety of so"rces 0e.g. data, artifacts, text, interviews, observations, etc.1 #ses acc"rate and reliable so"rces

&nly "ses opinion based infor!ation.

-ites every so"rce acc"rately

None of the so"rces "sed for ("otes, statistics and facts are credible. o"rces are not cited correctly in M7A for!at.

HABIT OF EXPRESSION The ability to "se creative expression to co!!"nicate Main Indicators 8ork shows creativity Exceeds Proficient t"dent has applied the topic it in a way that is totally his.her own. The st"dent6s personality.voice and perspective is clearly evident. Ideas.tho"ghts and.or feelings evoke e!otion and are expressed in a clear and organi9ed fashion. 8ork reflects this st"dent6s best efforts. Meets Proficient The st"dent6s personality co!es thro"gh in parts of the task. Approaching Proficient There is little evidence of creativity, b"t the st"dent has done the task. Not Approaching Proficient t"dent has not atte!pted to !eet the re("ire!ents of the task.

8ork effectively co!!"nicates ideas, tho"ghts, and.or feelings 8ork shows greatest possible effort and attention to detail

Ideas.tho"ghts and.or feelings are expressed in a clear and organi9ed fashion. 8ork reflects a strong effort fro! this st"dent.

Ideas.tho"ghts and.or feelings are so!ewhat organi9ed and are not clear. 8ork reflects so!e effort fro! this st"dent.

Ideas.tho"ghts and.or feelings are disorgani9ed, and are not clear. 8ork reflects very little effort on the part of this st"dent.

HABIT OF PRESENTATION The ability to artic"late and defend one)s own thinking thro"gh diverse and appropriate !eans of co!!"nication. Main Indicators Effectively "ses eye contact, vol"!e, tone, and body lang"age Exceeds Proficient tands "p straight, is relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the roo! d"ring the presentation. :ol"!e is lo"d eno"gh to engage all a"dience !e!bers thro"gho"t the presentation. peaks clearly and distinctly all of the ti!e and prono"nces all key vocab"lary correctly. t"dent is able to acc"rately answer all ("estions posed by the a"dience. t"dent "ses !edia that shows considerable work.creativity and which !akes the presentation engaging. Meets Proficient tands "p straight and establishes eye contact with al!ost everyone in the roo! d"ring the presentation. :ol"!e is lo"d eno"gh to be heard by all a"dience !e!bers. peaks clearly and distinctly !ost of the ti!e, and "ses key vocab"lary acc"rately. t"dent is able to acc"rately answer !ost ("estions posed by the a"dience. t"dent "ses !edia that shows considerable work.creativity that contrib"tes to the presentation. Approaching Proficient o!eti!es stands "p straight and establishes so!e eye contact 0with the teacher1. :ol"!e is lo"d eno"gh to be heard by so!e of the a"dience !e!bers. peaks clearly and distinctly !ost of the ti!e. Mis"ses so!e words. t"dent is able to give basic answers posed by the a"dience. t"dent "ses !edia that does not necessarily contrib"te to the presentation. Not Approaching Proficient lo"ches and.or does not look at people d"ring the presentation. :ol"!e often too soft to be heard by all a"dience !e!bers.

peaks fl"idly

&ften !"!bles or can not be "nderstood &' !is"ses !"ltiples words. t"dent is "nable to answer ("estions posed by the a"dience. The st"dent does not "se !edia or it detracts fro! the presentation.

-hecks for "nderstanding and offers clarification #ses presentation !edia 0fil!, photograph, poster, perfor!ance, !odel, etc.1 effectively

HABIT OF REFLECTION The ability to think abo"t and eval"ate one)s own learning process, incl"ding acade!ic growth, personal growth, and goal setting. Main Indicators 8rites insightf"l reflections abo"t learning experiences Exceeds Proficient Meets Proficient Identifies and explains their strengths and stretches. Identifies and explains their strengths and stretches as they apply to the ;&M r"brics. t"dents create personal bench!arks with deadlines. Approaching Proficient Identifies their strengths and stretches. Identifies their strengths and stretches as they apply to the ;&M r"brics. t"dents create personal bench!arks. Not Approaching Proficient $oes not identify their strengths and stretches. $oes not identify their strengths and stretches as they apply to the ;&M r"brics. t"dents do not create personal bench!arks.

Identifies and explains their strengths and stretches with infor!ative details. #ses ;&M r"brics to Identifies and explains identify both acade!ic their strengths and and personal strengths stretches with and stretches infor!ative details as they apply to the ;&M r"brics. ets and tracks acade!ic t"dents create personal and personal goals bench!arks with deadlines that are consistently !et. #ses feedback fro! others to i!prove work Applies written and oral feedback to i!prove work and is able to apply the given infor!ation thro"gh o"t the task.

Applies written and oral feedback to i!prove work.

Applies written or oral feedback to i!prove so!e of the work.

$oes not apply feedback to i!prove work.

HABIT OF SERVICE TO THE COMMON GOOD The ability to recogni9e the effects of one)s actions "pon others, co!bined with the desire and co!!it!ent to !ake the co!!"nity and world a better place for all. Main Indicators Exceeds Proficient Meets Proficient Approaching Proficient Not Approaching Proficient Thinks abo"t the effects ;elping to pro!ote Artic"lates an Identifies possible $oes not recogni9e the of personal choices 0self, positive choices. "nderstanding of possible conse("ences of possible conse("ences others, environ!ent1 positive or negative personal choices. of personal choices. conse("ences of personal choices. $e!onstrates an Tho"ghtf"lly identifies Identifies barriers and Identifies barriers and $oes not identify "nderstanding of the relevant barriers and.or proble!s that need to proble!s within a barriers and proble!s needs of others within a proble!s that need to change within a co!!"nity. within a co!!"nity. co!!"nity change within a co!!"nity. co!!"nity. -reates a plan of action Identifies reasonable Identifies reasonable Atte!pts to identify $oes not identify to serve a co!!"nity and insightf"l sol"tions sol"tions or strategies to sol"tions or strategies to sol"tions or strategies to or strategies to enco"rage change. enco"rage change. enco"rage change. enco"rage change. -o!pletes a plan of -o!pletes an original, -o!pletes a prod"ct that -o!pletes a prod"ct $oes not co!pletes a action to serve a and interesting prod"ct effectively address the that address the iss"e. prod"ct that effectively co!!"nity that effectively address iss"e. address the iss"e. the iss"e.

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