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A Sourcebook on Allegations of Cooperation between Myanmar (Burma) and North Korea on Nuclear ro!

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Additional material for this sourcebook would be welcome. Please send it to

The items in the main section of this sourcebook are arranged in chronological order; supplementary material in Appendix A is arranged in inverse chronological order. Because of the alleged orth !orean connection" the sourcebook on the #sraeli strike against an alleged nuclear reactor in $yria" http%&& " should be consulted. This record is a partial e tract o! the ori"i#al cable. The !$ll te t o! the ori"i#al cable is #ot a%ailable. T$esda&' 20 (a#$ar& 2004' 0):44 *+,R+T RANGOON 000088 *-./-* NO0ORN +O 12)18 /+,2: 01/0)/2014 TAG* .GO3' .AR4' .R+2' 54' R*' 6*' 6N.. S.B/0C12 B.3MA2 3.M43S 45 C4NS13.C1-4N 45 A N.C60A3 30AC143 N0A3 M-NB. R+0: *TAT+ 2)7814 AN/ .R+3-O9* 0: RANGOON 1427 ,lassi!ied 5&: ,O4 ,arme# 4arti#e; !or Reaso#s 1.1 <5'/= 1. <*/N0= A# e patriate b$si#essma# >>>>>>>>>>>> rece#tl& %ol$#teered to a# +mbass& O!!icer that he had heard r$mors that a #$clear reactor was bei#" b$ilt #ear 4i#b$' i# ce#tral 4a"wa& /i%isio# o# the -rawadd& Ri%er. The b$si#essma# added that he perso#all& had see# a ?massi%e@ bar"e co#tai#i#" lar"eAsi;ed rebar bei#" $#loaded o# a trip to the area. A!ter aski#" local reside#ts abo$t the rebarBs p$rpose' he was told that similar si;e bar"e shipme#ts were arri%i#" almost weekl& a#d that the rebar was to be $sed i# the co#str$ctio# o! $##amed/$#ide#ti!ied !actories. -# the opi#io# o! the b$si#essma#' the C$a#tities i#%ol%ed as well as the diameter o! the rebar s$""ested a proDect lar"er tha# ?!actories.@ Alo#" these li#es' the b$si#essma# #oted that there was a #ew airport #ear 4i#b$ with a la#di#" strip that' based o# its le#"th a#d thick#ess' seemed e cessi%e' addi#" that ?&o$ co$ld la#d the space sh$ttle o# it.@ 2. <*/N0= ,omme#t: R$mors o! co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear !acilit& i#/#ear 4a"wa& /i%isio# date back to 2002 a#d "e#erall& re!er to alle"ed Go%erme#t o! 5$rma <GO5= a#d R$ssia# cooperatio# o# a #$clear research reactor proDect. *imilar r$mors' sa#s the ?R$ssia@ a#"le' ha%e bee# circ$lati#" with "reater !reC$e#c& withi# diplomatic a#d e patriate circles si#ce a No%ember 200: 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew <0++R= article which described si"#s o! "rowi#" militar& ties betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. Ehile we ha%e #o direct e%ide#ce o! this alle"ed cooperatio#' r$mors o! o#"oi#" co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear reactor are s$rprisi#"l& co#siste#t a#d obser%atio#s o! acti%it& s$ch as that described abo%e appear to be i#creasi#"' as are alle"ed si"hti#"s o! North 6orea# ?tech#icia#s@ i#side 5$rma. 4arti#e;
This record is a partial e tract o! the ori"i#al cable. The !$ll te t o! the ori"i#al cable is #ot a%ailable.

0rida&' 27 A$"$st 2004' 08:08 *+,R+T *+,T-ON 01 O0 02 RANGOON 001100 *-./-* +O 12)18 /+,2: 08/28/2014 TAG* .AR4' .-NR' .R+2' 6NN.' 54' 6N *95(+,T: A22+G+/ NORTF 6OR+AN -N3O23+4+NT -N 4-**-2+ A**+452G AN/ 9N/+RGRO9N/ 0A,-2-TG ,ON*TR9,T-ON -N 59R4A ,lassi!ied 5&: ,/A' A.-. RON 4,4922+N 0OR R+A*ON 1.1 <A/,=. 1. <*= *944ARG: North 6orea# workers are reportedl& assembli#" ?*A4 missiles@ a#d co#str$cti#" a# $#der"ro$#d !acilit& at a 5$rmese militar& site i# 4a"wa& /i%isio#' abo$t :11 miles NNE o! Ra#"oo#' accordi#" to >>>>>>>>>>>> . This $#solicited acco$#t sho$ld #ot be take# as a$thoritati%e' b$t it tracks with other i#!ormatio# "ar#ered a#d reported %ia >>>>>>>>>>>>. +#d *$mmar&. 2. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>> :. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>> some :00 North 6orea#s are worki#" at a secret co#str$ctio# site west o! 4imb$' 4a"wa& /i%isio#' i# the !oothills o! the Araka# Goma mo$#tai#s. <,omme#t: the #$mber o! North 6orea#s s$pposedl& worki#" at this site strikes $s as improbabl& hi"h. +#d comme#t.= The >>>>>>>>>>>> claims he has perso#all& see# some o! them' altho$"h he also reported the& are !orbidde# !rom lea%i#" the co#str$ctio# site a#d that he a#d other ?o$tsiders@ are prohibited !rom e#teri#". The >>>>>>>>>>>> was co#!ide#t that >>>>>>>>>>>> had the abilit& to disti#"$ish North 6orea#s !rom others' s$ch as ,hi#ese' who mi"ht be worki#" i# the area. The e act coordi#ates o! the camo$!la"ed site are #ot k#ow#' but it is reportedly in the 7icinity of #$*$$ N* (+*#, 08 '$ee Appendix ( of this sourcebook .) 4. <*= The North 6orea#s are said to be assembli#" ?*A4 missiles@ o! $#k#ow# ori"i#. >>>>>>>>>>>> the North 6orea#s' aided b& 5$rmese workers' are co#str$cti#" a co#creteArei#!orced $#der"ro$#d !acilit& that is ?100 !eet !rom the top o! the ca%e to the top o! the hill abo%e.@ Fe added that the North 6orea#s are ?blowi#" co#crete@ i#to the e ca%ated $#der"ro$#d !acilit&. 1. <*= The >>>>>>>>>>>> is s$pposedl& e#"a"ed i# co#str$cti#" b$ildi#"s !or 20 5$rmese arm& battalio#s that will be posted #ear the site. O! these' two battalio#s are to be i#!a#tr&H the other 18 will be ?artiller&'@ accordi#" to this acco$#t. 8. <*= I>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. <*= ,O44+NT: The I>>>>>>>>>>>> seco#dAha#d acco$#t o! North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t with missile assembl& a#d militar& co#str$ctio# i# 4a"wa& /i%isio# "e#erall& tracks with other i#!ormatio# +mbass& Ra#"oo# a#d others ha%e reported i# %ario$s cha##els. A"ai#' the #$mber :00 is m$ch hi"her tha# o$r best estimates o! North 6orea#s i# 5$rma' a#d e actl& how the >>>>>>>>>>>> alle"edl& came to see some o! them perso#all& remai#s $#clear. 4a#& details pro%ided >>>>>>>>>>>> match those pro%ided b& other' seemi#"l& $#related' so$rces. 8. <*= ,O44+NT ,ONT-N9+/: Ee ca##ot' a#d readers sho$ld #ot' co#sider this report alo#e to be de!i#iti%e proo! or e%ide#ce o! si;able North 6orea# militar& i#%ol%eme#t with the 5$rmese re"ime. The >>>>>>>>>>>> descriptio# made #o re!ere#ce at all to #$clear weapo#s or tech#olo"&' or to s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles' ballistic or otherwise. >>>>>>>>>>>> This acco$#t is perhaps best co#sidered alo#"side other i#!ormatio# o! %ario$s ori"i#s i#dicati#" the 5$rmese a#d North 6orea#s are $p to somethi#" = somethi#" o! a co%ert militar& or militar&A i#d$strial #at$re. + actl& what' a#d o# what scale' remai#s to be determi#ed. .ost will co#ti#$e to mo#itor these de%elopme#ts a#d report as warra#ted. 4c4$lle#


-s Myanmar going nuclear with North Korea9s help:

5& /+N-* /. GRAG The Associated .ress T$esda&' ($l& 21' 200) 12:4: .4 5ANG6O6 AA The rece#t aborted %o&a"e o! a North 6orea# ship' photo"raphs o! massi%e t$##els a#d a secret meeti#" ha%e raised co#cer# that o#e o! the worldJs poorest #atio#s ma& be aspiri#" to Doi# the #$clear cl$b A with help !rom its !rie#ds i# .&o#"&a#". No o#e e pects militar&Ar$# 4&a#mar' also k#ow# as 5$rma' to obtai# a# atomic bomb a#&time soo#' b$t e perts are closel& watchi#" the *o$theast Asia# #atio#. KThereJs s$spicio# that somethi#" is "oi#" o#' a#d i#creasi#"l& that cooperatio# with North 6orea ma& ha%e a #$clear $#derc$rre#t. Ee are %er& m$ch looki#" i#to it'K sa&s /a%id Albri"ht' preside#t o! the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' a Eashi#"to#' /.,. thi#k ta#k. The iss$e is e pected to be disc$ssed' at least o# the sideli#es' at this weekJs A*+AN Re"io#al 0or$m' a maDor sec$rit& co#!ere#ce hosted b& Thaila#d. 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& Rodham ,li#to#' alo#" with represe#tati%es !rom North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar' will atte#d. -# the Thai capital 5a#"ok o# T$esda&' ,li#to# did #ot re!er e plicitl& to a #$clear co##ectio# b$t hi"hli"hted the militar& relatio#ship betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea. KEe k#ow there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma which we take %er& serio$sl&'K ,li#to# said. 2ater' a se#ior admi#istratio# o!!icial said Eashi#"to# was co#cer#ed abo$t the possibilit& that North 6orea co$ld be cooperati#" with 4&a#mar o# a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' b$t he added 9.*. i#telli"e#ce i#!ormatio# o# this was i#complete. The o!!icial spoke o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit& beca$se o! the se#siti%e #at$re o! the matter. A#other admi#istratio# o!!icial' speaki#" $#der the same "ro$#d r$les' said o#e reaso# !or co#cer# o# the #$clear !ro#t is the e%ide#ce that North 6orea helped *&ria cla#desti#el& b$ild a #$clear reactor' which was destro&ed i# a# airstrike i# 2007 b& the -sraeli air !orce. -#ter#atio#al $#ease escalated rece#tl& whe# a North 6orea# !rei"hter' the 6a#" Nam -' headed toward 4&a#mar with $#disclosed car"o. *hadowed b& the 9.*. Na%&' it re%ersed co$rse a#d ret$r#ed home earlier this mo#th. -t is still #ot clear what was aboard. 9.*. a#d *o$th 6orea# o!!icials s$spected artiller& a#d other #o#A#$clear arms' b$t o#e *o$th 6orea# i#telli"e#ce e pert' citi#" satellite ima"er&' sa&s the shipJs missio# appeared to be related to a 4&a#mar #$clear pro"ram a#d also carried *c$dAt&pe missiles. The e pert' speaki#" o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit& beca$se o! the se#siti%it& o! the iss$e' said North 6orea is helpi#" 4&a#mar set $p $ra#i$m a#d #$clearArelated !acilities' echoi#" similar reports that ha%e lo#" circ$lated i# 4&a#marJs e ile comm$#it& a#d media. 4ea#while' (apa#ese police arrested a North 6orea# a#d two (apa#ese #atio#als last mo#th !or alle"edl& tr&i#" to e port a ma"#etic meas$ri#" de%ice to 4&a#mar that co$ld be $sed to de%elop missiles. A#d a rece#t report !rom Eashi#"to#Abased Radio 0ree Asia a#d 4&a#mar e ile media said se#ior 4&a#mar militar& o!!icers made a secret %isit late last &ear to North 6orea' where a# a"reeme#t was co#cl$ded !or "reatl& e pa#di#" cooperatio# to moder#i;e 4&a#marJs militar&' i#cl$di#" the co#str$ctio# o! $#der"ro$#d i#stallatio#s. The militar& pact report has &et to be co#!irmed.

-# ($#e' photo"raphs' %ideo a#d reports showed as ma#& as 800 t$##els' some o! them %ast' d$" i# 4&a#mar with North 6orea# assista#ce $#der a# operatio# codeA#amed KTortoise *hells.K The photos were reportedl& take# betwee# 200: a#d 2008. Thaila#dAbased a$thor 5ertil 2i#t#er is co#%i#ced o! the a$the#ticit& o! the photos' which he was the !irst to obtai#. Fowe%er' the p$rpose o! the t$##el #etworks' ma#& #ear the remote capital o! Na&p&itaw' remai#s $#k#ow#. KThere is #o do$bt that the 5$rmese "e#erals wo$ld like to ha%e a bomb so that the& co$ld challe#"e the America#s a#d the rest o! the world'K sa&s 2i#t#er' who has writte# books o# both 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea. K5$t the& m$st be decades awa& !rom acC$iri#" a#&thi#" that wo$ld e%e# remotel& resemble a# atomic bomb.K North 6oreaJs #$clear pro"ram has "i%e# it le%era"e a#d allowed the impo%erished co$#tr& to recei%e i#ter#atio#al aid i# ret$r# !or steps toward disma#tli#" its #$clear capabilities. 4&a#mar' also a poor #atio#' ma& also be seeki#" s$ch a #e"otiati#" tool. /a%id 4athieso# o! the New GorkAbased F$ma# Ri"hts Eatch' who mo#itors de%elopme#ts i# 4&a#mar' sa&s while thereJs #o !irm e%ide#ce the "e#erals are p$rs$i#" a #$clear weapo#s capabilit&' Ka swirl o! circ$msta#tial tre#ds i#dicates somethi#" i# the #$clear !ield is "oi#" o# that de!i#itel& warra#ts closer scr$ti#& b& the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&.K Albri"ht sa&s some o! the s$spicio# stems !rom North 6oreaJs #$clear cooperatio# with *&ria' which #ow possesses a reactor. *&ria had !irst approached the R$ssia#s' D$st as 4&a#mar did earlier' b$t both co$#tries were reDected' so the *&ria#s t$r#ed to .&o#"&a#" A a step 4&a#mar ma& also be taki#". *i#ce the earl& 2000s' disside#ts a#d de!ectors !rom 4&a#mar ha%e talked o! a K#$clear battalio#'K a# atomic KA&elar .roDectK worki#" o$t o! a dis"$ised !lo$r mill a#d two .akista#i scie#tists who !led to 4&a#mar !ollowi#" the *ept. 11 attacks pro%idi#" assista#ce. The& "a%e #o detailed e%ide#ce. Now a spokesma# !or the sel!Ast&led 4&a#mar "o%er#me#tAi#Ae ile' the Natio#al ,oalitio# Go%er#me#t o! the 9#io# o! 5$rma' sa&s accordi#" to people worki#" with the disside#t mo%eme#t i#side the 4&a#mar arm&' there are two hea%il& "$arded b$ildi#"s $#der co#str$ctio# Kto hold #$clear reactorsK i# ce#tral 4&a#mar. 3illa"ers i# the area ha%e bee# displaced' said spokesma# Li## 2i#. A#drew *elth o! A$straliaJs Gri!!ith 9#i%ersit&' who has mo#itored 4&a#marJs possible #$clear mo%es !or a decade' sa&s #o#e o! these reports has bee# s$bsta#tiated a#d calls the iss$e a# Ki#!ormatio# black hole.K Fe also sa&s Eester# "o%er#me#ts are ca$tio$s i# their assessme#ts' rememberi#" the i#telli"e#ce bl$#ders re"ardi#" s$spected weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# i# *addam F$ssei#Js -raC. A 9.*. *tate /epartme#t o!!icial' speaki#" o# c$stomar& r$les o! a#o#&mit&' said he wo$ld #ot comme#t o# i#telli"e#ceArelated matters s$ch as #$clear proli!eratio#. -# 2007' R$ssia si"#ed a# a"reeme#t to establish a #$clear st$dies ce#ter i# 4&a#mar' b$ild a 10Ame"awatt #$clear research reactor !or peace!$l p$rposes' a#d trai# se%eral h$#dred tech#icia#s i# its operatio#. Fowe%er' R$ssiaJs atomic a"e#c& Rosatom told The Associated .ress rece#tl& that Kthere has bee# #o mo%eme#t whatsoe%er o# this a"reeme#t with 5$rma e%er si#ce.K +%e# earlier' be!ore the militar& sei;ed power' 4&a#mar so$"ht to de%elop #$clear e#er"&' se#di#" ph&sicists to the 9#ited *tates a#d 5ritai# !or st$dies i# the 1)10s. The militar& "o%er#me#t established a /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& i# 2001 $#der 9 Tha$#"' a k#ow# propo#e#t o! #$clear tech#olo"& who heads the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&.

4&a#mar is a part& to the N$clear No#proli!eratio# Treat&' a#d $#der a sa!e"$ard a"reeme#t with the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' it is obli"ated to let the 9.N. watchdo" k#ow at least si mo#ths i# ad%a#ce o! operati#" a #$clear !acilit&' a"e#c& spokesma# A&ha# +%re#sel said. +%re#sel said the 3ie##aAbased -A+A has asked 4&a#mar to si"# a soAcalled Kadditio#al protocolK that wo$ld allow a"e#c& e perts to carr& o$t $#a##o$#ced i#spectio#s a#d lead to a broader !low o! i#!ormatio# abo$t 4&a#marJs #$clear acti%ities. The re"ime has remai#ed sile#t o# whate%er its pla#s ma& be. A 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t spokesma# did #ot respo#d to a# eAmail aski#" abo$t R$ssia# a#d North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t i# #$clear de%elopme#t. -# a rare comme#t !rom i#side 4&a#mar' ,ha# T$#' !ormer ambassador to North 6orea t$r#ed democrac& acti%ist' told the Thaila#dAbased -rrawadd& ma"a;i#e' KTo p$t it plai#l&: 5$rma wa#ts to "et the tech#olo"& to de%elop a #$clear bomb. KFowe%er' - ha%e to sa& that it is childish o! the 5$rmese "e#erals to dream abo$t acC$iri#" #$clear tech#olo"& si#ce the& ca#Jt e%e# pro%ide re"$lar electricit& i# 5$rma'K the 4&a#mar e ile p$blicatio# C$oted him last mo#th as sa&i#". *ome e perts thi#k the "e#erals ma& be bl$!!i#". K- wo$ld thi#k that itJs C$ite possible Ga#"o# wo$ld like to scare other co$#tries or ma& !eel that talki#" abo$t de%elopi#" #$clear tech#olo"ies will "i%e them more bar"ai#i#" clo$t'K said ,risti#aAAstrid Fa#sell at the ,ali!or#iaA based (ames 4arti# ,e#ter !or No#proli!eratio# *t$dies. KThis is #ot $#reaso#able' "i%e# the pa&o!!s North 6orea has "otte# !or its #$clear pro"ram.K AAA Associated .ress writers 6wa#"Atae 6im i# *eo$l' .a$li#e (eli#ek a#d 4att 2ee i# Eashi#"to#' ,aroli#e *ta$!!er i# 5a#"kok' Geor"e (ah# a#d Eilliam 6ole i# 3ie##a a#d Natali&a 3asil&e%a i# 4oscow co#trib$ted to this report.


Burma suspected of forming nuclear link with North Korea

($lia# 5or"er' diplomatic editor "$$k' T$esda& 21 ($l& 200) 18.00 5*T
Fillar& ,li#to# toda& e pressed co#cer# o%er militar& li#ks betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' a!ter e%ide#ce emer"ed that the 5$rmese D$#ta ma& be tr&i#" to acC$ire #$clear tech#olo"& !rom .&o#"&a#". + perts said there is #o proo! o! a 5$rmese #$clear pro"ramme b$t poi#ted to worr&i#" si"#s. The 5$rmese militar& has bee# doi#" b$si#ess with a North 6orea# compa#& that specialises i# #$clear tech#olo"&. The D$#ta has also made s$spicio$s p$rchases o! sophisticated d$alA$se eC$ipme#t. A North 6orea# ship s$spected o! headi#" to 5$rma with a# $#k#ow# car"o t$r#ed back a!ter bei#" shadowed b& America# warships earlier this mo#th. 0i#all&' reports ha%e emer"ed o! a secret %isit b& se#ior 5$rmese o!!icials to North 6orea late last &ear. KEe k#ow that there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& coAoperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take %er& serio$sl&'K ,li#to#' the 9* secretar& o! state' told Do$r#alists i# 5a#"kok. K-t wo$ld be destabilisi#" !or the re"io#. -t wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbo$rs.K /a%id Albri"ht' the head o! the Eashi#"to#Abased -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' which specialises i# mo#itori#" #$clear proli!eratio#' said: KThereJs #o hard e%ide#ce' D$st s$spicio#s ri"ht #ow. EeJre watchi#" it.K Albri"ht said o#e o! the pri#cipal ca$ses o! s$spicio# was the li#k betwee# the 5$rmese militar& a#d a North 6orea# !irm' Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" ,orp <N,G=' which is $#der 9N a#d 9* sa#ctio#s !or its role i# tradi#" i# #$clear tech#olo"&. N,G set $p a# o!!ice i# /amasc$s' a#d wester# o!!icials ha%e alle"ed the compa#& cha##elled eC$ipme#t a#d materials towards the co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear reactor i# *&ria which was destro&ed b& a# -sraeli air raid i# *eptember 2007. N,GJs chie! e ec$ti%e is G$# FoADi#' a #$clear e pert who was o#ce North 6oreaJs dele"ate to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&. Albri"ht said 5$rma had also attempted to acC$ire s$spicio$s tech#olo"&. KThis is hiAtech eC$ipme#t' capable o! maki#" %er& hi"h precisio# compo#e#ts. -t has other e#d $ses' b$t itJs hard to see wh& else 5$rma wo$ld be b$&i#" it'K he said. 2ast mo#th' (apa# arrested o#e North 6orea# a#d two (apa#ese b$si#essme# !or attempti#" to e port a ma"#etometer <a de%ice !or meas$ri#" ma"#etic !ields= to 5$rma. 4a"#etometers ca# be $sed i# archaeolo"& a#d "eoph&sics' b$t the& are also a critical compo#e#t i# missile "$ida#ce s&stems. Two &ears a"o' the 5$rmese D$#ta made a# o%ert attempt to be"i# a #$clear pro"ramme. -t si"#ed a# a"reeme#t with R$ssia# atomic a"e#c& Rosatom !or the co#str$ctio# o! a 10Ame"awatt research reactor' b$t the deal stalled' possibl& as a res$lt o! diplomatic press$re o# 4oscow. 9* o!!icials !ear 5$rma ma& ha%e decided to p$rs$e a co%ert ro$te thro$"h .&o#"&a#". +arlier this mo#th' a North 6orea# !rei"hter' the 6a#" Nam -' which had made pre%io$s trips to 5$rma' was shadowed at sea b& the 9* #a%& $#til it re%ersed co$rse. -t remai#s $#clear what its !rei"ht was' a#d 9* o!!icials were rel$cta#t to board it' !eari#" it mi"ht be a# empt& deco& desi"#ed to embarrass Eashi#"to#. The Associated .ress toda& C$oted a *o$th 6orea# i#telli"e#ce e pert as sa&i#" satellite ima"es s$""ested the 6a#" Nam - was carr&i#" eC$ipme#t !or a #$clear pro"ramme a#d *c$dAt&pe missiles. Rece#t reports i# 5$rmese e ile media ha%e spoke# o! a militar& pact late last &ear betwee# the two co$#tries' i#cl$di#" the co#str$ctio# o! $#der"ro$#d i#stallatio#s' b$t the e iste#ce o! s$ch a pact has &et to be p$blicl& co#!irmed.


1ownter7iew ;osted by Suttichai <oon and "eenarat 6aohapakakul of =orld Beat

Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# *ecretar& o! *tate .h&a Thai .alace 5a#"kok' ' Thaila#d ($l& 22' 200) I+>,+R.TM N9+*T-ON: Ehat do &o$ thi#k is the bi""est threat to peace i# the re"io# at this mome#tO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Eell' the threat that - alwa&s worr& abo$t !irst a#d !oremost is the proli!eratio# o! #$clear weapo#s a#d weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#. Ob%io$sl&' weBre %er& co#cer#ed abo$t North 6orea a#d rece#t reports abo$t perhaps their deali#"s with what we call 5$rma' a#d the P N9+*T-ON: Go$ re!$se to call it 4&a#mar. *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Ee do. Ee do. Ee wo$ld like to see a democrac& make decisio#s abo$t the !$t$re o! a co$#tr&' a#d that has#Bt &et come to pass. *o we are %er& stro#"l& i# !a%or o! p$tti#" press$re o# that "o%er#me#t' tr&i#" to make it clear that the !$t$re does#Bt lie with those who wo$ld tr& to oppress their people a#d limit the opport$#ities to a %er& small r$li#" "ro$p. That is #ot i# the i#terest o! the people o! 5$rma or people a#&where. *o we worr& abo$t the tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& a#d other da#"ero$s weapo#s. N9+*T-ON: 0rom North 6orea' &o$ mea#. *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Ee do' !rom North 6orea' &es. N9+*T-ON: To 5$rmaO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: To 5$rma' &es. N9+*T-ON: *o &o$Bre co#cer#ed abo$t the tie P the closer ties betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rmaO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Ges' &es. N9+*T-ON: Fow serio$s are &o$ !oc$si#" o# thatO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Eell' weBre "oi#" to e plore that i# .h$ket' i# talki#" to all the other !orei"# mi#isters who are there. Ee wa#t to tr& to !oc$s atte#tio# b& co$#tries that ha%e a direct relatio#ship or share a border' as Thaila#d does' so that there ca# be a $#ited !ro#t a"ai#st that e%er happe#i#". -Bm #ot sa&i#" it is happe#i#"' b$t we wa#t to be prepared to tr& to sta#d a"ai#st it.

N9+*T-ON: North 6orea is the mai# !oc$s o! &o$r talks this time. Fow serio$s is North 6oreaBs threat to 9#ited *tatesO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: -tBs #ot a serio$s threat to the 9#ited *tates. At this time' its weapo#s capacit& a#d tech#olo"ical pro"ress is #ot a threat to $s. 5$t it is a threat to other o! o$r allies i! it co#ti#$es' a#d it is a threat to !$rther destabili;atio# i# +ast Asia' a#d partic$larl& Northeast Asia. EeBll be talki#" abo$t ma#& importa#t iss$es here at the A*+AN meeti#". -Bm %er& pro$d that we will P - will be si"#i#"' o# behal! o! m& co$#tr&' the Treat& o! Am#est& a#d ,ooperatio#. O! co$rse' the work o! A*+AN is D$st be"i##i#" to e plore other areas. There was the !irst e%er Doi#t e ercise i# the .hilippi#es to tr& to do better o# disaster assista#ce. *o we ha%e a !$ll a"e#da. 5$t o! co$rse' the beha%ior a#d pro%ocati%e actio#s o! the North 6orea#s raise iss$es' beca$se' !or e ample' i! North 6orea p$rs$es this #$clear pro"ram' other co$#tries are "oi#" to !eel' o$t o! their ow# sel!Ade!e#se' a #ecessit& that the& m$st also. That prod$ces a chai# reactio#. -tBs o#e o! the reaso#s wh& i# a#other part o! the world weBre %er& co#cer#ed abo$t -ra#. -! -ra# acC$ires a #$clear weapo# the# other co$#tries i# the 4iddle +ast are "oi#" to thi#k' well' the& ha%e to ha%e o#e too. A#d prett& soo#' &o$ ha%e so ma#& #$clear weapo#s' a#d #ot D$st i# the ha#ds o! states' b$t also #o#Astate actors. A#d North 6orea has bee# a #otorio$s proli!erator o! #$clear tech#olo"&. Ee k#ow that. *o we wa#t to co#ti#$e to p$t the press$re. A#d - m$st sa&' -Bm %er& "rati!ied that weB%e had a $#ited !ro#t i# Asia comi#" to"ether i# the 9#ited Natio#s' passi#" a *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio# with real teeth to tr& to "o a!ter all o! the di!!ere#t i#stit$tio#s a#d i#di%id$als that are part o! the proli!eratio# #etwork withi# North 6orea a#d that s$pports it o$tside. *o - thi#k weBre maki#" pro"ress i# creati#" a %er& stro#" respo#se to North 6orea.$/world/b$rma 201)sA#$clearAsecretsA200)07:1Ae4!%.html

Burma>s nuclear secrets

A$"$st 1' 200)
-s 5$rma prepari#" to b$ild a #$clear arse#alO Two &ears o! i#ter%iews with de!ectors ha%e pers$aded two A$stralia# i#%esti"ators' /esmo#d 5all a#d .hil Thor#to#' there is more to the claim tha# "lobal scepticism s$""ests. A 0+E &ears back' a para#oid militar& re"ime packed $p 5$rmaBs capital a#d shi!ted it #orth a !ew h$#dred kilometres. Ra#"oo#' it seems' simpl& was#Bt sa!e e#o$"h a#& more. The "e#eralsB #ew home was to be k#ow# as the Abode o! 6i#"sH more commo#l& as Na&p&idaw. A cit& rose !rom the tropical plai#s with shi#& b$ildi#"s a#d slick roadwa&s P a stra#"e priorit& i# a co$#tr& s$!!eri#" chro#ic po%ert& a#d a health s&stem at the bottom o! world ra#ki#"s. Now' a !resh C$estio# ha#"s o%er the "oals o! 5$rmese r$lers. ,o$ld this D$#taBs priorities be so skewed as to embark $po# co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear arse#alO A#d mi"ht it ha%e reached o$t !or help to a#other para#oid re"ime' North 6oreaO /esmo#d 5all a#d .hil Thor#to# are co#%i#ced this is a "e#$i#e threat. The& ha%e spe#t two &ears o# the 5$rmese border' i#ter%iewi#" de!ectors who claim to k#ow the re"imeBs pla#s. The testimo#& o! two 5$rmese me# i# partic$lar has ca$sed 5all a#d Thor#to# to co#!ro#t their ow# deep scepticism abo$t the claims. Theirs mi"ht seem a# $#likel& collaboratio# P 5all' a pro!essor o! strate"ic st$dies at AN9 with a deep i#terest i# #$clear tech#olo"&' a#d Thor#to#' a !reela#ce Do$r#alist based i# Thaila#d. 5$t their report o# the two de!ectorsB claims adds to mo$#ti#" P albeit sketch& P e%ide#ce that 5$rma ma& be chasi#" the bomb. There ha%e bee# hi#ts 5$rma aspires to a #$clear pro"ram. Ehat is $#certai# is the e te#t a#d i#te#t. R$mo$rs ha%e swirled aro$#d re!$"ee circles o$tside 5$rma abo$t secret militar& i#stallatio#s' t$##els d$" i#to the mo$#tai#s to hide #$clear !acilities' the establishme#t o! a QQ#$clear battalio#BB i# the arm& a#d work do#e b& !orei"# scie#tists. 5$t o#e de!ector P k#ow# as 4oe (o to protect his ide#tit& P "i%es the claims added wei"ht. Fe war#ed o! the re"ime ha%i#" a ha#d!$l o! bombs read& b& 2020. 4oe (o escaped 5$rmese arm& ser%ice a#d !led to Thaila#d. 5all a#d Thor#to# met with him i# di#"& rooms a#d sa!eho$ses. QQFis ha#ds shook a#d he worried abo$t what price his !amil& wo$ld ha%e to pa& !or his actio#s'BB the& write. QQ5e!ore reDecti#" his co$#tr&Bs #$clear pla#s' 4oe (o was a# o!!icer with 10 &earsB e emplar& arm& ser%ice. A !ormer "rad$ate o! 5$rmaBs presti"io$s /e!e#ce *er%ices Academ&' he specialised i# comp$ter scie#ce.BB 4oe (oe said the re"ime se#t him to 4oscow i# 200: to st$d& e#"i#eeri#". Fe was i# a seco#d batch o! trai#ees to be se#t to R$ssia as part o! e!!ort to e%e#t$all& trai# 1000 perso##el to r$# 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram. 5e!ore lea%i#"' he was told he wo$ld be assi"#ed to a special #$clear battalio#. QQGo$ do#Bt #eed 1000 people i# the !$el c&cle or to r$# a #$clear reactor'BB said 4oe (oe. QQ-tBs ob%io$s there is m$ch more "oi#" o#.BB

Ee k#ew R$ssia a"reed i# pri#ciple to sell 5$rma a small #$clear pla#t P a li"ht water reactor P a#d to trai# abo$t :00 5$rmese scie#tists to r$# the site. The stated reaso# is !or research p$rposes' speci!icall& to prod$ce medical isotopes. -# disp$te is whether the R$ssia# reactor wo$ld be lar"e e#o$"h to be di%erted to prod$ce e#riched $ra#i$m or pl$to#i$m !or a #$clear weapo#. 9s$all& a hea%& water reactor is #eeded to achie%e this' b$t perhaps #ot with North 6orea# help. 5all a#d Thor#to# write: QQAs North 6orea has show# with their Ili"ht waterM reactor' it ma& be slow a#d more comple ' b$t it is capable.BB 4oe (o alle"ed a seco#d' secret reactor o! abo$t the same si;e as the R$ssia# pla#t had bee# b$ilt at comple called Na$#" 2ai#". Fe said that the arm& pla##ed a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" s&stem there a#d that R$ssia# e perts were o# site to show how it was do#e. .art o! the 5$rmese arm&Bs #$clear battalio# was statio#ed i# a local %illa"e to work o# a weapo#. Fe said that a# operatio#s area was b$ried i# the #earb& *etkha&a 4o$#tai#s' a setA$p i#cl$di#" e#"i#eers' artiller& a#d comm$#icatio#s to act as comma#d a#d co#trol ce#tre !or the #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. QQ-# the e%e#t that the testimo#ies o! the de!ectors are pro%ed' the alle"ed QsecretB reactor co$ld be capable o! bei#" operatio#al a#d prod$ci#" a bomb a &ear' e%er& &ear' a!ter 2014'BB write 5all a#d Thor#to#. ,laims o! this t&pe ha%e stirred serio$s o!!icial co#cer#s. The 9* *ecretar& o! *tate' Fillar& ,li#to#' Do$r#e&ed to Thaila#d !or a re"io#al sec$rit& meeti#" last mo#th a#d directl& raised the iss$e. QQEe k#ow that there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& coAoperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take %er& serio$sl&'BB she said. The $#ease escalated whe# a North 6orea# !rei"hter' the 6a#" Nam -' steamed towards 5$rma last mo#th carr&i#" $#disclosed car"o. A *o$th 6orea# i#telli"e#ce e pert' C$oted a#o#&mo$sl&' claimed satellite ima"er& showed the ship was part o! cla#desti#e #$clear tra#s!er a#d also carried lo#"Ara#"e missiles. *hadowed b& the 9* Na%&' the %essel e%e#t$all& t$r#ed aro$#d a#d ret$r#ed home. (apa#ese police also rece#tl& ca$"ht a North 6orea# a#d two (apa#ese #atio#als alle"edl& tr&i#" to e port a ma"#etic meas$ri#" de%ice to 5$rma that co$ld be $sed to de%elop missiles. 5$t it was what ,li#to# said d$ri#" a tele%isio# i#ter%iew i# 5a#"kok the #e t da& that raised most e&ebrows. 0or the !irst time' a se#ior Ehite Fo$se o!!icial ope#l& spec$lated o# the prospect o! #$clear coAoperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. ,li#to#: QQEe worr& abo$t the tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& a#d other da#"ero$s weapo#s.BB N$estio#: QQ0rom North 6orea' &o$ mea#OBB ,li#to#: QQEe do' !rom North 6orea' &es.BB N: QQTo 5$rmaOBB ,li#to#: QQTo 5$rma' &es.BB N: QQ*o &o$Bre co#cer#ed abo$t the tie P the closer ties betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rmaOBB ,li#to#: QQGes' &es.BB

5$t there are ma#& do$bts o%er how !ar 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime has ad%a#ced its #$clear aspiratio#. 5all a#d Thor#to# sa& a re"io#al sec$rit& o!!icer told them the Na$#" 2ai#" operatio# was a deco& to distract people !rom the tr$e site o! the reactor. QQ5e!ore it was a hea%il& "$arded Q#o "oA;o#eB. Now &o$ ca# dri%e ri"ht $p to the b$ildi#"s. 3illa"ers are allowed to "row crops a"ai#.BB The sec$rit& o!!icer said the R$ssia#As$pplied reactor was located i# the 4&ai#" area. To add to the co#!$sio#' there are do$bts o%er the e iste#ce o! the R$ssia# reactor. QQ-Bm s$re the R$ssia# reactor has #ot bee# b$ilt alread&'BB sa&s 4ark 0it;patrick' a se#ior !ellow at the -#ter#atio#al -#stit$te !or *trate"ic *t$dies a#d a 5$rma watcher o%er most o! the past decade. Fe will soo# ha%e a book p$blished o# #$clear pla#s across *o$thA+ast Asia. Fe sees QQ#othi#" alarmi#"BB i# the prospecti%e R$ssia# deal P R$ssia is a si"#ator& to the #$clear #o#A proli!eratio# treat& which "o%er#s the e port o! ci%ilia# #$clear tech#olo"& P a#d do$bts 4oscow wo$ld hide a reactor. Nor has the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& raised C$estio#s abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. 5$t 0it;patrick is sceptical abo$t the stated reaso#s o!!ered b& 5$rmaBs r$lers to e plai# their i#terest i# #$clear tech#olo"&' whether !or research or power "e#eratio#. QQThe most lo"ical e pla#atio# !or this i#terest i# research is a presti"e !actor'BB he sa&s. 5$rma wa#ts to demo#strate a le%el o! tech#olo"& e pertise a#d perhaps also deliberatel& raise do$bts o%er its #$clear capabilit&. Fa%i#" the bomb' a!ter all' is a power militar& deterre#t a"ai#st !orei"# attack.BB O! the de!ectorsB claims' he sa&s: QQ-B%e heard these reports a#d - pa& atte#tio# to them' a#d the& sho$ld#Bt be dismissed o$t o! ha#d.BB North 6orea is willi#" to sell a#&thi#" to a#&o#e' he sa&s' a#d poi#ts to rece#t e%ide#ce that .&o#"&a#" secretl& sold a #$clear reactor to *&ria. 5all a#d Thor#to# add to the m&ster& b& reporti#" the testimo#& o! a#other de!ector the& call Ti# 4i#. Fe claimed to ha%e worked as a bookkeeper !or a t&coo# closel& li#ked to the 5$rmese militar& re"ime' whose compa#& had s$pposedl& or"a#ised #$clear co#tracts with R$ssia a#d North 6orea. The deal with North 6orea o# #$clear coAoperatio# s$pposedl& dates back #i#e &ears' co%eri#" co#str$ctio# a#d mai#te#a#ce o! #$clear !acilities. QQTi# 4i# spoke e celle#t +#"lish a#d prese#ted his reports to $s with a to$ch o! sel!Aimporta#ce'BB write 5all a#d Thor#to#. QQTi# 4i# had "ood reaso# to k#ow what it was like to !eel importa#tH be!ore de!ecti#"' he had scaled the hei"hts o! his co$#tr&Bs hi"h societ& a#d had reaped the be#e!its o! that positio#.BB Ti# 4i# dismissed the re"imeBs ratio#ale !or reC$iri#" #$clear tech#olo"&. QQThe& sa& itBs to prod$ce medical isotopes !or health p$rposes i# hospitals. Fow ma#& hospitals i# 5$rma ha%e #$clear scie#ceO 5$rma ca# barel& "et electricit& $p a#d r$##i#". -tBs a #o#se#se.BB Fe claimed his boss o#ce told him o! the re"imeBs #$clear dreams. QQThe&Bre aware the& ca##ot compete with Thaila#d with co#%e#tio#al weapo#s. The& wa#t to pla& power like North 6orea. The& hope to combi#e the #$clear a#d air de!e#ce missiles.BB Fe said the #$clear pro"ram was k#ow# as 908 .roDect a#d was r$# b& the se#ior "e#eral 4a$#" A&e. 5all a#d Thor#to# co#cl$de the #$clear coAoperatio# is based o# a trade o! locall& re!i#ed $ra#i$m !rom 5$rma to North 6orea i# ret$r# !or tech#olo"ical e pertise. Ti# 4i# claimed his boss co#trolled m$ch o! the shippi#" i# a#d o$t o! 5$rma a#d co$ld or"a#ise the tra#sport o! eC$ipme#t to #$clear sites !rom the port at Ra#"oo#. QQFe arra#"es !or arm& tr$cks to pick $p the co#tai#ers o! eC$ipme#t !rom the North 6orea# boats that arri%e i# Ra#"oo# a#d tra#sport them at #i"ht b& hi"hwa& to the ri%er or direct to the sites.BB

Fe also claimed to ha%e paid a co#str$ctio# compa#& i# abo$t 2004 to b$ild a t$##el i# a mo$#tai# at Na$#" 2ai#" wide e#o$"h !or two lar"e tr$cks to pass each other. 5$t his stor& ca##ot be !$rther tested. Ti# 4i# died late last &ear. There are ob%io$s da#"ers o! rel&i#" o# the testimo#& o! QQde!ectorsBB. The people "i%i#" e%ide#ce ma& ha%e $lterior moti%es' as 5all a#d Thor#to# reco"#ise' a#d the re"ime is #ot sh& at dissemi#ati#" !alse i#!ormatio#. A#drew *elth !rom Gri!!ith 9#i%ersit&' a !ormer se#ior i#telli"e#ce a#al&st a#d a# e perie#ced 5$rma watcher' remai#s s$spicio$s. QQ9#dersta#dabl&'BB he rece#tl& wrote !or the 2ow& -#stit$te' QQ!orei"# o!!icials looki#" at these matters are bei#" %er& ca$tio$s. No o#e wa#ts a repetitio# o! the mistakes which preceded the last -raC war' either i# $#derestimati#" a co$#tr&Bs capabilities' or b& "i%i#" too m$ch credibilit& to a !ew $#tested i#telli"e#ce so$rces. QQThere has alwa&s bee# a lot o! smoke s$rro$#di#" 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. O%er the past &ear or so' the amo$#t o! smoke has i#creased' b$t still #o o#e seems to k#ow whether or #ot it hides a real !ire.BB ,o#cer# is #ot "oi#" awa&' howe%er. The most rece#t editio# o! 9* 0orei"# .olic& ma"a;i#e compared claims s$rro$#di#" 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram to 1)10s leaks abo$t -srael ha%i#" a secret #$clear site i# the desert. *imilar do$bts held !or claims abo$t -#dia a#d .akista#. All three co$#tries ha%e si#ce tested the bomb. 5all a#d Thor#to# are co#%i#ced the world m$st !ace $p to some $#com!ortable possibilities. QQAccordi#" to all the milesto#es ide#ti!ied b& the de!ectors' 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram is o# sched$le. -t is !easible a#d achie%able. 9#!ort$#atel&' it is #ot as bi;arre or ridic$lo$s as ma#& people wo$ld like to thi#k. 5$rmaBs re"io#al #ei"hbo$rs #eed to watch care!$ll&.BB Additio#al reporti#" b& /a#iel 0litto#


Burma9s nuclear secrets

*&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald 01 A$" 200) To add to the co#!$sio#' there are do$bts o%er the e iste#ce o! the R$ssia# reactor. K-Jm s$re the R$ssia# reactor has #ot bee# b$ilt alread&'K sa&s 4ark 0it;patrick' a se#ior !ellow at the -#ter#atio#al -#stit$te !or *trate"ic *t$dies a#d a 5$rma watcher o%er most o! the past decade. Fe will soo# ha%e a book p$blished o# #$clear pla#s across *o$thA+ast Asia. Fe sees K#othi#" alarmi#"K i# the prospecti%e R$ssia# deal KR$ssia is a si"#ator& to the #$clear #o#A proli!eratio# treat& which "o%er#s the e port o! ci%ilia# #$clear tech#olo"&K a#d do$bts 4oscow wo$ld hide a reactor. Nor has the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& raised C$estio#s abo$t 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s. 5$t 0it;patrick is sceptical abo$t the stated reaso#s o!!ered b& 5$rmaJs r$lers to e plai# their i#terest i# #$clear tech#olo"&' whether !or research or power "e#eratio#. KThe most lo"ical e pla#atio# !or this i#terest i# research is a presti"e !actor'K he sa&s. 5$rma wa#ts to demo#strate a le%el o! tech#olo"& e pertise a#d perhaps also deliberatel& raise do$bts o%er its #$clear capabilit&. Fa%i#" the bomb' a!ter all' is a power militar& deterre#t a"ai#st !orei"# attack.K O! the de!ectorsJ claims' he sa&s: K-J%e heard these reports a#d - pa& atte#tio# to them' a#d the& sho$ld#Jt be dismissed o$t o! ha#d.K North 6orea is willi#" to sell a#&thi#" to a#&o#e' he sa&s' a#d poi#ts to rece#t e%ide#ce that .&o#"&a#" secretl& sold a #$clear reactor to *&ria.

http://!r.kiosko.#et/a$/200)A08A01/#p/s&d#e&Rmor#i#"Rherald.html$/world/re%ealedAb$rma 201)sA#$clearAbombshellA200)07:1Ae4!w.html

3e7ealed2 Burma>s nuclear bombshell

Famish 4c/o#ald AsiaA.aci!ic +ditor A$"$st 1' 200) A 12:11A4 59R4ABs isolated militar& D$#ta is b$ildi#" a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m e tractio# !acilities with North 6orea# help' with the aim o! acC$iri#" its !irst #$clear bomb i# !i%e &ears' accordi#" to e%ide#ce !rom ke& de!ectors re%ealed i# a# e cl$si%e Ferald report toda&. The secret comple ' m$ch o! it i# ca%es t$##elled i#to a mo$#tai# at Na$#" 2ai#" i# #orther# 5$rma' r$#s parallel to a ci%ilia# reactor bei#" b$ilt at a#other site b& R$ssia that both the R$ssia#s a#d 5$rmese sa& will be p$t $#der i#ter#atio#al sa!e"$ards. Two de!ectors were e te#si%el& i#ter%iewed separatel& o%er the past two &ears i# Thaila#d b& the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit& strate"ic e pert /esmo#d 5all a#d a ThaiAbased -rishAA$stralia# Do$r#alist' .hil Thor#to#' who has !ollowed 5$rma !or &ears. O#e was a# o!!icer with a secret #$clear battalio# i# the 5$rmese arm& who was se#t to 4oscow !or two &earsB trai#i#"H the other was a !ormer e ec$ti%e o! the leadi#" re"ime b$si#ess part#er' Ftoo Tradi#"' who ha#dled #$clear co#tracts with R$ssia a#d North 6orea.

Their detailed testimo#& bri#"s i#to sharp !oc$s the hi#ts emer"i#" rece#tl& !rom other de!ector acco$#ts a#d si"hti#"s o! North 6orea# dele"atio#s that the 5$rmese D$#ta' $#der "rowi#" press$re to democratise' is seeki#" a deterre#t to a#& !orei"# QQre"ime cha#"eBB. Their stor& will ri#" alarm bells across Asia. QQThe e%ide#ce is prelimi#ar& a#d #eeds to be %eri!ied' b$t this is somethi#" that wo$ld completel& cha#"e the re"io#al sec$rit& stat$s C$o'BB said Thiti#a# .o#"s$dhirak' the head o! Thaila#dBs -#stit$te o! *ec$rit& a#d -#ter#atio#al *t$dies' &esterda&. QQ-t wo$ld mo%e 4&a#mar I5$rmaM !rom #ot D$st bei#" a pariah state' b$t a ro"$e state P that is' o#e that Deopardises the sec$rit& a#d wellbei#" o! its immediate #ei"hbo$rs.BB Eashi#"to# is i#creasi#"l& co#cer#ed that 5$rma is the mai# #$clear proli!eratio# threat !rom North 6orea' a!ter -srael destro&ed i# *eptember 2007 a reactor the North 6orea#s were appare#tl& b$ildi#" i# *&ria. .ro!essor 5all said a#other 4oscowAtrai#ed 5$rmese arm& de!ector was picked $p b& 9* i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies earl& last &ear. *ome weeks later' 5$rma protested to Thaila#d abo$t o%er!li"hts b& $#ma##ed s$r%eilla#ce dro#es that were appare#tl& la$#ched across Thai territor& b& 9* a"e#cies. These wo$ld ha%e &ielded lowAle%el photo"raphs a#d air samples' i# additio# to satellite ima"er&. At a meeti#" with Asia# leaders' i#cl$di#" some !rom 5$rma a#d North 6orea' i# Thaila#d last week' the 9* *ecretar& o! *tate' Fillar& ,li#to#' a#d other !orei"# mi#isters wo# promises !rom the 5$rmese the& wo$ld adhere to 9#ited Natio#s sa#ctio#s o# North 6orea# #$clear a#d missile e ports. ,hi#a a#d other Asia# #atio#s had rece#tl& helped pers$ade Ra#"oo# to t$r# back a North 6orea# !rei"hter' the Nam 6am 1' that was bei#" shadowed b& 9* warships o# its wa& to 5$rma with a# $#k#ow# car"o. A mo#th a"o' (apa#ese police arrested a North 6orea# a#d two (apa#ese !or alle"edl& tr&i#" to e port ille"all& to 5$rma a ma"#etic meas$ri#" de%ice that co$ld be $sed to de%elop missiles. .ro!essor 5all' who has st$died the 5$rmese militar& !or se%eral &ears' said the e%ide#ce !rom two wellAplaced so$rces dema#ded closer st$d&: QQAll we ca# sa& is these two "$&s #e%er met $p with each other' #e%er k#ew o! each otherBs e iste#ce' a#d &et the& both tell the same stor& basicall&. QQ-! it was D$st the R$ssia# reactor' $#der !$ll -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& s$per%isio#' which the R$ssia#s keep i#sisti#" is their polic& a#d the 5$rmese ma& ha%e a"reed to with that reactor' the# the likelihood o! them bei#" able to do somethi#" with it i# terms o! prod$ci#" !issio#able !$el a#d desi"#i#" a bomb wo$ld be ;ero. QQ-Bd be more worried abo$t a meltdow# like ,her#ob&l S -tBs the North 6orea# eleme#t which adds the da#"er to it.BB North 6oreaBs i#terest co$ld be a combi#atio# o! sec$ri#" a s$ppl& o! $ra#i$m !rom 5$rmaBs pro%e# reser%es' ear#i#" hard c$rre#c&' a#d keepi#" its pl$to#i$m e tractio# skills ali%e i# case it a"rees to !$ll& disma#tle its ow# Go#"b&o# #$clear comple . QQ/o the& wa#t a#other so$rce o! !issio#able pl$to#i$m 2:) to s$ppleme#t what the& "et !rom their Go#"b&o# reactorOBB .ro!essor 5all said.

[deletia] [deletia]

? miles 0N0 of Myamyo8 1he two 7illages are presumably Nuang 6aing and <wa'thit8 A new large building is on the eastern side of the image8

@etail showing new large building* access road and possible power line

Closer 7iew of new large building in imagery of #$$,'%$'##8 .sing the Aoogle 0arth ruler* the building seems to be in plan a sBuare about ?$ meters on a side8"$rmaA2014A#$kesAtar"et 3eport re7eals Burma9s #$%+ nukes target -N"0S1-AA1-4N -@0N1-5-0S 9S0C3019 M-6-1A3< 30AC143 S-10 B.-61 B< N8 K430A .$blished: 2/08/200) at 12:00 A4

5$rma is b$ildi#" a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m !acilities with the help o! North 6orea a#d aims to ha%e a #$clear bomb i# !i%e &ears' accordi#" to a twoA&ear i#%esti"ati%e report. The i#%esti"atio#' co#d$cted b& re"io#al sec$rit& e pert /r /esmo#d 5all a#d 4ae *otAbased Do$r#alist .hil Thor#to#' is based o# radio i#tercepts a#d i#ter%iews with two de!ectors close to the cla#desti#e operatio# code#amed JJThe 908JJ proDect. O#e o! the de!ectors' ide#ti!ied as JJ4oe (oJJ' was a !ormer militar& o!!icer se#t to R$ssia as part o! 5$rmaJs JJ#$clear battalio#JJ pro"ramme to trai# 1'000 people. The other' JJTi# 4i#JJ' worked as a bookkeeper !or a b$si#essma# close to the D$#ta. Accordi#" to the report' p$blished i# !$ll i# toda&Js editio# o! *pectr$m' 5$rma has 10 $ra#i$m mi#es' two $ra#i$m re!i#eries a#d two #$clear reactor sites.

The 4&ai#" ci%il reactor site is located i# 4a"we i# the lower ce#tral part o! the co$#tr&. The seco#d JJsecretJJ' or militar&' site was b$ilt i#side the smallest o! three mo$#tai#s b& North 6orea#s at Na$#" 2ai#" a#d ho$ses a 10Ame"awatt li"htAwater research reactor. Ti# 4i# said 5$rmaJs ratio#ale !or ha%i#" a #$clear pro"ramme was #o#se#se. JJThe& sa& itJs to prod$ce medical isotopes !or health p$rposes i# hospitals. Fow ma#& hospitals i# 5$rma ha%e #$clear scie#ceO 5$rma ca# barel& "et electricit& $p a#d r$##i#". -tJs #o#se#se'JJ he said. 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# rece#tl& %oiced co#cer#s North 6orea was tra#s!erri#" weapo#s a#d #$clear tech#olo"& to 5$rma. 9ra#i$m deposits !rom the mi#es ha%e bee# se#t to R$ssia a#d -ra# !or e%al$atio# a#d both processi#" pla#ts are close to the -rrawadd& Ri%er' o#e #ear the Tha .a Na 4ilitar& *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& /e%elopme#t ,e#tre a#d the other #ear the Thabike 6&i# tow#ship. Access to the ri%er allows the re"ime to $se bar"es to tra#sport the hea%& ore rather tha# rel& o# i#adeC$ate roads. Ti# 4i# claims that a b$si#essma#' Ta& La' a close associate o! 5$rmese leader Ge#eral Tha# *hwe' told him the re"ime had #$clear dreams a#d was serio$s abo$t the pro"ramme. JJThe&Jre aware the& ca##ot compete with Thaila#d with co#%e#tio#al weapo#s. The& wa#t to pla& #$clear poker like North 6orea. The& hope to combi#e #$clear a#d air de!e#ce missiles'JJ he said. Thiti#a# .o#"s$dhirak' the head o! the -#stit$te o! *ec$rit& a#d -#ter#atio#al *t$dies' said while the e%ide#ce was prelimi#ar& a#d #eeded to be D$sti!ied it is JJsomethi#" that wo$ld completel& cha#"e the re"io#al sec$rit& stat$s C$oJJ. JJ-t wo$ld mo%e 5$rma !rom #ot D$st bei#" a pariah state' b$t a ro"$e state' o#e that Deopardises the sec$rit& a#d wellbei#" o! its #ei"hbo$rs'JJ he said. Ehile 5$rma has ke& parts o! the #$clear !$el c&cle i# place' it #eeds a pl$to#i$m processi#" pla#t to prod$ce e#o$"h weapo#sA"rade .l$to#i$mA2:) to prod$ce a bomb. 4oe (o said R$ssia# e perts were alread& JJteachi#" pl$to#i$m reprocessi#"JJ at the site.""atio#/21:82/

Burma9s nuclear bomb ali7e and ticking

.$blished: 2/08/200) at 12:00 A4 Talk to re"io#al sec$rit& a$thorities or their embass& sta!! abo$t 5$rma ha%i#" a #$clear pro"ramme a#d it $s$all& "e#erates two respo#ses A total disbelie! or horror. *trate"ic de!e#ce st$dies e pert .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all a#d Do$r#alist .hil Thor#to# spe#t two &ears i#%esti"ati#" r$mo$rs' spec$latio#' misi#!ormatio# a#d the small tr$ths that all help to co#ceal the 5$rmese militar& re"imeJs #$clear ambitio#s !rom serio$s e ami#atio# O$r ow# starti#" positio# was o#e o! deep skepticism' b$t the testimo#ies !rom two de!ectors !orced $s to co#sider the $#com!ortable possibilities o! a 5$rma with #$clear capabilit&. -# ($#e 2007' we be"a# separate i#ter%iews with two 5$rmese de!ectors i# what wo$ld become the !irst i# a series o! cla#desti#e meeti#"s i# di#"& rooms a#d sa!eAho$ses that wo$ld co#ti#$e $#til earl& ($l& 200). Ee !irst i#ter%iewed 4oe (oT' a 5$rmese arm& de!ector' o# the ThaiA5$rma border. 4oe (o had rece#tl& crossed the border i#to Thaila#d a#d was still i# the i#itial sta"e o! !ri"ht bro$"ht o# b& his !li"ht !rom the arm& a#d loss o! comm$#it& s$pport. Fis ha#ds shook a#d he worried abo$t what price his !amil& wo$ld ha%e to pa& !or his actio#s. 5e!ore reDecti#" his co$#tr&Js #$clear pla#s 4oe (o was a# o!!icer with 10 &ears o! e emplar& arm& ser%ice a#d a !ormer "rad$ate o! 5$rmaJs presti"io$s /e!e#ce *er%ices Academ&. -# 200: 4oe (o was selected b& the re"ime to spe#d two &ears st$d&i#" at 4oscowJs +#"i#eeri#" .h&sics -#stit$te i# the 0ac$lt& o! + perime#tal a#d Theoretical .h&sics. Fe sa&s he was se#t to 4oscow to st$d& e#"i#eeri#" a#d did #ot k#ow he wo$ld e#d $p i# the #$clear proDect. Fe was i# the seco#d batch o! 71 trai#ees se#t to R$ssia as part o! 5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ramme to trai# 1'000. Ee also held a series o! i#ter%iews i# 2008 with a ci%ilia#' Ti# 4i#T' who be!ore de!ecti#"' worked as a bookkeeper !or Ta& La' a b$si#ess t&coo# a#d close associate o! se#ior 5$rmese arm& "e#erals' i#cl$di#" Ge#eral Tha# *we. Ta& LaJs compa#&' Ftoo Tradi#" ,ompa#&' or"a#ised the #$clear co#tracts with R$ssia a#d North 6orea. Ti# 4i# spoke e celle#t +#"lish a#d prese#ted his reports to $s with a to$ch o! sel!Aimporta#ce. Ti# 4i# had "ood reaso# to k#ow what it was like to !eel importa#t. 5e!ore de!ecti#"' he had scaled the hei"hts o! his co$#tr&Js hi"hAsociet& a#d had reaped the be#e!its o! that positio#. Ti# 4i# i#sisted 5$rmaJs ratio#ale !or ha%i#" a #$clear pro"ramme was #o#se#se. KThe& Ire"imeM sa& itJs to prod$ce medical isotopes !or health p$rposes i# hospitals. Fow ma#& hospitals i# 5$rma ha%e #$clear scie#ceO 5$rma ca# barel& "et electricit& $p a#d r$##i#". -tJs a #o#se#se.K ,o#sideri#" the Eorld Fealth Or"a#isatio# ra#ks 5$rmaJs health s&stem as the seco#d worst o$t o! 1)2 co$#tries a#d the re"ime spe#ds more tha# 40U o! its b$d"et o# the militar& a#d less tha# :U o# health a#d ed$catio#' it is $#likel& 5$rma is de%elopi#" a#d i#%esti#" i# a #$clear reactor !or health reaso#s.

N9,2+AR R+A,T-ON* Ehat the de!ectors told $s' a#d access to tra#scripts o! 5$rmese Arm& comm$#icatio#s' helped $s strai"hte# o$t m$ch o! the co#!$sio# a#d spec$latio# o# the p$blic record. -t has bee# widel& reported that a #$clear reactor has bee# b$ilt at ei"ht or #i#e di!!ere#t sites i# 5$rma. The de!ectorsJ detailed a#d adama#t testimo#ies' co$pled with the radio tra#scripts' co#tradict this A the& sa& 5$rma has #o more tha# two reactors' o#e located at 4&ai#" a#d the other at Na$#" 2ai#". 5$t #ot e%er&o#e i# the re"io# a"rees abo$t the e te#t or the p$rpose o! the Na$#" 2ai#" operatio#. A se#ior re"io#al sec$rit& o!!icer with e te#si%e $pAtoAdate i#side i#!ormatio# abo$t the area disa"rees. K5e!ore it was a hea%il& "$arded J#oA"o ;o#eJ. Now &o$ ca# dri%e ri"ht $p to the b$ildi#"s. 3illa"ers are allowed to "row crops a"ai#. +%e# tho$"h the si"#s sa&H J4ilitar& *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 4i#istr&J a#d there are soldiers' the le%el o! sec$rit& has bee# drasticall& red$ced. - thi#k itJs #ow a deco& site' to distract people awa& !rom the 4&ai#" area.K The 4&ai#" reactor is located i# 4a"we di%isio# a#d is k#ow# as the KN&a$#"o#e .roDectK. -t is part o! the 4O9 si"#ed with R$ssiaJs atomic e#er"& a"e#c& Rosatom <the R$ssia# 0ederal Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&= i# 4a& 2007 to b$ild a 10Ame"awatt li"htAwater reactor $si#" 20 U e#riched 9ra#i$mA2:1' #$clear waste treatme#t a#d b$rial !acilities' a# acti%atio# a#al&sis laborator&' medical isotope prod$ctio# laborator& a#d to trai# :00 specialists !or the #$clear ce#tre. At the time' a 9* *tate /epartme#t dep$t& spokesma#' Tom ,ase&' was reported as sa&i#" that the 9* Kwo$ld#Jt like to see a proDect like this mo%e !orwardK $#til 5$rma has a# adeC$ate #$clear re"$lator& a#d sec$rit& i#!rastr$ct$re i# place. The seco#d KsecretK or militar& reactor site that the de!ectors pro%ided a lar"e amo$#t o! detailed i#!ormatio# abo$t is b$ilt i#side the smallest o! three mo$#tai#s b& North 6orea#s at Na$#" 2ai#". 5oth the de!ectors a"reed the $#der"ro$#d mo$#tai# !acilities ho$se a#other 10Ame"awatt li"htAwater research reactor. ,ooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d the 5$rmese re"ime o# #$clear matters be"a# i# ear#est i# *eptember 2000 whe# a 4O9 was si"#ed b& 5$rmaJs 2ie$te#a#t Ge#eral Thei# Fla a#d North 6oreaJs 4aDor Ge#eral 6im ,ha# *$. 0o$r more detailed co#tracts were si"#ed i# 2001A02. The Ko!!icialK a"reeme#ts betwee# the two co$#tries co%ered #$clear related acti%ities at two sites a#d i#%ol%ed North 6oreaJs assista#ce to help with i#stalli#"' mai#tai#i#"' trai#i#" a#d s$ppl&i#" eC$ipme#t at the $ra#i$m re!i#i#" a#d e#richme#t pla#t at Thabike 6&i#. At the seco#d reactor site at Na$#" 2ai#" the North 6orea#s a"reed to help with the co#str$ctio# o! a# $#der"ro$#d !acilit& a#d a #$clear reactor. Ti# 4i#Js old boss Ta& La paid a co#str$ctio# compa#& i# 2004A01 to b$ild a t$##el wide e#o$"h !or two 10Awheel tr$cks to pass each other. 4oe (o said the re"ime had take# steps to de!e#d their reactors b& i#stalli#" air de!e#ce radar' o#e to be Kdeplo&edK at the airbase at .&i# Oo 2wi# a#d the other at the reactor site. -# rece#t mo#ths as North 6orea str$ts its #$clear capacit& it has !or"ed closer ties with the 5$rmese re"ime b& selli#" arms a#d missile tech#olo"& to them.

The de!ectors told $s that the 5$rmese arm& has bee# b$ildi#" si#ce 2002 a #$clear research a#d e#"i#eeri#" ce#tre i# the %ici#it& o! Na$#" 2ai#" %illa"e' so$th east o! .&i# Oo 2wi# i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. .&i# Oo 2wi# is also home to the /e!e#ce *er%ices Academ&' 4oe (oJs old al$m#i. 4oe (o said he was told that a!ter he ret$r#ed !rom 4oscow he wo$ld be assi"#ed to a special #$clear battalio# at o#e o! the #$clear sites i# 5$rma. JJA!ter - came back !rom R$ssia - was assi"#ed to de%elop a s&stem to !ire 111 howit;ers. 5$t !irst - had to do three mo#ths trai#i#"' r$# b& INorthM 6orea# tech#icia#s' o# $si#" artiller& missile s&stems.JJ 59R4AJ* 9RAN-94 /+.O*-T* 9ra#i$m mi#i#" takes place at at least 10 locatio#s i# 5$rma. 5$rmaJs 4i#istr& o! +#er"& has ide#ti!ied !i%e areas with co#!irmed deposits o! lowA"rade $ra#i$m. Ore samples ha%e reportedl& bee# se#t to R$ssia a#d -ra# !or e%al$atio#. At Ta$#dwi#"&i' #e t to o#e o! the $ra#i$m sites ide#ti!ied b& the 4i#istr& o! +#er"&' the North 6orea#s ha%e b$ilt a lar"e $#der"ro$#d b$#ker. -# additio# to these sites' hi"h resol$tio# ima"er& p$blished b& Goo"le+arth i# 2007 shows what ma#& belie%e is a $ra#i$m mi#e a#d related re!i#er& at 4&it N"e ,ha$#"' abo$t 2:km !rom 4a#dala&. -# April 200)' it was reported that reactorA"rade $ra#i$m !or 5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ramme was bei#" mi#ed #ear 2ashio i# #orther# *ha# *tate. Accordi#" to radio tra#scripts' R$ssia# $ra#i$m prospectors made three e ploratio# missio#s to Te##asserim /i%isio# i# so$ther# 5$rma i# 2004A01. The R$ssia# e plorersJ mo%eme#ts were tracked as the& !lew !rom Ra#"oo# o# ($l& 8' 2004' to 4&eik a#d their s$bseC$e#t prospecti#" aro$#d the area o! Thei#daw !rom ($l& 18 to October 1' 2004. R+0-N-NG AN/ .RO,+**-NG .2ANT* 5$rma has at least two $ra#i$m re!i#i#" a#d processi#" pla#ts i# operatio# !or cr$shi#"' "ri#di#"' clea#i#" a#d milli#" <re!i#i#"= the $ra#i$m ore i#to JJ&ellowcakeJJ <9:08=' a co#ce#trate o! $ra#i$m o ides i# powder !orm. Gellow cake is later co#%erted to $ra#i$m he a!l$oride <908= !or e#richme#t to pro%ide !$el !or reactors or !issle material !or #$clear weapo#s. Ti# 4i# claims that b$si#essma# Ta& La told him the re"ime has #$clear dreams' a#d the& are serio$s. JJThe&Jre aware the& ca##ot compete with Thaila#d with co#%e#tio#al weapo#s. The& Ithe re"imeM wa#t to pla& #$clear poker like North 6orea. The& hope to combi#e the #$clear a#d air de!e#ce missiles. Ta& La told me the #$clear pro"ramme is k#ow# as the J908 .roDectJ a#d is the respo#sibilit& o! Ge#eral 4a$#" A&e.JJ 5oth processi#" pla#ts are close to the -rrawadd& Ri%er' o#e is se%e# kilometres !rom the ri%er a#d is #ear the Tha .a Na 4ilitar& *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& /e%elopme#t ,e#ter a#d the other pla#t is #ear the Thabike 6&i# tow#ship. 5ei#" close to the ri%er allows the re"ime to $se bar"es to tra#sport the hea%& ore rather tha# rel& o# the i#adeC$ate roads. Ti# 4i# sa&s as Ta& La co#trols m$ch o! the shippi#" i# a#d o$t o! 5$rma it is eas& !or him to or"a#ise "etti#" the eC$ipme#t to the #$clear sites !rom Ra#"oo#.

JJFe arra#"es !or arm& tr$cks to pick $p the co#tai#ers o! eC$ipme#t !rom the North 6orea# boats that arri%e i# Ra#"oo# a#d tra#sport them at #i"ht b& hi"hwa& to the ri%er or direct to the sites.JJ 4oe (o estimated that there were more tha# !i%e North 6orea#s worki#" at the Thabike 6&i# pla#t. Fe said R$ssia# clea#i#" machi#es were $sed to JJwashJJ the ore a#d that 5$rma has pro%ided &ellowcake to both North 6orea a#d -ra#. Goo"le+arth ima"er& p$blished i# 2007 shows a !acilit& with what looks like !o$r "ia#t JJthicke#i#" ta#ksJJ i# which the $ra#i$m beari#" sol$tio# is separated !rom the "ro$#d ore be!ore bei#" co#%erted to &ellowcake. FA* 59R4A TF+ ,A.A,-TG TO .RO/9,+ A N9,2+AR E+A.ONO The esse#ce o! 4oe (o a#d Ti# Ei#Js testimo#ies is that 5$rma has ke& parts o! the #$clear !$el c&cle alread& i# place. 4oe (o told $s that the arm& JJpla##edJJ to b$ild a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" pla#t at Na$#" 2ai#"' a#d that R$ssia# e perts were alread& JJteachi#" pl$to#i$m reprocessi#"JJ at the site. A JJ#$clear battalio#JJ was established b& the re"ime i# 2000 to work o# the JJweapo#isatio#JJ aspects o! the #$clear pro"ramme. -t is based #ear the %illa"e o! Ta$#"daw' D$st west o! the Na$#" 2ai#" comple . The operatio#s compo#e#t is i# a#other $#der"ro$#d comple i# the #earb& *etkh&a 4o$#tai#s. -t i#cl$des e#"i#eeri#"' artiller& a#d comm$#icatio#s o# operatio#al aspects o! weapo#s desi"#' deli%er& capabilit& a#d a comma#d a#d co#trol ce#tre. 4oe (o sa&s b& 2012' 5$rma will ha%e 1'000 people trai#ed' access to $ra#i$m' is re!i#i#" &ellowcake a#d has two li"ht water reactors. JJGo$ do#Jt #eed 1'000 people i# the !$el c&cle or to r$# a #$clear reactor. -tJs ob%io$s there is m$ch more "oi#" o#.JJ These reactors are #ot as e!!icie#t i# prod$ci#" !issio#able pl$to#i$m as hea%&Awater reactors' b$t as North 6orea has show# with their reactor' it ma& be slow a#d more comple ' b$t it is capable. 0or 5$rma to be able to e tract pl$to#i$m !rom the spe#t !$el rods a#d to separate pl$to#i$mA2:) !rom pl$to#i$mA240 it #eeds to co#str$ct a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" pla#t so it ca# prod$ce se%e# to ei"ht kilo"rams o! weapo#A"rade .l$to#i$mA2:) a &ear' e#o$"h !or o#e bomb a &ear. -# the e%e#t that the testimo#ies o! the de!ectors are pro%ed' the alle"ed JJsecretJJ reactor co$ld be capable o! bei#" operatio#al a#d prod$ci#" o#e bomb a &ear' e%er& &ear' a!ter 2014. A 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme wo$ld reC$ire e ter#al s$pport' "oi#" be&o#d r$dime#tar& R$ssia# trai#i#" a#d North 6orea# assista#ce with the c$rre#t $ra#i$m re!i#i#" capabilities a#d reactor operatio#s. 5$t North 6orea taki#" o# a "reater role i# helpi#" 5$rma "et its bomb ca##ot be r$le o$t. The& wo$ld be more tha# i#terested i# pro%idi#" limited amo$#ts o! !issio#able pl$to#i$m i# ret$r# !or &ellowcake. -t wo$ld be i# North 6oreaJs militar& i#terest' a#d i# li#e with their #$clear post$ri#"' to co#str$ct a secret pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" pla#t i# 5$rma' compleme#ti#" the secret reactor' i# e cha#"e !or access to the !issio#able prod$ct. The de!ectors talked e plicitl& o! the re"ime meeti#" their #$clear pro"ramme obDecti%es b& ha%i#" a JJha#d!$l o! bombs read& b& 2020JJ.

Accordi#" to all the milesto#es ide#ti!ied b& the de!ectors' 5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ramme is o# sched$le. -t is !easible a#d achie%able. 9#!ort$#atel&' it is #ot as bi;arre or ridic$lo$s as ma#& people wo$ld like to thi#k. 5$rmaJs re"io#al #ei"hbo$rs #eed to watch care!$ll&' especiall& !or si"#s o! a reprocessi#" pla#t. -! the re"ime starts b$ildi#" that the# the o#l& e pla#atio# is that the& pla# to b$ild a bomb. A 5$rma with #$clear capabilit& is a worr&' i! the re"imeJs respo#se to last &earJs ,&clo#e Nar"is is a be#chmark. Their respo#se was to treat it as a #atio#al sec$rit& threat' b& ba##i#" Do$r#alists' i"#ori#" o!!ers o! o$tside help !or weeks' while lea%i#" their people to die i# their tho$sa#ds. The re"io# ca##ot e pect a#& more !rom the re"ime i! there is a#& sort o! #$clear accide#t. T Not their real #ames T .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all works at the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit&Js /e!e#ce *t$dies ,e#tre. Fe is the a$thor o! more tha# 40 books o# #$clear strate"&' A$stralia# de!e#ce' a#d sec$rit& i# the AsiaA .aci!ic. Fe has ser%ed as the coAchair o! the ,o$#cil !or *ec$rit& ,ooperatio# i# the AsiaA.aci!ic. T .hil Thor#to# is the a$thor o! Restless *o$ls: rebels' re!$"ee' medics mis!its o# the Thai 5$rma border."AoddAm&a#marAbo

Big 4dd Myanmar BoC

posted 4o#da& A$"$st :' 200) $#der b& De!!re&

O%er the past co$ple o! da&s' -B%e bee# emaili#" with a co$ple o! collea"$es abo$t this %er& odd b$ildi#" i# 4&a#mar <#ee 5$rma=. *tari#" at that bi" bo was the mai# reaso# - tweeted that ?This 5$rmaANOR6 #$clear li#k has me worried.@ Alle# Thomso#' 5r$#o Tertrais a#d some !olks at 3+RT-, all !o$#d it too V worki#" !rom the rece#t stor& i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d a# older stor& ori"i#all& p$blished b& a# oppositio# "ro$p. EeBd bee# C$ietl& disc$ssi#" what the thi#" mi"ht be. Now' #o o#e wa#ted to "o declare the %a"$el& s$spicio$s looki#" b$ildi#" to be somethi#" s$spicio$s i# partic$lar V b$t si#ce -*-* has !o$#d it too <the dam# thi#" is %isible !rom 4'000 !eet= a#d p$blished a #ice a#al&sis' - do#Bt s$ppose there is a#& harm i# crowdso$rci#" it. -*-* describes what - am calli#" the 5O5 <letBs lea%e the 4 o$t !or #ow= as a# ?a#omalo$s b$ildi#"@ V #oti#" that the& ca##ot ?ascribe IitM with ob%io$s #$clear i#d$strial characteristics.@ -tBs bi" a#d tall. -t is also #estled i#to the mo$#tai#s a#d re%etted. There seems to be a power tra#smissio# li#e r$##i#" i# <or o$t o! it=. -t is se%eral clicks !rom a# ob%io$s water so$rce. *till' someo#e has bee# %er& i#terested i# it Vi# additio# to this 2001 ima"e' /i"ital Globe has happ& s#aps !rom 2008 a#d 200) ce#tered ri"ht o# it. Ehat do &o$ all thi#kO

$elected (omments 1. The ob%io$s thi#" is to match $p its dime#sio#s with the *&ria# 5o Ao#Athe +$phrates. V ,her&l Ro!er W A$" :' 04:4: .4 W 2. -t is m$ch' m$ch bi""er V 80 meters o# each side. V (e!!re& 2ewis W A$" :' 04:18 .4 W :. - tried m& ha#d at !i#di#" ?Na$#" 2ai#"@ earlier toda&' a#d altho$"h - was#Bt e#tirel& s$ccess!$l it seems that the bo is a wa&s o!! !rom there. The !rami#" o! the b$ildi#"' with the a$ iliar& str$ct$res at a respectable dista#ce a#d the white sort o! co$rt&ard has the !eeli#" o! a palace to me' altho$"h that certai#l& is a bi" olB powerli#e leadi#" $p to the site' #ot s$re i! thatBs o%er the top !or !eedi#" a #o#Ai#d$strial b$ildi#". V A#ders Eidebra#t W A$" :' 01:0) .4 W 4. Go$ ca# !ollow the power li#es all the wa& thro$"h the cit& a#d to the air strip a#d the iro# mill to the so$th west o! the b$ildi#". V "ilbert W A$" :' 01:11 .4 W 1. 82 meters b& 84 meters. Almost sC$are b$t #ot C$ite' altho$"h the di!!ere#ce co$ld be distortio# i# the ima"er&. V *ea# OJ,o##or W A$" :' 01:18 .4 W 8. *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald se; de!ectors said it was made with Nork help' a#d that there is a R$ssia# reactor #earb&O /aO Ehere is the R$ssia# ci%il reactorO V 0*5 W A$" :' 08:01 .4 W

7. Nimb& applies i# 4&#amar as m$ch as it does o# 2o#" -sla#d. *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil chie! Ge#eral Tha# *hwe has a ma#sio# i# betwee# A#ikasa# Airport a#d .&i# Oo 2wi#' #ot more tha# a 8 klicks !rom the ?bo @. 5$ilt b& Ftoo Tradi#"Bs co#str$ctio# arm' aka what Ta& La does with his spare time whe# #ot r$##i#" "$#s. -tBs hi"hl& $#likel& the ho#o$rable Tha# *hwe wo$ld wish to li%e i# the pro imate #ei"hborhood o! a #$clear reactor. As to the p$rpose o! the ?bo @' 4&#amar is $#der"oi#" a maDor "o%er#me#t spo#sored co#str$ctio# boom. *i#ce the&B%e mo%ed their capital !rom Ra#"oo# to Na& p&i daw' the&B%e bee# i#%esti#" hea%il& i# the 4a#dala& P .&i# Oo 2wi# corridorH i#d$strial i#!rastr$ct$re' tech#ical schools' silico# %illa"es' take &o$r pick. V A;rXel W A$" :' 08:11 .4 W 8. A# ol&mpic swimmi#" comple O V 46 W A$" :' 08::4 .4 W ). /oes a#&o#e ha%e coordi#ates !or the alle"ed $#der"ro$#d !acilit& me#tio#ed i# the 5all a#d Thorto# articleO V G$mp W A$" :' 08:21 .4 W 10. X0*5: Accordi#" to the Gre& A. article' ?-# 2007' R$ssia si"#ed a# a"reeme#t to ISM b$ild a 10Ame"awatt #$clear research reactor !or peace!$l p$rposes. ISM Fowe%er' R$ssiaBs atomic a"e#c& Rosatom told The Associated .ress rece#tl& that Qthere has bee# #o mo%eme#t whatsoe%er o# this a"reeme#t with 5$rma e%er si#ceB.@ There are #o e isti#" research reactors i# 4&a#mar per the -A+ABs RR/5. As !or a cla#desti#e reactor' 4ark 0it;patrick e presses do$bts i# the *4F article' a#d - ca##ot ima"i#e the R$ssia#s desperate e#o$"h to risk s$ch e pos$re or the 5$rmese able to pa& e#o$"h to ha%e it do#e C$ickl& Y C$ietl&. X46: Tho$"h it ma& seem like a ca%it& <with some #ice swimmi#" la#es' #o less=' it is act$all& a bl$e roo!. ,ertai#l& to me the most i#teresti#" characteristic is the re%etme#t me#tio#ed i# the postH seems like a si"#i!ica#t i#%estme#t i# this partic$lar str$ct$re.1 -t ob!$scates the shape' side detail a#d dime#sio#s o! the b$ildi#" a#d also pro%ides a !orti!&i#" eleme#t. ($d"i#" !rom the shadows' the roo! ca##ot be all that taller tha# the top o! the ramp' lea%i#" most o! a#& b$ildi#" e#cased or be#eath "ro$#d. Also' the ramp does#Bt seem desi"#ed to ha#dle m$ch tra!!ic <ie' m$ltiple tr$cks/loads to or !rom the !acilit&=' b$t that co$ld be m& misD$d"i#" the scale. 1. 4a&be #ot i# a comma#d eco#om&' b$t it is still C$ite pec$liar. V /erek W A$" :' 10:18 .4 W

11. - do#Bt see a#& sort o! serio$s perimeter sec$rit& P there are a co$ple o! "$ard towers' b$t itBs i# a D$#"le' a#d i# hills' a#d the& do#Bt ha%e a# o$ter !e#ce perimeter or e%e# a serio$s "$ard post o# the road. - wo$ld "$ess somethi#" related to the 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t' "i%e# the two towers a#d the berm a#d ditches' a#d somethi#" e plosi%e <otherwise' $s$all& &o$ !e#ce' rather tha# bermi#"=. .ower i# C$a#tit& wo$ld te#d to i#dicate more tha# D$st a# ammo d$mp' b$t it co$ld be a#& #$mber o! se#siti%e thi#"s i#%ol%i#" e plosi%es witho$t bei#" #$clear i# #at$re. The holes i# the mo$#tai#s #ear Napidaw are more i#teresti#"' i! harder to di%i#e. V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" :' 11:28 .4 W 12. The a##o&i#" aspect o! the A$stralia# ?breaki#"@ stor&Vas $s$al - "$ess' to m& Da$#diced mi#dVis that it is a mi t$re o! !act a#d !ictio#. -! &o$ read it care!$ll& what will likel& t$r# o$t to be the !ictio#al bits pop o$t at &o$. - k#ow where - wa#t to be i# abo$t 24 ho$rs b$t -Bm #ot hotAdo""i#" i#to pri#t this mor#i#". V mark hibbs W A$" 4' 07:08 A4 W 1:. Ehere are Gale a#d Fairs whe# we #eed themO V (e!!re& 2ewis W A$" 4' 07:27 A4 W 14. -t is prett& clear that the 5O5 is i# the ri"ht place. The de!ectors told $s that the 5$rmese arm& has bee# b$ildi#" si#ce 2002 a #$clear research a#d e#"i#eeri#" ce#tre i# the %ici#it& o! Na$#" 2ai#" %illa"e' so$th east o! .&i# Oo 2wi# i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. The !acilit& is so$theast o! .&i# Oo 2wi# i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. 4oreo%er' altho$"h there are ma#& %illa"es called Na$#" 2ai#" i# 5$rma <4&a#mar=' accordi#" to a 1)01 Ga;eteer o! 5$rma there is a %illa"e o! that #ame Kei"ht miles east b& a little #orthK o! 4a&m&o <.&i# Oo 2wi#=. That wo$ld be co#siste#t with the termi#$s o! the road that leads o$t o! the !acilit&. Ehich' i# !act' is how !o$#d it. - we#t east o$t o! .&i# Oo 2wi# a#d saw the shi#&' #ew road a#d !ollowed i#to the mo$#tai#s. V (e!!re& 2ewis W A$" 4' 08:28 A4 W 11. Fairs is still aro$#d' b$t has#Bt posted !or mo#ths i# de!ere#ce to tr&i#" to keep his emplo&er happ& i# these straite#ed timesZ 4& !irst impressio# is: "reat swimmi#" pool P does it ha%e a di%i#" board tooZO *eco#d impressio#: FmmmmSO -Bm i#tri"$ed b& the wide t$r#i#" circles o! the access roadBs be#dsH all

e cept !or the ti"ht )0 de" be#d at the top ri"htAha#d cor#er' where o#e wo$ld ha%e tho$"ht it wo$ld be most critical. All o! which seems to s$""est that whate%er "oes i# / comes o$t is #ot o%erAlo#". Apart !rom that' -Bll ha%e to prepare three pipes a#d look at it properl& at the weeke#d. V Fairs W A$" 4' 0):17 A4 W 18. Act$all&' ma&be that last comme#t o! mi#e sho$ld be ca#celled. - had#Bt appreciated D$st how e#ormo$s the site is: -B%e D$st meas$red $p o# Goo"le earth a#d the road is abo$t 12m wide at the t$r# P so &o$ co$ld almost take a# artic$lated lorr& i# sidewa&sZ V Fairs W A$" 4' 0):4) A4 W 17. Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert' thereBs a maDor militar& checkpoi#t o# the blacktop hi"hwa& be!ore &o$ "et to the bi" temple 22[ :B:8.)8?N )8[:2B8.0:?+ V G$mp W A$" 4' 11:18 A4 W 18. Are the #ewer /i"ital Globe ima"es o#li#e somewhereO /o the& show more perimeter sec$rit& i# place #owO V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" 4' 01::7 .4 W 1). (2: /ohZ - sho$ld ha%e looked harder at the act$al report be!ore hitti#" Goo"le 4aps. V A#ders Eidebra#t W A$" 4' 0::41 .4 W 20. 1)[12B:1?N )8[20B41?+ V "a#dal! W A$" 4' 0::4) .4 W 21. 2ooki#" at the road leadi#" i#to the bo ' - ca#Bt come $p with a better reaso# !or the ( shape tha# that thereBs a si"#i!ica#t hei"ht di!!ere#ce betwee# the bo a#d the road a#d that whate%er is s$pposed to tra%el betwee# the two is hea%& e#o$"h that o#l& a small i#cli#atio# is allowable. *ort o! like those models o! how the +"&ptia#s s$pposedl& dra""ed rocks $p their p&ramids. V A#ders Eidebra#t W A$" 4' 04:10 .4 W

22. G$mp P thatBs a checkpoi#t o! some t&pe' across their Natio#al Fi"hwa& : < - ass$me' !rom the map marki#"s =. 5$t itBs #ot a $se!$l perimiter. -tBs 4 km !rom that to where the road to this site t$r#s o!!. -#side that perimeter are a# eas& do;e# hamlets. - do#Bt see a s&mmetrical checkpoi#t #orth o# Natio#al Fi"hwa& : <co$ld be missi#" it' b$t - looked a wa&s #orth=. .erimiter sec$rit& !or a #$clear !acilit& wo$ld be i# closer a#d !ar ti"hter tha# that. A checkpoi#t o# a maDor hi"hwa&' that !ar awa&' ob%io$sl& co$ld help pa& atte#tio# to comi#"s a#d "oi#"s. 5$t NF : "oes $p to ,hi#a a#d is appare#tl& a maDor trade ro$te. - am #ot seei#" a#& maDor sec$rit& i#stallatio#s betwee# where the access road meets NF : < at aro$#d N 22 0:B 12@ + )8 :4B 11@ = a#d the lar"e !acilit&. There are se%eral side roads to %illa"es which e%e#t$all& meet / cross the mai# access road. There appear to be terraced !arm areas i# the #e t %alle& o%er to the #orth' a#d e%e# D$st a bit awa& o# the so$th side' D$st across the access road. -! that was a #$clear !acilit& a#d - was i# char"e o! sec$rit&' thereBd be a bi" sec$rit& checkpoi#t aro$#d the c$r%e o! the road at N 22 :B 8@ + )8 :8B 17@' a#d a d$al perimiter road a#d !e#ce' o#e at the bottom o! the s$rro$#di#" hills at the !ar side' a#d o#e at the top o! the hills' with clear areas 10m or more o# each side' pl$s li"ht posts a#d obser%atio# cameras <a#d probabl&' "$ard towers=. Go$ see sec$rit& like that at k#ow# #$clear !acilities i# ma#& #atio#s. -tBs ro$ti#e. V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" 4' 08:14 .4 W 2:. - tho$"ht to determi#e a positio# &o$ #eeded three poi#ts. Fow ma#& photos do &o$ #eed to compare to "$ess at the hi"ht o! speci!ic thi#"s i# the posted photoO V bradle& lai#" W A$" 4' 10:1) .4 W 24. A bi" cooli#" de%iceO A h$"e swimmi#" pool wo$ld be a "ood dis"$ise !or it. V 0er#a#do W A$" 1' 01::) A4 W 21. +%ide#ce to date: 5i" importa#t !acilit& with roo! o# it that $ses/prod$ces electricit& a#d has a road. +#o$"h with the pool Dokes<O=: it is clearl& a roo! a#d #ot water. V 0*5 W A$" 1' 08:17 A4 W 28. - challe#"e a#&o#e to !i#d me a# o!!icial ope# so$rce doc$me#t or re!ere#ce ide#ti!&i#" where the R$ssia# reactor is to be located i# 4&a#mar. ,Bmo# "$&s' emi"re a#d disside#t assertio#s do#Bt c$t it' a#d i# this case <4&ai#" a#d 6&a$kse= the& do#Bt e%e# a"ree' the& are h$#dreds o! miles apart. V mark hibbs W A$" 1' 10::1 A4 W

27. *ec$rit& is #ot a de!i#iti%e i#dicator o! a#&thi#" a#d o#e sho$ld #ot draw too ma#& co#cl$sio#s based o# its prese#ce or abse#ce. At this poi#t that b$ildi#" co$ld be a#&thi#". -tBs certai#l& bi" e#o$"h to ho$se a reactor' b$t reactors #eed cooli#" a#d - do#Bt see a#& e%ide#ce o! a cooli#" s&stem. -t is a# i#tri"$i#" a#d stra#"e b$ildi#" P hope!$ll& additio#al ima"er& a#d other i#!ormatio# will be !orthcomi#" that will tell $s more. V A#d& W A$" 1' 10:17 A4 W 28. \ Go$ see sec$rit& like that at k#ow# #$clear !acilities i# ma#& #atio#s. -tBs ro$ti#e. The 5O+ is a co$#tere ample' i! &o$ accept the *ta#dard *tor& that it ho$sed a reactor. V Alle# Thomso# W A$" 1' 01:24 .4 W 2). Eell' that is a p$;;le. <5& the wa&' - ca#Bt sa& e#o$"h "ood thi#"s abo$t $si#" the :/ ,o##e io# ?*pace Na%i"ator@ :/ poi#ti#" de%ice alo#" with Goo"le +arth=. The pro#o$#ced Do" i# the access road at 22[ :B11.07?N )8[:4B10.7:?+ is easier to $#dersta#d whe# we let G+arth s$ppl& ele%atio# data a#d look obliC$el&H itBs a switchback o# a hill. The b$ildi#" itsel!' whe# ;oomed i# e#o$"h' ca# be see# to be a !actor&/wareho$se like str$ct$re with a shallowApitch peaked roo!. A s$r%e& o! others i# the area show a lot o! bl$e roo!sH this co$ld be either a militar& co#str$ctio# sta#dard' or e%e# the $se o! bl$e plastic tarp <sometimes called ?sm$r! ski#@ !or waterpoo!i#"=. -#teresti#" that the power li#e that has 5i" 5l$e 5o o# o#e e#d appears to ha%e a#other e#d at 22[ :B27.70?N' where there are !o$r odd looki#" little bo es. No idea whatBs $p there. 5$t thereBs a Tb$#ch T o! those str$ct$res <which -Bm taki#" the libert& o! #ami#" ?C$adbo es@=H - !o$#d se%e# o! them r$##i#" alo#" a crooked 4km *EAN+ li#e <i#cl$di#" the o#e where the power li#e e#ds/be"i#s' <64L !ile a%ailable o# reC$est= -Bm s$re there are some others. A#d wh& does o#l& o#e o! them #eed a power li#eO -s there a t$##el $#der#eithO Fa%e#Bt spotted a portal &et. V 4a""ie 2eber W A$" 1' 04:10 .4 W :1. 5O+ mea#i#" the 5$ildi#" O# the +$phrates' - ass$me here. That b$ildi#" had "ood i#tri#sic site sec$rit& P i# a desert re"io#' o#e side bo$#ded b& a ri%er' a road se%eral km awa& i#la#d' #o !armi#" betwee# the road a#d ri%er o# that side i# the #ear area.

The& added i# berms o# the rid"eli#e to block li#e o! si"ht o# the b$ildi#" !rom the road #earb&. The& also had a lar"e' cleared !ield ma#& km wide to work with !or ph&sical sec$rit&. 0or a co%ert i#stallatio#' &o$ do#Bt #eed a solid !e#celi#e P &o$ do #eed a perimiter which is relati%el& eas& to watch' a#d a wa& to pre%e#t cas$al or directed i#tr$sio#s. -! o#e we#t back !$rther i# time at the *&ria# site' o#e wo$ld pres$mabl& !i#d some small b$#kers p$t i# the "ro$#d' co%ered b& terrai#' with %iew slits looki#" o$t o%er the s$rro$#di#" la#d. +#tra#ces co$ld be small e#o$"h to #ot show $p o# o%erhead photo ima"er& P the&Bd probabl& sta#d o$t o# radar' b$t the 9* #e%er released radar ima"er& o! the site. There was #o #eed to clear la#d to establish li#es o! si"ht / !ire. The dirt mo$#ds alo#" the rid"eli#es aro$#d the site wo$ld be "ood locatio#s !or b$#kers P "ood %isibilit&' a#d the dirt wo$ld help %is$all& obsc$re the b$#kerBs %isio# slits a#d e#tra#ce. -! a kid started wa#deri#" across the desert' &o$ D$st p$t a "$& i# a 4]4 o$t to dri%e $p a#d tell him to "o back to the road. -! there was a "ro$#d attack' &o$ ha%e a C$ick respo#se !orce i#side o#e o! the b$ildi#"s to respo#d' a#d the people i# the b$#kers ca# pi# dow# attackers while the NR0 "ets rolli#". -# a !orested or D$#"le e#%iro#me#t' as i# this site i# 5$rma' &o$ reall& #eed to clear a perimiter a#d add a !e#ce. Ehile itBs tech#icall& possible to do that $#der#eath the trees' it $s$all& shows $p a#&wa&s' a#d doi#" it $#der#eath trees lea%es e#o$"h tr$#ks i# the wa& to make li#es o! si"ht di!!ic$lt. The 4&a#mar !acilit& co$ld be $si#" the ditch a#d the !e#ce aro$#d the o$tside o! the pad aro$#d the b$ildi#" !or a si#"le' close i# perimeterS #ormal !or i#d$strial !acilities' ab#ormal !or somethi#" like a #$clear i#stallatio#. The& co$ld also ha%e a %irt$al !e#ce' with a !e#celi#e i# the b$sh somewhere to disco$ra"e cas$al trespassers' a#d a serio$s set o! wired or wireless cameras a#d motio# se#sors co%eri#" at least $p to a#d o%er the rid"eli#es a bit. ThatBs possible P di!!ic$lt to make per!ect' b$t possible. -t takes a lot o! ma#power to watch all the cameras a#d make s$re someo#e does#Bt s#eak i#. V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" 1' 07::8 .4 W :2. the& still $se %isible roo!s. itBs #ot di!!ic$lt to $se a less %isible colo$r a#d recei%e less protests aro$#d the world V d$rpi W A$" 8' 01:10 A4 W :4. ($d"i#" !rom the amo$#t o! co!!ee a#d other prod$ce that is "row# i# the cooler climes $p that wa& -Bd be more i#cli#ed to sa& itBs #othi#" more tha# a processi#" pla#t o! some descriptio#. ThereBs certai#l& ple#t& o! pla#tatio# i# the s$rro$#di#" !ields. The a$ ilar& b$ildi#"s will be #o more tha# the $s$al b$ildi#"s &o$ wo$ld e pect to see at a !actor& i# 4&a#mar' i.e. "e#erator ho$se' water treateme#t etc. V A#o# W A$" 8' 11:42 A4 W

:1. -t co$ld be a# ope# air opi$m dr&er' -B%e #e%er see# o#e this lar"e' b$t i! this is a Ta& La operatio# it makes se#se' he has the capital a#d the co##ectio#s to p$ll this o!!. The bl$e tarp o# top' completel& $##ecessar& !or co#%e#tio#al co!!ee or teak dr&i#" wo$ld be cr$cial to help pre%e#t satellite a#d 9A3 recce o! the operatio#. 4&a#marBs "o%er#me#t is p$blicl& %er& a#tiAopi$mH the& co#sider the c$lti%atio# a#d distrib$tio# o! #arcotics to be eC$i%ale#t to "e#ocide i# li"ht o! their colo#ial le"ac& o! 5ritish imposed opi$m trade. Fowe%er' it wo$ld#Bt be the !irst time that a# isolated "o%er#me#t has bee# !orced to t$r# to dr$" e ports as a hard cash trade "ood. V A;rXel W A$" 7' 01:42 .4 W


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, A$"$st :' 200)

N9+*T-ON: O# North 6orea a#d 5$rma iss$e' accordi#" to a co$ple o! the #ews reports i# A$stralia o%er the weeke#d' 5$rma has $#der"ro$#d #$clear comple b$ilt with the help !rom North 6orea. -s this part o! what *ecretar& ,li#to# tried to all$de to whe# she talked abo$t co#cer#s abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6oreaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Ee do ha%e co#cer#s abo$t the #at$re o! cooperatio# betwee# both 5$rma a#d North 6orea' a#d North 6orea a#d a#& other co$#tr&. A#d as the *ecretar& did d$ri#" her rece#t trip' she ar"$ed C$ite !orce!$ll& that all co$#tries ha%e respo#sibilities re"ardi#" the 9N sa#ctio#s a#d we are hard at impleme#ti#" them. - thi#k o%er time' we wo$ld like to clari!& with 5$rma more precisel& the #at$re o! its militar& cooperatio#. The *ecretar& was e#co$ra"ed that 5$rma said that it wo$ld abide b& its respo#sibilities $#der the sa#ctio#s that were rece#tl& passed b& the 9N' a#d we will be looki#" to see them impleme#t those sa#ctio#s. N9+*T-ON: -s the 9.*. aware o! this ki#d o! $#der"ro$#d #$clear comple ' possibl& with help !rom North 6oreaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: -t is a# iss$e o! co#cer# a#d it is a# iss$e that we co#ti#$e to !oc$s o# i#te#si%el&. N9+*T-ON: Eell' whatBs a# iss$e o! co#cer#O The !acilit&O 4R. ,ROE2+G: The #at$re o! cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. N9+*T-ON: Eell' are &o$ sa&i#" that &o$ are aware o! this !acilit&O 4R. ,ROE2+G: -Bm #ot comme#ti#" o# a#& partic$lar !acilit&.


Robert Eood /ep$t& *pokesma# /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, A$"$st 4' 200) [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: Fow P "i%e $s some idea o! how deepl& &o$Bre looki#" i#to the P 9.*. Go%er#me#t is looki#" i#to this report abo$t the 5$rmese. Are the& bei#" C$estio#ed' are the& bei#" askedO 4R. EOO/: Abo$t which 5$rmese are &o$ talki#" abo$tO N9+*T-ON: Abo$t the t$##els. N9+*T-ON: The #$clear reactor. N9+*T-ON: N$clear reactor. 4R. EOO/: Eell' - do#Bt wa#t to "et i#to m$ch more detail tha# - alread& ha%e o# this iss$e' b$t it is a# iss$e o! co#cer# to $s. EeBre ob%io$sl& looki#" i#to these t&pes o! reports. 5$t - D$st do#Bt wa#t to "o be&o#d what we ha%e said o# that.

49Connor on the B4B

posted Eed#esda& A$"$st 1' 200) $#der b& De!!re&
*ea# OB,o##or' whose e celle#t -4-NT a#d A#al&sis blo" was rece#tl& o# hiat$s' se#t alo#" his tho$"hts o# the 5o oB 5$rma' aka The 5O5: Rece#t re%elatio#s i# *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d Gale Global O#li#e <.art - a#d .art --= ha%e be"$# to shed more li"ht o# the pote#tial #$clear ambitio#s o! 5$rma. Ehile it is k#ow# that a# -A+A mo#itored' R$ssia#A b$ilt research reactor is bei#" co#str$cted #ear 4&ai#"' reports !rom de!ectors ha%e s$r!aced claimi#" that a seco#d #$clear !acilit& is bei#" created. This seco#d !acilit&' reportedl& #ear .&i# Oo 2wi#' is alle"edl& bei#" co#str$cted with the aid o! the /.R6' R$ssia' a#d possibl& -ra#. -t is the cor#ersto#e to the 5$rmese cla#desti#e #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram is alle"edl& composed o! two !acets: a #$clear pla#t a#d pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" ce#ter' a#d a# artiller& $#it' which ma& e%e#t$all& be eC$ipped with ballistic missiles imported !rom North 6orea. The e#tire comple is belie%ed to be placed withi# the *etkha&a 4o$#tai#s' so$theast o! .&i# Oo 2wi#. 5$rmese scie#tists a#d soldiers ha%e tra%eled to R$ssia !or trai#i#" i# the operatio# o! #$clear reactors' as part o! the 5$rmaAR$ssia pro"ram to de%elop a research reactor #ear 4&ai#"' a#d reports s$""est that some perso##el ha%e tra%eled to North 6orea !or similar reaso#s. North 6orea appears to be the so$rce !or the b$lk o! the desi"# a#d i#!rastr$ct$re de%elopme#t !or the reactor a#d reprocessi#" pla#t. The reactor is belie%ed to $se water to pro%ide the carbo# dio ide $sed i# the cooli#" loop. This is co#siste#t with North 6orea# reactor desi"#' a#d both the reactor at Go#"b&o# a#d the alle"ed reactor bei#" b$ilt i# *&ria were sited #ear water so$rces !or this reaso#. Rece#t a#al&sis o! satellite ima"er& has bro$"ht a pote#tial locatio# !or 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram to li"ht. The !acilit&' ro$"hl& 10 miles east o! .&i# Oo 2wi#' ca# be see# i# the ima"e below. This !acilit& was $#der co#str$ctio# i# 2001 whe# the ima"er& was capt$red' which wo$ld make it a ca#didate !or the co%ert #$clear pro"ram b$t #ot the ci%ilia# pro"ram s$pported b& R$ssia' which had #ot &et see# a#& si"#i!ica#t acti%it& i# 200). Three ke& poi#ts are a##otated i# the ima"e' the !acilit& itsel!' the power tra#smissio# li#es which ca# be traced to A#isakha# so$thwest o! .&i# Oo 2wi#.

A detailed %iew o! the mai# comple itsel! is pro%ided below. 4a#& !eat$res o! the comple ca# be discer#ed e%e# tho$"h it is still clearl& bei#" co#str$cted. Note the a!oreme#tio#ed power li#es' a#d the !act that the& termi#ate at a s$bstatio#' likel& pro%idi#" electricit& !or the comple . The mai# !acilit& appears to be sit$ated i# a shallow re%etme#t car%ed o$t o! the terrai#' with a smaller comple o%erlooki#" it !rom abo%e. There are si"#s that !e#ci#" is bei#" placed aro$#d the re%etted !acilit&' a#d si"#s that !$rther b$ildi#"s a#d roads are bei#" co#str$cted. The mai# !acilit&' meas$ri#" 82 b& 84 !eet [sic; should be meters]' appears to ha%e a sla#ted' i#%erted % shaped roo! made o! corr$"ated metal.

There are #$mero$s aspects o! this !acilit& which s$""est that' while it ma& ha%e some part to pla& i# 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram' it is #ot the site o! the co%ert #$clear pla#t or reprocessi#" ce#ter. 0irstl&' recall the cooli#" reC$ireme#ts !or a North 6orea# reactor desi"#. There is #o i#dicatio# o! a#& #earb& so$rce o! water' or a#& si"#i!ica#t pipi#" !rom s$ch a so$rce' to pro%ide the #ecessar& water #eeded to cool the reactor. -t was reported b& o#e o! the de!ectors that North 6orea#s were prese#t at the co%ert site to e#"a"e i# si"#i!ica#t t$##eli#" proDects' as the reactor a#d/or pl$to#i$m processi#" pla#t were alle"edl& to be placed below "ro$#d. No si"# o! a#& sort o! t$##eli#" is prese#t' or at least was #ot prese#t i# 2001. 0$rthermore' the terrai# where the b$ildi#" is placed' as see# i# the ima"e below' does #ot precl$de a lar"e de"ree o! t$##eli#" or 9G0 emplaceme#t. Ehile there is a de"ree o! terrai# %ariatio#' it is #ot o! s$!!icie#t depth to allow !or 9G0 co#str$ctio# witho$t bori#" dow# i#to the +arth at a# a#"le' a#d thereb& prod$ci#" a m$ch more #oticeable co#str$ctio# !ootpri#t. Also' the !acilit& does #ot appear to be s$#k i#to the terrai# to a "reat de"ree' disC$ali!&i#" its $se as a portal !or e#teri#" a b$ried 9G0.

There are two i#teresti#" !eat$res which ma& i#dicate where the co%ert !acilit&' i! it e ists' will be sited. 0irst' the access road leadi#" to the east i#to the terrai# is a #ew co#str$ctio#' a#d it leads ri"ht past the seco#d !eat$re' a possible sec$rit& checkpoi#t. This is the !irst maDor sec$rit&Arelated !eat$re prese#t i# the area' a#d s$""ests that whate%er is bei#" co#cealed is !$rther to the east. -# !act' it has bee# s$""ested b& a 5$rmese sec$rit& o!!icer that the ?Na$#" 2ai#"@ <a# alter#ate #ame !or .&i# Oo 2wi#' as well as 4a&m&o= !acilit& is merel& a distractio# mea#t to hide the locatio# o! the real !acilit&. Ehile this is #ot #ecessaril& likel&' la sec$rit& #oted i# the area as o! late s$""ests that the o!!icer was at least hal! correct: this is #ot a #$clear !acilit&. The likel& locatio# !or the co%ert site is !$rther east' #ear the ri%er. A# area o! i#terest <AO-= !or !$t$re i#%esti"atio# has bee# marked o# the !ollowi#" ima"e:

This locatio# has a #$mber o! ad%a#ta"es: A .ree isti#"' co#%e#ie#t water so$rce !or cooli#" A /eeper a#d more %aried terrai# !or 9G0 co#str$ctio# A ,o#ditio#s more ame#able to the !ormatio# a#d persiste#ce o! mist' a !eat$re claimed b& de!ectors to ha%e bee# chose# so that work o# a#d the prese#ce o! the !acilit& <a#d pote#tiall& cooli#" emissio#s= co$ld be hidde# !rom the air As demo#strated abo%e' while the $#ide#ti!ied !acilit& located i# 5$rma ma& #ot be related to the #$clear pro"ram' it does represe#t a# i#teresti#" e#i"ma' a#d its prese#ce ma& ha%e pro%ided e#o$"h i#!ormatio# to locate the "e#eral positio# o! the co%ert site. The most likel& e pla#atio# !or the 9/- !acilit&' apart !rom the pre%io$sl& me#tio#ed deco& site' is a s$pport !$#ctio# !or the si"#i!ica#t amo$#t o! t$##elli#" which m$st be $#dertake# i# order to co#str$ct the 9G0s reC$ired b& the proDect. -# time this ma& e%e# represe#t the sec$rit& a#d site s$pport base !or the !acilit&. 0$rther i#%esti"atio# a#d a#al&sis is reC$ired' b$t it ca# be stated with a de"ree o! certai#t&' "i%e# the e%ide#ce a#d i#!ormatio# at ha#d' that #o #$clear acti%it& will be $#dertake# $#der#eath the 82 b& 84 !oot roo!.

Comments 1. Fe& (e!! P A co$ple o! poi#ts. 0rom the wa& the shadows !all' - wo$ld sa& that the roo! is a #ormal pitched roo! a#d a"ree that it looks like corr$"ated metal. The ?sidewa&s@ ima"e' howe%er' probabl& adds #o i#!ormatio# at all beca$se it is simpl& a tra#s!ormatio# o! the o%erhead ima"e' as - e plai#ed here. There ma& be some terrai# ele%atio# i#!ormatio# added i#' b$t the b$ildi#" clearl& is !rom the o%erhead' a#d there!ore the e ca%ated terrai# aro$#d the b$ildi#" is likel& a simple tra#s!ormatio# o! the o%erhead' #o additio#al i#!ormatio# to i#terpret there. -t wo$ld be #ice to see the dirt pile !rom e ca%atio#' b$t it wo$ld also be a# eas& thi#" to distrib$te that dirt i# the D$#"le. V ,her&l Ro!er W A$" 1' 04::8 .4 W 2. 2 poi#ts o# OB,o##orBs a#al&sis: 1. Roo! shadow o# #orth side shows #ormal' ce#ter peak roo! #ot i#%ertedA3. 2. 82 meter sC$are' #ot !oot. 4& ow# re%iewS *omethi#" was b$""i#" me abo$t the b$ildi#" itsel!' looki#" at it. - had ass$med that there was a drai#a"e ditch d$" aro$#d it' below #at$ral "rade' a#d that acco$#ted !or the stepped appeara#ce o! the s$rro$#di#" dirt. - thi#k - was wro#". - had bee# ass$mi#" that the hill to the east was a sharp $pA"rade P that the two parallel access roads o# the east' o#e o! which "oes ?past@ a#d to the small recta#"$lar b$ildi#" abo$t 71m #ortheast' was ?$phill@ !rom the road "oi#" to the 5O5 itsel!. - was looki#" at cl$es a#d #ow - thi#k - had that backwards P - thi#k the site is !$#dame#tall& more !lat' that the 255 to the #ortheast is at the same "rade ro$"hl& as the e#tra#ce road past the berm areas. 4& c$rre#t read is that the b$ildi#" sits o# top a# arti!icial' twoAstep step p&ramid t&pe dirt str$ct$re' with the access ramp to it slopi#" $p as it heads #ortheast' the# le%el with the !acilit& as it makes the )0 de"ree t$r# to the #orthwest a#d across to the ceme#t pad aro$#d the b$ildi#". The 2Astep dirt str$ct$re has %er& li#ear' sC$ared o!! sides' a#d the bottom o! the o$tside seems to be ?at "rade@. That is %er&' %er& odd. -! - am i#terpreti#" the topolo"& correctl&' i! those steps are 41 de"ree slopes' the# the co#crete pad is o# the order o! 11 meters abo%e s$rro$#di#" "rade. - ca# thi#k o! #o "ood reaso# to place a# ordi#ar& b$ildi#" $p o# a raised pad like that. The o#l& p$rpose that comes to mi#d is b$ildi#" a# earthAco%ered str$ct$re i#side a# arti!icial mo$#d' a#d dis"$isi#" it b& p$tti#" a #ormalAlooki#" wareho$se t&pe b$ildi#" o# top. .res$mabl&' thereBs a# access ramp back dow# i#side somewhere $#der the 5O5 roo!. The o#l& t&pe o! !acilities worth doi#" that with that - ca# thi#k o! wo$ld be #$clear or militar& comma#d a#d co#trol. *o' challe#"e !or other readers P look at the site topolo"& with me. 2etBs tr& a#d !i"$re o$t P is that a step p&ramid $p' or am - misreadi#" the site topolo"&.

- a"ree with OB,o##or that a bi""er !acilit& !$rther east' o!! the Goo"le +arth detailed ima"e patch o%er b& the ri%er to the east' is more likel& a primar& !acilit&. 5$t - am #o lo#"er co#%i#ced this !acilit& is relati%el& i##oce#t. V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" 1' 08:1: .4 W

:. - do#Bt k#ow what 5o5 is !or' b$t OB,o##er is basi#" part o! his a#al&sis $po# a !alse
ass$mptio#.*i"#i!ica#t s$pplies o! water !or cooli#" a reactor a#d/or reprocessi#" !acilit& are not a sine qua non. This is partic$larl& so !or a low power pla#t like the *&ria# 2+GO !actor&' or the N6 bomb machi#e. A# arra& o! dr& !orced air heat e cha#"ers are certai#l& e!!ecti%e.

Eorki#" e actl& like a car radiator' the hot reactor water !rom the seco#dar& loop is p$mped thr$ a "rid o! !i##ed t$bes. 2ar"e !a#s p$ll cooli#" air thr$ the "rid. The #ow cooled water circ$lates back to the primar& ,O2/Eater heat e cha#"er e cha#"er at the reactor. -! &o$ ha%e a "ood so$rce o! cooli#" water like a ri%er or lake' the# !i#e' &o$ sa%e bi" b$cks o# electricit&' b$t i! &o$Bre i# the desert or mo$#tai#s' a#d costAe!!ecti%e#ess is #ot primar&' the# dr& cooli#" is !i#e. V Gale *imki# W A$" 8' 10:11 A4 W 4. \ *o' challe#"e !or other readers P look at the site topolo"& with me. 2etBs tr& a#d !i"$re o$t P is that a step p&ramid $p' or am - misreadi#" the site topolo"&. <- se#t this i# eAmail a bit a"o' b$t repeat it here. As alwa&s' 0E-E=: - sho$ld ha%e do#e this be!ore' b$t the Goo"le +arth terrai# tool i#dicates that the 5O5 was b$ilt o# a site that sloped $p b& twe#t& meters or so !rom the so$th to the #orth ed"e. -! thatBs so' the& had a !airl& serio$s amo$#t o! le%eli#" to do b& c$tti#" dow# the #orth side' b$ildi#" $p the so$th' or some combi#atio# o! the two. V Alle# Thomso# W A$" 8' 0::18 .4 W 1. 1/4 0or those o! &o$ with a li!e' &o$ ca# skip m& %erbal diarrhoea below P - ha%e#Bt a cl$e what this b$ildi#" is. 0or those o! &o$ who wa#t to read !$rther P &o$ sho$ld "et o$t more' a#d ma&be also "et some pro!essio#al helpZ :A= Ehe# - look at Goo"le +arth -Bm str$ck #ot D$st b& what this thi#" is' b$t also where it is. As -Bm s$re &o$B%e all #oticed' .&i# Oo 2wi# seems to be i# the heartla#d o! the 5$rmese militar&. 0or e ample' thereBs a spa#ki#" "reat :000m air!ield D$st so$thwest o! the tow#' which clearl& ca#Bt be !or to$rism beca$se thereBs a 4000m o#e abo$t 10 km so$thwest' #ear to 4a#dala&. ThereBs also the /e!e#ce

*er%ices Academ& <#icel& marked with a li#k to Eikipedia= at 22 01B 28@ N a#d )8 27B 17@ +. A#d a #ice "ol! co$rse #earb& <22 00B ::@ N' )7 27B 44@ += a#d some prett& pl$sh ho$si#" at 21 1)B N' )8 28B 40@ +. Gi%e# the look o! the /*A' -Bd also "$ess that the re"$lar str$ct$res aro$#d 22 00B 00@ N' )7 27B 00@ + are a barracks. Oh' a#d thereBs also the Go%er#orBs ho$se at 22 01B 08@ N' )7 27B 28@ +. As a# earlier poster poi#ted o$t' N-45Gism is s$rel& as %alid i# 5$rma as a#&where else' so alread& start to ha%e do$bts abo$t the str$ct$re bei#" a secret 4AGNO>At&pe reactor' which co$ld be bombed at a#& mome#t <i! weBre to belie%e the e pla#atio# o! the 5O+=. No#etheless' placi#" 5O5 o#l& 20 km !rom s$ch a collectio# o! militar& #obs a#d hobA#obs' s$""ests two thi#"s: +ither the 5$rmese wa#t the protectio# a!!orded b& ha%i#" se%eral tho$sa#d soldiers a#d trai#ees #earb&' or else the& wa#ted to p$t it somewhere where a#& $#$s$al acti%it& wo$ld be i#%isible a"ai#st a back"ro$#d o! re"$lar militar& !li"hts' co#%o&s' checkpoi#ts' detachme#ts o! soldiers marchi#" hither a#d thither' etc. 4& mo#e&Bs o# the seco#d optio#: 5O5 is where it is <i.e. #ear to .&i# Oo 2wi#= beca$se it wo$ld be more di!!ic$lt to disti#"$ish 5O5Arelated acti%ities !rom the re"$lar comi#"s a#d "oi#"s o! a militar& tow#. As to what it is' &o$r "$ess is as "ood as mi#e. 5ased o# the Goo"le +arth photo - do#Bt belie%e at the mome#t that it is a reactor. Gale correctl& sa&s that ?*i"#i!ica#t s$pplies o! water !or cooli#" a reactor a#d/or reprocessi#" !acilit& are not a si#e C$a #o#@ !or a reactor. 5$t the alter#ati%e o! $si#" airAcooled co#de#sers D$st does#Bt strike me as credible. Air cooled co#de#sers are e#ormo$sl& less e!!icie#tH &o$Bd be doi#" well to "et a hotwell temperat$re o! 80 de" , with airAcooled' compared to :: de" , with water cooled' mea#i#" that i! a p$tati%e reactor has a coreAcoola#t circ$latio# o! abo$t 100 k"/s the# the waterA cooled %ersio# co$ld r$# at a thermal power abo$t 10 4E hi"her. O# a reactor thatBs o#l& 40 P 10 4Eth a#&wa&' thatBs a bi" di!!ere#ce. V Fairs W A$" 8' 08:21 A4 W 8. 2/4 Not o#l& are airAcooled co#de#sers less e!!ecti%e' b$t the& are 5-GH the&Bd be %er& %isible !rom the air' a#d &o$ co$ld easil& see what temperat$re the&Bre r$##i#" at' a#d th$s ded$ce' !rom their s$r!ace area' what heat load is bei#" d$mped to the air. This wo$ld tell &o$ a lot abo$t the operatio#' a#d ma im$m capabilit&' o! a#& reactor. O# the e#"i#eeri#" side' airAcooled co#de#sers te#d to !o$l easil& i# tropical re"io#s' mea#i#" the& rapidl& lose per!orma#ce' a#d the&Bre also rather s$sceptible to the e!!ects o! wi#d' mea#i#" that &o$ ca#Bt alwa&s achie%e desi"# load beca$se o! the wi#d. -tBs bad e#o$"h r$##i#" a combi#edAc&cle "as t$rbi#e with airAcooled co#de#sers' b$t - certai#l& wo$ld#Bt wa#t to operate a #$clear pla#t with o#e' beca$se co#strai#ts a#d %ariatio#s i# m& cooli#" wo$ld !eedback to core reacti%it&' with co#seC$e#ces !or pl$to#i$m prod$ctio#. -! 5$rma reall& is b$ildi#" a 4AGNO> t&pe reactor the# - thi#k it wo$ld make !ar more se#se to site it #ear a ri%er a#d $se o#ceAthro$"h cooli#" <it wo$ld also be easier to hide the thermal si"#at$re b& mi i#" e cess ri%er water with the co#de#ser dischar"e' be!ore p$mpi#" it back $#der the s$r!ace o! the !lowi#" ri%er=. V Fairs W A$" 8' 08:2: A4 W 7. :/4 Re"ardi#" the ?s$bAstatio#@ at 2: 0:B 01@ N' )7 :7B :7@ +' !or what itBs worth -Bd sa& it is a 1:2 k3 statio#. Two &ears a"o there was a 0ra#co A*+AN semi#ar' which i#cl$ded a co$#tr& report b& 4&a#mar o# its electrical "rid <tr& "oo"li#" ?.oweri#" A*+AN: Tech#olo"& a#d .olic& Optio#s@ a#d ?,o$#tr& report o! 4&a#mar@H b$t i! all else !ails - co$ld se#d a cop& o! the report to (e!!re& !or posti#"=. *lide :4 o! the report shows a 1:2 k3 li#e co##ecti#" 4a#dala& to .&i# Oo 2wi#' so it wo$ld make se#se i! that s$ppl& was e te#ded to the 5O5. - do#Bt thi#k the s$ppl& is 88 k3 or :: k3 beca$se the shadows o! the p&lo#s' a#d the li#es <i#asm$ch as the& are %isible=' aro$#d 2: 0:B 40.1@ N' )8 :1B 14@ + s$""ests towers with li#es o# both sides <i.e. do$ble circ$it=. That s$""ests to me both the hi"her %olta"e' a#d a certai# amo$#t o! red$#da#c& <!or e ample' the 5$rmese co$ld ha%e D$st i#stalled a

si#"leAcirc$it :: k3 s$ppl& i! thatBs all that was #eeded=. -! we accept P based o# the Goo"le earth photo P that thereBs #o i#dicatio# o! a#& maDor cooli#"' the# the power li#es are probabl& bri#"i#" power i# rather tha# e porti#" it o$t. 2astl&' the earthworks are i#teresti#"H s$rel& the& ha%e#Bt bee# b$ilt !ust so that A,E readers ca#Bt "et some #ice' sharp shadows !or ded$ci#" the hei"ht o! the b$ildi#"Z :A= - pres$me that there is a reaso# !or the earth b$#ds / berms' b$t - ca#Bt thi#k what it mi"ht be. *imilarl&' the road headi#" o!! i#to the %er& bl$rr& #ei"hbo$ri#" photo <at 22 02B 12@ N' )8 :8B 14@ += was pres$mabl& b$ilt !or a reaso#H itBs D$st a shame we ca#Bt !ollow a#d see where it "oes. - also wo#der i! the str$ct$re at 22 02B 18@ N' )8 :8B 18@ + is some ki#d o! a checkpoi#tO V Fairs W A$" 8' 08:27 A4 W 8. 4/4 All i# all' - see a lar"e b$ildi#" close to a %er& militarised area' where it looks as i! the access roads to the b$ildi#" are "$arded b& checkpoi#ts. The b$ildi#" itsel! is s$rro$#ded <s$#k i#toO= earthe# berms' with access b& a wide road $p a ramp' with a )0 de" t$r# at the e#d. ThereBs #o ob%io$s so$rce o! cooli#" <i! it is some ki#d o! reactor / power statio#=' &et there seems to be a twi#Acirc$it "rid co##ectio# to the site <possibl& 1:2 k3' b$t likel& to be at least :: k3=. :: k3 co$ld pla$sibl& be !or li"hti#" a#d F3A, i# s$ch a lar"e b$ildi#"' b$t 1:2 k3 wo$ld impl& that somethi#" i#side is co#s$mi#" a lot o! power. -! someo#e p$t a "$# to m& head a#d said ?-tBs de!i#itel& proli!eratio#ArelatedH #ow make a "$ess@ the# -Bd "o !or a ce#tri!$"e i#stallatio#. 5$t i# compariso# to Nata#; the whole !ootpri#t is too small. N$ite !ra#kl&' altho$"h itBs s$spicio$s -Bm #ot at all s$re that it is proli!eratio#Arelated. As - said at the be"i##i#"' - ha%e#Bt a cl$e what this b$ildi#" is. V Fairs W A$" 8' 08:2) A4 W ). -tBs worthwhile to look at the locatio# o! the b$ildi#" i# the terrai# a#d satellite %iews i# Goo"le 4aps. -tBs b$ilt i#to the lower slope o! a hill i# what' !or lack o! better' -Bll call a# emba&me#t i# the s$rro$di#"' hi"her topo"raph&. 2ike e%er&bod& else' - do#Bt k#ow what it is' b$t wo$ld recomme#d ca$tio# whe# accepti#" or reDecti#" h&potheses. V Alle# Thomso# W A$" 8' 01:40 .4 W 10.-# the NGT pict$re o! the same b$ildi#"' it shows a ri%er withi# at least a mile o! it' -m #ow co#!$sed wh& &o$ sa& its #ot close e#o$"h to waterO V Dw W A$" )' 04:41 A4 W 11.($st li#ked o%er !rom 6risto!!Bs article' do#Bt k#ow m$ch abo$t #$clear sites b$t ha%e lear#ed a lot alread&. N$estio#: wh& the bl$e colorO 2ooks like a swimmi#" pool. V (oh# +dwards W A$" )' 08:24 A4 W 12.Ehat abo$t a# -,54 siloO -t wo$ld be a lot cheaper to simpl& b$& a weapo# !rom N6 tha# to b$ild the i#!rastr$ct$re a#d make o#e themsel%es. ,o$ld the power be to r$# a liC$id o &"e# pla#t !or the -,54O 2iC$id !$eled rockets are too !ra"ile !or ?real@ militar& $tilit&' b$t as a deterre#t !or a ro"$e state the& mi"ht be ?e#o$"h@. N6Bs lo#"est ra#"e missiles are liC$id !$eled.

.$tti#" it close e#o$"h to all the militar& st$!! wo$ld protect it !rom "ro$#d !orces' b$t it is !ar e#o$"h awa& !rom militar& ho$si#" that i! <whe#= it is attacked b& precisio# m$#itio#s those i# the militar& ho$si#" are #ot at risk. 2ook at the t$r# radi$s o! the access roads. Ehat does that impl& as to the le#"th o! what e%er is "oi#" to be tr$cked to the siteO The rece#t spate o! testi#" b& N6 mi"ht be part o! their marketi#" e!!ort' to demo#strate the& ha%e somethi#" to sell. The $se o! air cooli#" is #ot $#realistic. The -sraeli reactor at /imo#a is i# the middle o! a desert a#d $ses airAcooled cooli#" towers. The temperat$re o! a# airAcooled cooli#" tower is eas& to meas$re' b$t the air !low is #ot. O#e ca# easil& make a bi" dr& cooli#" tower a#d the# #ot blow m$ch air thro$"h it to "i%e the ill$sio# o! a lar"e power dissipatio#. V daedal$s W A$" )' 08:41 A4 W 1:.This is clearl& a p&ramid with a# abo%e "ro$#d area topped with a bl$e pitched roo!' that is clearl& abo%e the tree li#e. All maDor acti%it& will take place i# the p&ramid. The smaller b$ildi#" to the back is #ot abo%e it b$t below it with a smaller b$ildi#" i# !ro#t o! it. A car sits i# betwee# the p&ramid a#d the b$ildi#" showi#" that the two b$ildi#"s are !ar below it. Ehat is missi#" is a#& e#tra#ce to or !rom a#& o! the b$ildi#"s co##ecti#" them to the p&ramid' i#dicati#" $#der"ro$#d access. The ramp is #ot a road b$t probabl& the base !or a# abo%e "ro$#d pipeli#e or is !or a# alread& b$ilt $#der"ro$#d pipeli#e. The ri%er is close e#o$"h i! the water is bei#" p$mped $#der"ro$#d. There is !ar too m$ch !oc$s o# the bl$e roo! bei#" o# a si#"$lar abo%e "ro$#d b$ildi#". -t is the hi"hest poi#t o! the e#tire !acilit& that is below it i# the p&ramid a#d who k#ows how m$ch !arther dow# i#to the earth it "oes. 5ei#" close to a militari;ed area pro%ides the hi"hest protectio#. - o#l& see at this poi#t ma&be o#e b$ildi#" that co$ld be barracks. *o o#l& a !ew will be o# site at a#& time !or i#ter#al sec$rit&. + ter#al will come !rom the #earb& militar& area. This 5O5 co$ld %er& well be #$clear. V DD W A$" )' 10:24 A4 W 14.This is a commo# or "arde#' pre!abricated' sC$are metal b$ildi#" <#o ?p&ramid@=' s$rro$#ded b& parki#" <X the same le%el as the dri%ewa&=' a#d !$rther s$rro$#ded b& pla#ted berms. Ehere are the co#trol poi#ts' "$ard ho$ses' a#d alter#ate ro$tes i# a#d o$tO -! this is a #$clear' or militar& !acilit&' -Bm a mo#ke&Bs $#cle. V OldRo"$e W A$" )' 01:18 .4 W 11.2ooks like a l$ $r& resort' to me. V 0ra#k W A$" )' 0::1) .4 W 18.- a"ree that the roo! is a #ormall& pitched %Aroo!. -t is 82m 82m' a#d at the #orth e#tra#ce<O= is a# ^8m lo#" obDect' possibl& a %ehicle. The lo#"est %ehicle &o$ co$ld mo%e $p the ramp wo$ld be somethi#" p$lli#" a trailer 18A20m lo#" D$d"i#" !rom the c$r%at$re o! the ramp. 0$thermore' the ramp is 10A12m wide' whereas the road leadi#" to the site is o#l& abo$t 1m wide. /oes this s$""est that the& co$ld be e pecti#" to b$ild lar"er items o# site be!ore mo%i#" them $p the rampO There is a !lat "raded site 10]10m *+ o! the b$ildi#" P co$ld this be a helipad or a site !or a#other b$ildi#"O The other b$ildi#"s are smaller' b$t still s$bsta#tial :0m20m a#d 21m 8m.

0i#all&' the site is o#l& 8km !rom the ri%er' which wo$ld mea# pipi#" i# water wo$ld be eas&. A lar"e e#o$"h pipeli#e co$ld be co#str$cted i# o#l& a mo#th or two. Fowe%er' at the time o! this photo there is #o e%ide#ce o! a pipeli#e or p$mpi#" statio# #ear the ri%er. V ,am *#ow W A$" )' 01:1) .4 W

17.Ehile Fairs poi#ts o$t Yale correctly says that i!ni"icant supplies o" #ater "or coolin! a reactor
and$or reprocessin! "acility are not a sine qua non "or a reactor?' he writes that the alternati%e o" usin! air&cooled condensers 'ust doesn(t stri)e me as credible* - wo$ld rather sa& that 100U airAcooli#" is unlikely' b$t credible. Remember what m& ori"i#al poi#t was P that lack o! co#%e#ie#t so$rces o! water sho$ld NOT be o%erl& depe#ded $po# as a# i#dicator o! #$clear !acilities. A proli!erator makes choices that #ecessit& reC$ires. +!!icie#c&' costAe!!ecti%e#ess' reliabilit&' etc. ma& #ot alwa&s appl&. *addamBs $ra#i$m e#richme#t pro"ram was missed beca$se #o o#e tho$"ht that he wo$ld $se the cl$#k&' massi%e' a#d terribl& waste!$l obsolete tech#olo"& o! cal$tro#s. The -raCis were circli#" i#to "etti#" master& o! the process whe# the G$l! Ear aborted it. 5TE P - do#Bt ha%e a#& reaso# to thi#k that 5o5 has a#& atomic !acilities' D$st that lack o! water does #ot completel& precl$de it P a more "e#eral obse%atio#. 5e that as it ma&' dr& cooli#" is not the o#l& waterAscarce optio#. -! the !a#Acooled heatAe cha#"ers are spra&ed with a mi#imal amo$#t o! water' e!!icie#c& sk&rockets. The water !ilm is treme#do$sl& more e!!icie#t tra#s!erri#" the heat a#d m$ch e#er"& is carried awa& b& e%aporatio#. These coolers ca# $se more tha# )1U 2+** water tha# comparable ope# water s&stems. This C$a#tit& o! water ca# be piped <as ,am poi#ted o$t=' drilled or ha$led i#. /imo#a i# the -sraeli desert a#d 6hash$b i# .akista# <abo$t 4 km !rom the #earest lar"e water so$rce= appear to $se these: 6hash$b:

/imo#a o%erhead:

/imo#a side %iew <blowers i# the ce#ter o! pict$re=:

V Gale *imki# W A$" )' 0):27 .4 W 18.,o#ti#$i#".. 0rom T+#%iro#me#tal -mpact Assessme#t Report New N$clear .ower .la#t i# 2ith$a#ia A$"$st 27th 2008T +-A report b& ._&r& +#er"& O& <0i#la#d= 2ith$a#ia# +#er"& -#stit$te <2ith$a#ia= +ry coolin! methods peci"ic "eatures o" an air&cooled condenser ,-CC. and /eller system are insi!ni"icant ma)e&up #ater consumption but also rather ine""ecti%e coolin!* *owever" under circumstances where water is not available these cooling methods can be a reasonable solution despite the greater investment costs and the demand of large area. -CC uses air as the coolin! substance* The lo#&pressure steam "rom the turbine is led to the condenser0 #hich consists o" numerous "inned tubes0 usually mounted to an -&"orm* The steam condenses to #ater inside the tubes and cools do#n to the desi!n temperature* The coolin! occurs #ith con%ection and

radiation* The air circulates throu!h the condenser by "ans0 #hich require electricity* 1ecause o" the lar!e diameter o" the lo# pressure steam pipelines0 the condenser must be located near the steam turbine* +ue to relati%ely lo# heat trans"er e""iciency0 -CC also requires a lar!e area to be placed* /eller is an indirect dry coolin! method* There(s a closed circulation bet#een the condenser and the dry coolin! to#er #hose structure is %ery similar to -CC(s* The condenser is 'et type #hich sprays the cooled #ater directly to the boiler #ater circulation* There"ore the coolin! #ater has to be demineralised #ater* -s the condenser is at %acuum0 the cooled #ater "rom the to#er is expanded at a re!eneration turbine #hich re!enerates a part o" the pumpin! po#er needed "or coolin! #ater circulation* ````````````````````````` A# 0DC0660N1 !$ll& ill$strated o%er%iew o! e isti#" dr&Acooled power statio#s ca# be !o$#d here V Gale *imki# W A$" )' 0):14 .4 W 1).QFairsB posted: ?SthereBs a spa#ki#" "reat :000m air!ield D$st so$thwest o! the tow#@ Take a care!$l look at this str$ct$re' at 21[1)B1).4)?N' )8[28B28.11?+ abo$t 8 miles *E o! .&i# Oo 2wi#. At low ;oom it looks like a r$#wa&' a#d i! &o$ ;oom i# o# it there appear to be %er& !ai#t r$#wa& marki#"s: ce#terli#e' !i ed dista#ce <100B 1000B 1100B 2000B=' b$t #o ide#ti!ier <e". compass headi#"=. These marki#"s look wa& too !ai#t to be o! practical $se' especiall& !l&i#" -0R. *peaki#" o! i#str$me#t !li"ht' - !i#d #o %isible e%ide#ce o! #a%aids' approach li"hti#"' tower P heck' #ot e%e# a wi#dsock. The Qr$#wa&B is abo$t 10'000 !eet lo#"' accordi#" to Goo"le +arth' b$t has #o ta iwa&s' t$r#o!!s #or' ass$mi#" it is still $#der co#str$ctio#' a#& "radi#" to prepare !or addi#" them. The o#l& ramp area is a small pad #ear the so$th e#d that co$ld probabl& o#l& accommodate a si#"le wide bod& car"o Det. A#d the si#"le weirdest thi#" abo$t this ?airport@ P #o aircra!t %isible o# the "ro$#dZ There are other oddities i! &o$ look !or them. Fowe%er' despite the !ai#t marki#"s' it is striki#" that what it remi#ds me o! is #ot a r$#wa&' b$t the co%ered 2AmileAlo#" shed that ho$ses *2A, <*ta#!ord 2i#ear Accelerator ,e#ter=. ,o$ld 5$rma possibl& be tr&i#" to do some basic ph&sics researchO This is o! co$rse !arA!etched' b$t o%erall it seems hard to e plai# what this i#stallatio# is. V 5ill 2 W A$" 10' 02:11 A4 W 20.-tBs a# airstrip i#te#ded primaril& !or e ec$ti%e tra%el. - belie%e itBs the o#e the -#dia# de!e#ce mi#ister !lew i# o# a !ew &ears back. V A;rXel W A$" 10' 12::2 .4 W 21.Apolo"ies to Gale a#d others: - a"ree that air cooli#" is ?credible@ <i# the se#se that it is tech#icall& possible' a#d has bee# do#e be!ore= tho$"h $#likel&. -# a#& case' - thi#k the poi#t is moot: The lack o! any ob%io$s pro%isio# !or cooli#" i.e. #o i#dicatio#s o! pipi#" or p$mps at the ri%er' #o hardsta#ds !or cooli#" towers <whether air or water=' #o i#dicatio#s o! 2. steam pipes "oi#" i# / o$t the b$ildi#"' all s$""ests that this is #ot a reactor. The lack o! cooli#" ma& also r$le o$t 5O5 bei#" a chemical weapo#s !actor& too' altho$"h here m& k#owled"e is ti#& a#d - am o# %er& shak& "ro$#d. V Fairs W A$" 10' 01:00 .4 W

22.The limesto#e road seems to ha%e !airl& !resh limesto#e o# it a#d it e te#ds some dista#ce !rom the site. The limesto#e had to come !rom somewhere a#d - do#Bt see a C$arr& a#&where i# pro imit& to the site. 4& ass$mptio# is that it has come !rom a hole $#der said shed roo! a#d has bee# distrib$ted alo#" the road. The road is prett& s$spicio$s as it is C$ite wide a#d a#d well made a#d leads #owhere. V *imo# W A$" 11' 01:4) A4 W 2:.There is a# i#tri"$i#" series o! sC$ares o# the "ro$#d' each with !o$r smaller sC$ares i#side' comme#ci#" at the walled b$ildi#" <a#other s$bstatio#O= at 22.110111[' )8.8148:2[. *ome o! these !eat$res ha%e elaborate roads b$ilt to them. Fere are some e amples as the& lead to the so$th o! the airport at A#isaka# a#d i#to the lowAres area: 22.0)8102[' )8.801272[H 22.08)1)2[' )8.1)82:)[H 22.07:181[' )8.1882)8[H 22.088)07[' )8.1711)4[H 22.017171[' )8.18:087[H 22.01:::1[' )8.1447:)[H 22.012184[' )8.1:)77)[H 22.011108[' )8.1:8):8[H 22.02):11[' )8.121720[H 22.01244:[' )8.112148[H 22.007270[' )8.10)487[H 21.)8:721[' )8.4)1744[H 21.)82472[' )8.478:72[H 21.)18012[' )8.:)24)8[. The& co$ld be co#str$ctio# sites !or !$t$re powerli#es' altho$"h the idea o! %e#tilatio# sha!ts !or a t$##el did cross m& mi#d. ,ompare their si;e to the e isti#" powerli#es to/!rom the mai# !acilit&' which are o# a m$ch smaller scale' e.". 22.082011[' )8.1)0)7)[. - ca#Bt trace these all the wa& to A#isakha#' o#l& to 22.081188[' )8.128)88[. V A#drew W A$" 11' 01:18 A4 W 24.(( abo%e !ell !or the same optical ill$sio# - did' sort o! a# earthe# stepAp&ramid $p abo%e a mostl& !lat s$rro$#di#" terrai#. This is a "oo!' as topolo"& a#d other so$rces a%ailable #ow i#dicate. To ill$strate what - mistake#l& saw at !irst close look' a#d the real topolo"&' - created this "raphic:"herbert/4&a#mar/TopoAGoo!.p#" [2ncluded in -ppendix 1 o" this sourceboo)*] - ha%e cross sectio#s ro$"hl& EA+ a#d NA* !or the mistake# ?p&ramid@ topolo"&' a#d the act$al ?c$t i#to hillside@ topolo"& which the other so$rces i#cl$di#" better read o# the slope a#d hill hei"hts s$pport. V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" 11' 02:08 A4 W 21.-# relocati#" e#tire 4&a#mar Go%er#me#t !rom Ga#"o# to N&ap&idaw' the 5$rmese <soldiers= Tatmadaw b$ilt a l$ $r& beach resort !or their hi"her ra#ked militar& a#d *2OR,/ *./, sta!! a#d A..AR+NT2G sited it i# a locatio# wa& $p i# the hills a#d #ear 4am&o <.&i# Oo2wi#=A with all the trimmi#"s o! a beach resort b$t awa& !rom the tra$matic pote#ital o! coastal li%i#" P the& imported sa#d' created a !ake beach' saili#"' imported chi#ese beach $mbrellas' deck chairs ope#ed ca!e ser%e cocktails etc etc -# abse#ce o! other %alidit& it ma& well be that 0ra#kBs s$rmisal o! these "oo"le earth photos depicti#" a l$ $r& resort is a prett& acc$rate descriptio# P /aw ma khi# a&e 11 A$"$st 200) 1400 hrs V 4a khi# a&e W A$" 11' 11:18 .4 W


Robert Eood /ep$t& /epartme#t *pokesma# /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, A$"$st 8' 200) [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: Robert' the Thai Go%er#me#t has said that itBs looki#" i#to that report that came o$t last week abo$t the 5$rmese !actor& pla#t or the comple ' whate%er it mi"ht be' that s$pposedl& was b$ilt with help !rom North 6orea. -s it !air to sa& that witho$t disclosi#" P witho$t #ecessaril& addressi#" a#& i#telli"e#ce o# this' is it !air to sa& that the 9.*. Go%er#me#t is also looki#" i#to that reportO 4R. EOO/: - said &esterda& that we are looki#" i#to reports abo$t militar& P the militar& cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. A#d there is #othi#" - ca# reall& sa& here !rom the podi$m' b$t certai#l& we wo$ld be co#cer#ed abo$t reall& close cooperatio# betwee# the two. 5$t be&o#d that' - do#Bt ha%e a#&thi#" more - ca# add to it. N9+*T-ON: *o this report was#Bt serio$s e#o$"h or s$bsta#ti%e e#o$"h !or a#& bra#ch o! the 9.*. Go%er#me#t to act$all& look i#to it serio$sl&' or &o$ D$st ca#Bt address itO 4R. EOO/: - D$st ca#Bt address it here.

http://www."$$k/world/$sAembass&AcablesAdoc$me#ts/21)7)8 Th$rsda&' 08 A$"$st 200)' 18:1) ,ON0-/+NT-A2 *+,T-ON 01 O0 01 *TAT+ 08201: *-./-* 9*9N 0OR .O2 G+N+3A 0OR ,/ /+2 +O 12)18 /+,2: 08/01/201) TAG* AOR,' ,/G' +NRG' 0RK\0R' 6NN.' 4N9,' .AR4' .GO3' .R+2' 96' 9NGA' -A+A' N.T' G4

S.B/0C12 N.C60A3 N4N 346-503A1-4N 130A1< (N 1) B-6A103A6S =-1; .K* 53ANC0* AN@ A03MAN<
,lassi!ied 5&: Amb. 4ar"$erita Ra"sdale. 1.1 <b= a#d <d=. [EXCERPT ] 1. <,= *$mmar&: Ambassador *$sa# 5$rk' *pecial Represe#tati%e o! the .reside#t !or N$clear No#proli!eratio# met with ke& N$clear No#proli!eratio# Treat& <N.T= i#terloc$tors i# 2o#do#' .aris' a#d 5erli# !rom ($l& 14 = 17. The meeti#"s demo#strated that we ha%e %er& !ew di!!ere#ces with these "o%er#me#ts o# the mai# obDecti%es !or the Treat& a#d the 2010 Re%iew ,o#!ere#ce <Re%,o#=. The 96 a#d 0ra#ce are C$ite ea"er to take stro#" leadership roles a#d work closel& with $s' i#cl$di#" o# disarmame#t iss$es' a#d to e#"a"e with a wide ra#"e o! N.T .arties to e#s$re a s$ccess!$l Re%,o#. 5$rk a"reed with 96 a#d 0re#ch o!!icials o# the importa#ce o! coordi#atio# amo#" the .A1 o# N.T iss$es. The 96 a#d 0ra#ce a"reed that we sho$ld be ambitio$s i# p$rs$i#" o$r obDecti%es !or the Re%,o#. The& di!!er i# o#e ke& area' howe%er' with the 96 ea"er to promote its a""ressi%e disarmame#t post$re a#d 0ra#ce de!e#si%e abo$t disarmame#t a#d co#cer#ed that 9*/R$ssia# i#itiati%es a#d 96 $#ilateral meas$res will lead to i#creasi#" press$res o# 0ra#ce to e#"a"e o# #$clear disarmame#t. This di!!ere#t perspecti%e is ca$si#" co#siderable $#ease betwee# the two. 2. <,= Germa# o!!icials were more ca$tio$s abo$t "oals !or the Re%,o#' possibl& beca$se their e%ide#t se#siti%it& to the %iews o! No#AAli"#ed 4o%eme#t states leads them to !oc$s o# the "$l! betwee# those states a#d the Eest. All three "o%er#me#ts with whom we met see -ra# as perhaps the bi""est problem !or the N.T' a#d belie%e that hi"hAle%el i#ter%e#tio# with +"&pt will be #ecessar& to resol%e the 4iddle +ast iss$e at the Re%,o#. 5$rk was asked at e%er& stop abo$t the relatio#ship o! the 9.*.Aproposed #$clear sec$rit& s$mmit to the Re%,o#H she described the e%e#ts as related a#d compleme#tar&' rather tha# li#ked. :. <9= -# 2o#do# a#d .aris' 5$rk was Doi#ed b& -*N/4N*A /ep$t& /irector *cott /a%is' O*/Js Am& .rible' a#d Adam *chei#ma#' /irector o! No#proli!eratio#' Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. /a%is a#d .rible also atte#ded the 5erli# meeti#"s. +#d *$mmar& [deletia] 28. <,= The last meeti#" was with ,hristia# /emocratic 5$#desta" member +ckart %o# 6laede# a#d sta!!ers !rom all the maDor Germa# political parties. 3o# 6laede# asked whether the 9#ited *tates seeks to e#!orce complia#ce b& ame#di#" the N.T' somethi#" 5$rk ass$red him is #ot a# optio# we will p$rs$e. Other C$estio#s co#cer#ed .A1/NA4 disp$tes' -ra#' ,T5T' the -A+A !$el ba#k' the 9.*.Aproposed #$clear sec$rit& s$mmit' a#d co#cer#s abo$t 4&a#marJs #$clear i#te#tio#s. ,2-NTON

http://www.radioa$stralia.#et.a$/co##ectasia/stories/200)08/s28478)7.htm Nuke theory in Burma tunneling confirmed by defectors 9pdated A$"$st 8' 200) 11:42::8 A 9* #o#Aproli!eratio# "ro$p is calli#" o# the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& to i#%esti"ate 5$rma' a!ter !resh reports the militar& D$#ta has a secret #$clear pro"ram which ma& be worki#" towards a bomb. *$spicio#s ha%e lo#" e isted' b$t ha%e bee# bolstered b& claims !rom two 5$rmese de!ectors who sa& the& had close k#owled"e o! the operatio#s. O#e o! the de!ectors sa&s h$"e t$##els are bei#" $sed to tra#sport eC$ipme#t se#t !rom North 6orea' echoi#" comme#ts !rom Fillar& ,li#to# last mo#th that the two co$#tries ma& be worki#" to"ether o# #$clear de%elopme#t. .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all' alo#" with !reela#ce Do$r#alist .hil Thor#to#' spe#t two &ears collecti#" e%ide#ce !rom the 5$rmese border. -tJs this e%ide#ce which has p$t the iss$e back o# the i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& a"e#da. .rese#ter: 2iam ,ochra#e *peaker: .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all !rom the *trate"ic a#d /e!e#ce *t$dies ,e#tre at the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit& 5A22: Eell - talked to' as &o$ said' ma#& de!ectors. The two pri#ciple [sic] o#es were a ci%ilia# who had bee# i#%ol%ed i# the #e"otiatio#s with North 6orea a#d who had bee# i#%ol%ed i# the prepari#" o! the 4emora#d$m o! 9#dersta#di#" a#d the act$al co#tracti#" o# the ci%ilia# side. O# the militar& side 4oe (o was a D$#ior militar& o!!icer who had bee# i# the seco#d "ro$p o! 5$rmese arm& o!!icers to be se#t !or #$clear trai#i#" i# 4oscow. A!ter his period i# 4oscow he ret$r#ed to Ra#"oo# a#d the# worked i# #$clearArelated areas withi# the arm&. ,O,FRAN+: A#d i# !act he claimed that the 5$rmese militar& ha%e de%eloped a #$clear battalio#. EhatJs the role o! that "ro$p o! the arm&O 5A22: 5oth o! the de!ectors had k#owled"e o! that battalio#' him I4oe (oM more partic$larl& beca$se i# e!!ect he was part o! that battalio#. ThatJs a "ro$p that has bee# set$p #ear 4a#dala& to tr& a#d co#sider o%er the lo#" term some o! the speci!ic tech#ical a#d or"a#isatio#al iss$es' comma#dAa#dA co#trol iss$es !or what to do with a #$clear de%ice o#ce the& reach that poi#t. ,O,FRAN+: A#d !rom all that &o$J%e heard are &o$ co#%i#ced that the& are worki#" towards a #$clear weapo#O 5A22: -J%e "ot #o do$bt whatsoe%erH - met with these de!ectors' si times with o#e a#d three or !o$r with the other. -J%e "ot #o do$bt the&Jre telli#" e%er&thi#" tr$th!$ll& as the& belie%e it' a#d beca$se #either o! them had #e%er met be!ore' the& did #ot k#ow o! the e iste#ce o! the other' b$t the& had s$ch similar stories or ide#tical stories abo$t o#e partic$lar are[a] where the& alle"e the North 6orea#s are i# the process o! b$ildi#" this seco#d reactor. ,O,FRAN+: Now - ca# se#se &o$ are approachi#" this with some scepticism' is there a !ear that this mi"ht be part o! some sort o! disi#!ormatio# campai"#' that these de!ectors mi"ht ha%e sort o! bee# loaded with this i#!ormatio# !or people like &o$ to collectO

5A22: - do#Jt belie%e that' -J%e "ot to k#ow them !airl& well' - "ot to k#ow where the&Jre comi#" !rom. -Jm also !airl& !amiliar with the wa& 5$rmese i#telli"e#ce works' - D$st do#Jt thi#k that that sort o! campai"# is reall& o# the cards. No' these "$&s are telli#" it as it is. Now o#e C$ali!icatio# tho$"h to o$r pre%io$s disc$ssio#' itJs #ot so m$ch i# m& %iew 5$rma doi#" this' 5$rma co$ld #ot do this at all b& itsel!. This has to ha%e %er& s$bsta#tial North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t i# the tech#ical a#d co#str$ctio# side i! i#deed the&Jre to b$ild a bomb as &o$ asked. ,O,FRAN+: *peci!icall& what are the North 6orea#s helpi#" the 5$rmese withO 5A22: Eell it does seem that the&Jre i#%ol%ed i# prett& m$ch all eleme#ts o! the !$el c&cle' !rom the $ra#i$m mi#i#" thro$"h to the re!i#i#" a#d processi#"' the& ha%e basicall& b$ilt a seco#d re!i#er& !rom which the& take the &ellow cake Ia $ra#i$m co#ce#trateM' a#d the# the alle"atio#s o! the de!ectors are that the& ha%e i# additio# to the p$blicl& k#ow# R$ssia# reactor that 5$rmaJs "etti#"' that the& ha%e s$pplied' or are i# the process o! s$ppl&i#"' a seco#d reactor similar to the o#e that the& ha%e i# Go#"b&o# i# itsel!. A#d that the&Jre !ollowi#" that $p with a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" capabilit&. -# other words it wo$ld "i%e 5$rma a#d/or North 6orea basicall& a complete !$el c&cle all the wa& to prod$ctio# o! a #$clear de%ice.


Myanmar may ha7e to lea7e AS0AN if it has nuclear plant

2ast 9pdate : 1):2)::1 8 A$"$st 200) <G4Ta7:00= [EXCERPT] (A6ARTA' -#do#esia' A$" 8 <TNA= AA 4&a#mar ma& be !orced to aba#do# its Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN= membership i! it is !o$#d to ha%e a #$clear reactor i# the co$#tr&' A*+AN *ecretar&AGe#eral *$ri# .its$wa# said o# *at$rda&. *o !ar there is #o clear e%ide#ce that the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr&' Thaila#dBs #ei"hbo$r to the west' has s$ch a !acilit& b$t i! it does' it will be !orced to lea%e the or"a#isatio# beca$se operati#" a #$clear pla#t %iolates a re"io#al pact which states that A*+AN will be a #$clear !ree ;o#e' said 4r *$ri#. 4r *$ri# was respo#di#" to Eester# media reports which said rece#tl& that impo%erished 4&a#mar was b$ildi#" a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m !acilities with the help o! North 6orea a#d aims to ha%e a #$clear bomb i# !i%e &ears. 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# d$ri#" the A*+AN meeti#" i# Thaila#dBs .h$ket last mo#th also war#ed abo$t possible #$clear li#ks betwee# the two co$#tries. *he said the comm$#istAstate co$ld be shari#" atomic tech#olo"& with militar&Ar$led 4&a#mar which co$ld pose a maDor threat to the re"io#. ?A*+AN <"o%er#me#t= leaders will ha%e to Doi#tl& co#sider o# the iss$e. -! <4&a#mar= is !o$#d "$ilt& the# it will be !orced to lea%e A*+AN'@ said 4r. *$ri#' addi#" that so !ar there is #o si"# that the co$#tr& has b$ilt s$ch !acilities. [deletia]"iee#dowme#t.or"/static/#pp/pd!/m&a#marRrepri#t.pd!

-A0A probes Myanmar data* discourages new research reactors

N$clear0$el The4cGraw Fill ,ompa#ies Ori"i#all& p$blished A$"$st 10' 200) The -A+A /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards d$ri#" most o! 200) has bee# si!ti#" thro$"h ope#Aso$rce doc$me#ts' aerial photo"raphs' a#d other data to obtai# a clearer pict$re o! the scope a#d i#te#t o! #$clear acti%ities i# 4&a#mar' Eester# o!!icials a#d other so$rces said last week. *eparatel&' accordi#" to these so$rces' the -A+A /epartme#t o! N$clear +#er"& V s$pported b& the -A+A le"al departme#t' 9* a"e#cies' a#d some member states V has bee# discreetl& e#co$ra"i#" 4&a#mar a#d other co$#tries i# so$theast Asia #ot to la$#ch #ew research reactor co#str$ctio# proDects b$t to better $tili;e e isti#" !acilities i# the re"io# i#stead. ,o#trar& to some rece#t media reports' #o reactor is bei#" b$ilt i# 4&a#mar with the help o! R$ssia# i#d$str&. 4&a#mar' !ormerl& k#ow# as 5$rma' is a poor' politicall& isolated co$#tr& that has bee# r$# b& a militar& D$#ta si#ce 1)82. *pec$latio# abo$t 4&a#marBs #$clear acti%ities !lared $p a!ter 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# said last mo#th that the 9* was co#cer#ed abo$t the possibilit& that North 6orea was pro%idi#" cla#desti#e #$clear assista#ce to 4&a#marBs secreti%e leadership. *hortl& a!ter these remarks' A$stralia# #ewspaper reports' which relied o# acco$#ts attrib$ted to 5$rmese re!$"ees' asserted that 4&a#mar is b$ildi#" a secret reactor. 5e"i##i#" two weeks a"o' some pri%ate researchers ha%e posted photo"raphs o# the -#ter#et that the& spec$lated mi"ht show a secret reactor bei#" co#str$cted i# 4&a#mar. The photos show a sC$are' bo Alike str$ct$re abo$t 80 meters' ro$"hl& 282 !eet' across that is i# a D$#"le area abo$t :0 miles east o! 4a#dala&. *ome o! these reports claim that the locatio# where the photos were take# is ide#tical with the site #amed i# o#e A$stralia# press acco$#t' described as #ear .&i# oo 2wi#. Accordi#" to some i#!ormatio# that so$rces said has bee# made a%ailable to Eester# "o%er#me#ts a#d the -A+A' the ?bo @ i# the photos is likel& #ot a reactor b$t a #o#A#$clear i#d$strial workshop or machi#er& ce#ter. That determi#atio#' the so$rces said' !ollows !rom the abse#ce o! certai# ?o%erhead si"#at$res@ !or a reactor i# the photos a#d !rom speci!ic i#!ormatio# deri%ed !rom !irstAha#d k#owled"e o! the site a#d its acti%ities' deemed to be hi"hl& reliable. ?Ee ca# co#cl$de that itBs #ot a reactor with #ear certai#t&'@ o#e Eester# a#al&st said. The -A+A' so$rces said' has st$died photo"raphs o! the site i# C$estio# a#d has also #ot co#cl$ded the i#stallatio# is a reactor $#der co#str$ctio#. Eester# "o%er#me#ts a#d the -A+A ha%e become !amiliar with data o# this site o%er abo$t hal! a &ear' o#e so$rce said. -# 2008' the 9* a#d -srael asserted that North 6orea pro%ided assista#ce to permit *&ria to b$ild a cla#desti#e reactor at a site called Al 6ibar. Aerial photo"raphs o! the site take# prior to a# aerial attack b& -srael i# 2007 were posted o# web sites a#d abetted spec$latio# abo$t the ide#tit& o! the bo Alike str$ct$re i# these photo"raphs. A !ormer #$clear i#telli"e#ce a#al&st !or o#e Eester# "o%er#me#t said A$"$st 8 that' a!ter the ,li#to# stateme#t i# ($l& war#i#" o! possible North 6orea# aid to 4&a#mar a#d the p$blicatio# o! A$stralia# press articles a#d

photo"raphs' ?what happe#ed was a mi#or !eedi#" !re#;& i# c&berspace.@ To some obser%ers' he said' ?the photos looked se & beca$se there was s$dde#l& !resh i#!ormatio# poi#ti#" to a#other co$#tr& "etti#" a secret reactor !rom North 6orea.@ No 3ussian reactor Accordi#" to the !ormer "o%er#me#t i#telli"e#ce a#al&st' be"i##i#" aro$#d 2001 a"e#cies lear#ed that ?h$#dreds o! people were tra%eli#" !rom 4&a#mar to R$ssia to work i# #$clear research ce#ters. Nearl& all o! them were trai#ees.@ 4ost o! the 5$rmese o# these trips' he said' we#t to /$b#a' the site o! R$ssiaBs (oi#t -#stit$te o! N$clear Research' which is i#%ol%ed i# hi"hAe#er"& ph&sics' #e$tro# ph&sics' a#d theoretical ph&sics. ?Ee had #o idea wh& the& were "oi#" there' or what e actl& the& were doi#"' a#d we #e%er established a research pro!ile@ !or 4&a#mar that was related to the trips to R$ssia' he said. At abo$t the same time' 4&a#mar a##o$#ced its i#terest i# setti#" $p a research reactor with R$ssia# help. The -A+A %isited 5$rma a#d !o$#d serio$s de!icie#cies i# the area o! sa!et& c$lt$re a#d i#!rastr$ct$re to s$pport s$ch a proDect. No#etheless' i# 2007 R$ssia a##o$#ced that it had reached a# a"reeme#t with 4&a#mar !or the s$ppl& o! a 10A 4E research reactor. Accordi#" to so$rces' aro$#d that time both the 9* a#d some -A+A o!!icials e pressed stro#" reser%atio#s abo$t that proDect' s$pported b& e!!orts at the -A+A /epartme#t o! N$clear +#er"& to disco$ra"e poor co$#tries !rom embarki#" o# e pe#si%e proDects to b$ild #ew research reactors witho$t ha%i#" i# place s$!!icie#t s$pporti#" k#owAhow' i#!raAstr$ct$re' a#d !i#a#cial reso$rces. ?The -A+A does#Bt wa#t co$#tries like 5$rma to e#d $p with stra#ded research reactors'@ o#e so$rce said. ?Eitho$t a s$pporti#" e#%iro#me#t'@ he said' these !acilities ?will o%er time pose a sa!et& a#d sec$rit& risk.@ 0or a co$#tr& like 4&a#mar' ?the&Bre also s$per!l$o$s a#d a waste o! reso$rces'@ he said. 5e"i##i#" a !ew &ears a"o 4&a#mar has told the -A+A it #eeds the reactor beca$se it #eeds radioisotopes' he said. ?This is the classic ratio#ale poor co$#tries $s$all& "i%e !or ha%i#" to ha%e a #atio#al research reactor. 5$t ma#& o! the isotopes 5$rma #eeds ca# be prod$ced elsewhere i# the re"io#' s$ch as at established reactors i# Thaila#d a#d 4ala&sia.@ The -A+A has bee# ?e#co$ra"i#" all these co$#tries to !orm a research reactor coalitio#'@ he said. 4ore ad%a#ced -A+A re"io#al pro"rams to share research reactors are alread& i# place !or co$#tries i# easter# a#d ce#tral +$rope. -! 4&a#mar were to "i%e $p its research reactor C$est' it mi"ht e%e# C$ali!& !or !i#a#cial s$pport !rom 9* /O+ a#d !rom the pri%ate N$clear Threat -#itiati%e' or NT-' to participate i# s$ch a cooperati%e pro"ram' he said. *ome media a#d blo" reports alle"i#" secret reactor co#str$ctio# i# 4&a#mar this mo#th #o#etheless asserted that 4&a#mar is b$ildi#"' or has b$ilt' a R$ssia# s$pplied research reactor. *ome o! these reports' citi#" 5$rmese re!$"ee so$rces' claimed the reactor is sited #ear 4&ai#". Others said that it was at 6&a$kse. The two locatio#s are abo$t a h$#dred miles apart. A se#ior o!!icial respo#sible !or e ter#al proDects at Atomstro&e port' which wo$ld be ta""ed b& R$ssia to b$ild the research reactor a#d associated i#!rastr$ct$re i# 4&a#mar $#der the 2007 R$ssoA5$rmese a"reeme#t' told .latts A$"$st 7 that c$rre#tl& there is #o co#str$ctio# i# 4&a#mar o! a#& reactor with R$ssia# assista#ce. The 9* si#ce 2007' o# political a#d #$clear polic& "ro$#ds' has opposed this proDect a#d' accordi#" to 9* o!!icials' has %oiced its obDectio#s to both the -A+A a#d the R$ssia# "o%er#me#t. /iplomatic so$rces s$""ested the proDect mi"ht be discreetl& o# hold' or is bei#" i#te#tio#all& dela&ed' !ollowi#" talks i#%ol%i#" the 9*' R$ssia' 5$rma' a#d the -A+A.

6aC reporting reBuirement Th$s !ar' so$rces said' #o reactor proDect or i#stallatio# has bee# declared b& 4&a#mar to the -A+A /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards. 9#der reporti#" reC$ireme#ts that 4&a#mar has #ot ame#ded re"ardless o! -A+A reC$ests si#ce 2001' 4&a#mar co$ld le"all& b$ild a reactor a#d complete it witho$t reporti#" that acti%it& to the -A+A. 4&a#mar Doi#ed the N$clear No#proli!eratio# Treat& i# 1))2' a#d co#cl$ded a comprehe#si%e sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t' -#!circA477' three &ears later. Accordi#" to the -A+A' 4&a#mar si#ce 1))1 is s$bDect to the small C$a#tities protocol' or *N.' which wai%es certai# sa!e"$ards reporti#" reC$ireme#ts !or states that ha%e %irt$all& #o #$clear i#!rastr$ct$re a#d ha%e 1 kilo"ram or less o! #$clear material associated with #$clear !acilities. 9#der 4&a#marBs *N.' it m$st declare a !acilit& #o later tha# si mo#ths be!ore #$clear material is i#trod$ced i#to it' the -A+A said. -#!circA477 also co#tai#s soAcalled s$bsidiar& arra#"eme#ts' i#cl$di#" soAcalled ,ode :.1' which sets reC$ireme#ts !or pro%isio# o! desi"# i#!ormatio# !or !acilities to be sa!e"$arded. A rece#t modi!icatio# o! ,ode :.1 reC$ires earl& #oti!icatio# o! this i#!ormatio#. *i#ce 2001 the -A+A has reC$ested that 4&a#mar re%ise its *N. to esse#tiall& harmo#i;e its reC$ireme#ts with those o! the modi!ied code :.1' b$t 4&a#mar has #ot complied. Eere 4&a#mar to re%ise its *N. a#d accept the modi!ied %ersio# o! ,ode :.1' sho$ld 4&a#mar the# decide to b$ild a #$clear reactor' it m$st #oti!& the -A+A as soo# as the !acilit& is ?pla##ed.@ 9#til the#' howe%er' 4&a#mar co$ld co#str$ct a reactor or other #$clear i#stallatio# witho$t declari#" it' $#til it was si mo#ths awa& !rom i#trod$ci#" #$clear material i#to it. *o !ar' 4&a#mar has #ot #oti!ied the -A+A o! a#& i#te#ded reactor co#str$ctio#. -t is also #ot impleme#ti#" ,ode :.1' a# -A+A spokesma# said' si#ce there are appare#tl& #o !acilities to be p$t $#der sa!e"$ards i# 4&a#mar. <oung scientists -# step with 4&a#marBs i#te#si!&i#" #$clear li#ks with R$ssia si#ce the be"i##i#" o! this decade' 4&a#mar has also i#creased its participatio# i# the -A+ABs tech#ical cooperatio# pro"ram. 0rom 2000 thro$"h 2008' accordi#" to a stateme#t b& 4&a#marBs ambassador to the -A+A last &ear the co$#tr& participated i# #$mero$s T, proDects worth abo$t 9*b1.2 millio#. Abo$t o#eAC$arter o! this work was i# the !ield o! radiatio# health a#d medici#e' abo$t 20U related to applicatio# o! radiatio# i# a"ric$lt$re' 17U i# radiatio# sa!et& a#d sec$rit&' 14U was !or ?"e#eral atomic e#er"& de%elopme#t'@ a#d a#other 11U i# ?#$clear e#"i#eeri#" a#d tech#olo"&'@ he said. 9#der these last two r$brics' the -A+A is pro%idi#" what o#e -A+A o!!icial said was ?%er& basic assista#ce@ to 4&a#mar co#cer#i#" its e!!orts to set $p a #$clear research a#d de%elopme#t i#!rastr$ct$re. The c$rre#t T, proDect d$bbed 4GA/0/007 is mea#t to ?establish a #$clear scie#ce a#d tech#ical trai#i#" ce#ter !or scie#tists' e#"i#eers' tech#icia#s' a#d "rad$ate st$de#ts'@ accordi#" to -A+A data. This e#dea%or has bee# $#der wa& si#ce 2001' accordi#" to 5$rmese T, doc$me#ts' b$t its acti%ities ha%e bee# !oc$sed o# 4&a#mar perso##el i# Ga#"o#' the !ormer capital a#d headC$arters o! 4&a#marBs 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce Y Tech#olo"& a#d its /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& V #ot i# a#& site desi"#ated to host a !$t$re #$clear research ce#ter or reactor. *eparatel&' 4&a#mar has bee# participati#" i# a tech#ical cooperatio# pro"ram !or the AsiaA.aci!ic re"io# called R,A' spo#sored b& the -A+A a#d admi#istered lar"el& b& the *o$th 6orea# "o%er#me#t. 4ost o!

4&a#marBs acti%ities i# this pro"ram ha%e' as is also the a"ric$lt$re' medici#e' a#d other de%elopi#"Aco$#tr& co#cer#s. 5$t two 4&a#mar researchers i# 200: a#d 2001' respecti%el&' participated i# si Amo#th pro"rams at the 6orea Atomic +#er"& Research -#stit$te i# the !ields o! research reactor tech#olo"& a#d ad%a#ced spe#t !$el ma#a"eme#t. -# both these cases i# 6orea' a#d as was the case !or #earl& all the trai#ees k#ow# to ha%e bee# se#t to R$ssia si#ce abo$t 2001' o#e Eester# "o%er#me#t a#al&st said' ?the t&pical pro!ile is &o$#"' i#e perie#ced scie#tists a#d tech#icia#s i# their earl& to midAtwe#ties.@ /$ri#" a %isit to 4&a#mar i# 2004' .latts was told b& $#i%ersit& st$de#ts that $#til rece#tl&' the D$#ta d$ri#" ma#& &ears si#ce the late 1)80s had closed %irt$all& all i#stit$tio#s o! hi"her lear#i#" i# the co$#tr&. +%er& &ear' the /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards e%al$ates se%eral tho$sa#d p$blished scie#ti!ic papers that mi"ht si"#al proli!eratio#Ase#siti%e research is taki#" place i# member states. *aid o#e o!!icial close to this e!!ort' i# so$th a#d so$theast Asia' ?there are lots o! papers !rom 3iet#am' .akista#' Thaila#d' 4ala&sia' -#do#esia' *i#"apore' Taiwa#' -#dia' a#d ,hi#a. ThereBs practicall& #othi#" !rom 4&a#mar.@ Gi%e# 4&a#marBs se%ere ed$catio#al i#!rastr$ct$re de!icie#cies' the o!!icial said' Eester# states are co#cer#ed abo$t 4&a#mar ?beca$se o! the North 6orea# co##ectio# a#d beca$se the& co$ld hide !acilities deep i# D$#"les a#d mo$#tai#s. 5$t this wo$ld ha%e to be a totall& black Ii.e.' secretM pro"ram with e%er&thi#" imported@ beca$se ?i# 5$rma there is #o #atio#al RY/ ce#ter !or them to hide behi#d. -tBs $#thi#kable that the& co$ld mo$#t a Icla#desti#eM #$clear pro"ram o# the basis o! what we alread& k#ow is there.@ 34ar) /ibbs0 1onn$/tech#olo"&/tech#olo"&A#ews/m&sterio$sAb$rmeseA!acilit&Are%ealedAo#A"oo"leAearthA200)0810Ae!!a.html

Mysterious Burmese facility re7ealed on Aoogle 0arth

*T+.F+N F9T,F+ON A$"$st 11' 200)

The K i#teresti#" e#i"maK i# ce#tral 5$rma' which some p$#dits sa& ma& be part o! a cla#desti#e #$clear operatio#. Photo5 6oo!le Earth

Amate$r spies a#d armchair sle$ths $si#" Goo"le +arth ha%e disco%ered a s$spicio$s de%elopme#t i# the 5$rmese D$#"le tho$"ht to be li#ked to the pariah stateJs cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ram. The mai# !acilit&' which meas$res 82 b& 84 metres' ca# bee# see# o# satellite ima"es p$blished o# both Goo"le +arth a#d Goo"le 4aps <see embedded map below=.

-t !eat$res a pitched' bl$e corr$"ated roo!' which' at !irst "la#ce' makes it look like a# o%erAsi;ed swimmi#" pool. The lar"e i#d$strial comple is located i# a r$ral area o! ce#tral 5$rma' east o! 4a#dala& #ear the tow# o! .i# Oo 2wi#. ThatJs the same ;o#e i# which de!ectors rece#tl& told two A$stralia# researchers that the 5$rmese arm& had bee# b$ildi#" a #$clear research a#d e#"i#eeri#" ce#tre with s$pport !rom North 6orea a#d R$ssia. The de!ectorsJ testimo#& was collected o%er two &ears b& .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all' a strate"ic st$dies e pert at the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit& <AN9= a#d .hil Thor#to#' a !reela#ce Do$r#alist based i# Thaila#d. /etails o! their i#%esti"atio#' which co#cl$des that the secret reactor co$ld be operatio#al a#d prod$ci#" a bomb a &ear b& 2014' was p$blished i# The *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d The A"e earlier this mo#th. *ea# OJ,o##or' a blo""er specialisi#" i# ope# so$rce militar& a#al&sis a#d Goo"le +arth ima"er& i#terpretatio#' said that' while it mi"ht #ot be related to the #$clear pro"ram' the !acilit& Kdoes represe#t a# i#teresti#" e#i"maK. KThe most likel& e pla#atio# !or the I$#ide#ti!iedM !acilit&' apart !rom the pre%io$sl& me#tio#ed deco& site' is a s$pport !$#ctio# !or the si"#i!ica#t amo$#t o! t$##elli#" which m$st be $#dertake# i# order to co#str$ct the I$#der"ro$#d !acilitiesM reC$ired b& the I#$clearM proDect'K he wrote i# the Arms ,o#trol Eo#k blo". Fe spec$lates that the mai# str$ct$re' which appears to be d$" i#to the "ro$#d i# the !oothills o! the *etkha&a 4o$#tai#s' co$ld also be a Ksec$rit& a#d site s$pport base !or the !acilit&K. O#e promi#e#t NGO' which mo#itors i#ter#atio#al #$clear acti%it&' told $s that the b$ildi#" a#d related i#!rastr$ct$re is Ka machi#e shop with #o co##ectio# to a #$clear pro"ramK. The Goo"le +arth ima"es' which are pro%ided b& /i"ital Globe' a leadi#" s$pplier o! satellite ima"er& to commercial a#d "o%er#me#tal or"a#isatio#s' are dated !rom October 2001. The NGO' which did #ot wa#t to be #amed !or Ktactical reaso#sK' said that it !irst became aware o! the str$ct$re i# earl& ($l& a#d s$bseC$e#tl& obtai#ed 200) ima"er&' which it is still assessi#". The NGOJs co#cl$sio# is similar to the o#e reached b& the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& <-*-*=' a Eashi#"to#Abased #o#Apro!it or"a#isatio# specialisi#" i# i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& iss$es. -# a stateme#t released this mo#th' it described the str$ct$re as a# Ka#omalo$s b$ildi#" b$ried i# the "ro$#dK witho$t Kob%io$s #$clear i#d$strial characteristicsK.

That has#Jt bee# e#o$"h to stop the spec$latio#' "i%e# the scale o! the de%elopme#t' the #ew i#!rastr$ct$re <roads a#d powerli#es= a#d the !act that access roads look to be "$arded b& checkpoi#ts. [ elected comment] IAck' -J%e bee# C$oted o$t o! co#te t i# the middle o! a tech#ical a#al&sis' which - later re!$ted... +arl& i# the a#al&sis the a%ailable ima"es showed a# ambi"$o$s s$# shadi#" e!!ect A part o! the emba#kme#ts aro$#d the b$ildi#" co$ld ha%e bee# photoi#terpreted as bei#" sloped either $p or dow#.

Other a%ailable ima"er& a#d a topolo"& a#al&sis disam"ib$ated the topolo"& A the site slopes $p abo$t 20 m i# altit$de !rom the road at the !ro#t <so$th= to the hills immediatel& #orth o! the ed"e o! the !acilit&. Eith that i#!ormatio#' a#d other i#!ormatio# made a%ailable' itJs clear that the !acilit& is b$ilt o# a !lat co#crete pad o# a sectio# o! earth e ca%ated o$t to be !lat relati%e to the road o$t i# !ro#t o! it' with a berm b$ilt aro$#d the so$th a#d part o! the east side hidi#" the b$ildi#" !rom the access road. The berm a#d other !eat$res i#cl$di#" locatio# a#d associated sec$rit& i#dicate that itJs a militar& or "o%er#me#t !acilit& o! some sort A the berm is a# i#dicator o! possible e plosi%es stora"e' b$t #ot co#cl$si%e b& a#& mea#s. 4& apolo"ies i! the workAi#Apro"ress disc$ssio# ca$sed a#& co#!$sio# or distress. -tJs clearl& #ot a b$ried hard comma#d ce#ter or b$ried #$clear !acilit&. I*F: Fi Geor"e' Tha#ks !or the heads $p' -J%e remo%ed the o$t o! co#te t comme#t.M Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert c 9*A A A$"$st 11' 200)' 4:1).4 [ elected comment] Eell k#ow# to the 5$rmese admi#istratio#' the locatio# o! the pict$red str$ct$re is close to the 6&a$k 6&a#t !a$lt li#e' which e perie#ced a massi%e C$ake o# 2: 4a& 1)12' estimated to be 8.0 o# the Richter scale. -t is p$re i"#ora#ce to thi#k that the re"ime are $#aware o! this. This t&pe o! ob%io$s beat $p' se#satio#al headli#e' simpl& $#dermi#es the crediblit& o! this K#ewsK or"a#isatio#. /isappoi#ti#" a#d dis"race!$l. *cr$!!& A A$"$st 11' 200)' 4::1.4 [ elected comment] i! &o$ look to the le!t o! the b$ildi#"' there is a Fi"h te#sio# power li#e r$##i#" !rom the b$ildi#". This is where the %e"etatio# has bee# remo%ed. TF+ 5-G C$estio# is i! that this is to s$ppl& electricit& !or a !led"li#" #$clear reactor or what is there that reC$ires a lar"e s$ppl& OOOO ste%e# c st alba#s A A$"$st 11' 200)' 1::2.4

http://www.armsco#trol%eri!icatio#.or"/ Th$rsda&' 1: A$"$st 200)

1he BoC in Burma2 reliminary Analysis

The last co$ple o! weeks ha%e see# i#te#se spec$latio# that the sel!Ast&led 9#io# o! 4&a#mar <k#ow# as 5$rma i# the Eest= is seeki#" #$clear weapo#s. The a!!air started with a# article i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald based o# i#ter%iews with two 5$rmese de!ectors: 4oe (o a#d Ti# 4i#. The !ormer claimed that he had bee# trai#ed to be part o! a tho$sa#d ma# stro#" K#$clear battalio#K. Fe also claimed that 4&a#mar had pro%ided &ellowcake to North 6orea a#d -ra#. The de!ector co#ti#$ed to claim that the co$#tr& was pla##i#" a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" !acilit&' a#d that the R$ssia# 0ederatio# were assisti#" them with e pertise. The other de!ector had worked as a# acco$#ta#t' a#d claimed to ha%e had access to doc$me#tatio# o# %ario$s t$##el proDects impleme#ted b& North 6orea a#d R$ssia. This i#!ormatio# was sketch& at best' a#d m$st be read with scepticism. Fowe%er' a #$mber o! pri%ate researchers #e%ertheless started to s$r%e& 4&a#mar !or possible locatio#s co#!irmi#" the de!ectors stories. -#itial e!!orts !oc$ssed o# a re"io# abo$t 10 kilometres west o! 4a#dala&' #ear a cit& called .&i# Oo 2wi#' the !ormer s$mmer capital o! 5ritish 5$rma. This re"io# o! the co$#tr& is k#ow# !or bei#" importa#t to 5$rmaJs #atio#al eco#om&. 0irst' it is the ce#tre !or 5$rmaJs silkworm reari#" i#d$str&' it also has a research ce#tre !or i#di"e#o$s medical pla#ts' a#d it has a pharmace$tical prod$ctio# pla#t. -# additio#' %ario$s to$rist websites e plai# that the area is !reC$e#tl& %isited b& trekkers' i#dicati#" that itJs #ot closed o!! !or i#ter#atio#al to$rists. The re"io# is ser%ed b& the A#iska# Air!ield <21[17J28KN )8[24J18K+= which is located D$st o!! the 4a#dala& to 2ashio hi"hwa&.

-# partic$lar' a#al&sts looked at a bi" b$ildi#" abo$t 11 kilometres !rom the cit& <at 22[ :J4.82KN)8[:7J48.21K+=. The b$ildi#" is abo$t 80 times 80 meters a#d is resti#" o# a 121 b& 114 meter !$#dame#t. 5ased o# a# a#al&sis o! the shadows' it appears to be abo$t 10 meters hi"h.A team o! 3+RT-, %ol$#teers started a# a#al&sis o! a%ailable 2a#dsatA7 ima"er&' a#d paid partic$lar atte#tio# to the thermal ba#d. 5ased o# that a#al&sis' we co$ld co#cl$de that co#str$ctio# had started at some time i# earl& 2004' a#d that the b$ildi#" had bee# completed sometime i# 200). The thermal a#al&sis i#dicated that the b$ildi#" was warmer tha# the s$rro$#di#" back"ro$#d' which was attrib$ted to heat bei#" re!lected o!! the roo!' rather tha# acti%ities i#side the b$ildi#".

The %e"etatio# i# the area west o! the !acilit& also "i%es o!! some thermal radiatio#. The 3+RT-, team did #ot calc$late the heat emissio#s i# ce#ti"rade' altho$"h that is possible to do with 2a#dsatA7 ima"er&. A colo$r compariso# i#dicated that the b$ildi#" was #ot radiati#" si"#i!ica#t amo$#ts o! heat' as it wo$ld i! a#& maDor i#d$strial process was o# "oi#" $#der its roo!.

-# part based o# this i#!ormatio#' (e!!re& 2ewis a#d others reC$ested #ew ima"er& !rom Geo+&e. O#e ima"e' capt$red at 1: April 2004 re%eals the abse#ce o! a#& baseme#t le%el. -t also showed that the access road' at that time' had #ot bee# pa%ed. A m$ltit$de o! tracks radiati#" o$t !rom the !acilit& shows a si"#i!ica#t le%el o! h$ma# acti%it&. -t is #ot possible' howe%er' to draw a#& co#cl$sio# !rom the ima"er& o# the b$ildi#"Js pla##ed !$#ctio#. A#other hi"h resol$tio# ima"e' acC$ired o# 21 0ebr$ar& 200)' shows the b$ildi#" i# its !i#ished state. -t seems to rest o# a# asphaltAco#crete !o$#datio#' a#d there is #o e%ide#ce o! !$rther e ca%atio# o# the site. ,o#str$ctio# is !i#ished' as e%ide#ced b& the emer"e#ce o! %e"etatio#' a#d the disappeara#ce o! some o! the dirt roads associated with the earl& co#str$ctio# period. #$$+ -mage

#$$( -mage

*ome obser%ers ha%e comme#ted that there is a# abse#ce o! ma#& e ter#al !eat$res i#dicati%e o! a reactor. Fere' ma#& ha%e obser%ed the abse#ce o! a co#%e#ie#t #earb& so$rce o! water. Fowe%er' cooli#" co$ld be bro$"ht to the !acilit& thro$"h pipes !rom the #earb& ri%er' a#d the# bei#" stored i# local pools. This is commo# practice i# some parts o! the world. The 3+RT-, team there!ore paid some atte#tio# to a "ro$p o! #ewl& erected b$ildi#"s b& the water at the shortest dista#ce !rom the ri%er. This "ro$p is o! b$ildi#"s is located at 22[ 4J:8.17KN)8[:4J22.8:K+. EeJre still assessi#" this ima"er&.

Fowe%er' we lear#ed !rom two so$rces' i#depe#de#t !rom each other' that the bo Alike b$ildi#" has bee# $#der scr$ti#& b& the -A+AJs /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards !or C$ite some time' a#d that the departme#t is #earl& certai# that the b$ildi#" does #ot ser%e a#& #$clear pro"ramme. A# o!!icial' associated with a Eester# i#telli"e#ce a"e#c&' later told $s that' KweJ%e bee# looki#" at that site !or &ears' si#ce co#str$ctio# started. Go$ ca##ot hide a reactor i# a low b$ildi#" witho$t a baseme#t le%elK. A relati%el& rece#t %isit to the !acilit& has reportedl& co#!irmed with J)) per ce#t co#!ide#ceJ that it is a machi#e shop' a#d that itJs #ot impossible that the shop is $si#" machi#er& imported !rom the /.R6 tradi#" compa#& Namcho#"a#". -ts relati%el& lar"e si;e' low hei"ht' a#d abse#ce o! baseme#t le%els is co#siste#t with this i#!ormatio#. O# 10 A$"$st 200)' 4ark Fibbs reported i# N$clear 0$el that #$clear acti%ities i# 4&a#mar are low' b$t slowl& i#creasi#". The co$#tr& has reC$ested a #$mber o! tech#ical cooperatio# proDects with the -A+A' a#d is prese#tl& impleme#ti#" proDects worth abo$t b1.2m. 5$t all acti%ities are co#d$cted i# the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce Y Tech#olo"& a#d are co#cept$al i# #at$re. This is co#siste#t with the low #$clear k#owled"e base o! the co$#tr&. As reported b& Fibbs' the Jt&pical pro!ileJ o! a 4&a#mar #$ke worker Jis &o$#"' i#e perie#ced' scie#tists a#d tech#icia#s i# their earl& to midAtwe#tiesJ. The -A+AJs /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards ha%e picked $p %irt$all& #o scie#ti!ic papers p$blished b& 4&a#mar academics o! i#terest to the departme#t. Ehile this is co#siste#t with some #$clear weapo#s e!!orts' where the most promisi#" mi#ds o! the co$#tr& are isolated a#d prohibited !rom p$blishi#"' it is also co#siste#t with a co$#tr& with a %er& small scie#ti!ic base. 0i#all&' Fibbs reports that there are se%ere ed$catio#al i#!rastr$ct$re de!icie#cies i# the co$#tr&. Fe C$otes a# o!!icial !amiliar with the -A+A /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards ope#Aso$rce i#%esti"atio# e!!orts sa&i#" that a cla#desti#e #$clear e!!ort' Jha%e to be a totall& black pro"ram withi# e%er&thi#" imported. -# 5$rma there is #o #atio#al RY/ ce#ter !or them to hide behi#d. -t is $#thi#kable that the& co$ld mo$#t a Icla#desti#eM #$clear pro"ram o# the basis o! what we alread& k#ow is thereJ. Ehile 5$rma has approached R$ssia !or the p$rchase o! a research reactor' a se#ior o!!icial at Atomstro&e port has co#!irmed that there is #o co#str$ctio# i# 4&a#mar o! a#& reactor with R$ssia# assista#ce.

Ee hope to co#cl$de o$r i#%esti"atio#s a#d to p$blish a 3+RT-, brie! o# this matter b& the e#d o! the mo#th."lish/200)A08A17A%oa11.c!m .S Senator2 Burma @enies Nuclear lans 5& Feda 5a&ro# 5a#"kok 17 A$"$st 200)
9.*. *e#ator (im Eebb' who rece#tl& held talks with 5$rmaJs militar& leaders' sa&s the "o%er#me#t de#ies reports that it is tr&i#" to acC$ire #$clear tech#olo"&. The se#ator also sa&s 5$rmaJs oppositio# leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i has i#dicated a willi#"#ess to see some sa#ctio#s o# 5$rma li!ted. *e#ator (im Eebb sa&s he did #ot directl& raise the iss$e o! whether 5$rma has a co%ert #$clear pro"ram d$ri#" talks with the co$#tr&Js leader' Ge#eral Tha# *hwe. Eebb met with the recl$si%e leader o# *at$rda&' the !irst hi"hAra#ki#" 9.*. o!!icial to do so. Fowe%er' he said 4o#da& that the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t de#ied ha%i#" a #$clear pro"ram. K5$t it was comm$#icated to me earlier o# that there was #o tr$th to that' !rom a %er& hi"h le%el i# their "o%er#me#t'K Eebb said. +arlier this mo#th' A$stralia# researchers said i#ter%iews with de!ectors !rom 5$rma re%ealed that the "o%er#me#t has a secret #$clear pro"ram' alle"edl& aided b& North 6orea. -# ($#e' a North 6orea# ship belie%ed to be headed to 5$rma with a s$spicio$s car"o t$r#ed back $#der i#ter#atio#al press$re. 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# war#ed that a#& militar& ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea pose a sec$rit& threat to the re"io#. -# a# $#precede#ted "est$re toward the 9#ited *tates' Eebb was allowed to meet oppositio# leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i i# Ra#"oo# *at$rda&. Fe also was able to wi# the release o! a 9.*. citi;e#' (oh# Gettaw' Dailed !or ille"all& %isiti#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i at her home i# 4a&. That %isit led to the "o%er#me#t e te#di#" her ho$se arrest b& 18 mo#ths. Eebb sa&s it appears A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i mi"ht #ot oppose easi#" sa#ctio#s o# 5$rma. The 9.*' the +$ropea# 9#io# a#d other Eester# "o%er#me#ts ha%e imposed eco#omic sa#ctio#s o%er the &ears to p$#ish the repressi%e militar& "o%er#me#t. Eebb !a%ors the e%e#t$al li!ti#" o! sa#ctio#s o# 5$rma' which he a#d others ar"$e o#l& i#creased the isolatio# o! its people. K- do#Jt wa#t to take the risk o! misreprese#ti#" her %iews'K Eebb said. K5$t - wo$ld sa& to &o$ that it was m& clear impressio# !rom her that she is #ot opposed to li!ti#" some sa#ctio#s.K -# the late 1))0s' A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i e pressed some s$pport !or eco#omic sa#ctio#s as a wa& to press$re the "o%er#me#t to reco"#i;e her part&Js electio# %ictor& i# 1))0 a#d allow it to !orm a "o%er#me#t. 5$t i# rece#t &ears' she has #ot p$blicl& comme#ted o# sa#ctio#s. *he has spe#t 14 o! the last 20 &ears $#der ho$se arrest. O# *$#da&' Eebb said Eashi#"to# #eeds to de%elop #ew wa&s to e#d 5$rmaJs isolatio# a#d bri#" abo$t political a#d eco#omic cha#"e. Eebb' a /emocrat' spoke with *ecretar& ,li#to# *$#da& a#d will brie! her a"ai# $po# his ret$r# to Eashi#"to#. The chairma# o! the *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s s$bcommittee o# +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic A!!airs is o# a !i%eA#atio# to$r o! *o$theast Asia. 0rom 5a#"kok' he will !l& to ,ambodia T$esda& a#d !rom there' to 3iet#am.


@oes Myanmar =ant Nuclear =eapons:

b& 4ichael *$lli%a# A$"$st 24' 200) [7PR] 4or#i#" +ditio# There is #o do$bt 4&a#mar has a #$clear pro"ram. -t se#t scie#tists' tech#icia#s a#d arm& o!!icers to R$ssia !or trai#i#" i# rece#t &ears. A#d 4oscow has a"reed to s$ppl& 4&a#mar' !ormerl& 5$rma' with a small #$clear reactor !or ci%ilia# $se. The C$estio# is' do the 5$rmese "e#erals wa#t a #$clear weapo#' tooO *T+3+ -N*6++.' host: +%e# as he tries to keep his domestic pro"ram !rom !alli#" apart' the preside#t has to pa& atte#tio# to threats abroad. A#d this mor#i#"' we ha%e a hi#t wh& the 9.*. ma& #eed to pa& atte#tio# to 4&a#mar. 2ast week' we heard !rom a 3ir"i#ia se#ator' who %isited that co$#tr&. FereJs o#e reaso# wh& that e#"a"eme#t matters. 4&a#mar' like -ra#' has a #$clear pro"ram. FereJs N.RJs 4ichael *$lli%a#. 4-,FA+2 *922-3AN: There is #o do$bt 4&a#mar has a #$clear pro"ram. -t se#t scie#tists' tech#icia#s a#d arm& o!!icers to R$ssia !or trai#i#" i# rece#t &ears. A#d 4oscow has a"reed to s$ppl& 4&a#mar with a small #$clear reactor !or ci%ilia# $se. No#e o! this is disp$ted. The C$estio# is do the 5$rmese "e#erals wa#t a #$clear weapo# too. 4r. 5+RT-2 2-NTN+R <Gale Global O#li#e=: -t is C$ite clear' - thi#k' that altho$"h the 5$rmese ma& #ot ha%e a bomb or e%e# a #$clear capabilit& A #o' #ot &et A the&Jre certai#l& i#terested i# acC$iri#" o#e. *922-3AN: ThatJs 5ertil 2i#t#er. Fe has writte# e te#si%el& abo$t both 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea !rom his base i# Thaila#d. 4r. 2-NTN+R: A#d the&Jre seei#" how the North 6orea#s ha%e bee# able to sta#d $p a"ai#st the /amasc$s a#d the rest o! the world beca$se the& are #$clear armed. A#d the& wo$ld like to ha%e the same ki#d o! #e"otiati#" positio#s. *922-3AN: 2i#t#erJs rece#t piece i# Gale Global O#li#e detailed the "rowi#" de!e#se ties betwee# the two co$#tries a#d the elaborate $#der"ro$#d comple es 4&a#marJs "e#erals are b$ildi#" with help !rom North 6orea. The t$##els' a#d the reports this s$mmer A ships !rom North 6orea with m&sterio$s car"os bo$#d !or 4&a#mar A ha%e ma#& co$#tries co#cer#ed' i#cl$di#" the 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate ,li#to# speaki#" last mo#th i# Thaila#d. *ecretar& F-22ARG ,2-NTON </epartme#t o! *tate=: Ee k#ow that there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take %er& serio$sl&. -t wo$ld be destabili;i#" !or the re"io#' it wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors a#d it is somethi#" as a treat& all& o! Thaila#d that we are taki#" %er& serio$sl&. *922-3AN: 5$t the ship ma& ha%e alread& sailed. -#ter%iews with de!ectors' do#e b& .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all o! the A$stralia Natio#al 9#i%ersit&Js /e!e#se *t$d& ,e#ter a#d Do$r#alist .hil Thor#to#' s$""est 4&a#mar is alread& well o# its wa& with two reactors alread& i# place.

O#e o! the de!ectors who worked !or a promi#e#t 5$rmese b$si#essma# with close ties to the militar&' sa&s his !ormer boss helped tra#sport materials !rom North 6orea# ships to the remote #$clear sites. 9#ide#ti!ied 4a#: Their !irst i#te#tio# is with the help o! North 6orea' the& prod$ce 92:1. -! the& "et 92:1' <$#i#telli"ible= #ot so di!!ic$lt. -! the& ca# arra#"e 908' the& ca# make the #$clear bomb. *922-3AN: .hil Thor#to# sa&s he belie%es the de!ectorJs stor& to be both credible a#d worrisome' si#ce it matches what other de!ectors i#ter%iewed i# Thaila#d has said. 4r. .F-2 TFORNTON <(o$r#alist=: .ro!essor 5all has estimated' based o# the de!ectorJs testimo#ies' that it co$ld be abo$t 2014 that ma& ha%e e#o$"h #$clear material to start thi#ki#" abo$t a weapo#. *922-3AN: 4&a#mar' o! co$rse' de#ies a#& weapo#s pro"ram e ists' b$t seems $#$s$all& se#siti%e to the rece#t p$blicit& abo$t the iss$e. 3ir"i#ia *e#ator (im Eebb sa&s it came $p d$ri#" his meeti#"s with 4&a#marJs leadership te# da&s a"o. *e#ator (-4 E+55 </emocrat' 3ir"i#ia=: - did #ot directl& raise the iss$e o! the #$clear pro"ram. -t was raised to me b& a hi"h "o%er#me#tal o!!icial' basicall& sa&i#"' &o$ k#ow' we wo$ld #e%er mo%e toward a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. *922-3AN: These de#ials' o! co$rse' are met with a "reat deal o! skepticism b& those who !ollow the "rowi#" relatio#ship betwee# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar. 5$t a#al&st 5ertil 2i#t#er still is#Jt co#%i#ced 4&a#mar has e%e# o#e reactor' let alo#e two. There is #o co#crete e%ide#ce' he sa&s' that the R$ssia#s ha%e deli%ered the reactor the& promised' #or' he sa&s' is there a#& hard e%ide#ce the North 6orea#s ha%e either A tho$"h satellite ima"es do show co#str$ctio# aro$#d 4&a#marJs s$spected #$clear sites. Ehat is clear' 2i#t#er sa&s' is that 4&a#marJs mai# all&' ,hi#a' is well aware o! 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s. 2ast &earJs cla#desti#e %isit to North 6orea b$t a se#ior 5$rmese "e#eral' he sa&s' pro%es it. 4r. 2-NTN+R: Fe passed thro$"h ,hi#a o# his wa& to North 6orea' back a"ai#. O# his wa& back !rom North 6orea' *hwe 4a## a#d his e#to$ra"e had meeti#"s with hi"hAle%el o!!icials. -t was almost as the ,hi#ese were' #ot o#l& aware o! what this trip thro$"h North 6orea' b$t the& were closel& i#%ol%ed i# it. *ee' itJs %er& co#%e#ie#t !or the ,hi#ese to be able to sa&' weJre #ot doi#" this. This is the North 6orea#s. Ee ca#Jt co#trol them. -tJs ki#d o! a sort o! pla$sible de#iabilit&. 5$t thereJs de!i#itel& ,hi#ese complicit& i# this #ew corporatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. *922-3AN: *omethi#" else !or the 9.*. to thi#k abo$t as it co#siders a re%iew o! its polic& toward 4&a#mar' amid the o#"oi#" t$"Ao!Awar with North 6orea o%er its #$clear pro"ram. 4ichael *$lli%a#' N.R News. -N*6++.: This is N.R News.


1hailand rattled by reports of secret Burma nuke program

Th$rsda&' A$"$st 27' 200) A$thorities i# Thaila#d are attempti#" to %eri!& reports that the militar& re"ime i# 5$rma is b$ildi#" a co%ert #$clear reactor as part o! a pro"ram to b$ild #$clear weapo#s withi# !i%e &ears. Thai Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil chie! Thawil .lie#sri has ordered i#telli"e#ce o!!icials to check o# reports pro%ided b& 5$rmese de!ectors. 5$t as o! earl& A$"$st' the Thai i#telli"e#ce ser%ice had !o$#d #o e%ide#ce o! s$ch a pro"ram. Fowe%er' Thawil war#ed that re"io#al sec$rit& co$ld be $#dermi#ed i! 5$rmaBs pla# to b$ild a #$clear weapo# is %eri!ied. /e!ectors !rom 5$rma ha%e reported that the #$clear pro"ram was bei#" de%eloped with assista#ce !rom R$ssia a#d North 6orea. The 5$rmese oppositio# 4i;;ima News reported ($#e 14 that the 5$rmese militar& D$#ta was b$ildi#" a# $#der"ro$#d comple i# the #ew capital at Na&p&idaw with North 6orea# help. The North 6orea# prese#ce has !$eled co#cer# that the $#der"ro$#d work ma& i#%ol%e #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t.


China forces worth watching2 .S admiral

*eptember 2' 200) A 12:0)A4 A 9* militar& comma#der sa&s ,hi#aJs militar& b$ildA$p sho$ld be watched %er& care!$ll&' b$t has stopped short o! calli#" the emer"i#" s$perpower a threat. The head o! the 9* .aci!ic ,omma#d' which patrols the .aci!ic Ocea# !rom ,ali!or#ia to ,hi#a' has held talks i# A$stralia with /e!e#ce 0orce ,hie! A#"$s Fo$sto#. Admiral Timoth& 6eati#"' whose comma#d co%ers 11 per ce#t o! the earthJs s$r!ace' sa&s the 9* is mo#itori#" ,hi#aJs militar& b$ildA$p. K- wo$ld call them a co$#tr& whose militar& de%elopme#t is worth watchi#" %er& care!$ll&'K Admiral 6eati#" told A5, Tele%isio# o# T$esda& #i"ht [presumably 899:&9:&9;]. K- wo$ld #ot call them a threat.K The 9* had Krepeatedl&K asked ,hi#a to Kcome o$tK a#d Doi# them i# a K%er& small scaleK part#ership. KThereJs ple#t& o! room !or all o! $s i# the AsiaA.aci!ic'K Admiral 6eati#" said. Admiral 6eati#" also praised the A$stralia# /e!e#ce 0orceJs white paper' which seeks more tra#spare#c& o# ,hi#aJs militar& b$ildA$p. -ts strate"& was K%er& closel& ali"#edK with the 9* .aci!ic ,omma#d' he added. Two 5$rmese arm& de!ectors ha%e rece#tl& claimed the militar& state was de%elopi#" a #$clearAweapo#s pro"ram with North 6orea' b$t Admiral 6eati#" said he had see# K#o direct e%ide#ceK. K-t' o! co$rse' is o! some co#cer# to $s i! thereJs a#& remote resembla#ce to the tr$th i# the report'K Admiral 6eati#" said. North 6orea is still co#sidered part o! the a is o! e%il' a term coi#ed b& !ormer 9* preside#t Geor"e E 5$sh i# 2002' he said. K-tJs a ro"$e #atio#. Ee watch %er& care!$ll& da&AtoAda& militar& acti%it&.K Asked abo$t NATOJs desire !or more A$stralia# troops to be deplo&ed i# A!"ha#ista#' Admiral 6eati#" said apart !rom e pressi#" K%er& stro#"K "ratit$de to Air ,hie! 4arshal Fo$sto#' he had #o speci!ic messa"e.

SKorea to pro7ide nuclear training

The 4&a#mar Times A$"$st :1 A *eptember 8' 200) 3ol$me 21' No. 488 5& Ge 2wi# *O9TF 6orea is to pro%ide trai#i#" to o!!icials a#d tech#icia#s !rom 4&a#mar a#d other A*+AN co$#tries o# #$clear e#er"&. The o!!er was made d$ri#" the 27th A*+AN +#er"& 4i#isterial 4eeti#" held i# 4a#dala& i# late ($l&. 4r .ark 6il ,hae' !irst secretar& o! the *o$th 6orea# embass& i# Ga#"o#' said the *o$th 6orea# "o%er#me#t had a"reed with A*+AN member co$#tries to pro%ide tech#ical k#owAhow o# #$clear power statio#s i# order to red$ce the b$r#i#" o! !ossil !$els a#d to help protect the e#%iro#me#t. /$ri#" each &ear o! the threeA&ear pro"ram' which is sched$led to r$# !rom 200) to 2011' *o$th 6orea will select 10 se#ior o!!icials a#d tech#icia#s !rom A*+AN member co$#tries' i#cl$di#" 4&a#mar' !or trai#i#". ?Alto"ether 110 tech#icia#s a#d se#ior "o%er#me#t o!!icials !rom A*+AN co$#tries will be pro%ided with trai#i#" !or the whole pro"ram'@ said 4r .ark. Trai#i#" !or se#ior "o%er#me#t o!!icials will take 10 da&s while the trai#i#" !or tech#icia#s will be co#d$cted o%er three weeks. Accordi#" to 4r .ark' *o$th 6orea operates 20 #$clear power pla#ts.


Burma could face AS0AN eCpulsion if it goes nuclear

Reporti#" b& Tha# Ei# Ft$t *ept 10' 200) </35=P 5$rma ma& be !orced to re%oke its membership o! a re"io#al Asia bloc i! it is !o$#d to be b$ildi#" a #$clear pla#t !or weapo#s' the blocBs chie! said last week. Altho$"h #o hard e%ide#ce has emer"ed o! 5$rma becomi#" #$clear' spec$latio# o%er the re"imeBs ambitio#s has hei"hte#ed i# rece#t mo#ths. A report released i# A$"$st a!ter two &ears o! i#%esti"atio#s b& a# A$stralia# academic a#d a Thaila#dAbased Do$r#alist C$oted two 5$rmese de!ectors as alle"i#" that the "o%er#me#t is attempti#" to co#str$ct a #$clear pla#t i# the co$#tr&Bs #orth. The 9#ited *tates has also e pressed co#cer# abo$t the "rowi#" relatio#ship betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' whom earlier this &ear co#!irmed it had carried o$t a #$clear test. A*+AN' which b& protocol !ollows a polic& o! #o#Ai#ter!ere#ce i# domestic matters o! member states' appears to be i#creasi#"l& $#eas& abo$t 5$rmaBs membership o! the bloc. Thaila#d' who holds the re%ol%i#" A*+AN chair' has said i# rece#t mo#ths that co#ti#$i#" $#rest i# 5$rma is tar#ishi#" the blocBs ima"e' a# iss$e that will #o do$bt be compo$#ded b& r$mo$rs o! a #$clear 5$rma. The "e#eral secretar& o! the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN=' *$ri# .its$wa#' said o# *at$rda& [899:&9:&9<] that 5$rma co$ld !ace e p$lsio# i! a #$clear pla#t is !o$#d' the Thai News *er%ice reported toda&. A*+AN has a stat$s as a #$clearA!ree ;o#e' !ollowi#" a 1))1 treat& si"#ed i# 5a#"kok. ?-tBs a lo#"Asta#di#" A*+AN i#str$me#t that we wish !or *o$theast Asia to be a #$clear weapo#sA!ree ;o#e'@ a Thai !orei"# mi#istr& o!!icial told /35 toda&. ?-tBs #$clear weapo#s that we are talki#" abo$tH - do#Bt belie%e it applies to #$clear e#er"&.@ Ehat appears to be "rowi#" cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea was bro$"ht to li"ht earlier this &ear !ollowi#" the re%elatio# b& /35 o! North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t i# a #etwork o! s$spected militar& t$##els r$##i#" thro$"ho$t 5$rma. 0$rthermore' a North 6orea# ship bei#" tracked b& the 9* #a%& o# s$spicio# o! carr&i#" weapo#r& appeared to be headi#" towards 5$rma' be!ore t$r#i#" aro$#d.


/unta Cracks @own on -nternet Access in Ministries

5& A9NG TF+T E-N+ 0rida&' *eptember 11' 200) Go%er#me#t mi#istries i# 5$rma ha%e clamped dow# o# ci%il ser%a#ts accessi#" the -#ter#et beca$se o! leaked i#!ormatio# to 5$rmese e ile media' accordi#" to so$rces i# Na&p&idaw. The mi#istries i#cl$de the 4i#istr& o! /e!e#se' 4i#istr& o! Fome A!!airs' 4i#istr& o! 0i#a#ce a#d Re%e#$e' 4i#istr& o! ,ommerce' 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs' 4i#istr& o! Fotels a#d To$rism a#d the 4i#istr& o! -#d$str& No.1' said the so$rce. A# emplo&ee i# the 4i#istr& o! ,ommerce i# Na&p&idaw said that i#!ormatio# !rom co#!ide#tial !iles detaili#" the work o! hi"h o!!icials with !orei"# co$#tries' especiall& North 6orea' ha%e appeared i# the e ile media' i#cl$di#" The -rrawadd&. The so$rce said that the order was posted b& the mi#istr&Bs directorA"e#eral. Go%er#me#t workers who #eed to $se the -#ter#et #ow m$st reC$est permissio#. Also' workers are #ow restricted to $si#" "o%er#me#t eAmail acco$#ts assi"#ed to them' a#d the& ma& #ot $se #o#A"o%er#me#t acco$#ts at work. *o$rces said the speed a#d e!!icie#c& o! work has bee# "reatl& red$ced' beca$se people ro$ti#el& #eed to access the -#ter#et !or i#!ormatio#. A Ra#"oo# ci%il ser%a#t said' ?5e!ore - co$ld look at e ile media #ews !rom m& o!!ice. 5$t' a!ter e ile media reported abo$t 5$rmaBs pla#s to acC$ire #$clear tech#olo"&' the& blocked -#ter#et access at o$r o!!ice.@ A comp$ter tech#icia# i# Ra#"oo# said' ?O$r "o%er#me#t is tr&i#" to mo%e backward' while ma#& other de%elopi#" co$#tries are tr&i#" to mo%e !orward. ?The& o!te# boast that the& will impleme#t eA"o%er#me#t s&stems withi# mi#istries. -! the& wa#t to do that' wh& are the& restricti#" the -#ter#etO@ he said. Accordi#" to the ,-A Eorld 0act 5ook' there were 70'000 5$rmese -#ter#et $sers i# 2007 a#d 108 i#ter#et hosts i# 2008' while Thaila#d had 1:.4 millio# -#ter#et $sers a#d 1.1 millio# -#ter#et hosts i# the same period. -#ter#et speed i# 5$rma is #ormall& slow compared to #ei"hbori#" co$#tries. *i#ce *eptember 2007' the D$#ta has %iewed -#ter#et $sers as a threat to militar& co#trol o! i#!ormatio#. The i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& lear#ed o! the D$#taBs br$tal crackdow# o# proAdemocrac& demo#stratio#s i# 2008 thro$"h reports !rom pri%ate citi;e#s posted o# the -#ter#et. The a$thorities post #otices i# -#ter#et shops i# 5$rma that war# c$stomers accessi#" ba##ed Eeb sites is a"ai#st the law.$rit&/Dir/Dir0)0)22R2R#.shtml

Clouded alliance ' North Korea and Myanmar9s co7ert ties

5& 5ertil 2i#t#er 22 *eptember 200) Non'Subscriber 0Ctract ,o#cer#s abo$t militar& coAoperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar ha%e hei"hte#ed si#ce ($#e whe# a North 6orea# !rei"hter desti#ed !or 4&a#mar was s$spected o! carr&i#" militar& car"o i# %iolatio# o! 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil sa#ctio#s. 5ilateral coAoperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries has i#creased' !oc$si#" o# co#%e#tio#al militar& tra#s!ers. North 6orea# e perts also appear to ha%e bee# co%ertl& assisti#" 4&a#mar i# co#str$cti#" a# e te#si%e t$##el #etwork as emer"e#c& shelters !or militar& perso##el a#d eC$ipme#t. Alle"atio#s that .&o#"&a#" is pro%idi#" assista#ce to 4&a#marJs r$li#" D$#ta i# i#stalli#" #$clear research reactors a#d $ra#i$m prospecti#" appear !arA!etched. No e%ide#ce A satellite ima"er& or e&ewit#ess A has emer"ed o! this. 4&a#mar has ple#t& o! reaso#s to p$rs$e a #$clear pro"ramme a#d North 6orea to s$ppl& o#e. Na&p&idaw !ears e ter#al militar& i#ter%e#tio#' a#d ma& percei%e a deli%erable #$clear weapo# as a# $ltimate sec$rit& "$ara#tee. .&o#"&a#" co#ti#$es to desire !orei"# c$rre#c&' a#d the sale o! #$clear tech#olo"& or e pertise co$ld be o#e so$rce. Fowe%er' a deli%erable #$clear arse#al remai#s !ar be&o#d what 4&a#mar ca# c$rre#tl& achie%e a#d a!!ord. Ehether or #ot i# #$clear coAoperatio#' North 6orea#A4&a#mar relatio#s are set to i#te#si!&. ,o#%e#tio#al militar& tra#s!ers are set to co#ti#$e' with 4&a#mar seeki#" to proc$re !$rther eC$ipme#t to aid its co$#terAi#s$r"e#c& campai"#s #ear its borders.


3emarks At .nited Nations After ',E% Meeting

Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# *ecretar& o! *tate 9#ited Natio#s New Gork ,it& *eptember 2:' 200) /ate: 0)/2:/200) /escriptio#: Remarks b& *ecretar& ,li#to# at 9N FeadC$arters a!ter the .A1a1 4eeti#". [EXCERPT] *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: <-# pro"ress= to "i%e &o$ brie! reado$ts o# two meeti#"s this a!ter#oo#. The !irst was a meeti#" - participated i# called b& *ec$rit& ,o$#cil 5a# 6iAmoo# abo$t the policies a#d approaches toward 5$rma. A #$mber o! co$#tries were represe#ted' a#d - reported that o$r polic& process' which has bee# $#derwa& !or some time #ow' is almost complete' a#d - "a%e a pre%iew. - had a##o$#ced this re%iew back i# 0ebr$ar&' a#d the maDor messa"es are as !ollows. 0irst' the basic obDecti%es are #ot cha#"ed. Ee wa#t credible' democratic re!ormH a "o%er#me#t that respo#d to the #eeds o! the 5$rmese peopleH immediate' $#co#ditio#al release o! political priso#ers' i#cl$di#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&iH serio$s dialo"$e with the oppositio# a#d mi#orit& eth#ic "ro$ps. Ee belie%e that sa#ctio#s remai# importa#t as part o! o$r polic&' b$t b& themsel%es' the& ha%e #ot prod$ced the res$lts that had bee# hoped !or o# behal! o! the people o! 5$rma. +#"a"eme#t %ers$s sa#ctio#s is a !alse choice' i# o$r opi#io#. *o "oi#" !orward' we will be emplo&i#" both o! those tools' p$rs$i#" o$r same "oals. A#d to help achie%e democratic re!orm' we will be e#"a"i#" directl& with 5$rmese a$thorities. This is a polic& that has broad co#se#s$s across o$r "o%er#me#t' a#d there will be more to report as we "o !orward.


.8S8 olicy 1oward Burma

6$rt 4. ,ampbell Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs Eashi#"to#' /, *eptember 28' 200) [EXCERPT ] A**-*TANT *+,R+TARG ,A4.5+22: Tha#k &o$' ..(.' a#d itBs "reat to see so ma#& !rie#ds here. This is m& !irst time i# !ro#t o! the podi$m' so -Bm "oi#" to take a %ariet& o! C$estio#s' i! thatBs possible. 2et me !irst $#derscore that last week was a bi" week !or $s i# the Asia .aci!ic re"io#. - thi#k all o! &o$ k#ow the .reside#t a#d the *ecretar& had a series o! meeti#"s with o$r !rie#ds a#d allies i# the Asia .aci!ic re"io#. .reside#t Obama met both i# .ittsb$r"h a#d i# New Gork with .reside#t F$' had a broad ra#"e o! disc$ssio#s o# North 6orea' o# -ra#' o# climate cha#"e' o# a %ariet& o! eco#omic a#d tradeArelated iss$es. The .reside#t also met with #ew (apa#ese .rime 4i#ister Fato&ama to disc$ss o$r %ital' importa#t part#ership a#d the directio# ahead. Ee also had stro#" meeti#"s betwee# the .reside#t P betwee# the *ecretar& a#d her co$#terparts i# se%eral ke& co$#tries i# Asia. The *ecretar& also' o# Eed#esda&' had a meeti#" o! the 0rie#ds o! 5$rma' a#d at that meeti#" she rolled o$t some o! o$r i#itial %iews co#cer#i#" the 5$rma re%iew' which is "oi#" to be !$ll& disc$ssed this week o# ,apitol Fill a#d also with other ke& pla&ers. There will be testimo#& be!ore the *e#ate s$bcommittee o# Eed#esda&H - will appear be!ore that' be!ore *e#ator Eebb a#d the committee. -Bd like #ow' i! possible' to read a relati%el& lo#" stateme#t. - apolo"i;e !or the detail' b$t it will "i%e &o$ some co#te t i# terms o! o$r o%erall re%iew a#d what weB%e co#cl$ded o%er the co$rse o! these last se%e# mo#ths. -# terms o! the back"ro$#d' the Admi#istratio# la$#ched a re%iew o! 5$rma polic& se%e# mo#ths a"o' reco"#i;i#" that the co#ditio#s i# 5$rma were deplorable a#d that #either isolatio# #or e#"a"eme#t' whe# impleme#ted alo#e' had s$cceeded i# impro%i#" those co#ditio#s. Thro$"ho$t this re%iew' the Admi#istratio# co#s$lted closel& with ,o#"ress' the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&' a#d a wide ra#"e o! stakeholders i#side 5$rma' i#cl$di#" the Natio#al 2ea"$e o! /emocrac&.

0or the !irst time i# memor&' the 5$rmese leadership has show# a# i#terest i# e#"a"i#" with the 9#ited *tates' a#d we i#te#d to e plore that i#terest. -# additio#' co#cer#s ha%e emer"ed i# rece#t da&s abo$t 5$rma a#d North 6oreaBs relatio#ship that reC$ire "reater !oc$s a#d dialo"$e. Ehat are the strate"ic "oals a#d i#terests o! this approachO Ee ha%e rea!!irmed o$r !$#dame#tal "oals i# 5$rma. Ee s$pport a $#i!ied' peace!$l' prospero$s' a#d democratic 5$rma that respects the h$ma# ri"hts o! its citi;e#s. To that e#d' we will co#ti#$e to p$sh !or the immediate a#d $#co#ditio#al release o! A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i a#d all political priso#ers' a# e#d to co#!licts with eth#ic mi#orities a#d "ross h$ma# ri"hts %iolatio#s' a#d i#itiatio# o! a credible i#ter#al political dialo"$e with the democratic oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orit& leaders o# eleme#ts o! reco#ciliatio# a#d re!orm. Ee will also press 5$rma to compl& with its i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s' i#cl$di#" o# #o#proli!eratio#' e#di#" a#& prohibited militar& or proli!eratio#Arelated cooperatio# with North 6orea' a#d !$ll complia#ce with 9#ited Natio#s 1874 a#d 1718. -! 5$rma makes mea#i#"!$l pro"ress towards these "oals' it will be possible to impro%e the relatio#ship with the 9#ited *tates i# a stepAb&Astep process. Ee reco"#i;e that this will likel& be a lo#" a#d di!!ic$lt process' a#d we are prepared to s$stai# o$r e!!orts o# this !ro#t. 5$rmaBs co#ti#$ed estra#"eme#t !rom the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& harms the co$#tr& a#d has direct #e"ati%e co#seC$e#ces be&o#d 5$rmaBs borders. 5$rmaBs e#"a"eme#t with the o$tside world has the pote#tial to e#co$ra"e #ew thi#ki#"' re!orm' a#d participatio# i# the work o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. -# terms o! e#"a"eme#t' we i#te#d to be"i# a direct dialo"$e with 5$rmese a$thorities to la& o$t a path towards better relatio#s. The dialo"$e will i#cl$de speci!ic disc$ssio# o! democrac& a#d h$ma# ri"hts i#side 5$rma' cooperatio# o# i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& iss$es s$ch as #o#proli!eratio# a#d complia#ce with 1874 a#d 1718' a#d areas that co$ld be o! m$t$al be#e!it s$ch as co$#ter#arcotics a#d reco%er& o! Eorld Ear -- era remai#s. [deletia] N9+*T-ON: Fow do &o$ P (ill /o$"hert& !rom ,NN. A**-*TANT *+,R+TARG ,A4.5+22: Fi' (ill. N9+*T-ON: Fow do &o$ sC$are this appare#t approach that the& ha%e with the alle"ed cooperatio# with North 6oreaO A**-*TANT *+,R+TARG ,A4.5+22: Eell' !irst o! all' - thi#k that 5$rma has do#e a %ariet& o! thi#"s. Ee thi#k the& did pla& a positi%e role behi#d the sce#es rece#tl& i# terms o! some steps associated with the impleme#tatio# o! 1874' 9N Resol$tio# 1874' a#d we ha%e #oted that i# p$blic. A#d so that willi#"#ess to pla& a more respo#sible role i# the realm o! i#ter#atio#al sa#ctio#s s$pport %isAdA%is North 6orea has bee# !actored i#to o$r o%erall approach. The tr$th is that weB%e had so little dialo"$e with 5$rma o%er the co$rse o! the last se%eral &ears that weBre still looki#" !or a clear i#dicatio# o! the directio# o! its leadership i# terms o! what it seeks i# terms o! i#ter#atio#al e#"a"eme#t.

EeB%e see# m$ch more e#"a"eme#t o! 5$rma' partic$larl& at the le%el o! eco#omic e#"a"eme#t a#d other ki#d o! i#teractio#s' both with ,hi#a' with -#dia' a#d other co$#tries i# *o$theast Asia. -tBs possible that the& seek to di%ersi!& those co#tacts to i#cl$de the 9#ited *tates' a#d we i#te#d to e plore that o%er the co$rse o! the #e t se%eral weeks a"ai#. Ges. N9+*T-ON: A#d& N$i## !rom Re$ters. A**-*TANT *+,R+TARG ,A4.5+22: Fi' A#d&O N9+*T-ON: -tBs sort o! a !ollowA$p C$estio#. Go$ talked abo$t aski#" the 5$rmese to stop whate%er prohibited co#tacts the& ma& ha%e had with the North 6orea#s. Are &o$ willi#" to let $s k#ow what &o$r assessme#t is o! the c$rre#t state o! their co#tacts' where the&Bre maki#" deals a#d what these sorts o! deals mi"ht beO A**-*TANT *+,R+TARG ,A4.5+22: - do#Bt thi#k - ca# "o %er& m$ch be&o#d what *ecretar& ,li#to# said at the A*+AN Re"io#al 0or$m a !ew mo#ths a"o i# ($l&' late ($l&. *he $#derscored at that time that there clearl& were some areas o! i#teractio# o# the militar& side' a#d perhaps e%e# be&o#d that' betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma that raised co#cer#s #ot D$st !or the 9#ited *tates' b$t also !or co$#tries i# the immediate re"io#. A#d o#e o! o$r "oals o%er the co$rse o! this period o! strate"ic re%iew ha%e bee# disc$ssio#s with Thaila#d' with -#do#esia' with the .hilippi#es' with ,hi#a. A#d thi#k there is a "reater desire o# the part o! these re"io#al part#ers !or the 9#ited *tates to ha%e a direct dialo"$e with 5$rma abo$t aspects o! their relatio#ship with North 6orea that weBre seeki#" to "ai# "reater clarit& i#to. [deletia]


"erbatim2 6ugar statement on Burma

2ast $pdated: *eptember :0' 200) 12:07 p.m. 9.*. *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee Ra#ki#" 4ember /ick 2$"ar s$bmitted the !ollowi#" stateme#t !or the record !or toda&Bs heari#" o# 5$rma be!ore the +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *$bcommittee o! the 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee: Tha#k &o$' ,hairma# Eebb !or holdi#" this heari#" to re%iew 9.*. polic& toward 5$rma' a#d - also e te#d appreciatio# to *e#ator -#ho!e !or his work as Ra#ki#" 4ember o# the +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *$bcommittee. This heari#" is timel& "i%e# the Obama Admi#istratio#Bs re%iew o! the 9#ited *tatesB polic& o# 5$rma. As the 9#ited *tates co#templates polic& optio#s' we will' - hope' compare #otes with other co$#tries acti%el& e#"a"ed i# 5$rma. ,hi#a' (apa#' -#dia' Thaila#d' *i#"apore a#d *o$th 6orea are amo#" those #atio#s who are direct wit#ess to the deteriorati#" ed$catio# a#d healthcare i#!rastr$ct$re withi# 5$rma. The misma#a"eme#t o! 5$rmaBs eco#om& started lo#" be!ore impositio# o! 9.*. sa#ctio#s. At a massi%e cost to themsel%es a#d the 9#ited Natio#s' Thaila#d a#d 4ala&sia recei%e h$#dreds o! tho$sa#ds o! mi"ra#ts a#d re!$"ees' lar"el& eth#ic mi#orities' who co#ti#$e to !lee 5$rma. 4ore tha# 10'000 perso#s ha%e #ow applied thro$"h 9NF,R o!!ices i# 4ala&sia a#d Thaila#d !or resettleme#t to a third co$#tr&. Te# tho$sa#d 5$rmese re!$"ees ha%e #ow resettled i# m& home state o! -#dia#a. The Obama Admi#istratio#Bs polic& re%iew i#cl$des re!ere#ce to the "rowi#" North 6oreaP5$rma relatio#ship. The 9#ited *tates has a respo#sibilit& to o$r !rie#ds a#d allies thro$"ho$t Asia to oppose acti%el& the possible proli!eratio# o! weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# to or !rom 5$rma.

*i#ce - !irst disc$ssed the tro$bli#" prospects o! re#ewed ties betwee# these two co$#tries i# 2004' the 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee has repeatedl& raised the iss$e o! 5$rmaBs "rowi#" relatio#ship with North 6orea with a wide arra& o! 9.*. Admi#istratio# o!!icials. 0or e ample' we ha%e C$estio#ed the basis !or h$#dreds o! 5$rmese o!!icials "oi#" to R$ssia !or tech#ical ed$catio# which i#cl$ded #$clear tech#olo"& trai#i#". The #$mber o! perso#s tra%eli#" to R$ssia !or speciali;ed trai#i#" seemed to be !ar be&o#d the #$mber #eeded !or the e%e#t$al operatio# o! a #$clear reactor !or medical research p$rposes' i#te#ded to be b$ilt b& the D$#ta with R$ssia# "o%er#me#t assista#ce. 5$rmaBs m$ltiple $ra#i$m deposits' reports o! $ra#i$m re!i#i#" a#d processi#" pla#ts' a#d itBs acti%e #$clear pro"ram reportedl& assisted b& North 6orea collecti%el& poi#t to reaso# !or co#cer# i# a co$#tr& whose o!!icials resist tra#spare#c&. /r. *i"!ried Fecker' /irector +merit$s o! 2os Alamos Natio#al 2aborator& a#d #ow ,oA/irector o! the ,e#ter !or -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& a#d ,ooperatio# at *ta#!ord 9#i%ersit& rece#tl& wrote' KThe A.N. 6ha# #etwork co##ected compa#ies' i#di%id$als a#d !ro#t or"a#i;atio#s i#to a da#"ero$s proli!eratio# ri#". The re%elatio#s o! the North 6orea# reactor i# *&ria' alo#" with de%elopme#ts i# -ra# a#d 5$rma' appear to poi#t toward a di!!ere#t t&pe o! proli!eratio# ri#" AAA o#e r$# b& #atio#al "o%er#me#ts' perhaps also assisted b& other cla#desti#e #etworksK. 4r. ,hairma#' toda&Bs wit#esses represe#t disti#"$ished e perts o# 5$rma. - am pleased to i#trod$ce a Foosier' .ro!essor /a%id Eilliams' + ec$ti%e /irector o! the ,e#ter !or ,o#stit$tio#al /emocrac& at -#dia#a 9#i%ersit&' who has e te#si%e back"ro$#d o# 5$rmaArelated iss$es. A"ai#' 4r. ,hairma#' tha#k &o$ !or holdi#" toda&Bs heari#".


.8S8 olicy 1oward Burma

6$rt 4. ,ampbell Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *tateme#t 5e!ore the *$bcommittee o# +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee Eashi#"to#' /, *eptember :0' 200) [EXCERPT ] 4r. ,hairma#' *e#ator -#ho!e' a#d 4embers o! the *$bcommittee' tha#k &o$ !or i#%iti#" me here toda& to testi!& abo$t 9.*. polic& toward 5$rma a#d a possible #ew directio# !or 9.*.A5$rma relatio#s. 2et me take this opport$#it& to brie! &o$ o# the o%erarchi#" assessme#ts that helped shape o$r re%iew. The Admi#istratio# la$#ched a re%iew o! o$r 5$rma polic& se%e# mo#ths a"o' reco"#i;i#" that political a#d h$ma#itaria# co#ditio#s i# 5$rma were deplorable. Neither sa#ctio#s #or e#"a"eme#t' impleme#ted alo#e' ha%e s$cceeded i# impro%i#" those co#ditio#s a#d mo%i#" 5$rma !orward o# a path to democratic re!orm. 4oreo%er' it was clear to $s that the problems 5$rma prese#ts' #ot o#l& to its people' b$t to its #ei"hbors' the wider re"io# a#d the world at lar"e' dema#d that we re%iew a#d reco#sider o$r approach. -# additio# to taki#" a hard look at the c$rre#t sit$atio# i#side 5$rma' we also !oc$sed o# emer"i#" C$estio#s a#d co#cer#s re"ardi#" 5$rmaBs relatio#ship with North 6orea' partic$larl& i# li"ht o! the passa"e o! 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which prohibits member states !rom e#"a"i#" i# trade with North 6orea i# %irt$all& all co#%e#tio#al weapo#s as well as i# se#siti%e tech#olo"ies' i#cl$di#" those related to ballistic missiles a#d #$clear a#d other E4/ pro"rams. [deletia] Ee will also disc$ss o$r proli!eratio# co#cer#s a#d 5$rmaBs close militar& relatio#ship with North 6orea. 5$rma has said it is committed to compl& !$ll& with 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio#s 1718 a#d 1874. Ne%ertheless' we remai# co#cer#ed abo$t the #at$re a#d e te#t o! 5$rmaBs ties with North 6orea. 0$ll a#d tra#spare#t impleme#tatio# o! these resol$tio#s is critical to "lobal peace a#d sec$rit&' a#d we will be looki#" to the 5$rmese a$thorities to deli%er o# their commitme#ts. [deletia]

-# parallel to the dialo"$e o# o$r core democrac&' h$ma# ri"hts a#d #o#proli!eratio# co#cer#s' we hope to ide#tit& some i#itial positi%e steps the 5$rmese co$ld take i# other areas that wo$ld help b$ild mome#t$m i# the talks a#d co$ld pote#tiall& allow the 9#ited *tates to respo#d i# a# appropriate ma##er. There are a #$mber o! areas i# which we mi"ht be able impro%e cooperatio# to o$r m$t$al be#e!it' s$ch as co$#terA#arcotics' health' e#%iro#me#tal protectio#' a#d the reco%er& o! Eorld Ear --A era 4issi#"Ai#AActio# remai#s. [deletia]


.8S8 seeks opening with Burma !unta

.$blished: October 1' 200) ::00 a.m *&l%ia A *mith Eashi#"to# editor [EXCERPT ] EA*F-NGTON P +%ide#ce that 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea are e cha#"i#" weapo#s a#d e%e# #$clear material is#Bt co#cl$si%e' a# Obama admi#istratio# o!!icial said Eed#esda&' ?b$t it is a co#cer#.@ 6$rt ,ampbell' the assista#t secretar& !or +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic a!!airs' told a *e#ate committee that deraili#" those ties is part o! the reaso# to ha%e direct talks with 4&a#marBs militar& r$lers. 2ast week' *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# said the 9.*. wo$ld keep its trade ba# a"ai#st 4&a#mar b$t wo$ld attempt to talk to the "o%er#me#t beca$se ?e#"a"eme#t %ers$s sa#ctio#s is a !alse choice.@ /irect talks wo$ld re%erse the 9.*. polic& o! tr&i#" to !ree;e o$t the militar& r$lers who ha%e bee# i# co#trol !or two decades. ,ampbell said he had disc$ssio#s i# New Gork this week with a top o!!icial. ,ampbell said the co#%ersatio# was D$st a !irst step i# thawi#" relatio#s. 5$t he said the o%ert$res are a# importa#t step i# the e!!ort to #$d"e 4&a#marBs r$lers i# the directio# the 9.*. a#d other Eester# co$#tries wa#t. Asked whether there is a#& i#dicatio# that 4&a#mar is %iolati#" a 9.N. resol$tio# that prohibits members o! the 9#ited Natio#s !rom b$&i#" or selli#" weapo#s P i#cl$di#" #$clear weapo#s P with North 6orea' ,ampbell said he did #ot wa#t to a#swer i# a p$blic heari#". 5$t he said there is e%ide#ce the trade ?has e te#ded i#to areas that are prohibited@ b& the 9.N. resol$tio#. ?O#e o! the "oals o! this dialo"$e betwee# the 9#ited *tates a#d 5$rma is to make %er& clear what o$r e pectatio#s are i# this respect'@ he said. [deletia] s&l%iasmithXD".#et"U25News/*+U25Asia/*tor&/*T-*tor&R4:8121.html

@on9t lift Myanmar sanctions

*ep :0' 200) EA*F-NGTON A TF+ 9#ited *tates ca##ot Je%e# co#siderJ easi#" sa#ctio#s o# 4&a#mar $#til the militar&Aled co$#tr& has !reed all political priso#ers' i#cl$di#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' a top 9* *e#ator said o# T$esda&. Rep$blica# *e#ate 4i#orit& 2eader 4itch 4c,o##ell also said that the p$#iti%e meas$res sho$ld remai# i# !orce $#less 4&a#mar holds !ree a#d !air electio#s i# 2010 that i#cl$de oppositio# a#d eth#ic "ro$ps. JThere remai# two si"#i!ica#t tests o! whether or #ot 5$rmaJs relatio#ship with the 9#ited *tates has impro%ed to the de"ree that we sho$ld e%e# co#sider mo%i#" awa& !rom a polic& o! sa#ctio#s'J 4r 4c,o##ell said i# a stateme#t. JThe 9#ited *tates m$st also i#sist that 5$rma compl& with its i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s a#d e#d a#& prohibited militar& or proli!eratio# related cooperatio# with North 6orea'J said the se#ator. Fis comme#ts came as the 9* *tate /epartme#t said that' as part o! a #ew polic& o! e#"a"eme#t' o#e o! its top diplomats wo$ld meet o# T$esda& with a dele"atio# !rom 4&a#mar o# the mar"i#s o! the 9N Ge#eral Assembl&. *tate /epartme#t spokesma# .hilip ,rowle& said at a press brie!i#" i# Eashi#"to# that 6$rt ,ampbell' assista#t 9* secretar& o! state !or Asia' was to meet i# New Gork toda& with a dele"atio# headed b& 4&a#marJs scie#ce a#d tech#olo"& mi#ister 9 Tha$#". 4&a#marJs represe#tati%e to the 9#ited Natio#s' Tha# *we' is also e pected to participate. The meeti#" comes a!ter the 9#ited *tates a##o$#ced 4o#da& it was starti#" a dialo"$e with the militar&Aled 4&a#mar' tho$"h it i#sisted it wo$ld keep sa#ctio#s i# place $#til the re"ime makes pro"ress o# democrac&. O# 4o#da&' ,ampbell a##o$#ced that .reside#t 5arack ObamaJs admi#istratio# had decided to ree#"a"e 4&a#mar a!ter &ears o! stalemate pro%ed $#prod$cti%e. AA A0.


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, *eptember :0' 200) [EXCERPT ] N9+*T-ON: Geah' ca# &o$ take m& C$estio#O O#e o# 5$rma' the meeti#" &esterda& P how was it &esterda& mor#i#" i# New GorkO Ehat iss$e disc$ssedO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Assista#t *ecretar& 6$rt ,ampbell a#d /ep$t& Assista#t *ecretar& *cot 4arciel did meet &esterda& i# New Gork with a 5$rmese dele"atio# headed b& 9 Tha$#"' the 5$rmese mi#ister !or scie#ce a#d tech#olo"&. 5$rmaBs perma#e#t represe#tati%e to the 9#ited Natio#s' Tha# *we' also participated i# these disc$ssio#s. - thi#k weBd characteri;e it as a# i#trod$ctor& meeti#" P ob%io$sl&' the !irst meeti#" o! this ki#d i# ma#&' ma#& &ears. A#d so - thi#k itBs' !rom o$r sta#dpoi#t' the ope#i#" sta"e o! a# i#teractio#. 0rom o$r side' we disc$ssed a #$mber o! iss$es' ob%io$sl&' i#cl$di#" the stat$s o! political priso#ers' i#cl$di#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' the iss$e o! eth#ic co#!lict a#d dialo"$e betwee# the Go%er#me#t o! 5$rma a#d %ario$s eth#ic "ro$ps withi# the co$#tr&. Ee talked abo$t o$r co#cer#s abo$t 5$rmaBs relatio#ship with North 6orea' o$r proli!eratio# co#cer#s associated with that. - thi#k it was a ca$tio$s be"i##i#" a#d a# i#itial meeti#"' a#d will ob%io$sl& reC$ire time a#d patie#ce as we co#ti#$e these disc$ssio#s. N9+*T-ON: -s there a#& timeli#e !or these meeti#"sO Fow lo#" does it "o a#d whe# is the #e t meeti#"O 4R. ,ROE2+G: The meeti#" &esterda& happe#ed P it lasted a co$ple o! ho$rs' ma&be a little bit lo#"er tha# we had e pected. N9+*T-ON: Two ho$rsO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Geah. N9+*T-ON: 5oth withi# the 9N premises or o$tsideO Eas it withi# the 9N premises' that P the 9#ited Natio#sO 4R. ,ROE2+G: - belie%e it was at the Ealdor!AAstoria.

[deletia] N9+*T-ON: Tha#k &o$. Geah' D$st P whe# &o$ said that &o$ disc$ssed A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i a#d eth#ic mi#orities a#d so o#' &o$ raised &o$r lo#"sta#di#" co#cer#s a#d dema#ds that A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i be released' alo#" the AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: Absol$tel&' &es. N9+*T-ON: Oka&. A#d the same thi#" o# the eth#ic mi#orities' the lo#" P oka&. 4R. ,ROE2+G: Ges. N9+*T-ON: A#d the# wh& is it appropriate to talk to the mi#ister o! scie#ce a#d tech#olo"&O Eh& is this the ri"ht perso#O 4R. ,ROE2+G: 0or this meeti#"' a#d D$st to e plai# a little bit that o%er time' weB%e recei%ed i#dicatio#s !rom the 5$rmese that the& had a# i#terest i# this ki#d o! dialo"$e. Ee heard it also !rom other parties i# the re"io#. *o P b$t !or this partic$lar meeti#"' the mi#ister !or scie#ce a#d tech#olo"& was desi"#ated as the lead o!!icial. N9+*T-ON: 0or that P - mea#' - reali;e itBs the P 4&a#marBs choice who the& wa#t to se#d to the meeti#" with &o$ "$&s. Ehat - do#Bt "et' tho$"h' is wh& &o$ thi#k this is the ri"ht perso#. - mea#' does AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' -Bm bei#" care!$l. N9+*T-ON: Geah. 4R. ,ROE2+G: This was the i#di%id$al that the& desi"#ated !or this !irst meeti#". -Bm #ot s$""esti#" that he will be the i#terloc$tor !or !$t$re meeti#"s. ThatBs #ot P ob%io$sl&' &o$Bre ri"ht. -tBs $p to the 5$rmese. N9+*T-ON: Oka&' a#d the# two other thi#"s o# this. O#e' whe# was the P &o$ k#ow' there is a sli"ht prope#sit& to !eel as i! the world is e#tirel& #ew. 5$t i# !act' *cot 4arciel met with 4&a#mar o!!icials i# ($l&. *o whatBs #ew here is that itBs at the assista#t secretar& le%el !rom the 9.*. side. Ehe# was the last time that a 9.*. assista#t secretar& or somebod& o! a similar ra#k met with the 4&a#mar a$thoritiesO 4R. ,ROE2+G: ThatBs a !air C$estio#. -t mi"ht be a matter o! decades.$*TR+1)21-O200)100:

Myanmar says nuclear ambitions are peaceful2 /apan

5& +k 4adra *at Oct :' 200) 10:12am +/T *-+4 R+A.' ,ambodia <Re$ters= A (apa# said o# *at$rda& it had bee# ass$red b& militar&Ar$led 4&a#mar that it was #ot de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s e%e# tho$"h it was worki#" with R$ssia o# a #$clear e#er"& pro"ram. 4&a#mar has remai#ed ti"htAlipped abo$t its #$clear pla#s' despite spec$latio# it has bee# recei%i#" help !rom North 6orea to b$ild #$clear !acilities #ear its remote capital with the i#te#t o! de%elopi#" a weapo#. 4&a#marJs 0orei"# 4i#ister N&a# Ei# told his (apa#ese co$#terpart 6ats$&a Okada that his co$#tr& was seeki#" R$ssiaJs e pertise' b$t o#l& i# de%elopi#" a peace!$l e#er"& pro"ram !or its people. K<N&a# Ei#= told (apa#Js !orei"# mi#ister that 4&a#mar has #o i#te#tio# to ha%e a #$clear weapo#'K (apa#Js 0orei"# 4i#istr& spokesma# 6a;$o 6odama told reporters o# the sideli#es o! a 4eko#"A(apa# mi#isterial meeti#" i# *iem Reap' ,ambodia. K4&a#mar has co#d$cted a co#s$ltatio# to ha%e assista#ce !rom R$ssia !or a peace!$l $se o! #$clear e#er"&.K 6a;$o did #ot sa& i! the iss$e o! a#& #$clear li#ks with North 6orea was disc$ssed. Academic researchers said i# A$"$st 4&a#mar was b$ildi#" a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m !acilit& i# ca%es t$##eled i#to a mo$#tai#' citi#" i#telli"e#ce !rom two de!ectors. The de!ectors also said 4&a#mar' which has k#ow# reser%es o! $ra#i$m ore' had pro%ided re!i#ed K&ellowcakeK processed $ra#i$m that ca# be $sed as #$clear !$el to -ra# a#d North 6orea. The isolated co$#tr& has bee# $#der Eester# sa#ctio#s !or two decades a#d a#al&sts sa& a #$cleari;ed 4&a#mar co$ld tri""er a# arms race i# the re"io#. 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# said at a sec$rit& !or$m i# Thaila#d i# ($l& that she was co#cer#ed abo$t the possible tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar !rom North 6orea. -# re!ere#ce to ties betwee# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar' 9.*. Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell' the top 9.*. diplomat !or Asia' said there were Ksome si"#s that that cooperatio# has e te#ded i#to areas that wo$ld be prohibited. Fowe%er' ma#& a#al&sts ha%e said e%ide#ce o! attempts to de%elop #$clear weapo#s is sca#t a#d ha%e C$estio#ed the reliabilit& o! the de!ectorsJ i#!ormatio#. <Eriti#" b& 4arti# .ett&H +diti#" b& Aliso# Eilliams=*o$theastRAsia/((04Ae01.html

Nuclear bond for North Korea and Myanmar

5& Norma# Robespierre Oct 4' 2008
GANGON A A rece#t !l$rr& o! hi"hAle%el co#tacts betwee# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar raises #ew #$clear proli!eratio# co#cer#s betwee# the two pariah states' o#e o! which alread& possesses #$clearAweapo# capabilities a#d the other possibl& aspiri#". At least three dele"atio#s led b& !la"Ale%el o!!icers !rom 4&a#marJs arm& ha%e tra%eled to .&o#"&a#" i# the past three mo#ths' hot o# the heels o! the two sidesJ reAestablishme#t last &ear o! !ormal diplomatic relatio#s. Accordi#" to a so$rce !amiliar with the tra%el iti#eraries o! 4&a#mar o!!icials' 5ri"adier Ge#eral A$#" Thei# 2i# %isited North 6orea i# midA*eptember. 5e!ore that' other 4&a#mar militar& dele"atio#s %isited North 6orea' i#cl$di#" a "ro$p headed i# A$"$st b& 2ie$te#a#t Ge#eral Ti# A&e' chie! o! the O!!ice o! ,hie! /e!e#se -#d$stries' a#d a#other led i# ($l& b& 2ie$te#a#t Ge#eral 4&i#t Flai#"' the chie! o! Air /e!e#ce. The rapidA!ire %isits ha%e "o#e be&o#d "oodwill "est$res a#d the #ormal diplomatic #iceties o! reAestablishi#" ties. Rather' the perso#alities i#%ol%ed i# the %isits i#dicate that 4&a#mar is #ot o#l& seeki#" weapo#s proc$reme#ts' b$t also probable cooperatio# i# establishi#" air de!e#se weapo#r&' missiles' rockets or artiller& prod$ctio# !acilities. The secreti%e %isits are belie%ed to e#tail a 4&a#mar C$est !or t$##eli#" tech#olo"& a#d possible assista#ce i# de%elopi#" its #asce#t #$clear pro"ram. Ti# A&e a#d 4&i#t Flai#"' b& %irt$e o! their positio#s as lie$te#a#t "e#erals' are lo"ical choices to head o!!icial dele"atio#s i# search o! weapo#s tech#olo"& !or 4&a#marJs militar&' while 5ri"adier Ge#eral A$#" Thei# 2i#' c$rre#t ma&or o! Ga#"o# a#d chairma# o! the cit&Js de%elopme#t committee' was !ormerl& dep$t& mi#ister o! -#d$str&A2' respo#sible !or all i#d$strial de%elopme#t i# the co$#tr&. .rior to 1))8' the mi#ister o! -#d$str&A2 also ser%ed as the chairma# o! the 4&a#mar Atomic +#er"& ,ommittee. This came to a# e#d whe# 4&a#marJs Atomic +#er"& Act o! 1))8 desi"#ated the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& as the lead "o%er#me#t a"e#c& !or its aspira#t #$clear pro"ram. Fowe%er' the 4i#istr& o! -#d$str&A 2' b& %irt$e o! its respo#sibilities !or co#str$ctio# o! i#d$strial !acilities a#d the pro%isio# o! eC$ipme#t' co#ti#$es to pla& a ke& s$pporti#" role i# 4&a#marJs #$clear pro"ram. 4&a#marJs sta"#a#t #$clear pro"ram was re%itali;ed shortl& a!ter .akista#Js !irst deto#atio# o! #$clear weapo#s i# 4a& 1))8. *e#ior "e#eral a#d D$#ta leader Tha# *hwe si"#ed the Atomic +#er"& 2aw o# ($#e 8' 1))8' a#d the timi#" o! the le"islatio# so soo# a!ter .akista#Js e#tr& i#to the #$clear cl$b did little to ass$a"e i#ter#atio#al co#cer#s abo$t 4&a#marJs #$clear i#te#tio#s. *ome a#al&sts belie%e the re"ime ma& e%e#t$all& seek #$clear weapo#s !or the d$al p$rpose o! i#ter#atio#al presti"e a#d strate"ic deterre#ce. 4&a#marJs ci%ilia#A$se #$clear ambitio#s made "lobal headli#es i# earl& 2001' whe# R$ssiaJs Atomic +#er"& ,ommittee i#dicated it was pla##i#" to b$ild a research reactor i# the co$#tr&. The !ollowi#" &ear' 4&a#marJs dep$t& !orei"# mi#ister' 6hi# 4a$#" Ei#' p$blicl& a##o$#ced the re"imeJs decisio# to b$ild a #$clear research reactor' citi#" the co$#tr&Js di!!ic$lt& i# importi#" radioAisotopes a#d the #eed !or moder# tech#olo"& as reaso#s !or the mo%e.

The co$#tr& reportedl& se#t h$#dreds o! soldiers !or #$clear trai#i#" i# R$ssia that same &ear a#d the reactor was sched$led !or deli%er& i# 200:. Fowe%er' the pro"ram was shel%ed d$e to !i#a#cial di!!ic$lties a#d a !ormal co#tract !or the reactor' $#der which R$ssia a"reed to b$ild a #$clear research ce#ter alo#" with a 10 me"awatt reactor' was #ot si"#ed $#til 4a& 2007. The reactor will be !$eled with #o#Aweapo#s "rade e#riched $ra#i$mA2:1 a#d it will operate $#der the p$r%iew o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' the 9#ited Natio#sJ #$clear watchdo". The reactor itsel! wo$ld be illAs$ited !or weapo#s de%elopme#t. Fowe%er' the trai#i#" acti%ities associated with it wo$ld pro%ide the basic k#owled"e reC$ired as a !o$#datio# !or a#& #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t pro"ram o$tside o! the research ce#ter. Constrained reaction The 9#ited *tatesJ reactio# to 4&a#marJs #$clear de%elopme#ts has bee# somewhat co#strai#ed' despite the Geor"e E 5$sh admi#istratio# re!erri#" to the militar&Ar$# co$#tr& as a# Ko$tpost o! t&ra##&K. A!ter 4&a#marJs 2002 co#!irmatio# o! its i#te#t to b$ild the reactor' the 9* war#ed the co$#tr& o! its obli"atio#s as a si"#ator& to the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T=. A!ter the co#tract was !ormall& a##o$#ced i# 4a& 2007' the 9* *tate /epartme#t e pressed co#cer#s abo$t the co$#tr&Js lack o! adeC$ate sa!et& sta#dards a#d the pote#tial !or proli!eratio#. The warmi#" a#d "rowi#" rapport betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea will likel& !$rther hei"hte# Eashi#"to#Js proli!eratio# co#cer#s. 4&a#mar broke o!! diplomatic relatio#s with .&o#"&a#" i# 1)8:' a!ter North 6orea# a"e#ts bombed the 4art&rJs ma$sole$m i# Ga#"o# i# a# attempt to assassi#ate the %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# preside#t' ,h$# /ooAhwa#. The e plosio# killed more tha# 20 people' mostl& *o$th 6orea# o!!icials' i#cl$di#" the dep$t& prime mi#ister a#d the !orei"# mi#ister' a#d the *o$th 6orea# ambassador to 4&a#mar. 0o$r 4&a#mar #atio#als perished a#d do;e#s more were wo$#ded i# the blast. 4&a#mar se%ered ties with North 6orea a!ter a# i#%esti"atio# re%ealed the three a"e#ts respo#sible !or pla#ti#" the bomb spe#t the #i"ht at a North 6orea# diplomatJs ho$se be!ore setti#" o$t o# their missio#. Fowe%er' commo# i#terests ha%e bro$"ht the two secreti%e #atio#s back to"ether. The !ami#e i# North 6orea i# the late 1))0s a#d 4&a#marJs militar& e pa#sio# ambitio#s' i#cl$di#" a dri%e !or sel!As$!!icie#c& i# prod$ctio#' ha%e !ostered rece#t trade !lows. Ehile 4&a#mar has the a"ric$lt$ral s$rpl$s to ease North 6orea# h$#"er' .&o#"&a#" possesses the weapo#s a#d tech#olo"ical k#owAhow #eeded to boost Ga#"o#Js militar& mi"ht. There is also spec$latio# 4&a#mar mi"ht pro%ide $ra#i$m' mi#ed i# remote a#d di!!ic$ltAtoAmo#itor areas' to North 6orea. As testame#t to .&o#"&a#"Js willi#"#ess to s$ppl& weapo#s to the militar& re"ime' more North 6orea# ship %isits ha%e bee# #oted at Thilawa port i# Ga#"o#' o#e o! the co$#tr&Js primar& receipt poi#ts !or militar& car"o. /$ri#" o#e o! these %isits i# 4a& 2007' two 4&a#mar #atio#als worki#" !or (apa#Js News Network were detai#ed o$tside Ga#"o# while co%eri#" a s$spected arms deli%er& b& a North 6orea# %essel. Growi#" bilateral trade has helped to heal old diplomatic wo$#ds a#d e%e#t$all& led to a Doi#t comm$#iC$e reA establishi#" diplomatic relatio#s i# April 2007. The emer"i#" relatio#ship is also a #at$ral o$t"rowth o! the ostracism each !aces i# the i#ter#atio#al are#a' i#cl$di#" the eco#omic sa#ctio#s imposed a#d mai#tai#ed a"ai#st them b& the Eest. Ehile it is possible the rece#t %isits are related to 4&a#marJs #asce#t #$clear pro"ram' the e%ide#ce is !ar !rom co#cl$si%e. Ne%ertheless' 4&a#mar has $#do$btedl& take# #otice o! the respect that is accorded to North 6orea

o# the world sta"e beca$se o! its #$clear weapo# stat$s. 9#like North 6orea' 4&a#mar is a si"#ator& to the N.T. 4&a#mar has p$blicl& stated it seeks #$clear tech#olo"& o#l& !or peace!$l p$rposes' s$ch as de%elopi#" radioA isotopes !or a"ric$lt$ral $se a#d medical research. Get two wellAplaced so$rces told this reporter that North 6orea# a#d -ra#ia# tech#icia#s were alread& ad%isi#" 4&a#mar o# a possible secret #$clear e!!ort' r$##i#" i# parallel to the abo%eboard R$ssiaAs$pported pro"ram. Asia Times O#li#e co$ld #ot i#depe#de#tl& co#!irm the claim. The lack o! participatio# b& 4&a#marJs 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& i# the rece#t trips to .&o#"&a#" wo$ld seem to i#dicate that #$clear de%elopme#ts were probabl& #ot the primar& !oc$s o! the hi"hAle%el meeti#"s. The re"ime is also k#ow# to be i#terested i# North 6oreaJs t$##eli#" tech#olo"& <see 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea share a t$##el %isio#' Asia Times O#li#e' ($l& 1)' 2008 = i# li#e with the r$li#" D$#taJs sie"e me#talit& a#d appare#t !ears o! a possible 9*Aled preAempti%e militar& attack. [http5$$###*atimes*com$atimes$ outheast=-sia$/6;:-e9;*html] The D$#ta a#d others ha%e #o do$bt #oted the e traordi#ar& problems t$##eli#" a#d ca%e comple es ha%e ca$sed 9* !orces i# -raC a#d A!"ha#ista#' #ot to me#tio# the s$ccess North 6orea has e#Do&ed i# hidi#" $#der"ro$#d its #$clear !acilities. 5$#kers are r$mored to $#derlie se%eral b$ildi#"s at Na&p&idaw' where the re"ime abr$ptl& mo%ed the #atio#al capital i# 2001. The o#"oi#" co#str$ctio# o! a seco#d capital' !or the hot seaso#' at Gada#apo#' is also belie%ed to ha%e t$##els a#d b$#kers i#te"rated i#to its la&o$t. Ehether the %isits are related to arms proc$reme#t' militar& i#d$strial de%elopme#t' t$##eli#" tech#olo"& or #$clear e cha#"e' the& !oreshadow a pote#tiall& da#"ero$s tre#d !or 4&a#marJs #o#A#$clear *o$theast Asia# #ei"hbors a#d their Eester# allies' i#cl$di#" the 9*. As the tr$e #at$re o! the b$ddi#" bilateral relatio#ship comes i#to closer %iew' the risk is risi#" that .&o#"&a#" a#d Ga#"o# are co#spiri#" to create a sec$rit& C$a#dar& i# *o$theast Asia aki# to the o#e #ow %e i#" the 9* a#d its allies o# the 6orea# .e#i#s$la. Norma# Robespierre' a pse$do#&m' is a !reela#ce Do$r#alist speciali;i#" i# *i#oAAsia# a!!airs.


New .S olicy has Multiple Aoals

5& *-4ON RO9GFN++N The -rrawad& 4o#da&' October 1' 200) [EXCERPT ] 4ere da&s a!ter the 9* a##o$#ced it wo$ld alter its 5$rma polic&' the 5$rmese co$rts re!$sed to release A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i !rom ho$se arrest. Ehile her appeal was #e%er likel& to s$cceed' the timi#" o! the de#ial arri%es as a clear si"#al that cha#"e will #ot come C$ickl& i# 5$rma. Not that a#&o#e was e pecti#" it. Addressi#" a *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee heari#" o# 5$rma i# Eashi#"to# last week' 6$rt ,ampbell' the assista#t secretar& o! the 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs' ack#owled"ed that ?a lo#" a#d di!!ic$lt processK la& ahead. To$"h 9* sa#ctio#s' ,ampbell said' will remai# i# place $#til the 9#ited *tates sees Kco#crete pro"ress toward re!ormK i# 5$rma' a#d he added that more sa#ctio#s co$ld be imposed i! cha#"es are #ot !orthcomi#". [deletia] 9* i#terests are both stated a#d $#stated. Alle"atio#s that the D$#ta is worki#" with North 6orea o# #$clear tech#olo"& ha%e #either bee# pro%e# #or dispro%e#. Fowe%er' the 9* is taki#" this serio$sl&. -# his testimo#&' ,ampbell said: ?Ee also !oc$sed o# emer"i#" C$estio#s a#d co#cer#s re"ardi#" 5$rmaBs relatio#ship with North 6orea' partic$larl& i# li"ht o! the passa"e o! 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which prohibits member states !rom e#"a"i#" i# trade with North 6orea i# %irt$all& all co#%e#tio#al weapo#s as well as i# se#siti%e tech#olo"ies' i#cl$di#" those related to ballistic missiles a#d #$clear a#d other E4/ pro"rams.@ The 9* wa#ts to bri#" 5$rma more closel& i#to its co$#terAproli!eratio# acti%it&' which' i# "e#eral' has met with %aried s$ccess. /espite e#treaties !rom the Ehite Fo$se' North 6orea tested missiles earlier this &ear' a#d -ra#Js seco#d' ?secret@ !acilit& at Nom led to a behi#dAtheAsce#es disp$te betwee# .reside#t Obama o# the o#e ha#d' a#d 0re#ch .reside#t *arko;& a#d 96 .rime 4i#ister 5row# o# the other' at the 9N. -# keepi#" with the #o#Aproli!eratio# theme at the 9N' the D$#ta o!!ered what co$ld be a s$btle hi#t to the 9* abo$t what is o# the table. .rime 4i#ister Thei# *ei# said the !ollowi#" i# his address to the 9N Ge#eral Assembl& last week A ?The co#ti#$ed e iste#ce o! weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#' partic$larl& #$clear weapo#s' poses the "reatest threat to ma#ki#d. 4&a#mar belie%es that the total elimi#atio# o! #$clear weapo#s is the si#"le absol$te "$ara#tee a"ai#st the threat or $se o! those weapo#s.@ [deletia]


ress A7ailability in Bei!ing* China

6$rt 4. ,ampbell Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs 5eiDi#"' ,hi#a October 14' 200) [EXCERPT ] Assista#t *ecretar& ,ampbell: Tha#k &o$ %er& m$ch. -Bm reall& sorr& to keep &o$ waiti#". -tBs a !airl& b$s& sched$le here i# 5eiDi#". [deletia] The# o%er the last two da&s -B%e bee# i# ,hi#a here ha%i#" i#te#si%e co#s$ltatio#s with the 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs' the +d$catio# 4i#istr&' a#d the 4i#istr& o! /e!e#se. O$r a"e#da has bee# !$ll a#d %er& broad. -B%e bee# tr&i#" to la& some o! the "ro$#d work !or the $pcomi#"' historic %isit o! .reside#t Obama to ,hi#a i# midANo%ember. EeBre worki#" o# ma#& i#itiati%es. Ee also had detailed disc$ssio#s o# a ra#"e o! re"io#al a#d "lobal matters. - compared #otes o# the rece#t %isits o! se#ior ,hi#ese leaders to North 6orea. Ee talked abo$t the coordi#atio# amo#" the si parties abo$t the #e t steps associated with North 6orea. O$r ,hi#ese !rie#ds brie!ed $s o# the trilateral meeti#" betwee# the leaders o! (apa#' *o$th 6orea' a#d ,hi#a that took place o%er the co$rse o! the weeke#d. Ee talked abo$t e!!orts o# the part o! the 9#ited *tates to "et "reater ,hi#ese s$pport !or o$r acti%ities %isAdA%is -ra#' maki#" %er& clear o$r desire to diplomaticall& make clear to -ra# o$r stro#" desire to ha%e them s$spe#d their #$clear acti%ities. Ee talked abo$t m$t$al e!!orts a#d "oals i# A!"ha#ista# a#d .akista#. - had a #ew set o! disc$ssio#s with ,hi#ese i#terloc$tors' to brie! them o# o$r rece#tl& co#cl$ded re%iew o! 5$rma polic& a#d to tell them abo$t the $pcomi#" diplomatic steps that we will be taki#". Ee talked a little bit abo$t the 9#ited *tatesB e!!orts at A.+, i# *i#"apore a#d the 9.*.AA*+AN *$mmit that will be held there. [deletia] N$estio#: Tha#k &o$' !rom Re$ters. 0irst o! all' i# the re%iew o! 5$rma polic& co$ld &o$ tell $s more abo$t &o$r disc$ssio#s hereO -# partic$lar' what role &o$ see ,hi#a pla&i#" i# that co$#tr&' a#d what pote#tial role &o$ see i# shi!ti#" polic& there.

Also - was wo#deri#" i! &o$ co$ld sketch o$t &o$r e pectatio#s !or .reside#t ObamaBs %isit. +speciall& &o$ me#tio#ed disc$ssio# o# climate cha#"e. Ehat do &o$ see emer"i#" thereO Assista#t *ecretar& ,ampbell: - do#Bt wa#t to dod"e &o$r seco#d C$estio#' b$t - do wa#t to sa& there is a# i#credibl& i#tricate set o! worki#" "ro$ps A tech#ical a#d political A that are $#derwa& betwee# the 9#ited *tates a#d ,hi#a' a#d those #e"otiatio#s are ad%a#ced a#d the& take place o# a dail& basis. -Bm reall& #ot $p to date to the mome#t. - thi#k m& bi""est role i# o$r deliberatio#s with ,hi#ese !rie#ds is to $#derscore how importa#t it is !or the 9#ited *tates a#d ,hi#a to take a leadership role a#d that we ha%e to be %er& war& o! how m$ch is resti#" o# o$r #eed to coordi#ate i# this re"ard. O# the C$estio# o! 5$rma polic&' o#e o! the thi#"s that *e#ator Eebb' who is the head o! o$r +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic *$bcommittee i# the 9#ited *tates *e#ate' has bee# %er& clear abo$t is his stro#" desire that the 9#ited *tates A i# additio# to a dialo"$e with the D$#ta a#d with eleme#ts o! the oppositio# a#d eth#ic "ro$ps withi# 5$rma A that there will also be a steppedA$p re"io#al diplomac& that wo$ld i#%ol%e #ot o#l& the ke& #atio#s o! A*+AN' *o$theast Asia# co$#tries who ha%e a %er& deep i#terest i# 5$rma P Thaila#d' -#do#esia' *i#"apore a#d others A b$t also to e#"a"e i# a m$ch deeper dialo"$e betwee# -#dia a#d ,hi#a. - wo$ld sa& that this was o$r !irst meeti#" that -Bm aware o! i# which 5$rma was a pri#cipal topic o! disc$ssio#. 4& role here was to e plai# i# "reat detail the process that we took i# terms o! arri%i#" at o$r co#cl$sio#s a#d o$r polic& re%iew' make clear to ,hi#a that we wo$ld seek their s$pport i# this e#dea%or' a#d ask !or their assessme#ts abo$t what the&Bre seei#" i#side A de%elopme#ts both leadi#" $p to the 2010 electio#s a#d how the& see the %ario$s militar& o!!e#ses that ha%e bee# $#derwa& i#side the co$#tr&. ,hi#a is $#iC$e i# the se#se that the& ha%e %er& hi"hAle%el' co#siste#t dialo"$e with members o! the militar& establishme#t' so we thi#k their i#si"hts a#d their role a#d s$pport behi#d the sce#es co$ld be %er& %al$able "oi#" !orward. - thi#k it wo$ld be !air to sa& that this is still a prelimi#ar& co#s$ltatio#. Ee dealt with a# aspect o! the Asia# A!!airs /irectorate i# the 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs that has had remarkabl& little co#tact with the 9#ited *tates. *o weBre "oi#" to work with them o%er the co$rse o! the #e t co$ple o! mo#ths as o$r i#itial diplomatic steps with 5$rma $#!old.


.8S8 olicy 1oward Burma

6$rt 4. ,ampbell Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *tateme#t 5e!ore the Fo$se ,ommittee o# 0orei"# A!!airs Eashi#"to#' /, October 21' 200) IRemarks as preparedM [EXCERPT ] 4r. ,hairma#' 4s. RosA2ehti#e#' a#d 4embers o! the ,ommittee' tha#k &o$ !or i#%iti#" me here toda& to testi!& abo$t 9.*. polic& toward 5$rma a#d a possible #ew directio# !or 9.*.A5$rma relatio#s. - appreciate this opport$#it& to disc$ss the o%erarchi#" assessme#ts that helped shape o$r re%iew. The Admi#istratio# la$#ched a re%iew o! o$r 5$rma polic& se%e# mo#ths a"o' reco"#i;i#" that political a#d h$ma#itaria# co#ditio#s i# 5$rma were deplorable. Neither sa#ctio#s #or e#"a"eme#t' impleme#ted alo#e' ha%e s$cceeded i# impro%i#" those co#ditio#s a#d mo%i#" 5$rma !orward o# a path to democratic re!orm. 4oreo%er' it was clear to $s that the problems 5$rma prese#ts' #ot o#l& to its people' b$t to its #ei"hbors' the wider re"io# a#d the world at lar"e' dema#d that we re%iew a#d reco#sider o$r approach. -# additio# to taki#" a hard look at the c$rre#t sit$atio# i#side 5$rma' we also !oc$sed o# emer"i#" C$estio#s a#d co#cer#s re"ardi#" 5$rmaBs relatio#ship with North 6orea' partic$larl& i# li"ht o! the passa"e o! 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874. This resol$tio# prohibits member states !rom e#"a"i#" i# trade with North 6orea i# %irt$all& all co#%e#tio#al weapo#s as well as i# se#siti%e tech#olo"ies' i#cl$di#" those related to ballistic missiles a#d #$clear a#d other E4/ pro"rams. [deletia] Ee will also disc$ss o$r proli!eratio# co#cer#s a#d 5$rmaBs close militar& relatio#ship with North 6orea. 5$rma has said it is committed to compl& !$ll& with 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio#s 1718 a#d 1874. Ne%ertheless' we remai# co#cer#ed abo$t the #at$re a#d e te#t o! 5$rmaBs ties with North 6orea. 0$ll a#d tra#spare#t impleme#tatio# o! these resol$tio#s is critical to "lobal peace a#d sec$rit&' a#d we will be looki#" to the 5$rmese a$thorities to deli%er o# their commitme#ts. Ee e pect e#"a"eme#t with 5$rma to be a lo#"' slow' a#d stepAb&Astep process. Ee will #ot D$d"e the s$ccess o! o$r e!!orts at pra"matic e#"a"eme#t b& the res$lts o! a ha#d!$l o! meeti#"s. +#"a"eme#t !or its ow# sake is ob%io$sl& #ot a "oal !or 9.*. polic&' b$t we reco"#i;e that achie%i#" mea#i#"!$l cha#"e i# 5$rma will take time. [deletia]

The Admi#istratio#Bs ow# se#iorAle%el dialo"$e with the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t be"a# with a !irst meeti#" i# New Gork o# *eptember 2). - led the 9.*. dele"atio#' a#d m& co$#terpart o# the 5$rmese side was 9 Tha$#"' the 5$rmese 4i#ister !or *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& a#d !ormer Ambassador to the 9#ited *tates. The 5$rmese .erma#e#t Represe#tati%e to the 9N' Tha# *we' also participated i# the disc$ssio#s. These were s$bsta#ti%e talks that lasted appro imatel& two ho$rs. Ee laid o$t o$r %iews clearl& a#d - stressed to 9 Tha$#" that this dialo"$e is a# opport$#it& !or 5$rma i! the a$thorities are read& to mo%e !orward. This was a# i#trod$ctor& meeti#". -t will take more tha# a si#"le co#%ersatio# to resol%e o$r di!!ere#ces. Ee i#te#d to "o to 5$rma i# the #e t !ew weeks !or a !actA!i#di#" missio#. /$ri#" that trip' we will talk to the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t' represe#tati%es o! the eth#ic #atio#alities' a#d the democratic oppositio#' i#cl$di#" the Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac& ?9#cles@ a#d A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. Ee will keep &o$ i#!ormed as this process mo%es ahead.


@ialogue2 5ar and Away

Th$rsda&' 22 October 200) 11::: [+ate appeared on 6oo!le 7e#s] +mail: To 4r. 5arack Obama The .reside#t o! the 9#ited *tates 4r. Gordo# 5row# The .rime 4i#ister o! the 9#ited 6i#"dom 4r. Nicolas *a rko;& The .reside#t o! 0ra#ce 4r. .aro A*O The .rime 4i#ister o! (apa# /ate: *eptember )' 200)
/ear *irs' Ee wo$ld like to prese#t the %iew o! 5$rmese soldiers o# behal! o! o!!icers a#d other ra#ks !rom withi# the 5$rmese militar&. The Eest te#ds to %iew all 5$rmese soldiers as r$thless t&ra#ts o# par with the militar& dictators. -# o$r opi#io#' dialo"$e betwee# the re"ime a#d the oppositio# seems the o#l& %iable optio# !or the Eest' beca$se the world re"ards all soldiers as a#tiAdemocratic a#d "ro$p them with their s$periors. Fowe%er' i# realit&' ma#& soldiers !a%or democrac&. The proo! is i# the 1))0 electio#' i# which the oppositio# N2/ co#%i#ci#"l& wo# electoral seats i# 4i#"lado# a#d /a"o# Tow#ships' where a maDorit& o! those %oti#" were soldiers. The people o! 5$rma ha%e !$l!illed their role well e#o$"h !or more tha# twe#t& &ears a#d are #ow e ha$sted a#d tired amidst all sorts o! miser&. There!ore the& $#dersta#d that o#l& whe# the militar& sides with them will the& achie%e democrac&. Or i# other words' democratic trailbla;ers #eed to arise !rom withi# the Arm&. As we ha%e heard that the 9#ited *tates has passed a polic& o! e#"a"eme#t o# 5$rma' we wo$ld like to i#trod$ce some !acts abo$t 5$rmaJs historical traditio#s' the #at$re o! the 5$rmese Arm& a#d the characteristics o! dictatorial r$le i# 5$rma. *$mmari;i#" 5$rmaJs political histor&' "ood leaders ha%e alwa&s adopted political strate"ies based o# the militar&. Ge#eral A$#" *a#' who accepted the strate"& o! wi##i#" i#depe#de#ce thro$"h armed str$""le' e%aded arrest a#d cooperated with the (apa#ese i# order to establish a# Arm& to rebel a"ai#st the 5ritish. Ehe# the 5ritish reAco#C$ered the co$#tr&' A$#" *a# mobili;ed decommissio#ed reser%e !orces a#d press$red the 5ritish Go%er#me#t to "ra#t 5$rma its D$st i#depe#de#ce. 4ost o! postAi#depe#de#ce 5$rmaJs histor& is tai#ted with militar&Apolitics. There!ore' democrati;atio# i# 5$rma ca##ot be bro$"ht abo$t %ia Ga#dhiJs #o#A %iole#t tactics. This !act is e%ide#t !rom the ma#& !$tile &ears o! Ga#dhia# str$""le i# 5$rma. The #at$re o! the 5$rma Arm& i#cl$des redAtape co#trol a#d repressio#s. F$ma# ri"hts i#side the Arm& are #ot respected. 4ea#while' ordi#ar& people as well as #ei"hbori#" Arm& $#its ca##ot lear# abo$t the oppressio# a#d maltreatme#t amo#" the troops.

5$rma Arm&Js radio comm$#icatio#s s&stem stip$lates that o!!icers are o#l& to "o o# air o# speci!ied cha##els. O#l& $#der i#str$ctio# accordi#" to re"$latio#s set b& the /irectorate o! *i"#als ca# the& "et o# a commo# cha##el. This mea#s militar& $#its ca##ot easil& lear# abo$t happe#i#"s amo#" themsel%es. /$ri#" the rei"# o! Ne Ei#' his .erso#al Assista#t <.A=' ,aptai# 6&aw *wa 4&i#t' !led to the 9*. Additio#all&' ,aptai# Oh# 6&aw 4&i#t' .A to the ,hie!Ao!A*ta!!' disliki#" the militar& dictatorship' attempted to or"a#i;e a proAdemocrac& m$ti#&. Fe was able to wi# o%er some se#ior o!!icers b$t was e%e#t$all& betra&ed. Fe so$"ht as&l$m at the 9* embass& i# Ra#"oo# b$t was t$r#ed dow#' e%e#t$all& bei#" !o$#d o$t b& a$thorities a#d e ec$ted. -! o#l& the 9* has stood !irml& b& him' 5$rma ma& ha%e started dow# the road toward democrac&. Ehe# Ge#eral Tha# *hwe became the s$preme dictator' ,aptai# Ei# 5o co#%e&ed a letter to him !rom a re%ered 5$ddhist !i"$re. The letter $r"ed the Ki#itiatio# o! dialo"$e betwee# /aw A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i a#d Ge#eral Tha# *hwe !or the be#e!it o! co$#tr&.K ,aptai# Ei# 5o was persec$ted !or this act' bei#" tort$red i# 4o$lmei# Dail' where he was e%e#t$all& beate# died. This shows that calls !or dialo"$e were $#prod$cti%e e%e# d$ri#" the time o! the oppositio#Js "olde# da&s. Ge#eral Tha# *hweBs character is secreti%e' shrewd' i#co#siste#t a#d hard to predict. As soo# as he "ot the top Dob i# 1))2' he ordered two proDects. O#e was a rocketr& s&stems a#d the other is a #$clear weapo#s proDect. The rocketr& s&stems proDect i#%ol%es lo#"Ara#"e a#d medi$mAra#"e s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles' s$r!aceAtoAair missiles a#d airAtoAair missiles. ObDecti%es o! the missile s&stem i#cl$de the capacit& to threate# 9* bases i# Thaila#d' Taiwa# a#d the .hilippi#es with #$clearAtipped missiles. Eith the help o! R$ssia# tech#icia#s' the D$#ta has alread& b$ilt air de!e#se bases i# mo$#tai#s withi# the ,oastal Re"io# ,omma#d area close to 9* bases i# Thaila#d. North 6orea# tech#icia#s were statio#ed secretl& at two detached dwelli#"s ow#ed b& the Fo$si#" /epartme#t i# Thaketa Tow#shipBs A&e Na#da Fo$si#" +state. /$e to the pre%io$s embar"o' arms deals with North 6orea were cleared $si#" *oe 4i# Ftike ,o. a#d a barter s&stem. The rocketr& proDect is ce#tered at /e!e#se -#d$str& 10 i# 4a"we /i%isio#Bs 9pper 4i#hla Tow#shipBs 6o#"&ee %illa"e. *o$th 6orea# /aewoo ,orporatio#Bs acC$ireme#t o! importa#t #at$ral "as e ploratio# a#d prospecti#" ri"hts is also part o! the D$#taJs wider scheme' i# pla##i#" to $se it !or the tra#sport o! arms a#d militar& eC$ipme#t camo$!la"ed as "as prod$ctio# eC$ipme#t. Ee will report later o# the seco#d phase o! Ge#eral Tha# *hweJs pla# to e pa#d 5$rmaJs militar& mi"ht P possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s. Ee will tell &o$r + celle#cies wh& he wa#ts to acC$ire these a#d also abo$t a C$estio# to which there is as o! &et #o a#swer !or 5$rmaBs soldiers. Respect!$ll&' .roAdemocrac& o!!icers a#d other ra#ks 5$rmese 4ilitar&


A Buestion with no answer yet

0rida&' 2: October 200) 11::1 [+ate appeared on 6oo!le 7e#s] To 4r. 5arack Obama The .reside#t o! the 9#ited *tates 4r. Gordo# 5row# The .rime 4i#ister o! the 9#ited 6i#"dom 4r. Nicolas *arko;& The .reside#t o! 0ra#ce 4r. .aro Aso The .rime 4i#ister o! (apa# /ate: *eptember )' 200)
/ear *irs' Ge#eral Tha# *hwe wa#ts to acC$ire #$clear arms beca$se o! the 9#ited *tates attack o# -raC. Fe recko#s that i! o#l& -raC possessed #$clear arms i# additio# to chemical weapo#s' the 9* wo$ld #ot ha%e dared attack. 5$rmaBs militar& dictators reali;e that possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s is the reaso# !or the restrai#ed deali#"' b& the 9*' toward North 6orea. Aware o! this catch' 5$rmaBs "e#erals co%et a #$clear capacit&. -# late 2008' #at$ral "as was !o$#d i# Araka# *tate a#d $ra#i$m deposits disco%ered i# Norther# 5$rma. This has o#l& dri%e# Tha# *hwe cra;ier i# his #$clear dream' p$shi#" the *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 4i#istr&' /e!e#se 4i#istr& a#d /irectorate o! /e!e#se -#d$stries to speed $p the work. Ge#eral Tha# *hwe has e#tr$sted /e!e#se -#d$str& 20 to head the #$clear proDect a#d chose *eitotta&a' .wi#tb&$' Natma$k' .&i# Oo 2wi# a#d Thabeikk&i# 6&a$kpahto as desi"#ated areas !or #$clear co#str$ctio# a#d e perime#ts. 3iceA*e#ior Ge#eral 4a$#" A&e has bee# #amed as the poi#t ma# i# deali#" with R$ssia' while /e!e#se -#d$stries /irector a#d 94+F2 boss Ge#eral Ti# A&e is worki#" with North 6orea a#d Ge#eral *hwe 4a## deali#" with ,hi#a. Fowe%er' owi#" to the poor le%el o! lear#i#" b& ret$r#ees !rom R$ssia' the D$#ta has bee# !orced to t$r# to North 6orea !or #$clear matters. Th$s' *e#ior Ge#eral Tha# *hwe se#t Ge#eral *hwe 4a##' who was power!$l e#o$"h to strike a deal' to ,hi#a o# a# appare#tl& !ormal %isit b$t which was i# realit& to secretl& co#tact North 6orea with ,hi#aJs help. *i#ce 1))8' Ge#eral Tha# *hwe has adopted a Natio#al /e!e#se *trate"& which K$ses people to co#trol peopleK b& emplo&i#" e#tities s$ch as the 0ire *C$ad a#d Red ,ross. Now the D$#ta has e%e# !ormed a# alter#ati%e 4o#k comm$#it& to di%ide a#d r$le the cler"&. There!ore' o#l& i! we adopt a co$#terAstrate"& o! K$si#" the Arm& to co#trol the Arm&K a"ai#st the co$#tr&Bs militar& dictators ca# we mo%e o# toward democrac&. 5oth !orei"#Abased scholars a#d people i#side the co$#tr& are recomme#di#"' e pecti#" a#d e#listi#" the Arm& to achie%e democrac&. *oldiers i#side the co$#tr& are aski#" a C$estio# to which there is #o a#swer &et. The C$estio# is' K-! the soldiers sta#d b& the side o! the people' will the #atio#s o! the world ack#owled"e a#d s$pport themOK

-# other words' whe# soldiers sta#d b& the peopleJs side there will be a blood& re%ol$tio#. *o the& wo$ld like to k#ow whether &o$r + celle#cies are likel& to sta#d b& them a#d re#der s$pport i! s$ch a# occasio# arises. Get' i! there is #o s$pport a#d reco"#itio# b& world leaders' it is certai# that Arm& o!!icers wo$ld #ot spo#ta#eo$sl& rise $p beca$se o! their bitter e perie#ces described i# o$r pre%io$s letter. *i#ce the Arm& ca# pro%ide i#ter#atio#al sta#dards o! reco"#itio# s$ch as a sa!e ha%e# !or 4.s' b$!!er ;o#es' i#depe#de#t armed !orces' parliame#t' !ederal co#stit$tio#' etc.' it is critical !or the Arm& a#d the people to $#ite be!ore 2010. Go$r + celle#cies are mistake# i# that &o$ thi#k too m$ch o! &o$r moder# -T eC$ipme#t' !acilities' satellite comm$#icatio#s' -#ter#et a#d comp$ters while &o$ thi#k lowl& o! 5$rma. As we ha%e said be!ore' he has ma#ip$lated two 6oreas which are at lo""erheads' emplo&ed o#e co$#tr& to e plore $ra#i$m' a#other co$#tr& to pro%ide #$clear tech#olo"& a#d still a#other to pro%ide weapo#r& so as to co%er $p the tracks o! his p$rs$it o! E4/' also li#ki#" the #$clear iss$e with the electricit& a#d e#er"& sector to a%oid i#ter#atio#al scr$ti#&. Additio#all&' he s$ccess!$ll& switched to a# -#dia# satellite o$t o! !ear o! the 9* sp&i#" o# Thaksi#Js Thai satellite. +%e# Ge#eral Tha# *hweJs closest aides do #ot k#ow what is i# his mi#d. Fe has a habit o! ha%i#" his pla#e readied !or him b& his tr$sted t&coo# !rie#d Ta& La a#d !l&i#" o!! !or a desti#atio# which is disclosed o#l& i# mid!li"ht. The best sp& satellites ca##ot look i#to the $#der"ro$#d t$##els he has d$". Almost all the people thi#k that Na&p&itaw m$st be his $ltimate redo$bt' b$t i# !act he has desi"#ated a#d b$ilt $p 4a&m&o as his $ltimate li#e o! de!e#se. Ee k#ow there are co$#tries which the 9* takes serio$sl& d$e to its #atio#al i#terest or percei%ed threat to its sec$rit&. Fowe%er' we sadl& reali;e that the 9* is #ot m$ch co#cer#ed with 5$rma si#ce it poses #either a #atio#al i#terest #or sec$rit& threat. 5$t what wo$ld happe# i! 5$rma acC$ires #$clear weapo#s b& 2011O At the time o! ,&clo#e Nar"is' a 0re#ch warship was abo$t to la#d troops i# 5$rma b$t the 9* was hesita#t P !eari#" ,hi#a P !r$strati#" the 5$rmese people with the 9* i#decisio#. Eo$ld &o$ belie%e that most o! the lower o!!icers a#d other ra#ks o! the 5$rma Arm& were e pecti#" &o$ at that timeO Ee wo$ld like to tell &o$ that the& were #ot "oi#" to !i"ht &o$ like 3iet#am b$t la& dow# their arms a#d readil& welcome 9* troops comi#" o# shore to help their distressed relati%es i# the -rrawadd& /i%isio#. The 5ritish .rime 4i#isterJs ope# letter at the time o! o$r pop$lar leader /aw A$#" *a# *$$ 6&iJs rece#t trial cheered the 5$rmese people' b$t the later bailo$t o! (oh# Eilliam Geattaw P !acilitated b& a 9* *e#ator P has si#ce ca$sed !$rther disappoi#tme#t. As we ha%e said' dialo"$e is possible o#l& $#der a relati%e bala#ce o! power. There!ore' o#l& whe# the power base o! the militar& dictators erodes will the& t$r# $p at the #e"otiati#" table. 5$rmese soldiers who wa#t to side with the people ca# make it happe# to some e te#t' b$t are rel$cta#t to do so beca$se o! the C$estio# to which the& ha%e &et to recei%e a# a#swer. -t is #ecessar& to di!!ere#tiate betwee# the 5$rma Arm& led b& some Ge#erals that wo$ld like to sta#d b& the peoplesB side a#d the arm& led b& Ge#eral Tha# *hwe. As lo#" as dialo"$e is !loated s$per!iciall& a#d per!$#ctoril&' the 5$rmese people will co#ti#$e to be bored a#d disill$sio#ed. Respect!$ll&' .roAdemocrac& o!!icers a#d other ra#ks 5$rmese 4ilitar& +mail:`/)5.487O2YshowRarticle`1Ycat#$m`0

Man sentenced o7er nuclear arms'con7ertible eCports to MyanmarE

No% 4 [899:] 10:1) .4 9*/+aster# GO6OFA4A' No%. 1 <A.= A <6&odo=VThe Gokohama /istrict ,o$rt o# Th$rsda& se#te#ced a compa#& preside#t to two &ears i# priso#' s$spe#ded !or !o$r &ears' !or e porti#" de%ices to 4&a#mar that ca# be co#%erted !or $se i# maki#" #$clear weapo#s. Ehile "i%i#" the s$spe#ded se#te#ce !or %iolati#" the !orei"# trade law to 6eiko Ri' 41' the co$rt slapped 8 millio# &e# i# !i#es o# his Tok&oAbased tradi#" ho$se Toko 5oeki. KThese <de%ices= co$ld be $sed to prod$ce #$clear weapo#s. -t co$ld ha%e a "ra%e impact o# world peace a#d erode tr$st i# o$r co$#tr&'K ($d"e ($ichiro 6ora said. The de%ices ca# be $sed to de%elop ce#tri!$"es that co$ld be $sed to e#rich $ra#i$m' a process $sed !or #$clear weapo#s. The de!e#da#t pleaded "$ilt&. Ri was co#%icted o! e porti#" three "ri#di#" machi#es to 4&a#mar !rom Na"o&a port' ce#tral (apa#' i# A$"$st a#d No%ember last &ear witho$t the permissio# o! the +co#om&' Trade a#d -#d$str& 4i#istr& a#d attempti#" to e port a ma"#etic meas$ri#" i#str$me#t to 4&a#mar !rom Gokohama port %ia 4ala&sia this (a#$ar&. .rosec$tors had dema#ded two &ears i# priso# !or Ri a#d a 7 millio# &e# !i#e !or his compa#&.


Burma2 olicy 3e7iew

*cot 4arciel /ep$t& Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs ,h$lalo#"kor# 9#i%ersit& 5a#"kok' Thaila#d No%ember 1' 200) A45A**A/OR 4AR,-+2: Tha#k &o$ %er& m$ch' a#d tha#k &o$ all !or comi#". Assista#t *ecretar& ,ampbell a#d - D$st ret$r#ed last #i"ht !rom a twoAda& %isit to 5$rma. -t was a# e plorator& missio#. The mai# p$rpose o! the %isit was reall& to e plai# to the ke& parties there' a#d - do#Bt D$st mea# political parties' b$t the stakeholders i# the co$#tr& A "o%er#me#t' political parties' oppositio#' eth#ic mi#orit& "ro$ps' et cetera A to ki#d o! e plai# the co#te t o! o$r rece#tl& co#cl$ded polic& re%iew' b$t also to hear !rom them' their %iews a#d their ideas. 2et me be"i# b& talki#" a little bit abo$t the polic& re%iew. As &o$ k#ow' *ecretar& ,li#to# a##o$#ced i# (akarta i# 0ebr$ar& that we wo$ld be"i# this polic& re%iew a#d she stated C$ite clearl& at the o$tset that the reaso# !or the polic& re%iew was that o$r pre%io$s approach' which relied hea%il& o# sa#ctio#s' had #ot achie%ed the desired res$lts. ThatBs a !act$al stateme#t. *he also said that the A*+AN approach o! e#"a"eme#t had #ot achie%ed the res$lts. *o the p$rpose o! the re%iew was #ot reall& to C$estio# the !$#dame#tal "oals o! o$r approach' b$t rather to see i! there was a more e!!ecti%e wa& that we co$ld tr& to bri#" abo$t positi%e de%elopme#ts i# the co$#tr&. *o we $#dertook that re%iew. -t we#t o# !or C$ite some time. -t was rece#tl& co#cl$ded a !ew mo#ths a"o. The res$lts o! that re%iew were !irst' to rea!!irm o$r !$#dame#tal "oals !or 5$rma. That we wa#t to see a 5$rma that is at peace' $#i!ied' prospero$s' stable' respects the ri"hts o! all o! its citi;e#s' a#d is democratic. That has#Bt cha#"ed. Ehat we said' what we co#cl$ded i# terms o! approach' was that we were "oi#" to mai#tai# o$r e isti#" sa#ctio#s' e%e# tho$"h sa#ctio#s b& themsel%es had #ot worked s$!!icie#tl& A the& were still a %alid tool o! o$r polic&' so weBre mai#tai#i#" the e isti#" sa#ctio#s pe#di#" pro"ressH that we wo$ld be"i# pra"matic e#"a"eme#t with the "o%er#me#tH that we wo$ld co#ti#$e o$r h$ma#itaria# assista#ce to help the people o! the co$#tr& as lo#" as we were co#!ide#t that that assista#ce was act$all& reachi#" the people a#d doi#" what it was i#te#ded to do. A#d we also committed to talk to the 5$rmese a$thorities abo$t o$r co#cer#s abo$t #o#A proli!eratio#' partic$larl& related to North 6orea. *o as part o! o$r pra"matic e#"a"eme#t piece we a"reed to be"i# a dialo"$e A a se#ior le%el dialo"$e with the "o%er#me#t A b$t also with oppositio# "ro$ps' eth#ic mi#orit& "ro$ps' all o! the people who ha%e a# importa#t role to pla& i# the co$#tr&Bs !$t$re. Ee had a# i#trod$ctor& meeti#" i# New Gork' - belie%e it was late *eptember' where we met with the 5$rmese 4i#ister o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& who the "o%er#me#t had desi"#ated to meet with $s' a#d we sort o! laid o$t

where we were a#d what we hoped to achie%e. The#' as - said' we took this trip the last two da&s to meet with the "o%er#me#t' to meet with others. Ee spe#t a da& i# Na&p&idaw where we met with se%eral "o%er#me#t o!!icials' "o%er#me#t mi#isters' i#cl$di#" the 4i#ister o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& [> Thaun!]H the 4i#ister o! -#!ormatio#H a#d the# &esterda& mor#i#"' with the .rime 4i#ister as well as with some others. [deletia] N9+*T-ON: 4r. 4arciel' &o$ me#tio#ed that d$ri#" these disc$ssio#s &o$ ha%e also to$ched o# the iss$e o! #$clear proli!eratio# a#d the co#tacts betwee# the re"ime a#d North 6orea. Eo$ld &o$ be able i# a#& wa& to elaborate o# thatO Tha#k &o$. A45A**A/OR 4AR,-+2: Ehat - ca# sa& is that there ha%e bee# reports o! cooperatio# a#d closer relatio#s betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' i#cl$di#" o# the militar& side. There ha%e bee# thi#"s i# the press &o$B%e see# spec$lati#" abo$t #$clear cooperatio#. A#d - thi#k the sit$atio# weBre i# is we wa#t to' - thi#k the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& wa#ts to work with the 5$rmese a$thorities to !i#d o$t what the !acts are a#d to impress $po# the "o%er#me#t the importa#ce partic$larl& o! ho#ori#" a#d abidi#" b& 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874. [deletia] N9+*T-ON: - ha%e two C$estio#s. O#e is where does the process "o !rom hereO The lo"isticsO - $#derstood that there was "oi#" to be appoi#tme#t o! special e#%o&s o# both sides. -s 6$rt ,ampbell "oi#" to remai# the e#%o& as !ar as AmericaBs co#cer#edO A#d 9 Tha$#"' the 5$rmese co$#terpartO [deletia] A45A**A/OR 4AR,-+2: [deletia] -# terms o! special e#%o&s' the (A/+ A,T ma#dates that we #ame a special e#%o&. Ee are i# the process o! mo%i#" to #ame a special e#%o&. 4ea#while' 6$rt ,ampbell a#d to some e te#t - are worki#" o# that. O#ce a special e#%o& is #amed - thi#k all o! $s will work to"ether. + actl& how weBll di%ide thi#"s $p is to be see#. O# the 5$rmese side' we $#dersta#d the 5$rmese ha%e asked 4i#ister 9 Tha$#" to be o$r co$#terpart. - ha%e#Bt heard a#&thi#" di!!ere#t a#d o! co$rse thatBs $p to them. 3L,L,>GL0001 OO R9+FE+5 /+ R9+FGO e07:2 :140):1 LNG ***** LLF O 100):1L NO3 0) 04 A4+45A**G RANGOON TO R9+F,/*+,*TAT+ EA*F/, -44+/-AT+ )188 -N0O R9+F56/A4+45A**G 5ANG6O6 :0)8 R9+F5(/A4+45A**G 5+-(-NG 2410 R9+F5G/A4+45A**G ,AN5+RRA 2:28 R9+F2O/A4+45A**G 2ON/ON 2248 R9+F4O/A4+45A**G 4O*,OE 0128 R9+F0R/A4+45A**G .AR-* 0818 R9+F92/A4+45A**G *+O92 ):88 R9+A--A/,-A EA*F/, R9+6(,*//-A EA*F/, RF+FN*,/N*, EA*F/, RFF49NA/,/R 9*.A,O4 FONO2929 FR9,N/T/9*4-**-ON 9*9N N+E GOR6 2717 R9+6(,*/*+,/+0 EA*F/, R9+6(,*/(O-NT *TA00 EA*F/, T$esda&' 10 No%ember 200)' 0)::1 *+,R+T RANGOON 0007:2 *-./-* /+.T 0OR +A./42*' -NR/+A. .A,O4 0OR 0.A +O 12)18 /+,2: 11/10/201) TAG* 6NN.' .AR4' .R+2' N.T' .GO3' .-NR' 6N' 54

S.B/0C12 B.3MA2 AN41;03 C4N"03SA1-4N AB4.1 B.3MA'@ 3K N.C60A3 -SS.0

R+0: RANGOON 102 ,lassi!ied 5&: ,/A 2arr& /i#"er !or Reaso#s 1.4 <b= Y <d= 1. <*= INA4+ R+4O3+/M ' who o# I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M [ ourceboo) note5 Presumably sometime in -u!ust 899:; see para!raph ? belo#*] i#!ormed A$stralia# Ambassador ,ha# i# Ra#"oo# that 5$rma a#d the /.R6 were e#"a"ed i# ?peace!$l #$clear cooperatio#@ <re!tel=' has cha#"ed I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M stor&. -# a No%ember ) co#%ersatio# with Ambassador ,ha#' INA4+ R+4O3+/M said there had bee# a ?mis$#dersta#di#".@ A!ter ,ha#Bs ?bl$#t@ respo#se to the A$"$st re%elatio# <,ha# had respo#ded with i#cred$lit& to the tho$"ht that the GO5 mi"ht co#sider #$clear cooperatio# o! a#& sort with the /.R6 to be acceptable=' INA4+ R+4O3+/M had checked aro$#d Na& .&i Taw. I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M #ow sa&s GO5A /.R6 co#%ersatio#s were merel& ?e plorator&.@ INA4+ R+4O3+/M ca##ot co#!irm a#& direct #$clear cooperatio#. I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M added that' i# a#& case' the 6a#" Nam 1 a!!air a#d *ecretar& ,li#to#Bs remarks i# .h$ket i# ($l& ?p$t e%er&thi#" o# hold.@ 2. <*=INA4+ R+4O3+/M obser%ed that R$ssia is the ke& GO5 part#er !or a #$clear reactor' b$t I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M said there has bee# #o pro"ress. R$ssia has proposed a commercial deal' a#d the GO5 ca##ot a!!ord it. INA4+ R+4O3+/M added that ma#& co$#tries ha%e relatio#s with the /.R6' i#cl$di#" A$stralia' ?so wh& worr&OZ@

,omme#t AAAAAAA :. <*= As with ma#& iss$es i# 5$rma' the tr$th behi#d a#d possible moti%atio#s !or INA4+ R+4O3+/M !irst %ersio# a#d the rece#t re%isio# are di!!ic$lt to ascertai#. Ambassador ,ha# #ow belie%es I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M was simpl& spec$lati#" i# A$"$st a#d has corrected the record. Ee were #ot i# the act$al co#%ersatio#s' b$t to $s I/+TA-2* R+4O3+/M re%isio# so$#ds more like a# e!!ort to co%er a lapse i# D$d"me#t tha# to de#& the earlier stor& o$tri"ht. The comme#t abo$t the 6a#" Nam 1 a#d the *ecretar&Bs remarks ha%i#" ?p$t e%er&thi#" o# hold@ lea%e room !or co#cer#. That #oted' other o! INA4+ R+4O3+/M comme#ts ha%e ca$sed $s to C$estio# D$st how well pl$""ed i# INA4+ R+4O3+/M is o# the ?#$clear@ iss$e. 5ottom li#e: GO5A/.R6 cooperatio# remai#s opaC$e. *omethi#" is certai#l& happe#i#"H whether that somethi#" i#cl$des ?#$kes@ is a %er& ope# C$estio# which remai#s a %er& hi"h priorit& !or +mbass& reporti#". /-NG+R


/oint Statement '' %st AS0AN'.8S8 6eaders> Meeting

*i#"apore' 11 No%ember 200) [EXCERPT ] +#ha#ced .art#ership !or +#d$ri#" .eace a#d .rosperit& 1. Ee' the Feads o! *tate/Go%er#me#t o! 5r$#ei /ar$ssalam' the 6i#"dom o! ,ambodia' the Rep$blic o! -#do#esia' the 2ao .eopleJs /emocratic Rep$blic' 4ala&sia' the 9#io# o! 4&a#mar' the Rep$blic o! the .hilippi#es' the Rep$blic o! *i#"apore' the 6i#"dom o! Thaila#d a#d the *ocialist Rep$blic o! 3iet Nam' the 4ember *tates o! the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN=' a#d the 9#ited *tates <9.*.=' held o$r !irst A*+ANA9.*. 2eadersB 4eeti#" o# 11 No%ember 200) i# *i#"apore. The 4eeti#" was coAchaired b& F.+. Abhisit 3eDDaDi%a' .rime 4i#ister o! the 6i#"dom o! Thaila#d' i# his capacit& as ,hairma# o! A*+AN' a#d the Fo#o$rable 5arack Obama' .reside#t o! the 9#ited *tates. The *ecretar&AGe#eral o! A*+AN was also i# atte#da#ce. Ee a"reed to hold a seco#d 2eadersJ meeti#" i# 2010. [deletia] 10. The 2eaders o! A*+AN welcomed the hi"h le%el dialo"$e a#d the polic& o! the 9#ited *tates to e#"a"e with the Go%er#me#t o! 4&a#mar' as i#dicated b& the rece#t %isit o! 9.*. o!!icials to 4&a#mar. Ee e pressed o$r hope that this e!!ort' as well as A*+ANBs' wo$ld co#trib$te to broad political a#d eco#omic re!orms a#d the process will be !$rther e#ha#ced i# the !$t$re. Ee also $#derscored the importa#ce o! achie%i#" #atio#al reco#ciliatio# a#d that the "e#eral electio#s to be held i# 4&a#mar i# 2010 m$st be co#d$cted i# a !ree' !air' i#cl$si%e a#d tra#spare#t ma##er i# order to be credible to the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. Ee called o# the Go%er#me#t o! 4&a#mar to help create the co#ditio#s !or credible electio#s i#cl$di#" b& i#itiati#" a dialo"$e with all stakeholders to e#s$re that the process is !$ll& i#cl$si%e. Ee also reiterated o$r co#ti#$ed s$pport to the "ood o!!ices o! the 9#ited Natio#s *ecretar&AGe#eral i# the democrati;atio# process i# 4&a#mar. Ee also #oted the (oi#t ,omm$#iC$f o! the 42#d A*+AN 0orei"# 4i#isters 4eeti#" i# .h$ket' 20 ($l& 200). [deletia] 1). Ee rea!!irmed o$r commitme#t to #$clear #o#Aproli!eratio# a#d disarmame#t. The 2eaders o! A*+AN also welcomed the e!!orts o! the .reside#t o! the 9#ited *tates i# promoti#" i#ter#atio#al peace a#d sec$rit& i#cl$di#" the %isio# o! a #$clear weapo#s !ree world thro$"h e!!orts s$ch as the a"reeme#t betwee# the 9#ited *tates a#d R$ssia to red$ce their respecti%e #$clear arse#als thro$"h the *TART 0ollowAo# Treat& #e"otiatio#s. 20. Ee are co#%i#ced that the establishme#t o! a *o$thA+ast Asia N$clear Eeapo#s 0ree Lo#e <*+ANE0L= will co#trib$te towards "lobal #$clear disarmame#t a#d #$clear #o# proli!eratio# a#d peace a#d sec$rit& i# the re"io#. Ee e#co$ra"ed #$clear weapo# states a#d *tates parties to the *+ANE0L to co#d$ct co#s$ltatio#s' i# accorda#ce with the obDecti%es a#d pri#ciples o! the Treat&' to resol%e comprehe#si%el& o$tsta#di#" iss$es with the %iew to e#s$ri#" the earl& accessio# o! the #$clear weapo# states i#cl$di#" the 9#ited *tates to the .rotocol o! the Treat&.

21. Ee will i#crease co#s$ltatio# a#d cooperatio# o# the challe#"es a!!ecti#" the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&' i#cl$di#" #o#Aproli!eratio#' disarmame#t a#d re"io#al peace a#d sec$rit&. Ee a"reed to work towards pre%e#ti#" the spread o! #$clear weapo#s a#d work to"ether to b$ild a world witho$t #$clear weapo#s a#d other weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#. Ee rea!!irmed the N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T= as the esse#tial !o$#datio# !or the p$rs$it o! #$clear disarmame#t' #$clear #o#Aproli!eratio# a#d peace!$l $ses o! #$clear e#er"&. Ee a"reed to s$pport the .hilippi#es as it ass$mes the preside#c& o! the 2010 N.T Re%iew ,o#!ere#ce' which pro%ides a# importa#t opport$#it& !or the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to act i# a co#certed ma##er towards these e#ds. Ee also declared o$r s$pport !or the ,omprehe#si%e Test 5a# Treat&' a#d welcomed the declared i#te#tio# o! the 9#ited *tates to rati!& the treat&. Ee $r"ed all states to rati!& the treat& a#d !acilitate its earl& e#tr& i#to !orce. Ee welcomed the establishme#t i# the AR0 o! a# -#terAsessio#al 4eeti#" o# No#Aproli!eratio# a#d /isarmame#t as a %e#$e to !$rther e plore dialo"$e a#d cooperatio# o# these iss$es. 22. Ee $r"ed the /.R6 to ret$r# to the *i Talks process a#d to !$ll& impleme#t its commitme#ts made i# the *eptember 1)' 2001 (oi#t *tateme#t o! the *i Talks to aba#do#i#" all #$clear weapo#s a#d e isti#" #$clear pro"rams a#d ret$r#i#"' at a# earl& date' to the N.T a#d to -A+A sa!e"$ards. Ee also $r"ed the /.R6 to compl& !$ll& with its obli"atio#s i# accorda#ce with the rele%a#t 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio#s' i#cl$di#" those related to de#$cleari;atio# a#d res$mi#" its missile la$#ch moratori$m.


4bama issues call to free Suu Kyi

5& 6a%i ,ho#"kitta%or# The Natio# .$blished o# No%ember 18' 200) [EXCERPT] 9* .reside#t 5arack Obama &esterda& called !or the release o! all 5$rmese political priso#ers' i#cl$di#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. Obama made the appeal at a historic "atheri#" with Asea# leaders' which i#cl$ded 5$rmese .rime 4i#ister Thie# *ei#' !ollowi#" his speech i# Tok&o o# *at$rda&. Fe also e pressed appreciatio# at the pro"ress Asea# had made' accordi#" to hi"h le%el so$rces prese#t at the leadersJ meeti#". Amo#" other thi#"s' the 9* preside#t called !or a #atio#al reco#ciliatio# dialo"$e with all stakeholders a#d a# i#cl$si%e' !ree a#d !air electio# i# 5$rma. Obama a#d the leaders o! the 10Amember *o$theast Asia# bloc a"reed that the D$#taAr$# electio# #e t &ear m$st be K!ree' !air' i#cl$si%e a#d tra#spare#tK to be credible. The so$rces said the 5$rmese prime mi#ister did #ot respo#d to ObamaJs appeal' a#d i#stead talked abo$t #$clear #o#Aproli!eratio#."$theastAasiaApress$redAtoA%alidateAtestAba#Atreat&

Southeast Asia pressured to 7alidate test ban treaty

5& Achara Asha&a"achat .$blished: 21/11/200) at 12:00 A4 Thaila#d' -#do#esia' 5$rma a#d 5r$#ei ha%e bee# $r"ed to rati!& the ,omprehe#si%e N$clear Test 5a# Treat&. *o$theast Asia co$ld #ot detach itsel! !rom #$clear test risks' said Tibor Toth' e ec$ti%e secretar& o! the .reparator& ,ommissio# !or the ,omprehe#si%e N$clearATestA5a# Treat& Or"a#i;atio# <,T5TO=' the or"a#isatio# set $p to impleme#t the treat&Js pro%isio#s. KAs a strate"ic corridor !or material s$pplies a#d a !i#a#cial crossAroads' the Asea# re"io#Js i#%ol%eme#t i# the ,T5T is there!ore cr$cial a#d D$sti!ied'K he said at a re"io#al workshop i# 5a#"kok. The ,T5T wo$ld compleme#t the Asea# treat& to make *o$theast Asia a #$clearA!ree ;o#e' he said. The workshop was held to promote the b$ildA$p to the %eri!icatio# o! the treat& so that it wo$ld be read& to be !$ll& operatio#al whe# it comes i#to e!!ect. KThe ,T5T is the last sa!et& #et !or the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to e#s$re there are #o #$clear applicatio#s !or militar& $se ... the #$clear destr$ctio# impact o# climate cha#"e wo$ld be e%e# lar"er tha# a #at$ral disaster s$ch as a ts$#ami'K he said. ,$rre#tl&' 110 states ha%e rati!ied the #$clear test ba# treat&. Rati!icatio# is still bei#" so$"ht !rom 44 other member states i#cl$di#" ,hi#a' North 6orea' +"&pt' -#dia' -#do#esia' -ra#' -srael' .akista# a#d the 9#ited *tates. K-#ter#atio#al p$blic opi#io# is clear that m$ltilateralism' diplomac& a#d the peace!$l resol$tio# o! co#!licts is pre!erred to a #$clear resol$tio#'K the ,T5TO e ec$ti%e secretar& said. ,hai%at Tosk$lkao' secretar& "e#eral o! the O!!ice o! Atoms !or .eace' said Thaila#d #eeded to take some #ecessar& le"al steps' i#cl$di#" ame#di#" a #$mber o! related laws' be!ore a#& rati!icatio# co$ld be made.*5128014807)0187):0).html

.8S8 Airds for 1alks in North Korea

5& (AG *O2O4ON /+,+45+R 7' 200) [EXCERPT ] EA*F-NGTON AA .reside#t 5arack ObamaJs special represe#tati%e to North 6orea is set to hold his !irst bilateral meeti#"s with .&o#"&a#" this week' i# the admi#istratio#Js hi"hestAle%el dialo"$e with the co$#tr& to date. 5$t si"#s that the comm$#ist state ma& be prepared to ret$r# to i#ter#atio#al disarmame#t #e"otiatio#s were o%ershadowed b& 9.*. co#cer#s that it co$ld seek #ew co#ditio#s to the talks. *tephe# 5osworth' a career diplomat a#d #e"otiator' was e pected to arri%e i# .&o#"&a#" o# T$esda& !or two da&s o! meeti#"s' with the "oal o! pers$adi#" North 6orea to reDoi# talks aimed at "etti#" it to "i%e $p its #$clearAweapo#s pro"ram. [deletia] 9.*. o!!icials said the& did#Jt k#ow who 4r. 5osworth wo$ld meet d$ri#" his trip. 6im (o#" -l has#Jt directl& e#"a"ed Eashi#"to# o# the #$clear iss$e' tho$"h he did disc$ss it with !ormer .reside#t 5ill ,li#to# i# A$"$st. The Obama admi#istratio# is i#terested i# lear#i#" abo$t North 6oreaJs eco#om& i# li"ht o! .&o#"&a#"Js decisio# to re%al$e its c$rre#c& last week. 9.*. o!!icials also said the&Jll co#ti#$e to p$sh !or i#!ormatio# o# North 6oreaJs alle"ed s$pport !or the #$clear pro"rams o! *&ria a#d 4&a#mar.

http://e#"lish.alDa;eera.#et/pro"rammes/peoplea#dpower/200)/12/200)122110111848411:.html 9./AT+/ ON: 4o#da&' /ecember 21' 200) 17:2: 4ecca time' 14:2: G4T .ro"rammes .+O.2+ AN/ .OE+R 4&a#mar: 5e#eath the s$r!ace The J*a!!ro# Re%ol$tio#J was 4&a#marJs o#l& show o! mass oppositio# i# 20 &ears IGA22O/G+TTGM Two &ears a"o the world watched i# disma& as 4&a#marJs militar& D$#ta br$tall& cr$shed the soAcalled *a!!ro# Re%ol$tio#. -t was the o#l& show o! mass oppositio# to ha%e occ$rred i#side the co$#tr& i# almost 20 &ears. Now' that same D$#ta is mo%i#" towards electio#s some time i# 2010' b$t #o o#e e pects them to be either !ree or !air' based as the& are o# a co#stit$tio# seemi#"l& desi"#ed to e#s$re the s$r%i%al o! those i# power. 0ilmmaker Fa;el ,ha#dler e#tered the co$#tr& $#derco%er !or .eople Y .ower' to !i#d o$t how 4&a#marJs people are !airi#"' a#d to i#%esti"ate dist$rbi#" claims that the re"ime ma& be tr&i#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s. This episode o! .eople Y .ower ca# be see# !rom Eed#esda&' /ecember 2:' 200)' at the !ollowi#" times G4T: Eed#esda&: 0800' 12:0H Th$rsda&: 01:0' 1400' 1):0H 0rida&: 08:0' 18:0H *at$rda&: 0::0' 20:0H *$#da&: 00:0' 01:0H 4o#da&: 08:0.


1wo 3ecei7e @eath Sentence for -nformation 6eak

Th$rsda&' (a#$ar& 7' 2010 A !ormer militar& o!!icer a#d a !orei"# a!!airs o!!icial were se#te#ced to death a#d a#other !orei"# a!!airs o!!icial was se#te#ced to lo#"Aterm impriso#me#t o# Th$rsda& i# a special co$rt o! the Ra#"oo# Norther# /istrict held i# -#sei# .riso#' accordi#" to -#sei# priso# so$rces. Ei# Nai#" 6&aw' a !ormer perso#al sta!! o!!icer assi"#ed to the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cilBs *ecretar&A2' the late 2tAGe# Ti# Oo' was se#te#ced to death $#der the *tate +mer"e#c& Act --- !or leaki#" militar& secrets to the e iled media. Ei# Nai#" 6&aw also recei%ed a 20A&ear se#te#ce !or %iolatio# o! the +lectro#ic Act a#d holdi#" ille"al !orei"# c$rre#c&. The +lectro#ic Act prohibits se#di#" i#!ormatio#' photos or %ideo dama"i#" to the re"ime abroad %ia the -#ter#et. Th$ra 6&aw' aka A$#" A$#"' o! the mi#istr& o! !orei"# a!!airs o!!ice was also se#te#ced to death $#der the state emer"e#c& act. .&a# *ei# o! the 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs recei%ed a 11A&ear se#te#ce !or %iolatio# o! the +lectro#ic Act. The three were arrested a!ter i#!ormatio# a#d photos abo$t Ge# *hwe 4a##Js trip to North 6orea were leaked to e iled #ews media last &ear. The trip i#%ol%ed proc$ri#" militar& arms' t$##el b$ildi#" a#d other matters. /o;e#s o! o!!icials i# the 4i#istr& o! /e!e#se a#d 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs' i#cl$di#" ,ol 6&aw 6&aw Ei#' who was director "e#eral o! the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil' were also arrested' militar& so$rces said. The stat$s o! their cases is #ot k#ow#. A!ter the i#!ormatio# leak' the D$#ta made a si"#i!ica#t resh$!!le at the 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs that a!!ected more tha# 70 positio#s' i#cl$di#" two directors' !o$r dep$t& directors a#d ei"ht assista#t directors. -t is #ot k#ow# i! the resh$!!le was directl& a res$lt o! the i#!ormatio# leak. Gi# Gi# Oo' a sister o! !ormer dep$t& mi#ister 6&aw Th$' who was the director o! the mi#istr&Js i#!l$e#tial political departme#t' was tra#s!erred to *a$di Arabia to a co$#selor post.$k/tol/#ews/world/asia/article8)80814.ece

Burma to eCecute two o7er secret tunnels leak

Richard 2lo&d .arr& (a#$ar& 8' 2010 A 5$rmese co$rt has se#te#ced to death two me# a#d impriso#ed at least three others !or leaki#" militar& i#!ormatio#' i#cl$di#" photo"raphs o! a secret %isit to North 6orea b& o#e o! the militar& D$#taBs most se#ior "e#erals. The three me#' o#e o! them a maDor i# the 5$rmese arm&' were also co#%icted o! distrib$ti#" photo"raphs o! a secret #etwork o! militar& t$##els which' to"ether with the e%ide#ce o! hi"hAle%el co#tacts with North 6orea' raised s$spicio#s that 5$rma mi"ht be de%elopi#" its ow# #$clear weapo#s. The photo"raphs a#d doc$me#ts were p$blished last s$mmer a!ter bei#" obtai#ed b& e iled media a#d !orei"# reporters i# 5a#"kok. The& showed a %isit to North 6orea a#d to ,hi#a b& the thirdAra#ki#" !i"$re i# the 5$rmese D$#ta' Ge#eral Th$ra *hwe 4a##. Accordi#" to Do$r#alists based i# Ra#"oo#' the Norther# Ga#"o# /istrict ,o$rt se#te#ced to death 4aDor Ei# Nai#" 6&aw a#d a# emplo&ee o! the !orei"# mi#istr& #amed Th$ra 6&aw $#der the +mer"e#c& .ro%isio# Act. 4aDor Ei# Nai#" 6&aw was also co#%icted o! holdi#" ille"al !orei"# c$rre#c& a#d o! o!!e#ces $#der the +lectro#ic Act' which ba#s the tra#smissio# %ia the -#ter#et o! data' photos or %ideo D$d"ed to be dama"i#" to the Go%er#me#t. Three other ci%ilia#s' i#cl$di#" o#e #amed 5&a# *ei#' also recei%ed priso# se#te#ces o! $p to 11 &ears. Accordi#" to e iled 5$rmese Do$r#alists' do;e#s o! other people were also arrested i# co##ectio# with the leaks. The trial was held i# secret i# Ra#"oo#Bs #otorio$s -#sei# .riso#. -t has #ot so !ar bee# reported i# 5$rmaBs strictl& ce#sored state media' a#d !ew details o! the alle"ed o!!e#ces or perpetrators are k#ow#. 5$t accordi#" to Do$r#alists i# Ra#"oo#' a ma# #amed Ei# Nai#" 6&aw $sed to be the pri%ate secretar& o! Ge#eral Ti# Oo' the co$#tr&Bs !o$rth most power!$l ma#' respo#sible !or de!e#ce proc$reme#t' who died i# a helicopter crash i# 2001. The p$blicatio# o! the photo"raphs prompted the 9* *ecretar& o! *tate' Fillar& ,li#to#' to sa& that she was ?%er& co#cer#ed at the possibilit& o! #$clear coAoperatio# betwee# .&o#"&a#" a#d Ra#"oo#K. ?Ee k#ow that there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& coAoperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take serio$sl&'@ she said. ?-t wo$ld be destabilisi#" !or the re"io#. -t wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbo$rs.@ The photo"raphs' take# betwee# 200: a#d 2008' did #ot i# themsel%es pro%e a#&thi#" de!i#iti%e abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. 5$t the& did show that the re"ime a#d its militar& ha%e do#e a "reat deal o! t$##elli#"' with the help o! the worldBs "reat militar& moles' the North 6orea#s. The t$##els' belie%ed to be close to the re"imeBs p$rposeAb$ilt #ew capital' Na&p&idaw' are more likel& to be desi"#ed !or the stora"e o! weapo#s' amm$#itio# a#d perso##el as the& are to be #$clear sites. *ome t$##els a#d s$bterra#ea# meeti#" halls ha%e bee# b$ilt #ear Ta$#""&i' i# the #ortheast o! 5$rma' where i#s$r"e#t armies are !i"hti#" decadesAold i#depe#de#ce str$""les. .ict$res dati#" !rom 2008 show a "ro$p o! tech#icia#s with +ast Asia# !eat$res emer"i#" !rom a hotel i# Na&p&idaw area V these ha%e bee# ide#ti!ied as North 6orea#s' whose ow# millio#Astro#" arm& is h$#kered dow# i# massi%e t$##el comple es alo#" the border with its e#em&' *o$th 6orea.

As repressi%e a#d isolated militar& dictatorships' 5$rma a#d North 6orea mi"ht appear to ha%e m$ch i# commo#. -# !act' relatio#s were !ro;e# !or &ears a!ter a# i#cide#t i# 1)8: whe# 18 *o$th 6orea# o!!icials' i#cl$di#" !o$r cabi#et mi#isters' were blow# $p b& North 6orea# a"e#ts d$ri#" a %isit to Ra#"oo#.


1wo @eath Sentences 3eported in Myanmar

5& TFO4A* 0922+R (a#$ar& )' 2010 [-ccessed 89;9&9;&9@T;@58<A] 5ANG6O6 V A co$rt i# 4&a#mar has se#te#ced a retired militar& o!!icer a#d a !orei"# mi#istr& o!!icial to death !or leaki#" details o! secret trip to North 6orea b& top "o%er#me#t o!!icials' accordi#" to #ews reports that cited law&ers i# the co$#tr&. There has bee# #o me#tio# i# the o!!icial media i# militar&Ar$# 4&a#mar o! the co$rt decisio#' which was said to ha%e bee# ha#ded dow# o# Th$rsda& a#d was !irst reported o# The -rrawadd&' a Eeb #ews site co%eri#" 4&a#mar. A#other 0orei"# 4i#istr& o!!icial recei%ed 11 &ears i# priso# !or a related o!!e#se' accordi#" to both The -rrawadd& a#d Re$ters. The case appeared to hi"hli"ht the repressi%e "o%er#me#tBs co#cer# abo$t a #$mber o! leaks a#d lapses i# rece#t &ears' i#cl$di#" the p$blicatio# o! mi#$tes o! hi"hAle%el militar& meeti#"s a#d photo"raphs o! e te#si%e t$##el s&stems reportedl& b$ilt b& North 6orea# e#"i#eers i# the co$#tr&Bs admi#istrati%e capital' Na&p&idaw. ?,learl& there are leaks'@ said Ei# 4i#' a# e pert o# 4&a#mar at .a&ap 9#i%ersit& i# ,hia#" 4ai' i# #orther# Thaila#d. ?-tBs a si"# that there are a lot o! people e%e# withi# the militar& who do #ot like the "o%er#me#t' a#d the&Bre tr&i#" to protest i# di!!ere#t wa&s.@ The three me# se#te#ced Th$rsda& were reported to ha%e bee# arrested i# ($l& a!ter photo"raphs a#d doc$me#ts o! a %isit to North 6orea b& Ge#. *hwe 4a##' the thirdAhi"hest ra#ki#" o!!icer i# the D$#ta' appeared o# Eeb sites r$# b& critics o! the "o%er#me#t li%i#" abroad. The e te#si%e collectio# o! photo"raphs showed Ge#eral *hwe 4a## %isiti#" militar& !acilities' i#cl$di#" a !actor& !or *c$d missiles. + perts belie%e that 4&a#mar' !ormerl& called 5$rma' has bee# seeki#" to establish a #$clear pro"ram b$t that the "o%er#me#t lacks the tech#ical abilit& to proceed be&o#d its c$rre#t #asce#t sta"es. ?-t is #ot clear i! North 6orea is i#%ol%ed i# a#& #$clear acti%ities i# 5$rma'@ said 5ertil 2i#t#er' who has writte# e te#si%el& o# both 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea. ?Ehat we k#ow with certai#t& is that North 6orea a#d 5$rma ha%e established a secret allia#ce a#d that North 6orea has deli%ered militar&Arelated eC$ipme#t to 5$rma.@ Re$ters ide#ti!ied the two me# se#te#ced to death as 4aD. Ei# Nai#" 6&aw a#d Th$ra 6&aw' both o! whom were char"ed $#der a broad law that co%ers threats to #atio#al sec$rit&. The third perso# se#te#ced was ide#ti!ied b& The -rrawadd& as .&a# *ei#' who was co#%icted o! %iolati#" a# act co%eri#" the $se o! ille"al electro#ic de%ices. The se#te#ces re!lect what ma#& e perts describe as the para#oia o! 4&a#marBs se#ior "e#eral' Tha# *hwe' who appears co#ti#$all& co#cer#ed abo$t threats to his power. 0i%e &ears a"o he mo%ed the seat o! "o%er#me#t to Na&p&idaw' a more remote locatio#' i# part to de!e#d a"ai#st pote#tial o$tside attacks. Ge#eral Tha# *hwe rece#tl& co#!irmed that electio#s wo$ld take place this &ear V the !irst i# two decades V a#d the death se#te#ces ma& be a war#i#" to pote#tial disse#ters' a#al&sts said.

?Fe does#Bt ha%e a choice V he has to call electio#s beca$se he alread& a##o$#ced the& wo$ld "o ahead'@ 4r. Ei# 4i# said. ?5$t he is still worried abo$t threats !rom withi#.@ /eath se#te#ces i# 4&a#mar are o!te# comm$ted to li!e i# priso#' b$t the co$rt decisio# remai#s a pote#t remi#der !or those thi#ki#" o! steppi#" o$t o! li#e' 4r. Ei# 4i# said.


/unta finds scapegoats for go7ernment leaks* says former colleague

*$#da&' 10 (a#$ar& 2010 21:1) 4i;;ima News ,hia#" 4ai <4i;;ima= A A !ormer !orei"# mi#istr& emplo&ee has acc$sed the 5$rmese militar& re"ime o! tr&i#" to wipe o$t secrets o! the past P the killi#" o! *./,Js *ecretar& 2 Ge#eral Ti# Oo' who died i# a co#tro%ersial helicopter crash i# 2001 b& "i%i#" death se#te#ces to two o!!icials last 0rida&. The& were acc$sed o! leaki#" secret details o! the militar& "o%er#me#tBs mi#isterial %isits to abroad a#d the #etwork o! t$##els b$ilt i# 5$rma. *ei# 2wi#' a !ormer emplo&ee i# the 5$rmese embass& i# ,ambodia told 4i;;ima i# a# i#ter%iew that he does #ot belie%e that those who were se#te#ced to death b& the 5$rmese re"ime last 0rida& leaked the i#!ormatio# as acc$sed b& the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t. *ei# 2wi# <:1=' was i# the 5$rmese embass& i# .h#om .e#h' ,ambodia till 2004 as head o! bra#ch -- a#d worked !or i#telli"e#ce "atheri#" a#d reporti#" !or the 5$rmese militar&. Fowe%er' he was #ot i# 5$rma at the time o! the arrests last &ear. + cerpts !rom the i#ter%iew: Fs8 %8 =hat do you think of the recent death sentence to two officials because of secret documents leaked: A#s: *tarti#" !rom ($l& 200)' the Fead o! *aA .haARa <4ilitar& A!!airs *ec$rit&A 4A*= iss$ed orders to his #ewl& appoi#ted i#telli"e#ce o!!icers at Na&p&idaw to !i#d o$t details o! the leaka"e. The #ew i#telli"e#ce o!!icers had to !i#d scape"oats !or temporar& satis!actio# o! 2ie$te#a#t Ge#eral Ge 4&i#t' the chie! o! 4A*. -! the two me# co$ld be blamed !or blowi#" the whistle' there wo$ld be #o more #ews re"ardi#" tra#s!er o! sta!! members to embassies a#d abroad. The dictators ma& hope that b& "i%i#" the death pe#alt& to the whistle blowers will stop others' b$t soo#er or later' there will be more #ews a#d pict$res o# the p$blic media a"ai# a#d a"ai#' $#til the re"ime is cha#"ed. Fs2 #8 Can you tell us about former army Ma!or =in Naing Kyaw (who is a friend of Gaw 1un 4o* son of Aeneral 1in 4o) and how he was arrested: A#s: Fe was worki#" a#d li%i#" i# .h#o# .e#h' ,ambodia. Fe was traced b& 5r". Ge# Tha# Fa# !rom 4ilitar& Attachf o!!ice i# the 5$rmese embass& i# ,ambodia. Fe did #ot k#ow that he was bei#" watched a#d #ot o#l& the leaked !iles. Fe k#ew that Fis boss 2tAGe# Ti# Oo' !ormer *ecretar&A2 o! *2OR, <*tate 2aw a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil' the #ame o! the D$#ta' which was cha#"ed to *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil= was assassi#ated i# 2001. 5& this time' the Ge#erals $sed o#e sto#e to kill two birds. Ei# Nai#" 6&aw was cha#"i#" to the side o! democrac& acti%ists a#d o#e da&' i! he re%ealed the details o! the co#spirac&' the c$rre#t batch o! "e#erals wo$ld lose the s$pport o! the #ew "e#eratio# withi# the arm&. Fe came back i# earl& /ecember 200). Fe was arrested at the Ra#"oo# 4i#"alardo# airport b& 4A*. To be ho#est' - was #ot i# 5$rma b$t accordi#" to m& so$rces' 4A* !o$#d the pict$res o! t$##els a#d Ge#. *hwe 4a##Bs North 6orea trip. 5$t the tr$e reaso# is more secret !iles o! *ecretar& 2 were stored i# his laptop. 5$t the "e#erals did #ot wa#t more ripples i# the case.

Fs2 &8 ;ow can you tell that he is not the one who leaked secret files to the media in eCile: A#s. Ei# Nai#" 6&aw is #ot !rom the 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs. Fis last post was /irector o! the 0orei"# +co#omic Relatio#s /epartme#t i# the 4i#istr& o! Natio#al .la##i#". Fe C$it his post aro$#d 2004A01 as he "ot a Dob with a 9N a"e#c&. -# 4O0A the cases are $s$all& copied to 6a 6aA 6&i <O!!ice o! ,hie! o! *ta!! o! /e!e#ce *er%ices A Arm&=' 6a 6a <Fla#= <,hie! o! *ta!! o! /e!e#ce *er%ice sA -#telli"e#ce= a#d the Fead O!!ice o! Fome A!!airs. The (oh# Gattaw case !or i#sta#ce a#d all other !iles spread aro$#d the "o%er#me#t departme#ts. Fs2 +8 1he !unta sentenced to death not only =in Naing Kyaw but also 1hura Kyaw* a clerk in the 5oreign Ministry8 1he files may ha7e come from 1hura Kyaw8 =hat do you say: A#s. +%e# tho$"h the case !ile was !rom Th$ra 6&awBs o!!ice room' there are similar copies i# other "o%er#me#t a"e#cies. -# Na&p&idaw' there is !reedom to access the i#ter#et a#d the& also #eed to co$#t o# 6a 6aA 6&i a#d 6a 6aA Fla#. *omeo#e else !rom the de!e#ce establishme#t co$ld ha%e easil& se#t it. -# this case' !i#di#" Th$ra 6&awBs !iles i# the laptop o! Ei# Nai#" 6&aw is illo"ical b$t the& co$ld #ot de!e#d themsel%es at the D$#ta co$rt co#trolled b& 4A*. At a#& cost' *e#ior Ge# Tha# *hwe wa#ted to wipe o$t the straw !rom the past. This time' !i#di#" !iles i# his laptop became %alid e%ide#ce i# co$rt. Fs8 ,8 @id you know where they were detained and about his trial: O#ce the& ca$"ht him' the& reported to the headC$arters o! the 4A* a#d se#t him to Gae 6&i +&e !or i#terro"atio# the# be!ore bei#" se#te#ced he was se#t to -#sei# .riso#. The co$rt is the #orther# pro%i#ce co$rt i# -#sei# tow#ship' *hwe .&i Tha road. Fs8 H8 =hat is the e7idence that S# was assassinated: A#s. Ehile - was atte#di#" the the ,rimi#al -#%esti"atio# /epartme#t A ,-/Bs co$rse at the old 4O0A i# 2002' Ei# Nai#" 6&aw atte#ded that co$rse too a#d we become close !rie#ds. At that time' the helicopter pilot' a 4aDor was sa%ed !rom the *a# 2wi# Ri%er b$t was shot dead. Fs8 )8 =ho shot the pilot: A#s. -t is #ot k#ow#. 5$t it co$ld be betwee# the militar& i#telli"e#ce or the arm&. The a$thorities did #ot allow p$blicatio# o! the !$#eral ad%ertiseme#t i# the stateAr$# #ewspaper. Law T$# Oo' so# o! *2 Ti# Oo is still i# 4O0A. Fe a#d - were i# the same batch i# .ha$#" G&i <"o%er#me#t emplo&ees trai#i#"= i# 1))8. Accordi#" to him' there was a bi" power ri%alr& betwee# his !ather a#d 4a$#" A&e a#d 6hi# N&$#t at that poi#t i# time. Fs8 ?8 =hy did you decide to defect and what are the immediate causes: Eell' !ormer 4aDor Ei# Nai#" 6&aw did #ot k#ow that he was bei#" watched a#d was blacklisted. -! he k#ew he wo$ld #ot ha%e "o#e back to 5$rma. As !or me' - lear#t that - a#d some o! the other !ormer sta!! members were alread& blacklisted. *o' - had to de!ect' e%e# tho$"h - lo%e m& co$#tr&. The da& it is sa!e - will pro$dl& "o back to 5$rma a#d that wo$ld be the da& the co$#tr& "ets "e#$i#e democrac&.

Fs (8 =hat do you think of the nuclear ambition of the regime: The militar& "o%er#me#t is reall& a!raid o! bei#" attacked b& the 9* like -raC. Fa%i#" militar& mi"ht b& "etti#" #$clear missiles ma& "i%e it more wei"ht politicall& a#d it ass$mes the 9* will #ot attack the re"ime. Fs8 %$8 =hat do you know about regime #$%$ election plan: A#s. The re"ime wo#Bt allow !ree a#d !air polls like 1))0. The 9#io# *olidarit& /e%elopme#t Associatio# wo$ld wi# b& a maDorit&. *o' with o#e sto#e the D$#ta will kill three birds. The D$#ta will also a$tomaticall& ca#cel the res$lts o! the 1))0 electio#s a#d disarm eth#ic "ro$ps. Fs8 %%8 =hat do you know about the regime9s plan for ceasefire and the Border Auard 5orce issue: A#s. The ceaseA!ire "ro$ps are alread& i# the trap o! the Ge#erals with their lo#" term pla#' which was i#itiated b& !ormer 4ilitar& -#telli"e#ce ,hie! 6hi# N&$#t. 0ormi#" the 5order G$ard !orces $#der arm& co#trol is a tactic to destro& the armed "ro$ps o%er a !i%e &ear pla#. 0i%e &ears o#' there will be #o 5order G$ard 0orce troops' who 5$rmese Arm& soldiers will replace "rad$all&. Ns 12. Ehat do &o$ thi#k o! the relatio#ship betwee# North 6orea a#d the 5$rmese re"imeO Ehat are North 6oreaBs proDects i# 5$rmaO A#s. The two co$#tries are politicall& isolated i# the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. There are a lot o! #$clear proDects i#cl$di#" the trai#i#" o! 5$rmese militar& i#telli"e#ce perso##el. Go$ ma& alread& ha%e read abo$t the secret !iles a#d these are tr$e.!1281Rr.asp Oartid`:71

1he 4ther 1icking Nuclear Clock

RaDee% *harma (a#$ar& 1)th 2010

3eports that Burma>s military !unta has recei7ed assistance with constructing nuclear facilities from North Korea and akistan are causing a headache for -ndian strategists* reports +a,eev $harma8 And* although global attention is fiCed firmly on 1ehran and yongyang* the ticking of this newest nuclear clock could start to sound loud to @elhi>s policymakers8 Ehile -ra#Bs acts o! de!ia#ce i# the !ace o! i#ter#atio#al co#dem#atio# o! its secreti%e #$clear pro"ramme co#ti#$e to make headli#es' a#d while the 9#ited *tates !oc$ses o# "etti#" North 6orea to ret$r# to the si Apart& de#$clearisatio# talks' a#other #$clear clock is ticki#" C$ietl& awa& i# *o$theast Asia. 5$rma' r$led with a# iro# !ist b& a militar& D$#ta that sei;ed power i# a co$p i# 1)82' co#!irmed pla#s to b$ild a #$clear research reactor' with R$ssia# assista#ce' !or Qpeace!$l p$rposesB back i# earl& 2002. *i#ce the#' select st$de#ts a#d arm& o!!icers ha%e $#der"o#e #$clear orie#tatio# a#d trai#i#" i# 4oscow' while #$clear ph&sics departme#ts ha%e bee# established at the $#i%ersities o! Ra#"oo# a#d 4a#dala&' with e#rolme#t co#trolled b& the D$#ta. 5$t it is the persiste#t reports o! a secret pro"ramme bei#" $#dertake# with North 6orea# assista#ce' based i# part o# i#!ormatio# !rom de!ectors' that are tro$bli#" -#dia# polic&makers alread& distracted b& border te#sio#s with ,hi#a a#d .akista#. -#deed' ,olo#el R Farihara#' a retired militar& i#telli"e#ce a#al&st who speciali;es i# *o$th Asia' sa&s i! s$ch r$mo$rs are tr$e the& wo$ld i#trod$ce a #ew strate"ic #$clear paradi"m to the re"io# a#d i# the process make li!e e tremel& complicated !or -#diaBs militar& pla##ers.

Q-t mi"ht lead to a sit$atio# #ot dissimilar to -#diaBs wester# !ro#t' where itBs !aci#" a# $#stable' #$clear .akista#'B he sa&s. Q+%e# tho$"h it seems $#likel& 4&a#mar I5$rmaM wo$ld i#%est i# s$ch a #$clear "ame' -#dia will still be !orced to keep a care!$l watch o%er de%elopme#ts.B 5$rmaBs #$clear i#terest has bee# !$elled b& si"#i!ica#t $ra#i$m deposits disco%ered i# areas i#cl$di#" 4a"we' Ta$#"dwi#"&i a#d 6&a$kph&"o#' as well as some lar"el& $#to$ched i# so$ther# Ta#i#thar&i /i%isio#V!ormerl& Te#asserim /i%isio#Valtho$"h R$ssia is said to be i#%ol%ed i# the limited mi#i#" operatio# there. The "o%er#me#t is also reportedl& acti%el& e plori#" other pote#tial $ra#i$m prod$ctio# sites i#' amo#" other locatio#s' Ta"o#" a#d 4oe 4eik' while a team o! R$ssia# a#d 5$rmese e#"i#eers !rom earl& 2007 were reportedl& drilli#" !or $ra#i$m i# Faw#"A.a %illa"e. *$ch acti%it&' combi#ed with r$mo$rs o! co%ert North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t a#d a 5$rmese re"ime that seems willi#" to do a#&thi#" to sta& i# power' has "e#erated e#o$"h co#cer# amo#" -#dia# polic&makers !or it to create a dossier o! what it belie%es has bee# "oi#" o#' a cop& o! which was show# to this correspo#de#t b& a se#ior "o%er#me#t o!!icial who asked to remai# a#o#&mo$s. The dossier !irst la&s o$t the back"ro$#d o! 5$rmaBs alle"ed i#terest i# #$clear tech#olo"&' be"i##i#" i# /ecember 2000' whe# it i#dicated it was i#terested i# establishi#" a #$clear research ce#tre with R$ssia# assista#ce that was to ha%e i#cl$ded b$ildi#" a 10 me"awatt li"htAwater research reactor. Fowe%er' i# *eptember 2001' with 5$rma appare#tl& $#able to a!!ord the !$ll cost o! the reactor' it was decided that the R$ssia# 4i#istr& !or Atomic +#er"& wo$ld pla& a s$per%isor& role a#d pro%ide the #ecessar& !$el a#d e pertise !or the !acilit&' while 5$rmese a$thorities wo$ld ha#dle its co#str$ctio#. A# a"reeme#t to this e!!ect was !i#all& si"#ed b& the two co$#tries i# 4a& 2007. The !acilit&' k#ow# as the Q4&ai#" Reactor or N&a$#"o#e .roDect'B was to be co#str$cted #ear A#esakha# o# a !lat e pa#se o! la#d s$rro$#ded o# all sides b& steep hills' a#d placed $#der -A+A sa!e"$ards. -t was #ot s$pposed to be capable o! prod$ci#" weapo#sA"rade pl$to#i$m. Fowe%er' the a"reeme#t co$ld #ot be impleme#ted as 5$rma did #ot compl& with -A+A "$ideli#es reC$iri#" it to properl& ad%ise the #$clear bod& o! its pla#s. *i#ce the#' a#d despite repeated proddi#" !rom R$ssia' 5$rma has #ot approached the -A+A' sc$pperi#" the prospects o! pro"ress betwee# the two o# the !acilit&. -#deed' accordi#" to the dossier' it was R$ssiaBs i#siste#ce o# tra#spare#c& that prompted 5$rma to look elsewhere !or assista#ce i# setti#" $p a reactorV#amel& !rom North 6orea. 5$rma is said i# the dossier to be b$ildi#" a 10 me"awatt li"ht water research reactor i#side a mo$#tai# comple at Na$#" 2ai#" i# the #orth o! the co$#tr&' while North 6orea has also b$ilt a h$"e $#der"ro$#d b$#ker at Ta$#"dwi#"&i #e t to a k#ow# $ra#i$m ore site. 4ea#while' d$ri#" %isits b& dele"atio#s o! scie#tists led b& a ma# k#ow# as /r. Lai!$llah' a dep$t& o! #otorio$s .akista#i scie#tist A N 6ha#' i# A$"$st a#d /ecember 2001' .akista# is belie%ed to ha%e o!!ered #$clear tech#olo"& cooperatio#' i#cl$di#" the trai#i#" o! 5$rmese scie#tists. 9#der the a"reeme#t' 5$rmese o!!icials !rom the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& a#d Armed 0orces are said to ha%e atte#ded a 12Amo#th co$rse o# the QAd%erse +!!ects o! N$clear a#d 5iolo"ical Eeapo#s.B , * 6$pp$swam&' who has bee# closel& tracki#" 5$rmaBs e ploits i# the #$clear sector' sa&s that prior to !ormer .akista#i .reside#t .er%e; 4$sharra!Bs %isit to 5$rma i# 2001' three .akista#i #a%al %esselsVa s$bmari#e' a ta#ker a#d a destro&erVthat made port calls to 5$rma a#d .akista# are k#ow# to ha%e s$pplied co#%e#tio#al weapo#s to 5$rma.

-! tr$e' a#al&sts sa& s$ch coAoperatio# wo$ld o#l& add to a se#se o! e#circleme#t amo#" -#dia# o!!icials alread& ac$tel& aware o! a# $#stable a#d #$clearAarmed .akista# a#d a te#se border disp$te i# Ar$#achal .radesh with ,hi#a. A#d the& belie%e 5$rmaBs "eoAstrate"ic si"#i!ica#ceVa#d ,hi#aBs co%ert militar& a#d strate"ic assista#ceV sho$ld be see# i# the co#te t o! the -#dia# Ocea# Re"io# <-OR= as a whole. Accordi#" to *a#Da&a 5ar$' a !ormer media ad%isor to -#dia# .rime 4i#ister 4a#moha# *i#"h' !orce proDectio# capacit& i# the -OR is esse#tial !or -#dia. QEeBre %isible i# +ast A!rica d$e to o$r s$ccess!$l a#tiApirac& missio#s'B he sa&s. Q5$t we ha%e to show o$r prese#ce i# the -#dia# Ocea# Re"io# b& rethi#ki#" the wa& we deplo& o$r !orces.B The -OR stretches !rom A!rica across to A$stralia a#d is the third lar"est water bod& i# the world' with i#cl$des :: littoral states. +i"ht& perce#t o! ,hi#aJs a#d 81 perce#t o! -#diaJs oil is shipped thro$"h this re"io#. QThe -OR is importa#t beca$se most o! o$r e#er"& a#d trade s$pplies !low thro$"h the area' so it #eeds to be protected'B sa&s Niti# .ai' a !ellow at the Takshashila -#stit$tio#' a #o#Apro!it tr$st i# ,he##ai' Tamil Nad$. QEe #eed to be read& to redeplo& o$r !orces to protect o$r strate"ic i#terests' especiall& as ,hi#a is co#ti#$i#" to pla& its strate"ic "ames.B ,ommodore <retired= 9da& ,. 5haskar "oes !$rther' complai#i#" that -#dia has act$all& bee# "oi#" backward i# this re"ard. Q-#dia allowed the i#!l$e#ce it "e#erated !ollowi#" the 2004 ts$#ami to be dil$ted beca$se o! its co#ti#$ed abse#ce i# *o$theast Asia a#d the re"io#'B sa&s 5haskar' who c$rre#tl& heads the Natio#al 4aritime 0o$#datio#' a New /elhiAbased thi#k ta#k. -# the #earAterm' the !irst task !or -#dia# diplomats tr&i#" to re"ai# their !ooti#" will be to !ace $p to the challe#"e o! how to ha#dle the !irst m$ltiApart& electio#s i# 5$rma i# more tha# !o$r decades o! D$#ta r$le' which are sched$led !or this &ear as part o! the co$#tr&Bs se%e#Astep roadmap to democrac&. 5$t e%e# i! all "oes smoothl&' with the D$#ta determi#ed to ha#" o# to power a#d appare#tl& recei%i#" co%ert s$pport !rom .akista# a#d North 6orea <a#d moral s$pport !rom ,hi#a=' there seems #othi#" that -#diaAAor a#& other co$#tr&AAca# do as it h$rtles dow# the #$clear road.


hilip /8 Crowley Assistant Secretary /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" =ashington* @C /anuary #?* #$%$ I+>,+R.TM N9+*T-ON: A C$estio# o# 5$rma. -*-* has come o$t with a report toda& abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio# a#d it also reports some co#str$ctio# acti%ities "oi#" o# #ear 4a#dala&' which co$ld be a possible #$clear reactor site. Are &o$ P do &o$ ha%e a#& stateme#t abo$t AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: -Bm #ot !amiliar with that partic$lar report. Ee P i# o$r disc$ssio#s with 5$rma' we do ha%e co#cer#s abo$t certai# acti%it& a#d the pote#tial P that risks to the "lobal #o#proli!eratio# a"e#da. -Bll be happ& to P wh& do#Bt &o$ ask me a"ai# a#d weBll see what we ca# !i#d o$t abo$t the report. N9+*T-ON: Oka&' tha#k &o$.

I ourceboo) note5 Bn 89;9&9;&8@ the 2nstitute "or cience and 2nternational ecurity ,2 2 . published the "ollo#in! studies5 1urma5 - 7uclear Canabee; uspicious Din)s to 7orth Eorea; /i!h&Tech Procurements http5$$isis&online*or!$isis&reports$detail$burma&a&nuclear&#anabee&suspicious&lin)s&to&north&)orea&hi!h&tech& procureme$ Explorin! Claims about ecret 7uclear ites in 4yanmar http5$$isis&online*or!$isis&reports$detail$explorin!&claims&about&secret&nuclear&sites&in&myanmar$ +eep Connections bet#een 4yanmar(s +epartment o" -tomic Ener!y and the +TFE http5$$isis&online*or!$isis&reports$detail$deep&connections&bet#een&myanmars&department&o"& M


-*-* Reports
Burma2 A Nuclear =annabeI Suspicious 6inks to North KoreaI ;igh'1ech rocurements and 0nigmatic 5acilities
by @a7id Albright* aul Brannan* 3obert Kelley and Andrea Scheel Stricker /anuary #?* #$%$ 0or se%eral &ears' s$spicio#s ha%e swirled abo$t the #$clear i#te#tio#s o! 5$rmaBs secreti%e militar& dictatorship. 5$rma is cooperati#" with North 6orea o# possible #$clear proc$reme#ts a#d appears to be misleadi#" o%erseas s$ppliers i# obtai#i#" topAo!AtheAli#e eC$ipme#t. ,ertai# eC$ipme#t' which co$ld be $sed i# a #$clear or missile pro"ram' we#t to isolated 5$rmese ma#$!act$ri#" compo$#ds o! $#k#ow# p$rpose. Altho$"h e%ide#ce does #ot e ist to make a compelli#" case that 5$rma is b$ildi#" secret #$clear reactors or !$el c&cle !acilities' as has bee# reported' the i#!ormatio# does warra#t "o%er#me#ts a#d compa#ies taki#" e treme ca$tio# i# a#& deali#"s with 5$rma. The militar& re"imeBs s$spicio$s li#ks to North 6orea' a#d appare#t willi#"#ess to ille"all& proc$re hi"h tech#olo"& "oods' make a priorit& co#%i#ci#" the militar& "o%er#me#t to accept "reater tra#spare#c&. *$spicio#s abo$t #$clear i#te#tio#s !ollowed a# a"reeme#t b& R$ssia to sell 5$rma a research reactor i# 2001 a#d i#te#si!ied i# 2007 with the res$mptio# o! a !ormal militar& relatio#ship betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' k#ow# o!!iciall& as 4&a#mar. *ecretar& o! *tate Filar& ,li#to# said i# ($l& 200)' ?Ee k#ow there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take serio$sl&.@ 1 Accordi#" to 9.*. o!!icials' these co#cer#s e te#d to possible #$clear cooperatio#' b$t their i#!ormatio# is i#complete.2 The e%ide#ce s$pports that 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e disc$ssed #$clear cooperatio#' b$t is #ot s$!!icie#t to establish that North 6orea is b$ildi#" #$clear !acilities !or 5$rmaBs militar& D$#ta' despite rece#t reports to the co#trar&. No#etheless' #o o#e ca# i"#ore the possibilit& o! si"#i!ica#t North 6orea# #$clear assista#ce to this e#i"matic' militar& re"ime. 5eca$se North 6orea secretl& sold a reactor to *&ria' a sale which the worldBs best i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies missed $#til late i# the reactorBs co#str$ctio#' #o o#e is willi#" to t$r# a bli#d e&e to the possibilit& o! North 6orea selli#" #$clear eC$ipme#t' materials' or !acilities to 5$rma. North 6oreaBs past proli!eratio# acti%ities a#d the !ail$re to promptl& detect the *&ria# reactor ca##ot b$t lead to more scr$ti#& o%er whether North 6orea mi"ht sell 5$rma a reactor or other #$clear i#d$strial eC$ipme#t a#d !acilities' or the mea#s a#d "$ida#ce to ma#$!act$re #$clear !acilities. Ehe# o#e adds 5$rmaBs ow# e!!orts to acC$ire abroad sophisticated d$alA$se "oods that ca# be $sed !or #$clear p$rposes' it becomes esse#tial to determi#e a#d co#strai# as #ecessar& the militar& D$#taBs #$clear i#te#tio#s. A#other dime#sio# is whether 5$rma is helpi#" North 6orea obtai# items !or its #$clear pro"rams. 5$rma co$ld act as a cooperati%e tra#sshipme#t part#er !or "oods $ltimatel& desti#ed !or North 6oreaBs "as ce#tri!$"e $ra#i$m e#richme#t pro"ram. The militar& re"imeBs lack o! tra#spare#c& a#d repressi%e actio#s complicate a#& e!!ort to i#%esti"ate s$spicio#s abo$t its #$clear pro"ram. A priorit& is "etti#" the militar& "o%er#me#t to accept "reater tra#spare#c& o! its acti%ities. 5eca$se 5$rma is b$&i#" a wide %ariet& o! s$spicio$s d$alA$se "oods i#ter#atio#all&' "o%er#me#ts a#d compa#ies #eed to be more %i"ila#t i# e ami#i#" 5$rmaBs e#C$iries' or reC$ests !or eC$ipme#t' whether %ia

5$rmese "o%er#me#tal e#tities' 5$rmese tradi#" compa#ies' or other !orei"# tradi#" compa#ies. ,ompa#ies sho$ld treat e#C$iries !rom 5$rma #o di!!ere#tl& tha# those !rom -ra#' .akista#' or *&ria. 4i#imal N$clear ,apabilit& ,$rre#tl&' 5$rma has little k#ow# i#di"e#o$s #$clear i#!rastr$ct$re to s$pport the co#str$ctio# o! #$clear !acilities. No#etheless' it has so$"ht to p$rchase a #$clear research reactor !or abo$t a decade. -# *eptember 2000' 5$rma asked the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= !or assista#ce i# acC$iri#" a research reactor.@: The -A+A said that it wo$ld assist i# s$ch a# e#dea%or o#ce 5$rma achie%ed a set o! milesto#es' i#cl$di#" bri#"i#" its reactor sa!et& a#d re"$lator& i#!rastr$ct$re $p to a mi#imall& acceptable sta#dard. 4ea#while' witho$t telli#" the -A+A' 5$rma started #e"otiatio#s with R$ssia o%er the s$ppl& o! a te# me"awattAthermal research reactor.@ 4 A dra!t cooperatio# a"reeme#t was appro%ed b& R$ssia i# 4a& 2002 !or the co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear research ce#ter that wo$ld i#cl$de a te# me"awattAthermal research reactor' two laboratories <belie%ed to i#cl$de hot cells !or radioisotope prod$ctio#=' a#d !acilities !or the disposal o! #$clear waste. Fowe%er' the dra!t a"reeme#t did #ot represe#t a# appro%ed sale. The two co$#tries !i#all& si"#ed a #$clear cooperatio# a"reeme#t i# 2007 !or the sale o! the reactor comple ' b$t #o co#str$ctio# o! the research ce#ter had started as o! *eptember 200).@1 -# additio#' #either side has p$blicl& a##o$#ced the pla##ed locatio# o! this reactor proDect. 9#der the terms o! its cooperatio#' R$ssia has reportedl& co#d$cted trai#i#" o! 5$rmese i# !ields related to the b$ildi#" a#d operatio# o! research reactors. 5$rma recei%es a relati%el& small le%el o! tech#ical assista#ce !rom the -A+A i# #$clear medici#e' a"ric$lt$re' a#d !ields related to research reactors. -t also recei%es #$clear e#er"& trai#i#" i# *o$th 6orea with other members o! the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN=. Accordi#" to a +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce o!!icial' R$ssia assists 5$rmaBs $ra#i$m e ploratio# a#d mi#i#" e!!orts' b$t this e!!ort is relati%el& smallAscale a#d has #ot e te#ded i#to the co#str$ctio# o! a $ra#i$m mill to process $ra#i$m ore. The 4&a#mar 4i#istr& o! +#er"& lists !i%e areas with pote#tial !or $ra#i$m mi#i#": 4a"we' Ta$#"dwi#"&i' 6&a$kph&"o# <4o"ok=' 6&a$ksi#' a#d .ao#"p&i# <4o"ok=. 8 4i#imal N$clear Tra#spare#c& 5$rma Doi#ed the N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T= i# 1))2. -t i#sists it is i# complia#ce with all its obli"atio#s $#der the N.T. +%ide#tl& i# reactio# to p$blished reports i# the s$mmer o! 200)' a 5$rmese o!!icial de#ied seeki#" #$clear weapo#s to *e#ator (im Eebb o# his trip to 5$rma i# A$"$st 200)' which was the !irst %isit b& a se#ior 9.*. o!!icial i# a decade.8 5$rma has a traditio#al -N0,-R, 11: comprehe#si%e sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t with the -A+A s$ppleme#ted b& a *mall N$a#tities .rotocol <*N.= that it si"#ed i# 1))1. The *N. is i# e!!ect si#ce 5$rma has declared it has #o maDor #$clear !acilities a#d o#l& small C$a#tities o! #$clear material. 9#der the *N.' the -A+A has a"reed #ot to impleme#t sa!e"$ards with a !ew e ceptio#s' mai#l& co#ditio#s aimed at determi#i#" whe# to impleme#t the sa!e"$ards proced$res i# the comprehe#si%e a"reeme#t. These co#ditio#s i#cl$de 5$rma a"reei#" to report i! it imports or e ports #$clear material' acC$ires more tha# a mi#imal amo$#t o! #$clear material' or has b$ilt a #ew #$clear !acilit& that is withi# si mo#ths o! recei%i#" #$clear material. -# the case o! the reactor !rom R$ssia' 5$rma wo$ld impleme#t the !$ll sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t' #o later tha# si mo#ths be!ore recei%i#" #$clear reactor !$el. 5$rma has disc$ssed impro%i#" sa!e"$ards with the -A+A i# the co#te t o! the reactor p$rchase. 8 Fowe%er' 5$rma has #ot a"reed to $pdate its commitme#ts $#der the *N.. -# partic$lar' it has #ot a"reed to report a #$clear !acilit& whe# it decides or a$thori;es its co#str$ctio# rather tha# si mo#ths be!ore 5$rma i#trod$ces #$clear material i# the !acilit&. 4oreo%er' it has #ot a"reed to the Additio#al .rotocol' which wo$ld obli"ate

5$rma to pro%ide !ar "reater i#!ormatio# abo$t its #$clear acti%ities a#d pla#s a#d allow the -A+A m$ch "reater access to 5$rmese sites. -mpleme#tatio# o! the Additio#al .rotocol co$ld "o !ar i# red$ci#" s$spicio#s abo$t reports o! $#declared #$clear !acilities or materials. -# a #ew de%elopme#t' it is $#derstood that 5$rma has i#dicated a# i#terest i# Doi#i#" the Asia/.aci!ic *a!e"$ards Network' a# A$stralia# i#itiati%e which came i#to operatio# i# October 200). This #etwork' which comprises a$thorities a#d a"e#cies worki#" i# sa!e"$ards' has &et to co#sider i! 5$rma sho$ld be i#%ited to Doi#. A #ew co#strai#t o# 5$rmaBs cooperatio# with North 6orea is 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which was passed i# midA200). -t prohibits member states !rom e#"a"i#" i# trade with North 6orea i# almost all co#%e#tio#al weapo#s a#d i# se#siti%e areas' i#cl$di#" those related to ballistic missiles a#d #$clear. Altho$"h the 5$rmese leadership has stated its commitme#t to !$ll& compl& with 9N*, Resol$tio# 1874' 9.*. o!!icials ha%e e pressed worries abo$t the ?#at$re a#d e te#t@ o! 5$rmaBs ties with North 6orea. ) 5eca$se tra#spare#c& remai#s so mi#imal' the !$#dame#tal C$estio# remai#s: has 5$rma decided to embark o# a co%ert ro$te to #$clear weapo#s o# its ow# or with the help o! North 6oreaO 5$rmaBs lack o! tra#spare#c& complicates e!!orts to $#dersta#d a ra#"e o! s$spicio$s proc$reme#ts a#d reports. These claims ca# be separated i#to two broad areasValle"ed $#declared #$clear acti%ities or !acilities a#d s$spicio$s or ille"al proc$reme#t acti%ities. Alle"ed 9#declared N$clear Acti%ities or 0acilities 3ario$s disside#t "ro$ps' researchers' a#d #ews reports ha%e claimed that there are co%ert #$clear sites i# 5$rma' i#cl$di#" reactors' $ra#i$m mi#es a#d mills' reprocessi#" pla#ts' a#d $ra#i$m e#richme#t !acilities. As !ar as co$ld be determi#ed' the e%ide#ce behi#d ma#& o! these claims is lar"el& based o# i#ter%iews with de!ectors or a#al&sis o! "ro$#d photos a#d o%erhead ima"er& o! s$spected sites. The oppositio# "ro$p /ictator Eatch <dictatorwatch.or"= has p$blished a ra#"e o! sites it sa&s are #$clear. 10 A#other researcher' 5ertil 2i#t#er' has p$blished a series o! photo"raphs take# i# the midA2000s o! a# e te#si%e series o! t$##els b$ilt with North 6orea# assista#ce. 11 Fe has s$""ested that some o! these mi"ht be #$clearA related. 4ore rece#tl&' A$stralia# researcher /esmo#d 5all a#d Thaila#dAbased -rishAA$stralia# Do$r#alist .hil Thorto#' citi#" de!ector acco$#ts' claimed i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald that 5$rma is b$ildi#" two secret #$clear reactorsH o#e alread& b$ilt with R$ssia# assista#ce' <a claim 5all later backed awa& !rom i# a# article i# the A$stralia# Do$r#al *ec$rit& ,halle#"es where he i#stead details the pla#s to b$ild it 12= a#d a#other o#e bei#" b$ilt with the help o! North 6orea' which will be secret a#d $sed !or militar& p$rposes. 1: -# additio#' 5all a#d Thorto# reported that based o# the de!ectorsB stateme#ts 5$rma is b$ildi#" or pla#s to b$ild secret pl$to#i$m separatio# pla#ts' $ra#i$m re!i#i#" a#d e#richme#t pla#ts' a#d !acilities to de%elop a#d prod$ce the #$clear weapo# itsel!. /ictator Eatch head Rola#d Eatso# claims that m$ch o! 5all a#d Thorto#Bs i#!ormatio# was p$blished earlier b& /ictator Eatch' rel&i#" o# the same de!ectors. 14 The #$clear alle"atio#s i# these reports are #ot i# "e#eral co#!irmed. As the A$stralia# researchers admit' a#& i#!ormatio# based o# i#ter%iews with 5$rmese de!ectors m$st be approached ca$tio$sl&. 11 The sheer #$mber o! alle"ed secret sites posited b& these de!ectors b& itsel! raises do$bts abo$t their claims. O#l& i# a !ew cases do the reports listi#" #$clear sites ha%e e#o$"h i#!ormatio# to assess their %eracit& $si#" satellite ima"er&. -# these cases' howe%er' where -*-* co$ld ide#ti!& speci!ic sites claimed to be #$clear' it assessed that the sites were #ot i# !act #$clear !acilities. -*-* re%iewed the "ro$#d photo"raphs o! s$spected t$##el !acilities i# 5$rma obtai#ed b& 5ertil 2i#t#er a#d p$blished o# GaleGlobal O#li#e a#d determi#ed that at least o#e o! the p$rported t$##el e#tra#ces is a dam pe#stock <see !i"$re 1=. 18 Other photo"raphs do i#deed depict t$##el e#tra#ces a#d i#door stora"e !acilities' b$t are likel& #ot #$clear i#d$strial !acilities. -*-* co$ld #ot ide#ti!& a#& #$clear i#d$strial characteristics i# the photos.

-*-* assessed claims made b& /ictatorEatch.or" a#d cited b& the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald o! a co%ert $ra#i$m mi#e a#d mill #ear 4a#dala& i# 5$rma. 17 A!ter a# a#al&sis o! a%ailable satellite a#d "ro$#d ima"er& a#d rele%a#t ope# so$rce i#!ormatio#' -*-* assessed that the s$spected $ra#i$m mill was too lar"e to be a small cla#desti#e $ra#i$m operatio#' a#d "ro$#d photo"raphs o! a# established commercial ceme#t pla#t matched %er& closel& with the o%erhead ima"er& claimed b& /ictatorEatch to depict the $ra#i$m mill. 18 -*-* also assessed that the s$spected $ra#i$m mi#e was probabl& a C$arr&' D$d"i#" b& the piecemeal scrapi#" marks i# the mo$#tai#. A co%ert $ra#i$m mi#e wo$ld likel& $tili;e moder# ope#Apit or $#der"ro$#d mi#i#" tech#iC$es. -*-* does #ot wa#t to o%erwei"h the importa#ce o! deb$#ki#" a !ew claims abo$t secret #$clear !acilities i# 5$rma. There remai# le"itimate reaso#s to s$spect the e iste#ce o! $#declared #$clear acti%ities i# 5$rma' partic$larl& i# the co#te t o! North 6orea# cooperatio#. 5$t the methods $sed i# the p$blic domai# so !ar to ide#ti!& e isti#" s$spect 5$rmese #$clear !acilities are !lawed. -de#ti!icatio# o! s$spect #$clear sites reC$ires a more ri"oro$s basis tha# is c$rre#tl& e%ide#t. *$spicio$s or -lle"al .roc$reme#t Acti%ities 5$rma is D$d"ed as $#able to b$ild #$clear !acilities o# its ow#. As a res$lt' it m$st depe#d o# o$tside s$ppliers !or #$clear tech#olo"&' eC$ipme#t' materials' a#d !acilities. There!ore' detecti#" s$spicio$s 5$rmese proc$reme#ts is pote#tiall& a# importa#t i#dicator o! $#declared #$clear materials a#d !acilities. 5$rma is seeki#" abroad a lar"e C$a#tit& o! topA#otch' hi"hl& sophisticated "oods with pote#tial missile a#d #$clear $ses. Get' #o patter# has emer"ed i# these proc$reme#ts that lead to a speci!ic missile or #$clear e#d $se. No#etheless' the proc$reme#ts are o!te# s$spicio$s or hi"hl& e#i"matic' accordi#" to o#e se#ior +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce o!!icial. The 5$rmese militar& re"ime mi"ht $se North 6orea# tradi#" e#tities to acC$ire o%erseas se#siti%e #$clear a#d #$clear d$al $se "oods. -ts militar& cooperatio# with North 6orea has i#creased o%er the last se%eral &ears' !$eli#" co#cer#s abo$t #$clear cooperatio#. North 6orea co$ld also s$ppleme#t 5$rmaBs ow# !orei"# proc$reme#t #etworks' a#d it co$ld sell #$clear "oods made i# North 6orea. 0or its part' North 6orea wo$ld !i#d s$ch a# arra#"eme#t l$crati%e' a#d it co$ld $se 5$rma as a willi#" tra#sshipme#t poi#t' or t$r#table' !or illicit sales !or itsel! or others. A#other' albeit less likel&' possibilit& is that North 6orea co$ld b$ild se#siti%e !acilities i# 5$rma !or its ow# $se. There are li#"eri#" C$estio#s abo$t two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists who reportedl& we#t to 5$rma i# late 2001' d$ri#" a time o! i#te#se i#terest o%er a#& help these same .akista#i #$clear scie#tists co$ld ha%e pro%ided al Naeda i# A!"ha#ista# be!ore the !all o! the Taliba#. The two' *$leima# Asad a#d 4$hammed Ali 4$khtar' reportedl& le!t .akista# with the a"reeme#t o! the .akista#i "o%er#me#t to el$de C$estio#i#" b& the 9#ited *tates.1) 5$rmese o!!icials s$bseC$e#tl& de#ied "i%i#" sa#ct$ar& to a#& .akista#i #$clear scie#tists. 20 Their whereabo$ts or acti%ities si#ce the# remai# $#k#ow#. Namcho#"a#" +%ide#ce o! North 6orea#/5$rmese cooperatio# i#cl$des the reported prese#ce i# 5$rma o! o!!icials !rom Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" <N,G=' a North 6orea# tradi#" compa#& that is sa#ctio#ed b& 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. *&riaBs reactor proDect depe#ded o# assista#ce !rom N,G. The #at$re o! the 5$rmese/N,G cooperatio# remai#s lar"el& $#k#ow#' b$t N,G has reportedl& sold eC$ipme#t to 5$rma or pro%ided some t&pe o! tech#ical assista#ce. 21 As me#tio#ed abo%e' there is #o co#crete e%ide#ce that North 6orea is s$ppl&i#" 5$rma a reactor' b$t a#& i#%ol%eme#t b& N,G i# 5$rma is bo$#d to i#crease s$spicio#s abo$t s$ch a sale.

Reports o! North 6orea selli#" a reactor to 5$rma date back to at least 2004' a time whe# N,G was helpi#" *&ria acC$ire its reactor. 22 Accordi#" to a 2004 Asia Times article' citi#" -#dia# i#telli"e#ce' 5$rma approached North 6orea i# No%ember 2002 as a seller o! last resort a!ter the militar& re"ime !ailed to acC$ire a reactor !rom R$ssia' ,hi#a' a#d -#dia.2: R$ssia at the time had si"#ed o#l& a dra!t reactor sales a"reeme#t. -#dia t$r#ed dow# 5$rmaBs reC$est !or a reactor i# 2000' accordi#" to the article' beca$se o! -#diaBs %iew that 5$rma did #ot #eed s$ch a reactor a#d was co#cer#ed abo$t rili#" the 9#ited *tates which had sa#ctio#s o# 5$rma. The Asia Times article makes the additio#al claim that a reactor deal was si"#ed betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea i# earl& 2004.24 5$t all these claims remai# $#co#!irmed. New +ast -#ter#atio#al Tradi#" -# ($#e 200)' (apa# arrested three i#di%id$als !or attempti#" to ille"all& e port a ma"#etometer to 5$rma %ia 4ala&sia'21 $#der the directio# o! a compa#& associated with illicit proc$reme#t !or North 6orea# militar& pro"rams.28 A$thorities lear#ed s$bseC$e#tl& that this "ro$p s$ccess!$ll& deli%ered other #$clear d$alA$se eC$ipme#t to 5$rma. The ori"i#al order !or the ma"#etometer came !rom the 5eiDi#" o!!ice o! New +ast -#ter#atio#al Tradi#"' 2td.' which reportedl& operates $#der the directio# o! North 6orea. The compa#& is headC$artered i# Fo#" 6o#" b$t also has a .&o#"&a#" o!!ice' which is !la""ed b& watch lists o! the (apa#ese 4i#istr& o! +co#om&' Trade' a#d -#d$str& <4+T-= !or its i#%ol%eme#t i# illicit proc$reme#t !or North 6orea# militar& pro"rams. 27 The ma"#etometer' which is a d$alA$se i#str$me#t that meas$res ma"#etic !ields' was i#tercepted be!ore it made its wa& to 5$rma. -# additio# to le"itimate commercial $ses i# archaeolo"ical a#d "eoph&sical scie#ces' a ma"#etometer ca# be emplo&ed i# maki#" missile co#trol s&stem ma"#ets a#d "as ce#tri!$"e ma"#ets <i# ma"#eti;i#" ma"#ets a#d meas$ri#" stre#"th=. 28 This item is co#trolled $#der (apa#Bs ?catchAall@ re"$latio#s' which ba# the e port o! d$alA$se items !or militar& applicatio#s to co$#tries s$ch as North 6orea or 5$rma. (apa#ese o!!icials sei;ed the item i# (a#$ar& 200) a#d la$#ched a# i#%esti"atio# which later led to the arrests. The three i#di%id$als' o#e o! North 6orea# #atio#alit& a#d two o! (apa#ese #atio#alit&' were the heads o! three separate (apa#ese e#tities: 2i G&eo#" Fo' a North 6orea# #atio#al was preside#t o! the Toko 5oeki tradi#" compa#&H Firohiko 4$to was preside#t o! Taik&o *a#"&o tradi#" compa#& <i#ter#et searches i#dicate this ma& be a clothi#" compa#&=H a#d 4iaki 6ats$ki' was preside#t o! Rike# /e#shi ,ompa#&. Rike# /e#shi was the ma#$!act$rer o! the ma"#etometer. -# *eptember 2008' 2i G&eo#" Fo' $#der directio# o! the 5eiDi#" o!!ice o! New +ast -#ter#atio#al Tradi#"' asked 4$to at Taik&o *a#"&o to s$bmit doc$me#ts to the local c$stoms a$thorities !or the p$rpose o! e porti#" the de%ice. 4+T- i#!ormed the compa#& that a# e port lice#se was reC$ired a#d the e port co$ld #ot be a$thori;ed.2) At this time' the acc$sed co#spired to e port the item to 5$rma %ia 4ala&sia witho$t a lice#se. -# (a#$ar& 200)' the three co#spired to replace the #ame o# the c$stoms doc$me#ts to that o! Rike# /e#shi a#d tried to e port the item !or se%e# millio# &e#' or abo$t b72'100' witho$t a lice#se !rom 4+T-. :0 The e port was stopped b& c$stoms a"e#ts i# (apa#' a#d 4+T- co#!irmed the compa#& had #ot applied !or a# e port lice#se. :1 -# 0ebr$ar&' the premises o! Toko 5oeki were searched. :2 The i#di%id$als were char"ed with %iolati#" (apa#Bs 0orei"# + cha#"e a#d 0orei"# Trade 2aw b& attempti#" to e port the ma"#etometer witho$t a lice#se. The ma"#etometer was #ot the o#l& item ordered b& New +ast -#ter#atio#al Tradi#" !or shipme#t to 5$rma b& Toko 5oeki. -# A$"$st 2008' Toko 5oeki e ported to 5$rma two small c&li#drical "ri#ders' each %al$ed at 2.1 millio# &e#' or abo$t b28'000' witho$t permissio# o! (apa#ese a$thoritiesH this t&pe o! "ri#der' which was prod$ced b& 4a#ba *eisak$sho ,o. 2td' ca# be $sed to make missile co#trol s&stems a#d to "ri#d ma"#ets !or "as ce#tri!$"es.:: -# No%ember 2008' Toko 5oeki e ported a#other c&li#drical "ri#der to 5$rma. 5$rmaBs 4i#istr& o! -#d$str& No. 2 reportedl& recei%ed the "ri#ders. :4

-# No%ember 200)' 2i G&eo#" Fo o! Toko 5oeki tradi#" compa#& was !o$#d "$ilt& a#d "i%e# a two &ear s$spe#ded se#te#ce a#d a !i#e o! si millio# &e# <abo$t b87'000=. -# his r$li#"' the D$d"e said that all these e ports or attempted e ports i#%ol%ed ?all da#"ero$s eC$ipme#t $sed to de%elop a#d/or ma#$!act$re #$clear weapo#s.@:1 The D$d"e co#cl$ded that there was ?th$s a risk o! "reatl& a!!ecti#" the peace a#d sec$rit& o! (apa# a#d the world.@:8 Altho$"h this case implies that North 6orea was p$rchasi#" d$alA$se eC$ipme#t !or 5$rma' the i#%esti"atio# did #ot co#!irm whether the items were i#te#ded !or $se i# 5$rma i# a missile or #$clear pro"ram or !or shipme#t o#ward to North 6orea or a#other co$#tr&. *$spicio$s .roc$reme#ts b& 5$rmese +d$catio#al +#tit& Accordi#" to a +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce o!!icial' i# 2008 a#d 2007 5$rma made a series o! proc$reme#ts o! e tremel& hi"h precisio#' e pe#si%e d$alA$se i#d$strial eC$ipme#t' i#cl$di#" comp$terA#$mericall& co#trolled <,N,= machi#e tools' !rom compa#ies located i# *wit;erla#d' Germa#&' a#d (apa#. A# o!!icial !rom a#other "o%er#me#t k#owled"eable abo$t the case co#!irmed to -*-* these topAo!AtheAli#e proc$reme#ts. The eC$ipme#t was ordered b& a# a"e#c& o! the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t oste#sibl& respo#sible !or tech#ical ed$catio# pro"rams i# the co$#tr&' the /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al +d$catio# </T3+= $#der the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&. Fowe%er' the eC$ipme#t is too sophisticated !or #ormal teachi#" a#d st$de#t e#dea%ors. At the time o! the orders' accordi#" to a +$ropea# "o%er#me#t o!!icial' the head o! the /T3+ was /r. 6o 6o Oo' who was also the head o! 5$rmaBs /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& </A+=' also $#der the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&. O!!icials i# the /T3+ ha%e si"#i!ica#t perso##el li#ks a#d associatio#s with the /A+.:7 -# 200:' both e#tities shared a ph&sical address at the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&' a#d a# o!!icial at the /T3+ had a# eAmail address at the /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"&' dae.m& 5oth e#tities ha%e si#ce mo%ed to the #ew capital o! Na&p&idaw. -# s$ch a small co$#tr&' o!!icials mi"ht wear more tha# o#e ?hat'@ a#d #$clear o!!icials mi"ht do more tha# D$st #$clear. 5$t the co##ectio# raises the iss$e o! whether the eC$ipme#t is i#te#ded !or a #$clear p$rpose or whether the /T3+ acts as a proc$reme#t !ro#t !or the /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& or a militar& e#tit&. -t is $#clear i! the proc$reme#ts i# +$rope were le"alVtho$"h i! the eC$ipme#t were $ltimatel& $sed i# a militar& or #$clear pro"ram' these proc$reme#ts sho$ld be a"ai#st the law i# most +$ropea# co$#tries. The proc$reme#t ro$te a#d the e portBs le"alit& are $#k#ow# !or the eC$ipme#t se#t !rom (apa# to 5$rma. 9po# closer e ami#atio# b& +$ropea# o!!icials' the declared e#d $se o! the comp$terA#$mericall& co#trolled <,N,= machi#e tools did #ot look credible. Accordi#" to o#e +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce o!!icial' the declared e#d $se had too ma#& i#co#siste#cies to belie%e what was claimed. *ome o! the ,N, eC$ipme#t was %er& lar"e' with a base o! abo$t ei"ht meters' a#d declared !or $se i# ma#$!act$ri#" sophisticated locomoti%e diesel e#"i#e parts. 5$t desi"#s o! parts "i%e# to s$ppliers appeared i#completeH the& were missi#" ke& tolera#ces. O!!icials s$spected that the desi"#s were pho#& a#d the eC$ipme#t wo$ld act$all& be $sed to ma#$!act$re other parts. -# additio#' the C$alit& a#d price o! the eC$ipme#t is be&o#d what 5$rma wo$ld be e pected to p$rchase or #eed' "i%e# its relati%el& primiti%e diesel locomoti%e ma#$!act$ri#" base a#d its modest pla#s !or e pa#di#" this ma#$!act$ri#" capabilit&. :8 +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce ser%ices &ielded that the eC$ipme#t was m$ltiAp$rpose' r$##i#" the "am$t o! possible $ses' i#cl$di#" t$rbi#es i# aircra!t' hi"hAtech#olo"& ci%ilia# ma#$!act$ri#"' missile parts' or #$clear compo#e#t ma#$!act$ri#". The eC$ipme#t appeared o%ersi;ed !or "as ce#tri!$"e ma#$!act$ri#". -t co$ld still be $sed to make ce#tri!$"e parts' b$t it is $#eco#omical to b$& s$ch lar"e eC$ipme#t !or this e#d $se. -# additio#' the eC$ipme#t appeared too precise !or missile ma#$!act$ri#"' b$t it co$ld still be dedicated to s$ch a p$rpose.

-*-* has lear#ed that two sets o! this hi"h precisio# eC$ipme#t were se#t to two separate i#d$strial b$ildi#"s' at least o#e o! which was rece#tl& b$ilt. 5oth b$ildi#"s are said to be similarAlooki#"H the& are located a dista#ce !rom a#& maDor cit& a#d ha%e e te#si%e sec$rit&. 0i"$re 2 shows o#e o! the b$ildi#"s' which is a lar"e' bl$eAroo!ed str$ct$re located te# miles #ortheast o! the tow# .&i# Oo 2wi#' [88*9<;? 70 :G*G8:H E] where 5$rmaBs /e!e#se *er%ices Academ& trai#i#" !acilit& a#d other militar& i#stallatio#s are located' a#d abo$t :1 miles !rom 4a#dala&' the #earest maDor cit&. This b$ildi#" is at the e#d o! a lo#" road set back !rom the mai# hi"hwa& a#d appears remote. 0i"$re : shows the seco#d b$ildi#". -t is located appro imatel& 80 miles west o! 4a#dala& <21.72:882' )4.788484= <see !i"$re 4=. -t has %er& similar characteristics to the !irst b$ildi#" #ear .&i# Oo 2wi#. The b$ildi#" is located o# a# isolated compo$#d a#d sits o# a wide !o$#datio#H its side le#"ths are esse#tiall& ide#tical to the !irst b$ildi#" <^80 meters=' the roo! is %a$lted a#d it appears to be bl$e i# color <see !i"$re 1=. A +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce a"e#c& co#!irmed to -*-* that this is i#deed the seco#d b$ildi#". The b$ildi#"sB dista#ce !rom a maDor cit& is odd beca$se o#e wo$ld e pect !acilities that make locomoti%e e#"i#es or sophisticated parts to be #ear a maDor cit& a#d a skilled ci%ilia# work !orce. -# co#trast' a work!orce operati#" at the !irst b$ildi#" i# !i"$re 2 wo$ld #eed to tra%el abo$t o#e ho$r b& b$s !rom 4a#dala& to reach it. -# !act' the eC$ipme#t wo$ld be e pected to "o to e isti#" diesel locomoti%e ma#$!act$ri#" !acilities' i# partic$lar the -#sei# 2ocomoti%e *hed a#d the Gwahta$#" /iesel 2ocomoti%e *hed' both o! which were bei#" $p"raded i# 2008 to make diesel locomoti%es a#d are located #ear Ga#"o# a#d 4a#dala&' respecti%el& <see !i"$res 8 a#d 7=. :) The b$ildi#" i# !i"$re 2 was b$ilt i#side a deep hole' accordi#" to a# i#telli"e#ce o!!icial. -t appears to be a lar"e i#d$strial b$ildi#" <270 !eet o# each side= with a 40A!oot wide road leadi#" to the b$ildi#". The width o! the road wo$ld impl& the $se o! lo#" tr$cks or tr$cks ha$li#" wide or lo#" obDects. ,ommercial satellite ima"es o! the b$ildi#" see# i# !i"$re 2 dati#" to 2001' earl& i# its co#str$ctio# phase' show lar"e' st$rd& !o$#datio#s' b$t the b$ildi#" D$d"ed as $#s$itable to s$pport a #$clear reactor.40 Additio#all&' #o railroad tracks are %isible i# !i"$re 2' which s$""ests the b$ildi#" is #ot !or assembli#" locomoti%es. At !irst' +$ropea# a#al&sts belie%ed that 5$rma was #ot the act$al e#d $ser o! these sophisticated imports' a#d tho$"ht perhaps North 6orea was the hidde# b$&er. The b$ildi#"s lacked %ital climate co#trol eC$ipme#t' i#cl$di#" air co#ditio#i#". 5eca$se e cess h$midit& ca# dama"e the d$alA$se eC$ipme#t' i#itial assessme#ts ass$med that 5$rma i#te#ded to ship the eC$ipme#t elsewhere. 5$t as o! midA200)' the eC$ipme#t was still i# 5$rma. -# additio#' #o co##ectio# to a#other co$#tr& has bee# established. *ome spec$late that North 6orea co$ld locate militar& i#d$stries i#side 5$rma. 5$t is the 5$rmese work!orce s$!!icie#tl& trai#ed to operate them !or North 6oreaO The work!orce i# North 6orea is more hi"hl& skilled' a#d North 6orea ca# proc$re ,N, machi#es !or itsel!. No#etheless' a Doi#t 5$rmese/North 6orea# militar& or #$clear e#terprise mi"ht make se#se. The C$estio# that remai#s is what is 5$rma pla##i#" to do with the eC$ipme#t i# these b$ildi#"sO -s the pla##ed $se reall& !or maki#" locomoti%e diesel e#"i#e parts or is it related to #$clear' missile' or co#%e#tio#al weapo#sO A ke& challe#"e is how to determi#e the tr$e p$rpose o! these imports o! sophisticated machi#er& a#d e#s$re that !$t$re o#es are s$bDect to more scr$ti#& b& s$pplier states. ,o#cl$sio# a#d .olic& Recomme#datio#s: There remai# so$#d reaso#s to s$spect that the militar& re"ime i# 5$rma mi"ht be p$rs$i#" a lo#"Aterm strate"& to make #$clear weapo#s. /espite the p$blic reports to the co#trar&' the militar& D$#ta does #ot appear to be

close to establishi#" a si"#i!ica#t #$clear capabilit&. -#!ormatio# s$""esti#" the co#str$ctio# o! maDor #$clear !acilities appears $#reliable or i#co#cl$si%e. Assi"#i#" a p$rpose to s$spicio$s proc$reme#ts likewise remai#s $#certai#. The proc$reme#ts are m$ltiA p$rpose a#d di!!ic$lt to correlate co#cl$si%el& with a secret missile or #$clear pro"ram. Altho$"h 5$rma a#d North 6orea appear to be cooperati#" o# ille"al proc$reme#ts' who is helpi#" who ca##ot be determi#ed with the a%ailable i#!ormatio#. -s North 6orea helpi#" 5$rma acC$ire #$clear' co#%e#tio#al weapo#' or missile capabilities or is 5$rma assisti#" North 6orea acC$ire this eC$ipme#tO No#etheless' the e%ide#ce s$pports that the re"ime wa#ts to de%elop a #$clear capabilit& o! some t&pe' b$t whether its $ltimate p$rpose is peace!$l or militar& remai#s a m&ster&. The o$tsta#di#" C$estio#s abo$t the re"imeBs acti%ities reC$ire that there be more scr$ti#& o! 5$rma to ascertai# i! there is a# $#derl&i#" secret #$clear pro"ram. 5eca$se 5$rmaBs k#ow# #$clear pro"ram is so small' the 9#ited *tates a#d its allies ha%e a# opport$#it& to both e#"a"e a#d press$re the militar& re"ime i# a ma##er that wo$ld make it e tremel& di!!ic$lt !or 5$rma to acC$ire a #$clear weapo#s capabilit&' let alo#e #$clear weapo#s. A priorit& is to establish "reater tra#spare#c& o%er 5$rmaBs a#d North 6oreaBs acti%ities a#d i#hibit a#& #$clear or #$clear d$alA$se tra#s!ers to 5$rma. A related problem is e#s$ri#" that 5$rma is #ot helpi#" North 6orea acC$ire #$clear a#d other militar& "oods ille"all&. 3i"oro$s impleme#tatio# o! the rece#t 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874 o# North 6orea is help!$l to these "oals. The 9.*. a#d other "o%er#me#ts sho$ld co#ti#$e to press 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime to abide b& this resol$tio#. To rei#!orce this messa"e' 5$rma sho$ld be made more aware o! the pe#alties o! bei#" labeled a pariah state. The 9#ited *tates a#d its +$ropea# allies ha%e strai#ed relatio#s with the militar& dictatorship with !ew opport$#ities to appeal to 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime. At the same time' the re"ime has demo#strated little i#terest i# breaki#" o$t o! its isolatio#' altho$"h it has show# a rece#t i#terest i# e#"a"i#" with the 9#ited *tates. The Obama admi#istratio# is ri"ht to tr& to e ploit this i#terest b& attempti#" to e#"a"e with the re"ime' despite the ob%io$s di!!ic$lties. A stated 9.*. "oal is to i#d$ce the re"ime to break or dimi#ish its relatio#ship with North 6orea. R$ssia sho$ld be pri%atel& e#co$ra"ed that be!ore it pro%ides 5$rma with a research reactor' the re"ime #eeds to meet a set o! speci!ic co#ditio#s. 4ore e!!ecti%e sa!e"$ards wo$ld be the pri#cipal co#ditio#' i#cl$di#" the Additio#al .rotocol alo#" with $p"raded sa!et& a#d sec$rit& i#!rastr$ct$re. Also #ecessar& are %eri!iable commitme#ts b& the 5$rmese re"ime to #ot proc$re eC$ipme#t illicitl& a#d to abide b& 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which wo$ld mea# 5$rma wo$ld #ot b$& a#& #$clear !acilities' eC$ipme#t' or materials !rom North 6orea. 5$rmaBs s$spicio$s proc$reme#ts as well as its cooperatio# with North 6orea sho$ld ca$se s$ppliers to be more %i"ila#t. *$ppliers #eed to e ercise "reater ca$tio# abo$t e#C$iries !rom 5$rmese e#tities or compa#ies i# other co$#tries where there is a# i#dicatio# that "oods are desti#ed !or 5$rma. Go%er#me#ts sho$ld war# their compa#ies abo$t possible attempts b& 5$rma to acC$ire hi"h precisio# machi#er& or other se#siti%e d$al $se items. The co$#tries that s$pplied the hi"hAprecisio# eC$ipme#t i# 2008 a#d 2007 sho$ld !i#d a le"al D$sti!icatio# to press !or access to the eC$ipme#t i# order to %eri!& that it is bei#" $sed !or its declared p$rpose. The 9#ited *tates is pla##i#" to hold more disc$ssio#s with 5$rma. -# these disc$ssio#s' the 9#ited *tates sho$ld press !or access to certai# s$spicio$s sites as a wa& to b$ild co#!ide#ce. The *&ria# reactor' -ra#Bs "as ce#tri!$"e $ra#i$m e#richme#t pro"ram' a#d .akista#Bs hi"hl& e#riched $ra#i$m pro"ram were all e#abled i# lar"e part beca$se o! the !ail$re o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to halt the illicit sale o! #$clearArelated tech#olo"&. The i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& has a $#iC$e opport$#it& to set a #ew precede#t a#d

pre%e#t 5$rma !rom acC$iri#" materials that co$ld e%e#t$all& be $sed i# a# $#sa!e"$arded #$clear pro"ram. 5$rma has #o reaso# to seek #$clear weapo#s. The i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& sho$ld co#%i#ce 5$rma that pled"i#" #ot to do so i# a tr$l& %eri!iable ma##er co$ld pro%ide si"#i!ica#t be#e!its.

5igure %8 Around photograph obtained by Bertil 6intner at <aleAlobal 4nline8 -S-S assessed that this photograph depicts a dam penstock8

5igure #8 A large* blue'roofed structure located ten miles northeast of the town yin 4o 6win* where Burma>s @efense Ser7ices Academy training facility and other military installations are located* and about &, miles from Mandalay* the nearest ma!or city8 -S-S learned that a set of high precision eBuipment was sent to this building8 .pon closer eCamination by 0uropean officials* Burma>s declared end use of the eBuipment did not look credible8

5igure &8 -S-S learned that another set of the high precision eBuipment in the first building was also sent to this building.

5igure +8 1he buildings are located west and east of Mandalay8 1he building in 5igure # is located in the area circled to the east of Mandalay8 1he building in 5igure & is in the area circled to the west of Mandalay8

5igure ,8 A side'by'side comparison of the two buildings8 1he building on the left is seen in figure #* the building on the right is seen in figure &8 1he buildings both ha7e nearly identical side lengths of approCimately ?$ meters8 Both ha7e 7aulted roofs* which appear to be blue in color8 Both are located on isolated compounds and both buildings are placed on top of wide foundations8

5igure H8 A wide'7iew image of the city <angon in Burma8 1he -nsein 6ocomoti7e Shed is likely located within -nsein 1ownship* circled in blue8

5igure )8 =ide'7iew of Mandalay in Burma8 1he <wahtaung @iesel 6ocomoti7e Shed is likely located in the area circled in blue8

1Gle## 2-bid.

6essler' ?,li#to#: 9.*. Ear& o! Growi#" 5$rmese' North 6orea# 4ilitar& ,ooperatio#'@ The Eashi#"to# .ost' ($l& 21' 200).

to -*-* sta!! b& -A+A o!!icials' (a#$ar& 28' 2002.

4-bid. 1?*tateme#t

o! the 2eader o! the 4&a#mar /ele"atio# (.+. 9 Ti# Ei# to the 1:rd A##$al Re"$lar *essio# o! the -A+A Ge#eral ,o#!ere#ce'@ -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' 3ie##a' *eptember 14A18' 200).
84&a#mar 74ichael

4i#istr& o! +#er"&' ?N$clear +#er"&: 9ra#i$m Ore /eposits o! 4&a#mar.@ http://www.e#er"&."$cleare#er"&s$bsector.htm *$lli%a#' ?/oes 4&a#mar Ea#t N$clear Eeapo#s'@ Natio#al .$blic Radio. A$"$st 24' 200). Tra#script o! radio broadcast.
8?*tateme#t )6$rt 100or

o! the 2eader o! the 4&a#mar /ele"atio# to the -A+A Ge#eral ,o#!ere#ce.@

,ampbell' Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs' *tateme#t 5e!ore the Fo$se ,ommittee o# 0orei"# A!!airs' Eashi#"to#' /.,.' October 21' 200). a# e ample o! a# alle"ed $ra#i$m mi#e a#d mill' see /ictatorEatch.or"' 4arch 2007' http://www.dictatorwatch.or"/phshows/b$rma!acilit&.html.

2i#t#er' ?5$rmaBs N$clear Temptatio#'@ GaleGlobal O#li#e' /ecember :' 2008: http://&ale"lobal.&ale.ed$/displa&.articleOid`1187:. 5ertil 2i#t#er' ?T$##els' G$#s a#d 6imchi: North 6oreaBs N$est !or /ollars P .art 1'@ GaleGlobal O#li#e' ($#e )' 200): http://&ale"lobal.&ale.ed$/displa&.articleOid`12442 .
12/esmo#d 1:/esmo#d

5all' ?5$rmaBs N$clear .ro"rams: The /e!ectorsB *tor&'@ *ec$rit& ,halle#"es' 3ol. 1' No. 4 <*$mmer 200)=. http://www.sec$rit&challe#"es.or".a$/Article.a"es/%ol1#o45all.html. 5all a#d .hil Thorto#' ?5$rmaBs N$clear *ecrets'@ The *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald' A$"$st 1' 200)'$/#ews/world/b$rma8217sA#$clearA secrets/200)/07/:1/1248)771)7870.htmlOpa"e`!$llpa"eeco#te#t*wap2

to /esmo#d 5all a#d .hil Thorto# !rom Rola#d Eatso#' /ictatorEatch' A$"$st :' 200). www.dictatorwatch.or".
11?5$rmaBs 18-ma"er&

N$clear .ro"rams: The /e!ectorsB *tor&.@

5rie! o! T$##el ,omple a#d 9#ide#ti!ied 5$ildi#" i# 4&a#mar' -*-*' A$"$st :' 200). http://isisAo#li#e.or"/$ploads/isisAreports/doc$me#ts/5$rmaRt$##elsR:A$"$st200).pd!

4arch 2007' http://www.dictatorwatch.or"/phshows/b$rma!acilit&.htmlH ?5$rmaBs

N$clear *ecrets.@

6elle&' A#drea *cheel *tricker' a#d .a$l 5ra##a#' + plori#" ,laims abo$t *ecret N$clear *ites i# 4&a#mar' -*-*' (a#$ar& 28' 2010.
1)?.akista#i 20?4&a#mar

,o##ectio#'@ The .io#eer <New /elhi=' /ecember 1)' 2001. ,o#!irms .la#s to 5$ild N$clear Research Reactor'@ A"e#ceA0ra#ce .resse. (a#$ar& 22'


*olomo#' ?Tests .oi#t to *pread o! Eeapo#s Trade'@ The Eall *treet (o$r#al' 4a& 28' 200)H i#ter%iews with a se#ior +$ropea# i#telli"e#ce a"e#c& o!!icial.

22Ar$# 2:-bid. 24-bid. 21That

5hattacharDee' ?-#dia 0rets O%er Ga#"o#A.&o#"&a#" /eal'@ Asia Times' ($#e 4' 2004.

the item was alle"edl& i#te#ded !or tra#sshipme#t thro$"h 4ala&sia is i#dicated i#: 4ari Gama"$chi' ?(apa# Folds : Acc$sed o! Tradi#" !or N6orea'@ Associated .ress. ($#e :0' 200).`))0278Yla#"`e#"R#ews.
28?(apa# 27?: 28?:

Folds : Acc$sed.@

Feld O%er + port 5id o! /.R6 4issile 6#owAFow to 4&a#mar'@ The Gomi$ri *himb$#' ($#e :0' 200). http://www.&omi$ + ecs Arrested !or Attempti#" to + port ?/$alA9se@ Tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar'@ The 4ai#ichi /ail&' ($#e :0' 200). http://md#.mai#ichi.Dp/md##ews/#ews/200)08:0p2a00m0#a011000c.html.
2)-bid. :0?:

Feld O%er + port 5id.@ Folds : Acc$sed.@


:2Takashi ::?Tok&o :4-bid.

Firokawa a#d *achiko *akamaki' ?(apa#ese .olice *earch 0irm 2i#ked to North 6orea' 6awam$ra *a&s'@ 5loomber". 0ebr$ar& 28' 200). Trader ,har"ed with *elli#" *e#siti%e 4achi#es to 4&a#mar'@ Lee News. ($l& 24' 200)H a#d *$mmar& o! ($d"me#t' *e#te#ce passed No%ember 1' 200) <tra#slated !rom (apa#ese=.
:1*$mmar& :8-bid. :7A#drea :8?.rime

o! ($d"me#t.

*cheel *tricker' /eep ,o##ectio#s betwee# 4&a#marBs /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al +d$catio# a#d /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"&' -*-*' (a#$ar& 28' 2010. 4i#ister o# -#spectio# To$r o! 4&it#"e ,arria"e a#d Ea"o# Eorkshop' Gwahta$#" /iesel 2ocomoti%e *hed'@ The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar' *eptember 27' 2008. *ee also$.i#t/^m&a#mar/07#lm/#070420.htm a#d

*heet' 4&a#mar -#!ormatio# ,ommittee' Ga#"o#' *eptember 27' 2008: http://www.m&a#marAi#!ormatio#.#et/i#!osheet/2008/080)27.htm


Ai#Ab$rmaAprelimi#ar&Aa#al&sis.htmlH *ee also -ma"er& 5rie! o! T$##el ,omple a#d 9#ide#ti!ied 5$ildi#" i# 4&a#mar' -*-*' op. cit.H"AoddAm&a#marAbo H a#d


=hite ;ouse wary of growing military ties between Burma* N8 Korea

5& (oh# .om!ret Eashi#"to# .ost *ta!! Eriter T$esda&' 4arch 2' 2010H 2:10 .4 The Obama admi#istratio# is co#cer#ed that 5$rma is e pa#di#" its militar& relatio#ship with North 6orea a#d has la$#ched a# a""ressi%e campai"# to co#%i#ce 5$rmaJs D$#ta to stop b$&i#" North 6orea# militar& tech#olo"&' 9.*. o!!icials said. ,o#cer#s abo$t the relatio#ship AA which e#compass the sale o! small arms' missile compo#e#ts a#d' most worr&i#"l&' possible #$clearAweapo#sArelated tech#olo"& AA helped prompt the Obama admi#istratio# last October to e#d the 5$shAera polic& o! isolati#" the militar& D$#ta' said a se#ior *tate /epartme#t o!!icial' speaki#" o# the co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit& beca$se o! the se#siti%it& o! the s$bDect. *o !ar' se#ior 9.*. o!!icials ha%e had !o$r meeti#"s with their 5$rmese co$#terparts' with a !i!th o#e e pected soo#. KO$r most decisi%e i#teractio#s ha%e bee# aro$#d North 6orea'K the o!!icial said. KEeJ%e bee# %er& clear to 5$rma. EeJll see o%er time i! itJs bee# heard.K ,riticism a#d C$estio#s ha%e mo$#ted !rom ,o#"ress a#d h$ma# ri"hts or"a#i;atio#s o%er the admi#istratio#Js #ew polic& toward the *o$theast Asia# #atio#' which is also k#ow# as 4&a#mar. Rep. Foward 2. 5erma# </A,ali!.=' chairma# o! the Fo$se ,ommittee o# 0orei"# A!!airs a#d "e#erall& a s$pporter o! the admi#istratio#Js !orei"# polic&' has rece#tl& called !or the admi#istratio# to i#crease the press$re o# 5$rma' i#cl$di#" ti"hte#i#" the sa#ctio#s that the 9#ited *tates has imposed o# the re"ime. KRece#t e%e#ts ha%e raised the pro!ile o! h$ma#itaria# iss$es there'K 5erma# said 0rida&. K*$pport is "rowi#" !or more actio# i# additio# to o#"oi#" e!!orts.K Th$s !ar' the e#"a"eme#t polic& has #ot &ielded a#& cha#"e i# 5$rmaJs treatme#t o! domestic oppo#e#ts. O# 0rida&' 5$rmaJs s$preme co$rt reDected oppositio# leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&iJs latest bid to e#d more tha# a decade o! ho$se arrest. The Nobel .eace pri;e la$reateJs Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac& wo# electio#s i# 1))0' b$t the militar&' which has r$led 5$rma si#ce 1)82' did #ot cede power. -# rece#t mo#ths' the D$#ta has also ramped $p repressio# a"ai#st political disside#ts a#d eth#ic "ro$ps' altho$"h it has released o#e a"i#" disside#t AA 9 Ti# Oo AA a!ter almost se%e# &ears i# dete#tio#. Tho$sa#ds o! people ha%e !led 5$rmese militar& assa$lts i#to ,hi#a' 5a#"ladesh a#d Thaila#d i# the mo#ths !ollowi#" the 9.*. ope#i#". A report iss$ed this week b& the 6are# Eome# Or"a#i;atio# alle"ed that 5$rmese troops ha%e "a#"Araped' m$rdered a#d e%e# cr$ci!ied 6are# wome# as the soldiers ha%e attempted to root o$t a 80A&earAold i#s$r"e#c& b& "$errillas o! that eth#ic mi#orit&. O# 0eb. 10' a 5$rmese co$rt se#te#ced a #at$rali;ed 5$rmese America# political acti%ist !rom 4o#t"omer& ,o$#t& to three &ears o! hard labor' a#d alle"edl& beat him' de#ied him !ood a#d water' a#d placed him i# isolatio# i# a ti#& cell with #o toilet. 5$rma rece#tl& s#$bbed the 9#ited Natio#sJ special e#%o& o# h$ma# ri"hts' Tomas ODea N$i#ta#a' de#&i#" him a meeti#" with *$$ 6&i a#d access to 5$rmaJs se#ior leadership.

KThe bad beha%ior has i#creased'K said +r#ie 5ower' a# e pert o# *o$theast Asia at the ,e#ter !or *trate"ic a#d -#ter#atio#al *t$dies. Ne%ertheless' 9.*. o!!icials ar"$e AA a#d 5ower a#d others a"ree AA that talki#" with 5$rma still is the best wa& !orward' especiall& "i%e# the co#cer#s abo$t 5$rmaJs deepe#i#" militar& relatio#ship with North 6orea. -t is also importa#t to keep talki#" with 5$rma' said *e#. (ames Eebb </A3a.=' beca$se ,hi#a is more tha# willi#" to replace 9.*. i#!l$e#ce i# 5$rma a#d thro$"ho$t *o$theast Asia. EebbJs trip to 5$rma last A$"$st AA the !irst b& a member o! ,o#"ress i# a decade AA has bee# credited with "i%i#" the Obama admi#istratio# the political co%er to ope# $p talks with the D$#ta. 9#derli#i#" the admi#istratio#Js co#cer#s with 5$rma is a desire to a%oid a repeat o! e%e#ts that $#!olded i# *&ria i# 2007. North 6orea is belie%ed to ha%e helped to secretl& b$ilt a #$clear reactor there capable o! prod$ci#" pl$to#i$m. -t was reportedl& o#l& weeks or mo#ths awa& !rom bei#" !$#ctio#al be!ore -sraeli warpla#es bombed it i# *eptember o! that &ear. KThe lesso# here is the *&ria# o#e'K said /a%id Albri"ht' preside#t o! the #o#A"o%er#me#tal -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& a#d a# e pert o# #$clear proli!eratio#. KThat was s$ch a massi%e i#telli"e#ce !ail$re. Go$ ca#Jt be s$re that North 6orea is#Jt doi#" it someplace else. The 9.*. "o%er#me#t ca#Jt a!!ord to be bli#dsided a"ai#.K 5$rma is belie%ed to ha%e started a militar& relatio#ship with North 6orea i# 2007. 5$t with the passa"e o! a 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio# last ($#e ba##i#" all weapo#s e ports !rom North 6orea' 5$rma has emer"ed Kas a m$ch bi""er pla&er tha# it was'K the se#ior America# o!!icial said. -# a report Albri"ht coAwrote i# (a#$ar& titled K5$rma: A N$clear Ea##abe'K he o$tli#ed the case !or co#cer# abo$t 5$rmaJs relatio#s with North 6orea. 0irst' 5$rma has alread& si"#ed a deal with R$ssia !or the s$ppl& o! a 10Ame"awatt thermal research reactor' altho$"h #o co#str$ctio# o! the research ce#ter had started as o! *eptember 200). *eco#d' altho$"h there are ma#& $#%eri!ied claims !rom disside#t "ro$ps abo$t co%ert #$clear sites i# 5$rma' the report said Kthere remai# le"itimate reaso#s to s$spect the e iste#ce o! $#declared #$clear acti%ities i# 5$rma' partic$larl& i# the co#te t o! North 6orea# cooperatio#.K The report #oted that the same compa#& that aided the *&ria#s i# co#str$cti#" their #$clear !acilit& is acti%e i# 5$rma. The compa#&' Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" <N,G=' is sa#ctio#ed b& 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. -t is $#clear what e actl& N,G is doi#" i# 5$rma' the report said' b$t its prese#ce there Kis bo$#d to i#crease s$spicio#s abo$t s$ch a sale.K -# ($#e 200)' (apa#ese a$thorities cracked a case that i#%ol%ed the sale o! a ma"#etometer a#d other se#siti%e eC$ipme#t that co$ld be $sed to de%elop or ma#$!act$re #$clear weapo#s AA !rom a 5eiDi#"A based North 6orea# tradi#" compa#& to 5$rma. 0i#all&' the se#ior 9.*. o!!icial #oted that starti#" abo$t ei"ht &ears a"o' a lar"e #$mber o! 5$rmese st$de#ts were "oi#" to R$ssia to st$d& i# #$clearArelated !ields. K-tJs #ot D$st do;e#s' itJs h$#dreds'K he said.


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, 4arch :' 2010 [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: /o &o$ ha%e a#& comme#t o# the report that the 9.*. Go%er#me#t is co#cer#ed abo$t a possible #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar b& North 6oreaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: As weB%e said at the podi$m ma#& times' we are co#cer#ed abo$t the pote#tial co#tacts with North 6orea a#d 5$rma. Are P we do ha%e co#cer#s abo$t #$clear cooperatio#. ThatBs o#e o! the reaso#s wh& we worked with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to pass Resol$tio# 1874. A#d we also #ote that' as we disc$ssed last !all' that 5$rma itsel! has take# steps i# s$pport o! 1874. 5$t this is somethi#" that we will co#ti#$e to talk to 5$rma abo$t i# o$r bilateral dialo"$e. N9+*T-ON: A#d do &o$ ha%e a#& pla# to ha%e a#other meeti#" with 5$rmese o!!icials o# that iss$eO 4R. ,ROE2+G: - ha%e #othi#" to !orecast i# terms o! the #e t step i# o$r bilateral dialo"$e.


Burma'North Korea 1ies ose a New ;eadache for .S

5& A9NG LAE Eed#esda&' 4arch :' 2010 The 9* has bee# a leadi#" critic o! the 5$rmese re"imeJs appalli#" h$ma# ri"hts %iolatio#s a#d repressio# o! the co$#tr&Js oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orities. Now' howe%er' a shi!t i# Eashi#"to#Js 5$rma polic& ca# be discer#ed as the Obama admi#istratio# seeks to e#"a"e with the re"ime. The e#"a"eme#t polic& is #ot o#l& abo$t promoti#" democrac& a#d h$ma# ri"hts i# the militar&Ar$led co$#tr&. The most pressi#" iss$e is the warmi#" relatio#ship betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. /$ri#" his !irst %isit to 5$rma last &ear' 9* Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell told the D$#ta leaders o! Eashi#"to#Js co#cer# abo$t the i#creasi#" militar& ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. -t is#Jt clear whether 5$rma "a%e ass$ra#ces to the 9*. The 9* wa#ts to see the 5$rmese re"ime se%er its militar& ties with North 6orea' b$t it wo#Jt ha%e a# eas& task co#%i#ci#" the recl$si%e "e#erals. The Eashi#"to# .ost' C$oti#" 9* o!!icials' reported this week that the Obama admi#istratio# had la$#ched a# a""ressi%e campai"# to co#%i#ce 5$rmaJs D$#ta to stop b$&i#" North 6orea# militar& tech#olo"&. A se#ior 9* *tate /epartme#t o!!icial' speaki#" o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit&' told the #ewspaper: ?O$r most decisi%e i#teractio#s ha%e bee# aro$#d North 6orea. EeJ%e bee# %er& clear to 5$rma. EeJll see o%er time i! itJs bee# heard.@ 5$rmaBs #ei"hbors' as well as the 9*' will #eed to care!$ll& mo#itor the stre#"the#i#" ties betwee# Na&p&idaw a#d .&o#"&a#". 2ast mo#th' alarm bells ra#" whe# 5$rmaJs stateAr$# media reported that se%eral hi"hAra#ki#" 5$rmese militar& o!!icials' i#cl$di#" 2tAGe# Ti# A&e' ra#ked No 1 i# the 5$rmese armed !orces hierarch&' participated i# a Ra#"oo# ceremo#& to mark the 88th birthda& o! North 6orea# leader 6im (o#" -l. The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar ra# a !ro#tApa"e stor& with a photo"raph o! Ti# A&e a#d North 6orea# Ambassador 6im *ok ,hol holdi#" ha#ds to"ether at a welcomi#" receptio#. A# i#teresti#" de%elopme#t was a !$llApa"e birthda& trib$te to 6im (o#" -l' p$blished i# the 5$rmese la#"$a"e ?.op$lar (o$r#al@ a#d praisi#" 6im as a tr$e patriotic leader. The article hailed 6imJs creatio# o! #$clear a#d "$ided missile pro"rams' sa&i#" he had stood $p a"ai#st the Eest a#d sacri!iced his li!e !or the !$t$re o! North 6orea. There is #o do$bt that the re"imeBs #otorio$s ce#sorship board appro%ed the article a!ter recei%i#" the "ree# li"ht !rom top leaders i# Na&p&idaw. 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e de%eloped a militar& relatio#ship si#ce the two co$#tries restored diplomatic ties i# 2007.

A#al&sts belie%e that cla#desti#e militar& ties betwee# the two co$#tries ma& ha%e bee# reestablished as earl& as 1)))' whe# 5$rmese o!!icials paid a lowApro!ile %isit to the North 6orea capital. 2ast &ear' The -rrawadd& e posed a leaked report o! a cla#desti#e %isit b& Ge# *hwe 4a## to militar& !acilities a#d missile !actories i# North 6orea. As chie! o! sta!! o! the arm&' #a%& a#d air !orce' a#d the coordi#ator o! *pecial Operatio#s' *hwe 4a## led a 17Amember' hi"hAle%el dele"atio# o# a se%e#Ada& %isit to .&o#"&a#". Amo#" the sites the& %isited were secret t$##el comple es b$ilt i#to the sides o! mo$#tai#s to store a#d shield Det aircra!t' missiles' ta#ks a#d' possibl&' #$clear a#d chemical weapo#s. Accompa#ied b& air de!e#se chie! 2tAGe# 4&i#t Flai#" a#d other se#ior arm& leaders !rom hea%& i#d$stries' the dele"atio# was clearl& o# a missio# to ceme#t stro#"er militar& ties with the hermit state. /$ri#" the %isit' *hwe 4a## a#d his North 6orea# co$#terpart' Ge# 6im 6&okAsik' si"#ed a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#"' o!!iciall& !ormali;i#" militar& cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. -# ($l& 200)' 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# e pressed co#cer# o%er militar& li#ks betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. ?Ee k#ow that there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& coAoperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take %er& serio$sl&'@ ,li#to# told Do$r#alists i# 5a#"kok d$ri#" a %isit to *o$theast Asia. ?-t wo$ld be destabili;i#" !or the re"io#. -t wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors.@ 4ilitar& a#al&sts sa& the North 6orea# re"ime has pro%ided 5$rma with weapo#s' militar& tech#olo"& tra#s!ers a#d e pertise i# $#der"ro$#d t$##eli#" $sed !or co#ceali#" secret militar& i#stallatio#s. *i#ce 2002' the& sa&' do;e#s o! North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e assisted the 5$rmese armed !orces. 9#der the terms o! the memora#d$m' North 6orea wo$ld b$ild or s$per%ise the co#str$ctio# o! special 5$rmese militar& !acilities' i#cl$di#" t$##els a#d ca%es i# which missiles' aircra!t a#d e%e# #a%al ships co$ld be hidde#. 5$rma wo$ld also recei%e e pert trai#i#" !or its special !orces' as well as air a#d de!e#se trai#i#". The 5$rmese o!!icials who alerted the o$tside world to these de%elopme#ts were h$#ted dow#' bro$"ht to trial a#d se#te#ced to death. *ome arm& o!!icials still at lar"e i#sisted that the 5$rmese re"ime pla#s to acC$ire #$clear weapo#s. A !ormer arm& o!!icial who still has co##ectio#s withi# the arm& told The -rrawadd& rece#tl& that top arm& leaders belie%e that the possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s will "ai# 5$rma more bar"ai#i#" chips with the Eest a#d #ei"hbori#" "o%er#me#ts.. The o!!icial said' ?The& <5$rmese leaders= look $p to North 6orea a#d .akista# as role models a#d the& are #ot o$t o! to$ch a#d the& alwa&s st$d& the re"io#al a#d i#ter#atio#al la#dscape with kee# i#terest.@

5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ram i#cl$des the acC$isitio# o! a 10Ame"awatt li"ht water #$clear reactor !rom R$ssia. -ts secret locatio# is i# 4a"we' ce#tral 5$rma. -# 2008' #$clear ph&sics departme#ts were established i# the $#i%ersities o! Ra#"oo# a#d 4a#dala&' with e#rollme#t co#trolled b& the "o%er#me#t. -# 2007' R$ssiaBs ambassador to 5$rma' /r 4ikhail 4. 4"elad;e' co#!irmed that abo$t 2'000 5$rmese st$de#ts had bee# admitted to 11 academic i#stit$tio#s i# R$ssia $#der a bilateral a"reeme#t' a#d abo$t 100 had ret$r#ed to 5$rma with bachelor' masterBs or doctorate de"rees. -# 4a& 2007' R$ssia a#d 5$rma si"#ed a #ew a"reeme#t i# 4oscow ?o# the establishme#t o! a #$clear research ce#ter i# 4&a#mar.@ The si"#atories were 5$rmaBs scie#ce a#d tech#olo"& mi#ister 9 Tha$#" a#d the head o! R$ssiaBs N$clear .ower A"e#c& <Rosatom=' *er"e& 6iri&e#ko. R$ssia is #ot o# the 9* #$clear watch list. ?-! it was D$st the R$ssia# reactor' $#der !$ll i#ter#atio#al e#er"& s$per%isio#' the# the likelihood o! them bei#" able to do somethi#" with it i# terms o! a bomb wo$ld be ;ero'@ accordi#" to .ro! /esmo#d 5all' who speciali;es i# sec$rit& iss$es i# the re"io#. ?-tJs the North 6orea# eleme#t that adds da#"er to it.@ A$#" Law is !o$#der a#d editor o! the -rrawadd& ma"a;i#e. Fe ca# be reached at a$#";awXirrawadd&.or".*-T+/data/htmlRdir/2010/0:/11/20100:1100:8.asp

.8S8 en7oy denies bid to change N8K8 regime

5& 6im *oAh&$# < Th$rsda&' 4arch 11' 110 [-ccessed 89;9&9?&;;T;H5<9A] [EXCERPT] 9.*. ambassador to *o$th 6orea 6athlee# *tephe#s said &esterda& her co$#tr& has #o i#te#tio# o! toppli#" the North 6orea# re"ime b& !orce' a da& a!ter .&o#"&a#" called the o#"oi#" *o$th 6oreaA 9.*. militar& drill Ka rehearsal !or #$clear attack.K KThe 9#ited *tates has #o hostile i#te#t toward the people o! North 6orea #or are we threate#i#" to cha#"e the North 6orea# re"ime thro$"h !orce'K *tephe#s told a !or$m i# *eo$l hosted b& a "ro$p o! #o#"o%er#me#tal or"a#i;atio#s dedicated to $#i!icatio#. KO$r aim is to !i#d diplomatic sol$tio#s to worki#" with North 6orea.K North 6orea claims the 6e& Resol%e a#d 0oal +a"le e ercise' a# a##$al *o$th 6oreaA9.*. Doi#t militar& drill that be"a# 4o#da& across the *o$th !or a# 11Ada& r$#' demo#strates persisti#" 9.*. hostilities a"ai#st the comm$#ist co$#tr&. The North said it wo$ld co#ti#$e to bolster its #$clear arms de%elopme#t i! the 9#ited *tates does #ot drop what .&o#"&a#" called militar& threats a#d pro%ocatio#s. *tephe#s said Eashi#"to# wo$ld #ot accept North 6orea as a #$clear weapo#s state a#d that it was co#cer#ed abo$t the North e porti#" #$clear or ballistic missileArelated parts to 4&a#mar or -ra#.


Burmese 3eactors Close to Completion2 Military Sources

5& 4-N 2E-N *at$rda&' 4arch 1:' 2010 5$rmaJs r$li#" D$#ta has !i#ished co#str$ctio# work o# three #$clear reactors i# the co$#tr&Js #orth a#d will soo# be read& to p$t them i#to operatio#' accordi#" to militar& so$rces at the elite /e!e#se *er%ices Academ& </*A= i# 4a&m&o' 4a#dala& /i%isio#.

A map showing the on 1aung on Nya mountain range* the site of one of three nuclear reactors recently constructed by the Burmese !unta8 The #$clear reactors' which the re"ime claims are !or research p$rposes' are located at 6&a$k .a Ftoe' a %illa"e i# Thabeikk&i# Tow#ship' #orther# 4a#dala& /i%isio#H 4a&m&o 0i!t& 4iles' a# area some 80 km !rom the setti#" o! the /*AH a#d .o# Ta$#" .o# N&a' a mo$#tai#o$s area o# the border betwee# 4a"we a#d *a"ai#" di%isio#s. ?The& Imilitar& leadersM chose .o# Ta$#" .o# N&a beca$se it is a sa!e dista#ce !rom hi"hl& pop$lated cities'@ said a militar& o!!icial i# 4a&m&o' also k#ow# as .&i# Oo 2wi#. Accordi#" to local reside#ts' the site is abo$t :0 km !rom the %illa"e o! 6&aw i# Ga#t"aw Tow#ship' sit$ated o# the .akokk$$A6ala& railwa& li#e i# 4a"we /i%isio#. ?*i#ce the proDect started i# 2007' there ha%e bee# ma#& !orei"#ers who look like the& mi"ht be ,hi#ese comi#" a#d "oi#"'@ said a local so$rce li%i#" i# 6&aw. ?Ee are #ot allowed to "o a#&where #ear this area b$ilt !or militar& $se'@ the so$rce added. Altho$"h there has bee# co#!irmatio# that co#str$ctio# work o# the proDects has bee# completed' it remai#s $#clear how soo# the reactors will be read& to "o o#li#e. Fowe%er' a rece#t !l$rr& o! acti%it&' i#cl$di#" hi"hA

le%el %isits b& se#ior members o! the r$li#" re"ime' s$""ests that the reactors will soo# be read& !or $se' accordi#" to militar& so$rces. The so$rces sa& that 3ice *e#AGe# 4a$#" A&e' the D$#taJs No. 2' has made !reC$e#t trips to the /*A i# 4a&m&o i# rece#t mo#ths to meet with 4aDAGe# *ei# Ei#' the head o! the /irectorate o! /e!e#se *er%ices *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& Research' which is respo#sible !or 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram. Accordi#" to Ge Ftet' a !ormer lie$te#a#t who de!ected !rom the 5$rmese militar& while st$d&i#" !or a "rad$ate de"ree at the /*A' the re"ime has i#%ested hea%il& i# the proDect with a# e&e to earl& completio#. Fe said the D$#ta has se#t aro$#d 80'000 militar& o!!icials to R$ssia to st$d& #$clear tech#olo"&. ?The proDect is at least hal! !i#ished'@ said Ge Ftet' who !led to 4ae *ot' o# the ThaiA5$rmese border' earlier this &ear. The tech#olo"& !or 5$rmaBs #$clear research proDect was pro%ided b& R$ssiaBs 0ederal Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <R0A+A=' which a"reed i# 4a& 2007 to help desi"# a#d b$ild a 10Ame"awatt li"htAwater reactor $si#" 20 perce#t e#riched $ra#i$mA2:1 !$el. Fowe%er' the R$ssia# a"e#c& has si#ce dista#ced itsel! !rom the 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram. This has led to !ears that the re"ime has t$r#ed to North 6orea !or assista#ce i# achie%i#" its #$clear ambitio#s.


@aily ress Briefings 2 @aily ress Briefing ' May %$

4o#' 10 4a& 2010 20:08:1: A0100 .hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, 4a& 10' 2010 [EXCERPT ] 4R. ,ROE2+G: Assista#t *ecretar& 6$rt ,ampbell was b$s& o%er the weeke#d. Toda&' he met with oppositio# leaders i# 5$rma' i#cl$di#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i ' a#d members o! the N2/ ,e#tral + ec$ti%e ,ommittee. Fe also met with represe#tati%es o! some o! 5$rmaBs lar"est eth#ic "ro$ps. .rior to that' he was i# Na& .&i Taw a#d meeti#"s with 5$rmese o!!icials' i#cl$di#" 4i#ister !or *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 9 Tha$#"' his desi"#ated co$#terpart i# o$r se#iorAle%el dialo"$e with 5$rma. The ke& obDecti%e o! his trip to 5$rma was to $#derscore the p$rposes a#d the pri#ciples o! o$r e#"a"eme#t a#d to make clear o$r pro!o$#d disappoi#tme#t i# the re"imeBs !ail$re to make pro"ress o# a#& o! o$r core co#cer#s. [deletia] N9+*T-ON: ..(.' "i%e# the somber #ote i# 6$rt ,ampbellBs stateme#t' does this ki#d o! mea# the e#d o! e!!orts to e#"a"e the 5$rmese Go%er#me#tO A#d does the 9#ited *tates !eel thereBs a#& !$rther opport$#it& to i#!l$e#ce them o# the r$les o! the electio#O 4R. ,ROE2+G: The $pcomi#" electio#s will carr& #o i#ter#atio#al le"itimac&. Ee ha%e made that clear to 5$rma. As to o$r e!!orts to co#ti#$e to e#"a"e' it is wh& 6$rt ,ampbell we#t. A#d i# !act' o# the co$rse o! his co#%ersatio# with A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' she shared his disappoi#tme#t that the "o%er#me#t was #ot more !orthcomi#"' was #ot willi#" to e pa#d political space' was #ot willi#" to ha%e mea#i#"!$l dialo"$e with its eth#ic "ro$ps. 5$t she also co#ti#$ed to s$pport 9.*. e!!orts' i#ter#atio#al e!!orts to e#"a"e the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t. N9+*T-ON: *o is there a possibilit& the# that heBll "o backO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' o$r e#"a"eme#t will co#ti#$e. -# what !orm a#d at what poi#t' weBll e%al$ate as we "o alo#". N9+*T-ON: A#d to what e#dO - mea#' what be#chmarks are &o$ $si#"O - mea#' is this a# ope#Ae#ded e#"a"eme#t !or the rest o! the Obama Admi#istratio#Bs term' or are &o$ "oi#" to at a certai# poi#t re%iew whether e#"a"eme#t is the best co$rseO

4R. ,ROE2+G: Ee re%iew at all times. 5$t isolatio# has #ot worked either. N9+*T-ON: Eell' it does#Jt seem that P b$t it does#Jt seem that e#"a"eme#t worked so !ar. 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' weBre abo$t 11 mo#ths i#to a# admi#istratio#. - thi#k weBre willi#" to sa& P a#d a!ter ma&be three meeti#"s' weBre willi#" to sa& that' so !ar' the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t has disappoi#ted $s. Ee will co#ti#$e to e%al$ate. EeBll co#ti#$e to make clear to 5$rma what it sho$ld be doi#". The o#l& P withi# its ow# P #ot o#l& i# terms o! how it relates to its ow# people' b$t also a#other messa"e that 6$rt ,ampbell deli%ered to them toda& was to rea!!irm that we e pect 5$rma to li%e $p to its i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s' i#cl$di#" !$ll s$pport o! 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874.


3emarks on Burma
6$rt 4. ,ampbell Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs Ra#"oo#' 5$rma 4a& 11' 2010 A. *O9N/5-T+ o! Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate !or +ast Asia 6$rt ,ampbell [Fideo soundbite at abo%e >RD] K/$ri#" %ario$s disc$ssio#s with 5$rmaJs se#ior leadership' we ha%e o$tli#ed a proposal !or a credible dialo"$e' amo#" all the stakeholders i# 5$rma' that wo$ld allow all sides to e#ter i#to s$ch a dialo"$e with di"#it&. 9#!ort$#atel&' the re"ime has choose[n] to mo%e ahead $#ilaterall&' witho$t co#s$ltatio# !rom ke& stakeholders A towards electio#s pla##ed !or this &ear. As a direct res$lt' what we ha%e see# to date leads $s to belie%e that these electio#s will lack i#ter#atio#al le"itimac&. Ee $r"e the re"ime to take immediate steps to ope# the process i# the time remai#i#" be!ore the electio#s.K K0i#all&' we ha%e $r"ed 5$rmaJs se#ior leadership to abide b& its ow# commitme#t to !$ll& compl& with 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874. Rece#t de%elopme#ts call i#to C$estio# that commitme#t. - ha%e asked the 5$rmese leadership to work with the 9#ited *tates' a#d others' to p$t i#to place a tra#spare#t process to ass$re the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& that 5$rma is abidi#" b& its i#ter#atio#al commitme#ts. Eitho$t s$ch a process' the 9#ited *tates mai#tai#s the ri"ht to take i#depe#de#t actio# withi# the rele%a#t !rameworks established b& the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&.K


Briefing on the .pcoming .8S8'China Strategic and 0conomic @ialogue

6$rt 4. ,ampbell Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs Treas$r& /epartme#t *e#ior ,oordi#ator !or ,hi#a A!!airs /a%id 2oe%i#"er Eashi#"to#' /, 4a& 1)' 2010 [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: 2alit (ha !rom .ress Tr$st o! -#dia. -# 4arch' &o$ we#t to /elhi to talk with the -#dia# Go%er#me#t o# ,hi#a a#d Asis#Arelated iss$es. A#d i# April' Assista#t *ecretar& 5lake we#t to 5eiDi#" !or 9.*.A ,hi#a *$bA/ialo"$e o# *o$th Asia. *o ca# &o$ "i%e $s a se#se o! the d&#amics betwee# 9.*.' ,hi#a' a#d -#dia as &o$ tr& to make mo%es o# re"io#al a#d "lobal iss$esO A#d seco#dl&' where do we sta#d o# 9.*.A5$rma relatio#s a!ter &o$r seco#d trip to 5$rmaO Fa%e &o$ see# a#&thi#" mo%i#" !orward i# thatO A**-*TANT *+,R+TARG ,A4.5+22: 2et me a#swer the !irst C$estio# !irst. A#d - ca# talk to &o$ primaril& abo$t m& ow# e#"a"eme#t with -#dia. - took a dele"atio# to /elhi !or disc$ssio#s with -#dia# !rie#ds abo$t de%elopme#ts i# Asia "e#erall&. Ee talked abo$t *o$theast Asia' ,hi#a' Northeast Asia a#d de%elopme#ts there. A#d - thi#k o$r desire is to co#ti#$e a stro#" dialo"$e with -#dia abo$t their soAcalled ?2ook +ast@ strate"&' which ob%io$sl& i#%ol%es -#dia pla&i#" a lar"er role eco#omicall&' politicall&' strate"icall& i# the Asia#A.aci!ic re"io#. Ee welcome that' we s$pport that' we thi#k thatBs a# importa#t de%elopme#t i# the #e t phase o! AsiaBs "rowth. Ee talked abo$t re"io#al architect$re a#d the desire to see -#dia pla& a lar"er role i# the emer"i#" architect$re o! the Asia#A.aci!ic re"io#. A#d - m$st sa& we were C$ite satis!ied b& o$r disc$ssio#s a#d we' thi#k' look !orward to co#ti#$i#" deeper disc$ssio#s with -#dia# !rie#ds abo$t de%elopme#ts i# the wider Asia#A .aci!ic re"io#. As &o$ D$st s$""ested' - ret$r#ed !rom a trip to 5$rma last week. -t was m& seco#d trip. Ehile - was there' - had the opport$#it& to i#teract directl& with the "o%er#me#t' also with eleme#ts o! the oppositio# eth#ic "ro$ps' ke& "ro$ps that are "oi#" to be competi#" i# the $pcomi#" electio#' the N2/' a#d also - had a cha#ce to meet A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. -# m& stateme#t at the co#cl$sio# o! m& %isit' - did $#derscore that the 9#ited *tates remai#s C$ite dissatis!ied with what weB%e see# to date i# terms o! mo%eme#t o# the part o! the "o%er#me#t o# the speci!ic iss$es that weB%e laid o$t. Ee were hopi#" to see a# i#ter#al dialo"$e amo#" the ke& parties i# ad%a#ce o! the $pcomi#" electio#. Ee so$"ht mo%eme#t o# iss$es associated with political priso#ers i#side the co$#tr&. Ee had hoped !or more speci!ic steps to ease te#sio#s betwee# the "o%er#me#t a#d eth#ic mi#orit& "ro$ps. A#d lastl&' we wa#ted to see more pro"ress o# iss$es associated with 9N *ec$rit& Resol$tio# 1874. O# each o! these iss$es' we are tro$bled b& de%elopme#ts a#d we are calli#" o# the "o%er#me#t to !ollow thro$"h o# speci!ic steps to allow #ot o#l& a better relatio#ship with the 9#ited *tates a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& b$t a better !$t$re !or its people o%erall.


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, 4a& 28' 2010 [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: ..(.' thereBs a #ew 9N report o$t that sa&s North 6orea is ille"all& e porti#" #$clear a#d ballistic materials a#d tech#olo"& despite 9N sa#ctio#s. -s this P whatBs &o$r reactio# to thisO A#d is this a si"# that the 9N is !i#all& comi#" aro$#d to thi#"s that the 9.*. has lo#" s$spectedO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' "o back to last s$mmer whe# the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil passed Resol$tio# 1874 e pressl& beca$se we ha%e lo#"sta#di#" co#cer#s abo$t North 6oreaBs proli!eratio# acti%ities a#d its e port o! da#"ero$s materials to $#sa%or& co$#tries a#d characters aro$#d the world. - do#Bt thi#k that this is a stark re%elatio#. EeB%e had co#cer#s some o! the co$#tries #amed i# that report. EeB%e had co#cer#s abo$t relatio#s a#d e ports to' amo#" others' 5$rma. A#d P b$t weB%e come P came to"ether a &ear a"o' passed 1874. Ee ha%e bee# a""ressi%el& doi#" o$r part a#d other co$#tries ha%e do#e the same to impleme#t 1874' tr& to restrict the ki#ds o! e ports which ca# ha%e destabili;i#" impact both i#side the immediate re"io# a#d other places i# the world. EeBll co#ti#$e to do that. A#d as we co#s$lt a#d the# come P at some poi#t i# the comi#" da&s' we e pect that *o$th 6orea will bri#" North P iss$es re"ardi#" North 6oreaBs beha%ior back be!ore the ,o$#cil. A#d weB%e pled"ed we will s$pport !$ll& *o$th 6orea a#d that weBll see what other steps are appropriate so we ca# !$rther restrict a#d mi#imi;e the threat that North 6orea poses to the re"io# a#d the world. N9+*T-ON: *o there is e%ide#ce to s$pport' si#ce that last 9N resol$tio#' that there P that North 6orea co#ti#$es to e port these materials. 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' North 6orea is P - mea#' a"ai#' this is #ot a re%elatio#. The o#"oi#" acti%it& o! North 6orea is destabili;i#" withi# its ow# #ei"hborhood a#d elsewhere. -t is a# e porter o! co$#ter!eit material' itBs a# e porter o! ille"al material' itBs a# e porter o! da#"ero$s hardware a#d materials. A#d weB%e lo#" reco"#i;ed that' $#!ort$#atel&' this is the e port o! missiles' #$clear tech#olo"& a#d other thi#"s are the cash crop o! North 6orea. -tBs e pressl& wh& we ha%e o!!ered North 6orea a di!!ere#t relatio#ship' so that it ca# act$all& "o abo$t b$ildi#" a le"itimate eco#om&' o#e that is !ar more co#str$cti%e a#d co#d$ci%e to stabilit& a#d peace i# the re"io#. 5$t as lo#" as we reco"#i;e the da#"er posed b& *o$th 6orea' weBll co#ti#$e to take appropriate steps AA N9+*T-ON: North 6orea. 4R. ,ROE2+G: -Bm sorr&' North 6orea P co#ti#$e to take appropriate steps to mi#imi;e the da#"er that P a#d risk that North 6orea poses to its #ei"hbors a#d to the 9#ited *tates.

N9+*T-ON: To which co$#tries is North 6orea e porti#" these materialsO 4R. ,ROE2+G: - ha%e#Bt read that !$ll report so P b$t - k#ow 5$rma is o#e o! those co$#tries me#tio#ed a#d we ha%e me#tio#ed !rom this podi$m be!ore. N9+*T-ON: -s -ra# o#eO 4R. ,ROE2+G: FmmO N9+*T-ON: -s -ra# AA N9+*T-ON: -ra# a#d *&ria are also me#tio#ed. 4R. ,ROE2+G: - mea#' to the P - mea#' i# impleme#tatio# o! 1874' co$#tries that i#tercept shipme#ts P ille"al shipme#ts !rom North 6orea' sho$ld i#%esti"ate those a#d report those to the 9N. - s$spect that this report is a c$lmi#atio# o! some o! that reporti#" i# terms o! the impleme#tatio# o! sa#ctio#s b& a %ariet& o! co$#tries. Ee are !$ll& s$pporti%e o! those e!!orts.

http://e#"lish.alDa;eera.#et/pro"rammes/"e#eral/2010/01/20101:110470))0)11.html 9./AT+/ ON: Eed#esda&' ($#e 02' 2010 18:0) 4ecca time' 11:0) G4T .ROGRA44+*

Myanmar9s military ambitions

4&a#marJs r$li#" "e#erals ha%e started a pro"ramme to b$ild #$clear weapo#s. The& are tr&i#" to de%elop lo#"A ra#"e missiles. +lectio#s later this &ear are aimed at co#%i#ci#" the world the& are mo%i#" towards democrac&. 5$t !eari#" attack !rom the 9* a#d a# $prisi#" b& their ow# people' 4&a#marJs "e#erals are i#stead di""i#" themsel%es i# with a #atio#wide #etwork o! b$#kers. Eith topAsecret material "athered o%er !i%e &ears' this !ilm re%eals how 4&a#mar is tr&i#" to become the #e t #$clearAarmed North 6orea. 6e& !iles a#d other i#!ormatio# has bee# sm$""led o$t b& de!ecti#" arm& 4aDor *ai Thei# Ei#' a !ormer dep$t& comma#der o! a topAsecret militar& !actor& at a tow# called 4&ai#". 5e!ore lea%i#"' he sm$""led o$t tho$sa#ds o! !iles detaili#" a secret pro"ramme b& 4&a#marJs r$li#" "e#erals to b$ild #$clear weapo#s. To check *ai Thei# Ei#Js claims' the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma had him show the !iles to 5ob 6elle&' a !ormer i#telli"e#ce o!!icer at North AmericaJs #$clear !acilit& 2os Alamos a#d a# e Adirector o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=. 0iles a#d photos were also show# to Geo!! 0orde#' a militar& research scie#tist !rom the 4assach$setts -#stit$te o! Tech#olo"&. The e perts a"ree 4&a#mar is a lo#" wa& !rom achie%i#" its "oals. 5$t ma#& belie%e that with its stated i#te#t to o#e da& acC$ire #$clear weapo#s' 4&a#marJs militar& ambitio#s sho$ld be take# serio$sl&. 4&a#marJs militar& ambitio#s ca# be see# !rom 0rida&' ($#e 4' at the !ollowi#" times G4T: 0rida&: 0800H *at$rda&: 1)00H *$#da&: 0:00H 4o#da&: 1400H T$esda&: 01:0H Eed#esda&: 1)00H Th$rsda&: 0:00.


Burma J Burma>s Nuclear Ambitions

($#e :' 2010 The /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= : TopAsecret photo"raphs a#d e&e wit#ess testimo#& "athered o%er !i%e &ears pro%ides power!$l e%ide#ce o! 5$rmaBs pla#s to de%elop a #$clear capabilit&. Are the& modelli#" themsel%es o# North 6oreaO Eith electio#s set to take place i# 5$rma later this &ear &o$ mi"ht ass$me that the co$#tr& is maki#" steps towards democrac&. 5$t i# this e cl$si%e i#%esti"atio# we re%eal that 4&a#marBs r$li#" Ge#erals are de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme' their para#oia at a# allAtime hi"h. ?The& reall& wa#t to b$ild #$clear bombs. ThatBs their mai# obDecti%e@' claims arm& de!ector' *ai Thei# Ei#. A 4aDor i# the 5$rmese Arm&' *ai was dep$t& comma#der o! a secret militar& !actor&. 5e!ore lea%i#" 5$rma he leaked tho$sa#ds o! !iles to a# e patriate NGO' detaili#" the secret pro"ramme he worked o#. 0eari#" Eester# Air *trikes' 5$rmaBs militar& elite ha%e car%ed o$t a #atio#Awide #etwork o! b$#kers a#d t$##els to protect themsel%es a#d their b$ddi#" #$clear i#!rastr$ct$re. ?-B%e #e%er see# a#&thi#" like that come o$t o! 5$rma be!ore@' comme#ts lo#"Atime 5$rma a#al&st 5ertil 2i#t#er. Accordi#" to the leaked !iles' aro$#d b:.1 billio# o! state re%e#$e has bee# cha##elled i#to the b$#ker proDect alo#e. This' i# the co$#tr& which spe#ds the lowest perce#ta"e o! G/. o# healthcare o! a#& "o%er#me#t i# the Eorld. +%e# i# the arm& there is disco#te#t abo$t the amo$#t spe#t o# the b$#kersH ?we wa#t to do thi#"s which s$pport people a#d impro%e their li%es@' a ser%i#" arm& e#"i#eer co#!ides i# a secret i#ter%iew. -# a sa!e ho$se i# Thaila#d' *ai Thei# Ei# $#packs the !ew possessio#s he !led the co$#tr& with. Amo#"st them is his $#i!orm' a#d photos o! himsel! amo#"st the machi#er&: %i%id proo! o! his !ri"hte#i#" stor&. Fe e plai#s that the Germa# machi#er& bo$"ht !or ed$catio#al p$rposes was act$all& bei#" $sed !or 9ra#i$m e#richme#t' a#d to prod$ce parts !or warheads. 5ob 6ell&' !ormer i#telli"e#ce o!!icer at 2os Alamos a#d e Adirector o! the -A+A' a#al&ses *aiBs e%ide#ce: ?thereBs #o co#cei%able $se !or this !or a#&thi#" other tha# a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram@. Geo!! 0orde#' a militar& researcher at 4.-.T.' claims that parts show# i# *aiBs photo"raphs co$ld be $sed i# lo#"Ara#"e missiles' e te#di#" the threat be&o#d #atio#al bo$#daries. 5oth e perts belie%e 4&a#mar is &ears !rom deto#ati#" a #$clear bomb. 5$t comme#tators belie%e these ambitio#s sho$ld be take# serio$sl&. -! #ot' ?the& will s$rprise the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&@' war#s Arm& de!ector 4&at Noe.$*TR+8121G52010080:

Senator scraps Myanmar trip o7er nuclear claim

5ANG6O6 Th$ ($# :' 2010 7:08am +/T
5ANG6O6 <Re$ters= A 9.*. *e#ator (im Eebb abr$ptl& ca#celed a pla##ed %isit to militar&Ar$led 4&a#mar o# Th$rsda& [89;9&9G&9?] beca$se o! co#cer# abo$t the co$#tr&Js alle"ed #$clear cooperatio# with North 6orea. Eebb' chairma# o! the *e#ate s$bcommittee o# +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic' said his %isit wo$ld be K$#wiseK ha%i#" lear#ed o! a report co#tai#i#" #ew alle"atio#s that 4&a#mar was seeki#" North 6oreaJs help i# de%elopi#" a #$clear pro"ram. -t was #ot immediatel& k#ow# what report Eebb was re!erri#" to a#d a 9.*. embass& spokesma# co$ld #ot co#!irm the ori"i# o! the report' or where it was p$blished. KNews reports p$blished toda& co#tai# #ew alle"atio#s re"ardi#" the possibilit& that the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t has bee# worki#" i# co#D$#ctio# with North 6orea i# order to de%elop a #$clear pro"ram'K Eebb said i# a stateme#t. K-t is $#clear whether these alle"atio#s ha%e s$bsta#ti%e merit. 9#til there is !$rther clari!icatio# o# these matters' belie%e it wo$ld be $#wise a#d pote#tiall& co$#terprod$cti%e !or me to %isit 5$rma'K he said' re!erri#" to 4&a#mar b& its !ormer o!!icial #ame. The 9#ited *tates belie%es North 6orea has pre%io$sl& shipped co#%e#tio#al arms to 4&a#mar' i# de!ia#ce o! 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874. Eebb' a 3iet#am Ear %etera#' iss$ed the stateme#t !rom #ei"hbori#" Thaila#d. Fe had bee# d$e to arri%e i# 4&a#mar o# Th$rsda& a!ter#oo#. (9NTA 0a%orite Fis %isit to the co$#tr& i# A$"$st last &ear was hailed as a s$ccess !or 4&a#marJs recl$si%e D$#ta' which #ormall& chides o$tsiders a#d acc$ses them o! i#ter!ere#ce. Fe met detai#ed Nobel la$reate A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i a#d D$#ta s$premo Ge#eral Tha# *hwe' who o!te# sh$#s %isiti#" diplomats. -t was #ot k#ow# who Eebb had pla##ed to meet this time. 9.*. Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell' Eashi#"to#Js top o!!icial !or +ast Asia' %isited 4&a#mar o# 4a& 10 a#d e pressed Kpro!o$#d disappoi#tme#tK at the re"imeJs approach to its m$chAderided electio# sched$led this &ear. The %isit was ,ampbellJs !irst si#ce No%ember last &ear. That trip was the !irst i# 14 &ears b& a top 9.*. o!!icial' si"#i!&i#" Eashi#"to#Js #ew polic& o! deeper e#"a"eme#t with a re"ime it has !or &ears bee# tr&i#" to press$re i#to cha#"e. Eebb said it was importa#t 4&a#mar a#d the 9#ited *tates co#ti#$ed to e#"a"e with each other' b$t called !or clari!icatio# !rom abo$t the #$clear iss$e' abo$t which the D$#ta has made #o o!!icial comme#t. K- stro#"l& belie%e that a co#ti#$atio# o! dialo"$e betwee# o$r two co$#tries is importa#t !or the e%ol$tio# o! a more ope# "o%er#me#tal s&stem a#d !or the !$t$re strate"ic bala#ce i# *o$theast Asia'K Eebb added. KFowe%er' a prod$cti%e dialo"$e will be achie%able o#l& whe# these two matters are !$rther clari!ied.K <Reporti#" b& 4arti# .ett&H +diti#" b& Robert 5irsel a#d *$"ita 6at&al="o%/#ewsroom/pressreleases/2010A08A0:A01.c!m .ress Releases

Senator /im =ebb ostpones Burma Stop After "isits to Korea* 1hailand
($#e :' 2010 Senator =ebb* chairman of the Senate 5oreign 3elations Committee Subcommittee on 0ast Asia and acific Affairs* issued the following statement today8 ;e has !ust concluded 7isits to Korea and 1hailand2 ?News reports p$blished toda& co#tai# #ew alle"atio#s re"ardi#" the possibilit& that the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t has bee# worki#" i# co#D$#ctio# with North 6orea i# order to de%elop a #$clear pro"ram. 0rom the i#itial acco$#ts' a de!ecti#" o!!icer !rom the 5$rmese militar& claims direct k#owled"e o! s$ch pla#s' a#d reportedl& has !$r#ished doc$me#ts to corroborate his claims. ?-t is $#clear whether these alle"atio#s ha%e s$bsta#ti%e merit. Fowe%er' "i%e# the !act that Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell rece#tl& acc$sed 5$rma o! %iolati#" 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874 with respect to a s$spected shipme#t o! arms !rom North 6orea' there are #ow two $#resol%ed matters related to acti%ities o! serio$s co#cer# betwee# these two co$#tries. 9#til there is !$rther clari!icatio# o# these matters' - belie%e it wo$ld be $#wise a#d pote#tiall& co$#terprod$cti%e !or me to %isit 5$rma. ?- stro#"l& belie%e that a co#ti#$atio# o! dialo"$e betwee# o$r two co$#tries is importa#t !or the e%ol$tio# o! a more ope# "o%er#me#tal s&stem a#d !or the !$t$re strate"ic bala#ce i# *o$theast Asia. Fowe%er' a prod$cti%e dialo"$e will be achie%able o#l& whe# these two matters are !$rther clari!ied. ?-# the i#terim period' - i#te#d to stro#"l& s$""est to the .reside#t that he !$l!ill the reC$ireme#ts o! .$blic 2aw 110A 288 a#d immediatel& appoi#t a special e#%o& to address the e#tire ra#"e o! iss$es re"ardi#" relatio#s betwee# the 9#ited *tates a#d 5$rma.@


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, ($#e :' 2010 [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: ..(.' do &o$ ha%e a#& comme#t o# *e#ator EebbBs ca#cellatio# o! trip to 4&a#mar <i#a$dible=O 4R. ,ROE2+G: Ob%io$sl&' weBre aware that he chose #ot to "o to 5$rma' b$t weBll de!er to his o!!ice !or comme#t. N9+*T-ON: Fow abo$t the press alle"atio#s o# 4&a#marBs #$clear co##ectio# to North 6oreaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: EhatO N9+*T-ON: .ress alle"atio#. 4R. ,ROE2+G: O!O N9+*T-ON: N$clear cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' we are P we ha%e bee# co#cer#ed abo$t 5$rmaBs relatio#ship with North 6orea' the tra#sactio#s that occ$r betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. Ee are %er& co#scio$s that North 6orea is a serial proli!erator o! da#"ero$s materials a#d weapo#s' a#d this is somethi#" that we ha%e e pressed directl& to 5$rma a#d that co#ti#$es to be a maDor co#cer# o! o$rs.

http://www.d%b.#o/#ews/e pertAsa&sAb$rmaAU+2U80U)8pla##i#"A#$clearAbombU+2U80U))/)127

0Cpert says Burma Kplanning nuclear bomb>

5$rmese de!ector *ai Thei# Ei# i# a !actor& i# 5$rma </35= 5& RO5+RT 6+22+G .$blished: : ($#e 2010 A five-year investigation by DVB has uncovered evidence that Burma is embarking on a programme to develop nuclear weaponry. At the centre of the investigation is Sai Thein in! a former defense engineer and missile e"pert who worked in factories in Burma where he was tasked to make prototype components for missile and nuclear programs. Sai contacted DVB after learning of its investigation into Burma#s military programmes! and supplied various documents and colour photographs of the e$uipment built inside the factories. The investigation has also uncovered evidence of %orth &orean involvement in the development of Burmese missiles! as well as 'ussia#s training of Burmese nuclear technicians. (n collaboration with DVB! American nuclear scientist and a former director in the (nternational Atomic )nergy Agency *(A)A+! 'obert &elley! has spent months e"amining this material. ,ere he writes in an e"clusive report for DVB that Burma is probably mining uranium and e"ploring nuclear technology that is only -useful only for weapons.. /or the full 01-page report! click here []. A remarkable i#di%id$al has come o$t o! 5$rma to describe #$clearArelated acti%ities i# that secreti%e co$#tr&. /35 has i#ter%iewed this ma# at le#"th a#d is prese#ti#" his e%ide#ce here !or all to see. Fis #ame is *ai Thei# Ei#' a#d $#til rece#tl& he was a maDor i# the 5$rmese arm&. Fe was trai#ed i# 5$rma as a de!e#se e#"i#eer' a#d later i# R$ssia as a missile e pert. Fe ret$r#ed to 5$rma to work i# special !actories' b$ilt to ho$se moder# +$ropea# machi#i#" tools' to b$ild protot&pes !or missile a#d #$clear acti%ities. *ai bro$"ht with him some doc$me#ts a#d colo$r photo"raphs o! eC$ipme#t b$ilt i# these !actories. /35 is p$blishi#" these photos a#d has arra#"ed with e perts to a#al&;e what the& ha%e disco%ered. *ome will #o do$bt wa#t to wei"h i# a#d add their co#cl$sio#s P #o do$bt there will be detractors who do #ot a"ree with the a#al&sis a#d o$r co#cl$sio# that these obDects are desi"#ed !or $se i# a #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t pro"ram. Ee i#%ite their criticism a#d hope that a#& additio#al a#al&sis will e%e#t$all& rei#!orce o$r %iew that 5$rma is e#"a"ed i# acti%ities that are prohibited $#der i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts. /35 has h$#dreds o! other photos take# i# 5$rma i#side closed !acilities' as well as co$#tless other i#!ormatio# so$rces a#d doc$me#ts. 5ack"ro$#d i#!ormatio# is "i%e# !or the %er& speci!ic i#!ormatio# *ai is pro%idi#". -# the last two &ears certai# ?laptop doc$me#ts@ ha%e s$r!aced that p$rport to show that -ra# is e#"a"ed i# a cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ram. The ori"i# o! these doc$me#ts is #ot clear b$t the& ha%e "e#erated a h$"e i#ter#atio#al debate o%er -ra#Bs i#te#tio#s. The 5$rmese doc$me#ts a#d photo"raphs bro$"ht b& *ai are m$ch closer to the ori"i#al so$rce materials a#d the ro$te o! their disclos$re is per!ectl& clear. The debate o%er these doc$me#ts sho$ld be i#teresti#" i# the #o#Aproli!eratio# comm$#it&.

=ho is Sai 1hein =in: *ai was a maDor i# the 5$rmese arm&. Fe saw a /35 doc$me#tar& abo$t special !actories i# 5$rma that had bee# b$ilt b& the re"ime to make compo#e#ts !or Eeapo#s o! 4ass /estr$ctio# <E4/=. Fe worked i# two o! these !actories a#d !elt there was more that #eeded to be co#%e&ed o$tside 5$rma. *ai came o$t to Thaila#d to tell the world what he has see# a#d what he was asked to do. Ehat he has to sa& adds to the testimo#& o! ma#& other 5$rmese de!ectors' b$t he s$ppleme#ts it with ma#& colo$r photo"raphs o! the b$ildi#"s a#d what the& are b$ildi#" i#side them. -# additio# he ca# describe the special demo#stratio#s he atte#ded a#d ca# #ame the people a#d places associated with the 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram that he %isited. *ai Thei# Ei# remi#ds $s o! 4ordecai 3a#$#$' a# -sraeli tech#icia# at the /imo#a #$clear site i# the Ne"e% desert. 3a#$#$ took ma#& photo"raphs o! acti%ities i# -srael that were alle"edl& related to #$clear !$el c&cle a#d weapo#s de%elopme#t. These photos were p$blished i# the *$#da& Times i# 2o#do# i# 1)88. The& p$rportedl& showed #$clear weapo#s acti%ities i# -srael at the time. -srael has #e%er co#!irmed that the ima"es were take# i# their !acilitiesH m$ch less that -srael e%e# has a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. 5$t 3a#$#$ was abd$cted' tried i# a# -sraeli co$rt a#d se#te#ced to ma#& &ears i# priso# !or di%$l"i#" state secrets. *ai is pro%idi#" similar i#!ormatio#.

Sai 1hein =in holding an impeller for a ballistic missile engine8 ;e designed the program to manufacture it on CNC machines from 0urope (@"B) =hat is the rogram that Sai @escribes: *ai tells $s that he was tasked to make protot&pe compo#e#ts !or missile a#d #$clear pro"rams. Fe is a# e perie#ced mecha#ical e#"i#eer a#d he is capable o! describi#" machi#i#" operatio#s %er& acc$ratel&. *ai has %er& acc$ratel& described a missile !$el p$mp impeller he made beca$se he is trai#ed as a missile e#"i#eer. Fis i#!ormatio# o# #$clear pro"rams is based $po# ma#& colo$r photo"raphs a#d two %isits to the #$clear battalio# at Thabeikk&i#' #orth o! 4a#dala&. The N$clear 5attalio# is the or"a#i;atio# char"ed with b$ildi#" $p a #$clear weapo#s capabilit& i# 5$rma. The N$clear 5attalio# will tr& to do this b& b$ildi#" a #$clear reactor a#d #$clear e#richme#t capabilities.

Buildings under construction at the 1habeikkyin Nuclear Battalion (@"B) -t is /35 co#s$lta#tsB !irm belie! that 5$rma is probabl& #ot capable o! b$ildi#" the eC$ipme#t the& ha%e bee# char"ed to b$ild: to ma#$!act$re a #$clear weapo#' to b$ild a weapo#s material s$ppl&' a#d to do it i# a pro!essio#al wa&. 5$t the i#!ormatio# pro%ided b& *ai a#d other reporters !rom 5$rma clearl& i#dicates that the re"ime has the i#te#t to "o #$clear a#d it is tr&i#" a#d e pe#di#" h$"e reso$rces alo#" the wa&. 5actories filled with 0uropean eBuipment Two compa#ies i# *i#"apore with Germa# co##ectio#s sold ma#& machi#e tools to the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t' #otabl& the /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al +d$catio# </T3+=. /T3+ is closel& associated with the /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& </A+= which is s$bordi#ate to the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& <4O*T=. A "reat deal o! i#!ormatio# is k#ow# abo$t people a#d or"a#i;atio#s i# this chai#. /T3+ is probabl& a !ro#t !or militar& p$rchasi#" !or weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#H that is to sa& #$clear' chemical a#d biolo"ical weapo#s a#d the mea#s to deli%er them' lar"el& missiles. The Germa# "o%er#me#t did #ot ha%e dero"ator& i#!ormatio# abo$t /T3+ whe# the tools were sold a#d allowed the sale. 0ort$#atel&' altho$"h the machi#e tools were %er& e pe#si%e a#d capable' the& were sold witho$t all o! the accessories to make the %er& precisio# parts reC$ired !or ma#& missile a#d #$clear applicatio#s. These !actories are o#l& maki#" protot&pes a#d !irst models o! eC$ipme#t !or other research or"a#i;atio#s. The& are #ot maki#" serial copies !or a prod$ctio# pro"ram a#d the& do #ot do research themsel%es The compa#ies belie%ed the machi#es were to be $sed !or ed$catio#al a#d %ocatio#al trai#i#"' b$t the Germa# "o%er#me#t' s$spicio$s abo$t the e#d $se' se#t a diplomat a#d a# e pert to e ami#e the machi#es that were i#stalled i# two special !actories i# 5$rma. The e pert was s$spicio$s that the machi#es wo$ld be $sed !or $ses other tha# trai#i#"H there were #o st$de#ts a#d #o $#i%ersities #earb&' a#d there were #o wome# st$de#ts. The e pert #oted that #o#e o! the male st$de#ts wore militar& $#i!orms. /35 has e ami#ed the photos a#d some o! the ?st$de#ts@ who wore ci%ilia# clothes d$ri#" the e pert %isit wear militar& $#i!orms whe# the +$ropea#s are #ot there. *ai pro%ided reco"#i;able photos o! the eC$ipme#t i#stallers a#d the Germa#s d$ri#" their site %isit. This is o#e o! ma#& i#dicatio#s that he was at the !actories a#d that his stor& is %er& credible. -t is also !ort$#ate that the Germa# "o%er#me#t was dili"e#t a#d %isited these !actories to %eri!& the e#d $se. The 5$rmese were probabl& #ot telli#" the whole tr$th' b$t the %isits allow serio$s %eri!icatio# o! the !acts.

A floor plan of the many machinery tools at 5actory # near Myaing (@"B) Sai describes eBuipment the Nuclear Battalion is building *ai has pro%ided /35 with ma#& photos o! material that the N$clear 5attalio# at Thabeikk&i# is reC$esti#". O#e o! the most ob%io$s o#es is reC$ested i# a# accompa#&i#" secret memo !rom the No <1= *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& Re"ime#t at Thabeikk&i# to the *pecial 0actor& N$mber O#e #ear .&i# Oo 2wi#. -t is !or a ?bomb reactor@ !or the ?special s$bsta#ce prod$ctio# research departme#t@ a#d there are some sketches o! what is wa#ted as well as pict$res. A bomb reactor i# a #$clear pro"ram is a special de%ice !or t$r#i#" $ra#i$m compo$#ds i#to $ra#i$m metal !or $se i# #$clear !$el or a #$clear bomb. The pict$res a#d sketches are o! s$ch a bomb reactor a#d o#e o! the pict$res has bee# s$bDected to hi"h temperat$re. The pai#t is b$r#ed o!! a#d it has bee# $sed. -t ma& be a desi"# !rom a !orei"# co$#tr& or a 5$rmese desi"#. 5$t the #eed !or a bomb reactor i# a 5$rmese N$clear 5attalio# is a stro#" si"#al that the proDect is tr&i#" to make $ra#i$m metal. Ehether the $ra#i$m metal is $sed i# a pl$to#i$m prod$ctio# reactor or a #$clear de%ice' 5$rma is e plori#" #$clear tech#olo"& that is $se!$l o#l& !or weapo#s.

1hese are Kbomb reactors> likely used to con7ert uranium compounds into uranium metal for bomb or reactor fuel (@"B)

*ai also pro%ided photos o! chemical e#"i#eeri#" machi#er& that ca# be $sed !or maki#" $ra#i$m compo$#ds s$ch as $ra#i$m he a!l$oride "as' $sed i# $ra#i$m e#richme#t. Fe describes #o;;les $sed i# ad%a#ced lasers that separate $ra#i$m isotopes i#to materials $sed !or bombs. Fe pro%ides pict$res o! a "lo%e bo !or mi i#" reacti%e materials a#d !$r#aces !or maki#" $ra#i$m compo$#ds. All o! these thi#"s co$ld ha%e other $ses' b$t take# to"ether' i# the co#te t o! the N$clear 5attalio#' the& are !or a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.

A group of Burmese military and ci7ilian workers pose with a glo7e boC they built at 5actory % near yin 4o 6win (@"B) *ai has bee# told that the re"ime is pla##i#" to b$ild a #$clear reactor to make pl$to#i$m !or a #$clear bomb. Fe has see# a demo#stratio# o! a reactor compo#e#t called a ?co#trol rod@ that !its this stor&. Fe has bee# told that the re"ime pla#s to e#rich $ra#i$m !or a bomb a#d he has see# a demo#stratio# o! a carbo# mo#o ide laser that will be part o! this e#richme#t process. Fe has #amed the i#di%id$als he met a#d heard !rom at Thabeikk&i# a#d the& ca# be correlated thro$"h ope# so$rce i#!ormatio# with their Dobs !or the 5$rmese /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"&. 4a#& are !reC$e#t %isitors to -A+A "ra#t trai#i#" proDects. Fe himsel! was tasked to make #o;;les !or the carbo# mo#o ide laser. Fe act$all& k#ows less abo$t the chemical i#d$strial eC$ipme#t see# i# his photos tha# we ca# D$d"e' b$t his o%erall stor& is C$ite i#teresti#". -t is also clear that the demo#stratio#s a#d e pla#atio#s that he has see# are C$ite cr$de. -! the& are the best 5$rma ca# do the& ha%e a lo#" wa& to "o. ;ow does Sai fit into the o7erall Burma story: *ai is a mecha#ical e#"i#eer with e perie#ce i# machi#i#" parts o# hi"hl& speciali;ed a#d moder# machi#e tools. These machi#e tools make items that are %er& precise a#d ca# be $sed i# #$clear e#er"& pro"rams or to make missiles. *ai is #ot a #$clear e pert a#d he has little to sa& abo$t the thi#"s he made' or that his !actor& made other tha# what he was told abo$t their $ses. Fe does pro%ide photos o! items that wo$ld be $sed i# the #$clear i#d$str& to process $ra#i$m compo$#ds i#to !orms $sed i# the #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t process. These photos or his descriptio#s co$ld be !aked' b$t the& are hi"hl& co#siste#t with the $ses he s$""ests. *ai recei%ed a de"ree as a de!e#se e#"i#eer i# 5$rma. Fe the# we#t to R$ssia to trai# i# missile tech#olo"& at the presti"io$s 5a$ma# -#stit$te i# 4oscow. Fe ca# doc$me#t all o! this. Fis !rie#ds we#t to R$ssia as well a#d st$died #$clear a#d chemical tech#olo"& at the 4oscow -#stit$te o! +#"i#eeri#" .h&sics <4-0-= a#d the 4e#delee% -#stit$te o! ,hemical Tech#olo"&. 4-0- was the mai# trai#i#" i#stit$te !or *o%iet #$clear weapo#s desi"#ers !or ma#& &ears.

The o#es who st$died chemistr& at 4e#delee% are probabl& the o#es who are most importa#t i# b$ildi#" the special eC$ipme#t that *ai k#ew abo$t. Stories about a nuclear reactor in Burma There ha%e ma#& wild stories abo$t a #$clear reactor i# 5$rma. -t is clear that 5$rma a#d R$ssia co#sidered b$ildi#" a 10 4e"awatt <10 4E= research reactor i# 5$rma i# 2000. -t is also clear that this deal was #ot closed a#d that R$ssia a##o$#ced o#l& i#te#t to b$ild a 10 4E reactor aro$#d 2008. This reactor has #ot bee# b$ilt a#d R$ssia is hi"hl& $#likel& to appro%e s$ch a deal $#less 5$rma si"#s a #ew special a"reeme#t with the -A+A. This a"reeme#t is called a# Additio#al .rotocol a#d 5$rma is %er& $#likel& to si"# it beca$se it wo$ld "i%e the -A+A the access it #eeds to disco%er a cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ram i# 5$rma. 0$rthermore' a 10 4E #$clear reactor is a %er& small co#cer# !or proli!eratio#. *$ch reactors are commo# i# the world a#d the& are simpl& too small to be o! serio$s proli!eratio# co#cer#. The& ca# be $sed to teach st$de#ts how to work i# the #$clear area' b$t the& are #ot appropriate to rapidl& make a#& serio$s C$a#tities o! pl$to#i$m !or bombs. -A+A has sta#dards !or which reactors are especiall& s$itable !or pl$to#i$m prod$ctio# a#d this proposed reactor is below that limit. -t is appropriate o#l& !or #$clear tech#olo"& trai#i#" a#d the prod$ctio# o! medical radioisotopes. 2ocal prod$ctio# o! medical isotopes is o#e o! the mai# reaso#s !or reactors i# the 10 4E class aro$#d the world. 5$rma co$ld $se this reactor !or trai#i#"' b$t reports that it bo$"ht a 10 4E reactor !rom R$ssia are clearl& $#tr$e' a#d stories that the& wa#t to b$ild o#e o! their ow# !or a bomb pro"ram are #o#se#se. The idea that 5$rma is b$ildi#" a lar"er reactor' like the alle"ed o#e -srael destro&ed i# *&ria' is more i#teresti#". This co$ld be a pl$to#i$m prod$ctio# reactor' like the 21 4E <thermal= o#e that North 6orea operated i# Go#"b&o#. The !act that North 6orea wo$ld co#sider s$pporti#" #$clear pro"rams o$tside its ow# borders' i# clie#t states like *&ria' is o! serio$s co#cer# whe# e%al$ati#" 5$rma. North 6orea does ha%e a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#" to help 5$rma b$ild i#termediate ra#"e ballistic missiles b$t their role i# the #$clear pro"ram is o#l& a#ecdotal. -s Burma 7iolating its international agreements: The most importa#t a"reeme#t that 5$rma m$st satis!& is its a"reeme#t with the -A+A. -t si"#ed a# a"reeme#t with the -A+A i# 1))1 that it wo$ld #ot p$rs$e #$clear weapo#s $#der a care!$ll& de!i#ed sta#dard i#ter#atio#al le"al a"reeme#t. A s$ppleme#t to this a"reeme#t' a soAcalled *mall N$a#tities .rotocol' said that 5$rma had #o #$clear !acilities a#d %er& small amo$#ts o! #$clear materials' which it did #ot e%e# ha%e to itemise. As a res$lt o! this declaratio#' which was accepted b& the -A+A' there are #o #$clear sa!e"$ards i#spectio#s i# 5$rma. There are some -A+A %isits to 5$rma' beca$se 5$rma is a recipie#t o! -A+A scie#ti!ic "ra#t mo#e& !or h$ma#itaria# p$rposes. *ome o! these "ra#ts trai# 5$rmese scie#tists !or #$clear acti%ities that co$ld e#able them to prod$ce #$clear materials' b$t these are #ot the maDorit& o! the "ra#ts. 5$rma has certi!ied that it has #o #$clear !acilities' has mi#imal #$clear materials' a#d has #o pla#s to cha#"e this sit$atio#. The i#!ormatio# bro$"ht b& *ai s$""ests that 5$rma is mi#i#" $ra#i$m' co#%erti#" it to $ra#i$m compo$#ds !or reactors a#d bombs' a#d is tr&i#" to b$ild a reactor a#d or a# e#richme#t pla#t that co$ld o#l& be $se!$l !or a bomb. There is #o cha#ce that these acti%ities are directed at a reactor to prod$ce electricit& i# 5$rma. This is be&o#d 5$rmaBs e#"i#eeri#" capabilities. -t is $p to 5$rma to #oti!& the -A+A i! these co#ditio#s ha%e cha#"ed. ,learl&' i! it is tr&i#" to secretl& b$ild a bomb a#d is breaki#" these r$les it will #ot be %ol$#taril& #oti!&i#" the -A+A. 5$rma has also p$rchased hi"h C$alit& machi#e tools !rom a Germa# machi#e tool broker i# *i#"apore that ca# be $sed !or weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# ma#$!act$re. These tools co$ld be $sed to make ma#& thi#"s b$t the& are o! a si;e a#d C$alit& that are #ot co#siste#t with st$de#t trai#i#"' the declared e#d $se. The /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al trai#i#" is a !ro#t !or weapo#s proc$reme#t a#d is associated with the /A+ a#d 4O*T. All o! these departme#ts' pro"rams' a#d people associated with them' sho$ld be sa#ctio#ed a#d prohibited !rom b$&i#" a#&thi#" that co$ld co#trib$te to weapo#s pro"rams.

=hat is the state of Burma>s nuclear program: Ee ha%e e ami#ed the photos o! the 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram %er& care!$ll& a#d looked at *aiBs e%ide#ce. The C$alit& o! the parts the& are machi#i#" is poor. The mecha#ical drawi#"s to prod$ce these parts i# a machi#e shop are $#acceptabl& poor. -! someo#e reall& pla#s to b$ild a #$clear weapo#' a %er& comple de%ice made $p o! precisio# compo#e#ts' the# 5$rma is #ot read&. This co$ld be beca$se the i#!ormatio# bro$"ht b& *ai is #ot complete or beca$se 5$rma is pla&i#" i# the !ield b$t is #ot read& to be serio$s. -# a#& case' #othi#" we ha%e see# s$""ests 5$rma will be s$ccess!$l with the materials a#d compo#e#t we ha%e see#. Ehat is si"#i!ica#t is i#te#t. 5$rma is tr&i#" to mi#e $ra#i$m a#d $p"rade $ra#i$m compo$#ds thro$"h chemical processi#". The photos show se%eral steps i# this i#te#t. 5$rma is reported to be pla##i#" a#d b$ildi#" a #$clear reactor to make pl$to#i$m a#d is tr&i#" to e#rich $ra#i$m to make a bomb. These acti%ities are i#co#siste#t with their si"#ed obli"atio#s with the -A+A. +%e# i! 5$rma is #ot able to s$cceed with their ille"al pro"ram' the& ha%e set o!! alarm bells i# the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& de%oted to pre%e#ti#" weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# proli!eratio#. The -A+A sho$ld ask 5$rma i! its stated declaratio#s are tr$e. -! these alle"atio#s appear real there sho$ld be !ollowA$p C$estio#s a#d i#spectio#s o! alle"ed acti%ities. This e!!ort will be hampered b& 5$rmaBs !ail$re to si"# the Additio#al .rotocol. 9#der the c$rre#t *mall N$a#tities .rotocol A"reeme#t' -A+A has #o power to i#spect i# 5$rma. 5$rma is also tr&i#" to b$ild medi$mAra#"e missiles s$ch as *,9/s $#der a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#" with North 6orea. *,9/* are #ot likel& to carr& a 5$rmese #$clear warhead beca$se !irst "e#eratio# #$clear warheads are $s$all& too hea%& a#d lar"e !or the *,9/ missile. 5$t there is little reaso# to embark o# *,9/ missiles a#d #$clear weapo#s other tha# to threate# o#es #earA#ei"hbo$rs. 5$rma is r$led b& a D$#ta that has #o real political philosoph& other tha# "reed. The D$#ta r$les !or the p$rpose o! e#richi#" a small cadre with the rich reso$rces o! the co$#tr&: teak' "old' Dade' other mi#erals a#d the labo$r o! the people. 2ike their model' North 6orea' the D$#ta hopes to remai# sa!e !rom !orei"# i#ter!ere#ce b& bei#" too da#"ero$s to i#%ade. N$clear weapo#s co#trib$te to that imm$#it&. Conclusions /35 has i#ter%iewed ma#& so$rces !rom i#side 5$rmaBs militar& pro"rams. 4a#& other researchers are i#ter%iewi#" !ormer 5$rmese militar& people' !or e ample /ictator Eatch a#d /esmo#d 5all with .hil Thor#to#. The& ha%e pro%ided a#ecdotal e%ide#ce poi#ti#" to a 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. *ai has clari!ied these reports a#d added to them with colo$r photos a#d perso#al descriptio#s o! his %isits to the N$clear 5attalio#. Fe trai#ed i# 4oscow i# missile tech#olo"& alo#" with !rie#ds who trai#ed i# #$clear tech#olo"& who later %a#ished i#to the N$clear 5attalio# o! Thabeikk&i#. All were trai#ed i# some o! R$ssiaBs !irst C$alit& i#stit$tes. The total pict$re is %er& compelli#". 5$rma is tr&i#" to b$ild pieces o! a #$clear pro"ram' speci!icall& a #$clear reactor to make pl$to#i$m a#d a $ra#i$m e#richme#t pro"ram. 5$rma has a close part#ership with North 6orea. North 6orea has rece#tl& bee# acc$sed o! tr&i#" to b$ild a #$clear reactor i#side *&ria to make pl$to#i$m !or a #$clear pro"ram i# *&ria or North 6orea. The time!rame o! North 6orea# assista#ce to *&ria is ro$"hl& the same as 5$rma so the co##ectio# ma& #ot be coi#cide#tal. -! 5$rma is tr&i#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& #eeds to react. There #eeds to be a thoro$"h i#%esti"atio# o! wellA!o$#ded reporti#". -! these reports pro%e compelli#"' the# there #eed to be sa#ctio#s o! k#ow# or"a#i;atio#s i# 5$rma a#d !or eC$ipme#t !or a#& weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#. 6elle&' 8:' a !ormer 2os Alamos weapo#s scie#tist' was a# -A+A director !rom 1))2 to 1)):' a#d a"ai# !rom 2001 to 2001. 5ased i# 3ie##a' A$stria' he co#d$cted weapo#s i#spectio#s i# 2ib&a' -raC' a#d *o$th A!rica' a#d complia#ce i#spectio#s i# +"&pt' T$rke&' *o$th 6orea' Taiwa#' *&ria' Ta#;a#ia' .akista#' -#dia' a#d ,o#"o' amo#" others.

http://www.d%b.#o/b$rmasA#$clearAambitio#s/b$rmasA#$clearAambitio#sA#$clear/e pertAa#al&sis/)2)7 0Cpert Analysis

Nuclear 3elated Acti7ities in Burma

4a& 2010 [Released 89;9&9G&9?] Robert +. 6elle&<1= Ali 0owle<2= 0or the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma g -ntroduction The /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma has bee# acc$m$lati#" i#!ormatio# abo$t a #$clear pro"ram i# 5$rma !or &ears' b$t rece#tl& the& ha%e come across a so$rce with tr$l& e traordi#ar& i#!ormatio#. Fe worked i# special !actories maki#" protot&pe compo#e#ts !or missile a#d #$clear pro"rams. 2ike the -sraeli tech#icia#' 4ordecai 3a#$#$' he has bro$"ht h$#dreds o! color photo"raphs o! the acti%ities i#side these !actories. /35 has asked $s to or"a#i;e this i#!ormatio# a#d a#al&;e what it mea#s. The "oal o! this report is to report o$r !i#di#"s to /35 i# s$pport o! their doc$me#tar& !ilm o# Al (a;eera. Ee are also pro%idi#" a "reat deal o! raw data !or the #o#proli!eratio# comm$#it& to assess. 5$rma is o#e o! the worldBs most repressi%e re"imes. -t is r$led b& a D$#ta o! "e#erals who ha%e bee# i# power !or decades. These "e#erals seem to ha%e #o political philosoph&' s$ch as socialism or !ascism' o#l& p$re simple "reed. To remai# i# power the& depe#d o# a br$tal secret police a#d s$spe#sio# o! most h$ma# ri"hts. Eith the passa"e o! time the& seek more wa&s to ha#" o#to power as their wealth "rows e%er lar"er a#d the dissatis!actio# o! the pop$latio# threate#s to o$st them. There are ma#& si"#s that 5$rma looks to mai#tai# power b& ha%i#" militar& power that wo$ld make !orei"# i#ter%e#tio# %er& pai#!$l !or a# a""ressor. The power ma& #ot be #ecessaril& aimed at a""ressio# b& 5$rma o# its #ei"hborsH rather it is a de!e#si%e power that si"#als its #ei"hbors to lea%e them alo#e. The model !or this is the /emocratic .eopleBs Rep$blic o! 6orea' /.R6' commo#l& k#ow# as North 6orea. North 6orea is too poor to threate# a#&o#e e cept its immediate #ei"hbors b$t its possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s i#hibits a#& o$tside i#ter%e#tio# i# its repressi%e re"ime. There are ma#& reports o! a #$clear pro"ram i# 5$rma.<:= 4ost o! them ha%e bee# sketch& a#d i# some cases tech#icall& i#credible. Now the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= has assembled a h$"e #ew bod& o! i#!ormatio# that co#!irms ma#& so$rces that 5$rma is i#%esti"ati#" #$clear tech#olo"&. The maDorit& o! the #ew i#!ormatio# comes !rom o#e so$rce' which is alwa&s a co#cer# !or credibilit&. This so$rce is a# ed$cated ma#' a !ormer 5$rmese Arm& 4aDor' *ai Thei# Ei# <*TE=' who $#dersta#ds what he k#ows a#d separates his i#!ormatio# i#to what he k#ows well a#d what is hearsa&. Fe has a "ood se#se o! the or"a#i;atio# o! 5$rmaBs special militar& pro"rams a#d is m$ch more o! a# e pert o# their missile proDects tha# he is o# #$clear matters. Fis i#!ormatio# o# #$clear pro"ram or"a#i;atio# is impressi%e a#d it correlates well with i#!ormatio# !rom other p$blished a#d $#p$blished so$rces. 5$t the most importa#t thi#" he has bro$"ht !orth is h$#dreds o! color photo"raphs take# i#side critical !acilities i# 5$rma. .hoto"raphs co$ld be !aked' b$t there are so ma#& a#d the& are so co#siste#t with other i#!ormatio# a#d withi# themsel%es that the& lead to a hi"h de"ree o! co#!ide#ce that 5$rma is p$rs$i#" #$clear tech#olo"&. O$r a#al&sis leads to o#l& o#e co#cl$sio#: this tech#olo"& is o#l& !or #$clear weapo#s a#d #ot ci%ilia# $se or #$clear power. Background and 4rganiLation of a rogram There is %er& little do$bt that 5$rma has a #$clear pro"ram. -t is headed b& /r. 6o 6o Oo who has atte#ded meeti#"s abroad a#d ope#l& asserts his i#terest i# #$clear matters. This pro"ram has a small co##ectio# to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= i# 3ie##a. The ties to -A+A are i# mostl& i# ci%il matters s$ch as the $se o! isotopes

i# medici#e a#d a"ric$lt$re' b$t there are also trai#i#" co$rses !or 5$rmese scie#tists i# #$clear tech#olo"&. 5$rma does #ot ha%e a#& declared #$clear !acilities a#d it claims to ha%e little or #o #$clear material.<4= This sit$atio# mea#s that the -A+A does #ot co#d$ct a#& i#spectio#s i# 5$rma beca$se both sides ha%e a"reed there is #othi#" to i#spect. The sit$atio# with -A+A will be e plai#ed i# more detail later i# this paper. ,$rre#tl& 5$rmaBs #$clear e!!ort is ma#a"ed b& the /irectorate o! /e!e#ce *er%ices *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& Research ,e#ter <//**TR,=. This or"a#i;atio# is located i# 4a& 4&o' also called .&i# Oo 2wi# at the /e!e#se *er%ices Tech#olo"ical Academ& </*TA=. -t is a lar"e comple !or the ed$catio# o! militar& o!!icers a#d !or research. -t is primaril& a headC$arters site a#d probabl& does #ot co#d$ct e perime#tal research' at least with #$clear materials or e plosi%es.

5igure %8 @efense Ser7ices 1echnological Academy at yin 4o 6win The scie#ti!ic side o! the #$clear pro"ram is r$# b& the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& <4O*T=' headed b& 4i#ister 9 Tha#". 5e#eath Tha#" is the /irector Ge#eral o! 4O*T' /r. 6o 6o Oo. /r. 6o 6o Oo is the most p$blic !ace o! 4O*T a#d its #$clear acti%ities. A# e ample is a# i#%itatio# to a ($#e 2010 trai#i#" co$rse spo#sored b& -A+A where /r. 6o 6o Oo is the addressee to choose participa#ts !rom 5$rma.<1= -t is %ital to #ote that /r. 6o 6o Oo has also ser%ed as director o! the /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al +d$catio# </T3+=' which is a !ro#t !or militar& proc$reme#t acti%ities. -t will become clear later i# this report that /T3+ has bee# p$rchasi#" eC$ipme#t !or the #$clear a#d missile pro"rams. There is also a /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& </A+= i# 5$rma. The /T3+ a#d /A+ at o#e poi#t shared a# address' pho#e #$mber a#d !a #$mber accordi#" to a# e celle#t a#d detailed report b& A#drea *tricker o! -*-*.<8= -# 2002 /r. 6o 6o Oo "a%e his email address at /A+ i# his perso#al data at a co#!ere#ce. <7= The //**TR, is respo#sible !or a pro"ram' which accordi#" to so$rces' is char"ed with b$ildi#" a #$clear reactor' e#richi#" $ra#i$m' a#d b$ildi#" a #$clear weapo#. -t is clear that this is a %er& di!!ic$lt task !or 5$rma to s$ccess!$ll& accomplish. 4$ch o! what *TE is pro%idi#" s$""ests 5$rma has little cha#ce o! s$cceedi#" i# its C$est' b$t that does #ot cha#"e the !act that e%e# tr&i#" to b$ild a bomb is a serio$s %iolatio# o! its i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts. -t wo$ld also seem that the %er& act o! tr&i#" to b$ild #$clear weapo#s is a si"# o! desperatio# a#d !ear' #o matter how $#likel& it is to s$cceed. 1habeikkyin O$r assessme#t o! m$ltiple so$rces is that 5$rma is reall& de%elopi#" #$clear tech#olo"&' that it has b$ilt speciali;ed eC$ipme#t a#d !acilities' a#d it has iss$ed orders to a cadre to b$ild a pro"ram. The cadre i# char"e is k#ow# as the

N$mber 1 *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& Re"ime#t at Thabeikk&i#.<8= -t is colloC$iall& re!erred to as the ?N$clear 5attalio#@ a#d we will adopt that term as well. 4aDor Ge#eral *ei# Ei# a#d 2t.A,ol. Ei# 6o ha%e si"#ed a doc$me#t directi#" a special !actor& to prod$ce a part !or the No. <1= *cie#ti!ic a#d Tech#olo"& Re"ime#t. This doc$me#t is importa#t a#d will s$r!ace a"ai# whe# we look at eC$ipme#t that is #eeded !or the N$clear 5attalio#. There are ma#& reported acti%ities at Thabeikk&i#. .re%io$s reports ha%e associated it with mi#i#" or ore co#ce#tratio#. This latest so$rce "oes !$rther a#d describes it as a site where ?da#"ero$s@ ore is bro$"ht a#d stored. Fe also belie%es that the site is i#%ol%ed i# tr&i#" to prod$ce ?&ellowcake@ b$t he is #ot s$re what this material is or i! the& ha%e bee# s$ccess!$l. -# Goo"le +arth ima"er& we ca# see a small ore co#ce#tratio# pla#t a#d ore reser%e abo$t 7 miles east o! the -rrawadd& at Thabeikk&i#. This is %er& close to the poi#t he describes. A "ro$p o! b$ildi#"s with o#e thicke#er a#d a taili#"s po#d are %isible. There is a pile o! ore #earb&. This co$ld be a $ra#i$m ore co#ce#tratio# pla#t' co#siste#t with m$ltiple so$rce reports o! $ra#i$m mi#i#" i# this "e#eral area. The mi#e itsel! has #ot bee# !o$#d.

5igure #8 A small ore concentration plant is 7isible at the location of 1habeikkyin gi7en by the latest source8 *TE %isited Thabeikk&i# o# two occasio#s' i# 2008 a#d 2007 a#d reported o# the !ollowi#" poi#ts. The !irst a#d most importa#t is that the missio# is to b$ild a #$clear reactor a#d to e#rich $ra#i$m !or a #$clear bomb. There is co#siderable research work at the site de%oted to this e#d. -t is #ot clear that either the reactor or e#richme#t pla#t wo$ld act$all& be b$ilt' possibl& o#l& desi"#ed here. Fe did #ot %isit the ore pla#t b$t he did %isit laboratories i# small b$ildi#"s !or a demo#stratio# to Ge#eral 4" A&e. Fe saw two demo#stratio#s o! tech#olo"&. The !irst was a power!$l laser' reportedl& a carbo#Amo#o ide <,O= laser that was $sed to b$r# a hole i# a stick. The beam was a small red spot. O#e o! his collea"$es later co#!ided to him that ,O laser beams are i#%isible so the spot was #ot !rom that laser' b$t ma&be a "$ide or poi#ti#" laser. The a$die#ce o! militar& o!!ices was %er& impressed. The top "e#eral i# the co$#tr&' Tha# *hwe atte#ded a seco#d demo#stratio# o# a s$bseC$e#t %isit: a ?co#trol rod dri%e.@ This co#sisted o! a microprocessor mo%i#" a co#trol eleme#t $p a#d dow# i# a laborator&. This so$#ds like a# e tremel& simple task a#d #ot %er& impressi%e b$t a"ai# the militar& o!!icers were pleased. *ai' witho$t prompti#" "a%e a tech#icall& credible e pla#atio# o! how a co#trol rod a!!ects the criticalit& o! a reactor b& absorbi#" #e$tro#s. Otherwise we wo$ld #ot be so s$re that the demo#stratio# he saw had a#& #$clear applicatio#.

*TE told $s that /r. Ni 2ar Ti# was the scie#tist who e plai#ed to the "ro$p how a co#trol rod works. A /r. /aw<)= Nilar Ti# is acti%e a#d %isible i# the /A+ a#d 4O*T.<10= *TE ca# "i%e the #ames o! a !ew researchers at Thabeikk&i#. /etails o! the tech#olo"& are i# a later sectio# o! this a#al&sis. 1he 5actories The N$clear 5attalio# co#trols two importa#t !actories. These !actories are dedicated to maki#" protot&pes a#d special compo#e#ts !or the missile a#d #$clear pro"rams. N$mber <1= *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"ical 4aterial .rod$ctio# Eorkshop will be abbre%iated as ?0actor& 1@ i# this report. -t is located east o! .&i# Oo 2wi# <also k#ow# as 4a&m&o.= -t was p$rposel& b$ilt !or the militar& research pro"rams. 0actor& 1 has bee# more closel& associated with the #$clear pro"ram tha# the missile pro"ram b$t has worked !or both. -t is also k#ow# b& the #ame Na$#" 2ai#".

5igure &8 5actory % is east of yin 4o 6win 0actor& 1 has bee# the s$bDect o! i#ter#et disc$ssio# i# s$ch !or$ms as the Arms ,o#trol Eo#k' where it was the s$bDect o! i#te#se spec$latio# as a reactor.<11= /35 has ma#& pict$res o! 0actor& 2 $#der co#str$ctio# that ca# be correlated to satellite ima"er&' as well as the e terior o! 0actor& 1 a!ter completio#. -t is a certai#t& that this is a machi#e tool !actor& a#d #ot a reactor.<12= N$mber <2= *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"ical 4aterial .rod$ctio# Eorkshop' ?0actor& 2'@ is located #ear 4&ai#" i# the wester# part o! 5$rma. This !actor& is s$pposedl& almost ide#tical to 0actor& 1 b$t it is more tied to the 5$rmese missile pro"ram. That pro"ram is alle"edl& pla##i#" to make protot&pe parts !or *,9/ liC$id !$eled missiles. 5$rma has a 4emora#d$m o! 9#dersta#di#" <4O9= with /.R6 o# prod$ci#" *,9/s so it is #ot $#reaso#able to co#sider there is a li#k betwee# 0actor& 2 a#d the /.R6 4O9.

5igure +8 5actory # near Myaing

5igure ,8 5actory # under construction in a photo pro7ided by S1=

The wester# world a#d /35 k#ow a "reat deal abo$t the eC$ipme#t a#d capabilit& i#side these two b$ildi#"s. A "reat deal o! the eC$ipme#t i# the b$ildi#"s is lar"e scale' precisio#' ,omp$ter N$mericall& ,o#trolled <,N,= machi#e tools. These tools are lar"el& o! Germa# a#d *wiss ori"i#' alo#" with some meas$ri#" eC$ipme#t !rom (apa#.

5igure H8 6ayout of Machine 1ools in 5actory % from a 7isitors> orientation display The compa#ies which sold this eC$ipme#t to 5$rma pres$med it was bei#" sold !or ed$catio#al or ci%ilia# p$rposes. The c$stomer !or the p$rchase was the /T3+. There was #o dero"ator& i#!ormatio# abo$t /T3+ at the time so the sale was allowed. Ne%ertheless' the compa#ies did #ot sell the latest a#d best 4 a#d 1 a is machi#e tools. -#stead the& remo%ed some o! these capabilities. To %eri!& the e#dA$se o! the eC$ipme#t' the Germa# "o%er#me#t se#t a# e pert i# machi#e tools alo#" with diplomatic represe#tati%es to the !actories. The e pert e ami#ed the tools a#d made a #$mber o! obser%atio#s' most o! which were i#compatible with the claim that the !actories were D$st $#i%ersit& trai#i#" ce#ters: h h The !actories are !ar !rom a#& $#i%ersities or st$de#ts h h There were #o !emales worki#" or st$d&i#" h h The eC$ipme#t was e tremel& lar"e !or #ormal machi#ist trai#i#" h h No militar& perso##el were obser%ed<1:= There are m$ltiple correlatio#s betwee# satellite ima"er&' e#dA$ser %eri!icatio#' a#d photos o! eC$ipme#t bei#" i#stalled b& Germa# tech#icia#s' a#d e%e# photos o! the e pert a#d the diplomat d$ri#" e#dA$ser %eri!icatio# i#spectio#s. *TE ser%ed o#e a#d o#e hal! &ears as a# arm& maDor a#d dep$t& director i# 0actor& 2 a#d the# a !ew mo#ths i# 0actor& 1 i# the same capacit&.

5igure )8 Shipping crate for machine tool deli7ered to 5actory % in the name of @1"0 Fe i#dicated that ma#& o! the Germa# tools were $#$sable d$e to dama"e a#d poor mai#te#a#ce. .hotos o! eC$ipme#t show r$st' rat droppi#"s a#d dama"ed h&dra$lic a#d electrical li#es.

5igure ?8 0lectrical discharge machine tool display for "- 7isit 1raining in 3ussia *TE has a# i#teresti#" back"ro$#d' accordi#" to his i#ter%iews with $s a#d with the /35. Fe recei%ed a# e#"i#eeri#" de"ree !rom the /*TA. Fe Doi#ed the militar& a#d later was chose# to "o to 4oscow !or additio#al trai#i#" i# missile tech#olo"& i# 2001. Fe was i# the !irst "ro$p o! st$de#ts "oi#" to R$ssia' a !act which has bee# widel& reported i# other so$rces. *ai describes how he had to appear to be a ci%ilia# !or this R$ssia# trai#i#"' a#d so he was "i%e# a !alse "rad$atio# certi!icate !rom Ga#"o# 9#i%ersit& to show to the R$ssia#s. Fe still has both 5$rmese certi!icates as well as a R$ssia# certi!icate !rom the N. +. 5a$ma# -#stit$te' 4oscow *tate Tech#ical 9#i%ersit& <4*T9=. This is a respected R$ssia# $#i%ersit& where he st$died ma#& aspects o! missile tech#olo"&. 9po# ret$r# to 5$rma he was assi"#ed to the FeadC$arters o! //**TR, !or a &ear. Fe the# was assi"#ed to 0actor& 2' while it was $#der co#str$ctio# a#d worked primaril& o# missiles. A# e ample is that he pro"rammed the ,N, machi#es to make a protot&pe impeller desi"#ed at //**TR,H howe%er' the impeller C$alit& was $#acceptable d$e to the limitatio#s o! the machi#e tool.

5igure (8 1he missile impeller as manufactured at 5actory # *ai was part o! a "ro$p which recei%ed missile trai#i#". A#other "ro$p' where he also had !rie#ds' was se#t to R$ssia at the same time' circa 2001' !or trai#i#" i# #$clear tech#olo"&. 4a#& were trai#ed at the 4oscow +#"i#eeri#" .h&sics -#stit$te k#ow# b& its R$ssia# acro#&m' 4-0-. This $#i%ersit& speciali;es i# the #$clear side o! tech#olo"&' s$ch as mathematics' ph&sics' comp$ter codes a#d theor&. At o#e time it was the primar& trai#i#" school !or the *o%iet #$clear weapo#s e perts. Other 5$rmese st$de#ts we#t to the 4e#delee% 4oscow ,hemical +#"i#eeri#" -#stit$te. This $#i%ersit& trai#ed the 5$rmese i# chemical tech#olo"ies related to acti%ities s$ch as the prod$ctio# o! $ra#i$m compo$#ds to be $sed i# the #$clear !$el c&cle. A!ter all o! the st$de#ts ret$r#ed !rom R$ssia' *TE lost direct co#tact with them' b$t he k#ew that the mecha#ical e#"i#eers with #$clear trai#i#" we#t to 0actor& 1 a#d the o#es with more speci!ic #$clear trai#i#" we#t to the N$clear 5attalio# at Thabeikk&i#. There are still 5$rmese militar& st$de#ts i# R$ssia toda&. 1he Nuclear 5uel Cycle All o! the #ew i#!ormatio# bro$"ht o$t i# photo"raphs pertai#s to chemical processi#". There are #o pict$res o! #$clear bombs or reactors a#d o#l& a ti#& bit alle"edl& o# 2aser -sotope *eparatio# <2-*=. The i#!ormatio# is all related to the chemical side o! the #$clear !$el c&cle. The tech#olo"ies o! i#terest are the !ollowi#". *tep 1 2 : 4 1 8 7 8 ) Acti%it& 9ra#i$m 4i#i#" 9ra#i$m Ore ,o#ce#tratio# Gellowcake .rod$ctio# 9ra#i$m O ides .rod$ctio# 9ra#i$m Tetra!l$oride .rod$ctio# <904= 9ra#i$m Fe a!l$oride <908= +#richme#t Gas ,e#tri!$"es Or 4olec$lar 2aser -sotope *eparatio# Red$ctio# o! 908 to 904 5omb red$ctio# o! 904 with ma"#esi$m to $ra#i$m metal

0Buipment Built at 5actory % for the Nuclear Battalion <*tep #$mbers re!er to the !$el c&cle dia"ram abo%e.=

Bomb 3eactor (Step () The bomb reactor is eas& to reco"#i;e !rom its properties a#d !rom the !act that *TE s$pplied a letter !rom the N$clear 5attalio# to 0actor& 1 reC$esti#" a ?bomb reactor.@ The bomb reactor was to be $sed b& the ?special s$bsta#ce prod$ctio# research departme#t.@ This "ro$p is located at Tech#olo"ical workshop <1=' whose locatio# we do #ot k#ow. ?5omb Reactor@ is a# $#!ort$#ate pair o! words i# the #$clear co#te t. The obDect is #ot a ?#$clear bomb@ a#d it is #ot a ?#$clear reactor.@ -t is simpl& a %er& stro#" %essel to co#tai# a %iole#t chemical reactio#. Fe#ce it is a bomb i# its stre#"th a#d shape' a#d a reactor !or co#tai#i#" the reactio# o! 904 a#d ma"#esi$m <or calci$m= metal i#side. The term bomb reactor is s&#o#&mo$s with ?bomb red$ctio# %essel@ or e%e# ?red$ctio# %essel.@ This termi#olo"& is m$ch less emoti%e.

5igure %$8 4riginal letter from the Nuclear Battalion directing 5actory % to build a MBomb 3eactorN

ecret [ tamp o" 7o ,;. cience and Technolo!y Re!iment 4inistry o" +e"ence] 7o ,;. cience and Technolo!y Re!iment Thabei))yin Detter no* ;99?$::$research$ Bo ? +ate0 89;9 Iebruary H To -rmy cience and Technolo!ical Research +epartment ub'ect5 Requestin! the continuation o" supply "or materials needed "or research ;* ;* Request 7o ,;. cience and Technolo!ical material production #or)shop to ma)e 1omb Reactor needed "or research material "or the use o" special substance production research department at technolo!ical #or)shop ,<.* 8* 8* end and report the "ormation$prototype data o" 1omb Reactor needed to be made0 as in -ppendix ,-. Dt&Col Cin Eo J & ,Please. carry it out* J & Calculate necessity , i!ned. Chie" o" /Ks ,Bn behal" o". , i!nature. ecret 5igure %%8 1ranslation of the 6etter

5igure %#8 Sketch for building the bomb reactor O#e thi#" that will D$mp o$t at the e perie#ced reader is that there are #o tolera#ces or materials listed o# this sketch. The so$rce himsel! #oted that the drawi#"s !rom the N$clear 5attalio# were %er& $#pro!essio#al. This !actors i#to o$r assessme#t that the 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram is C$ite primiti%e.

5igure %&8 1wo bomb reactors* one used and one new

The !i#ished bomb reactors are pict$red side b& side i# this ima"e !rom 0actor& 1. O#e o! the reactors has ob%io$sl& bee# s$bDected to "reat heat a#d is discolored a#d pai#t has b$r#ed o!! as it wo$ld be i! it had bee# $sed to red$ce metal. The other is #ew. There is a# ima"e o! the two %essels i# a packi#" crate bei#" recei%ed !rom the N$clear 5attalio#' so !or some reaso# a# $#$sed %essel is bei#" ret$r#ed with a# older o#e. *TE did #ot see these %essels' o#l& the photo' so he was #ot aware o! a#& health a#d sa!et& preca$tio#s. There are #o sa!et& preca$tio#s s$ch as co#tami#atio# co#trol i# a#& ima"e o! the !actories that we ha%e see#. There is #o i#!ormatio# abo$t ceramic cr$cibles' boosters' i"#iters or s$ch thi#"s. The !actor& simpl& b$ilt the items a#d shipped them elsewhere !or $se. A ro$"h estimate o! the amo$#t o! metal that co$ld be prod$ced i# this reactor is abo$t 20 P 21 k". That wo$ld be criticalit& sa!e a#d co$ld be $sed !or #at$ral or e#riched metal. 5omb red$ctio# is do#e i# other i#d$stries besides #$clear b$t it is relati%el& rare. The tech#olo"& was widel& de%eloped d$ri#" the 4a#hatta# proDect to make $ra#i$m metal !or reactor !$el a#d !or weapo#s i# to# C$a#tities. A bomb reactor b$ilt b& a special !actor&' s$bordi#ate to the Arm& N$clear 5attalio# is a %er& "ood i#dicator o! a #$clear pro"ram i# the co#te t o! ma#& other thi#"s. -nert Atmosphere Alo7e BoC (Step () *TE described the co#str$ctio# o! a simple %ac$$m "lo%e bo prod$ced at 0actor& 1. The bo was $sed to mi two materials to"ether whe# o#e o! them was hi"hl& s$sceptible to o idatio#. Fe describes e%ac$ati#" the bo a#d back!illi#" it with i#ert ar"o# !or the mi i#" to take place. O$r i#terpretatio# !or this "lo%e bo is that it is $sed !or mi i#" 904 with ma"#esi$m metal !or the bomb red$ctio# to $ra#i$m metal.

5igure %+8 -nert Atmosphere glo7e boC8 "acuum pump is behind the man on the right8 3ac$$m "lo%e bo es are #ot a# e%er&da& item i# i#d$str&. This o#e is C$ite cr$de b$t *TEBs descriptio# o! it bei#" $sed to mi readil& o idi;i#" chemicals is certai#l& credible. Fe also #oted it wo$ld be cheaper to b$& a "lo%e bo like this tha# it wo$ld be to make it. .ossibl& this was beca$se the proDect was classi!ied. -nconel 1ube 5luoride Bed 3eactor (Step H) 0actor& 1 p$t a lot o! e!!ort i#to b$ildi#" a ?!l$oride bed reactor@. -t is show# i# the #e t !i"$res. *TE did #ot k#ow the materials that were $sed' b$t the photo was !o$#d o# a ,/ i# a !ile marked ?-#co#el.@

-#co#el g is a #ickel based allo& $sed i# #$clear i#d$str& applicatio#s where !l$ori#e or h&dro"e# !l$oride <F0= is $sed i# the process. 0l$ori#e is hi"hl& corrosi%e a#d destro&s steels at hi"h temperat$res' s$ch as i# !$r#aces. -#co#el is also $sed i# a %ariet& o! other applicatio#s ra#"i#" !rom the #at$ral "as i#d$str&' to t$rbi#e blades a#d e%e# 0orm$la O#e raci#" car e ha$sts. *o the $se o! -#co#el is #ot a $#iC$e si"#at$re o! #$clear !$el c&cle $se. The termi#olo"& $sed b& this so$rce' ?!l$oride bed reactor@ does o!!er more cl$es. -t wo$ld seem that !l$ori#e is i#%ol%ed a#d !l$ori#e is a compo#e#t o! the #$clear !$el c&cle a#d a %er& corrosi%e o#e. 908 ca# be prod$ced b& placi#" 904 powder i# a !l$idi;ed bed reactor a#d a"itati#" it i# a hi"h temperat$re sectio# b& a stream o! !l$ori#e "as. -t is likel& that the assembl& show# i# the !i"$re is the e#tire !l$idi;ed bed reactor. The ca# at the bottom collects solids that are #ot !l$ori#ated a#d are #ot wa#ted i# the prod$ct. The si;e o! this reactor s$""ests a protot&pe or pilot pla#t si;e.

5igure %,8 1he Mfluoride bed reactorN assembly. Note the Tr$mabe#d 3A1:0 machi#e o# the ri"ht a#d the Tr$matic 2 :0:0 laser c$tti#" machi#e i# the back"ro$#d a#d compare to 0i"$re 8' the shop la&o$t o! 0actor& 1.

5igure %H8 -nternal components of the M5luoride Bed 3eactorN

5igure %)8

resumed -nconel tube with the section surrounded by the furnace in the pre7ious figures

1ube 5urnaces (Step ,) *TE had o#l& see# drawi#"s o! these t$bes b$t he belie%ed that the& were !or the carbo# mo#o ide <,O= laser at Thabeikk&i#. That is certai#l& a possibilit& b$t the& appear more likel& to be t$be !$r#aces !or the !l$ori#atio# o! solid $ra#i$m o ide powder to solid 904powder. The& are certai#l& t$bes that ha%e bee# heated a#d there are metal ?boats@ !or holdi#" powder to be reacted. Two ha%e bee# s$bDected to heat a#d o#e appears to be #ew. This wo$ld be step 1 i# the !$el c&cle dia"ram abo%e.

5igure %?8 1wo used tube furnaces and one new one Nitrogen 1ank with steel Collectors (Step H) A# i#teresti#" item !abricated i# 0actor& 1 is a ?*teel ,ollectors a#d Nitro"e# ,o#tai#er@ <their termi#olo"&=. 0rom its desi"# it looks like a# attempt to b$ild a cold trap to catch 908 "as o# hi"h s$r!ace area plates with %er& cold liC$id #itro"e# as the re!ri"era#t.

5igure %(8

ossible cold trap assembly for collecting .5H gas

4ther eBuipment Other items i#cl$de a lar"e mi er ?Eater Red$ced Ta#k@' a# ?A$tomatic A$tocla%e *terili;er@' a#d a ?5$r#i#" ,hamber@. These are #ot partic$larl& $#iC$e or part o! the #$clear !$el c&cle. The b$r#i#" chamber is show# i# the #e t !i"$re' o#l& beca$se it ill$strates the cr$de workma#ship o! the items see#.

5igure #$8 1his ob!ect* described only as a burning chamber is rather crude

5igure #%8 M=ater 3educed 1ankN which appears to be a simple miCer 3eports of a Nuclear 3eactor The ope# so$rce literat$re is !illed with reports o! a #$clear reactor i# 5$rma. Ee are tempted to belie%e that this co$ld be la&ma#Bs co#!$sio# o%er a #$clear pro"ram i# "e#eral' beca$se $#i#!ormed so$rces ca# be %er& loose with termi#olo"&. O#e thi#" is clear' that ma#& people ha%e heard o! a R$ssia# pla# to sell a reactor to 5$rma aro$#d 2001. -t is %er& clear that the reactor was #e%er sold a#d it seems $#likel& that R$ssia wo$ld do so toda&. R$ssiaBs RO*ATO4 did a##o$#ce i#te#t to sell a reactor to 5$rma i# 2007' b$t this deal has #ot bee# co#s$mmated owi#" to !i#a#cial a#d practical le"al iss$es.<14= A# absol$te co#ditio# !or R$ssia to sell a 10 4E research reactor wo$ld be that 5$rma si"# the ?Additio#al .rotocol@ with -A+A.<11= The Additio#al .rotocol is a %ol$#tar& adde#d$m to a# e isti#" sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t s$ch as the sta#dard -N0,-R, t&pe 11: a"reeme#t i# !orce with 5$rma toda&. The

Additio#al .rotocol pro%ides the -A+A with "reater ri"hts to ask !or details o! e isti#" declared !acilities <there are #o#e i# 5$rma so !ar= a#d "reater ri"hts to probe i#to $#declared acti%ities o! the t&pe we are alle"i#". 100 co$#tries i# the world ha%e a"reed to a# Additio#al .rotocol.<18= 9#!ort$#atel&' some critical o#es' s$ch as *&ria' ha%e #ot. Eith the ma#& ope# so$rce claims that 5$rma has a co%ert #$clear pro"ram' this mi"ht #ot be the time the& wo$ld a"ree to si"#. The R$ssia#s sho$ld #ot e%e# co#sider selli#" a reactor to a state with weak a#d obsolete -A+A a"reeme#ts. -# additio#' a 10 4E #$clear reactor is a %er& small reactor' s$ited mai#l& !or prod$ci#" medical isotopes' co#d$cti#" #$clear ph&sics e perime#ts' a#d trai#i#" e#"i#eers a#d tech#icia#s i# #$clear tech#olo"& that co$ld e%e#t$all& be $sed to b$ild a lar"er reactor. A 10 4E reactor is a %er& poor so$rce o! pl$to#i$m a#d is o! little i#terest i# most co$#tries i#spected b& the -A+A toda&. -t wo$ld be i#spected a#d mo#itored o# a ro$ti#e basis a#d mis$se wo$ld be di!!ic$lt. There!ore' reports that a reactor has bee# sold a#d that 5$rma is b$ildi#" a 10 4E reactor o# its ow# seem !ar !etched a#d poi#tless. Ehat is o! !ar "reater co#cer# is the possible tie to the /.R6. *ome so$rces' albeit #ot wellA%etted' alle"e that /.R6 tech#icia#s are helpi#" to b$ild a reactor i# 5$rma. This immediatel& bri#"s to mi#d the 2007 bombi#" o! a !acilit& i# *&ria that alle"edl& was a /.R6 desi"#ed pl$to#i$m prod$ctio# reactor. This hi"hli"hts the !act that /.R6 is willi#" to b$ild at least o#e reactor o$tside its ow# territor&. Th$s' a#& r$mored acti%it& i# 5$rma sho$ld be take# serio$sl&. *o !ar #o so$rces ha%e "i%e# adeC$ate coordi#ates to locate a s$spected #$clear reactor i# 5$rma b$t this is a hi"h priorit& item !or more i#!ormatio#. 3eport of 6aser -sotope Separation The /35 so$rce pro%ided a "reat deal o! i#!ormatio# o# a 2aser -sotope *eparatio# <2-*= pro"ram at the N$clear 5attalio#. 0rom the o$tset we will readil& a"ree with critics that a laser isotope separatio# pro"ram is !ar be&o#d the capabilities o! 5$rma with its poor tech#ical reso$rces. Ne%ertheless *TE has a lot o! details abo$t the pro"ram' a#d i! 5$rma chooses to spe#d its reso$rces i# this wa& it is hearte#i#" to those who wish them to !ail. 2aser isotope separatio# has bee# a h$"e research pro"ram i# ma#& co$#tries' s$ch as the 9*' 96' 0ra#ce' R$ssia' Germa#&' *o$th A!rica' A$stralia a#d probabl& others. No#e o! these ad%a#ced i#d$strial co$#tries has s$cceeded i# maki#" si"#i!ica#t amo$#ts o! e#riched $ra#i$m at a#&thi#" close to a competiti%e price. There are two commo# approaches to 2aser -sotope *eparatio#. This is a# o%erl& detailed topic !or this paper a#d will be s$mmari;ed. *TE had bee# clearl& told that he was to make some precisio# #o;;les !or a s$perso#ic carbo# mo#o ide <,O= laser that wo$ld be $sed i# the 2-* process. ,arbo# dio ide <,O2= a#d ,O lasers are #ormall& associated with the 4olec$lar 2aser -sotope *eparatio# <42-*= process. This process $ses 908 as the chemical worki#" s$bsta#ce' the same as ce#tri!$"e e#richme#t. *TE was asked to machi#e ma#& protot&pe #o;;les !or the lasers' i# batches o! te# or so. Fe remembers them beca$se the& were di!!ic$lt to make a#d reC$ired electrical dischar"e machi#i#"' o#e o! his special skills. A sketch o! a #o;;le is see# i# the #e t !i"$re. Note a"ai# that the sketch is #ot a proper e#"i#eeri#" drawi#"' lacki#" tolera#ces other i#!ormatio#.

5igure ##8 Sketch of a proposed noLLle made at 5actory % allegedly for a supersonic C4 laser -t is o$r %iew that the 2-* process is !ar be&o#d the tech#ical capabilities that we ha%e see# elsewhere i# 5$rma. This tech#olo"& pro%ed too comple a#d e pe#si%e !or se%eral i#d$striali;ed states. -t is commo#' howe%er' i# the de%elopi#" world !or scie#tists ed$cated i# $#i%ersities i# i#d$striali;ed co$#tries' to ret$r# home a#d sell hi"h tech#olo"& pro"rams to "o%er#me#t b$rea$crats. The e pla#atio# here is probabl& simpl& that some academics ha%e !oisted this proDect o!! o# the "o%er#me#t so the& ca# do research a#d p$blish' k#owi#" that the& will #ot s$cceed i# the pro"rammatic aim. 3eport of Aas Centrifuge rogram *TE heard reports o! a "as ce#tri!$"e pro"ram. O#e o! his collea"$es who st$died #$clear tech#olo"& at 4-0- i# 4oscow said that the N$clear 5attalio# was worki#" o# ce#tri!$"es' a#d i! a pla#t was b$ilt it wo$ld be #ear

Ta$#""&i. The protot&pes were bei#" made o! plastic as !ar as he k#ew. No !$rther i#!ormatio# was a%ailable o# this topic. As a# aside' whe# *TE was disc$ssi#" his militar& trai#i#" i# the 1))0s' he me#tio#ed !iber composites. Fe was aware o! a militar& pro"ram to ma#$!act$re rocket bodies !rom some t&pe o! !iber. Fis militar& i#str$ctor had told the st$de#ts that the process was #ot reliable beca$se the t$bes ?%ibrated too m$ch@. Fe had #o more i#!ormatio# o# this topic a#d he did #ot tie it to e#richme#t himsel!' o#l& as a# a#swer to what ki#d o! materials mi"ht be $sed. -nternational Agreements -A0A 5$rma became a *tate .art& to the N$clear No#proli!eratio# Treat& i# 1))2. -t acC$ired ri"hts a#d obli"atio#s $#der this Treat&. The a"reeme#t is k#ow# as -#!ormatio# ,irc$lar 477 <-N0,-R,/477=.<17= -# partic$lar' 5$rma si"#ed a *mall N$a#tities .rotocol with the -A+A i# 1))1. This stip$lates that 5$rma has #o #$clear !acilities a#d o#l& small C$a#tities o! #$clear materials. -mporta#t #$clear !acilities are de!i#ed b& the -A+A as:<18= A. .ower reactors 5. Research Reactors a#d ,ritical Assemblies ,. ,o#%ersio# .la#ts /. 0$el 0abricatio# .la#ts +. Reprocessi#" .la#ts 0. +#richme#t <isotope separatio# pla#ts= N$clear materials are de!i#ed esse#tiall& as pl$to#i$m a#d $ra#i$m' i#cl$di#" e#riched $ra#i$m' $ra#i$mA2::' a#d $ra#i$m so$rce materials.<1)= The precise de!i#itio#s are comple a#d are le!t to the i#terested reader. *mall C$a#tities are de!i#ed as less tha#: <a= O#e kilo"ram i# total o! special !issio#able material' which ma& co#sist o! o#e o! more o! the !ollowi#": <i= .l$to#i$mH <ii= 9ra#i$m with a# e#richme#t o! 0.2 <20U= a#d abo%e' take# acco$#t o! b& m$ltipl&i#" its wei"ht b& its e#richme#tH a#d <iii= 9ra#i$m with a# e#richme#t below 0.2 <20U= a#d abo%e that o! #at$ral $ra#i$m' take# acco$#t o! b& m$ltipl&i#" its wei"ht b& !i%e times the sC$are o! its e#richme#tH <b= Te# metric to#s i# total o! #at$ral $ra#i$m a#d depleted $ra#i$m with a# e#richme#t abo%e 0.001 <0.1U=H <c= Twe#t& metric to#s o! depleted $ra#i$m with a# e#richme#t o! 0.001 <0.1U= or belowH a#d <d= Twe#t& metric to#s o! thori$m. These limits appear comple ' b$t the o#e o! mai# i#terest is <b=' te# metric to#s o! #at$ral $ra#i$m. -! 5$rma is operati#" a# ore co#ce#tratio# pla#t a#d prod$ci#" &ellowcake it will ha%e to co#sider this limit.

5$rma is bo$#d to report the import or e port o! #$clear materials e%e# i# small C$a#tities' or i! it acC$ires materials i# e cess o! the limit. -! it co#str$cts a #$clear !acilit& it m$st #oti!& -A+A si mo#ths be!ore recei%i#" #$clear material !or it. A# RY/ !acilit& operati#" a si#"le ce#tri!$"e o# 908 "as wo$ld ha%e to be reported to the -A+A as a# e#richme#t pla#t' as wo$ld pla#ts !or testi#" $ra#i$m co#%ersio#. -# additio#' ?i# its e!!orts to promote wider adhere#ce to the -A+ABs stre#"the#ed sa!e"$ards s&stem' the -A+A has i#%ited 4&a#mar IsicM to co#cl$de a# additio#al protocol <A.= to its sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t a#d to ame#d its small C$a#tities protocol i# li#e with the re%ised te t appro%ed b& the -A+A 5oard o! Go%er#ors i# *eptember 2001. ,o#cl$di#" a# additio#al protocol wo$ld "ra#t the -A+A e pa#ded ri"hts o! access to i#!ormatio# a#d sites.@<20= -# other words' the -A+A co#d$cts #o sa!e"$ards i#spectio#s i# 5$rma at the prese#t time a#d wo$ld ha%e #o ri"ht or obli"atio# to do so $#less 5$rma #oti!ies the -A+A o! a cha#"e i# stat$s. ,learl& 5$rma has #ot do#e that $p to this time. Note that other eleme#ts o! the -A+A do i#teract with 5$rma a#d carr& o$t %isits. These ha%e to do with -A+A /epartme#t o! Tech#ical ,ooperatio# "ra#t pro"rams i# medici#e a#d other ci%ilia# #$clear tech#olo"ies<21= a#d a pro"ram to establish a #$clear scie#ce a#d tech#ical trai#i#" ce#ter !or scie#tists' e#"i#eers' tech#icia#s a#d "rad$ate st$de#ts.<22= -# a s$pport pro"ram that -A+A ra# !rom 2001 to 2010' -A+A #oted: The 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& o! 4&a#mar is i#terested i# promoti#" the applicatio# o! #$clear tech#iC$es. The de%elopme#t o! h$ma# reso$rces is o#e o! the top priorities o! the 4i#istr&. The #$clear pro"ramme i# 4&a#mar depe#ded o# a small a"i#" core o! !orei"# trai#ed scie#tists a#d e#"i#eers' a#d trai#i#" pro%ided to local sta!! was almost e#tirel& thro$"h -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= assista#ce. -A+ABs /epartme#t o! N$clear +#er"& also reportedl& %isited to "i%e ad%ice o# whether 5$rma had s$!!icie#t tech#ical abilit& to r$# the #$clear reactor that R$ssia pla##ed to sell. The& reportedl& ad%ised that 5$rma was #ot read& !or this tech#ical challe#"e. -t is also #otable that #ot all trai#i#" is i# the ci%ilia# area. Two 4&a#mar researchers i# 200: a#d 2001' respecti%el&' participated i# si Amo#th pro"rams at the 6orea Atomic +#er"& Research -#stit$te i# the !ields o! research reactor tech#olo"& a#d ad%a#ced spe#t !$el ma#a"eme#t' which is i#co#siste#t with their lack o! declared #$clear !$el c&cle pro"rams.<2:= 0nd .ser Certification The /T3+ p$rchased eC$ipme#t !or two !actories a#d claimed to the %e#dors that it was !or ed$catio#al' #o#Amilitar& $se. 5ased $po# *TEBs e%ide#ce' militar& perso##el work i# the !acilities maki#" protot&pe parts !or weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# a#d deli%er& s&stems. -t wo$ld there!ore seem appropriate to sa#ctio# the /3T+ a#d e#tities associated with it s$ch as /A+ a#d 4O*T !rom a#& !$rther p$rchases o! ma#$!act$ri#"' machi#i#" a#d i#spectio# eC$ipme#t o# the basis o! a !alse e#dA$ser certi!icatio#. This wo$ld i#cl$de spare parts a#d assista#ce !or the machi#es alread& acC$ired. *tates participati#" i#' !or e ample' the N$clear *$ppliers Gro$p <N*G= a#d the 4issile Tech#olo"& ,o#trol Re"ime <4T,R= sho$ld be ad%ised o! these !i#di#"s. AS0AN and the Southeast Asia Nuclear =eapon 5ree Gone 5$rma is a si"#ator& to the *o$theast Asia N$clear Eeapo# 0ree Lo#e. A#& $#dertaki#" to prod$ce #$clear weapo#s wo$ld also be a %iolatio# o! that a"reeme#t.<24= Conclusions A si#"le so$rce' a !ormer maDor i# the 5$rmese Arm&' has come to the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma with a lar"e %ol$me o! i#!ormatio# p$rporti#" to show missile a#d #$clear acti%ities i# 5$rma $p $#til the prese#t. The !irst C$estio# that i#terested obser%ers will ask is abo$t the credibilit& o! the i#!ormatio#. The so$rce a#d /35 ha%e stro#" !eeli#"s abo$t the re"ime. Their obDecti%it& ca# be called i#to C$estio# a#d so the& ha%e asked $s to do this i#depe#de#t assessme#t o! the i#!ormatio#.

The !ollowi#" poi#ts show the o%erall co#siste#c& o! the i#!ormatio#. 5$t each reader will ha%e to make $p his or her ow# mi#d. h h *ai was wellApositio#ed to acC$ire i#!ormatio#. Fe was a# arm& maDor' trai#ed i# militar& scie#ce with !$rther trai#i#" i# R$ssia. Fe reports credibl& abo$t his ed$catio# at the 5a$ma# -#stit$te i# 4oscow a#d o# collea"$es who st$died at 4-0- a#d 4e#delee% -#stit$te. h h 4a#& so$rce reports describe the additio#al trai#i#" o! &o$#" militar& o!!icers i# elite R$ssia# $#i%ersities. This is more C$a#titati%e a#d !irstAha#d tha# ma#& other ope# so$rce stateme#ts. h h The so$rce was a dep$t& ma#a"er i# two !actories prod$ci#" parts !or missiles a#d #$clear pro"rams. h h These !actories are wellAk#ow#. There ha%e bee# e#dA$ser certi!icatio# %isits to both a#d the details o! machi#e tools dates a#d c$stomers match. There are photo"raphs o! tools a#d the +$ropea# i#stallers a#d i#spectors. The Germa# e#A $ser e pert did #ot see militar& perso##el b$t #oted discrepa#cies i# the 5$rmese stor& that /T3+ operated the !actories !or st$de#t trai#i#". h h The so$rce %isited Thabeikk&i# with two "e#eral o!!icers a#d saw cr$de demo#stratio#s o! alle"ed #$clear tech#olo"&. h h A ?N$clear 5attalio#@ at Thabeikk&i# has bee# reported b& other so$rces i# sketch& detail. This #ew i#!ormatio# allows more i#%esti"atio# especiall& $si#" satellite ima"er&. h h The so$rce reported that $ra#i$m ore was bei#" processed at Thabeikk&i# a#d that it was ha;ardo$s to health. h h Other so$rces me#tio# Thabeikk&i# i# %er& "e#eral terms a#d also claim that the reactor mi"ht be b$ilt there. O#e satellite ima"e shows a small ore co#ce#tratio# pla#t o# a po#d a#d piles o! earthe# materials #earb&. This is #ot proo! o! a $ra#i$m pla#t' b$t co#siste#t. h h The so$rce pro%ided a doc$me#t abo$t a ?bomb reactor@ bei#" b$ilt !or the N$clear 5attalio# at Thabeikk&i# alo#" with se%eral photos. h h The obDect certai#l& looks like a bomb red$ctio# %essel a#d o#e o! the two see# has bee# s$bDected to hi"h temperat$res. h h Other eC$ipme#t' #otabl& a# i#ert atmosphere "lo%e bo !or mi i#" reacti%e chemicals' a ?!l$oride bed reactor'@ 908 cold trap a#d t$be !$r#aces are all compo#e#ts o! a possible pro"ram to make $ra#i$m compo$#ds !or a weapo#s de%elopme#t e!!ort. h h This is co#siste#t with a pro"ram to make 908 !or e#richme#t b& 42-* or ce#tri!$"e a#d $ra#i$m metal !or a possible bomb core. 0rom all o! the abo%e we co#cl$de that it is likel& that 5$rma is tr&i#" to attempt ma#& o! the #$clear pro"ram steps reported b& pre%io$s so$rces. 9#realistic attempts' s$ch as the 4olec$lar 2aser -sotope *eparatio# proDect' $#pro!essio#al e#"i#eeri#" drawi#"s a#d the cr$de appeara#ce o! items i# photos' s$""est that s$ccess ma& be be&o#d 5$rmaBs reach. Ne%ertheless' the i#te#t is clear a#d that is a %er& dist$rbi#" matter !or i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts. -! e perime#ts with $ra#i$m are taki#" place' or si"#i!ica#t C$a#tities o! $ra#i$m compo$#ds are bei#" prod$ced' the# 5$rma #eeds to be reporti#" to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' which clearl& it is $#likel& to do i! it is pla##i#" a co%ert #$clear reactor' a# e#richme#t pro"ram a#d a weapo#.

The a$the#ticit& o! the photo"raphs a#d reports will #o do$bt be C$estio#ed. That is !air a#d pro!essio#al. The p$rpose o! this report is to i#!orm a#d "e#erate tho$"ht!$l a#al&sis. The so$rce a#d chai# o! c$stod& o! this i#!ormatio# is clearer tha# the rece#t ?laptop doc$me#ts@ abo$t -ra#Bs alle"ed #$clear weapo# pro"ram' !or e ample' a#d that has "e#erated co#siderable a#al&sis a#d spec$latio#. 9#dated a#d $#so$rced photos o! a reactor $#der co#str$ctio# i# *&ria are lar"el& $#challe#"ed. -t wo$ld seem reaso#able to C$estio# the a$thorities i# 5$rma a#d to hear their e pla#atio#s. -!' 5$rma de#ies the a$the#ticit& o! this i#!ormatio#' the# time will be the D$d"e. -! the a$thorities de#& the i#!ormatio# a#d the# are !o$#d to ha%e #ot told the tr$th' the i#ter#atio#al reactio# sho$ld be swi!t a#d se%ere so that 5$rma does #ot reach the imm$#it& that /.R6 has acC$ired with its #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. 0nd Notes <1= ,o#s$lta#t to the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma <2= +ditor a#d Research Assista#t' /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma <:= *$ch as: ?5$rmaBs N$clear *ecrets@' The *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald' A$"$st 1' 200):$/world/b$rma 201)sA#$clearAsecretsA200)07:1Ae4!%.html <4= There are le"al de!i#itio#s o! ?#$clear !acilities@ a#d ?#$clear materials@ i# the -A+A stat$te a#d -A+A -#!ormatio# ,irc$lar -N0,-R,/11:. 5$rma has #ot declared a#& materials i# these cate"ories' a#d short o! alle"atio#s that we a#d others are maki#"' there are #o le"all& declared #$clear !acilities or materials i# 5$rma. <1=.rospect$s' -A+A/R,A Trai#i#" ,o$rse o# Reporti#" i# Ad%a#ced ,li#ical Applicatio#s o! .ositro# +missio# Tomo"raph& <.+T=' 2) 4arch 2010' http://www.rcaro.or"/board/data/rcaRwhatis#ew/804)RT,18A9G10A92.pd! <8=/eep ,o##ectio#s betwee# 4&a#marBs /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al +d$catio# a#d /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"&' A#drea *cheel *tricker' (a#$ar& 28' 2010' http://isisAo#li#e.or"/$ploads/isisA reports/doc$me#ts/4&a#marR/A+R/T3+R28(a#$ar&2010.pd! <7= 4GAN4AR 4r. 6o 6o Oo 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 8' 6aba A&e .a"oda Road' Ga#ki# ..O.' Ga#"o#' 4&a#mar Tel: )1 1 8842:: 0a : )1 1 810881 +mail: dae.m&

<8= Tra#sliteratio#s %ar& a#d #ot all places i# this report will be writte# m$ltiple wa&s. Thabeikk&i# is s$ch a# importa#t site that it is importa#t to k#ow the alter#ati%e tra#sliteratio#s Tha 5eik 6&i# a#d Tha .eik 6&i#. <)= ?/aw@ is a# ho#ori!ic' #ot a #ame

<10= 2ist o! .articipa#ts' R,ARO/6A+R- Re"io#al Trai#i#" Eorkshop o# Research Reactor 9tili;atio# a#d Radiatio# Applicatio# Tech#olo"&' 6orea Atomic +#er"& Research -#stit$te <6A+R-=' /aeDeo#' the Rep$blic o! 6orea' 12 ^ 2: October 200) <11= 0or e ample'"AoddAm&a#marAbo ' : A$"$st 200) <12= http://isisAo#li#e.or"/$ploads/isisAreports/doc$me#ts/5$rmaRt$##elsR:A$"$st200).pd! <1:= /35 has care!$ll& e ami#ed photo"raphs a#d #oted that perso##el who wore ci%ilia# clothes d$ri#" the Germa# e pert %isit wear militar& $#i!orms whe# the +$ropea#s are #ot there. <14=R$ssia to b$ild N$clear Reactor i# 4&a#mar' New *cie#tist a#d Re$ters' 11 4a& 2007'$ssiaAtoAb$ildA#$clearAreactorAi#Am&a#mar.html <11= -A+A -N0,-R,/140 <18= ,had became the 100th *tate to complete a# Additio#al .rotocol o# 1: 4a& 2010 <17=AGR++4+NT O0 20 A.R-2 1))1 5+TE++N TF+ 9N-ON O0 4GAN4AR AN/ TF+ -NT+RNAT-ONA2 ATO4-, +N+RGG AG+N,G 0OR TF+ A..2-,AT-ON O0 *A0+G9AR/* -N ,ONN+,T-ON E-TF TF+ TR+ATG ON TF+ NONA.RO2-0+RAT-ON O0 N9,2+AR E+A.ON*' -#!ormatio# ,irc$lar 477. <18=TF+ *TR9,T9R+ AN/ ,ONT+NT O0 AGR++4+NT* 5+TE++N TF+ AG+N,G AN/ *TAT+* R+N9-R+/ -N ,ONN+,T-ON E-TF TF+ TR+ATG ON TF+ NONA.RO2-0+RAT-ON O0 N9,2+AR E+A.ON*' -N0,-R,/11: <,orrected=' -A+A' ($#e 1)72 <1)=@N$clear material@ mea#s a#& so$rce or a#& special !issio#able material as de!i#ed i# Article >> o! the *tat$te. The term so$rce material shall #ot be i#terpreted as appl&i#" to ore or ore resid$e. <20= -A+A p$blic i#!ormatio# spokesma#' 18 *eptember 200) <21= I1M*$ch as: 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&' 4O*T' Go%er#me#t o! 5$rma' -A+A Tech#ical ,ooperatio# + pert 4issio# to /ept. o! 5iotech#olo"&' Ga#"o# <-A+A proDect a#d task 4GA/0/007A12= o# Tra#s!er o! 4olec$lar 4arket Tech#olo"ies. http://www.most."$#i/i#de .phpOoptio#`comRco#te#tYtask`%iewYid`42 <22= T, .roDect 4GA/0/007' N$clear *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& Trai#i#" ,e#tre' http://wwwA tc.iaea.or"/tcweb/proDecti#!o/proDecti#!oRbod&.asp <2:= -A+A probes 4&a#mar data' disco$ra"es #ew research reactors' 4ark Fibbs' N$clear 0$el' A$"$st 10' 200). <24= Arms ,o#trol Associatio#' N$clear Eeapo# 0ree Lo#es at a Gla#ce

Now -t Can Be 1old2 -nside B4B

posted Th$rsda& ($#e :' 2010 $#der missiles' #orthAkorea b& "eo!!re&R!orde# [-dapted] O#e o! the "reat thi#"s abo$t writi#" !or the Eo#k is that people tell &o$ thi#"s' i#cl$di#" whatBs i#side what has bee# called here the ?5i" Odd 5o @ i# 5$rma. 2ast (a#$ar&' - was i#%ited to Doi# a "ro$p o! e perts i# Oslo' Norwa&' to re%iew a to# o! electro#ic doc$me#ts sm$""led o$t o! 5$rma to the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=. <There is a "reat doc$me#tar& abo$t the /35 that was #omi#ated !or a# Oscar i# 2010. Go$ ca# watch it o# Go$T$be here.= Now that /35 has released its latest doc$me#tar&' - ca# tell abo$t m& part a#d the i#!ormatio# - lear#ed abo$t 5$rmaBs #asce#t missile de%elopme#t pro"ram. Other e perts ca# address a#& #$clear co##ectio#s. These doc$me#ts co#tai# a lar"e #$mber o! ima"es take# b& eleme#ts o! the 5$rmese militar& as the& co#str$cted the two 5O5s a#d the# i#stalled a# ama;i#"l& sophisticated #$mericall& co#trolled machi#e shop. *$ch doc$me#tatio# is a #ormal part o! a#& co#str$ctio# proDect toda& m$ch like the photos take# o! *&riaBs reactor whe# it was bei#" b$ilt. A#d like the *&ria# photos' /35Bs so$rces probabl& did#Bt take them b$t' i#stead' o#l& later had access to them a#d made copies. The& co%er so m$ch materialV/35Bs so$rce<s= simpl& "rabbed whate%er was a%ailableVthat - e pect will ha%e a #$mber o! !$t$re posts e ploiti#" this i#!ormatio#. -nternal Consistency

Ee spe#t a si"#i!ica#t !ractio# o! o$r time i# Oslo tr&i#" to a$the#ticate the i#!ormatio# a#d D$d"i#" its si"#i!ica#ce. *i#ce %er& little is k#ow# abo$t whatBs "oi#" o# i#side 5$rma' most o! this co#sisted o! looki#" !or i#ter#al co#siste#c&. This was !airl& eas& !or the 5i" Odd 5o <es=' which are#Bt reall& odd at all. The ima"e doc$me#tatio# show the 5o es at #earl& all le%els o! co#str$ctio#H !rom cleari#" the !orest a#d le%eli#" the "ro$#d' to prepari#" the co#crete pad a#d s$pport beam holes' to stabili;i#" the s$rro$#di#" ba#ks with shotcrete' to !i#ishi#" the i#terior' to i#stalli#" the ,N, machi#es. Accordi#" to /35Bs so$rce<s=' both ?5o es@ are esse#tiall& the same: loaded with sophisticated milli#" machi#e a#d other eC$ipme#t !or precisio# e#"i#eeri#". *ome o! these ima"es show #o#AAsia#s <the& act$all& look like +$ropea#s to me' b$t - ca##ot sa& !or s$re= i#stalli#" some o! the sophisticated eC$ipme#t. [Pictures lin)ed to in the abo%e para!raph "ollo#]

clearing the forest and le7eling the ground

preparing the concrete pad and support beam holes

stabiliLing the surrounding banks with shotcrete

finishing the interior

installing the CNC machines The 5$rmese ha%e !illed this b$ildi#" with a wide ra#"e o! #$mericall& co#trolled milli#" machi#es' lathes' etc. -#teresti#"l&' the& ha%e laid o$t the machi#e shop b& placi#" to"ether those machi#es that are related. 0or i#sta#ce' there is a hall with pro"ressi%el& lar"er milli#" machi#es' a#other !or machi#es !or c$tti#" or weldi#"' a#d a#other !or precisio# :A/ meas$reme#ts. The later' o! co$rse' co$ld be $sed either !or C$alit& co#trol or re%erse e#"i#eeri#". ha%e #ot see# a#& e%ide#ce that the 5$rmese i#te#d to re%erse e#"i#eer missiles' which is probabl& a wise choice. Fowe%er' what the& are doi#" ri"ht #ow is #ot that m$ch better. The arra#"eme#t o! eC$ipme#t that - all$ded to abo%e makes se#se !or a "e#eral p$rpose machi#e shop' o#e that mi"ht "et a wide %ariet& o! orders b$t alwa&s !or o#e or two items. -t mi"ht e%e# be i#te#ded solel& !rom protot&pi#"' albeit some prett& massi%e protot&pes' some wei"hi#" $p to 20 to#sZ <Ehe# co#tacted b& the prod$cers o! the /35 doc$me#tar&' the compa#ies e porti#" these sophisticated ,N, machi#es claimed that both 5o es were set $p as trai#i#" ce#ters !or !$t$re machi#e operators a#d had #othi#" to do with missile or #$clear related prod$ctio#. Taki#" the bi" pict$re poi#t o! %iew' that' at best' D$st kicks the ca# dow# the road.= -!' o# the other ha#d' the shop was i#te#ded to prod$ce tho$sa#ds' or e%e# h$#dreds' o! copies o! the same itemVa ce#tri!$"e !or i#sta#ceVthe la&o$t wo$ld be' or sho$ld be' optimi;ed !or material !low with %er& di!!ere#t t&pes o! eC$ipme#t positio#ed #ear each other. 0or i#sta#ce' a# electro# beam welder mi"ht be positio#ed #ear a milli#" machi#e etc. *o it seems $#likel& that the shop is i#te#ded !or prod$ci#" ce#tri!$"es' which reC$ire tho$sa#ds !or a#& mea#i#"!$l proDect. <A#d wo$ld #ot #eed the %er& lar"e machi#es i# a#& case.= -t is' o! co$rse' co#cei%able that the& mi"ht make missile parts si#ce those are o!te# do#e i# o#esies a#d twosies.

07idence of a @esire to Make Missiles Accordi#" to the i#!ormatio# "ai#ed b& /35' 5$rma is p$rs$i#" a least two di!!ere#t paths towards acC$iri#" a missile prod$ctio# capabilit&. O#e is a more or less i#di"e#o$s path. The ?less i#di"e#o$s@ comes !rom the !act that the& ha%e se#t a #$mber o! 5$rmese militar& o!!icers to 4oscow !or trai#i#" i# e#"i#eeri#" related to missile desi"# a#d prod$ctio#. The seco#d i# comma#d o! o#e o! these ?5o es@ recei%ed a de"ree i# rocket e#"i#es. <Fe recei%ed a 4asterBs o! *cie#ce i# +#"i#eeri#" !rom the 5a$ma# 4oscow *tate Tech#ical 9#i%ersit& i# 2004. /$ri#" his st$dies i# 4oscow' he speciali;ed i# .ower +#"i#eeri#" !or Rocket +#"i#es' o#e o! the specialties 5a$ma# 4*T9 is k#ow# !or. Fere is a cop& o! his /iploma.= Fere he is holdi#" a test item ma#$!act$red at his ?5o .@ Fe ide#ti!ies it as the impeller !or a lar"e kerose#e/liC$id o &"e# e#"i#e i#te#ded !or static testi#".

0rom a p$rel& e%ide#tiar& poi#t o! %iew' it is %er& si"#i!ica#t that a di!!ere#t "ro$p tha# the 5o desi"#ed the impeller. Ehat took place at the 5o was a co#%ersio# !rom the ,A/ !iles to machi#e i#str$ctio#s to make the impeller $si#" the machi#e the "e#tlema# is sta#di#" i# !ro#t o!. This twoA"ro$p acti%it& implies a si"#i!ica#tl& "reater le%el o! i#terest b& the 5$rmese a$thorities tha# i! the impeller had bee# desi"#ed i# the same "ro$p as it was ma#$!act$red. -# !act' it implies at least three or"a#i;atio#al e#tities were i#%ol%ed: the desi"# "ro$p' the ma#$!act$ri#" "ro$p at the 5o ' a#d a coordi#ati#" a$thorit& that appro%ed the impeller bei#" se#t o%er to the 5o !or !abricatio#. The e#"i#e that this impeller desi"#Vthe item act$all& !abricated is simpl& a ?proo! o! co#cept@ item that lacks some si"#i!ica#t !eat$res !or a# act$al worki#" impellerVis desti#ed !or is reported' i# additio# to b$r#i#" liC$id o &"e#/kerose#e' to ha%e a comb$stio# press$re o! 21 me"aA.ascals. That is abo$t !o$r times the comb$stio# press$re o! a *,9/ e#"i#e. <4& ow# calc$latio#s' based o# ass$mi#" scali#" !rom a *,9/At&pe e#"i#e' show that the impellerBs diameter is co#siste#t with a lar"e rocket e#"i#e' perhaps a Nodo#". - did #ot tr& to estimate a#&thi#" ass$mi#" it was !or a liC$id o &"e# e#"i#e.= *$ch a lar"e press$reV#ot to me#tio# $si#" a cr&o"e#ic propella#tZV seems hi"hl& $#desirable !or the !irst e#"i#e prod$ced b& a co$#tr& that has a serio$s pla# !or de%elopi#" missiles or rockets o# its ow#. A more realistic !irst attempt at desi"#i#" a# i#di"e#o$s e#"i#e mi"ht ha%e $sed a more co#%e#tio#al propella#t combi#atio# a#d pre!erable a smaller e#"i#e with a lower comb$stio# chamber press$re. There are simpl& too ma#& h$rdles !or the #o%ice to o%ercome o# their !irst e#"i#e desi"# witho$t throwi#" i# ha#dli#" liC$id o &"e#. -# !act' this e ample per!ectl& ill$strates the risks i#%ol%ed i# i#depe#de#t i##o%atio#: the perso##el i#%ol%ed are simpl& too i#e perie#ced to k#ow whe# the& are "etti#" i# tro$ble.

O#e is le!t with the impressio# that the hi"herA$ps are i#terested i# $tili;i#" their !orei"# trai#ed scie#tists a#d e#"i#eers !or missile prod$ctio# b$t do #ot ha%e a master pla# !or de%elopme#t. -# stead' the& are "i%i#" a "ree# li"ht to their workers to e ercise their #ewA!o$#d skills. .erhaps the& will "et serio$s later b$t as o! #ow we ca# de!i#itel& sa& that this i#di"e#o$s path has a m$ch' m$ch "reater risk o! !ail$re tha# the other path the& seem to be p$rs$i#". 5$rma also appears to be !ollowi#" a#other acC$isitio# path: p$rchasi#" missile prod$ctio# li#es a#d k#owAhow !rom the North 6orea#s. Fere most o! the e%ide#ce comes !rom a si#"le so$rceH a s$mmar& o! a trip report describi#" the acti%ities a#d accomplishme#ts o! a #$mber o! hi"hAra#ki#" 5$rmese o!!icials made to North 6orea. There is' howe%er' co#siderable s$pporti#" e%ide#ce that the o!!icials did act$all& make the trip. There are ima"es o! meeti#"s o! North 6orea# a#d 5$rmese o!!icials a#d some photos that co$ld be o! sites me#tio#ed i# the trip report. The s$mmar& o! the trip report is' howe%er' the o#l& e%ide#ce o! the o#e o! the res$lts o! the meeti#": a 4emora#d$m o! 9#dersta#di#" where 5$rma "ets ass$ra#ces !rom North 6orea that it will be able to p$rchase complete prod$ctio# li#es !or missiles with ra#"es $p to :100 km. A two sta"e 9B#haA2 or a *imor"h come to mi#d. There is' $#!ort$#atel&' #o strate"ic reaso# "i%e# !or wh& 5$rma wo$ld wa#t s$ch missiles. There is' o# the other ha#d' ple#t& o! e%ide#ce i# the /35 cache o! i#!ormatio# that 5$rma !ears a# attack b& the 9#ited *tates a#d /ie"o GarciaVa maDor 9* air baseVis almost e actl& :100 km awa&. *o we ca# at least ima"i#e a deterre#t reaso# tho$"h that threat wo$ld be mi#imal witho$t a #$clear warhead. That lack o! a stated reaso#' a#d the lack o! clear a#d i#depe#de#t co#!irmatio# o! the trip report' makes me wa#t to hold o!! o# accepti#" that 5$rma is committed to p$rchasi#" a prod$ctio# li#e !or a lar"e missile !rom North 6orea. Fowe%er' - thi#k we ca# be !airl& co#!ide#t that s$ch a# acC$isitio# path wo$ld ha%e a m$ch' m$ch hi"her cha#ce o! s$ccess tha# the i#di"e#o$s path. Signs of a Sea Change in the roliferation 0n7ironment: Accordi#" to /35Bs so$rces' North 6orea had #othi#" to do with setti#" $p the two machi#e shops i#side the 5o es. -# !act' the 5o es seem to ha%e bee# set $p as "e#eral p$rpose machi#e shops a#d probabl& do #ot %iolate either the 4T,R or e%e# political sa#ctio#s imposed b& +$rope a"ai#st the ($#ta <+$ropeBs sa#ctio#s a"ai#st the 5$rmese ($#ta are co#siderabl& looser tha# those o! the 9* a#d these e ports were probabl& le"al. Now that there is e%ide#ce o! the prod$ctio# o! missile related compo#e#ts those compa#ies will probabl& wa#t to rethi#k their !$t$re e ports.= Fowe%er' this whole episode is a# i#dicatio# o! how proli!eratio# mi"ht be cha#"i#". ,o#sider how -#dia "ot started o# its road to preemi#e#ce i# solid propella#t missile tech#olo"&: it lice#sed the tech#olo"& !rom 0ra#ce' recei%ed detailed writte# k#owAhow o# prod$ctio# <a#d trai#i#" o! tech#icia#s i# 0ra#ce=' a#d recei%ed a list o! prod$ctio# eC$ipme#t' which -#dia p$rchased elsewhere. 0ra#ce was ob%io$sl& capable o! prod$ci#" the #eeded eC$ipme#t a#d choseVpres$mabl& !or political reaso#s si#ce the 9* was at the time tr&i#" to press$re other co$#tries #ot to assist -#diaBs rocket/missile pro"ramV#ot to sell them directl&. North 6orea is also at least claimi#" the abilit& to prod$ce ad%a#ced prod$ctio# machi#es a#d probabl& did sell a certai# le%el o! tech#olo"& to -ra# !or missile prod$ctio#. Fowe%er' North 6orea m$st wo#der i! it will alwa&s be able to ship lar"e pieces o! eC$ipme#t o$t o! its co$#tr& or e%e# i! its clie#ts wo$ld settle !or /.R6Bs !i#est. -#stead' the spread o! precisio# e#"i#eeri#" worldwideV A. N. 6ha#Bs $se o! 4ala&siaBs *,O.+ e#"i#eeri#" is the clearest e ample o! thisVhas ope#ed $p the possibilit& o! proli!eratio# #etworks more as co#s$lti#" e#"i#eeri#" !irms rather tha# o#eAstopA shoppi#" ce#ters. A!ter all' witho$t the testimo#& o! /35Bs so$rces' it wo$ld be impossible to tell the di!!ere#ce betwee# the 5o es set $p b& Eester#ers with the eC$ipme#t list comi#" !rom a North 6orea# co#s$lta#t !or E4//deli%er& prod$ctio# a#d the 5o es set $p b& Eester#ers as "e#eral p$rpose machi#i#". A Special 1hanks /35Bs so$rces are bra%e people who ha%e decided to sm$""le o$t a %ariet& o! i#!ormatio# abo$t the ($#taBs acti%ities so that the world mi"ht k#ow. 4issile de%elopme#t is #ot ca$si#" as m$ch harm to the 5$rmese people as ma#& o! the other acti%ities o! the ($#ta. Ne%ertheless' it is part o! a militar& pro"ram that shows a remarkable disre"ard !or the 5$rmese people. - ha%e waited to p$blish this posti#" $#til bei#" ass$red that a#& so$rce who mi"ht be implicated b& the i#!ormatio# has bee# sa!el& e%ac$ated !rom 5$rma.*tor&/A1*tor&20100807A220801.html

Myanmar rebuts nuclear talk

5G 6+NNG ,F++ 4o#' ($# 07' 2010 TF+ 4&a#mar ambassador to *i#"apore has told m& paper that re#ewed alle"atio#s that the co$#tr& has a secret #$clear pro"ramme were !alse' b$t e perts said #ew e%ide#ce raises more s$spicio#s re"ardi#" alle"ed #$clear eC$ipme#t p$rchases b& the recl$si%e #atio#. Ehe# asked at the e#d o! the threeAda& *ha#"riA2a /ialo"$e sec$rit& co#!ere#ce &esterda& o# !resh media reports o# the iss$e' Ambassador Ei# 4&i#t said the& were K#ot tr$eK. K-t stereot&pes o$r co$#tr&'K he said. K-! <we wa#ted to= k#ow how to prod$ce #$clear bombs' we #eed i#!rastr$ct$re a#d tech#olo"&.K O# reports that North 6orea had bee# helpi#" 4&a#mar b$ild $p #$clear capabilities' 4r Ei# 4&i#t said: K*ome comm$#ities a#d societies... stereot&pe o$r co$#tr&.K 2ast week' Norwa&Abased media "ro$p /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma released a report that said militar&Ar$led 4&a#mar was secretl& b$ildi#" a #$clear pro"ramme a#d has i#te#tio#s o! creati#" a #$clear bomb. The report said a de!ector i#%ol%ed i# the #$clear pro"ramme sm$""led o$t e te#si%e !iles a#d photos describi#" e perime#ts with $ra#i$m a#d specialised "ear #eeded to b$ild a #$clear reactor a#d de%elop e#richme#t capabilities. -t said 4&a#mar was still #ot close to a weapo#. 9#ited *tates *e#ator (im Eebb #i ed a 4&a#mar trip last Th$rsda& d$e to the report' accordi#" to Re$ters. 2ast ($l&' 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# e pressed worries that 4&a#mar was recei%i#" #$clear tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea a#d called it a threat to 9* allies. *ec$rit& e perts sa& the latest #$clear alle"atio#s ha%e raised more C$estio#s a#d co#cer#s. 4r 4ark 0it;patrick' *e#ior 0ellow !or No#Aproli!eratio# at The -#ter#atio#al -#stit$te !or *trate"ic *t$dies <--**=' told reporters at the *ha#"riA2a /ialo"$e that the latest de%elopme#ts o# 4&a#mar were disc$ssed o# the sideli#es a#d at at least o#e closedAdoor sessio#. The 2o#do#Abased 4r 0it;patrick later told m& paper 4&a#mar has co#siste#tl& de#ied claims it is p$rs$i#" a #$clear pro"ramme. 5$t he said 4&a#mar had imported %er& sophisticated machi#e tools which co$ld be $sed !or maki#" missile parts or possibl& #$clear e#er"& or #$clear weapo#r&. KO#e o! the "ra%est C$estio#s is what is the p$rpose o!'K he said. /r Tim F$ le&' e ec$ti%e director o! --** Asia' said 4&a#mar has mo%ed a#other #otch closer to bei#" see# as a ro"$e state with the #ew reports' a#d it was Kco$rti#" serio$s co#seC$e#cesK !or #ot bei#" ope#. 4&a#mar /ep$t& 4i#ister o! /e!e#ce A&e 4&i#t was to atte#d the !or$m b$t p$lled o$t last week. Asked wh&' 4r Ei# 4&i#t said it is beca$se .remier Ee# (iabao o! ,hi#a was %isiti#" 4&a#mar at the same time as the co#!ere#ce.


=eapons 1rump @e7elopment

2010A08A07 A0. 5ANG6O6VThe 5$rmese D$#ta is taki#" c$es !rom North 6orea o# how to $se weapo#r& to mai#tai# its "rip o# power at the peopleJs e pe#se' e perts sa&. O# ($#e :' the Norwa&Abased #ews a"e#c& /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= released h$#dreds o! photos p$rportedl& showi#" !acilities the D$#ta is $si#" to de%elop #$clear e pertise' which it said is likel& bei#" re!i#ed with North 6oreaJs help. 5r$ce 6li#"#er' se#ior research !ellow at the co#ser%ati%e Eashi#"to#Abased Ferita"e 0o$#datio#' said 5$rma is also spe#di#" what little mo#e& it ear#s prepari#" to repel a !eared i#%asio# with North 6orea# t$##eli#" tech#iC$es. ?5$rma' like North 6orea' has #o problems with s$bD$"ati#" the pop$latio# a#d with star%i#" the pop$latio# as it !oc$ses its priorities o# de%elopi#" militar& pro"ramsVi# 5$rmaBs case a lot o! $#der"ro$#d !acilities' which a"ai# mirrors North 6orea'@ he said. ?I-tBsM de%elopi#" missile a#d/or #$clear pro"rams' e%e# as the people s$!!er i#ter#atio#al isolatio# a#d poor eco#omic co#ditio#s.@

hotos Kappear genuine>

/35 also released a#al&sis co#te#di#" that while the photos come !rom o#e so$rceVa !ormer 5$rmese Arm& maDor' *ai Thei# Ei#' who rece#tl& de!ected to Thaila#dVthe& are ?so co#siste#t with other i#!ormatio# ... that the& lead to a hi"h de"ree o! co#!ide#ce that 5$rma is p$rs$i#" #$clear tech#olo"&.@ The a#al&sis' compiled b& !ormer director o! the 9N -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= Robert 6elle& a#d coAresearcher Ali 0owle' co#cl$ded that the tech#olo"&' likel& ori"i#ati#" i# North 6orea' ?is o#l& !or #$clear weapo#s a#d #ot ci%ilia# $se or #$clear power.@ 6elle& a#d 0owle said 5$rmaBs "e#erals' o%er time' ?seek more wa&s to ha#" o#to power as their wealth "rows e%er lar"er a#d the dissatis!actio# o! the pop$latio# threate#s to o$st them.@ The researchers said 5$rma hopes to de%elop a de!e#si%e militar& power that wo$ld ?make !orei"# i#ter%e#tio# %er& pai#!$l !or a# a""ressor'@ a#d which ?si"#als its #ei"hbors to lea%e them alo#e.@ ?The model !or this is the /emocratic .eopleBs Rep$blic o! 6orea' /.R6' commo#l& k#ow# as North 6orea. North 6orea is too poor to threate# a#&o#e e cept its immediate #ei"hbors' b$t its possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s i#hibits a#& o$tside i#ter%e#tio# i# its repressi%e re"ime.@ The 5$rmese re"ime has de#ied de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. Geo!! 0orde#' a researcher at the 4assach$setts -#stit$te o! Tech#olo"& <4-T=' said b$ildi#" s$ch !acilities wo$ld likel& ha%e cost 5$rma ?o# the order o! 9.*. b10 millio# or se%eral te#s o! millio#s o! dollars.@ ?- was str$ck b& aspects Io! the photosM S related to what the "o%er#me#t o! 5$rma is willi#" to do to pre%e#t what the& thi#k o! as a# i#%asio# possibilit&'@ 0orde# said. ?To me it seems like the& are #ot %er& co#cer#ed abo$t the people o! 5$rma a#d are willi#" to let them s$!!er so that the re"ime co$ld s$r%i%e'@ he said.

?The other doc$me#ts showed a real lack o! co#cer# !or the 5$rmese people that was %er& dist$rbi#".@ 0orde# said the photos appear "e#$i#e a#d co#siste#t with what is k#ow# abo$t 5$rmaBs militar& pla#s. The& appear to show the i#side o! two !actories the D$#ta has b$ilt to ho$se ad%a#ced ?Eester# tech#olo"&'@ he said' b$t added that it is $#likel& the eC$ipme#t is $sed to ma#$!act$re a#& %iable weapo#r&. ?The&Bre "e#eralAp$rpose machi#e shops with sophisticated eC$ipme#t' a#d the& co$ld do C$ite a !ew thi#"s. A#d 5$rma has show# a# i#terest i# maki#" missiles' tho$"h the& are de!i#itel& #ot %er& !ar alo#" i# their pro"ram'@ he said.

-mports are key

0orde# said 5$rmaBs abilit& to de%elop a# e!!ecti%e weapo#s pro"ram relies o# its re"imeBs abilit& to import tech#olo"&. ?-tBs "oi#" to depe#d o# how m$ch !orei"# assista#ce the& ca# "et. A#d pres$mabl& the& wo$ld "et it !rom North 6orea'@ he said. ?-! that "oes thro$"h' as there were i#dicatio#s' the# the& co$ld "et ... a Nodo#" missile !airl& rapidl&Vma&be o#e or two &ears'@ 0orde# said' re!erri#" to the North 6orea# midAra#"e ballistic missile. ?The&Bre D$st starti#" o!! i# the missile pro"ram' a#d it de!i#itel& #eeds !orei"# assista#ce that the& ha%e#Bt "otte# &et.@ 6li#"#er cited ?little to #o e%ide#ce o! how m$ch pro"ress' i! a#&' has bee# made@ b& a#& 5$rmese #$clear or missile por"ram. ?- ha%e#Bt see# a#&thi#" ta#"ible ... it seems a "e#eral co#se#s$s is that there is #othi#" immi#e#t' e%e# i! there is a# e!!ort there'@ he said.

reser7ation of power
?Gi%e# North 6oreaBs prope#sit& !or #$clear de%elopme#t as well as proli!eratio# ... - thi#k there is "reat s$spicio# or certai#t& that North 6orea also has a relatio#ship with 5$rma'@ he said' addi#" that both North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which the r$li#" D$#ta calls 4&a#mar' are pariah states. 5$rma co$ld attempt to $se a missile a#d #$clear weapo#s pro"ram as a deterre#t to a 9.*. attack' 6li#"#er said' which the re"ime !ears e#o$"h to ha%e relocated the co$#tr&Bs capital !rom Ra#"oo# to the remote cit& o! Na&p&idaw i# 2001. ?Or perhaps the& wo$ld "o dow# the path o! North 6oreaVo! $si#" the threat o! a #$clear deterre#t or a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram as a wa& o! !orci#" co#cessio#s !rom their oppo#e#ts' i#cl$di#" a# amelioratio# o! i#ter#atio#al sa#ctio#s'@ he said. Fo$rs be!ore the report was released' 9.*. se#ator (im Eebb ca#celed a pla##ed trip to 5$rma' citi#" 9.*. co#cer#s o%er a# alle"ed shipme#t o! North 6orea# arms to 5$rma. Eebb chairs a 9.*. *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s pa#el o# +ast Asia' a#d has called !or i#creased dialo"$e betwee# the Obama admi#istratio# a#d 5$rmaJs D$#ta. Ori"i#al reporti#" R0ABs 5$rmese ser%ice a#d (osh$a 2ipes. 5$rmese ser%ice director: N&ei# *hwe. + ec$ti%e prod$cer: *$sa# 2a%er&. Eritte# !or the Eeb i# +#"lish b& (osh$a 2ipes. +dited b& *arah (ackso#AFa#.$ -A0A chief says looking into Myanmar nuclear report 4o# ($# 7' 2010 8:10pm -*T 3-+NNA <Re$ters= A The 9.N. #$clear watchdo" said o# 4o#da& it was looki#" i#to a report that militar&Ar$led 4&a#mar was aimi#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s. G$ki&a Ama#o' head o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=' also said that i! #ecessar& the 3ie##aA based bod& ma& ask !or clari!icatio# !rom 4&a#mar. Acco$#ts o! s$spected #$clear pla#s s$r!aced last &ear' b$t 4&a#mar has #e%er co#!irmed or de#ied a#& #$clear ambitio#s. 2ast week' a# i#%esti"atio# b& a# e iled a#tiA"o%er#me#t "ro$p said 4&a#mar was seeki#" to de%elop a cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ramme with the i#te#t to prod$ce a# atomic bomb. The !i%eA&ear i#%esti"atio# b& the Norwa&Abased /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= co#cl$ded that 4&a#mar' !ormerl& 5$rma' was a lo#" wa& !rom prod$ci#" a #$clear weapo# b$t had "o#e to "reat le#"ths to acC$ire the tech#olo"& a#d e pertise to do so. -! tr$e' it wo$ld be the !irst so$theast Asia# co$#tr& with #$clear ambitio#s a#d alter the strate"ic la#dscape o! a !astA"rowi#" re"io# whose bi" co$#tries AA !rom -#do#esia to the .hilippi#es a#d Thaila#d AA are closel& allied with Eashi#"to#. KEe ha%e see# the related articles i# the media a#d we are #ow assessi#" the i#!ormatio#'K Ama#o told a #ews co#!ere#ce. KA#d' i! #ecessar&' we will seek clari!icatio# !rom 4&a#mar'K the (apa#ese diplomat said' speaki#" o# the !irst da& o! a meeti#" o! the :1A#atio# board o! the -A+A. 4&a#mar is a member o! the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T=' a "lobal a#tiA#$clear arms pact' a#d o! the -A+A. The /35 report cited a 9.*. #$clear scie#tist assessi#" e%ide#ce pro%ided b& *ai Thei# Ei#' a 5$rmese de!e#ce e#"i#eer trai#ed i# R$ssia i# missile tech#olo"&. Fe said he had de!ected a!ter worki#" i# !actories b$ilt to de%elop weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#. The report prompted a 9.*. *e#ator' (im Eebb' to ca#cel a trip to 4&a#mar last Th$rsda&' which he said wo$ld be K$#wise a#d i#appropriateK i# li"ht o! the report. .re%io$s claims b& de!ectors s$""est 4&a#mar had e#listed the help o! North 6orea' with which it reportedl& a"reed a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#" o# militar& cooperatio# d$ri#" a %isit b& a top "e#eral to .&o#"&a#" last &ear."o%/#ewsroom/pressreleases/2010A08A08A01.c!m .ress Releases

=ebb 3ecommends State @epartment Strengthen 0ngagement in Asia

Calls for passage of .S'Korea 5ree 1rade Agreement* increased 0ast Asia Bureau funding* immediate appointment of Special 0n7oy to Burma ($#e 8' 2010 *e#ator (im Eebb' chairma# o! the *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *$bcommittee' toda& se#t the !ollowi#" letter to *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# re"ardi#" his rece#t trip to Asia a#d his recomme#datio#s !or stre#"the#i#" 9.*. policies i# the re"io#: [EXCERPT ] ($#e 8' 2010 The Fo#orable Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# *ecretar& o! *tate 9.*. /epartme#t o! *tate 2201 , *treet' NE Eashi#"to#' /, 20120 /ear *ecretar& ,li#to#: -# m& capacit& as chairma# o! the *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs *$bcommittee' %isited 6orea a#d Thaila#d last week to assess the c$rre#t sit$atio# i# both o! those co$#tries' as well as i# the re"io#. - had also i#te#ded to %isit 5$rma o# this trip' b$t postpo#ed m& %isit !or reaso#s described below. 0ollowi#" meeti#"s with "o%er#me#t represe#tati%es' b$si#ess a#d comm$#it& leaders' 9.*. diplomats' a#d others' - wo$ld like to share with &o$ the !ollowi#" obser%atio#s a#d recomme#datio#s. As &o$ will #ote' some o! these recomme#datio#s are C$ite timeAse#siti%e. %8 .nited States'Korea 5ree 1rade Agreement2

[deletia] #8 @emocracy assistance to 1hailand2

[deletia] :. 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874:

-# 4a& 2010' Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell raised alle"atio#s that 5$rma has %iolated its commitme#t to 9N Resol$tio# 1874 re"ardi#" accepta#ce o! shipme#ts o! militar& items !rom North 6orea. Altho$"h #ot e plai#ed i# his stateme#t' a#d #ot %alidated b& s$bseC$e#t i#!ormatio#' #ews reports alle"ed that 5$rma recei%ed a shipme#t o! arms !rom North 6orea. This alle"atio#' which !rom m& $#dersta#di#" has &et to be p$blicl& clari!ied a#d s$bsta#tiated b& the *tate /epartme#t' has !ro;e# a#& prospect o! !$rther e#"a"eme#t with the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t.

.rior to m& rece#t Asia trip' - a#d m& sta!! worked !or weeks to seek p$blic clari!icatio# o! this alle"atio#' b$t the *tate /epartme#t pro%ided #o#e. At the time - le!t !or m& trip to Asia' #o other co$#tries had Doi#ed the 9#ited *tates i# this alle"atio#' altho$"h it had bee# disc$ssed with se%eral other co$#tries. The *tate /epartme#t still has #ot p$blicl& clari!ied this matter. 4& sta!! was told b& /ep$t& Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate *cot 4arciel that #o other #atio# has Doi#ed the 9#ited *tates i# p$blicl& de#o$#ci#" 5$rma o# this matter. As &o$ k#ow' o#l& ho$rs be!ore - was sched$led to e#ter 5$rma' reports s$r!aced i# the i#ter#atio#al media re"ardi#" #ew alle"atio#s that the militar& re"ime was cooperati#" with North 6orea to de%elop a #$clear pro"ram. These alle"atio#s were raised b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma' which is a 9.*.A!$#ded media or"a#i;atio#. As a co#seC$e#ce o! these two alle"atio#s' - postpo#ed m& %isit to 5$rma $#til s$ch time as both o! them ca# be e ami#ed obDecti%el& a#d !act$all&. - am #ow calli#" o# &o$ to do so' i# a timel& ma##er' so that o$r !$t$re relatio#s with this co$#tr& ca# proceed !orward i# a respo#sible wa&. +8 Special 0n7oy to Burma2

Go$ will recall that the 2008 Tom 2a#tos 5lock 5$rmese (A/+ Act reC$ires the .reside#t to appoi#t a *pecial Represe#tati%e a#d .olic& ,oordi#ator !or 5$rma' b& a#d with the ad%ice a#d co#se#t o! the *e#ate. Amo#" other respo#sibilities' this positio# sho$ld ?promote a comprehe#si%e i#ter#atio#al e!!ort' i#cl$di#" m$ltilateral sa#ctio#s' direct dialo"$e with the *./, a#d democrac& ad%ocates' a#d s$pport !or #o#"o%er#me#tal or"a#i;atio#s operati#" i# 5$rma a#d #ei"hbori#" co$#tries' desi"#ed to restore ci%ilia# democratic r$le to 5$rma a#d address the $r"e#t h$ma#itaria# #eeds o! the 5$rmese people.@ *i#ce this act has bee# i# e!!ect' the positio# has #ot bee# !illed. - hope &o$ will ask the .reside#t to appoi#t a *pecial +#%o& to 5$rma witho$t dela&. -# that re"ard' - wo$ld like to stro#"l& recomme#d Ambassador +ric (oh#' who c$rre#tl& ser%es i# Thaila#d' !or this positio#. Ambassador (oh# has spe#t ma#& &ears i# +ast Asia' a#d has lo#" e perie#ce i# deali#" with the North 6orea# re"ime o# iss$es that mi"ht be similar to those we will be !aci#" i# 5$rma. ,8 -ncrease 0ast Asia Bureau 5unding2

[deletia] *i#cerel&' (im Eebb 9#ited *tates *e#ator


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, ($#e 8' 2010 [EXCERPT ] N9+*T-ON: *e#ator (im Eebb toda& wrote a letter to *ecretar& ,li#to# calli#" !or the passa"e o! the 9.*.A 6orea 0ree Trade A"reeme#t. 4R. ,ROE2+G: ,alli#" !or the passa"e o! the AA N9+*T-ON: O! the 9.*.A6orea 0ree Trade A"reeme#t a#d the appoi#tme#t o! a special e#%o& to 5$rma immediatel&' as well as P a#d i#creased +ast Asia 5$rea$ !$#di#" here. *o do &o$ P ha%e &o$ see# the letter or do &o$ i#te#d to respo#d to it soo#O 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' o! co$rse we will respo#d to it. -Bm #ot aware that weB%e see# the letter &et. [deletia] N9+*T-ON: -Bd like to !ollow $p o# 5$rma. 4R. ,ROE2+G: 4mAhmm. N9+*T-ON: The same letter P *e#ator Eebb also sa&s that the *tate /epartme#t is #ot willi#" to share more i#!ormatio# o# 5$rmaBs %iolatio# o! 1874' which Assista#t *ecretar& 6$rt ,ampbell has said d$ri#" his P o#e o! his meeti#" that AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: That is somethi#" that we watch %er& care!$ll&. Ee are talki#" to 5$rma' remi#di#" 5$rma abo$t its i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s $#der 1874 a#d other resol$tio#s. As to what P the #at$re o! o$r co#%ersatio#s' we P ob%io$sl&' *e#ator Eebb' weB%e had ma#& co#%ersatio#s with him abo$t 5$rma. -tBs a co$#tr& o! P that he reco"#i;es is o! si"#i!ica#ce. A#d -Bm s$re that we will co#ti#$e o$r co#%ersatio#s with *e#ator Eebb a#d others o# the ,o#"ress abo$t the best wa& !orward. N9+*T-ON: A#d is the appoi#tme#t o! a special e#%o& !or 5$rma P is $#der co#sideratio#O /o &o$ co#sider this as a %iable optio# !or AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: -Bll take that C$estio#.


Special )nvoy for Burma

.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar&' 5$rea$ o! .$blic A!!airs Eashi#"to#' /, Fuestion 1aken at the @aily ress Briefing on /une ?* #$%$ ($#e )' 2010 N: Eill the *tate /epartme#t appoi#t a *pecial +#%o& !or 5$rmaO -! so' whe# will the appoi#tme#t be madeO A: The Admi#istratio# pla#s to !ill this positio# soo#.$kesAwo$ldAdestabiliseAre"io#A$sA:1048.php

Myanmar nukes would destabilise region2 .S

Eashi#"to# A"e#ceA0ra#ce .resse' 9pdated: ($#e 11' 2010 0):1) -*T 4&a#mar risks destabilisi#" *o$theast Asia thro$"h its p$rs$it o! weapo#s' altho$"h it is #ot &et clear whether the militar& re"ime is de%elopi#" a #$clear pro"ram' a 9* o!!icial has said. A se#ior arm& de!ector' i# a rece#t doc$me#tar& broadcast o# Al (a;eera tele%isio#' said the D$#ta has bee# seeki#" #$clear weapo#s a#d de%elopi#" a secret #etwork o! $#der"ro$#d t$##els with help !rom North 6orea. *cot 4arciel' the *tate /epartme#t o!!icial i# char"e o! *o$theast Asia' said that the 9#ited *tates was still assessi#" the alle"atio#s abo$t 4&a#mar A also k#ow# as 5$rma. K- thi#k thereJs two iss$es. O#e is whether there is some ki#d o! serio$s #$clear pro"ram i# 5$rma' which certai#l& wo$ld be treme#do$sl& destabilisi#" to the e#tire re"io#'K 4arciel testi!ied at a co#"ressio#al heari#". KThereJs also the 5$rmese acC$isitio# o! other militar& eC$ipme#t AA co#%e#tio#al AA which also ca# a!!ect re"io#al stabilit&'K he said. KEeJre looki#" at both o! those C$estio#s %er& closel&'K said 4arciel' the dep$t& assista#t secretar& o! state !or +ast Asia# a!!airs. A se#ior 4&a#mar o!!icial last week said that the acc$satio#s o! a #$clear pro"ram were K"ro$#dless'K witho$t elaborati#". O# a %isit to 4&a#mar i# 4a&' 4arcielJs s$perior' Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell' e pressed co#cer# abo$t a s$spected arms shipme#t !rom North 6orea a#d so$"ht ass$ra#ces !rom the re"ime. *e#ator (im Eebb' o#e o! the most %ocal 9* ad%ocates o! e#"a"eme#t with 4&a#mar' abr$ptl& ca#celled a %isit to the co$#tr& earlier this mo#th d$e to the alle"atio#s o! cooperatio# with North 6orea. Addressi#" the Asia *ociet& o# Eed#esda&' Eebb said he was still waiti#" to lear# more abo$t the alle"atio#s b$t decided it wo$ld be co$#terprod$cti%e to %isit 4&a#mar at the time the doc$me#tar& was broadcast. .reside#t 5arack ObamaJs admi#istratio# last &ear ope#ed dialo"$e with 4&a#mar' co#cl$di#" that the pre%io$s approach o! isolati#" the re"ime had #ot bor#e !r$it. 5$t the admi#istratio# has %oiced deep co#cer# abo$t electio#s later this &ear' which the oppositio# co#siders a sham to le"itimise militar& r$le.


Myanmar denies nuclear plans* North Korean help

0ri ($# 11' 2010 :::)pm G4T GANGON ($#e 11 <Re$ters= A 4&a#mar has #o ambitio# to become a #$clear power a#d reports that it is de%elopi#" a #$clear pro"ramme with North 6orea# help are "ro$#dless' the 0orei"# 4i#istr& said i# a stateme#t read o# state tele%isio# o# 0rida&. /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' a Norwe"ia#Abased e ile "ro$p opposed to 4&a#marJs militar& re"ime' said i# a report last week 4&a#mar was tr&i#" to de%elop a secret #$clear pro"ramme with the i#te#tio# o! maki#" a# atomic bomb. Acco$#ts o! s$spected #$clear pla#s s$r!aced last &ear' b$t 4&a#mar has #e%er co#!irmed or de#ied a#& #$clear ambitio#s. *ome reports ha%e s$""ested it had e#listed the help o! #$clearAarmed North 6orea. -# a !irst reactio# to the latest s$ch reports' the 0orei"# 4i#istr& acc$sed disside#ts o! spreadi#" !alse i#!ormatio#' s$""esti#" this mi"ht be a# e!!ort to sc$pper e!!orts b& the 9#ited *tates i# rece#t mo#ths to e#"a"e with the militar& re"ime. K-# the past !ew da&s' some i#ter#atio#al media reported the acc$satio#s that 4&a#mar is maki#" attempts to de%elop a #$clear proDect with the i#te#tio# o! ha%i#" #$clear weapo#s i# cooperatio# with North 6orea'K the 0orei"# 4i#istr& said. KThese are merel& "ro$#dless a#d politicall& moti%ated acc$satio#s'K it said' addi#" the claims were also aimed at disr$pti#" the "o%er#me#tJs pla#s to hold electio#s later this &ear. -t said 4&a#mar o#ce had a pla# to b$ild a 10Ame"awatt reactor !or peace!$l p$rposes with the assista#ce o! R$ssia' b$t that was aba#do#ed. The mi#istr& de#ied 4&a#mar had p$rchased weapo#s !rom North 6orea. -t had o#l& imported ceme#t !rom North 6orea while North 6orea had imported rice !rom 4&a#mar' it said. /35 said that its !i%eA&ear i#%esti"atio# showed that 4&a#mar' !ormerl& 5$rma' was a lo#" wa& !rom prod$ci#" a #$clear weapo# b$t had "o#e to "reat le#"ths to acC$ire the tech#olo"& a#d e pertise to do so. <Reporti#" b& A$#" Fla T$#H +diti#" b& Ala# Ra&bo$ld a#d *a#Dee% 4i"la#i=

http://www.m& .html

New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar

As re"ards alle"atio#s a"ai#st 4&a#mar o# #$clear pro"rammes' Reside#t Represe#tati%e o! 4&a#mar to -A+A Ambassador 9 Ti# Ei# se#ds repl& to /irector 4r. 4arco 4ar;o o! /i%isio# o! Operatio#s A' /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards' -A+A No acti%it& related to #$clear pro"ramme has bee# carried o$t i# the past' is o#"oi#" or is pla##ed !or the !$t$re i# 4&a#mar
NAG .G- TAE' 18 ($#e [89;9] As re"ards the alle"atio#s a"ai#st 4&a#mar i# co##ectio# with #$clear pro"rammes' /irector 4r. 4arco 4ar;o o! /i%isio# o! Operatio#s A' /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards' -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= se#t a letter dated 14 ($#e to 9 Ti# Ei#' Reside#t Represe#tati%e o! 4&a#mar to -A+A a#d Ambassador o! 4&a#mar to the 0ederal Rep$blic o! Germa#&. The letter reC$ested 4&a#mar to i#!orm the A"e#c& as to whether a#& acti%ities related to $ra#i$m co#%ersio#' e#richme#t' or reactor co#str$ctio# or operatio# has bee# carried o$t i# the past' is o#"oi#" or is pla##ed !or the !$t$re i# the co$#tr& as claimed b& the Al (a;eera doc$me#tar&. Ambassador 9 Ti# Ei# se#t a repl& letter toda& to 4r. 4arco 4ar;o. The letter stated that the alle"atio#s made b& the i#ter#atio#al media a"ai#st 4&a#mar re"ardi#" the #$clear pro"ramme are "ro$#dless a#d $#!o$#dedH that #o acti%it& related to $ra#i$m co#%ersio#' e#richme#t' reactor co#str$ctio# or operatio# has bee# carried o$t i# the past' is o#"oi#" or is pla##ed !or the !$t$re i# 4&a#marH that 4&a#mar is a part& to the N$clear No#A proli!eratio# Treat& <N.T= a#d has si"#ed the *a!e"$ards A"reeme#t i# co##ectio# with the N.T a#d the .rotocol thereto i# 1))1H that as stated i# its *a!e"$ards A"reeme#t with the -A+A' 4&a#mar will #oti!& the A"e#c& i! it pla#s to carr& o$t a#& o! the a!oreme#tio#ed #$clear acti%ities.


Burma @enies Allegations -t -s Seeking Nukes

5& TF+ A**O,-AT+/ .R+** *at$rda&' ($#e 1)' 2010 RANGOON V 5$rma has se#t a letter to the 9.N. #$clear a"e#c& i#sisti#" it has #o c$rre#t or !$t$re pla# to de%elop a #$clear pro"ram i# the isolated co$#tr&Js seco#d de#ial this mo#th a!ter reports emer"ed it ma& be seeki#" a# atomic weapo#. 5$rmaJs militar& "o%er#me#t has de#ied similar alle"atio#s i# the past' b$t s$spicio#s ha%e mo$#ted rece#tl& that the impo%erished *o$theast Asia# #atio# has embarked o# a #$clear pro"ram. 5$rmaJs e#%o& to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' Ti# Ei#' dismissed the alle"atio#s as K"ro$#dless a#d $#!o$#dedK i# a letter se#t 0rida&' accordi#" to a *at$rda& report i# The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar #ewspaper. The 0orei"# 4i#istr& iss$ed a de#ial o# ($#e 11. KNo acti%it& related to $ra#i$m co#%ersio#' e#richme#t' reactor co#str$ctio# or operatio# has bee# carried o$t i# the past' is o#"oi#" or is pla##ed !or the !$t$re i# 4&a#mar I5$rmaM'K the letter said' accordi#" to the #ewspaper which is a mo$thpiece !or the D$#ta. The letter was se#t i# respo#se to o#e !rom the -A+A dated ($#e 14 that asked 5$rma to o$tli#e a#& #$clearA related acti%ities or ambitio#s' the #ewspaper said. +arlier this mo#th' the Norwa&Abased /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma' a 5$rma e ile #ews ser%ice' char"ed that the D$#ta' aided b& North 6orea' is acti%el& p$rs$i#" a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram with the aim o! de%elopi#" a bomb a#d lo#"Ara#"e missiles. -t said its co#cl$sio#s were based o# a !i%eA&ear st$d& a#d re%elatio#s b& a rece#t 5$rma arm& de!ector who sm$""led o$t e te#si%e !iles a#d photo"raphs. The report also said that 5$rma is still !ar !rom prod$ci#" a #$clear weapo#. Ti# Ei#Js letter #oted that 5$rma is a si"#ator& o! the N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& a#d the a"e#c&Js soA called sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t. KAs stated i# the sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t' 4&a#mar will #oti!& the a"e#c& i! it pla#s to carr& o$t a#& #$clear acti%ities'K the letter said. 2ast mo#th' 9.N. e perts mo#itori#" sa#ctio#s imposed a"ai#st North 6orea o%er its #$clear a#d missile tests said their research i#dicated it was i#%ol%ed i# ba##ed #$clear a#d ballistic missile acti%ities i# -ra#' *&ria a#d 5$rma' which is also called 4&a#mar. /oc$me#ts that s$r!aced earlier showed that North 6orea was helpi#" 5$rma di" a series o! $#der"ro$#d !acilities a#d de%elop missiles with a ra#"e o! $p to 1'880 miles <:'000 kilometers=.!iles/*,R1874.pd! [-ccessed 89;9&9G&?9] Report to the I9NM *ec$rit& ,o$#cil !rom the .a#el o! + perts established .$rs$a#t to Resol$tio# 1874 <200)=1 0i#al 3ersio# [EXCERPT ] -8 0Cecuti7e Summary 1. O# 12 ($#e 200)' the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil $#a#imo$sl& adopted resol$tio# 1874 <200)= i# which it reC$ested the *ecretar&AGe#eral to establish a .a#el o! + perts ma#dated to: "ather' e ami#e a#d a#al&;e i#!ormatio# re"ardi#" the impleme#tatio# o! the meas$res imposed b& the ,o$#cil i# resol$tio#s 1718 <2008= a#d 1874 <200)=' i# partic$lar i#cide#ts o! #o#Acomplia#ceH make recomme#datio#s o# actio#s the ,o$#cil' the ,ommittee or 4ember *tates ma& co#sider to impro%e impleme#tatio# o! those meas$resH a#d' assist the 1718 ,ommittee i# carr&i#" o$t its !$#ctio#s. [deletia] 1). Ne%ertheless' the .a#el o! + perts has re%iewed se%eral "o%er#me#t assessme#ts' 24 -A+A reports21 ' research papers a#d media reports i#dicati#" co#ti#$i#" /.R6 i#%ol%eme#t i# #$clear a#d ballistic missile related acti%ities i# certai# other co$#tries i#cl$di#" -ra#' *&ria a#d 4&a#mar. A #$mber o! "o%er#me#t a#d pri%ate e perts with whom members o! the .a#el o! + perts ha%e spoke# also e pressed co#cer# that the /.R6 has the capabilit& as well as the prope#sit& to pro%ide #$clear a#d ballistic missilesArelated eC$ipme#t' !acilities' tech#ical ad%ice to a#d thro$"h clie#ts o%erseas. 80. +%ide#ce pro%ided i# these reports i#dicates that the /.R6 has co#ti#$ed to pro%ide missiles' compo#e#ts' a#d tech#olo"& to certai# co$#tries i#cl$di#" -ra# a#d *&ria si#ce the impositio# o! these meas$res. The .a#el o! + perts has also re%iewed "o%er#me#t iss$ed reports i#dicati#" that the /.R6 has pro%ided assista#ce !or a #$clear pro"ramme i# *&ria' i#cl$di#" the desi"# a#d co#str$ctio# o! a thermal reactor at /air Al;o$r. The -A+A is still attempti#" to obtai# $pdated reports co#cer#i#" the c$rre#t stat$s o! this site a#d the acti%ities i#%ol%ed.28 81. The .a#el o! + perts is also looki#" i#to s$spicio$s acti%it& i# 4&a#mar i#cl$di#" acti%ities there o! Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" <N,G=' a 1718 ,ommittee desi"#ated e#tit&' a#d reports that (apa#' i# ($#e 200)' arrested three i#di%id$als !or attempti#" to ille"all& e port a ma"#etometer to 4&a#mar %ia 4ala&sia' alle"edl& $#der the directio# o! a compa#& k#ow# to be associated with illicit proc$reme#t !or /.R6 #$clear a#d militar& pro"rammes. 82. The .a#el o! + perts belie%es that the i#!ormatio# re!erred to para"raphs 1) to 81 merits the close atte#tio# o! 4ember *tates with re"ard to the impleme#tatio# a#d e#!orceme#t o! the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil meas$res. 0$rther st$d& with re"ard to these s$spected acti%ities will be co#d$cted b& the .a#el i# order to de%elop a more thoro$"h $#dersta#di#" o! the !acts. The .a#el will seek the cooperatio# o! rele%a#t or"a#i;atio#s' i#cl$di#" the -A+A' i# this re"ard.

The %iews e pressed i# this report are e cl$si%el& those o! .a#el o! + perts a#d do #ot represe#t those o! a#& others $#less otherwise i#dicated.

Re!ere#ce is made to the .ress 5rie!i#" b& /r. 4athew (. 5$rrows' 9* Natio#al -#telli"e#ce ,o$#cil <N-,= ,o$#selor a#d /irector o! the A#al&sis a#d .rod$ctio# *ta!!' 24 4arch 2010'

iwww.d#i."o%/i#ter%iews/20100:24Ri#ter%iew.pd!\' as well as the 5ack"ro$#d 5rie!i#" with *e#ior 9.*. O!!icials o# *&riaBs ,o%ert N$clear Reactor a#d North 6oreaBs -#%ol%eme#t' 24 April 2008' iwww.d#i."o%/i#ter%iews/20080424Ri#ter%iew.pd!\. Re!ere#ce is also made to co#cer#s e pressed i# the 0re#ch Ehite .aper o# /e!e#ce a#d Natio#al *ec$rit&' ($#e 2008' re"ardi#" co#ti#$i#" militar& cooperatio# betwee# /.R6 a#d other co$#tries i# the ballistic missile !ield'!e#seetsec$rite."o$%.!r/-4G/pd!/li%reRbla#cRtome1Rpartie1.pd!\.

-mpleme#tatio# o! the N.T *a!e"$ards A"reeme#t o# the *&ria# Arab Rep$blic' GO3/2010/11' 18 0ebr$ar& 2010.

-# a letter to the -A+A dated 24 4a& 200)' *&ria de#ied these alle"atio#s b$t pro%ided #o s$pporti#" doc$me#tatio# co#cer#i#" the !acilities i# C$estio#. -# its last report o# -mpleme#tatio# o! the N.T *a!e"$ards A"reeme#t i# the *&ria# Arab Rep$blic' the -A+A $#derli#es that *&ria has #ot cooperated with the A"e#c& si#ce ($#e 2008 re"ardi#" the $#resol%ed iss$es related to the /air Al;o$r site. <*ee para"raph 11 o! Go%/2010/11 o! 18 0ebr$ar& 2010=. *ee also *tateme#t to 2010 Re%iew ,o#!ere#ce o! the .arties to the Treat& o# the No#A.roli!eratio# o! N$clear Eeapo#s <N.T= made b& -A+A /irector Ge#eral' G$ki&a Ama#o' : 4a& 2010. [deletia] 72. The Go%er#me#t o! the Rep$blic o! 6orea i#!ormed the 1718 ,ommittee o# 1: October 200) that the rele%a#t a$thorities o! the Rep$blic o! 6orea i#spected at the port o! 5$sa# a co#tai#er ship !l&i#" the .a#ama !la" with the #ame o! 4*, Rachele' ow#ed b& 4editerra#ea# *hippi#" ,ompa#&' a *wiss !irm' a#d !o$#d that !o$r co#tai#ers were !illed with worki#" protecti%e "arme#ts which were deemed to ha%e militar& $tilit& !or chemical protectio#. The Rep$blic o! 6orea a$thorities !$rther i#dicated that their i#%esti"atio# had re%ealed that the shipme#t o! the !o$r co#tai#ers i# C$estio# had ori"i#ated i# the port o! Nampo' /.R6' a#d were shipped o# or abo$t 11 *eptember 200) to /alia#' ,hi#a. -# /alia# the co#tai#ers were placed o# board the 4*, Rachele. The i#te#ded recipie#t o! the "oods was declared as the +#%iro#me#tal *t$d& ,e#ter i# *&ria. The Go%er#me#t o! *&ria disa%owed the shipme#t. -# /ecember 200)' the .a#el was "i%e# a# i#!ormatio# brie!i#" !rom RO6 o!!icials a#d e perts o# the case a#d the #at$re o! the "oods. The .a#el was also able to ph&sicall& e ami#e the "oods i# the port o! 5$sa#. 5ased o# the i#!ormatio# pro%ided a#d e pertise o! the .a#el' it co#cl$ded that these "oods wo$ld primaril& ha%e militar& applicatio# i# the protectio# a"ai#st certai# chemical a"e#ts. :1

-t was #oted b& some e perts that these "oods co$ld also be $sed !or ci%il p$rposes.

[deletia] 10). The /.R6 relies hea%il& o# o%erseas bra#ches o! its ba#ks a#d o# their correspo#de#t acco$#ts to ha#dle s$rreptitio$s tra#sactio#s. This sce#ario is e empli!ied b& the acti%ities o! 6orea 6wa#"so# 5a#ki#" ,orporatio# <665,=' which co#ti#$es to mai#tai# o%erseas bra#ches. 665, has repeatedl& bee# i#%ol%ed i# tra#sactio#s !or a#d o# behal! o! the e#tities desi"#ated b& 1718 ,ommittee i#cl$di#" Ta#cho# ,ommercial 5a#k11' the 6orea 4i#i#" /e%elopme#t Tradi#" ,orporatio# <6O4-/=' 6orea F&oksi# Tradi#" ,orporatio# a#d 6orea R&o#bo#" Ge#eral ,orporatio#. Accordi#" to i#!ormatio# pro%ided to the .a#el o! + perts' 665, has ha#dled se%eral tra#sactio#s i#%ol%i#" millio#s o! dollars directl& related to tra#sactio#s co#d$cted betwee# the 6orea 4i#i#" /e%elopme#t Tradi#" ,orporatio# <6O4-/= a#d 4&a#mar. 18

*ee 9.*. Treas$r& /epartme#t /esi"#atio# *tateme#t co#tai#ed i# /oc$me#t TG 280 dated 11 A$"$st 200). [deletia]

D--8 3ecommendations [deletia] -nterdiction )= The .a#el o! + perts has e pressed co#cer# that certai# co$#tries s$ch as *&ria' -ra#' 4&a#mar' co#ti#$e to be associated with the /.R6 i# re"ard to proscribed acti%ities a#d belie%es that special atte#tio# sho$ld be take# b& all 4ember *tates to i#hibit s$ch acti%ities. 0$rther st$d& sho$ld be co#d$cted b& the .a#el o! + perts' a#d b& the ,ommittee' !or a more thoro$"h $#dersta#di#" o! s$ch acti%ities. ,ooperatio# with other rele%a#t i#ter#atio#al or"a#i;atio# i#cl$di#" the -A+A sho$ld be so$"ht i# this re"ard.


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, ($l& 12' 2010 [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: O# 5$rma' some members o! N2/ ha%e #ow re"istered a di!!ere#t part& a#d are #ot pla##i#" to co#test the electio#s. /o &o$ see this as the militar& D$#ta has bee# s$ccess!$l i# !$rther isolati#" A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i i# the co$#tr& or di%idi#" the N2/ itsel!O 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' it does#Jt cha#"e o$r co#cer# abo$t the electoral process. Ee thi#k that this is a !lawed electoral process. Ee respect decisio#s that !ormer N2/ members ha%e made. 5$t we certai#l& do #ot ha%e a#& e pectatio# that what proceeds i# 5$rma here will be a#&thi#" that remotel& resembles a !ree' !air' or le"itimate res$lt. N9+*T-ON: /oes that make &o$ rethi#k &o$r o$treach to the "o%er#me#tO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Not at all. Ee will co#ti#$e to e#"a"e the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t beca$se itBs i# o$r i#terest to do so a#d we will co#ti#$e d$ri#" those disc$ssio#s' i! a#d whe# the& occ$r i# the !$t$re' to make clear that 5$rma has more that P m$ch more that it #eeds to do to e#"a"e i# dialo"$e with its ke& "ro$ps withi# its pop$latio# a#d to ope# $p its political process to mea#i#"!$l participatio#. N9+*T-ON: ,a# &o$ AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: A#d to release A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. That will co#ti#$e to be o$r messa"e whe#e%er we meet with 5$rmese o!!icials. N9+*T-ON: ,a# &o$ poi#t to a#& AA N9+*T-ON: Eell' the# $ltimatel& AA N9+*T-ON: *orr&' ca# - keep "oi#"O ,a# &o$ poi#t to a#& i#sta#ce i# which' si#ce &o$ be"a# this dialo"$e $#der the c$rre#t Admi#istratio#' a#d at a hi"her le%el tha# had hitherto bee# the case' where the "o%er#me#t has mo%ed i# &o$r directio# i# a#& ma##er whatsoe%erO The two that come to mi#d partic$larl& are democrac& a#d A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' o# the o#e ha#d' a#d ass$a"i#" &o$r co#cer#s abo$t possible #$clear cooperatio# with North 6orea. Fa%e the& do#e a#&thi#" to address &o$r co#cer#s o# those two !ro#tsO

4R. ,ROE2+G: O# the democrac& !ro#t' #o. Their steps ha%e bee# i#adeC$ate. Ee co#ti#$e to ha%e co#cer#s abo$t 5$rmaBs relatio#ship with North 6orea. -tBs somethi#" that we watch %er&' %er& care!$ll& a#d co#siste#tl&. N9+*T-ON: ,a# - !ollow $p o# thatO 4R. ,ROE2+G: *$re. N9+*T-ON: ,a# - !ollow $p o# thatO - mea#' do &o$ ha%e a#& be#chmarks !or this t&pe o! e#"a"eme#t' - mea#' at which poi#t &o$ sa& that e#"a"eme#t is#Bt worki#" a#d ma&be &o$ #eed to tr& somethi#" elseO - mea#' D$st !ollowi#" o# ArshadBs C$estio#' &o$ P ob%io$sl&' &o$ wa#t to "i%e it a cha#ce. 5$t at what poi#t do &o$ sa&' well' this is #ot worki#" a#d weBre rewardi#" the militar& D$#ta there AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: ThereBs a pres$mptio# behi#d &o$r C$estio# that e#"a"eme#t is somehow a reward. +#"a"eme#t is what we thi#k is the most e!!ecti%e mea#s to a# e#d. Now AA N9+*T-ON: Eell' whatBs so e!!ecti%e abo$t itO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Fa#" o# a seco#d. Ee ha%e &ears' i! #ot decades' o! e perie#ce that tells $s that isolatio# has #ot worked either. Ee are i#%ol%ed i# direct disc$ssio#s with 5$rmese o!!icials. - ca#Bt predict whe# the #e t ro$#d will occ$r. 5$t so !ar' their respo#se o# P partic$larl& o# the democrac& !ro#t has bee# disappoi#ti#". -tBs bee# a missed opport$#it&. 5$t we will co#ti#$e to e#"a"e them P #ot to reward them' b$t D$st simpl& to make s$re that the& ha%e clarit& that i! the& e#%isio# a#& di!!ere#t ki#d o! relatio#ship with the 9#ited *tates' that !$#dame#tal processes withi# their ow# co$#tr& ha%e to cha#"e. N9+*T-ON: Eell' what i! the& do#Bt e#%isio# a !$#dame#tal di!!ere#t AA 4R. ,ROE2+G: The# at a poi#t' we will reach that co#cl$sio#. EeBre #ot there &et. N9+*T-ON: ($st to !ollow $p o# thatO 4R. ,ROE2+G: *$re. N9+*T-ON: Are &o$ a#& closer to appoi#ti#" a special e#%o& to 5$rmaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: -B%e "ot #othi#" to a##o$#ce. Eell' - k#ow where we are i# the process.


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, ($l& 14' 2010 I+>,+R.TM N9+*T-ON: Fi' -Bm 4ark Fose#ball !rom Newsweek. - had some C$estio#s !or &o$. /o &o$ ha%e a#& comme#t or %iew o# alle"atio#s rece#tl& made b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma a#d other h$ma# ri"hts acti%ists based o# i#!ormatio# !rom de!ectors that 5$rma is p$rs$i#" a secret #$clear pro"ramO 4R. ,ROE2+G: All - will sa& o# this topic is that we ha%e lo#"sta#di#" co#cer#s abo$t the #at$re o! the relatio#ship betwee# 5$rma a#d the 9#ited *tates a#d we ha%e co#siste#tl& rei#!orced i# o$r co#%ersatio#s with 5$rmese a$thorities the importa#ce o! meeti#" all o! their i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s' i#cl$di#" those i# the area o! #o#proli!eratio#. -Bm #ot "oi#" to "et i#to i#telli"e#ce matters abo$t what we k#ow or what we thi#k. This is a# area that we are watchi#" %er& care!$ll&. Ee ha%e co#cer#s abo$t the #at$re o! that relatio#ship. -t is somethi#" that we watch %er& care!$ll&. -tBs somethi#" that we co#ti#$e to talk to the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t abo$t. N9+*T-ON: - ha%e a co$ple !ollowA$ps here. *e#ator (im Eebb sa&s that he ca#Bt "et a !$ll brie!i#" !rom the Admi#istratio# o# the 5$rma #$clear alle"atio#s. Eh& is thatO -t was wellAp$blici;ed that the se#ator rece#tl& ca#celled a trip to 5$rma o# the basis o! the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rmaBs i#!ormatio# which was spo#sored' backed $p' promoted b& the Natio#al +#dowme#t !or /emocrac& a#d was based o# $#classi!ied so$rces. Eh& is#Bt the se#ator "etti#" the most $pAtoAdate a#al&sis !rom the 9#ited *tates Go%er#me#t o# thisO Eebb sa&s that he asked the *tate /epartme#t abo$t this i# writi#"' b$t "ot #o repl&. 4R. ,ROE2+G: - will check to see i! we ha%e a !ormal reC$est !rom *e#ator Eebb. Ee ha%e talked to *e#ator Eebb o# a# o#"oi#" a#d !reC$e#t basis' "i%e# his i#terest i# 5$rma' "i%e# his rece#t tra%el to the re"io#' a#d i# !act' - ca# recall a pre%io$s trip' - thi#k' last &ear where he %isited 5$rma himsel!. Ee talk to *e#ator Eebb all the time. Ee appreciate his i#terest i# 5$rma. -! he has a partic$lar reC$est that he wa#ts to make o! $s be&o#d P a#d - will check to see i! heBs alread& made that reC$est' we will certai#l& be respo#si%e. N9+*T-ON: Now' the Natio#al +#dowme#t !or /emocrac& has bee# %er& acti%el& i#%ol%ed i# s$pporti#" the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma a#d promoti#" its alle"atio#s abo$t a secret 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram. Fas the Admi#istratio#' i# a#& wa&' directed or appro%ed the +#dowme#tBs promotio# o! these alle"atio#sO A#d what co#trol or i#!l$e#ce' i! a#&' does the *tate /epartme#t or other eleme#ts o! the + ec$ti%e 5ra#ch ha%e o%er the acti%ities o! the Natio#al +#dowme#t !or /emocrac& a#d its related or"a#i;atio#sO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' -Bll take a C$estio#. -Bm #ot eC$ipped to sa& what ki#d o! democratic pro"rams we s$pport with respect to 5$rma. - will take that C$estio#.

N9+*T-ON: Oka&' a#d o#e !i#al thi#"' earlier this &ear' 4rs. ,li#to# critici;ed the "rowi#" relatio#ship betwee# the "o%er#me#ts o! 5$rma a#d North 6orea. EhatBs the 9.*. Go%er#me#tBs %iew o! the #at$re o! that relatio#shipO /oes the 9.*. Go%er#me#t ha%e a#& %alidated e%ide#ce that thereBs a #$clear eleme#t to that relatio#shipO 4R. ,ROE2+G: -B%e alread& a#swered that C$estio#. N9+*T-ON: O# 5$rma itsel!' *ecretar& P sorr&' 5ill 5$r#s tra%el to Thaila#d P does he ha%e a#& pla#s to meet the 5$rmese leader i# e ile li%i#" i# the co$#tr& i# Thaila#dO The& ha%e a h$"e 5$rmese re!$"ees li%i#" thereO 4R. ,ROE2+G: 5$rma is a member o! A*+AN. - ca#Bt sa& whether there will be a meeti#". 2etBs wait !or the trip a#d weBll see what happe#s.$*TR+88-1312010071)

North Korea and Myanmar top agenda for Asia security meet
5& (aso# *;ep a#d Ambika Ah$Da 4o# ($l 1)' 2010 8:41am +/T [EXCERPT ] FANO- <Re$ters= A Te#sio# o# the 6orea# pe#i#s$la' electio#s i# militar&Ar$led 4&a#mar a#d the C$estio# o! whether the !ormer 5$rma is de%elopi#" #$clear arms will top the a"e#da o! meeti#"s o! Asia# !orei"# mi#isters this week i# 3iet#am. *o$theast Asia# !orei"# mi#isters met i# Fa#oi o# 4o#da& to disc$ss re"io#al sec$rit& ahead o! talks this week with co$#terparts !rom ,hi#a' (apa#' North a#d *o$th 6orea' the 9#ited *tates' the +$ropea# 9#io# a#d R$ssia. 4&a#marJs !orei"# mi#ister repeated that the co$#tr& had #o ambitio# to become a #$clear power' de#&i#" a report p$blished i# ($#e b& a# e ile "ro$p that it was tr&i#" to de%elop a secret #$clear pro"ram with the i#te#tio# o! maki#" a# atomic bomb. K4&a#mar told the meeti#" that itJs #ot attempti#" to proc$re or de%elop #$clear weapo#s a#d we tha#ked them !or their clari!icatio# o# the matter'K said Tha#i Tho#"pakdi' a dep$t& spokesma# !or the Thai !orei"# mi#istr&. 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# arri%es o# Th$rsda& a#d will rei#!orce Eashi#"to#Js commitme#t to Asia i# the !ace o! risi#" ,hi#ese i#!l$e#ce a#d "rowi#" te#sio#s with North 6orea d$ri#" two da&s o! meeti#"s' 9.*. o!!icials sa&. [deletia] 30SS.30 4N M<ANMA3 9.*. o!!icials sa& ,li#to# will raise co#cer#s abo$t electio# preparatio#s i# 4&a#mar' hopi#" to $#derscore that the co$#tr&Js militar& leaders m$st be held acco$#table !or the lack o! real democratic re!orm. [deletia] The 9#ited *tates is also i#creasi#"l& co#cer#ed abo$t pote#tial li#ks betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea' i#cl$di#" reports b& a# e iled a#tiA"o%er#me#t "ro$p that 4&a#mar ma& be harbori#" #$clear ambitio#s o! its ow#' 9.*. o!!icials said. Assista#t 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell said the 9#ited *tates wo$ld press 4&a#mar to impleme#t 9.*. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio#s ti"hte#i#" sa#ctio#s o# North 6orea b$t that there were K#o pla#s i# the c$rre#t climateK !or ,li#to# to meet represe#tati%es o! either North 6orea or 4&a#mar i# Fa#oi. <Additio#al reporti#" b& (oh# R$witch' A#drew N$i## a#d (ack 6imH +diti#" b& Ale Richardso#=


Burma>s Nuke Ambitions to Come under Scrutiny

5& 4arwaa# 4aca#A4arkar 5ANG6O6 ($l 1)' 2010 <-.*= Ehe# *o$thAeast Asia# !orei"# mi#isters "ather i# Fa#oi this week !or a series o! a##$al sec$rit& meeti#"s' the re"io#Bs most tro$blesome member' militar&A r$led 5$rma' is d$e to come $#der scr$ti#& o%er reports o! its #$clear ambitio#s. Alarm bells ha%e bee# "oi#" o!! i# *o$thAeast Asia# capitals si#ce the earl& ($#e e pose b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' a# OsloAbased broadcasti#" statio# r$# b& 5$rmese Do$r#alists i# e ile that reported that the 5$rmese D$#ta i#te#ds to b$ild #$clear weapo#s !acilities. -#do#esia' the lar"est co$#tr& i# the 10Amember Associatio# o! *o$thAeast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN=' is amo#" those e pected to seek a# e pla#atio# !rom 5$rma d$ri#" the meeti#"s i# the 3iet#amese capital' which r$# !rom ($l. 20A 2:. K(akarta is co#cer#ed abo$t this iss$e'K a *o$thAeast Asia# diplomatic so$rce told -.*. 5$rma' also k#ow# as 4&a#mar' is e pected to !ace similar C$eries !rom the .hilippi#es' which i# 4a& had a# e#%o&' 2ibra# ,abact$la#' chair the 2010 Re%iew ,o#!ere#ce o! the N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& at the 9.N. headC$arters i# New Gork. At that re%iew meeti#"' ,abact$la# $r"ed dele"ates to work towards the treat&Bs commo# "oals: disarmame#t' #o#Aproli!eratio# o! #$clear weapo#s a#d the ri"ht to peace!$l $se o! #$clear tech#olo"&. The treat&' which e#tered i#to !orce i# 1)70' remai#s the cor#ersto#e !or b$ildi#" a "lobal #$clear #o#A proli!eratio# re"ime. A*+AN' whose members i#cl$de 5r$#ei' ,ambodia' 2aos' 4ala&sia' *i#"apore a#d Thaila#d i# additio# to 5$rma' -#do#esia' .hilippi#es a#d 3iet#am' itsel! has a #$clear weapo#sA!ree ;o#e a"reeme#t. The *o$thAeast Asia# N$clearAEeapo#A0ree Lo#e Treat& came i#to !orce i# 1))7' the same &ear 5$rma became a# A*+AN member a#d started to be#e!it !rom re"io#al protectio# a"ai#st i#ter#atio#al criticism !or the D$#taBs oppressi%e r$le. 5$rma si"#ed the re"io#al #$clear weapo#s moratori$m treat& at a 1))1 meeti#" i# 5a#"kok. A"ai#st the backdrop o! reports o! 5$rmaBs #$clear pla#s' the A*+AN prohibitio# o# b$ildi#" a#d stori#" #$clear weapo#s #ow !aces a serio$s challe#"e. KThe iss$e will be raised at this meeti#" e%e# tho$"h the co#crete e%ide#ce ma& be hard to !i#d'K said 6a%i ,ho#"kitta%or#' a col$m#ist o# re"io#al a!!airs !or Thaila#dBs +#"lishAla#"$a"e dail& QThe Natio#B. This is abo$t i#te#tio# a#d moti%e.K Accordi#" to media reports' 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Filar& ,li#to#' who will be i# Fa#oi to Doi# her A*+AN co$#terparts i# a broader sec$rit& !or$m' is likewise e pected to seek clari!icatio# abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear i#te#tio#s. Eashi#"to# has also e pressed co#cer# abo$t 5$rmaBs close li#ks to North 6orea' which has !aced sa#ctio#s imposed b& the 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil si#ce ($#e last &ear. 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' adopted i# the a!termath o! a# $#der"ro$#d #$clear test b& North 6orea' also calls o# 9.N. members to search North 6orea# car"o ships' b$t 5$rma has #ot adhered to this.

-# !act' the /35Bs i#%esti"ati%e report Q5$rmaBs N$clear Ambitio#sB poi#ted to 5$rmeseANorth 6orea# collaboratio# i# b$ildi#" a #etwork o! t$##els !or militar& p$rposes i# the secreti%e *o$thAeast Asia# #atio#. The report has alread& prompted the 3ie##aAbased -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A$thorit& <-A+A= to se#d a !ormal letter o! i#C$ir& !rom the D$#ta' which de#ied the /35Bs !i#di#"s. The 5$rmese re"ime has also iss$ed two more !ormal stateme#ts de#&i#" it has a#& #$clear ambitio#s. 5$t little o! that has t$r#ed the heat o!! the re"imeBs back. + perts i# the !ield ha%e e#tered the !ra&' ar"$i#" that Q5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio# is appare#tl& real a#d alarmi#"B' as the headli#e o! o#e comme#tar& rece#tl& p$blished i# QThe Natio#B ar"$ed. KAltho$"h 5$rmaBs p$rs$it o! #$clear weapo#s has lo#" bee# r$mo$red' the </35= doc$me#tar& co#tai#s #ew i#!ormatio# !rom a rece#t de!ector who pro%ided /35 with photo"raphs' doc$me#ts a#d a %iew !rom i#side the secreti%e militar& that sho$ld !i#all& p$t to rest a#& do$bt abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#'K wrote Robert 6ell&' a rece#tl& retired director o! the -A+A' i# that comme#tar&. KThe e%ide#ce i#cl$des chemical processi#" eC$ipme#t !or co#%erti#" $ra#i$m compo$#ds i#to !orms !or e#richme#t' reactors a#d bombs'K 6ell& added. KTake# alto"ether i# 5$rmaBs co%ert pro"ramme' the& ha%e b$t o#e $se P #$clear weapo#s.K A*+ANBs latest tro$bles with 5$rma come o# top o! mo$#ti#" press$re !rom Eester# #atio#s a#d h$ma# ri"hts "ro$ps !or it to $r"e the D$#ta to e#able a !ree a#d !air "e#eral electio# it has promised to hold this &ear. A*+AN is alread& "rappli#" with the pli"ht o! te#s o! tho$sa#ds o! re!$"ees !rom 5$rma who ha%e !led the co$#tr& d$e to the arm&Bs campai"# a"ai#st separatist rebel "ro$ps' as well as the #earl& two millio# $#doc$me#ted mi"ra#t workers who ha%e le!t their co$#tr&Bs cr$mbli#" eco#om&. Th$s !ar' A*+AN has #ot %iewed this e od$s as a# $r"e#t threat to re"io#al sec$rit&. 5$t the #$clear threat co$ld e#d its sile#ce a#d cooperatio# with 5$rma' sa& a#al&sts. K0or decades' 5$rmaBs r$li#" re"ime has bee# re"arded primaril& as a me#ace to its ow# people'K A$#" Law' editor o! the QThe -rrawadd&B' a 5$rmese a!!airs ma"a;i#e' wrote i# 4o#da&Bs editio# o! the Q5a#"kok .ostB #ewspaper. K5$t with rece#t reports co#!irmi#" lo#"Aheld s$spicio#s that the D$#ta aspires to establish 5$rma as *o$thAeast AsiaBs !irst #$clear state' there is #ow a %er& real da#"er that it is emer"i#" as a threat to the rest o! the re"io#.K K5$rma is #ot North 6orea' b$t the co$#tr&Bs militar& r$lers are #o less capable tha# their !ellow despots i# .&o#"&a#" o! holdi#" their #ei"hbo$rs to ra#som i! the& belie%e their ow# s$r%i%al is at stake'K he added. KThe& ha%e take# the !irst steps toward realisi#" their #$clear dreamH #ow the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& m$st act to pre%e#t it !rom becomi#" a #$clear #i"htmare !or the rest o! $s.K


0n7oy2 Asean wants capability to monitor nuclear weapons

4o#' 1) ($l 2010 22:21 FANO-: Asea# wa#ts to de%elop the capabilit& to detect atomic weapo#s so it ca# e!!ecti%el& impleme#t a treat& aimi#" to keep the re"io# !ree o! #$clear arms' a diplomat said toda&. The diplomat said the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <Asea#= is also stri%i#" to deal with pote#tial #$clear disasters' as some members co#sider the $se o! #$clear e#er"& !or ci%ilia# p$rposes. KEe wo$ld like to ha%e the capacit& to mo#itor the prese#ce o! #$clear weapo#s i# o$r territories'K i#cl$di#" o# warships tra#siti#" the re"io#Js waters' the diplomat said o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit&. The re"io# does #ot c$rre#tl& ha%e the ri"ht trai#i#" or eC$ipme#t to %eri!& whether #$clear weapo#s are i# its ports or passi#" thro$"h its waters' he added. The *o$theast Asia N$clear Eeapo#A0ree Lo#e treat& commits Asea# states K#ot to de%elop' ma#$!act$re or otherwise acC$ire' possess or ha%e co#trol o%er atomic weapo#sK. -t also prohibits the stora"e or tra#sit o! #$clear weapo#s i# Asea#' which "ro$ps 5r$#ei' ,ambodia' -#do#esia' 2aos' 4ala&sia' 4&a#mar' the .hilippi#es' *i#"apore' Thaila#d a#d 3iet#am. The treat& pre%e#ts the testi#" o! a#& #$clear de%ice a#d d$mpi#" o! radioacti%e waste i# the re"io#' i#cl$di#" i# membersJ territorial waters. K+%e# i! &o$ are a declared #$clear weapo#s !ree ;o#e' i! &o$ do#Jt ha%e the capabilit& to impleme#t it' the# thereJs #o $se'K said the diplomat' a member o! the commissio# that e#s$res complia#ce with the treat&. The commissio# met i# Fa#oi toda& as part o! the a##$al meeti#"s o! Asea# !orei"# mi#isters. The diplomat said alle"atio#s aired b& a Norwe"ia#Abased #ews "ro$p' the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma' that 4&a#mar was tr&i#" to be"i# a #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme with the help o! North 6orea were #ot disc$ssed at the Fa#oi meeti#". A A0.


British 5oreign 4ffice Minister Skeptical of Burmese 0lections

2010A07A1) 11::0: O# *$#da& d$ri#" a %isit to Thaila#d' 96 4i#ster o! *tate !or 0orei"# A!!airs' (erem& 5row#e' sa&s the #ew 5ritish "o%er#me#t will co#ti#$e to press$re 5$rma to impro%e its political a#d h$ma# ri"hts record. Fe sa&s 5ritai# will #ot %iew 5$rmaJs $pcomi#" electio#s as !ree a#d !air while Nobel peace la$reate' A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' a#d other political priso#ers remai# i# dete#tio#. KEe do #ot re"ard the !orthcomi#" electio# as a le"itimate e pressio# o! p$blic opi#io#s. Ee co#ti#$e to ha%e a %er& stro#" %iew that the sit$atio# i# 5$rma is $#acceptable.K 5row#e sa&s more tha# 2'000 political priso#ers are i# 5$rmese Dails. O# reports that North 6orea a#d 5$rma ma& ha%e bee# cooperati#" o# a proDect to de%elop #$clear arms' 5row# sa&s it co#tra%e#es i#ter#atio#al law a#d that #$clear proli!eratio# o! this t&pe is wro#". KEe will e press that i# the stro#"est terms at i#ter#atio#al i#stit$tio#s.K!mOarticleRid`428:

/ane>s -ntelligence 3e7iew 0Camines Satellite -magery to Collaborate @efector>s 1estimony of Myanmar>s Nuclear rogramme
2ON/ON <21st ($l& 2010= (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew has acC$ired commerciall& a%ailable satellite ima"er& !rom /i"italGlobe take# o%er sites i# 4&a#mar reported to be #$clear sites' i#cl$di#" two machi#e tool !actories. These ima"es corroborate e%ide#ce "athered b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma !rom 4aDor *ai Thei# Ei#' a de!ector !rom 4&a#mar' who worked as a dep$t& director at the two machi#e tool !actories. (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew ,o#trib$tor Robert 6elle&' !ormer se#ior -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= i#spector' has pro%ided a# assessme#t o! this i#!ormatio#. Ei#Bs i#!ormatio# is so co#siste#t with Eester# i#!ormatio# that it i#creases co#!ide#ce i# its co#te#t a#d' i# combi#atio# with the /i"italGlobe satellite ima"er& a#al&sed b& (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew' it has helped clari!& to some e te#t the i#te#t a#d capabilit& o! Na&p&idaw to p$rs$e a militar& #$clear pro"ramme. A!ter care!$l a#al&sis o! the dia"rams' ma#i!est orders' photo"raphs a#d satellite ima"er&' (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew ca# co#cl$de that 4&a#mar is taki#" meas$res to propa"ate a# i#di"e#o$s #$clear pro"ramme' b$t its abilit& to ad%a#ce alo#" the ro$te towards #$clearisatio# is se%erel& hampered beca$se the pro"ramme is o%erl& ambitio$s with limited e pertise. 4&a#mar retai#s obsolete a"reeme#ts with the -A+A a#d has #ot si"#ed the additio#al protocols that wo$ld pro%ide the a"e#c& "reater powers !or more i#tr$si%e i#spectio#s o! the !actories i# C$estio#. 4&a#mar has i"#ored the -A+ABs reC$est to $p"rade this a"reeme#t' which mea#s the co$#tr& is %irt$all& e empt !rom i#spectio#s. ,hristia# 2e 4ijre' editor o! (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew' e plai#ed' ?There is #o C$estio# 4&a#mar is attempti#" to b$ild the compo#e#ts !or a #$clear !$el c&cle. Fowe%er' Ei#Bs testimo#& a#d other e%ide#ce also re%eal i#tri#sic !laws withi# the pro"ramme. ,are!$l a#al&sis o! the reco%ered data re%eals that 4&a#mar is %astl& o$t o! its depth i# terms o! #$clear p$rs$it. Almost all o! its dia"rams a#d comp$terAassisted desi"#s !or tool prod$ctio# are cate"oricall& !lawed. The appare#t attempts at e#richme#t $si#" the hi"hl& tech#ical process o! laser isotope separatio#' a tech#iC$e that challe#"es e%e# the most sophisticated o! #$clear actors' will #e%er materialise witho$t a# $#precede#ted a$"me#tatio# o! methodolo"&.@ (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew reported that 4&a#mar certai#l& has the i#te#t to de%elop its #$clear pro"ramme. This i# itsel! is a si"#i!ica#t breach o! -A+A a"reeme#ts a#d its membership o! the 1))1 *o$theast Asia N$clearA Eeapo#sA0ree Lo#e <Treat& o! 5a#"kok=. .arado icall&' 4&a#mar is c$rre#tl& aided i# its pro"ramme b& a lack o! -A+A o%ersi"ht a#d had Ei# #ot come !orward with his e%ide#ce 4&a#mar co$ld ha%e co#ti#$ed to !$mble alo#" its co$rse towards $ra#i$m e#richme#t with little impedime#t. 2e 4ijre co#cl$ded' ?Ei#Bs disclos$re o! the se#siti%e i#!ormatio# a#d the scr$ti#& thereo! ma& lead the wa& to hi#der 4&a#marBs e!!orts thro$"h diplomatic impedime#ts' b$t it also has ser%ed to i#!orm its #$clear leadership o! its "ra%e tech#ical shortcomi#"s. Ne%ertheless' with 4&a#marBs c$rre#t !reedom !rom sa#ctio#s a#d relati%e eco#omic prosperit&' the D$#ta ma& be able to o$tso$rce the tech#ical k#owAhow a#d tools to reach its "oals !ar soo#er tha# e pected.@ (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew is a# -F* <NG*+: -F*= p$blicatio#.


3emarks =ith "ietnam @eputy rime Minister And 5oreign Minister ham Aia Khiem ;illary 3odham Clinton Secretary of State
Go%er#me#t G$est Fo$se Fa#oi' 3iet#am ($l& 22' 2010 [EXCERPT] 4O/+RATOR: <3ia i#terpreter= - i#%ite the C$estio# !rom other Do$r#alist. 6im Ghattas !rom 55,' please. N9+*T-ON: N$estio# to the *ecretar& !irst. - wo$ld like to ask &o$ abo$t 5$rma. Go$B%e e pressed i# the past co#cer#s abo$t the possibilit& that 5$rma is p$rs$i#" a #$clear pro"ram' that it has co##ectio#s with North 6orea o# that !ro#t. - was wo#deri#" whether &o$ were pla##i#" to prese#t a#& e%ide#ce to members o! A*+AN abo$t &o$r s$spicio#s. A#d i! &o$ co$ld tell $s a little bit more abo$t how &o$ !eel o#e &ear o# or te# mo#ths o# abo$t how &o$r e!!orts to e#"a"e 5$rma are act$all& "oi#". A#d to the mi#ister' the *ecretar& said that sheBd raised the iss$e o! h$ma# ri"hts a#d - was wo#deri#" what &o$r respo#se was. *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Eell' !irst with respect to problems i# 5$rma a#d the impact #ot o#l& o# the people o! that co$#tr&' b$t o# the #ei"hbors as the o$t!low o! re!$"ees co#ti#$es a#d the co#seC$e#t i#stabilit& beca$se o! that. - belie%e that the A*+AN #atio#s correctl& raised &esterda& i# their meeti#" their co#cer#s abo$t 5$rma a#d partic$larl& the pla##ed electio#s that 5$rma has said will be held' b$t witho$t pro%idi#" a#& details' e%e# the date' raisi#" C$estio#s abo$t their commitme#t to s$ch electio#s. -B%e also shared with the mi#ister o$r co#cer#s abo$t the e porti#" b& North 6orea o! militar& materiel a#d eC$ipme#t to 5$rma. Ee k#ow that a ship !rom North 6orea rece#tl& deli%ered militar& eC$ipme#t to 5$rma a#d we co#ti#$e to be co#cer#ed b& the reports that 5$rma ma& be seeki#" assista#ce !rom North 6orea with re"ard to a #$clear pro"ram. *o this is a matter that is o! co#cer# to A*+AN a#d it is o! co#cer# to the 9#ited *tates. A#d we will be disc$ssi#" !$rther wa&s i# which we ca# cooperate to alter the actio#s o! the "o%er#me#t i# 5$rma a#d e#co$ra"e the leaders there to commit to re!orm a#d cha#"e a#d the betterme#t o! their ow# people.


3emarks at ress A7ailability ;illary 3odham Clinton Secretary of State

Natio#al ,o#%e#tio# ,e#ter Fa#oi' 3iet#am ($l& 2:' 2010 [EXCERPT] A#d toda& -B%e Doi#ed the a##$al meeti#" o! the lar"er A*+AN re"io#al !or$m to co#ti#$e a#d e pa#d o$r disc$ssio#s. As - stated whe# - atte#ded this !or$m last s$mmer i# Thaila#d' the Obama Admi#istratio# is committed to broad' deep' a#d s$stai#ed e#"a"eme#t i# Asia. A#d as - disc$ssed i# a speech i# Fawaii last !all' we are !oc$sed o# helpi#" stre#"the# the i#stit$tio#al architect$re o! the Asia .aci!ic. O%er the last 18 mo#ths we ha%e si"#ed the Treat& o! Amit& a#d ,ooperatio#' a##o$#ced o$r i#te#tio# to ope# a missio# a#d #ame a# ambassador to A*+AN i# (akarta' a#d held the !irst 9.*.AA*+AN s$mmit. A#d we ha%e p$rs$ed #ew s$bAre"io#al e!!orts like o$r #ew 4eko#" /elta part#ership. To b$ild o# that pro"ress - co#%e&ed to m& collea"$es o$r i#terest i# e#"a"i#" with the +ast Asia *$mmit as it pla&s a# i#creasi#" role i# the challe#"es o! o$r time. A#d - a##o$#ced that .reside#t Obama had asked me to represe#t the 9#ited *tates i# a# appropriate capacit& at this &earBs +A* i# Fa#oi to co#ti#$e a process o! co#s$ltatio#s with a %iew toward !$ll America# participatio# at the preside#tial le%el i# 2011. Thro$"h these co#s$ltatio#s we will be worki#" with +A* members to e#co$ra"e its de%elopme#t i#to a !o$#datio#al sec$rit& a#d political i#stit$tio# !or Asia i# this ce#t$r&. The .reside#t also looks !orward to hosti#" the seco#d 9.*.A A*+AN leaders meeti#" i# the 9#ited *tates this comi#" a$t$m#. Toda& we disc$ssed a #$mber o! $r"e#t challe#"es i#cl$di#" North 6orea a#d 5$rma. - e#co$ra"ed o$r part#ers a#d allies to co#ti#$e to impleme#t !$ll& a#d tra#spare#tl& 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' a#d to press North 6orea to li%e $p to its i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s. - also $r"ed 5$rma to p$t i# place the #ecessar& co#ditio#s !or credible electio#s i#cl$di#" releasi#" all political priso#ers' especiall& A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' respecti#" basic h$ma# ri"hts' a#d ceasi#" attacks a"ai#st their eth#ic mi#orities. A#d as - said i# o$r meeti#"s toda&' it is critical that 5$rma hear !rom its #ei"hbors abo$t the #eed to abide b& its commitme#ts' $#der the #$clear #o#Aproli!eratio# treat&' to !$l!ill its -A+A sa!e"$ards obli"atio#s a#d complies with Resol$tio#s 1874 a#d 1718.


M5A ress 3elease2 1ranscript of media inter7iew by Minister for 5oreign Affairs Aeorge <eo following the Closing Ceremony of the +&rd AS0AN Ministerial Meeting and 3elated Meetings* #& /uly #$%$* ;anoi
24/07/2010 I+>,+R.TM N$estio#: Eith re"ard to 4&a#mar' is there a#& co#cer# abo$t these reports abo$t its alle"ed i#te#t to de%elop #$clear weapo#sO 4i#ister: -J%e read those reports' b$t 4&a#mar is part o! the *o$theast Asia# N$clear Eeapo#sA0ree Lo#e <*+ANE0L=' a#d the& are committed to that. The& ha%e told $s ope#l& that' &es' the& are looki#" at peace!$l $se o! #$clear e#er"&. - thi#k the R$ssia#s are helpi#" them' b$t the& ha%e #o i#te#tio# o! mo%i#" i# the directio# o! #$clear weapo#s. A#d #ot o#l& will it be !row#ed $po#' it will be a serio$s breach o! what makes A*+AN i# the !irst place. - thi#k what is importa#t i# 4&a#mar is IthatM their electio#s are here' a#d how s$ccess!$ll& those will be held. 9#less somethi#" terrible happe#s' we will still ha%e to co#ti#$e e#"a"i#" them. - do#Jt see a %er& sharp break !rom the prese#t to the !$t$re. ,o#ti#$it& is #ot #ecessaril& a bad thi#". The importa#t thi#" is that their eco#om& sho$ld be ope#ed $p. 5eca$se Io!M so ma#& ri"idities #ow which ha%e ca$sed corr$ptio#' the eco#om& has bee# red$ced to co#cessio#s a#d lice#ses a#d thatJs bad. Go$ k#ow' that mea#s that the& are #ot "rowi#" as !ast as the& co$ld. -t mea#s that the people are s$!!eri#" $##ecessaril&' a#d that the opport$#ities which #ow abo$#d i# the re"io# are #ot a%ailable to them. *o - belie%e with electio#s a#d a mo%e towards co#stit$tio#al "o%er#me#t' beha%io$r wo$ld cha#"e a#d we will see stead& pro"ress.


AS0AN urges Myanmar to hold free* fair election

The Associated .ress *$#da&' ($l& 21' 2010 c 12::2 a.m. *o$theast Asia# !orei"# mi#isters "a%e 4&a#marJs militar&Ar$# "o%er#me#t a# Kear!$lK while dema#di#" that it hold !ree a#d !air electio#s R a rare sta#d b& the ca$tio$s "ro$p o!te# acc$sed o! o%erlooki#" ri"hts ab$ses i# member #atio#s. 0orei"# mi#isters !rom the 10Amember Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s e#ded their a##$al meeti#" T$esda& i# the 3iet#amese capital o! Fa#oi' where the& tackled a di%erse a"e#da R !rom setti#" $p a +$ropea#A st&le eco#omic comm$#it& b& 2011 to bolsteri#" ties with the Eest a#d re"io#al powers ,hi#a' (apa# a#d -#dia. 5$t at a di##er o# the e%e o! the co#!ere#ce' 4&a#mar took ce#ter sta"e as diplomats %e#ted their co#cer#s abo$t pla##ed electio#s' which the D$#ta has said will be held this &ear' witho$t "i%i#" a date. 4a#& mi#isters told 4&a#marJs that the D$#ta sho$ld hold K!ree' !air a#d i#cl$si%eK electio#s. *$ch strai"ht talk is $#$s$al "i%e# A*+AN membersJ bedrock polic& o! #ot i#ter!eri#" i# o#e a#otherJs domestic a!!airs. [deletia] O# 4o#da& [presumably 89;9&9L&;:] ' Thai 0orei"# 4i#ister 6asit .irom&a also raised co#cer#s abo$t alle"atio#s that 4&a#mar ma& be i#terested i# de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram with help !rom North 6orea. 4&a#mar has de#ied those claims. [deletia]


5-N@-NA The 9#ited *tates is co#cer#ed abo$t 5$rmaBs i#terest i# p$rs$i#" a #$clear pro"ram' i#cl$di#" the possibilit& o! cooperatio# with North 6orea. The 9.*. Go%er#me#t will co#ti#$e to be alert to a#& i#dicatio#s o! 5$rmese #$clear weapo#sArelated acti%ities or i#te#tio#s to de%elop a #$clear weapo#s capabilit&. At this time' the 9#ited *tates lacks e%ide#ce to s$pport a co#cl$sio# that 5$rma has %iolated its N.T obli"atio#s or -A+A sa!e"$ards' b$t 9.*. co#!ide#ce i# 5$rmaBs complia#ce wo$ld be e#ha#ced b& the adoptio# o! a# Additio#al .rotocol. BACKA34.N@ -# 4a& 2007' 5$rma a#d R$ssia si"#ed a# a"reeme#t !or R$ssia to assist i# b$ildi#" a #$clear research ce#ter i# 5$rma that wo$ld i#cl$de a 10 4e"awatt li"htwater research reactor. R$ssia has pro%ided p$blic ass$ra#ces that the research reactor wo$ld be placed $#der -A+A "$ara#tees. A%ailable i#!ormatio# s$""ests that 5$rma ma& ha%e also recei%ed North 6orea# assista#ce i# its e!!orts to establish a #$clear research ce#ter. A%ailable i#!ormatio# does #ot i#dicate that the #$clear research ce#ter called !or i# the 5$rmaAR$ssia a"reeme#t has become operatio#al' or that 5$rmaBs e!!orts to establish the ce#ter ha%e i#%ol%ed acti%ities prohibited b& the N.T or -A+A sa!e"$ards.

Compliance @iscussions *i#ce 4a& 2007' #$mero$s co$#tries i#cl$di#" the 9#ited *tates ha%e e cha#"ed %iews re"ardi#" 5$rmaBs #$clear i#te#tio#s' a#d the pote#tial #o#proli!eratio#' #$clear sa!et& a#d sec$rit&' a#d e#%iro#me#tal iss$es that co$ld res$lt !rom #$clear de%elopme#t i# 5$rma. 5$rma a!!irmed d$ri#" diplomatic disc$ssio#s i# 2008 that it attaches paramo$#t importa#ce to the N.T a#d to #$clear disarmame#t a#d that it was prepari#" to take meas$res to ali"# itsel! with -A+A sa!e"$ards. C4M 6-ANC0 ANA6<S-S The 9#ited *tates is co#cer#ed abo$t 5$rmaBs i#terest i# p$rs$i#" a #$clear pro"ram' i#cl$di#" the possibilit& o! cooperatio# with North 6orea. The 9.*. Go%er#me#t will co#ti#$e to be alert to a#& i#dicatio#s o! 5$rmese #$clear weapo#sArelated acti%ities or i#te#tio#s to de%elop a #$clear weapo#s capabilit&. At this poi#t i# time' the 9#ited *tates lacks e%ide#ce to s$pport a co#cl$sio# that 5$rma has %iolated its N.T obli"atio#s or -A+A sa!e"$ards' b$t 9.*. co#!ide#ce i# 5$rmaBs complia#ce wo$ld be e#ha#ced b& the adoptio# o! a# Additio#al .rotocol.

http://www.b$si#ess" .phpOop`"etNewsY#ewsRcatRid`Yid`1::721

S8 Korea to address suspected Myanmar* N8 Korea nuclear issue

News /ate: 17th A$"$st 2010 *o$th 6orea will talk abo$t possible #$clear cooperatio# betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea whe# a se#ior diplomat %isits the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr& #e t week' the !orei"# mi#istr& here a##o$#ced 4o#da&. 3ice 0orei"# 4i#ister *hi# 6akAsoo is sched$led to %isit 4&a#mar !rom A$". 1)A21' where he will deli%er *eo$lJs messa"e e#co$ra"i#" !air electio#s o# No%. 7' accordi#" to mi#istr& spokesma# 6im Go$#"Aso#. The electio#s will be the co$#tr&Js !irst i# two decades. *hi# is also e pected to address the s$spected #$clear ties betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea. KO$r "o%er#me#t is keepi#" a close e&e o# possible militar& cooperatio# betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea' i#cl$di#" #$clear cooperatio#'K 6im said. KEeJre worki#" with the 9#ited *tates a#d other rele%a#t states b$t we ha%e #ot &et co#!irmed a#&thi#" re"ardi#" #$clear ties. 5$t *hi# will ha%e disc$ssio#s o# North 6oreaA 4&a#mar relatio#s o! late d$ri#" his %isit.K North 6orea# 0orei"# 4i#ister .ak 9iAch$# %isited his 4&a#maria# co$#terpart 9 N&a# Ei# i# late ($l&' the !irst trip to the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr& b& a North 6orea# !orei"# mi#ister i# 27 &ears' amid 9.*. war#i#"s to 4&a#mar a"ai#st #$clear cooperatio# with the North.


-ndia says Myanmar has no nukes

-AN*' A$" 28' 2010' 02.2:pm -*T N+E /+2F-: -#dia belie%es that #ei"hbo$ri#" 4&a#mar has #o #$clear pro"ramme b$t is mo#itori#" de%elopme#ts closel& as #$clear weapo#s i# the #ei"hbo$rhood were a matter o! co#cer#' + ter#al A!!airs 4i#ister *.4. 6rish#a said o# Th$rsda&. K4&a#amar asserts that it has #o #$clear pro"ramme o# its a#%il. The "o%er#me#t o! -#dia will ha%e to belie%e'K 6rish#a said while repl&i#" to a s$ppleme#tar& i# the RaD&a *abha' parliame#tJs $pper ho$se. The mi#ister' howe%er' added that i#!ormatio# was bei#" "athered thro$"h i#telli"e#ce #etworks as well. KEe will also "ather thro$"h o$r ow# i#telli"e#ce what is happe#i#". The "o%er#me#t alwa&s mo#itors de%elopme#t closel& beca$se it co#cer#s o$r sec$rit&'K 6rish#a said. Fe stated that #$clear weapo#s i# #ei"hbo$ri#" co$#tries were a matter o! co#cer# a#d that the -#dia# i#telli"e#ce was keepi#" ti"ht watch o# the sit$atio#. KEe k#ow .akista# has #$clear weapo#s' ,hi#a also has. Ee also k#ow there has bee# a cla#desti#e proli!eratio# e!!ort that 2ib&a a#d other similar co$#tries are maki#". Ee k#ow A.N. 6ha# #etwork is %er& acti%e. <The= "o%er#me#t is mo#itori#" the sit$atio# a#d will take steps to see -#diaJs sec$rit& is #ot Deopardised'K he said. 4&a#mar has bee# $#der militar& r$le si#ce 1)82. -ts leader' *e#ior Ge#eral Tha# *hwe' %isited -#dia i# ($l& to disc$ss e#er"& a#d crossAborder sec$rit& iss$es.


-ndia gathering facts on reports of Myanmar9s N'programme

9pdated o# Th$rsda&' A$"$st 28' 2010' 17:01 New /elhi: Amid reports o! 4&a#mar de#&i#" ha%i#" a#& #$clear pro"ramme' -#dia o# Th$rsda& said that tho$"h it has take# #ote o! their sta#d' it keeps a close watch o# s$ch acti%ities. K-! a co$#tr& like 4&a#mar with which -#dia has bilateral relatio#s' asserts a de#ial <abo$t its #$clear pro"rammes=' the# -#dia will ha%e to belie%e'K + ter#al A!!airs 4i#ister * 4 6rish#a said i# RaD&a *abha d$ri#" N$estio# Fo$r. At the same time' he added' KThe "o%er#me#t is tr&i#" to "ather i#!ormatio# abo$t s$ch peripheral acti%ities. Ee mo#itor s$ch acti%ities closel& as we are co#cer#ed abo$t sec$rit& o! the co$#tr&.K KGo%er#me#t has see# media reports i#dicati#" that 4&a#mar has a #$clear pro"ramme. Go%er#me#t o! 4&a#mar has reDected media reports that it was e#"a"ed i# maki#" #$clear weapo#s as $#!o$#ded a#d !allacio$s'K he said. Ehile C$oti#" 4&a#marJs de#ial o! a#& s$ch de%elopme#t' 6rish#a said' K4&a#mar described media reports abo$t its #$clear pro"ramme as a "ro$#dless moti%e to assert press$re o# it.K KEe take co"#isa#ce o! its %iews b$t we do keep #ote o! s$ch <#$clear= acti%ities'K the mi#ister said.$estio#/*howN#.asp

A14M-C =0A 4NS =-1; N0-A;B4.3-NA C4.N13-0S 8


*FR- RA3- *FAN6AR .RA*A/

Eill the 4i#ister o! +>T+RNA2 A00A-R* be pleased to satate :A <a= whether it is a !act that 4&a#mar is also #ow e#"a"ed i# maki#" atomic weapo#s alo#" with North 6orea' -ra#' *&ria' .akista#' etc.H <b= i! so' the !acts i# this re"ardH a#d <c= the #ames o! those #ei"hbo$ri#" co$#tries o! -#dia wherei# atomic weapo#s are bei#" ma#$!act$red le"all& or ille"all&O

TF+ 4-N-*T+R O0 +>T+RNA2 A00A-R* <*FR- *.4. 6R-*FNA= <a= Y <b= Go%er#me#t has see# media reports i#dicati#" that 4&a#mar has a #$clear pro"ramme. Go%er#me#t o! 4&a#mar has reDected media reports that it was e#"a"ed i# maki#" #$clear weapo#s as $#!o$#ded a#d !allacio$s. <c= -# -#diaBs #ei"hbo$rhood' ,hi#a a#d .akista# are k#ow# to possess #$clear weapo#s.

http://www.sha#la#d.or"/i#de .phpOoptio#`comRco#te#tY%iew`articleYid`:182

47er %$$ households near uranium pro!ect in Mogok to be relocated

Fse#" 6hio 0ah 0rida&' 0: *eptember 2010 17:01 A# estimated 110 ho$seholds !rom three %illa"es located #ear a $ra#i$m mi#i#" site i# R$b&la#d 4o#"ok <4o"ok i# 5$rmese=' 200 km #orth o! 4a#dala& are to be relocated !rom the areas #e t &ear citi#" the proDectBs sec$rit&' local so$rces said. The tar"eted ho$seholds were mostl& o! 2is$ eth#ic #atio#alit&' a 2is$ b$si#essma# !rom 4o"ok said. ?+ach %illa"e has aro$#d 10 ho$seholds.@ 4ilitar& D$#ta has reportedl& bee# lo#" drilli#" !or $ra#i$m i# the area. 5$t the disco%er& has #e%er bee# p$blici;ed a#d the place remai#s o!!Alimits to #o#Amilitar& members. -# additio#' there has bee# #o i#!ormatio# o! which compa#& is i# char"e !or the mi#i#"' he said.

photo (S;AN) -# additio#' the e isti#" 4a#dala&A Thabeikk&i#A 4o"ok road is also to be closed whe# the #ew road 4a#dala&A .&i# Oo 2wi# <4a&m&o=A Naw#"khioA 4o"ok' which is still $#der co#str$ctio#' is !i#ished' the b$si#essma# said. ?-t is e pected to be completed #e t &ear.@ The militar& re"ime has bee# b$ildi#" the #ew road si#ce last &ear i# order to stop people $si#" it e cept itsel! to carr& the $ra#i$m. The road is 80 miles lo#".

?- heard the militar& re"ime will close the road #e t &ear beca$se the& will come to b$ild #$clear reactor there'@ said a#other local reside#t !rom 4o"ok. A 5$rma Arm& missile e pert 4aD *ai Thei# Ei#' the so$rce o! the latest e posf o! the 5$rma r$li#" militar& D$#taBs #$clear weapo#s pro"ram i# 0ebr$ar& claimed that the militar& has a #$clear battalio# #ear Theabeikk&i# o# the -rrawadd& Ri%er' where the re"ime is tr&i#" to b$ild a #$clear weapo#. -# 2007' most o! the compa#ies worki#" o# "old mi#es i# Thabeikk&i#' )8 km <80 miles= #orth o! 4a#dala& were ordered to close !ollowi#" disco%er& o! $ra#i$m deposits #ear the area. -# the earl& 2000s' the 5$rmese re"ime co#!irmed p$blicl& that $ra#i$m deposits had bee# !o$#d i# !i%e areas: 4a"we' Ta$#"dwi#"&i' 6&a$ksi#' 6&a$kph&"o# a#d .ao#"p&i# i# 4o"ok Tow#ship. The ore is s$pposedl& tra#sported to a Thabeikk&i# re!i#er&. The Gale Global reported that the said !i%e $ra#i$m deposits ha%e bee# !o$#d b& the help o! R$ssia#s. -# 4a& 2007 R$ssiaks Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& a#d *./, si"#ed a# a"reeme#t to b$ild a 10 me"awatt #$clear reactor i# 5$rma. -# 6achi# *tate' there is a R$ssia# A 5$rma Doi#t %e#t$re compa#& the 3ictorio$s Glor& -#ter#atio#al 2td' that has bee# drilli#" !or $ra#i$m at Faw#" .a %illa"e i# Fpa 6a#t Tow#ship' abo$t 80 miles west o! 4&itk&i#a si#ce 0ebr$ar& 2007. Accordi#" to /ictator Eatch' *./, is mi#i#" a#d re!i#i#" $ra#i$m a#d the# barteri#" the !i#al prod$ct the K&ellowcakeK' to North 6orea a#d reportedl& to -ra#' i# ret$r# !or missiles a#d tech#ical assista#ce !or its ow# #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.

http://www."oo"!p/article/A2eC41iTi :0#G4k22128*(2RRh5%).FsA

.S disappointed with Myanmar dialogue2 en7oy

<A0.= P 17 ho$rs a"o IAccessed 2010A0)A17T1::20LM EA*F-NGTON V The 9* o!!icial leadi#" dialo"$e with 4&a#mar said Th$rsda& he was thoro$"hl& disappoi#ted with the res$lts b$t that e#"a"eme#t was the best optio# as the co$#tr& prepares !or co#tro%ersial electio#s. K- thi#k it wo$ld be !air to sa& i# almost e%er& are#a' we ha%e bee# disappoi#ted'K said 6$rt ,ampbell' the assista#t secretar& o! state !or +ast Asia# a!!airs. K+%er&thi#" weJ%e see# to date s$""ests that the No%ember electio#s will be witho$t i#ter#atio#al le"itimac&'K ,ampbell told a !or$m at the 9* -#stit$te o! .eace [on 89;9&9:&;G] . .reside#t 5arack ObamaJs admi#istratio# last &ear e#tered dialo"$e with 4&a#mar' also k#ow# as 5$rma' a!ter co#cl$di#" that the lo#"sta#di#" polic& o! isolati#" the militar& re"ime had #ot bor#e !r$it. ,ampbell said that 9* priorities i#cl$ded pers$adi#" the D$#ta to !ree political priso#ers i#cl$di#" oppositio# leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i a#d to seek clarit& o# reports o! #$clear cooperatio# with North 6orea. 5$t the militar& re"ime is "oi#" ahead with a No%ember 7 electio#' ahead o! which it o!!iciall& abolished A$#" *a# *$$ 6&iJs Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac&. The electio# is the !irst si#ce 1))0 polls' which the Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac& swept. The oppositio# part& was #e%er allowed to take power a#d A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' a Nobel peace la$reate' is $#der ho$se arrest. 5$t ,ampbell s$pported dialo"$e with the D$#ta' calli#" it Kamo#" all the di!!ic$lt optio#s' the best wa& !orward.K KThe period a!ter the electio# mi"ht create #ew pla&ers' #ew power relatio#ships' #ew str$ct$res i#side the co$#tr&' so we thi#k we #eed to sta#d b& a#d see how that pla&s o$t'K ,ampbell said. ,ampbell said that the 9#ited *tates was read& with Ka combi#atio# o! some press$re' a#d also some rewards'K i# ret$r# !or pro"ress b& 4&a#mar. KEe are prepared to act i# both cases "i%e# de%elopme#ts o# the "ro$#d'K ,ampbell said. The 9#ited *tates has mai#tai#ed sweepi#" sa#ctio#s o# 4&a#mar b$t sa&s it is willi#" to ease them e%e#t$all& i# ret$r# !or pro"ress.$

Myanmar tells .8N8 body it will ne7er seek atom bombs

5& 0redrik /ahl 3-+NNA Th$ *ep 2:' 2010 7::8pm -*T [EXCERPT] 3-+NNA <Re$ters= A 4&a#mar told the 9.N. #$clear watchdo" o# Th$rsda& that alle"atio#s it was tr&i#" to de%elop atomic bombs were $#!o$#ded a#d that its #$clear acti%ities had solel& peace!$l e#ds. A Norwe"ia#Abased e ile "ro$p said i# ($#e that 4&a#mar had a secret pro"ramme dedicated to acC$iri#" #$clear weapo#s capabilit&' !ollowi#" $p o# similar alle"atio#s b& de!ectors !rom the recl$si%e' militar&Ar$led co$#tr&. The -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= said at the time it was looki#" i#to the report. 4&a#mar is a member o! both the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T= a#d the 3ie##aAbased 9.N. a"e#c&' #ow holdi#" its a##$al 111A#atio# assembl&. KThere ha%e bee# $#!o$#ded alle"atio#s reported b& i#ter#atio#al media...that 4&a#mar is attempti#" to de%elop a #$clear weapo# pro"ramme'K the head o! the co$#tr&Js dele"atio#' 9 Ti# Ei#' said i# a speech to the -A+A Ge#eral ,o#!ere#ce. KEe wo$ld like to reiterate that the applicatio#s o! #$clear scie#ce a#d tech#olo"& i# 4&a#mar are o#l& !or peace!$l de%elopme#tal p$rposes a#d 4&a#mar will #e%er e#"a"e i# acti%ities related to the prod$ctio# a#d proli!eratio# o! #$clear weapo#s'K the 4&a#mar chie! dele"ate said.

<Reporti#" b& 0redrik /ahlH +diti#" b& 4ark Fei#rich=


America9s 0ngagement in the Asia' acific

Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# *ecretar& o! *tate 6ahala Fotel Fo#ol$l$' FOctober 28' 2010 [EXCERPT] Now' immediatel& !ollowi#" this speech' - will lea%e !or Fa#oi' where - will represe#t o$r co$#tr& at the +ast Asia *$mmit. This will be the !irst time that the 9#ited *tates is participati#" a#d we are "rate!$l !or the opport$#it&. - will i#trod$ce the two core pri#ciples that the Obama Admi#istratio# will take i# its approach to the +A*V!irst' A*+ANBs ce#tral role' a#d seco#d' o$r desire to see +A* emer"e as a !or$m !or s$bsta#ti%e e#"a"eme#t o# pressi#" strate"ic a#d political iss$es' i#cl$di#" #$clear #o#proli!eratio#' maritime sec$rit&' a#d climate cha#"e.$k/#ews/world/asia/b$rmeseAde!ectorAre%ealsAtr$thAabo$tAD$#tasA#$clearAambitio#sA2121748.html

Burmese defector re7eals truth about !unta9s nuclear ambitions

-# his e traordi#ar& !irst i#ter%iew' o# the e%e o! electio#s' a !ormer maDor i# the secreti%e re"ime tells o! chaos at the core o! the stateJs weapo#s pro"ramme 5& *ime# *aetre 0rida&' 1 No%ember 2010 A se#ior missile scie#tist who de!ected !rom 5$rma a!ter leaki#" secrets abo$t the D$#taJs s$spected #$clear pro"ramme has re%ealed how se#ior "e#erals were perso#all& i#%ol%ed i# pla#s to de%elop a weapo#s s&stem. -# his !irst i#Adepth #ewspaper i#ter%iew si#ce de!ecti#" se%e# mo#ths a"o' *ai Thei# Ei#' a maDor i# the 5$rmese arm&' said he atte#ded !o$r prese#tatio#s where the #atio#Js #$clear ambitio#s were re%ealed. Fe "i%es a rare i#si"ht i#to the shambolic' demoralisi#" co#ditio#s imposed o# scie#tists' a#d re!lects o# the co#seC$e#ces o! his !li"ht o# the !amil& he has le!t behi#d. The i#ter%iew was co#d$cted D$st da&s be!ore 5$rma holds its !irst electio#s [on 89;9&;;&9L] !or 20 &ears' which ha%e bee# co#dem#ed as ri""ed b& ri"hts "ro$ps a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. *ai Thei# Ei# #ow li%es i# a small !lat o# the o$tskirts o! a lar"e +$ropea# cit&. There is #o #ame o# the door a#d the c$rtai#s are closed. The locatio# o! his home ca# #ot be re%ealed beca$se he !ears that 5$rmaJs "e#erals will se#d someo#e to tr& to kill him. K-Jm #ot reall& here'K he said. Fis room is sparsel& decorated' with a table' a comp$ter a#d a lar"e' sharp da""er. *ai Thei# Ei#Js re%elatio#s si#ce he le!t the co$#tr& ha%e bee# described b& a !ormer -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& head as Ktr$l& e traordi#ar& i#!ormatio#K. 5$rmaJs arm& is closed to the o$tside world a#d *ai Thei# Ei# is the mai# so$rce' a#d i# some cases the o#l& so$rce' !or a case with maDor political implicatio#s. ,a# he be tr$stedO -#ter#atio#al obser%ers !ear that the D$#ta has tried to obtai# #$clear weapo#r& as part o! its strate"& to retai# power. 5$t e%ide#ce !rom *ai Thei# Ei# s$""ests that the pro"ramme is so mired i# i#compete#ce' corr$ptio# a#d dela&s that it wo$ld take &ears to de%elop a #$clear pro"ramme. *ai Thei# Ei# P who has bee# compared to 4ordechai 3a#$#$' who i# 1)88 e posed -sraelJs #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme P said he spe#t three &ears worki#" i# a !actor& i# the hot desert o! wester# 5$rma. Fe said the re"ime i#stalled machi#er& !or their pro"ramme b$t %irt$all& #othi#" was made' a#d emplo&ees were bored waiti#" !or desi"#s. At #i"ht' the& sat dri#ki#" whisk& a#d watchi#" T3. KEhe# we were alo#e' we sometimes talked abo$t how st$pid this was'K said *ai Thei# Ei#. KEe called o$rsel%es Nato P No Actio#' Talki#" O#l&. Ee wasted o$r li%es. -Jm #ot a politicia#' -Jm pro$d to be a# e#"i#eer a#d a# o!!icer. - wo$ld be pro$d to be the !irst rocket scie#tist o! 5$rma b$t - had #o cha#ce to appl& what - had lear#ed. -t made me $pset.K The 5$rmese a$thorities ha%e de#ied that the& are de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#r& a#d called *ai Thei# Ei# a deserter a#d crimi#al. The co$#tr&Js 0orei"# 4i#istr& said that it lacked the Ki#!rastr$ct$re' tech#olo"& a#d !i#a#ce to de%elop #$clear weapo#sK. 5$t i# *ai Thei# Ei#Js e%ide#ce he claims se#ior leaders o! the D$#ta were kee# to tr&. As o#e o! 72 &o$#" e#"i#eers se#t to 4oscow !or !$rther st$d& i# 2001' he said the& were wa%ed o!! b& a se#ior "e#eral' 4a$#" A&e. *ai Thei# Ei# said a se#ior "e#eral told them 5$rma #eeded #$clear weapo#s !or its protectio#.

Fe specialised i# missile tech#olo"& b$t i#terr$pted his doctorate st$dies i# 4oscow. Fe was appoi#ted prod$ctio# ma#"er to make compo#e#ts !or the 5$rmaJs missile a#d #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme. Fe said he was i# a tr$sted positio# a#d had access to co#!ide#tial material. O# two occasio#s' he sa&s' he atte#ded prese#tatio#s o! the soAcalled #$clear battalio# at a#other i#stallatio# at Thabeikk&i#' i# ce#tral 5$rma. At o#e o! them' Tha# *hwe P the leader o! the D$#ta P arri%ed i# a car a#d was led to a room !illed with other "e#erals. Fe sat o# a so!a a#d watched a !emale scie#tist "i%e a prese#tatio# related to their work. Appare#tl&' Tha# *hwe was impressed' "a%e a short comme#t a#d e#co$ra"ed them to co#ti#$e with their work' said *ai Thei# Ei#. The scie#tist said he did #ot do$bt that the i#te#tio# o! the soAcalled #$clear battalio# was to co#str$ct a reactor' e#rich $ra#i$m a#d b$ild a #$clear bomb. Fe said he saw doc$me#ts that pro%ed this b$t did #ot steal a#& to pro%e his claim. K+%er&o#e asks me' J/id - "et a# order !rom the "e#erals to create a #$clear bombOJ 5$t - #e%er "ot m& ha#ds o# those doc$me#ts. - had the cha#ce to steal them' b$t - did#Jt.K Fe emphasised that his !r$stratio# with problems at the !actor& was a maDor reaso# wh& he started leaki#" the i#!ormatio#. Fe said whe# machi#es broke' the& co$ld #ot !i them themsel%es b$t had to call the Germa# ma#$!act$rer' who tho$"ht the& were !or ci%il $se a#d had to be decei%ed. K-! thi#"s we#t well' - wo$ld ha%e still bee# there'K he said. K-! the& did %er& pro!essio#al work' - wo$ld be pro$d to be there. - wo$ld be pro$d to be part o! that.K A#other !actor behi#d his de!ectio# was the s$icide o! his sister while he was i# 4oscow. *he had worked at a school a#d ear#ed o#eAse%e#tieth o! what he as a pri%ile"ed arm& o!!icer co$ld ear#. KThe re"ime "i%es pri%ile"es to the o!!icers' b$t co#dem#s other p$blic workers'K he said. K0or me' the pa& was "ood e#o$"h' b$t #ot !or m& sister. -# that wa&' the re"ime was partl& respo#sible !or her s$icide.K -# 200)' he saw a tele%isio# show !rom the OsloAbased tele%isio# cha##el' the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' which spoke o! r$mo$rs o! a #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme' a#d showed a pict$re o! the !actor& where he worked. Fe said he we#t a#d bo$"ht a camera a#d took pict$res at the !actor&. A sec$rit& "$ard saw him b$t did #ot sa& a#&thi#". *o he we#t to the o!!ice' $ploaded a pict$re a#d se#t it to a co#tact. KA!ter se#di#" the pict$res' it was like m& tho$"hts kept circli#" aro$#d this' J-Jm i# da#"er' -Jm i# da#"er' -Jm i# da#"erZJK Fe co#ti#$ed to collect pict$res' "et doc$me#ts a#d $pload them. K- had to rel& o# stra#"ers. - !elt st$pid. -! the pict$res were p$blicised be!ore was o$t o! the co$#tr&' - wo$ld be killed.K Fe sat i# his o!!ice d$ri#" work ho$rs a#d $ploaded pict$res to 0acebook. /35' which he was #ow i# co#tact with' asked !or more. Fe replied that he co$ld "i%e them e%er&thi#"' b$t that he wo$ld ha%e to "et o$t C$ickl& a!terwards. Fe had a !ake passport a#d paid a b400 <l248= bribe !or a %isa. K-! the& "ot me o# D$st o#e thi#"' the& wo$ld !i#d e%er&thi#"'K he said. K- wrote #othi#" dow#' it was too da#"ero$s. +%er&thi#" was spi##i#" aro$#d i# m& head.K Fe ma#a"ed to "et a !li"ht to Thaila#d where he was met b& a represe#tati%e !rom /35. Fis doc$me#ts were se#t to the !ormer head o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' Robert 6ell&' !or a#al&sis. Fe has described *ai Thei# Ei# as a Kso$rce with tr$l& e traordi#ar& i#!ormatio#K. The de!ector re%ealed h$#dreds o! photo"raphs !rom i#side a !actor& that show machi#es a#d co#str$ctio#s' as well as tech#ical doc$me#ts that s$""est attempts to de%elop #$clear tech#olo"&' accordi#" to e perts. The de!ectorJs e%ide#ce Kcorrelates well with i#!ormatio# !rom other p$blished a#d $#p$blished so$rcesK' said 4r 6ell&Js report.

-# his a#al&sis' N$clear Related Acti%ities i# 5$rma' he wrote: KO$r assessme#t o! m$ltiple so$rces is that 5$rma is reall& de%elopi#" #$clear tech#olo"&' that it has b$ilt specialised eC$ipme#t a#d !acilities' a#d it has iss$ed orders to a cadre to b$ild a pro"ramme.K 4r 6ell& has also said: KThis is #ot a "ood pro"ramme' it is #ot s$ccess!$l a#d it is #ot pro!essio#all& ma#a"ed.K *ai Thei# Ei# said his email a#d 0acebook pa"e were hacked a#d he was tippedAo!! that he had bee# traced i# Thaila#d. A!ter he le!t the co$#tr&' his mother a#d !amil& were %isited b& the secret police' p$t $#der s$r%eilla#ce a#d had to i#!orm the a$thorities i! the& were pla##i#" to lea%e Ra#"oo#' he said. The 5$rmese a$thorities ha%e called the acc$satio#s abo$t the #$clear pro"ramme K$#!o$#dedK a#d said that 5$rma Ko#l& wa#ts peace a#d has #o ambitio# to become a #$clearApower stateK. -! 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s are s$bsta#tiated' it will raise C$estio#s abo$t whether the D$#ta P which has r$# the co$#tr& si#ce 1)82 P is recei%i#" help !rom ro"$e #atio#s s$ch as North 6orea. 0i#all&' whe# asked what he wa#ted to tell those who s$spected he had made $p his stor&' *ai Thei# Ei# said: KGo a#d see !or &o$rsel!. A#d wait !or more to escape with e%ide#ce. -J%e do#e m& best. -J%e do#e e%er&thi#" - co$ld.K Sai 1hein =in2 6ife in brief *ai Thei# Ei# "rew $p i# the %illa"e o! 6&a$kme i# *ha# state i# #orthAeaster# 5$rma with mo$#tai#s o# all sides. Fis !ather was a clerkH his mother sta&ed at home. Fe we#t swimmi#"' bo i#" a#d pla&ed the "$itar P b$t o#e i#terest had his special atte#tio#: weapo#s. Fe created traps' ca$"ht birds a#d st$died "$#s a#d missiles. At 18' he applied !or the militar&. 5eca$se o! his "ood "rades' he was o#e o! 100 accepted o# a de!e#ce e#"i#eeri#" co$rse. Fe st$died s$bDects i#cl$di#" electro#ics' mecha#ics a#d weapo#r&. Fe "ot $p to work at 1am e%er& da&' a#d he sa&s that he was pro$d to wear the $#i!orm. *till' the li!e he dreamed o! was as a st$de#t' a li!e he was !i#all& able to e#Do& whe# se#t to 4oscow b& the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t i# 2001. 2ater he ret$r#ed to 5$rma as a prod$ctio# ma#a"er !or the #atio#al #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme P his last Dob be!ore he !led !rom the co$#tr& !or "ood. A %ersio# o! this article appears i# the Norwe"ia# #ewspaper J4or"e#bladetJ toda&'

http://www.prop$blica.or"/article/e pertsAi#telAa"e#ciesAC$estio#AaAde!ectorsAclaimsAabo$tAb$rmasA#$clear

0Cperts* -ntelligence Agencies Fuestion a @efector>s Claims About Burma>s Nuclear Ambitions
b& *tephe# +#"elber"' .ro.$blica' a#d Nata# /ota# No%. 12' 2010' 2:41 p.m. A .ro.$blica/.5* Need to 6#ow i#%esti"atio# o# this report will air to#i"ht. ,heck local listi#"s. I1M Or watch it #ow I2M. O# ($#e 4' a startli#" alle"atio# abo$t 5$rmaJs repressi%e militar& re"ime rocketed aro$#d the "lobe: A de!ector !rom the 5$rmese Arm& said his tech#olo"icall& backward #atio# had la$#ched a pro"ram to b$ild a #$clear bomb. The de!ector' a !ormer maDor i# the 5$rmese Arm&' pro%ided pict$res a#d doc$me#ts to bolster his claims. .re%io$s alle"atio#s abo$t 5$rmaJs p$rported #$clear e!!orts had stirred little i#terest. 5$t this stor&' which was writte# a#d prepared b& a leadi#" 5$rmese oppositio# "ro$p' was accompa#ied b& a detailed report dra!ted b& Robert 6elle& I:M' a !ormer weapo#s scie#tist !or the 9.*. "o%er#me#t who had worked !or ma#& &ears !or the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&. 6elle&' whose research o# 5$rma was paid !or i# part b& 9.*. ta dollars' wrote that the Ko#l&K pla$sible i#terpretatio# o! the e%ide#ce was that 5$rma had la$#ched a pro"ram to b$ild a# atomic bomb. The stor& had immediate impact. *e#ator (im Eebb' /A3a.' who was i# Thaila#d o# his wa& to a meeti#" with 5$rmaJs "e#erals' called a press co#!ere#ce to a##o$#ce he was ca#celi#" his %isit I4M D$st ho$rs be!ore he was sched$led to cross the ThaiA5$rma border. Eebb' a# ad%ocate o! closer Eester# Ke#"a"eme#tK with the re"ime' said the report made s$ch a# approach impossible. The 5$rma stor& was me#tio#ed o# A5,Js KGood 4or#i#" AmericaK I1M a#d i# stories i# The Eashi#"to# .ost I8M' Time I7M' Natio#al .$blic Radio I8M a#d the 55, I)M. 6elle& pla&ed a direct role i# p$blici;i#" the stor&' appeari#" at a press co#!ere#ce i# Eashi#"to# a#d prese#ti#" his !i#di#"s to co#"ressio#al sta!!ers a#d other i#!l$e#tial people i# the #o#Aproli!eratio# world i# Eashi#"to#. At the press co#!ere#ce' 6elle& s$mmed $p his !i#di#"s witho$t eC$i%ocatio#' sa&i#": K- state this %er& clearl& a#d stro#"l&' this is a cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ram.K A# e ami#atio# b& .ro.$blica a#d the .5* pro"ram Need to 6#ow I10M has !o$#d that the C$estio# o! 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s is m$ch less settled tha# 6elle& co#te#ds. Other e perts' i#cl$di#" Olli Fei#o#e#' the !ormer dep$t& director o! the -A+A' %iewed the e%ide#ce as i#co#cl$si%e. The& said the eC$ipme#t i# the photos had other possible $ses a#d that s$ch serio$s char"es sho$ld #ot rest o# the testimo#& o! a si#"le de!ector. KThere is #o smoki#" "$#'K Fei#o#e# said i# a# i#ter%iew. KThere is #o o#e si#"le piece which p$ts &o$r mi#d at rest telli#" that this is solel& !or #$clear p$rposes a#d !or #othi#" else.K *eparatel&' a se#ior America# o!!icial said the ,e#tral -#telli"e#ce A"e#c& a#d /epartme#t o! +#er"& had re%iewed 6elle&Js report Kli#e b& li#eK a#d had reDected its !i#di#"s. -# Germa#&' o!!icials said the& were aware that 5$rma had bo$"ht the eC$ipme#t show# i# the de!ectorJs pict$res <some o! it was e ported b& Germa# compa#ies= b$t ha%e co#cl$ded it is #ot bei#" $sed to la$#ch a# atomic weapo#s pro"ram. *ome o! the !i#a#cial s$pport !or 6elle&Js research came !rom a seemi#"l& $#likel& so$rce: The America# ta pa&er. The de!ector' *ai Thei# Ei#' was bro$"ht to Eester# #otice b& a Norwa&Abased "ro$p o! 5$rmese e iles called the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma I11M. The e iles recei%ed b400'000 last &ear !rom the Natio#al +#dowme#t !or

/emocrac& I12M' a 9.*. !o$#datio# whose b$d"et comes almost e#tirel& !rom ,o#"ress. The N+/ was created i# 1)8: to !oster democrac& mo%eme#ts aro$#d the world a#d it does so thro$"h "ra#ts a#d ad%ice. -ts past be#e!iciaries i#cl$de .ola#dJs *olidarit& mo%eme#t a#d the a#tiAapartheid !orces i# *o$th A!rica. N+/ o!!icials said the& e#co$ra"ed the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma to ha%e 6elle& %et the de!ectorJs alle"atio#s a#d later paid !or the 3ie##aAbased scie#tist to !l& to Eashi#"to# to prese#t his !i#di#"s I1:M. N+/ o!!icials said the& co#s$lted #o other e perts or o!!icials be!ore hosti#" the press co#!ere#ce at which 6ell& $#%eiled his report. O!!icials at N+/ de!e#d their role i# "etti#" the 5$rma stor& o$t a#d sa& that the& were simpl& ser%i#" the i#terests o! democrac&. The !o$#datio#Js preside#t' ,arl Gershma#' said his or"a#i;atio# had #o idea Eebb was o# his wa& to 5$rma. The "ra#ts to the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma' he said' promote K!ree media i# a co$#tr& that does#Jt ha%e a !ree media.K Gershma#' who has r$# N+/ si#ce its creatio#' said he was #ot aware that 9.*. i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies do$bted the claims abo$t 5$rmaJs #$clear e!!ort b$t said the stor& had %al$e e%e# i! it were $ltimatel& dispro%ed. K-! the& "ot it wro#"' weJll k#ow abo$t it. A#d the&Jll lear# somethi#" a#d ma&be the world will lear# somethi#".K 3i"oro$s p$blic debate is part o! a# ope# societ&' he said. KGo$ ca#Jt ha%e e%er&thi#" per!ect. Go$Jre "oi#" to ha%e di!!ere#ces o! opi#io#' thatJs what democrac& is all abo$t. Go$Jre "oi#" to make mistakes' people will ha%e di!!ere#t %iews' a#d - thi#k thatJs whatJs happe#i#" here.K The disp$te amo#" e perts o%er 5$rma ill$strates a lar"er iss$e co#!ro#ti#" the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& abo$t illicit weapo#s pro"rams. The 9#ited *tates we#t to war i# -raC s$pported b& the testimo#& o! a de!ector code#amed K,$r%eballK who described *addam F$ssei#Js s$pposed e!!orts to b$ild biolo"ical weapo#s. Ge#. ,oli# .owellJs case to the 9#ited Natio#s !or i#%adi#" -raC was based i# lar"e meas$re o# ,$r%eballJs testimo#&' which t$r#ed o$t to be !abricated I14M. No #$clear' "erm or chemical weapo#s were e%er !o$#d. *ome e perts worr& that the Eest ma& o%erreact to the ,$r%eball debacle a#d !ail to heed war#i#"s !rom a#& de!ectors. 5$t others sa& the ,$r%eball i#cide#t was a ca$tio#ar& tale abo$t the #eed to closel& st$d& a#& claims o! #$clear proli!eratio# ad%a#ced b& oppo#e#ts o! a re"ime. 6elle& ack#owled"ed the pote#tial co#!lict o! i#terest i# his report sa&i#" the oppositio# "ro$p' the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma' a#d the de!ector Kha%e stro#" !eeli#"s abo$t the re"ime.K Their obDecti%it&' he said' Kca# be called i#to C$estio#.K 5$t 6elle& wrote that the e%ide#ce' combi#ed with other pre%io$s disclos$res abo$t 5$rma' was pers$asi%e. Fe like#ed the de!ector' ide#ti!ied as 4aDor *ai Thei# Ei#' to 4ordecai 3a#$#$' the -sraeli tech#icia# who pro%ided photos o! -sraelJs secret atomic weapo#s !acilities I11M to a 5ritish #ewspaper i# 1)88. 6elle& said the a#al&sis o! Ei# a#d related e%ide#ce alread& p$blic abo$t 5$rma Kleads to o#l& o#e co#cl$sio#: this tech#olo"& is o#l& !or #$clear weapo#s a#d #ot ci%ilia# $se or #$clear power.K 6elle& worked !or &ears !or Fei#o#e#' who ser%ed as dep$t& director o! the -A+A !rom 2001 $#til this &ear. Their work i#cl$ded hi"hApro!ile i#%esti"atio#s o! -ra#' -raC a#d *o$th A!ricaJs #$clear pro"ram. Fei#o#e# said that o# 5$rma' he parts wa&s with his !ormer collea"$e. Fei#o#e# #oted that 5$rma has reser%es o! $ra#i$m a#d said its work th$s !ar co$ld be $sed as !$el !or #$clear power pla#ts. KThere mi"ht be someo#e looki#" !or $tili;atio# !or $ra#i$m' b$t we reall& do#Jt k#ow the p$rpose. There is #o alarmi#" !actor tri""eri#" s$spicio#s abo$t #$clear weapo#s pro"rams at this sta"e.K

The bar !or acc$si#" a co$#tr& o! wro#"doi#" sho$ld be set hi"her' he said. KEhe# someo#e takes the !irst molec$le !rom ore' it does#Jt mea# that heJs alread& de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#. ThereJs a lo#" wa& to "o.K The ar"$me#ts amo#" the e perts re%ol%e aro$#d arca#e C$estio#s o! e#"i#eeri#" a#d scie#ce. O#e photo"raph pro%ided b& the de!ector shows what is k#ow# as a "lo%e bo I18M' a sealed space i# which operators ca# ha#dle da#"ero$s materials. 6elle& said the bo co$ld be $sed to make $ra#i$m metal AA a step i# the prod$ctio# o! !$el !or #$clear weapo#s. 5$t Fei#o#e# reDected this assessme#t. Fe said that creati#" $ra#i$m metal reC$ires hi"h temperat$res. KEhe# &o$ look at the pict$re &o$ see' !or e ample' that the bo has r$bber "lo%es. Go$ wo$ld #ot b$ild a bo with r$bber "lo%es to do s$ch a process.K Fei#o#e# said the operator wo$ld Kb$r# his !i#"ers literall&'K addi#": Kdo#Jt thi#k this bo is !or that p$rpose.K A#other a#al&st who disp$tes 6elle&Js %iew o! 5$rma is /a%id Albri"ht' the director o! the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' a Eashi#"to#Abased research i#stit$te. -# (a#$ar& o! this &ear' 6elle& a#d Albri"ht coA a$thored a paper I17M !or -*-* with two other e perts that deb$#ked some o! the earlier claims that 5$rma was b$ildi#" a bomb. Ehe# challe#"ed abo$t some o! the co#cl$sio#s i# his rece#t report' 6elle& $r"ed reporters to co#tact Albri"ht. Albri"ht said i# a# i#ter%iew that he did #ot a"ree with 6elle&Js !i#di#"s. A close readi#" o! the report' he said' s$""ests that 6elle& ass$med that 5$rma is attempti#" to make #$clear weapo#s a#d the# looked at Ei#Js pict$res Ki# a biased wa& ascribi#" #$clear p$rposes to them.K Albri"ht said he belie%ed each piece o! eC$ipme#t i# the photos had alter#ate $ses' some o! which were #o#A#$clear. Fe #oted that Ei# had #o back"ro$#d i# #$clear scie#ce or e#"i#eeri#". KEe lear# the hard wa&'K said Albri"ht. KThis is what the whole thi#" was abo$t with -raCi E4/.K K-! &o$Jre "oi#" to make acc$satio#s that a co$#tr& has #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' &o$ ha%e to ha%e credible e%ide#ce that that is tr$e'K he said. 4$ch remai#s $#k#ow# abo$t Ei# a#d his moti%es. O# 0rida&' the da& 5$rmaJs %oters we#t to the polls i# a# electio# i#ter#atio#all& derided as ri""ed' the 5ritish #ewspaper The -#depe#de#t a#d the Norwe"ia# paper 4or"e#bladet p$blished i#ter%iews with him. Ei# said 5$rmaJs #$clear e!!orts were i#compete#t b$t real. Fe said emplo&ees assi"#ed to work o# the pro"ram sat aro$#d dri#ki#" whiske& a#d waiti#" !or desi"#s to arri%e. KEhe# we were alo#e' we sometimes talked abo$t how st$pid this was'K he told the -#depe#de#t I18M. KEe called o$rsel%es Nato AA No Actio#' Talki#" O#l&. Ee wasted o$r li%es. -Jm #ot a politicia#' -Jm pro$d to be a# e#"i#eer a#d a# o!!icer. - wo$ld be pro$d to be the !irst rocket scie#tist o! 5$rma b$t - had #o cha#ce to appl& what - had lear#ed. -t made me $pset.K Ei# said that he saw doc$me#ts i# which the re"ime ordered a K#$clear battalio#K to b$ild a reactor' e#rich $ra#i$m a#d create a bomb. 5$t he said K- #e%er "ot m& ha#d o# those doc$me#ts. - had the cha#ce to steal them' b$t - did#Jt.K Accordi#" to The -#depe#de#t' Ei# decided to come !orward a!ter watchi#" a /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma doc$me#tar& that me#tio#ed r$mors abo$t 5$rmaJs #$clear e!!orts. Fe bo$"ht a camera' took his #owA!amo$s photos a#d be"a# $ploadi#" the ima"es. Fe told The -#depe#de#t a sec$rit& "$ard at the !actor& saw him take the pict$res b$t did#Jt sa& a#&thi#".

.ro.$blica se#ior report /a!#a 2i#;er co#trib$ted to this report. 1. http://www.pbs.or"/w#et/#eedAtoAk#ow/sched$le/ 2. http://www.pbs.or"/w#et/#eedAtoAk#ow/sec$rit&/b$rmasA#$clearAp$;;le/1111/ :. http://www.d%b.#o/b$rmasA#$clearAambitio#sAd%bAreports 4."o%/#ewsroom/pressreleases/2010A08A0:A01.c!m 1. http://abc#ews.""Am&a#marAsecretA#$clearApro"ram/stor&O id`1082:4:) 8. http://www.washi#" hpid`moreheadli#es 7.'81))'200271:'00.html 8. http://www.#pr.or"/templates/stor&/stor&.phpOstor&-d`1278822)7 ).$k/#ews/102:8:81 10. http://www.pbs.or"/w#et/#eedAtoAk#ow/ 11. http://www.d%b.#o/ 12. http://www.#ed.or"/ 1:. http://www.#ed.or"/e%e#ts/b$rmasA#$clearAambitio#s 14.$tes/mai#:440177.shtml 11.$k/tol/#ews/article8:0147.ece 18. http://www.d%b.#o/b$rmasA#$clearAambitio#s/b$rmasA#$clearAambitio#sA ima"es/#$clear/)281/attachme#t/:00:200)01:A2 17. http://isisAo#li#e.or"/isisAreports/detail/b$rmaAaA#$clearAwa#abeeAs$spicio$sAli#ksAtoA#orthAkoreaAhi"hA techAproc$reme/ 18.$k/#ews/world/asia/b$rmeseAde!ectorAre%ealsAtr$thAabo$tAD$#tasA#$clearA ambitio#sA2121748.html 1).

Comments [-ccessed 89;9;;;?T;<5H9A]

Alice 4ca#drew Toda&' :::0 a.m. - read 6ell&Bs #$clear report a#d he does#Bt sa& ?the <"lo%e= bo co$ld be $sed to make $ra#i$m metal@ Fe sa&s ?O$r i#terpretatio# !or this "lo%e bo is that it is $sed !or mi i#" 904 with ma"#esi$m metal@ 0OR a bomb reactor which is the# $sed to make $ra#i$m metal. Fe also speci!icall& me#tio#s the hi"h heat i#%ol%ed with this process ?O#e o! the reactors has ob%io$sl& bee# s$bDected to "reat heat a#d is discolored a#d pai#t has b$r#ed o!! as it wo$ld be i! it had bee# $sed to red$ce metal@ - thi#k perhaps we sho$ld read reports like this %er& thoro$"hl& be!ore tr&i#" to discredit the i#!ormatio#. .eople ma& do$bt 6ell&Bs co#cl$sio#s b$t do#Bt tr& a#d D$sti!& it b& sa&i#" he made mistakes i# his a#al&sis where there are#Bt a#&. 5ob 6elle& Toda&' 8:41 a.m. Tha#k &o$ !or readi#" the report AliceZ Go$ "ot it D$st ri"ht a#d Olli "ot it D$st wro#". Nothi#" #ew there. -! Olli belie%es that 5$rmaBs $ra#i$m work is !or !$el !or #$clear power' the# he #eeds to e plai# wh& 5$rma has #ot reported its acti%ities to the -A+A as it is reC$ired to do. *i"#i!ica#t mi#i#" o! $ra#i$m a#d or co#%ersio# i#

the apparat$s pict$red i# the Germa# !actories is a %iolatio# o! two o! their sa!e"$ards a"reeme#ts with -A+A. O#e o! the two so$rces i#ter%iewed b& .rop$blica' separatel& !rom 4aDor Ei#' sa&s the& ha%e bee# re!i#i#" $ra#i$m at Thabeikk&i# !or !i%e &ears.


.hilip (. ,rowle& Assista#t *ecretar& /ail& .ress 5rie!i#" Eashi#"to#' /, /ecember 10' 2010 [EXCERPT] N9+*T-ON: O# 5$rmaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Oka&' 5$rma. N9+*T-ON: Oka&' two C$estio#s - ha%e o# 5$rma. O#e' are &o$ co#sideri#" li!ti#" o! a#& sa#ctio#s !rom 5$rma' small or bi"' i# %iew o! the rece#t de%elopme#ts thereO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Eell' 2alit' a#d we wo$ld do that !or what reaso#O - mea#' we are prepared' as we ha%e said ma#& times' to ha%e a di!!ere#t relatio#ship with 5$rma' pro%ided 5$rma takes si"#i!ica#t steps !orward. There are %er& clear reC$ireme#ts !or 5$rma' a#d itBs #ot abo$t the 9#ited *tates dictati#" to 5$rma. -tBs abo$t what is i# 5$rmaBs best i#terest. Ob%io$sl&' the P we welcome the release o! A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' b$t that does#Bt sol%e the broader problem o! the 2'000 political priso#ers who still remai# i# c$stod& i# 5$rma. -t does#Bt sol%e the challe#"e o! the !act that the ce#tral "o%er#me#t is still at war with ma#& eth#ic "ro$ps withi# its borders. -t does#Bt sol%e the challe#"e o! ha%i#" a political s&stem that allows broader participatio# so that &o$ do#Bt ha%e a !a$ electio# here that D$st' i# esse#ce' takes "e#erals a#d makes them ci%ilia#s a#d prete#ds thatBs a di!!ere#t ki#d o! "o%er#me#t. -t is the same ki#d o! "o%er#me#t. *o we will ha%e P we are prepared to e#"a"e 5$rma. EeBre prepared to cha#"e o$r relatio#ship. That wo$ld i#cl$de a li!ti#" o! sa#ctio#s' b$t 5$rma has to take a!!irmati%e steps to warra#t that ki#d o! co#sideratio#. N9+*T-ON: A#d seco#d C$estio# abo$t these Eiki2eaks cables which sa&s that 5$rma is b$ildi#" b$#kers with the help o! North 6orea. -Bm #ot aski#" &o$ abo$t the cables. The C$estio# is' i# &o$r assessme#t' what is the ki#d o! relatio#ship 5$rma has with North 6oreaO 4R. ,ROE2+G: Ee st$d& that %er& closel&. Go$Bre ri"htH - wo#Bt "et i#to a#& partic$lar cables. Ee ha%e co#cer#s abo$t the #at$re o! the relatio#ship betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' a#d we ha%e that co#cer# beca$se o! North 6oreaBs reco"#i;ed histor& as a proli!erator o! da#"ero$s tech#olo"&. 5$t it is somethi#" that we co#ti#$e to watch %er&' %er& closel&.*51000142401274870::)1)04178021:70001217:88.html

Myanmar9s 6inks =ith yongyang Stir Nuclear 5ears

5& (AG *O2O4ON /+,+45+R 17' 2010 [EXCERPT ] EA*F-NGTONVThe 9#ited Natio#sJ #$clear watchdo" has writte# to 4&a#marJs militar& "o%er#me#t i# rece#t weeks aski#" to %isit sites i# the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr& alle"edl& i#%ol%ed i# cla#desti#e #$clear acti%ities' accordi#" to o!!icials brie!ed o# the correspo#de#ce. [deletia] The -A+AJs /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards' headed b& 5el"ia# Ferma# Nackaerts' wrote the letter to 4&a#marJs "o%er#me#t seeki#" to %isit s$spect sites' accordi#" to these o!!icials. -t !ollows at least two other letters the -A+A has writte# to 4&a#mar i# rece#t mo#ths' seeki#" clari!icatio# o! its alle"ed e!!orts to de%elop #$clear tech#olo"ies at sites i# the co$#tr&Js #orth. KIThe -A+AM is #ow o!!iciall& aski#" !or a %isit'K said o#e o! the o!!icials brie!ed o# the letter. [deletia] 4&a#marJs missio# to the 9.N. decli#ed this week to comme#t o# the -A+A reC$est. The "o%er#me#t has pre%io$sl& de#ied that it has a#& #$clear pro"ram or militar& cooperatio# with North 6orea. [deletia]


-A0A seeks permission from Myanmar for nuke inspectors to 7isit

5& Ashish 6$mar *e# The Eashi#"to# Times 8:21 p.m.' Th$rsda&' (a#$ar& 1:' 2011 The 9#ited Natio#sJ #$clear watchdo" has asked 4&a#marJs recl$si%e militar& D$#ta to allow the a"e#c&Js i#spectors to %isit amid "rowi#" co#cer# that the *o$theast Asia# #atio#Js r$lers ma& be tr&i#" to b$ild a #$clear weapo#. The -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&Js <-A+A= /epartme#t o! *a!e"$ards made the reC$est' accordi#" to diplomatic so$rces who spoke o# the co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit& d$e to the se#siti%e #at$re o! the matter. A si"#ator& to the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat&' 4&a#mar has co#cl$ded a sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t with the -A+A with a *mall N$a#tities .rotocol <*N.=. The *N. is desi"#ed !or states that ha%e little or #o #$clear material a#d #o #$clear material i# !acilities. K5ased o# this a"reeme#t' 4&a#mar wo$ld be e pected to i#!orm the -A+A #o later tha# si mo#ths prior to operati#" a #$clear !acilit&'K said Gio%a##i 3erli#i' a# -A+A spokesma# based i# 3ie##a' A$stria. K-! 4&a#mar were to operate s$ch a !acilit&' it wo$ld be s$bDect to -A+A sa!e"$ards i#spectio#s' like similar !acilities i# other states.K 4r. 3erli#i decli#ed to co#!irm the a"e#c&Js reC$est to the re"ime. 4&a#marJs #$clear pro"ram reportedl& is ma#a"ed b& the /irectorate o! /e!e#se *er%ices *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& Research ,e#ter <//**TR,=' which is located i# 4a& 4&o at the /e!e#se *er%ices Tech#olo"ical Academ&. The D$#ta de#ies that it is tr&i#" to b$ild a #$clear weapo#. Robert 6elle&' a !ormer director o! the -A+A' e pressed skepticism a#d said i#spectors m$st %isit 4&a#mar. KThe le"al C$estio# is JEhere do the& "o a#d o# what basisOJ -! 5$rma sa&s J#o'J there is #o le"al basis to !orce them ri"ht #ow'K he said i# a pho#e i#ter%iew. 4&a#mar also is k#ow# as 5$rma. -# its e!!orts to promote wider adhere#ce to its sa!e"$ards s&stem' the -A+A has i#%ited 4&a#mar to co#cl$de a# Additio#al .rotocol to its sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t a#d ame#d its *N. i# li#e with the re%ised te t appro%ed b& the -A+A 5oard o! Go%er#ors i# *eptember 2001. The Additio#al .rotocol wo$ld "ra#t the -A+A e pa#ded ri"hts o! access to i#!ormatio# a#d sites' 4r. 3erli#i said. O# a# earlier %isit to 4&a#mar' -A+A i#spectors had asked to see the !actories where eC$ipme#t !or s$spected !acilities is ma#$!act$red' b$t e#ded $p seei#" o#l& a $#i%ersit& ph&sics laborator&. Accordi#" to a 2004 9.*. +mbass& cable' leaked b& the a#tiAsecrec& website Eiki2eaks' a b$si#essma# said he had heard r$mors that a #$clear reactor was bei#" b$ilt #ear 4i#b$' i# ce#tral 4a"wa& /i%isio# o# the -rawadd& Ri%er i# 4&a#mar. 2ast s$mmer' 4aD. *ai Thei# Ei#' who de!ected !rom 4&a#mar' told a disside#t "ro$p that the D$#ta was tr&i#" to b$ild a #$clear weapo#. 4aD. Ei# had worked i# !actories that ma#$!act$red protot&pe compo#e#ts !or missile a#d #$clear pro"rams.

A report' commissio#ed b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma' said that while the militar& ma& #ot be s$ccess!$l i# its e!!orts' Kthe i#te#t is clear.K -t said its a#al&sis led to Ko#l& o#e co#cl$sio#: this tech#olo"& is o#l& !or #$clear weapo#s a#d #ot ci%ilia# $se or #$clear power.K 4r. 6elle& re%iewed the data. KEe ha%e satellite ima"er& o! a mi#i#"Arelated !acilit& i# ro$"hl& the place ide#ti!ied b& the so$rce. - thi#k it is likel& a $ra#i$m mill' b$t to stake -A+A rep$tatio# o# this is a bit shak&'K 4r. 6elle& said. K- k#ow a #$mber o! other sites - s$spect a#d wo$ld recomme#d o#e i! asked' b$t - ha%e #ot bee# asked'@ he said. K- wo$ld e pect the team will probabl& !i#d #othi#" i! the& "o' especiall& i! the& o#l& %isit the headC$arters' a $#i%ersit& or the !actor&.K Eester# o!!icials s$spect North 6orea is assisti#" 4&a#marJs #$clear pro"ram. The 2004 cable #oted that there was #o direct e%ide#ce o! this alle"ed cooperatio#' howe%er' Kr$mors o! o#"oi#" co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear reactor are s$rprisi#"l& co#siste#t a#d obser%atio#s o! acti%it& S appear to be i#creasi#"' as are alle"ed si"hti#"s o! North 6orea# Jtech#icia#sJ i#side 5$rma.K A#other leaked cable' writte# i# No%ember 200) b& the top 9.*. o!!icial i# Ga#"o#' described 4&a#marANorth 6orea cooperatio# as KopaC$e.K K*omethi#" is certai#l& happe#i#"H whether that somethi#" i#cl$des J#$kesJ is a %er& ope# C$estio# which remai#s a %er& hi"h priorit& !or +mbass& reporti#"'K the cable said.


.N atom watchdog seeks facts from Myanmar''sources

0ri (a# 14' 2011 10:17am G4T 3-+NNA' (a# 14 <Re$ters= A The 9.N. #$clear watchdo" has writte# to 4&a#mar seeki#" i#!ormatio# abo$t its acti%ities' diplomatic so$rces said o# 0rida&' s$""esti#" the a"e#c& wa#ts to se#d i#spectors to the militar&Ar$led so$theast Asia# state. O#e so$rce said he did #ot belie%e 4&a#mar' which has reDected alle"atio#s b& a# e ile "ro$p it was tr&i#" to de%elop atomic bombs' had respo#ded to the letter se#t late last &ear b& the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=. KThe -A+A letter asked 4&a#mar to pro%ide i#!ormatio# abo$t reports s$""esti#" it was e#"a"i#" i# s$spicio$s #$clear acti%ities'K the so$rce said. 4ost a#al&sts belie%e the isolated' impo%erished #atio# remai#s well short o! a#& "oal to acC$ire #$clear capabilit&. A Norwe"ia#Abased e ile "ro$p said last ($#e that 4&a#mar had a secret pro"ramme dedicated to de%elopi#" the mea#s to make #$clear weapo#s' !ollowi#" $p o# similar alle"atio#s b& de!ectors !rom the recl$si%e state. The -A+A' which decli#ed to comme#t o# its letter o# 0rida&' said at the time that it was looki#" i#to the report. 4&a#mar is a member o! both the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T= a#d the 3ie##aAbased 9.N. #$clear a"e#c&. 4&a#mar told the -A+A i# *eptember that the alle"atio#s were $#!o$#ded a#d that its #$clear acti%ities had solel& peace!$l p$rposes. The co$#tr&' !ormerl& k#ow# as 5$rma a#d $#der lo#"time militar& r$le' has bee# $#der Eester# sa#ctio#s !or two decades a#d a#al&sts sa& a #$clearised 4&a#mar co$ld tri""er a# arms race i# the re"io#. 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# said i# 200) that she was co#cer#ed abo$t the possible tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar !rom North 6orea' which has le!t the N.T a#d tested two #$clear de%ices. 9.*. diplomatic cables p$blished b& Eiki2eaks last mo#th showed that Eester# diplomats are alarmed at cooperatio# betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea' b$t ha%e #ot co#!irmed !ears .&o#"&a#" is shari#" #$clear tech#olo"&. A series o! cables !rom the 9.*. embass& i# Ga#"o# showed diplomats ha%e bee# mo#itori#" the m&sterio$s acti%ities o! North 6orea#s i# 4&a#mar !or &ears' partic$larl& at a site #ear the tow# o! 4imb$ r$mo$red to be a pla##ed #$clear !acilit&. 5$t the !ormer head o! the -A+AJs i#spectio#s worldwide' Olli Fei#o#e#' has %oiced do$bt at the alle"atio#s that 4&a#mar was tr&i#" to de%elop atomic bombs. Fe told Re$ters i# No%ember' three mo#ths a!ter he le!t the -A+A' that a%ailable e%ide#ce did #ot s$pport the claim. <Reporti#" b& 0redrik /ahlH editi#" b& 4ark Fei#rich=

O=e @on9t ;a7e a Smoking AunI =e ;a7e ConcernsO

5& 2all& Ee&mo$th .osted *$#da&' 0eb. 1:' 2011' at 8:1) .4 +T G$ki&a Ama#o' director "e#eral o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' sa&s it is $#likel& the *t$ #et c&berattack o# -ra# derailed the -slamic rep$blicJs #$clear pro"ram. The Eashi#"to# .ostJs 2all& Ee&mo$th talked to Ama#o last week i# 3ie##a. + cerpts: [deletia] 2.E.: Ehat proli!eratio# threats do &o$ see be&o#d -ra#O Ehat abo$t 4&a#mar' !or e ampleO G.A.: Ee are !ollowi#" the sit$atio# i# 4&a#mar care!$ll& a#d collecti#" i#!ormatio#. [deletia]

http://www."oo"!p/article/A2eC41iCCwNs-6&%/;/0N&>R4 3)3R8N1wOdoc-d`,NG.08)cd1d1dc7c41ba!82)718)248)ae8d.b41

.S senators urge N8Korea'Myanmar probe

<A0.= 20 ho$rs a"o [-ccessed 89;;&9H&9:T8959<A] EA*F-NGTON V 9* se#ators o# 0rida& [89;;&9H&9:] called !or a# $#classi!ied report o# 4&a#marJs cooperatio# with North 6orea a!ter shad& acco$#ts o! militar& a#d #$clear cooperatio# betwee# the isolated #atio#s. *e#ator Richard 2$"ar o! -#dia#a' the top Rep$blica# o# the *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee' i#trod$ced a bill that wo$ld ask .reside#t 5arack Obama to prese#t ,o#"ress with a probe o# the two #atio#sJ ties. KGreater atte#tio# sho$ld be !oc$sed o# the details a#d scope o! militar& eC$ipme#t a#d tech#olo"& tra#s!erred !rom North 6orea to 5$rma'K 2$"ar said' $si#" 4&a#marJs earlier #ame. K+%e#ts i# other parts o! the world sho$ld #ot detract !rom obtai#i#" a realit& check re"ardi#" the ele%ated militar& a#d strate"ic collaboratio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma'K he said i# a stateme#t. The resol$tio# asks Obama to Kpro%ide leadershipK !or a# i#ter#atio#al i#%esti"atio# i#to alle"ed crimes a"ai#st h$ma#it& i# 4&a#mar' where ri"hts "ro$ps sa& troops re"$larl& kill' rape a#d e#sla%e eth#ic mi#orities. The Obama admi#istratio# has %oiced s$pport !or a 9NAbacked probe b$t has do#e little to t$r# it i#to realit&' with 4&a#marJs #ei"hbor ,hi#a a#d other Asia# co$#tries belie%ed to be opposed to s$ch a# e!!ort. 9* memos released last &ear b& the website Eiki2eaks said that Eashi#"to# has s$spected !or &ears that 4&a#mar ra# a secret #$clear pro"ram s$pported b& .&o#"&a#"' with o#e so$rce sa&i#" he saw :00 North 6orea#s at a# $#der"ro$#d site. Eeapo#s are o#e o! the o#l& so$rces o! i#come !or North 6orea' which has repeatedl& threate#ed to proli!erate d$ri#" maratho# de#$cleari;atio# talks i#%ol%i#" the 9#ited *tates. 2$"arJs resol$tio# was coAspo#sored b& *e#ator 4itch 4c,o##ell o! 6e#t$ck&' the top Rep$blica# i# the chamber' a#d *e#ator (ames -#ho!e' a Rep$blica# o! Oklahoma."A#$kesAweAdo#U+2U80U))tAthi#kAsoAasea#Asa&s.html

Myanmar de7eloping nukes: =e don>t think so* AS0AN says

4$staCim Adamrah' The (akarta .ost' N$sa /$a' 5ali Th$' 07/21/2011 10:41 A4
-t seems that A*+AN co#ti#$es to place !aith i# 4&a#mar despite alle"atio#s that the recl$si%e co$#tr& is de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s' witho$t a#& attempts to %eri!& the alle"atio#s. ?Ee ha%e #o %alid or complete i#!ormatio# o# that. - thi#k e%er&bod& who is i#%ol%ed i# this disc$ssio# has some part o! the i#!ormatio# a#d IisM maki#" a lot o! co#cl$sio#s based o# some ass$mptio#s'@ A*+AN *ecretar&AGe#eral *$ri# .its$wa# told The (akarta .ost here o# T$esda& i# a# i#ter%iew. ?5$t there is #o complete !act !or $s to draw a# i#!ormed D$d"me#t.@ 0orei"# 4i#istr& director "e#eral !or AsiaA.aci!ic a#d A!rica# a!!airs a#d acti#" director "e#eral !or m$ltilateral a!!airs Fam;ah Tha&eb said 4o#da& that it was impossible !or -#do#esia as the c$rre#t chair o! A*+AN to %eri!& the #$clear de%elopme#t alle"atio#s a"ai#st 4&a#mar. ?-t wo$ld mea# breachi#" A*+ANBs pri#ciple o! #o#i#ter!ere#ce'@ he told the .ost. Fe also said all A*+AN co$#tries' i#cl$di#" 4&a#mar' were bo$#d to the *o$theast Asia N$clear Eeapo# 0ree Lo#e <*+ANE0L= a"reeme#t. ?-t is a re"io#al applicatio#' the re"io#al $mbrella a"reeme#t. Ee are e%e# tr&i#" to "et e ter#al powers' the #$clear powers' to si"# o# to o$r treat&' so that all member states o! A*+AN ha%e the le"al applicatio# to abide b& the treat&'@ he said. O# 4o#da&' A*+AN co#cl$ded !o$r disc$ssio# poi#ts !or the 2007A2012 pla# o! actio# as its member statesB commo# re!ere#ce !or !$t$re co#s$ltatio# with the #$clear weapo# states V the 9*' the 96' R$ssia' 0ra#ce a#d ,hi#a. -t is belie%ed that the #$clear weapo# states re!$sed to si"# the protocol lar"el& d$e to 9* a#d 0re#ch obDectio#s o%er the $#eC$i%ocal #at$re o! sec$rit& ass$ra#ces a#d the de!i#itio#s o! territor&' i#cl$di#" e cl$si%e eco#omic ;o#es <++L=. The treat& ;o#e co%ers the territories' co#ti#e#tal shel%es a#d ++Ls o! the part& states withi# the ;o#e. ,hi#a i# partic$lar obDected to the treat&Bs i#cl$sio# o! the *o$theast Asia# si"#atoriesB co#ti#e#tal shel%es a#d ++Ls' ar"$i#" that this preD$diced its e te#si%e claims i# the *o$th ,hi#a *ea. Accordi#" to a so$rce at the mi#istr&' #$clear weapo# states' i# partic$lar the 9*' obDected to a# A*+AN term that ba#s %essels carr&i#" #$clear weapo#s or #$clear materials !rom e#teri#" ++L o! A*+AN co$#tries' ar"$i#" that it is i# %iolatio# o! pri#ciples o! the 9N ,o#%e#tio# o# the 2aw o! the *ea. O# 4a& 28' #a%& destro&er 9** 4c,ampbell ca$"ht $p with North 6orea# car"o %essel 4/3 2i"ht' which was s$spected o! carr&i#" missile tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar' a#d asked to board it' The New Gork Times reported. The North 6orea#s re!$sed. Not wa#ti#" to !orce its wa& aboard' the 9* co$ld #ot co#!irm its s$spicio#s. No#etheless' a !ew da&s a!ter the 9* #a%& approached it' the North 6orea# %essel stopped well short o! 4&a#mar a#d ret$r#ed to its home port. -# a stateme#t addressed be!ore the 14th A##$al Re"$lar *essio# o! the -A+A i# 3ie##a i# *eptember 2010' the 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t said the alle"atio#s were ?$#!o$#ded@ as 4&a#mar applied #$clear scie#ce a#d tech#olo"& ?o#l& !or peace!$l de%elopme#tal p$rposes a#d 4&a#mar will #e%er e#"a"e i# acti%ities related to the prod$ctio# a#d proli!eratio# o! #$clear weapo#s@.


Clinton says Myanmar has to do more

5& RO5-N 4c/OE+22 ' Associated .ress 07.22.11' 02:28 A4 +/T 5A2-' -#do#esia AA 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& Rodham ,li#to# sa&s 4&a#mar will lose the tr$st o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& $#less it releases its political priso#ers a#d ope#s dialo"$e with the oppositio#. *he also called o# the "o%er#me#t to address "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t weapo#s proli!eratio#. 4&a#mar held electio#s late last &ear' o!!iciall& ha#di#" power to a ci%ilia# admi#istratio# a!ter a hal!Ace#t$r& o! militar& r$le a#d releasi#" proAdemocrac& leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i !rom ho$se arrest. 5$t ma#& sa& the cha#"es are cosmetic a#d the arm& still holds swa&. KEe look to the "o%er#me#t to $#co#ditio#all& release the more tha# 2'000 political priso#ers who co#ti#$e to la#"$ish i# priso#'K ,li#to# told represe#tati%es !rom 10 *o$theast Asia# #atio#s "atheri#" i# -#do#esia. 4&a#mar' also k#ow# as 5$rma' sho$ld also co#d$ct mea#i#"!$l a#d i#cl$si%e dialo"$e with the political oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orities' she said. 2ast &ear' 9.*. o!!icials said a North 6orea# ship' s$spected o! carr&i#" weapo#s or missile heads [sic]' was i#tercepted as it headed to 4&a#mar. That raised !ears the co$#tr& has #$clear ambitio#s. ,li#to# called o# the "o%er#me#t to Kaddress "rowi#" co#cer#s o# #o#Aproli!eratio# b& committi#" to respect a#d adhere to rele%a#t 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio#s.K KThe choice is clear'K she said. KThe& ca# take these steps a#d "ai# back the co#!ide#ce o! their people a#d the tr$st o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. Or the& ca# co#ti#$e dow# the path the&J%e bee# o#.K ,li#to# also si"#aled s$btle disappro%al o! e!!orts b& 4&#amar to ass$me A*+ANJs chairma#ship i# 2014' as is #ow bei#" disc$ssed. KEe tr$st that A*+AN members will "a$"e whether a pote#tial chair ca# ad%a#ce the or"a#i;atio#Js credibilit& a#d leadership role i# the re"io#'K she said. The Obama admi#istratio# has so$"ht to e#"a"e 4&a#mar to impro%e co#ditio#s' b$t the polic& has prod$ced little co#crete res$lts a#d has #ot eased sa#ctio#s o# the co$#tr&. 4&a#mar came $#der militar& r$le i# 1)82 a#d has br$tall& s$ppressed political disse#t si#ce the#. *$$ 6&iJs Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac& swept 1))0 electio#s b$t was barred !rom taki#" power.*o$theastRAsia/4F0)Ae01.html

.S puts a new man in Myanmar

5& 5ria# 4c,arta# A$"$st )' 2011 [EXCERPT ] ,F-ANG 4A- A The appoi#tme#t last week o! the 9#ited *tatesJ !irst special e#%o& to 4&a#mar' /erek 4itchell' promises to re!oc$s 9* polic& towards the isolated co$#tr& a!ter pre%io$s e#"a"eme#t o%ert$res !ailed to "ai# diplomatic tractio#. The 9* has mai#tai#ed p$#iti%e eco#omic sa#ctio#s a"ai#st the militar& re"ime !or o%er two decades. .reside#t 5arack Obama chose 4itchell to !ill the positio# i# April' aro$#d 18 mo#ths a!ter the *tate /epartme#t a##o$#ced its #ew 4&a#mar polic& a#d almost three &ears a!ter the positio# was ma#dated b& the 2008 (A/+ Act. The #ew positio#' which is char"ed with de%elopi#" a cohesi%e i#ter#atio#al approach to 9* polic& a#d liaisi#" directl& with the 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t' carries ambassadorial ra#k. A wellArespected Asia ha#d' 4itchell was !ormerl& the /e!e#se /epartme#tJs dep$t& assista#t secretar& o! de!e#se !or Asia# a#d .aci!ic sec$rit& a#d prior to that a polic& wo#k with di!!ere#t Eashi#"to#Abased thi#kA ta#ks. Fe !irst %isited 4&a#mar i# 1))1 while with the Natio#al /emocratic -#stit$te !or -#ter#atio#al A!!airs' where he met with both se#ior "o%er#me#t o!!icials a#d oppositio# leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. 9#ited *tates polic& o# 4&a#mar took a t$r# i# *eptember 200) a!ter a polic& re%iew was co#cl$ded b& the *tate /epartme#t. The re%iew co#cl$ded that a hea%& relia#ce o# sa#ctio#s a#d isolatio# had bee# co$#terA prod$cti%e. -#stead o! cha#"i#" the militar& D$#taJs attit$de' the assessme#t co#cl$ded' Eashi#"to#Js p$blic s$pport !or *$$ 6&i a#d !oc$s o# the re"imeJs h$ma#Ari"hts record o#l& !$eled the r$li#" "e#eralsJ para#oia o! a 9* i#%asio# a#d !$rther isolated the co$#tr&. 9#der the #ew polic&' Eashi#"to# opted !or a more !le ible polic& approach that i#te"rated both sa#ctio#s a#d e#"a"eme#t. The #ew approach was i# li#e with ObamaJs stated d$alAtrack approach o! Kpri#cipled e#"a"eme#tK to deal with what Eashi#"to# co#siders $#sa%or& #atio#s. -# 4&a#marJs case' be#chmarks !or the remo%al o! sa#ctio#s a#d #ormali;atio# o! diplomatic a#d commercial ties ha%e ce#tered o# the release o! o%er 2'000 political priso#ers' reco#ciliatio# with the democratic oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orities' i#creased respect !or h$ma#Ari"hts #orms a#d adhere#ce to 9#ited Natio#s #o#proli!eratio# a"reeme#ts. The polic& has moti%ated se%eral hi"hAle%el %isits b& 9* statesme# a#d diplomats b$t so !ar has made little i! a#& pro"ress. 9* dep$t& assista#t secretar& o! state (oseph G$# met i# 4a& with *$$ 6&i a#d se#ior "o%er#me#t o!!icials i#cl$di#" !orei"# mi#ister Ea##a 4a$#" 2wi#. This was !ollowed b& a %isit !rom promi#e#t se#ator (oh# 4c,ai# at the be"i##i#" o! ($#e. 4c,ai# was able to meet i# Na&p&idaw with !irst %ice preside#t Ti# A$#" 4&i#t Oo a#d speaker o! the $pper ho$se o! parliame#t *hwe 4a##. 5oth o!!icials are !ormer "e#erals a#d ke& D$#ta leaders. -# Ga#"o#' 4c,ai# met with oppositio# leaders *$$ 6&i a#d 9 Ti# Oo. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# reiterated the polic& d$ri#" the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN= Re"io#al 0or$m <AR0= meet held last mo#th i# 5ali' -#do#esia. There' she called !or the release o! some 2'200 political priso#ers' dialo"$e with the oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orit& leaders' a#d complia#ce with 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio#s' a re!ere#ce to a s$spected #$clear pro"ram 4&a#mar is de%elopi#" with North 6orea# assista#ce.

,li#to# also p$t A*+AN o# #otice that Eashi#"to# was #ot i# !a%or o! "ra#ti#" 4&a#mar the chairma#ship o! the re"io#al "ro$pi#" i# 2014 $#less si"#i!ica#t re!orms were carried o$t. 4itchell echoed these co#cer#s d$ri#" his se#ate co#!irmatio# heari#"s last week. 4a#& a#al&sts percei%e the 9*Js p$blic co#cer#s abo$t h$ma# ri"hts a#d democrac& as co%er !or a harder sec$rit& a"e#da. Ehile h$ma# ri"hts a#d democrac& "ar#er pop$lar s$pport domesticall& a#d i# the i#ter#atio#al are#a' Eashi#"to#Js co#cer#s lie more with a desire to bl$#t ,hi#aJs i#!l$e#ce a#d impair Na&p&idawJs pote#tiall& re"io#all& destabili;i#" relatio#s with North 6orea. [deletia] A#other maDor 9* strate"ic co#cer# is 4&a#marJs "rowi#" ties with North 6orea' especiall& i# re"ards to missile a#d #$clear tech#olo"&. 4itchell said i# his heari#" that it is Kabsol$tel& criticalK !or 4&a#mar to abide b& 9N #o#proli!eratio# sa#ctio#s ba##i#" trade i# militar& hardware with .&o#"&a#". 2ast &ear' America# #a%al $#its shadowed a North 6orea# !rei"hter s$spected to be carr&i#" weapo#s e# ro$te to 4&a#mar. The ship was e%e#t$all& !orced to t$r# aro$#d. [deletia] 5ria# 4c,arta# is a !reela#ce Do$r#alist. Fe ma& be reached at bria#pmXcomcast.#et.


#,$ days later ' Fuestions to Ao7ernment on Burmese nuclear scheme remain unanswered
4edia Release c *pokesperso# *cott 2$dlam Eed#esda& 17th A$"$st 2011' 12:::pm N$estio#s o%er pote#tial A$stralia# actio# o# 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear pro"ram ha%e remai#ed $#a#swered b& the Go%er#me#t !or 210 da&s' the A$stralia# Gree#s said toda&. *e#ator *cott 2$dlam p$t the C$estio#s o# #otice to the 4i#ister represe#ti#" the 0orei"# mi#ister i# the *e#ate chamber i# /ecember last &ear. K-# 4a& we were told the Go%er#me#t was co#cer#ed abo$t 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear problem b$t Qthe mostJ the& co$ld do was mo#itor de%elopme#ts. O# /ecember 8th - asked what had bee# do#e to mo#itor 5$rmaJs alle"ed weapo#s pro"ram. 214 da&s later A there has bee# #o a#swer. - asked !$rther C$estio#s o# /ecember 17th' still #o a#swer.K *e#ator 2$dlam said !ears abo$t collaboratio# betwee# the North 6orea# a#d 5$rmese dictatorships were well !o$#ded a#d the A$stralia Go%er#me#t m$st take #$clear disarmame#t serio$sl&. K2ast &ear - asked how A$stralia has $sed its positio# o# the 5oard o! Go%er#ors' a#d A$straliaJs 4issio# i# 3ie##a' to address this pote#tiall& %er& serio$s #$clear proli!eratio# iss$e i# o$r re"io#. -tJs A$"$st A a#d there has bee# #o e pla#atio#.K *e#ator 2$dlam will !ormall& ask the Go%er#me#t to e plai# the e traordi#ar& dela& i# the *e#ate toda& at the co#cl$sio# o! N$estio# Time.


Burma9s alleged nuclear program

N$estio# c *pokesperso# *cott 2$dlam 0rida& 2#d *eptember 2011' 1:02pm N$estio# No. :84 *e#ator 2$dlam asked the 4i#ister represe#ti#" the 4i#ister !or 0orei"# A!!airs' $po# #otice' o# 17 /ecember 2010: Eith re!ere#ce to the mo#itori#" o! 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear pro"ram a#d the role o! the A$stralia# *a!e"$ards a#d No# .roli!eratio# O!!ice <A*NO=: <1= <a= Ehat e!!orts ha%e bee# made to mo#itor de%elopme#ts i# 5$rma relati#" to its alle"ed #$clear weapo#s pro"ram si#ce 4a& 2010H a#d <b= what role has A*NO pla&ed. <2= At the *eptember 2010 -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= Assembl& i# 3ie##a' the 5$rmese militar& D$#taJs stateme#t i#cl$ded a re!$tatio# o! alle"atio#s o! a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. Ehat has the -A+A do#e to i#%esti"ate this stateme#t. <:= Fow has A$stralia $sed its positio# o# the 5oard o! Go%er#ors' a#d A$straliaJs 4issio# i# 3ie##a to address this pote#tiall& %er& serio$s proli!eratio# iss$e i# o$r re"io#. *e#ator ,o#ro& A the !ollowi#" a#swer has bee# pro%ided b& the 4i#ister !or 0orei"# A!!airs to the Fo#o$rable *e#atorJs C$estio#: <1= <a= a#d <b= re!er to the respo#se pro%ided to N$estio# No. ::8 <1=. <2= .rior to the 5$rmese Go%er#me#tJs *eptember 2010 stateme#t to the -A+A Ge#eral ,o#!ere#ce' the -A+A /irector Ge#eral said o# 7 ($#e 2010 that the -A+A was assessi#" alle"atio#s abo$t a 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram a#d' i! #ecessar&' wo$ld seek clari!icatio# !rom 5$rma. The /epartme#t o! 0orei"# A!!airs a#d Trade is aware that the -A+A *ecretariat has writte# to the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t. *$ch comm$#icatio#' is co#!ide#tial to the parties. Eithi# the scope o! 5$rmaJs sa!e"$ards obli"atio#s to the -A+A' -A+A /irector Ge#eral Ama#o' i# his *a!e"$ards *tateme#t !or 2010 <s$bmitted to a#d #oted b& the -A+A 5oard o! Go%er#ors at its ($#e 2011 meeti#"= co#cl$ded that !or 2010 Kthe *ecretariat !o$#d #o i#dicatio# o! the di%ersio# o! declared #$clear material !rom peace!$l p$rposesK. O# that basis' the -A+A *ecretariat stated that Kdeclared #$clear material remai#ed i# peace!$l p$rposesK. The /epartme#t o! 0orei"# A!!airs a#d Trade is aware that the -A+A holds re"$lar disc$ssio#s with 5$rma' i#cl$di#" each &ear d$ri#" the week o! the -A+A Ge#eral ,o#!ere#ce <$s$all& held i# *eptember or October=. -# ($l& 2011' both 5$rma a#d the -A+A *ecretariat atte#ded the meeti#" o! the A$straliaAi#itiated AsiaA.aci!ic *a!e"$ards Network. <:= Re!er to the respo#se pro%ided to N$estio# No. ::8 <:=.


Burma9s alleged nuclear de7elopment

N$estio# c *pokesperso# *cott 2$dlam 0rida& 2#d *eptember 2011' 1:07pm N$estio# No. ::8 *e#ator 2$dlam asked the 4i#ister represe#ti#" the 4i#ister !or 0orei"# A!!airs' $po# #otice' o# 8 /ecember 2010: Eith re!ere#ce to the role o! the A$stralia# *a!e"$ards a#d No# .roli!eratio# O!!ice <A*NO= a#d #$clear weapo#s proli!eratio# i# 5$rma' a#d speci!icall& re!erri#" to the stateme#t made b& 4r Alla# 4c6i##o#' 0irst Assista#t *ecretar&' -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& /i%isio#' /epartme#t o! 0orei"# A!!airs a#d Trade' i# 4a& 2010 d$ri#" the 5$d"et estimates heari#"s o! the 0orei"# A!!airs' /e!e#ce a#d Trade 2e"islatio# ,ommittee' i# which he i#dicated that the Go%er#me#t shared i#ter#atio#al co#cer# abo$t 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear problem' Qb$t the most we ca# do at this time is to mo#itor de%elopme#ts i# 5$rmaJ: <1= <a= Ehat e!!orts ha%e bee# made to mo#itor de%elopme#ts i# 5$rma relati#" to its alle"ed #$clear weapo#s pro"ram si#ce 4a& 2010H a#d <b= what role has A*NO pla&ed. <2= -# re"ard to the *eptember 2010 -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= Assembl& i# 3ie##a' A$stria' where the 5$rmese militar& D$#taJs stateme#t i#cl$ded a re!$tatio# o! alle"atio#s o! a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' what are the steps that ca# be take# b& the: <a= -A+AH a#d <b= 4i#ister' "i%e# that 5$rma #ow has two obsolete -A+A a"reeme#ts a#d has !ailed to e ec$te the QAdditio#al .rotocolJ. <:= Gi%e# that the 5$rmese militar& D$#ta also shields itsel! !rom C$estio#s a#d i#spectio#s $si#" a#other o$tAo!A date a"reeme#t called a Q*mall N$a#tities .rotocolJ which e empts states that o#l& ha%e small amo$#ts o! #$clear materials a#d #o #$clear !acilities !rom -A+A i#spectio#s a#d close o%ersi"ht' how has A$stralia $sed its positio# o# the 5oard o! Go%er#ors' a#d its missio# i# 3ie##a to address this pote#tiall& %er& serio$s proli!eratio# iss$e i# o$r re"io#. *e#ator ,o#ro& A the !ollowi#" a#swer has bee# pro%ided b& the 4i#ister !or 0orei"# A!!airs to the ho#o$rable *e#atorJs C$estio#: <1= <a= a#d <b= /0AT <i#cl$di#" A*NO= draws o# a ra#"e o! so$rces o! i#!ormatio# to mo#itor closel& de%elopme#ts relati#" to 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear acti%ities. This acti%it& is o#"oi#". <2= <a= The -A+A is co#ti#$i#" its e!!orts to stre#"the# sa!e"$ards i# 5$rma i#cl$di#" b& $r"i#" 5$rma to bri#" i#to !orce a modi!ied *mall N$a#tities .rotocol <4odA*N.= a#d a# Additio#al .rotocol <A.= at the earliest opport$#it&. <b= The Go%er#me#t will co#ti#$e to disc$ss with 5$rmese a$thorities' other *tates a#d the -A+A how to stre#"the# sa!e"$ards i# 5$rma <i#cl$di#" co#cl$sio# o! a 4odA*N. a#d a# A.= a#d the alle"atio#s o! a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. <:= A$stralia has called o# the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t to be tra#spare#t abo$t a#& #$clear acti%ities' to abide b& its obli"atio#s $#der the N.T' a#d to declare all o! its #$clear !acilities a#d material <i#cl$di#" co#cl$sio# o! a 4odA*N. a#d a# A.=. A$stralia is a promi#e#t ad%ocate i# 3ie##a' a#d elsewhere' o! stre#"the#ed sa!e"$ards a#d the #eed to e#s$re that the -A+A has the #ecessar& capabilities to e%al$ate a#d act o# sa!e"$ards iss$es o! co#cer#.$

Myanmar says in Ono positionO to build atomic arms

5& 0redrik /ahl 3-+NNA c Th$ *ep 22' 2011 ::11am -*T <Re$ters= A 4&a#mar does #ot ha%e Ke#o$"h eco#omic stre#"thK to de%elop #$clear weapo#s' a se#ior diplomat !rom the Asia# #atio# told the 9.N. atomic a"e#c& o# Eed#esda&' reDecti#" a#& s$ch s$spicio#s i# the Eest. 2ast &ear' a 9.N. report s$""ested that North 6orea mi"ht ha%e s$pplied impo%erished 4&a#mar as well as -ra# a#d *&ria with ba##ed atomic tech#olo"&. -# 200)' 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# said she was co#cer#ed abo$t the possible tra#s!er o! s$ch tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar !rom North 6orea' which has le!t the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# treat& <N.T= a#d tested two #$clear de%ices. 5$t Ti# Ei#' 4&a#marJs ambassador to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=' told its a##$al member state meeti#": K4&a#mar wo$ld like to restate that 4&a#mar is i# #o positio# to co#sider the prod$ctio# a#d $se o! #$clear weapo#s a#d does #ot ha%e e#o$"h eco#omic stre#"th to do so.K Fe told dele"ates that 4&a#mar i# the past had Kmade arra#"eme#tsK to carr& o$t #$clear research with the help o! R$ssia' b$t that this had bee# halted as the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& ma& Kmis$#dersta#dK the co$#tr& o%er the iss$e. The aim o! the research had bee# to e#s$re that it wo$ld K#ot la" behi#d other co$#tries i# that !ield a#d to impro%e the applicatio#s o! #$clear tech#olo"& i# its ed$catio# a#d health sectors.K Ehile backi#" the #o#Aproli!eratio# o! #$clear arms' 4&a#mar also s$pported e%er& stateJs le"itimate ri"ht to the $se o! atomic e#er"& !or peace!$l p$rposes' the e#%o& added. 4&a#mar has pre%io$sl& de#ied alle"atio#s b& a# e ile "ro$p it was tr&i#" to de%elop atomic bombs a#d most a#al&sts belie%e it remai#s well short o! a#& "oal to acC$ire #$clear capabilit&. 5$t i# (a#$ar&' 3ie##aAbased diplomatic so$rces said the -A+A had writte# to 4&a#mar seeki#" i#!ormatio# abo$t its acti%ities' s$""esti#" it wa#ted to se#d i#spectors there. A Norwe"ia#Abased e ile "ro$p said i# midA2010 that 4&a#mar had a secret pro"ramme dedicated to de%elopi#" the mea#s to make #$clear weapo#s' !ollowi#" $p o# similar alle"atio#s b& de!ectors !rom the co$#tr&. The -A+A said at the time that it was looki#" i#to the report. 4&a#mar is a member o! both the N.T a#d the -A+A. 0ormerl& k#ow# as 5$rma a#d $#der lo#"time militar& r$le' the co$#tr& has bee# $#der Eester# sa#ctio#s !or two decades a#d a#al&sts sa& a #$clearised 4&a#mar co$ld tri""er a# arms race i# the re"io#. 9.*. diplomatic cables p$blished b& Eiki2eaks last &ear showed that Eester# diplomats were alarmed at cooperatio# betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea' b$t ha%e #ot co#!irmed !ears .&o#"&a#" was shari#" #$clear tech#olo"&.


.S special en7oy to Myanmar begins second 7isit following recent steps toward reform
5& Associated .ress' 9pdated: 4o#da&' October 24' 10:28 A4 [EXCERPT ] GANGON' 4&a#mar V The 9#ited *tatesB special e#%o& to 4&a#mar be"a# his seco#d %isit i# less tha# two mo#ths o# 4o#da& amid hope that the co$#tr&Bs #ew "o%er#me#t is serio$s abo$t political re!orm. /erek 4itchell will be i# 4&a#mar !or two da&s a#d will meet with democrac& mo%eme#t leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' se#ior o!!icials i#cl$di#" 0orei"# 4i#ister E$##a 4a$#" 2wi#' a#d represe#tati%es o! ci%il societ&' 9.*. *tate /epartme#t spokeswoma# !or +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic a!!airs /arra"h .aradiso said i# Eashi#"to#. [deletia] ?Ambassador 4itchell pla#s to %isit 5$rma !reC$e#tl& to b$ild o# o$r o#"oi#" pri#cipled e#"a"eme#t' i#cl$di#" dialo"$e with the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t a#d local stakeholders'@ a 9.* +mbass& stateme#t said. Eashi#"to# $ses the co$#tr&Bs old #ame' 5$rma' which is pre!erred b& ma#& oppo#e#ts o! militar& r$le. -# his talks with "o%er#me#t o!!icials' 4itchell will raise ?o$r lo#"Asta#di#" core co#cer#s' i#cl$di#" the #eed !or the release o! all political priso#ers' dialo"$e with the oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orities' adhere#ce to 5$rmaBs i#ter#atio#al obli"atio#s o# #o#proli!eratio#' a#d e#d to %iole#ce a"ai#st eth#ic mi#orities'@ the stateme#t said. [deletia]


Burma pursued nuclear weapons with North Korea* .8S8 senator says
5& Eilliam Ea# .$blished: No%ember 24 I2011M [EXCERPT] The *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee recei%ed i#!ormatio# ro$"hl& !i%e &ears a"o that the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t i#te#ded to de%elop #$clear weapo#s with the help o! North 6orea' accordi#" to *e#. Richard G. 2$"ar <RA-#d.=. The committee at the time rela&ed the details to 9.*. o!!icials b$t did #ot release the i#!ormatio# p$blicl&' accordi#" to 6eith 2$se' a committee sta!! member. 2$"arBs stateme#t' to be released 0rida& [89;;&;;&8<]' comes ahead o! a trip to 5$rma b& *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& Rodham ,li#to#' who will be the !irst o! her ra#k to tra%el to the isolated a#d a$thoritaria# co$#tr& i# hal! a ce#t$r&. KEith the $pcomi#" %isit' *e#ator 2$"ar wa#ted to throw a spotli"ht o# this iss$e a#d make s$re itBs o# the table i# o$r talks with the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t'K 2$se said. 2$"ar is the ra#ki#" Rep$blica# o# the 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee.


.S Aware of North Korea'Burma Nuclear 1ies Since #$$H

5& EA- 4O+ 0rida&' No%ember 21' 2011 K4& !rie#ds i# 4i#hla told me that North 6orea# tech#icia#s are see# i# the tow# a#d aro$#d the militar& !actor& sites o! 4al$# a#d 6o#""&i %illa"es'K said ,hit Ti#' who wo# a co#stit$e#c& i# the tow#ship i# the 1))0 electio#' which was #ot reco"#i;ed b& the 5$rmese D$#ta' a#d is #ow e iled i# Thaila#d.



.S blacklists Burmese Aeneral 1hein ;tay o7er arms

2 ($l& 201: 2ast $pdated at 14:18 +T The 9* has blacklisted a se#ior 5$rmese arm& o!!icer who it acc$ses o! maki#" arms deals with North 6orea i# de!ia#ce o! 9N resol$tio#s. The 9* Treas$r& said that 2ie$te#a#tAGe#eral Thei# Fta& had co#ti#$ed to p$rchase militar& eC$ipme#t a#d material !rom North 6orea. -t said that he had co#trib$ted re%e#$e towards North 6oreaJs #$clear a#d missile pro"rammes. The stateme#t said the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t was #ot bei#" tar"eted. -t said that the "o%er#me#t had take# positi%e steps to c$t its militar& ties with North 6orea. -# 4a& the 9* e te#ded tar"eted sa#ctio#s a"ai#st 5$rma A also k#ow# as 4&a#mar A !or a#other &ear b$t li!ted a %isa ba# o# o!!icials. The state departme#t said at the time that the mo%e rewarded pro"ress a#d aimed to pre%e#t backslidi#" o# re!orm i# 5$rma. -t cited h$ma# ri"hts co#cer#s a#d the co#ti#$ed dete#tio# o! political priso#ers as !actors i# e te#di#" the a##$al sa#ctio#s order. The 9* stateme#t o# T$esda& did #ot ide#ti!& the militar& "oods i#%ol%ed. There has bee# #o word !rom the co#cer#ed "e#eral. KThei# Fta& has disre"arded i#ter#atio#al reC$ireme#ts to stop p$rchasi#" militar& "oods !rom North 6orea' the re%e#$es !rom which directl& s$pport North 6oreaJs illicit acti%ities'K 9#der *ecretar& !or Terrorism a#d 0i#a#cial -#telli"e#ce /a%id * ,ohe# said i# the stateme#t. KEe will co#ti#$e o$r e!!orts' alo#"side o$r i#ter#atio#al part#ers' to sh$t dow# North 6oreaJs da#"ero$s a#d destabilisi#" weapo#s proli!eratio#.K The 9* is tr&i#" to e#!orce sa#ctio#s to p$t press$re o# North 6orea !ollowi#" its rece#t testi#" o! #$clear de%ices a#d lo#"Ara#"e rockets.


.ress Release o! *e#ator 2$"ar 2$"ar: 5$rma North 6orea Ties *ho$ld 5e /isclosed 4o#da&' No%ember 28' 2011 0ollowi#" is *e#ator 2$"arBs stateme#t re"ardi#" de%elopme#ts i# 5$rma. KThe 9#ited *tates is appropriatel& testi#" the appeara#ce o! re!orms withi# 5$rma. The ,o#"ress i# 2008 created the positio# o! *pecial Represe#tati%e a#d .olic& ,oordi#ator !or 5$rma to e plore wa&s o! cha#"i#" the re"imeBs beha%ior. .reside#t Obama #omi#ated /erek 4itchell i# April o! 2011 to ass$me that role. The si#cerit& with which a wide ra#"e o! re!orms has bee# promised b& the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t m$st be D$d"ed b& whether the words are !ollowed b& actio#s. 4issi#" !rom the lo#" list o! "ood i#te#tio#s has bee# re!ere#ce to the "rowi#" relatio#ship betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' a#d close cooperatio# betwee# their two militaries. North 6orea is belie%ed to be co#ti#$i#" de%elopme#t o! its #$clear' biolo"ical a#d chemical weapo#s pro"rams. O%er !i%e &ears a"o' the *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee was i#!ormed a#d s$bseC$e#tl& ad%ised 9.*. o!!icials o! 5$rmaBs reported i#te#tio# to de%elop #$clear weapo#s i# coordi#atio# with North 6orea. A# earl& "oal o! the te#tati%e 9.*. reAe#"a"eme#t with 5$rma sho$ld be !$ll disclos$re o! the e te#t a#d i#te#t o! the de%elopi#" 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram.K$/breaki#"A#ewsAworld/#oAsi"#Ao!AmaDorAb$rmaA#$clearAdri%eA$sA201111:0A1o77D.html

No sign of ma!or Burma nuclear dri7e2 .S

A0. No%ember :0' 2011 A ):24.4 The 9#ited *tates sees #o si"# o! a maDor #$clear weapo#s pro"ram i# 5$rma a#d hopes that the #ew re"ime will boost cooperatio# with the 9N atomic watchdo"' a 9* o!!icial said. KEeJ%e looked at this !airl& care!$ll& a#d we do #ot see si"#s o! a s$bsta#tial e!!ort at this timeK o# #$clear arms' the o!!icial told reporters accompa#&i#" *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# o# a la#dmark %isit.$/topstories/article.asp Oid`8)1412Y%-d`

;illary Clinton on historic Burma 7isit

9pdated: 08:00' Th$rsda& /ecember 1' 2011 [-ccessed 89;;&;;&?9T;:5;9A] [EXCERPT ] *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# has arri%ed i# 5$rma o# the !irst topAle%el 9* %isit !or hal! a ce#t$r&' seeki#" to e#co$ra"e a Jmo%eme#t !or cha#"eJ i# the militar&Adomi#ated #atio#. [deletia] A *tate /epartme#t o!!icial tra%eli#" with ,li#to# said he e pected 5$rma wo$ld mo%e !orward o# o#e ke& 9* co#cer# A alle"atio#s o! past militar& coAoperatio# with #$clearAarmed North 6orea. The o!!icial said he was #ot co#%i#ced o! de!ectorsJ acco$#ts o! #$clear coAoperatio# betwee# the co$#tries a#d i#dicated that 5$rma ma& a"ree to si"# a# a"reeme#t with the 9NJs -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& to e#s$re that it is #ot p$rs$i#" atomic arms. JEeJ%e looked at this !airl& care!$ll& a#d we do #ot see si"#s o! a s$bsta#tial e!!ort at this timeJ he said' pla&i#" dow# the alle"atio#s o! 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s. The se#ior o!!icial said the 9* was more co#cer#ed abo$t North 6orea# e ports o! missile tech#olo"& to 5$rma' which %iolate 9N sa#ctio#s o# .&o#"&a#".


Myanmar "ows to .pgrade -A0A Safeguards

Arms ,o#trol Toda& m /ecember 2012 /ar&l G. 6imball 4&a#mar will take steps to "i%e the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= "reater access to the co$#tr&Bs #$clear !acilities' the o!!ice o! 4&a#mar .reside#t Thei# *ei# said i# a stateme#t No%. 1) [89;8]' the da& o! .reside#t 5arack ObamaBs arri%al i# the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr&. 4&a#mar' also k#ow# as 5$rma' will si"# a# additio#al protocol to its -A+A sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t a#d will ?"i%e e!!ect to the modi!ied sta#dardi;ed te t o! the *mall N$a#tities .rotocol'@ the stateme#t said. The mo%e co$ld p$t to rest li#"eri#" s$spicio#s that 4&a#marBs militar& D$#ta had p$rs$ed a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram with assista#ce !rom North 6orea a#d co$ld ope# the door to !$rther rapprocheme#t with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. [deletia]


4edia Ad%isor& 201:/22

Myanmar to Sign Additional rotocol with -A0A

%H September #$%& c 9#io# 4i#ister !or 0orei"# A!!airs o! 4&a#mar' 9 E$##a 4a$#" 2wi#' a#d -A+A /irector Ge#eral G$ki&a Ama#o will si"# a# Additio#al .rotocol to the sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t !or that co$#tr& o# 17 *eptember at the 3ie##a -#ter#atio#al ,e#tre <3-,=. The Additio#al .rotocol is a le"al doc$me#t that' whe# co#cl$ded with *tates with comprehe#si%e sa!e"$ards a"reeme#ts <,*As=' eC$ips the -A+A with importa#t additio#al meas$res that pro%ide !or broader access to i#!ormatio# abo$t the *tateJs #$clear pro"ramme' i#creased ph&sical access b& -A+A i#spectors a#d impro%ed admi#istrati%e arra#"eme#ts. The impleme#tatio# o! a# Additio#al .rotocol si"#i!ica#tl& i#creases the -A+AJs abilit& to %eri!& the peace!$l $se o! all #$clear material i# *tates with ,*As i# !orce. There are c$rre#tl& 121 *tates with Additio#al .rotocols i# !orce. A photo opport$#it& will be pro%ided !or the si"#i#" ceremo#& at 18:00 i# the 402 !o&er o! the 4A5$ildi#" at the 3-,' !ollowed b& a short C$estio# a#d a#swer sessio# with the 4i#ister a#d the /irector Ge#eral.$rmaAsi"#sA#ewA#$clearAdealAwithAiaea/171148).html

Burma Signs New Nuclear @eal =ith -A0A

*eptember 17' 201: 5$rma a#d the 9.N. #$clear a"e#c& ha%e si"#ed a# a"reeme#t that will "i%e i#ter#atio#al i#spectors wider access to 5$rmese !acilities. The a"reeme#t' called a# Additio#al .rotocol' was si"#ed T$esda& b& 5$rmese 0orei"# 4i#ister E$##a 4a$#" 2wi# a#d -A+A chie! G$ki&a Ama#o. The mo%e will help clear li#"eri#" s$spicio#s that 5$rma had bee# tr&i#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s d$ri#" the co$#tr&Js lo#" militar& r$le that e#ded last &ear. 9 Ge Ft$t' a spokesma# !or 5$rmese .reside#t Thei# *ei#' said the a"reeme#t will be %er& help!$l. KAltho$"h we ha%e i#itiall& said that we do#Bt ha%e a#& pla#s to $se #$clear e#er"& to de%elop #$clear weapo#s' we ha%e bee# $#der s$spicio#. 0irst' b& si"#i#" this Additio#al .rotocol' it helps to clear awa& this do$bt. The seco#d' this will lead the wa& !or 5$rma to "et opport$#ities' assista#ce i# #$clear tech#olo"& !or $se o! peace!$l mea#s e#er"&' medical research' a"ric$lt$re a#d other research work.K /a%id Albri"ht' .reside#t a#d 0o$#der o! The -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' said the #ew a"reeme#t is importa#t' b$t the co#cer#s o%er a 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram are small. K- do#Jt thi#k the s$spicio#s are that stro#". Ehate%er 5$rma did' it was small... small scale #$clear e!!orts. 4& or"a#i;atio# re%iewed a lot o! alle"atio#s abo$t 5$rmaJs #$clear e!!orts a#d we tho$"ht most o! them were #ot s$bsta#tiated.K 5$rma' which Doi#ed the N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# treat& i# 1))2' alread& is recei%i#" -A+A assista#ce o# matters s$ch as acco$#ti#" a#d co#trol o! #$clear material' a#d $si#" radiatio# !or medical a#d a"ric$lt$ral p$rposes. This report was prod$ced i# collaboratio# with the 3OA 5$rmese ser%ice.

AppendiC A Commentary and Supplemental Material


Burma must sign international nuclear treaties

Robert 6elle& 5a#"kok October 4' 2011 4:01 am Eith the rece#t admissio# that 5$rma does #ot ha%e the reso$rces to co#template p$rs$i#" #$clear weapo#s' the "o%er#me#t has made a# importa#t step towards reDoi#i#" the world comm$#it&. -t sho$ld take this opport$#it& to si"# the i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts it has praised' a#d Doi# the cl$b o! respo#sible #atio#s. 0aili#" to do so co$ld pro%ide somethi#" o! a# acid test re"ardi#" alle"atio#s le%elled a"ai#st its militar& ambitio#s. That 5$rma Kca##ot a!!ordK #$clear weapo#s' as the ambassador to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=' Ti# Ei#' said i# 3ie##a last week' ma& come as #o s$rprise: its decisio# i# 2001 to relocate the capital !rom Ra#"oo# to Na&p&idaw wo$ld ha%e cost billio#s o! dollars a#d strai#ed the co$#tr&Js treas$ries. 2ast &earJs e pose b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma o! a #asce#t weapo#s pro"ramme clearl& stated that the proDect wo$ld likel& pro%e too ambitio$s !or the "o%er#me#t. 5$t the admissio# last week co$ld ha%e m&riad be#e!its !or the co$#tr& a#d its decrepit e#er"& a#d health sectors. 5$rma has had a# o#Ao!! a"reeme#t with R$ssia to b$ild a #$clear reactor a#d research laborator& i# the co$#tr& si#ce 2001. The a"reeme#t was !ormalised i# 2007' b$t R$ssia has #e%er bee# willi#" to complete the deal beca$se 5$rma has obsolete a"reeme#ts with the -A+A. No co$#tr& co$ld co#sider "i%i#" #$clear tech#olo"& to 5$rma whe# it has i#s$lated itsel! a"ai#st a#& -A+A i#spectio#s. 5$rmaJs treat& a"reeme#ts with the -A+A stip$late that it has #o #$clear materials a#d #o #$clear !acilities' a#d i# practice' the -A+A wai%es the ri"ht to #ormal i#spectio#s i# the co$#tr& si#ce both parties a"ree there is #othi#" to i#spect. There has #e%er bee# a# i#spectio# i# 5$rma to %eri!& the mis$se o! #$clear materials' a#d itJs $#likel& there e%er will be' beca$se accordi#" to the a"reeme#t there are #o materials. This is' o! co$rse' a# e#dless circ$lar ar"$me#t. A research reactor wo$ld be a %er& ordi#ar& research tool i# a small co$#tr& like 5$rma. -t wo$ld represe#t #o threat to world peace' partic$larl& whe# it is s$bDect to re"$lar -A+A #$clear material i#spectio#s. 5$t witho$t i#spectio#s there wo$ld be co#sta#t co#cer#s that e%e# a small !acilit& co$ld be $sed !or #e!ario$s p$rposes. A research reactor wo$ld cost 5$rma abo$t 9*b110 millio#' a %er& small s$m !or a co$#tr& rich i# mi#eral' timber a#d "as reso$rces. -! the "o%er#me#t decides this is a strai# o# the b$d"et' it is maki#" a co#scio$s choice i# !a%o$r o! other acti%ities i#stead o! spe#di#" o# p$blic health a#d wel!are. The probable recipie#t wo$ld be the militar&' which acco$#ts !or more tha# a C$arter o! "o%er#me#t spe#di#". -t is #ot clear how 5$rma pla##ed to $se its research reactor. The most likel& $se wo$ld ha%e bee# to prod$ce medical isotopes !or healthcare' a sector so !ract$red that it mi"ht be that the relati%el& hi"h tech#olo"& prod$cts !or #$clear medici#e "o $#$sed. The reactor co$ld be $sed to trai# #$clear e#"i#eers !or bi""er proDects i# the dista#t !$t$re' !or at prese#t' 5$rmaJs decrepit tech#olo"& base mea#s that #$clear power is a dista#t dream. Now that 5$rma has p$blicl& re#o$#ced a#& #$clear acti%ities' there sho$ld be #o barriers to si"#i#" a moder# #$clear materials sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t with the -A+A a#d modi!&i#" its e isti#" codicils that esse#tiall& prohibit #$clear i#spectio#s i# the co$#tr&. 5$rmaJs c$rre#t a"reeme#ts are dated !rom the earl& 1))0s a#d are completel& obsolete. 5$rma #eeds to co#sider si"#i#" the 4odel Additio#al .rotocol' which "ra#ts the -A+A additio#al i#spectio# ri"hts. -t reC$ires Na&p&idaw to s$bmit more i#!ormatio# o# imports a#d e ports o! #$clear materials' a#d report

o# e isti#" #$clear acti%ities. 5eca$se 5$rma has declared that all pla##ed #$clear acti%ities ha%e ceased' this sho$ld be #o problem. -t wo$ld help to re!$te acc$satio#s b& some e iles a#d a#al&sts' i#cl$di#" me' that the "o%er#me#t is attempti#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s. This e%ide#ce comes !rom acti%ities i# two mecha#ical workshops b$ilt aro$#d 2001 a#d eC$ipped with moder# +$ropea# machi#e tools o! hi"h calibre. These tools are possibl& b$ildi#" processi#" eC$ipme#t that co$ld prod$ce $ra#i$m !or a reactor or a bomb. The eC$ipme#t was photo"raphed b& a 5$rmese arm& de!ector' who sm$""led the ima"es o$t o! the co$#tr&. To be s$re' e%e# i! 5$rma allows i#spectio#s $#der a moder# -A+A a"reeme#t' the workshops wo$ld #ot be the immediate sites !or %etti#" beca$se the& ha%e #o #$clear materials' b$t are o#l& workplaces s$pporti#" a pro"ramme elsewhere. 0ears s$rro$#di#" these pro"rammes are !$elled b& reports o! $ra#i$m mi#i#"' mostl& i# *ha# state' a#d alle"ed #$clear acti%ities at Thabeikk&i#' #orth o! 4a#dala&. No#e o! this is bei#" reported to the -A+A. -! Na&p&idaw steps $p to the table a#d si"#s a moder# !$ll i#spectio# a"reeme#t with the -A+A' the# 5$rma ca# p$t these claims to rest. -A+A s$per%isio# wo$ld also temper co#cer#s abo$t a research reactor. 0aili#" to do this' howe%er' mea#s that it remai#s i# the small cl$b o! co$#tries' alo#"side -ra# a#d *&ria' that ha%e re!$sed to si"# the moder# a"reeme#ts' a#d will retai# pariah stat$s. 9si#" the occasio# i# 3ie##a to reiterate 5$rmaJs commitme#t to i#ter#atio#al #$clear material sa!e"$ards a#d rob$st #$clear i#spectio#s holds little credibilit& $#less it is !ollowed with more ta#"ible actio#. Robert 6elle& is a !ormer director at the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&.


Column2 1his is no time to slash defense spending* Kyl says

b& (o# 6&l *ept. )' 2011 02:2: .4 [EXCERPT ] O# this da& seared eter#all& i# the America# co#scio$s#ess' we pa$se to co#sider #earl& :'000 li%es lost a#d !amilies !ore%er a!!ected. -# cities a#d tow#s across the 9#ited *tates' we o!!er pra&ers' mome#ts o! sile#ce a#d heart!elt remembra#ces !or lo%ed o#es' coAworkers' acC$ai#ta#ces a#d !ellow America#s take# abr$ptl& !rom $s 10 &ears a"o' as well as those who ha%e sacri!iced to sec$re o$r sa!et& si#ce. These rit$als are a #at$ral a#d !itti#" wa& to ho#or the i##oce#t %ictims o! the terrorist attacks o! *ept. 11' 2001. Get the "reatest trib$te we ca# pa& is to co#!ro#t headAo# the terrorists a#d ro"$e re"imes seeki#" to do $s harm. *ome scholars re!er to this co#!lict as the 2o#" Ear beca$se the str$""le a"ai#st the radical political -slamists will likel& take a %er& lo#" time to co#cl$de. [deletia] Ee m$st co#ti#$e to p$rs$e eco#omic a#d political sa#ctio#s a"ai#st states a#d terrorists seeki#" illicit biolo"ical' chemical a#d #$clear weapo#s. -# additio# to -ra#' we remai# co#cer#ed abo$t the proli!eratio# acti%ities o! North 6orea' *&ria a#d 4&a#mar <5$rma=. A#d we k#ow that alANaida a!!iliates co#ti#$e to seek to acC$ire materials to prod$ce deadl& poiso#s s$ch as rici# a#d c&a#ide. IdeletiaM (o# 6&l is a 9.*. se#ator !rom Ari;o#a. Fe is the *e#ate Rep$blica# whip a#d ser%es o# the 0i#a#ce a#d ($diciar& committees.$rma/

Can =e Belie7e Burma:

5& 2$ke F$#t A*+AN 5eat ($#e 14' 2011
Burma claims it can9t afford nuclear weapons8 But its ties with North Korea are both con7enient and troubling8 The 5$rmese a#d North 6orea#s are "etti#" a little to#"$eAtied o%er their #$clear ambitio#s. As -B%e me#tio#ed rece#tl&' 5$rmaJs "o%er#me#t i#sists it ca#Bt a!!ord the atomic ambitio#s that o!!icials i# the Eest !ear Na&p&idaw harbo$rs' despite the e#ormo$s perso#al wealth "e#erated b& circles aro$#d the D$#ta i# rece#t decades. Their wealth' combi#ed with their $#iC$e relatio#s with co$#tries like North 6orea a#d ,hi#a' wo$ld be more tha# e#o$"h to at least kickAstart the earl& sta"es o! s$ch a pro"ramme' a#d the #oises o$t o! .&o#"&a#" ha%e do#e #othi#" to dispel s$ch s$""estio#s. This was hi"hli"hted b& re%elatio#s i# the 9#ited *tates o! a sta#dAo!! betwee# a North 6orea# ship s$spected o! co#tai#i#" ba##ed weapo#s' a#d e#Aro$te to 5$rma' a#d a 9* Na%& destro&er. 9* o!!icials so$"ht a#d recei%ed appro%al !rom the Associatio# o! *o$th +ast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN= a#d maritime a$thorities i# 5eli;e to e#"a"e the 4/3 2i"ht' a 5eli;eA!la""ed %essel k#ow# to ha%e bee# pre%io$sl& $sed !or weapo#s e ports to 5$rma a#d the 4iddle +ast. The ship was i#tercepted b& the 9** 4c,ampbell i# late 4a&' howe%er' the North 6orea# crew re!$sed to let the 4/3 2i"ht be boarded' i#sisti#" the boat was carr&i#" i#d$strial chemicals desti#ed !or 5a#"ladesh. The 9#ited *tates did#Bt !orce the iss$e' #or did it wa#t to risk a militar& co#!ro#tatio# as o!!icials co$ld#Bt be completel& s$re what car"o the ship co#tai#ed. The sta#do!! co#ti#$ed !or se%eral da&s be!ore the %essel t$r#ed back a#d sailed !or home. Ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e impro%ed dramaticall& i# rece#t &ears' a !ar cr& !rom 1)8:' whe# North 6orea# a"e#ts deto#ated a bomb i# Ra#"oo#' killi#" se%eral *o$th 6orea# cabi#et mi#isters a#d res$lti#" i# a se%eri#" o! diplomatic relatio#s. The warmi#" o! ties is timel&. ,o#cer#s persist o%er #$clear proli!eratio# amo#" C$estio#able states like -ra#' .akista#' North 6orea a#d 5$rma' a#d the iss$e is co#siste#tl& at the top o! the i#ter#atio#al diplomatic a"e#da. Two weeks a"o' the D$#ta' which has r$# 5$rma !or almost 10 &ears' told 9* *e#. (oh# 4c,ai# that their co$#tr& is#Bt wealth& e#o$"h to acC$ire #$clear weapo#s. 5$rma wo$ld certai#l& like to co#%i#ce the world itBs e%ol%i#" !rom a militar& r$# D$#ta to a "o%er#me#t co#trolled b& ci%ilia#s. At the same time' abo$t 2'000 political priso#ers remai# behi#d bars' a#d there has bee# #o shi!t i# i#ter#atio#al opi#io#' which widel& re"ards last &earBs electio#s as a sham. -! pro%e#' 5$rmaBs s$spected tradi#" li#ks with North 6orea wo$ld be i# breach o! 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio# 1874 a#d 1718 barri#" .&o#"&a#" !rom e#"a"i#" i# the arms trade. Resol$tio# 1874 !ollowed North 6oreaBs seco#d #$clear test. 5$rma deser%es !$ll marks !or tr&i#"' b$t its attempts at pers$adi#" the wider world o! its emer"e#ce as a re"$lar co$#tr& worth& o! #ormal relatio#s with e%er&o#e else are !alli#" a little !lat.$rmeseAti"htropeA217

Burmese tightrope
5& *ha#kar Ro&chowdh$r& ($#e 14' 2011 -#dia m$st look awa& !or a mome#t !rom the t$rmoil i# the co$#tr&Bs wester# %ici#it& a#d spare a "la#ce eastwards towards the ?other border@ as well' the o#e which -#dia shares with a#other si"#i!ica#t #ei"hbo$r' 5$rma. 5$rma' !ormed part o! 5ritai#Bs -#dia# empire till 1):7 whe# it was declared a separate colo#ial e#tit&. There is little eth#ic or c$lt$ral co##ecti%it& eastwards' betwee# the domi#a#t -#doAGa#"etic ci%ilisatio# o! -#dia a#d that o! the -rrawadd& heartla#d o! 5$rma. -# 5$rma' the traditio#al -#dia# prese#ce has bee# o! pett& traders a#d s$bordi#ateAle%el b$rea$crac& o! 5ritish 5$rma who did #ot e#dear themsel%es to the locals. 4emories li#"er a#d' s$rprisi#"l&' -#dia#s e%e# #ow are #ot "e#erall& well re"arded. The i#ter#al political a#d ci%il str$ct$re o! 5$rma is !l$id a#d complicated. There is Tatmadaw V the 5$rmese de!e#ce !orces V i# total char"e o! all aspects o! "o%er#a#ce' thro$"h the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil <*/.,=' which is a militar& D$#ta o! 11 "e#erals' ser%i#" as well as retired' whose political !ort$#es !l$ct$ate with their i#ter#al eC$atio#s. Eith a# estimated stre#"th o! 410'000 to 100'000' the 5$rmese Arm& is predomi#a#tl& a li"ht i#!a#tr& !orce. Rep$ted as capable a#d pro!essio#all& compete#t' it is combatAharde#ed b& lo#" e perie#ce o! almost $#broke# co$#teri#s$r"e#c& a#d D$#"le operatio#s a"ai#st separatists almost si#ce i#depe#de#ce i# 1)48. 5$t its record o! h$ma# ri"hts has bee# se%erel& criticised b& the Eester# co$#tries' partic$larl& the 9#ited *tates' which re"ards the */., "o%er#me#t as a ro"$e re"ime a#d is p$tti#" press$re o# -#dia to dissociate a#d co#dem# the co$#tr&Bs militar& D$#ta. 5$rma carries the rep$tatio# o! a# e#i"matic a#d somewhat prickl& hermit ki#"dom which pre!ers to keep to itsel!. -#side the co$#tr&' 1) maDor a#d mi#or eth#ic "ro$ps are i# disti#ctl& $#eas& di%ersit& amo#"st themsel%es. The predomi#a#tl& ,hristia# tribal mi#orities alo#" 5$rmaBs mo$#tai#o$s' de#sel& D$#"led o$ter peripher& borderi#" Thaila#d' 2aos' ,hi#a' -#dia a#d 5a#"ladesh' are i# almost perma#e#t m$ti#& a"ai#st the r$li#" 5$rma# maDorit& i# the ce#tral heartla#d' who pro!ess 5$ddhism a#d co#stit$te 8) per ce#t o! the pop$latio#. The 1'84: km o! poro$s' de#sel&A D$#"led border shared b& the two co$#tries is comparati%el& loosel& co#trolled' partic$larl& o# the 5$rma side a#d slowAb$r#i#"H separatist tribal milita#cies o! %ario$s pers$asio#s a"ai#st both New /elhi a#d Ga#"o# smo$lder across the e#tire re"io#. TwoA wa& tra!!ic i# border crime' dr$"s' weapo#s a#d other cate"ories o! sm$""li#" ha%e rei#!orced these i#s$r"e#cies i#to a !airl& maDor #arcoAco#!lict drawi#" s$ste#a#ce !rom the Golde# Tria#"le' i# which 5$rma is the "eo"raphical pi%ot. O# the -#dia# side' the -#doA5$rma border is' as $s$al' the relati%el& ?!or"otte# !ro#tier@ i# compariso# with its wester# co$#terpart. -#terAsectoral priorities !or allocatio# o! reso$rces are lower i# the east a#d the Assam Ri!les' that co#stit$tes the -#dia# border "$ardi#" !orces here' !aces the $s$al pa$cit& o! troops. This' co$pled with e tremel& di!!ic$lt terrai# a#d debilitati#" climate' makes e!!ecti%e border ma#a"eme#t te#$o$s' tho$"h still relati%el& better tha# o# the 5$rma side. +th#ic a#d c$lt$ral commo#alities betwee# the Na"a' 4i;o a#d 6$ki tribes o# the -#dia# side o! the border i# Ar$#achal .radesh' Na"ala#d' 4a#ip$r a#d 4i;oram' a#d those i#habiti#" the co#ti"$o$s wester# a#d #orthwester# border re"io#s o! 5$rma add to the comple ities o! the sit$atio#' t&pi!ied b& the a#tiA-#dia Na"a i#s$r"e#t "ro$p' the Natio#al *ocialist ,o$#cil o! Na"ala#dA6hapla#" <N*,NA6= i# Na"ala#d a#d 4a#ip$r' which operates i# -#dia b$t is based i# 5$rma a#d headed b& *.*. 6hapla#"' a Femi Na"a !rom that co$#tr&. Relatio#s betwee# -#dia a#d 5$rma are relati%el& lowAke& b$t o# a "e#erall& e%e# keel. -#dia has #o militar& problems with 5$rma a#d the !oc$s is towards establishi#" a %iable -#dia# politicoAeco#omic prese#ce i# the co$#tr&. Fowe%er' 5$rma is a# area o! wellAe#tre#ched ,hi#ese i#terests a#d i#!l$e#ce' a#d -#dia# i#terests

m$st co#te#d with stro#" ad%erse !actors' which tra#sce#d p$rel& eco#omic or corporate ri%alries. Ne%ertheless' it remai#s a "eoApolitical imperati%e !or -#dia to e#"a"e as closel& as possible with 5$rmaBs militar& dictatorship to pro"ress its ow# e#tr& i#to the re"io#. Associatio# with a# a$thoritaria# militar& "o%er#me#t whose record o! h$ma# ri"hts has bee# i#ter#atio#all& criticised draws the disappro%al o! the 9* a#d the Eest' besides that o! the "rowi#" i#ter#al mo%eme#t !or democrac& withi# 5$rma led b& st$de#t a#d liberal acti%ists' ce#tred aro$#d the perso#alit& o! A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. Fer part&' the Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac&' swept to a# o%erwhelmi#" %ictor& i# the #atio#al polls i# 1))0' which was disre"arded b& the militar& r$lers who placed her $#der ho$se arrest i# 1))2. *he was awarded the Nobel .ri;e !or .eace i# 1))1' a#d ma#& o! her !ollowers ha%e escaped to -#dia where the& ha%e bee# accorded sa#ct$ar& a#d are attempti#" to carr& !orward their mo%eme#t !rom e ile. -#dia !or its part has to keep cha##els o! comm$#icatio# ope# to both' the D$#ta "o%er#me#t a#d the democrac& mo%eme#t' $si#" o!!icial as well Track -- cha##els. -t is a# $#e#%iable ti"htrope a#d !or the prese#t -#dia has chose# to be pra"matic' becomi#" 5$rmaBs !o$rthAlar"est tradi#" part#er <a!ter Thaila#d' ,hi#a a#d *i#"apore=' besides i#%ol%eme#t i# maDor i#!rastr$ct$ral proDects i# that co$#tr&' i#cl$di#" the 180Akm Tam$A6alewaA 6alem&o road' completed i# 2001 a#d !$#ded totall& b& -#dia' a#d the ambitio$s *ittweA6alada# ri%erA2aw#"tlai m$ltiAmode seaAri%er road tra#sport corridor sched$led to be completed i# 201:' co##ecti#" *ittwe port i# 5$rma with Natio#al Fi"hwa& 14 at 2aw#"tlai i# 4i;oram. Fowe%er' !or -#dia' the real clo$d o# the hori;o# is 5$rmaBs #asce#t #$clear pro"ramme. 5$rma as a si"#ator& to the No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& reached a# a"reeme#t with R$ssia i# 2007 !or acC$iri#" a 10Ame"awatt #$clear reactor !or research p$rposes a#d "e#eratio# o! #$clear power. This ca##ot be a reaso# !or co#cer# i# a#& ma##er' b$t there are more di!!$sed reports o! a cla#desti#e #$clear weapo#s part#ership with North 6orea' with which .akista#Bs ro"$e #$clear scie#tist A.N. 6ha#Bs #$clear #etwork is also alle"edl& associated. -! tr$e' this wo$ld de!i#itel& be a matter o! co#cer# !or -#dia' which hope!$ll& has the mea#s a#d capabilities to keep itsel! i#!ormed a#d prepared %isAaA%is s$ch de%elopme#ts #e t door. 4ea#while' it is to be hoped that the 5$rmese D$#ta has take# #ote o! the Arab *pri#" !ar awa& i# Eest Asia' a#d ma& be co#sideri#" optio#s to ease the i#ter#al co#ditio#s withi# the co$#tr&. T Ge#. *ha#kar Ro&chowdh$r& is a !ormer ,hie! o! Arm& *ta!! a#d a !ormer 4ember o! .arliame#t


Burma>s obfuscation hides a nuclear secret

5& RO5+RT 6+22+G .$blished: 1: ($#e 2011 5$rma rece#tl& told %isiti#" 9* *e#ator (oh# 4c,ai# that it has halted a peace!$l #$clear pro"ram s$pported b& R$ssia. This is a# i#co#seC$e#tial e%e#t desi"#ed to obsc$re the o#"oi#" militar& #$clear pro"ram that is bei#" carried o$t i# secret. 5$rma has bee# !lirti#" with R$ssia !or abo$t a decade o%er pla#s to b$& a small #$clear research reactor. The i#te#tio# was a##o$#ced b$t #o reactor or research laborator& was e%er sold. The alle"ed ?R$ssia# s$pport@ was simpl& a commercial a"reeme#t to sell !acilities to 5$rma' b$t R$ssia made it clear that 5$rma had to si"# moder# a"reeme#ts with the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= to pro%ide adeC$ate sa!e"$ards. 5$rma has #ot do#e so beca$se it is probabl& alread& i# %iolatio# o! its old sa!e"$ards a"reeme#ts. Gi%i#" $p this ?peace!$l pro"ram@ that o#l& e isted o# paper is ob!$scatio#. The p$rpose o! the reactor was alle"edl& !or basic #$clear i#d$strial research a#d the prod$ctio# o! medical isotopes. This ki#d o! reactor is commo# i# the de%elopi#" world a#d has #o militar& si"#i!ica#ce. 5$t whe# &o$ co#sider that 5$rma is amo#" the worldBs lowest co$#tries whe# it comes to per capita spe#di#" o# healthcare' it makes #o se#se that the& wo$ld be s$dde#l& pla##i#" a# e pe#si%e a#d comple #$clear medici#e proDect' $#less it is !or a !ew elite. *o 5$rma has "i%e# $p #othi#" b$t a pla#. Ehat are the& #ot "i%i#" $pO *e%eral tho$sa#d &o$#" 5$rmese ha%e bee# se#t to R$ssia si#ce 2001 !or trai#i#" i# all ma##er o! e#"i#eeri#" s$bDects: #$clear' missile' chemical a#d ci%il. 4a#& o! the s$bDects st$died are !or militar& p$rposes. -s this "oi#" to stopO /e!ectors ha%e ide#ti!ied $ra#i$m mi#i#" a#d chemical processi#" sites' a#d !actories ha%e bee# b$ilt $#der !alse prete#ces to prod$ce chemical eC$ipme#t. The ma# i# char"e o! b$ildi#" the !actories $sed to head 5$rmaBs /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"&H the 5$rmese e#"i#eers b$ildi#" this eC$ipme#t were told it was part o! the militar& #$clear pro"ram. A comprehe#si%e assessme#t o! each o! the pieces o! eC$ipme#t shows their possible $ses' a#d whe# &o$ assemble the k#ow# pieces i# a stepAb&Astep process it all !its i#to a# i#d$strial $ra#i$m prod$ctio# pro"ram. The e#d res$lt o! the stepAb&Astep $ra#i$m prod$ctio# has #othi#" whatsoe%er to do with the ?aba#do#ed R$ssia# pro"ram@. The !actories are also worki#" o# missiles which are #ot peace!$l. Eill all o! these acti%ities stopO The a##o$#ceme#t to *e#ator 4c,ai# was !acile o# the s$r!ace a#d has #o %al$e. Gi%i#" $p a #o#Ae iste#t pro"ram is a shallow "est$re. Now 5$rma #eeds to "et serio$s abo$t declari#" what it has bee# doi#". -t #eeds to disclose all o! its arms deals with North 6orea. There are ma#& areas o! cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea i# the !ields o! ballistic missiles a#d small militar& hardware' a#d altho$"h #o #$clear co##ectio# betwee# the two has bee# pro%e#' the 9* belie%es it ma& e ist. -t is time !or 5$rma to stop wasti#" its peoplesB reso$rces o# militar& ad%e#t$res that are $#likel& to e%e# be s$ccess!$l' "i%e# the backward state o! tech#olo"&. 5$rma m$st allow %eri!iable i#spectio#s !rom A*+AN a#d the -A+A to re%eal what it has bee# doi#" a#d to pro%e that it has stopped. Robert 6elle& is a !ormer director at the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=.


0Cperts Keep Spotlight on Burma9s Nuclear Aspirations

5& 2A2-T 6 (FA T$esda&' April 12' 2011 EA*F-NGTONVThe a$thoritaria# 5$rmese militar& re"ime wa#ts to de%elop #$clear tech#olo"ies despite ha%i#" little appare#t ci%ilia# reC$ireme#t !or s$ch capabilities' America# e perts said o# 4o#da& at a da&Alo#" co#!ere#ce o# ?4&a#mar a#d the Two 6oreas: /a#"ers a#d Opport$#ities.@ ?The ke& C$estio# remai#s whether North 6orea has sold or will sell 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime eC$ipme#t !or a #$clear reactor or a "as ce#tri!$"e pla#t or otherwise will help the re"imeBs #$clear e!!ort'@ said /a%id Albri"ht a#d ,hristi#a Ealro#d !rom the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& <-*-*=' a Eashi#"to# /.,.Abased thi#k ta#k. Albri"ht' who is the -*-* preside#t' prese#ted e cerpts !rom the latest -*-* paper at the co#!ere#ce' which was or"a#i;ed b& the 9* 6orea -#stit$te i# associatio# with %ario$s other or"a#i;atio#s. *he [sic] said that witho$t a# i#crease i# the militar& re"imeBs willi#"#ess to cooperate' 5$rmese oppositio# "ro$ps will likel& remai# a mai# so$rce o! #ew i#!ormatio# a#d assessme#ts abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. *he also said that beca$se 5$rmaBs declared #$clear acti%ities are small' these acti%ities are e empt !rom comp$lsor& i#spectio#s b& the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&. 4oreo%er' she said that the re"ime lar"el& i"#ored -A+A letters se#t i# midA2010 aski#" !or additio#al i#!ormatio# a#d clari!icatio# abo$t reports o! #$clear de%elopme#t' a#d the -A+A had little reco$rse. A#& s$""estio#s o! a secret E4/ pro"ram' let alo#e o#e co#d$cted b& a state like 5$rma' reC$ire care!$l co#sideratio#' #oted A#drew *elth o! the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te. ?*ome o! the i#!ormatio# that has leaked o$t o! the co$#tr& appears to be credible' a#d i# rece#t &ears other s#ippets o! i#!ormatio# ha%e emer"ed which' take# to"ether' m$st raise s$spicio#s'@ he said. ?Eitho$t hard' i#depe#de#tl& %eri!iable i#!ormatio#' it is %er& di!!ic$lt to k#ow whether the re"imeBs appare#t desire !or a #$clear weapo# is simpl& wish!$l thi#ki#"' or has i#deed prompted a serio$s e!!ort to acC$ire weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#'@ *elth said. .riscilla ,lapp' a# i#depe#de#t a#al&st a#d !ormer 9* char"e dAa!!aires i# Ra#"oo#' e pressed co#!ide#ce that thi#"s seems to be mo%i#" i# a positi%e directio# a!ter the establishme#t o! the #ew "o%er#me#t i# 5$rma. The #ew "o%er#me#t i# 5$rma is a work i# pro"ress' she said' b$t was C$ick to add that the *#rAGe# Tha# *hwe still holds the ke&s to power i# the co$#tr&. ,lapp said that thi#"s co$ld cha#"e C$ickl& i# 5$rma i# the a!termath o! the demise o! Tha# *hwe. The Natio#al 2ea"$e o! /emocrac&' lead b& A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' is still a stro#" political !orce i# the co$#tr&' she said. /a%id - *tei#ber"' disti#"$ished pro!essor o! Asia# *t$dies at Geor"etow# 9#i%ersit&' said that e%e# tho$"h last &earJs electio#s were !lawed' the #ew "o%er#me#t established therea!ter bri#"s a si"#i!ica#t pote#tial !or cha#"e i# 5$rma.



Nuclear Matter
*imo# Ro$"h#ee# No%ember 2)' 2010 New re%elatio#s abo$t North 6oreaJs #$clear weapo#s pro"ram co$ld ha%e implicatio#s !or 5$rma' a!ter 9.*. scie#tist *ie"!ried Fecker re%ealed last week that he had bee# show# Kmore tha# 2'000 ce#tri!$"esK !or e#richi#" $ra#i$mVpart o! the process !or maki#" #$clear !$el or weapo#sVd$ri#" a rece#t %isit to North 6orea' where he said he also %iewed a #ew li"htAwater reactor' which' whe# !$eled with $ra#i$m' is the most commo# t&pe o! #$clear reactor. KThis is ob%io$sl& a disappoi#ti#" a##o$#ceme#t'K said *tephe# 5osworth' the 9.*. e#%o& o# North 6orea' addi#" that Kit is also a#other i# a series o! pro%ocati%e mo%es.K /r. Robert 6elle&' the !ormer -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= scie#tist' said that the America#s who saw the North 6orea# ce#tri!$"e pla#t last week were st$##ed b& the sophisticatio# the& wit#essed. K-t has a completel& moder# co#trol room' #othi#" like what those America#s ha%e see# i# other /.R6 INorth 6orea#M !acilities'K he said' a#d co#cl$ded that the 9#ited *tates K$#derestimated them.K 6elle& co#trib$ted to a /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= report that aired o# AlA(a;eera o# ($#e 4' which was based o# doc$me#ts a#d photo"raphs sm$""led o$t o! 5$rma b& *ai Ei#' a de!ector !rom the co$#tr&Js militar&. 6elle& mai#tai#s that Kwhat we ha%e see# i# 5$rma is i#te#t to b$ild a #$clear pro"ram.K The latest North 6orea re%elatio#s come amid some co#te#tio# re"ardi#" 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. O# No%ember 11' as the world !oc$sed o# the release o! A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' a .ro.$blica/.5* report cited Olli Fei#o#e#' the !ormer dep$t& director o! the -A+A a#d o#eAtime collea"$e o! 6elle&Js' who said that the e%ide#ce pro%ided i# the /35 report is i#co#cl$si%e. KThere is #o o#e si#"le piece which p$ts &o$r mi#d at rest telli#" that this is solel& !or #$clear p$rposes a#d !or #othi#" else'K said Fei#o#e#. This report !ollows a ($#e 2) critiC$e o! the /35 report p$blished b& the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& <-*-*=' at the reC$est o! 9.*. *e#ator (im Eebb' who ad%ocates e#"a"eme#t with the militar& D$#ta i# 5$rma. -# his e#s$i#" letter to *e#ator Eebb' -*-* /irector /a%id Albri"ht dismisses /35 as ha%i#" Ka stro#" a"e#daK a#d later s$""ested that 6elle& ass$med that 5$rma is attempti#" to make #$clear weapo#s a#d the# looked at Ei#Js pict$res Ki# a biased wa& ascribi#" #$clear p$rposes to them'K accordi#" to a report o# the .ro.$blica website. .ro.$blica is a 9.*.Abased i#%esti"ati%e #ews or"a#i;atio#' a#d wi##er o! a .$lit;er .ri;e i# 2010 !or work o# the a!termath o! F$rrica#e 6atri#a b& Do$r#alist *heri 0i#k. Accordi#" to the .ro.$blica article' which is li#ked to the -*-* pa"e !oc$si#" o# 5$rma' Ka# e ami#atio# b& .ro.$blica a#d the .5* pro"ram KNeed to 6#owK has !o$#d that the C$estio# o! 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s is m$ch less settled tha# 6elle& co#te#ds.K 6elle& sa&s that .ro.$blica approached him two weeks a!ter the /35 report came o$t' sa&i#" that the& had Ktheir ow# i#!ormatio# that the& said s$pported o$r assessme#t o! a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram i# 5$rma.K Accordi#" to 6elle&' KThe& pro%ided two separate 5$rmese de!ector debrie!i#"s o! their ow# that did speci!icall& talk abo$t a 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram a#d pro%ided details that s$pported o$r mai# so$rce' s$ch as trai#i#" i# 4oscow $#i%ersities.K 6elle& was i#ter%iewed b& .ro.$blica i# ($#e' b$t its o!!er to take him to Thaila#d to meet the two other de!ectors #e%er came to !r$itio#' he sa&s.

6elle& has poi#ted o$t o# the .ro.$blica website that Fei#o#e# misread his report !or /35' a#d sa&s that be!ore the /35 report was broadcast' KAlbri"ht decli#ed to e%e# look at the i#!ormatio# whe# - o!!ered to share it with him whe# it was bra#d #ew a#d collaborate o# a Doi#t a#al&sis.K2ater' Albri"ht told Eebb i# his letter that Kthe sta#dards o! a#al&sis i# the rece#t reports re"ardi#" the co#cl$sio# that there e ists a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram i# 4&a#mar were #ot %er& hi"h.K 6elle& sa&s that he is comi#" $#der a lot o! press$re to back awa& !rom his assessme#t that 5$rma is worki#" o# a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. Fowe%er' the latest re%elatio#s abo$t North 6orea mi"ht prompt some additio#al co#cer# abo$t what mi"ht be taki#" place i# 5$rma' e%e# i! the hearsa& so !ar abo$t direct #$clear cooperatio# is Ktoo weak to cite'K i# 6elle&Js words. Fowe%er' there is ample e%ide#ce o! ballistic missile a#d other co#%e#tio#al militar& cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries. 6elle& war#s Kthat we sho$ld #ot $#derestimate 5$rma' especiall& i! the& "et o$tside help.K *peaki#" at Thaila#dJs 0orei"# ,orrespo#de#ts ,l$b rece#tl&' prior to the weeke#d re%elatio#s abo$t North 6orea' 6elle& said o! 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' KThere is #o threat tomorrow' $#less the /.R6' which has bee# helpi#"' decides to do more' or .akista#' which has bee# selli#" #$clear secrets to a#&o#e who will b$&' decides to help.K -# a report p$blished b& -*-* i# (a#$ar&' which 6elle& a#d Albri"ht coAa$thored' the& said' KThere remai# le"itimate reaso#s to s$spect the e iste#ce o! $#declared #$clear acti%ities i# 5$rma' partic$larl& i# the co#te t o! North 6orea# cooperatio#.K .ro.$blica reported that the Norwa&Abased or"a#i;atio# is Ka leadi#" oppositio# "ro$p'K rather tha# a credible media o$tlet i# its ow# ri"ht. Fowe%er' accordi#" to a spokesperso# !or Reporters *a#s 0ro#tiers <R*0=' KTo be impartial is prett& hard !or media'K b$t added that Ko! co$rse' some o! the e iled media ha%e clearl& a sta#d i# !a%or o! the proAdemocrac& mo%eme#t.K .re%e#ted !rom operati#" commerciall& i# their #at$ral market' 5$rmese e ile media "ro$ps s$ch as /35 a#d The -rrawadd& are !$#ded b& a combi#atio# o! phila#thropic or"a#i;atio#s' do#or "o%er#me#ts a#d a"e#cies' as well as commercial media sales. -# the e&es o! R*0' KThe !act that Ie iled 5$rmese mediaM are !$#ded b& some i#ter#atio#al do#ors is #ot reall& impacti#" their editorial li#e.K .ro.$blica itsel! is !$#ded b& a #$mber o! phila#thropies' i#cl$di#" the *a#dler 0o$#datio#' The 0ord 0o$#datio# a#d the 5ill a#d 4eli#da Gates 0o$#datio#' amo#" others. 5$rma is re"arded as o#e o! the least !ree media e#%iro#me#ts i# the world' with a histor& o! imposi#" le#"th& Dail terms o# reporters ca$"ht shari#" i#!ormatio# with !orei"# or e ile media' i#cl$di#" /35 reporters. The e ile media works closel& with cla#desti#e Do$r#alists i#side 5$rma' seeki#" to brid"e the i#!ormatio# a#d #ews "ap i# the abse#ce o! 5$rmese alter#ati%es that ca# operate witho$t bei#" c$rbed b& the D$#taJs ce#sors. Ni#e #ews Do$r#als i# Ra#"oo# were s$spe#ded o# 4o#da& !or co%era"e o! the release o! A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' while !orei"# Do$r#alists were barred !rom e#teri#" the co$#tr& to co%er the No%ember 7 electio#s. Amid widespread %oter apath& a#d alle"atio#s o! !orced %oti#"' ad%a#ce %oti#" a#d ballot st$!!i#"' the re"ime pro & part& took 78 perce#t o! the %ote. 5e!ore the electio#' KproAe#"a"eme#tK %oices propa"ated the %iew that the electio#s wo$ld ope# $p some !orm o! democratic space i# 5$rma' e%e# i! the& wo$ld #ot be !ree a#d !air. This article was ori"i#all& p$blished b& The -rrawadd&: www.irrawadd&.or"/.

http://www.d%b.#o/#ews/e pertsAdebateA#$clearAi#te#tio#s/1:011

0Cperts debate nuclear intentions

5& A2- 0OE2+ .$blished: 2: No%ember 2010 Two !ormer directors o! the worldBs top atomic e#er"& watchdo" ha%e clashed o%er claims that 5$rma is tr&i#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s. -# a# article released b& i#%esti"ati%e "ro$p .ro.$blica that pro%ided the basis !or the Q5$rmaBs N$clear .$;;leB doc$me#tar& o# .5*' Olli Fei#o#e#' !ormer dep$t& director o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=' said the e%ide#ce is i#co#cl$si%e. The article was a reactio# to a doc$me#tar& b& /35 a#d a report a$thored b& #$clear scie#tist Robert 6elle&' released i# ($#e this &ear. 6elle&Bs :0Apa"e report based o# his a#al&sis o! /35Bs material co#cl$ded that ?it is likel& that 5$rma is tr&i#" to attempt ma#& o! the #$clear pro"ram steps reported b& pre%io$s so$rces@' b$t that ?s$ccess ma& be be&o#d 5$rmaBs reach@. Ne%ertheless' he said' the i#te#t is clear. A#d despite the cr$de a#d $#pro!essio#al #at$re o! the e%ide#ce that i#dicates a pro"ram still at e tremel& earl& sta"es' 6elle& ad%ised the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to react C$ickl& to a%oid 5$rma reachi#" the sta"e that North 6orea has. Fei#o#e# reDects the !i#di#"s o! the report' howe%er' sa&i#"' ?There is #o smoki#" "$#@. 6elle& claims that Fei#o#e# has misi#terpreted his co#cl$sio#s. ?Fei#o#e# did #ot read o$r report e#o$"h to D$d"e o$r co#cl$sio#s. Fe is C$oted as sa&i#" QThere is #o o#e si#"le piece which p$ts &o$r mi#d at rest telli#" that this is solel& !or #$clear p$rposes a#d !or #othi#" elseB. Ee reached the same co#cl$sio# a!ter re%iewi#" i#!ormatio# !rom se%eral other h$ma# so$rces' satellite ima"er& a#d other i#!ormatio#. -t is the ma#& pieces o! i#!ormatio# !itted to"ether that are co#%i#ci#"@ 6elle&' himsel! a !ormer director i# the -A+A' also so$"ht to clari!& co#!$sio# i# the .ro.$blica report abo$t a piece o! eC$ipme#t show# i# /35Bs photo"raphs: .ro.$blica claims that 6elle& alle"ed a Q"lo%e bo B co$ld @be $sed to make $ra#i$m metal@' which he did #ot. 6elle& poi#ts o$t that .rop$blica a#d Fei#o#e# ha%e misread the report a#d co#!$sed a "lo%e bo with a bomb reactor. @O$r report sa&s #o s$ch thi#"'@ he said. ?The captio# $#der the photo shows the bomb reactors a#d describes the hi"h temperat$res that o#e has bee# e posed to.@ A#other area o! co#te#tio# was the compariso# o! /35Bs so$rce' *ai Thei# Ei#' to ?,$r%eball@' a# -raCi de!ector who !alsel& described *addam F$ssei#Bs s$pposed e!!orts to b$ild biolo"ical weapo#s. 5$t while *ai Thei# Ei# prod$ced ima"es a#d doc$me#ts co#!irmi#" both his stat$s i# the militar& a#d his positio# i# the lo#"Aspec$lated !actories' ?,$r%eball@ co$ld #ot. Fei#o#e#' who worked $#der 6elle& i# his weapo#s team i# *o$th A!rica i# the earl& 1))0s' sa&s that 5$rmaBs work th$s !ar co$ld be $sed as !$el !or #$clear power pla#ts. Fowe%er' i# so doi#" 5$rma wo$ld ha%e broke# i#ter#atio#al le"al a"reeme#ts a#d wo$ld be obli"ated to report its research to the -A+A. A#d 6elle& does #ot thi#k the report we#t too !ar. ?-t was writte# %er&' %er& care!$ll& beca$se o! the serio$s#ess o! o$r alle"atio#. 5$t at :0 pa"es' the report is too lo#" !or some people to read the e#tire thi#" so the& cherr& pick words here a#d there a#d miss the mea#i#".@


Nuclear Confusion
5& *-4ON RO9GFN++N Eed#esda&' October 27' 2010 uclear scientist and former director of the #nternational Atomic -nergy Agency .#A-A/ 0r. +obert -. !elley hit the headlines earlier this year when he wrote a report claiming that Burma1s military ,unta was mining uranium and working toward developing a nuclear reactor. *is report was commissioned by the exile Burmese news agency 0emocratic 2oice of Burma .02B/" which was" in turn" shortlisted for this year1s obel Peace Pri3e. !elley recently spoke to The #rrawaddy1s $imon +oughneen about the alleged nuclear weapons program" and said that despite the claims in his report there has been little or no international effort to investigate. *e said he believes that the Association for $outheast Asian ations .Asean/ should be at the forefront of efforts to address the nuclear weapons issue. N$estio#: Remi#d $s o! the co#te#t o! the doc$me#tatio# that &o$ re%iewed as part o! the /35 e posf o! the 5$rmese militar& D$#taJs alle"ed #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. ,a# &o$ tell $s the si"#i!ica#ce a#d implicatio#s o! this materialO A#swer: 0irstl&' the Dar"o# a#d terms that people were $si#" were remi#isce#t o! i#sider k#owled"e' #ot D$st "e#eral me#tio#s o! ?a #$clear pro"ram i# 5$rma.@ - "ot a cha#ce to i#ter%iew the de!ector so$rce' *ai Ei#' whe# he came o$t' a#d the photos he bro$"ht o$t were o! pieces o! chemical processi#" eC$ipme#t at the !actories he worked i#. - reco"#i;ed o#e o! those obDects as a bomb reactor' which is a %er& stro#" steel %essel !or prod$ci#" metal a#d chloride compo$#ds' $s$all& $ra#i$m or pl$to#i$m. Ehat - !o$#d was a set o! photos showi#" $ra#i$m compo$#ds !or $se i# a #$clear pro"ram' either !or !$el i# a #$clear reactor or metal parts i# a #$clear bomb. - did#Jt see m$ch other p$rpose !or those thi#"s' or !or keepi#" it all secret' !or doi#" it i# militar& !actories or !or l&i#" to the Germa#s i#specti#" those !actoriesV$#less it were !or a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. N: Fa%e a#& si"#i!ica#t $pdates or #ew i#!ormatio# come to li"ht si#ce the /35 report came o$t i# ($#eO A: .robabl& the most i#si"ht -B%e "ot is that - ha%e tried to $#dersta#d the or"a#i;atio# that lies behi#d the pro"ramVwho has the mo#e&' who calls the shots. - $#dersta#d that a little better #ow. There is a co#!$si#" di%isio# betwee# the arm& a#d the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&. That has led to a slowdow# i# the pro"ram' - thi#kH b$t i# the lo#" term' the wi##er o! that power str$""le co$ld take co#trol o! the pro"ram a#d reall& dri%e it o#. N: Ee are i# 5a#"kok #ow. O#e o! the ?weapo#s@ i# the #o#Aproli!eratio# ?arse#al'@ !or wa#t o! better words' is the 5a#"kok Treat&' Fow ca# that be $sed to pre%e#t or preempt a#& #$clear weapo#s pro"ramO Or' what ca# or sho$ld the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& be doi#" i# respo#se to what mi"ht be taki#" place i#side 5$rmaO A: There are three classes o! or"a#i;atio#s that co$ld deal with this. 0irstl&' the -A+A has two obsolete a"reeme#ts with 5$rma' which most co$#tries that ha%e #othi#" to hide ha%e $pdatedVthe *mall N$a#tities .rotocol I*N.M a#d the Additio#al .rotocol. The -A+A wo$ld ha%e to be#e!it !rom hea%&wei"ht diplomatic s$pport to "et back i#to 5$rma' which is %er& hard to do. The *N. has bee# ame#ded i# ma#& co$#tries a#d $pdated' b$t 5$rma re!$ses to e#"a"e o# this. *eco#dl&' there are so%erei"# states who ma& wa#t to D$mp i#' b$t these ha%e iss$es i# -raC a#d A!"ha#ista#' a#d ma& #ot wa#t to "et i#%ol%ed. The third part& that co$ld address this is Asea#. -t is their #ei"hborhood' their problem' their treat& that is bei#" %iolated' so ma&be with e%er&o#e else b$s& with other iss$es it sho$ld be dow# to Asea# to address this.

N: Go$ ha%e said that the 5$rma pro"ram' !rom what &o$ ca# see' is limited a#d $#sophisticated i# terms o! its tech#ical scope. /oes this mea# that a more ca$tio$s approach is #eeded i# addressi#" or assessi#" whether or #ot 5$rma reall& is b$ildi#" a #$clear bombO A: There is #o threat tomorrow' $#less the /.R6 INorth 6oreaM' which has bee# helpi#"' decides to do more. Or .akista#' which has bee# selli#" #$clear secrets to a#&o#e who will b$&' decides to help. There is the cha#ce that there is more to this tha# meets the e&e' as what - ca# a#al&;e is based o#l& o# the i#!ormatio# a#d doc$me#tatio# that - ha%e see#. There ma& be other work taki#" place elsewhere i# the co$#tr& that we do #ot k#ow abo$t' a#d that the so$rce *ai Ei# does #ot k#ow abo$tVother parts o! the "o%er#me#t str$ct$re. N: Ehat does it mea# !or the i#ter#atio#al #o#Aproli!eratio# s&stem i! this is #ot addressed or dealt withO A: /o we i#te#d to e#!orce the #o# proli!eratio# treat&Ve%erO Or do we D$st sit a#d sa& someo#e else has "ot the best o! $s' a#d ma&be we will stop them #e t timeO 0or me' the #e t time is this time. The -A+A has alread& bee# p$shed o$t o! the "ame !or #ow' a#d there!ore - thi#k' it is Asea#Js problem. This is the time to show that &o$ ha%e to will to sol%e a problem that &o$ ha%e disco%ered' a#d #ip a problem i# the b$d. N: *i#ce the report came o$t' is a#&thi#" act$all& happe#i#" to i#%esti"ate whether 5$rma is $#dertaki#" a #$clear weapo#s pro"ramO A: O#e o! the problems here is that the or"a#i;atio#s i#%ol%ed i# this work do #ot t&picall& sa& what the& are doi#". 5$rma has told the -A+A three times that there is #othi#" to i#%esti"ate. To the best o! m& k#owled"e' there has #ot bee# a lot o! !ollowA$pV!rom the e#tities or a"e#cies that o#e wo$ld e pect to be i#%ol%edVo# the material or with the so$rces that e posed what ma& be "oi#" o# i# 5$rma with re"ard to a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.


Burma9s Nuclear Ad7entureP1he 3eal 1hreat

5& RO5+RT 6+22+G Eed#esda&' October 27' 2010 0or se%eral &ears reports ha%e bee# emer"i#" !rom 5$rma abo$t its #$clear ambitio#s' s$pported b& claims o! %ar&i#" pro%e#a#ce abo$t eC$ipme#t p$rchases a#d o%ert attempts to b$& #$clear tech#olo"& !rom R$ssia. Now a bra%e militar& o!!icer' who de!ected !rom the secreti%e state' has pro%ided photo"raphs o! speciali;ed machi#e shops b$ildi#" chemical eC$ipme#t that is almost certai#l& desi"#ed !or processi#" $ra#i$m chemical compo$#ds to e#rich $ra#i$m. The o#l& reaso# !or 5$rma to be taki#" this secreti%e path is to embark o# a weapo#s pro"ram. There is #o other lo"ical !it !or the pieces. The "ood #ews is that the tech#olo"& is !ar too comple !or 5$rma to master easil&. The photos a#d i#!ormatio# pro%ided b& the de!ector show a d&s!$#ctio#al pro"ram. -t has made terrible tech#olo"& choices a#d the C$alit& o! the workma#ship we ca# obser%e is primiti%e. -! 5$rma sta&s o# this co$rse there is a "ood possibilit& the pro"ram will #e%er s$cceed' altho$"h we m$st remember' howe%er' that the photo"raphs a#d descriptio#s a%ailable !or e ami#atio# come !rom a si#"le so$rce. -t is possible there are other areas where the pro"ram is better ma#a"ed a#d more ad%a#ced. No#etheless !rom what we ca# see' there is #o immediate threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors. Get sho$ld a#other co$#tr& step i# to assist 5$rma with k#owled"e' eC$ipme#t a#d #$clear materials this co$ld rapidl& cha#"e. .akista#i #$clear scie#tists reportedl& !led to 5$rma i# 2001' a#d North 6orea' closel& allied with the 5$rmese re"ime' pro%ides it with co#%e#tio#al weapo#r&. North 6orea has deto#ated two #$clear de%ices o! its ow#. -t is s$spected o! shari#" this tech#olo"&. A#d thatJs the bad #ews: there is e%er& reaso# to be alarmed b& reports that a state' re"ardless o! its tech#ical limits' ma& be to&i#" with the de%elopme#t o! #$clear weapo#s. The d&e [sic] has lo#" bee# cast: #$clear arms mercha#ts a#d their s$ppliers are a chilli#" aspect o! #$clear proli!eratio#. The #$clear weapo#s dreams o! despots ca##ot be readil& dismissed. Ehat the& ma& themsel%es be $#able to prod$ce the& ca# p$rchase. At risk i# this hi"h stakes "ame is #ot o#l& the sec$rit& o! the wo$ldAbe #$clear proli!eratorJs #ei"hbors b$t the i#ter#atio#al #o#Aproli!eratio# re"ime. - ha%e bee# ser%i#" the "oals o! the Treat& o# the No#A.roli!eratio# o! N$clear Eeapo#s <N.T= !or 20 &ears. Ee ha%e alwa&s come !rom behi#d i# tr&i#" to stop proli!erators. Ee s$cceeded D$st i# time i# -raC whe# we disco%ered a cla#desti#e pro"ram i# 1))1. Ee arri%ed too late i# North 6orea' e%e# tho$"h there were $#mistakable si"#s that proli!eratio# was occ$rri#". .akista#' which did #ot si"# the N.T' ope#l& prod$ced #$clear weapo#s while we stood b& helplessl&' e ploded test de%ices' a#d the# co#tri%ed to reAe port its #$clear k#owled"e to a# $#k#ow# #$mber o! perso#s a#d states that had si"#ed the N.T. -# the #o#Aproli!eratio# comm$#it&' we ha%e ar"$ed !or more a#d better tools to detect pote#tial proli!erators. Now we ha%e $sed some o! those tools to ide#ti!& o#e' b$t the respo#se !rom ma#& C$arters is that it is too soo#' too di!!ic$lt a#d too hard' to i#%esti"ate a#d stop 5$rma.

5$t whe# is the ri"ht timeO Ehe# it is too lateO Ehat tools will the world $se the#O *a#ctio#sO 5ombsO These are ke& C$estio#s. -#telli"e#ce a#al&sis has do#e its Dob: itJs ide#ti!ied the parts o! a pote#tial smoki#" "$#. Now is the time to act. 5$rma has bee# ca$"ht earlier a#d more completel& tha# a#& other wo$ldAbe proli!erator. -tJs a"ai#st s$ch risks that the N.T a#d its s&stem o! sa!e"$ards was established. -ts compleme#t' the 5a#"kok Treat&' establishi#" a N$clear Eeapo#s 0ree Lo#e e#compassi#" Asea# states' is a !$rther b$ttress a"ai#st proli!eratio#. -! we !ail to act i# a timel& ma##er to respo#d to this poorl& e ec$ted b$t ob%io$s threat' we re#der mea#i#"less the N.T a#d the te#ets o! the 5a#"kok Treat&. -t is time to i#%oke Articles 12 a#d 1: o! the Treat& that allow the "ro$p to be"i# a# i#%esti"atio# o! these assertio#s a#d !orce 5$rma to come clea#. ,iti;e#s o! this pop$lo$s re"io# ma& #ot !eel threate#ed toda& or #e t &ear' b$t the& will #e%er k#ow whe# the& ca# !eel sa!e witho$t resol$tio# o! this iss$e. Robert 6elle& is a rece#tl& retired director o! the -A+A i# #$clear #o#Aproli!eratio# e!!orts. This article appears o# Thaila#dJs +#"lishAla#"$a"e #ewspaper The Natio# o# October 28.!p/10102704:)0).b4)%7c;2.html

Myanmar nuclear plan could speed up with NKorea help2 eCpert

5ANG6O6' Oct 27 <A0.= Oct 27' 2010 4&a#mar is carr&i#" o$t a secret atomic weapo#s pro"ramme that co$ld Kreall& speed $pK i! the arm&Ar$led co$#tr& is aided b& North 6orea' accordi#" to a top #$clear scie#tist. The comme#ts !ollow a ($#e doc$me#tar& b& the Norwe"ia#Abased #ews "ro$p /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= that said 4&a#mar was tr&i#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s' citi#" a se#ior arm& de!ector a#d &ears o! Ktop secret materialK. Robert 6elle&' a !ormer director o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=' i#spected the !iles sm$""led o$t o! 4&a#mar b& *ai Thei# Ei# a#d said the e%ide#ce i#dicated Ka cla#desti#e #$clear pro"rammeK was $#derwa&. KThis is #ot a wellAde%eloped pro"ramme. - do#Jt thi#k itJs "oi#" %er& well'K he told the 0orei"# ,orrespo#de#tsJ ,l$b o! Thaila#d late T$esda&. K5$t i! a#other co$#tr& steps i# a#d has all o! the k#owled"e' the materials' a#d ma&be the ke& to some o! the thi#"s that are pla"$i#" them' i#cl$di#" bad ma#a"eme#t' this pro"ramme co$ld reall& speed $p.K 6elle& said North 6orea was Kcertai#l& the co$#tr& - ha%e i# mi#dK. 4&a#mar' which is holdi#" its !irst electio#s i# two decades o# No%ember 7' has dismissed the reports o! its #$clear i#te#tio#s a#d br$shed aside Eester# co#cer#s abo$t possible cooperatio# with North 6orea. The /35 doc$me#tar& "athered tho$sa#ds o! photos a#d de!ector testimo#&' some re"ardi#" 4&a#marJs #etwork o! secret $#der"ro$#d b$#kers a#d t$##els' which were alle"edl& b$ilt with the help o! North 6orea# e pertise. The 9#ited *tates has e pressed co#cer# abo$t militar& ties betwee# the two pariah states' a#d said it was assessi#" the #$clear alle"atio#s a"ai#st 4&a#mar' which wo$ld be Ktreme#do$sl& destabilisi#"K to the re"io#. The *o$theast Asia# #atio# has also come $#der !ire !or the $pcomi#" polls' which Eester# "o%er#me#ts belie%e are a sham aimed at e#tre#chi#" the r$le o! the arm& "e#erals behi#d a ci%ilia# "$ise. 6elle& do$bted their #$clear pro"ramme wo$ld s$cceed witho$t o$tside help. K- thi#k itJs sa!e to sa& the people o! Thaila#d are sa!e !or the #e t !ew &ears beca$se these people do#Jt k#ow what the&Jre doi#". - wo$ld#Jt wa#t to "i%e them more tha# a !ew more &ears'K he said.


Myanmar9s Nuclear Ambitions

5& A#drew *elth *$r%i%al: Global .olitics a#d *trate"&' %ol. 12' #o. 1' OctoberANo%ember 2010' pp. 1P12 [EXCERPT] 0irst 100 words: -# ($#e 2010' the OsloAbased acti%ist or"a#isatio# /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= released a doc$me#tar& !ilm abo$t 4&a#marBs #$clear ambitio#s' a#d p$blished a detailed report e#titled QN$clear Related Acti%ities i# 5$rmaB.*i#ce the#' there has bee# a se#se i# some circles that the re"imeBs secret #$clearA weapo#s pro"ramme has !i#all& bee# e posed. -#deed' comme#tators o# both sides o! the debate ha%e cited the /35Bs material to D$sti!& their earlier positio#s. Get there are still maDor "aps i# the p$blic record a#d critical C$estio#s remai# $#a#swered. Accordi#" to the /35' 4&a#marBs militar& "o%er#me#t !eels threate#ed' b& the 9#ited *tates i# partic$lar' a#d is co#%i#ced that possessio# o! a #$clear weapo# will pro%ide a# e!!ecti%e deterre#t a"ai#st e ter#al i#ter%e#tio#. /espite maDor di!!ere#ces i# their strate"ic circ$msta#ces' 4&a#mar appare#tl& looks to North 6orea' a#d its #$clearAweapo#s pro"ramme' as a model. Eith this i# mi#d' the re"ime i# Na&p&idaw has reportedl& char"ed eleme#ts o! the armed !orces with co#str$cti#" a #$clear reactor' e#richi#" $ra#i$m a#d de%elopi#" the worldBs !irst 5$ddhist atomic bomb. To this e#d' the /35 claims' the re"ime has b$ilt se%eral specialised !acilities' acC$ired d$alA$se eC$ipme#t !rom abroad a#d be"$# a ra#"e o! #$clearArelated e perime#ts. The /35Bs re%elatio#s ha%e bee# sei;ed $po# b& acti%ists' Do$r#alists a#d others who belie%e that this i#!ormatio# !i#all& p$ts to rest a#& do$bts abo$t the claim that 4&a#marBs militar& "o%er#me#t is determi#ed to de%elop a #$clear weapo#. The data pro%ided to the /35 b& a Qde!ectorB !rom the 4&a#mar armed !orces' i#cl$di#" a lar"e #$mber o! photo"raphs a#d doc$me#ts' has bee# p$t !orward as the hard e%ide#ce o! a secret pro"ramme that more sceptical obser%ers ha%e lo#" dema#ded. *ome acti%ists #ow describe 4&a#mar as a sec$rit& threat to the AsiaA.aci!ic re"io# that warra#ts immediate i#ter#atio#al actio#. 5$t the /35Bs !ilm a#d report are also cited b& a#al&sts who ha%e approached this iss$e more ca$tio$sl&. The& e#dorse the reportBs D$d"eme#t that ma#& o! the claims made to date ha%e bee# Qtech#icall& i#credibleB. These i#cl$de stories that $p to three #$clear reactors are c$rre#tl& $#der co#str$ctio# i# 4&a#mar' a#d that the re"ime co$ld ha%e a #$clear weapo# b& 2014. *$ch a#al&sts also accept that 4&a#marBs #$clear pro"ramme' as described b& the /35Bs mai# so$rce' has bee# rather disDoi#ted a#d marked b& a lack o! rele%a#t e pertise. There are also s$""estio#s o! poor ma#a"eme#t a#d a lack o! coordi#atio#' i! #ot i#compete#ce. 0or e ample' the sophisticated <a#d %er& e pe#si%e= machi#e tools imported !rom +$rope ha%e bee# so poorl& mai#tai#ed that the& are #ow $seless. -#terpretatio#s o! the re"imeBs i#te#tio#s %ar&' b$t both sides o! the debate seem to a"ree that the "e#erals are i#terested i# at least i#%esti"ati#" the possibilit& o! de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#. This i# itsel! m$st be a ca$se !or co#cer# a#d ar"$es !or closer scr$ti#& o! 4&a#mar b& the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=. -! the /35Bs material is acc$rate' howe%er' Na&p&idawBs #$clear pro"ramme does #ot seem to ha%e pro"ressed m$ch be&o#d cr$de a#d at times misdirected e perime#ts. [remainder una%ailable] A#drew *elth is a Research 0ellow at the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te' Gri!!ith 9#i%ersit&' 5risba#e' A$stralia.


Myanmar going Nuclear

5& R*N *i#"h -ss$e: 3ol 24.4 OctA/ec 200) c/ate: 20 October' 2010 There has bee# a# $#mistakable sp$rt i# the de%elopme#t a#d acC$isitio# o! #$clear weapo# capabilities b& the 4ilitar& ($#ta re"ime i# 4&a#mar. Gi%e# the le%el o! pro"ress i# this re"ard' it is recko#ed b& %ario$s a"e#cies that this wo$ld be reali;ed b& the &ear 2014. The media i# the *o$theast Asia# re"io# is ri!e with i#si#$atio#s that this proDect is i# pro"ress' i# acti%e collaboratio# with North 6orea $#der the ae"is o! ,hi#a. The Associatio# o! *o$th +ast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN= is sei;ed o! the matter. Rece#tl& at the A*+AN Re"io#al 0or$m 4eet at .h$ket i# Thaila#d i# ($l& 200)' the 9* *ecretar& o! *tate' 4s Fillar& ,li#to# %oiced her co#cer# o%er reports abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# 4&a#mar a#d #$clear armed North 6orea. This stateme#t sho$ld be %iewed i# the backdrop o! the i#cide#t wherei# a North 6orea# 2000Ato##e !rei"hter Q6a#" NamA-B' alle"edl& carr&i#" ille"al car"o' a#d headed !or 4&a#mar' was tracked i# ($#e 200) b& a 9* Na%& destro&er 9** (oh# * 4c,ai# a#d was !orced to re%erse co$rse' reportedl& at the behest o! ,hi#a. 9N Resol$tio# 1874 permits North 6orea# ships s$spected o! carr&i#" ille"al car"o to be searched. North 6orea co#%e&ed that a#& s$ch mo%e wo$ld be co#sidered as a# Qact o! warB. *i#ce the &ear 2000' there ha%e bee# reports abo$t North 6orea# ships o!! loadi#" co#str$ctio# a#d other material at Thilawa port i# 4&a#mar. -t is i#tri"$i#" that these acti%ities were taki#" place d$ri#" the period whe# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar did #ot ha%e diplomatic relatio#ship si#ce 1)8:' which was restored o#l& i# 2007. The relatio#s betwee# the two co$#tries were s#apped' !ollowi#" the bombi#" o! 4art&rBs ma$sole$m i# Ga#"o# b& North 6orea# a"e#ts i# a# attempt to assassi#ate the %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# preside#t' ,h$# /ooA hwa#. *i#ce the restoratio# o! diplomatic relatio#s i# 2007' there has bee# a !l$rr& o! secret %isits b& 4&a#mar o!!icials to North 6orea' which co$ld #ot ha%e bee# possible witho$t a reaso#able le%el o! e#"a"eme#t a#d cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries d$ri#" the soAcalled Qdiplomatic !ree;eB. No soo#er had the diplomatic relatio#s bee# restored' a 4&a#mar dele"atio# led b& 2t Ge# 4&i#t Flai#"' the ,hie! o! Air /e!e#ce' !ollowed b& a#other dele"atio# headed b& 2t Ge# Ti# A&e' ,hie! o! the O!!ice o! ,hie! /e!e#se -#d$stries' %isited North 6orea. The compositio# o! these dele"atio#s s$""ests that besides cooperatio# !or proc$reme#t a#d de%elopme#t o! co#%e#tio#al weapo#s' there are aspiratio#s o# 4&a#marBs part to seek assista#ce i# #$clear weapo#s a#d missile tech#olo"&. -! it was o#l& co#%e#tio#al weapo#s' ,hi#a is well placed to meet its reC$ireme#ts. As it is 4&a#mar a#d ,hi#a ha%e thri%i#" de!e#ce cooperatio# a#d more tha# 70 perce#t o! 4&a#marBs militar& arse#al is o! ,hi#ese ori"i#. 4oreo%er' North 6orea la"s !ar behi#d ,hi#a i# co#%e#tio#al weapo# tech#olo"ies. 5$t as !ar as tra#s!er o! #$clear a#d missile tech#olo"ies is co#cer#ed' it has bee# the wo#t o! ,hi#a to s$ppl& them thro$"h their pro ies like North 6orea so as to de!lect i#ter#atio#al opprobri$m. .akista# is o#e s$ch "lari#" e ample. *o$rces ha%e re%ealed that the 4&a#marANorth 6orea rapprocheme#t was pai#staki#"l& bro$"ht abo$t b& ,hi#a. -t is belie%ed that whe# the 4&a#mar a$thorities approached ,hi#a !or s$ppl& o! Qhowit;er "$#sB' the ,hi#ese a$thorities e pressed their i#abilit& o# the plea o! shorta"es' b$t said that the same co$ld be obtai#ed !rom North 6orea i# e cha#"e !or rice. /$ri#" that period' North 6orea was !aci#" se%ere !ood shorta"es d$e to dro$"ht. At the behest o! ,hi#a' ambassadors o! 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea to Thaila#d met each other. The desperatio# o# ,hi#aBs part to !acilitate the rapprocheme#t process betwee# the two i#ter#atio#all& pariah #atio#s' e tremel& close a#d beholde# to ,hi#a' is a poi#ter towards the e%ol$tio# o! a #ew ,hi#ese strate"& i# the re"io#.

-t is belie%ed that these secret dele"atio#s !rom 4&a#mar to North 6orea had "o#e to seek !$rther cooperatio# as part o! the t$##eli#" proDect alread& $#derwa& i# a mo$#tai# comple <*etkha&a 4o$#tai#s= i# Na$#" 2ai#" %illa"e i# so$th east o! .&i# Oo 2wi# i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. The o!!Aloadi#" o! a special co#str$ctio# material b& North 6orea# ships o# se%eral occasio#s partiall& %i#dicates the belie!. There are ima"es a%ailable to s$""est e tremel& lar"e #etwork o! t$##els <some 800 i# #$mbers= bei#" e ca%ated' appare#tl& with the help o! North 6orea. The North 6orea# assista#ce is corroborated b& the !act that 4&a#mar does #ot ha%e t$##eli#" capabilit&. 4ea#while' 9ra#i$m is also bei#" acti%ated i# at least te# locatio#s. -t ma& be perti#e#t to me#tio# that the 6achi# state o! 4&a#mar is rich i# 9ra#i$m' which reportedl& i# the past was bei#" cla#desti#el& e ca%ated b& (apa# with the tacit i#d$l"e#ce o! re"io#al leaders d$ri#" the period whe# the state was %irt$all& o$t o! co#trol o! the ce#tral a$thorit&. The desi"# o! the reactor at Na$#" 2ai#"' as so$rces re%eal' $ses water to pro%ide carbo# dio ide $sed i# the cooli#" loop' a#d bears resembla#ce with the reactor at Go#"b&o# a#d the reactor i# *&ria' bei#" co#str$cted alle"edl& b& North 6orea# assista#ce' which was e%e#t$all& bombed b& the -sraelis i# *eptember 2007. There are other i#dicatio#s with re"ard to 4&a#marBs C$est !or #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"&. *oo# a!ter .akista# carried o$t its #$clear tests i# 4a& 1))8' 4&a#marBs Fead o! *tate' *e#ior Ge#eral Tha# *hwe si"#ed the Atomic +#er"& 2aw o# 08 ($#e 1))8. The timi#" o! this e%e#t clearl& re%eals a strate"ic p$rs$it with re"ard to #$clear tech#olo"& rather tha# a#& be#i"# desi"#s o! C$est !or #$clear e#er"& !or peace!$l p$rposes. -mporta#tl&' post )/11' two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists' *$leima# Asad a#d 4ohammad Ali 4$khtar took re!$"e i# 4&a#mar i# No%ember 2001 whe# the 9* i#telli"e#ce be"a# to i#%esti"ate the #e $s betwee# .akista#i #$clear scie#tists a#d the AlAN$aeda. This co$ld #ot ha%e bee# possible witho$t i#timate #$clear cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries' certai#l& with the tacit appro%al o! ,hi#a. The whereabo$ts o! these two scie#tists is still $#k#ow#. -t was alle"ed earlier that the& were sheltered i# the 4$slim domi#ated area o! 4a#dala& b& the 4&a#mar a$thorities. There is #ot a word abo$t them !rom the .akista# a$thorities a#d e%e# the 9* has become !laccid i# its h$#t !or them.

The militar& "o%er#me#t established a /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& i# 2001 $#der 9 Tha$#"' a k#ow# propo#e#t o! #$clear tech#olo"& who c$rre#tl& heads the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&. Fe made a secret %isit to .akista#' the chie! a"e#da bei#" #$clear cooperatio#. /$ri#" the same period' i# 2001' three .akista#i Na%al %essels' i.e. a s$bmari#e' a ta#ker a#d a destro&er %isited Ga#"o# port. This was a# $#precede#ted de%elopme#t' si#ce till the#' 4&a#mar had stead!astl& mai#tai#ed that it wo$ld #ot permit !orei"# #a%al %essels to %isit the co$#tr&Bs ports. The "oodwill %isit b& the .akista# Na%al ships was immediatel& !ollowed b& the %isit o! Ge#eral .ar%e; 4$sharra!' the the# ,hie! + ec$ti%e o! .akista#. The 4&a#mar a$thorities' which met Ge#eral 4$sharra! also i#cl$ded 9 Tha$#". There has bee# a !resh impet$s i# de!e#ce cooperatio# betwee# .akista# a#d 4&a#mar si#ce the &ear 2000. 4&a#mar has bee# soliciti#" .akista#Bs assista#ce i# some %er& ke& areas like setti#" $p o! a# airAde!e#ce #etwork' $p"radatio# o! air!ields' a#d establishme#t o! the 9#i%ersit& o! Aero#a$tical a#d *pace +d$catio# <4eiktila=. 4&a#mar has also so$"ht .akista#Bs assista#ce i# carto"raphic s$r%e& a#d mappi#". Gi%e# ,hi#ese strate"ic se#siti%ities with re"ard to 4&a#mar' s$ch "rowi#" bo#homie betwee# .akista# a#d 4&a#mar ca##ot be possible witho$t ,hi#ese proddi#" a#d s$pport. -t was also d$ri#" this period that R$ssia' at 4&a#marBs reC$est' a##o$#ced its i#te#tio# to b$ild a research reactor i# 4&a#mar. -# 2002' 4&a#marBs dep$t& !orei"# mi#ister' 6hi# 4a$#" Ei#' a##o$#ced that 4&a#mar had decided to b$ild a #$clear research reactor !or prod$ci#" radioAisotopes !or medical p$rposes. -t ma& be reiterated that the healthAcare !acilities i# 4&a#mar are o! ab&smal sta#dards a#d there are %er& !ew hospitals eC$ipped a#d trai#ed to ha#dle radioAisotopes. The a"reeme#t with R$ssia !or setti#" $p a 10 me"awatt reactor #ear 4a"we i# 4&a#mar was si"#ed o#l& i# 4a& 2007 d$e to !i#a#cial di!!ic$lties. Ne%ertheless' h$#dreds o! militar& perso##el had bee# se#t to R$ssia betwee# the &ear 2001 a#d 2007 !or trai#i#" i# #$clear scie#ce a#d tech#olo"&. -# some i#sta#ces' their trai#i#" d$ratio# was e te#ded as the R$ssia# i#str$ctors !o$#d a si"#i!ica#t #$mber o! perso##el witho$t the reC$isite basic k#owled"e a#d bei#" slow o# the $ptake. Th$s' 4&a#mar i# the last decade or so has bee# able to create a pool o! perso##el trai#ed i# har#essi#" #$clear tech#olo"& !or ci%il applicatio#. O# the !lip side' a#d b& co#scio$s desi"#' the& were also "ro$#ded i# the basic k#owled"e o! #$clear tech#olo"&' which is bei#" ho#ed a#d $tili;ed !or #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t pro"rammes. *o$rces' howe%er' mai#tai# that 4&a#marBs tech#olo"ical ma#power reso$rces despite all the e!!orts are still #ot compete#t e#o$"h to ha#dle #$clear !acilities or pro"rammes. There!ore' 4&a#mar has adopted a two pro#"ed strate"& !or de%elopme#t o! its #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme. The setti#" $p o! the 10 me"awatt reactor b& R$ssia is a parallel %e#t$re to act as a r$se !or #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t acti%ities with the acti%e collaboratio# o! North 6orea. Altho$"h 4&a#mar is si"#ator& to the N$clear .roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T=' it is &et to a"ree to the Additio#al .rotocol' which allows the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= to co#d$ct more i#tr$si%e mo#itori#" o! #$clear !acilities a#d operatio#s. -# 4a& 2007' the 9* *tate /epartme#t spokesma#' 4r Tom ,ase&' said that the 9* had a ?"e#eral se#se@' that 5$rma had ?#either the re"$lator& or le"al !rame #or sa!e"$ard pro%isio#s@ !or a co$#tr& to be able to ha#dle s$ch a pro"ramme. Fe e pressed the apprehe#sio# that there were ?#o acco$#ti#" mecha#isms or other ki#ds o! sec$rit& proced$res@ to pre%e#t #$clear !$el !rom bei#" stole#. Fe added: ?Ee wo$ld be co#cer#ed abo$t the possibilit& !or accide#ts' !or e#%iro#me#tal dama"e' or !or proli!eratio# simpl& b& the possibilit& o! !$el bei#" di%erted' stole# or otherwise remo%ed.@ 0ollowi#" the res$mptio# o! diplomatic relatio#s betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea' 4&a#marBs 4ilitar& ($#ta permitted North 6orea# tra#sport pla#es "oi#" to .akista# a#d -ra# to reA!$el i# the Ga#"o# airport. The cla#desti#e cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d -ra# i# the !ield o! #$clear weapo#s a#d missile tech#olo"& is well k#ow#. /e!ectors !rom 4&a#mar alle"e that the ($#ta has se#t $ra#i$m deposits !rom its mi#es to -ra#' as also R$ssia' !or e%al$atio#.

The #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme that 4&a#mar embarked o# a decade a"o characteri;es the coalesci#" o! its strate"ic imperati%es with a# i#d$l"e#t ,hi#a. The i#%ol%eme#t o! North 6orea' .akista# a#d to a# e te#t -ra#' !or !$rthera#ce o! ,hi#aBs re"io#al a#d "lobal a"e#da is i# keepi#" with their stat$s as pro & powers o! the latter. 4&a#marBs determi#ed bid to acC$ire #$clear capabilit& is Q#ot -#diaAce#tricB. -t does #ot percei%e a#& threat !rom -#dia' which is appare#t !rom the deplo&me#t patter# o! its militar&. 0$rther' it has #o !i ed de!e#ces alo#" the 148: km lo#" -#doA4&a#mar border' which is lar"el& $#disp$ted. -# !act' 4&a#mar clearl& desisted !rom de#o$#ci#" the -#dia# #$clear tests i# 4a& 1))8. 4&a#mar is p$rs$i#" the #$clear co$rse !or the %er& s$r%i%abilit& o! the militar& re"ime. -# that it is probabl& "$ided b& the North 6orea# e ample. The militar& re"ime i# 4&a#mar has also bee# circ$mspect abo$t t$r#i#" i#to a %assal state o! ,hi#a. Fowe%er' the re"imeBs s$r%i%al comp$lsio#s ha%e o$twei"hed other co#sideratio#s' which ,hi#a has bee# r$thlessl& e ploiti#". -#ter#atio#all&' the isolatio# o! 4&a#mar has re#dered it i#to a desperate political a#d eco#omic sit$atio#. There!ore' the #$clear capabilit& i# the pla$sible recko#i#" o! the 4ilitar& ($#ta will i#%est it with the m$ch #eeded diplomatic ma#e$%er space i# the i#ter#atio#al are#a' i# the abse#ce o! which 4&a#mar has #o o#e to t$r# to' e cept ,hi#a. -#deed' it is the i#ter#atio#al isolatio# o! 4&a#mar i# the )0s that compelled it to become beholde# o! ,hi#a. Ne%ertheless' ,hi#aBs patro#a"e a#d e%e# its admissio# i#to the A*+AN as a !$ll member ha%e #ot miti"ated its political a#d eco#omic problems. The wester# world co#ti#$es to %iew the 4&a#mar re"ime as totalitaria#' repressi%e a#d re"ressi%e. The militar& dispe#satio# i# 4&a#mar' %er& m$ch like the re"ime i# North 6orea is para#oid abo$t bei#" dislod"ed b& i#ter%e#tio#' militar& or otherwise' b& the 9* a#d its allies. The #$clear weapo#s capabilit&' the 4&a#mar re"ime co#te#ds will strate"icall& i#s$late it a"ai#st a#& s$ch desi"#. 0or ,hi#a' a #$clear armed 4&a#mar will !$rther bolster its strate"ic e#circleme#t o! -#dia' the maDor challe#"e to its re"io#al s$premac&. -# the "lobal co#te t' pro & #$clear states ser%e as rob$st strate"ic paw#s i# the pre%aili#" $#iApolar i#ter#atio#al order. 4&a#marBs #$clear power stat$s will ha%e serio$s rami!icatio#s !or the A*+AN. 5esides dri%i#" the wed"e i# the "ro$pi#"' it will act as a co$#terpoise to the A*+AN co$#tries co#sidered close to the 9*. -t ma& be me#tio#ed that all members o! the A*+AN si"#ed the *o$th +ast Asia# N$clear Eeapo#s 0ree Lo#e Treat&' which came i#to !orce i# 1))7. The most dist$rbi#" part o! 4&a#marBs #$clear pro"ramme is the ,hi#aANorth 6oreaA4&a#marA.akista#A-ra# a is. *ome a#al&sts recko# that it is the part that 4&a#marBs #$clear pro"ramme is #ot e#tirel& o! its ow# %olitio#' b$t is a strate"ic ma#e$%er b& ,hi#a a#d its pro ies. The& mai#tai# that the lar"e #$mber o! t$##els bei#" do#e i# 4&a#mar is to store #$clear material o! these co$#tries $#der the i#ter#atio#al sca##er. 4&a#mar bei#" a# isolated a#d closed co$#tr& is ideal !or the p$rpose. -# other words' 4&a#mar ma& be becomi#" a #$clear h$b o! all #$clear pariah states $#der the leadership o! ,hi#a. About the author R*N *i#"h' Associate +ditor -/R a#d a$thor o! the book Asia# *trate"ic a#d 4ilitar& .erspecti%e a#d The 4ilitar& 0actor i# .akista#. Fis latest book is The 9#maki#" o! Nepal.


North Korea and Myanmar2 A match for nuclear proliferation:

5& ,atheri#e 5o&e' 4elissa Fa#ham' a#d Robert *haw 27 *eptember 2010 Article ;ighlights n n n The idea that North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar are collaborati#" o# a #$clear weapo#s pro"rams represe#ts o#l& o#e possible sce#ario amo#" se%eral that deser%e closer e ami#atio#. 4&a#marJs "oal mi"ht be to impro%e its missile pro"ram or trade i# illicit tech#olo"& rather tha# b$ild #$clear weapo#s. 4&a#marJs receipt o! ille"all&Ae ported or C$estio#able d$alA$se items sho$ld ca$se the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to ree ami#e e port co#trols a#d policies speci!ic to trade with the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr&.

-s 4&a#mar de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s' perhaps with the help o! North 6oreaO That worrisome possibilit&' prompted b& 4&a#marJs receipt o! d$alA$se tech#olo"& %ia a# ille"al North 6orea# proc$reme#t #etwork' has "ar#ered co#siderable spec$latio#. ,ompelli#" e%ide#ce amassed i# reports p$blished this &ear b& the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& <-*-*=' the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' (a#eJs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew' a#d Al (a;eera i#dicates that' as the -*-* report p$t it' KThere remai# so$#d reaso#s to s$spect that the militar& re"ime i# 5$rma I4&a#marM mi"ht be p$rs$i#" a lo#"Aterm strate"& to make #$clear weapo#s.K 1 The possible e iste#ce o! s$ch a pro"ram ca##ot a#d sho$ld #ot be disco$#ted' b$t it is !ar !rom the o#l& e pla#atio# that ca# acco$#t !or 4&a#marJs $#$s$al imports. The d$alA$se tech#olo"& se#t to 4&a#mar AA i#cl$di#" a c&li#drical "ri#der a#d ma"#etometer AA are co#siderabl& be&o#d the co$#tr&Js c$rre#t tech#ical capabilities' accordi#" to the /35 report. *$ch sophisticated de%ices' which co$ld be $sed to prod$ce #$clearA or missileArelated parts' ma& poi#t to a wellApla##ed' lo#"Aterm #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' perhaps assisted b& North 6orea. Fowe%er' alter#ate e pla#atio#s also warra#t co#sideratio# to better $#dersta#d the #at$re o! /.R6A4&a#mar trade i# s$ch tech#olo"ies. .la$sible alter#ati%e sce#arios i#cl$de the $se o! 4&a#mar as a tra#sshipme#t h$b !or items $ltimatel& desti#ed !or North 6orea' a# e%ol%i#" co#%e#tio#al missile pro"ram' proc$reme#t errors or other pla##i#" missteps' or some combi#atio# o! these possibilities. Myanmar as a transshipment hub8 -# late 200)' the Gokohama /istrict ,o$rt i# (apa# !o$#d the preside#t o! Toko 5oeki <a small Tok&oAbased tradi#" compa#&= "$ilt& o! coordi#ati#" ille"al E4/Arelated e ports to 4&a#mar.2 -#%esti"ators determi#ed that Toko 5oeki had acC$ired c&li#drical "ri#ders a#d a ma"#etometer at the behest o! New +ast -#ter#atio#al ,ompa#&' a North 6orea# !ro#t compa#& based i# Fo#" 6o#". : Altho$"h New +ast -#ter#atio#al directed Toko 5oeki to deli%er the eC$ipme#t to 4&a#mar' it is possible that the de%ices were #ot i#te#ded to remai# thereH 4&a#mar ma& ha%e bee# a tra#s!er poi#t be!ore the "oods were shipped to a#other locatio# AA perhaps e%e# North 6orea. -#deed' 4&a#mar has disti#ct ad%a#ta"es to North 6orea# proc$reme#t #etworks that wa#t to circ$m%e#t sa#ctio#s a#d ille"all& di%ert d$alA$se eC$ipme#t to .&o#"&a#". <*ee +ditorJs Note.= Altho$"h it is also s$bDect to sa#ctio#s' 4&a#mar is #ot as isolated as North 6orea' a#d le"itimate shipme#ts ori"i#ati#" !rom (apa#' !or e ample' ca# pro%ide s$itable co%er !or E4/Arelated deli%eries. -# additio#' 4&a#marJs !lo$rishi#" ille"al trade #etworks AA i#cl$di#" dr$" a#d h$ma# tra!!icki#" AA represe#t a !amiliarit& with the ki#d o! k#owled"e reC$ired to co%ertl& tra#sship deli%eries to co$#tries with more ad%a#ced

E4/ pro"rams <s$ch as North 6orea=. The rampa#t corr$ptio# associated with the militar& re"ime !$rther e#ables illicit trade. The re%i%al o! diplomatic a#d militar& relatio#ships betwee# 4&a#marJs r$li#" D$#ta a#d .&o#"&a#" is a#other reaso# to co#sider whether North 6orea' a#d #ot 4&a#mar' ma& ha%e bee# the !i#al desti#atio# !or the d$alA$se eC$ipme#t.4 ,hartered or diplomatic air tra#sport' #ecessar& to !err& o!!icials betwee# capitals' is less s$sceptible to i#terdictio#' o!!eri#" a# ideal co#d$it !or the tra#s!er o! some t&pes o! d$alA$se eC$ipme#t !rom 4&a#mar to North 6orea. A 9N pa#el o! e perts o# Resol$tio# 1874 <which stre#"the#ed sa#ctio#s o# North 6orea a!ter its seco#d #$clear test= hi"hli"hted s$ch a sce#ario i# a 4a& 2010 report ./0' s$""esti#" that .&o#"&a#" ma& t$r# to illicit air car"o shipme#ts as a pre!erred mode o! tra#sport !or its ille"al trade. A con7entional missile program8 4&a#mar ma& be a# ideal tra#sshipme#t h$b' b$t reports !rom -*-* a#d /35 i#dicate that d$alA$se machi#e tools !rom (apa# a#d +$rope are #ot simpl& bei#" stored i# 4&a#mar' b$t also $sed there. This co$ld i#dicate that the de%ices ma& act$all& be i#te#ded !or $se i# 4&a#marJs i#di"e#o$s missile pro"ram. Altho$"h 4&a#marJs o%erall tech#olo"ical de%elopme#t appears limited i# compariso# with North 6orea' the maDorit& o! the C$estio#able d$alA$se items recei%ed b& 4&a#mar ma& tr$l& be !or its ow# missile de%elopme#t e!!ort. AcC$isitio# o! co#%e#tio#all& armed shortA a#d medi$mAra#"e ballistic missiles wo$ld pro%ide the D$#ta with a si"#i!ica#t strate"ic ad%a#ta"e o%er re"io#al a#d domestic ri%als' a#d shortAra#"e missiles co$ld be $se!$l to !i"ht i#s$r"e#t "ro$ps that challe#"e the D$#taJs a$thorit&. 1 0$rther' 4&a#marJs de!e#se i#d$str& alread& prod$ces artiller& a#d mobile rocket la$#chers' a#d the co$#tr& reportedl& has spe#t more tha# a decade impro%i#" its missile prod$ctio# capabilities. 8 This practical e perie#ce co$ld !acilitate 4&a#marJs e%e#t$al creatio# o! lar"er missiles' s$ch as *carabs or earl& *c$d deri%ati%es. 4&a#mar ca##ot &et prod$ce these missiles' b$t the eC$ipme#t ide#ti!ied i# the Toko 5oeki case a#d i# the /35 report co$ld be $sed to help it de%elop more ad%a#ced missile desi"#s. Alternati7e scenarios8 -t is also possible that' a!ter some o! the C$estio#able d$alA$se eC$ipme#t had alread& bee# recei%ed' a North 6oreaA4&a#mar proli!eratio# relatio#ship !ell i#to disarra& d$e to the e#ormo$s comple it& that pla"$es all E4/ pro"rams. .a&me#t disp$tes <similar to those [http5$$###*carne!ieendo#ment*or!$static$npp$pd"$myanmar=reprint*pd"] that held $p 4&a#marJs #e"otiatio#s with R$ssia !or a 10 me"awatt research reactor= co$ld be o#e ca$se. 7 4&a#marJs acC$isitio# o! eC$ipme#t be&o#d its tech#ical capabilities co$ld also be e plai#ed b& a proc$reme#t error or a# o%erestimatio# o! i#di"e#o$s k#owAhow' as the /35 report ack#owled"es. -# 2002' 4&a#mar e pressed i#terest i# b$&i#" a mi#iA s$bmari#e !rom .&o#"&a#"' accordi#" to (a#eJs' b$t aba#do#ed the idea d$e i# part to its lack o! e pertise. 8 The tra#s!er o! s$ch ad%a#ced eC$ipme#t co$ld also be a# e ample o! a""ressi%e sales o! $#s$itable tech#olo"& to a #ao%e D$#ta' similar to Geo!!re& 0orde#Js s$""estio# that North 6orea has bee# selli#" s$bpar missile tech#olo"& to states i# the 4iddle +ast. -t is also pla$sible that a core "ro$p o! scie#tists has the ear o! the D$#ta AA as well as its !$#di#" AA a#d ma& ha%e o%erApromised deli%erables. These scie#tists mi"ht i#cl$de 9 Tha$#"' the proA#$clear e#er"& mi#ister o! scie#ce a#d tech#olo"&' a#d 6o 6o Oo' who is director "e#eral o! the /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& a#d !ormer director o! the /epartme#t o! Tech#ical a#d 3ocatio#al +d$catio# </T3+=. The two departme#ts shared the same address' pho#e #$mber' a#d !a #$mber $#til 4&a#marJs capital was mo%ed to Na&pid&aw' a#d the /T3+ is a# e#dA$ser o! some o! the C$estio#able d$alA$se eC$ipme#t that 4&a#mar has acC$ired' accordi#" to -*-*. ) A#other possible sce#ario is that 4&a#mar co$ld be Kwareho$si#"K de%ices !or North 6orea $#der a barter a"reeme#t that allows 4&a#mar to trai# perso##el o# the d$alA$se eC$ipme#t <a#d thereb& "ai# %al$able ha#dsA o# e perie#ce with the de%ices= be!ore it is $ltimatel& mo%ed to North 6orea. -t is possible that 4&a#mar ma& e%e# be %iewed as a# o!!shore prod$ctio# h$b !or tra#s!er o! items to North 6orea or other i#terested parties.

*a#ctio#s make it #earl& impossible !or .&o#"&a#" to acC$ire co#trolled' tech#icall& ad%a#ced eC$ipme#t that reC$ires i#stallatio# a#d mai#te#a#ce b& !orei"# tech#icia#sH North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar ma& ha%e there!ore collaborated to p$rchase the eC$ipme#t' i#stall it i# 4&a#mar' a#d $se the machi#es to prod$ce ad%a#ced missile or #$clear parts that co$ld the# be more easil& ro$ted %ia air car"o to North 6orea <or elsewhere=. Conclusion8 The possibilit& that 4&a#mar is p$rs$i#" a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram is D$st o#e o! ma#& pote#tial e pla#atio#s !or its importatio# o! tech#olo"icall& ad%a#ced d$alA$se items. The alarmi#" prospect o! a #$clearA armed 4&a#mar ca##ot be i"#ored' b$t #either sho$ld it pre%e#t the assessme#t o! other !easible sce#arios. 4ore research is #eeded to determi#e precisel& wh& 4&a#mar recei%ed C$estio#able d$alA$se items a#d to disco%er their !i#al desti#atio#' i! 4&a#mar is a tra#sshipme#t poi#t. + port co#trol re"imes sho$ld take #ote o! the pote#tial !or di%ersio# o! d$alA$se items thro$"h 4&a#mar' a#d to protect re"io#al stabilit&' "o%er#me#ts i# Asia sho$ld ree ami#e their trade policies toward the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr&. +ditorJs Note: .&o#"&a#"Js ille"al #etworks are e ami#ed i# a compa#io# article' KTaki#" ,o#trol: *toppi#" North 6orea# E4/ARelated .roc$reme#t'K i# the *eptember/October 2010 di"ital iss$e o! the 5$lleti#.

The most rece#t report is Robert 6elle& a#d Alliso# .$ccio#i' ?Atomic Re%elatio#: /e!ector Re%eals 4&a#marBs N$clear .ro"ramme'@ (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew' ($l& 20' 2010.

?(apa#ese 4a# *e#te#ced o%er N$clear ArmsAco#%ertible + ports to 5$rma !rom (apa#'@ 6&odo Eorld News *er%ice %ia 55, 4o#itori#" AsiaA.aci!ic' 1 No%ember 200) i# 2e isNe is' www.le isA#e

0or details o# the Toko 5oeki case' see ?: Feld O%er + port 5id o! /.R6 4issile 6#owAhow to 4&a#mar'@ /ail& Gomi$ri' ($#e :0' 200)H ?Arrested 6orea# trader i# Tok&o also tied to e port to 4&a#mar'@ (iDi .ress' ($l& 24' 200)H ?: + ecs Arrested !or Attempti#" to + port Q/$alA9seB Tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar'@ 4ai#ichi /ail& News O#li#e' ($#e :0' 200)H ?0irm Tied to .ast 4&a#mar + portsH N. 6oreaAa!!iliated Toko 5oeki 4a& Fa%e -lle"all& *hipped 4issile /e%ices'@ /ail& Gomi$ri' ($l& 2' 200)H ?6itacho$se#"awa "a *ei#o$ 6omakak$ *hitei' 4&a#maa he#o 0$sei&$sh$ts$ <North 6orea seeks tech#olo"& with detailed speci!icatio#s !or ille"al e ports to 4&a#mar='@ 6&odo Ts$$shi# News' ($l& 24' 200)H ?6itakeiAsho$shaA#oA0$sei&$sh$ts$' *hacho$AraA Gaitameho$iha#AdeA6iso <North 6orea# Tradi#" ,ompa#&Bs -lle"al + port: ,ompa#& .reside#t -s -#dicted i# 3iolatio# o! the 0orei"# + cha#"e a#d 0orei"# Trade 2aw='@ Gomi$ri O#li#e' ($l& 21' 200).

4&a#mar a#d North 6orea reAestablished diplomatic relatio#s i# 2007' altho$"h there are i#dicatio#s that earlier militar& trade betwee# the two co$#tries took place i# 2008. *ee 5ertil 2i#ter' ?,lo$ded Allia#ce: North 6orea# a#d 4&a#marBs ,o%ert Ties'@ (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew' *eptember 17' 200).

This co$ld be especiall& tr$e i! the missiles were !itted with the chemical weapo#s that 4&a#mar has bee# acc$sed o! prod$ci#". *ee ?.rod$ctio# ,apabilit& <4&a#mar=' ,hemical'@ (a#eBs ,5RN Assessme#ts' 4arch 18' 2010.

(a#eJs -#!ormatio# Gro$p' ?/e!e#ce prod$ctio# a#d R Y / <4&a#mar=' /e!e#ce prod$ctio# a#d R Y /@' (a#eBs *e#ti#el *ec$rit& Assessme#t A *o$theast Asia' /ecember 11' 200).

*ee also A$#" Law' ?5$rma .la&s N$clear ,ard'@ The -rrawadd&' ($l& 2007' %ol. 11' #o. 7.

5ertil 2i#ter' ?,lo$ded Allia#ce: North 6orea# a#d 4&a#marBs ,o%ert Ties'@ (a#eBs -#telli"e#ce Re%iew' *eptember 17' 200)

*ee also /a%id Albri"ht' .a$l 5ra##a#' Robert 6elle&' a#d A#drea *cheel *tricker' ?5$rma: A N$clear Ea##abe' *$spicio$s 2i#ks to North 6orea a#d Fi"hATech .roc$reme#ts a#d +#i"matic 0acilities.@ -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' (a#$ar& 28' 2010.'81))'200271:'00.html

-s Burma9s /unta 1rying to /oin the Nuclear Club:

5& ,hristopher *ha& 0rida&' ($l. 0)' 2010 9pdated o# ($l& 10' 2010. -t ma& seem co$#teri#t$iti%e' b$t 5$rma has a lot "oi#" !or it. 5lessed with ab$#da#t #at$ral reso$rces' the #atio# is home to the last o! the worldJs a#cie#t teak !orestsH it prod$ces te#s o! tho$sa#ds o! to#s o! Dade e%er& &earH itJs at the ce#ter o! the "lobal r$b& tradeH a#d most importa#t' it has #at$ral "as. 2ots o! it. 5$rmese "as alread& powers hal! o! 5a#"kok' a#d it will soo# start !lowi#" to ,hi#a' maki#" billio#s o! dollars o! pro!it. 0or ma#& tho$"h' itJs how the mo#e& is bei#" spe#t thatJs worr&i#". 9p $#til a !ew &ears a"o' 5$rmaJs militar& "o%er#me#t' c$t o!! !rom trade with the Eest' led a Kha#dAtoAmo$th e iste#ce'K sa&s *ea# T$r#ell' a# eco#omics pro!essor at 4acC$arie 9#i%ersit& i# A$stralia. Now' tha#ks i# #o small part to its reso$rceAh$#"r& #ei"hbors' the pariah state has b8 billio# i# cash reser%es' accordi#" to T$r#ell. As cash is !lowi#" i#' the militar& D$#ta that has r$# the co$#tr& si#ce 1)82 is spe#di#" la%ishl&. Eith abo$t a third o! the co$#tr& i# po%ert&' the D$#ta co$ld i#%est i# health' ed$catio# or Dob creatio#' b$t i#stead' #ew e%ide#ce s$""ests 5$rma is spe#di#" billio#s o# o$tla#dish militar& proDects' i#cl$di#"' perhaps' a secreti%e #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. T$r#ell sa&s the D$#ta is Kabsol$tel& para#oid abo$t i#ter#atio#al i#ter!ere#ce i# the co$#tr&.K A doc$me#tar& released last mo#th b& the Norwa&Abased NGO /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= p$rports to detail the be"i##i#"s o! a 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram. Tho$"h m$ch o! the doc$me#tar&Js e%ide#ce comes !rom a si#"le de!ector li%i#" i# hidi#"' the NGO co#te#ds that h$#dreds o! color photo"raphs le#d s$pport to the r$mors swirli#" !or the past !ew &ears that 5$rma has bee# p$rs$i#" the bomb. The 5$rmese 4i#istr& o! 0orei"# A!!airs calls /35Js acc$satio#s Kbaseless'K b$t Robert 6elle&' a !ormer director o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& a#d weapo#s scie#tist at 2os Alamos Natio#al 2ab' co#cl$ded !rom the /35 e%ide#ce that the tech#olo"& i# the photos Kis o#l& !or #$clear weapo#s a#d #ot ci%ilia# $se or #$clear power.K The doc$me#tar&Js primar& so$rce' a !ormer 5$rmese arm& maDor #amed *ai Thei# Ei#' is a R$ssia#Atrai#ed missile e pert V #ot a #$clear e#"i#eer Vwho sa&s he was seco#d i# comma#d at a topAsecret militar& !actor& that made parts !or 5$rmaJs #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. The photo"raphs that *ai Thei# Ei# s$pplied to /35 do%etail with other e%ide#ce that s$""ests 5$rma is $#dertaki#" a massi%e #$clear proDect. /ictator Eatch' a 9.*.Abased oppositio# watchdo" "ro$p' pro%ided T-4+ with a list o! some 880 5$rmese st$de#ts st$d&i#" e#"i#eeri#" a#d militar&Arelated !ields i# R$ssia' more tha# 81 o! whom are st$d&i#" #$clearArelated s$bDects. Accordi#" to Rola#d Eatso# o! /ictator Eatch' the list is D$st a batch !rom 200)H he claims he has heard !rom m$ltiple i#depe#de#t so$rces that there are more tha# :'000 5$rmese militar& researchers who ha%e st$died i# R$ssia o%er the past decade. -# the !ilm' *ai Thei# Ei# estimates that the #$mber co$ld be as hi"h as 10'000. -# !act' *ai Thei# Ei# sa&s he was i# the !irst "ro$p o! 5$rmese st$de#ts se#t to R$ssia' i# 2001' where he st$died missile tech#olo"& at the 4oscow +#"i#eeri#" .h&sics -#stit$te' o#ce the primar& trai#i#" "ro$#d !or *o%iet #$clear weapo#s e perts. +%e# i! /35 is ri"ht abo$t 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s' the co$#tr& is likel& &ears awa& !rom a#& ki#d o! bomb. 6elle& told T-4+ that 5$rmaJs appare#t attempt to e#rich $ra#i$m $si#" laser isotope separatio# V a comple a#d e pe#si%e method that has st$mped ma#& richer #atio#s V was Kki#d o! d$mb.K That ma& be #ews to the D$#ta leader Tha# *hwe' accordi#" to the -rrawadd&' a 5$rmese #ewsma"a;i#e i# e ile based i# Thaila#d' which reported that Tha# *hwe was !$rio$s at his o!!icials a!ter lear#i#" that 6elle&Js report !or the /35 said a #$clear weapo# Kma& be be&o#d 5$rmaJs reachK at this time.

4ea#while' the people i# 5$rma co#ti#$e to s$!!er. -# a 2000 Eorld Fealth Or"a#i;atio# ra#ki#"' 5$rma had the seco#d worst health s&stem i# the world' sa#dwiched betwee# the ,e#tral A!rica# Rep$blic a#d *ierra 2eo#e. This sho$ld#Jt be a s$rprise' "i%e# that o#l& 1.8U o! 5$rmaJs total p$blic e pe#dit$re is o# health' also the seco#d lowest i# the world' accordi#" to the 9#ited Natio#s /e%elopme#t .ro"ram. KThis is #ot a moder#' de%elopme#tall& !oc$sed "o%er#me#t like ,hi#a or 3iet#am'K T$r#ell sa&s' addi#" that the co$#tr&Js irratio#al militar& spe#di#" Kis the "reat sca#dal. -ts poor ha%e so ma#& #eeds.K <*ee T-4+Js special o# the battle !or "lobal health.= -! this so$#ds similar to a#other Asia# pariah state' it sho$ldH 5$rma is tr&i#" to !ollow the North 6orea# model' accordi#" to 6hi# 4a$#" Ei#. Tha# *hwe reportedl& admires 6im (o#" -l !or sta#di#" $p to the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&' a#d e%er si#ce the co$#tries !ormali;ed relatio#s i# 2007' the two states ha%e deepe#ed their militar& co##ectio#s' sa& /35 so$rces. Relatio#s betwee# the two co$#tries' howe%er' ha%e #ot alwa&s bee# so amicable. -# 1)8:' North 6orea# operati%es attempted to assassi#ate the *o$th 6orea# .reside#t i# a Ra#"oo# bomb attack that killed 21' a#d 5$rma se%ered o!!icial diplomatic relatio#s !or more tha# two decades. Rece#tl&' tho$"h' the co$#tries seem to ha%e bo#ded as Doi#t pariah states' with the D$#taJs No. : "e#eral' *hwe 4a##' %isiti#" North 6orea i# 2008. Nowada&s' 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# sa&s there are North 6orea# militar& e perts who s#eak i#to 5$rma thro$"h ,hi#a a#d act as ad%isers to ke& parts o! 5$rmaJs de!e#se i#d$str&. There is #o e%ide#ce that the North 6orea#s are directl& helpi#" with 5$rmaJs alle"ed #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' b$t a#al&sts worr& this mi"ht #ot alwa&s be the case. 5$rma has cash' a#d North 6orea #eeds it V desperatel&. /e!ectors sa& 5$rma wa#ts a bombH 9.*. i#telli"e#ce sa&s North 6orea alread& tried helpi#" b$ild a #$clear reactor !or *&ria be!ore -srael bombed it. KA co$ple &ears a"o' - wo$ldJ%e poohApoohed the whole thi#"'K sa&s T$r#ell o! 5$rmaJs #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. 5$t #ow' he sa&s' KThe whole stor& is a per!ect !it.K


Burma>s Nuclear Ambitions Could @i7ert -nternational 5ocus

5& 4AR6 0AR4AN+R Th$rsda&' ($l& 8' 2010 R$mors abo$t a secret #$clear pro"ram i# 5$rma ha%e bee# circ$lati#" !or &ears. The& were so persiste#t it seemed likel& there was somethi#" behi#d them' b$t there was #o e%ide#ce to back the claims. *ome i#di%id$als p$blished e a""erated a#d $#s$bsta#tiated claims' which had the opposite e!!ect the& had i#te#ded' maki#" obser%ers more sceptical' belie%i#" the claims were politicall& moti%ated. Fowe%er' i# rece#t mo#ths there ha%e bee# a series o! reports !rom de!ectors claimi#" 5$rma does ha%e #$clear ambitio#s. The latest' i# a doc$me#tar& made b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' a#d broadcast o# Al (a;eera' ha%e "ai#ed i#ter#atio#al atte#tio#. The reports e%e# led America# *e#ator (im Eebb to ca#cel a %isit which he had pla##ed to $se as a la$#chpad !or pers$adi#" the 9* to adopt a polic& o! appeaseme#t towards the war crimi#als r$li#" 5$rma. The doc$me#tar& has detailed photo"raphic e%ide#ce which has bee# %eri!ied b& e perts. 5$rmaBs "e#erals ma& still be a lo#" wa& !rom de%elopi#" weapo#s' b$t it appears that at the %er& least' the i#te#tio# is there. 5$rmese e iles a#d others aro$#d the world who s$pport 5$rmaBs democrac& mo%eme#t ha%e D$mped o# this #ews' hopi#" that this is what it will !i#all& take to "et the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to take actio#. Fere is &et more e%ide#ce' the& sa&' that the dictatorship is a threat to i#ter#atio#al peace a#d sec$rit&' a#d o! how the& mis$se the co$#tr&Bs reso$rces while the pop$latio# slips deeper i#to po%ert&. *$rel& #ow the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& will !i#all& wake $p a#d pa& atte#tio#O ,a# the& reall& allow these people to remai# i# powerO 5$t rather tha# pers$ade the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to !i#all& take actio# a"ai#st 5$rmaBs "e#erals' the opposite co$ld happe#. -! alle"atio#s o! 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram are comprehe#si%el& pro%ed' the# the !oc$s o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& is likel& to mo%e awa& !rom h$ma# ri"hts a#d democrati;atio#' a#d o#to a# a"e#da o! #$clear disarmame#t that co$ld i#cl$de eco#omic a#d political QcarrotsB that will e#tre#ch the dictatorship. O#e e ample o! how i#ter#atio#al !oc$s ca# be di%erted b& a dictatorJs #$clear ambitio#s is -ra#. F$ma# Ri"hts Eatch has described the co$#tr& as a Qh$ma# ri"hts disaster.B 4a#& o! the h$ma# ri"hts ab$ses committed b& the "o%er#me#t will be !amiliar to people !rom 5$rma' e%e# i! the& are #ot o# the same scale: the dete#tio# a#d tort$re o! political acti%istsH the s$ppressio# o! !ree speech i#cl$di#" Daili#" o! Do$r#alistsH the $se o! se $al %iole#ceH a#d the repressio# o! eth#ic mi#orities. 5$t how m$ch atte#tio# is paid to these h$ma# ri"hts ab$ses i# -ra# b& the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil a#d i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&O There is also e%ide#ce that -ra# !$#ds a#d arms "ro$ps i# #ei"hbori#" co$#tries' which mea#s the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil co$ld i#ter%e#e. There ha%e bee# si *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio#s a#d o#e .reside#tial *tateme#t o# -ra#. No#e are o# h$ma# ri"hts. KEhile the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& has !oc$sed o# -ra#Js #$clear ambitio#s' Tehra# has bee# methodicall& cr$shi#" all !orms o! disse#t i#side the co$#tr&'K said (oe *tork' the dep$t& 4iddle +ast director at F$ma# Ri"hts Eatch. K(o$r#alists' law&ers a#d ci%il societ& acti%ists who $sed to speak to !orei"# media a#d h$ma# ri"hts "ro$ps are i#creasi#"l& rel$cta#t' !eari#" pho#e a#d i#ter#et s$r%eilla#ce.K The i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&Bs approach to -ra# !ails to "i%e m$ch hope !or those wa#ti#" actio# o# 5$rma. The approach to North 6orea lea%es e%e# less hope.

North 6oreaBs record o# h$ma# ri"hts is e%e# worse tha# 5$rmaBs. There are more tha# 200'000 political priso#ers' a#d i# the 1))0s the dictatorship allowed aro$#d 1 millio# people to die !rom !ami#e. 2ike 5$rma' North 6orea C$ali!ies !or 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil atte#tio# as a #o#Atraditio#al threat to the peace. There ha%e bee# !o$r 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio#s o# North 6orea. No#e are o# its h$ma# ri"hts record. The e#tire !oc$s has bee# o# pers$adi#" North 6orea to drop its weapo#s pro"ram. The 9*A a#d i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& were e%e# prepared to !$#d a#d b$ild Qproli!eratio# proo!B #$clear reactors !or North 6orea' pro%idi#" the dictatorship with te#s o! millio#s o! dollars !or this p$rpose. -# 2007' as part o! a#other deal to tr& to pers$ade North 6orea to aba#do# its #$clear pro"ram' the 9* released b20 millio# i# !ro;e# ba#ks acco$#ts o! North 6oreaBs corr$pt a#d br$tal r$lers. F$ma# ri"hts D$st were #ot a !actor. The lesso# !rom -ra# a#d North 6orea is that h$ma# ri"hts takes seco#d place to stoppi#" #$clear proli!eratio#. A#other lesso# is that e%e# whe# a #$clear pro"ram is i#%ol%ed' ,hi#a a#d R$ssia are still likel& to block e!!ecti%e eco#omic sa#ctio#s. /o$btless' 5$rmaBs dictators wo$ld be deli"hted i! i#ter#atio#al atte#tio# mo%ed awa& !rom their h$ma# ri"hts record.


Burma'North Korea 1ies2 0scalating 47er 1wo @ecades

5& EA- 4O+ Eed#esda&' ($l& 7' 2010 A rece#t New Gork Times opAed article b& A$#" 2&## Ft$t' !ormerl& a hi"hAra#ki#" 5$rmese militar& i#telli"e#ce o!!icer who de!ected i# 2001 while he ser%ed as a# attachf at the 5$rmese embass& i# Eashi#"to#' shed #ew li"ht o# the histor& o! the still m$rk& relatio#ship betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' two o! the worldBs most isolated' secreti%e a#d oppressi%e re"imes. 5$rma broke diplomatic relatio#s with North 6orea i# 1)8:' whe# North 6orea# a"e#ts attempted to assassi#ate the *o$th 6orea# preside#t o# 5$rmese soil. 5$t accordi#" to A$#" 2&## Ft$t' shortl& a!ter c$rre#t D$#taAchie! *#rAGe# Tha# *hwe ass$med power i# 1))2' he s$rreptitio$sl& mo%ed to re#ew ties with .&o#"&a#". Ge# *hwe 4a## <le!t= a#d Ge# 6im G&okAsik e cha#"e copies o! a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#" at the /e!e#se 4i#istr& o# No%ember' 2008. ?Tha# *hwe secretl& made co#tact with .&o#"&a#". .osi#" as *o$th 6orea# b$si#essme#' North 6orea# weapo# e perts be"a# arri%i#" i# 5$rma. - remember these %isitors. The& were "i%e# special treatme#t at the Ra#"oo# airport'@ A$#" 2&## Ft$t said i# his ($#e 18 article. The D$#ta kept its re#ewed ties with North 6orea secret !or more tha# a decade beca$se it was worki#" to establish relatio#ships with (apa#ese a#d *o$th 6orea# b$si#esses' A$#" 2&## Ft$t said. 5& 2008' howe%er' ?the D$#taBs "e#erals !elt either desperate or co#!ide#t e#o$"h to p$blicl& res$me diplomatic relatio#s with North 6orea.@ -# No%ember 2008' the D$#taJs No :' Ge# *hwe 4a##' %isited North 6orea a#d si"#ed a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#"' o!!iciall& !ormali;i#" militar& cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. .hoto"raphs showed him to$ri#" secret t$##el comple es b$ilt i#to the sides o! mo$#tai#s tho$"ht to store a#d protect Det aircra!t' missiles' ta#ks a#d #$clear a#d chemical weapo#s. Accordi#" to A$#" 2&## Ft$t' 2tAGe# Ti# A&e' the No.1 i# the 5$rma armed !orces a#d the chie! o! 4ilitar& Ord#a#ce' is #ow the mai# liaiso# i# the relatio#ship with .&o#"&a#". Ti# A&e has o!te# tra%eled to North 6orea as well as atte#ded ceremo#ies at the North 6orea# embass& i# Ra#"oo#. -# *eptember 200)' The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar reported that Ti# A&e we#t to the a##i%ersar& celebratio# o! the /emocratic .eopleBs Rep$blic o! 6orea </.R6=' held i# a hotel i# Ra#"oo#. -# 0ebr$ar&' Ti# A&e' alo#" with other se#ior o!!icials' atte#ded the birthda& e%e#t o! the /ear 2eader o! North 6orea at the embass&. 0li"hts a#d ships !rom North 6orea to 5$rma ha%e bee# carr&i#" more tha# D$st 5$rmese "e#erals. A#al&sts' i#cl$di#" 5$rma militar& e pert A#drew *elth' sa& that !or &ears 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e $sed a barter s&stem whereb& 5$rma e cha#"es primar& prod$cts !or North 6orea# militar& tech#olo"ies. -# ($#e 200)' a North 6orea# ship' the 6a#" Nam -' was di%erted !rom "oi#" to 5$rma a!ter bei#" trailed b& the 9* #a%&. The# i# April' a#other North 6orea# ship' the ,ho#" Ge#' docked i# 5$rma carr&i#" s$spicio$s car"o' alle"edl& i# %iolatio# o! the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which restricts North 6orea !rom arms deals a#d !rom tradi#" i# tech#olo"& that co$ld be $sed !or #$clear weapo#s. -# 4a&' the se%e#Amember 9N pa#el mo#itori#" the impleme#tatio# o! sa#ctio#s a"ai#st North 6orea said i# a report that .&o#"&a#" is i#%ol%ed i# ba##ed #$clear a#d ballistic acti%ities i# -ra#' *&ria a#d 5$rma with the aid o! !ro#t compa#ies aro$#d the world.

Accordi#" to the 9N report' a North 6orea# compa#&' Namcho#"a#" Tradi#"' which is k#ow# to be associated with illicit proc$reme#t !or 5$rmaJs #$clear a#d militar& pro"ram a#d is o# the 9* sa#ctio#s list' was i#%ol%ed i# s$spicio$s acti%ities i# 5$rma. The report also #oted three i#di%id$als were arrested i# (apa# i# 200) !or attempti#" to ille"all& e port a ma"#etometerVa d$alA$se i#str$me#t that ca# be emplo&ed i# maki#" missile co#trol s&stem ma"#ets a#d "as ce#tri!$"e ma"#etsVto 5$rma %ia 4ala&sia alle"edl& $#der the directio# o! a#other compa#& k#ow# to be associated with illicit proc$reme#t !or North 6oreaJs #$clear a#d militar& pro"rams. The 9N e perts also said that the 6orea 6wa#"so# 5a#ki#" ,orporatio# has ha#dled se%eral tra#sactio#s i#%ol%i#" millio#s o! dollars directl& related to deals betwee# 5$rma a#d the 6orea 4i#i#" /e%elopme#t Tradi#" ,orporatio#. Eith this stri#" o! e%e#ts a#d the s$spicio#s s$rro$#di#" them as a dramatic lead i#' o# ($#e 4' Al (a;eera aired a #ews doc$me#tar& prepared b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= which was writte# b& Robert 6elle&' a #$clear scie#tist a#d !ormer director o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=. The /35 report claimed that the r$li#" militar& D$#ta i# 5$rma is Kmi#i#" $ra#i$m' co#%erti#" it to $ra#i$m compo$#ds !or reactors a#d bombs' a#d is tr&i#" to b$ild a reactor a#d/or a# e#richme#t pla#t that co$ld o#l& be $se!$l !or a bomb.K The -A+A wrote to 5$rmaBs a"e#c& represe#tati%e' Ti# Ei#' o# ($#e 14 a#d asked whether the i#!ormatio# pro%ided i# the /35 report was tr$e. 5$rma' which is a member o! the -A+A' a part& to the N$clear No#A .roli!eratio# Treat& a#d a si"#ator& to the *o$theast Asia N$clearAEeapo#A0ree Lo#e Treat&' respo#ded with a letter stati#" that the /35 report alle"atio#s are ?"ro$#dless a#d $#!o$#ded.@ KNo acti%it& related to $ra#i$m co#%ersio#' e#richme#t' reactor co#str$ctio# or operatio# has bee# carried o$t i# the past' is o#"oi#" or is pla##ed !or the !$t$re i# 4&a#mar I5$rmaM'K the letter said. The letter also #oted that 5$rma is a si"#ator& o! the N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& a#d the a"e#c&Js soAcalled sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t. KAs stated i# the sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t' 4&a#mar will #oti!& the a"e#c& i! it pla#s to carr& o$t a#& #$clear acti%ities'K the letter said. The re"ime' howe%er' has #ot si"#ed the -A+AJs Additio#al .rotocol' mea#i#" that the a"e#c& has #o power to set $p a# i#spectio# o! 5$rmaJs #$clear !acilities $#der the e isti#" mecha#ism k#ow# as the *mall N$a#tities .rotocol. .re%io$sl&' o# ($#e 11' 5$rmaBs state radio a#d tele%isio# #ews had reported the 0orei"# 4i#istr&Js de#ial o! the alle"atio#s i# the /35 report. The de#ial claimed that a#tiA"o%er#me#t "ro$ps i# coll$sio# with the media had la$#ched the alle"atio#s with the "oal o! Khi#deri#" 5$rmaJs democratic process a#d to tar#ish the political ima"e o! the "o%er#me#t.K The 0orei"# 4i#istr& de#ial also addressed N&ap&idawBs relatio#ship with .&o#"&a#". ?0ollowi#" the reA establishme#t o! diplomatic relatio#s' 4&a#mar I5$rmaM a#d the /.R6' as i#depe#de#t so%erei"# states' ha%e bee# e#"a"i#" i# promoti#" trade a#d cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries i# the same wa& 4&a#mar is deali#" with others'@ the mi#istr& said i# its stateme#t. The re"ime did ack#owled"e that the ,ho#" Ge# docked at Thilawa .ort #ear Ra#"oo# i# April. 5$t the stateme#t said the North 6orea# %essel was i#%ol%ed i# importi#" ceme#t !rom North 6orea a#d e porti#" rice !rom 5$rma. 5$t i# a# article !or Asia Times o#li#e' 5$rma a#al&st 5ertil 2i#ter #oted that' ?i! carr&i#" o#l& i##oc$o$s

ci%ilia# "oods' as the stateme#t mai#tai#s' there wo$ld seemi#"l& ha%e bee# #o reaso# !or a$thorities to c$t electricit& aro$#d the area whe# the ,ho#" Ge#' a North 6orea# ship !l&i#" the 4o#"olia# !la" o! co#%e#ie#ce' docked o# the o$tskirts o! Ga#"o#.@ ?Accordi#" to i#telli"e#ce so$rces' sec$rit& was ti"ht as militar& perso##el o!!loaded hea%& material' i#cl$di#" 6orea#Amade air de!e#se radars. The ship le!t the port with a ret$r# car"o o! rice a#d s$"ar' which co$ld mea# that it was' at least i# part' a barter deal. O# (a#$ar& :1 this &ear' a#other North 6orea# ship' the Ga#" 4 3 Fa# A' reportedl& deli%ered missile compo#e#ts also at Ga#"o#Js Thilawa port'@ 2i#ter said. *trate"&pa"' a militar& a!!airs website co%eri#" armed !orces worldwide' said' ?-#dicatio#s are that the North 6orea# ship that deli%ered a m&sterio$s car"o !o$r mo#ths a"o' was carr&i#" air de!e#se radars <which are #ow bei#" placed o# hills $p #orth= a#d ballistic missile ma#$!act$ri#" eC$ipme#t. /o;e#s o! North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e e#tered the co$#tr& i# the last !ew mo#ths' a#d ha%e bee# see# worki#" at a militar& !acilit& o$tside 4a#dala&. -tJs $#clear what this is !or. 5$rma has #o e ter#al e#emies' a#d ballistic missiles are o! #o $se a"ai#st i#ter#al oppositio#.@ -# his Asia Times o#li#e stor&' 2i#t#er #oted that o# ($#e 24' the /35 reported that a #ew radar a#d missile base had bee# completed #ear 4oh#&i# i# 4&a#marJs #orther# 6achi# *tate' a#d he reported that work o# similar radar a#d missile bases has bee# reported !rom 6e#"t$#" i# easter# *ha# *tate'180 kilometers #orth o! the Thai border tow# o! 4ae *ai. ?*i#ce 4&a#mar is #ot k#ow# to ha%e imported radars a#d missile compo#e#ts !rom a#& co$#tr& other tha# North 6orea' the i#stallatio#s wo$ld appear to be o#e o! the !irst %isible o$tcomes o! a decade o! militar& cooperatio#'@ 2i#t#er said. 2i#t#er also reported that Eester# i#telli"e#ce so$rces k#ow that :0 to 40 North 6orea# missile tech#icia#s are c$rre#tl& worki#" at a !acilit& #ear 4i#hla o# the -rrawadd& Ri%er i# 4a"we /i%isio#' a#d that some o! the tech#icia#s ma& ha%e arri%ed o%erla#d b& b$s !rom ,hi#a to "i%e the appeara#ce o! bei#" ,hi#ese to$rists. North 6orea has also iss$ed adama#t de#ials with respect to alle"atio#s re"ardi#" its relatio#ship with 5$rma. Accordi#" to the 6orea# ,e#tral News A"e#c& <6,NA=' o# ($#e 21 .&o#"&a#" said' ?The 9* is #ow maki#" m$ch !$ss' !loati#" the sheer !ictio# that the /.R6 is helpi#" 4&a#mar I5$rmaM i# its #$clear de%elopme#t.@ The 6,NA o!te# hi"hli"hts the close relatio#ship betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. O# ($#e 20' the .&o#"&a#" #ews a"e#c& reported that e A,ol Tha# T$#' dep$t& chairma# o! the 9#io# o! 4&a#mar +co#omic Foldi#" 2td.' se#t a stateme#t cheeri#" 6im (o#" -lBs 48th a##i%ersar& at the ,e#tral ,ommittee o! the r$li#" EorkersJ .art& o! 6orea. O# April 18' 6orea# stateAr$#A media reported that Tha# T$# also iss$ed a stateme#t cheeri#" the 17th a##i%ersar& o! 6im (o#" -lBs chairi#" o! North 6oreaBs Natio#al /e!e#se ,ommissio#. ?6im (o#" -lBs !ield i#spectio# o! 6.A I6orea# .eopleBs Arm&M $#its ser%ed as a mai# so$rce that helped bolster INorth 6oreaJsM sel!Arelia#t de!e#se capabilit& i# e%er& wa&'@ the stateme#t #oted. 4ilitar& so$rces said the 9#io# o! 4&a#mar +co#omic Foldi#" 2td' ma#a"ed b& the D$#ta' is respo#sible !or p$rchasi#" imported weapo#s !or 5$rmaJs armed !orces' i#cl$di#" tra#s!erri#" mo#e& to o%erseas ba#ks s$ch as 6orea 6wa#"so# 5a#ki#" ,orporatio#. 4ea#while' i# additio# to its escalati#" relatio#ship with North 6orea' the 5$rmese militar& re"ime has rece#tl& boosted ties with -ra#' which accordi#" to the 9N report is also alle"edl& recei%i#" #$clear a#d missile

tech#olo"ies !rom North 6orea. -# rece#t &ears' 5$rmese a#d -ra#ia# o!!icials %isited their co$#terparts homela#d !or the p$rported p$rpose o! impro%i#" eco#omic ties. Obser%ers' howe%er' said Tha# *hwe has made a tactical decisio# to de%elop relatio#ships with other ?pariah states'@ partic$larl& e#emies o! the 9*' to relie%e Eester# press$re o# his re"ime. -ra#ia# /ep$t& 0orei"# 4i#ister 4ohammad Ali 0athollahi met 5$rmese 0orei"# 4i#ister N&a# Ei# a#d 4i#ister o! +#er"& 2$# Thi d$ri#" his trip to 5$rma o# ($#e 11A17. ?The two sides reiterated their desire to !$rther e pa#d the ties o! !rie#dship a#d eco#omic cooperatio# a#d to i#crease cooperatio# i# the re"io#al i#ter#atio#al !or$ms s$ch as ItheM 9#ited Natio#s a#d No#AAli"#ed 4o%eme#t'@ The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar reported o# ($#e 18. 0athollahiBs %isit came three mo#ths a!ter 4a$#" 4&i#tBs %isit to -ra# o# 4arch 8A11' whe# he met -ra#ia# 0orei"# 4i#ister 4a#ochehr 4ottaki a#d /ep$t& 4i#ister o! .etrole$m F. No"hrehkar *hira;i.


Myanmar'N Korea roliferation 6ink:

Eed#esda&' 07 ($l& 2010 18:01 Eritte# b& -*N *ec$rit& Eatch +%ide#ce co#ti#$es to s$r!ace s$""esti#" 4&a#marBs possible i#terest i# la$#chi#" a co%ert #$clear power pro"ram with pote#tial North 6orea# assista#ce' 0ra#k OB/o##ell a#d Graham O#"AEebb comme#t !or -*N *ec$rit& Eatch. 5& 0ra#k OJ/o##ell a#d Graham O#"AEebb As part o! the co#ti#$i#" sa"a o! North 6oreaBs de%ia#t machi#atio#s' #ew i#!ormatio# has s$r!aced o# .&o#"&a#"Bs s$spected assista#ce to 4&a#mar <5$rma= to de%elop what ma& be a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. To be s$re' .&o#"&a#"Bs s$spected complicit& with 5$rmaBs possible #$clear ambitio#s is #ot e#tirel& #ew. A strate"ic dossier p$blished b& a hi"hApro!ile thi#k ta#k i# late 200) so$"ht to determi#e i! the co$#tr&Bs aspiratio#s o! ha%i#" a ci%ilia# #$clear reactor had a#& militar& applicatio#s. The dossierBs mai# !i#di#" was that the 104Et li"htAwater reactor 4&a#mar has bee# seeki#" to b$ild with R$ssia# assista#ce si#ce 2002 wo$ld #ot prod$ce e#o$"h weapo#sA$sable pl$to#i$m to b$ild a basic #$clear weapo#. Fowe%er' it co$ld #ot r$le o$t the reaso#s as to wh& 4&a#marBs i#sec$re militar& D$#ta wo$ld wa#t to become a #$clearAarmed state. Altho$"h it did #ot recei%e i#ter#atio#al appro%al' R$ssiaBs o!!er o! assista#ce to 4&a#mar' which was dri%e# solel& b& commercial i#terests' seems relati%el& be#i"#. 4oreo%er' a deal with the R$ssia#s ma& #ot likel& close: 4&a#mar has tro$ble pa&i#" 4oscow i# hard c$rre#c& a#d the R$ssia#s re!$se the D$#taBs barteri#" c$rre#c& o! teak' rice a#d r$bber. This is perhaps where the North 6orea#s come i#. There are three reaso#s wh& .&o#"&a#" wo$ld wa#t to help 4&a#mar. 0irstl&' North 6orea has de%eloped its #$clear arse#al a#d ballistic missile capabilities i#to a re%e#$e so$rce !or the re"ime. *eco#dl&' star%ed o! basic reso$rces' it is ope# to barteri#". Thirdl&' .&o#"&a#" co$ld do with a# additio#al strate"ic all&. .&o#"&a#"Bs participatio# i# the AN 6ha# proli!eratio# #etwork allowed it to C$ietl& tra#smit #$clear a#d missile k#owled"e to i#ter#atio#al co#tacts i# ret$r# !or pro!it. A# e ample is the .akista#i 1'100kmAra#"e Gha$ri missile' de%eloped i# coordi#atio# with North 6orea' a#d which bears si"#i!ica#t desi"# resembla#ce to the North 6orea# Nodo#" model. The AN 6ha# #etwork was e posed i# 200:' a#d se%eral states disco#ti#$ed their participatio# i# its acti%ities. -t is $#clear whether the rem#a#ts o! the AN 6ha# #etwork prese#tl& operate as i#depe#de#t cells' or with a# o%erall ma#a"er. Ehat is clear' howe%er' is that .&o#"&a#" has #otabl& bee# acti%e i# attempti#" to sal%a"e those eleme#ts o! the proli!eratio# ri#" most %al$able to it. -t has set $p a coordi#ati#" a"e#c&'JO!!ice ))J' to ma#a"e its missile tech#olo"& commerce with -ra#. North 6orea closel& assisted *&ria i# b$ildi#" the alA6ibar co%ert #$clear reactor destro&ed b& -srael i# 2007. These de%elopme#ts ma& poi#t to .&o#"&a#" as becomi#" a# or"a#i;i#" h$b o! a reco#stit$ted AN 6ha# proli!eratio# ri#". The ke& da#"er is that North 6orea ma& be willi#" to pro%ide 4&a#mar what the R$ssia#s wo$ld #ot: The tech#olo"&' reso$rces a#d e pertise that will allow the D$#ta to b$ild a lar"er reactor similar to the o#e at Go#"b&o#' which had a 214Et o$tp$t. That reactor is the mai#sta& o! North 6oreaJs #$clear weapo#Js pro"ram.

The ass$med li#k betwee# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar sho$ld be take# serio$sl&' a#d %i"ila#ce is #eeded b& i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies a#d i#terdictio# i#str$me#ts to close a#& illicit proli!eratio# li#ks.

0ra#k OJ/o##ell is c$rre#tl& st$d&i#" !or his 4*c i# *trate"ic *t$dies at 9#i%ersit& o! Aberdee#. Fe has a# 4A Fo#o$rs <!irst class= i# i#ter#atio#al relatio#s a#d 4iddle +ast st$dies !rom the 9#i%ersit& o! *t A#drews. Graham O#"AEebb is a# Associate with the ,e#tre !or *cie#ce a#d *ec$rit& *t$dies at the /epartme#t o! Ear *t$dies' 6i#"Bs ,olle"e 2o#do#. The %iews a#d opi#io#s e pressed herei# are those o! the a$thor o#l&' #ot the -#ter#atio#al Relatio#s a#d *ec$rit& Network <-*N=.

http://ca#ada! .php/article/21011

Burma>s Nuclear Mystery

5& *cott (oh#so# T$esda&' ($l& 8' 2010
Alle"atio#s o! 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s hit the #ewswires o# ($#e :rd with a report b& a !ormer 9.N. #$clear e pert claimi#" the militar& re"ime is seeki#" to de%elop a# atomic bomb. ,ommissio#ed b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' the report clearl& raised the stakes abo$t this #ewest threat to i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& a#d peace' which pre%io$sl& had bee# reco"#i;ed o#l& withi# i#telli"e#ce circles a#d 5$rmaBs proAdemocrac& mo%eme#t. -# respo#se' 9* *e#ator (im Eebb e%e# ca#celled his pla##ed trip to the 5$rmese capital where he was d$e to meet the "e#erals i# char"e. Th$s itBs clear the #$clear alle"atio#s are serio$s a#d &et there has lo#" bee# a dea!e#i#" sile#ce abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. -# 2008 a# Act o! ,o#"ress was prom$l"ated i# the 9#ited *tates reC$iri#" the 9* *tate /epartme#t to disclose !i#di#"s o# 5$rmaBs #$clear capabilities. The i#itial date !or this ma#dator& a##$al disclos$re was (a#$ar& 200)' a#d at this sta"e there sho$ld ha%e bee# two s$ch reports. To date' tho$"h' the Admi#istratio# has bee# sile#t. The law i# C$estio# is the Tom 2a#tos 5lock 5$rmese (A/+ <($#taBs A#tiA/emocratic +!!orts= Act o! 2008. -ts i#te#t is to promote h$ma# ri"hts' a#d it i#cl$des sa#ctio#s a#d embar"oes o# s$ch thi#"s as halti#" "emsto#e pro!its to 5$rmaBs repressi%e dictatorship. The law also i#cl$des meas$res s$pporti#" democratic re!orms a#d h$ma#itaria# #eeds !or the people o! 5$rma. 4ore speci!icall&' howe%er' i# *ectio# 10 o! the Act there is a reC$ireme#t that the *tate /epartme#t p$blicl& report to ,o#"ress abo$t 5$rmaB militar& pro"rams a#d s$ppliers' i#cl$di#" their ?weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# a#d related materials' capabilities' a#d tech#olo"&' i#cl$di#" #$clear' chemical' or d$al $se capabilities.@ This reC$ireme#t e te#ds to the omi#o$s task o! listi#" the co$#tries that pro%ide s$ch aid to 5$rma a#d that s$ch be reported b& #o#e other tha# the 9* *ecretar& o! *tate. Get itBs as i! the (A/+ Act #e%er e isted. All is sile#t !rom *ecretar& ,li#to#' .reside#t Obama' the *tate /epartme#t' ,o#"ress a#d most e%er&o#e else i# Eashi#"to#. Those co#cer#ed with 9* law a#d #$clear proli!eratio# ha%e seemi#"l& "o#e i#to hiber#atio#. Eell' #ot all howe%er' there are some proAdemocrac& "ro$ps A ?/ictator Eatch@ !or o#e' that has bee# p$blishi#" e%ide#ce o! 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s !or &ears. Their latest mo%e was i# April 2010' mo#ths be!ore the /35 report was released' whe# the& !iled a !reedom o! i#!ormatio# act applicatio# <0O-A= to the 9* *tate /epartme#t. The applicatio# speci!icall& dema#ded wh& *ectio# 10 o! the (A/+ Act is bei#" i"#ored. - spoke to Rola#d Eatso#' the director o! /ictator Eatch' abo$t this actio# a#d he pro%ided a chilli#" descriptio# o! 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#. Fe also co#"rat$lated the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma !or "etti#" their report i# the p$blic e&e' !or he belie%es 5$rmaBs #$clear proli!eratio# has bee# i"#ored !ar too lo#". Fe belie%es i#ter#atio#al actio# is #eeded to c$rtail 5$rmaBs pla#s as it poses a m$ltiple threat to i#ter#atio#al sec$rit&. The re"ime is #ot o#l& tr&i#" to acC$ire #$clear weapo#sH there is "ood e%ide#ce that it is selli#" re!i#ed $ra#i$m <&ellow cake= to North 6orea a#d perhaps e%e# -ra#. Eatso#Bs or"a#isatio# has co#d$cted e te#si%e research o# the 5$rma #$clear iss$e' a#d has acc$m$lated i#telli"e#ce !rom te# di!!ere#t so$rces. These i#cl$de 5$rmese militar& de!ectors who were trai#ed i# R$ssia o# #$clear a#d related militar& tech#olo"ies. The ke& to $#lock the m&sterio$s sile#ce o# the (A/+ Act is i#tricatel& li#ked to 5$rmaBs deali#"s with North 6orea' R$ssia' ,hi#a a#d -ra#. Eatso# states that the 5$rmese militar& r$lers !irst e pressed a# i#terest i# becomi#" a #$clear power i# the 1)80s b$t that thi#"s escalated i# 2001 whe# the re"ime' the# $#der the d$bio$s #ame *2OR,' ?str$ck a deal with R$ssia to b$& a reactor.@ The 5$rmese re"ime' #ow called the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil <*./,=' was d$e i# 2010 to ha%e alread& completed this reactor. Fard e%ide#ce o! this is lacki#"' tho$"h' b$t the deal with 4oscow has lo#" bee# p$blic a#d e%er si#ce the *./, has bee# se#di#" militar& o!!icers to R$ssia !or trai#i#". The *./, re!ers to this

trai#i#" as their *tate *cholar .ro"ram a#d Eatso# reports the& ha%e ?se#t a#&where !rom :000 to 1000 o!!icers to R$ssia' where the&B%e bee# st$d&i#" scie#ces related to t$##elli#"' a%iatio#' ships' missiles' a#d all sorts o! militar& related tech#olo"ies.@ These st$dies i#cl$de #$clear scie#ces. /ictator Eatch has had access to i#!ormatio# !rom two de!ectors o! the *./,Bs *tate *cholar .ro"ram who had e pos$re to the #$clear pro"ram. These de!ectors reported that the *./, is p$rs$i#" $ra#i$m e#richme#t' a#d also that it has acC$ired eC$ipme#t !or ?pl$to#i$m acti%atio#'@ !rom North 6orea. The two so$rces o! !issio#able material !or a# atomic weapo# are hi"hl& e#riched $ra#i$m' a#d pl$to#i$m that is prod$ced as a reactor b&Aprod$ct. -t appears that 5$rma is !ollowi#" both tracks towards de%elopi#" a bomb. Eatso# pro%ided a s$mmar& o! 5$rmaBs #$clear e%ide#ce. ?0irst' 5$rma has $ra#i$m deposits a#d the& ha%e lo#" admitted it themsel%es.@ The *./, i# !act p$blished s$ch o# their ow# 4i#istr& o! +#er"& website' ide#ti!&i#" #$mero$s sites. Fe reiterated that #ot o#l& ha%e commerciall& %iable $ra#i$m deposits bee# !o$#d a#d are bei#" mi#ed' b$t that the& are ?bei#" milled i#to &ellow cake a#d o!!ered !or sale o# the black market to a#&bod& willi#" to pa& the price.@ -#deed' Eatso# said ?/ictator Eatch has i#!ormatio# abo$t s$ch sale attempts.@

The i#ter#atio#al c$stomers !or 5$rmaBs &ellow cake i#cl$de North 6orea a#d some i#telli"e#ce so$rces s$""est -ra# as well. -t is belie%ed that the lar"e C$a#tit& o! &ellow cake that -ra# p$rchased !rom *o$th A!rica i# the 1)70s has r$# o$t. -ra#Bs e#richme#t pro"ram is s$bsta#tial' a#d "rowi#"' a#d Tehra# clearl& #eeds to sec$re #ew $ra#i$m s$pplies. 5$rmaBs li#ks to -ra# a#d North 6orea are e tremel& tro$bli#"' a#d it was i# 200) that a p$blici;ed i#cide#t occ$rred betwee# the 9* Na%& a#d a North 6orea# %essel A a k#ow# weapo#s carrier called the 6a#" Nam -. This North 6orea# ship was reportedl& carr&i#" ad%a#ced weapo#r& <possibl& #$clear tech#olo"&= desti#ed !or 5$rma a#d a 9* /estro&er was dispatched to i#terdict it. The 6a#" Nam - e%e#t$all& t$r#ed back to North 6orea with car"o i#tact. Eatso# reports' howe%er' that the ship had alread& "o#e to 5$rma at least o#ce' possibl& two times pre%io$sl& a#d $#loaded its car"o at Ra#"oo# A at #i"ht. O# o#e o! those occasio#s the 6a#" Nam co#ti#$ed o# to -ra#. -# 2008 the 9#ited *tates thro$"h diplomatic reC$ests to -#dia also blocked a car"o !li"ht !rom North 6orea !rom !l&i#" to -ra# a!ter it stopped i# 5$rma. -t is !$rther belie%ed that the i#terdicted 6a#" Nam - shipme#t !rom 200) was s$ccess!$ll& deli%ered to Ra#"oo# port i# April 2010. /ictator Eatch has e%ide#ce that North 6orea has lo#" bee# selli#" 5$rma a# arra& o! weapo#r&' i#cl$di#" missiles a#d #$clear tech#olo"&. The weapo#s i#cl$de *c$d missiles <short ra#"e ballistic missiles=' a#d the *./, is reportedl& poi#ti#" them towards militar& bases i# Thaila#d. Eith all this #$clear a#d weapo#s sk$ld$""er& "oi#" o# itBs a wo#der wh& 5$rma has#Bt bee# bro$"ht be!ore the 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. 0or Eatso# the threat is clear' ?-! &o$ ha%e $ra#i$m mi#i#"' milli#" a#d the# barteri#" o! &ellow cake to North 6orea a#d -ra# &o$ ha%e a si"#i!ica#t threat to i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& a#d peace' i#cl$di#" di%er"e#t ro"$e tra!!icki#" o! &ellow cake to terrorists.@ Fowe%er' ,hi#a a#d R$ssia are perma#e#t members o! the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil a#d ha%e historicall& protected the *./, !rom i#ter#atio#al reperc$ssio#s. O# 5eiDi#"Bs role Eatso# lame#ts' ?The ,hi#ese are the "od!athers o! 6im (o#" -ll a#d Tha# *hwe a#d o# a# iss$e as bi" as this the& co$ld#Bt work to"ether i! ,hi#a did#Bt sa& ok.@
O#e thi#" seems clear' the world does #ot #eed a#other ro"$e #$clear state' especiall& o#e with a h$ma# ri"hts record as br$tal as 5$rmaBs. As !or the lo#" sile#ce o# 5$rmaBs #$clear m&ster&' the /35 report a#d *e#ator EebbBs ca#celled %isit s$""est it ma& be $#ra%elli#". The (A/+ Act has bee# i"#ored howe%er' a#d th$s o#l& time will tell i! /ictator EatchBs 0O-A !ili#" too will be br$shed aside.*o$theastRAsia/20:0Ae01.html

@eception and denials in Myanmar

5& 5ertil 2i#t#er ($# :0' 2010 5ANG6O6 A 4&a#marJs militar& "o%er#me#t iss$ed proA!orma de#ials a!ter alA(a;eera aired a# i#%esti"ati%e report b& the OsloAbased /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35= alle"i#" that 4&a#mar is attempti#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s a#d ballistic missiles. 5$t as the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& wei"hs the e%ide#ce' the re"ime co$ld soo# !ace 9#ited Natio#sAimposed sa#ctio#s !or its militar& deali#"s with North 6orea. O# ($#e 11' a week a!ter the tele%isio# #etwork showed the pro"ram' 4&a#marJs 0orei"# 4i#istr& iss$ed a stateme#t claimi#" that Ka#tiA"o%er#me#t "ro$psK i# coll$sio# with the i#ter#atio#al media had made the alle"atio# with the "oal o! Khi#deri#" 4&a#marJs democratic process a#d tar#ishi#" the political ima"e o! the "o%er#me#tK. 4&a#mar Kis a de%elopi#" #atio#K which Klacks adeC$ate i#!rastr$ct$re' tech#olo"& a#d !i#a#ce to de%elop #$clear weapo#sK' the stateme#t co#ti#$ed. The North 6orea#s iss$ed a similar de#ial' blami#" the 9#ited *tates !or the report. Te# da&s a!ter the 4&a#mar de#ial' the o!!icial 6orea# ,e#tral News A"e#c& reported: KThe 9#ited *tates is #ow maki#" m$ch !$ss' !loati#" the sheer !ictio# that the /emocratic .eopleJs Rep$blic o! 6orea INorth 6oreaM is helpi#" 4&a#mar i# its J#$clear de%elopme#tJ' #ot co#te#t with labeli#" the /.R6 Jpro%ocati%eJ a#d JbellicoseJ.K -# its #e t se#te#ce' the report de#o$#ced 9* *tate /epartme#t spokesma# .hilip ( ,rowle& !or what .&o#"&a#" seemed to co#sider a# eC$all& serio$s crime. ,rowle&' the 6,NA stated' had bee# Kmaki#" !alse reports that the /.R6 co#d$cted $#lice#sed T3 rela& broadcasts abo$t the Eorld ,$p matchesK. Ehile the North 6orea# stateme#t co$ld be dismissed as comical' the 4&a#mar 0orei"# 4i#istr&Js de#ial is more re%eali#". -t did #ot me#tio# 4&a#marJs pro"ram to de%elop ballistic missiles or the e te#si%e #etwork o! b$#kers' c$l%erts a#d $#der"ro$#d stora"e !acilities !or the militar& that has bee# co#str$cted #ear the #ew capital Na&p&idaw a#d elsewhere where the North 6orea#s ha%e reportedl& bee# acti%e. 4ore i#tri"$i#"l&' the 0orei"# 4i#istr& !o$#d it #ecessar& to de#& reports that a North 6orea# ship that docked i# 4&a#mar o# April 12 this &ear was carr&i#" militar&Arelated material. The ship' the mi#istr& said' Kwas o# a ro$ti#e trip to $#load ceme#t a#d to take o# 10'000 to#s o! 4&a#mar riceK. Fowe%er' i! carr&i#" o#l& i##oc$o$s ci%ilia# "oods' as the stateme#t mai#tai#s' there wo$ld seemi#"l& ha%e bee# #o reaso# !or a$thorities to c$t electricit& aro$#d the area whe# the ,ho#" Ge#' a North 6orea# ship !l&i#" the 4o#"olia# !la" o! co#%e#ie#ce' docked o# the o$tskirts o! Ga#"o#. Accordi#" to i#telli"e#ce so$rces' sec$rit& was ti"ht as militar& perso##el o!!loaded hea%& material' i#cl$di#" 6orea#Amade air de!e#se radars. The ship le!t the port with a ret$r# car"o o! rice a#d s$"ar' which co$ld mea# that it was' at least i# part' a barter deal. O# (a#$ar& :1 this &ear' a#other North 6orea# ship' the Ga#" 4 3 Fa# A' reportedl& deli%ered missile compo#e#ts also at Ga#"o#Js Thilawa port. 3ogue ties -# No%ember 2008' Ge#eral *hwe 4a##' the thirdAhi"hest ra#ki#" member o! the r$li#" D$#ta' the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil' paid a %isit to North 6orea. -t was s$pposed to be a secret trip' b$t the %isit was leaked to 4&a#mar e iles a#d reports o! his ro$#ds appeared o# se%eral -#ter#et #ews sites. /$ri#" the %isit' *hwe 4a## was take# to a missile !actor& a#d a# air de!e#se radar !acilit& a#d a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#" was si"#ed to o$tli#e the #at$re o! cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries' which o#l& rece#tl& reestablished diplomatic relatio#s.

Fowe%er' the !$ll e te#t o! the North 6orea# prese#ce i# 4&a#mar is still a matter o! co#Dect$re. The !irst report o! a dele"atio# !rom 4&a#mar maki#" a secret %isit to .&o#"&a#" dates to No%ember 2000' where the two sides held talks with hi"hAra#ki#" o!!icials o! North 6oreaJs 4i#istr& o! the .eopleJs Armed 0orces. -# ($#e 2001' a hi"hAle%el North 6orea# dele"atio# led b& 3ice 0orei"# 4i#ister .ark 6ilA&o# paid a ret$r# %isit to Ga#"o#' where it met 4&a#marJs /ep$t& /e!e#se 4i#ister 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# a#d reportedl& disc$ssed de!e#seAi#d$str& cooperatio#. -# 200:' the !irst "ro$p o! North 6orea# tech#icia#s were spotted at #a%al !acilities #ear the the#Acapital Ga#"o#. North 6orea# pla#es were also see# la#di#" at militar& air!ields i# ce#tral 4&a#mar. Three &ears later' North 6orea# t$##eli#" e perts arri%ed at Na&p&idaw' a#d 4&a#mar militar& so$rces be"a# to leak photo"raphs o! the North 6orea#s as well as the $#der"ro$#d i#stallatio#s the& were i#%ol%ed i# di""i#" $#der a#d #ear the #ew capital. O# ($#e 24' the /35 reported that a #ew radar a#d missile base had bee# completed #ear 4oh#&i# i# 4&a#marJs #orther# 6achi# *tate. -t is #ot clear i# which directio# the i#stallatio#s are poi#ted' as 4oh#&i# is located o# the railwa& li#e that c$ts thro$"h 6achi# *tate a#d is appro imatel& eC$idista#t betwee# the -#dia# a#d ,hi#ese borders. Eork o# similar radar a#d missile bases has bee# reported !rom 6e#"t$#" i# easter# *ha# *tate' 180 kilometers #orth o! the Thai border tow# o! 4ae *ai. *i#ce 4&a#mar is #ot k#ow# to ha%e imported radars a#d missile compo#e#ts !rom a#& co$#tr& other tha# North 6orea' the i#stallatio#s wo$ld appear to be o#e o! the !irst %isible o$tcomes o! a decade o! militar& cooperatio#. 9#til rece#tl& reports o! s$ch cooperatio# were met with skepticism amo#" a#al&sts beca$se 4&a#mar had se%ered diplomatic relatio#s with North 6orea i# 1)8: a!ter three secret a"e#ts pla#ted a bomb at Ga#"o#Js 4art&rsJ 4a$sole$m a#d killed 18 %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# o!!icials' i#cl$di#" the#Adep$t& prime mi#ister *o *$kA ch$# a#d three other "o%er#me#t mi#isters. 5$t the two pariah states seem to ha%e b$ilt a bo#d aro$#d their commo# a#ta"o#ism with the 9#ited *tates. 0Cpert confirmation The /35 i#%esti"ati%e report shed #ew li"ht o# the #at$re o! this secreti%e cooperatio# a#d o! 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s. .hoto"raphs a#d doc$me#ts sm$""led o$t o! the co$#tr& b& a de!ector !rom the 4&a#mar arm&' 4aDor *ai Thei# Ei#' were scr$ti#i;ed b& i#ter#atio#al arms e perts a#d !o$#d to be credible. Amo#" the e perts was Robert 6elle&' a !ormer 2os Alamos weapo#s scie#tist who was a director with the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= !rom 1))2 to 1)): a#d a"ai# !rom 2001 to 2001. Now based i# 3ie##a' he co#d$cted weapo#s i#spectio#s i# 2ib&a' -raC' a#d *o$th A!rica' as well as complia#ce i#spectio#s i# +"&pt' T$rke&' *o$th 6orea' Taiwa#' *&ria' Ta#;a#ia' .akista#' -#dia' a#d ,o#"o' amo#" others. 6elle& co#cl$ded a!ter a care!$l st$d& o! material prod$ced b& *ai Thei# Ei# a#d other 4&a#mar militar& de!ectors: KO$r assessme#t o! m$ltiple so$rces is that 5$rma I4&a#marM is reall& de%elopi#" #$clear tech#olo"&' that it has b$ilt speciali;ed eC$ipme#t a#d !acilities' a#d it has iss$ed orders to cadre to b$ild a pro"ram.K -t remai#s to be pro%e# that the North 6orea#s are i#%ol%ed i# 4&a#marJs !led"li#" #$clear pro"ram. +%e# i! the& are' it is #ot clear how ad%a#ced 4&a#marJs pro"ram ma& be. 4a#& skeptics ass$me the proDect is a# ill$sio# o! "ra#de$r borderi#" o# me"aloma#ia amo#" 4&a#marJs r$li#" "e#erals. North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t i# 4&a#marJs missile pro"ram is more certai#' b$t e%e# so it is $#clear that the co$#tr&Js lar"el& $#skilled tech#icia#s wo$ld be able to prod$ce a missile that works. O#e i#telli"e#ce so$rce described it as more o! a Kphallic !a#tas&K' a lar"e proDectile that 4&a#marJs "e#erals wo$ld like to show o!! at

the a##$al 4arch 27 Armed 0orces /a& parade. K($st ima"i#e how pro$d the& wo$ld be to see a tr$ck towi#" a bi" a#d impressi%e missile past the "ra#dsta#d'K the so$rce said. Eester# i#telli"e#ce so$rces are aware o! the c$rre#t prese#ce o! :0 to 40 North 6orea# missile tech#icia#s at a !acilit& #ear 4i#hla o# the -rrawadd& Ri%er i# 4a"we /i%isio#. At least some o! the tech#icia#s reportedl& arri%ed o%erla#d b& b$s !rom ,hi#a' to make it appear as i! the& were ,hi#ese to$rists. Accordi#" to a 4&a#mar so$rce with k#owled"e o! the area: KThere are se%eral de!e#se i#d$stries' /-' aro$#d 4i#hla. 4ore importa#tl&' these are #ot %er& !ar !rom the *idotara /am a#d s$spected /-A20' .wi#tb&$ a#d 4&ai#". -# other words' there are ma#& militar& acti%ities i# that area.K -# powerAstar%ed 4&a#mar' it is lo"ical that de!e#se prod$ctio# !acilities ha%e bee# sit$ated #ear a powerA "e#erati#" dam. 4&ai#" is where *ai Thei# Ei# worked as dep$t& comma#der o! a topAsecret militar& !actor& be!ore he de!ected earlier this &ear. Ehile 4&a#mar a$thorities ha%e de#ied his testimo#ies p$blicl&' i#telli"e#ce a"e#ts swooped o# his home tow# o! 6&a$kme i# *ha# *tate soo# a!ter the /35 report was aired i#ter#atio#all&. Fis !amil& has bee# i#terro"ated' b$t so !ar #o o#e has bee# arrested. O# the co#trar&' the *ha# Ferald A"e#c& !or News' a# e ileAr$# #ews "ro$p i# ,hia#" 4ai i# #orther# Thaila#d' reports that *ai Thei# Ei# has become somewhat o! a local hero si#ce he we#t p$blic with his re%elatio#s. KAmo#" the sec$rit& o!!icials who %isited 6&a$kme' o#e was also reported to ha%e said that he admired *aiJs co$ra"e a#d his Jwell do#e e poseJ'K the #ews "ro$p reported. -! acc$ratel& reported' that se#time#t wo$ld re!lect o#e reaso# wh& *ai Thei# Ei# decided to de!ect: 4&a#marJs e perime#ts with #$clear tech#olo"& a#d missiles amo$#t to little more tha# a waste o! mo#e& i# a co$#tr& that desperatel& #eeds more !$#ds dedicated to p$blic health a#d ed$catio#. 4ea#while' the re"imeJs b$ddi#" cooperatio# with North 6orea threate#s to cost the co$#tr& more i#ter#atio#all&. 9* *e#ator (im Eebb' a sta$#ch ad%ocate o! e#"a"eme#t with 4&a#marJs r$li#" "e#erals' was !orced to ca#cel his sched$led %isit to the co$#tr& whe# he lear#ed alA(a;eera wo$ld air the /35 report while he was there. As it becomes i#creasi#"l& appare#t that both co$#tries ha%e %iolated 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which ba#s North 6orea !rom e porti#" all t&pes o! weapo#s' 4&a#mar co$ld soo# be pe#ali;ed with more i#ter#atio#al sa#ctio#s. The prospect o! that happe#i#" A a#d alread& deep dissatis!actio# o%er the close relatio#ship with a pariah re"ime like .&o#"&a#"' which is e%e# more isolated tha# the o#e i# Na&p&idaw A is reportedl& stoki#" rese#tme#t amo#" the 4&a#mar o!!icer corps. Other o!!icers like *ai Thei# Ei# ma& there!ore be waiti#" i# the wi#"s !or a# opport$#it& to de!ect a#d shed more li"ht o# 4&a#marJs deep a#d dark #$clear secrets. 5ertil 2i#t#er is a !ormer correspo#de#t with the 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew a#d the a$thor o! Great 2eader' /ear 2eader: /em&sti!&i#" North 6orea 9#der the 6im ,la#. Fe is c$rre#tl& a writer with Asia .aci!ic 4edia *er%ices.$clearAambitio#Aappare#tl&ArealAa#dAalarmi#".html

Myanmar9s nuclear ambition is apparently real and alarming

Robert 6elle&' (akarta 0ri' 08/21/2010 11::8 A4 2ess tha# two mo#ths a!ter the co#cl$sio# o! .reside#t ObamaJs N$clear *ec$rit& *$mmit i# Eashi#"to#' /,' a rece#tl&Areleased doc$me#tar& e posed the #$clear ambitio#s o! 4&a#mar' a deepl& tro$bled a#d hi"hl& repressi%e state i# *o$theast Asia. The e%ide#ce prese#ted i# the /emocratic 3oice o! 4&a#marJs doc$me#tar&' K4&a#marJs N$clear Ambitio#sK' is thoro$"h' compelli#"' a#d alarmi#". Altho$"h 4&a#marJs p$rs$it o! #$clear weapo#s has lo#" bee# r$mored' the /35Js doc$me#tar& co#tai#s #ew i#!ormatio# !rom a rece#t de!ector who pro%ided the /35 with h$#dreds o! photo"raphs' doc$me#ts' a#d a %iew !rom i#side the hi"hl& secreti%e militar& that sho$ld !i#all& p$t to rest a#& do$bt abo$t 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#. The e%ide#ce i#cl$des chemical processi#" eC$ipme#t !or co#%erti#" $ra#i$m compo$#ds i#to !orms !or e#richme#t' reactors a#d bombs. Take# alto"ether i# 4&a#marJs co%ert pro"ram' the& ha%e b$t o#e $se A #$clear weapo#s. .rior to the airi#" o! the doc$me#tar&' the /35' a 5$rmeseAla#"$a"e shortwa%e radio a#d satellite T3 #ews or"a#i;atio#' i#%ited a team o! leadi#" i#ter#atio#al e perts' i#cl$di#" i#di%id$als with e perie#ce i# militar& t$##eli#"' missiles' #$clear proli!eratio#' a#d weapo#s i#spectio#s protocol to re%iew its i#!ormatio# a#d assess its co#cl$sio#s. The e%ide#ce was so co#siste#t A !rom satellite ima"es to bl$e pri#ts to color photo"raphic e%ide#ce to i#sider acco$#ts to detailed b$d"ets A a#d so copio$s that - a"reed to appear i# the doc$me#tar& to o!!er m& e pert ad%ice co#cer#i#" 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s. As a !ormer 2os Alamos a#al&st a#d a director o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=' - ha%e spe#t the better part o! :0 &ears i#%esti"ati#" alle"atio#s o! this #at$re. A!ter a care!$l re%iew o! the i#!ormatio#' became co#%i#ced that 4&a#marJs p$rs$it o! #$clear tech#olo"& %iolates the limits imposed o# it b& its a"reeme#ts with the -A+A. - a$thored a report o# the !i#di#"s' KN$clear Acti%ities i# 4&a#mar'K which e plai#s the e%ide#ce a#d co#cl$des that 4&a#mar is probabl& i# %iolatio# o! se%eral i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts co#cer#i#" #$clear proli!eratio#. Fowe%er' the -A+A is limited i# its le%era"e o%er 4&a#mar. 4&a#mar has !ailed to $p"rade its two obsolete -A+A a"reeme#ts a#d has !ailed to e ec$te a #ew a"reeme#t with the -A+A called the KAdditio#al .rotocolK' which wo$ld "i%e the -A+A "reater powers to C$estio# 4&a#marJs leaders a#d to dema#d i#spectio#s i# the co$#tr&. The Additio#al .rotocol was a priorit& o! !ormer -A+A director "e#eral a#d Nobel .eace .ri;e wi##er 4ohamed +l5aradei. -# 4a&' ,had became the 100th co$#tr& to ha%e si"#ed the Additio#al .rotocol' while o#l& a !ew remai# o$tside its reach' i#cl$di#" -ra# a#d *&ria. 4&a#mar also shields itsel! !rom C$estio#s a#d i#spectio#s $si#" a#other o$tAo!Adate a"reeme#t called a K*mall N$a#tities .rotocolK. This protocol e empts states that o#l& ha%e small amo$#ts o! #$clear materials a#d #o #$clear !acilities !rom -A+A i#spectio#s a#d close o%ersi"ht.

The #ew e%ide#ce prese#ted i# the /35 doc$me#tar& makes a compelli#" case that 4&a#marJs p$rs$it o! #$clear weapo#s #ow places it i# the cate"or& o! co$#tries where the K*mall N$a#tities .rotocolK wo$ld #o lo#"er appl&. Eith o$tAdated protocols "o%er#i#" its participatio# with the -A+A' 4&a#mar ma& belie%e that it ca# resist -A+A dema#ds. Fowe%er' "i%e# the serio$s a#d tro$bli#" #at$re o! the alle"atio#s o! 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s' the -A+A a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& m$st %i"oro$sl& p$rs$e all o! the tools at their disposal to compel the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cilJs cooperatio#. 0or starters' the -A+A ca# $#ilaterall& c$t o!! all aid to 4&a#mar i# impro%i#" its #$clear i#!rastr$ct$re thro$"h e pert %isits' "ra#ts a#d eC$ipme#t p$rchases' a#d to a#& other state that has #ot si"#ed the No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& or a"reed to the Additio#al .rotocol. Ehile these #ew a"reeme#ts are %ol$#tar&' the pro%isio# o! soAcalled tech#ical cooperatio# !$#ds is a %ol$#tar& act o# the part o! the -A+A as well. -t wo$ld se#d a clear messa"e to 4&a#mar that the -A+A a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& takes this iss$e serio$sl& a#d that it will #o lo#"er tolerate a#&thi#" less tha# 4&a#marJs !$ll cooperatio# with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& o# the mo#itori#" o! 4&a#marJs #asce#t #$clear pro"ram. Altho$"h some o! the aid <9*b1.: millio# i# 2008A200)= "oes !or medical a#d h$ma#itaria# assista#ce' other pro"rams s$pport trai#i#" #$clear e perts a#d pro!essio#als i# 4&a#mar' which is clearl& i#co#siste#t with the -A+AJs i#terest i# tr&i#" to #ip a co%ert #$clear pro"ram i# the b$d. The #ew i#!ormatio# o# 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s is #ow a%ailable to e perts a#d "o%er#me#ts aro$#d the world. Get' e%e# be!ore the -A+A has e%e# o!!iciall& e#C$ired abo$t it' the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t has de#ied it. Gi%e# 4&a#marJs track record i# worki#" with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& o# iss$es m$ch less threate#i#" tha# proli!eratio#' there is little do$bt what 4&a#marJs a#swer will be whe# the& are !ormall& asked. /35Js reporta"e bro$"ht to li"ht 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#H it is also a call to a#&o#e i# 4&a#mar who k#ows more abo$t co%ert pro"rams i# #$clear' missile tech#olo"&' a#d other weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# to come !orward. Other de!ectors' s$ch as 4aDor *ai Thei# Ei#' are likel& to come !orward. 4a#& people k#ow the tr$th a#d it will take o#l& a !ew more bra%e so$ls to e pose the pro"ram !or the world to see. Too ma#& states ha%e proli!erated while the world stood back a#d watched &ear a!ter &ear. The A. N. 6ha# #etwork sold #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"& !rom .akista# a#d operated obser%ed b$t $#to$ched !or possibl& twe#t& &ears. The possibilit& that 4&a#mar is tr&i#" to b$ild #$clear weapo#s has bee# a s$spicio# !or the last decade b$t #ow the e%ide#ce is m$ch clearer. The world #eeds to "et serio$s abo$t choki#" o!! 4&a#marJs co%ert pro"ram thro$"h e port co#trols %ia the N$clear *$ppliers Gro$p a#d stre#"the#i#" the ha#d o! the -A+A. 4&a#mar is o#e o! the worldJs most repressi%e a#d secreti%e re"imes. -ts ample #at$ral wealth' i#cl$di#" "as a#d oil reser%es that will bri#" i# billio#s o! dollars a##$all& i# hard c$rre#c&' make it a #at$ral b$&er !or North 6orea a#d other co$#tries with #$clear k#owAhow to sell. 2ast mo#th the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil recei%ed a 47Apa"e report iss$ed b& a se%e#Amember pa#el o! e perts o# North 6oreaJs e porti#" #$clear tech#olo"&. The 9N e perts #oted Ks$spicio$s acti%it& i# 4&a#marK. 4&a#marJs p$rs$it o! #$clear weapo#s reC$ires immediate i#ter#atio#al atte#tio#. Allowi#" &et a#other dictatorship to acC$ire the worldJs most power!$l weapo#s is #ot a# optio#. The writer is a !ormer director o! the -A+A.

http://www.#&$#".html -.F.T. OpA+d ,o#trib$tor

1he Burma'North Korea ACis

5& A9NG 2GNN FT9T .$blished: ($#e 18' 2010 EA*F-NGTON V This is a se#siti%e mome#t i# relatio#s betwee# the 9#ited *tates a#d the worldBs most corr$pt re"ime: the militar& D$#ta that has pl$#dered 5$rma !or decades as i! it were a pri%ate !ie!dom. The Obama admi#istratio# has attempted to appl& a strate"& d$bbed ?pra"matic e#"a"eme#t.@ As it works to rethi#k its positio# amid the prese#t cacopho#& o! !orei"# a#d domestic crises' there is a da#"er that Eashi#"to# mi"ht "i%e 5$rma short shri!t a#d $#witti#"l& so!te# its sta#ce toward the co$#tr&Bs militar& leaders. -t sho$ld be care!$l #ot do so. A#d it sho$ld take the D$#taBs #$clearAweapo#s ambitio#s serio$sl&. The re"ime i# 5$rma has a histor& o! decei%i#" America# o!!icials. - k#owH be!ore de!ecti#" to the 9#ited *tates i# 2001' - was a se#ior i#telli"e#ce o!!icer !or the war o!!ice i# 5$rma. - was also the dep$t& chie! o! missio# at 5$rmaBs embass& i# Eashi#"to#. -# the a$t$m# o! 200:' a se#ior sta!! member !or a 9.*. se#ator came twice to o$r embass& i# Eashi#"to# to call o# Ambassador 9 2i# 4&ai#" a#d me. At abo$t the same time' o!!icials !rom the 9.*. *tate /epartme#t a#d the Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil also met i# New Gork with 9 Ti# Ei#' !rom the o!!ice o! 5$rmaBs prime mi#ister' a#d ,olo#el Fla 4i#' the "o%er#me#tBs spokesma#. The America# o!!icials were checki#" reports that 5$rma had secretl& re#ewed ties with North 6orea V o#e o! the three pillars o! Geor"e E. 5$shBs ?a is o! e%il.@ 5$rma had se%ered ties with North 6orea i# 1)8:' a!ter North 6orea# operati%es attempted to assassi#ate *o$th 6oreaBs preside#t' ,h$# /oo Fwa#' d$ri#" a state %isit to Ra#"oo#. ,h$# was $#h$rt' b$t 17 se#ior *o$th 6orea# o!!icials V i#cl$di#" the dep$t& prime mi#ister a#d the !orei"# a#d commerce mi#isters V were killed. The head o! 5$rmaBs D$#ta' *e#ior Ge#eral Tha# *hwe' i#str$cted $s to lie to the America#s. Ee did. Ee blamed 5$rmaBs political oppositio# !or the ?r$mors@ that Ra#"oo# had re#ewed ties with .&o#"&a#". The America#s wa#ted proo!. Tha# *hwe the# ordered 0orei"# 4i#ister 9 Ei# A$#" to se#d a letter de#&i#" the reports to *ecretar& o! *tate ,oli# .owell. The 5ritish "o%er#me#t k#ew the tr$th. 2o#do#Bs ambassador to Ra#"oo# ri"ht!$ll& called 9 Ei# A$#" a liar. Eh& did 5$rma re#ew ties with North 6oreaO Re"ime preser%atio#. -# the a!termath o! the 1)88 #atio#wide $prisi#" i# 5$rma' ma#& !orei"# Doi#t %e#t$res !or the prod$ctio# o! co#%e#tio#al weapo#s were ca#celled. Tha# *hwe be"a# the secret reAe#"a"eme#t with North 6orea i# 1))2' soo# a!ter he took co#trol o! 5$rmaBs r$li#" cliC$e. Fe ar"$ed that 5$rma !aced pote#tial attack !rom the 9#ited *tates a#d -#dia' which at the time was a champio# o! 5$rmaBs democrac& mo%eme#t. Fe wa#ted a bi""er arm&. Fe wa#ted more moder# weapo#s. Fe e%e# wa#ted #$clear arms. Fe cared #ot at all !or the po%ert& o! 5$rmaBs people. Tha# *hwe secretl& made co#tact with .&o#"&a#". .osi#" as *o$th 6orea# b$si#essme#' North 6orea# weapo#s e perts be"a# arri%i#" i# 5$rma. - remember these %isitors. The& were "i%e# special treatme#t at the

Ra#"oo# airport. Eith a h$"e re%e#$e bo#a#;a !rom sales o! #at$ral "as to Thaila#d' 5$rma was soo# able to pa& the North 6orea#s cash !or missile tech#olo"&. The "e#erals tho$"ht that the& co$ld also obtai# #$clear warheads a#d that' o#ce these warheads were mo$#ted o# the missiles' the 9#ited *tates a#d other power!$l co$#tries wo$ld #ot dare to attack 5$rma a#d ha%e m$ch less le%era"e o# the D$#ta. Tha# *hwe hid these li#ks with North 6orea as lo#" as he co$ld !rom (apa# a#d *o$th 6orea' beca$se he was worki#" to l$re (apa#ese a#d *o$th 6orea# compa#ies to i#%est more i# e!!orts to pl$#der 5$rmaBs #at$ral reso$rces. 5& 2008' the D$#taBs "e#erals !elt either desperate or co#!ide#t e#o$"h to p$blicl& res$me diplomatic relatio#s with North 6orea. 5$rma has worked !or almost a decade to e pa#d its prod$ctio# o! missiles a#d chemical warheads. Ge#eral Ti# A&e V chairma# o! the 9#io# o! 4&a#mar +co#omic Foldi#"s' the militar&Bs b$si#ess arm V is the top ma#a"er o! ordi#a#ce prod$ctio# a#d mai# liaiso# with North 6orea. Accordi#" to a secret report leaked last &ear' the re"imeBs No. : ma#' Ge#eral *hwe 4a##' also made a secret %isit to .&o#"&a#" i# No%ember 2008. Fe si"#ed a# a"reeme#t !or militar& cooperatio# that wo$ld bri#" help !rom North 6orea !or co#str$cti#" t$##els a#d ca%es !or hidi#" missiles' aircra!t' e%e# ships. That this i#!ormatio# was leaked b& 5$rmese militar& o!!icials worki#" o# s$ch se#siti%e acti%ities shows both the de"ree o! Tha# *hweBs militar& me"aloma#ia a#d the e iste#ce o! oppositio# withi# the re"ime itsel!. The words ?pra"matic e#"a"eme#t@ sho$ld #ot become s&#o#&mo$s with a#& weake#i#" o! Eashi#"to#Bs !irm oppositio# to 5$rmaBs r$lers. The 9#ited *tates a#d other #atio#s m$st co#ti#$e to C$estio# the le"itimac& o! Tha# *hwe a#d the re"ime. The& sho$ld #ot belie%e his promises to hold !ree a#d !air electio#s this &ear. O#l& coordi#ated press$re !rom aro$#d the "lobe will be e!!ecti%e i# deali#" with this master o! deceit. A$#" 2&## Ft$t is a !ormer se#ior i#telli"e#ce o!!icer i# 5$rmaBs 4i#istr& o! /e!e#se. Fe is worki#" o# his memoirs.


;apless @oesn9t Mean ;armless

5$rma has a #$clear pro"ram. -tJs a mess' b$t itJs still a #$clear pro"ram. 5G ,FR-*T-AN ,ARG2 (9N+ 14' 2010 -! &o$Jre i#terested i# i#ter#atio#al sec$rit&' - stro#"l& recomme#d that &o$ check o$t a #ew doc$me#tar& titled 5$rmaJs N$clear Ambitio#s. The !ilm comes !rom the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma </35=' a# OsloAbased #o#"o%er#me#tal or"a#i;atio# that has made a #ame !or itsel! as a so$rce o! "ood i#depe#de#t reporti#" o# e%e#ts i#side that be#i"hted co$#tr&. The reporters at /35 spe#t the past !i%e &ears collecti#" the material !or this proDect' which makes a pers$asi%e case that the "e#erals who r$# 5$rma <aka 4&a#mar= ha%e spe#t %ast s$ms o# a pro"ram to de%elop weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#. Robert 6elle&' a# e A9.*. #$clear scie#tist a#d !ormer 9.N. #$clear i#spector who collaborated with the !ilmmakers' told me that their e!!ort o!!ers a $#iC$e opport$#it& to blow the whistle o# a ro"$e stateJs #$clear pla#s earlier rather tha# later. KThis is a small pro"ram at earl& sta"es'K he sa&s. K- hope that b& releasi#" this i#!ormatio# weJre letti#" the cat o! the ba"' a#d that #o o#e ca# p$t it back #ow. There sho$ld be a p$blic debate.K There will be AA tho$"h so !ar a lot o! maDor media o$tlets <i#cl$di#" the New Gork Times a#d ,NN= ha%e #otabl& !ailed to pick $p o# the stor&. A#d thatJs a pit& AA #ot o#l& beca$se this scoop has broad rami!icatio#s !or *o$theast Asia a#d the !$t$re o! the lo#"As$!!eri#" 5$rmese people i# partic$lar' b$t also beca$se it will almost certai#l& raise #ew co#cer#s abo$t the sca#dalo$s i#e!!ecti%e#ess o! the e isti#" i#ter#atio#al s&stem to pre%e#t the proli!eratio# o! #$clear weapo#s. <Gep' looks like the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= has bee# ca$"ht asleep at the wheel o#ce a"ai#.= The doc$me#tar& AA which aired earlier this mo#th o# the +#"lishAla#"$a"e %ersio# o! Al (a;eera AA shows how 5$rmaJs rei"#i#" "e#erals ha%e $sed their pro!its !rom the sale o! #at$ral reso$rces to !$#d the p$rchase o! sophisticated eC$ipme#t a#d the trai#i#" o! tho$sa#ds o! 5$rmese e#"i#eers abroad <mostl& i# R$ssia=. The /35 reporters had bee# pl$""i#" awa& at the stor& !or &ears witho$t "etti#" be&o#d the le%el o! ta#tali;i#" hearsa&. The&Jd heard that the "o%er#me#t was spe#di#" billio#s o# %ast $#der"ro$#d comma#d ce#ters a#d a# $#der"ro$#d !iberAoptic comm$#icatio#s s&stem to "o with them. The&Jd lear#ed abo$t the attempts to trai# 5$rmese e#"i#eers i# %ario$s militar&Arelated discipli#es o$tside the co$#tr&' a#d the& k#ew AA like the 9.*. "o%er#me#t AA that the "e#erals i# the testAt$be capital o! Na&p&idaw were e#"a"i#" i# %ario$s ki#ds o! s$spicio$s cooperatio# with North 6orea. 5$t the& still did#Jt ha%e hard e%ide#ce. *o the& decided to beam a messa"e back i#to 5$rma b& satellite' aski#" !or so$rces to come !orward. -# 0ebr$ar& o! this &ear someo#e !i#all& respo#ded. A# arm& maDor b& the #ame o! *ai Thei# Ei# de!ected to Thaila#d' bri#"i#" with him a tro%e o! photos a#d detailed k#owled"e o! a militar&A r$# de!e#se pla#t where he had worked as a ma#a"er. *ai' who had spe#t !i%e &ears i# R$ssia st$d&i#" e#"i#eeri#"' re%ealed how he a#d his collea"$es at the !actor& had $sed Germa#Amade precisio# machi#e tools to ma#$!act$re rocket parts. At a#other i#stallatio# he saw AA a#d photo"raphed AA eC$ipme#t that was alle"edl& i#te#ded !or $ra#i$m e#richme#t. <6elle&' who ser%ed as a co#s$lta#t to the /35 prod$ctio#' co#!irmed that it was hi"hl& likel& that the eC$ipme#t show# i# the photos was bei#" $sed !or #$clear p$rposes.= A#d o! co$rse there is the hi"hl& i#crimi#ati#" back stor& o! North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t i# 5$rma. -t sho$ld be said that' tho$"h the /35 doc$me#tar& i#cl$des photos showi#" p$rported North 6orea# ad%isors "i%i#" the 5$rmese help with lar"eAscale t$##eli#" <o#e o! the !ew areas i# which the North 6orea#s ha%e worldAclass e pertise=' it does#Jt pro%ide a#& solid e%ide#ce that 6im (o#" -l has shared his #$clear tech#olo"& with the "e#erals. That is#Jt to sa& there is#Jt "ood reaso# to harbor s$spicio#s' tho$"h. The !ilm does i#cl$de photos o! the 5$rmese re"imeJs No. : "e#eral %isiti#" his Do%ial co$#terparts i# .&o#"&a#" i# No%ember 2008. <The

perso# who passed the photos o# has appare#tl& si#ce bee# shot.= 5ertil 2i#t#er' a# e pert o# 5$rmese politics who also collaborated with the !ilmmakers' sa&s that Eester# diplomats ha%e %eri!ied the prese#ce o! North 6orea# tech#icia#s at a 5$rmese missile prod$ctio# !acilit&. A#d what' !or e ample' was o# board the 6a#" Nam 1' the North 6orea# ship !rei"hter that was saili#" !or a 5$rmese port last &ear $#til the 9.*. Na%& pers$aded it to t$r# aro$#dO 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# e pressed co#cer# abo$t deepe#i#" ties betwee# the two pariah states at a meeti#" o! re"io#al leaders last &ear. -# 4a&' 9.*. Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell iss$ed a stateme#t calli#" o# the 5$rmese leaders to compl& with the 9.N. sa#ctio#s imposed o# North 6orea a!ter .&o#"&a#"Js #$clear test a !ew &ears back. The C$estio# that arises !rom all this' o! co$rse' is wh& 5$rma wo$ld wa#t to "et i#to the E4/ b$si#ess i# the !irst place. The co$#tr& has #o threate#i#" #ei"hbors' #o re"io#al ri%als that wa#t to take it o%er. 5$t that' sa& the e perts' wo$ld be to $#derestimate the re"imeJs e#ophobia a#d patholo"ical s$spicio#s o! the o$tside world. The !ilm o!!ers cl$es. O#e 5$rmese e Adiplomat de!ector i#ter%iewed o# camera p$ts it like this: K-# 1))2' whe# Ge#eral Tha# *hwe came to power' he tho$"ht that i! we !ollowed the North 6orea# e ample' we wo$ld #ot #eed to take acco$#t o! America or e%e# #eed to care abo$t ,hi#a. -# other words' whe# the& ha%e #$clear e#er"& a#d weapo#s' others will respect $s.K 5$rma a#al&st 2i#t#er poi#ts to the domestic co#te t as well. KAccordi#" to the people - ha%e talked to' the 5$rmese "e#erals belie%e the& #eed a stro#" deterre#t to remai# i# power' a"ai#st the o$tside world as well as their ow# pop$latio#.K -# 2007' it sho$ld be recalled' h$#dreds o! tho$sa#ds o! demo#strators took to the streets to protest a"ai#st the co$#tr&Js leadership. -! ha%i#" #$kes wo$ld make it that m$ch harder !or o$tsiders to press$re them' that wo$ld' co#cei%abl&' make li!e harder !or i#ter#al oppo#e#ts as well. Ee co$ld' perhaps' take some co#solatio# !rom the !act that the 5$rmese E4/ pro"ram does#Jt seem to be terribl& sophisticated. Geo!!re& 0orde#' a 4assach$setts -#stit$te o! Tech#olo"& e pert who e ami#ed the e%ide#ce o# the 5$rmese missile pro"ram' "i%es them !i%e to 10 &ears to "et a rocket la$#ched a#d b$ilt AA a#d m$ch lo#"er to come $p with o#e that wo$ld ha%e serio$s ra#"e. 6elle& sa&s that' based o# the e%ide#ce' the #$clear pro"ram looks e%e# less serio$s. The "e#erals do#Jt appear to ha%e a#& cohere#t strate"& !or act$all& maki#" a !$#ctio#i#" #$clear weapo#. The o#l& e#richme#t tech#iC$e the& seem to be $si#" so !ar is the laser isotope method' which se%eral de%eloped co$#tries ha%e tried a#d dropped as $#d$l& complicated. 6elle& spec$lates that b$rea$cratAscie#tists mi"ht be leadi#" the "e#erals o# a bit <somethi#"' he sa&s' thatJs bee# k#ow# to happe# i# other co$#tries where political leaders are ea"er to "et their ha#ds o# power!$l weapo#s=. O#e o! the de!ectors tells a stor& abo$t the scie#tists demo#strati#" a laser to %isiti#" hi"herA$ps b& b$r#i#" a hole i# a piece o! wood. O#e o! the atte#di#" "e#erals was so discom!ited b& this m&sterio$s de%ice that he immediatel& asked them to stop. Get there is still ple#t& o! ca$se to worr&. 0or o#e thi#"' the "e#erals ha%e ple#t& o! cash. O%er the #e t !ew &ears the&Jll be ear#i#" te#s o! billio#s o! dollars !rom #at$ral "as sales to the ,hi#ese AA a#d m$ch o! that mo#e& is appare#tl& slated !or the #asce#t E4/ pro"ram. A#d e%e# tho$"h the R$ssia#s halted work o# a promised reactor proDect whe# the& started to harbor do$bt abo$t 5$rmese i#te#tio#s' itJs clear that thereJs little the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& ca# do to pre%e#t the D$#ta !rom doi#" what it wa#ts i#side the co$#tr&. <-t t$r#s o$t that the -A+A basicall& "a%e 5$rma a pass a !ew &ears a"o whe# the co$#tr& esse#tiall& declared itsel! a #o##$clear power' a#d has little le%era"e to e ert as a res$lt.= O$r best bet' it wo$ld seem' is that the br$tal' para#oid' a#d astrolo"&Adri%e# "e#erals who r$# 5$rma reall& are D$st as waste!$l a#d i#compete#t as the& appear to be !rom the o$tside. *o wh& does#Jt that seem especiall& com!orti#"O


Asean9s New @ilemma2 Burma9s Nuclear Ambition

5& 6A3- ,FONG6-TTA3ORN *$#da&' 4a& :0' 2010 The 9* actio# was swi!t !ollowi#" co#!irmatio# o! a North 6orea# ship with s$spicio$s arms car"oes docki#" i# 5$rma last mo#th i# %iolatio# o! the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874. A !ew da&s later' i# the third week o! April' the 9* *tate /epartme#t dispatched a# $r"e#t messa"e to the Asea# capitals recomme#di#" the sched$led Asea#A9* +co#omic 4i#istersJ roadshow i# *eattle a#d Eashi#"to# /,' !rom 4a& :A1' proceed witho$t the 5$rmese represe#tatio# at Kall le%els.K The drastic mo%e s$rprised Asea# leaders. The America# $ltimat$m was #ot a bl$!! b$t a "e#$i#e show o! !r$stratio#. This time Eashi#"to# wa#ted to se#d a stro#" si"#al to 5$rma a#d the rest o! Asea# that $#less somethi#" was do#e abo$t 5$rmaJs complia#ce with the rele%a#t 9N resol$tio#s o# North 6orea# sa#ctio#s' there wo$ld be dire co#seC$e#ces. .olitical iss$es aside' 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio# ca# !$rther dampe# Asea#A9* relatio#s i# the !$t$re. Alread&' there was the !irst cas$alt& whe# the 9* dow#"raded the hi"hApowered eco#omic roadshow which was metic$lo$sl& pla##ed mo#ths ahead betwee# the O!!ice o! 9* Trade Represe#tati%es a#d Asea# eco#omic mi#isters thro$"h the 9*A Asea# 5$si#ess ,o$#cil. *i#ce #earl& all Asea# co$#tries' e cept *i#"apore' decided to dispatch their trade or i#d$str& mi#isters to Doi# the campai"#' the& a"reed the roadshow sho$ld co#ti#$e witho$t the 5$rmese dele"atio# as reC$ested b& the 9*. A!ter some bar"ai#i#"' the 9* so!te#ed its positio# a"reei#" to accept a represe#tatio# at the char"e dJa!!aires le%el !rom the 5$rmese +mbass& i# Eashi#"to# /,. 5$t Ra#"oo# chose to opt o$t as it wa#ted diplomats directl& dispatched !rom Ra#"oo#. Eitho$t a co#se#s$s i# Asea#' a #ew #ameVabs$rd as it seemed Vwas i# place' as the *o$theast Asia +co#omic ,omm$#it& Road *how. -t wo$ld be a o#eAtime o#l& desi"#atio#. Ehe# 6$rt ,ampbell' assista#t state secretar& !or +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs ret$r#ed to 5$rma !or the seco#d time rece#tl&' he was bl$#t i# telli#" the D$#ta leaders to abide a#d !$ll& compl& with the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874. That has bee# Eashi#"to#Js serio$s co#cer# d$e to the "rowi#" li#k betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma a#d their e isti#" tra#s!er o! #$clearArelated tech#olo"&. 2ast ($#e' a North 6orea# ship' the 6a#" Nam' was di%erted !rom "oi#" to 5$rma a!ter bei#" trailed b& the 9* #a%&. *i#ce 2000' Eester# i#telli"e#ce so$rces ha%e bee# "atheri#" e%ide#ce o! North 6orea pro%idi#" assista#ce to 5$rma to b$ild a #$clear reactor that ca# prod$ce "raded pl$to#i$m that co$ld be $sed i# assembli#" !$t$re weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#. 2ast &ear' reports were released $si#" data collected !rom two de!ecti#" 5$rmese militar& o!!icers' i#tercepted calls a#d messa"es as well as h$ma# i#telli"e#ce alo#" ThaiA5$rmese border' all !i#"erApoi#ti#" to 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s. Ehe# the& came o$t last !all' skepticism was hi"h amo#" militar& e perts a#d strate"ists o# the D$#taJs #$clear i#te#tio#s. 4ost said there was i#s$!!icie#t e%ide#ce. *ome %iewed them as attempts to !$rther discredit the re"imeJs i#ter#atio#al sta#di#". As additio#al i#ter%iews were co#d$cted' especiall& with a !ormer maDor i# the 5$rmese Arm&' *ai Thei# Ei#' who was directl& i#%ol%ed with the rece#t secret #$clear pro"ram it has become clearer that 5$rma is i#%esti"ati#" #$clear tech#olo"&. This week' a special report o# a h$"e #ew bod& o! i#!ormatio#' with e pert comme#t !rom a !ormer o!!icial worki#" !or the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' will be released. As s$ch' it will ha%e !arAreachi#" implicatio#s o# Asea# a#d its members' who si"#ed the 1))1 *o$theast Asia# N$clear Eeapo#s 0ree Lo#e <*+ANE0L= a#d No#Aproli!eratio# Treat&. Asea# is c$rre#tl& worki#" hard to pers$ade all maDor #$clear powers to si"# the protocol to the *+ANE0L. The "ro$pi#" has e%e# dela&ed ,hi#aJs ea"er#ess to accede to the protocol.

0$rther complicati#" the iss$e' Asea# has #ot reached a co#se#s$s o# how its members wo$ld mo%e !orward with a commo# approach o# #$clear e#er"& a#d sec$rit&. -# "e#eral' Asea# backs #$clear disarmame#t' which the .hilippi#es has pla&ed a leadi#" role as chair o! the D$st co#cl$ded Re%iew ,o#!ere#ce o! *tate .arties to the Treat& o# the No#A.roli!eratio# o# N$clear Eeapo#s. Asea# also backs the o#"oi#" e!!orts o! 9* a#d R$ssia o%er #o#Aproli!eratio#. O#e stick& problem is that Thaila#d' 5r$#ei /ar$ssalam' 5$rma' a#d -#do#esia ha%e &et to rati!& the ,omprehe#si%e Test 5a# Treat&. -# the case o! -#do#esia' it is o# the A##e 2 list o! the treat& which' to e#ter i#to !orce' m$st be rati!ied b& all 44 states o# this list. At the $pcomi#" Asea# s$mmit i# Fa#oi <October=' Asea# leaders will st$d& a matri o! commo# positio#s that ha%e bee# or co$ld be take# $p b& Asea#. -t remai#s to be see# how Asea# wo$ld approach some o! the se#siti%e iss$es s$ch as the *o$th ,hi#a *ea' climate cha#"e a#d iss$es related to #$clear tech#olo"&. At the rece#t N$clear *$mmit i# Eashi#"to# /,' leaders !rom 3iet#am' -#do#esia' 4ala&sia a#d Thaila#d were i#%ited b& 9* .reside#t 5arack Obama to share their %iews o# #o#Aproli!eratio# a#d peace!$l $se o! #$clear e#er"&. The& s$pported the s$mmitJs pla# o! actio# to pre%e#t #$clear terrorism. All these Asea# members ha%e lo#"Aterm pla#s to b$ild #$clear power pla#ts !or peace!$l $se as e#er"& so$rces. 3iet#am has lo#" decided o# b$ildi#" two' while Thaila#d is pla##i#" o#e i# the #e t te# &ears. -#do#esia has serio$s parliame#tar& s$pport to e plore a #$clear optio#. +%e# the *i#"apore +co#omic *trate"ies ,ommittee has recomme#ded #$clear e#er"& sho$ld be co#sidered as a possible lo#"Aterm sol$tio# to the isla#dJs e#er"& sec$rit&. Obama will certai#l& raise the iss$e a"ai# whe# he %isits -#do#esia i# the seco#d week o! this mo#th. Ehat is most i#tri"$i#" has bee# the lack o! serio$s atte#tio# !rom the Thai sec$rit& apparat$s re"ardi#" the #$cleari;atio# o! 5$rma. Apart !rom the two i#!ormal meeti#"s co#%e#ed b& the /e!e#ce ,o$#cil at the e#d o! last &ear' the topic has bee# disc$ssed o#l& amo#" a ha#d!$l o! militar& i#telli"e#ce o!!icials who ha%e worked closel& with their A$stralia# co$#terparts. The Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil still does #ot belie%e 5$rma has that ki#d o! ambitio#' #ot to me#tio# the o%erall #$clear capacit& to embark o# the co#tro%ersial pro"ram. ,o#cer#ed o!!icials ar"$ed that domestic problems still ha%e precede#ce. 6a%i ,ho#"kitta%or# is se#ior editor a#d a col$m#ist at the 5a#"kokAbased +#"lishAla#"$a"e dail& #ewspaper' The Natio#. This article appeared i# The Natio# o# 4o#da&.


Burma'North Korea 1ies =orry the =orld

A#drew *elth 4a& 18' 2010 0or the past 10 &ears' 5$rma has bee# acc$sed o! tr&i#" to acC$ire a #$clear weapo#. A #$mber o! de%elopme#ts d$ri#" this period V #otabl& 5$rmaBs "rowi#" relatio#ship with North 6orea V ha%e raised i#ter#atio#al co#cer#s. Get' to date' #o hard e%ide#ce o! s$ch a pla# has bee# prod$ced. ,laims o! a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram date back to 2000' whe# 5$rmaBs militar& "o%er#me#t a##o$#ced that it was "oi#" to p$rchase a small research reactor !rom R$ssia. These acc$satio#s were repeated i# 200:' whe# it was s$""ested b& a respected #ews ma"a;i#e that North 6orea had take# o%er !rom R$ssia as the so$rce o! 5$rmaBs #$clear tech#olo"&. -# the &ears that !ollowed' the iss$e res$r!aced periodicall& o# acti%ist Eeb sites' b$t i# A$"$st 200) it attracted "lobal atte#tio# whe# a stor& appeared i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald citi#" A$stralia Natio#al 9#i%ersit& pro!essor /es 5all a#d the ThaiAbased Do$r#alist .hil Thor#to#. The *4F claimed that there were i# !act two #$clear proDects r$##i#" i# 5$rma. The !irst was the R$ssia# research ce#ter' which was to be operated $#der i#ter#atio#al sa!e"$ards. <,o#trar& to the *4F stor&' co#str$ctio# o! this reactor has #ot &et be"$#=. The seco#d was said to be a secret proDect to b$ild a reactor a#d associated #$clear !$el processi#" pla#ts with North 6orea# help. Accordi#" to the *4F' i! all we#t accordi#" to pla# 5$rma wo$ld ha%e a #$clear weapo# b& 2014 a#d ?a ha#d!$l@ o! s$ch de%ices b& 2020. The mai# so$rces !or these claims were two 5$rmese ?de!ectors@ a#d commercial satellite ima"er& o! s$spect !acilities i# 5$rma. Needless to sa&' s$ch claims ha%e bee# the s$bDect o! close scr$ti#& b& the 9#ited *tates a#d other "o%er#me#ts. There ha%e also bee# comprehe#si%e st$dies o! the iss$e b& thi#k ta#ks like the -#ter#atio#al -#stit$te !or *trate"ic *t$dies i# 2o#do# a#d the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& i# Eashi#"to#. The 9* "o%er#me#t has e pressed its co#cer# abo$t the de!e#se ties that appear to ha%e de%eloped betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea o%er the past decade. These li#ks reportedl& i#cl$de the sale o! co#%e#tio#al arms to 5$rma' North 6orea# help with the de%elopme#t o! 5$rmaBs de!e#se i#!rastr$ct$re <i#cl$di#" the co#str$ctio# o! %ario$s $#der"ro$#d !acilities=' assista#ce to 5$rmaBs arms i#d$stries a#d trai#i#" i# !ields like air de!e#se. -# 2004' the 9* blocked the sale o! North 6orea# shortAra#"e ballistic missiles to 5$rma. The Obama admi#istratio# has also stated its wish to disc$ss a #$mber o! proli!eratio# iss$es with 5$rma' i#cl$di#" the possible tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea. *i"#i!ica#tl&' howe%er' at #o time has the 9* "o%er#me#t stated that 5$rma is attempti#" to de%elop a #$clear weapo#' with or witho$t North 6orea# help. -#deed' despite co#siderable press$re !rom members o! ,o#"ress' acti%ists a#d Do$r#alists' Eashi#"to# has re!$sed to be draw# o# the s$bDect. -ts positio# seems to re!lect either a belie! that 5$rma does #ot ha%e a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' or a lack o! hard e%ide#ce to s$pport s$ch a claim. This approach has bee# shared b& other co$#tries' i#cl$di#" 5ritai# a#d A$stralia' both o! which ha%e re!erred o#l& to ?$#co#!irmed@ reports o! a secret #$clear pro"ram. 0or their part' the --** a#d -*-* ha%e both stated that there is i#s$!!icie#t e%ide#ce to s$pport the claims. The --**' !or e ample' said i# late 200) that 5$rma ?has #o k#ow# capabilities that wo$ld le#d themsel%es to a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.@ +%e# so' both "o%er#me#ts a#d thi#k ta#ks remai# s$spicio$s o! 5$rmaBs i#te#tio#s' a#d poi#t to a #$mber o! !actors which the& belie%e warra#t co#ti#$i#" close atte#tio#.

O! all *o$theast Asia# co$#tries' 5$rma has the stro#"est strate"ic ratio#ale !or a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. *i#ce the aborti%e proAdemocrac& $prisi#" i# 1)88' the militar& "o%er#me#t has !eared armed i#ter%e#tio# b& the 9#ited *tates a#d its allies. The re"ime has also s$!!ered !rom eco#omic sa#ctio#s a#d other p$#iti%e meas$res. 5$rmaBs "e#erals e#%& North 6oreaBs abilit& to resist s$ch press$res a#d still wi# co#cessio#s !rom the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. The& reportedl& belie%e that this i#!l$e#ce deri%es !rom .&o#"&a#"Bs possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s. -# additio#' 5$rma has !or some &ears bee# worki#" closel& with two North 6orea# tradi#" e#tities that ha%e a record o! proli!erati#" se#siti%e #$clear a#d missile tech#olo"ies. Also' 5$rma has imported a #$mber o! sophisticated machi#es a#d items o! d$alA$se eC$ipme#t !rom +$rope a#d (apa# that co$ld co#cei%abl& be $sed i# a #$clear pro"ram. The #$mber o! 5$rmese se#t to R$ssia !or #$clearArelated trai#i#" seems to be more tha# that reC$ired !or a peace!$l research pro"ram. 0$rthermore' some o! the claims made b& the ?de!ectors@ are pla$sible. No#e o! these !actors i# themsel%es pro%e that 5$rma has embarked o# a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. A!ter the mistakes o! the -raC war' #o "o%er#me#t wa#ts to r$sh to D$d"me#t based o# i#complete or $#%eri!ied i#telli"e#ce. Fa%i#" bee# ca$"ht #appi#" a !ew &ears a"o' howe%er' whe# it was disco%ered that *&ria was b$ildi#" a reactor with North 6orea# help' the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& is #ow looki#" care!$ll& !or hard e%ide#ce o! a secret 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram.

+ast Asia 0or$m A#drew *elth is a research !ellow at the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te i# N$ee#sla#d.

http://www.#atio#ali#terest.or"/Article.asp Oid`2:114

Nuclear 3angoon
b& /o$" 5a#dow 0:.:0.2010 0or &ears the Eest has treated 5$rma as primaril& a h$ma#itaria# crisis. Now the iss$e is complicated b& e%ide#ce that the r$li#" D$#ta is i#terested i# #$clear e#er"&' a#d perhaps e%e# i# #$clear weapo#s. *till' the idea o! a# atomic arse#al i# Ra#"oo# is both dista#t a#d !arA!etched. The more immediate challe#"e !or Eashi#"to# is deali#" with o#e o! the most repressi%e re"imes r$li#" o%er o#e o! the poorest peoples. The 9#ited *tates sho$ld promote more democratic "o%er#a#ce a#d i#creased i#ter#atio#al e#"a"eme#t' which $ltimatel& wo$ld red$ce a#& i#ce#ti%e !or 5$rma' also k#ow# as 4&a#mar' to co#sider atomic optio#s. 5$rma has s$!!ered $#der militar& r$le !or !i%e decades. The D$#ta !oolishl& held a# electio# i# 1))0' which was wo# o%erwhelmi#"l& b& A$#" *a# *$$ 6&iBs Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac&. The re"ime %oided the poll a#d arrested #$mero$s democrac& acti%ists. The soAcalled *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil <*./,= has br$tall& s$ppressed h$ma# ri"hts e%er si#ce. *$$ 6&i' a Nobel .ri;e 2a$reate' has spe#t decades $#der ho$se arrest. The *./, #ow is prepari#" to hold electio#s or"a#i;ed to e#s$re perma#e#t militar& co#trol. .romised a$to#om& b& the 5ritish' eth#ic "ro$ps like the 6are#' 6are##i' ,hi#' *ha#' 6achi#' a#d Ea lo#" ha%e battled the ce#tral "o%er#me#t. 0i"hti#" i# the #atio#Bs east has killed a#d i#D$red te#s o! tho$sa#ds' !orced h$#dreds o! tho$sa#d to !lee o%er the border i#to Thaila#d' a#d displaced millio#s more withi# 5$rma. -# rece#t &ears the re"ime has reached ceaseA!ire a"reeme#ts with se%eral "ro$ps' b$t basic political iss$es remai# $#resol%ed a#d te#sio#s ha%e bee# risi#". The "o%er#me#t is pressi#" "ro$ps to disarm a#d disba#d' witho$t o!!eri#" a#& political protectio#s. 6are# Natio#al 9#io# Ge#eral *ecretar& Lipporah *ei# war#s that there is the ?"reatest possibilit& o! re#ewed co#!lict.@ The 5$rmese arm& a#d eth#ic !orces are prepari#" !or re#ewed hostilities. -# 2008 ,&clo#e Nar"is ra%a"ed 5$rma' killi#" a# estimated 140'000 people a#d lea%i#" more tha# three millio# homeless. The co$#tr& remai#s desperatel& poor' with a per capita G/. estimated to r$# #o more tha# b1'200. Get this tra"icall& mis"o%er#ed a#d impo%erished #atio# has bee# acc$sed o! de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s. 2ast &ear the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald reported: ?R$mors ha%e swirled aro$#d re!$"ee circles o$tside 5$rma abo$t secret militar& i#stallatio#s' t$##els d$" i#to the mo$#tai#s to hide #$clear !acilities' the establishme#t o! a Q#$clear battalio#B i# the arm& a#d work do#e b& !orei"# scie#tists.@ /e!ectors cite pla#s to co#str$ct #$clear bombs. 2ast &ear *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# %oiced co#cer# o%er possible #$clear cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. /iscer#i#" the *./,Bs capabilities a#d i#te#tio#s is #ot eas&. A!ter all' the !a#ci!$l claims o! Ahmed ,halabiBs !amed de!ector' ?,$r%eball'@ helped D$sti!& the 9.*. i#%asio# o! -raC. A$thor ,atheri#e ,olli#s ack#owled"es that ?the e%ide#ce o! mal!easa#ce so !ar is sli"ht@ b$t worries that similar whispers o! -sraeli #$clear acti%it& i# the 1)10s t$r#ed o$t to be acc$rate. -# !act' 5$rmese i#terest i# #$clear power r$#s back decades. That does #ot' howe%er' mea# the re"ime has a# i#terest i# de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s. 5$rma is a most $#likel& #$clear weapo#s state. -t has o#l& abo$t hal! o! North 6oreaBs per capita G/.. 2ack o! !$#ds is tho$"ht to ha%e held $p pla##ed R$ssia# co#str$ctio# o! a #$clear research reactorVwhich wo$ld operate $#der i#ter#atio#al sa!e"$ards.

The re"ime m$st spe#d hea%il& o# the arm& to s$ppress domestic protest a#d eth#ic resista#ce' p$rposes !or which atomic weapo#s wo$ld be $seless. A#d the re"ime !aces #o serio$s o$tside threats. Ehat o! para#oia a#d presti"eO A$thor 5ertil 2i#t#er co#te#ds: ?There is #o do$bt that the 5$rmese "e#erals wo$ld like to ha%e a bomb so that the& co$ld challe#"e the America#s a#d the rest o! the world.@ .erhaps' tho$"h D$st bei#" tho$"ht to ha%e the possibilit& o! maki#" o#e mi"ht ha%e some deterre#t %al$e. A#d A#drew *elth o! the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te poi#ts to ?a sie"e me#talit& amo#" 5$rmaBs leaders. +%e# #ow' the& !ear i#ter%e#tio# b& the 9#ited *tates a#d its alliesVpossibl& e%e# a# i#%asio#Vto restore democrac& to 5$rma.@ Fowe%er' he belie%es that at most ?a !ew 5$rmese "e#erals e#%& North 6oreaBs appare#t abilit& to $se its #$clear weapo#s capabilities to !e#d o!! its e#emies a#d wi# co#cessio#s !orm the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&.@ -# !act' the best e%ide#ce is a"ai#st a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. The -rrawadd& News 4a"a;i#e cites $#dersta#dable s$spicio#s' b$t opi#es: ?-t is admittedl& premat$re to co#cl$de that 5$rma i#te#ds to $#dertake the complicated a#d perilo$s process o! reprocessi#" $ra#i$m to "et weapo#sA"rade pl$to#i$m.@ A rece#t report !rom the 2o#do#Abased -#ter#atio#al -#stit$te !or *trate"ic *t$dies <--**= co#cl$ded that 5$rma: has no known capabilities that would lend themsel7es to a nuclear weapons program* apart from limited uranium deposits and some personnel who ha7e recei7ed nuclear training o7erseas8 -f it is built* a %$ M=t research reactor and associated training from 3ussia could pro7ide the basis for an e7entual ci7ilian nuclear power program* but few of the skills reBuired for such a program are readily transferable to nuclear weapons de7elopment8 SpecialiLed reprocessing or enrichment facilities would be necessary to produce weapons'usable fissile material* and any attempt to di7ert plutonium from the reactor is likely to be detected by -A0A inspectors8 Are there secret !acilitiesO Noted a (a#$ar& st$d& !rom the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit& <-*-*= i# Eashi#"to#' /.,.: the ?sheer #$mber o! alle"ed secret sites posited b& these de!ectors b& itsel! raises do$bts abo$t their claims.@ North 6orea has assisted the *./, i# b$ildi#" t$##els #ear its #ew capital o! Na&p&idaw' b$t the little a%ailable i#telli"e#ce s$""ests that the& ha%e #o#A#$clear p$rposes. ,o#cl$ded the -*-*: ?/espite the p$blic reports to the co#trar&' the militar& D$#ta does #ot appear to be close to establishi#" a si"#i!ica#t #$clear capabilit&. -#!ormatio# s$""esti#" the co#str$ctio# o! maDor #$clear !acilities appears $#reliable or i#co#cl$si%e.@ -# past &ears the *i#"apore "o%er#me#t said the possibilit& was ?$#likel&@ a#d the 5ritish "o%er#me#t !o$#d #o e%ide#ce o! $ra#i$m reprocessi#" or e#richme#t. Eashi#"to# co#siste#tl& has e cl$ded 5$rma whe# disc$ssi#" #o#proli!eratio# iss$es. America a#d other states still ha%e reaso#s to be watch!$l a#d war&. There is #o crisis' howe%er. Noted the -*-*: ?5eca$se 5$rmaBs k#ow# pro"ram is so small' the 9#ited *tates a#d its allies ha%e a# opport$#it& to both e#"a"e a#d press$re the militar& re"ime i# a ma##er that wo$ld make it e tremel& di!!ic$lt !or 5$rma to acC$ire a #$clear weapo#s capabilit&' let alo#e #$clear weapo#s.@ 9#!ort$#atel&' the EestBs abilit& to i#!l$e#ce the *./, i# a#& re"ard is C$ite limited. The re"ime places its s$r%i%al abo%e all other obDecti%es' while the 9.*. a#d +9 alread& appl& eco#omic sa#ctio#s a"ai#st 5$rma. 4ost o! 5$rmaBs #ei"hbors i#%est i# a#d trade with the re"ime. R$ssia a#d ,hi#a ha%e blocked 9N sa#ctio#sH the latter also has helped arm the D$#ta. Re"ime cha#"e ob%io$sl& is desirable !or the people o! 5$rma as well as Eester# "o%er#me#ts' b$t i! the D$#ta belie%es that it !aces a militar& threatVo#e reaso# it appare#tl& reDected America# c&clo#e aid se#t %ia 9.*. warshipsVit is likel& to be less willi#" to co#sider political re!orm a#d more willi#" to p$rs$e a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. Th$s' Eashi#"to# sho$ld seek to red$ce the D$#taBs !ears.

A#drew *elth makes a reaso#able ar"$me#t that the ?a""ressi%e rhetoric' ope# s$pport !or oppositio# !i"$res' !$#di#" !or e patriate "ro$ps a#d militar& i#ter%e#tio#s i# other $#democratic co$#tries ha%e all e#co$ra"ed the belie! amo#" 5$rmaBs leaders that the America a#d its allies are be#t o# !orcible re"ime cha#"e.@ The 9#ited *tates sho$ld co#ti#$e to press !or impro%ed h$ma# ri"hts' b$t sho$ld demo#strate b& word a#d deed that there are #o pla#s to take militar& actio# a"ai#st 5$rma. -# !act' *elth belie%es that ?the *./,Bs !ears o! a# i#%asio# seem to ha%e dimi#ished i# rece#t &ears.@ At the same time' America' the +9' ,a#ada' a#d A$stralia sho$ld to"ether o!!er to rela trade a#d diplomatic sa#ctio#s i! the re"ime takes steps which "e#$i#el& ope# the political s&stem a#d red$ce eth#ic co#!lict. At the same time' the Eester# states sho$ld e#co$ra"e -#dia' (apa#' *o$th 6orea' a#d the A*+AN states to appl& coordi#ated diplomatic a#d eco#omic press$re o# the *./,' backed b& the threat o! imposi#" tar"eted sa#ctio#s a"ai#st D$#ta leaders a#d b$si#ess part#ers. The pai# sho$ld be perso#ali;ed a"ai#st decisio#Amakers rather tha# applied a"ai#st the e#tire pop$latio#. Eashi#"to# sho$ld $se the pote#tial' howe%er slim' o! a 5$rmese #$clear pro"ram to e#co$ra"e "reater -#dia# a#d R$ssia# i#%ol%eme#t' i# partic$lar. 5oth #atio#s ro$ti#el& resist i#ter%e#tio# to promote h$ma# ri"hts' b$t the& mi"ht be more willi#" to press !or political re!orm i! doi#" so wo$ld red$ce the likelihood o! #$clear complicatio#s. The 9#ited *tates sho$ld similarl& e#"a"e ,hi#a. America# o!!icials sho$ld make the ar"$me#t that 5eiDi#"' too' is harmed b& i#stabilit& i# 5$rma' especiall& i! the latter becomes a #$clear state. ,hi#a rece#tl& was a#"ered b& a 5$rmese militar& o!!e#si%e which p$shed re!$"ees across its border. *$rel& 5eiDi#" does #ot wa#t a#other isolated' $#predictable #$clear weapo#s state as a #ei"hbor. 4oreo%er' promoti#" political cha#"e i# 5$rma wo$ld e#ha#ce ,hi#aBs i#ter#atio#al rep$tatio#. Eashi#"to# also sho$ld pled"eVa promise worth repeati#" !or North 6oreaVthat that 9#ited *tates wo$ld #ot take militar& ad%a#ta"e o! a#& 5$rmese liberali;atio#. There wo$ld be #o America# bases' #a%al deplo&me#ts' or trai#i#" missio#s irrespecti%e o! the "o%er#me#t. 5$rma mi"ht #ot respo#d positi%el&. Get i# the mo#ths a!ter ,&clo#e Nar"is the -#ter#atio#al ,risis Gro$p reported that ?it is possible to work with the militar& re"ime o# h$ma#itaria# iss$es.@ 0ra#k *mith$is o! /octors Eitho$t 5orders similarl& said that ?the militar& at times has act$all& bee# C$ite help!$l to $s.@ 5$rma is o#e o! the worldBs "reatest i#ter#atio#al tra"edies. N$clear weapo#s wo$ld t$r# it i#to o#e o! the "reatest i#ter#atio#al challe#"es. 9#!ort$#atel&' c$rre#t 9.*. polic& is doi#" #othi#" to help the 5$rmese people. -t is time to tr& a di!!ere#t approach i# a# attempt to sim$lta#eo$sl& aid political liberali;atio# a#d e#d talk o! a 5$rmese 5omb. /o$" 5a#dow is a se#ior !ellow at the ,ato -#stit$te. A !ormer special assista#t to .reside#t Rea"a#' he also is the Robert A. Ta!t 0ellow at the America# ,o#ser%ati%e /e!e#se Allia#ce a#d the a$thor o! se%eral books' i#cl$di#" 0orei"# 0ollies: AmericaBs New Global +mpire <>$lo#=.*51000142401274870:)0)804171124414011718:08.htmlOmod`E*(Rlatestheadli#es

Burma9s North Korea Aambit

Eill the *tate /epartme#t "et hoodwi#ked a"ai# b& the "e#eralsO 5& 6+22+G ,9RR-+ 4AR,F 18' 2010' 4:1: ..4. +T 9#ited *tates Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell "a%e a# $#derstated assessme#t o! the Obama admi#istratio#Js 5$rma polic& last week' characteri;i#" the lack o! positi%e res$lts !rom e#"a"eme#t with the D$#ta as K#ot what we hoped !or.K Fis admissio# came as the D$#ta de#ied his rece#t reC$est to %isit the co$#tr& a#d a##o$#ced deepl& problematic #ew re"$latio#s !or $pcomi#" electio#s. K*mart power'K it seems' has r$# headlo#" i#to the streetAwise tactics o! the hard me# i# Na&p&idaw. The C$estio# #ow is' what #e tO There are worr&i#" si"#als that !r$strated 9.*. o!!icials ma& start to !oc$s more #arrowl& o# a# area where the& !eel the& ha%e a better cha#ce o! s$ccess: 5$rmaJs i#creasi#" co;i#ess with .&o#"&a#". A# a#o#&mo$s se#ior *tate /epartme#t o!!icial was rece#tl& C$oted i# the Eashi#"to# .ost as sa&i#"' KO$r most decisi%e i#teractio#s ha%e bee# aro$#d North 6orea. EeJ%e bee# %er& clear to 5$rma. EeJll see o%er time i! itJs bee# heard.K .ri%atel&' admi#istratio# o!!icials ha%e i#dicated that the D$#taJs b$r"eo#i#" relatio#ship with .&o#"&a#" was a dri%i#" !orce behi#d the shi!t toward e#"a"eme#t. Gi%e# the D$#taJs clear reDectio# o! Eashi#"to#Js o%ert$res re"ardi#" domestic political processes' North 6orea is C$ickl& becomi#" the primar& reaso# !or co#ti#$ed direct co#tacts. -t wo$ld be a strate"ic error !or the Obama admi#istratio# to make North 6orea the ce#terpiece o! e#"a"eme#t with 5$rma. ThatJs #ot to sa& that Na&p&idawJs e cha#"es with .&o#"&a#" are#Jt e tremel& worr&i#". The "rowi#" trade i# co#%e#tio#al weapo#sVi#cl$di#" reports o! 5$rmese p$rchases o! North 6orea#Amade shortA ra#"e ballistic missilesVa#d i#creasi#" e%ide#ce o! #$clear cooperatio# is deepl& tro$bli#". These are clear %iolatio#s o! 9#ited Natio#s sa#ctio#s o# North 6orea' a#d the 9.*. sho$ld be clear abo$t the costs o! co#ti#$i#" this cooperatio# with .&o#"&a#". 5$t the 9.*. also r$#s the risk o! pla&i#" to the "e#eralsJ diplomatic stre#"ths b& !oc$si#" too #arrowl& o# the 5$rmaANorth 6orea relatio#ship. The 5$rmese re"ime has a histor& o! adeptl& ma#ip$lati#" a#d methodicall& weari#" dow# its i#terloc$tors. The D$#ta is e pert at doi#" D$st e#o$"h to keep the press$re o!!' e#"a"i#" i# sporadic $#prod$cti%e talks with o!!icials !rom the 9.*. a#d the 9.N.' wellAtimed ma#ip$latio#s o! the co#!i#eme#t o! A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i a#d other political detai#ees' a#d e#dless machi#atio#s aro$#d the promised 2010 electio#s. *$ch mo%es ha%e ta#tali;ed the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& !or decades' b$t all ha%e $ltimatel& pro%e# !r$itless' as the& merel& obsc$red the re"imeJs determi#ed e!!orts to i#stit$tio#ali;e a#d le"itimi;e militar& r$le. +#"a"i#" the re"ime o# the basis o! its relatio#ship with North 6orea wo$ld be #o di!!ere#t. 5$rmaJs "e#erals wo$ld $se their co#tacts with .&o#"&a#" as le%era"e to wi# 9.*. compromises o# iss$es that are ar"$abl& o! "reater importa#ce to them: remo%al o! sa#ctio#s' a#d lesse#ed s$pport !or 5$rmaJs democrac& mo%eme#t. 0ar !rom !eari#" 9.*. opprobri$m' D$#ta leaders are thrilled to talk to the America#s abo$t North 6orea' beca$se s$ch a co#%ersatio# b& its #at$re e cl$des 4s. *$$ 6&i. .rioriti;i#" bilateral co#cer#s abo$t North 6orea wo$ld also e acerbate the 10Amember Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#sJ te#de#c& toward i#ertia' $#dermi#i#" &ears o! e!!ort to p$sh 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors toward a more !orwardAlea#i#" post$re o# political re!orm. The 9.*. sho$ld reco"#i;e the D$#taJs #$clear "ambit !or what it is: a s&mptom o! $#acco$#table a#d ille"itimate r$le. -! 5$rma had a# elected' acco$#table "o%er#me#t co#cer#ed with pro%idi#" !or the basic #eeds o! the 5$rmese citi;e#r&' it is hi"hl& $#likel& that #$clear cooperatio# with North 6orea wo$ld be o# its a"e#da. The

best' most s$stai#able mea#s o! elimi#ati#" the threat posed b& 5$rmeseANorth 6orea# cooperatio# is mo%eme#t toward a more represe#tati%e' respo#sible 5$rmese "o%er#me#t' di!!ic$lt tho$"h this ma& be. As 4r. ,ampbell has said' the path to impro%ed 9.*.A5$rma relatio#s a#d impro%eme#t i# the sit$atio# i# 5$rma lies thro$"h Kthe immediate a#d $#co#ditio#al release o! 4s. *$$ 6&i a#d all political priso#ers' a# e#d to co#!licts with eth#ic mi#orities a#d "ross h$ma#Ari"hts %iolatio#s' a#d i#itiatio# o! a credible i#ter#al political dialo"$e with the democratic oppositio# a#d eth#ic mi#orit& leaders o# eleme#ts o! reco#ciliatio# a#d re!orm.K -tJs time !or the Obama admi#istratio# to !ollow $p o# those words. The Ehite Fo$se #eeds to make clear that it is #ot i#terested i# c$tti#" a deal with the 5$rmese re"ime to e#d #$clear cooperatio# with .&o#"&a#" i# e cha#"e !or accepti#" the per%ersel& labeled Kroadmap to discipli#eA!lo$rishi#" democrac&.K The& ca# start b& stro#"l& e#dorsi#" 9.N. F$ma# Ri"hts Rapporte$r Tomas ODea N$i#ta#aJs proposal to co#%e#e a ,ommissio# o! -#C$ir& to i#%esti"ate war crimes a#d crimes a"ai#st h$ma#it& i# 5$rma' a#d b& p$tti#" mea#i#"!$l *ec$rit& ,o$#cil co#sideratio# o! 5$rma back o# the a"e#da. The Obama admi#istratio# m$st sta& !oc$sed o# worki#" with other democracies' partic$larl& Asea# members' to establish be#chmarks !or the s&stemic' irre%ersible domestic political cha#"es 5$rma #eeds. This m$st be backed $p b& sa#ctio#s that are broadl& s$pported a#d #arrowl& tar"eted. As decades o! Kco#str$cti%e e#"a"eme#tK ha%e pro%e#' aba#do#i#" pri#ciple a#d attempti#" to c$t o$t the democrac& mo%eme#t to #e"otiate directl& with the D$#ta has #e%er worked with 5$rmaJs "e#erals. -#stead' it D$st pla&s i#to their ha#ds. 4s. ,$rrie is a se#ior !ellow with the .roDect 204) -#stit$te' a Eashi#"to#' /,Abased thi#k ta#k.*o$theastRAsia/2,10Ae02.html

9Bless you Mr 4bama9 on Myanmar

5& *ta#le& A Eeiss 4ar 10' 2010 [-ccessed 89;9&9?&9:T;G5?9A] I+>,+R.TM ...i#creasi#"l& the !eeli#" here is that the da&s m$st e#d !or the 9#ited *tates treati#" 4&a#mar as a Kbo$tiC$eK iss$e <as o#e 5arack Obama s$rro"ate memorabl& said d$ri#" the 2008 9* preside#tial campai"#= !oc$sed solel& o# h$ma# ri"hts a#d the !ate o! Nobel la$reate A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. Three rece#t de%elopme#ts ha%e shi#ed a spotli"ht o# 9* sec$rit& i#terests i# 4&a#mar' which sits si"#i!ica#tl& at the crossroads betwee# ,hi#a a#d -#dia. *trate"ic co#cer#s 0irst' there is a pipeli#e. -# No%ember' ,hi#a a##o$#ced it was co#str$cti#" a 871Akilometer <480Amile= oil pipeli#e !rom ,hi#a thro$"h 4&a#mar to the -#dia# Ocea#. As the worldJs seco#dAlar"est oil $ser' ,hi#a has lo#" !aced the K4alacca *trait dilemmaK A that 80U o! its oil !lows thro$"h the #arrow strait betwee# 4ala&sia a#d -#do#esia which a hostile power co$ld choke o!! i# a co#!lict. The #ew pipeli#e will help ,hi#a a%oid the 4alacca *trait a#d "i%e it access to the -#dia# Ocea#. -ts a mo%e that 9* all& -#dia clearl& !ears. New /elhi a##o$#ced da&s a!ter ,hi#a re%ealed the pla# that it wo$ld add 40 warships a#d #ew !i"hter Dets to its -#dia# Ocea# arse#al. -t is a pote#tial !lashpoi#t the 9* does #ot #eed. *eco#d' there are 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s. -# 2002' the D$#ta co#!irmed pla#s to b$ild a #$clear research reactor with R$ssia# s$pport. Arm& o!!icers ha%e si#ce $#der"o#e trai#i#" i# 4oscow. Rece#t reports abo$t a stealth deal betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea to de%elop $#der"ro$#d #$clear !acilities ha%e led some to d$b 4&a#mar Kthe #e t North 6oreaK. KThe #$clear iss$e'K 4&a#mar scholar 4orte# .ederse# sa&s' Km$st be wei"hi#" hea%& o# mi#ds i# Eashi#"to# A a#d m$st be addressed.K Third' there is the spread o! radical -slam i# #ei"hbori#" 5a#"ladesh' where the Kastro#omical "rowth o! -slamists i# the militar&K' as scholar *aDeeb EaDed (o& has writte#' has leapt !rom 1U i# 2001 to :1U toda&. As crackdow#s a"ai#st Do$r#alists a#d political oppo#e#ts i# /haka i#crease' the last thi#" the world #eeds is !or 4&a#mar to become a .akista# o# the -rrawadd& that allows terrorist "ro$ps sa#ct$ar& i# its remote #orther# re"io#s. The Obama admi#istratio# has so$"ht to be"i# a #ew co#%ersatio# with 4&a#mar' co#d$cti#" the hi"hestAle%el talks with the "e#erals i# more tha# a decade. 5$t aside !rom *e#ator (ames Eebb A who %isited 4&a#mar i# 200) A the 9* ,o#"ress is #ot liste#i#". K-tJs the $s$al co#"ress !$ll o! i"#ora#ts' arro"a#ts a#d sel!Ari"hteo$s !ools'K sa&s 4a Tha#e"i' who spe#t three &ears i# priso# a!ter worki#" as *$$ 6&iJs assista#t. KTheir tactics are helpi#" to star%e o$r people. 5less &o$' 4r Obama.K 4&a#marJs parliame#tar& electio# sched$led !or this &ear A the !irst si#ce 1))0 A is a# opport$#it&' as .ederse# sa&s' Kto cha#"e the o%erall thr$st o! 9* polic&' to broade# its a"e#da i# I4&a#marM to i#cl$de peaceAb$ildi#" a#d eco#omic re!orm.K -t is' adds 4&a#mar e pert Robert Ta&lor' Ka cha#ce !or the 9* to co$#terAbala#ce the "rowi#" power o! ,hi#a i# Asia a#d the world.K *ta#le& A Eeiss is the !o$#di#" chairma# o! 5$si#ess + ec$ti%es !or Natio#al *ec$rit& <5+N*=' Eashi#"to#' /,.


1his =eek at =ar2 1he 6ong @eath of the owell @octrine

Ehat the !o$rAstars are readi#" AA a weekl& col$m# !rom *mall Ears (o$r#al. 5G RO5+RT FA//-,6 c 4AR,F 1' 2010 =hat is Burma learning from the nuclear OroguesO: -s North 6orea helpi#" 5$rma b$ild a pl$to#i$mAprod$ci#" reactorO O# 4arch 2' the Eashi#"to# .ost disc$ssed this possibilit&' alo#" with the broader militar& relatio#ship betwee# the two co$#tries. The article #oted that the b$ddi#" militar& part#ership betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea has the atte#tio# o! the Obama admi#istratio#. 5$t as is the patter# with all s$ch isolated a#d Kro"$eK re"imes' the 9.*. "o%er#me#t is str$""li#" to achie%e diplomatic le%era"e o%er the sit$atio#. ,o$ld 5$rma ha%e a cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ramO -# *eptember 2007' the -sraeli Air 0orce bombed a #earl& complete pl$to#i$m reactor it !o$#d i# the *&ria# desert. A s$bseC$e#t i#%esti"atio# re%ealed that the site was a #ear d$plicate o! North 6oreaJs Go#"b&o# reactor a#d b$ilt with North 6oreaJs assista#ce. Eith the disco%er& o! the Doi#t North 6orea#A*&ria# proDect' ma#& wo#dered where else i# the world North 6orea ma& ha%e secret #$clear part#erships. /a%id Albri"ht' a #$clear proli!eratio# e pert at the -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' has co#cl$ded that i#!ormatio# that 5$rma is co#str$cti#" maDor #$clear !acilities is i#co#cl$si%e a#d that the re"ime is #ot close to establishi#" a#& si"#i!ica#t #$clear capabilit&. Fe also #otes that trade i# #$clear materials with North 6orea is ba##ed b& the 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. Albri"ht is hope!$l that the earl& detectio# o! a possible 5$rmese #$clear e!!ort will e#able the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to stop s$ch a pro"ram' i# co#trast to its !ail$re to do so with the *&ria# reactor' with -ra#Js pro"ram' a#d with .akista# i# the 1)70s. 9.*. *e#. (ames EebbJs %isit to 5$rma i# 200) reope#ed direct talks betwee# the two "o%er#me#ts. *$ch co#tact is help!$l a#d co$ld be part o! a sol$tio#' b$t is #ot worth m$ch $#less the 9#ited *tates a#d its part#ers de%elop some si"#i!ica#t le%era"e to co$#ter the #$mero$s i#ce#ti%es i# !a%or o! #$clear proli!eratio#. KRo"$eK states co#templati#" whether to be"i# a cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ram !i#d #$mero$s cases o! positi%e rei#!orceme#t !or doi#" so' a#d !ew i! a#& cases o! e!!ecti%e p$#ishme#t. 0or e ample' ,hi#a is a stro#" de!e#der o! state so%erei"#t& a#d has stood $p !or this pri#ciple b& de!e#di#" #$clear ro"$es s$ch as North 6orea a#d -ra# that most i# the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& wo$ld like to rei# i#. *hari#" strate"ic i#terests i# the -#dia# Ocea#' 5$rma co$ld e pect similar protectio# !rom ,hi#a. 5$rma has #o do$bt obser%ed how North 6orea has co#%erted its #$clear a#d ballistic missile pro"rams i#to l$crati%e cash b$si#esses. -# additio#' North 6orea has repeatedl& e tracted !ood a#d e#er"& assista#ce i# e cha#"e !or promises o! "ood beha%ior. A#d .akista# has e empli!ied how rewardi#" a #$clear arse#al ca# be. ,o#cer# o%er the sec$rit& o! .akista#Js #$clear arse#al is a si"#i!ica#t !actor i# the 9.*. strate"ies !or A!"ha#ista# a#d *o$th Asia a#d is a reaso# wh& .akista# is o#e o! the lar"est recipie#ts o! 9.*. !orei"# aid. O# the other side o! the led"er' there are !ew e amples o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& e!!ecti%el& p$#ishi#" a #$clear proli!erator. -ra#Js case remai#s ope# a#d is a# opport$#it& !or the 9.N. *ec$rit& ,o$#cil to cha#"e that patter#. 9#til that happe#s' 5$rma a#d others co#sideri#" their optio#s will watch a#d lear#.


Burmese 4fficials Celebrate Kim /ong -l9s Birthday

5& 2AE- E+NG 4o#da&' 0ebr$ar& 11' 2010 Fi"hAra#ki#" 5$rmese militar& o!!icials Doi#ed a ceremo#& to mark the 88th birthda& o! North 6orea# leader 6im (o#" -l' accordi#" to 5$rmaJs stateAr$# media. 2tAGe# Ti# A&e' ra#ked No 1 i# the Tatmadaw <5$rmese armed !orces= hierarch&' atte#ded a ceremo#& at the ,hartri$m Fotel i# Ra#"oo# o# *$#da& to mark the birthda& o! the North 6orea# leader. The stateAr$# The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar o# 4o#da& ra# a !ro#tApa"e stor& with a photo"raph o! 2tAGe# Ti# A&e a#d North 6orea# Ambassador F.+. 6im *ok ,hol holdi#" ha#ds to"ether at a welcome receptio#. 6im (o#" -lJs birthda& will be o# T$esda&. *e#ior mi#isters i#cl$di#" N&a# Ei#' the mi#ister o! !orei"# a!!airsH 4aDAGe# Fta& Oo' the mi#ister o! a"ric$lt$re a#d irri"atio# a#d 4aD 5ri"AGe# A$#" Thei# 2i#' the chairma# o! the Ga#"o# ,it& /e%elopme#t ,ommittee also atte#ded the ceremo#&. A#al&sts said the prese#ce o! Ti# A&e si"#i!ied a warmer relatio#ship betwee# the two co$#tries. A "rad$ate o! /e!e#se *er%ices Academ&A)' 84A&earAold Ti# A&e has made o!!icial %isits to %ario$s co$#tries' i#cl$di#" ,hi#a' North 6orea' R$ssia a#d 9krai#e to proc$re arms a#d militar& eC$ipme#t. Fe chairs the 9#io# o! 4&a#mar +co#omic Foldi#"s 2td <94+F2=' o!te# re"arded as the armed !orcesJ b$si#ess arm i# ha#dli#" trade. A#al&sts sa& 5$rmaJs militar& leaders see a ki#dred spirit i# 6im (o#" -l as a politicia# who dares to co#!ro#t the 9#ited *tates a#d the Eest. A !$llApa"e birthda& trib$te to the North 6orea# leader was appro%ed b& 5$rmaJs ce#sorship board' a#d the 5$rmese la#"$a"e .op$lar (o$r#al p$blished a !$llApa"e stor& this week. The article is e pected to be carried b& other Do$r#als whe# the& appear o# Eed#esda&. -# the pri%atel& r$# Do$r#al' the a$thor' 4a$#" Ei#t Ft$#' described 6im as a ?wise@ a#d ?patriotic@ leader who has created #$clear a#d "$ided missile pro"rams' a#d other i#d$stries. The article praised 6im !or sacri!ici#" his li!e !or the !$t$re o! North 6orea. 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e de%eloped a militar& relatio#ship si#ce the two co$#tries restored diplomatic ties i# 2007. A#al&sts belie%e that cla#desti#e militar& ties betwee# the two co$#tries ma& ha%e bee# reestablished as earl& as 1)))' whe# D$#ta o!!icials paid a lowApro!ile %isit to North 6orea. Ge# *hwe 4a##' the re"imeJs No : ma#' made a secret %isit to .&o#"&a#" i# No%ember 2008' accordi#" to a secret report leaked b& 5$rmese o!!icials i# 200). /$ri#" the %isit' *hwe 4a## si"#ed a memora#d$m o! $#dersta#di#" <4O9= with North 6orea !or militar& cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries. -# the 4O9' North 6orea wo$ld b$ild or s$per%ise the co#str$ctio# o! special 5$rmese militar& !acilities' i#cl$di#" t$##els a#d ca%es i# which missiles' aircra!t a#d e%e# #a%al ships co$ld be hidde#. 5$rma wo$ld also

recei%e e pert trai#i#" !or its special !orces' air de!e#se trai#i#"' pl$s a la#"$a"e trai#i#" pro"ram betwee# perso##el i# the two armed !orces. -# ($l& 200)' 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# e pressed co#cer# o%er militar& li#ks betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' a!ter e%ide#ce emer"ed that the 5$rmese D$#ta ma& be tr&i#" to acC$ire #$clear tech#olo"& !rom .&o#"&a#". ?Ee k#ow that there are also "rowi#" co#cer#s abo$t militar& coAoperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' which we take %er& serio$sl&'@ ,li#to# told Do$r#alists i# 5a#"kok d$ri#" a %isit to *o$theast Asia. ?-t wo$ld be destabili;i#" !or the re"io#. -t wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors.@ 4ilitar& a#al&sts sa& the North 6orea# re"ime has pro%ided 5$rma with weapo#s' militar& tech#olo"& tra#s!ers a#d e pertise i# $#der"ro$#d t$##eli#" $sed !or co#ceali#" secret militar& i#stallatio#s a#d si#ce 2002' do;e#s o! North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e assisted the 5$rmese armed !orces.


3ally at KNuclear Security> seminar to protest Burma>s presence

Th$rsda&' 21 (a#$ar& 2010 22:04 New /elhi <4i;;ima= P Eith 5$rma #$rt$ri#" #$clear ambitio#s' the co$#tr&Bs proAdemocrac& acti%ists i# (apa# are "eari#" $p to hold a protest rall& o# 0rida&' as represe#tati%es !rom Asia# co$#tries i#cl$di#" 5$rma assemble i# Tok&o to atte#d a semi#ar o# QN$clear *ec$rit&B with o!!icials o! the -A+A. A 5$rmese woma# acti%ist i# Tok&o told 4i;;ima o# Th$rsda& that the protest is aimed at hi"hli"hti#" the 5$rmese peoplesB pli"ht $#der the militar& dispe#satio# a#d to draw atte#tio# to the D$#taBs pla##ed #$clear proDect. ?-t is o$r d$t& to protest a#d hi"hli"ht what is happe#i#" i# 5$rma to the world. 5esides' we wa#t the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& to pa& atte#tio# to the D$#taBs #$clear ambitio#s'@ she said. Accordi#" to a (apa#ese 0orei"# 4i#istr& release' the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= a#d the (apa#ese 0orei"# 4i#istr& are Doi#tl& holdi#" the semi#ar titled Q*emi#ar o# *tre#"the#i#" N$clear *ec$rit& i# AsiaB. Represe#tati%es o! 17 Asia# co$#tries P the 10 Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s members' pl$s ,hi#a' (apa#' the RO6' 6a;akhsta#' 6&r"&;sta#' TaDikista#' a#d 9;bekista# P will atte#d the semi#ar to be chaired b& 4r. 6aor$ Naito' .reside#t o! the N$clear 4aterial ,o#trol ,e#ter <N4,,=. The e%e#t is a !ollowA$p o! the pre%io$s semi#ar held i# 2008. /$ri#" the semi#ar participati#" co$#tries will co#d$ct a re%iew o! meas$res to stre#"the# #$clear sec$rit&' which were impleme#ted a!ter the 2008 semi#ar' the (apa#ese 0orei"# 4i#istr& said. 4ilitar&Ar$led 5$rma came $#der media spotli"ht' whe# a 9#ited *tates #a%al %essel i# ($#e 200) detected a North 6orea# %essel' s$spected o! carr&i#" ille"al weapo#s' belie%ed to be headi#" towards 5$rma. Ehile some spec$late that 5$rma mi"ht be #$rt$ri#" a #$clear weapo#s ambitio#' e%ide#ce till date has !ailed to re%eal a#& si"# o! the 5$rmese D$#ta "oi#" i# !or a #$clear pro"ramme. R$ssia' o#e o! the !ew co$#tries ha%i#" a "ood rapport with the 5$rmese re"ime' a##o$#ced i# 2007 that it is helpi#" 5$rma i# de%elopi#" a #$clear research reactor. The ce#tre will ha%e a 10 me"awatt li"ht water #$clear reactor with low e#riched $ra#i$m co#sisti#" o! less tha# 20 per ce#t $ra#i$mA2:1.


Burma2 -f not nukes* what about missiles:

b& A#drew *elth 11 (a#$ar& 2010 10:1:A4 A#drew *elth is a Research 0ellow at the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te a#d a$thor o! J5$rma a#d North 6orea: ,o#%e#tio#al Allies or N$clear .art#ersOJ 0ears that 5$rmaJs militar& "o%er#me#t is secretl& b$ildi#" a #$clear weapo#' with North 6orea# help' seem to ha%e s$bsided V at least !or the time bei#". There is wide a"reeme#t that the iss$e #eeds to be mo#itored closel&' b$t at this sta"e most i#!ormed obser%ers !eel that there is i#s$!!icie#t reliable i#!ormatio# o# which to base a#& !irm D$d"eme#ts. A!ter co#s$lti#" the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& V which appare#tl& said there was #othi#" #ew i# the 200) media stories V the A$stralia# Go%er#me#t has Doi#ed the 9* a#d 96 i# re!erri#" o#l& to J$#co#!irmedJ reports o! a 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. ,$rio$sl&' "i%e# all the p$blicit& s$rro$#di#" 5$rmaJs possible #$clear ambitio#s' m$ch less atte#tio# has bee# paid to the re"imeJs i#terest i# acC$iri#" some *c$dAt&pe short ra#"e ballistic missiles <*R54= !rom North 6orea. Get the e%ide#ce !or Na&p&idawJs i#terest i# *R54s is at least as stro#" as that !or #$clear weapo#s' i! #ot stro#"er. A#& *R54 sales to 5$rma wo$ld ha%e implicatio#s !or re"io#al sec$rit&. /espite a# operatio#al ra#"e o! o#l& abo$t 700 kilometres' s$ch missiles co$ld "i%e 5$rma a power proDectio# capabilit& !or the !irst time. 4ore to the poi#t' perhaps' the& wo$ld co#stit$te a pote#t ps&cholo"ical weapo# a#d ha%e a si"#i!ica#t political impact' #ot o#l& o# 5$rmaJs re"io#al #ei"hbo$rs b$t also i# the 9* a#d +$rope' where 5$rma remai#s a se#siti%e iss$e. Acti%ists ha%e lo#" claimed that 5$rmaJs "e#erals wa#t to "et their ha#ds o# some *R54s. 0ew reports o# this s$bDect ha%e bee# based o# hard e%ide#ce' howe%er' a#d #ews stories ha%e o!te# !ailed to disti#"$ish clearl& betwee# *R54s a#d other ki#ds o! missiles. 0or e ample' the re"imeJs reported e!!orts to b$& or ma#$!act$re a#tiAship' tactical s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace' s$r!aceAtoAair a#d airAtoAair missiles ha%e !reC$e#tl& bee# co#!$sed with its i#terest i# acC$iri#" ballistic weapo# s&stems. The pict$re has bee# !$rther clo$ded b& $#s$bsta#tiated claims that 5$rma alread& possesses *R54s' a#d possibl& e%e# medi$mAra#"e ballistic missiles. A# a#o#&mo$s Eikipedia e#tr& states that Na&p&idaw took deli%er& o! 11 North 6orea# Fwaso#"A8 <*c$d ,At&pe= *R54s i# 200). The re"ime has bee# acc$sed o! pa&i#" !or s$ch missiles with heroi#. O#e acti%ist website has re!erred to !o$r JbasesJ alo#" the 5$rmaAThai border where *R54s ha%e s$pposedl& bee# deplo&ed. *$ch reports ha%e bee# dismissed b& serio$s 5$rma watchers. *imilarl&' whe# the North 6orea# car"o ship 6a#" Nam - was headi#" to Ra#"oo# last ($#e' it was widel& spec$lated that the %essel was carr&i#" Jmissile partsJ' as well as #$clear compo#e#ts. -! this was so' it wo$ld probabl& ha%e bee# boarded $#der 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil Resol$tio# 1874' which prohibits North 6orea# arms e ports. A!ter the ship t$r#ed back' the ,omma#der o! 9* .aci!ic !orces admitted that #oAo#e k#ew what car"o it was carr&i#". There is #o e%ide#ce that 5$rma has acC$ired a#& ballistic missiles. Get the re"ime does seem i#terested i# doi#" so' a#d at o#e sta"e ma& ha%e e%e# be"$# #e"otiatio#s with the North 6orea#s. -# 2004' the 9* *tate /epartme#t re%ealed that it had made rob$st represe#tatio#s to the militar& "o%er#me#t to !orestall the possible p$rchase o! Js$r!aceAtoAs$r!aceJ missiles !rom .&o#"&a#". This was later ack#owled"ed to be a re!ere#ce to *R54s. The 9* $#dertook to respo#d J%i"oro$sl& a#d rapidl&J to a#& s$ch sales.

North 6orea militar& e pert (oseph 5erm$de; belie%es the iss$e o! ballistic missile sales has arise# i# all maDor meeti#"s betwee# the North 6orea#s a#d 5$rmese si#ce bilateral relatio#s warmed i# the earl& 2000s. Fowe%er' he thi#ks Na&p&idaw is #ot read& !or s$ch weapo#s &et. -t #eeds to trai# perso##el' !orm $#its a#d b$ild specialised s$pport !acilities <i#cl$di#" some $#der"ro$#d=. 5erm$de; has also s$""ested that premat$re acC$isitio# o! *R54s mi"ht complicate the p$rchase o! other !orei"# arms a#d eC$ipme#t so$"ht b& the re"ime. A#other possibilit& is that Na&p&idaw pla#s to b$ild its ow# *R54s' with .&o#"&a#"Js help. *e#ior 5$rmese o!!icials %isiti#" North 6orea ha%e i#spected ballistic missile prod$ctio# pla#ts. *ome o! the sophisticated machi#e tools a#d d$alA$se eC$ipme#t imported !rom +$rope a#d (apa# i# rece#t &ears ma& #ot be !or a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' as o!te# claimed' b$t !or a# i#di"e#o$s *R54 !actor&. Ehile #ot %er& eco#omical' s$ch a scheme wo$ld be i# keepi#" with the re"imeJs wish !or de!e#ce sel!As$!!icie#c&. -! this is the re"imeJs aim' s$ch a de%elopme#t is likel& to be some &ears awa&. *till' the C$estio# #eeds to be asked: what co$ld 5$rma do with s$ch weapo#sO Gi%e# their relati%el& short ra#"e' C$estio#able acc$rac& a#d small co#%e#tio#al warhead' *R54s are o! limited militar& $tilit&. -#e%itabl&' this has prompted spec$latio# that Na&p&idaw pla#s to arm them with chemical or #$clear warheads' either made i# 5$rma or acC$ired !rom North 6orea. +%e# so' *R54s wo$ld be i#e!!ecti%e a"ai#st a seaAbor#e threat a#d the& are $#likel& to be aimed at ,hi#a or -#dia' both o! which c$rre#tl& s$pport 5$rmaJs militar& re"ime. O#e theor& is that Na&p&idaw wa#ts a weapo# that ca# pose a threat to 5a#"kok' to help deter Thaila#d !rom allowi#" the 9* to la$#ch a# i#%asio# o! 5$rma !rom Thai territor&. The 9* has #e%er co#templated s$ch a# i#%asio# a#d is $#likel& e%er to do so' b$t the prospect o! militar& i#ter%e#tio# has worried 5$rmaJs "e#erals e%er si#ce the& cr$shed the 1)88 proAdemocrac& $prisi#". +%e# the Thai ki#" has e pressed his co#cer#s abo$t Thaila#d bei#" $sed b& the 9* i# this wa&. Other reaso#s !or Na&p&idawJs i#terest i# *R54s probabl& i#cl$de the re"imeJs desire !or stat$s a#d presti"e' its perceptio#s o! what Jmoder#J armed !orces sho$ld ha%e i# their weapo#s i#%e#tories' a#d its wish !or 5$rma to be take# serio$sl& as a# i#ter#atio#al actor. As with so ma#& aspects o! 5$rmaJs sec$rit&' there is %er& little hard e%ide#ce o# which to base assessme#ts. A#d a#al&sis o! this problem is complicated' as alwa&s' b& r$mo$rs' $#s$bsta#tiated claims' spec$lati%e #ews reports a#d propa"a#da. +%e# so' the cha#ces o! 5$rma o#e da& acC$iri#" or ma#$!act$ri#" *R54s seem to be "reater tha# those o! Na&p&idaw prod$ci#" a #$clear weapo#. That makes a#other reaso# to mo#itor sec$rit& de%elopme#ts i# 5$rma closel&.

-ndian Article2 China ;elping Burma 1o Become Nuclear ;ub of 9 ariah States9
Article b& R.*.N. *i#"h: K5$rma Goi#" N$clearKH !or assista#ce with m$ltimedia eleme#ts' co#tact O*, at <800= 201A8811 or O*,i#!oXrccb.osis."o%. -#dia# /e!e#ce Re%iew Eed#esda&' /ecember 18' 200) T1::48:10L (o$r#al ,ode: )4)4 2a#"$a"e: +NG2-*F Record T&pe: 0922T+>T /oc$me#t T&pe: O*, Tra#scribed Te t Eord ,o$#t: 2':28 <Te t dissemi#ated as recei%ed witho$t O*, editorial i#ter%e#tio#= There has bee# a# $#mistakable sp$rt i# the de%elopme#t a#d acC$isitio# o! #$clear weapo# capabilities b& the 4ilitar& ($#ta re"ime i# 5$rma. Gi%e# the le%el o! pro"ress i# this re"ard' it is recko#ed b& %ario$s a"e#cies that this wo$ld be reali;ed b& the &ear 2014. The media i# the *o$theast Asia# re"io# is ri!e with i#si#$atio#s that this proDect is i# pro"ress' i# acti%e collaboratio# with North 6orea $#der the ae"is o! ,hi#a. The Associatio# o! *o$th +ast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN= is sei;ed o! the matter. Rece#tl& at the A*+AN Re"io#al 0or$m 4eet at .h$ket i# Thaila#d i# ($l& 200)' the 9* *ecretar& o! *tate' 4s Fillar& ,li#to# %oiced her co#cer# o%er reports abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d #$clear armed North 6orea. This stateme#t sho$ld be %iewed i# the backdrop o! the i#cide#t wherei# a North 6orea# 2000Ato##e !rei"hter J6a#" NamA-'J alle"edl& carr&i#" ille"al car"o' a#d headed !or 5$rma' was tracked i# ($#e 200) b& a 9* Na%& destro&er 9** (oh# * 4c,ai# a#d was !orced to re%erse co$rse' reportedl& at the behest o! ,hi#a. 9N Resol$tio# 1874 permits North 6orea# ships s$spected o! carr&i#" ille"al car"o to be searched. North 6orea co#%e&ed that a#& s$ch mo%e wo$ld be co#sidered as a# Jact o! war.J *i#ce the &ear 2000' there ha%e bee# reports abo$t North 6orea# ships o!!loadi#" co#str$ctio# a#d other material at Thilawa port i# 5$rma. -t is i#tri"$i#" that these acti%ities were taki#" place d$ri#" the period whe# North 6orea a#d 5$rma did #ot ha%e diplomatic relatio#ship si#ce 1)8:' which was restored o#l& i# 2007. The relatio#s betwee# the two co$#tries were s#apped' !ollowi#" the bombi#" o! 4art&rJs ma$sole$m i# Ga#"o# b& North 6orea# a"e#ts i# a# attempt to assassi#ate the %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# preside#t' ,h$# /oohwa#. *i#ce the restoratio# o! diplomatic relatio#s i# 2007' there has bee# a !l$rr& o! secret %isits b& 5$rma o!!icials to North 6orea' which co$ld #ot ha%e bee# possible witho$t a reaso#able le%el o! e#"a"eme#t a#d cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries d$ri#" the soAcalled Jdiplomatic !ree;e.J No soo#er had the diplomatic relatio#s bee# restored' a 5$rma dele"atio# led b& 2t Ge# 4&i#t Flai#"' the ,hie! o! Air /e!e#ce' !ollowed b& a#other dele"atio# headed b& 2t Ge# Ti# A&e' ,hie! o! the O!!ice o! ,hie! /e!e#se -#d$stries' %isited North 6orea. The compositio# o! these dele"atio#s s$""ests that besides cooperatio# !or proc$reme#t a#d de%elopme#t o! co#%e#tio#al weapo#s' there are aspiratio#s o# 5$rmaJs part to seek assista#ce i# #$clear weapo#s a#d missile tech#olo"&. -! it was o#l& co#%e#tio#al weapo#s' ,hi#a is well placed to meet its reC$ireme#ts. As it is 5$rma a#d ,hi#a ha%e thri%i#" de!e#ce cooperatio# a#d more tha# 70 perce#t o! 5$rmaJs militar& arse#al is o! ,hi#ese ori"i#. 4oreo%er' North 6orea la"s !ar behi#d ,hi#a i# co#%e#tio#al weapo# tech#olo"ies. 5$t as !ar as tra#s!er o! #$clear a#d missile tech#olo"ies is co#cer#ed' it has bee# the wo#t o! ,hi#a to s$ppl& them thro$"h their pro ies like North 6orea so as to de!lect i#ter#atio#al opprobri$m. .akista# is o#e s$ch "lari#" e ample. *o$rces ha%e re%ealed that the 5$rmaANorth 6orea rapprocheme#t was pai#staki#"l& bro$"ht abo$t b& ,hi#a. -t is belie%ed that whe# the 5$rma a$thorities approached ,hi#a !or s$ppl& o! Jhowit;er "$#sJ' the ,hi#ese a$thorities e pressed their i#abilit& o# the plea o! shorta"es' b$t said that the same co$ld be obtai#ed !rom North 6orea i# e cha#"e !or rice. /$ri#" that period' North 6orea was !aci#" se%ere !ood shorta"es d$e to dro$"ht. At

the behest o! ,hi#a' ambassadors o! 5$rma a#d North 6orea to Thaila#d met each other. The desperatio# o# ,hi#aJs part to !acilitate the rapprocheme#t process betwee# the two i#ter#atio#all& pariah #atio#s' e tremel& close a#d beholde# to ,hi#a' is a poi#ter towards the e%ol$tio# o! a #ew ,hi#ese strate"& i# the re"io#. -t is belie%ed that these secret dele"atio#s !rom 5$rma to North 6orea had "o#e to seek !$rther cooperatio# as part o! the t$##eli#" proDect alread& $#derwa& i# a mo$#tai# comple <*etkha&a 4o$#tai#s= i# Na$#" 2ai#" %illa"e i# so$th east o! .&i# Oo 2wi# i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. The o!!Aloadi#" o! a special co#str$ctio# material b& North 6orea# ships o# se%eral occasio#s partiall& %i#dicates the belie!. There are ima"es a%ailable to s$""est e tremel& lar"e #etwork o! t$##els <some 800 i# #$mbers= bei#" e ca%ated' appare#tl& with the help o! North 6orea. The North 6orea# assista#ce is corroborated b& the !act that 5$rma does #ot ha%e t$##eli#" capabilit&. 4ea#while' 9ra#i$m is also bei#" acti%ated i# at least te# locatio#s. -t ma& be perti#e#t to me#tio# that the 6achi# state o! 5$rma is rich i# 9ra#i$m' which reportedl& i# the past was bei#" cla#desti#el& e ca%ated b& (apa# with the tacit i#d$l"e#ce o! re"io#al leaders d$ri#" the period whe# the state was %irt$all& o$t o! co#trol o! the ce#tral a$thorit&. The desi"# o! the reactor at Na$#" 2ai#"' as so$rces re%eal' $ses water to pro%ide carbo# dio ide $sed i# the cooli#" loop' a#d bears resembla#ce with the reactor at Go#"b&o# a#d the reactor i# *&ria' bei#" co#str$cted alle"edl& b& North 6orea# assista#ce' which was e%e#t$all& bombed b& the -sraelis i# *eptember 2007. There are other i#dicatio#s with re"ard to 5$rmaJs C$est !or #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"&. *oo# a!ter .akista# carried o$t its #$clear tests i# 4a& 1))8' 5$rmaJs Fead o! *tate' *e#ior Ge#eral Tha# *hwe si"#ed the Atomic +#er"& 2aw o# 08 ($#e 1))8. The timi#" o! this e%e#t clearl& re%eals a strate"ic p$rs$it with re"ard to #$clear tech#olo"& rather tha# a#& be#i"# desi"#s o! C$est !or #$clear e#er"& !or peace!$l p$rposes. -mporta#tl&' post )/11' two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists' *$leima# Asad a#d 4ohammad Ali 4$khtar took re!$"e i# 5$rma i# No%ember 2001 whe# the 9* i#telli"e#ce be"a# to i#%esti"ate the #e $s betwee# .akista#i #$clear scie#tists a#d the AlAN$aeda. This co$ld #ot ha%e bee# possible witho$t i#timate #$clear cooperatio# betwee# the two co$#tries' certai#l& with the tacit appro%al o! ,hi#a. The whereabo$ts o! these two scie#tists is still $#k#ow#. -t was alle"ed earlier that the& were sheltered i# the 4$slim domi#ated area o! 4a#dala& b& the 5$rma a$thorities. There is #ot a word abo$t them !rom the .akista# a$thorities a#d e%e# the 9* has become !laccid i# its h$#t !or them. The militar& "o%er#me#t established a /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& i# 2001 $#der 9 Tha$#"' a k#ow# propo#e#t o! #$clear tech#olo"& who c$rre#tl& heads the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&. Fe made a secret %isit to .akista#' the chie! a"e#da bei#" #$clear cooperatio#. /$ri#" the same period' i# 2001' three .akista#i Na%al %essels' i.e. a s$bmari#e' a ta#ker a#d a destro&er %isited Ga#"o# port. This was a# $#precede#ted de%elopme#t' si#ce till the#' 5$rma had stead!astl& mai#tai#ed that it wo$ld #ot permit !orei"# #a%al %essels to %isit the co$#tr&Js ports. The "oodwill %isit b& the .akista# Na%al ships was immediatel& !ollowed b& the %isit o! Ge#eral .ar%e; 4$sharra!' the the# ,hie! + ec$ti%e o! .akista#. The 5$rma a$thorities' which met Ge#eral 4$sharra! also i#cl$ded 9 Tha$#". There has bee# a !resh impet$s i# de!e#ce cooperatio# betwee# .akista# a#d 5$rma si#ce the &ear 2000. 5$rma has bee# soliciti#" .akista#Js assista#ce i# some %er& ke& areas like setti#" $p o! a# airAde!e#ce #etwork' $p"radatio# o! air!ields' a#d establishme#t o! the 9#i%ersit& o! Aero#a$tical a#d *pace +d$catio# <4eiktila=. 5$rma has also so$"ht .akista#Js assista#ce i# carto"raphic s$r%e& a#d mappi#". Gi%e# ,hi#ese strate"ic se#siti%ities with re"ard to 5$rma' s$ch "rowi#" bo#homie betwee# .akista# a#d 5$rma ca##ot be possible witho$t ,hi#ese proddi#" a#d s$pport. -t was also d$ri#" this period that R$ssia' at 5$rmaJs reC$est' a##o$#ced its i#te#tio# to b$ild a research reactor i# 5$rma. -# 2002' 5$rmaJs dep$t& !orei"# mi#ister' 6hi# 4a$#" Ei#' a##o$#ced that 5$rma had decided to b$ild a #$clear research reactor !or prod$ci#" radioisotopes !or medical p$rposes. -t ma& be reiterated that the healthAcare !acilities i# 5$rma are o! ab&smal sta#dards a#d there are %er& !ew hospitals eC$ipped a#d trai#ed to ha#dle radioAisotopes. The a"reeme#t with R$ssia !or setti#" $p a 10 me"awatt reactor #ear 4a"we i# 5$rma

was si"#ed o#l& i# 4a& 2007 d$e to !i#a#cial di!!ic$lties. Ne%ertheless' h$#dreds o! militar& perso##el had bee# se#t to R$ssia betwee# the &ear 2001 a#d 2007 !or trai#i#" i# #$clear scie#ce a#d tech#olo"&. -# some i#sta#ces' their trai#i#" d$ratio# was e te#ded as the R$ssia# i#str$ctors !o$#d a si"#i!ica#t #$mber o! perso##el witho$t the reC$isite basic k#owled"e a#d bei#" slow o# the $ptake. Th$s' 5$rma i# the last decade or so has bee# able to create a pool o! perso##el trai#ed i# har#essi#" #$clear tech#olo"& !or ci%il applicatio#. O# the !lip side' a#d b& co#scio$s desi"#' the& were also "ro$#ded i# the basic k#owled"e o! #$clear tech#olo"&' which is bei#" ho#ed a#d $tili;ed !or #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t pro"rammes. *o$rces' howe%er' mai#tai# that 5$rmaJs tech#olo"ical ma#power reso$rces despite all the e!!orts are still #ot compete#t e#o$"h to ha#dle #$clear !acilities or pro"rammes. There!ore' 5$rma has adopted a two pro#"ed strate"& !or de%elopme#t o! its #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme. The setti#" $p o! the 10 me"awatt reactor b& R$ssia is a parallel %e#t$re to act as a r$se !or #$clear weapo#s de%elopme#t acti%ities with the acti%e collaboratio# o! North 6orea. Altho$"h 5$rma is si"#ator& to the N$clear .roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T=' it is &et to a"ree to the Additio#al .rotocol' which allows the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= to co#d$ct more i#tr$si%e mo#itori#" o! #$clear !acilities a#d operatio#s. -# 4a& 2007' the 9* *tate /epartme#t spokesma#' 4r Tom ,ase&' said that the 9* had a K"e#eral se#seK that 5$rma had K#either the re"$lator& or le"al !rame #or sa!e"$ard pro%isio#sK !or a co$#tr& to be able to ha#dle s$ch a pro"ramme. Fe e pressed the apprehe#sio# that there were K#o acco$#ti#" mecha#isms or other ki#ds o! sec$rit& proced$resK to pre%e#t #$clear !$el !rom bei#" stole#. Fe added: KEe wo$ld be co#cer#ed abo$t the possibilit& !or accide#ts' !or e#%iro#me#tal dama"e' or !or proli!eratio# simpl& b& the possibilit& o! !$el bei#" di%erted' stole# or otherwise remo%ed.K 0ollowi#" the res$mptio# o! diplomatic relatio#s betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' 5$rmaJs 4ilitar& ($#ta permitted North 6orea# tra#sport pla#es "oi#" to .akista# a#d -ra# to re!$el i# the Ga#"o# airport. The cla#desti#e cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d -ra# i# the !ield o! #$clear weapo#s a#d missile tech#olo"& is well k#ow#. /e!ectors !rom 5$rma alle"e that the ($#ta has se#t $ra#i$m deposits !rom its mi#es to -ra#' as also R$ssia' !or e%al$atio#. The #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme that 5$rma embarked o# a decade a"o characteri;es the coalesci#" o! its strate"ic imperati%es with a# i#d$l"e#t ,hi#a. The i#%ol%eme#t o! North 6orea' .akista# a#d to a# e te#t -ra#' !or !$rthera#ce o! ,hi#aJs re"io#al a#d "lobal a"e#da is i# keepi#" with their stat$s as pro & powers o! the latter. 5$rmaJs determi#ed bid to acC$ire #$clear capabilit& is J#ot -#diaAce#tric.J -t does #ot percei%e a#& threat !rom -#dia' which is appare#t !rom the deplo&me#t patter# o! its militar&. 0$rther' it has #o !i ed de!e#ces alo#" the 148: km lo#" -#doA 5$rma border' which is lar"el& $#disp$ted. -# !act' 5$rma clearl& desisted !rom de#o$#ci#" the -#dia# #$clear tests i# 4a& 1))8. 5$rma is p$rs$i#" the #$clear co$rse !or the %er& s$r%i%abilit& o! the militar& re"ime. -# that it is probabl& "$ided b& the North 6orea# e ample. The militar& re"ime i# 5$rma has also bee# circ$mspect abo$t t$r#i#" i#to a %assal state o! ,hi#a. Fowe%er' the re"imeJs s$r%i%al comp$lsio#s ha%e o$twei"hed other co#sideratio#s' which ,hi#a has bee# r$thlessl& e ploiti#". -#ter#atio#all&' the isolatio# o! 5$rma has re#dered it i#to a desperate political a#d eco#omic sit$atio#. There!ore' the #$clear capabilit& i# the pla$sible recko#i#" o! the 4ilitar& ($#ta will i#%est it with the m$ch #eeded diplomatic ma#e$%er space i# the i#ter#atio#al are#a' i# the abse#ce o! which 5$rma has #o o#e to t$r# to' e cept ,hi#a. -#deed' it is the i#ter#atio#al isolatio# o! 5$rma i# the )0s that compelled it to become beholde# o! ,hi#a Ne%ertheless' ,hi#aJs patro#a"e a#d e%e# its admissio# i#to the A*+AN as a !$ll member ha%e #ot miti"ated its political a#d eco#omic problems. The wester# world co#ti#$es to %iew the 5$rma re"ime as totalitaria#' repressi%e a#d re"ressi%e. The militar& dispe#satio# i# 5$rma' %er& m$ch like the re"ime i# North 6orea is para#oid abo$t bei#" dislod"ed b& i#ter%e#tio#' militar& or otherwise' b& the 9* a#d its allies. The #$clear weapo#s capabilit&' the 5$rma re"ime co#te#ds will strate"icall& i#s$late it a"ai#st a#& s$ch desi"#.

0or ,hi#a' a #$clear armed 5$rma will !$rther bolster its strate"ic e#circleme#t o! -#dia' the maDor challe#"e to its re"io#al s$premac&. -# the "lobal co#te t' pro & #$clear states ser%e as rob$st strate"ic paw#s i# the pre%aili#" $#iApolar i#ter#atio#al order. 5$rmaJs #$clear power stat$s will ha%e serio$s rami!icatio#s !or the A*+AN. 5esides dri%i#" the wed"e i# the "ro$pi#"' it will act as a co$#terpoise to the A*+AN co$#tries co#sidered close to the 9*. -t ma& be me#tio#ed that all members o! the A*+AN si"#ed the *o$th +ast Asia# N$clear Eeapo#s 0ree Lo#e Treat&' which came i#to !orce i# 1))7. The most dist$rbi#" part o! 5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ramme is the ,hi#aANorth 6oreaA5$rmaA.akista#A-ra# a is. *ome a#al&sts recko# that it is the part that 5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ramme is #ot e#tirel& o! its ow# %olitio#' b$t is a strate"ic ma#e$%er b& ,hi#a a#d its pro ies. The& mai#tai# that the lar"e #$mber o! t$##els bei#" do#e i# 5$rma is to store #$clear material o! these co$#tries $#der the i#ter#atio#al sca##er. 5$rma bei#" a# isolated a#d closed co$#tr& is ideal !or the p$rpose. -# other words' 5$rma ma& be becomi#" a #$clear h$b o! all #$clear pariah states $#der the leadership o! ,hi#a. </escriptio# o! *o$rce: New /elhi -#dia# /e!e#ce Re%iew i# +#"lish AA N$arterl& ma"a;i#e o# de!e#se iss$es. 4ost writers are retired se#ior militar& "e#erals.=

This is Goo"leJs cache o! http://www.#rc."o%/readi#"Arm/!oia/rece#tAreC$est.html. -t is a s#apshot o! the pa"e as it appeared o# /ec :' 200) 10:10::4 G4T. The c$rre#t pa"e co$ld ha%e cha#"ed i# the mea#time. [Retrie%ed 899:&;8&9@T;L5H9A]*510001424012748704::1)041744)8181:717:7778.html

3ewarding Burma9s Aenerals

The #ew messa"e !rom Eashi#"to#: /eal with .&o#"&a#"' wi# diplomatic "oodies. T The Eall *treet (o$r#al T O.-N-ON A*-A T O,TO5+R 27' 200)' 12::8 ..4. +T The Obama Admi#istratio# is starti#" to worr& abo$t 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s. ThatJs the "ood #ews. The bad #ews is that the Ehite Fo$se is taki#" the same !ailed tack it $sed with Tehra# a#d .&o#"&a#" a#d tr&i#" to caDole the "e#erals o$t o! their bi""est pote#tial bar"ai#i#" chip. Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate 6$rt ,ampbell calls this polic& Kpra"matic e#"a"eme#t.K -# testimo#& to ,o#"ress last week' he co#!irmed the 9.*. wo$ld soo# se#d a K!actA!i#di#"K missio# to Na&p&idaw' possibl& as earl& as #e t week. The dele"atio# will disc$ss Kalle"ed co#cer#s associated with 9.N. Resol$tio# 1874'K re!erri#" to this &earJs *ec$rit& ,o$#cil meas$re that !orbids 9.N. members !rom tradi#" arms with North 6orea. The 9.*. is ri"ht to pa& atte#tio# to 5$rmaJs b$r"eo#i#" relatio#ship with .&o#"&a#". A 9.*. destro&er trailed a North 6orea# militar& ship' the 6a#" Nam' !or weeks earlier this &ear as it sailed toward 5$rma' pres$mabl& to deli%er weapo#s. The re"ime has also b$ilt a series o! t$##els #ear the capital which a#al&sts sa& co$ld be $sed !or militar& operatio#s or missile stora"e. 4r. ,ampbell claims the dialo"$e' which comes a!ter the 9.*. hosted a hi"hAle%el 5$rmese diplomat i# *eptemberVwill Ktest the i#te#tio#s o! the 5$rmese leadership a#d the si#cerit& o! their e pressed i#terest i# a more positi%e relatio#ship with the 9#ited *tates.K 5$t b& e%e# showi#" $p' the 9.*. team wo$ld ha#d the "e#erals a diplomatic %ictor&. A %isit b& 4r. ,ampbell wo$ld be the hi"hestAle%el 9.*. dele"atio# to %isit 5$rma si#ce 4adelei#e Albri"htJs trip i# 1))1' whe# she was ambassador to the 9#ited Natio#s. 4ea#while' the "e#erals ha%e show# #o i#dicatio# to cha#"e their beha%ior. O%er the past !ew mo#ths' the re"ime has i#te#si!ied its eth#icAclea#si#" campai"# a"ai#st mi#orities' placed A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i $#der ho$se arrest <a"ai#=' a#d detai#ed a#d tort$red a 9.*. citi;e#' 6&aw Law 2i#' who has ties to the disside#t comm$#it&. That makes 4r. ,ampbellJs talk o! i#creasi#" h$ma#itaria# aid premat$re a#d pote#tiall& %er& dama"i#". 5$rma has a hi"hl& restricti%e e#%iro#me#t where ma#& aid "ro$ps are beholde# to the state. 9*A-/ will alread& !$##el some b28 millio# i#to 5$rmaArelated pro"rams this &ear' abo$t 40U o! which will "o directl& i#side the co$#tr&. To his credit' 4r. ,ampbell has said he wo$ld meet with impriso#ed oppositio# leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' ask the "e#erals to release her a#d all political priso#ers' a#d talk to the political oppositio# i# preparatio# !or electio#s #e t &ear. 5$t his %er& prese#ce i# Na&p&idaw wo$ld se#d a messa"e that the "e#eralsJ embrace o! North 6orea is pa&i#" o!! ha#dsomel&. Other co$#tries will take #ote o! this lesso#' too.


1he 5uture Nuclear owers <ou Should Be =orried About

-ra#Js a#d North 6oreaJs #$clear pro"rams AA #ot to me#tio# the risk o! loose #$kes i# R$ssia or .akista# AA are worr&i#" e#o$"h. 5$t a #$mber o! other co$#tries are looki#" to Doi# the #$clear cl$b' with terri!&i#" pote#tial co#seC$e#ces. 5G 4OR/,FA- *F9A2G O,TO5+R 20' 200) [EXCERPT] B.3MA *tat$s: *$bsta#tial e%ide#ce poi#ts toward 5$rmese collaboratio# with North 6orea i# the de%elopme#t o! a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m e tractio# !acilit&. The reactor co$ld be operatio#al as earl& as 2014. Eh& &o$ sho$ld worr&: *$spicio#s o! a #asce#t 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram are widespread. -# ($l&' 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# p$blicl& worried abo$t militar& cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma' sa&i#"' K-t wo$ld be destabili;i#" !or the re"io#. -t wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors.K ,li#to#Js worries are %alidated b& the reports o! two rece#t 5$rmese de!ectors' o#e a !ormer b$si#ess e ec$ti%e i#%ol%ed i# 5$rmaJs #$clear co#tracts' a#d the other a# o!!icer i# a secret #$clear battalio# i# the 5$rmese Arm&' whose roles i# 5$rmaJs cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ram were described i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald. Te#sio#s ha%e bee# risi#" betwee# 5$rma a#d 5a#"ladesh si#ce 2008' with a border disp$te a#d a b$ild$p o! militar& !orces alo#" the disp$ted area. The te#sio# has rise# palpabl&H i# the past two weeks' i# additio# to hea%& ta#ks a#d artiller&' at least !i%e 5$rmese a#d !o$r 5a#"ladeshi warships ha%e !aced o!! across the 5a& o! 5e#"al. Eith both co$#tries looki#" to "o #$clear' the prospect o! this co#!lict e plodi#" is o#l& more worr&i#". .l$s' the 5$rmese D$#ta has s$bsta#tial i#ter#al i#stabilit& to co#te#d with. There are reports o! a rece#t Kcleara#ce saleK o! heroi# b& eth#ic militias' who are r$shi#" to sell o!! the dr$"s to !i#a#ce e#ormo$s weapo#s p$rchases. The dr$"s are bei#" sold at bar"ai#Abaseme#t prices i# preparatio# !or a possible res$mptio# o! ci%il war. These eth#ic "ro$ps ha%e bee# !i"hti#" the "o%er#me#t o# a#d o!! !or more tha# 80 &ears. The !i"hti#" has lar"el& occ$rred i# 5$rmaJs border areas' b$t a res$mptio# o! wideA scale %iole#ce also carries the threat o! disco$ra"i#" !orei"# i#%estme#ts i# 5$rmaJs e#er"& sector' !$rther weake#i#" a#d isolati#" a# alread& da#"ero$s re"ime.


1he pariah9s nuclear blackmail

4. Abd$l Fa!i; 4o#da&' October 12' 200) NON+ wo$ld disp$te the "e#erall& held belie! that North 6orea a#d 5$rma ha%e the two most oppressi%e re"imes i# Asia. The& r$le o%er two o! the co#ti#e#tJs backwater' a#d thatJs #o coi#cide#ce whate%er. Notwithsta#di#" the ma#& commo# !eat$res the&' howe%er' ha%e stark di!!ere#ces betwee# them. No !orei"# leader o! disti#ctio# cares to pa& co$rt to the r$li#" "e#erals o! 5$rma i# their weirdl& "ra#diose #ew capital o! Na&pidaw. -# sharp co#trast' e%e# 5ill ,li#to#' o#e o! the worldJs most reco"#isable celebrit& statesme#' makes pil"rima"e to .&o#&a#". ,li#to# had "o#e there' o! co$rse' to sec$re the release o! two America# Do$r#alists who were apprehe#ded o# the ,hi#aANorth 6orea border a !ew mo#ths a"o a#d held hosta"e si#ce the#. -t is pres$med that the North 6orea#s did so with the e plicit p$rpose o! !orci#" a hi"h le%el America# %isit a#d hitti#" the #ews headli#es. The 9* did pa& the /e%il b$t with a pri%ate 9* citi;e# rather tha# his wi!e' the 9* secretar& o! state' maki#" the %isit to 6im (o#"Ail. Fowe%er' hereJs the bi" di!!ere#ce. The 5$rmese re"ime is looked $po# b& most !orei"# "o%er#me#ts as $"l& b$t basicall& harmless e cept to its ow# people' b$t the North 6orea# re"ime is see# both as $"l& a#d as e tremel& da#"ero$s. A#d the da#"ero$s thi#" abo$t North 6orea is its #$clear weapo#s. -! the 5$rmese "e#erals also wa#t to ha%e emissaries !rom "reat powers "e#$!lecti#" at their doorstep the& #eed some #$clear pieces i# their arse#al' altho$"h a #$clearAarmed 5$rma is i#deed a ridic$lo$s idea. 5$rma has #o e ter#al e#em& that it #eeds to deter' let alo#e wa#ts to attack. 5$t respect also matters !or a re"ime like the o#e at 5$rma' otherwise it !eels #e"lected a#d the re"imeJs le"itimac& is alwa&s p$t to the C$estio#. Accordi#" to the re"imeJs estimate' a !ew 5$rmese #$kes o# a la$#chi#" pad wo$ld elicit a whole lot o! !orei"# atte#tio# as well as respect. The articles p$blished rece#tl& b& .ro!. /esmo#d 5all o! AN9 <a# a$thorit& o# strate"ic matters= i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d 5a#"kok .ost poi#ted !or the !irst time to the 5$rmese #$clear ambitio#' 5allJs re%elatio#s s$""est that the 5$rmese militar& re"ime has alread& so$"ht North 6orea# help to b$ild its ow# #$clear weapo#. -t speci!icall& wa#ts the North 6orea#s to create a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" pla#t i# the ca%es #ear 2a$#" 2ai#" i# Norther# 5$rma AA #ot !ar !rom the site o! a ci%ilia# #$clear reactor that is bei#" b$ilt with R$ssia# help. *o !ar' the stor& s$rro$#di#" 5$rmaJs #$clear acti%it& so$#ds like a !a#tas&. 5$t the $s$all& reliable website K/ictator EatchK has bee# p$blishi#" war#i#"s abo$t 5$rmese #$clear weapo# proDects !or se%eral &ears #ow. 4ost o! the i#!ormatio# ema#ati#" !rom the website come !rom the de!ectors. 0or e ample' a !ormer arm& o!!icer who was se#t to 4oscow !or two &ears trai#i#" i# #$clear e#"i#eeri#" #e%er ret$r#ed' a#d Doi#ed the ra#ks o! i#!ormers o# 5$rmaJs #$clear secrets. The spec$latio#s' howe%er' are abo$t wh& North 6orea wo$ld be i# complicit& with 5$rma to !$rther proli!erate #$clear tech#olo"&. O#e "$ess is that North 6orea is bei#" paid i# K&ellow cakeK AA partiall& re!i#ed $ra#i$m which 5$rma is e#dowed with. A#d North 6orea# help is also #eeded beca$se o! the !act that the co$#tr& is willi#" to sell tech#olo"& to a#&bod& eC$all& willi#" to pa&.

These make her more da#"ero$s. A#d bei#" so da#"ero$s is what !orces people like ,li#to# a#d Fillar& to %isit this otherwise pariah state. -# this process o! appeaseme#t' a sta"e ma& be reached whe# e%e# 5arack Obama ma& be willi#" to talk to it. There are se%eral other poi#ters that North 6orea is reall& helpi#" 5$rma to de%elop its #$clear weapo# AA .ro!. 5all s$""ested that 5$rma co$ld be processi#" 8 k" o! pl$to#i$m per &ear b& 2014' a!ter which it co$ld prod$ce o#e atomic bomb per &ear. 5$t it is also k#ow that appare#tl& compete#t i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies like ,-A a#d 4ossad ha%e bee# predicti#" that -ra# wo$ld ha%e #$clear weapo#s withi# !i%e &ears AA practicall& e%er& &ear si#ce 1))0. The& were wro#" abo$t -ra# e%er& &ear. A#d -ra# is a m$ch more ad%a#ced co$#tr& i# scie#ti!ic' tech#olo"ical a#d i#d$strial terms' tha# 5$rma. *$pposi#" the predictio# as re"ards 5$rma comes tr$e' wh& wo$ld 5$rma be doi#" itO Not to #$ke Thaila#d' 4ala&sia or 5a#"ladesh !or it has #o serio$s C$arrel with these #ei"hbo$rs. 5$t o#e ca# ima"i#e that *e#ior Ge#eral Tha# *hwe a#d his collea"$es wo$ld be a "reat deal relie%ed. 5eca$se the# the 9* a#d other "reat powers' i#stead o! co#dem#i#" a#d bo&cotti#" the 5$rmese dictatorship' wo$ld be be""i#" it to be respo#sible a#d "i%e $p its #$clear weapo#s. North 6orea also de%eloped #$clear weapo# precisel& !or the same p$rpose. 5ri" < retd= Fa!i; is !ormer /G o! 5--** [1an!ladesh 2nstitute o" 2nternational and trate!ic tudies]*

http://www.weekl&blit;.#et/i#de .phpOid`1010

Myanmar Nuke 2 5act or 3umor:

*alah 9ddi# *hoaib ,ho$dh$r& The Eeekl& 5lit; 3O294+ A 4' -**9+ A 41' /FA6A' O,TO5+R 07' 200)
4ost o! the militar& power states i# the world aspire to become a #$clear power especial& i# this hi"hl& competiti%e world. The most rece#t participa#t i# the race to become a #$clear state is 4&a#mar. A!ter "etti#" i#depe#de#ce i# 1)48' 4&a#mar has claimed that it has o#l& acC$ired weapo#s !or i#ter#al sec$rit& a#d de!e#se a"ai#st e ter#al e#emies. 4&a#mar was amo#" the !irst co$#tries to become a *tate .art& to the 1)8: .artial Test 5a# Treat& I.T5TM. -t has also si"#ed the 1)87 O$ter *pace Treat& a#d is a *tate .art& to the 1)88 N$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& IN.TM. 4&a#mar has si"#ed' b$t #ot &et rati!ied the 1)72 *eabed Test 5a# Treat&. *i#ce 1)88' adhere#ce to these i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts ha%e bee# co#!irmed b& the *tate 2aw a#d Order Restoratio# ,o$#cil I*2OR,M a#d *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil I*./,M "o%er#me#ts. 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# rece#tl& %oiced co#cer# that .&o#"&a#" was tra#s!eri#" weapo#s a#d #$clear tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar. Accordi#" to *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald' two de!ectors !rom 4&a#mar #amed 4oe (o a#d Ti# 4i# made Qco#!essio#al stateme#tB sa&i#"' North 6orea is helpi#" 4&a#mar' !ormerl& 5$rma' b$ild a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m e tractio# pla#t to b$ild a# atomic bomb withi# !i%e &ears. The #$clear comple is hidde# i#side a mo$#tai# at Na$#" 2ai#"' i# 4&a#marBs #orth' a#d r$#s parallel to a ci%il reactor bei#" b$ilt at a#other site b& R$ssia. 4oe (o' a !ormer 4&a#mar arm& o!!icer' alle"edl& told he was trai#ed !or a 1'000Ama# ?#$clear battalio#@ a#d that 4&a#mar had pro%ided &ellowcake $ra#i$m to North 6orea a#d -ra#. ?Fe said that the arm& pla##ed a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" s&stem a#d that R$ssia# e perts were o# site to show how it was do#e.@ 4oe (o said part o! the arm&Bs #$clear battalio# was statio#ed i# a local %illa"e to work o# a weapo#' a#d a secret operatio#s ce#tre was hidde# i# the *etkha&a 4o$#tai#s. ?I-t wasM a set $p i#cl$di#" e#"i#eers' artiller& a#d comm$#icatio#s to act as a comma#d a#d co#trol ce#tre !or the #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.@ Ti# 4i# was said to ha%e bee# a book keeper !or Ta& La' a close associate o! the D$#taBs head Ge#eral Tha# *hwe' a#d told i# 2004 he had paid a co#str$ctio# compa#& to b$ild a t$##el i# the Na$#" 2ai#" mo$#tai# ?wide e#o$"h !or two tr$cks to pass each other@. Ti# 4i# said book keeper Ta& La #e"otiated #$clear co#tracts with R$ssia a#d North 6orea a#d arra#"ed the collectio# a#d tra#sport' at #i"ht a#d b& ri%er' o! co#tai#ers o! eC$ipme#t !rom North 6orea# boats i# Ga#"o#Bs port. Ti# 4i# reportedl& said Ta& La told him the D$#ta k#ew it co$ld#Bt compete with #ei"hbo$ri#" Thaila#d o# co#%e#tio#al weapo#s' b$t wa#ted to ?pla& power like North 6orea@. ?The& hope to combi#e #$clear a#d air de!e#se missiles'@ Ta& La said' accordi#" to Ti# 4i#. Fereto!or R$ssia has bee# a willi#" s$pplier with a#&o#e who ca# pa& their price. Ehile *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald alle"ed .&o#"&a#" !or s$ppl&i#" #$clear weapo#s to 4&a#mar' i# se%eral reports p$blished i# i#ter#atio#al media' s$ch alle"atio# "oes a"ai#st R$ssia. 4ichael *$lli%a#' a# emi#e#t a#al&st said' There is #o do$bt 4&a#mar has a #$clear pro"ram. -t se#t scie#tists' tech#icia#s a#d arm& o!!icers to R$ssia !or trai#i#" i# rece#t &ears. A#d 4oscow has a"reed to s$ppl& 4&a#mar with a small #$clear reactor !or ci%ilia# $se. No#e o! this is disp$ted. The C$estio# is do the 5$rmese "e#erals wa#t a #$clear weapo# too.

A#other emi#e#t writer 5ertil 2i#t#er' who has e te#si%e k#owled"e o# *o$th Asia# a!!airs said' -t is C$ite clear' - thi#k' that altho$"h the 5$rmese ma& #ot ha%e a bomb or e%e# a #$clear capabilit& A #o' #ot &et A the&Jre certai#l& i#terested i# acC$iri#" o#e. 4r. 2i#t#er has writte# e te#si%el& abo$t 4&a#mar !rom his base i# Thaila#d. O# 18 4a& 2007' Asia News A"e#c& reported' R$ssia will pro%ide 4&a#mar with itBs !irst #$clear reactor. N$oti#" R$ssiaJs 0ederal Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& IRosatomM' Asia News A"e#c& said it had reached a deal with the militar& D$#ta to b$ild a #$clear research ce#tre. The pla#t will ha%e a li"htAwater reactor with a capacit& o! 104E. -t will $se 20 per ce#tAe#riched #$clear !$el. R$ssiaJs 0ederal Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& i#sisted 4&a#mar had a ri"ht to peace!$l #$clear tech#olo"& A a#d said that there was K#o wa&K it co$ld $se the reactor to de%elop #$clear missiles. -t was !$rther lear#t that' the N$clear Reactors wo$ld be set at .wi#t .h&$' a small cit& i# the ce#tre o! the co$#tr&' i# the re"io# o! 4a"we. 4oscow claimed that co#str$ctio# o! the 5$rmese #$clear power pla#t wo$ld take place $#der the strict s$per%isio# o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& I-A+AM. O# A$"$st :' 200)' .hil Thor#to#' a# A$stralia# Do$r#alist based o# the ThaiA4&a#mar border said' Ga#"oo# is b$ildi#" a secret #$clear reactor a#d pl$to#i$m e tractio# !acilit& with the assista#ce o! .&o#"&a#" a#d Ga#"oo# is also Doi#i#" ha#ds with 4oscow !or !$rther "rowth o! this proDect. 4ea#while' 4&a#marBs /ep$t& 4i#ister !or 0orei"# A!!air' 9. 6hi#A4ar#" said the reactor wo$ld be $sed to trai# to prod$ce radio isotope' which ha%e a ra#"e o! $ses' i#cl$di#" i# medici#e a#d a"ric$lt$re scie#ce. Fe also poi#ted that the rector wo$ld be !or peace!$l p$rpose i# the i#terest o! the people o! 4&a#marB. The prese#t ($#ta i# Ga#"oo# stro#"l& belie%es that ' 4&a#marBs i#terest i# #$clear power is #ot a wro#" p$rpose. /a%id Albri"ht' the head o! the Eashi#"to# based -#stit$te !or *cie#ce a#d -#ter#atio#al *ec$rit&' which mo#itors #$clear proli!eratio#' said' thereBs #o hard e%ide#ce' D$st s$spicio#s ri"ht #ow. Altho$"h' Albri"ht poi#ted o$t that %isit to 4&a#mar b& e ec$ti%e !rom the North 6orea# !irm' Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" ,orporatio#' which is $#der the sa#ctio#s !or its role i# tradi#" #$clear tech#olo"& ca# be a poi#ter to the "rowi#" s$spicio#. O# :0th ($#e '200)' Accordi#" to 5$rma#et News' (apa#ese police arrested three top b$si#essme# o# s$spicio# o! attempti#" to e port to 5$rma a meas$ri#" i#str$me#t that co$ld be $sed to de%elop lo#"Ara#"e ballistic missile s&stems. (apa# is also belie%ed that North 6orea was attempti#" to promote the tra#s!er o! missile tech#olo"ies' s$ch as its Taepodo#" s&stem' to 4&a#mar. Accordi#" to the police' the three co#spired to e port the ma"#etic meas$ri#" de%ice to 5$rma %ia 4ala&sia aro$#d (a#$ar& 200) at a price o! abo$t 7 millio# (apa#ese Ge# I9* b7:'000M. -#teresti#"l&' 4&a#mar has become b$!!er state betwee# !o$r #$clear power states i# Asia: ,hi#a' -#dia' .akista# a#d North 6orea. The militar& ($#ta has "ood tie with North 6orea. O# the other ha#d ,hi#a a#d .akista# who shares #$clear k#owhow ha%e also "ood relatio# with 4&a#mar. -# a pec$liar set $p' New /elhi which aba#do#ed s$pport !or .roAdemocrac& !orces i# 1)): a#d has embarked $po# m$lti!aceted relatio#ship with the easter# #ei"hbor. O# the wake o! 4&a#marBs #$clear ambitio# seems to be both direct or i#direct threat to the sec$rit& o! -#dia. The re%elatio# o! 4&a#marBs li#k with .akista# #$clear establishme#t also ass$mes si"#i!ica#ce i# the rece#t p$rchase o! #$clear reactor !or research p$rposes. .akista# also has bee# pro%idi#" small co#%e#tio#al weapo# a#d trai#i#" to the m&a#marises armed !orce' a#d has Doi#ed ,hi#a i# co#cl$di#" a# i#telli"e#ce shari#" a"reeme#t with 4&a#mar re"ardi#" -#diaBs !orce deplo&me#ts i# the #ortheast a#d 5a&Ao!A5e#"al.

-t is also lear#t that co#sideri#" 4&a#marBs a#tiA9* sta#d' terror patro# #atio# -ra# is also e te#di#" secret s$pport to Ga#"oo# i# b$ildi#" its #$clear stre#"th. Tehra# is also $si#" all o$r e!!orts as well its propa"a#da machi#er& as well as its ow# terrorist "ro$p #amed Fe;bollah i# spreadi#" r$mors i# the world that -srael a#d -#dia are e te#di#" millitar& a#d #$clear assista#ce to 4&a#mar. -# respo#se to m& rece#t article titled Q,risis i# *o$th Asia a#d rise o! -slamistAle!tist milita#c&B' a leader o! -ra#ia# Fe;bollah based i# 5a#"ladesh i# a# email messa"e said' ?Accordi#" to o$r so$rces' 5$rma is tr&i#" to b$ild N$clear Reactor with the help o! North 6orea. ?Accordi#" to ma#& so$rce the& I4&a#marM are serio$s to prod$ce #$clear bomb. ?4&a#mar is e#Do&i#" %er& "ood relatio# with -#dia. ?4&a#mar a#d -srael ha%e %er& "ood relatio#. -sreal sold arms to 4&a#mar a#d "i%i#" trai#i#" o# -#telli"e#ce a#d a"ric$lt$re sector.@ This partic$lar email se#t b& the -ra#ia# Fe;bollah clearl& pro%es that' Tehra# is tr&i#" to mislead the world b& spreadi#" !alse i#!ormatio# o# 4&a#marBs o#"oi#" e!!orts i# b$ildi#" N$clear 5omb. Tehra# is tr&i#" to p$t blame o# both New /elhi a#d (er$salem. *$ch propa"a#da ce#teri#" -#dia a#d -srael was p$rpose!$ll& made b& the members o! -ra#ia# terror o$t!it with the $lterior moti%e o! i#sti"ati#" a#tiA-#dia# a#d a#tiA-srael se#time#t i# all 4$slim #atio#s' i#cl$di#" 5a#"ladesh. -ra# has bee# !$#di#" a#tiA-srael acti%ities !or decades. -t e%e# patro#i;es -slamist millita#c& $#der the $mbrella o! QAlAN$ds *ociet&B i# ma#& 4$slim #atio#s. 0or &ears' -ra#ia# terror o$t!it Fe;bollah is co#ti#$i#" to spread wi#"s i# a #$mber o! 4$slim #atio#s while recr$iti#" a#d tra#i#" (ihadists with a#tiAEest brai#Awash.


olicy Ad7ice for Addressing the Myanmar Nuclear -ssue

b& 4ark 0it;patrick 4ark 0it;patrick <0it;patrickXiiss.or"= is director o! the No#A.roli!eratio# a#d /isarmame#t .ro"ram at the -#ter#atio#al -#stit$te !or *trate"ic *t$dies' a#d editor o! .re%e#ti#" N$clear /a#"ers i# *o$theast Asia <2o#do#: --**' *ept. 28' 200)=' !rom which this article is take#. [ ourceboo) comment5 This article #as reprinted in the Mapan Times o" 899:&;9&;;*] As the #$clear re#aissa#ce comes to *o$theast Asia' the co$#tries o! the re"io# !ace a# importa#t t$r#i#" poi#t. /ecisio#s take# toda& will help determi#e whether #$clear e#er"& will pla& a positi%e role i# their eco#omic de%elopme#t or whether a shadow o! #$clear da#"er will accompa#& the be#e!its o! this e#er"& so$rce. There are worries abo$t #$clear sa!et&' the opacit& abo$t 4&a#marBs #$clear pla#s a#d its "rowi#" co##ectio#s with North 6orea' a#d the e te#t to which %$l#erabilities i# #atio#al trade co#trols ha%e bee# e ploited b& o$tside states a#d #o#Astate actors. A*+AN states ha%e a# opport$#it& to rei#!orce "lobal sta#dards aimed at mi#imi;i#" the sa!et&' sec$rit&' a#d proli!eratio# risks o! #$clear e#er"&. Eith A*+ANBs traditio# o! cooperatio#' the re"io#Bs relati%el& be#i"# strate"ic e#%iro#me#t a#d the #o#proli!eratio# #orm epitomi;ed i# the *o$theast Asia# N$clearAEeapo#A0ree Lo#e Treat& <5a#"kok Treat&=' the re"io# ca# de%elop stre#"the#ed arra#"eme#ts !or sa!e a#d sec$re #$clear e#er"& that ca# be a model !or others. 0or 4&a#mar' three recomme#datio#s sho$ld be co#sidered. Keep close watch The 5a#"kok Treat& reC$ireme#t !or members to share i#!ormatio# abo$t #$clearAde%elopme#t pla#s is #owhere more importa#t tha# with 4&a#mar. +lsewhere i# *o$theast Asia' co#cer#s abo$t #$clear proDects are !oc$sed o# sa!et& a#d sec$rit& iss$es. Those co#cer#s are rele%a#t to 4&a#mar as well. Fowe%er' the prospect o! that co$#tr& ha%i#" a# i#terest i# #$clear weapo#s ca$ses the most co#cer#. Altho$"h reports o! a North 6orea #$clear li#k are $#co#!irmed' 4&a#marBs relatio#ship with .&o#"&a#"' the leadershipBs secreti%e #at$re' para#oid perspecti%e' a#d disre"ard !or i#ter#atio#al #orms alo#" with the NorthBs record o! o#ward proli!eratio# are ample reaso# !or others to be closel& atte#ti%e. -nsist on openness 4&a#mar ca# help address these co#cer#s b& adopti#" i#ter#atio#al sta#dards o! #$clear tra#spare#c&. This mea#s accepti#" a#d !$ll& impleme#ti#" the -A+A Additio#al .rotocol a#d ame#di#" the *mall N$a#tities .rotocol <*N.= to 4&a#marBs sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t. 4&a#mar c$rre#tl& adheres to a# old %ersio# o! the *N.' which holds i# abe&a#ce most o! operati%e pro%isio#s o! the -A+ABs %eri!icatio# tools. The co$#tr&Bs #ei"hbors sho$ld e#co$ra"e this tra#spare#c&' a#d those that also ha%e the o$tdated *N. <5r$#ei' ,ambodia' a#d2aos= sho$ld !ollow the lead o! *i#"apore a#d adopt the *eptember 2001 %ersio# o! this protocol prom$l"ated b& the -A+A to close the loophole.

Altho$"h the 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t has #ot show# itsel! to be s$sceptible to e ter#al press$re i# its treatme#t o! domestic oppositio#' it does care abo$t its i#ter#atio#al rep$tatio# a#d ma& be more ame#able to pers$asio# i# selecti%e cases' as demo#strated b& its appare#t a"reeme#t to adhere to 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio# 1874 ba##i#" arms e ports !rom North 6orea. 0ellow A*+AN members ma& wish to co#sider i#%oki#" the 5a#"kok Treat& Article 1: pro%isio# to reC$est a !actA!i#di#" missio# to 4&a#mar to clari!& some o! the C$estio#s that ha%e bee# raised. 4&a#mar sho$ld also allow the -A+A to i#%esti"ate credible reports o! cla#desti#e #$clear cooperatio# with other co$#tries. Other states sho$ld be willi#" to share with the -A+A a#& i#telli"e#ce i#!ormatio# abo$t s$ch reports' so that the a"e#c& has "ood "ro$#ds !or co#d$cti#" a# i#%esti"atio#. 4&a#marBs #$clear cooperatio# with R$ssia is #ot itsel! o! proli!eratio# co#cer#' "i%e# the pl$to#i$mA prod$ctio# limitatio#s o! the pla##ed 104Et reactor. The possibilit& ca##ot be dismissed' howe%er' o! 4&a#mar ha%i#" a hidde# #$clear a"e#da. Natio#al pride is the most lo"ical e pla#atio# !or wh& s$ch a# impo%erished co$#tr& wo$ld seek s$ch a hi"hAtech !acilit&' b$t it is co#cei%able that seco#dar& moti%atio#s mi"ht i#cl$de pro%idi#" a co%er !or a parallel militar& #$clear e!!ort or as a step i# a pro"ram to b$ild $p a cadre o! tech#ical e pertise that mi"ht be $sed !or weapo#sArelated work. 4&a#mar is aware o! what North 6orea accomplished i# the #$clear !ield a!ter starti#" i# the earl& 1)80s with a small research reactor. -t wo$ld behoo%e R$ssia to i#sist o# !$ll tra#spare#c& P as well as strict adhere#ce to i#ter#atio#al sa!et& co#%e#tio#s P be!ore a !i#al co#tract is a"reed. R$ssia a#d 4&a#mar sho$ld also share with the -A+A details o! disc$ssio#s o# site selectio# a#d pro%ide desi"# i#!ormatio# be!ore a#& co#str$ctio# be"i#s o# the reactor. Begin contingency planning -! co#cer#s are bor#e o$t a#d it is disco%ered that 4&a#mar is' i# !act' e#"a"ed i# secreti%e #$clear cooperatio# with North 6orea or a#& other co$#tr& or #o#Astate actor' A*+AN a#d the *+ANE0L will be p$t to the test. -! 4&a#mar were to p$rs$e #$clear weapo#s' the Associatio# as it sta#ds toda& a#d its disp$teAresol$tio# mecha#isms alo#e wo$ld #ot be able to diss$ade 4&a#mar !rom that path. .r$de#t pla##i#" !or s$ch a co#ti#"e#c& co$ld lead A*+AN members to take steps #ow to impro%e these mecha#isms' starti#" with e#!orci#" the i#!ormatio#Ashari#" reC$ireme#ts o! the 5a#"kok Treat&. 4ea#while' -#dia a#d 4&a#marBs other closest #ei"hbors alo#" with o$tside powers with re"io#al i#terests ma& wish to co#sider shari#" a#al&sis o! 4&a#marBs #$clear i#te#tio#s. 100: 5ishop *treet' *$ite 1110' Fo#ol$l$' F- )881: Tel: <808= 121A8741 0a : <808= 1))A88)0 +mail: .aci!ic0or$mXpac!or$m.or" Eeb .a"e: www.pac!or$m.or"


Mission unlikely
*o#" Ni#"r$# [899:&9:&8<N] R+,+NT2G' as r$mors o! 4&a#marBs ?#$clear pla#@ be"a# to swirl i# the Eester# media' e%e# 9.*. *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# %oiced co#cer# o%er the co$#tr&Bs alle"ed #$clear ambitio#. 5$t it is C$estio#able that a# impo%erished co$#tr& like 4&a#mar co$ld prod$ce the atomic bomb i# the short term i# the !irst place. *o whatBs behi#d the spread o! the r$morsO Media fabrications O%er the &ears' the i#ter#atio#al press corps has alread& pla&ed $p 4&a#marBs ?#$clear pla#'@ reporti#" that 4&a#mar' also k#ow# as 5$rma i# the Eest' has acC$ired #$clear tech#olo"& a#d #$clear weapo#s !rom North 6orea. 5$t more rece#tl&' #$clear proli!eratio# co#cer#s re"ardi#" North 6orea a#d -ra# ha%e become bi""er hotAb$tto# iss$es. Now o#ce a"ai#' howe%er' itBs 4&a#marBs t$r#. The *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald' !or e ample' broke the #ews o# A$"$st 1 which said' with assista#ce !rom North 6orea' 4&a#mar had embarked o# a cla#desti#e #$clear proDect aimi#" to acC$ire its !irst atomic bomb withi# !i%e &ears. -t !$rther alle"ed that 4&a#mar has bee# pro%idi#" .&o#"&a#" with e#riched $ra#i$m i# e cha#"e !or #$clear tech#olo"&. The#' o# A$"$st :' a R$ssia# #ewspaper' C$oti#" e iled 4&a#mar scholars' said the #$mber o! 4&a#marBs #$clear e perts wo$ld reach 1'000 b& the &ear 2012. Tha#ks to these media reports' the 4&a#mar #$clear iss$e has become the !oc$s o! i#ter#atio#al media atte#tio#. The 9.*. Go%er#me#t has si#ce e ploited these r$mors' tr&i#" to disi#"e#$o$sl& ?arra#"e@ a 4&a#mar #$clear proDect. 2ast mo#th' i# a #otable i#sta#ce' Fillar& ,li#to# raised the specter o! closer North 6oreaA4&a#mar collaboratio# i# de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s as a da#"ero$s precede#t d$ri#" her %isit to Thaila#d !or the Re"io#al 0or$m o! the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN=. 4oreo%er' she %oiced co#cer# that the collaboratio# wo$ld e#da#"er #ot D$st #ei"hbori#" co$#tries b$t also re"io#al stabilit&. 6$rt ,ampbell' 9.*. Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate !or +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic A!!airs' has also spec$lated that 4&a#mar rei#!orced its cooperatio# with North 6orea !or the e press p$rpose o! obtai#i#" a #$clear weapo#. .nderfinanced* unrealistic 4&a#mar p$rs$ed a #$clear pla# !or the !irst time i# 1)18' b$t the pla# was aba#do#ed with the asce#t o! the 9 Ne Ei# militar& "o%er#me#t si &ears later. 4ore rece#t e!!orts b& 4&a#mar to b$ild a #$clear reactor' this time with R$ssiaBs help' !o$#dered as well. -#itiall&' 4oscow a"reed to help 4&a#mar establish a #$clear st$dies ce#ter' i#cl$di#" a #$clear reactor' i# 2002. 5$t the pro"ram was shel%ed the !ollowi#" &ear beca$se o! se%ere !i#a#cial problems.

-t was #ot $#til 2007 that 4&a#mar a#d R$ssia si"#ed a# a"reeme#t to restart the pro"ram with the participatio# o! R$ssiaBs *tate Atomic +#er"& ,orporatio#. A#drew *elth' a# A$stralia# academic a#d militar& e pert' said the co#str$ctio# o! the #$clear reactor had made little pro"ress' owi#" to lack o! !$#ds. -#deed' 4&a#marBs #$clear pro"ram remai#s i# its i#!a#c& d$e to !i#a#cial a#d tech#ical di!!ic$lties. Th$s' it is hi"hl& $#likel& that 4&a#mar will !$l!ill its #$clear ambitio#s a#& time soo#. -# !act' d$e to its backward eco#om&' 4&a#mar ca# hardl& "et e#o$"h !$#ds !or a #$clear proDect at all. 5ei#" o#e o! worldBs poorest #atio#s' 4&a#mar has s$!!ered !rom decades o! eco#omic sta"#atio# a#d political isolatio#. 2ast &ear' its "ross domestic prod$ct was o#l& b27.18 billio#. Eith a massi%e e ter#al debt o! b8.7 billio# a#d limited !orei"# e cha#"e reser%es o! b:.8 billio#' there is #o wa& s$ch a# $#de%eloped co$#tr& co$ld a!!ord the hi"h costs o! a #$clear proDect. -# additio#' as the #$clear reactor pro"ram with R$ssia has #ot made a#& pro"ress so !ar' it has pro%ided scarce tech#ical a#d material s$pport !or prod$ci#" #$clear weapo#s. 5esides' with the orie#tatio# o! academic research' the 4oscow -#stit$te o! .h&sics a#d Tech#olo"& ca##ot t$r# 4&a#marBs tech#icia#s i#to #$clear e perts. 0$rthermore' 4&a#mar si"#ed a comprehe#si%e sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t with the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= i# 1))1. Th$s' $#der the ti"ht re"$latio#s o! the -A+A' it will be #o secret sho$ld 4&a#mar decide to e#rich pl$to#i$m with a #$clear reactor to prod$ce #$clear weapo#s. -# !act' 9.*. i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies ha%e #o e%ide#ce li#ki#" 4&a#mar to #$clear weapo#s' #or ha%e -A+A o!!icials made a#& comme#ts to date o# the !resh alle"atio#s. 5$t *elth has said that 4&a#mar wo$ld probabl& take a risk i# acC$iri#" #$clear weapo#s i# order to e#ha#ce its i#ter#atio#al stat$s as well as to i#crease its bar"ai#i#" chips with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. A de!ector !rom 4&a#mar has also said that a secret #$clear reactor is bei#" co#str$cted with North 6oreaBs aid i# a mo$#tai# #ear Na$#" 2ai#" i# 4&a#marBs #orth. The co$#tr&' the de!ector added' is also e ploiti#" two #ew $ra#i$m mi#es. Fowe%er' with #o serio$s e%ide#ce' it is di!!ic$lt to tell i! this is credible or #ot. 1rue intentions There are se%eral iss$es at pla& here. 0irst' o#e a"e#da clearl& e ists to se%er North 6oreaBs eco#omic a#d trade co#tact with *o$theast Asia' as well as to press$re ,hi#a. 5eca$se o! Eester# media alle"atio#s' #either 4&a#mar' #or a#& other *o$theast Asia# #atio#s' wo$ld dare allow 6a#" Nam 1' the North 6orea# car"o ship reported to be saili#" to 4&a#mar !or trade i# weapo#s' to la#d ashore. -# the !$t$re' it wo$ld be e tremel& di!!ic$lt !or North 6orea# shipsVe%e# those with ordi#ar& "oods aboardVto co#d$ct #ormal tra#sactio#s with *o$theast Asia# co$#tries. 5esides' Eashi#"to# co$ld $se the opport$#it& to ratchet $p the North 6orea# #$clear iss$e as a mea#s to ma#ip$late ,hi#a a#d ,hi#ese i#terests i# the re"io#.

*eco#d' the Eest ma& i#te#d to !$rther press$re 4&a#mar with the re#ewed ca$se o! a ?#$clear threat.@ The 9#ited *tates a#d other Eester# co$#tries ha%e lo#" bee# appl&i#" sa#ctio#s a#d press$re o# 4&a#mar based o# democrac& a#d h$ma# ri"ht iss$es. 5$t these ha%e achie%ed little e!!ectVa#d #o s$pport !rom A*+AN co$#tries. 5& i"#iti#" a 4&a#mar #$clear iss$e' which mi"ht ha%e a cha#ce o! bei#" e a""erated as #$clear proli!eratio# i# the !$t$re' Eester# co$#tries co$ld ?create@ a #$clearAarmed 4&a#mar. Thro$"h this' the& co$ld dramati;e its threat to the re"io#' th$s creati#" a# atmosphere o! !ear a#d press$re !rom the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&' i#cl$di#" A*+AN. This wo$ld lea%e 4&a#mar more alo#e a#d isolated tha# it alread& is. 0$rthermore' the 9#ited *tates co$ld achie%e its "oal o! weake#i#" A*+AN a#d th$s take the opport$#it& to stre#"the# its co#trol o%er the or"a#i;atio#. 5& $p"radi#" the 4&a#mar #$clear iss$e' the 9#ited *tates will i#e%itabl& ca$se i#ter#al co#!lict amo#" A*+AN co$#tries' #otabl& betwee# 4&a#mar a#d Thaila#d' -#do#esia a#d 4ala&siaVco$#tries that ha%e a histor& o! critici;i#" 4&a#mar. This criticism is bo$#d to ca$se re"io#al te#sio#s. Third' the Eest ma& create a #ew re"io#al !lashpoi#t i# areas so$thwest o! ,hi#a' th$s t&i#" dow# 5eiDi#"Bs diplomatic reso$rces while erecti#" barriers to *i#oAA*+AN relatio#s. Eith the North 6orea# #$clear iss$e loomi#" lar"e i# Northeast Asia' the heati#" $p o! the 4&a#mar #$clear iss$e ma& &et be a#other bi" b$rde# i# ,hi#aBs i#ter#atio#al diplomac&. The Eest clearl& i#te#ds to create dist$rba#ces to drai# ,hi#aBs diplomatic e#er"&' lea%i#" it bo""ed dow# ha#dli#" peripheral mattersVwhich' as a res$lt' will lea%e 5eiDi#" with less e#er"& to address "lobal a!!airs a#d limit its role i# the i#ter#atio#al are#a. 5esides' as the relatio#s betwee# ,hi#a a#d *o$theast Asia# co$#tries ha%e bee# $p"raded' the 9#ited *tates has rece#tl& displa&ed a# ob%io$s i#te#tio# to weake# 5eiDi#"Bs i#!l$e#ce with its #ei"hbors to the so$theast. The "reat clamor o%er 4&a#marBs #$clear iss$e will bri#" hea%& #ew challe#"es to *i#oA4&a#mar a#d *i#oAA*+AN relatio#s. ,hi#a will there!ore !ace more di!!ic$lties i# bala#ci#" its relatio#s with its #ei"hbori#" co$#tries a#d with the Eest. Eill 4&a#mar obtai# its ow# #$clear weapo#sO ThatBs C$ite a C$estio#. No#etheless' the clo$d s$rro$#di#" 4&a#marBs #$clear ambitio#s will co#ti#$e to e pa#d' so lo#" as the Eest keeps pla&i#" $p its r$mors a#d re%eals more shocki#" #ews. 9.*. #$clear #o#Aproli!eratio# e perts ha%e called o# the -A+A to la$#ch a# i#%esti"atio# o# 4&a#mar. The 9.*. Go%er#me#t ma& also e ert !$rther press$re o# the -A+A' a#d e%e# bri#" the iss$e be!ore the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. *o whe# it comes to 4&a#marBs #$clear iss$e' as with the m$shroom clo$ds o! weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# i# -raC' a#& sli"htest mis$#dersta#di#" co$ld easil& e#d $p i# a#other 9.*. i#%asio#.
<The /ail& 4ailA5eiDi#" Re%iew Articles + cha#"e -tem=`/200)08:0/O.-N-ON/7082)))::

Ship seiLure
2ast 9pdated: A$"$st 2). 200) 7:11.4 9A+ / A$"$st 2). 200) ::11.4 G4T North 6orea has lo#" bee# a pi%otal !i"$re i# the illicit arms trade' its recl$si%e leadership persiste#tl& !la$#ti#" i#ter#atio#al sa#ctio#s to b$& a#d sell se#siti%e tech#olo"ies. As we report toda& i# The Natio#al' the 9A+ has sei;ed a car"o ship carr&i#" North 6orea# weapo#s desti#ed !or -ra#. .relimi#ar& reports i#dicate the co#traba#d was rocketApropelled "re#ades hidde# as ?machi#e parts@' b$t the i#cide#t sheds li"ht o# the "reater iss$e o! proli!eratio# a#d re"io#al sec$rit&. .&o#"&a#"Bs seco#d atomic test earlier this &ear demo#strated a #$clear weapo#s pro"ramme that is steadil& "ai#i#" "ro$#d. Eith s$bsta#tial e%ide#ce li#ki#" the co$#tr& i# the past to the .akista#i scie#tist AN 6ha#' the *&ria# reactor that was destro&ed b& -srael i# 2007 a#d the s$spected pro"ramme i# 4&a#mar' there is little do$bt that North 6orea is a ke& s$pporter o! illicit #$clear pro"rammes. -# o#e wa&' the sei;$re o! the ship holdi#" North 6orea# co#traba#d is a remi#der o! the %i"ila#ce #eeded to keep the G$l! !ree o! illicitl& tra!!icked arms. 9#!ort$#atel& i# the "lobalised world' the problems o! +ast Asia #ow co#cer# $s all.


Burma9s nuclear ambitions2 smoke or fire:

9pdated A$"$st 28' 200) 11:10:12 O%er the past !ew mo#ths thereJs bee# i#creased spec$latio# abo$t whether 5$rma is de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#' b$t how m$ch tr$th is there to the claimsO -# ($l&' at a# A*+AN meeti#" i# Thaila#d' 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# told reporters o! co#cer#s abo$t the tra#s!er o! K#$clear tech#olo"&K !rom North 6orea to 5$rma. The A$stralia# *trate"ic .olic& -#stit$te disc$sses the iss$e i# a #ew report' J5$rma a#d North 6orea: *moke or 0ireOJ .rese#ter: 2iam ,ochra#e *peakers: /r ,arl 9#"erer' director o! the Natio#al *ec$rit& .roDect at the A$stralia# *trate"ic .olic& -#stit$te 9NG+R+R: Eell itJs bee# a cheC$ered o#e i# the past' IitM "oes back to the !act that the& both achie%ed i#depe#de#ce i# 1)48 a#d did#Jt ha%e m$ch o! a relatio#ship. 5$t it was i# the earl& 1)80s whe# North 6orea# a"e#ts were se#t dow# to kill mi#isters o! the *o$th 6orea# "o%er#me#t i# Ra#"oo#' the& achie%ed the death o! a !ew o! them a#d se%eral 5$rmese at the time. Relatio#s so$red horre#do$sl& a!ter that as &o$ ca# ima"i#e b$t the# picked $p a"ai# a!ter 1)88 a#d the cr$shi#" o! the proAdemocrac& mo%eme#t i# 5$rma. A#d si#ce the#' si#ce abo$t 2000 there seems to be a "rowi#" patter# o! militar& cooperatio# a#d certai#l& itJs the case that 5$rma has bee# proc$ri#" militar& eC$ipme#t a#d hardware !rom North 6orea !or some time #ow. ,O,FRAN+: A#d - $#dersta#d thereJs also bee#' itJs !airl& widel& ass$med' that the&J%e bee# helpi#" with these t$##els or $#der"ro$#d !acilities. ,a# &o$ tell me abo$t those' what do the& look like a#d what do &o$ thi#k the& areO 9NG+R+R: Eell the reports are $#clear b$t clearl& 5$rma has bee# e#"a"ed i# b$ildi#" a #$mber o! t$##els' weJ%e see# that i# satellite photos a#d other ima"er& thatJs a%ailable o# the web. Now we ca# spec$late abo$t what the p$rpose o! those is' b$t clearl& "o%er#me#ts post the -raC war ha%e decided i# ro"$e re"imes that di""i#" $#der"ro$#d is the best de!e#ce a"ai#st a#& sort o! pote#tial air attack. Now the& co$ld be !or a ra#"e o! reaso#s a#d this is where the spec$latio# be"i#s' a#&thi#" !rom the stora"e o! militar& hardware ri"ht thro$"h to the co#str$ctio# o! a !acilit& that mi"ht ho$se a $ra#i$m e#richme#t !acilit&. *o what the act$al p$rpose o! some o! these t$##els is $#clear' b$t #o#etheless both North 6orea a#d 5$rma ha%e decided that di""i#" $#der"ro$#d is o#e o! the best de!e#ces. ,O,FRAN+: Now Fillar& ,li#to# spoke o! the co#cer#' as - me#tio#ed' abo$t the tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"&. Eere her comme#ts misi#terpretedO 9NG+R+R: No - do#Jt thi#k so beca$se - thi#k she was %er& care!$l i# what she said' she did#Jt act$all& talk abo$t a pote#tial #$clear weapo#s cooperatio# pro"ram betwee# the two co$#tries. *he said that the 9* a#d other co$#tries took serio$sl& the "rowi#" si"#s o! militar& cooperatio# betwee# .&o#"&a#" a#d Nap&idaw. *he said that the& i#cl$ded the tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& a#d other da#"ero$s weapo#s' b$t that is #ot i# a#d o! itsel! a# ar"$me#t to sa& that thereJs bee# a tra#s!er o! a weapo#s pro"ram as &et. ,O,FRAN+: Fillar& ,li#to# did also sa& tho$"h at that same press co#!ere#ce that i# her words' K-t wo$ld be destabilisi#" !or the re"io#' it wo$ld pose a direct threat to 5$rmaJs #ei"hbo$rsK. - mea# that does#Jt so$#d like #$clear e#er"& prod$ctio#' does itO 9NG+R+R: No b$t itJs also the !act that that took place i# the immediate a!termath o! the ship that was tra%elli#"' the 6a#" Nam 1' pote#tiall& with shortAra#"e ballistic missiles o# it. Now that wo$ld be a# e tremel& destabilisi#" de%elopme#t i! 5$rma were to acC$ire shortAra#"e ballistic missiles.

,O,FRAN+: A#other piece o! e%ide#ce that has come !orward or claims that ha%e come !orward were the two de!ectors that spoke to .ro!essor /esmo#d 5all a#d a#other Do$r#alist o# the border. Ehat are &o$r %iews o# the %al$e o! the de!ectorsJ testimo#&O 9NG+R+R: Eell A#drew *elth' the a$thor o! this report' has looked at these claims %er& care!$ll& a#d i# !act the& "o back to 2002 whe# these de!ectors !irst raised their co#cer#s abo$t what was "oi#" o# i#side 5$rma. The&J%e bee# k#ow# !or some time e%e# tho$"h it was o#l& A$"$st this &ear that the 0air!a papers had p$blished this material. A#d A#drewJs report - thi#k sets o$t C$ite clearl& that we ha%e to be %er& ca$tio$s a#d care!$l abo$t some o! the claims made b& these two i#di%id$als' a#d whether or #ot either o! them wo$ld ha%e had a reall& clear %iew o! what was "oi#" o# i! 5$rma was act$all& e#"a"ed i# a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. O#e o! them was a# older acco$#ta#t' whether or #ot a# acco$#ta#t wo$ld ha%e m$ch %isibilit& o! a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram is $#clear' a#d some o! the claims reall& ha%e bee# $#tested a#d appear somewhat d$bio$s. ,O,FRAN+: /r ,arl 9#"erer D$st i# the 20 seco#ds weJ%e "ot remai#i#" - wa#t to ask &o$ abo$t the impact o! -raC a#d #ot !i#di#" weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# as e pected there. Fas that led to the world bei#" rel$cta#t to draw co#cl$sio#s o# 5$rmaO 9NG+R+R: - do#Jt thi#k itJs #ecessaril& a!!ecti#" sort o! the strate"ic a#al&sis D$d"eme#ts o# 5$rma. - thi#k people are more care!$l' the&Jre more ca$tio$s a#d thereJs "oi#" to ha%e to be m$ch harder e%ide#ce tha# is c$rre#tl& a%ailable o# 5$rma be!ore a#&o#e D$mps o$t a#d declares a #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.


A ossible North Korea J Myanmar alliance:

.ra#amita 5ar$ah 8/8/200) At a time whe# there has bee# a# i#creasi#" co#cer# i# the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& o%er the cla#desti#e #$clear pro"ramme i# North 6orea a#d -ra#' reports re"ardi#" the possible i#%ol%eme#t o! 4&a#marBs militar& D$#ta i# de%elopi#" a #$clear arse#al are dist$rbi#". 0actors like the rece#t aborted %o&a"e o! a North 6orea# ship P the 6a#" Nam -A alle"edl& carr&i#" a car"o o! *c$dAt&pe missiles a#d headi#" towards 4&a#mar' the arrest o! two (apa#ese #atio#als a#d a North 6orea# i# ($#e' 200)' this &ear !or alle"edl& tr&i#" to e port a ma"#etic meas$ri#" de%ice to 4&a#mar that co$ld be $sed to de%elop missiles' rece#t photo"raphs o! massi%e t$##els i# 4&a#mar' a#d the alle"ed reports o! a secret militar& pact betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea' ha%e raised alarm bells that there ha%e bee# a #$clear relatio#ship betwee# North 6orea a#d 4&a#mar. The possibilit& that 4&a#mar too mi"ht be aspiri#" to "o #$clear' possibl& with the help o! North 6orea' is se#di#" shi%ers dow# thro$"h the spi#e o! its #ei"hbo$ri#" co$#tries' i#cl$di#" -#dia. Reports o# this iss$e started hitti#" the i#ter#atio#al media d$ri#" 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to#Bs %isit to Thaila#d i# ($l& to atte#d the A*+AN Re"io#al 0or$m <AR0= meeti#". /$ri#" her %isit' ,li#to# %oiced co#cer# o%er the iss$e o! close North 6orea#A4&a#mar collaboratio# i# the p$rs$it o! o!!e#si%e weapo#s' i#cl$di#" #$clear armame#t. At that time' #ot ma#& were read& to accept her %iew o# the iss$e' tho$"h. Fowe%er' a rece#t report p$blished i# the 5a#"kok .ostBs *pectr$m ma"a;i#e as well as the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald' clearl& s$""ested that 4&a#mar has e#listed .&o#"&a#" help i# b$ildi#" its ow# #$clear bomb withi# the #e t !i%e &ears. -t de!i#itel& s$bsta#tiated ,li#to#Bs s$spicio#. The report was the res$lt o! a twoA&ear i#%esti"atio# i#to 4&a#marBs #$clear ambitio#s b& /esmo#d 5all' a re"io#al sec$rit& e pert at the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit& a#d .hil Thor#to#' a ThaiAbased A$stralia# Do$r#alist. The report' primaril& based o# the testimo#& o! two 4&a#mar de!ectors' i#cl$di#" o#e arm& o!!icer a#d a book keeper !or a tradi#" compa#& with close li#ks to the militar&' claimed that 4&a#mar is e ca%ati#" $ra#i$m i# te# locatio#s a#d has two $ra#i$m pla#ts i# operatio# to re!i#e $ra#i$m i#to Q&ellowcake'B the !issile material !or #$clear weapo#s. The report !$rther re%eals that !or the prod$ctio# o! #$clear weapo#s' 4&a#mar has alread& pla##ed a pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" pla#t i# Na$#" 2ai#"' i# the co$#tr&Bs #orth. The pla#t reportedl& r$#s parallel to a ci%il #$clear reactor bei#" b$ilt at a#other site b& R$ssia. N$clear Allia#ceO Ehile e plai#i#" 4&a#marBs possible moti%e behi#d its #$clear ambitio#' the report re%eals that it was basicall& the i#abilit& o! the D$#ta to compete with #ei"hbo$ri#" Thaila#d o# co#%e#tio#al weapo#s which $ltimatel& compelled 4&a#mar to acC$ire #$clear capabilit& to Qpla& power like North 6oreaB. Fowe%er' ma#& a#al&sts are o! the %iew that the D$#ta aspires to become #$clear !or the d$al p$rpose o! i#ter#atio#al presti"e a#d strate"ic deterre#ce. -t has also bee# poi#ted o$t that the D$#ta' $#der "rowi#" press$re to democrati;e' ma& seek a #$clear deterre#t to a#& !orei"# mo%es to !orce re"ime cha#"e. -t remai#s $#do$btedl& tr$e that D$st like .&o#"&a#"' Ra#"oo# too wo$ld like to ha%e a #$clear bomb so that the& ca# challe#"e the America#s a#d the rest o! the world. Reports re"ardi#" 4&a#marBs #$clear ambitio# started circ$lati#" si#ce 1))8 whe# D$st a!ter the back to back #$clear tests carried o$t b& -#dia a#d .akista#' the D$#ta i#trod$ced a# Atomic +#er"& 2aw <($#e 8' 1))8=. Fowe%er' 4&a#marBs i#terest i# de%elopi#" ci%il #$clear e pertise came to be k#ow# i# 0ebr$ar& 2001 whe# its decades lo#" co#%e#tio#al militar& relatio#ship with R$ssia was e pa#ded to co%er the ci%il #$clear !ield. -# *eptember 2001' the 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t reportedl& i#!ormed the -A+A abo$t its pla# to acC$ire a #$clear research reactor. 5$t the -A+A i#spectors' a!ter their %isit to the state' co#cl$ded that 4&a#mar did #ot ha%e the

reC$ired sa!et& sta#dards. *till' 4&a#mar we#t ahead with its e plorator& talks with R$ssia o# the s$bDect' o# which 4oscow respo#ded positi%el&. 4&a#mar popped $p o# the NAradar o#ce a"ai# a!ter )/11 whe# the 9* troops reportedl& !o$#d e%ide#ce o! co#tacts betwee# some retired a#d ser%i#" #$clear scie#tists o! .akista# a#d AlANaeda chie! Osama 5i# 2ade#. Two o! the scie#tists' reportedl& associates o! .akista#i atomic re#e"ade' A N 6ha#' later o# escaped to 4&a#mar a#d the D$#ta alle"edl& o!!ered them re!$"e there. Altho$"h there was #o !$rther reliable #ews abo$t them' it was belie%ed b& ma#& that 4&a#mar was embarki#" o# a #$clearAresearch proDect with the help o! those two .akista#i scie#tists' alo#" with the scie#tists !rom R$ssia. A !ew &ears later' the D$#ta had reportedl& la$#ched a #$clearArelated QA&elar .roDectB headed b& the two .akista#i scie#tists. The stead& airbor#e trade betwee# .akista# a#d North 6orea i# missiles a#d #$clear parts remai#s a# $#de#iable !act. Fowe%er' i# 2007' it was reported that a tra#sport aircra!t that !lew !rom North 6orea to 4&a#mar !lied a !li"ht path across -#dia to .akista#. This was a si"# that the missile trade betwee# .akista# a#d North 6orea' at times' mi"ht ha%e bee# a tria#"$lar trade' i#cl$di#" 4&a#mar. -# (a#$ar& 2002' 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t e#tered i#to talks with R$ssia to b$ild a #$clear research reactor which wo$ld be $sed Q!or peace!$l p$rposesB. Fowe%er' d$e to the eco#omic h$rdles !aced b& the D$#ta a#d the R$ssia# rel$cta#ce to !i#ali;e the deal with 4&a#mar $#til it si"#s the sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t with the -A+A' #o pro"ress co$ld be made o# the #$clear proDect i# the #e t !i%e &ears. 9ltimatel& i# 4a& 2007' 4&a#mar si"#ed a 4o9 with R$ssia# atomic e#er"& a"e#c& to establish a #$clear st$dies ce#ter i# 4&a#mar' b$ild a 10Ame"awatt #$clear research reactor !or peace!$l p$rposes a#d trai# se%eral h$#dred tech#icia#s i# its operatio#. 4&a#marBs li#ks with -ra# too ha%e come to li"ht' as the 4&a#marBs de!ectors alle"ed that the D$#ta has se#t $ra#i$m deposits !rom the mi#es to -ra# <alo#" with R$ssia= !or e%al$atio#. ($st a !ew mo#ths a"o' %ideos a#d photo"raphs o! a m&sterio$s QOperatio# Tortoise *hellB made its wa& i#to Thaila#d. The e%ide#ce pro%ided b& these so$rces implicated that North 6orea was helpi#" 4&a#mar co#str$cti#" aro$#d 800 t$##els d$ri#" 200:A2008. 4&a#mar broke o!! its diplomatic relatio#s with North 6orea i# 1)8: a!ter .&o#"&a#"Bs alle"ed i#%ol%eme#t i# the bombi#" o! the 4art&rBs ma$sole$m i# Ga#"o# i# a# attempt to assassi#ate %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# .reside#t' ,h$# /ooAhwa#. Fowe%er' commo# i#terests bro$"ht the two secreti%e #atio#s back to"ether. A #$mber o! arm& dele"atio#s tra%elled to .&o#"&a#" D$st a!ter the two sidesB res$mptio# o! !ormal diplomatic relatio#s i# 2007. *oo#' the perso#alities i#%ol%ed i# the %isits i#dicated that 4&a#mar is probabl& seeki#" cooperatio# !rom the North #ot o#l& i# proc$ri#" weapo#s' b$t also i# establishi#" air de!e#se weapo#r&' missiles' rockets or artiller& prod$ctio# !acilities. At prese#t there has bee# a spec$latio# that i# ret$r# o! its militar& cooperatio#' North 6orea mi"ht ha%e bee# pro%ided with $ra#i$m b& reso$rceArich 4&a#mar. Accordi#" to the two de!ectorsB report' altho$"h diplomatic relatio#s betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea res$med o#l& rece#tl&' cooperatio# betwee# them be"a# i# ear#est i# *eptember 2000 whe# a 4o9 was si"#ed b& 5$rmaBs 2ie$te#a#t Ge#eral Thei# Fla a#d North 6orea# maDor Ge#eral 6im ,ha# *$. /$ri#" 2001A2002' !o$r more co#tracts were si"#ed. The Qo!!icialB a"reeme#ts betwee# the two co$#tries co%ered #$clear related acti%ities at two sites a#d i#%ol%ed North 6oreaBs assista#ce i# i#stalli#"' mai#tai#i#"' trai#i#"' a#d s$ppl&i#" eC$ipme#t at the $ra#i$m re!i#i#" a#d e#richme#t pla#t at Thabike 6&i#. At the seco#d reactor site at Na$#" 2ai#"' the North 6orea#s a"reed to help with the co#str$ctio# o! a# $#der"ro$#d !acilit& a#d a #$clear reactor. The report !$rther re%eals that i# rece#t times' .&o#"&a#" has !or"ed closer ties with the D$#ta b& selli#" arms a#d missile tech#olo"& to the latter. Rece#tl&' i#telli"e#ce had !o$#d that D$#ta had be"$# deali#" with the Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" ,ompa#& o! North 6orea !or missile a#d #$clear parts.

-s the alle"atio# credibleO /espite the co#cer# o%er 4&a#marBs possible #$clear ambitio#' re"io#al i#telli"e#ce so$rces seem to be sceptical abo$t the stateBs capabilit& to do so. -t is so' primaril& beca$se %eri!icatio# o! stories comi#" o$t o! 4&a#mar is C$ite di!!ic$lt' as the D$#ta has ba##ed i#ter#atio#al media. The shocki#" re%elatio#s o! the rece#t report is based o# the stateme#ts made b& the two de!ectors who ma& be tr&i#" to boost their ow# importa#ce i# the hope o! "etti#" themsel%es resettled to a third co$#tr&. A!ter all' i# %ario$s earlier occasio#s' the D$#ta tried to p$t o$t misi#!ormatio# to co%er what it is reall& doi#". Abo%e all' 4&a#mar is a part& to the N.T' a#d $#der a sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t with the -A+A' it is obli"ated to let the 9N watchdo" k#ow at least si mo#ths ahead o! operati#" a #$clear !acilit&. At the rece#t AR0 meet' 4&a#mar 0orei"# 4i#ister N&a# Ei# ass$red the A*+AN members that his "o%er#me#t wo$ld abide b& the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cilBs rece#t resol$tio# o# North 6orea that prohibits a#& cooperatio# with .&o#"&a#" i# the #$clear sector. *till' the sceptics are willi#" to co#cede that the 4&a#mar re"ime is #ot tr$stworth&. Reactio#s Reactio#s o# 4&a#marBs possible #$clear ambitio# are somewhat mi ed. Ehile d$ri#" her %isit to Thaila#d' Fillar& ,li#to# stated that the possibilit& o! .&o#"&a#" tra#s!erri#" #$clear tech#olo"& to 4&a#mar will be a threat to the 9.*. allies i# the re"io#' a#d a Qcomplete a#d irre%ersible de#$cleari;atio# is the o#l& %iable path !or North 6oreaB' o# : A$"$st' Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate !or .$blic A!!airs' .hilip ,rowle&' stated that o%er time' the 9.*. wo$ld like to clari!& with 4&a#mar more precisel& the #at$re o! its militar& cooperatio# with North 6orea. Ehile reacti#" to the 9.*. %iew o# the iss$e' R$ssia states that there is little ca$se o! co#cer# o%er a possible #$clear li#k betwee# the two ro"$e states i# Asia. R$ssia# o!!icials !$rther states that the #$clear cooperatio# betwee# R$ssia a#d 4&a#mar is #ot i# co#!lict with the N.T or -A+A reC$ireme#ts' a#d R$ssia will de!i#itel& mo%e ahead with its #$clear proDect i# 4&a#mar. 4&a#mar "oi#" #$clear will impact o# -#diaBs !orei"# polic& i# relatio# to this re"io#. Altho$"h i#itiall& both the states had di!!ere#ce o# 4&a#marBs democrati;atio# a#d A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i iss$e si#ce 2000' $#der its #ew Q2ook +astB polic&' -#dia has decided to de%elop cordial relatio#s with the D$#ta a#d Q#ot to i#ter!ere i# its i#ter#al a!!airsB. -# the last !ew &ears' both the states ha%e bee# acti%el& collaborati#" o# weedi#" o$t i#s$r"e#ts alo#" the -#doA4&a#mar border a#d de%elopi#" trade li#ks betwee# the two states. A #$clear weapo# !ree 4&a#mar is importa#t !or -#diaBs ow# sec$rit& as well as !or keepi#" the credibilit& o! the N.T re"ime i#tact. A #$clear 4&a#mar mi"ht tri""er a #$clear arms race i# the re"io#. -#dia has a cha#ce to pla& a# importa#t leadership role i# a%oidi#" the occ$rre#ce o! s$ch a sce#ario b& deali#" pr$de#tl& with the D$#ta.


Burma9s deadly course

Gre" *herida#' 0orei"# +ditor A$"$st 08' 200) 59R4A is a b$""er o! a problem. A#d itJs "etti#" worse. 2ast weeke#d' 0air!a papers reported testimo#& !rom two 5$rmese de!ectors which s$""ested Ra#"oo# had pro"ressed some dista#ce towards b$ildi#" cla#desti#e #$clear !acilities with North 6orea# assista#ce. 5$rma is a ro"$e state. Ro"$e states' like !ailed states <s$ch as *omalia=' are be&o#d i#ter#atio#al #orms a#d almost b& de!i#itio# do #ot care abo$t i#ter#atio#al opi#io#' with the e ceptio# "e#erall& o! their o#e or two spo#sors. 5$rma is a partic$larl& di!!ic$lt case. -! e%er there was a# e ample o!the #eed !or some #ew thi#ki#"' itJs 5$rma. ($st establishi#" the !acts is e tremel& challe#"i#". The de!ector testimo#& said 5$rma was co#str$cti#" t$##els i# which it had also be"$# co#str$cti#" #$clear reactors' with North 6orea# help. This was a %al$able stor&' #ot beca$se what the de!ectors sa& is #ecessaril& tr$e' b$t beca$se it is $se!$l to k#ow what de!ectors are sa&i#". A!ter -raC' e%er&o#e is %er& care!$l abo$t de!ector testimo#& re"ardi#" #$clear matters. /e!ectors do#Jt alwa&s tell &o$ the tr$th. *ometimes the& sa& what the& belie%e their i#terro"ators wa#t to hear. *ometimes the& sa& what will ma imise their %al$e. *ometimes the& do#Jt k#ow the tr$th. O# the other ha#d' de!ectors ha%e o# occasio#s "i%e# criticall& importa#t a#d acc$rate testimo#&. -t was disside#t testimo#& that re%ealed -ra#Js secret #$clear pro"rams. - ha%e bee# !ollowi#" this 5$rmese stor& a lo#" time. -# 2008' - reported that 9* i#telli"e#ce harbo$red deep co#cer#s abo$t 5$rmaJs ambitio#s to acC$ire #$clear material a#d e pertise !rom North 6orea. At that time' the best 9* a#al&sis was that #o #$clear material had &et passed !rom North 6orea to 5$rma. Fa%i#" talked to some e tremel& wellAi#!ormed Asia# a#al&sts' -Jm i#cli#ed to thi#k the 5$rmese de!ector testimo#& was e a""erated. No o#e k#ows !or s$re. The stakes are so e#ormo$s that we #eed to make a serio$s e!!ort' tho$"h' to !i#d o$t all we ca#. 4$ch o! the de!ector testimo#& seems to hi#"e o# North 6orea# assista#ce i# b$ildi#" t$##els. -t is tr$e that t$##els ca# be $sed to hide reactors. Fowe%er' there is also si"#i!ica#t e%ide#ce that North 6orea has bee# helpi#" the para#oid 5$rmese re"ime b$ild t$##els as elaborate air raid shelters !or the r$li#" D$#ta i# the e%e#t o! 9* attack. A 9* air attack o# 5$rma is almost i#co#cei%able b$t Tha# *hweJs militar& D$#ta is i#te#sel& para#oid. -t mo%ed its capital !rom Ra#"oo# to a# i#la#d cit& appare#tl& beca$se it !eared Ra#"oo# was s$sceptible to militar& attack. There is #o do$bt there is a deep relatio#ship betwee# the 5$rmese a#d North 6orea# militaries. The two co$#tries ha%e a stra#"e histor&.

5$rma broke diplomatic relatio#s with .&o#"&a#" i# 1)8: a!ter North 6orea# a"e#ts attempted to kill ,h$# /ooAhwa#' the *o$th 6orea# preside#t the# %isiti#" 5$rma. The& missed ,h$# b$t killed 20 other people. The two dictatorships reAestablished relatio#s i# April 2007. *i#ce the#' the militaries o! both co$#tries ha%e had a# i#te#se a#d deepe#i#" relatio#ship. 5$rma is tho$"ht to ha%e imported a "reat deal o! sta#dard i#!a#tr& eC$ipme#t !rom North 6orea. 5$rma mai#tai#s the bi""est sta#di#" arm& i# *o$theast Asia' with more tha# hal! a millio# troops a#d a paramilitar& !orce o! more tha# 100'000. Eester# "o%er#me#ts ha%e bee# a bit ca"e& abo$t re%eali#" how m$ch the& k#ow o! what militar& materiel has passed betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma. The& #ormall& do#Jt "o be&o#d calli#" o# 5$rma to !$ll& impleme#t 9N resol$tio#s that ba# member states !rom tradi#" with North 6orea i# militar& eC$ipme#t a#d arms. North 6orea also has a record o! selli#" #$clear material to a#&o#e who will b$& it. -# 2007 the -sraelis destro&ed a #$clear reactor the North 6orea#s had helped the *&ria#s b$ild. 0$rther' 5$rma certai#l& has a# i#disp$table i#terest i# acC$iri#" #$clear tech#olo"&. A !ew &ears a"o it si"#ed a deal with R$ssia to b$ild a small #$clear reactor !or research p$rposes a#d !or the prod$ctio# o! #$clear medical materials. This is a tr$l& bi;arre proDect. 5$rma has o#e o! the most primiti%e' impo%erished a#d i#e!!ecti%e health s&stems i# the world. -#ter#atio#al a#al&sts do #ot belie%e 5$rma co$ld sa!el& r$# s$ch a reactor. The R$ssia#s i#sist that what the& pro%ide 5$rma will compl& completel& with -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& sa!e"$ards. 4ost a#al&sts thi#k the R$ssia#s are o# the le%el abo$t this a#d ha%e #o desire to proli!erate a#& weapo#sA$sable tech#olo"& to the 5$rmese. Fowe%er' the 9* *tate /epartme#t has criticised the R$ssia# proDect' sa&i#" i# e!!ect that it has #o reaso#able ratio#ale a#d prese#ts serio$s da#"ers. -t seems that the proDect has "o#e e tremel& slowl&' primaril& beca$se o! 5$rmese !i#a#ci#" di!!ic$lties. A# importa#t i#si"ht comes !rom -#dia. -#dia# so$rces re%eal that two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists' *$leima# Assad a#d 4$hammad 4$khtar' who were part o! A.N. 6ha#Js #$clear proli!eratio# #etwork' we#t to li%e i# 5$rma se%eral &ears a"o. A!ter )/11 the America# 05- had wa#ted to talk to them abo$t their #$clear proli!eratio# acti%ities. There is some disa"reeme#t amo#" -#dia# so$rces as to whether the me# de!ected to 5$rma or were e#co$ra"ed b& the .akista# "o%er#me#t to "o there. -t seems stra#"e' as ,hi#a a#d -#dia' #ot .akista#' are the two mai# e ter#al competitors !or i#!l$e#ce withi# 5$rma. No#etheless' the -#dia# so$rces reporti#" this are e#tirel& credible' with i#telli"e#ce a#d hi"h "o%er#me#t ser%ice back"ro$#ds. The .akista#is s$rel& did#Jt pick 5$rma !or the li!est&le. .erhaps the most i#tri"$i#" e%ide#ce o! all was 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# remarki#" at the rece#t A*+AN meeti#" i# Thaila#d: KEe worr& abo$t the tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea to 4&a#mar <5$rma=.K /oes that stateme#t co#!irm that s$ch a tra#s!er has take# placeO .robabl& #ot. -! the America#s had hard e%ide#ce o! this the& wo$ld almost certai#l& be taki#" stro#"er i#ter#atio#al actio#. 5$t it wo$ld be importa#t !or ,li#to# to se#d a stro#" p$blic messa"e' #ot least to the 5$rmese' i!' as seems likel&' the America#s were aware e%e# that the 5$rmese were talki#" it o%er with the North 6orea#s' or i# the %er& earl& sta"es o! a #$clear e!!ort.

0i#all&' the 5$rmese operate at a prett& primiti%e le%el tech#olo"icall&. -tJs $#likel& the& co$ld prod$ce #$clear reactors or weapo#s. 5$t i# these matters i#te#t is e%er&thi#". The 5$rmese mi"ht be the o#l& people i# the world who see the North 6orea#s as at least partl& a positi%e model' ha%i#" sec$red themsel%es !rom e ter#al i#ter!ere#ce thro$"h possessio# o! #$clear weapo#s. This is a di!!ic$lt stor& b$t o#e o! imme#se importa#ce. This col$m# has lo#" belie%ed that b& isolati#" 5$rma the Eest o#l& ser%es to i#crease the ro"$eAstate me#talit& that a#imates its r$lers. -t is a# e tremel& $#pleasa#t re"ime' !or which there is #o ethical de!e#ce at all. 5$t i! we co#ti#$e to isolate it' we dri%e it i#to the welcomi#" arms o! ,hi#a a#d make it more likel& to t$r# towards ro"$eAstate sol$tio#s' o! which #$clear weapo#s are the ape . -tJs a to$"h a#d $"l& call' b$t the Eest #eeds a #ew polic& o! e#"a"eme#t with 5$rma.


China edgy o7er Burma>s nuclear ambitions

b& 5ria# 4c,arta# Eed#esda&' 01 A$"$st 200) 14:12 5a#"kok <4i;;ima= A A#other ro$#d o! re%elatio#s co#cer#i#" 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s a#d its #e $s with North 6orea has throw# $p re#ewed i#ter#atio#al i#terest. ,ombi#ed with comme#ts b& the 9#ited *tates o! its co#cer# o%er the "rowi#" cooperatio# betwee# its pariah #ei"hbo$rs' ,hi#a m$st be "rowi#" i#creasi#"l& $#eas&. The re%elatio#s came abo$t i# a report i# The *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald o# *at$rda& a#d are based o# two &ears o! research b& /esmo#d 5all' a strate"ic st$dies e pert a#d 5$rma watcher at the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit& a#d !reela#ce Do$r#alist .hil Thor#to#. 4$ch o! their i#!ormatio# comes !rom the testimo#& o! two de!ectors' who claim to ha%e bee# co##ected to the #$clear pro"ramme' a#d !rom radio i#tercepts. Ehile reports o# 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ramme ha%e bee# circ$lati#" !or some time amo#" the oppositio# media a#d 5$rmese acti%ists' 5all a#d Thor#to# claim their research i#dicates with some certai#t& that two reactors are $#der de%elopme#t a#d that the re"ime is de%elopi#" a #$clear weapo#s capabilit&. Accordi#" to their research a 10 me"awatt reactor is bei#" de%eloped with R$ssia# assista#ce at 4&ai#" i# 4a"we /i%isio# a#d a#other ?secret@ 10 me"awatt reactor is bei#" de%eloped with North 6orea# help at Na$#" 2ai#" i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. -# additio#' North 6orea !acilitated the co#str$ctio# o! a $ra#i$m re!i#i#" a#d e#richme#t !acilit& at Thabike 6&i#. Altho$"h both reactors are small' sec$rit& a#al&sts ha%e #oted that North 6orea de%eloped its r$#awa& #$clear pro"ramme !rom a similar reactor at Ga#"b&o#. O! a more si#ister #at$re' 5all a#d Thor#to# also claim that testimo#& !rom the de!ectors i#dicates that a pro"ramme is alread& $#derwa& to de%elop a %iable #$clear weapo#. *ho$ld the de!ectors testimo#& pro%e tr$e' the& sa&' the# the ?secret@ reactor co$ld be capable o! ?prod$ci#" o#e bomb a &ear' e%er& &ear' a!ter 2014.@ Altho$"h a weapo#s pro"ramme wo$ld reC$ire more e ter#al s$pport tha# is c$rre#tl& bei#" pro%ided' .&o#"&a#" has show# a willi#"#ess to e port tech#olo"& a#d k#owAhow to other recl$si%e a#d a#tiAEester# re"imes. -# 5$rmaBs case' that k#owAhow a#d tech#olo"& co$ld be traded !or !issio#able #$clear material to co#ti#$e the de%elopme#t o! North 6oreaBs ow# weapo#s. The %o&a"e o! a North 6orea# car"o ship' the 6a#" Nam 1' last mo#th belie%ed to be headi#" to 5$rma' aro$sed s$spicio#s o! cooperatio# betwee# .&o#"&a#" a#d Na&p&idaw o# the de%elopme#t o! ballistic missiles. Oppositio# so$rces claim the D$#ta ma& ha%e alread& acC$ired *c$dAt&pe missiles or is testi#" its ow# desi"#s with the help o! North 6orea# ad%isors. These claims ha%e #ot bee# i#depe#de#tl& %eri!ied' b$t a %isit b& Ge#eral Th$ra *hwe 4a##' *./, N$mber :' to North 6orea seemed to partiall& co#!irm the claims whe# he a#d his e#to$ra"e i#spected a *c$d prod$ctio# !acilit&. -# earl& ($l&' reports emer"ed that Tok&o police had arrested three (apa#ese e ec$ti%es !or alle"edl& tr&i#" to sell eC$ipme#t to 5$rma which co$ld be $sed i# ballistic missile co#str$ctio#. The Fo#" 6o#"Abased New +ast -#ter#atio#al Tradi#" 2td. which had ordered the parts has bee# li#ked to the North 6orea# .&o#"&a#" EorkerBs .art&. 5$rmaBs acC$isitio# o! a #$clear weapo# a#d the de%elopme#t o! ballistic missiles to deli%er s$ch a de%ice will s$rel& raise the re"io#al sec$rit& temperat$re a#d has the pote#tial to spark a #ew *o$theast Asia# arms race. 0ollowi#" *at$rda&Bs report' Thai Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil head Thawil .lie#sri ordered o!!icials to look i#to the reports.

*$ch a sit$atio# wo$ld almost certai#l& #ot be !a%o$red b& 5$rmaJs mai# i#ter#atio#al patro#. ,o#siderable e!!ort has bee# spe#t b& ,hi#a i# de%elopi#" 5$rma as a so$rce o! cheap #at$ral reso$rces to s$ppl& its "rowi#" i#d$strial base' as a trade "atewa& to its remote a#d la#dlocked so$thwester# re"io# a#d as a strate"ic co#d$it !or oil a#d "as shipme#ts !rom the 4iddle +ast. Eork is sched$led to be"i# #e t mo#th o# a# oil a#d "as pipeli#e that will carr& 20 millio# to#s o! cr$de oil a#d 12 billio# c$bic meters o! "as e%er& &ear across 5$rma to the so$thwester# cit& o! 6$#mi#". The proposed pipeli#e will allow ,hi#ese oil ri"s to b&pass the #arrow 4alacca *traits' where o%er 80 per ce#t o! its c$rre#t !$el imports pass a#d %iewed as a pote#tial strate"ic chokepoi#t i# a#& co#!lict with the 9*. The last thi#" ,hi#a wa#ts' sa& a#al&sts' is to see its #ew commercial arteries p$t at risk b& 9* co#cer#s o%er a #$clear 5$rma. ,hi#a has to %ar&i#" de"rees bee# proppi#" $p 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime si#ce it withdrew s$pport !or the 5$rmese ,omm$#ist .art& i# the late 1)80Bs 5eiDi#"Bs s$pport thro$"h massi%e arms shipme#ts has bee# ke& to the "e#eralsB abilit& to rapidl& e pa#d their militar& to a# estimated 100'000 soldiers. ,hi#aBs i#!l$e#ce has also bee# ke& to de!lecti#" criticism o! 5$rma i# i#ter#atio#al !ora' i#cl$di#" at the 9#ited Natio#Js *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. *i#ce the 1)80s 5eiDi#" has spe#t co#siderable e!!ort a#d mo#e& maki#" eco#omic i#roads a#d sec$ri#" l$crati%e co#cessio#s o%er 5$rmaJs rich #at$ral reso$rces !or ,hi#ese compa#ies. *$btle si"#s ha%e alread& s$r!aced o! ,hi#aBs "rowi#" a##o&a#ce with 5$rmaBs bri#ksma#ship with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. That ass$med co#cer# wo$ld #o do$bt "row i! 5$rma were to acC$ire ballistic missiles or a #$clearA"rade weapo#. A$stralia# 5$rma e pert A#drew *elth wrote i# a 2007 paper' K5eiDi#" is $#likel& to be happ& abo$t the prospect o! the *./, acC$iri#" a #$clear weapo#' "i%e# I5$rmaJsM pro imit& to ,hi#a' its i#ter#al i#stabilit& a#d the $#predictable beha%io$r o! its leaders.K Ehile ,hi#a has so !ar tolerated North 6orea# co#%e#tio#al weapo#s shipme#ts a#d li#ks to s$ppl&i#" ballistic missile a#d #$clear tech#olo"& to other re"imes co#sidered $#sa%o$r& i#ter#atio#all& s$ch as *&ria a#d -ra#' that "oodwill ma& be stretched b& ha%i#" that same tech#olo"& shared with its #earb& #ei"hbo$rs. This wo$ld be partic$larl& the case i! it so$rs ties with "reater *o$theast Asia' where it has rece#tl& dedicated co#siderable diplomatic a#d commercial e#er"ies i# a soAcalled Kso!t powerK campai"#. 4ai#tai#i#" re"io#al stabilit& is a paramo$#t ,hi#ese co#cer#. 5$rmaJs possessio# o! ballistic missiles or a #$clear capabilit& wo$ld risk the spread o! weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# tech#olo"ies i# a re"io# where #o state has acC$ired #$clear weapo#s. A re"io#al arms race wo$ld likel& e#s$e as 5$rmaJs #ei"hbo$rs so$"ht deterre#ce optio#s. As *elth wrote' K-# this atmosphere o! !ear a#d s$spicio#' the sec$rit& stakes i# the re"io# wo$ld "o $p' raisi#" the prospect o! other co$#tries !eeli#" obli"ed to e pa#d their ow# i#%e#tories o! strate"ic weapo#s. 5eiDi#" wo$ld also worr& abo$t the possible respo#se o! the 9* to closer I5$rmaMANorth 6orea ties.K -! 5$rma were to acC$ire ballistic missiles a#d s$bsta#ti%e e%ide#ce was !o$#d o! a #$clear pro"ramme' Eashi#"to# wo$ld likel& be !orced to reAe%al$ate its 5$rma polic& towards more direct e#"a"eme#t. /$ri#" a re"$lar press brie!i#" o# 4o#da&' 9* Assista#t *ecretar& o! *tate !or .$blic A!!airs' .hilip ( ,rowle&' said America was co#cer#ed b& ?the #at$re o! cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma.@ Altho$"h he did #ot elaborate o# what t&pe o! cooperatio# a#d re!$sed to comme#t o# C$estio#s related to a#& $#der"ro$#d #$clear comple ' ma#& obser%ers belie%e the 9* is taki#" a re#ewed i#terest i# 5$rmaBs #$clear desi"#s. Accordi#" to A#drew *elth i# a# article o# A$"$st : i# QThe -#terpreterB' the weblo" o! the 2ow& -#stit$te !or -#ter#atio#al .olic&' the Obama admi#istratio# has co#d$cted a thoro$"h i#%esti"atio# o! 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ramme as part o! its o#"oi#" re%iew o! its 5$rma polic&. The 9* has' howe%er' so !ar bee# ca$tio$s i# its stateme#ts o# the matter a#d seems to be waiti#" !or more solid e%ide#ce be!ore maki#" a !ormal stateme#t.

,o#ti#$ed leaks o! i#!ormatio# a#d the res$lta#t media atte#tio# o# militar& li#ks a#d possible #$clear cooperatio# betwee# Na&p&idaw a#d .&o#"&a#" will o#l& ser%e to mai#tai# a#d e%e# hei"hte# 9* i#terest i# 5$rma. The Obama admi#istratio# has alread& show# a re#ewed i#terest i# *o$theast Asia' maki#" it i# ,hi#aBs best i#terest to rei"# i# the ambitio#s o! its so$ther# #ei"hbo$r.


Read& !or thisO N$kes i# 5$rma report 0: A$" 200) 11:28 pm A !rie#d -J%e k#ow# a#d tr$sted !or &ears i# the #atio#al sec$rit& world se#t me this report !rom the 5a#"kok .ost &esterda&. Ob%io$sl& that mea#s itJs #ot KsecretK material' a#d the report itsel! the res$lt o! reaso#i#" a#d "$ess work rather tha# a#&thi#" more de!i#ite. 5$t the a$thors i#cl$de /esmo#d 5all o! the A$stralia# Natio#al 9#i%ersit&' who is a wellAestablished a$thorit& i# #$clear weapo#s a#d strate"ic st$dies. <Nothi#" a"ai#st the other a$thorH - D$st do#Jt k#ow o! him.= The& be"i# their !i#di#"s this wa&: KO$r ow# starti#" positio# was o#e o! deep skepticism' b$t the testimo#ies !rom two de!ectors !orced $s to co#sider the $#com!ortable possibilities o! a 5$rma with #$clear capabilit&.K The reaso# this wo$ld matter is that 5$rma has ar"$abl& the worst "o%er#me#t i# the world AA a#d i! #ot the %er& worst' the# ri"ht $p there with North 6orea i# ha%i#" its ow# co#cept o! Kratio#alit&.K <This was the "o%er#me#t that wo$ld #ot allow o$tsiders to help the %ictims o! the de%astati#" t&phoo#/c&clo#e last &ear.= A#d the "ist o! this report is that North 6orea has bee# worki#" with the 5$rmese re"ime o# #$kes. To this poi#t' the 5$rmese re"imeJs destr$cti%e#ess has bee# %isited e cl$si%el& o# its ow# co$#tr&Js people rather tha# a"ai#st its #ei"hbors. O! co$rse' #$clear weapo#s ca# cha#"e thi#"s. Ee ha%e see# i# rece#t world histor& the da#"er o! leapi#" to co#cl$sio#s abo$t which da#"ero$s re"imes ha%e what #ew weapo#r&. 5$t to me this was #ews worth p$tti#" o# the worr&Ascope. + tra items !rom the 5a#"kok .ost here [http5$$###*ban!)o)post*com$ne#s$in%esti!ation$8;?G?$time&"or&a& close&loo)&at&burma&nuclear&pro!ramme] a#d here [http5$$###*ban!)o)post*com$ne#s$local$8;?;L$report& re%eals&burma&89;H&nu)es&tar!et] . The -#terpreter' !rom the 2ow& -#stit$te i# *&d#e&' toda& has a thoro$"h r$#dow# o! the r$mors a#d co$#terAar"$me#ts here. A!ter the D$mp' m& !rie#dJs i#!ormed "loss o# the a!!air. RRR 0rom m& !rie#d' who has worked i# %ario$s p$blic a#d pri%ate roles i# de!e#seArelated e!!orts. A!ter he se#t the report - wrote back sa&i#"' is there a#& reaso# to thi#k this is tr$eO Fis repl& is below. Fe sa&s 4&a#marH - sa& 5$rma' as e plai#ed here: [http5$$'ames"allo#s*theatlantic*com$archi%es$899@$9<$e%il=in=burma*php] K9#!ort$#atel&' - do belie%e that the stor& sho$ld #ot be dismissed. Ehat is most co#cer#i#" to me is the !act that it !ollows b& D$st 10 da&s or so' *ecretar& ,li#to#Js 21 ($l& stateme#ts i# which she e pressed co#cer# o%er the possibilit& that North 6orea is shari#" #$clear weapo#sArelated tech#olo"& with 4&a#mar. NGT stor& here: http://www.#& KAt the time o! that stor&' - tho$"ht how bi;arre' how o$t o! #owhere the ,li#to# acc$satio# seemed to come. Now' "i%e# the 5all stor&' - ca#Jt help b$t thi#k that the Obama Admi#istratio# has some i#telli"e#ce i#dicati#" that the North is e#"a"i#" i# s$ch acti%it& a#d that the& were aware that it was abo$t to leak %ia the 5all stor& or perhaps other a%e#$es' a#d that the& wa#ted to "et a D$mp o# it' so as #ot to be acc$sed o! ha%i#" bee# ca$"ht $#aware. 0$rther $#derscori#" m& te#de#c& to belie%e that there is i# !act a there there is that - ca##ot belie%e that *ecretar& ,li#to# wo$ld ha%e made s$ch a# acc$satio# AA #ow echoed i# the 5all acco$#t AA $#less the Admi#istratio# had somethi#" s$bsta#tial. The& are pai#!$ll& aware AA certai#l& the i#tel comm$#it& AA is pai#!$ll& aware o! the !act that the 9.*. ca##ot a!!ord to be re%ealed as peddli#" !alse acc$satio#s.

KAs !ar as the co#te#t o! the 5all stor& "oes' the !irst a#d mai# C$estio# that - wo$ld bri#" to a#& s$ch stor& i# which a state is acc$sed o! la&i#" the "ro$#dwork !or a #$clear weapo#s materials pro"ram wo$ld be: what ha%e the& do#e to escape #otice <the #otice o! e&es i# the sk&H the #otice o! !orei"# tra%elers thro$"h the co$#tr&= a#d' $#!ort$#atel&' the co#te#tio# that 4&a#mar #ow has a reactor co#str$cted i# 8 di!!ere#t locatio#s a#d a# $#der"ro$#d secret !acilit& b$ried deep withi# a mo$#tai# AA the Na$#" 2ai#" !acilit& AA s$pplies a credible respo#se to m& C$estio#. The seco#d C$estio# wo$ld be how ca# a co$#tr& so desperatel& poor' so bere!t o! well' D$st abo$t e%er&thi#". . . b$t the# - stop a#d thi#k: North 6orea' .akista#... K-tJs wa& too earl& !or a#&o#e to be talki#" i# terms o! Kslam d$#kK e%ide#ceH certai#l& ,li#to#Js remarks did#Jt "o that !ar a#d #either does 5allJs. 5$t the bottom li#e is that 5allJs stor& is tech#icall& credible i# its ow# ri"ht a#d it s$pplies a !ollowA$p piece to ,li#to#Js earlier remarks that !its a little too #eatl& <too $#com!ortabl& #eatl&= with those remarks.K


Burma9s unanswered nuclear Buestion

b& A#drew *elth : A$"$st 200) 11:40A4 A#drew *elth is a Research 0ellow at the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te a#d a$thor o! 5$rma a#d N$clear .roli!eratio#: .olicies a#d .erceptio#s. 5$rmaBs s$spected E4/ pro"ram is i# the #ews a"ai#. This time' the !oc$s is o# a co$ple o! 5$rmese #atio#als who Jde!ectedJ abo$t two &ears a"o' claimi#" !irstAha#d k#owled"e o! Na&p&idawBs secret #$clear pla#s. As #oted i# The -#terpreter i# 0ebr$ar&' howe%er' the pict$re is still !ar !rom clear. *at$rda&Bs *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald led with the dramatic headli#e' JRe%ealed: 5$rmaBs #$clear bombshellJ' !ollowed b& JAtomic weapo#s i# !i%e &earsJ a#d JNorth 6orea helpi#" b$ild secret reactorJ. The A"e carried a %ersio# o! the stor& headed J5$rma ?b$ildi#" secret NApla#t@J. 5oth papers bala#ced these reports with a tho$"ht!$l opAed b& The A"eBs diplomatic editor' remi#di#" readers that' despite the de!ectorsB startli#" claims' the iss$e was still the s$bDect o! co#siderable debate amo#" scholars a#d o!!icials. This is #ot the !irst time local #ewspapers ha%e made s$ch claims. -# 2008' !or e ample' The A$stralia# p$blished a stor& $#der the headli#e J5$rma seeks #$clear weapo#s allia#ce with N. 6oreaJ. No e%ide#ce was pro%ided to D$sti!& this stateme#t' b$t it was !ollowed i# 2007 b& a report i# the same paper e#titled J9#co#%e#tio#al wisdom o# 5$rmaJ. The report claimed that J9* i#telli"e#ce belie%es that 5$rma is seeki#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s !rom tech#olo"& pro%ided b& North 6oreaJ. There are ma#& $#a#swered C$estio#s abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear aspiratio#s a#d its ties with North 6orea. As mi"ht be e pected' "i%e# the isolated a#d secreti%e #at$re o! both militar& re"imes' details o! their relatio#ship are %er& hard to disco%er. The most pressi#" C$estio# !or ma#& a#al&sts' howe%er' is wh& #o "o%er#me#t or i#ter#atio#al or"a#isatio# has made a#& o!!icial stateme#t o# this iss$e' despite all the articles a#d blo"s p$blished o# it si#ce 2002' whe# 5$rma was !irst acc$sed o! wa#ti#" a #$clear weapo#. 0or ei"ht &ears' the 5$sh Admi#istratio# took e%er& opport$#it& to criticise 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime' lo$dl& a#d p$blicl&. The 9* also made #$mero$s stateme#ts co#dem#i#" those co$#tries V like -raC' -ra#' *&ria a#d North 6orea V that it belie%ed were p$rs$i#" cla#desti#e #$clear weapo#s pro"rams' or proli!erati#" se#siti%e #$clear tech#olo"ies. At #o time' howe%er' did the 9* "o%er#me#t e%er acc$se the Na&p&idaw re"ime o! tr&i#" to b$ild a secret reactor or de%elop #$clear weapo#s' with or witho$t North 6orea# assista#ce. Thro$"ho$t this period' Eashi#"to# was watchi#" de%elopme#ts i# 5$rma closel&. -t be""ars belie! that the 9* "o%er#me#t did #ot k#ow abo$t the two 5$rmese Jde!ectorsJ' o# whose testimo#& the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d The A"e ha%e based their latest stories. -#deed' both papers ha%e s$""ested that a third 5$rmese de!ector was Jpicked $pJ b& 9* i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies last &ear' pres$mabl& to be i#ter%iewed o# this iss$e. Get' e%e# whe# armed with the appare#t re%elatio#s o! all these de!ectors' the 5$sh Admi#istratio# remai#ed co#spic$o$sl& sile#t abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear stat$s. This is #ot to sa& that there were #o s$spicio#s o! a possible #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. -# 2007' !or e ample' The A$stralia# based its stor& o# a stateme#t b& a !ormer Ehite Fo$se sta!!er to the e!!ect that JEester# i#telli"e#ce o!!icials ha%e s$spected !or se%eral &ears that the re"ime has had a# i#terest i# !ollowi#" the model o! North 6orea a#d achie%i#" militar& a$tark& b& de%elopi#" ballistic missiles a#d #$clear weapo#sJ. Get s$spicio#s o! a# i#terest i# !ollowi#" a model is a !ar cr& !rom hard e%ide#ce o! a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.

As r$mo$rs o! a secret E4/ pro"ram "rew i# !reC$e#c& a#d scope' the 5$sh Admi#istratio# came $#der i#creasi#" press$re !rom acti%ists' e ile "ro$ps a#d certai# members o! ,o#"ress ope#l& to acc$se 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime o! de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s' with North 6oreaBs help. Get it stead!astl& re!$sed to do so' e%e# i# 2008 whe# the 9* co#d$cted a co#certed campai"# i# the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil to ha%e 5$rma bra#ded a threat to re"io#al sec$rit&. -t is di!!ic$lt to escape the co#cl$sio# that the 5$sh Admi#istratio# !elt obli"ed to remai# sile#t o# this iss$e lar"el& beca$se there was i#s$!!icie#t reliable e%ide#ce o# which to make a p$blic case a"ai#st Na&p&idaw a#d .&o#"&a#". *i#ce taki#" o!!ice' the Obama Admi#istratio# has co#d$cted a thoro$"h i#%esti"atio# o! this matter' as part o! its comprehe#si%e re%iew o! 9* 5$rma polic&. Get' it too has bee# %er& ca$tio$s i# its comme#ts abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. 0or e ample' Na&p&idawBs s$spected E4/ pro"ram was #ot raised d$ri#" *e#ate heari#"s to co#!irm the appoi#tme#ts o! *ecretar& o! *tate ,li#to#' or 9N Represe#tati%e Rice. Nor has it bee# raised b& the 9* i# other p$blic !or$ms <i#cl$di#" the -A+A= where #$clear weapo#s proli!eratio# has bee# disc$ssed. -# her comme#ts at the A*+AN *$mmit last mo#th' Fillar& ,li#to# !i#all& broke the o!!icial 9* sile#ce o# the s$bDect. Get it is i#str$cti%e to e ami#e what was act$all& said. *he e pressed co#cer# o%er militar& li#ks betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' i#cl$di#" Jthe tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& a#d other da#"ero$s weapo#sJ. *he later modi!ied her positio#' re!erri#" o#l& to Jdeali#"sJ betwee# .&o#"&a#" a#d Na&p&idaw that were JperhapsJ taki#" place. /espite ha%i#" the per!ect opport$#it& to do so' the *ecretar& o! *tate did #ot sa& that 5$rma was secretl& b$ildi#" a #$clear reactor' or tr&i#" to de%elop a #$clear weapo#. *he did #ot e%e# speci!& that North 6orea was passi#" 5$rma #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"&. This co#ti#$i#" o!!icial retice#ce stro#"l& s$""ests that' while the 9* is clearl& co#cer#ed abo$t Na&p&idawBs "rowi#" relatio#ship with .&o#"&a#"' it still does #ot ha%e clear e%ide#ce o! a secret 5$rmese E4/ pro"ram. As #oted i# The -#terpreter i# 0ebr$ar&' the 5$rma (A/+ Act passed b& ,o#"ress i# ($l& 2008 stip$lates that' withi# 180 da&s' the *ecretar& o! *tate m$st iss$e a stateme#t describi#" the pro%isio# o! E4/ a#d related tech#olo"ies to 5$rma. Reports !ilteri#" o$t o! Eashi#"to# s$""est that there ha%e bee# a #$mber o! co#!ide#tial brie!i#"s to se#ior o!!icials o# this s$bDect. Fowe%er' the world is still waiti#" !or a# a$thoritati%e p$blic stateme#t !rom the 9* which will p$t all the r$mo$rs a#d #ewspaper stories i#to perspecti%e.

http://democrac&!orb$$rAarticlesAthisApastA weeke#dAi#AtheAs&d#e&Amor#i#"AheraldAa#dAba#"kokApostAabo$tAb$rmasA#$clearApro"ramAco#tai#edAsomeA#ewA i#!ormatio#Aa#dAo#eA#ewAso$rceAti#/ To: /esmo#d 5all a#d .hil Thor#to#AGo$r articles this past weeke#d i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d 5a#"kok .ost abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram co#tai#ed some #ew i#!ormatio# a#d o#e #ew so$rce <@Ti# 4i#@=. Fowe%er' the& also i#cl$ded more tha# te# pieces o! i#!ormatio# that /ictator Eatch !irst reported. <www.dictatorwatch.or"= ,o#tact: Rola#d Eatso#' rola#dXdictatorwatch.or"

6AA-A3-SM -N 1;0 B.3MA N.C60A3 MSC44 N

A$"$st :' 200) .lease !orward widel&. To: /esmo#d 5all a#d .hil Thor#to# -s it too m$ch to ask to be "i%e# a little credit' whe# credit is d$eO Go$r articles this past weeke#d i# the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald a#d 5a#"kok .ost abo$t 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram co#tai#ed some #ew i#!ormatio# a#d o#e #ew so$rce <@Ti# 4i#@=. Fowe%er' the& also i#cl$ded more tha# te# pieces o! i#!ormatio# that /ictator Eatch !irst reported. -# the primar& *4F article' 5$rmaBs N$clear *ecrets: 0or the de!ector ?4oe (o'@ we had !irst access to his i#terro"atio# debrie!i#"' b& borderAbased "ro$ps $po# his arri%al i# Thaila#dH we asked him !ollowA$p C$estio#sH a#d we p$blished his claims <amo#" other i#tel= that the *./, wa#ted a #$clear bomb b& 2020 <p$blished i# A$"$st 2008=' a#d that there was a lar"e *tate *cholar pro"ram with R$ssia i# s$pport o! this <which i#!o we !irst p$blished i# No%ember 2008' !rom other so$rces=. -# o$r 4oe (oAso$rced articles' we did #ot re%eal that he was a de!ector P we were tr&i#" to protect his !amil&. -# the *4F article o# &o$r work b& Famish 4c/o#ald' Re%ealed: 5$rmaBs #$clear bombshell: Go$ sa&: ?A#other 4oscowAtrai#ed 5$rmese Arm& de!ector was picked $p b& 9.*. i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies last &ear.@ Ee had access to' a#d p$blished i#telli"e#ce !rom' this de!ectorBs border debrie!i#" as well. This article !$rther states that ?5$rma protested to Thaila#d abo$t o%er!li"hts b& $#ma##ed s$r%eilla#ce dro#es that were appare#tl& la$#ched across the Thai territor& b& 9.*. a"e#cies.@ /ictator Eatch was the !irst to re%eal the $se o! the dro#es <i# No%ember 2008=. -# the 5. article' 5$rmaBs #$clear bomb ali%e a#d ticki#": Go$ me#tio# that the *./, has a $ra#i$m milli#" a#d e#richme#t !acilit& at Tha 5eik 6&i#. Ee !irst disclosed this i#!ormatio# <No%ember 2008=' altho$"h we %iew the e#richme#t claim at this poi#t as $#co#!irmed <e%ide#ce !or it' tho$"h' is b$ildi#"=. Ee also !irst disclosed that there were at least two $ra#i$m mills <(a#$ar& 2007=. Ee !$rther belie%e that there ma& be a reactor at Tha 5eik 6&i#. -# a#& case' there are three s$spected reactor sites: 4&ai#" i# 4a"weH Tha 5eik 6&i#H a#d the *etkh&a 4o$#tai#s <which ma#& people ha%e bee# spec$lati#" abo$t !or &ears' i#cl$di#" /ictator Eatch starti#" i# (a#$ar& 2007' a#d which &o$ ide#ti!& as Na$#" 2ai#"' which locatio# we pre%io$sl& ide#ti!ied i# No%ember 2008=.

Go$ me#tio# the *./,Bs !i%e $ra#i$m deposits listed o# its 4i#istr& o! +#er"& website. A!ter e te#si%e -#ter#et research' - was the o#e who !o$#d this website' a#d p$blici;ed its e iste#ce <i# (a#$ar& 2007=. Go$ talk abo$t the Goo"le +arth photos o! the s$spected 4&it N"e $ra#i$m operatio#. A# associate o! /ictator Eatch sca##ed all the #o#Acost satellite ima"er& a%ailable !or 5$rma' a#d ide#ti!ied this site <amo#" others=' which photos we p$blished <i# 4arch 2007=. Go$ me#tio# pl$to#i$m reprocessi#" at Na$#" 2ai#". Ee !irst disclosed that the *./,Bs #$clear pro"ram mi"ht e te#d to pl$to#i$m <i# A$"$st 2008=. Go$ also talk abo$t weapo#i;atio# research at Na$#" 2ai#"' which we also disclosed earlier <i# No%ember 2008=. 4ore "e#erall&' /ictator Eatch a#d ma#& 5$rmese media "ro$ps ha%e p$blished e te#si%e i#tel abo$t the co##ectio#s betwee# the *./, a#d North 6orea. 0or e ample' we re%ealed the i#%ol%eme#t o! the b$si#essma# Ta&;a <i# A$"$st 2007=' which &o$r so$rce Ti# 4i# has #ow co#!irmed. -# co#sideratio# o! all o! this' do#Bt Do$r#alistic ethics dema#d the ack#owled"me#t o! other Do$r#alists' or so$rces s$ch as ad%ocac& "ro$ps' who !irst break a stor& P who "et the scoopO *#ippets o! i#!ormatio# abo$t the *./,Bs #$clear pro"ram <other tha# the 2001 a##o$#ceme#t o! the R$ssia# reactor deal=' !irst be"a# to appear abo$t !i%e &ears a"o' #otabl& b& the /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma a#d the *ha# Ferald A"e#c& !or News. The#' i# 2008' we at /ictator Eatch were e#tr$sted with i#!ormatio# that had #ot &et bee# made p$blic. Ee asked !or permissio# to disclose the i#tel' a#d recei%ed it. -# the process' we also lear#ed o! other so$rces o! i#tel a#d co#cei%ed a broader pro"ram to collect i#!ormatio# !rom di!!ere#t parties i# the 5$rma .roA/emocrac& 4o%eme#t. *i#ce No%ember 2008' we ha%e p$blished si tee# articles with i#telli"e#ce a#d/or i#telli"e#ce a#al&sis o! 5$rmaBs #$clear a#d missile pro"rams' i#cl$di#" its co##ectio#s with North 6orea' R$ssia' ,hi#a a#d -ra#. This is m$ch more tha# what &o$ describe i# &o$r articles: ?There ha%e bee# hi#ts 5$rma aspires to a #$clear pro"ram.@ This stateme#t is a sel!Aser%i#" mischaracteri;atio#' i! #ot a complete lie. <-t is i#co#cei%able that &o$ are #ot aware o! /ictator EatchBs i#telli"e#ce i#itiati%e.= -t is e tremel& "rati!&i#" that the 5$rma #$clear stor& is !i#all& recei%i#" widespread co%era"e. This has o#l& occ$rred' tho$"h' beca$se o! the 6a#" Nam 1: the !act that 9.*. i#tel abo$t the North 6orea# !rei"hter was leaked' a#d that the 9.*. was !orced to reco"#i;e the iss$e. /ictator Eatch sho$ld be ide#ti!ied as a so$rce i# a#& a#al&sis o! the *./,Bs pro"ram' i! o$r disclos$res are $sed. This wo$ld !$rther "i%e credit to the ma#& di!!ere#t people who ha%e assisted $s' some o! whom ha%e bee# killed or impriso#ed <b$t i# either case' #ot beca$se o! their i#%ol%eme#t with $s=. -! s$ch credit is#Bt "i%e#' is#Bt this k#ow# as pla"iarismO Or' do &o$ o#l& !eel obli"ed to credit other Do$r#alists a#d academicsO To the 5a#"kok .ost: Tha#k &o$ !or pri#ti#" m& letter &esterda& stati#" that we sho$ld ha%e bee# "i%e# credit. To the *&d#e& 4or#i#" Ferald' which did #ot pri#t the letter: Go$ owe /ictator Eatch a# apolo"&' !or #ot properl& %etti#" 5all a#d Thor#to#Bs represe#tatio# that their so$rces a#d i#!ormatio# were i# !act ori"i#al.""atio#/21:8:/timeA!orAaAcloseAlookAatAb$rmaA#$clearApro"ramme

1ime for a close look at Burma9s nuclear programme

.$blished: 2/08/200) at 12:00 A4 There is "ood reaso# wh& re"io#al i#telli"e#ce so$rces are skeptical o! the 5$rmese militar& re"imeJs #$clear capacit&. 3eri!&i#" stories comi#" o$t o! 5$rma is hard. The re"ime has ba##ed the i#ter#atio#al media. /e!ectors ma& i#!late their ow# importa#ce i# the hope o! "etti#" themsel%es resettled to a third co$#tr& a#d e iled 5$rmese political acti%ists #eed to keep the i#ter#atio#al spotli"ht o# the re"imeJs #e"ati%e acti%ities. -t is #ot $#k#ow# !or the re"ime to also p$t o$t misi#!ormatio# to co%er what it is reall& doi#". 5$rma is a poor co$#tr&' i#!rastr$ct$re i# r$ral areas is %irt$all& #o#Ae iste#t a#d sa#ctio#s a"ai#st the re"ime ha%e restricted their ear#i#" pote#tial. -# rece#t &ears the 9* "o%er#me#t has %oiced co#cer#s o%er North 6orea#' *&ria# a#d -ra#ia# pla#s to b$ild weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#' b$t so !ar has kept sile#t abo$t 5$rma. A$stralia# de!e#ce a#al&st A#drew *elth' a research !ellow at Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te' is reported as sa&i#" there is alwa&s a lot o! smoke s$rro$#di#" 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s. KO%er the past &ear or so' the amo$#t o! smoke has i#creased' b$t still #o o#e seems to k#ow whether or #ot it hides a real !ire. Eith this i# mi#d' strate"ic a#al&sts i# ma#& co$#tries are looki#" to the Obama admi#istratio# !or a# a$thoritati%e stateme#t o# 5$rmaJs #$clear stat$s.K -# 4a& 2007' i# a press release a##o$#ci#" the deal to b$ild a #$clearAresearch reactor i# 5$rma' R$ssiaJs atomic e#er"& a"e#c&' Rosatom' said it wo$ld be $#der the co#trol o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A=. 5$rma is alread& a si"#ator& to the No#A.roli!eratio# Treat&' established $#der the respo#sibilit& o! the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' a#d it is reC$ired to allow i#spectio#s o! its #$clear !acilities' b$t so !ar has !ailed to do so. *keptical re"io#al sec$rit& a"e#ts a#d embass& i#siders are willi#" to co#cede that the 5$rmese re"ime ca##ot be tr$sted. A#d !or "ood reaso#. 5$rma lies #ear the top o! the worldJs worst listsH child soldiers' la#dmi#es' !orced labor' !orced displaceme#t' s$ppressio# o! political oppo#e#ts' disease co#trol' illicit #arcotics' tra!!icki#" people a#d corr$ptio#. A rece#t #$mber o! hi"h pro!ile i#ter%e#tio#s b& the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& i#%ol%i#" both 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e added to the distr$st. +arl& last mo#th the North 6orea# !rei"hter the Nam 6am 1 was shadowed b& 9* warships <sa#ctio#ed b& the 9N= as it headed to 5$rma with a# $#k#ow# car"o' belie%ed to be arms. O# ($l& 1' the "lobal editio# o! the New Gork Times reported that (apa#ese police arrested a North 6orea# a#d two (apa#ese #atio#als !or alle"edl& tr&i#" to e port ille"all& to 5$rma a ma"#etic meas$ri#" de%ice that co$ld be $sed to de%elop missiles. 5$rma does ha%e a #$clear pro"ramme' b$t what is $#certai# is the e te#t o! it' a#d $#til it ca# be co#%i#ci#"l& de#ied that there is #o possibilit& the re"ime is de%elopi#" #$clear weapo#s' re"io#al sec$rit& a$thorities are mai#tai#i#" their sile#ce' b$t pri%atel& sa& 5$rmaJs #$clear pla#s #eed closer scr$ti#& A a#d the soo#er the better.

http://ma#ila.$sembass&."o%/wwwhs871.html I*ee also http://www.state."o%/secretar&/rm/200)a/D$l&/128:7:.htmM

.8S8 @0 A31M0N1 45 S1A10 4ffice of the Spokesman

5or -mmediate 3elease #$$(Q1('%H /uly #&* #$$(

3emarks Secretary of State ;illary 3odham Clinton /uly #&* #$$( Sheraton Arande 6aguna 6aguna huket* 1hailand
2ast 9pdate :: 07/27/200) *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Good a!ter#oo#. 2et me start b& sa&i#" weB%e had a series o! %er& prod$cti%e sessio#s here i# .h$ket' a#d -B%e had the opport$#it& !or the !irst time to e#"a"e with the #atio#s o! A*+AN a#d o$r re"io#al part#ers o# iss$es o! commo# co#cer#' to si"# the Treat& o! Amit& a#d ,ooperatio#' a#d to la& the "ro$#dwork !or e%e# stro#"er part#erships as we mo%e !orward. -B%e also had the opport$#it& to meet o#e o# o#e with a #$mber o! m& co$#terparts. +arlier' - met with 0orei"# 4i#ister N$reshi o! .akista#' a#d we talked abo$t the e#co$ra"i#" si"#s i# .akista#Bs !i"ht a"ai#st %iole#t e tremists' i#cl$di#" the ret$r# o! si"#i!ica#t #$mbers o! re!$"ees to 5$#er a#d *wat. There are still "reat challe#"es ahead !aci#" .akista#' i#cl$di#" the o#"oi#" threat o! %iole#t e tremism a#d co#ti#$i#" eco#omic di!!ic$lt&. 5$t - ass$red the !orei"# mi#ister that the 9#ited *tates sta#ds read& to help the .akista#i Go%er#me#t a#d people. A#d - also ad%ised him that - s$pport the steps .akista# a#d -#dia ha%e take# to !i#d a more prod$cti%e wa& !orward. - wa#t to take this opport$#it& to disc$ss the sit$atio# i# North 6orea a#d o$r e!!orts here i# the A*+AN Re"io#al 0or$m to promote sec$rit& i# Northeast Asia. Gesterda&' - held co#s$ltatio#s with o$r allies a#d part#ers i# the *i process' a#d this mor#i#"' there was a %er& "ood disc$ssio# with the A*+AN #atio#s a#d re"io#al part#ers. - was "rati!ied b& how ma#& co$#tries !rom thro$"ho$t the re"io# spoke $p a#d e pressed directl& to the North 6orea# dele"atio# their co#cer#s o%er the pro%ocati%e beha%ior we ha%e see# these past !ew mo#ths. 9#!ort$#atel&' the North 6orea# dele"atio# o!!ered o#l& a# i#siste#t re!$sal to reco"#i;e that North 6orea has bee# o# the wro#" co$rse. -# their prese#tatio# toda&' the& e%i#ced #o willi#"#ess to p$rs$e the path o! de#$cleari;atio#. A#d that was tro$bli#" #ot o#l& to the 9#ited *tates' b$t to the re"io# a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&. *o the C$estio# is' where do we "o !rom hereO

- thi#k itBs importa#t to stress that the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&Bs respo#se to North 6oreaBs actio#s has bee# $#eC$i%ocal a#d #earl& $#a#imo$s' leadi#" to a #ew co#se#s$s aro$#d a commo# set o! pri#ciples. The 9#ited *tates a#d its allies a#d part#ers ca##ot accept a North 6orea that tries to mai#tai# #$clear weapo#s to la$#ch ballistic missiles or to proli!erate #$clear materials. A#d we are committed to the %eri!iable de#$cleari;atio# o! the 6orea# .e#i#s$la i# a peace!$l ma##er. Now this co#%er"e#ce o! %iews re!lected' as &o$ will see later toda& i# stateme#ts b& A*+AN' a#d as &o$ saw D$st a !ew weeks a"o with the GA8 stateme#t a#d others' prod$ced two importa#t *ec$rit& ,o$#cil actio#s P a preside#tial stateme#t a#d a $#a#imo$s bi#di#" resol$tio#. Now these are more tha# e pressio#s o! co#dem#atio#. Resol$tio# 1874' combi#ed with the desi"#atio#s a$thori;ed b& the 9N *a#ctio#s ,ommittee' pro%ides a power!$l tool to c$rb North 6oreaBs $#acceptable acti%ities' a#d to p$t press$re o# i#di%id$als a#d e#tities co##ected to the re"imeBs #$clear' ballistic missile' a#d other E4/Arelated pro"rams. Ee belie%e that this resol$tio# ca# be e!!ecti%e beca$se it is $#precede#ted i# scope' s$bsta#ce' a#d approach. 0irst' it di!!ers !rom past e!!orts i# that it is based o# a "lobal co#se#s$s' bri#"i#" to bear the combi#ed wei"ht o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&' #ot D$st o#e #atio# or a small ha#d!$l o! #atio#s. *eco#d' it tar"ets a spectr$m o! i#di%id$als' or"a#i;atio#s' a#d i#stit$tio#s' #ot D$st o#e or two. Third' it !its i#to the broader !ramework o! o$r approach to North 6orea. -t is accompa#ied b& a messa"e' as - reiterated this mor#i#"' that we are prepared to work with the North 6orea#s i! the& are willi#" to act o# their pre%io$s commitme#ts. -# short' o$r approach isolates North 6orea' imposes mea#i#"!$l press$re to !orce cha#"es i# its beha%ior' a#d pro%ides a# alterati%e path that wo$ld ser%e e%er&o#eBs i#terests. O$r Doi#t e!!orts to take Resol$tio# 1874 !rom paper to practice are #ow $#derwa&. - asked Ambassador .hilip Goldber" to lead a# i#tera"e#c& team char"ed with impleme#ti#" the sa#ctio#s' a#d heBs alread& tra%eled to the re"io# to co#solidate a#d coordi#ate o$r e!!orts. R$ssia# a#d ,hi#ese represe#tati%es ha%e %isited Eashi#"to# to work to"ether o# these iss$es. A#d i# additio# to this weekBs meeti#"s' -B%e spoke# repeatedl& with m& co$#terparts i# ,hi#a' R$ssia' (apa#' a#d *o$th 6orea abo$t o$r commo# wa& !orward. - i#te#d to se#d Ambassador Goldber" back to the re"io# i# the #ear !$t$re to co#ti#$e o$r commo# e!!orts to e#!orce the sa#ctio#s. A#d #e t 4o#da& a#d T$esda&' as part o! o$r strate"ic a#d eco#omic dialo"$e with ,hi#a' - will be holdi#" i#te#si%e disc$ssio#s with *tate ,o$#cilor /ai 5i#""$o o# North 6orea a#d the broader C$estio#s o! peace a#d sec$rit& i# Asia. -# impleme#ti#" 1874' we are aski#" o$r part#ers to help diss$ade all #atio#s !rom !acilitati#"' directl& or i#directl&' North 6oreaBs attempts to e#ha#ce a#d proli!erate its #$clear a#d missile tech#olo"ies. Ee were "rati!ied b& 5$rmaBs stateme#t a#d those o! ma#& other co$#tries a##o$#ci#" a# i#te#sio# to impleme#t the resol$tio#. 5$rmaBs stateme#t is si"#i!ica#t beca$se i# the past' North 6orea has pro%ided 5$rma with materials #ow barred b& Resol$tio# 1874. The bottom li#e is this: -! North 6orea i#te#ds to e#"a"e i# i#ter#atio#al commerce' its %essels m$st co#!orm to the terms o! 1874 or !i#d #o port. O$r "oal i# e#!orci#" these sa#ctio#s a#d others imposed earlier is #ot to create s$!!eri#" or to destabili;e North 6orea. O$r C$arrel is #ot with the North 6orea# people. -# !act' it was the North 6orea# leadership that reDected h$ma#itaria# aid !rom the 9#ited *tates a#d !orced $s to s$spe#d o$r !ood aid pro"ram. *o let me be clear: As we work to e#d the re"imeBs #$clear pro"ram' we remai# committed to the wellAbei#"' di"#it&' a#d h$ma# ri"hts o! the people o! North 6orea. Ee will co#ti#$e to work closel& with other "o%er#me#ts' i#ter#atio#al or"a#i;atio#s' a#d NGOs to address h$ma# ri"hts %iolatio#s a#d ab$ses perpet$ated b& the re"ime. Ee will mai#tai# o$r s$pport o! NGOs worki#" to impro%e h$ma# ri"hts i# North 6orea. A#d we will keep !$#di#" 6orea# la#"$a"e radio broadcasti#" !or the same p$rposes' a#d we will soo# a##o$#ce a special e#%o& !or North 6orea# h$ma# ri"hts.

As we e#!orce sa#ctio#s' we are ope# to talks with North 6orea' b$t we are #ot i#terested i# hal! meas$res. Ee do #ot i#te#d to reward the North D$st !or ret$r#i#" to the table. Ee will #ot "i%e them a#&thi#" #ew !or actio#s the& ha%e alread& a"reed to take. A#d we ha%e #o appetite !or p$rs$i#" protracted #e"otiatio#s that will o#l& lead $s ri"ht back to where we ha%e alread& bee#. Ee a#d o$r part#ers ha%e a more ambitio$s a"e#da !or a#& !$t$re talks. *$ch talks m$st lead to irre%ersible steps b& North 6orea to de#$cleari;e. This' i# t$r#' wo$ld lead $s a#d o$r part#ers to reciprocate i# a comprehe#si%e a#d coordi#ated ma##er. 0$ll #ormali;atio# o! relatio#ships' a perma#e#t peace re"ime' a#d si"#i!ica#t e#er"& a#d eco#omic assista#ce are all possible i# the co#te t o! !$ll a#d %eri!iable de#$cleari;atio#. -# the mea#time' we will $#dertake the #ecessar& de!e#si%e meas$res to protect o$r i#terests a#d o$r allies. North 6oreaBs o#"oi#" threate#i#" beha%ior does #ot i#spire tr$st' #or does it permit $s to sit idl& b&. O$r part#ers i# the re"io# $#dersta#d that a #$clear North 6orea has !arAreachi#" co#seC$e#ces !or the sec$rit& !$t$re o! Northeast Asia. North 6oreaBs co#ti#$ed p$rs$it o! its #$clear ambitio#s is s$re to ele%ate te#sio#s o# the 6orea# .e#i#s$la a#d co$ld pro%oke a# arms race i# the re"io#. This wo$ld ser%e #o #atio#Bs i#terests P #ot o$rs' #ot (apa#Bs' *o$th 6oreaBs' ,hi#a' #or R$ssiaBs a#d #or' mi"ht - add' North 6oreaBs. O$r s$ccess i# p$tti#" this resol$tio# i#to actio# will also ha%e implicatio#s be&o#d North 6orea. -t will demo#strate to other co$#tries with #$clear ambitio#s' s$ch as -ra#Bs' that we ca# a#d will impose costl& pe#alties !or those who %iolate i#ter#atio#al a"reeme#ts a#d $#dermi#e "lobal sec$rit&. A#d it will "i%e $s a bl$epri#t !or how to ma#a"e a#& similar challe#"es that mi"ht arise i# the !$t$re. *o o$r polic& is clear. North 6orea k#ows what it has to do: ret$r# to de#$cleari;atio# talks a#d !$l!ill its commitme#ts $#der the 2001 Doi#t stateme#t to aba#do# all #$clear weapo#s a#d e isti#" #$clear pro"rams a#d ret$r# at a# earl& date to the #o#proli!eratio# treat& a#d to -A+A sa!e"$ards. The path is ope#' a#d it is $p to North 6orea to take it. Tha#k &o$ %er& m$ch. N9+*T-ON: Tha#ks. 4adame *ecretar&' the North 6orea# represe#tati%es toda& spoke D$st behi#d $s o%er there a#d said that the *i Talks were deadH there is #o wa& the&Bre comi#" back' a#d that whate%er we ha%e to o!!er them i# terms o! i#ce#ti%es is #othi#" #ew to them' a#d the& wo#Bt accept it. The !orei"# mi#istr& at the same time iss$ed a stateme#t with act$al attacks a#d i#s$lts perso#all& aimed at &o$. - wo#der whether &o$ thi#k that perhaps the time has come to replace the *i !ramework with perhaps a broader !ramework. Go$ D$st s$""ested that thereBs a broad co#se#s$s toda& here abo$t what to do with North 6orea. A#d si#ce ,hi#a has bee# rel$cta#t to p$t it P ame#d the resol$tio# so !ar' what wo$ld &o$ wa#t them to do whe# &o$ meet with them o# 4o#da& a#d T$esda& i# Eashi#"to#O Oh' a#d o#e more: Are#Bt &o$ e ha$stedO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: <2a$"hter.= Are#Bt &o$O N9+*T-ON: - am. ThatBs wh& -Bm aski#". *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Eell' !irst' let me sa& that ,hi#a has bee# %er& %i"oro$s i# worki#" with $s i# s$pport o! !$ll impleme#tatio# o! 1874. ($st as we ha%e' the& created a# i#tera"e#c& task !orce which is worki#" with o$r ow# people. There has alread& bee# a meeti#" i# 5eiDi#"' a#d - said' there will be a !ollowAo# meeti#" i# Eashi#"to#.

The ,hi#ese ha%e bee# %er& s$pporti%e i# o$r e!!orts to deli%er a stro#" messa"e to North 6orea a#d to other #atio#s that the& e pect' as we do' that the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& will e#!orce 1874. The& pla&ed a %er& help!$l role i# the matter o! the North 6orea# ship that was o# its wa& to 5$rma. -# additio#' toda&' the *i members who were prese#t' with the e ceptio# o! North 6orea' reiterated their commitme#t to this process a#d made it %er& clear that there is #o place to "o !or North 6orea. The& ha%e #o !rie#ds le!t that will protect them !rom the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&Bs e!!orts to mo%e toward de#$cleari;atio#. *o - thi#k itBs !air to sa& that #ot o#l& were R$ssia' ,hi#a' (apa#' a#d *o$th 6orea %er& stro#" i# maki#" the poi#ts which the& did this mor#i#"' b$t those poi#ts were echoed b& so ma#& o! the A*+AN members a#d other re"io#al part#ers. *o the messa"e is comi#" o$t lo$dl& a#d clearl& to North 6orea. A#d - do#Bt thi#k weB%e see# at all the wa& this will e%e#t$all& de%elop. - thi#k weBre D$st still at the be"i##i#" o! determi#i#" how the&Bre "oi#" to respo#d. N9+*T-ON: Ehat !ramework <i#a$dible=O *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: The !ramework is the *i Talks. 4R. 6+22G: Ne t C$estio# <i#a$dible=. N9+*T-ON: 4adame *ecretar&' what e%ide#ce do &o$ ha%e o! 5$rmaBs cooperatio# i# e#!orci#" the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio#O Fow did &o$r talks with 5$rmese o!!icials "o last #i"htO A#d most importa#tl&' how do &o$ reco#cile &o$r appreciatio# a#d "ratit$de that the& are promisi#" to e#!orce that with &o$r two da&s o! p$blic' stro#" comme#ts abo$t co#cer#s o! militar& a#d e%e# #$clear cooperatio# betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6oreaO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Eell' weB%e e pressed that %er& clearl& a#d !orce!$ll&' b$t - do thi#k there is a positi%e directio# that weB%e see# with 5$rma' both i# the alread& e isti#" cooperatio# the& showed with respect to the North 6orea# ship' i# their stateme#ts to $s a#d others that the& i#te#d to do their part to e#!orce 1874. Now' ob%io$sl&' we ha%e to see that $#!old' b$t thatBs #e%er happe#ed be!ore' a#d weBre %er& e#co$ra"ed b& that. At the same time' we k#ow that there has bee# cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma i# the past' a#d we are "oi#" to be %i"ila#t to make s$re that it does#Bt occ$r i# the !$t$re. - was #ot part o! a#& talks. Others i# o$r Admi#istratio# were' a#d we made it %er& clear' both pri%atel& a#d p$blicl&' that there are e pectatio#s o# o$r part that A$#" *$# *$$ 6&i be released $#co#ditio#all&' that there be"i# a process o! release o! political priso#ers' that the electio# sched$led !or #e t &ear be ope# a#d !air a#d tra#spare#t a#d credible. A#d that %iew was echoed b& ma#& people i# the room. -t was #ot D$st a 9.*. %iew. -t was %er& widel& a#d' - m$st sa&' heart P it was reall& e pressed !rom the heart b& so ma#& people. *o we hope that there is "oi#" to be reco"#itio# o# the part o! the 5$rmese leadership that the& ha%e more to "ai# b& Doi#i#" the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& a#d b& e!!ecti%el& taki#" care o! their people a#d p$tti#" 5$rma o# the path to democrac&. Ee do#Bt e pect to see a cha#"e o%er#i"ht' b$t weBre P itBs better to ha%e those positi%e stateme#ts tha# the #e"ati%e o#es. *o we thi#k that "i%es $s at least somethi#" to work with. N9+*T-ON: <-#a$dible.= *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Ri"ht. A#d - spoke to !orei"# mi#isters i# the area' aski#" their help i# speaki#" to their 5$rmese co$#terpart. A#d the& did so' a#d whether or #ot it was a pro imate ca$se' shortl& a!ter' the ship t$r#ed aro$#d.

N9+*T-ON: <-#a$dible= !rom <i#a$dible= i# Asia. - D$st wa#ted to clari!&' whe# &o$ said 9.*. will take a#& de!e#si%e meas$reme#ts' what e actl& that mea#O -s it "oi#" to be like 9.*. read& to start a war with North 6orea at a#& timeO A#d how A*+AN' especiall& i# 4&a#mar' is "oi#" to pick o# thatO *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: No. 5$t - wa#ted to make %er& clear that the 9#ited *tates does #ot seek a#& ki#d o! o!!e#si%e actio# a"ai#st North 6orea. Ee ha%e said that o%er a#d o%er a"ai#. The North 6orea#s said i# a meeti#" toda& that the&B%e bee# s$bDected to #$clear weapo#s o# the 6orea# .e#i#s$la aimed at them. That has#Bt happe#ed !or decades. *o - thi#k the& are li%i#" i# a historical time period that does#Bt re!lect toda&Bs realities. Ee are %er& ope# to a positi%e relatio# with North 6orea o# the co#ditio# that the& de#$cleari;e. 5$t i! the& re!$se to do so' as the& ha%e i# the last mo#ths' a#d re!$se to !ollow the obli"atio#s the& themsel%es si"#ed $p to i# 2001 a#d A08' the# o$r allies i# *o$th 6orea a#d (apa# a#d other co$#tries i# the re"io# be"i# to worr& abo$t what North 6oreaBs i#te#tio#s are. A#d we wa#t to make clear that the 9#ited *tates will co#ti#$e to work !or the de!e#se o! allies like (apa# a#d *o$th 6orea. A#d thatBs $#!ort$#atel& o$r obli"atio#' o#e that we will be serio$s i# !$l!illi#". 5$t itBs #ot directed i# a#& o!!e#si%e ma##er a"ai#st North 6orea. Ee also wish to a%oid a# arms race i# Northeast Asia. -! the North 6orea#s are "oi#" to co#ti#$e to test #$clear weapo#s a#d their missiles' the# other co$#tries are "oi#" to start sa&i#"' well' we do#Bt k#ow what the&Bre "oi#" to do' weBd better start taki#" care o! o$rsel%es a#d doi#" that a#d to ha%e that capacit&. Ee thi#k that wo$ld be a terrible mistake. *o weBre tr&i#" to make clear that we will protect a#d de!e#d o$r allies' b$t we still hope that there is a# opport$#it& to work with North 6orea toward de#$cleari;atio#. 4R. 6+22G: Oka&' tha#k &o$. *+,R+TARG ,2-NTON: Tha#k &o$. eee


Background Briefing on -nteragency @elegation Meetings in China and Malaysia

*e#ior *tate /epartme#t O!!icial Eashi#"to#' /, ($l& 8' 200) [EXCERPT ] 4R. 6+22G: *e#ior *tate /epartme#t O!!icial it is. *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: Fow do &o$ like thatO EeBre %er& cooperati%e here. The dele"atio# ret$r#ed &esterda& !rom a# i#tera"e#c& trip to 5eiDi#" a#d 6$ala 2$mp$r. The dele"atio# i#cl$ded represe#tati%es !rom the /e!e#se /epartme#t' Treas$r&' a#d the Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. - thi#k itBs #oteworth& that as North 6orea was o#ce a"ai# breaki#" its commitme#ts o%er last weeke#d o# the 9N resol$tio#s' we were b$s& disc$ssi#" with the ,hi#ese a#d 4ala&sia# "o%er#me#ts how to impleme#t them. Ee met with a ,hi#ese i#tera"e#c& dele"atio# led b& the 0orei"# 4i#istr&. -t i#cl$ded their ce#tral ba#k' their c$stoms o!!icials' other a"e#cies. This is #oteworth& beca$se it was !ormed %er& C$ickl& o# their side. -t i#cl$ded the ra#"e o! a"e#cies a#d departme#ts i# the ,hi#ese Go%er#me#t respo#sible !or impleme#ti#" Resol$tio# 1874 a#d the earlier resol$tio#. -t !ollowed co#tact !rom .reside#t Obama a#d *ecretar& ,li#to# o# the importa#ce o! this iss$e. A#d so that i# a#d o! itsel!' the speed with which we we#t o$t a#d the i#tera"e#c& dele"atio# we !o$#d there' were si"#i!ica#t. Ee shared i#!ormatio#. Ee we#t thro$"h the #ew desi"#atio#s that the 9#ited *tates has made o! Namcho#"a#" a#d Fo#" 6o#" +lectro#ics' the "e#eral ad%isor& !rom the Treas$r& /epartme#t o# the wa& ba#ks sho$ld deal with a#d be war#ed abo$t acti%ities related to North 6orea' "e#eral i#!ormatio# abo$t the #ew 9N resol$tio#. The 9#der *ecretar& o! the Treas$r& *t$art 2e%e& is doi#" some !ollowA$p o# that. Ee had a represe#tati%e' /ep$t& Assista#t *ecretar& Glaser' who tra%eled with the dele"atio#. A#d we ha%e "o#e thro$"h this a co$ple o! times #ow i# 5eiDi#". Ee we#t !rom 5eiDi#" to 4ala&sia. Ee met with the ce#tral ba#k' with the prime mi#isterBs o!!ice. Ee !o$#d a willi#" P a "reat willi#"#ess to cooperate o# impleme#ti#" the resol$tio#. *ome people ha%e asked: Eh& 4ala&siaO 4ala&sia is a# importa#t P i# the !irst i#sta#ce' a# importa#t A*+AN co$#tr&. Ee wa#ted to to$ch base with A*+AN P a# A*+AN co$#tr& while we were o# this trip. The& also ha%e a !airl& ad%a#ced !i#a#cial i#telli"e#ce $#it. -# !act' the !i#a#cial i#telli"e#ce $#it i# 4ala&sia co#s$lts' o!!ers tech#ical ad%ice withi# the re"io# i# *o$theast Asia. The& ha%e e te#si%e ba#k o%ersi"ht capabilities. Ee met with the ce#tral ba#k there. A#d as the&Bre "oi#" thro$"h the process o! doi#" what weB%e do#e with o$r P withi# o$r ba#ki#" s&stem' it was help!$l to share #otes with them a#d to "o thro$"h some o! the i#!ormatio# that we were able to disc$ss. -# both 5eiDi#" a#d i# 6$ala 2$mp$r' we did do' a#d we were able to share some additio#al i#!ormatio# o# North 6orea# acti%ities.

O$r o%erall obDecti%e i# all o! this remai#s the same' which is to ret$r# to serio$s mea#i#"!$l disc$ssio#s withi# the *i process o# de#$cleari;atio# a#d #o#proli!eratio#. Ee do#Bt see the 9N resol$tio#s or sa#ctio#s as a mea#s to p$#ish North P the North 6orea# people. Ee see themVthe resol$tio#sVas a mea#s to "et back to o$r ori"i#al i#te#tio# o! co#%i#ci#" North 6orea that there reall& is o#l& o#e wa& !orward. Ee hope to create thro$"h all o! this a process' a se#se o! tra#spare#c&' a se#se o! shi#i#" a li"ht o# North 6oreaBs acti%ities' those related to their #$clear a#d missile proli!eratio#. Ee thi#k that 1874 pro%ides some #ew tools to do so a#d ca# be $sed as a wa& to shi#e that li"ht to bri#" "reater tra#spare#c& to North 6orea# acti%ities i# i#spectio#s' which the #ew resol$tio# talks to' as well as i# the !i#a#cial area. *ome o! &o$ ma& ha%e C$estio#s abo$t 6a#" Nam 1' the ship that has t$r#ed back a#d ret$r#ed to port' its ori"i#al port o! depart$re. Ee see that as a "ood si"# that shari#" i#!ormatio#' diplomatic acti%it&' ca# ha%e a# impact. [deletia] N9+*T-ON: -Bm 2achla# ,armichael with A0.. - D$st wa#ted to !ollow $p. *i#ce &o$ were deali#" with !i#a#cial tra#sactio#s' did the ship 6a#" Nam t$r# aro$#d beca$se the North 6orea#s had pa&me#ts blocked !or the shipme#tO Or was it beca$se the 9.*. Na%& was shadowi#" itO *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: Ee ca#Bt be P &o$ ca# #e%er be absol$tel& s$re. Ehat - ca# tell &o$ is that there was co#sta#t diplomatic acti%it& o# the ship' a#d abo$t the shipBs past acti%ities a#d i#spectio#s a#d all o! that. A#d what we !o$#d was that the ship we#t back. That was a "ood o$tcome i# the se#se that there seemed to be #o place !or it to "o' or there P where%er it was ori"i#all& "oi#" was #o lo#"er a# optio# !or some reaso#. There are other possible e pla#atio#s' a#d - wo$ld#Bt de#& that. 5$t there is a "ood reaso# to thi#k that the& we#t back beca$se o! P !or the reaso#s that - me#tio#ed' the sort o! diplomatic o$treach that was do#e. - do#Bt P the !act that the& k#ew the& were bei#" watched as well' a#d that was a "ood o$tcome. N9+*T-ON: /id 6$ala 2$mp$r' the people there' shed a#& li"ht o# relatio#s betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea abo$t what ki#d o! b$si#ess deali#"s the& ha%e a#d what i#stit$tio#s are $sedO *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: Ee made the poi#t thro$"ho$t the trip that 5$rma was a desti#atio# i# the past !or North 6orea' a#d that this was a partic$larl& di!!ic$lt iss$e "i%e# 5$rmaBs ow# isolatio# a#d ow# problems with the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it&' b$t that this was a !oc$s !or A*+AN' !or the 9#ited *tates' !or ,hi#a' !or -#dia' !or other co$#tries with some sort o! i#!l$e#ce to pers$ade 5$rma #ot to participate i# a#& wa& i# North 6oreaBs ille"al acti%ities. N9+*T-ON: *o the& "a%e &o$ some commitme#ts abo$t how to select these tra#sactio#s AA *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: - thi#k A*+AN AA N9+*T-ON: AA thro$"h A*+AN or AA *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: A*+AN' as a whole' a#d the i#di%id$al co$#tries ha%e all pled"ed their commitme#t to the resol$tio#s' a#d there!ore' b& e te#sio#' to pre%e#ti#" the $se o! 5$rma or a#& other co$#tr& as a co#d$it !or North 6oreaBs ille"al acti%ities. [deletia]

N9+*T-ON: Ges. /o &o$ see the emer"e#ce o! a #e $s betwee# North 6orea' 5$rma' a#d -ra# o# #$clear #o#proli!eratio# iss$esO -# the past' there has bee# i#creased cooperatio# betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rma o# #$clear iss$es. *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: - thi#k weBre co#cer#ed abo$t trade a#d cooperatio# betwee# co$#tries that ha%e $#dertake# #$clear pro"rams' b$t - do#Bt wa#t to "o m$ch !$rther tha# that. N9+*T-ON: Ges' Gle## 6essler with The Eashi#"to# .ost. ($st to !ollow $p o# a co$ple o! thi#"s' readi#" betwee# the li#es o! what &o$ were sa&i#" be!ore' is it correct to sa& that this ship was esse#tiall& headed towards 5$rma' b$t beca$se o! diplomatic press$re placed o# Ra#"oo#' or whate%er its #ew capital is called' that that ship was t$r#ed back' that the& P the 5$rmese reali;ed that it wo$ld #ot be a# appropriate mome#t to accept that shipO -s that a correct wa& to AA *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: - do#Bt thi#k P - thi#k thatBs taki#" it o#e step be&o#d where wa#t to "o with it. Ehat - do wa#t to sa& is that a combi#atio# o! shari#" i#!ormatio# with ma#& o! the co$#tries i# the re"io# abo$t their obli"atio#s a#d o$r collecti%e obli"atio#s to i#spect' to war# ships' to what maritimers call hail a#d C$er&' that all o! those thi#"s combi#ed co#%i#ced or pla&ed a role perhaps i# co#%i#ci#" the North 6orea#s to t$r# the ship aro$#d. -# the speci!ic i#sta#ce with 5$rma' that too co$ld ha%e pla&ed a role. 5$t - do#Bt k#ow that it was P that that was the de!i#iti%e reaso#. ThatBs wh& - do#Bt wa#t to P - wa#t to war# &o$ o!! !rom a#& o#e partic$lar AA [deletia] N9+*T-ON: Fi' (a#i#e Lacharia with 5loomber". Two C$estio#s P - apolo"i;e i! o#e is a little #ao%e' - D$st came back !rom lea%e. 5$t co$ld &o$ remi#d me what the 9.*. s$spected was o# the ship that the& were tracki#" headed towards 5$rmaO A#d seco#dl&' - D$st wa#t to be clear o# AA *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: -Bm sorr&' what the AA what wasO N9+*T-ON: The ship' what was P what did the 9.*. thi#k was o# the ship. *eco#dl&' &o$ said that &o$ were co#cer#ed that the North 6orea#s wo$ld $se 4ala&sia or other co$#tries to co#ti#$e those acti%ities. /oes that mea# that &o$ s$spect that 4ala&sia# ba#ks are processi#" acco$#ts o! people who are o# the desi"#ated list at the 9N a#d the& sho$ld#Bt be doi#" itO ,o$ld &o$ D$st spell o$t speci!icall& what that mea#tO Tha#k &o$. *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: The ship i#%ol%ed had bee# e#"a"ed pre%io$sl& i# these ki#ds o! acti%ities. *o there was a hei"hte#ed s$spicio# that it co$ld be $sed a"ai# !or s$ch acti%ities. N9+*T-ON: 4ea#i#" arms shipme#ts' speci!icall&O *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: Acti%ities that were prohibited b& pre%io$s resol$tio#s' a#d which i#cl$des arms or #$clearArelated acti%ities' missile tech#olo"&' missile acti%ities. - "$ess weapo#s wo$ld !it withi# that. N9+*T-ON: *o there was #o realAtime i#telli"e#ceO -t was D$st based o# the pastO *+N-OR *TAT+ /+.ART4+NT O00-,-A2: No. - ca#Bt "et i#to i#telli"e#ce matters a#d i#!ormatio# we had. 5$t a"ai#' it was P it was to $s a commo#se#sical co#cl$sio#' i# additio# to whate%er i#!ormatio# that we had. [deletia]


Senate 5oreign 3elations Committee ;earing on North Korea 4pening Statement by Senator 3ichard A8 6ugar /une %%* #$$(

4pening Statement for ;earing on North Korea

9.*. *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee Rep$blica# leader /ick 2$"ar made the !ollowi#" stateme#t at toda&Bs heari#": 4r. ,hairma#' tha#k &o$ !or holdi#" this heari#" to re%iew the prese#t sit$atio# i# North 6orea. [deletia] - s$pport a !$ll re%iew o! 9.*. polic& toward North 6orea. *ecretar& ,li#to# has said that the Admi#istratio# is co#sideri#" all optio#s i# respo#di#" to North 6oreaBs latest actio#s. - look !orward to heari#" additio#al details abo$t this re%iew !rom Ambassador 5osworth. A #$mber o! poi#ts sho$ld be co#sidered b& the Admi#istratio# as it de%elops a North 6orea strate"&. /id the lack o! a stro#"' $#i!ied' a#d persiste#t respo#se b& ,hi#a' R$ssia' (apa#' *o$th 6orea' a#d the 9#ited *tates to past pro%ocati%e actio#s b& North 6orea !actor i#to .&o#"&a#"Bs decisio# to proceed with the latest #$clear testO /o North 6orea# o!!icials belie%e their co$#tr&Bs relatio#ships with -ra# or *&ria will be permitted to de%elop witho$t co#seC$e#ce i! those relatio#ships i#cl$de cooperatio# o# weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#O Ehat is the #at$re o! the car"o i# North 6orea# pla#es a#d ships arri%i#" i# 5$rma' which is sometimes a tra#sit poi#t !or !$rther "lobal desti#atio#sO R$ssia has bee# tra#spare#t i# its cooperatio# with 5$rma i# the de%elopme#t o! a #$clear reactor' reportedl& !or medical research p$rposes. -s North 6orea co#trib$ti#" to the de%elopme#t o! 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram' a#d i! so' i# what wa&O""atio#/1)7:0/$sAba#ArelatedAtoA#AkoreaAb$rmaAarmsAdeal

.S ban related to N Korea'Burma arms deal

Eriter: Arkar 4oe .$blished: 1/07/200) at 12:00 A4 The 9#ited *tates took steps last T$esda& to c$rtail what it sees as North 6oreaJs abilit& to trade i# missiles a#d #$clear materials' with the Treas$r& a#d *tate /epartme#t a##o$#ci#" actio#s a"ai#st two North 6orea# compa#ies' o#e o! which is alle"edl& co##ected to the 5$rmese arms i#d$str&. The 9* imposed sa#ctio#s a#d !ro;e the 9* assets o! Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" ,orp a#d -ra#Abased Fo#" 6o#" +lectro#ics i# a# attempt to choke o!! the !irmJs !$#ds. The two compa#ies are char"ed with bei#" at the ce#ter o! .&o#"&a#"Js attempts to e port its #$clear a#d lo#"A ra#"e missile tech#olo"ies' accordi#" to 9* o!!icials. The 9* sa#ctio#s bar a#& 9* !irms !rom co#d$cti#" b$si#ess with Namcho#"a#" a#d Fo#" 6o#" +lectro#ics. Accordi#"l& to the Eall *treet (o$r#al last Th$rsda&' 9* o!!icials said Namcho#"a#" Tradi#" ,orp has aided the 5$rmese arms i#d$str& a#d was importi#" ce#tri!$"e eC$ipme#t that North 6orea is $si#" to de%elop a $ra#i$m e#richme#t capabilit&. 9ra#i$m' whe# e#riched to a weapo#s "rade' ca# be $sed to b$ild #$clear weapo#s. Namcho#"a#" is headed b& G$# Fo (i#' a !ormer se#ior North 6orea# diplomat who ser%ed at .&o#"&a#"Js missio# to the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&' the 9NJs atomic watchdo". Fe is also belie%ed to be closel& ali"#ed with se#ior members o! North 6orea# leader 6im (o#" -lJs "o%er#me#t. 9* o!!icials alle"ed Fo#" 6o#" +lectro#ics was pla&i#" a ke& role i# !acilitati#" the weapo#s trade betwee# North 6orea a#d -ra#. The Eall *treet (o$r#al last Th$rsda& reported 9* Treas$r& 9#dersecretar& !or Terrorism a#d 0i#a#cial -#telli"e#ce *t$art 2e%e& as sa&i#" North 6orea $ses !ro#t compa#ies like Fo#" 6o#" +lectro#ics a#d a ra#"e o! other decepti%e practices to obsc$re the tr$e #at$re o! its !i#a#cial deali#"s. 4ea#while' the (apa#ese dail& Gomi$ri *himb$# reported last Th$rsda& that the Toko 5oeki tradi#" compa#& was li#ked b& (apa#ese police with attempts to e port hi"hAtech eC$ipme#t with arms applicatio#s to 5$rma' a#d is s$spected o! shippi#" se%eral other de%ices with pote#tial !or maki#" weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# to the D$#ta as well. 6a#a"awa pre!ect$ral police said North 6orea# 2ee 6&o$#" Fo' the preside#t o! the Toko 5oeki !irm' was arrested last 4o#da& o# s$spicio# o! attempti#" to ship a ma"#etic meas$ri#" i#str$me#t !rom Gokohama port to 5$rma %ia 4ala&sia o# (a#$ar& 2:' a de%ice that co$ld pote#tiall& be $sed to prod$ce weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#' said the Gomi$ri *himb$#. The (apa#ese #ewspaper said Tok&oAbased Toko 5oeki has alle"edl& bee# e porti#" i#str$me#ts that ca# be $sed to prod$ce missiles to 5$rma witho$t "o%er#me#t permissio# si#ce 2008.


C6AN@0S1-N0 N.C60A3 34/0C1S 45 B.3M0S0 /.N1A A6M4S1 C4M 6010@8

200) April 11 b& peacer$##i#" <Eith !$ll !orce o! s$pport b& North 6orea# Tech#olo"& a#d h$#dreds o! Tech#icia#s=Ehile the whole world !oc$s their atte#tio# o# North 6orea# pro%ocatio# o! hostile 5allistic 4issiles pro"ram with 4edias re%eal them i# bold li#e letters' a#other i#%ol%eme#ts o! North 6orea# N$clear Tech#olo"& are almost completed their proDects i# militar& r$le 5$rma with !$ll !orce o! s$pport b& h$#dreds o! North 6orea# Tech#icia#s a#d Tech#olo"& b$t #o o#e e%er #otice their rapid pro"ress. 0irst proDect amo#" other is located i# the area o! 4a&m&o <.&i#oolwi#= a#d "ro$ps o! %illa"es were remo%ed b& !orce si#ce &ear 2001. ,o#str$ctio# o! N$clear Reactor i# that area locall& k#ow# as 6o#eA5aw [Eonba#] %illa"e is almost completed. The most importa#t raw material 9ra#i$m' reC$ire !or N$clear .roDect was !o$#ded i# 2ashio area o! NorthA+aster# *ha# *tate th$s tra#sportatio# is %er& co#%e#ie#ce beca$se the proDect site a#d 2ashio are o# the same road !amo$sl& k#ow# i# the old da& called 5$rmaA,hi#a road. -t is also has eas& access !rom port ,it& o! Ra#"oo# to carr& the old seco#dAha#d machi#er& a#d parts !rom North 6orea. Trai#i#" o! tech#icia#s to r$# that reactor was comme#ced si#ce &ear 2001. Gro$ps o! Arm& +#"i#eeri#" "rad$ates were se#t to R$ssia !or !$rther st$d&. *ad #ews !or 5$rmese people are that the .weA6a$k [P#e)a#)] waterA!all ori"i#all& k#ow# as 5+ !all i# 4a&m&o' which remai#ed as recreatio# ce#tre !or people almost a ce#t$r& lo#" was #ow blocked to b$ild /am to pro%ide reC$ire irri"atio# s&stem !or N$clear .roDect. ,o#str$ctio# o! /am was $#dertake# b& -rri"atio# /epartme#t a#d works was do#e !or more tha# 10U o! the proDect. Relocati#" o! %illa"es' c$lti%ated area a#d e%e# i#cl$di#" 5$ddhist Temples a#d 4o#asteries were do#e b& !orce o! militar& a$thorit& a#d pai#!$l to the i#habita#ts beca$se the& all are sta&i#" i# the area b& "e#eratio#s. -mpact to e#%iro#me#ts with demolitio# o! local !lora a#d !a$#a are #ot s$bstit$table b$t perma#e#t. .ersec$ti#" o! local comm$#ities b& a$thorit& is #ot D$st stopped &et. The bea$ti!$l la#dscapi#"' watershed a#d catchme#ts area importa#t !or local !armers a#d i#habita#ts were dama"ed b& e plosio# o! mi#es !or irri"atio# proDect. + plosio# o! mi#e destro&ed #ot o#l& the #at$ral herita"e b$t also the li!eAblood o! local people. 5i" po$ltr& !arm o! i#ter#atio#al sta#dard with hi"her tech#olo"& ow# b& #ati%e o! the co$#tr&Bs b$si#ess "ro$p was s$!!eri#" the lost o! ma#& !owls dead b& e plosio# e%er& da&. -#stead o! compe#sati#" or !i#di#" the alter#ati%e wa& to a%oid the lost o! properties' militar& a$thorit& iss$e the order to close the po$ltr& !arm. That will be a bi" waste o! millio#s a#d millio#s o! i#%estme#t. That po$ltr& !arm is i#te#di#" to ed$cate the latest tech#olo"& to local !armer !or hi"her &ield o! po$ltr& b$t #ow all are dow# to the drai#. 0$rthermore' poor local workers emplo&ed b& !arm will !ace the hardship o! $#emplo&me#t problem i# #ear !$t$re. *eco#d proDect was started i# 4a"we /i%isio#' 4i#A5$ district' #ear N"a .hae [probably 7!ape] %illa"e adDace#t to the !amo$s *cared 0oot .ri#t o! 2ord 5$ddha Ehich is call i# 5$rmese ?4a##A*hweA*etATaw .a"oda@. That proDect was b$ilt a#d s$pported b& R$ssia# Go%er#me#t with a"reeme#t o! completio# i# 1 &ears term. .roDect i#cl$ded the b$ildi#" o! /am o# the scared a#d !amo$s 4a## creek. 4a## creek is !amo$s !or cr&stal clear water that pil"rims o! *cared 0oot .ri#t .a"oda ca# lod"e o# the ba#k o! the creek a#d e#Do& the sce#e o! s$rro$#di#" mo$#tai# rid"es with !lowi#" water o! which ca# see thro$"h to the bad o! the creek decorated with sto#e pebble #at$rall&. All o! those bea$ti!$l #at$ral "i!ts will became !air& tale i# #e t 1 &ears time. Third proDect will be b$ildi#" i# east o! GaA4aeAThi## [perhaps Yamethin] Tow#ship. 4ilitar& a$thorit& starts "i%i#" the marchi#" order to local i#habita#ts that those re!$se to mo%e or tr& to dela& were e#co$#tered with shooti#" i#cide#t b& soldiers. 4ilitar& a$thorit& iss$i#" the ,i%il Act *ectio# <144= i# that area mea#s a$thori;i#" the soldiers with lice#se to kill. 0or the local !armers' the& are sta&i#" i# that area b& "e#eratio#s a#d

their !ore!athers co#%erted the raw la#d i#to the !ertile a#d c$lti%ated la#d so !or them mo%e awa& mea# comme#ci#" o! po%ert& a#d !ami#e. 2ist o! dead a#d i#D$r& b& shooti#" are mo$#ti#" i# the area. All o! abo%e three proDects show# clearl& that reC$ireme#t !or e#er"& a#d electricit& are #ot emi#e#t i# the re"io# o! where the N$clear Reactors were located. Almost all o! the -#d$strial Lo#e are aro$#d i# Ra#"oo# area a#d which are the most #eeded places !or electricit& s$ppl& b$t all three N$clear Reactors are #ot b$ilt #earb& so i#te#tio# o! N$clear proDects are %er& clear that the& are #ot !or peace!$l p$rpose. Easti#" o! peopleBs mo#e& i# ($#taBs para#oia o! protectio# a#d sa!et& o#l& !or them is somethi#" sel!ish a#d ridic$lo$s. ($#taBs para#oia is ob%io$s that the& b$ilt the t$##el !rom their reside#t to airport i# Na&A.&iA/aw $si#" the so m$ch amo$#t o! peopleBs mo#e& o#l& !or their escape !rom peopleBs D$stice. 0$rthermore' how we ca# tr$st the seco#dha#d materials a#d tech#olo"& o! North 6orea with their tech#icia#s. Nobod& ca# ass$re the reliabilit& a#d abilit& o! North 6orea# as #o proo! o! rep$tatio# abo$t them. -! we are thi#ki#" deeper abo$t the sa!et& o! #$clear accide#t' we are terri!ied with !ears a#d scare. R$ssia#s are #ot m$ch better as we still ca#Bt !or"et the ,her#ob&l accide#t i# 1)81 at old *o%iet 9#io#. ,o#str$ctio#s o! the /ams i# all aro$#d the 5$rma b& -rri"atio# /epartme#t were %er& irrespo#sible a#d #o#A co#siderate matters as that ca$sed so ma#& #e"ati%e e!!ects. -mpact o# ecolo"ical bala#ce was so "reat a#d that ca$se irre"$larit& i# weather a#d e#%iro#me#tal dama"es. Relocati#" o! people a#d %illa"es beca$se o! co#str$ctio#s a#d !loodi#" o! water catchme#ts ca$se $#emplo&me#t a#d lost o! !ertile la#d. A# e ti#ctio# o! local !lora a#d !a$#a are #ot replaceable. 5$t those -rri"atio# /epartme#t e#"i#eers i#%ol%ed i# co#str$ctio#s proDects were rich a#d became millio#aires. The& make their !ort$#e b& mis$si#" peopleBs mo#e&' steali#" a#d accepti#" bribes !rom s$bAco#tractors !or keepi#" the bli#d e&es o# $#C$ali!ied works etc. The& ow# o#e a!ter a#other o! bi" ho$ses i# posh area o! Ra#"oo# a#d i# e%er& bi" cities i#cl$di#" abroad. The& ca# se#d their childre# to "et !$rther ed$catio# i# 9*A a#d 96. The& are the o#e ki#d o! class i# 5$rma as ca# o#l& compete with "e#erals i# corr$ptio#.The perso# i#Achar"e !or all those se#seless proDects was rece#tl& ho#ored b& ($#ta a#d was promoted to the post o! !$ll "e#eral. Fe ca# be pro$d o! mis$si#" peopleBs properties a#d obe&i#" the order o! $#ed$cated brai#less para#oid Tha# *hwe so he became three stars "e#eral. Fis #ame is Thiha Th$ra Ti# A$#" 4&i#t Oo. Reported b& Th$ Ge 6a$#". [ ee -ppendix C o" this ourceboo) "or a discussion o" the sites mentioned in the abo%e article*]


-s there a Burma'North Korea'-ran nuclear conspiracy:

b& G$est 5lo""er A 21 0ebr$ar& 200) 7:28A4 A#drew *elth is a Research 0ellow at the Gri!!ith Asia -#stit$te. Fe has rece#tl& ret$r#ed !rom 5$rma a#d Thaila#d. -! the Obama Admi#istratio# was looki#" !or a#other !orei"# polic& challe#"e' all it wo$ld ha%e to do is take serio$sl& the r$mo$rs circ$lati#" i# Thaila#d that 5$rma is p$rs$i#" a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' with help !rom North 6orea a#d -ra#. These stories ha%e all the i#"redie#ts o! a real sec$rit& #i"htmare. The C$estio# is' are a#& o! them tr$eO -# 2000' whe# 5$rmaBs militar& "o%er#me#t a##o$#ced it was "oi#" to p$rchase a 104E li"ht water reactor !rom R$ssia' acti%ist "ro$ps immediatel& war#ed that the "e#erals were #ot to be tr$sted. The& acc$sed the re"ime o! secretl& pla##i#" to de%elop a #$clear weapo#' to threate# the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& a#d resist press$res to re!orm. The acti%ists cited the re"imeBs lo#" record o! d$plicit&' its abidi#" !ear o! e ter#al i#ter%e#tio# <partic$larl& !rom the 9*= a#d its c$stomar& disre"ard !or i#ter#atio#al #orms o! beha%io$r. The& dismissed ass$ra#ces that the reactor was !or peace!$l research' a#d wo$ld be placed $#der -A+A sa!e"$ards. Also' well be!ore Na&p&idaw a#d .&o#"&a#" restored diplomatic relatio#s i# 2007' some obser%ers <i#cl$di#" a !ew hi"h pro!ile !i"$res i# Eashi#"to#= e pressed co#cer# abo$t 5$rmaBs "rowi#" ties with North 6orea' a k#ow# proli!erator o! #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"&. At the time' these s$spicio#s were "reeted with scepticism. 5$rma had a lo#" record o! oppositio# to #$clear weapo#s proli!eratio#. Also' 5$rmaBs !i#a#cial reser%es a#d its le%el o! tech#olo"ical de%elopme#t were so low that ma#& do$bted its abilit& to b$ild a#d ma#a"e a #$clear reactor' e%e# with R$ssia# assista#ce. 5$t 5$rmaBs militar& leadership was hi"hl& $#predictable' a#d pro#e to bi;arre beha%io$r. A#d some "e#erals clearl& e#%ied North 6oreaBs abilit& to $se its #$clear weapo#s stat$s to resist i#ter#atio#al press$re a#d wri#" co#cessio#s o$t o! the 9*. *till' #o reliable e%ide#ce co$ld be prod$ced o! a cla#desti#e 5$rmese E4/ pro"ram. As &ears passed' the 5$rma r$mo$r mill "ro$#d o#' prompti#" !$rther acc$satio#s o! the "e#eralsB per!id&. There were reports i# the #ews media a#d o# the i#ter#et that tho$sa#ds o! 5$rmese were atte#di#" tech#ical trai#i#" co$rses i# R$ssia' a#d that 5$rma was secretl& recei%i#" shipme#ts o! eC$ipme#t !rom North 6orea. There were si"hti#"s o! !orei"#ers at de!e#ce establishme#ts all aro$#d 5$rma. At the same time' there were i#creasi#"l& stride#t claims b& some acti%ist "ro$ps' to the e!!ect that 5$rma had co#str$cted a reactor' de%eloped $ra#i$m e#richme#t pla#ts' a#d was e porti#" &ellowcake to North 6orea a#d -ra#. A !ew e%e# said that 5$rma alread& possessed #$clear weapo#s. Get the o!!icial %iew o! 5$rmaBs stat$s remai#ed $#cha#"ed. Thro$"ho$t this period' the 9* iss$ed #$mero$s war#i#"s abo$t cla#desti#e North 6orea#' -ra#ia# a#d *&ria# E4/ pro"rams b$t' as !ar as 5$rma was co#cer#ed' the 5$sh Admi#istratio# remai#ed co#spic$o$sl& sile#t. -# 2001 a#d 2008' !or e ample' d$ri#" its e!!orts to ha%e 5$rma cited b& the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil as Qa threat to i#ter#atio#al peace a#d sec$rit&B' the 9* poi#tedl& made #o re!ere#ce to a 5$rmese #$clear weapo#s pro"ram.

-# 2007' the *tate /epartme#t remi#ded 5$rma o! its obli"atio#s $#der the #$clear No# .roli!eratio# Treat&' b$t o#l& re!erred to the proposed R$ssia# reactor. 0or its part' the 96 Go%er#me#t stated i# 2008 that it was Q#ot able to corroborateB reports abo$t the alle"ed tra#s!er o! #$clear tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea to 5$rma. The 96 also p$t o# record its %iew that #o $ra#i$m was bei#" processed i# 5$rma' a#d that 5$rma did #ot ha%e a#& operatio#al e#richme#t !acilities. Nor was the 96 aware o! a#& 5$rmese $ra#i$m e ports. -# 2007' *i#"aporeBs 0orei"# 4i#ister said 5$rma was Q$#likel&B to de%elop a #$clear pro"ram' "i%e# its ma#& other problems. A #ew 4o9 si"#ed b& 5$rma a#d R$ssia that &ear re%ealed that co#str$ctio# o! the research reactor had #ot e%e# be"$#. The most likel& ca$se was a lack o! !$#ds. O%er the past &ear or so' howe%er' a #$mber o! "o%er#me#ts ha%e "i%e# this iss$e a hi"her priorit&. The i#creased le%el o! i#terest seems to ha%e bee# prompted b& the appeara#ce i# Thaila#d o! se%eral 5$rmese o!!icials <both ci%ilia# a#d militar&= who claimed to ha%e direct k#owled"e' or e%e# !irstAha#d e perie#ce' o! a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. Accordi#" to these Qde!ectorsB' i# 2002 5$rmaBs militar& "o%er#me#t be"a# b$ildi#" a reactor #ear 4a&m&o' with the aim o! de%elopi#" a #$clear de%ice b& 2020. The reactor a#d some related #$clear !$el processi#" pla#ts were said to be hidde# $#der"ro$#d. The e pertise !or this proDect reportedl& came !rom North 6orea' with help !rom -ra# a#d possibl& .akista#. These claims are still to be %eri!ied. *ome ma& i# !act relate #ot to a secret E4/ pro"ram' b$t to the re"imeBs e!!orts o%er the past 20 &ears to $p"rade its militar& i#!rastr$ct$re. .artic$larl& si#ce the -raC wars' 5$rma has !elt %$l#erable to attack !rom the air. -t has reportedl& co#str$cted $#der"ro$#d comma#d a#d co#trol b$#kers' harde#ed its comm$#icatio#s #odes a#d b$ilt protecti%e shelters !or a ra#"e o! #ew co#%e#tio#al weapo# s&stems. The North 6orea#s ha%e co#siderable e pertise i# maki#" s$ch !acilities. +%e# so' both Eester# a#d re"io#al "o%er#me#ts #ow seem kee# to !i#d o$t whether the de!ectorsB claims are acc$rate. A#& s$""estio#s o! a secret E4/ pro"ram' let alo#e o#e co#d$cted b& a pariah state like 5$rma' m$st be o! co#cer#. *ome o! the i#!ormatio# pro%ided b& the de!ectors appears credible' a#d there are #$mero$s de!e#ce !acilities i# 5$rma which ha%e #ot bee# ide#ti!ied. Also' #oAo#e $#derestimates the le#"ths to which the "e#erals will "o to sta& i# power' a#d to protect 5$rma !rom percei%ed e ter#al threats. 9#dersta#dabl&' howe%er' !orei"# o!!icials looki#" at these matters are bei#" %er& ca$tio$s. NoAo#e wa#ts a repetitio# o! the mistakes which preceded the last -raC war' either i# $#derestimati#" a co$#tr&Bs capabilities' or b& "i%i#" too m$ch credibilit& to a !ew $#tested i#telli"e#ce so$rces. .artic$larl& i# the hi"hl& char"ed political e#%iro#me#t that s$rro$#ds co#sideratio# o! 5$rmaBs ma#& comple problems' #o "o%er#me#t is "oi#" to accept claims o! a secret #$clear weapo#s pro"ram witho$t i#%esti"ati#" them thoro$"hl& !irst. There has alwa&s bee# a lot o! smoke s$rro$#di#" 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s. O%er the past &ear or so' the amo$#t o! smoke has i#creased' b$t still #oAo#e seems to k#ow whether or #ot it hides a real !ire. Eith this i# mi#d' strate"ic a#al&sts i# ma#& co$#tries are looki#" to the Obama Admi#istratio# !or a# a$thoritati%e stateme#t o# 5$rmaBs #$clear stat$s. This ma& come soo#er rather tha# later. The 5$rma (A/+ Act e#acted b& ,o#"ress last ($l& stip$lates that' withi# 180 da&s' the *ecretar& o! *tate m$st iss$e a stateme#t describi#" Qthe pro%isio# o! weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio# a#d related materials' capabilities' a#d tech#olo"&' i#cl$di#" #$clear' chemical' a#d d$al $se capabilitiesB. That deadli#e has alread& passed.


3.SS-A'B.3MA N.C60A3 -N1066-A0NC0 30 431 R#

5& Rola#d Eatso# A$"$st 7' 2008 [EXCERPT] Ee ha%e recei%ed additio#al i#telli"e#ce that e pa#ds o$r last report' a#d which also pro%ides co#!irmatio# !or earlier reports. This i#telli"e#ce comes !rom #ew so$rces. -# s$mmar&' as we co#ti#$e to recei%e i#!ormatio#' the details o! the *./,Bs #$clear pro"ram are becomi#" more a#d more co#crete. N$clear pro"ram obDecti%e -# 4a& 2001' at the Natio#al /e!e#ce ,olle"e <Ra#"oo#=' *./, *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 4i#ister 9 Tha$#" said that 5$rma wo$ld make a# e!!ort to possess #$clear weapo#s b& 2020. O#ce achie%ed' this wo$ld make the re"ime the stro#"est militar& power i# *o$theast AsiaH the co$#tr& wo$ld be tra#s!ormed i#to the ?0o$rth 5$rma# +mpire@H a#d' it wo$ld be able to threate# Thaila#d militaril&. This stateme#t re%eals the *./, to be a "ra%e threat to i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& a#d peace. The re"imeJs a##o$#ceme#t that its #ew 10 4E reactor is i#te#ded !or peace!$l research p$rposes is a lie. .ro"ram back"ro$#d The *./,Bs pro"ram to acC$ire #$clear weapo#s be"a# i# 1))0. <At this time the D$#ta was k#ow# as *2OR,.= Ra#"oo# 9#i%ersit& .h&sics .ro!essor 9 .o *aw was co#s$lted abo$t de%elopi#" the tech#olo"&' a#d also the selectio# o! ca#didates to become state scholars. The process o! ho#i#" cadet o!!icers !or trai#i#" i# #$clear tech#olo"& was be"$# i# 1))7 with /e!e#se *er%ices Academ& ,lass 42. .rior to 2000' R$ssia# #$clear e perts were i#%ited a#d disc$ssio#s o# b$ildi#" a reactor' its locatio#' a#d the trai#i#" o! state scholars' were held. O$r so$rces also tell $s that the D$#ta !irst co#tacted -#dia to obtai# #$clear tech#olo"&. The co$#tr& a"reed to accept state scholars. Fowe%er' si#ce -#dia also stip$lated that it had to s$per%ise a#d co#trol the operatio# o! the reactor' this approach was halted. Eith the help o! ,hi#a' the *./, s$cceeded i# reachi#" its a"reeme#t with R$ssia. -# additio#' the ,hi#ese "o%er#me#t has ad%ised the D$#ta that it sho$ld tr&' b& %ario$s mea#s' to make #$clear weapo#s a#d' i! it ca##ot prod$ce them b& its tar"et date o! 2020' that it sho$ld b$& them. -# 200:' the re"ime se#t thirt& militar& o!!icers to North 6orea to st$d& reactor tech#olo"&. -# 2008' it started b$&i#" !rom the North the machi#er& #ecessar& !or reactor co#str$ctio#. The *./, established its co##ectio# with North 6orea so it wo$ld #ot ha%e to stop the pro"ram i! its relatio#s with R$ssia t$r#ed so$r. The *./, sells #at$ral reso$rces to obtai# #$clear tech#olo"&' i#cl$di#" !or the costs o! ed$cati#" the state scholars <a #ew so$rce co#!irms that there are o%er 4'800 i# R$ssia alo#e=. Ee ha%e also lear#ed that the reso$rce sales i#cl$ded 20'000 to#s o! iro# ore mi#ed i# 6aAthai#" Ta$#"' a ra#"e i# the Fpaka# area i# 6achi# *tate <#ear the !amo$s Dade mi#es=. 5$t' a#d as has bee# reported b& others' the D$#ta did e perie#ce !i#a#cial problems i# 2001 a#d its pro"ram with R$ssia was s$spe#ded. These di!!ic$lties were o%ercome' the pro"ram was restarted' a#d the *./, is #ow !i#a#ciall& sec$re. <The reaso# !or this cha#"e o! !ort$#e is ob%io$s. Accordi#" to the #ew 9.*. 5$rma law: ?The ,o#"ressio#al Research *er%ice estimates that the Gada#a pipeli#e pro%ides at least b100'000'000 i# a##$al re%e#$e !or the 5$rmese Go%er#me#t.@=

O$r #ew so$rces !$rther tell $s that the *./, has secretl& tried to "ai# assista#ce !rom -ra#. This co#!irms a relatio#ship that we ha%e pre%io$sl& heard abo$t !rom other so$rces. 0$rther' i# 2000' (apa# started taki#" scholars !or doctoral le%el st$dies' to operate a reactor. Eith the help o! (apa#' #ew departme#ts o! #$clear scie#ce ha%e bee# set $p at Ra#"oo# 9#i%ersit&' 4a#dala& 9#i%ersit&' a#d the /e!e#se *er%ices Academ&. Trai#i#" i# R$ssia -# 2001' the !irst batch o! scholars' 110 militar& o!!icers' was se#t to R$ssia !rom Tada 9 Airport o# chartered Aero!lot !li"hts. -# R$ssia' the scholars atte#d a %ariet& o! i#stit$tes i# 4oscow a#d also *t..etersb$r"' depe#di#" o# their s$bDects o! st$d&. The schools i#cl$de: 4+.F- P 4oscow +#"i#eeri#" .h&sics -#stit$te 4-+T P 4oscow -#stit$te o! +lectro#ic Tech#olo"& 4AT- P 4oscow -#stit$te o! A%iatio# Tech#olo"& 4A- P 4oscow A%iatio# -#stit$te 54*T9 P 5a$ma# 4oscow *tate Tech#ical 9#i%ersit& 4-TT P 4oscow -#stit$te o! Thermal Tech#olo"& 4-*- P 4oscow ,i%il +#"i#eeri#" -#stit$te 4*49 P 4oscow *tate 4i#i#" 9#i%ersit& 4+.F- teaches #$clear scie#ce' 4-+T rocket "$ida#ce' 4A- aircra!t a#d space s$bDects' a#d 4AT- the tech#olo"& !or b$ildi#" rockets to carr& satellites. There are also co$rse pro"rams i# t$##eli#"' $ra#i$m mi#i#"' a#d $ra#i$m ore re!i#i#". O$r #ew so$rces co#!irm that ma#& o! the scholars are $#happ&. The& were !orced to "o to R$ssiaH their pa& is too lowH the harsh weather has ca$sed them problemsH a#d the medical care the& recei%e is i#adeC$ate. The& complai#ed to the 5$rma +mbass& i# 4oscow' a#d asked to be se#t home. -# respo#se' the /irectorate o! -#telli"e#ce se#t weekl& i#str$ctio#s $r"i#" them to complete their work a#d to !$l!ill the #atio#al aim <to prod$ce #$clear weapo#s=. At o#e poi#t !ormer 0orei"# 4i#ister 9 Ei# A$#" came i# perso# a#d told the st$de#ts to !i#ish their st$dies. Fe rela&ed a messa"e !rom 3ice ,hie! o! *ta!! 4a$#" A&e that a#&o#e who married a R$ssia# woma# scie#tist a#d the# ret$r#ed to 5$rma wo$ld be rewarded. Also' i# 2002' N$artermaster Ge#eral Ei# 4&i#t as well as the Na%& ,hie!' Air ,hie! a#d Tra#sport 4i#ister we#t to R$ssia a#d arra#"ed !or the trai#i#" o! twe#t& Air 0orce pilots' who wo$ld the# take te# p$rchased 4-G 2)s back to 5$rma. The& additio#all& disc$ssed whether 5$rma sho$ld acC$ire aircra!t carriers a#d s$bmari#es. -# ($l& 2002' *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 4i#ister 9 Tha$#" we#t to R$ssia a#d si"#ed the a"reeme#t !or the acC$isitio# a#d co#str$ctio# o! the #$clear reactor. Reactor 2ocatio# -# o$r pre%io$s report we stated that the site o! the reactor is 6&a$k .a Toe <aka 6&a$k .ha Ftoe=' #ear Tha 5eik 6&i#. Ehile we do #ot &et ha%e a co#!irmatio# o! this' we ha%e recei%ed additio#al i#!ormatio# abo$t the *./,Bs e!!orts to keep its locatio# secret. +%e# the tech#icia#s who were trai#ed to b$ild the reactor were #ot allowed to k#ow its site. -# ($#e 2008' there was a# i#!ormatio# leak' a#d the o!!icers !or the pro"ram were called to Na&p&idaw a#d i#terro"ated. This is appare#tl& a re!ere#ce to the i#!ormatio# that was p$blished b& 5ertil 2i#t#er i# a ($l& 2008 Asia Times article' which said that North 6orea# tech#icia#s had bee# see# at Natma$k' a tow# to the east o! 4a"we.

Ee ha%e #ow lear#ed that a 10Ame"awatt reactor was bei#" b$ilt <or was i#te#ded to be b$ilt= i# 4&ai#" Tow#ship' 4a"we /i%isio#' a#d !$rther that it was to $se hea%& water a#d' !or that reaso#' that it wo$ld be able to prod$ce pl$to#i$m. This lea%es $s with two pla$sible reactor sites' 4&ai#" Tow#ship a#d 6&a$k .a Toe. O#e sce#ario that co$ld e plai# this discrepa#c& is that the *./,Bs ori"i#al pla# was to locate the reactor i# 4a"we' b$t that this s$bseC$e#tl& cha#"ed' perhaps beca$se' as The -rrawadd& reported' it is a# earthC$ake ;o#e. -# a#& case' while 4a"we remai#s a possibilit&' there is also a stro#" so$rce ide#ti!icatio# !or Tha 5eik 6&i#. 9ra#i$m acti%ities Ee ha%e recei%ed additio#al i#!ormatio# abo$t 5$rmaBs $ra#i$m deposits' which helps co#!irm o$r prior reports. 9ra#i$m ore that is commerciall& e ploitable e ists i# the 6&a$k .&o#' .a$#"p&i# a#d 6&a$k *i# areas. -# additio#' $ra#i$m prospecti#" has occ$rred or is $#derwa& i# so$ther# Te#asserim' 6are##i *tate <the 2oikaw area=' 4oeh#&i# i# 6achi# *tate' a#d i# areas west o! Ta$#""&i. 9ra#i$m milli#" is i# pro"ress at Tha 5eik 6&i#. 0$rther' a#d as we spec$lated i# o$r last report' we ha%e recei%ed i#!ormatio# that a pro"ram to e#rich milled $ra#i$m <&ellowcake= to 9A2:1 has also be"$# at Tha 5eik 6&i#. The e#tire operatio# at this locatio# is #ow re!erred to as N$clear 5attalio#A1. Ee ha%e also had co#!irmed that i# earl& 2008' &ellowcake was sold to North 6orea. -# ($l& 2008' the re"ime p$rchased !rom North 6orea #$clear acti%atio# eC$ipme#t !or $se i# $ra#i$m e#richme#t a#d also !or the prod$ctio# o! pl$to#i$m. Ehile we do #ot k#ow the precise #at$re o! this eC$ipme#t' there is a "ood probabilit&' "i%e# the other i#!ormatio#' that it i#cl$des ce#tri!$"es. At least o#e North 6orea# #$clear e pert is #ow worki#" i# Tha 5eik 6&i#. Ee !$rther ha%e co#!irmatio# that a related 4ilitar& Research ,e#ter was b$ilt i# the *etkh&a ra#"e <aka *a 6&i#= #ear 2$# 6&aw' which area is also reportedl& a N$clear 5attalio#' a#d that there is a ,i%ilia# Research ,e#ter i# 6&a$kse Tow#ship. There are also R$ssia# #$clear e perts i# .&i# 9 2wi#' who "i%e re!resher co$rses to the state scholars a!ter the& ret$r# home.


3.SS-A'B.3MA N.C60A3 -N1066-A0NC0 30 431

5& Rola#d Eatso# ($#e 28' 2008 [EXCERPT] Ee ha%e #ew' dist$rbi#"' a#d detailed i#telli"e#ce abo$t the assista#ce R$ssia is pro%idi#" 5$rmaBs dictatorship' the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil <*./,=' o# its #$clear pro"ram a#d more "e#erall& its militar& moder#i;atio#. This #ew i#!ormatio# both co#!irms earlier i#telli"e#ce that we ha%e p$blished' a#d e pa#ds what is k#ow# abo$t the o%erall pro"ram. Nuclear reactor and uranium mining -t has bee# widel& reported that R$ssia is "oi#" to pro%ide 5$rma a #$clear reactor' !or soAcalled ?research@ p$rposes. Ee ha%e recei%ed i#!ormatio# that the *./, has #ow p$rchased the 10 4E reactor. -t is #ot #ew' b$t is reportedl& i# "ood co#ditio#. -t is bei#" disma#tled' tra#sported to 5$rma' a#d reb$ilt. Ehile we ca##ot co#!irm that it has arri%ed' o$r so$rces sa& that i#stallatio# is d$e to be completed b& /ecember this &ear. <Ee ha%e pre%io$sl& reported that North 6orea# tech#icia#s will assist with the co#str$ctio#.= The reactor will be b$ilt at a site some te# kilometers !rom 6&a$k .a Toe <aka 6&a$k .ha Ftoe=' i# Tha 5eik 6&i# tow#ship' appro imatel& o#e h$#dred kilometers #orth o! 4a#dala& #ear the -rrawadd& Ri%er. -# ret$r# !or the reactor a#d other ser%ices' a R$ssia# "o%er#me#t mi#i#" compa#& has recei%ed co#cessio#s to mi#e "old' tita#i$m a#d $ra#i$m. There are two "old mi#i#" sites: i# 6&a$k .a ToeH a#d i# the mo$#tai#s to the ri"ht o! the Tha;iA*hwe N&a$#" railwa& li#e !rom 4a#dala& /i%isio# to *o$ther# *ha# *tate i# the .&i# N&a$#" area. Tita#i$m is also bei#" mi#ed' or deri%ed !rom the same ore' at 6&a$k .a Toe. 9ra#i$m is bei#" mi#ed at three locatio#s: i# the .e"$AGoma mo$#tai# ra#"e i# .a$k 6a$#" Tow#ship o! .rome /istrict <aka .&i=H i# the .ai#" N"ort area i# 4o 4eik Tow#ship i# *ha# *tateH a#d at 6&a$k .a Toe. The reactor site has bee# chose# beca$se o! its pro imit& to the Tha 5eik 6&i# a#d 4o 4eik $ra#i$m mi#es. -t is likel& that the "old mi#i#" operatio# at the !ormer will be $sed as co%er' to co#ceal the #$clear !acilities. Ee ha%e pre%io$sl& reported' !rom di!!ere#t so$rces' that the *./, has a &ellowcake mill somewhere i# the Tha 5eik 6&i# area. Now we k#ow the e act locatio# <or at least e#o$"h i#!ormatio# to !i#d it with satellite ima"er&=. The reactor has bee# p$blici;ed as bei#" !or research p$rposes' mea#i#" research o# #$clear power "e#eratio#. Ee belie%e that the *./, has #o real i#terest i# "e#erati#" electricit&' or at best that this is a seco#dar& co#sideratio#' a#d that the primar& p$rpose is atomic weapo#s de%elopme#t. O$r so$rces sa& that the *./, e pects to ha%e !$ll #$clear capabilit& withi# te# &ears. R$ssia is pres$mabl& s$ppl&i#" the reactor !$el as well. Ehile 5$rma has $ra#i$m ore' a#d mills to co#%ert it to &ellowcake' this m$st be e#riched to create the !$el' t&picall& $si#" cascades o! "as ce#tri!$"es. Ee ha%e recei%ed o#e report that the *./, has be"$# a ce#tri!$"e pro"ram' at the *o$th Nawi# /am' b$t this is $#co#!irmed. 5arri#" this operatio#' the so$rce o! the !$el there!ore m$st be R$ssia. Note: 2ocati#" the reactor at 6&a$k .a Toe reall& o#l& makes se#se i! there are pla#s to b$ild a# e#richme#t !acilit& there. This wa& &o$ wo$ld ha%e the !$ll i#d$strial c&cle i# close pro imit&: mi#e' mill' e#richme#t' a#d reactor. Ehat is perhaps most dist$rbi#" abo$t R$ssiaBs pro"ram with the *./, is that it is ide#tical to the *o%iet 9#io#Bs assista#ce that propelled North 6orea to become a #$clear power. Eh&' with the e#d o! the *o%iet 9#io# a#d the ,old

Ear' is R$ssia still helpi#" ro"$e re"imes proli!erateO The s$r!ace a#swer o! co$rse is mo#e&' i# this case i# the !orm o! #at$ral reso$rces' b$t the deeper C$estio# remai#s. R$ssia is co#sidered to be a democrac&. Ehat wo$ld the people o! the co$#tr& thi#k o! their leaders "i%i#" s$ch help to the likes o! the *./, a#d Tha# *hweO -# 1)81' the *o%iet 9#io# "a%e North 6orea a 2 4E reactor' which was $p"raded i# 1)7: to 8 4E. -t also s$pplied !$el thro$"h at least this period. North 6orea the# we#t o# to co#str$ct a m$ch lar"er reactor' a#d i# the 1)80s be"a# weapo#s de%elopme#t. This i#cl$ded b$ildi#" separatio# !acilities to obtai# pl$to#i$m' a#d hi"h e plosi%es deto#atio# tests. <Ee ha%e recei%ed reports that the *./, has alread& co#d$cted s$ch tests' i# the *etkh&a 4o$#tai#s' aka *a 6&i# 4o$#tai#s' so$theast o! 4a#dala&.= At some poi#t North 6orea also be"a# its ow# $ra#i$m e#richme#t pro"ram' to prod$ce weapo#s "rade material' a#d the 9.*. co#!ro#ted the co$#tr& abo$t this i# 2002. This mea#s that the North has two di!!ere#t so$rces o! !issile material !or weapo#s' reactor pl$to#i$m a#d e#riched $ra#i$m. The North deto#ated a small atomic weapo#' with a &ield o! less tha# o#e kiloto#' i# October 2008' $si#" some o! its pl$to#i$m. -t is #ow reportedl& abo$t to disclose its #$clear assets' a#d also destro& its pl$to#i$m prod$ci#" reactor' b$t the sticki#" poi#t has bee# the e#riched $ra#i$m. The North appears $#willi#" to disc$ss this <a#d at this poi#t to disclose its weapo#s cache=' which mea#s that e%e# with the destr$ctio# o! the reactor a#d the pl$to#i$m stockpile <!or the latter the si;e o! which is s$bDect to serio$s disp$te=' the North wo$ld retai# the abilit& to prod$ce weapo#s with the $ra#i$m. At the mome#t the 9.*. appears willi#" to accept partial disclos$re' i.e.' o! o#l& the pl$to#i$m. -# additio# to R$ssia' North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e bee# helpi#" 5$rma with its #$clear ambitio#s <a#d other weapo#s pro"rams=' a#d we ha%e recei%ed i#!ormatio# that the *./, has "i%e# the North re!i#ed $ra#i$m i# ret$r#' which ma& be desti#ed !or the e#richme#t pro"ram. This is all %er& dist$rbi#"' all the more so beca$se o! the appare#t weak#ess o! the 5$sh Admi#istratio#' which has bee# $#willi#" to press the North' a#d which re!$ses e%e# to me#tio# 5$rma <its #$clear pro"ram=. -t took North 6orea !ort& &ears be!ore it deto#ated a weapo#. -t will likel& take the *./, o#l& a !ractio# o! this period. O#ce the 5$rmese D$#ta has atomic weapo#s' its r$le will be e#tre#ched' a#d its #ei"hbors' !oremost Thaila#d' will be serio$sl& e#da#"ered.


1he +th Burmese 0mpire with Nuclear =eapon

Asia# Trib$#e 5& .ro!. 6a#baw;a Ei# : October 20' 2008 Goo"le Alert 5$rma d$l& reported o! how 5$rma is #ear completio# o! #$clear weapo# o# the 18th i#sta#t a#d o! how its /e!e#se 4i#ister boasts that b& 2020 5$rma wo$ld be o#e o! the "reatest #atio#s i# *o$theast Asia. Gi%e# the eco#omic realit& o! 5$rma compo$#ded with its "ross misma#a"eme#t a#d h$ma# ri"hts %iolatio#s is it b$t a# empt& dream or a realit&O +%er& bod& k#ew that R$ssia has a"reed to b$ild a #$clear research ce#tre i# 5$rma. The ce#tre will comprise a 104E li"htAwater reactor worki#" o# 20UAe#riched $ra#i$mA2:1' a# acti%atio# a#al&sis laborator&' a medical isotope prod$ctio# laborator&' silico# dopi#" s&stemH #$clear waste treatme#t a#d b$rial !acilities will be mo#itored b& -A+A as accordi#" to Rosatom head' *er"e& 6iri&e#ko a#d 5$rmaBs *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 4i#ister. R$ssia has trai#ed 5$rmese militar& specialists. 1he Background The stor& started wa& back i# 1))0 whe# the c$rre#t ($#ta christe#ed itsel! as *2OR, <*tate law a#d Order Restoratio# ,o$#cil=H Ra#"oo# 9#i%ersit& .h&sics .ro!essor 9 .o *aw was co#s$lted abo$t de%elopi#" the tech#olo"&' a#d also the selectio# o! ca#didates to become state scholars. The process o! ho#i#" cadet o!!icers !or trai#i#" i# #$clear tech#olo"& was be"$# i# 1))7' with /e!e#se *er%ices Academ& ,lass 42. The ($#ta at !irst co#tacted -#dia to obtai# #$clear tech#olo"&. 6arla <-#dia#s= a"reed to accept state scholars' b$t -#dia also stip$lated that it had to s$per%ise a#d co#trol the operatio# o! the reactor. The deal did #ot "o thro$"h. Eith the help o! ,hi#a' the ($#ta s$cceeded i# reachi#" its a"reeme#t with R$ssia. -# additio#' the ,hi#ese "o%er#me#t has ad%ised the ($#ta that it sho$ld tr&' b& %ario$s mea#s' to make #$clear weapo#s a#d' i! it ca##ot prod$ce them b& its tar"et date o! 2020' it sho$ld b$& them. The other side o! the stor& is that 5$rma a#d North 6orea' two o! the worldBs most isolated #atio#s' ha%e a"reed to restore diplomatic relatio#s a!ter a break o! more tha# 20 &ears. At that time ha%i#" bei#" kicked o$t o! .rime 4i#isterBs O!!ice a#d i#terro"ated i# -#sei#' - was worki#" with the 6orea# embass& $#der ambassador 6ae ,h$ 2ee' who was killed i#sta#tl& whe# the .&o#"&a#" se#t a"e#ts to kill .reside#t ,h$# /oo Ea#. *el!Ai#terest has bro$"ht the two co$#tries back to"ether North 6orea be#e!ited !rom 5$rmaBs #at$ral reso$rces' s$ch as oil' "as a#d timber while 5$rmaBs r$lers #eed access to militar& eC$ipme#t' which has bee# blocked b& 9* a#d +$ropea# sa#ctio#s. -# 200:' the re"ime se#t thirt& militar& o!!icers to North 6orea to st$d& reactor tech#olo"&. -# 2008' it started b$&i#" !rom the North the machi#er& #ecessar& !or reactor co#str$ctio#. The ($#ta established its co##ectio# with North 6orea' so it wo$ld #ot ha%e to stop the pro"ram i! its relatio#s with R$ssia t$r#ed so$r a#d also wa#t some o! .&o#"&a#"Bs sophisticated t$##eli#" tech#iC$es to help !$rther !orti!& their militar& comple i# the #ew capital Na&p&idaw. The ($#ta sells #at$ral reso$rces to obtai# #$clear tech#olo"&' i#cl$di#" !or the costs o! ed$cati#" the state scholars a#d c$rre#tl& there are o%er 4'800 i# R$ssia alo#e. 20'000 to#s o! iro# ore are mi#ed i# 6aAthai#" Ta$#"' a ra#"e i# the Fpaka# area i# 6achi# *tate #ear the !amo$s Dade mi#es. +%e# tho$"h the pro"ram was temporaril& s$spe#ded i# 2001' d$e to !i#a#cial reaso#s the Gada#a pipeli#e pro%ides at least b100'000'000 i# a##$al re%e#$e !or the 5$rmese re"ime a#d is #ow a "oi#" process. The ($#ta also secretl& tried to "ai# assista#ce !rom -ra# a#d that is wh& the two co$#tries relatio#s are

so ros& with !$ll diplomatic relatio#s. 0$rther' i# 2000' (apa# started taki#" scholars !or doctoral le%el st$dies' to operate a reactor. Eith the help o! (apa#' #ew departme#ts o! #$clear scie#ce ha%e bee# set $p at Ra#"oo# 9#i%ersit&' 4a#dala& 9#i%ersit&' a#d the /e!e#se *er%ices Academ&. 3ussian Connection -# 2001' the !irst batch o! scholars' 110 militar& o!!icers' was se#t to R$ssia !rom Tada 9 Airport o# chartered Aero!lot !li"hts. -# R$ssia' the scholars atte#d a %ariet& o! i#stit$tes i# 4oscow a#d also *t..etersb$r"' depe#di#" o# their s$bDects o! st$d&. The schools i#cl$des <4+.F-= 4oscow +#"i#eeri#" .h&sics -#stit$te' <4-+T = 4oscow -#stit$te o! +lectro#ic Tech#olo"&' <4AT-= 4oscow -#stit$te o! A%iatio# Tech#olo"&' <4A-= 4oscow A%iatio# -#stit$te' <54*T9= 5a$ma# 4oscow *tate Tech#ical 9#i%ersit&' <4-TT= 4oscow -#stit$te o! Thermal Tech#olo"&' <4-*-= 4oscow ,i%il +#"i#eeri#" -#stit$te' a#d <4*49= 4oscow *tate 4i#i#" 9#i%ersit& 4+.F- teaches #$clear scie#ce' 4-+T rocket "$ida#ce' 4A- aircra!t a#d space s$bDects' a#d 4AT- the tech#olo"& !or b$ildi#" rockets to carr& satellites. There are also co$rse pro"rams i# t$##eli#"' $ra#i$m mi#i#"' a#d $ra#i$m ore re!i#i#". O! co$rse ma#& o! the scholars are $#happ& as their pa& is too low a#d the harsh weather ca$sed them problems with the medical care the& recei%e is i#adeC$ate <As a# e ample' i# (a#$ar& this &ear o#e scholar !led to the border o! 0i#la#d' b$t was arrested b& R$ssia# i#telli"e#ce a"e#ts whe# he $sed his cell pho#e to call his co#tact o# the other side=. -# respo#se' the /irectorate o! -#telli"e#ce se#t weekl& i#str$ctio#s $r"i#" them to complete their work a#d to !$l!ill the #atio#al aim o! prod$ci#" #$clear weapo#s. At o#e poi#t !ormer 0orei"# 4i#ister 9 Ei# A$#" came i# perso# a#d told the st$de#ts to !i#ish their st$dies. Fe rela&ed a messa"e !rom 3ice ,hie! o! *ta!! 4a$#" A&e that a#&o#e who married a R$ssia# woma# scie#tist a#d the# ret$r# home bri#"i#" their wi%es wo$ld be rewarded. Also' i# 2002' N$artermaster Ge#eral Ei# 4&i#t as well as the Na%& ,hie!' Air ,hie! a#d Tra#sport 4i#ister we#t to R$ssia a#d arra#"ed !or the trai#i#" o! twe#t& Air 0orce pilots' who wo$ld the# take te# p$rchased 4-G 2)s back to 5$rma. The& additio#all& disc$ssed whether 5$rma sho$ld acC$ire aircra!t carriers a#d s$bmari#es. -# ($l& 2002' *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 4i#ister 9 Tha$#" we#t to R$ssia a#d si"#ed the a"reeme#t !or the acC$isitio# a#d co#str$ctio# o! the #$clear reactor. Now a 10Ame"awatt reactor was bei#" b$ilt i# 4&ai#" Tow#ship' 4a"we /i%isio#' a#d !$rther that it was to $se hea%& water a#d' !or that reaso#' that it wo$ld be able to prod$ce pl$to#i$m <read 5ertil 2i#t#erBs Asia Times article o! ($l& 2008.= 9ra#i$m ore that is commerciall& e ploitable e ists i# the 6&a$k .&o#' .a$#"p&i# a#d 6&a$k *i# areas. -# additio#' $ra#i$m prospecti#" has occ$rred or is $#derwa& i# so$ther# Te#asserim' 6are##i *tate <the 2oikaw area=' 4oeh#&i# i# 6achi# *tate' a#d i# areas west o! Ta$#""&i. 9ra#i$m milli#" is i# pro"ress at Tha 5eik 6&i#' a# e#rich milled $ra#i$m <&ellowcake= to 9A2:1. This &ellowcake was sold to North 6orea a#d i# ret$r# the re"ime p$rchased #$clear acti%atio# eC$ipme#t !or $se i# $ra#i$m e#richme#t i# ($l& 2008' a#d also !or the prod$ctio# o! pl$to#i$m a#d #ow North 6orea# #$clear e perts are #ow worki#" i# Tha 5eik 6&i#. The related 4ilitar& Research ,e#ter was b$ilt i# the *etkh&a ra#"e <aka *a 6&i#= #ear 2$# 6&aw' which area is a N$clear 5attalio#' a#d that there is a ,i%ilia# Research ,e#ter i# 6&a$kse Tow#ship. There are also R$ssia# #$clear e perts i# .&i# 9 2wi#' who "i%e re!resher co$rses to the state scholars a!ter the& ret$r# home. -# ret$r# !or the reactor a#d other ser%ices' a R$ssia# "o%er#me#t mi#i#" compa#& has recei%ed co#cessio#s to mi#e "old' tita#i$m a#d $ra#i$m. There are two "old mi#i#" sites: i# 6&a$k .a ToeH a#d i# the mo$#tai#s to the ri"ht o! the Tha;iA*hwe N&a$#" railwa& li#e. Tita#i$m is also bei#" mi#ed' or deri%ed !rom the same ore' at 6&a$k .a Toe. 9ra#i$m is bei#" mi#ed at three locatio#s: i# the .e"$AGoma 4o$#tai# ra#"e i# .a$k 6a$#" Tow#ship o! .rome /istrict <aka .&i=H i# the .ai#" N"ort area i# 4o 4eik Tow#ship i# *ha# *tateH a#d at 6&a$k .a Toe.

@isturbing 5actor Ehat is perhaps most dist$rbi#" abo$t R$ssiaBs pro"ram with the 5$rmese ($#ta is that it is ide#tical to the *o%iet 9#io#Bs assista#ce that propelled North 6orea to become a #$clear power. Eh&' with the e#d o! the *o%iet 9#io# a#d the ,old Ear' is R$ssia still helpi#" ro"$e re"imes proli!erateO The s$r!ace a#swer o! co$rse is mo#e&' i# this case i# the !orm o! #at$ral reso$rces' b$t the deeper C$estio# remai#s. R$ssia is a"ai#st democrac&. -# 1)81' the *o%iet 9#io# "a%e North 6orea a 2 4E reactor' which was $p"raded i# 1)7: to 8 4E. -t also s$pplied !$el thro$"h at least this period. North 6orea the# we#t o# to co#str$ct a m$ch lar"er reactor' a#d i# the 1)80s be"a# weapo#s de%elopme#t. This i#cl$ded b$ildi#" separatio# !acilities to obtai# pl$to#i$m' a#d hi"h e plosi%es deto#atio# tests. The ($#ta has alread& co#d$cted s$ch tests' i# the *etkh&a 4o$#tai#s' aka *a 6&i# 4o$#tai#s' so$theast o! 4a#dala&. At some poi#t North 6orea also be"a# its ow# $ra#i$m e#richme#t pro"ram' to prod$ce weapo#s "rade material' a#d the 9.*. co#!ro#ted the co$#tr& abo$t this i# 2002. This mea#s that the North has two di!!ere#t so$rces o! !issile material !or weapo#s' reactor pl$to#i$m a#d e#riched $ra#i$m. North 6orea deto#ated a small atomic weapo#' with a &ield o! less tha# o#e kiloto#' i# October 2008' $si#" some o! its pl$to#i$m. -t is #ow reportedl& abo$t to disclose its #$clear assets' a#d also destro& its pl$to#i$m prod$ci#" reactor with the 9* bowi#" to the dema#d that /.R6 be take# o!! !rom the black list o! ro"$e states. 5$t the sticki#" poi#t has bee# the e#riched $ra#i$m. The North appears $#willi#" to disc$ss this beca$se it will disclose its weapo#s cache' which mea#s that e%e# with the destr$ctio# o! the reactor a#d the pl$to#i$m stockpile <!or the latter the si;e o! which is s$bDect to serio$s disp$te=' the North wo$ld retai# the abilit& to prod$ce weapo#s with the $ra#i$m. At the mome#t the 9.*. appears willi#" to accept partial disclos$re' i.e.' o! o#l& the pl$to#i$m. 5oth R$ssia' North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e bee# helpi#" 5$rma with its #$clear ambitio#s <a#d other weapo#s pro"rams=' This is all %er& dist$rbi#"' all the more so beca$se o! the appare#t weak#ess o! the 5$sh Admi#istratio#' which has bee# $#willi#" to press the North' a#d which re!$ses e%e# to me#tio# 5$rma a#d its #$clear pro"ram. -t took North 6orea !ort& &ears be!ore it deto#ated a weapo#. -t will likel& take the 5$rmese dictatorship o#l& a !ractio# o! this period. O#ce the 5$rmese ($#ta has atomic weapo#s' its r$le will be e#tre#ched. recision =eapons 5$rma #ow possessed a wide %ariet& o! missile i#stallatio#s' i#cl$di#" lar"e C$a#tities o! la#dAbased *A4sH shipAla$#ched missiles' both s$r!ace to air a#d s$r!ace to s$r!aceH weapo#s !or its 4-G 2)sH a#d e%e# short ra#"e ballistic missiles. Ehile the ($#ta bo$"ht a#tiAaircra!t weapo#s !rom the 9krai#e' i# 2007 it has #ow p$rchased !o$r shiploads o! s$ch weapo#s !rom R$ssia a#d m$ltiAt$be mecha#i;ed rocket la$#chers !rom North 6orea ca# be $sed with the ballistic missiles. 4oreo%er' 5$rma is researchi#" the prod$ctio# o! "$ided missiles' a#d with R$ssia# assista#ce i#te#ds to b$ild a rocket !actor& i# Tha;i Tow#ship. This will mark the latest step i# a wellA reco"#i;ed proli!eratio# o! R$ssia# precisio#A"$ided m$#itio#s i# the Asia .aci!ic re"io#. The o#l& thi#" that .G4s !actor& prod$ce will be medi$m ra#"e "$ided rockets a#d that prod$ctio# is sched$led to be"i# withi# !i%e &ears. -t is clear that the Ge#erals are i#te#t o# de%elopi#" a stro#" de!e#se a"ai#st a# i#ter#atio#al i#ter%e#tio#' i#cl$di#" !orei"# Dets' helicopters a#d ships. .erhaps this is the mai# reaso# o! wh& the 9.*. a#d the 0re#ch balked at droppi#" relie! s$pplies !ollowi#" ,&clo#e Nar"is was the risk o! missile attack o# their helicopters a#d ships. The !act that the 5$rmese ($#ta is a""ressi%el& seeki#" #$clear weapo#s <#ot to me#tio# all o! its other pro"rams= sho$ld make the leaders o! Thaila#d' a#d the world' e tremel& co#cer#ed. The appeaseme#t polic& o! the s$ccessi%e Thai admi#istratio#s <i#cl$di#" A*+AN= a#d the -#ter#atio#al ,omm$#it& towards the ($#ta sho$ld ha%e seco#d tho$"ht. The 5$rmese 4ilitar& ($#ta is a threat o! the "reatest se%erit&. -t sho$ld be stopped.

*i#ce the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil' with R$ssia# a#d ,hi#ese %etoes' is $#able to act' there m$st be a# alter#ati%e sol$tio#. The o#l& real optio#s are !or the 9.*.' either alo#e or with other co#cer#ed #atio#s <i#cl$di#" Thaila#d=' to assist the people o! the co$#tr& to !ree themsel%es' $si#" whate%er mea#s are reC$ired. This sho$ld be the cr$ o! the Thai polic& i#stead o! b$ll&i#" the re!$"ees a#d the mi"ra#t workers. At the mome#t' tho$"h' there is a co#spirac& o! sile#ce e%e# to ack#owled"e this threat. Thaila#d' the 9.*. a#d other #atio#s are preocc$pied with their i#ter#al a#d other problems that there is #o desire to reco"#i;e p$blicl& a#other #ew crisis. Ee also $#dersta#d that there is s$ch a thi#" as i#%esti"ati%e Do$r#alism or media o$tlet as !ar as 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram is co#cer#ed. This lack o! co%era"e mea#s that political leaders' i# Thaila#d' the 9.*.' at the 9.N.' etc.' will co#ti#$e to act as i! there is #ot a problem. -nternational Community Ehat is the 9.*. doi#"O 9#der "eopolitical realism' the o#l& co#cer#s are #atio#al i#terests. O# a s$per!icial le%el' !or the 9.*. a#d 5$rma' these are limited to ,he%ro#Bs i#%estme#t i# 5$rmaBs #at$ral "as prod$ctio# a#d pipeli#es. A seco#dar& i#terest is the co#cer# o! 9.*. citi;e#s o! 5$rmese ori"i# as most o! the 4&a#mar tribe will side with the ($#ta o#ce the 4th 5$rmese empire is established b$t #ot the eth#ic tribe' b$t si#ce this "ro$p is small it ca# e!!ecti%el& be i"#ored. -t wo$ld seem' there!ore' that all the Admi#istratio# bl$ster #otwithsta#di#"' its o#l& real polic& obDecti%e !or 5$rma is to protect ,he%ro#' which corporatio# to bolster its case also makes lar"e campai"# do#atio#s. The real direct #atio#al i#terest o! the 9#ited *tates is to de#& 5$rma #$clear weapo#s. -t is #ot o#l& North 6orea' -ra# a#d *&ria that America <a#d the world= m$st co#tai#. Fa%i#" a #$clearAarmed 5$rmese 4ilitar& ($#ta is a# $#acceptable risk. This tr$mps the #eed to assist a domestic corporatio#. 0$rther' si#ce ,he%ro# is also a maDor cash so$rce !or the ($#ta' which $ses mo#e& as well as the direct tra#s!er o! #at$ral reso$rces to pa& its weapo#s s$ppliers' it dema#ds that the compa#& be !orced to di%est. 9* i#telli"e#ce belie%es 5$rma is seeki#" to de%elop #$clear weapo#s !rom tech#olo"& pro%ided b& North 6orea' accordi#" to two !ormer se#ior 9* "o%er#me#t o!!icials. A# article i# o#e o! the latest iss$e o! 0orei"# A!!airs' 4ichael Gree#' !ormerl& with the Natio#al *ec$rit& ,o$#cil' a#d /erek 4itchell' !ormerl& with the .e#ta"o#' write: ?Eester# i#telli"e#ce o!!icials ha%e s$spected !or se%eral &ears that the re"ime has had a# i#terest i# !ollowi#" the model o! North 6orea a#d achie%i#" militar& a$tark& b& de%elopi#" ballistic missiles a#d #$clear weapo#s.@ The article co#!irms the thr$st o! a stor& i# The A$stralia# last &ear that 5$rma was seeki#" to acC$ire missile a#d #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea. Gree# a#d 4itchell ar"$e that 5$rma is a m$ch more $r"e#t problem !or the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& tha# is commo#l& reali;ed. This is beca$se o! the h$ma#itaria# catastrophe that 5$rma has become as well as the h$ma# a#d strate"ic !allo$t o! its acti%ities. -ts ma#& ille"al immi"ra#ts are spreadi#" the F-3AA-/* %ir$s' i# part beca$se o! the primiti%e C$alit& o! the 5$rmese health s&stem. -t prod$ces the %ast maDorit& o! Asia# heroi# a#d is i#timatel& i#%ol%ed i# dr$" a#d other sm$""li#" across most o! its borders. A#d its re"ime is i#creasi#"l& erratic. Gree# a#d 4itchell e%al$ate the approaches take# to 5$rma is that 5$rmaBs #ei"hbors especiall& i# the Associatio# o! *o$thA+ast Asia# Natio#s' o! which it is a member' ha%e tried to e#"a"e it eco#omicall& a#d politicall& while $r"i#" it to embrace political re!orm. -ts closest trade part#er a#d political patro# is ,hi#a which' alo#" with R$ssia' makes s$re the 9N takes #o e!!ecti%e actio#. -#dia has also become a# importa#t pla&er i# 5$rma a#d has tried to match ,hi#a with tech#olo"&' weapo#s sales' diplomatic e#"a"eme#t a#d trade. Ehile the 9* a#d the +$ropea# 9#io# ha%e take# the opposite tack' resol$tel& co#dem#i#" 5$rmaBs i#ter#al oppressio# a#d imposi#" se%ere trade a#d i#%estme#t sa#ctio#s b$t (apa# a#d A$stralia ha%e take# a middle path.


Asia9s 5orgotten Crisis

A New Approach to 5$rma 4ichael Gree# a#d /erek 4itchell No%ember//ecember 2007 [EXCERPT] *$mmar&: O%er the past decade' 5$rma has "o#e !rom bei#" a# a#tidemocratic embarrassme#t a#d h$ma#itaria# disaster to bei#" a serio$s threat to its #ei"hborsJ sec$rit&. The i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& m$st cha#"e its approach to the co$#tr&Js D$#ta. 4ichael Gree# is Associate .ro!essor o! -#ter#atio#al Relatio#s at the +dm$#d A. Ealsh *chool o! 0orei"# *er%ice at Geor"etow# 9#i%ersit& a#d a *e#ior Ad%iser a#d (apa# ,hair at the ,e#ter !or *trate"ic a#d -#ter#atio#al *t$dies. /erek 4itchell is a *e#ior 0ellow a#d /irector !or Asia *trate"& at ,*-*. 9.*. polic& toward 5$rma is st$ck. *i#ce *eptember 1)88' the co$#tr& has bee# r$# b& a corr$pt a#d repressi%e militar& D$#ta <which re#amed the co$#tr& 4&a#mar=. *oo# a!ter taki#" power' the *tate 2aw a#d Order Restoratio# ,o$#cil <*2OR,=' as the D$#ta was the# called' placed A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' the leader o! the oppositio# part& the Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac&' $#der ho$se arrest. -# 1))0' it allowed #atio#al electio#s b$t the# i"#ored the Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac&Js la#dslide %ictor& a#d cl$#" to power. The#' i# the midA1))0s' amid a cresti#" wa%e o! postA,old Ear democrati;atio# a#d i# respo#se to i#ter#atio#al press$re' the *2OR, released *$$ 6&i. At the time' there was a se#se withi# the co$#tr& a#d abroad that cha#"e i# 5$rma mi"ht be possible. 5$t this pro%ed to be a !alse promise' a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& co$ld #ot a"ree o# what to do #e t. 4a#& Eester# "o%er#me#ts' le"islat$res' a#d h$ma# ri"hts or"a#i;atio#s ad%ocated appl&i#" press$re thro$"h diplomatic isolatio# a#d p$#iti%e eco#omic sa#ctio#s. 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors' o# the other ha#d' adopted a !orm o! co#str$cti%e e#"a"eme#t i# the hope o! e#tici#" the *2OR, to re!orm. The res$lt was a# $#coordi#ated arra& o! o!te# co#tradictor& approaches. The 9#ited *tates limited its diplomatic co#tact with the *2OR, a#d e%e#t$all& imposed ma#dator& trade a#d i#%estme#t restrictio#s o# the re"ime. +$rope became a %ocal ad%ocate !or political re!orm. 5$t most Asia# states mo%ed to e pa#d trade' aid' a#d diplomatic e#"a"eme#t with the D$#ta' most #otabl& b& "ra#ti#" 5$rma !$ll membership i# the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s <A*+AN= i# 1))7. A decade later' the %erdict is i#: #either sa#ctio#s #or co#str$cti%e e#"a"eme#t has worked. -! a#&thi#"' 5$rma has e%ol%ed !rom bei#" a# a#tidemocratic embarrassme#t a#d h$ma#itaria# disaster to bei#" a serio$s threat to the sec$rit& o! its #ei"hbors. 5$t despite the mo$#ti#" da#"er' ma#& i# the 9#ited *tates a#d the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& are still mired i# the old sa#ctio#sA%ers$sAe#"a"eme#t battle. At the 9#ited Natio#s' *ecretar&AGe#eral 5a# 6iAmoo# has appoi#ted the !ormer Ni"eria# diplomat a#d 9N o!!icial -brahim Gambari to co#ti#$e the or"a#i;atio#Js hereto!ore !r$itless dialo"$e with the D$#ta abo$t re!orm. The 9.*. *tate /epartme#t a#d the 9.*. ,o#"ress ha%e !o$"ht o%er co#trol o! 9.*. 5$rma polic&' leadi#" to bitter#ess a#d polari;atio# o# both sides. Altho$"h the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil #ow does talk ope#l& abo$t 5$rma as a threat to i#ter#atio#al peace a#d sec$rit&' ,hi#a a#d R$ssia ha%e %etoed attempts to impose i#ter#atio#al sa#ctio#s. A#d while ke& members o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& co#ti#$e to $#dermi#e o#e a#other' the D$#ta' which re#amed itsel! the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil <*./,= i# 1))7' co#ti#$es its br$tal a#d da#"ero$s r$le. Re"imes like the *./, do #ot impro%e with a"eH there!ore' the 5$rma problem m$st be addressed $r"e#tl&. All parties with a stake i# its resol$tio# #eed to adD$st their positio#s a#d start coordi#ati#" their approach to the problem. Altho$"h this ma& seem like a# $#likel& propositio#' it has more pote#tial toda& tha# e%er be!ore. 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors are be"i##i#" to reco"#i;e that $#co#ditio#al e#"a"eme#t has !ailed. All that is #eeded #ow is !or the 9#ited *tates to ack#owled"e that merel& rei#!orci#" its strate"& o! isolatio# a#d the e isti#" sa#ctio#s re"ime will #ot achie%e the desired res$lts either. *$ch a reappraisal wo$ld the# allow all co#cer#ed parties to b$ild a# i#ter#atio#al co#se#s$s

with the d$al aim o! creati#" #ew i#ce#ti%es !or the *./, to re!orm a#d i#creasi#" the price it will pa& i! it !ails to cha#"e its wa&s. 59R4+*+ EAG* A!ter Ge#eral Tha# *hwe became chair o! the D$#ta i# 1))2' repressio# "rew more bra;e#. Tho$sa#ds o! democrac& acti%ists a#d ordi#ar& citi;e#s ha%e bee# se#t to priso#' a#d *$$ 6&i has bee# repeatedl& co#!i#ed to ho$se arrest' where she remai#s toda&. *i#ce 1))8' whe# the 5$rmese arm& la$#ched its K!o$r c$tsK strate"& a"ai#st armed rebels AA a# e!!ort to c$t o!! their access to !ood' !$#ds' i#telli"e#ce' a#d recr$its amo#" the pop$latio# AA 2'100 %illa"es ha%e bee# destro&ed a#d o%er o#e millio# people' mostl& 6are# a#d *ha# mi#orities' ha%e bee# displaced. F$#dreds o! tho$sa#ds li%e i# hidi#" or i# ope# e ile i# 5a#"ladesh' -#dia' ,hi#a' Thaila#d' a#d 4ala&sia. -# 2004' the re!ormist prime mi#ister 6hi# N&$#t was arrested. Two &ears a"o' Tha# *hwe e%e# mo%ed the seat o! "o%er#me#t !rom Ra#"oo# <which the D$#ta calls Ga#"o#=' the traditio#al capital' to .&i#ma#a' a small lo""i#" tow# some 210 miles #orth AA reportedl& o# the ad%ice o! a soothsa&er a#d !or !ear o! possible 9.*. air raids. A#d this past s$mmer' the "o%er#me#t cracked dow# br$tall& o# scores o! 5$rmese citi;e#s who had take# to the streets to protest stateAordered hikes i# !$el prices. 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors are str$""li#" to respo#d to the spillo%er e!!ects o! worse#i#" li%i#" co#ditio#s i# the co$#tr&. The #arcotics trade' h$ma# tra!!icki#"' a#d F-3/A-/* are all spreadi#" thro$"h *o$theast Asia tha#ks i# part to 5$rmese dr$" tra!!ickers who re"$larl& distrib$te heroi# with F-3Atai#ted #eedles i# ,hi#a' -#dia' a#d Thaila#d. Accordi#" to the 9.*. /r$" +#!orceme#t Admi#istratio#' 5$rma acco$#ts !or 80 perce#t o! all heroi# prod$ced i# *o$theast Asia' a#d the 9N O!!ice o# /r$"s a#d ,rime has draw# a direct co##ectio# betwee# the dr$" ro$tes r$##i#" !rom 5$rma a#d the marked i#crease i# F-3/A-/* i# the border re"io#s o! #ei"hbori#" co$#tries. .er%ersel&' the *./, has bee# pla&i#" o# its #ei"hborsJ co#cer#s o%er the dr$"s' disease' a#d i#stabilit& that 5$rma "e#erates to blackmail them i#to pro%idi#" it with political' eco#omic' a#d e%e# militar& assista#ce. Eorse' the *./, appears to ha%e bee# taki#" a# e%e# more threate#i#" t$r# rece#tl&. Eester# i#telli"e#ce o!!icials ha%e s$spected !or se%eral &ears that the re"ime has had a# i#terest i# !ollowi#" the model o! North 6orea a#d achie%i#" militar& a$tark& b& de%elopi#" ballistic missiles a#d #$clear weapo#s. 2ast spri#"' the D$#ta #ormali;ed relatio#s a#d i#itiated co#%e#tio#al weapo#s trade with North 6orea i# %iolatio# o! 9N sa#ctio#s a"ai#st .&o#"&a#". A#d despite 5$rmaJs ample reser%es o! oil a#d "as' it si"#ed a# a"reeme#t with R$ssia to de%elop what it sa&s will be peace!$l #$clear capabilities. 0or these reaso#s' despite $r"e#t problems elsewhere i# the world' all respo#sible members o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& sho$ld be co#cer#ed abo$t the co$rse 5$rma is taki#". [deletia]


Burma lays Nuclear Card

5& A9NG LAE (92G' 2007 A 3O294+ 11 NO.7 Ass$ra#ces o! peace!$l i#te#tio#s aro$se o#l& skepticism 5$rmaBs co#!irmatio# o! pla#s to b$ild a 10Ame"awatt #$clear reactor with the help o! R$ssiaBs !ederal atomic e#er"& a"e#c& Rosatom has created #er%o$s#ess a#d a# iet& amo#" 5$rma obser%ers. The re"ime i# Na&p&idaw' !aci#" i#ter#atio#al isolatio# a#d sa#ctio#s' claims that the pla##ed #$clear reactor is to be b$ilt !or a ?peace!$l p$rpose.@ 5ack i# (a#$ar& 2002' the#Adep$t& 0orei"# 4i#ister 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# declared that 5$rmaBs ?i#terest i# #$clear e#er"& !or peace!$l p$rpose is lo#"sta#di#".@ *$ch ass$ra#ces ha%e met with skepticism o# the part o! the i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& a#d 5$rmese at home a#d abroad' howe%er. *kepticism has also "reeted RosatomBs o!!icial stateme#t that the 10Ame"awatt #$clear reactor' !$eled b& less tha# 20 perce#t $ra#i$mA2:1' will co#trib$te to 5$rmaBs ?research i# #$clear ph&sics' bioAtech#olo"&' material scie#ce as well asSprod$ce a bi" %ariet& o! medici#es.@ A !irst ro$#d o! talks o# details o! the proDect has be"$# a#d !$rther disc$ssio#s are sched$led !or the seco#d hal! o! this &ear. 5$rmaBs i#terest i# de%elopi#" #$clear e#er"& is #ot #ew. -t dates back as !ar as the 1)10s' with the creatio# o! the 9#io# o! 5$rma Atomic +#er"& ,e#ter headed b& Fla N&$#t' a st$de#t o! re#ow#ed (apa#ese ph&sicist Fideki G$kawa' who was awarded the Nobel .ri;e i# 1)4). The 95A+, recr$ited &o$#" a#d tale#ted ph&sicists a#d se#t them to the 9* a#d 5ritai# !or !$rther st$dies. At least si were trai#ed i# 1)18 at the Ar"o##e Natio#al 2aborator&' o#e o! the 9* /epartme#t o! +#er"&Bs lar"est research ce#ters. 5$rma was well ad%a#ced i# those da&s to de%elop a #$clear proDect' compared to #ei"hbori#" co$#tries. -# the earl& 1)80s' a site !or a #$clear research reactor was desi"#ated #ear the Flai#" ,amp$s i# Ra#"oo#. The 95A+, became i#acti%e a!ter Ne Ei# sta"ed a militar& co$p i# 1)82. The "e#eral was b$s& creati#" his ?5$rmese Ea& to *ocialism'@ placi#" priorit& o# the co#solidatio# o! a power base to co$#ter serio$s threats posed b& comm$#ist rebels a#d eth#ic i#s$r"e#ts. Abo%e all' the dictator simpl& did #ot tr$st Fla N&$#t. *o the #$clear proDect !ell b& the wa&side' altho$"h i# 1)84 Ne Ei# admitted to $#i%ersit& pro!essors at a di##er part& that he had made a bl$#der b& e#di#" it. The c$rre#t re"ime re%itali;ed the #$clear proDect. Thei# Oo .o *aw' a# Araka#ese pro!essor who was a st$de#t o! Fla N&$#t i# the 1)10s' i#itiated the re%i%al o! the Atomic +#er"& ,ommittee i# 1))0 a#d re#ewed li#ks with the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c&. *i#ce the#' 5$rma has bee# demo#strati#" its i#te#tio# to de%elop #$clear e#er"& !or a ?peace!$l p$rpose.@ The re"ime o$twardl& s$pports the co#cept o! #$clear !ree ;o#es a#d si"#ed the Treat& o# the *o$theast Asia N$clear Eeapo#A0ree Lo#e' or 5a#"kok Treat&' i# 1))1. A &ear later' 5$rma si"#ed the ,omprehe#si%e N$clear Test 5a# Treat&. *im$lta#eo$sl&' it was pla##i#" to b$ild a #$clear reactor. The 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& was created i# 1))7 a#d headed b& e treme #atio#alist 9 Tha$#"' a "rad$ate o! /e!e#se *er%ices Academ& -#take 1. Two &ears later' 5$rma be"a# #e"otiatio#s with R$ssia o# a #$clear reactor proDect' a#d i# (a#$ar& 2002 the militar& "o%er#me#t co#!irmed pla#s to b$ild a #$clear research reactor !or peace!$l p$rposes.

As was to be e pected' 5$rmaBs disside#ts i# e ile "ot b$s& "atheri#" i#!ormatio# o# these de%elopme#ts' b$t little hard e%ide#ce has &et emer"ed. The locatio# o! the pla##ed #$clear reactor is still $#k#ow#' altho$"h some disside#ts $sed Goo"le ?+arth@ to pi#poi#t some possible sites a#d e%e# b$ildi#"s i# ce#tral 5$rma. 4a"we has bee# me#tio#ed. The tr$th m$st be !aced' howe%er' that i! the #$clear reactor is to be b$ilt with a militar& $se i# mi#d its locatio# will be a state secret. The possibilit& o! 5$rma becomi#" a #$clear power is a#&wa& still %er& ma#& &ears o!!. At the mome#t' the spotli"ht !alls o# R$ssiaBs role i# !$eli#" 5$rmaBs #$clear ambitio#s' b$t e ile "ro$ps a#d re"ime critics alle"e that 5$rma has also bee# seeki#" #$clear tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea. 4ilitar& missio#s !rom North 6orea ha%e bee# see# %isiti#" 5$rma' a#d North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e bee# spotted $#loadi#" co#str$ctio# materials !rom trai#s i# ce#tral 5$rma. R$ssia# pla#es ha%e also bee# si"hted la#di#" i# ce#tral 5$rma. +%e# the 9* has its s$spicio#s' a#d as earl& as 2004 America# o!!icials a#d co#"ressme# were war#i#" o! re#ewed secret relatio#s betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. Richard 2$"ar' the# chairma# o! the 9* *e#ate 0orei"# A!!airs ,ommittee' war#ed i# 2001 that North 6oreaBs mai# e port is da#"ero$s weapo#s tech#olo"&' a maDor threat to Asia# sec$rit& a#d stabilit&. The 9* *tate /epartme#t has also re"istered o!!icial complai#ts with the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t o%er r$mored missile tra#s!ers !rom North 6orea. A# importa#t !actor i# these de%elopme#ts was the restoratio# o! diplomatic ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea i# April. Relatio#s betwee# the two co$#tries were broke# i# 1)8: a!ter a bomb attack i# Ra#"oo# b& North 6orea# terrorists o# a %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# dele"atio# headed b& the#A.reside#t ,h$# /ooAhwa#.

The North 6orea# car"o %essel 6a#" Nam - docks at Thilawa .ort' abo$t :0km so$th o! Ra#"oo#' o# 4a& 21' 2007. -# No%ember 2008' the 6a#" Nam - was detai#ed a#d i#spected i# Fo#" 6o#" o# s$spicio# o! sa!et& %iolatio#s ,la#desti#e co#tacts betwee# the two co$#tries had bee# established se%eral &ears a"o' as 5$rma stepped $p its search !or so$rces o! co#%e#tio#al weapo#s. 5$rma de!e#se a#al&st A#drew *elth' a$thor o! the rece#t report ?5$rma a#d #$clear proli!eratio#: policies a#d perceptio#s'@ reported that 5$rma had bo$"ht co#%e#tio#al weapo#s a#d amm$#itio# !rom North 6orea' i#cl$di#" 18 1:0mm 4A48 !ield "$#s' i# the late 1))0s. 5$rma has also reportedl& se#t militar& missio#s a#d o!!icers to .&o#"&a#". These militar& ties ca# o#l& spell more tro$ble o# the hori;o#. Fard as it is to read the mi#ds o! *#rAGe# Tha# *hwe a#d his top militar& leaders' the& are k#ow# to harbor dreams o! a ?0o$rth 5$rmese +mpire'@ s$pported b& militar& mi"ht. ($st the $#certai#t& s$rro$#di#" their #$clear ambitio#s is likel& to i#timidate s$ch #ei"hbors as Thaila#d a#d 5a#"ladesh' a#d the "e#erals mi"ht also belie%e a #$clear capabilit& "i%es them the $pper ha#d i# deali#"s with Eester# #atio#s a#d their sa#ctio#s policies. The re"ime pla#s to create a #$clear #atio# b& 2021' accordi#" to researchers i# 5$rma. *ome 5$rmese pro!essors who worked with the Ne Ei# "o%er#me#t a#d who ha%e bee# ad%isi#" the c$rre#t re"ime disclosed that #$clear reactors o! 100A400 me"awatts are pla##ed. The& sa& pla#s also i#cl$de smaller reactors a#d !$rther de%elopme#t i# the area o! #$clear research. Aside !rom Thei# Oo .o *aw' 5$rmaBs #$clear proDect has bee# de%eloped b& 4i#ister 9 Tha$#"' who si"#ed the reactor a"reeme#t i# 4oscow i# ($#e with his R$ssia# co$#terpart *er"ei 6iri&e#ko' the head o! R$ssiaBs atomic a"e#c&. 9 Tha$#" is k#ow# to be close to Tha# *hwe a#d his dep$t&' 3ice *#rAGe# 4a$#" A&e. 9 Tha$#" has i#Adepth k#owled"e o! 5$rmaBs mi#i#" a#d $ra#i$m sectors a#d resi"#ed his arm& post to become director "e#eral o! 5$rmaBs /epartme#t o! Geolo"ical *$r%e& a#d 4i#eral + ploratio# i# the 1)80s. Fis lo&alt& to the militar& is be&o#d C$estio#' a#d he co#ti#$es to ser%e $#der the c$rre#t re"ime. Appoi#ted 5$rmaBs ambassador to the 9* i# 1))8' he was recalled to Ra#"oo# to head the 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&' with i#str$ctio#s to deal with the R$ssia#s a#d be"i# the reactor proDect. 9 Tha$#" %isited 4oscow se%eral times i# the past se%e# &ears i# p$rs$it o! the deal. +arlier #e"otiatio#s were i#terr$pted i# 200: beca$se o! a disp$te o%er the terms o! pa&me#t' b$t perhaps the re"ime mi"ht #ow !eel cash is #o lo#"er a problem i# %iew o! 5$rmaBs #ewl&Adisco%ered %ast #at$ral "as reser%es.

Altho$"h 5$rma has scie#ce a#d e#"i#eeri#" st$de#ts' 9 Tha$#" reali;ed the& #eed #$clear orie#tatio# a#d trai#i#" a#d 5$rma be"a# se#di#" st$de#ts a#d arm& o!!icers to 4oscow. -# 2008' N$clear .h&sics departme#ts were established i# the $#i%ersities o! Ra#"oo# a#d 4a#dala&' with e#rolme#t co#trolled b& the "o%er#me#t. 2ast &ear' R$ssiaBs ambassador to 5$rma' /r 4ikhail 4. 4"elad;e' co#!irmed that abo$t 2'000 5$rmese st$de#ts had bee# admitted to 11 academic i#stit$tio#s i# R$ssia' $#der a bilateral a"reeme#t' a#d abo$t 100 had ret$r#ed to 5$rma with bachelor' masterBs or doctorate de"rees. 5$rmese #atio#als had also bee# trai#ed b& the -A+A i# the applicatio# o! #$clear tech#olo"& !or peace!$l p$rpose' the#Adep$t& 0orei"# 4i#ister 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# a##o$#ced i# (a#$ar& 2002. ,hi#ese i#telli"e#ce so$rces belie%e that 4a$#" A&e o%ersees 5$rmaBs #$clear proDect. 4a$#" A&e paid a# o!!icial %isit to R$ssia last &ear. The reactor proDect has i#%ol%ed a# i#te#si!icatio# o! the search !or $ra#i$m i# 5$rma. -# the earl& 2000s' the re"ime co#!irmed p$blicl& that $ra#i$m deposits had bee# !o$#d i# !i%e areas: 4a"we' Ta$#"dwi#"&i' 6&a$kph&"o# a#d .ao#"p&i# i# 4o"ok' a#d 6&a$ksi#. Reside#ts o! Thabeikk&i# tow#ship' 80 miles #orth o! 4a#dala&' said rece#tl& that searches were $#derwa& i# the area. Other acti%it& was reported !rom so$ther# Te#asserim /i%isio#. Rece#tl&' a R$ssia# mi#i#" compa#& accide#tall& !o$#d lar"e deposits o! $ra#i$m i# $pper 5$rma' accordi#" to ,hi#ese so$rces. The R$ssia# compa#ies Lar$be;#e!t' -tera' 6alm&kia a#d the stateAow#ed e#terprise T&a;hprome port ha%e bee# i#%ol%ed i# oil a#d "as e ploratio# a#d the establishme#t o! a pla#t to prod$ce cast iro# i# *ha# *tate. T&a;hprome portBs i#%estme#t alo#e is worth abo$t 9* b110 millio#. -tBs #ot so m$ch the R$ssia# #$clear i#%ol%eme#t with 5$rma that creates #er%o$s#ess a#d spec$latio#' howe%er' as the "e#eralsB #ew ch$mmi#ess with North 6orea. -# April' a North 6orea# !rei"hter' the 6a#" Nam -' docked at Thilawa port' :0km so$th o! Ra#"oo#. 5$rmese o!!icials said the ship' the !irst to %isit 5$rma si#ce the restoratio# o! diplomatic relatio#s' so$"ht shelter !rom a storm. The Thilawa port is r$# b& AsiaEorld ,ompa#& 2imited' ow#ed b& !ormer dr$" ki#"pi# 2o Fsi#"Aha#. Two local reporters worki#" !or a (apa#ese #ews a"e#c& were brie!l& detai#ed a#d t$r#ed back whe# the& we#t to the port to i#%esti"ate. -t was#Bt the !irst time a North 6orea# ship reported r$##i#" i#to tro$ble i# 5$rmese watersVb& a stra#"e coi#cide#ce' the North 6orea# car"o %essel 4 3 5o#" Foa!a# so$"ht shelter !rom a storm a#d a#chored at a 5$rmese port last No%ember. The 5$rmese "o%er#me#t reported that a# o#Aboard i#spectio# had ?!o$#d #o s$spicio$s material or militar& eC$ipme#t.@ 5$t Do$r#alists a#d embassies i# Ra#"oo# remai#ed skeptical. +arl& last ($l&' a disside#t so$rce told The -rrawadd& that a North 6orea# ship carr&i#" a se#ior 6orea# #$clear tech#olo"& e pert' 4aD Fo# 6il /o#"' arri%ed i# Ra#"oo# with a biolo"ical a#d #$clear packa"e. Eester# a#al&sts a#d i#telli"e#ce so$rces C$ickl& dismissed this report b$t co#ceded it was possible that 5$rma wo$ld seek co#%e#tio#al arms a#d tech#olo"& rather tha# hi"hAtech lo#"Ara#"e missiles !rom .&o#"&a#". -#deed' to skeptics' the "oAahead !or the #$clear reactor proDect a#d the arri%al o! that North 6orea# ship are two de%elopme#ts that ca# hardl& be coi#cide#tal. The R$ssia# i#%ol%eme#t i# 5$rmaBs #$clear proDect a#d the arri%al o! North 6orea# ships also se#t alarms bells ri#"i#" i# 5eiDi#"' altho$"h 5$rmaBs close a#d power!$l political all& remai#ed ti"htAlipped o# the iss$e. 5$t 5eiDi#" ca# hardl& a!!ord to ha%e two #$clear #ei"hbors: North 6orea a#d 5$rma. -t is admittedl& premat$re to co#cl$de that 5$rma i#te#ds to $#dertake the complicated a#d perilo$s process o! reprocessi#" $ra#i$m to "et weapo#sA"rade pl$to#i$m' as thi#"s sta#d at the mome#t' altho$"h stro#" s$spicio#s will co#ti#$e to "row. 5$t as 5$rma has set a "oal o! becomi#" a #$clear power #atio# b& 2021 does it make se#se to de%elop a #$clear weapo#O 4a&be #ot.

5$t o#e chilli#" theor& is that i! the North 6orea# !rei"hters that arri%ed last No%ember a#d this &ear carried #ot o#l& co#%e#tio#al weapo#s b$t pl$to#i$m a#d processi#" materials to 5$rma' it co$ld i#deed be s$spected that 5$rma pla#s to skip the mess& process o! obtai#i#" pl$to#i$m a#d mo%e strai"ht to the prod$ctio# o! weapo#s. -t is eas& to spec$late that 5$rma ma& be seeki#" #$clear tech#olo"& !rom .&o#"&a#"' altho$"h #o solid e%ide#ce has emer"ed so !ar. -t is le"itimate' howe%er' to raise the iss$e a#d to i#C$ire i#to the re"imeBs i#te#tio#s' i# the i#terests o! keepi#" #$clear tech#olo"& o$t o! the ha#ds o! irrespo#sible "o%er#me#ts. The 5$rmese "o%er#me#t has declared that it has #o desire to de%elop #$clear weapo#s. -ts #$clear pro"ram is solel& !or ?peace!$l p$rposes'@ r$#s the "o%er#me#t li#e. All !i#e a#d "oodVi! it were#Bt !or the C$estio#able so$rce o! those ass$ra#ces.*o$theastRAsia/-+24Ae02.html

Myanmar drops a nuclear 9bombshell9

5& 2arr& (a"a# 4a& 24' 2007 5ANG6O6 A 4&a#marJs militar& leaders ha%e #e%er made a secret o! their i#terest i# de%elopi#" a domestic #$clearA e#er"& i#d$str&. .la#s to b$& a #$clear reactor !rom R$ssia ha%e bee# i# the pipeli#e !or &ears' a#d this mo#th i# 4oscow the two sides !ormall& res$rrected those co#tro%ersial pla#s. 4&a#marJs mo%e #otabl& comes at a time whe# both -ra# a#d North 6orea ha%e raised 9* hackles thro$"h their #$clear pro"rams. Eashi#"to# i# rece#t &ears has re!erred to 4&a#mar as a# Ko$tpost o! t&ra##&K a#d mai#tai#s trade a#d i#%estme#t sa#ctio#s a"ai#st the militar& re"ime. *ome political a#al&sts are alread& spec$lati#" whether 4&a#mar mi"ht tr& to $se the threat o! reA"eari#" its #$clear test reactor to reprod$ce weapo#s as a wa& to co$#teract 9*Aled press$re !or political cha#"e. 9#der the #ew a"reeme#t' R$ssiaJs atomic e#er"& a"e#c& Rosatom will b$ild a #$clearAresearch ce#ter' i#cl$di#" a 10Ame"awatt li"htAwater #$clear reactor with lowAe#riched $ra#i$m co#sisti#" o! less tha# 20U $ra#i$mA2:1' a# acti%atio# a#al&sis laborator&' a medical isotope prod$ctio# laborator&' a silico# dopi#" s&stem' a#d #$clearAwaste treatme#t a#d b$rial !acilities' accordi#" to a stateme#t released b& Rosatom. The proDect is i#itiall& slated to !oc$s o# medical a#d a"ric$lt$ral research i# s$pport o! 4&a#marJs la#"$ishi#" a#d hi"hl& $#derde%eloped eco#om&' a Eester# diplomat acC$ai#ted with the #$clear pla#s told Asia Times O#li#e o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit&. As part o! the a"reeme#t' R$ssia# $#i%ersities wo$ld also be tasked with trai#i#" a# additio#al :10 4&a#marA#atio#al specialists to work at the pla##ed #$clear ce#ter. O%er the past si &ears' more tha# 1'000 4&a#mar scie#tists' tech#icia#s a#d militar& perso##el ha%e recei%ed #$clear trai#i#" i# R$ssia' accordi#" to 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t o!!icials. 9#der a 2002 a"reeme#t' R$ssia was set to b$ild a #$clear reactor i# 4&a#mar b$t later scrapped the pla# o%er the D$#taJs lack o! !$#ds. No#etheless' 4oscow i#!ormed the 9#ited Natio#sJ -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= i# midA200: that it pla##ed to pro%ide trai#i#" i# #$clear scie#ce to some :00 4&a#mar citi;e#s each &ear. Accordi#" to R$ssia# o!!icials' the co#str$ctio# a#d s$per%isio# o! the pla##ed research ce#ter will come $#der the co#trol o! the -A+A. 4&a#mar is c$rre#tl& a member o! the -A+A a#d alread& reportedl& has a soAcalled Ksa!e"$ards a"reeme#tK i# place. 9#der the #$clear No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& <N.T=' states i# complia#ce with their sa!e"$ardsJ obli"atio#s a#d other pro%isio#s are allowed to p$rs$e #$clear e#er"& or tech#olo"& solel& !or peace!$l p$rposes. -# practice' howe%er' %eri!&i#" the !$l!illme#t o! those obli"atio#s has pro%ed di!!ic$lt' most rece#tl& wit#essed i# the case o! -ra#Js secreti%e #$clearAe#er"& pro"ram' which it i#sists is !or peace!$l p$rposes a#d withi# its N.T ri"hts' while others' s$ch as 9*' s$spect it is "eared !or a weapo#s pro"ram. R$ssia is also i#%ol%ed i# de%elopi#" a #$clear !acilit& !or -ra#. There are alread& co#cer#s i# some diplomatic C$arters that 4&a#marJs #otorio$sl& recl$si%e re"ime co$ld throw $p similar challe#"es to -A+A i#spectors. No timetable has &et bee# set !or the impleme#tatio# o! this o#eAo!! sa!e"$ards a"reeme#t' #or ha%e a#& pro%isio#s bee# set !or proc$ri#" s$pplies be&o#d what is reC$ired i#itiall& to establish the #$clearAresearch ce#ter' diplomats #ote. 4oreo%er' the D$#taJs stated moti%atio# !or establishi#" a #$clearAresearch reactor has %acillated o%er time. -# (a#$ar& 2002' the#A!orei"# mi#ister Ei# A$#" told this correspo#de#t that 4&a#mar was committed to de%elopi#" a #$clearA research !acilit& !or medical p$rposes a#d also possibl& to "e#erate #$clear power. 4&a#mar Kis kee# to e plore the $se o! #$clear e#er"&K' he said at the time. KA!ter all' ma#& other co$#tries i# the world are $si#" #$clear power.K

At that time' Ei# A$#" said #o deal had bee# si"#ed' b$t that i#itial research had bee# $#dertake#. Appare#tl& the i#itial pla#s to de%elop a #$clearAe#er"& i#d$str& emer"ed a &ear or two earlier. Ei# A$#" told the -A+A i# *eptember 2001 o! the co$#tr&Js pla#s to acC$ire a #$clearAresearch reactor a#d reC$ested the a"e#c&Js help i# sec$ri#" o#e' accordi#" to -A+A o!!icials who spoke o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit&. Two mo#ths later' the -A+A se#t a# i#spectio# team to 4&a#mar to assess the co$#tr&Js prepared#ess to $se a#d mai#tai# a #$clear reactor sa!el&. The team co#cl$ded that the sa!et& sta#dards i# place were well below the mi#im$m the bod& wo$ld re"ard as acceptable' accordi#" to the -A+A o!!icials. At the time' 4&a#mar !ailed to respo#d to the -A+A report a#d prompted 9N #$clear o!!icials i# 3ie##a to !ear that 4&a#mar pla##ed to proceed with its #$clear ambitio#s witho$t the #ecessar& sa!et& reC$ireme#ts. Gro$#dbreaki#" had reportedl& comme#ced' b$t co#str$ctio# was halted whe# 4oscow reali;ed the D$#ta did#Jt ha%e the !i#a#cial reso$rces to pa& !or the !acilit&. Get the D$#ta #e%er !$ll& aba#do#ed its #$clear ambitio#s. 4n the nuclear prowl -# rece#t &ears' 4&a#mar has se#t emissaries abroad to e plore di!!ere#t optio#s !or de%elopi#" a #$clear reactor a#d a%e#$es !or acC$iri#" #$clear tech#olo"&' accordi#" to Eester# diplomats tracki#" the D$#taJs #$clear pla#s. The& co#te#d that this &ear /ep$t& 0orei"# 4i#ister 6&aw Too made a lowApro!ile %isit to -ra# i# the re"imeJs search !or #$clear tech#olo"& a#d materials. 4&a#marJs close co#tacts with .akista# ha%e also rece#tl& come $#der diplomatic scr$ti#&. Eester# diplomats based i# -slamabad sa& the& are co#%i#ced that the D$#taJs desire to acC$ire #$clear k#owAhow has bee# a ce#tral !oc$s o! the b$ddi#" bilateral relatio#ship. .akista#i o!!icials ha%e !er%e#tl& de#ied that the& are i# a#& wa& abetti#" 4&a#marJs #$clear ambitio#s. 5$t widespread r$mors that two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists acc$sed o! #$clear proli!eratio# were "i%e# sa#ct$ar& i# 4&a#mar i# 200: still li#"er. 4ore omi#o$s ha%e bee# the "rowi#" co#tacts betwee# 4&a#mar a#d North 6orea A last mo#th the co$#tries !ormall& reAestablished diplomatic relatio#s. Accordi#" to a 9* *tate /epartme#t o!!icial i#%ol%ed i# mo#itori#" #$clearAproli!eratio# iss$es' se%eral s$spicio$s shipme#ts ha%e arri%ed !rom North 6orea o%er the past si mo#ths. KEe ha%e bee# tracki#" North 6orea# ships a#d se%eral docked i# Ga#"o# late last mo#th ori"i#ated !rom the port where we belie%e #$clear materials ma& be shipped'K he said. A!ter o#e North 6orea# ship docked at Ga#"o#Js port last No%ember' the o!!icial said' Eashi#"to# remi#ded the D$#ta that it was obli"ed to search the ship $#der the 9N sa#ctio# meas$res adopted the pre%io$s mo#th a!ter .&o#"&a#" sta"ed its co#tro%ersial #$clear test. 4&a#mar a$thorities reported back three da&s later' accordi#" to 9* so$rces' sa&i#" that the %essel i# C$estio# co#tai#ed #othi#" illicit or s$spicio$s. 2ast &earJs shipme#ts !rom North 6orea also reportedl& $pset ,hi#a A as #either .&o#"&a#" #or Ga#"o# i#!ormed 5eiDi#" o! the two co$#triesJ i#creasi#" militar&AtoAmilitar& co#tacts. 0or their part' ,hi#ese a$thorities are co#%i#ced that 4&a#mar has rece#tl& recei%ed militar& hardware' i#cl$di#" missiles' !rom North 6orea' b$t #ot #$clear weapo#s or materials' accordi#" to a se#ior "o%er#me#t so$rce i# 5eiDi#". The latest North 6orea# shipme#t arri%ed i# Ga#"o# this week a#d its car"o is bei#" $#loaded amid e ceptio#all& ti"ht sec$rit&' accordi#" to Ga#"o# reside#ts who ha%e passed b& the port !acilities. There is still #o co#!irmed site !or the pla##ed #$clear reactor' tho$"h reliable so$rces belie%e it will be b$ilt somewhere i# the co$#tr&Js ce#tral 4a#dala& di%isio#. North 6orea# tech#icia#s reportedl& %isited the site last &ear' accordi#" to a 4&a#mar militar& so$rce who spoke with Asia Times O#li#e. At the same time as the D$#ta presses ahead with its pla#s !or a #$clear reactor' the "o%er#me#t has stepped $p its e ploratio# !or $ra#i$m i# the co$#tr&. *$r%e&s a#d test mi#i#" are taki#" place at !o$r sites' i#cl$di#" i# the eth#ic 6achi# a#d *ha# states' a "o%er#me#t o!!icial told Asia Times O#li#e o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit&. At the time the ori"i#al pla#s !or a #$clear reactor were mooted' the "o%er#me#t had reportedl& disco%ered $ra#i$m deposits i# !i%e areas i# ce#tral a#d #orther# 4&a#mar' accordi#" to o!!icial "o%er#me#t statistics.

The #$clear reactor that the re"ime #ow pla#s to b$ild is reportedl& #ot capable o! prod$ci#" e#riched $ra#i$m or pote#tiall& o! a#& militar& $se' accordi#" to se#ior #$clear specialists who mo#itor these matters closel&. No#etheless' there are still co#cer#s both i# the Eest a#d i# the re"io# that 4&a#marJs militar& r$lers o%er the lo#" term co$ld harbor #$clearAweapo# ambitio#s. KThe "e#erals ca##ot be tr$sted'K said a 5a#"kokAbased Eester# diplomat who !ollows 4&a#mar a!!airs. KEhile the& sa& the& will let the -A+A i# at the mome#t' the histor& o! ro"$e re"imes like the o#e i# Ga#"o# is that the& #e%er keep their promises.K 2arr& (a"a# pre%io$sl& co%ered 4&a#mar politics !or the 5ritish 5roadcasti#" ,orp. Fe is c$rre#tl& a !reela#ce Do$r#alist based i# 5a#"kok. 3L,L,>RO228) OO R9+F,F- R9+F/T R9+FF4 R9+FNF /+ R9+FGO e0101 0:0102: LNG ***** LLF O :0102:L (AN 07 04 A4+45A**G RANGOON TO R9+F,/*+,*TAT+ EA*F/, -44+/-AT+ 1881 -N0O R9,NA*+/A*+AN 4+45+R ,O22+,T-3+ .R-OR-TG R9+F5(/A4+45A**G 5+-(-NG .R-OR-TG 1:1: R9+F5G/A4+45A**G ,AN5+RRA .R-OR-TG 014: R9+F92/A4+45A**G *+O92 .R-OR-TG 7241 R9+F6O/A4+45A**G TO6GO .R-OR-TG 4811 R9+6(,*/(O-NT *TA00 EA*F/, .R-OR-TG RFF49NA/,/R 9*.A,O4 FONO2929 F- .R-OR-TG RF+FN*,/N*, EA*F/, .R-OR-TG R9+6(,*/*+,/+0 EA*F/, .R-OR-TG T$esda&' :0 (a#$ar& 2007' 10:2: *+,R+T RANGOON 000101 *-./-* *-./-* *TAT+ 0OR +A./42*' +A./R*. +O 12)18 /+,2: 01/11/2017 TAG* .AR4' .R+2' +TT,' 4N9,' 54' ,F *95(+,T: B.3MA DDDDDDDDDDDD 30 431 S0NS-1-"0 ,lassi!ied 5&: +co#o!! T24a#lowe !or Reaso#s 1.4 <b= a#d <d=

S;- M0N1

1. <*= *$mmar&: +mbass& co#tacts >>>>>>>>>>>> shared with $s o# >>>>>>>>>>>> doc$me#ts !or 112 metric to#s o! ?mi ed ore@ shipped o# (a#$ar& 21 !rom 5$rma to ,hi#a %ia *i#"apore. >>>>>>>>>>>> #oticed that a$thorities treated the shipme#t as hi"hl& se#siti%e' a#d s$spect it ma& ha%e i#cl$ded $ra#i$m. O$r co#tact had #o direct e%ide#ce to s$pport this claim. +#d s$mmar&. 2. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>>' told embo!!s that >>>>>>>>>>>> i#!ormed him the& were s$spicio$s abo$t the beha%ior o! a$thorities whe# ha#dli#" a (a#$ar& 21 shipme#t o! mi ed ore !rom Ra#"oo#. Accordi#" >>>>>>>>>>>>' sec$rit& was ti"hter tha# $s$al' s$r%eilla#ce was hea%ier' a#d o!!icials paid closer atte#tio# to the mo%eme#t o! the shipme#t a#d acti%it& at the port. >>>>>>>>>>>> also claimed that metals are $s$all& e ported i# blocks' whereas the ba"s i# this shipme#t were !illed with loose earth a#d m$d. The so$rce o! the mi ed ore' 4aw ,hi' is also a so$rce !or $ra#i$m' the& claimed. >>>>>>>>>>>> said the desti#atio# i# ,hi#a' 0a#" ,he#' a#d the shippi#" li#e' Ad%a#ce ,o#tai#er 2i#es' were $#$s$al !or ro$ti#e ore shipme#ts. *hipme#ts #ormall& "o to other ports i# ,hi#a %ia 4&a#mar 0i%e *tar 2i#e' the "o%er#me#tAow#ed shippi#" li#e' accordi#" to them. The shipper' 4&a#mar R$b& +#terprise' is a Doi#t %e#t$re' :0U ow#ed b& the 4i#istr& o! 4i#es. >>>>>>>>>>>> :. <*= 6e& i#!ormatio# co#tai#ed i# the doc$me#ts we ha%e see# i#cl$des: ,arrier: Ad%a#ce ,o#tai#er 2i#es ,o.' 2td. *hipper: 4&a#mar R$b& +#terprise Address: No. 24/28 *$le .a"oda Road' 6&a$ktada Tow#ship' Ra#"oo# *hipped !rom Ra#"oo#: (a#$ar& 21' 2007 3essel: 6ota TeraD$ to *i#"apore /esti#atio#: 0a#" ,he#' ,hi#a .ort o! /ischar"e: 0a#" ,he#' G$a#" >i' ,hi#a ,o#si"#ee: G$##a# 4i#metals Tradi#" ,o.' 2td. Address: 0/8 No. <408= 5eiDi#" Road' 6$mi#"' .R ,hi#a *hipme#t: *i co#tai#ers holdi#" :080 ba"s' 112.004) #et metric to#s o! 4awchi 4i ed Ore: <ti#' t$#"ste#' scheelite mi ed co#ce#trate= 3al$e: 1:4'28:.:7 e$ros. 4. <*= Ee ha%e #o !$rther i#!ormatio# abo$t the shipme#t or the reliabilit& o! the doc$me#ts. Ee wo$ld be pleased to !orward copies o! the doc$me#ts recei%ed to a#&o#e i#terested. 3-22ARO*A


ANA6<S-S 45 B.3MA>S N.C60A3 34A3AM

Rola#d Eatso# (a#$ar& 2007 The material i# this report deri%es !rom ma#& di!!ere#t so$rces. /ictator Eatch has recei%ed a lar"e C$a#tit& o! i#!ormatio#' m$ch more tha# what is prese#ted here. Ee ca# hi#t at a bit o! the bala#ce b$t the maDorit& we ca##ot disc$ss at all' beca$se o! risk to the so$rces. -! &o$ ha%e a#& additio#al i#!ormatio# abo$t these s$bDects' i#cl$di#" i#!ormatio# that co#!irms or co#tradicts what is described below' please "et i# to$ch. Ee will disclose p$blicl& o#l& what &o$ a$thori;e. -# o$r No%ember 7th stateme#t' we reported that the *./, is mi#i#" a#d re!i#i#" $ra#i$m a#d the# barteri#" the !i#al prod$ct' ?&ellowcake'@ to North 6orea a#d -ra#. Ee ha%e #ow lear#ed that the a##o$#ceme#t b& the *./, later the same da&' that a North 6orea# ship i# distress had take# re!$"e i# Ra#"oo# harbor' was a# attempt to discredit the report. This i# itsel! is i#direct co#!irmatio# o! the #ews. Also' the *./, a##o$#ceme#t was widel& ridic$led' si#ce Tha# *hwe a#d his !ellow "e#erals are k#ow# to be patholo"ical liars. Ee ha%e #ow recei%ed word !rom a seco#d' i#depe#de#t so$rce' with a completel& di!!ere#t mea#s o! access to the i#!ormatio#' that the &ellowcake tra#sactio#s are taki#" place' i#cl$di#" to -ra#. Ee do #ot &et k#ow the #at$re o! the arra#"eme#ts with -ra#' i! the& are direct with the *./, or i! North 6orea is acti#" as a# i#termediar& <or R$ssia=. The tra#sactio#s with North 6orea' tho$"h' !or which the *./, is recei%i#" missiles a#d also tech#ical assista#ce o# its ow# #$clear weapo#s pro"ram' are direct' altho$"h the& ma& also be taki#" place with ,hi#a a#d R$ssia as i#termediaries. <Note: North 6orea has its ow# hi"hA"rade $ra#i$m deposits' b$t the state o! its mi#i#" a#d re!i#i#" capabilities is $#k#ow#.= North 6orea# ships ha%e bee# %isiti#" 5$rma !or at least the last !i%e &ears. *hips either dock at a mai#la#d port at #i"ht a#d $#der ti"ht sec$rit&' or the& a#chor at a li"htho$se isla#d a# ho$r awa& i# i#ter#atio#al waters. At the isla#d' 5$rmese #a%& ships e cha#"e car"os with the 6orea#s. <Na%&' ,$stoms a#d -mmi"ratio# ships are perma#e#tl& statio#ed there.= This is also o#e o! the wa&s that 5$rmese methamphetami#es were distrib$ted i# the past' with speedboats bri#"i#" the pills to the isla#d !or loadi#" o#to ships bo$#d !or 5a#"kok. 9ra#i$m deposits N$clear proli!eratio# be"i#s with $ra#i$m. -# a 2001 doc$me#t at http://www.e#er"&."$clearR1.htm' !i%e k#ow# $ra#i$m deposits are listed: 1. 4a"wa& I4a"weM 2. Ta$#"dwi#"&i :. 6&a$kph&"o# <4o"ok= 4. 6&a$ksi# 1. .ao#"p&i# <4o"ok= The doc$me#t also i#cl$des a call !or assista#ce: ?-#terested parties !rom i#side the co$#tr& a#d abroad are welcomed !or possible cooperatio#...@ -t is e%ide#t that i# the i#ter%e#i#" &ears the e ploitatio# o! $ra#i$m ore has bee# s$ccess!$l. Ee are $#certai# i! this i#%ol%es a#& !orei"# compa#ies. Ee also lear#ed that additio#al $ra#i$m deposits ha%e bee# !o$#d' i#cl$di#" i# 4oeh#&i#' 6achi# /i%isio#H so$thwest o! Ta$#""&iH a#d also possibl& #ear 4o$lmei#. -t is #oteworth& that some "emsto#es !rom 5$rma are

radioacti%e' d$e to their pro imit& i# the earth to radioacti%e ores. Ee !$rther lear#ed that i# 2001' R$ssia# "eolo"ists' with 5$rma Arm& sec$rit&' prospected !or $ra#i$m i# 6are##i *tate. The& were disco$ra"ed !rom this e#terprise b& the 6N... The ores %ar& i# C$alit&' i#cl$di#" earthe# ores a#d solid rock' a#d i# perce#ta"e o! $ra#i$m metal. Also' the pri%ate co#cessio# !or o#e o! the 4o"ok deposits was ca#celled two &ears a"o a#d take# o%er b& 5$rma Arm& soldiers. O#ce the $ra#i$m is mi#ed it is re!i#ed i#to &ellowcake. Ee ha%e reaso# to belie%e that there is a seco#d $ra#i$m re!i#er& i# 5$rma' i# additio# to the !acilit& o# the -rrawadd& Ri%er #orth o! 4a#dal&a at Thabeikk&i#. N$clear reactors a#d weapo#s research 5$rmaBs #$clear pro"ram dates !rom Ne Ei#' who se#t a pro!essor to R$ssia !or !i%e &ears' which i#di%id$al recei%ed -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& ,ommissio# certi!icatio#. The pro"ram collapsed a!ter 1)88' b$t it was later re%i%ed b& 6hi# N&$#t' who searched the states le!t o%er a!ter the break$p o! the *o%iet 9#io# !or #$clear e perts. The pro"ram was a"ai# s$spe#ded !ollowi#" his p$r"e' b$t it was C$ickl& restarted. R$ssia o!!ered i# 2001 to sell 5$rma a #$clear reactor !or research p$rposes. *imilarl&' the *o%iet 9#io# also helped establish North 6oreaBs #$clear pro"ram' i# 1)84' b& o!!eri#" a#d the# helpi#" to assemble i# the co$#tr& a *o%iet research reactor. The 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew reported i# No%ember 200: that North 6orea#s were #ow i#%ol%ed i# 5$rmaBs e!!ort' a!ter tech#icia#s !rom the co$#tr& were see# $#loadi#" lar"e crates a#d co#str$ctio# eC$ipme#t at 4&othit' 4a"we /i%isio#. 5ertil 2i#t#er i# a ($l& 2008 Asia Times article added that North 6orea#s had bee# see# at Natma$k' b$t comme#ted ?there is #o e%ide#ce that R$ssia e%er deli%ered the reactor.@ Fowe%er' he also #oted that the North 6orea#s b$ilt a h$"e $#der"ro$#d b$#ker at Ta$#dwi#"&i' which is o#e o! the ack#owled"ed $ra#i$m ore sites. Accordi#" to a 2004 article i# the -rrawadd& b& 6&aw Law 4oe' 4a"we is a# area o! acti%e !a$lt li#es' a#d it e perie#ced a stro#" earthC$ake i# *eptember 200:. There is also a report that a b$#ker i# this area shelters te# 4-GA 2)s !rom R$ssia. A seco#d possible site' where 5$rmaBs ?#$clear battalio#@ is located' is i# the *etkh&a [ et)ya] 3alle& east o! 4a#dala& a#d so$th o! 4a&m&o #ear the %illa"es o! 2$# 6&aw [probably Dun!ya#; possibly Dun)ya#] a#d Ta$#" Taw [probably Taun!da#]. This %alle& is perpet$all& co%ered b& clo$ds' a#d it is s$rro$#ded b& mo$#tai#s. There is a #ew report o! a related #$clear research !acilit& i# a restricted area #ear Eetw$# %illa"e' [near 7aun! Dain!] #ortheast o! 4a&m&o. /ri%ers who make deli%eries to the area ha%e to ha#d o%er their tr$cks to perso##el !rom i#side. A#other so$rce sa&s that the reactor i# 4a"we ma& be relocated' it is also possible that it alread& has bee# relocated' to the *etkh&a 3alle& site' beca$se o! the earthC$ake risk at the !ormer. Ee ca# also report that the b$si#essma# Ta&;a is the primar& dealmaker !or 5$rmaBs #$clear a#d missile pro"rams. Fe is or"a#i;i#" ma#& o! the speci!ic tra#sactio#s' with the North 6orea#s' ,hi#ese a#d R$ssia#s. 0or e ample' Ta&;a is the a"e#t !or Aero!lot' which !lies to 4a#dala&. The h$#dreds o! trai#ees who we#t to R$ssia were take# i# a special trai# to 4a#dala&' !rom which the& completed their Do$r#e& b& Aero!lot. Ee ha%e lear#ed that twe#t&A!i%e #$clear ph&sics academics are #ow i# North 6orea o# a threeA&ear trai#i#" co$rse. Ee also recei%ed a report that the *./, has $ra#i$m e#richme#t ce#tri!$"es at o#e e#d o! the *o$th Nawi# /am <which was b$ilt with !$#di#" !rom (apa#' a#d !orced labor=. -! tr$e' this is a si"#i!ica#t escalatio# i# the *./,Bs pro"ram' si#ce e#richme#t is $sed to create #ot o#l& !$el !or #$clear power reactors' b$t also the !issile cores !or #$clear weapo#s.

http://h&dro.iis.$Atok&$ti#e/m&a#mar/i#de .html

6ocation of 6un KyawQ6unkyaw,o$#tr&-/`54 Ta$#"daw Ta$#"daw Ta$#"daw Ta$#"daw 4a#dala& 4a#dala& 4a#dala& 4a#dala& 21.48: 21.417 21.287 21.087 )8.28: )8.18: )8.287 )1.110 102 m )1 m 184 m :81 m

Coordinates of places named 1aungdaw in Mandalay

6ocations of the large building (B4B)* possible locations of 6un Kyaw* location of Setkya ;ill (possibly Setkhya Mountain$* location of 6ungyaw and three locations gi7en for 1aungdaw

Series of structures at base of Setkya ;ill

5acilities near one 1aungdaw location

5acility %

5acility #

5acility &

6ocation of =etwun relati7e to Kone Baw* Naung 6aing and the new large building (B4B)8 Note the presence of an apparently new east'west road !ust north of =etwun8


N.C60A3 346-503A1-4N AN@ B.3MA 1;0 ;-@@0N C4NN0C1-4N

Rola#d Eatso# No%ember 2008 [EXCERPT] /ictator Eatch has recei%ed i#!ormatio# that 5$rmaBs militar& D$#ta' the *./,' is i#timatel& i#%ol%ed i# o#e o! the "reatest sec$rit& threats the world !aces' #$clear proli!eratio#. The *./, is mi#i#" a#d re!i#i#" $ra#i$m a#d the# barteri#" it to North 6orea a#d reportedl& also -ra#. -# ret$r# it is recei%i#"' !rom North 6orea' missiles i#cl$di#" *A4s <s$r!ace to air missiles= a#d also possibl& ballistic missiles' a#d tech#ical assista#ce o# its ow# #$clear weapo#s pro"ram. Ehile we do #ot ha%e i#depe#de#t co#!irmatio# o! this i#!ormatio#' the case it prese#ts is compelli#". 9ra#i$m ore is bei#" mi#ed i# 4oeh#&i# Tow#ship i# 6achi# *tate a#d 4o"ok i# 4a#dala& /i%isio#. The ore is the# tra#sported to a re!i#er& o# the -rrawadd& Ri%er at Thabeikk&i# <D$st o%er o#e h$#dred kilometers #orth o! 4a#dala&=' which is co#%e#ie#tl& located betwee# the two mi#e sites. There the ore is processed i#to a material k#ow# as ?&ellow cake'@ which is likel& what is bei#" bartered. Gellow cake is the raw material !or the $ra#i$m e#richme#t process' which i#creases the proportio# o! $ra#i$m 2:1 isotope' the !issio#able !orm o! the eleme#t $sed i# weapo#s a#d also #$clear !$el. The process i#%ol%es addi#" !l$ori#e to create $ra#i$m he a!l$oride. This is the# melted a#d press$ri;ed to create $ra#i$m he a!l$oride "as' which is s$bseC$e#tl& !iltered %ia "as di!!$sio#' or p$t thro$"h a series o! "as ce#tri!$"es' to &ield hi"her co#ce#tratio#s o! 92:1. The *./, has ma#& secret !acilities spread thro$"ho$t 5$rma' b$t the most importa#t are east o! 4a#dala& i# 4a&m&o <a.k.a .&i#A9A2wi#= a#d to the so$thwest o! this i# the *etkh&a 4o$#tai#s. The militar& comple at 4a&m&o i#cl$des /e!e#se -#d$str& b$ildi#"s' the /e!e#se -#stit$te o! Tech#olo"&' a#d the /e!e#se *er%ices Academ&. Appro imatel& !ort& kilometers so$th o! this the ,hi#ese b$ilt a h&droelectric dam o# the 4&it N"e Ri%er. 2ocal %illa"ers who ha%e !led to Thaila#d report that there is a t$##el !rom this dam leadi#" to the de!e#se comple ' pres$mabl& to deli%er electricit& !or weapo#s prod$ctio#. ($st west o! this' i# the *etkh&a 4o$#tai#s' 5$rmaBs ?N$clear 5attalio#@ has i# its ow# #etwork o! t$##els a#d reportedl& is e#"a"ed i# bombAmaki#" research. /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma has reported that the ce#ter o! this operatio# is #ear the %illa"es o! 2$# 6&aw a#d Ta$#" Taw' a#d that the latter is well "$arded. 2ocal %illa"ers reported heari#" h$"e e plosio#s at #i"ht i# April' ($#e a#d *eptember this &ear. The implosio# tri""eri#" s&stem !or a #$clear weapo# $ses co#%e#tio#al hi"h e plosi%es. The e plosi%es s$rro$#d the !issile material core a#d o# deto#atio# rapidl& compress it to a s$percritical state. As back"ro$#d' be"i##i#" i# 2001 5$rmaBs D$#ta be"a# a proDect to b$ild a research reactor with R$ssia# assista#ce <4i#iatom= a#d trai#i#". Tech#icia#s who are se#t to R$ssia are prohibited !rom seei#" their !amilies o# their ret$r# to 5$rma. The !amilies are "i%e# cell pho#es !or comm$#icatio#. This pro"ram is also k#ow# to i#%ol%e North 6orea# tech#icia#s a#d possibl& .akista#i #$clear weapo#s e perts who took re!$"e i# 5$rma' also i# 2001.


Burma seeks nuclear weapons alliance with N Korea

Gre" *herida#' 0orei"# editor [o" The -ustralian] ($l& 01' 2008 [Cites http5$$###*theaustralian*ne#s*com*au$story$9089@GL0;:G@:H;:&G9;099*html] 59R4AJ* militar& D$#ta has attempted to b$& #$clear weapo#s tech#olo"& !rom North 6oreaJs ro"$e re"ime i# a# allia#ce that prese#ts a !ri"hte#i#" #ew threat to re"io#al sec$rit&. The 9* iss$ed a hea%&Aha#ded war#i#" to 5$rmese militar& dictator Tha# *hwe to cease a#d desist all s$ch acti%ities a!ter disco%eri#" Ra#"oo#Js bid late last &ear. The prospect o! the two pariah states o! Asia Doi#i#" to"ether has alarmed Eester# i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies' with the 9* pri%atel& circ$lati#" a dra!t resol$tio# co#dem#i#" 5$rmaJs actio#s !or the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. The terms o! the resol$tio# wo$ld sa& that 5$rma co#stit$ted a Kthreat to peace a#d sec$rit&K. This wo$ld be a ,hapter *i resol$tio#' which does #ot impl& that the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil wo$ld a$thorise the $se o! !orce a"ai#st 5$rma or mo%e directl& to sa#ctio#s. 5$t it wo$ld be the !irst time 5$rma has bee# !ormall& ce#s$red b& the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil. -t is $#derstood that #o #$clear material has bee# tra#s!erred. North 6orea' which is belie%ed to possess si or se%e# #$clear weapo#s' has e#"a"ed i# te#se bri#kma#ship with the 9*' rece#tl& threate#i#" to la$#ch a #ew "e#eratio# o! Taepodo#" missile. -! the North 6orea#s are able to mi#iat$rise their #$clear weapo#s s$!!icie#tl&' the& will e%e#t$all& be able to place them o# Taepodo#" missiles' which are capable o! reachi#" some tar"ets i# the 9* a#d A$stralia. -#telli"e#ce so$rces co#!irmed to The A$stralia# that the 5$rmese militar& had a boomi#" relatio#ship with the North 6orea# militar&. 5$rma a#d North 6orea do #ot ha%e !ormal diplomatic relatio#s. These were broke# i# 1)8: whe#' i# a# act o! state terrorism' the North 6orea#s deto#ated a bomb i# Ra#"oo# which killed most o! the %isiti#" *o$th 6orea# cabi#et. 5$t Tha# *hwe a#d the eC$all& ecce#tric a#d recl$si%e North 6orea# leader' 6im (o#"Ail' ha%e bee# e#"a"ed i# i#te#si%e pro & diplomac& desi"#ed to reAestablish !ormal diplomatic relatio#s betwee# the two states. Eester# i#telli"e#ce a"e#cies belie%e 5$rma "ets s$r!aceAtoAair missiles' artiller& a#d small arms !rom North 6orea. The 5$rmese ha%e also asked the 6orea#s !or *c$d missile tech#olo"&. The hi"hl& secreti%e 5$rmese state mai#tai#s the bi""est arm& i# *o$theast Asia' with a re"$lar militar& estimated at abo$t hal! a millio# people a#d a paramilitar& !orce o! some 100'000. /iplomatic obser%ers do #ot belie%e the 9* resol$tio# at this sta"e wo$ld pass at the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil beca$se ,hi#a wo$ld oppose a#d' i! #ecessar&' %eto it. Fowe%er' prese#ti#" it p$blicl& wo$ld ac$tel& embarrass 5$rmaJs de!e#ders' especiall& ,hi#a. The resol$tio# makes #o speci!ic me#tio# o! 5$rmaJs #$clear ambitio#s. -#stead it !oc$ses o# 5$rmaJs h$ma# ri"hts ab$ses' which led to the o$t!low o! lar"e #$mbers o! re!$"ees. 5eca$se o! the poor state o! 5$rmaJs health ser%ices' ma#& o! these re!$"ees are F-3Apositi%e.

5$rma also threate#s i#ter#atio#al sec$rit& thro$"h its dr$"A"rowi#" acti%ities. A$stralia# a$thorities belie%e m$ch o! the heroi# sold i# A$stralia is "row# i# 5$rma. Apart !rom ,hi#a' which has deep strate"ic i#terests i# 5$rma' some Third Eorld members o! the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil ma& also obDect to a resol$tio# based mai#l& o# the i#ter#al h$ma# ri"hts record o! a member #atio#. 5$rma has also made separate i#C$iries with R$ssia o%er the possibilit& o! de%elopi#" a peace!$l #$clear power i#d$str&. At di!!ere#t times the 5$rmese ha%e de#ied this. The R$ssia#s are belie%ed to ha%e bee# $#respo#si%e to the 5$rmese reC$ests. Their lack o! embassies i# each otherJs co$#tries has #ot i#hibited the de%elopme#t o! the militar&AtoAmilitar& relatio#ship. This "rowi#" relatio#ship is o! ac$te co#cer# to Eester# i#telli"e#ce. 5oth 5$rma a#d North 6orea ha%e their chie! e ter#al strate"ic relatio#ship with ,hi#a. ,hi#a sees 5$rma as a# importa#t strate"ic asset. 4$ch ,hi#ese diplomac& has ce#tred o# e#er"& sec$rit& a#d 5$rma o!!ers ,hi#a s$bsta#tial oil a#d "as reser%es. 5$rma also o!!ers ,hi#a strate"ic reach i#to the -#dia# Ocea# thro$"h access to its #a%al ports. -t also pro%ides ,hi#a with e#ha#ced i#telli"e#ce capabilities thro$"h i#telli"e#ce establishme#ts' especiall& o# the 5$rmese border with -#dia. 5$rmaJs r$li#" militar& D$#ta has become i#creasi#"l& erratic a#d $#predictable i# rece#t &ears. 2ast &ear' it mo%ed its e#tire capital !rom Ra#"oo# to .&i#ma#a i# ce#tral 5$rma a#d b$ilt a #ew capital' %irt$all& !rom scratch. This was appare#tl& beca$se it !eared a 9* attack o# Ra#"oo#' b$t the timi#" o! the mo%e' which was sched$led to withi# a mi#$te' was reportedl& determi#ed b& astrolo"ical readi#"s. At the same time as cracki#" dow# o# the oppositio# Natio#al 2ea"$e !or /emocrac&' headed b& impriso#ed Nobel la$reate A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i' the 5$rmese re"ime has i#te#si!ied a %icio$s war a"ai#st the 6are# a#d other eth#ic mi#orities. The other #i#e members o! the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s are i#creasi#"l& !r$strated with 5$rma. 4ala&siaJs 0orei"# 4i#ister' *&ed Famid' called last mo#th !or the 9N to take respo#sibilit& !or e#co$ra"i#" the Ra#"oo# D$#ta towards "reater ope##ess a#d moderatio#. This call represe#ts a h$miliatio# !or A*+AN a#d a realisatio# that the strate"& o! re!ormi#" 5$rma thro$"h A*+AN membership has !ailed. *ome A*+AN leaders ha%e asked 9* .reside#t Geor"e E.5$sh to take a hard li#e o# 5$rma to help break the paral&sis o# political mo%eme#t withi# the co$#tr&. The America#s are co#sideri#" co#%e#i#" a meeti#" o! likeAmi#ded #atio#s to disc$ss 5$rma at mi#isterial le%el at this &earJs A*+AN meeti#"s' sched$led to take place i# 6$ala 2$mp$r later this mo#th. A$stralia# 0orei"# 4i#ister Ale a#der /ow#er has committed to atte#d this meeti#". The (apa#ese a#d some members o! A*+AN are likel& to be i#%ited.

4r /ow#er is also likel& to meet 5$rmaJs 0orei"# 4i#ister i# 6$ala 2$mp$r. 2ast No%ember' the 9N *ec$rit& ,o$#cil met pri%atel& !or a brie!i#" o# 5$rma !rom a member o! the 9N *ecretariat' the !irst time the *ec$rit& ,o$#cil had co#sidered 5$rma' e%e# i#!ormall&. The i#ter#atio#al mood is harde#i#" a"ai#st 5$rma a#d this co$ld res$lt i# re#ewed calls to e pel it !rom A*+AN.

http://si .pairlist.#et/pipermail/b$rma#et/20080420/000):2.html 5$rmaNet News' April 20' 2008 +ditor editor at b$rma#et.or" Th$ Apr 20 14::8:41 +/T 2008

Mysterious blasts near Burma>s Kyaukse cause concerns to local people

April 1)' /emocratic 3oice o! 5$rma 2ocal reside#ts li%i#" i# 2$#k&aw a#d Ta$#"daw 3illa"es' 4a#dala& /i%isio#Bs 6&a$kse Tow#ship i# ce#tral 5$rma' ha%e bee# li%i#" i# !ear d$e to some m&sterio$s e plosio#s' pres$med to be weapo# tests' carried o$t b& the *tate .eace a#d /e%elopme#t ,o$#cil <*./,= Q#$clearB battalio#. The %illa"ers reportedl& ha%e bee# heari#" m&sterio$s e plosio#s a#d risi#" !lames almost e%er& #i"ht !rom the be"i##i#" o! April. Ehe# the %illa"ers e#C$ired abo$t the e plosio#s a#d !lames' the& were told b& local a$thorities to sh$t $p a#d sta& p$t i! the& do#Bt wa#t their %illa"es to be relocated. The Q#$clearB battalio# has bee# b$ilt $p amo#" *etkh&a mo$#tai#s sit$ated betwee# 2$#k&aw a#d Ta$#"daw si#ce 2000. The battalio# is based i# Ta$#"daw a#d made $p o! artiller& a#d comm$#icatio# battalio#s. The Q#$clearB battalio# itsel! is b$ilt i#to the mo$#tai#s with a comple t$##el s&stem. The battalio# is said to be s$per%ised b& the *./, arm& o!!icers who were trai#ed i# R$ssia' accordi#" to so$rces close to the militar&.


.8S8 pushes for regime change in Burma

(oh# calls !or release o! political priso#ers' be"i##i#" o! democratic process 5& Al%i# .owell Far%ard News O!!ice
0ebr$ar& 2:' 2008

[EXCERPT] A 9.*. *tate /epartme#t o!!icial reiterated the 5$sh admi#istratio#Js s$pport !or co#ti#$ed eco#omic sa#ctio#s o# 5$rma 0rida& <0eb. 17= [899G] as part o! a m$ltipro#"ed e!!ort to co#%i#ce the repressi%e militar& re"ime to embrace democratic re!orms. -# additio# to sa#ctio#s' the 9#ited *tates is worki#" with 5$rmaJs #ei"hbors a#d #atio#s that ha%e close ties with the co$#tr& i# hopes that i#ter#atio#al press$re will bear res$lts that ha%e so !ar bee# el$si%e. +ric (oh#' dep$t& assista#t secretar& o! state !or the 5$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs' described the 9#ited *tatesJ 5$rma polic& d$ri#" a l$#chtime talk at the ,e#ter !or Go%er#me#t a#d -#ter#atio#al *t$dies. The talk' part o! the Asia ,e#terJs 4oder# Asia *eries' was moderated b& Thomas 3allel&' director o! the 3iet#am .ro"ram at the (oh# 0. 6e##ed& *chool o! Go%er#me#tJs ,e#ter !or 5$si#ess a#d Go%er#me#t. (oh# said that 9.*. co#cer#s abo$t 5$rma ha%e bee# hei"hte#ed rece#tl& with the reAestablishme#t o! diplomatic relatio#s betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea. The a$thoritaria# re"imes ha%e isolated themsel%es to the poi#t where the& were almost dri%e# i#to each otherJs arms' (oh# said. The pote#tial tra#s!er o! tech#olo"& !rom North 6orea' which has de%eloped #$clear weapo#s' to 5$rma hei"hte#s the admi#istratio#Js co#cer#. KAs the& isolated themsel%es !rom the rest o! Asia a#d the world'K (oh# said' Kthe& were almost poi#ted to each other.K [deletia]

http://www.sha#la#d.or"/i#de .phpOoptio#`comRco#te#tY%iew`articleYid`1:1:#$keApla#tA!romAtheAplai#sAtoAtheA hillsYcatid`88:warY-temid`284

Nuke plant2 5rom the plains to the hills

Eed#esda&' 14 *eptember 2001 17:10 *.F.A.N. As Ra#"oo# "ears $p !or the tra#s!er o! the ce#ter o! state power to .&i#ma#a i# ce#tral 5$rma' reports ha%e reached the border o! acti%ities o# the wester# slopes o! the *ha# hills that so$rces s$spect as the co#str$ctio# o! a sec$re site !or 5$rmaJs #$clear pro"ram. The #ew locatio# #ear 4a&m&o' o!!iciall& k#ow# as .&i# Oo 2wi#' 42 miles east o! 4a#dala&' lies i# a !lat la#d s$rro$#ded b& o# all sides b& steep hills K#ot $#like the crater i# Go$ o#l& li%e twice <a (ames 5o#d mo%ie= where the bad "$& prepares his scheme to co#C$er the world.K -# additio#' the area is shro$ded i# a# allA&ear ro$#d mist that the proDectJs pla##ers belie%e it wo$ld be %irt$all& i#%isible !rom the air. The %illa"es a#d their !ields had alread& bee# co#!iscated witho$t compe#satio# si#ce 200:. Roads' some sa& t$##els as well' are bei#" co#str$cted. -t has also bee# declared o!!Alimits to the local pop$lace with lo#"Aterm impriso#me#t as p$#ishme#t !or trespassers. A# air!ield has also bee# $#der co#str$ctio# si#ce last &ear at A#eesakha# o# the wa& to 4a#dala&. Fal! o! the homes i# the tow# a#d all homes i# the s$rro$#di#" %illa"es o! *i#"a$#""&i' 6a#"&i"o# a#d N&a##&i#tha were demolished !or the p$rpose. As !or .a$#"daw' a#other %illa"e #earb&' it lost all o! its !armla#ds. *o$rces close to the militar& sa& the Arm& is tra#s!erri#" the #$clear pla#t !rom 4a"we to 4a&m&o. Fowe%er' the& ha%e so !ar bee# $#able to "i%e !$rther details.

+ditorJs Note: /raw# accordi#" to i#!ormatio# obtai#ed b& 4i;;ima News that adds the pro"ram was ordered s$spe#ded o# 11 A$"$st. The site appears to be also i# the %ici#it& o! the Ge&wa dam site' $#der co#str$ctio# b& ,hi#ese e#"i#eers.

4a&m&o' o#ce part o! *ha# *tateJs Fsipaw pri#cipalit&' was occ$pied b& the 5ritish as the seat o! "o%er#me#t !rom where the& admi#istered the a!!airs o! 9pper 5$rma. +%e#t$all&' it became part o! the district o! 4a#dala&. The cit& has become so militari;ed d$ri#" the last decade so$rces are estimati#" its pop$latio# as hal! ci%ilia# a#d hal! militar&. The co$#tr&Js Eest .oi#t' /e!e#se *er%ices Academ&' is located here. 0or &ears' 5$rma has bee# $#der s$spicio# o! de%elopi#" #$clear power with assista#ce !rom North 6orea a#d R$ssia' where tho$sa#ds are recei%i#" #$clear trai#i#". Fowe%er' Ra#"oo# has mai#tai#ed that it was o#l& acC$ri#" #$clear tech#olo"& !or medical research p$rposes a#d de#ied its #$clear pro"ram bei#" a !ro#t !or bombAmaki#". *till' the D$#taJs critics ha%e poi#ted o$t that the topic o! atomic e#er"&' atomic !$el a#d atomic radiatio# is bei#" placed $#der the /e!e#se 2ist. K-t sho$ld i#stead be placed $#der the +#er"& a#d +lectric .ower list'K s$""ested a participa#t !rom a cease!ire "ro$p o# ) ($#e 2004 at the militar&Aor"a#i;ed Natio#al ,o#%e#tio# to dra!t the co$#tr&Js co#stit$tio#. [ ourceboo) note5 Dun)ya#O also appears as Dun!ya#*O]

http://Do$r#alism.berkele&.ed$/proDects/#orthRkorea/2001/10/i"#ored#orthRkoreasRshadow&Rar.htmlemore ,o%eri#" North 6orea A Reso$rce !or (o$r#alists

-gnored2 North Korea>s Shadowy Arms @eals with Burma

5& 6&aw Lwa 4oe .osted October 27' 2001 0::1: .4 Reports !rom two &ears a"o s$""est North 6orea has bee# C$ietl& helpi#" 5$rmaBs militar& re"ime b$ild a #$clear reactor. Ehile co%ert i#teractio#s betwee# these pariah states ha%e raised alarm i# re"io#al a#d Eester# sec$rit& circles !or C$ite some time' most mai#stream Eester# media ha%e i"#ored them. The !ollowi#" is a re%iew o! those acti%ities' based lar"el& reports appeari#" i# the rece#tl& de!$#ct 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew <0++R= a#d the work o! A$stralia# militar& scholar A#drew *elth: 0++R !irst re%ealed e%ide#ce abo$t 5$rmaBs attempt to b$ild a# #$clear reactor with North 6orea# help i# a report it p$blished i# No%ember o! 200:. North 6orea# tech#icia#s were spotted $#loadi#" lar"e crates a#d hea%& co#str$ctio# eC$ipme#t !rom trai#s at 4&othit' 4a"we /i%isio#' i# ce#tral 5$rma' where the #$clear reactor was belie%ed to be $#der co#str$ctio#' diplomats told 0++R. The diplomats also saw aircra!t belo#"i#" to Air 6or&o' North 6oreaBs #atio#al airli#e' la#di#" at militar& air!ields i# ce#tral 5$rma. The i#ter#atio#al comm$#it& had alread& lear#ed that 5$rmaBs re"ime wa#ted a #$clear reactor' possibl& !or peace!$l p$rposes. -# 2000' the militar& "o%er#me#t !ormed the /epartme#t o! Atomic +#er"& $#der its 4i#istr& o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"&. A!ter that' 5$rma asked the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& to help it b$ild a #$clear research reactor. The re"ime had also approached R$ssia a#d ,hi#a to that e#d. -# 2002' R$ssia a"reed to sell 5$rma a #$clear reactor !or peace!$l research p$rposes. 5$rma selected a#d se#t h$#dreds o! st$de#ts to st$d& #$clear e#"i#eeri#" a#d scie#ce i# R$ssia. 4oscow was to pro%ide aid !or the reactor' b$t the arra#"eme#t reportedl& died whe# 5$rmaBs "o%er#me#t co$ld #o lo#"er !$#d it. 5& 200:' 0++RBs report said' North 6orea had take# o%er !rom R$ssia as the so$rce o! 5$rmaBs #$clear tech#olo"&. At ro$"hl& the same time' A#drew *elth obser%ed that 80 5$rmese militar& perso##el had departed !or North 6orea to st$d& ?#$clear a#d atomic e#er"& tech#olo"&.@ The reaso# 5$rma wa#ted a #$clear reactor was #ot clear. The 5$rmese D$#ta de#ied a#& ambitio# to possess #$clear weapo#s. A#al&sts #oted that the reactor co$ld be $sed as a bar"ai#i#" chip a"ai#st the 9#ited *tates a#d its allies. *i#ce the D$#ta ass$med power i# 1)88' it has bee# critici;ed b& Eester# co$#tries' especiall& the 9#ited *tates' !or its poor h$ma# ri"hts record a#d its oppressio# o! political disse#ts. 5eca$se o! its alie#atio# !rom the Eest' the militar& re"ime b$&s its ad%a#ced Det !i"hterAbombers' warships' ta#ks' small arms a#d amm$#itio# !rom s$ppliers s$ch as ,hi#a' R$ssia' -#dia' .akista#' -srael a#d +aster# +$ropea# co$#tries. North 6orea a#d 5$rma ha%e #ot had !ormal diplomatic ties si#ce 1)8:' whe# .&o#"&a#" se#t a threeAma# team to assassi#ate the# *o$th 6orea# preside#t ,h$# /oo Fwa# while he was %isiti#" Ra#"oo#. A remoteAco#trolled bomb pla#ted b& North 6orea# a"e#ts e ploded premat$rel& a#d the .reside#t escaped. 5$t the e plosio# killed se%e#tee# *o$th 6orea# o!!icialsPi#cl$di#" !o$r cabi#et mi#istersPa#d !o$r 5$rmese o!!icials. 5$rmese police killed o#e North 6orea# i#telli"e#ce o!!icer a#d arrested two more a!ter the attack.

A secret trade i# co#%e#tio#al weapo#s appears to ha%e be"$# i# 1))0' two &ears a!ter 5$rmaBs militar& sta"ed its blood& co$p a#d !ell $#der arms embar"os. Accordi#" to *elth' 5$rma seems to ha%e s$cceeded i# b$&i#" 20 millio# ro$#ds o! 7.82mm A6A47 ri!le amm$#itio# !rom North 6orea i# 1))0. 5$rma ma#a"ed to p$rchase 18 1:0mm 4A48 !ield "$#s i# the late 1))0s' *elth sa&s. (a#eBs /e!e#se Eeekl& has reported that North 6orea has bee# e porti#" weapo#s to 5$rma si#ce 1))8. *ome reports claim the arms deals were arra#"ed thro$"h Thai a#d *i#"aporea# a"e#ts. Others s$""est ,hi#a brokered a missile deal betwee# the two re"imes. O!!icials !rom North 6orea a#d 5$rma ha%e e cha#"ed se%eral %isits despite the abse#ce o! !ormal diplomatic ties. -# ($#e 2001' North 6orea# 3ice 0orei"# 4i#ister .ak GilA&o# a#d %isited Ra#"oo# with a# $#o!!icial dele"atio#. 2ater it was reported that a team o! North 6orea# tech#icia#s arri%ed a#d started worki#" at Ra#"oo#. 5$rmaBs militar& o!!icials also made secret %isits to .&o#"&a#". As $#o!!icial ties co#ti#$ed' North 6orea reportedl& sold s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles to 5$rma. -# ($l& 200:' accordi#" to diplomatic so$rces' aro$#d 20 North 6orea# tech#icia#s were si"hted at 5$rmaBs mai# 4o#ke& .oi#t #a%al !acilit& i# Ra#"oo#. The& were belie%ed to be i#stalli#" missiles i# patrol boats. Reside#ts a#d diplomats i# Ra#"oo# said the North 6orea# tech#icia#s were sta&i#" at a /e!e#ce 4i#istr& "$estho$se i# the capital. 4ea#while' talks took place betwee# Ra#"oo# a#d .&o#"&a#" o%er the p$rchase o! o#e or two small s$bmari#es' a#d possibl& e%e# a #$mber o! shortAra#"e ballistic missiles. -# A$"$st 200:' accordi#" to *elth' there were $#co#!irmed reports o! a secret meeti#" i# Ra#"oo# o%er p$rchase o! the s$bmari#es a#d missiles. The s$bmari#e sale seems to ha%e bee# postpo#ed. +%e# i! a missile deal occ$rred' accordi#" to *elth' deli%er& wo$ld take some &ears. The diplomats C$oted b& 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew s$""ested that 5$rma' said to be *o$theast AsiaBs lar"est prod$cer o! illicit dr$"s' was tradi#" dr$"s !or weapo#s. A se#ior 9* o!!icial said i# 200: that 5$rmaBs re"ime had a"reed to s$ppl& heroi# to North 6orea i# e cha#"e !or missiles a#d #$clear tech#olo"&. The 9#ited *tates later war#ed the 5$rmese re"ime o%er its deali#"s with North 6orea. ?The li#kA$p o! these two pariah states ca# o#l& spell tro$ble'@ said *e#ator Richard 2$"ar' ,hairma# o! *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee. ?North 6oreaJs mai# e port is da#"ero$s weapo#s tech#olo"&. These de%elopme#ts are the seeds o! a maDor threat to Asia# sec$rit& a#d stabilit&.@ The 9* *tate /epartme#t a##o$#ced i# 4arch last &ear that it had re"istered a# o!!icial complai#t with the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t o%er the r$mored missile tra#s!ers !rom North 6orea. 4atthew /ale&' dep$t& assista#t secretar& i# the b$rea$ o! +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic A!!airs' co#!irmed the D$#ta had bee# seeki#" a #$clear reactor b$t dismissed r$mor the reactor was alread& bei#" b$ilt as ?#ot wellA!o$#ded'@ accordi#" to a 5loomber" report. Otherwise' the stor& appears to ha%e bee# !or"otte#.
This record is a partial e tract o! the ori"i#al cable. The !$ll te t o! the ori"i#al cable is #ot a%ailable.

0rida&' 27 A$"$st 2004' 08:08 *+,R+T *+,T-ON 01 O0 02 RANGOON 001100 *-./-* +O 12)18 /+,2: 08/28/2014 TAG* .AR4' .-NR' .R+2' 6NN.' 54' 6N *95(+,T: A22+G+/ NORTF 6OR+AN -N3O23+4+NT -N 4-**-2+ A**+452G AN/ 9N/+RGRO9N/ 0A,-2-TG ,ON*TR9,T-ON -N 59R4A ,lassi!ied 5&: ,/A' A.-. RON 4,4922+N 0OR R+A*ON 1.1 <A/,=. 1. <*= *944ARG: North 6orea# workers are reportedl& assembli#" ?*A4 missiles@ a#d co#str$cti#" a# $#der"ro$#d !acilit& at a 5$rmese militar& site i# 4a"wa& /i%isio#' abo$t :11 miles NNE o! Ra#"oo#' accordi#" to >>>>>>>>>>>> . This $#solicited acco$#t sho$ld #ot be take# as a$thoritati%e' b$t it tracks with other i#!ormatio# "ar#ered a#d reported %ia >>>>>>>>>>>>. +#d *$mmar&. 2. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>> :. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>> some :00 North 6orea#s are worki#" at a secret co#str$ctio# site west o! 4imb$' 4a"wa& /i%isio#' i# the !oothills o! the Araka# Goma mo$#tai#s. <,omme#t: the #$mber o! North 6orea#s s$pposedl& worki#" at this site strikes $s as improbabl& hi"h. +#d comme#t.= The >>>>>>>>>>>> claims he has perso#all& see# some o! them' altho$"h he also reported the& are !orbidde# !rom lea%i#" the co#str$ctio# site a#d that he a#d other ?o$tsiders@ are prohibited !rom e#teri#". The >>>>>>>>>>>> was co#!ide#t that >>>>>>>>>>>> had the abilit& to disti#"$ish North 6orea#s !rom others' s$ch as ,hi#ese' who mi"ht be worki#" i# the area. The e act coordi#ates o! the camo$!la"ed site are #ot k#ow#' b$t it is reportedl& i# the %ici#it& o! 20'00 N' )4'21 +. 4. <*= The North 6orea#s are said to be assembli#" ?*A4 missiles@ o! $#k#ow# ori"i#. >>>>>>>>>>>> the North 6orea#s' aided b& 5$rmese workers' are co#str$cti#" a co#creteArei#!orced $#der"ro$#d !acilit& that is ?100 !eet !rom the top o! the ca%e to the top o! the hill abo%e.@ Fe added that the North 6orea#s are ?blowi#" co#crete@ i#to the e ca%ated $#der"ro$#d !acilit&. 1. <*= The >>>>>>>>>>>> is s$pposedl& e#"a"ed i# co#str$cti#" b$ildi#"s !or 20 5$rmese arm& battalio#s that will be posted #ear the site. O! these' two battalio#s are to be i#!a#tr&H the other 18 will be ?artiller&'@ accordi#" to this acco$#t. 8. <*= I>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. <*= ,O44+NT: The I>>>>>>>>>>>> seco#dAha#d acco$#t o! North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t with missile assembl& a#d militar& co#str$ctio# i# 4a"wa& /i%isio# "e#erall& tracks with other i#!ormatio# +mbass& Ra#"oo# a#d others ha%e reported i# %ario$s cha##els. A"ai#' the #$mber :00 is m$ch hi"her tha# o$r best estimates o! North 6orea#s i# 5$rma' a#d e actl& how the >>>>>>>>>>>> alle"edl& came to see some o! them perso#all& remai#s $#clear. 4a#& details pro%ided >>>>>>>>>>>> match those pro%ided b& other' seemi#"l& $#related' so$rces. 8. <*= ,O44+NT ,ONT-N9+/: Ee ca##ot' a#d readers sho$ld #ot' co#sider this report alo#e to be de!i#iti%e proo! or e%ide#ce o! si;able North 6orea# militar& i#%ol%eme#t with the 5$rmese re"ime. The >>>>>>>>>>>> descriptio# made #o re!ere#ce at all to #$clear weapo#s or tech#olo"&' or to s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles' ballistic or otherwise. >>>>>>>>>>>> This acco$#t is perhaps best co#sidered alo#"side other i#!ormatio# o! %ario$s ori"i#s i#dicati#" the 5$rmese a#d North 6orea#s are $p to somethi#" = somethi#" o! a co%ert militar& or militar&A i#d$strial #at$re. + actl& what' a#d o# what scale' remai#s to be determi#ed. .ost will co#ti#$e to mo#itor these de%elopme#ts a#d report as warra#ted. 4c4$lle#

ourceboo) comment5 The in"ormation in para!raph ? o" the abo%e cable should be compared #ith dissident reportin! concernin! a pro'ect in the %icinity o" 7!a Phae$7!ape* The coordinates 89d 99m 70 :Hd 8<m E are 'ust #est o" an area south o" 7!ape that contains numerous buildin!s built alon! roads0 some o" them du! into hillsides* -t least one location there appears in 6oo!le Earth ima!ery o" 899H to be su!!esti%e o" under!round construction*


North Korea 4ffered Surface'to'Surface Missiles to 3angoon

5& 4i# Li#/Eashi#"to# 0rida&' 4arch 28' 2004 The 9* admi#istratio# has reaso# to belie%e that North 6orea has o!!ered s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles to the 5$rmese militar& re"ime' a se#ior 9* *tate /epartme#t o!!icial said &esterda&. The o!!icial made the alle"atio# prior to the Doi#t heari#" o! the *$bcommittee o# Asia a#d the .aci!ic a#d the *$bcommittee o# -#ter#atio#al Terrorism' No#proli!eratio# a#d F$ma# Ri"hts' held &esterda& at the 9* ,o#"ress i# Eashi#"to#. KEe ha%e raised this iss$e o! possible missile tra#s!ers with se#ior 5$rmese o!!icials a#d re"istered o$r co#cer#s i# $#ambi"$o$s la#"$a"e'K said 4atthew /ale&' dep$t& assista#t secretar& !or +ast Asia a#d the .aci!ic' who prese#ted his testimo#& to both s$bcommittees. 5$rmese o!!icials ha%e i#dicated that the& ha%e #ot accepted o!!ers o! the weapo#s' accordi#" to /ale&. Fe said the 9* admi#istratio# will co#ti#$e to mo#itor the sit$atio# a#d deal with it %i"oro$sl& a#d rapidl&. K5$rma a#d North 6orea do ha%e a militar& a#d trade relatio#ship'K /ale& said. /ale& added that the admi#istratio# is aware o! 5$rmese militar& i#terest i# acC$iri#" a #$clear research reactor' howe%er' he de#ied press reports that s$""ested 5$rma has pro%ided heroi# i# e cha#"e !or militar& or #$clear tech#olo"& or eC$ipme#t' #oti#" that a%ailable e%ide#ce does #ot s$pport this co#cl$sio#. KNews reports o! co#str$ctio# acti%ities are #ot well !o$#ded'K said /ale&. 2or#e ,ra#er' assista#t secretar& !or /emocrac&' F$ma# Ri"hts a#d 2abor' also prese#ted his testimo#& at the Doi#t heari#"' called /e%elopme#ts i# 5$rma' which co#dem#ed the worse#i#" h$ma# ri"hts sit$atio# i# 5$rma. /$ri#" the heari#"' /aw *a# *a#' a# N2/ elected 4. !rom 5$rma' Thomas 4ali#owski o! F$ma# Ri"hts Eatch a#d 3ero#ica 4arti# o! the 9* ,ommittee !or Re!$"ees' prese#ted cases o! h$ma# ri"hts %iolatio#s i# 5$rma to the pa#el a#d ad%ocated a to$"her sta#ce o# Ra#"oo# a#d the re#ewal o! c$rre#t 9* sa#ctio#s' which took e!!ect i# *eptember a#d ba# bilateral trade a#d !i#a#cial tra#sactio#s. Two i#%ited represe#tati%es who s$pport a# e#"a"eme#t polic& with 5$rmaV/a%id *tei#ber"' director o! Asia# *t$dies at Geor"etow# 9#i%ersit&' a#d 4orte# .ederse# o! the -#ter#atio#al ,risis Gro$pVe plai#ed how ti"hte#ed 9* sa#ctio#s are co$#terprod$cti%e a#d $#dermi#e 9* i#te#ded obDecti%es to restore democrac& to 5$rma. The tradi#" o! missiles betwee# the two co$#tries was reported i# No%ember' 200:' whe# a# article p$blished i# the 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew i#dicated North 6orea was s$ppl&i#" or pla##i#" to s$ppl& missiles to 5$rma' possibl& i# e cha#"e !or heroi#. /ale& told the ,o#"ressio#al pa#el that 5$rmaBs dr$" trade pro!its co$ld be !i#a#ci#" the militar& "o%er#me#t. .rior to re#ewed ties betwee# the two co$#tries' 5$rma a#d North 6orea abolished diplomatic relatio#s i# 1)8:' whe# North 6orea assassi#ated 17 *o$th 6orea# o!!icials i# Ra#"oo# i# a# attempt to kill the *o$th 6orea# .reside#t ,h$# /oo Fwa# o# his %isit to the co$#tr&. 4ea#while' i#ter#atio#al e!!orts to e#s$re North 6orea !ree;es its #$clear pro"rams remai# to be resol%ed.

http://www.asiapaci!"&a#"Rra#"oo#/ B.3MA

@angerous Bedfellows
5& 5ertil 2i#t#er a#d *haw# E. ,rispi#/5ANG6O6 This article !irst appeared i# the 0ar +aster# +co#omic Re%iew' No%ember 20' 200: +%ide#ce o! a blossomi#" militar& relatio#ship betwee# pariah re"imes i# Ra#"oo# a#d .&o#"&a#" is ca$si#" "rowi#" co#cer# o%erseas. *i"#s o! "rowi#" militar& ties betwee# North 6orea a#d 5$rmaJs r$li#" D$#ta are stirri#" co#cer# amo#" 9#ited *tates a#d Asia# sec$rit& o!!icials. -# rece#t mo#ths' Ra#"oo#A a#d 5a#"kokAbased diplomats sa& the&J%e detected !resh i#dicatio#s that .&o#"&a#" ma& be s$ppl&i#" or pla##i#" to s$ppl& 5$rma with #ew weapo#s' possibl& i# e cha#"e !or shipme#ts o! heroi#. Amo#" other #ew de%elopme#ts' 5$rma has be"$# #e"otiati#" the p$rchase o! a #$mber o! s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles !rom North 6orea' 9.*. a#d Asia# o!!icials belie%e. Abo$t 20 North 6orea# tech#icia#s are worki#" at the 4o#ke& .oi#t #a%al base #ear Ra#"oo#' possibl& to prepare to i#stall the missiles o# 5$rmese warships' Ra#"oo#Abased diplomats sa&. The e#%o&s' citi#" o#AtheA"ro$#d i#telli"e#ce reports' sa& the tech#icia#s are residi#" at a 5$rmese /e!e#ce 4i#istr& "$est ho$se i# a #orther# Ra#"oo# s$b$rb. 4ore worr&i#"' some Ra#"oo#Abased Asia# diplomats sa& North 6orea# tech#icia#s ha%e bee# spotted b& i#telli"e#ce operati%es $#loadi#" lar"e crates a#d hea%& co#str$ctio# eC$ipme#t !rom trai#s at 4&othit. The diplomats #ote that 4&othit is the closest statio# to the ce#tral 5$rmese tow# o! Natma$k' #ear where the D$#ta hopes to b$ild a #$clearAresearch reactor. Aircra!t !rom North 6oreaJs #atio#al airli#e' Air 6or&o' ha%e bee# see# la#di#" at militar& air!ields i# ce#tral 5$rma' the& sa&. Ehat is partic$larl& alarmi#" is that these i#dicatio#s o! militar& cooperatio# come at a time whe# both co$#tries are $#der mo$#ti#" political press$re !rom the 9.*.AANorth 6orea to halt its #$clear bri#ksma#ship a#d 5$rma to ope# a real dialo"$e with its political oppositio#. A# allia#ce betwee# two pariah states $p a"ai#st the wall co$ld be da#"ero$s !or the re"io# a#d be&o#d' especiall& as o#e o! them ma& ha%e #$clearAweapo#s tech#olo"& that it is read& to e port' a#al&sts sa&. The 9.*.' a# io$s to c$rb #$clear proli!eratio#' is clearl& worried. KRe"imes like North 6oreaJs... ob%io$sl& look $po# the sale o! E4/ Iweapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#M as D$st a #eat wa& to "ai# hard c$rre#c&. A#d almost a$tomaticall& the& ha%e a !airl& limited marketAAterrorist "ro$ps' ro"$e states a#d pariah states'K sa&s a se#ior 9.*. admi#istratio# o!!icial. K-tJs a co#cer#' whoe%er the& e#d $p selli#" that st$!! to' a#d we are tr&i#" to take steps to limit it a#d "et it $#der co#trol.K The si"#s o! "rowi#" militar& ties ha%e also coi#cided with the arri%al o! represe#tati%es o! the /aeso#" +co#omic Gro$pAAa# e#terprise $#der 5$rea$ :)' which is char"ed with ear#i#" !orei"# c$rre#c& !or North 6oreaAAi# 5$rma' accordi#" to Ra#"oo#Abased diplomats who ha%e see# o!!icial doc$me#ts detaili#" /aeso#"Js acti%it& i# 5$rma. /aeso#"Aa!!iliated compa#ies ha%e a doc$me#ted histor& o! e porti#" se#siti%e missile tech#olo"ies. -# the past' North 6orea has also $sed /aeso#"Aa!!iliated compa#ies to p$rchase a#d import d$alA p$rpose tech#olo"ies $sed i# .&o#"&a#"Js #$clearAweapo#s pro"ramme. O#e o! these' ,ha#""wa#" *i#&o#"' pla&ed a ke& role i# .akista#Js #$clearAweapo#s pro"ramme i# the 1))0s' accordi#" to the 9.*. *tate /epartme#t' which sa#ctio#ed ,ha#""wa#" i# 1))8 a#d 2001 !or selli#" missileArelated tech#olo"& to .akista#. /iplomats belie%e 5$rmaJs rapprocheme#t with North 6orea is li#ked to its co#cer# that it is %$l#erable to a 9.*. militar& attack' especiall& a!ter the -raC Ear. A rece#t classi!ied *tate /epartme#t report see# b& the

R+3-+E e presses co#cer# that .&o#"&a#" is s$ppl&i#" Ksmall arms' amm$#itio#' artiller&' a#d missilesK to 5$rma. -t does#Jt me#tio# North 6orea# acti%it& at Natma$k' #or does it re!er to /aeso#". 5$t a se#ior 9.*. *e#ate sta!!er sa&s the *e#ate 0orei"# Relatio#s ,ommittee is mo#itori#" de%elopme#ts at Natma$k. KThe li#kA$p o! these two pariah states ca# o#l& spell tro$ble. North 6oreaJs mai# e port is da#"ero$s weapo#s tech#olo"&'K said *e#ator Richard 2$"ar' chairma# o! the committee' i# a prepared stateme#t !or the R+3-+E. Noti#" *tate /epartme#t reports that 5$rma has bee# recei%i#" weapo#s !rom .&o#"&a#"' he war#ed: KThese de%elopme#ts are the seeds o! a maDor threat to Asia# sec$rit& a#d stabilit&.K Fla 4i#' a spokesma# !or 5$rmaJs r$li#" D$#ta' calls reports o! i#creasi#" militar& li#ks betwee# Ra#"oo# a#d .&o#"&a#" a#d North 6orea Kspec$lati%e'K citi#" i# partic$lar reports abo$t North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t i# co#str$cti#" the #$clear reactor. Repl&i#" to !a ed C$estio#s !rom the R+3-+E' Fla 4i# said: KEh& wo$ld I5$rmaM wa#t to de%elop weapo#s o! mass destr$ctio#' whe# the co$#tr& #eeds all her stre#"th a#d reso$rcesK to p$rs$e a Ktra#sitio# to m$ltiApart& democrac& a#d a# ope# market eco#om&OK Fe did#Jt respo#d to C$estio#s abo$t a possible missile p$rchase !rom .&o#"&a#". North 6orea# o!!icials co$ld #ot be reached !or comme#t. A# iet& o%er 5$rmaJs militar& mo%es has prompted at least o#e #ei"hbo$r to take co$#termeas$res. -# late October' Thaila#d took deli%er& o! a# $#disclosed #$mber o! medi$mAra#"e airAtoAair missiles !rom the 9.*.' #omi#all& to "$ard a"ai#st the threat o! terrorism' b$t more likel& to stre#"the# its de!e#ces' sa& militar& a#al&sts. -# 2002' 5$rma p$rchased a #$mber o! 4iGA2) combat Dets !rom R$ssia' a mo%e a#al&sts %iew as a respo#se to Thaila#dJs !leet o! 9.*.As$pplied 0A18s. Apart !rom the 9.*. press$re' which i#cl$des to$"h #ew sa#ctio#s imposed i# ($l&' 5$rma has come $#der rare press$re !rom its collea"$es i# the Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#s to re#ew a political dialo"$e with democrac& leader A$#" *a# *$$ 6&i. ,hi#a' too' has rece#tl& be"$# to wa%er i# its si"#i!ica#t militar& a#d eco#omic s$pport o! the D$#ta. *imilar 4i#dsets Ra#"oo#Js "rowi#" isolatio#' diplomats a#d re"io#al sec$rit& e perts sa&' is prompti#" the militar& "o%er#me#t to seek #ew wa&s to mai#tai# its "rip o# power a#d #e$trali;e percei%ed threats' especiall& !rom the 9.*. 5$rmaJs militar&' !or e ample' is co#str$cti#" a massi%e b$#ker #ear the ce#tral 5$rmese tow# o! Ta$#"dwi#"&i to shield its 4iGA2)s !rom possible 9.*. attack' accordi#" to Ra#"oo#Abased e#%o&s. KINorth 6orea a#d 5$rmaM share a similar sort o! mi#dset'K sa&s a 5a#"kokAbased Eester# diplomat. KThe& ha%e both draw# their wa"o#s i#to a circle read& to de!e#d themsel%es. I5$rmaJs "e#eralsM admire the North 6orea#s !or sta#di#" $p to the 9#ited *tates a#d wish the& co$ld do the same. 5$t the& ha%e#Jt "ot the same bar"ai#i#" power as the North 6orea#s.K ThatJs led some sec$rit& o!!icials to !ear Ra#"oo# mi"ht tr& to b$& more pote#t weapo#r& !rom North 6orea. -# partic$lar' these o!!icials are scr$ti#i;i#" acti%it& #ear Natma$k. -# 2002' R$ssia a"reed to sell 5$rma a #$clear reactor !or medical research a#d to pro%ide assista#ce !or its co#str$ctio# a#d operatio#. 5$t 4oscow shel%ed the proDect earlier this &ear beca$se the D$#ta co$ld#Jt pa& !or it. Now' some Eester# a#d Asia# diplomats a#d re"io#al sec$rit& a#al&sts with li#ks to Thai militar& i#telli"e#ce s$""est .&o#"&a#" wa#ts to help the D$#ta restart co#str$ctio# o! the reactor. KEe are watchi#" the sit$atio# at Natma$k %er&' %er& closel&'K sa&s a 5a#"kokAbased Eester# diplomat who rece#tl& %isited 5$rma. -tJs #ot clear how po%ert&Astricke# Ra#"oo#' which lacks !orei"# c$rre#c&' is pa&i#" !or a#& militar& hardware or assista#ce itJs recei%i#" !rom North 6orea. 5$t some Eester# sec$rit& o!!icials s$spect Ra#"oo# is $si#" dr$"s to pa&. A se#ior 9.*. o!!icial' !or e ample' s$""ests .&o#"&a#" a#d Ra#"oo# ha%e rece#tl& e#tered i#to a# arra#"eme#t' whereb& 5$rma s$pplies hi"hA"rade heroi# to North 6orea i# e cha#"e !or missiles a#d possibl& #$clear k#owA how.

To back $p s$ch claims' o!!icials #ote that at least two North 6orea# ships ha%e bee# implicated i# sm$""li#" 5$rmese K/o$ble 9AO GlobeK bra#d heroi# i#to Taiwa# a#d A$stralia si#ce 2002. R$ssia# police ha%e rece#tl& sei;ed 5$rmese heroi# carried b& North 6orea# i#telli"e#ce a"e#ts o# their m$t$al border' accordi#" to #ews reports. KEeJre %er& s$spicio$s that the&Jre cooperati#" o# dr$"s'K sa&s a se#ior 9.*. o!!icial i# Eashi#"to#' citi#" i#telli"e#ce reports that .&o#"&a#" a"e#ts ha%e rece#tl& bee# spotted i# 5$rmaJs Golde# Tria#"le opi$mA prod$ci#" re"io#. 4$rra& Fiebert i# Eashi#"to# co#trib$ted to this article


.S =arns Myanmar 4n Nuclear 3eactor Aspirations

Ga#"o# <A0.= (a# 22' 2002 The 9#ited *tates war#ed 4&a#mar o# T$esda& that it m$st ho#or its obli"atio#s $#der the No#A.roli!eratio# Treat&' a!ter Ga#"o# si"#alled that it i#te#ded to b$ild a #$clear reactor with R$ssia# help. The militar&Ar$led state' o!te# a tar"et o! 9* ire !or s$ppressi#" a democrac& mo%eme#t a#d its m$chAcriticised h$ma# ri"hts record' said earlier 4o#da& that it wa#ted to erect a #$clear research reactor. KEe e pect the "o%er#me#t o! 5$rma to li%e $p to its obli"atio#s a#d to #ot p$rs$e prod$ctio# o! weapo#s "rade !issile material'K said a *tate /epartme#t o!!icial o# co#ditio# o! a#o#&mit& $si#" the co$#tr&Js !ormer #ame. The o!!icial decli#ed to sa& i! Eashi#"to# was co#cer#ed o%er 4&a#marJs capacit& to mai#tai# a sa!e' sec$re #$clear site' or whether 9* o!!icials wo$ld address the proDect i# disc$ssio#s with R$ssia. Eashi#"to#Js respo#se to the 4&a#mar #$clear pla# was a marked co#trast to its !reC$e#tl& $#!latteri#" appraisal o! the co$#tr&Js h$ma# ri"hts record a#d political sit$atio#. *ome obser%ers i# *o$theast Asia ha%e C$estio#ed whether the r$li#" D$#ta' which alread& has tro$ble mai#tai#i#" its creaki#" electricit& "rid has the e pertise a#d scie#ti!ic base #ecessar& to sa!e"$ardi#" #$clear materials. -# a stateme#t iss$ed late 4o#da&' 4&a#marJs /ep$t& 0orei"# 4i#ister 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# said the D$#ta had i#!ormed the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= o! its i#te#tio# to co#str$ct the reactor which wo$ld be $sed K!or peace!$l p$rposesK. R$ssia said last 0ebr$ar& that it pla##ed to e#ter talks with 4&a#mar o# b$ildi#" a #$clear reactor i# the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr&. 4edia reports ha%e said h$#dreds o! 4&a#mar scie#tists are #ow i# R$ssia recei%i#" trai#i#". 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# said that $#der the No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& which 4&a#mar si"#ed i# 1))2' it had the ri"ht to p$rs$e Kthe peace!$l $se a#d applicatio# o! #$clear tech#olo"&K. Fe de#ied reports that 4&a#mar has secretl& bro$"ht two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists i#to the co$#tr& to help it !$l!ill its #$clear ambitio#s. Thaila#dJs 5a#"kok .ost has reported that the 3ie##aAbased -A+A was co#cer#ed abo$t the pla#s to b$ild a reactor i# 4&a#mar a#d had asked 4oscow to pro%ide details o! the #e"otiatio#s. /$ri#" a# i#spectio# last &ear' a# -A+A missio# !o$#d that the co$#tr&Js sa!et& sta#dards were Kwell below the mi#im$m the bod& wo$ld re"ard as acceptable'K it C$oted a# $##amed o!!icial with the a"e#c& as sa&i#".

earlier report
4&a#mar ,o#!irms .la#s To 5$ild N$clear Research Reactor Eashi#"to# <A0.= (a# 22' 2002 The militar& re"ime i# 4&a#mar <5$rma= is pla##i#" to b$ild a #$clear research reactor a#d is i# #e"otiatio#s with R$ssia o%er the !acilit&' /ep$t& 0orei"# 4i#ister 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# has co#!irmed. -# a stateme#t iss$ed late 4o#da&' 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# said the D$#ta had i#!ormed the -#ter#atio#al Atomic +#er"& A"e#c& <-A+A= o! its i#te#tio# to co#str$ct the reactor which wo$ld be $sed K!or peace!$l p$rposesK.

KThe 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t is stri%i#" to acC$ire moder# tech#olo"& i# all !ields' i#cl$di#" maritime' aerospace' medical a#d #$clear'K he said i# the stateme#t. K-t is i# the li"ht o! these co#sideratio#s that 4&a#mar made e#C$iries !or the possibilit& o! setti#" $p a #$clear research reactor. A proposal has si#ce bee# recei%ed !rom the R$ssia# 0ederatio#.K R$ssia said last 0ebr$ar& that it pla##ed to e#ter talks with 4&a#mar o# b$ildi#" a #$clear reactor i# the *o$theast Asia# co$#tr& !or scie#ti!ic p$rposes. 4edia reports ha%e said that h$#dreds o! 4&a#mar scie#tists are prese#tl& i# R$ssia recei%i#" #$clear trai#i#". 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# said that $#der the No#A.roli!eratio# Treat& which 4&a#mar si"#ed i# 1))2' it had the ri"ht to p$rs$e Kthe peace!$l $se a#d applicatio# o! #$clear tech#olo"&K. KAll o$r #ei"hbo$ri#" co$#tries' with the e ceptio# o! 2aos' are alread& reapi#" the be#e!its !rom #$clear research reactors operati#" i# their co$#tries'K he said. K-# this a"e o! "lobali;atio# it is imperati%e that de%elopi#" co$#tries s$ch as 4&a#mar acti%el& seek to #arrow the de%elopme#t "ap so as #ot to be mar"i#ali;ed.K Fowe%er' the de%elopme#t is likel& to raise co#cer#s amo#" wester# "o%er#me#ts who %iew militar&Ar$# 4&a#mar as a pariah re"ime d$e to its poor h$ma# ri"hts record a#d re!$sal to make democratic re!orms. There will also be C$estio#s o%er whether 4&a#mar' whose eco#om& has bee# bro$"ht to its k#ees b& hea%& i#ter#atio#al sa#ctio#s' ca# a!!ord s$ch a !acilit&. 6hi# 4a$#" Ei# de#ied media reports that 4&a#mar has secretl& bro$"ht two .akista#i #$clear scie#tists i#to the co$#tr& to help it !$l!il its #$clear ambitio#s. KThe 4&a#mar "o%er#me#t cate"oricall& states o#ce a"ai# that #o #$clear scie#tists !rom .akista# ha%e bee# "i%e# sa#ct$ar& i# 4&a#mar'K he said. Fowe%er' he said 4&a#mar scie#tists had bee# trai#ed b& the -A+A Ki# the applicatio# o! #$clear tech#olo"& !or peace!$l p$rposesK. Thaila#dJs 5a#"kok .ost has reported that the 3ie##aAbased -A+A was co#cer#ed abo$t the pla#s to b$ild a reactor i# 4&a#mar a#d had asked 4oscow to pro%ide details o! the #e"otiatio#s. -t said 4&a#mar had approached the -A+A i# *eptember with its pla#s to acC$ire a reactor' a#d that two mo#ths later a team !rom the or"a#isatio# made a# i#spectio# %isit. The team co#cl$ded that the co$#tr&Js sa!et& sta#dards were Kwell below the mi#im$m the bod& wo$ld re"ard as acceptable'K it C$oted a# $##amed -A+A o!!icial as sa&i#".


Burma'North Korea 1ies 3esurface as ;ot -ssue

5& EA- 4O+ Eed#esda&' 4a& 12' 2010 4ilitar& ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea' a#d the related iss$e o! 5$rmaJs s$spected #$clear de%elopme#t pro"ram' ha%e come !ro#t a#d ce#ter o#ce a"ai# as a re"io#al topic o! debate !ollowi#" the %isit to 5$rma o# 4o#da& b& 9#ited *tates e#%o& 6$rt ,ampbell' the assista#t secretar& o! state !or +ast Asia# a#d .aci!ic a!!airs. ,ampbellJs %isit came o# the heels o! a report i# April that a %essel li#ked to North 6orea had arri%ed i# Thilawar .ort' #ear Ra#"oo#' a#d o#e o! ,ampbellJs ke& meeti#"s was with 5$rmese 4i#ister o! *cie#ce a#d Tech#olo"& 9 Tha$#"' a !ormer ambassador to the 9#ited *tates who is said to ma#a"e 5$rmaBs #$clear de%elopme#t pro"ram. Accordi#" to a report i# stateAco#trolled The New 2i"ht o! 4&a#mar o# Eed#esda&' 9 Tha$#"Js messa"e to the 9* e#%o& was ambi"$o$s. Ehile ack#owled"i#" that the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t had p$blicl& a##o$#ced its a"reeme#t to compl& with 9#ited Natio#s *ec$rit& ,o$#cil resol$tio#s 1718 a#d 1874' which ba# all North 6orea# arms e ports' 9 Tha$#" also said the 5$rmese "o%er#me#t has ?the d$t& to mai#tai# a#d protect #atio#al so%erei"#t&.@ 0ollowi#" the meeti#" with 9 Tha$#"' the 9* e#%o& iss$ed a stro#" war#i#" co#cer#i#" 5$rmaJs arms p$rchases !rom North 6orea' which some a#al&sts s$spect i#cl$de #$clear tech#olo"&. A#d a!ter lea%i#" 5$rma' ,ampbell !lew to 5eiDi#"' where his disc$ssio#s with ,hi#ese o!!icials re"ardi#" North 6orea are e pected to i#cl$de the relatio#ship betwee# .&o#"&a#" a#d Na&p&idaw. 9*Abased polic& ad%isers ha%e war#ed Eashi#"to# that ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea threate# re"io#al stabilit&. ?*e%eral !actors co$ld i#te#si!& the threat that 5$rma poses to re"io#al stabilit& a#d sec$rit&' i#cl$di#" its m$rk& relatio#ship with North 6orea'@ said Asia *ociet&' a# i#!l$e#tial New Gork thi#kAta#k' i# a report o# 5$rma p$blished i# 4arch. 0$rther talks re"ardi#" the ties betwee# 5$rma a#d North 6orea are likel& to be sched$led !or the $pcomi#" Associatio# o! *o$theast Asia# Natio#sB re"io#al !or$m' to be held i# Fa#oi i# ($l&. 9* *ecretar& o! *tate Fillar& ,li#to# a#d (im Eebb' the chairma# o! the 9* *e#ateBs committee !or +ast Asia a#d .aci!ic A!!airs' are e pected to atte#d the !or$m. *ec$rit& e perts a"ree that North 6orea has pro%ided 5$rma with *c$dAt&pe missiles' missile parts' rocket la$#chers' other co#%e#tio#al weapo#s a#d $#der"ro$#d war!are tech#olo"&. The debate #ow ce#ters o# 5$rmaJs #$clear de%elopme#t capabilities a#d the e te#t to which North 6orea is s$pporti#" s$ch capabilities. A# i#telli"e#ce report s$""ested that at least 1'000 5$rmese militar& perso##el ha%e "rad$ated !rom #$clear tech#olo"& pro"rams i# R$ssia a#d North 6orea i# the past &ear. Accordi#" to obser%ers' a#d data !rom 5$rmaBs 4i#istr& o! +#er"&' there are #i#e $ra#i$m mi#es i# 5$rma' a#d some sec$rit& a#al&sts belie%e that i# e cha#"e !or North 6orea# #$clear tech#olo"& a#d e pertise' the 5$rmese re"ime has e ported e#riched $ra#i$m a#d primar& prod$cts to North 6orea. /esmo#d 5all' a# A$stralia# e pert o# 5$rma' wrote a 200) report that' C$oti#" 5$rmese de!ectors' said the 5$rmese armed !orces established a Q#$clear battalio#B i# 2000 whose operatio#al base i#cl$des a# $#der"ro$#d comple i# the mo$#tai#s so$thwest o! Na$#" 2ai#"' #ear .&i# Oo 2wi#' where the re"ime is reportedl& co#str$cti#" a #$clear reactor.

5allJs report said that with North 6oreaJs aide the reactor i# Na$#" 2ai#" co$ld be completed aro$#d 2012 a#d 5$rma co$ld de%elop its !irst deli%erable #$clear weapo#s b& 2020. Altho$"h it is prese#tl& $#clear how North 6orea ma#a"es to sm$""le arms a#d tech#olo"& i#to 5$rma' spec$latio# o%er the North 6orea# %essel that arri%ed i# Ra#"oo# i# April !ollowed the co#tro%ers& last ($#e whe# the 6a#" Nam 1' a North 6orea# %essel belie%ed to be headi#" to 5$rma' made a $At$r# i# the *o$th ,hi#a *ea a!ter bei#" tailed b& a 9* /estro&er. *ome obser%ers belie%e that North 6orea ma& also ship arms to 5$rma b& air thro$"h ,hi#a. *o$rces i# 4eiktila' i# ce#tral 5$rma' ha%e reported seei#" militar& car"oes' belie%ed to be !rom ,hi#a a#d North 6orea' arri%i#" at 4eiktila Airport' which ser%es as a 5$rmese Air 0orce base.

AppendiC B -magery

O%er%iew o! area show#i#" locatio#s me#tio#ed i# %ario$s reports. ?5O5@ is the lar"e b$ildi#" #ear Na$#" 2ai#".

@etail of yin 4o 6winQMaymyo area

@igital Alobe imagery of #$$,'%$'## Apparently the site had been noticed and targeted for unclassified imaging by late #$$)8

Browse image corresponding to Aoogle 0arth image of #$$,'%$'##8 1he building is clearly 7isible8

-konos %browse image of #$$+'$+'%& 1he image appears to be centered on the site* suggesting it was specifically targeted

-konos image of #$$+'$+'%& 1he site has been cleared and eCca7ated but no foundation or building is present8

-konos 7iew of general area #$$+'$+'%&8

-mage of #$$,'%$'##

-konos image of #$$('$#'#%8

=orld"iew % browse image of #$$('$H'%H8 1he building is clearly 7isible8 A new road running from a cleared area on the ri7er east to a hilltop has been constructed8

Aoogle 0arth -mage image of #$$('%#'&% 1he hilltop at the eastern end of the new road has been cleared8

Northern part of western clearing

Southern part of western clearing

0astern clearing

1opographic setting of the building

0le7ations of the terrain around the building8 1he ele7ations near the building presumably represent pre7iously eCisting terrain8 1he building site is cut into the south end of a +$'meter high ridge that eCtends most of a kilometer to the north east and has an eCtension to the southeast and south that reaches ?$ meters in height abo7e the site8

http2QQwww8armscontrolwonk8comQ#+%#Qoconnor'on'the'bobRcomment R (( abo%e !ell !or the same optical ill$sio# - did' sort o! a# earthe# stepAp&ramid $p abo%e a mostl& !lat s$rro$#di#" terrai#. This is a "oo!' as topolo"& a#d other so$rces a%ailable #ow i#dicate. To ill$strate what - mistake#l& saw at !irst close look' a#d the real topolo"&' - created this "raphic:"herbert/4&a#mar/TopoAGoo!.p#" - ha%e cross sectio#s ro$"hl& EA+ a#d NA* !or the mistake# ?p&ramid@ topolo"&' a#d the act$al ?c$t i#to hillside@ topolo"& which the other so$rces i#cl$di#" better read o# the slope a#d hill hei"hts s$pport. V Geor"e Eilliam Ferbert W A$" 11' 02:08 A4 W

AppendiC C

ossible Correlations between Aoogle 0arth -mages and an 0mbassy and @issident 3eport
This record is a partial e tract o! the ori"i#al cable. The !$ll te t o! the ori"i#al cable is #ot a%ailable.

0rida&' 27 A$"$st 2004' 08:08 *+,R+T *+,T-ON 01 O0 02 RANGOON 001100 *-./-* +O 12)18 /+,2: 08/28/2014 TAG* .AR4' .-NR' .R+2' 6NN.' 54' 6N *95(+,T: A22+G+/ NORTF 6OR+AN -N3O23+4+NT -N 4-**-2+ A**+452G AN/ 9N/+RGRO9N/ 0A,-2-TG ,ON*TR9,T-ON -N 59R4A ,lassi!ied 5&: ,/A' A.-. RON 4,4922+N 0OR R+A*ON 1.1 <A/,=. 1. <*= *944ARG: North 6orea# workers are reportedl& assembli#" ?*A4 missiles@ a#d co#str$cti#" a# $#der"ro$#d !acilit& at a 5$rmese militar& site i# 4a"wa& /i%isio#' abo$t :11 miles NNE o! Ra#"oo#' accordi#" to >>>>>>>>>>>> . This $#solicited acco$#t sho$ld #ot be take# as a$thoritati%e' b$t it tracks with other i#!ormatio# "ar#ered a#d reported %ia >>>>>>>>>>>>. +#d *$mmar&. 2. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>> :. <*= >>>>>>>>>>>> some :00 North 6orea#s are worki#" at a secret co#str$ctio# site west o! 4imb$' 4a"wa& /i%isio#' i# the !oothills o! the Araka# Goma mo$#tai#s. <,omme#t: the #$mber o! North 6orea#s s$pposedl& worki#" at this site strikes $s as improbabl& hi"h. +#d comme#t.= The >>>>>>>>>>>> claims he has perso#all& see# some o! them' altho$"h he also reported the& are !orbidde# !rom lea%i#" the co#str$ctio# site a#d that he a#d other ?o$tsiders@ are prohibited !rom e#teri#". The >>>>>>>>>>>> was co#!ide#t that >>>>>>>>>>>> had the abilit& to disti#"$ish North 6orea#s !rom others' s$ch as ,hi#ese' who mi"ht be worki#" i# the area. The e act coordi#ates o! the camo$!la"ed site are #ot k#ow#' but it is reportedly in the 7icinity of #$*$$ N* (+*#, 08 4. <*= The North 6orea#s are said to be assembli#" ?*A4 missiles@ o! $#k#ow# ori"i#. >>>>>>>>>>>> the North 6orea#s' aided b& 5$rmese workers' are co#str$cti#" a co#creteArei#!orced $#der"ro$#d !acilit& that is ?100 !eet !rom the top o! the ca%e to the top o! the hill abo%e.@ Fe added that the North 6orea#s are ?blowi#" co#crete@ i#to the e ca%ated $#der"ro$#d !acilit&. 1. <*= The >>>>>>>>>>>> is s$pposedl& e#"a"ed i# co#str$cti#" b$ildi#"s !or 20 5$rmese arm& battalio#s that will be posted #ear the site. O! these' two battalio#s are to be i#!a#tr&H the other 18 will be ?artiller&'@ accordi#" to this acco$#t. 8. <*= I>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. <*= ,O44+NT: The I>>>>>>>>>>>> seco#dAha#d acco$#t o! North 6orea# i#%ol%eme#t with missile assembl& a#d militar& co#str$ctio# i# 4a"wa& /i%isio# "e#erall& tracks with other i#!ormatio# +mbass& Ra#"oo# a#d others ha%e reported i# %ario$s cha##els. A"ai#' the #$mber :00 is m$ch hi"her tha# o$r best estimates o! North 6orea#s i# 5$rma' a#d e actl& how the >>>>>>>>>>>> alle"edl& came to see some o! them perso#all& remai#s $#clear. 4a#& details pro%ided >>>>>>>>>>>> match those pro%ided b& other' seemi#"l& $#related' so$rces. 8. <*= ,O44+NT ,ONT-N9+/: Ee ca##ot' a#d readers sho$ld #ot' co#sider this report alo#e to be de!i#iti%e proo! or e%ide#ce o! si;able North 6orea# militar& i#%ol%eme#t with the 5$rmese re"ime. The >>>>>>>>>>>> descriptio# made #o re!ere#ce at all to #$clear weapo#s or tech#olo"&' or to s$r!aceAtoAs$r!ace missiles' ballistic or otherwise. >>>>>>>>>>>> This acco$#t is perhaps best co#sidered alo#"side other i#!ormatio# o! %ario$s ori"i#s i#dicati#" the 5$rmese a#d North 6orea#s are $p to somethi#" = somethi#" o! a co%ert militar& or militar&A i#d$strial #at$re. + actl& what' a#d o# what scale' remai#s to be determi#ed. .ost will co#ti#$e to mo#itor these de%elopme#ts a#d report as warra#ted. 4c4$lle#


C6AN@0S1-N0 N.C60A3 34/0C1S 45 B.3M0S0 /.N1A A6M4S1 C4M 6010@8

200) April 11 b& peacer$##i#" [EXCERPT ] 5irst pro!ect amo#" other is located i# the area o! Maymyo ( yinoolwin) a#d "ro$ps o! %illa"es were remo%ed b& !orce si#ce &ear 2001. ,o#str$ctio# o! N$clear Reactor i# that area locall& k#ow# as Kone'Baw '!onbaw) %illa"e is almost completed. The most importa#t raw material 9ra#i$m' reC$ire !or N$clear .roDect was !o$#ded i# 2ashio area o! NorthA+aster# *ha# *tate th$s tra#sportatio# is %er& co#%e#ie#ce beca$se the proDect site a#d 2ashio are o# the same road !amo$sl& k#ow# i# the old da& called 5$rmaA,hi#a road. -t is also has eas& access !rom port ,it& o! Ra#"oo# to carr& the old seco#dAha#d machi#er& a#d parts !rom North 6orea. Trai#i#" o! tech#icia#s to r$# that reactor was comme#ced si#ce &ear 2001. Gro$ps o! Arm& +#"i#eeri#" "rad$ates were se#t to R$ssia !or !$rther st$d&. *ad #ews !or 5$rmese people are that the we'Kauk 'Pwekawk) waterA!all ori"i#all& k#ow# as 5+ !all i# 4a&m&o' which remai#ed as recreatio# ce#tre !or people almost a ce#t$r& lo#" was #ow blocked to b$ild /am to pro%ide reC$ire irri"atio# s&stem !or N$clear .roDect. [deletia] Second pro!ect was started i# Magwe @i7ision* Min'Bu district* near Nga hae 'probably gape) %illa"e adDace#t to the !amo$s *cared 0oot .ri#t o! 2ord 5$ddha Ehich is call i# 5$rmese ? Mann'Shwe'Set'1aw agoda@. That proDect was b$ilt a#d s$pported b& R$ssia# Go%er#me#t with a"reeme#t o! completio# i# 1 &ears term. .roDect i#cl$ded the b$ildi#" o! /am o# the scared a#d !amo$s 4a## creek. [deletia] 1hird pro!ect will be b$ildi#" i# east of <a'Mae'1hinn 'perhaps 4amethin) 1ownship. 4ilitar& a$thorit& starts "i%i#" the marchi#" order to local i#habita#ts that those re!$se to mo%e or tr& to dela& were e#co$#tered with shooti#" i#cide#t b& soldiers. 4ilitar& a$thorit& iss$i#" the ,i%il Act *ectio# <144= i# that area mea#s a$thori;i#" the soldiers with lice#se to kill. [deletia] Reported b& Th$ Ge 6a$#".

Aoogle 0arth image showing locations of the sites identified in the abo7e report and cable

Aoogle 0arth image showing locations of Kone Baw and we Kauk relati7e to MaymyoQ yin 4o 6win and the new large building (B4B)

-mage of &% @ecember #$$( showing new construction underway on ri7er* a candidate for the first pro!ect site

-mage of ## 4ctober #$$, before the beginning of construction

Shwe Set 1aw and NgapeQNga hae

Minbu* Ngape* Shwe Set 1aw* and the #$ $$ N* (+ #, 0 coordinates

-magery of #$$+ showing an area southwest of Ngape with numerous buildings along a system of roads8 Se7eral buildings are in eCca7ations in hillsides* and one site may be the location of the second pro!ect8 1he coordinates gi7en in the 3angoon 0mbassy cable (#$ $$* (+ #,) are shown !ust to the west of the candidate second pro!ect facility

-mage of No7ember* #$$+ showing candidate second pro!ect site

1opography of candidate second pro!ect site8 Map tack A marks embassy cable coordinates8

@igitalAlobe images in area of candidate second pro!ect site8 1wo images taken in @ecember #$$) are centered precisely on the site8

Candidate location of third pro!ect in east <a'Mae'1hinn 1ownship

"iew of candidate third pro!ect site showing northern and southern parts

Northern part of candidate third pro!ect site

1opography of northern part of candidate third pro!ect site registered with and to the same scale as the pre7ious satellite image

Southern part of candidate third pro!ect site

1opography of southern part of candidate third pro!ect site registered with and to the same scale as the pre7ious satellite image

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