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The Mystery ! "eath The Nature an# S$%n$!$cance !

Centra& Eur 'e an# the Eur 'ean F &()S u&s

*y +u# &! Ste$ner Trans&at r $s ,n(n -n ./ 159 On)&$ne s$nce0 15th N 1e2ber, 2013 Here are fifteen lectures) fi'e of them untranslated as of this #ublication date) gi'en b$ Rudolf "teiner at 'arious cities in the first half of the $ear) 23245 The$ are from the lecture series entitled) The Mystery of Death 6also 7nown as The Secret of Death) #ublished in German as) Das Geheimnis des Todes. Wesen und Bedeutung Mitteleuropas und die europaeischen Volksgeister5 The translation is based on Das Geheimnis des Todes) 'olume 243829: of Rudolf "teiner,s &om#lete (or7s 6Gesamtausgabe;) #ublished in German b$ Rudolf "teiner Verlag) Dornach 6"wit<erland;) second edition in 23=:5 &o#$right > 239?@ Rudolf "teiner +achlass'erwaltung Dornach5 %/ce#t for the #oem at the end of the tal7s) the translations of the 'erses were ta7en from Our Dead) 'olume A92 of Rudolf "teiner,s &ollected (or7s) edited b$ "teinerBoo7s) &o#$right > A:225 The translations of Goethe,s Faust were ta7en from@ Faust and ) edited and translated b$ "tuart !t7ins) Princeton -ni'ersit$ Press) #a#erbac7 #rinting 233B5 &o#$right > 23=B "uhr7am#8Insel Publishers) Boston5 Inc5 (e #resent them here with the 7ind #ermission of the Rudolf "teiner +achlass'erwaltung) Dornach) "wit<erland5 From G! 2435 This e5Te/t edition is #ro'ided through the wonderful wor7 of@ 3ar$ us e4Te5t Transcr$bers

Lecture I The Four Platonic Virtues and Their Relation with the Human Members Lecture II The Path of the Human Being through the Gate of Death ! Transformation of Life Lecture III "#iritual "cience and the M$ster$ of Death Lecture IV The Intimate %lement of the &entral %uro#ean &ulture and the &entral %uro#ean "tri'ing Lecture V The Inter'ention of the &hrist Im#ulse in the Historical %'ents Lecture VI Moral Im#ulses and Their Results Lecture VII &osmic %ffects on the Human Members During "lee# Lecture VIII The (ar) an Illness Process Lecture I* The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of +ature and the Hierarchies Lecture * &entral %uro#e between %ast and (est Lecture *I &hrist,s Relationshi# to Lucifer and !hriman Lecture *II "#iritual "cience as an !ttitude Lecture *III &ommon Ground abo'e -s. &hrist in -s Lecture I Post mortal %/#eriences of the Human Being Lecture *V 0'ercoming Death through 1nowledge January 31, 1915 February 19, 1915 February 21, 1915 March 07, 1915 March 13, 1915 March 14, 1915 May 07, 1915 May 09, 1915 May 13, 1915 May 15, 1915 May 18, 1915 June 13, 1915 June 15, 1915 June 17, 1915 June 19, 1915

The (or7ing of "#iritual Forces in the Ph$sical (orld

!urich" #$st %anuary $&$'

0ur s#iritual science has the tas7 to remo'e for our consciousness) for our whole soul life) that ab$ss which arises for the e/ternal human consciousness between the #h$sical world in which the human being s#ends the inter'al between birth and death) and the s#iritual world in which the human being s#ends the other time of his whole life) the time between death and a new birth5 "uch a sentence is for somebod$ li'ing in s#iritual science with all the fibres of his soul so familiar) so natural5 It is onl$ at a moment when I s#ea7 Cust toda$ to $ou) a moment that is) $ou ma$ #robabl$ sa$) es#eciall$ sanctified5 (e ha'e lost se'eral of our dear friends and members b$ the grie'ous war e'ents from the #h$sical #lane within a 'er$ short time and now we are about as it were to accom#an$ two friends on their last wa$ on earth5 Here in Durich) the cremation of the dear member Mrs5 &ola<<a will ta7e #lace at ele'en o,cloc7 who has left the #h$sical #lane this wee7) and we Cust ha'e got the message that our dear friend Frit< Mitscher has left the #h$sical #lane close to Da'os at fi'e o,cloc7 in the afternoon5 In both members) dear souls go awa$ from the #h$sical #lane5 Howe'er) s#iritual science shows us the wa$ to understand that we do not lose such souls in a much higher sense than we could otherwise understand this but how we remain lin7ed with them5 "ince we are wor7ing in our mo'ement) a bigger number of souls who belong to us ha'e gone through the gate of death5 !bo'e all) I ma$ sa$ based on those sources from which s#iritual scientific cognition generall$ flows to us that these souls E according to their #ossibilities E ha'e become lo$al co wor7ers for us in the s#iritual world5 -nder the full res#onsibilit$ with which one sa$s something that should be firml$ bac7ed u# on the ground of s#iritual science I am allowed to sa$) we ha'e won su##orters for our s#iritual mo'ement in them5 Man$ ha'e #assed the gate of death) wor7ing within our s#iritual mo'ement) loo7ing down on that which the$ are fond of in their lo'e5 In the time between birth and death) the$ ha'e grown fond of the wa$ of stri'ing that we culti'ate in our circle5 Here in our societ$ the$ themsel'es ha'e left something that is on the wa$ between death and a new birth5 Li7e nature is a world around us at which we loo7 bac7) in the same wa$) we can loo7 bac7 at our #h$sical life from that moment on which $ou can com#are to the birth of the human being5 Immediatel$ after death) the human being goes through a state of sorts that $ou can com#are with the embr$onic life) with the life in the bod$ of the mother) onl$ that this life lasts onl$ da$s after death5 It is much shorter than the embr$onic life in #ro#ortion to the #h$sical life5 Then that follows which $ou can com#are with the entrance of the #h$sical world) with the first gas#) what one ma$ call wa7ing u# in the s#iritual world5 The soul #ercei'es as it were that the will of the soul that has #assed the gate of death is ta7en u# b$ the beings of the higher hierarchies5 Here on earth) the human being) when he enters the #h$sical world out of the bod$ of the mother #h$sicall$) is #re#ared first to ta7e u# the e/ternal air and then his senses awa7e bit b$ bit5 !fter death) a moment comes when the soul feels@ now m$ will) which was harnessed during the #h$sical life b$ the borders of the #h$sical bod$ flows from me out into the uni'erse5 Moreo'er) this soul feels how this will is reall$ ta7en u# b$ the acti'it$ of the beings of the ne/t higher hierarch$) the beings of the hierarch$ of the angeloi5 This is li7e doing the first gas# in the s#iritual world and graduall$ growing into the s#iritual surroundings) for this shows us s#iritual e/#erience5 I would li7e to s#ea7 about the destin$ of those who ha'e left the #h$sical #lane and gone from us in the course of the $ears5 I would want to loo7 at those who esteemed our s#iritual mo'ement and glance down on it as something about which the$ 7now that that in which the$ li'e is #assed on the human souls also within the #h$sical bodies5 To be able to go bac7 to the earthl$ in memor$ that is something that alread$ belongs here in the #h$sical world to the s#iritual world5 This #ur#orts for the human beings concerned who ha'e gone through the gate of death an infinitel$ 'aluable) an infinitel$ im#ortant thing5 (hen the$ flow com#letel$ into the current E which streams to them from the #h$sical world which ta7es its s#ring from that which the$ ha'e witnessed in our mo'ement E li7e a tributar$ into a ri'er) when the thoughts of those who lo'ed them or were connected with them b$ natural bonds) then the communit$ is much more intimate than it could otherwise be in our materialistic time5 For it is founded on the s#iritual connections5 !gain) we ma$ sa$) somebod$ who has gone earl$ through the gate of death into the s#iritual world a##ears to us) as if he had done this because of intimate lo'e to our s#iritual mo'ement to be able to hel# with stronger forces from the 2

s#iritual world5 (ith a great number of those who ha'e gone from us) wonderfull$ clearest feelings li'e in their souls of the necessit$ of our s#iritual mo'ement5 !nd for somebod$ who is ca#able to loo7 into the s#iritual world all dead souls are the s#iritual heralds of our mo'ement who now loo7 down on the mo'ement with which the$ were interlin7ed5 The$ carr$ the s#iritual slogans before us) while the$ are calling to us continuall$@ we were con'inced of the necessit$ of this mo'ement) while we were combined with $ou5 +ow howe'er) after we ha'e entered the s#iritual world) we 7now that we can and must assist in the time in which this mo'ement is necessar$5 This is something that those human beings will sense more and more who remain behind here on the #h$sical #lane5 The$ ha'e lost dear relati'es and friends on the #h$sical #lane and Cust these words ma$ be the dee#est consolation to them to ha'e here e'er$thing that attaches still a dee#er connection between the souls) e'en if we are no longer able to interlin7 with those souls with #h$sical e$es and #h$sical words5 The s#iritual mo'ement in which we shall #artici#ate has to bring a lot5 Toda$ I would li7e to select a #articular cha#ter from the 'arious ones) which it should bring us5 ! time li7e ours when the e/ternal ci'ilisation is com#letel$ based E in s#ite of the last echoes of the old religions E on the materialistic consciousness) such a time can also build u# the im#ulses of moral life onl$ ) so that one ta7es the life between birth and death into consideration5 !mong the 'arious matters) which will come b$ our s#iritual mo'ement) will be a new construction of the com#lete moral life) the com#lete 'irtue life of humanit$5 For #eo#le will learn to loo7 at the moral life) at the life of 'irtue from a 7en that goes be$ond birth and death5 It counts on the fact that the human soul goes through re#eated earth li'es) and that the human soul) as well as one bears it in the life between #h$sical birth and death) has gone through man$ li'es and has to ho#e for future li'es) which he has to e/#erience5 If we ha'e e/tended our 7en of one life to the successi'e earth li'es) a more com#rehensi'e) more correct 'iew of life will result) also a more correct and more com#rehensi'e 'iew of 'irtue and moral life5 If we s#ea7 of the human 'irtues) we can distinguish four such 'irtues first of which one can s#ea7 as it were in the usual st$le of s#eech among #eo#le5 0ne 'irtue) as we will indicate later) is such a one which li'es in the de#ths of the human soul of which one has to s#ea7) howe'er) as we will see) as little as #ossible for hol$ reasons5 !ll other 'irtues) which e/ist in life and constitute the moral life) $ou can understand as s#ecial cases of the four 'irtues at which we want to loo7) those four 'irtues of which in #articular antiFuit$ has s#o7en a lot5 Plato) the great #hiloso#her of ancient Greece) distinguished these four 'irtues because he could scoo# his wisdom still from the echoes of the ancient m$steries5 !mong the echoes of the ancient m$steries) Plato could carr$ out the classification of the 'irtue better than the later #hiloso#hers or e'en those of our times where the 7nowledge of Gm$sterioso#h$H stands so far a#art and has become something chaotic5 The first 'irtue) which we ha'e to consider when we are s#ea7ing of a moral life in this sense as it arises from a com#rehensi'e cognition of the human nature) this is the 'irtue of wisdom 6#rudence;5 Howe'er) one has to understand this wisdom in a little dee#er sense and concerning more to the ethical) to the moral #hiloso#h$ than one normall$ does5 (e cannot sa$ that wisdom is something that can sim#l$ a##roach as it were the human being5 %'en less is wisdom something that the human being can learn in the usual sense5 It is e'en not eas$ to characterise what wisdom should mean to us with some words@

If we li'e through our life so that we allow that to ha'e an effect on us which mo'es u# in this life to us) If we learn E induced b$ the different #rocesses of life E from a #rocess how we could ha'e dealt with this or that more correctl$) how we should ha'e made the one or the other of our forces more s7ilful or stronger)

If we #a$ attention to e'er$thing that meets us in life and #a$ attention to the fact that if an$thing similar meets us a second time) we do not let touch us the second time as the first time) but feel taught5

!nd if we #reser'e the mood through life to be able to learn from life) and to consider e'er$thing that nature and life bring to us) so that we learn something) howe'er) not onl$ learn that we 7now something) but so that we become more and more better) more 'aluable internall$) Then we increase in wisdom) then our soul life will become such that our e/#erience has not #assed us worthless5 In worthlessness life #asses us if we ha'e s#ent decades and Cudge an$thing that we ha'e e/#erienced later also as we ha'e Cudged it in a $ounger age5 If we s#end our life that wa$) we are a#art from wisdom the most5 1arma ma$ ha'e 3

caused it that we ha'e become angr$ as $oung #eo#le) that we ha'e badl$ Cudged this or that with the human beings5 If we maintain this attitude) we ha'e a##lied our life badl$5 +e'ertheless) if we ha'e Cudged in our $outh dis#aragingl$) we ha'e it a##lied well if we Cudge at an older age not dis#aragingl$) but in an understanding) forgi'ing wa$) if we tr$ to understand5 If we are so born that certain things ha'e brought us in abru#t rage and we as old #ersons not alwa$s come to abru#t rage as $oung #eo#le) if our abru#t rage has left us b$ that which life has taught us and we ha'e become milder) then we ha'e a##lied life for the #ur#oses of wisdom5 If we were materialists in our $outh) howe'er) let ha'e an effect of that which time wanted to sa$ to us as re'elations from the s#iritual world) then we ha'e a##lied our life for the #ur#oses of wisdom5 If we close our mind to the re'elations of the s#iritual world) we ha'e not a##lied our life for the #ur#oses of wisdom5 (e can call that the a##lication of life for the #ur#oses of wisdom becoming enriched that wa$) getting a larger 7en5 Moreo'er) what s#iritual science wants to gi'e us is suitable to o#en us towards life becoming wiser in life5 (isdom is something that o##oses human egoism most remar7abl$5 (isdom is something that alwa$s counts on the course of the world e'ents5 That is wh$ we can be taught b$ the course of the e'ents of worldwide im#ortance because we thereb$ lea'e the narrow Cudgment) which our ego is able to ma7e5 ! wise human being cannot Cudge egoisticall$) because if one learns of the world) one learns to understand the world) one learns to let the world correct the own Cudgment) so that wisdom tears us out as it were from the narrow) limited 7en and harmonises it5 I could state man$ things that could deli'er a descri#tion of wisdom to us bit b$ bit5 (e should not stri'e for a definition of such conce#ts) but we ha'e to o#en our mind) so that we E also about wisdom E can become wiser and wiser5 +ow here in the #h$sical world e'er$thing that the human being has to li'e through in his conscious life has to use the tools of the e/ternal #h$sical and etheric nature5 (e are as human beings between birth and death onl$ when we are slee#ing with our mental being E as far as it is ego and astral bod$ E be$ond our #h$sical and etheric bodies5 If we are in the conscious state) we use the tools of our #h$sical and etheric bodies5 !s far as wisdom fills us) as we stri'e to li'e in our acting and thin7ing) in our feeling for the #ur#oses of wisdom) we use those organs of our #h$sical and etheric bodies) which are the most com#lete ones within our life on earth5 (e li'e in those organs) which ha'e ta7en to their finishing the longest) which were alread$ #re#ared during the "aturn) "un) and Moon e'olutions and ha'e come as an inheritance in our life and to a certain conclusion5 I would li7e to gi'e $ou from another side another conce#t from that which one can understand as almost #erfect organs5 Ta7e our brain on one side5 The brain is not $et the #erfect organ) but we can call it) at least) #erfect com#ared to other organs) because it has ta7en for its de'elo#ment longer than these other organs5 Let us com#are the brain with our middle bod$ in which we ha'e the hands5 If we decide to do something with the hands) we ha'e the thought@ I stretch the hand) I ta7e the 'ase) and I #ull bac7 the hand5 (hat ha'e I done thereI I stretched not onl$ the #h$sical hand) but also the etheric one and the astral hand and a limb of m$ ego) but the #h$sical hand has gone along with them5 (hen I am onl$ thin7ing) onl$ loo7ing for thoughts) then the clair'o$ant consciousness can see) as if some s#iritual arms stic7 out of the head) but the #h$sical brain remains in the hus75 %/actl$ the same wa$ as m$ etheric and astral hands belong to m$ #h$sical ones) something etheric and astral also belongs to the brain5 The brain cannot follow. howe'er) the hands can follow5 In times to come) the hands are also fi/ed) and we will onl$ be able to mo'e their astral #arts5 The hands are on the wa$ to become what the brain is alread$ toda$5 In former times) during the old "un and Moon e'olutions) that which stretches itself out toda$ from the brain and is onl$ s#iritual was still accom#anied b$ the #h$sical organ5 The cranial co'er onl$ co'ers it) so that the #h$sical brain in it is fi/ed during the earth de'elo#ment5 The brain is an organ that has gone through more stadia of de'elo#ment5 The hands are on the wa$ to become similar to the brain) because the whole human being is on the wa$ to become a brain5 There are organs) which are more com#lete) which ha'e shut themsel'es off more from the de'elo#ment) and those which are less #erfect5 The #erfect organs are used b$ that which we accom#lish in wisdom5 0ur usual brain is) actuall$) onl$ a tool for the lowest form of wisdom) for the earthl$ cle'erness5 Howe'er) the more we acFuire wisdom) the less we are de#ended on our great brain) the more E the outer anatom$ does not 7now that E the acti'ities withdraw to our cerebellum) on that which our s7ull encloses as a little brain loo7ing li7e a tree5 (e human beings) when we ha'e become wise) when we are wisdom) are then reall$ sitting under a GtreeH that is our cerebellum and that in #articular starts then unfolding its acti'it$5 Imagine an es#eciall$ wise human being stretching the organs of his wisdom li7e the branches of a tree in a #owerful wa$5 The$ ha'e their origin in the cerebellum) this is sitting in the cranial co'er) but the s#iritual organs e/tend) and the human being is under the tree) the buddhi tree) in realit$) in s#iritual realit$5 4

Howe'er) there we also see that what we do in wisdom is the most s#iritual of us) or belongs at least to the most s#iritual) because the organs alread$ rest5 If we do an$thing with the hand) we still must use a #art of the forces for the mo'ement of the hand5 If we Cudge an$thing in wisdom) decide an$thing in wisdom) the organs remain Fuiet5 There no force is used to the #h$sical organ) there we are more s#iritual) and those organs which we a##l$ to the #h$sical #lane to li'e in wisdom are those to which we need to a##l$ the least strength which are as it were alread$ the #erfect ones5 Hence) wisdom is something in the moral human life that lets the human being e/#erience himself in a s#iritual wa$5 (hat the human being achie'es in wisdom ma7es him able to rea# the #ossibl$ biggest fruits from his former incarnations5 Because we li'e in the s#iritual realm in wisdom without straining the #h$sical organs) we are most ca#able b$ the life of wisdom to ma7e the acFuisitions of former incarnations fruitful for this life) to get this wisdom from former incarnations5 For a #erson who does not want to become wise we ha'e a good German term5 (e call him a Philistine5 ! Philistine is such a #erson who struggles against becoming wise) who wants to remain his whole life long as he is) who does not want to come to another Cudgment5 ! human being) howe'er) who wants to become wise) is eager to get from the former incarnations what he has #erformed as wor7 and stored in former incarnations5 The wiser we become) the more we bring from former incarnations into the #resent one) and if we do not want to become wise) so that we allow lea'ing the wisdom of former incarnations une/#loited) then there comes somebod$ who saws it off@ !hriman5 +obod$ other than !hriman li7es it more that we do not become wiser5 (e ha'e the strength5 (e ha'e attained a lot in the former incarnations) e'en more than we belie'e) e'en more in the times in which we ha'e gone through the ancient clair'o$ant states5 %'er$bod$ could become much wiser than he becomes5 +obod$ is allowed to use as an e/cuse that he could not bring a lot with him5 Becoming wise means that we bring the acFuisitions of former incarnations to the fore) so that the$ com#letel$ fill us in this incarnation5 !nother 'irtue is that which we can call with a word that is hard to form) actuall$) the courage li7e 'irtue 6 fortitude;5 It is of such a dis#osition that it remains not #assi'e towards life) but is inclined to a##l$ the forces5 The courage li7e 'irtue comes) as $ou ma$ sa$) from the heart5 Jou can sa$ of somebod$ who has this 'irtue in e'er$da$ life@ he has the heart in the right #lace5 E !nd this is a good e/#ression for that if we are able to withdraw not cowardl$ from the matters that life reFuires from us) but if we are able to ta7e in hand oursel'es) 7nowing to inter'ene where it is necessar$5 If we are inclined to #ut our acti'it$ in mo'ement in such wa$) briefl$ if we are bra'e E the term Gbra'eH is also good for this 'irtue) E then we ha'e this 'irtue of the bra'e life5 Jou could also sa$) this 'irtue) which is connected with a sound mind life) which generates fortitude at the right moment) whose absence causes the cowardice in life5 0f course) one can #ractice this 'irtue in the course of #h$sical life onl$ b$ certain organs5 The organs to which the #h$sical and the etheric hearts belong are not as #erfect as those are) which ser'e wisdom5 These organs are still on the wa$ to change) and change in future5 There is a great difference between the brain and the heart concerning their cosmic de'elo#ment5 !ssuming that a human being goes through the gate of death and #asses the life between death and a new birth5 His brain is generall$ a #roduct of the gods5 Forces that com#letel$ disa##ear when he goes through the gate of death #enetrate the brain5 In the ne/t life then the brain is anew built u# com#letel$) also its internal forces) not onl$ the material5 "o also) the forces are anew built u#5 This is not the case with the heart5 (ith the heart the matter so far is that the #h$sical heart does not continue) howe'er) the forces last that are acti'e in the #h$sical heart5 These forces go bac7 to the astral and ego and remain between death and a new birth5 The same forces 7noc7ing in our heart are also 7noc7ing ne/t time in our new incarnation5 (hat wor7s in the brain has disa##eared. it does not come out in the ne/t incarnation5 Howe'er) the forces that flash across the heart are there also in the ne/t incarnation again5 If we loo7 into a head) we can sa$) in it) there wor7 the in'isible forces that construct the brain5 Howe'er) when the human being has gone through the gate of death) these forces are handed o'er to the uni'erse5 If we hear) howe'er) the heartbeat of a human being) we hear s#iritual forces) which e/ist not onl$ in this incarnation) but will also li'e in the ne/t incarnation) #assing death and new birth5 The fol7 soul had a wonderful #remonition of such things5 Hence) it #uts so much 'alue on the feeling of the heartbeat) not because one a##reciates the #h$sical heartbeat so much) but because we loo7 at something that last much longer when we consider the heartbeat of a human being5 If we ha'e the 'irtue of courage) we can onl$ use one #art of certain forces for this courage li7e5 (e must use the other #art for the organs that ser'e as tools for the courage li7e5 (e must still use a #iece of the forces for these organs5 If we do not ha'e the courage li7e) we do not de'elo# the 'irtue of fortitude) we lose our self control) we withdraw cowardl$ from life) we lea'e oursel'es to the gra'it$ of our being) and then we cannot in'igorate those forces) which must hel# to realise the 'irtue of fortitude) the courage li7e5 5

(hile we stand there cowardl$ in life) the forces also remain inacti'e which should flash across our heart5 The$ are a sowing for Lucifer5 He ta7es hold of them) and we do not ha'e them in the ne/t life5 &owardice in life means to deli'er a Fuantit$ of forces to Lucifer that are missing for us when we want to build u# our hearts in our ne/t incarnation that are) actuall$) the organs) the tools of the courage li7e5 (e come into the world with defecti'e) unFualified organs5 The third 'irtue that counts to the most incom#lete organs) which ta7e on forms onl$ in future) to which the$ now contain the germ onl$) is that which one can call calmness or tem#erance5 Jou ma$ call it also) in certain shading) the moderate life5 Then we ha'e three 'irtues@ wisdom 6#rudence;) courage 6fortitude;) tem#erance5 Jou could call tem#erance also moderation 5 0ne can be im#ulsi'e now in the most different wa$5 0ne can be im#ulsi'e because one eats or drin7s too much5 This is the lowest 7ind of im#ulsi'eness5 There the astral com#letel$ sin7s into the bodil$ desire) and we com#letel$ enCo$ life in our bod$5 If) howe'er) we control our desire) if we almost order the bod$ what he has to do or not) then we are tem#erate) one can also sa$ moderate5 Then we 7ee# b$ such moderation those forces in the correct order which should hel# that we do not deli'er the concerning organs to Lucifer in the ne/t incarnation5 "ince we deli'er the forces to Lucifer) which we s#end to a #assionate life5 Most badl$ when the #assions trans#ort us into a state of drun7enness) when we feel well with do<ing5 (here we lose our tem#erance) we alwa$s deli'er forces to Lucifer5 He ta7es these forces) but with them) he also ta7es the forces from us we need for the res#irator$ and the digesti'e organs5 (e return then with bad res#irator$ and digesti'e organs if we do not #ractice the 'irtue of moderation5 Those who li7e to be ca#ti'ated b$ their life of #assions) who dedicate themsel'es to their #assionate life) are the candidates for the decadent #eo#le of the future) for those #eo#le of the future who will suffer from all #ossible shortcomings of their #h$sical bodies5 Jou can sa$ this 'irtue of moderation is de#ending on the most incom#lete organs of the human beings) on the organs) which are in the initial stage of their e'olution) which must transform themsel'es still Fuite substantiall$5 If we loo7 at our digesti'e organs and on that which is connected with them) we ha'e to a##l$ the ego) the astral bod$) the etheric bod$ and the #h$sical bod$ to set the organs in motion5 If we go o'er to the organs that are the tools for courage) then the matter is Fuite different5 There we sta$ outside with our ego more or less) in that we mo'e freel$) and onl$ our astral and our etheric go into the #h$sical5 If we come to the 'irtues which wisdom encloses) there we 7ee# the ego and the astral bod$ free outside5 "ince) while we become wiser and wiser) we organise the astral bod$) we get hold of the astral bod$5 This is the essential #art that we E becoming wiser E transform the astral to the s#irit self) and onl$ the etheric coalesces with the #h$sical5 In the brain) the etheric is onl$ combined with the #h$sical5 Moreo'er) while E concerning the remaining bod$ E we are connected in the wa7ing state 'er$ strongl$ at least with the astral) with the #h$sical organ. we maintain the condition for the brain in which we are most in slee#5 Hence) we need the #h$sical slee# for the brain most5 Being awa7e) we are with our ego and our astral bod$ be$ond the brain) and then the$ must ma7e the greatest efforts in themsel'es) without ha'ing an$ su##ort in the e/ternal organ5 Thus) we find a connection between our human being and the 'irtues5 (e can call wisdom a 'irtue that is attached to the human being as a s#iritual being) where he is freel$ acti'e with his ego and astral bod$ and has in his #h$sical and etheric organs onl$ a 7ind of su##ort5 (e can call courage as a 'irtue) where the human being is free onl$ with his ego and has in the astral) etheric) and #h$sical bodies his su##orts5 Finall$) we can s#ea7 of tem#erance where we become free with our ego germ) where we are bound with our ego to the astral) etheric) and #h$sical bodies and wor7 our wa$ out of this restraint with the hel# of our ego5 Then) howe'er) the ne/t 'irtue is the most s#iritual one5 This most s#iritual 'irtue is as it were with the whole human being in a certain relation5 The human being has ca#acities that we lose earl$) which we ha'e onl$ in the first $ears of childhood5 I ha'e alread$ mentioned that se'eral times5 (hen we enter the #h$sical #lane we do not ha'e the same #osition) which we need for our human dignit$@ we cree# on all fours5 I ha'e drawn $our attention carefull$ to the fact that we bring us onl$ b$ means of our own strength in the correct #osition and stand u#5 (e also de'elo# b$ the forces) which go into s#eech5 Briefl$) in the first $ears of our life we de'elo# forces) which direct us basicall$ E be careful to the e/#ression E into the #osition that we ha'e as real human beings in the world5 (e do not come into the world) so that we are Gcorrectl$H #ut into the world5 (e cree#5 Howe'er) we are correctl$ #ut in it) if we turn the head to the stars5 This corres#onds to internal forces5 (e lose these forces in later life5 The$ do not a##ear an$ more5 +othing more a##ears which inter'enes in similar wa$ so energeticall$ in the human life li7e learning to wal7 and the straight standing #osition5 (e become tired more and more as to our u#right #osition5 If we start earl$ in the morning li'ing with our brain) we become tired when we ha'e 6

accom#lished the da$) we ha'e the need of slee#5 That which raises us in childhood if we are tired remains Fuite tired during the whole life and goes into flabbiness5 In our later life) we do no longer e/ercise such a thing li7e standing u# in childhood5 Moreo'er) how are we directed into life when we learn s#ea7ingI %'en if we learn s#ea7ing) directing forces hel# us5 Howe'er) the same forces that we a##l$ in the earliest infanc$ do not get lost to us during our later life5 The$ remain to us) onl$ the$ are connected with a 'irtue) with the 'irtue that is connected with the right or correct) with the 'irtue of the all embracing Custice) the fourth 'irtue5 The same force that we use as a child if we stand u# from a cree#ing being li'es in us if we ha'e the 'irtue of Custice) the fourth of Plato,s 'irtues5 (ho reall$ #ractices the 'irtue of Custice) #uts e'er$ thing) e'er$ being to the right #lace) comes out of his shell and goes into the others5 That is li'ing in the all embracing Custice5 Li'ing in wisdom means to rea# the best fruits from the forces that we ha'e stored in former incarnations5 Moreo'er) when we had to #oint there alread$ to that which was allotted to us in former incarnations) where still di'ine forces #ermeated us) we must #oint out it in the case of Custice e'en more@ we come from the uni'erse5 (e #ractice Custice if we unfold the forces b$ which we are connected with the whole uni'erse) but in s#iritual relation5 Kustice is the measure how a human being is connected with the di'ine5 InCustice is) 'irtuall$) li7e the atheist) li7e somebod$ who has lost his di'ine origin5 (e slander God) the God (hom we stem from if we do wrong to an$ #erson5 Thus) we ha'e two 'irtues) Custice and wisdom) which #oint us bac7 to that which we were in former times) in other incarnations) in the times when we oursel'es were still in God,s womb5 In addition) we ha'e two other 'irtues) the courageous li7e life and the tem#erate life) which #oint us to later incarnations5 The more forces we de'ote to them) the less we gi'e Lucifer5 (e ha'e seen how fortitude and tem#erance go into the organs and how thereb$ the organs are #re#ared for the ne/t incarnation5 In addition) moral life s#reads o'er the future life if we are filled with s#iritualit$5 Two 'irtues shine o'er the former incarnations@ wisdom and Custice5 Howe'er) fortitude and tem#erance shine o'er the future incarnations5 The time will come when the human being realises that he throws himself into !hriman,s Caws if he ignores Custice and wisdom5 He would throw to Lucifer what he #ossessed in former incarnations) what belonged to the di'ine world) b$ that which he accom#lishes in im#ulsi'eness or cowardice of life5 (e are missing the forces Lucifer has withdrawn from us for the construction of our bod$ in the ne/t life5 (e cannot #ractice wisdom and Custice without becoming unselfish) as alread$ suggested5 That human being can onl$ be unCust who is egoistic5 0nl$ he who wants to remain unwise is egoistic5 (isdom and Custice lead us be$ond our egos and ma7e us members of the whole humanit$5 Fortitude or the courage li7e and tem#erance ma7e us members of the whole organism of humanit$ in certain wa$5 0nl$ because we e/#erience courage and tem#erance) that we s#end our life with them we ta7e care that we li'e with a stronger organisation in the future human7ind5 Then that we do not lose which we throw) otherwise) to Lucifer5 %goism changes automaticall$ into selflessness if it is e/tended o'er the whole hori<on of life) and the human being #ositions himself in the light of the fourth 'irtue5 That will bring the s#iritual wisdom of the human future e/tending on ethics and moral life5 Then this will also flow into #edagog$5 If $ou understand wisdom and Custice) as I suggested it) $ou want to learn the whole life through5 Jou will see that $ou ha'e to learn onl$ #ro#erl$ when $ou ha'e $our $outh behind $ourself5 Howe'er) #eo#le now thin7 that the$) after the$ ha'e $outh behind themsel'es) do not need to learn an$thing more5 The biggest and noblest fruits of art) the great #oets of human7ind get lost that wa$5 The$ would merge in us the best if we stud$ their wor7s as old #eo#le5 Reading Goethe,s phigenia or "chiller,s Tell) #eo#le normall$ thin7) we read this alread$ at school5 E Howe'er) this is not right. because $ou ma$ not forget that these wor7s ha'e the best effects if $ou read them as old #ersons) because then the$ ser'e Custice and wisdom5 0n the other hand) the education of children will also bear #articular fruits if $ou see the 'irtue of the courage li7e and the 'irtue of tem#erance in the right light5 Jou ha'e to consider these 'irtues where $ou ha'e to educate children indi'iduall$) b$ the fact that $ou #oint out re#eatedl$ to the children that the$ sei<e life bra'el$) that the$ do not shrin7 or withdraw from an$thing) and that the$ understand the life in tem#erance and moderation in order to become graduall$ free from their #assions5 Jou can achie'e a lot for the education of children that wa$5 (e ha'e to e/#lain these matters more and more in the later course of our s#iritual scientific considerations5 Thus) we see how that which has laws in the moral life of human7ind) otherwise) onl$ for the e/ternal #h$sical #lane) for the life between birth and death is s#read b$ the s#iritual scientific considerations o'er an infinitel$ wide hori<on5 It also is the same thing as it is with the remaining matters of s#iritual science5 &oncerning the natural sciences) human7ind 7

had also to e/#erience that its hori<on was e/tended5 Giordano Bruno LGiordano Bruno 624B=M29::;5 !ccording to his teachings our
solar s$stem is onl$ one of countless worlds which are #arts of an infinite uni'erse Dell( infinito uni)erso e mondi 6London) 24=B;

N #oints out the fact to the human beings that not onl$ the earth does e/ist) but also that still man$ other worlds are there outside in s#ace5 "#iritual science #oints out to #eo#le that not onl$ a life on earth e/ists) but that man$ li'es on other earths e/ist5 The human beings before Giordano Bruno belie'ed that there was a border in the s7$5 Giordano Bruno drew attention to the fact that there is no border) that the blueness of the s7$ shows no border5 "#iritual science shows that there is neither birth nor death) but that we #ut them into life because of our limits of concei'ing5 Thus) the ab$ss between the #h$sical and the s#iritual is bridged5 Thus are the matters that stand on s#iritual scientific ground for those who found a true monism5 The so called monists toda$ ma7e it eas$ for themsel'es with their monism5 The$ ta7e one #art of the world and ma7e it a unit$) while the$ throw awa$ the other half of the world5 True monism originates from the fact that one allows to flow both hal'es into each other in the general sense5 This ha##ens b$ s#iritual science5 +ot onl$ that this originates in the consciousness) but also it must originate for our whole life5 More and more we must get around to 7nowing reall$) if we loo7 into the world@ there is round us) in all that which li'es and wor7s) something su#ersensible) not onl$ in that which our e$e sees) but also in that which the mind can #ercei'e which is bound to the brain5 %'er$where are s#iritual forces) behind e'er$ #henomenon) behind the #henomenon of the rainbow) behind the mo'ement of the hand et cetera5 If $ou read u# the series of tal7s L *hrist and the Spiritual World+ The Search for the ,oly Grail) 9 lectures 6Lei#<ig) 232OM232B;) 'olume 2B3 of "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 6Rudolf "teiner Press) A::=; N I ga'e around the turn of the last $ear in Lei#<ig) $ou will find how the &hrist Im#ulse was wor7ing on account of the M$ster$ of Golgotha) how &hrist li'es in the most im#ortant human matters) not onl$ in that which the human beings ha'e 7nown5 There the$ Fuarrelled) for e/am#le) about dogmas5 (hile the$ Fuarrelled) howe'er) the &hrist Im#ulse 7e#t on li'ing and caused what should ha##en5 Let us ta7e the figure of the Maid of 0rleans LKeanne d,!rc 62B2AM2BO2;N5 In the de'elo#ment of %uro#e the sim#le she#herd girl a##ears5 "he a##ears strangel$) so that in her soul not onl$ those forces li'e which a human being has usuall$ but that in this #ersonalit$ the &hrist Im#ulse wor7s and in'igorates and bears her b$ His #owerful im#ulse5 "he became as it were a re#resentation of the &hrist Im#ulse for her time5 "he was onl$ able to do that) while the &hrist Im#ulse had made hold of her5 Jou 7now that we celebrate &hristmas in the time when the solar strength is the slightest) in the dee#est dar7ness of the wintertime because we can be #ersuaded that the internal light) the s#iritual light has its strongest intensit$5 0ld legends tell us that from &hristmas u# to the 9th Kanuar$ #eo#le e/#erienced something Fuite #articular because there the life on earth and the internal forces of the earth are the most concentrated5 Indeed) those who are s#eciall$ inclined e/#erience the s#iritual forces there in the forces of the earth5 &ountless legends tell us that5 The best time for it is the thirteen da$s until the 9th Kanuar$5 The Maid of 0rleans s#ent these thirteen da$s in a #articular condition) in a state when her soul was not $et rece#ti'e to the e/ternal world5 Peculiar as it is) the time in which the Maid of 0rleans was in the bod$ of her mother ran off in the &hristmas time in 2B225 "he was born) after she had s#ent the last thirteen da$s in the bod$ of her mother) at the 9th Kanuar$5 Before she did the first gas#) before she saw the #h$sical light with the #h$sical e$e) she e/#erienced the earthl$ during thirteen da$s in the slee#) which the human being e/#eriences) before he enters the #h$sical world5 I #oint here to a tremendousl$ significant fact that shows how the world is go'erned from the s#iritual) how that which ha##ens e/ternall$ in the #h$sical world is directed b$ the s#iritual world) how the s#iritual world flows under the #h$sical5 Thus) we ha'e to clear awa$ the ab$ss between the #h$sical and the s#iritual more and more consciousl$ b$ s#iritual science in the #resent time5 (e do that for life in a field if we realise that Cust within our mo'ement the forces of those e/ist who connected their souls and bodies during their earthl$ li'es with our mo'ement and went through the gate of death5 If we loo7 at the other ban7 of the stream) where the$ are acti'e) and feel combined with them and turn our thoughts to them) then we do that out of full consciousness we ha'e got from s#iritual science5 (e 7now to be connected the li'eliest with those who went through the gate of death) and we 7now them as the best forces among us5 If we can do this or thin7) we loo7 at life as a sowing field5 %'er$where between that which we oursel'es #lant we see those #lants in it 8

which s#rout u# without our hel#5 Then we can 7now@ those to whom it is granted to be in the world of s#irit) those with whom we feel lin7ed) with whom we become one) #lace these #lants5 ! human brotherhood also with those who do no longer carr$ #h$sical bodies will be the t$#ical sign of this mo'ement and of those who feel as members of this mo'ement and belong to it in future5 0ther societies) onl$ built on the earthl$) will clear awa$ some barriers between human beings5 The barriers between the li'ing and the dead will be cleared awa$ b$ the mo'ement more and more) which will unite human beings who want to be united in the sign of s#iritual science5 (e all want to ha'e this in our souls and Cust ta7e u# the t$#ical as a remaining feeling that connects us with this mo'ement that has become dear to us5

During the -ar" .udolf Steiner spoke the follo-ing commemorati)e -ords /efore each lecture he held -ithin the 0nthroposophical Society in the countries affected /y the -ar @ The first thoughts we culti'ate now with our being together in our branches should be turned to the s#irits who #rotect those who are on the fields where the$ ha'e now to ser'e the great duties of time with blood and soul5 (e want to turn our #etitions to the #rotecting s#irits of these souls) that what we summon u# in im#loring lo'e ma$ radiate and unite with the #ower of the s#irits who guard these souls on the fields of the e'ents5 "#irits of $our souls) acti'e guardians) Ma$ $our wings bring 0ur souls, im#loring lo'e To the human beings entrusted to $our care) "o that) united with $our might) 0ur entreaties might ra$ forth to hel# The souls the$ lo'ingl$ see75 In addition) for those who had alread$ gone through the gate of death@ "#irits of $our souls) acti'e guardians) Ma$ $our wings bring 0ur souls, im#loring lo'e To the human beings in the s#heres) entrusted to $our care) "o that) united with $our might) 0ur entreaties ma$ ra$ forth to hel# The souls the$ lo'ingl$ see75 The "#irit we ha'e searched for all the $ears of our stri'ing ma$ radiate the #ower) which He has carried through the M$ster$ of Golgotha to $ou that $ou ma$ ha'e strength for accom#lishing what the big duties of humanit$ demand from $ou5 The "#irit (ho has gone through the M$ster$ of Golgotha. the "#irit of &hrist ma$ be with $ouP

The Path of the Human Being through the Gate of Death E ! Transformation of Life
,ano)er" $&th Fe/ruary $&$'

It is a time) in which in Fuic7 succession as a result of man$ deaths the connection of the human being with the s#iritual world a##roaches us5 It is the world the human being enters when he goes through the gate of death5 -nder Fuite s#ecial circumstances these Fuic7 successi'e) almost simultaneous deaths face us5 These s#ecial circumstances are gi'en because numerous earthl$ #eo#le go through the gate of death that could ha'e li'ed still for decades on earth under the 9

circumstances that one ma$ assume for earthl$ #eo#le5 !nd whene'er the human being goes through the gate of death #rematurel$ as it were) e/traordinar$ conditions come also into being5 (e 7now that the human being going through the gate of death lea'es behind) hands o'er as it were what falls off as his #h$sical bod$ from him to the earth element5 (e 7now that then the so called etheric bod$ is considered as the second that) howe'er) also se#arates from the indi'idualit$5 Then the indi'idualit$) consisting of astral bod$ and ego) #asses the s#iritual regions between death and new birth5 The etheric bod$) howe'er) 7ee#s on wor7ing) detached from the ego and astral bod$5 This etheric bod$) which now enters the s#iritual world ne/t to us) the etheric world) is different with each human being5 Jou ma$ imagine that an etheric bod$ of somebod$ who #asses the gate of death #rematurel$ loo7s differentl$ as that of somebod$ who has li'ed his life till old age5 For the etheric bod$ which has to go with an earl$ deceased human being through the gate of death would ha'e the #ower to su##l$ the #h$sical bod$ with life under normal conditions still for man$ $ears) decades5 +ow a force does not get lost in the s#iritual world Cust as little as in the #h$sical world5 This force which su##lies) otherwise) the #h$sical bod$ with life continues to e/ist5 "o that we can sa$@ if now thousands go through the gate of death) ne'ertheless) almost e'er$ da$) etheric bodies enter into the elemental world which are still ca#able of sur'i'ing) which ha'e other forces in themsel'es than older etheric bodies ha'e5 (hat ha##ens now with these etheric bodies still ca#able of sur'i'ingI Jesterda$) I s#o7e of the real fol7 soul in the #ublic lecture5 This fol7 soul is a real being5 It needs Fuite #articular forces Cust in our time5 It needs such forces also at other times) of course) but #articularl$ in our time5 This fol7 soul ta7es u# these etheric bodies still ca#able of sur'i'ing5 The human being himself goes other wa$s with his ego and astral bod$ E those wa$s which #re#are him then for his ne/t life on earth5 But these etheric bodies se#arate from the human indi'idualities) the$ go o'er into the being) the substance of the fol7 souls5 !fter such a destin$ burdened time as we now e/#erience we go towards a time when the fol7 soul contains the etheric bodies in itself E li7e forces li'ing in it E which ha'e been handed o'er b$ those who ha'e gone in the battles through the gate of death5 ! time comes near when the s#iritual scientist can 7now that that is not lost which was sacrificed on the altar of the big e'ents5 ! time comes near when effecti'e strength emits from the fol7 soul into the indi'idual souls) that simultaneousl$ goes out from that which in the first) second) third decades of $outh numerous #eo#le ha'e ta7en u# here on earth) which the$ could still ha'e 7e#t for man$ decades) which the$ ha'e handed o'er) howe'er) to the fol7 soul5 This is in the forces in future the fol7 soul dri#s into the indi'idual souls. that is not lost5 Let us ta7e that reall$ to heart5 Imagine how our consciousness of the connection with the s#iritual ma$ be enli'ened in our feeling life if we 7ee# in mind that we can s#ea7 of the fol7 soul in future that the fruits of the sacrificial deaths are in it as effecti'e forces5 That is #articularl$ im#ortant in the ne/t time5 In other times this would be different) for the ne/t time. howe'er) it will be significant because of a Fuite s#ecial reason5 (e li'ed in a bad time of materialism5 The souls) who could not a##roach s#iritual science) were immersed in a strong aura of materialism5 To fight against this aura is the tas7 of the fol7 soul in the ne/t time5 Forces will flow towards this fol7 soul for the fight of materialism b$ the fact that the etheric bodies of the earl$ dead linger on in this fol7 soul) Cust linger on as forces5 These etheric bodies E sacrificed on the altar of human e'olution E will be the strongest fighters against materialism5 "o we ha'e to ma7e a distinction between that which mo'es as a single human being through the regions of the s#iritual world and remains united with the human indi'idualit$) from that which the etheric bod$ deli'ers on its detour to the general communit$. which 7ee#s on wor7ing in the s#iritual general communit$ in the sense cited here) in the substance of the fol7 souls5 That ma$ stam# itself es#eciall$ dee#l$ in our souls if we #ut two human t$#es concerning this s#iritual difference before our souls@ the warrior 7illed on the battlefield who goes) com#letel$ de'oted to the tas7 of his #eo#le) through the gate of death E who as it were at the moment when he enters the battlefield when he onl$ resol'es to enter the battlefield must also resol'e to face death5 &om#are this human t$#e with the ascetic5 Kust if $ou consider what the forces of the etheric bod$ signif$ in human life) $ou get an idea of the difference of the warrior 7illed on the battlefield and the ascetic5 The ascetic wor7s on himself5 He tries to wor7 on himself in such a wa$ that he o'ercomes the #h$sical in himself com#letel$) that he becomes still free from this #h$sical during his lifetime5 "ince the ascetic wor7s that wa$) a significant transformation also ta7es #lace in his etheric bod$5 He uses u#) so to s#ea7) the forces of this etheric bod$ the strongest to incor#orate them in his ego and astral bod$5 (hat ma7es the ascetic free from the #h$sical) this is of benefit com#letel$ for his indi'idualit$) and this ser'es the transformation of his indi'idualit$5 "o that such a human being who becomes an ascetic can ser'e human7ind onl$ on the detour of that which he ma7es out of himself5 He) howe'er) who frees himself from the #h$sical bod$ in earl$ $outh) because he has to surrender to the reFuests of war) hands o'er the 10

forces of his etheric bod$ to the general communit$. he incor#orates them to the general wor75 Jou ha'e to feel this difference) it is a significant difference5 It #oints us again a little bit to that which #re'ails as a realit$ in the human life5 It is also significant to loo7 Cust at the #ath through the gate of death concerning the etheric bod$5 !t the moment when the human being goes through the gate of death) he is still united with his etheric bod$5 (e ha'e often described what ha##ens to this5 This connection with the etheric bod$ gi'es the human being the #ossibilit$ to li'e in all ideas that the last life aroused in him to merge com#letel$ li7e in a might$ tableau in e'er$thing that the last life has gi'en him5 But this is a 7ind of 'ision that lasts for a relati'el$ short time. it fades awa$ with the liberation of the etheric bod$ from the ego and astral bod$5 Jes) $ou can sa$) it immediatel$ begins to fade awa$ after the moment of death5 The im#ressions become wea7er and wea7er which are still due to the #ossession of the etheric bod$5 Then that ma7es itself felt which is authoritati'e after the #h$sical death5 (hat is authoritati'e there is #ro#erl$ imagined onl$ to a lower degree b$ the #eo#le who want to get ideas about the life after death5 It is e'en difficult to coin words for those Fuite different conditions) com#ared with the conditions we e/#erience in our #h$sical bodies5 0ne thin7s sim#l$ that the human being after he has gone through the gate of death has onl$ again to get a consciousness for himself5 It is not reall$ that wa$5 The human being e/#eriences no lac7 of consciousness when he #asses the gate of death5 0n the contrar$) his soul e/#eriences a su#erabundance of consciousness5 He li'es and wea'es com#letel$ in consciousness) and as well as the strong sunlight da<es the e$es) he is da<ed at first b$ consciousness) he has too much consciousness5 First) this consciousness must be dam#ened) so that he can orientate himself in the life) into which he has entered after death5 This lasts for a longer time. more and more moments ha##en in which the consciousness ma7es such an orientation #ossible5 The soul becomes conscious for a more or less short time and then it again enters into a condition similar to slee# as $ou ma$ call it5 Then such moments become graduall$ longer and longer) the soul comes more and more in such conditions) until it is able to orient itself entirel$ in the s#iritual world5 !lso this ma7es difficulties to get clear ideas of the wa$ how the soul #ercei'es his en'ironment after it went through the gate of death5 (e buried a dear anthro#oso#hical friend in the last wee7) and on account of the wish of the dead I had the tas7 to ma7e a funeral celebration for her friends at the #lace where she died5 In the time I s#o7e and directed m$ words to the dead #erson) the dead #erson was as it were li7e slee#ing5 Then the heat had an effect) the flames sei<ed the bod$) and at this moment a moment of consciousness came o'er the soul) li7e a moment of orientation5 The dead had the whole image of the funeral celebration and the funeral s#eech before herself) as somebod$ has something s#atial at the same time before himself5 Time becomes there reall$ s#ace5 Jou do not see the #ast as $ou see the #ast running in time during life) but $ou see the #ast as something s#atial before $ourself5 "o that that which had alread$ run off) which had ha##ened a Fuarter of an hour before) then stood before the soul of the dead li7e the first lighting u# moment of consciousness5 Then a state of da<e came again in the flooding light of consciousness to go in this condition towards those other conditions in which the soul graduall$ learns to orientate itself in the s#iritual world5 It is im#ortant if we want to reall$ get good ideas about the life after death for oursel'es that we understand these Fuite different conce#tions of time) that we see how there time is not something of which one can sa$) it has #assed) and one remembers of the matters that ha##ened in time) but the #ast stands there5 Li7e the des7 stands there and this des7 does not go along with me when I go o'er there and loo7 bac7 at it) in the same wa$ that remains after death which ha##ened) which can be Cust onl$ reminded) stands there. and the dead loo7s bac7 at it as one loo7s bac7 in the bod$ at the s#atial obCects5 This is 'er$ im#ortant to understand5 Furthermore) that is of #articular im#ortance to understand that we reall$ remain in connection) that our life on earth remains in connection with that what we e/#erience between death and a new birth. at least it remains in close connection u# to the #oint in time I called midnight hour in m$ last m$ster$ drama L The Soul(s 0-akening in Four Mystery Dramas) 'olume 2B of "teiner,s &ollected (or7s N5 +e'ertheless) I would not li7e to fail to gi'e our friends ideas of these relations to be difficultl$ described bit b$ bit5 !t that which we as earthl$ #eo#le ha'e e/#erienced between birth and death the soul) which has gone to death) loo7s bac7 E but not) as if that which one has e/#erienced there onl$ would be there) but some conditions of life of the dead #la$ a #art in a #eculiar wa$5 The condition of life of the dead is not the same as the condition of life between birth and death of li'ing #eo#le5 The condition is such a one that the human being feels enclosed b$ his s7in and loo7s out into the world b$ means of his senses5 !s soon as one enters as a dead the s#iritual world) he8she has flowed out into the whole s#iritual world5 The soul feels li7e fulfilling the whole s#iritual world bit b$ bit5 (hat the human being has e/#erienced during his #h$sical earth e/istence) he feels li7e something that remains to him E not as a #h$sical bod$) of course) but as that which constitutes the form) the forces of the #h$sical bod$5 This remains after death) but the soul has it as somebod$ has the human e$e in the #h$sical bod$5 !s $ou ha'e the e$e for seeing) $ou ha'e then $ourself) the life on earth) which $ou ha'e e/#erienced) as a cosmic sense organ to #ercei'e the world with it5 (hat our e$e is now for our bod$) this is our life on earth for our s#iritual life after death5 11

0ur life on earth is im#lanted to us as it were as an e$e) as a sense organ5 Jou will understand graduall$ onl$ after longer meditation what significant) actuall$) is #ronounced that our life on earth becomes a sense organ for our life between death and a new birth5 That resembles to the #rocess when the human being falls aslee# and lea'es the #h$sical and etheric bodies with his ego and astral bod$5 (hen initiation comes into being and the human being starts beholding in the s#iritual world outside his #h$sical and etheric bodies) then he 7nows@ in the s#iritual world $ou #ercei'e li7e b$ means of a sense with the s#iritual #art of $our #h$sical bod$) and $ou thin7 in the s#iritual world with $our etheric bod$5 Jour etheric bod$ is real li7e $our brain in the s#iritual world and $our former #h$sical bod$ is a sense organ5 Howe'er) $ou $ourself are #oured out with all $our 'ital forces o'er the s#iritual worlds5 Jou ha'e s#read) $ou do not feel crowded together to one #lace because of $our s7in) and $ou feel #oured out) e/tended o'er the s#iritual world5 This is a Fuite different e/istence5 (ith it is connected that somebod$ who himself enters the s#iritual world) either b$ death) or b$ initiation) li'es united with the other beings of the s#iritual world) with beings of higher hierarchies or with human souls) which li'e between death and a new birth5 Howe'er) he li'es united with them in such a wa$ that he does not e/#erience them as $ou meet earthl$ men outside where $ou are se#arated s#atiall$ from them5 But he e/#eriences them as being contained in a common s#iritual s#ace) #enetrating each other5 (hat another soul e/#eriences one does not e/#erience b$ the fact that it sa$s something) li7e with earthl$ #eo#le) but that one settles in the other soul and witnesses its thoughts5 Hence) it is also that $ou can onl$ be certain to e/#erience that in $ourself reall$ what) for e/am#le) a dead e/#eriences if $ou 7now@ $ou are as it were in the dead) $ou do not onl$ re#ort something that $ou hear after the model of something which $ou e/#erience on earth) but $ou hear@ the dead himself s#ea7s through $our being5 I would also li7e to e/#lain that to $ou b$ an e/am#le LLina Grosheint< RohrerN5 0ne of our members has recentl$ died5 "till before the cremation I felt the necessit$ to hear what this #ersonalit$ has to sa$ after her death5 For she was still united with her etheric bod$ and could E as it were E e/#ress herself b$ her etheric bod$ in earthl$ wa$) howe'er) she subsumed e'er$thing that she had intensel$ witnessed of the anthro#oso#hical world 'iew and had wo'en into her soul5 "o we deal with a #ersonalit$ who had ad'anced in $ears) who has settled down in the last time of her life reall$ intensel$ and with all forces of her heart into our s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 Then she went through the gate of death5 +ow she had still her etheric bod$5 It was still before the cremation) and the etheric bod$ was still there as a means to e/#ress herself5 This ga'e the #ossibilit$ to e/#ress m$self still b$ earthl$ words because the etheric bod$ could e/#erience them5 !nd the liberation from the bod$) from the earth e/istence) ga'e the #ossibilit$ at the same time to subsume the whole being) which had been engra'ed b$ the heart in the soul5 (hile it a##eared to me how this #ersonalit$ who has gone through the gate of death wanted to #ronounce her being E #ossibl$ during the second da$) after death had entered) E formed the words of which I can inform $ou) words) which are to be regarded as words the dead had e/#erienced5 "o that $ou ha'e to imagine that here) during the second da$ after death) this being of the soul) which had gone through the gate of death) was fulfilled b$ the force of these words) e/#ressed itself in the force of these words5 !nd if one trans#orted oneself into this soul) this being of the soul) this being of the dead e/#ressed itself through him in these words5 Therefore) I could do nothing better than to turn these words to the dead then Cust at the funeral) because these were the words which she herself s#o7e as it were to the friends) who surrounded her earthl$ rests5 I can assure $ou@ I ha'e added nothing to these words) but I ha'e tried to understand them from the being of the dead5 Indeed) then later this ha##ens I ha'e called the da<e of consciousness what $ou could call a 7ind of slee#ing state5 +ow the dead would not ha'e been able to e/#ress her being because now she missed the means of the etheric bod$5 "he will be able to do it again after some time) but that would be im#ossible immediatel$ after death5 The words read@ Into cosmic distances I will carr$ M$ feeling heart) so that it grows warm In the fire of the hol$ forces, wor7ing. Into cosmic thoughts I will wea'e M$ own thin7ing) so that it grows clear In the light of the eternal life. Into de#ths of soul I will sin7 De'oted meditation) so that it grows strong For the true goals of human acti'it$. In the #eace of God I stri'e thus !midst Life,s battles and cares To #re#are m$self for the higher "elf. 12

!s#iring for wor7 in Co$ filled #eace) "ensing cosmic being in m$ own being) to fulfil m$ human dut$. Ma$ I li'e then in antici#ation) 0riented toward m$ soul,s star (hich gi'es me m$ #lace in s#irit realms5 I would li7e to #ut this before $our souls as a clear e/am#le of the m$sterious course which the human soul ta7es Cust through the #oint in time which se#arates the life between birth and death from the life between death and a new birth) where e'er$thing that was still e/ternal e/#erience to us in the life on earth becomes internal wealth of the soul and li'es in us that wa$5 Here one ta7es on s#iritual science still as something e/ternal5 Immediatel$ after death) howe'er) it a##ears how it li'es in the soul) $es) we sa$) as well as muscular strength now li'es in our #h$sical bodies5 Jou ha'e to feel that once if $ou want to gras# the internal sense) the internal meaning of that which s#iritual science can be for the human soul5 Then bit b$ bit $ou get a conce#tion E $ou must ha'e #atience E of the Fuite different relations in the s#iritual world5 If we form words and conce#ts of the relations in the sensor$ world) we can gi'e s$mbols at most of that what is in the s#iritual world5 Jou must wor7 in #atience towards conce#ts and sensations and feelings which e/#ress that fairl$ correctl$ and trul$ what the relations of the s#iritual world are5 The logic of the life on earth E $es) there is onl$ one logic of the life on earth E is alread$ sometimes rather fragile for the life on earth5 I ha'e alread$ stated how one can #ass the real facts using the logic of the life on earth5 I ha'e often stated the e/am#le@ assuming a #erson is wal7ing along a broo75 (e see him falling into the broo75 (e rush o'er and find out that he is alread$ dead5 (e see a stone where the #erson has fallen into the broo7) and can now form a Fuite logical) but su#erficial Cudgment5 (e can sa$@ the #erson has tri##ed o'er the stone) has fallen into the broo7 and drowned5 He has died the death of drowning5 E But this can be Fuite wrong5 If one e/amines the matter #urel$ anatomicall$) it can become a##arent that the #erson had e/#erienced a heart failure. thereb$ he fell in the water5 The heart failure is the cause of his death5 (ith the e'er$da$ correct logic we conclude wrongl$5 "uch conclusions E this would be noted) onl$ b$ the wa$ E are made #er#etuall$ in human life and in #articular in science5 "cience is full of such conclusions where cause and effect are mista7en5 But the matter becomes im#ortant when Fuestions of human destin$ are considered5 (e ha'e e/#erienced such a stro7e of fate in Dornach in autumn) which is instructi'e in the most im#ortant sense5 0ne e'ening the little) se'en $ear old son of our member) Theo Faiss) who was an e/ce#tionall$ dear) bright child) was re#orted missing5 It was Cust during an e'ening lecture5 The mother searched for the child) it was not to be found5 (hen the lecture was o'er) one heard) actuall$) onl$ that the mother misses her bo$) and one could imagine nothing else that the death of the bo$ were in connection with a remo'al 'an) which had to##led o'er5 ! member of our societ$ had let send his #ieces of furniture in a remo'al 'an) and this remo'al 'an had to##led o'er in the e'ening where the bo$ stood5 It was ten a Fuarter cloc7 in the e'ening and we a##lied e'er$thing to lift the carriage5 The mobilised militar$ met us to hel#) to lift this remo'al 'an5 The remo'al 'an was lifted) and one found the bo$ crushed under the carriage5 +ow thin7) in this area a remo'al 'an did ne'er go generall$ before. nor thereafter5 The bo$ was here) one could state this later b$ all #ossible things one calls incidents and chances) Cust in the time E it has concerned onl$ minutes) around a moment E where the remo'al 'an to##led o'er5 Howe'er) it was strange that first of all those who were here where the carriage had to##led o'er were onl$ concerned to bring the horses to safet$5 0ne had no idea that the remo'al 'an had fallen on the little bo$5 The child was dead5 The materialist 'iew ma$ sa$@ well) the remo'al 'an to##led o'er b$ chance there at this hour. the child got under it and was crushed5 The materialist 'iew will sa$ that) of course5 Before the s#iritual 'iew this is com#letel$ nonsense5 For that what is there is the 7arma of the child) and this 7arma of the child steered all single circumstances5 It has also steered the remo'al 'an there Cust at the hour when the child needed the death because the 7arma of the child wanted it5 The 7arma of the child had e/#ired5 (e deal here with the necessit$ to re'erse cause and effect5 B$ such relations and the 'iew of them one is able to ascend bit b$ bit to the real 'iew of life which #ersuades us to re'erse that what the e/ternal a##earance #resents to the senses5 (e must often turn around this5 But the matter becomes Fuite significant when one e/#eriences after that what comes into being b$ such a fact5 The soul of a human being goes through the gate of death5 This soul was embodied for se'en $ears in a #h$sical bod$5 (h$ could the little Theo not ha'e become also se'ent$) eight$) ninet$ $ears) e/ternall$ considered if the 7arma had not made it im#ossibleI !n etheric bod$ is there which could ha'e su##lied life still for decades. an etheric bod$ which was reall$ filled b$ forces of the eternal) of the good5 It was an e/cellent bo$5 13

Jou 7now that then the real indi'idualit$) the ego and astral bod$) go on their wa$5 But the etheric bod$ frees itself) this etheric bod$) in which all tender) nice forces are wo'en which ha'e de'elo#ed in the childhood) in which) howe'er) all forces also li'e which come from the former incarnations5 +ow imagine what $ou ha'e before $ou facing such an etheric bod$5 The indi'idualit$ comes from the former incarnations5 It embodies itself anew in this incarnation. it im#lies what comes from #re'ious incarnations5 The life of this incarnation is as it were the fruit) realising that what was cause in a life in #re'ious incarnations5 Through the whole life these fruits could ha'e enCo$ed life to the full5 Then e'er$thing would ha'e gone into this etheric bod$ what comes from the fruits of the former incarnations5 This has not ha##ened5 In return e'er$thing is in this etheric bod$ what still has causes in the former incarnations5 !nd now the strangest thing is@ somebod$ who tries to e/#lore the aura of our Dornach construction finds this etheric bod$ of the little Theo in the aura of the Dornach construction5 There he is) there he ho'ers o'er) li'es around the Dornach construction5 He who has to deal with the Dornach construction or will still deal after that late autumn afternoon in which the little Theo went through the gate of death 7nows what has been changed in the s#iritual aura of the Dornach construction b$ the fact that that etheric bod$ was incor#orated into this aura5 This etheric bod$ contains the forces which would else ha'e been used for decades for the su##l$ of a #h$sical human bod$) and this etheric bod$ is Cust #oured out in this aura of the construction5 "o m$sterious are the wa$s that wisdom flooding through the world has to e/#erience with its creatures5 There are onl$ correct ideas of the 7ind how the whole human life runs E to which in the most remar7able sense the life between death and a new birth belongs E if one goes into details of these matters5 Because our anthro#oso#hical mo'ement should reall$ be not an$thing abstract) but something in which we are with our whole being) in which also those are who Cust belong to us) we are also allowed to s#ea7 of such matters5 (e unite not onl$ li7e other societies with a certain #rogram) but we want to be with our whole souls in our s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 (e want to concei'e this s#iritual scientific mo'ement as a concrete stream to which e'er$bod$ belongs who reall$ bears witness to it in a feeling wa$5 (e can sa$@ there we s#ea7 as somebod$ Cust s#ea7s in an enlarged famil$ about the relati'es there or there5 For that what touches us) so to s#ea7) in an informall$ familiar wa$ gi'es us the highest) the most significant) the most im#ortant e/#lanations of the s#iritual world at the same time5 From such an attitude I would li7e to mention the death of one of our friends who are Cust often affected b$ deaths in the last time5 0ur infinitel$ dear friend Frit< Mitscher has recentl$ gone through the gate of death5 The necessit$ arose to me to subsume in words what the own soul felt) while it leant to the soul) which has Cust gone through the gate of death5 +otice the difference between the #receding words which I ha'e read out to $ou) and the words which I want to read out to $ou now5 The words that I ha'e read out Cust here are out of the soul of the dead5 The words which I will read out to $ou now are stimulated in m$ own soul at the sight of the dead Frit< Mitscher) who was still combined with his etheric bod$5 It is the im#ression which the dead made that is re#orted now in these words5 Perha#s) $ou 7now that Frit< Mitscher was alread$ as a $oung teacher at the most different #lace) es#eciall$ in Berlin) acti'e for our !nthro#oso#hical "ociet$5 !nd man$ of us also 7now that he was Cust inclined in such a nice wa$ to combine e'er$thing that he could acFuire of earthl$ science and learning with the noblest) nicest anthro#oso#hical consciousness5 This also e/#resses itself after his death when in his whole being was combined what he was) and what shines now again after his death from the soul relie'ed of the bod$ which still had its etheric bod$5 !nd it seems to me that this had to be e/#ressed what Frit< Mitscher was after death with the words) which I had to send on to him at the cremation5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 Jour longing was bound from the beginning To #ure truth lo'ing being. To create out of s#irit light (as the earnest life goal For which $ou stro'e without rest5 Jou nurtured $our beautiful gifts To tread with stead$ ste#s Bright #aths of s#irit 7nowledge !s truth,s true ser'ant -n#erturbed b$ worldl$ contradiction 14

Jou trained $our s#irit organs That) with courage and #ersistence) 0n both sides of the #ath Re#elled error for $ou !nd made a s#ace for truth for $ou5 For $ou) to form $our "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within $ou (as $our life,s concern and Co$5 0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched $our soul) For 7nowledge seemed to $ou to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to $our life,s true 'alue5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 ! loss that #ains us dee#l$) Jou disa##eared from the field (here the "#irit,s earthl$ 7ernels In the womb of soul being Ri#ened $our senses for the s#heres5 Feel how we lo'ingl$ ga<e Into the heights that now &all $ou to other wor7s5 Gi'e to the friends left behind Jour #ower from s#irit realms) Hear our soul,s entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need "trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness) ! loss that #ains us dee#l$@ !llow us to ho#e) that $ou) far near) -nlost) light our life !s a soul star in s#irit realm5 These are the words which were sent to the dead out of the being of the dead5 !nd then some time #assed after these words were s#o7en at the cremation) and out of the being of the dead) not $et out of the well organised consciousness) but li7e from the being sounding) there the following words sounded now from the dead in the night after the cremation5 For me) to form m$ "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within m$self (as m$ life,s concern and Co$5 15

0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched m$ soul) For 7nowledge seemed to me to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to m$ life,s true 'alue5 The words sounded bac7 that wa$5 0nl$ after that I m$self found out that two stan<as which are in the middle can be con'erted immediatel$ from G$ouH to GIH and from Gto $ouH to Gto me5H I did not 7now that before5 "ince I heard the stan<as as I read them to $ou first5 !nd now the$ came bac7 from the being of the dead) s#o7en b$ him@ That shows that as well as in the time in which the consciousness does not $et ha'e the sha#e which the soul has then again after this time through the whole realm between death and new birth) it shows as e'en in li'el$ transformation) in meaningful transformation the words come from the dead5 Jou ha'e onl$ to feel the s#iritual scientific world 'iew becoming reall$ ali'e creating the connection between the #h$sical and the s#iritual worlds5 For it ma$ run li7e a shi'er through our souls when we feel at such an e/am#le how the words are called to the dead E and he returns them changed to us5 Li7e we feel on one side that the$ went to the dead because the$ resound from him) not onl$ li7e an echo) but meaningfull$ changed b$ him5 These are matters that gi'e us the certaint$) the confidence also for our #resent that the souls li'ing here in earthl$ bodies are connected with the s#iritual #owers wea'ing and #re'ailing in the world5 In this stream of #re'ailing and wea'ing s#iritual #owers the deceased are wo'en) are in it) because in it the$ e/#erience their further #ostmortal destinies5 If we allow the connection of the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds to ha'e an effect on our souls) we can contem#late 'arious things5 I #ointed alread$ once also here to the fact that with this coo#eration of the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds #roceeding in the concrete sense also the im#ulse of the M$ster$ of Golgotha comes near to us5 (e 7now that now we onl$ start contem#lating the sense and meaning of the M$ster$ of Golgotha and &hrist Being b$ s#iritual science com#letel$5 -# to now the human beings did that b$ means of reason5 !nd what did result from this reasonI If the effecti'eness of &hrist had de#ended in the human earth life on that what the human beings ha'e understood of it) the effecti'eness of the &hrist Im#ulse on earth could had been not 'er$ strong5 The human beings ha'e understood theological sFuabbling) all 7inds of dis#utes in their reason) that was the$ understood of &hristianit$5 But &hrist has had an effect out of li'el$ #ower5 I ha'e #robabl$ stated also here the e/am#le of the battle which &onstantine fought against Ma/entius) b$ which the fate of %uro#e was decided at that time5 Thus &hristianit$ was onl$ acce#ted) actuall$) and became then the ruling #ower in %uro#e5 This battle was not won through the art of strateg$ nor b$ the armies of &onstantine5 Ma/entius had to defend Rome5 B$ loo7ing u# in the "ib$lline Boo7s and b$ a dream) which he had) it was #ut in his head that he should lead his arm$ out of Rome5 Then he would destro$ the enemies of Rome5 His arm$ was fi'e times stronger than that of &onstantine) who a##roached Rome5 +ow he reall$ led his arm$ out of Rome) strategicall$ the most ine#t what he could do5 "ince according to strateg$ e'er$thing s#o7e well of letting his arm$ in Rome and letting the hostile armies a##roach5 Howe'er) he led his arm$ out of Rome5 !lso on the side of &onstantine who led his armies against Rome these were not warli7e scientific reasons which ga'e him the strength) but he also had a dream5 The dream said to him@ if $ou allow bearing the monogram of &hrist in front of $our arm$) $ou will defeat Rome5 E !t that time and still for later the whole ma# of %uro#e was transformed through the 'ictor$ of &onstantine with his wea7er arm$5 !lso the s#iritual life of %uro#e has thereb$ become different5 That what #eo#le could understand in those da$s would not ha'e been sufficient to accom#lish these achie'ements5 The &hrist Im#ulse had an effect in the subconsciousness of the human beings) in that what li'ed in the de#ths of the souls what #eo#le onl$ could dream of) what came u# to them at most in dream #ictures5 (e ha'e a later) Fuite im#ortant e/am#le of the effecti'eness of the &hrist Im#ulse with the Maid of 0rleans L Maid of (ho studies histor$ reall$) not as one often studies histor$ toda$) but that one tries to recognise the real connections) he can 7now that again the fate of %uro#e was absolutel$ determined for the ne/t centuries through that what the Maid of 0rleans did5 +either strateg$) nor the wisdom of the #oliticians) but that what the she#herd girl of 0rleans did was 'ital for the destin$ of %uro#e) es#eciall$ also for the destin$ of France5 +ow) howe'er) the &hrist Im#ulse wor7ed in the Maid of 0rleans) through its Michaelic re#resentati'e5 It wor7ed into the soul of the Maid of 0rleans5 Her soul was com#letel$ infiltrated) ins#ired b$ the &hrist Im#ulse5 %/actl$ in the same wa$ as in those da$s when the battle was decided between &onstantine and Ma/entius the &hrist Im#ulse wor7ed) without #eo#le 7nowing about it in their u##er consciousness5 The &hrist Im#ulse also wor7ed there) when the Maid of 0rleans sent the French armies against the %nglish armies5 The whole continent would ha'e changed) also %ngland if at that time France had not
0rleans 62B2A 2BO2;N5


won5 !lso %ngland would not be that what she has become if she had not been defeated5 Howe'er) the subconscious forces which came u# in dream #ictures caused the 'ictor$5 The abilities of the Maid of 0rleans were ins#ired b$ them5 "o that $ou can sa$@ what the Maid of 0rleans did was influenced through a more or less unaware initiation5 It is of course an unaware) $ou ma$ also sa$) an ata'istic initiation5 ! clean #s$chic 'essel had to be sei<ed Cust unconsciousl$) as it was the Maid of 0rleans through whom the &hrist Im#ulse could wor7) b$ his Michaelic re#resentati'e E a clean 'essel5 Let us loo7 at the matter more e/actl$5 If an$bod$ toda$ goes consciousl$ through an initiation E there are rules for that5 The !B& is in m$ boo7 G,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsIH There are rules b$ which one is able to de'elo# graduall$5 0ne cannot s#ea7 of such a conscious initiation in the case of the Maid of 0rleans5 But a s#irit which is otherwise not united with the human soul had to ta7e its #lace in this human soul) to #ermeate this human soul5 %s#eciall$ fa'ourable circumstances had to come into being5 ! s#irit of higher s#heres cannot alwa$s inter'ene in the souls who are enabled for it5 %s#eciall$ fa'ourable circumstances must occur) so that a single human being comes in connection with higher worlds without initiation) without conscious wor7 on himself5 %s#eciall$ fa'ourable circumstances e/ist in the time when as it were the s#irit of the earth is #articularl$ awa7e@ in the time from the A4th December to the 9th Kanuar$5 (hen in summer the sun stands highest) when the #h$sical heat radiates mostl$ to the earth) then the conditions of initiation are the worst because then the s#irit of the earth is slee#ing5 The s#irit of the earth is the most awa7e in the winter dar7ness) at the winter solstice5 Hence) it is not onl$ a legend) but corres#onds to a truth when it is told in old legends that during the thirteen nights which #recede the 9th Kanuar$ certain #articularl$ suitable souls were initiated) so that the$ could go into the s#iritual world) that the$ could e/#erience there what we call 1amalo7a and de'achan5 (e here in Hano'er #robabl$ remember that the legend of 0laf Qsteson L *osmic 2e- 3ear. The Dream Song of Olaf 4steson5 Lecture 6Hano'er) 2st Kanuar$ 232A; in The *onnection Bet-een the ,uman Being and the 5lemental World R 'olume 24= of "teiner,s &ollected (or7sN was once re#orted who E slee#ing for these thirteen nights E went through the whole wa$ which can be the wa$ through 1amalo7a and de'achan5 0laf Qsteson tells then what he e/#erienced during these thirteen da$s5 If the e/ternal #h$sical dar7ness of the earth is the strongest) the conditions are the most fa'ourable to lead a soul into in the s#iritual world5 It would ha'e been the most fa'ourable for souls li7e the Maid of 0rleans) who are initiated for the whole human7ind for such an action not b$ directl$ conscious e/ercising but b$ es#eciall$ fa'ourable circumstances) if she could ha'e sle#t during the thirteen nights5 Thus she could ha'e been brought into connection with the s#iritual world. if she could ha'e accom#lished that in a slee#ing state5 The Maid of 0rleans went reall$ through such a slee#ing state5 For the Maid of 0rleans s#ent these thirteen da$s u# to the 9th Kanuar$ in the bod$ of her mother in a condition in which the human being still slee#s5 "ince the human being onl$ wa7es u# for the #h$sical life when he is born and does the first gas#5 (ith the Maid of 0rleans the last slee#ing nights of the embr$o fall in the time of the thirteen nights) because she was born on the 9th Kanuar$5 There $ou ha'e a dee#l$ significant internall$ historical connection5 There $ou ha'e the basis of the mission of the Maid of 0rleans) who was chosen to recei'e the initiation as this clean soul before her first gas# during the last thirteen nights of the #regnanc$ of her mother) in this slee#ing state) Cust under the es#eciall$ fa'ourable circumstances of the earth life5 The calendar shows it sim#l$ to $ou5 0#en the calendar@ on the 9th Kanuar$ $ou find the birthda$ of the Maid of 0rleans5 The calendar shows $ou how here a dee#l$ intimate connection e/ists between the #h$sical world and the #rocesses in the s#iritual world5 0f course) it was necessar$ that the soul of the Maid of 0rleans was #re#ared b$ her #receding incarnations5 During the thirteen nights this soul and that what could come from this soul made it #ossible Cust at this #oint of the human de'elo#ment that the s#iritual world was able to influence the #h$sical world5 The s#iritual world with its ingredients is alwa$s there5 The s#iritual world is alwa$s among us5 The wa$s of wor7ing in the #h$sical world are manifold) which the s#iritual world selects5 !nd our consciousness of the connection with the s#iritual world becomes stronger and stronger) the more we e/#ress the connections between the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds es#eciall$ dee#l$ in such details) while such connections stand 'i'idl$ in front of our souls5 0n the other side) one must sa$@ also that what ha##ens here in the #h$sical world ma$ #re#are a 7ind of connection with the s#iritual world and our #h$sical world5 !nd if an$bod$ who has ta7en u# that as intensel$ as Frit< Mitscher what flows through our s#iritual science) and then went across in the s#iritual world in the thirtieth $ear of his life E on the A9th Februar$ his thirtieth birthda$ would be E and has infiltrated his soul with that what can #enetrate as a strength into the soul b$ our s#iritual science) then we ha'e a #owerful indi'idualit$ who will further sta$ together with us in the s#iritual world who is an assistant of the most immense 7ind5 !nd if $ou imagine how difficult the stri'ing for s#iritual science is Cust in our time) in this time which is) ne'ertheless) com#letel$ im#regnated with materialism5 Then one ma$ also sa$ that he who is connected with all the fibers of his life with the s#iritual world has the biggest ho#es for those who 17

can become s#iritual assistants who become s#iritual assistants after the$ ha'e laid down their #h$sical bodies5 0ne does not need to sa$) of course) that the #assage through the gate of death is ne'er allowed to be a #ersonal decision) but that it must be caused onl$ b$ 7arma5 These s#iritual assistants are those who gi'e us consolation and ho#e if we see how difficult it is) Cust in the #resent) to #ro'ide for our s#iritual scientific mo'ement because of the manifold inhibitions5 Howe'er) we 7now how higher s#iritual forces ha'e an effect on earth) so that the current of the s#iritual worlds flows into the #ur#oses of the #h$sical earth5 Thus the unused forces of the human souls come u# to the s#iritual worlds to wor7 there Cust with their forces) combined with other forces5 Hence) I said the words to our Frit< Mitscher in m$ obituar$ reall$ from the bottom of m$ heart@ Hear our souls, entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need "trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 (hen we tr$ to ad'ance our s#iritual mo'ement to its #ur#ose honestl$) then we are aware that in the forces which we a##l$ here on earth also those forces are wor7ing which our friends alread$ brought through the gate of death into the s#iritual world5 (e summarise now all that also for the understanding of the general situation of the world5 0n one side) the human souls who go now due to the destin$ burdened e'ents through the gate of death carr$ their etheric bodies to the fol7 souls5 0n the other side) the$ carr$ e'er$thing that the$ ha'e summoned u# in sacrificial de'otion) while the$ ha'e gone Cust b$ these e'ents through the gate of death with their indi'idualities5 !nd all that will be #oured out as effecti'eness into the coming age5 It is the matter of the human beings who then e/#erience #eace to #roduce the connection with that what will be there in the s#iritual world5 Those who toda$ e/#erience as mothers and fathers) as brothers and sisters or other relati'es the death on the battlefield of a human being dear to them can ta7e u# the fact in their consciousness that with the etheric bod$ something e/tremel$ significant #asses o'er into the general effecti'eness of the earthl$ human7ind for the future5 +ot onl$ that the$ can 7now that the indi'idualities go in'igorated b$ death to a later stronger life on earth) but the$ can also 7now@ that what the warrior after death has handed o'er to the fol7 soul wea'es and li'es reall$5 Fathers and mothers) sisters and brothers ha'e those who ha'e gone $oung through the gate of death twice) one must sa$) now in the fol7 soul and also as indi'idualit$5 This idea will onl$ be of great 'alue when it has com#letel$ become feeling) so that one does not onl$ s#ea7 of immortalit$) but that one 7nows in the feeling@ the dead are there) are among us5 If this bond is such a strong one that also for our feeling death will be) actuall$) an untruth5 "ince the dead can a##ear e'en more real than often in the #h$sical embodiment if he can ta7e together e'er$thing of his being and if he does no longer ha'e his #h$sical bod$ as an obstacle5 Immense currents of consolation) currents of internal strength of self consolation go out from that what s#iritual science can gi'e to the souls in li'el$ consciousness and li'el$ sensations5 (hen this is felt that wa$) then in #articular those who bear witness to s#iritual science can loo7 full of consolation into the future5 The$ can feel something li7e twilight in the turn of an era during these #resent) destin$ burdened e'ents after which a time of sunn$ #eace will also follow5 But im#ortant will be in the s#iritual effecti'eness of this time of sunn$ #eace that what is won through the sacrificial deaths of so man$ #eo#le5 That can be made fruitful here on earth #articularl$ creating a bridge) a connection between the li'ing human beings who are incarnated in #h$sical bodies here on earth and the souls who are abo'e and want to radiate down that which the$ ha'e ta7en with them5 Here it is where the real understanding of s#iritual science 7noc7s on our hearts and as7s us to do that what we can do from the consciousness we ha'e gained b$ s#iritual science what we can do feeling) so that the great) destin$ e/citing) #ainful e'ents of the #resent time) as far as we are concerned) contribute to the fertilit$ and welfare of human7ind5 Those who 7now something about s#iritual science can 7now feeling and feel 7nowing b$ which means the bridge is built u# into the s#iritual world@ because the souls) who remained on earth) send the thoughts and sensations which can be en7indled b$ s#iritual science5 The hori<on for that will be a hori<on of #eace5 !bo'e) the souls will be who send down s#iritual beams of light5 Below) human beings must be who ha'e learnt to send such thoughts and feelings out of their souls from below which are stimulated b$ s#iritual science5 If there are reall$ souls who turn their senses conscious of s#irit to the s#irit land) then the bridge will be built) then the time will ha'e come when Cust through such #ainful) destin$ burdened e'ents) as the$ ha##en in our time) an intimate bond must be wo'en between the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds) for which we stri'e b$ our s#iritual science5 "o we summarise what should be our 7nowledge and our tas7 and what should arouse confidence in the words@


From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5

"#iritual "cience and the M$ster$ of Death Dee#er Relations of %uro#ean Histor$
Bremen" 6$st Fe/ruary $&$'

(hat s#iritual science calls the m$ster$ of death faces us in our times so significantl$5 %'er$thing is in close or more distant interrelation with them5 !bo'e all) through s#iritual science we recei'e not onl$ the basic con'iction) but the basic 7nowledge of the world in the #h$sical bod$ and of the world) into which we enter through the gate of death5 Howe'er) this world is alwa$s ali'e also in the sensor$ life and surrounds us5 It is onl$ not recogni<able for the human being engaged in the sensor$ life) because he does not ha'e the necessar$ attention for it5 If such drastic e'ents flow through the time which demand so manifold sacrifices of the human beings as the$ surround us now) we must be wo'en with our whole souls in it5 Hence) it is ob'ious to inform $ou about some matters b$ means of s#iritual science5 (e want to turn our glance to fields of life that show us how human7ind has come to something fatefull$ illogical concerning its surroundings because of the materialistic wa$ of thin7ing5 (e hear) for e/am#le) in the wa$ usual toda$ the indi'idual nations accusing each another@ I ha'e not wanted the war. it is $ou who has incited it5 E The Fuestion is legitimate and one can now alread$ answer it E for the facts s#ea7 clearl$ E where the e/ternal causes are5 But for the s#iritual scientific seer it is different5 In this Fuestion he has to realise that the war is basicall$ the last #hase in the course of e'ents) or at least a later #hase of matters that were there alread$ before5 0ne commits a mista7e in the Cudgment also with illness #rocesses where one often still s#ea7s of such) whereas these are alread$ health #rocesses) which must ta7e #lace to reco'er5 The e/ternal #rocesses) which ta7e #lace to #aral$se the illness and to reco'er) ha'e ha##ened before and are not to be obser'ed5 The war also is an a##arent illness #rocess5 It is an effort of human7ind to come be$ond certain #rocesses which were there before5 The illness lies alread$ before in the reall$ unhealth$ relations between the #eo#les5 If an$one in'estigates the e/ternal causes with reason) he ignores the internal ones5 In the area where we are crowded together li7e in a fortress and are surrounded with a ring) it must seem reasonable to es#eciall$ raise the Fuestion which the internal causes are) or of which 7ind the single cause is b$ which this encirclement was caused5 0ne s#ea7s of such an encirclement for the last $ears) for the last decades) but if $ou loo7 at the great connections) it begins much sooner5 It sounds #eculiar) but one can gi'e the $ear =9: !5 D5 E not 2=9:) but =9:5 For such a long time) the #rocess is going on) which finds e/#ression now in a wa$ we can call the most dreadful war of human7ind) since it inhabits the earth5 In the dee#er interrelation of %uro#ean histor$ one finds the e/tremel$ strange fact that in &entral %uro#e something of s#iritual substance was crowded together5 If an$one in'estigates this dee#er interrelation) he sees that it was crowded together there for a #articular #ur#ose5 It concerns not the e/ternal determinations of blood or race) but the fact that something li7e a s#iritual substance #ermeates the world5 "omething li7e a sna7e sha#ed ring contracts in &entral %uro#e coming down from the distant north5 Two currents of the east and west go to the south and meet forming a ring5 From a centre) the +ormannic tribes mo'e in the 3th centur$ down who are related b$ blood to so man$ things that later e/ist in &entral %uro#e5 But the$ #ush their wa$ into the Romance element) which comes from "outhern %uro#e) and flow together with it5 In =9:) the$ stand in front of Paris. there the +ormans were o'er#owered b$ the Romance #eo#le5 The western France came into being from that5 More than the !ngles and "a/ons could bring to the British islands) the +ormans brought bac7 from France to %ngland5 In the east) the +ormannic #eo#le mo'ed down) the$ got from the north to the Volga and the Blac7 "ea into the "la'ic regions5 Later the Tartar current coalesces5 The "la'ic element o'er#owers the +ormans and gi'es them the &hristian religion in its eastern form5 The$ become "la'ic as GRosH E the$ are called in Finland that wa$ E nothing has remained e/ce#t the name Russia5 This name is of Germanic origin5 The name Ruri7 has the same origin5 19

!bout these relations one has rather doubtful 'iews5 In the west of %uro#e man$ #eo#le s#ea7 that the French are a##ointed to resurrect the old &eltic element in a 7ind of Renaissance5 0ne has the idea that in &entral %uro#e are mainl$ Teutons and that in the west the &eltic element #redominates5 Howe'er) it is 'ice 'ersa) in the French #o#ulation is much more Teutonic blood) in &entral %uro#e is more &eltic blood) this is true5 Thus ma$a stands against truth5 0nl$ the inhabitants of the west are com#letel$ o'er#owered b$ the Romance element5 In the east the +orman and with them the Teutonic elements are o'er#owered b$ the foreign race element5 "till toda$ there a religion #re'ails that is foreign to the Russian fol7 soul L in From Symptom to .eality) third of nine lectures 6Berlin) 232=;) 'olume 2=4 of "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 6Rudolf "teiner Press) 23?9;N5 Thus the #eo#le in &entral %uro#e are encircled as it were5 The Romance element reaches to &onstantino#le) and on the other side the "la'ic +ormans reach to &onstantino#le as well5 There we ha'e the sna7e) the ring5 If we consider that what was crowded together there s#irituall$) we get the 'iew that it has an es#eciall$ im#ortant tas75 Jesterda$) I ha'e onl$ indicated it) but) ne'ertheless) I ha'e s#o7en of the fact that here a certain familiar contact of the fol7 soul with the indi'idual soul should ta7e #lace and Cust thereb$ the nicest blossoms are #roduced with the best relati'es5 The ego should immediatel$ be sei<ed) not the single members of the soul li7e in the (est) should be immediatel$ li'ing in the ego5 From that arises E this would alread$ ha'e to be clear to the e/oteric consideration E that in &entral %uro#e basicall$ com#lete hostilit$ could ne'er hold swa$ against idealism that alwa$s a certain tendenc$ to the s#iritual world was there to a high degree5 (hen we began our s#iritual mo'ement) 7arma ordained that we had to act at first in association with the British mo'ement5 But e/ternall$ e'er$thing was onl$ a s$m#tom of that what had to ha##en internall$ with a certain necessit$5 If we consider what the theoso#hical mo'ement re#resents) from which we had to se#arate) $ou will notice that there the cultural life has s#lit in two #arts5 The e/ternal life ta7es a #urel$ materialistic wa$) and the s#iritual element is cou#led to it5 The$ alwa$s fall a#art5 &om#are to that which must be our s#iritual life for us5 !s in the organism the head cannot be thought without bod$) our s#iritual life grows out of the general cultural life5 Jou onl$ need to start with Tauler) %c7hart) !ngelus "ilesius) then with Herder) Lessing) e'er$where we ha'e to de'elo# what should become higher s#iritual culture5 (e cannot cou#le our s#iritual 'iew to an$thing) we must ha'e it as an organism) must raise it5 (e ha'e to disco'er internall$ that the return of &hrist is a s#iritual affair5 Hence) we cannot ma7e the slightest concession5 (e are able to loo7 at &hrist as a figure onl$ with the s#iritual e$e) a##roach Him with the internal e/#erience5 In the (est that had to be dogmatised and materialised5 Peo#le could not imagine it differentl$) as that He would come in the #h$sical bod$5 Hence) the absurd idea to #resent &hrist in the bod$ on the sal'er Lthe Indian bo$ 1rishnamurti was #ro#agated as the reincarnated &hrist b$ !nnie Besant) the #resident of the Theoso#hical "ociet$ 6!d$ar;5N5 This ha##ened in connection with that what was encircled there5 Hence) the Fuestion must touch us obCecti'el$@ how has the &entral %uro#ean ci'ilisation to relate to the future cultureI E Truth is something general) but it is something different how it arises5 In the &entral %uro#ean ci'ilisation are the s#rings for the whole s#iritual culture of the future5 (e ha'e to find the wa$ from the German idealism to the s#iritual culture5 For that is necessar$ that here in the centre an ego culture is founded5 Jou can see that easil$ on the esoteric field5 The human ego has to en7indle itself in the outside world) there onl$ it is awa7e and realises internall$5 Thus the ego culture of &entral %uro#e is aroused from without5 Jou need to loo7 onl$ at the last e'ents) the standardisation of the German being5 It is t$#ical that the German em#ire was founded in 2=?2 on foreign ground5 "o man$ e/am#les could be gi'en that also show in the e/ternal e'ents that there is an ego culture in &entral %uro#e5 It seems reasonable to as7@ which meaning do the deaths ha'e for the s#iritual worldI E &ountless human beings go in the #rime of life through the gate of death5 !t first the connection of ego) astral bod$) etheric bod$ with the #h$sical bod$ is se#arated5 The #h$sical bod$ is handed o'er a##arentl$ to the earth) the etheric bod$ to the etheric world. astral bod$ and ego go on5 Howe'er) this must stri7e us@ are the etheric bodies of the human beings of normal age going through the gate of death different from those of the $oung menI !s to the #h$sical bod$ one understands this) as to the etheric one will understand it now5 The etheric bod$ could still ha'e su##lied the #h$sical bod$ for decades) and could ha'e wor7ed on it5 It goes with these unused forces through the gate of death) coalesces there with the fol7 soul) and the wor7 of the fol7 soul will be im#regnated in future with the unused forces of these etheric bodies5 It is our tas7 to understand that5 Human beings will be there who will 7now@ the fol7 soul is an acti'e element5 0nl$ if one 7nows that the unused etheric bodies will wor7 as a s#iritual force in concrete wa$ in the s#iritual world) then one can understand what ta7es action reall$5 The consciousness of this concrete relationshi# with the s#iritual world will be im#ortant5 Thereb$) namel$ b$ creation of such a consciousness of the s#iritual world) s#iritual science becomes more and more life in the souls and does not onl$ remain doctrine5 The human being 7nows that he is in a s#iritual aura as he 7nows here that the air is in his surroundings5 Li7e he distinguishes clean and dirt$ air here) he will feel good and bad s#irits) e/#eriencing and feeling the s#iritual aura5


0nl$ this is the right fruit of s#iritual science5 (e see it if we consider e'ents that are close to us and can teach us5 0ne of them Cust ha##ened in the #lace of our construction5 In this case it was a child whose etheric bod$ was unused5 The forces are there. somebod$ who beholds them who 7nows how to behold them sees that the$ ha'e gone o'er into the aura of our Dornach construction and li'e in it5 This is an e/am#le I am res#onsible for5 The etheric bod$ which belongs with its forces more to the communit$ is reall$ wor7ing on5 "ince that time it tries to do something b$ means of ins#irations nearb$ the construction5 These are su##orting forces5 "uch matters are ob'ious to us) we can be taught through them how m$sterious the connections are in the s#iritual world5 Kust in the last time we e/#erienced in the 7arma of our societ$ that dear friends ha'e died off5 (hat I said in the Vienna c$cle L nner 2ature of Man and 7ife Bet-een Death and .e/irth) eight lectures 6Vienna) 232B;) "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume 24ON about the life between death and new birth became com#letel$ clear Cust in some of these souls5 0ne of these souls has found so surel$ the wa$ into our mo'ement when the #h$sical bod$ was alread$ worn out5 "ince it was in our mo'ement) it was a being whose soul faced me li7e through a bod$ that had become bright and trans#arent as glass5 !fter death the #icture of this soul) as it was alread$ before) grew together with that which it #resented after5 I was not able to hel# m$self to gi'e the obituar$ which shows that I was so surel$ together with this soul5 The following words made themsel'es audible for about three da$s) after death had occurred@ Jou came to us5 The gentleness of $our being "#o7e out of the calm strength of $our e$es E &almness of $our soul Flowed in the wa'es (ith which $our glances &arried $our internal wea'ing To things and human beings. E !nd the soul #enetrated $our 'oice (hich re'ealed E more through the 7ind of word In its eloFuent manner E (hat was wor7ing as a secret In $our lo'el$ soul Than it was contained in the word. Howe'er) without sa$ing a word It re'ealed itself To the com#assionate lo'e of human beings E This being that told of noble) calm beaut$ 0f the world soul,s creation To rece#ti'e feeling5 The consciousness is dam#ened after death) Cust because a flooding consciousness is there5 This ha##ens b$ the re'iew $ou ha'e on death first E not in the case of suicide) E as it were a solar #oint5 That belongs to the most beautiful) highest e/#eriences5 Jou resume it there) $ou sa$ to $ourself@ there $ou ha'e li'ed) E and $ou orientate $ourself that wa$ in the s#iritual world5 0ur friend was out of the stage of the etheric re'iew) so that I s#o7e to the #resent) but not $et conscious being5 Then a moment of consciousness occurred as a result of the heat) and she saw the cremation5 Time there becomes s#ace5 The e'ents in the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds corres#ond to each other5 In such a case) calling does not return li7e an echo from the s#iritual world) but con'erts itself to an answer) gi'ing the gist) from the not $et conscious soul5 B$ such e/am#les we recognise feeling and feel recognising the s#iritual world5 The result must be to e/#erience the realit$ of the s#iritual world5 It is es#eciall$ im#ortant to get this definite feeling in our time) so that the #h$sical welfare and the mental welfare arise for the whole human7ind out of the seriousness of the #resent5 For alwa$s the big) significant world e'ents were) also for a su#erficial 7nowledge) the clear e/#ression for the fact that there are not onl$ sensor$ beings) but that the s#iritual beings are wor7ing into the sensor$ world5 It is difficult to brea7 through the 'eil which se#arates the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds5 This ma7es self 7nowledge difficult to the greatest #ossible e/tent. one imagines that as something too eas$5 It is sometimes difficult alread$ in the e/ternal #h$sical sense5 The significant #hiloso#her %rnst Mach L %rnst Mach 62=O=M2329;) !ustrian #h$sicist and #hiloso#herN E not Ferdinand Maac7) otherwise) I would not ha'e s#o7en of a significant #hiloso#her E ga'e a grotesFue e/am#le of it5 21

Mach describes in one of his wor7s that when he was a $oung man a disagreeable countenance struc7 him once in a mirror of a sho# window) which he had immediatel$ to recognise as his own to his disma$5 He e/#erienced something similar later again5 (hile getting into a bus he saw a man with an ugl$ face who met him from the other side) and recognised onl$ afterwards that he had seen himself in the mirror5 The human being is still e'en more uncertain about the being or form of the soul5 Peo#le do not dream of that what one has to do to get self 7nowledge5 In the subsoil of the soul) ma$a has often large dimensions5 ! human being has the im#ulse of cruelt$. he li'es together with #eo#le whom he torments e'er$ now and then et cetera5 He loo7s for an e/ternal cause for it. he often uses an ingenious gift of in'ention to 'eil the structure of his soul5 I m$self 7new somebod$ who s#o7e re#eatedl$ how man$ great sacrifices his acti'it$ demanded5 But I had to sa$ that it was onl$ a lust of his soul) which he satisfied5 (hen he s#o7e of sacrifices that wa$) onl$ egoism stood behind that5 Real self 7nowledge is onl$ accessible if one ad'ances in s#iritual science graduall$) in so far as he e/#eriences b$ himself what is in the world5 There are chatting #eo#le in the world who organise chat hours5 !##arentl$) that is e'en the case when men go to their sundowners5 If the$ are as7ed) wh$ the$ chat) #eo#le ha'e all 7inds of im#ortant reasons for that5 But if we glide with our hand o'er 'el'et or sil7) we ha'e a feeling of #leasure5 (hile somebod$ is chatting) his etheric bod$ 7noc7s #er#etuall$ against the air set in motion) and in doing so it is stro7ed5 This is nothing bad5 Jou understand what goes forward with chatting) onl$ if $ou 7now that the human being has an etheric bod$5 Human7ind goes towards a time when it must face such matters more and more5 "#iritual science must arouse the consciousness for it more and more5 Then #eo#le who state toda$ in their materialistic mind that e'er$thing s#iritual is da$dreaming will loo7 as if an$bod$ wanted to sa$ where the air is) is nothing at all5 Li7e one disco'ers that the air is real) human7ind will find out that the s#irit is something real5 If $ou consider the biggest m$ster$) &hrist,s Death and Resurrection) $ou ma$ belie'e that &hrist) after he has gone through the M$ster$ of Golgotha) would ha'e wor7ed on human7ind #articularl$ b$ means of teaching5 Howe'er) what #eo#le 7new about &hrist was the least5 The theologians ha'e Fuarrelled) but 'er$ few understood something right5 0nl$ a #art of historical e'ents ha##ens in the consciousness5 !n e/am#le of that is the battle between Ma/entius and &onstantine at the Mil'ian Bridge on the A=th 0ctober O2A !5 D5) which was decided not b$ some e/ternal circumstances) but b$ effects of non #h$sical 7ind5 (ith an arm$ which was far stronger than that of his ad'ersar$ &onstantine Ma/entius had to defend Rome5 Suestioning the "ib$lline Boo7s he got the ad'ice to lead his troo#s out of Rome and then he would destro$ the enemies of Rome that wa$5 He was still encouraged in that b$ a dream5 !lso &onstantine had a dream that his soldiers should bear banners with the monogram of &hrist instead of the old field signs5 Thus it ha##ened) and the arm$ of Ma/entius) which had been led out of Rome contrar$ to reason) was defeated b$ the wea7er armed forces of &onstantine) and Ma/entius himself found his death on the run5 The &hrist Im#ulse had here wor7ed in the subconsciousness of the #eo#le5 The im#ulse li'es in the subconsciousness) as if shi#s go on the sea) but the im#ortant matters would ta7e #lace in submarines5 !n im#ortant #oint in time is again in the 24th centur$5 !t that time) the Maid of 0rleans inter'ened in the course of histor$ in such a wa$ that e'er$thing that ha##ened later was determined through it5 The whole ma# of %uro#e would be different) also the s#iritual life if the %nglish had won5 The Maid was a ser'ant of "t5 Michael5 "chiller was dee#l$ touched b$ the figure of the Maid of 0rleans@ Gthe world li7es to blac7en the beaming5H (hereas Voltaire 'ented his rage against her) e'en "ha7es#eare could not understand her) !natole France #ressed her down into the materialistic 'iew) all (estern #eo#le of intellect did not understand her) and "chiller embodied this sublime figure in his drama5 It was necessar$ that the Maid of 0rleans went through a 7ind of unaware initiation to fulfil her historical mission5 It concerned an initiation as it is described to us in the legend of 0laf Qsteson5 "uch initiations) for which certain 7armic conditions were necessar$) could ta7e #lace in the time of the thirteen nights between the A4th December and 9th Kanuar$5 If the e/ternal light has the slightest strength) an inner enlightenment is #ossible5 Thus 0laf Qsteson had real s#iritual e/#eriences in the slee#ing state during thirteen nights) which he then re#orts before the #ortal of a church) as it is shown in the Dream Song5 !lso the Maid of 0rleans s#ent thirteen nights as it were in the slee#ing state) namel$ in the bod$ of her mother5 In the last time before birth the human being is es#eciall$ accessible to unaware influences from the s#iritual world5 0n the 9th Kanuar$ the Maid of 0rleans was born5 During this da$ all the inhabitants of her birth#lace gathered because something Fuite unusual was to be felt in the aura of the 'illage5 It was the birth of the Maid of 0rleans) to whom the &hrist Im#ulse was im#lanted Cust before she saw the #h$sical sunlight5 The #ro#er #ur#ose of all our attem#ts and that what de#ends on us is to gain a li'ing connection between the #h$sical and s#iritual worlds5 Peo#le will recognise that the time of twilight of this war means a turn of an era5 Human beings should 7now that the souls of those who ha'e sacrificed themsel'es are wor7ing on and that this war has the tas7 to close the materialistic age5 22

It is necessar$ that souls are there who send thoughts into the s#iritual world li7e e/tending arms and bring down the consciousness from the s#iritual world) souls conscious of s#irit5 The more such souls conscious of s#irit send their thoughts u#wards E a lot de#ends on the fact that our s#iritual atmos#here is #enetrated b$ such thoughts) E the more the fruits which come from the sacrificial deaths can mature5 Thus we summarise our consideration in the words@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 The Intimate %lement of the &entral %uro#ean &ulture and the &entral %uro#ean "tri'ing 7eip8ig" 9th March $&$'

(e li'e in grie'ous) destin$ burdened da$s5 0nl$ few souls wait with full confidence what these destin$ burdened da$s will bring to us earth #eo#le5 !bo'e all) the significance of that what e/#resses itself b$ the e'ents of these da$s) does not s#ea7 with full strength in the souls5 "ome human souls attem#t to e/#erience the im#ulses more and more that s#iritual science demands to be im#lanted into the cultural de'elo#ment5 The$ should 7now being connected with their dee#est feeling with that which) on one side) ta7es #lace around us so tremendousl$ and) on the other side) so #ainfull$5 "omething ta7es #lace that is matchless not onl$ according to the wa$ but also according to the degree within the conscious histor$ of human de'elo#ment) that is dee#l$ inter'ening and drastic in the whole life of the earth,s de'elo#ment5 0ne needs to imagine onl$ what it means E and this is the case toda$ with e'er$ human being of the %uro#ean and also of man$ #arts of the other earth #o#ulation E to be in the centre of the course of such significant e'ents5 (e ha'e to feel that this is Cust a time which is not onl$ suitable but also demands that the soul frees itself from merel$ li'ing within the own self) and should attem#t to e/#erience the common fate of human7ind5 The human being can learn a lot in our #resent if he 7nows how to combine in the right wa$ with the stream of the e'ents5 He frees himself from a lot of #ettiness and egoism if he is able to do this5 "uch great e'ents ta7e #lace that almost an$bod$ caring for himself ignores the destinies of the other human beings5 In #articular the #o#ulation of &entral %uro#e E which immense Fuestions has it to #ut to itself about matters that it can learn basicall$ onl$ nowP The human being of &entral %uro#e can #ercei'e how he is misunderstood) actuall$) how he is hated5 !nd these misunderstandings) this hatred did not onl$ eru#t since the outbrea7 of the war) the$ ha'e become #erce#tible since the outbrea7 of the war5 Hence) the outbrea7 of the war and the course of the war can be e'en as it were that what draws attention of the &entral %uro#ean souls to that how the$ must feel isolated in a certain wa$ more or less com#ared with the feeling of those #eo#le who stand on all sides around this &entral %uro#ean #o#ulation reall$ not with understanding emotions5 If an$bod$ could arouse dee#er interests in the big e'ents of life in the souls dedicating themsel'es to s#iritual science E this would be so desirable) es#eciall$ now E e'ents that lead the soul from the 7en of its ego to the large hori<on of human7indP Then one were able to dee#en the loo7) the whole attitude of the souls who recognise the encom#assing forces) because the$ ha'e ta7en u# s#iritual science in themsel'es) and release them from the interest in the narrow forces that deal onl$ with the indi'idual human beingP If one hears the world tal7ing toda$) in #articular the world which is around us &entral %uro#eans) if one reads which #eculiar things there are written about the im#ulses which should ha'e led to this war) then one has the feeling that human7ind has lost the obligation to Cudge from larger 'iew#oints in our materialistic time) has lost so much that $ou ma$ ha'e the im#ression) as if #eo#le had generall$ learnt nothing) but for them histor$ onl$ began on the A4th Kul$) 232B L "erbia refuses the ultimatum of !ustria Hungar$N5 It is) as if #eo#le 7now nothing about that what has ta7en #lace in the inter#la$ of forces of the earth #o#ulation and what has led from this inter#la$ of forces to the grie'ous in'ol'ements which caught fire from the flame of war) finall$) and flared u#5 0ne tal7s hardl$ of the fact that one calls the encirclement b$ the #re'ious %nglish 7ing who united the %uro#ean #owers round &entral %uro#e) so that from this union of human forces around us) finall$) nothing else could 23

originate than that what has ha##ened5 0ne does not want to go further bac7 as some $ears) at most decades and ma7e conce#tions how this has come what is now so destin$ burdened and #ainful around us5 But the matters lie still much dee#er5 If one s#ea7s of encirclement) one must sa$@ what has ta7en #lace in the encirclement of the &entral %uro#ean #owers in the last time) that is the last stage) the last ste# of an encirclement of &entral %uro#e) which began long) long ago) in the $ear =9: !5 D5 !t that time) when those human beings dro'e from the north of %uro#e who stood as +ormans before Paris) a #art of the strength) which should wor7 in %uro#e) dro'e in the west of %uro#e into the Romance current which had flooded the west of %uro#e from the south5 (e ha'e a current of human forces which #ours forth from Rome 'ia Ital$ and "icil$ o'er "#ain and through #resent da$ France5 The +orman #o#ulation) which dri'es down from the north and stands before Paris in =9:) was flooded and wra##ed u# b$ that which had come as a Romance current of olden times5 That what is #owerful in this current is due to the fact that the +orman #o#ulation was wra##ed u# in it5 (hat has originated) howe'er) as something strange to the &entral %uro#ean culture in the (est) is due to the Romance current5 This Romance current did not sto# in #resent da$ France) but it #ro'ed to be #owerful enough because of its dogmaticall$ rationalistic 7ind) its tendenc$ to the materialistic wa$ of thin7ing to flood not onl$ France but also the !nglo "a/on countries5 This ha##ened when the +ormans conFuered Britain and brought with them that what the$ had ta7en u# from the Romance current5 !lso the Romance element is in the British element which thereb$ faces the &entral %uro#ean being) actuall$) without understanding5 The +orman element #enetrated b$ the Romance element continued its train 'ia the Gree7 coasts down to &onstantino#le5 "o that we see a current of +orman Romance culture dri'ing down from the %uro#ean north to the west) encircling &entral %uro#e li7e in a sna7e form) stretching its tentacles as it were to &onstantino#le5 (e see the other train going down from the north to the east and #enetrating the "la'ic element5 The first +orman trains were called GRosH b$ the Finnish #o#ulation which was widel$ #ro#agated at that time in #resent da$ Russia5 GRosH is the origin of this name5 (e see these northern #eo#le getting in the "la'ic element) getting to 1ie' and &onstantino#le at the same time5 The circle is closedP 0n one side) the +orman forces dri'e down from the north to the west) becoming Romance) on the other side) to the east) becoming "la'ic) and the$ meet from the east and from the west in &onstantino#le5 In &entral %uro#e that is enclosed li7e in a cultural basin what remained of the original Teutonic element) fertilised b$ the old &eltic element) which is wor7ing then in the most different nuances in the #o#ulation) as German) as Dutch) as "candina'ian #o#ulations5 Thus we recognise how old this encirclement is5 +ow in this &entral %uro#e an intimate culture #re#ares itself) a culture which was ne'er able to run li7e the culture had to run in the (est or the culture in the %ast) but which had to run Fuite differentl$5 If we com#are the cultural de'elo#ment in &entral %uro#e with that of the (est) so we must sa$) in the (est a culture de'elo#ed E and this can be seen from the smallest and from the biggest feature of this culture E whose basic character is to be #ursued from the British islands o'er France) "#ain) to "icil$) to Ital$ and to &onstantino#le5 There certain dogmatism de'elo#ed as a characteristic of the culture) rationalism) a longing for dressing e'er$thing one gets in 7nowledge in #lain rationalistic formulae5 There de'elo#ed a desire to see things as reason and sensuousness must see them5 There de'elo#ed the desire to sim#lif$ e'er$thing5 Let us ta7e a case which is ob'ious to us as su##orters of s#iritual science namel$ the arrangement of our human soul in three members@ sentient soul) intellectual soul or mind soul) and consciousness soul5 The human soul can be understood in realit$ onl$ if one 7nows that it consists of these three members5 Kust as little as the light can be understood without recognising the colour nuances in their origin from the light) and without 7nowing that it is made u# of the different colour nuances which we see in the rainbow) on one side the red $ellow ra$s) on the other side the blue) green) 'iolet ones) and if one cannot stud$ the light as a #h$sicist5 Kust as little somebod$ can stud$ the human soul what is infinitel$ more im#ortant5 For e'er$bod$ should be a human being and e'er$bod$ should 7now the soul5 He) who does not feel in his soul that this soul li'es in three members@ sentient soul) intellectual soul or mind soul) consciousness soul) throws e'er$thing in the soul in a mess5 (e see the modern uni'ersit$ #s$chologists getting e'er$thing of the soul in a mess) as well as somebod$ gets the colour nuances of the light sim#l$ in a mess5 !nd the$ imagine themsel'es #articularl$ learnt in their immense arrogance) in their scientific arrogance throwing e'er$thing together in the soul life) while one can onl$ reall$ recognise the soul if one is able to 7now this threefolding of the soul actuall$5 The sentient soul also is at first that what realises) as it were) the desires) the more feeling im#ulses) more that in the current earth e/istence what we can call the more sensuous as#ect of the human being5 +e'ertheless) this sentient soul contains the eternal dri'ing forces of the human nature in its dee#er #arts at the same time5 These forces go through birth and death5 The intellectual soul or mind soul contains half the tem#oral and half the eternal5 The consciousness soul) as it is now) directs the human being #referabl$ to the tem#oral5 Hence) it is clear that the nation) who de'elo#s its fol7 soul b$ means of the consciousness soul) the British #eo#le) after a 'er$ nice remar7 of Goethe) has nothing of that what is meditati'e reflection) but it is directed to the #ractical) to the e/ternal com#etition5 Perha#s) it is not bad at all to remember such matters) because those who ha'e ta7en #art in the German cultural life were not blind for them) but the$ 24

e/#ressed themsel'es alwa$s 'er$ clearl$ about that5 Thus Goethe said to %c7ermann L con'ersation with %c7ermann) 2st "e#tember 2=A3N E it is long ago) but $ou can see that great Germans ha'e seen the matters alwa$s in the true light E when once the con'ersation turned to the #hiloso#hers Hegel) Fichte) 1ant and some others@ $es) $es) while the Germans struggle to sol'e the dee#est #hiloso#hical #roblems) the %nglish are directed mainl$ to the #ractical as#ects and onl$ to them5 The$ lac7 an$ sense of reflection5 !nd e'en if the$ E so said Goethe E ma7e declamations about moralit$ mainl$ consisting of the liberation of sla'es) one has to as7@ which is Gthe real obCectIH E !t another occasion) Goethe wrote Lletter to Delter) A:th Februar$ 2=A=N that a remar7 of (alter "cott e/#resses more than man$ boo7s5 For e'en (alter "cott admitted once that it was more im#ortant than the liberation of nations) e'en if the %nglish had ta7en #art in the battles against +a#oleon) Gto see a British obCect before themsel'es5H ! German #hilologist succeeded E and what does the diligence of German #hilologists not manage E in finding the #assage in nine thic7 'olumes of +a#oleon,s biogra#h$ b$ (alter "cott to which Goethe has alluded at that time5 Indeed) there $ou find) admitted b$ (alter "cott) that the Britons too7 #art in the battles against +a#oleon) howe'er) the$ desired to attain a British ad'antage5 He himself e/#resses it Gto secure the British obCect5H E It is a remar7 of the %nglishman himself) one onl$ had to search for it5 These matters are interesting to e/tend $our 7en somewhat toda$5 Jou ha'e to 7now) I said) that the human soul consists of these three members) #ro#erl$ s#ea7ing that the human self wor7s b$ these three soul nuances li7e the light b$ the different colour nuances) mainl$ in the mineral) #lant) and animal 7ingdoms5 Then one will find out that the human being) while he has these three soul nuances) can and must assign each of these soul nuances to a great ideal in the course of human #rogress5 %ach of these ideals corres#onds to a soul nuance not to the whole soul5 0nl$ if #eo#le can be induced b$ s#iritual science to assign the corres#onding ideals to the single soul members) will the real ideal of human welfare and of the harmonious li'ing together of human beings on earth come into being5 Because the human being has to aim at another ideal for his sentient soul) for that which he realises as it were in the #h$sical #lane) at another soul ideal for that what he realises in the intellectual soul or mind soul) and again another ideal in his consciousness soul5 He im#ro'es a soul member through one of these ideals. the other soul members are im#ro'ed through the others5 If one de'elo#s the soul member in #articular through brotherliness of the human beings on earth) one has to de'elo# the other one through freedom) the third through eFualit$5 %ach of these three ideals refers to a soul member5 In the west of %uro#e e'er$thing got muddled) and it was sim#lified b$ the rationalists) b$ that rationalism) which wants to ha'e e'er$thing in #lain formulae) in #lain dogmas) which wants to ha'e e'er$thing clearl$ to mind5 The whole human soul was ta7en b$ this dogmatism sim#l$ as one) and one s#o7e of libert$) fraternit$) eFualit$5 (e see that there is a fundamental attitude of rationalising ci'ilisation in the (est5 (e could 'erif$ that in details5 For e/am#le) Cust highl$ educated French can moc7 that I used fi'e footed iambi in m$ m$ster$ dramas L cf5 the lecture On the Mystery Dramas GThe :ortal of nitiationH and GThe Soul(s :ro/ationH 23th December 2322) "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume 2A?N but no rh$mes5 The French mind cannot understand that the internal dri'ing force of the language does not need the rh$me at this le'el5 The French mind stri'es for s$stematisation) for that what forms an e/ternal framewor7) and it sa$s@ one cannot ma7e 'erses without rh$me5 Howe'er) this also a##lies to the e/terior life) to e'er$thing5 In the (est) one wants to arrange) to s$stematise) and to nicel$ tin e'er$thing5 Thin7 onl$ what a dreadful matter it was) when in the beginning of our s#iritual scientific stri'ing man$ of our friends were still influenced b$ the %nglish theoso#hical direction5 In e'er$ branch $ou could find all #ossible s$stems written down on ma#s) boards et cetera) on to#) nicel$ arranged@ atma) buddhi) manas) then all #ossible matters in detail which one s$stematises and tins that wa$5 Imagine how one has bent under the $o7e of this dogmatism and how difficult it was to set the methods of internal de'elo#ment to their #lace) which we must ha'e in &entral %uro#e) that one thing ensues from the other) that conce#ts ad'ance in the internal e/#erience5 0ne does not need s$stematising) these mnemonic aids which wra# u# e'er$thing in certain formulae5 (hich hard wor7 was it to show that one matter merges into another) that $ou ha'e to arrange matters seFuentiall$ and li'el$5 I could e/#and this account to all branches of life. howe'er) we would ha'e to sta$ together for da$s5 (e find that in the (est as one #art of the current which encircled &entral %uro#e5 If we go to the %ast) then we must sa$@ there we deal with a longing which Cust #resents the o##osite) with the longing to let disa##ear e'er$thing still in a fog of lac7s of clarit$ in a #rimiti'e) elementar$ m$sticism) in something that does not stand to e/#ress itself directl$ in clear ideas and clear words5 (e reall$ ha'e two sna7es E the s$mbol is absolutel$ a##ro#riate) E one of them e/tends from the north to southeast) the other from the north to southwest) and both meet in &onstantino#le5 In the centre that is enclosed what we can call the intimate &entral %uro#ean s#iritual current) where the head can ne'er be se#arated from the heart) thin7ing from feeling) if it a##ears in its original Fualit$5


0ne does not com#letel$ notice that in our s#iritual science e'en toda$) because one has to stri'e) e'en if not for a conce#tual s$stem) but for conce#ts of de'elo#ment5 0ne does not $et notice that e'er$thing that is aimed at is not onl$ a beholding with the head5 Howe'er) the heart and the whole soul is combined with e'er$thing) alwa$s the heart is flowed through) while the head) for e/am#le) describes the transitions from "aturn to the "un) from the "un to the Moon) from the Moon to the earth et cetera5 %'er$where the heart ta7es #art in the #ortra$al. and one can be touched there in the dee#est that one ascends with all heart feeling to the to# heights and di'es in the dee#est de#ths and can ascend again5 0ne does not notice this e'en toda$ that that what is described onl$ a##arentl$ in conce#ts one has to #ut one,s heart and soul in it at the same time if it should corres#ond to the &entral %uro#ean cultural life5 This intimate element of the &entral %uro#ean culture is ca#able of the s#iritual not without ideal) not to thin7 the ideal an$ more without the s#iritual5 Recognising the s#irit and combining it intimatel$ with the soul characterises the &entral %uro#ean being most intensel$5 Hence) this &entral %uro#ean being can use that what descends to the dee#est de#ths of the sensor$ 'iew and the sensor$ sensation to become the s$mbol for the loftiest5 It is dee#l$ t$#ical that Goethe) after he had let go through his mind the life of the t$#ical human being) the life of Faust) closed his #oem with the words@ !lles VergTngliche !ll that is transitor$ Ist nur ein Gleichnis Is onl$ a s$mbol. and the last words are@ Das %wig (eibliche The eternal feminine draws Dieht uns hinan -s u# to higher le'els5 ! cosmic m$ster$ is e/#ressed through a sensor$ #icture) and Cust in this sensor$ #icture the intimate character of the &entral %uro#ean culture e/#resses itself5 (e find this wonderfull$ intimate character) for e/am#le) so nicel$ e/#ressed and at the same time rising s#irituall$ to the loftiest Cust with +o'alis5 If $ou loo7 for translations of this last sentence@ GDas %wig (eibliche <ieht uns hinan)H in #articular the French translations) then $ou will see what has become of this sentence5 "ome French did e/#lain it not so nicel$) but the$ do not count if it concerns the understanding of Faust5 The &entral %uro#ean being aims at the intimac$ of s#iritual life most eminentl$) and this is that what is enclosed b$ the Midgard "na7e in the %ast and the (est5 "o far we ha'e to go to combine com#letel$ in our feeling with that what ha##ens) actuall$5 Then we gain obCecti'it$ Cust from this &entral %uro#ean being to stand in front of the #resent great e'ents with the reall$ su#ranational human im#ulses) and not to Cudge out of the same im#ulses which are a##lied b$ the %ast and the (est5 Then we understand wh$ the &entral %uro#ean #o#ulation is misunderstood that wa$) is hated b$ those who surround them5 0f course) we ha'e to loo7 at the mission of &entral %uro#e for the whole human7ind with all humilit$5 (e are not allowed to be arrogant) but we must also #rotect the free loo7 for what is to be done in &entral %uro#e5 The &entral %uro#ean #o#ulation has alwa$s gone through the reCu'enating force of its fol7 soul5 It arri'ed at the summit in the ideals of Lessing) "chelling) Hegel) and Grimm5 Howe'er) e'er$thing that alread$ li'ed there li'ed more in a stri'ing for idealism5 +ow this must gain more life) more concrete life5 The #rofound ideas of German idealism ha'e to get contents from s#iritualit$) b$ which the$ are raised onl$ from mere ideas to li'ing beings of the s#iritual world5 Then we can familiarise oursel'es in this s#iritual world5 The significance of the &entral %uro#ean tas7 has now to ins#ire German hearts) and also the consciousness of what is to be defended in all directions) to the sides where the Midgard "na7e firml$ closes the circle5 It is our tas7 in #articular because we are on the ground of s#iritual science to loo7 at the #resent e'ents in such a higher sense5 (e cannot ta7e the most internal im#ulse of our s#iritual science seriousl$ enough if we do not familiarise oursel'es with such an im#ersonal 'iew of the s#iritual scientific stri'ing if we do not feel how this s#iritual scientific stri'ing is connected in e'er$ indi'idual human being with the whole &entral %uro#ean stri'ing as it must be united with the whole substantialit$ of this &entral %uro#ean stri'ing5 (e ha'e to realise that something of what we ha'e in mind e/ists onl$ in the germ) howe'er) that the &entral %uro#ean culture has the 'ocation to let unfold the germs to blossoms and fruits5


I gi'e $ou an e/am#le5 (hen the human being tries to further himself b$ means of meditation and concentration) b$ the intimate wor7 on the de'elo#ment of his soul) then all soul forces ta7e on another form than the$ ha'e in the e'er$da$ life5 Then the soul forces become as it were something different5 If the human being wor7s reall$ busil$ on his de'elo#ment) b$ concentration of thought and other e/ercises as I described them in the boo7 ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI) the human being begins to understand 'i'idl$) I would li7e to sa$ to gras# 'i'idl$ that he does no longer thin7 at the moment) when he a##roaches the real s#iritual world) as he has to thin7 in the e'er$da$ life5 In the e'er$da$ life) $ou thin7 that the thoughts start li'ing in $ou5 If $ou face the sensor$ world) $ou 7now@ that is me) and I ha'e the thoughts5 Jou connect one thought with the other and $ou thereb$ ma7e a Cudgment) $ou combine the thoughts and let them se#arate5 In m$ writing which is entitled The Threshold of the Spiritual World) I ha'e com#ared somebod$ de'elo#ing thoughts to one #utting his head into a world of li'ing beings5 The thoughts start internall$ #ric7ling and cree#ing) the$ become) if I ma$ sa$ so) li'ing beings) and we are no longer those who connect one thought to the other5 0ne thought goes to the other) and frees itself from the other) the life of thoughts starts coming to life5 0nl$ when the thoughts start as it were becoming shells and containers which contract in a small room and e/tend then again largel$) bag li7e) then the beings of the higher hierarchies are able to sli# into our thoughts) then onl$P "o our own wa$ of life) the whole thin7ing changes when we settle in the s#iritual world5 Then $ou start #ercei'ing that on the other #lanets other beings li'e not human beings li7e on the earth5 These other beings of the other #lanets) the$ #enetrate as it were our li'ing thin7ing) and we do no longer thin7 about the beings of the other worlds and world s#heres) but the$ li'e in us) the$ li'e combined with our sel'es5 Thin7ing has become a different soul force. it has de'elo#ed from the #oint on which it stood to another soul force) to that force which sur#asses us and becomes identical with that world) the s#iritual world5 Here we ha'e an e/am#le of that what human7ind has to concei'e if it should de'elo# the condition in which it now li'es to a higher one for the earth future5 This must reall$ become common 7nowledge that such thin7ing is #ossible) and that onl$ b$ such a thin7ing the human being can get to 7now the s#iritual world5 +ot e'er$ human being has to become a s#iritual researcher) Cust as little as e'er$bod$ needs to become a chemist who wants to understand the achie'ements of chemistr$5 Howe'er) e'en if there can be few s#iritual researchers) e'er$bod$ can see the truth of that using unbiased thin7ing and understand what the s#iritual researcher sa$s5 But it must become clear that there are unnoticed soul forces in the human being during life which when the human being goes through the gate of death become the same forces as an initiate has5 (hen the human being goes through the gate of death) thin7ing becomes another soul force@ it inter'enes in the being5 It is as if antennas were #er#etuall$ #ut out) and the human being e/#eriences the higher worlds which are in these antennas5 There was a witt$ man setting the tone in the 23th centur$) who contributed to the foundation of the materialistic world 'iew@ Ludwig Feuerbach LLudwig Feuerbach 62=:BM2=?A;@ the censorshi# confiscated his writing Thoughts on Death and mmortality 6+uremberg) 2=O:;N5 He wrote a boo7 Thoughts on Death and mmortality) and it is interesting to read the following in a #assage of this boo75 Feuerbach sa$s there for instance@ the summit human being is able to reach is his thoughts5 He cannot de'elo# higher soul forces than thin7ing5 If he could de'elo# higher soul forces than thin7ing) some effects and actions of the inhabitants of the star worlds would be able to #enetrate his head instead of thoughts5 E This seems so absurd to Ludwig Feuerbach that he regards e'er$bod$ as mentall$ ill who s#ea7s of such a thing at all5 Imagine how interesting this is that a #erson E who Cust becomes a materialist because he reCects higher soul forces E gets on that the soul force is that which re#resents the higher de'elo#ment of thin7ing5 He e'en describes it) but he has such a dreadful fear of this de'elo#ment that Cust because it would ha'e to be that wa$) as he sus#ects) he declares this soul force a matter of im#ossibilit$) a fantas$5 The s#iritual de'elo#ment in the 23th centur$ comes so near to that what must be aimed at) but it is so far awa$ at the same time because it is #ushed) as it were) from the inside to that what should be aimed at) but cannot #enetrate the de#ths) because it must regard it as absurd) because it is afraid of it reall$) fears it Fuite terrificall$5 !s soon as it onl$ touches what should come there) it is afraid5 The &entral %uro#ean cultural life has to come bac7 to itself) then we will attain that this &entral %uro#ean cultural life Cust de'elo#s and o'ercomes this fear5 That has become too strong what wants to su##ress this &entral %uro#ean s#iritual light5 "ome e/am#les ma$ also be mentioned5 Hegel) the German #hiloso#her) raised his 'oice in 'ain against the o'erestimation of +ewton5 If $ou toda$ hear an$ #h$sicist s#ea7ing E $ou can read u# that what I sa$ in man$ #o#ular wor7s) E then $ou will hear@ +ewton set the tone in the doctrine of gra'itation) a doctrine through which the uni'erse has onl$ become e/#licable5 E Hegel said@ what has +ewton done then) actuall$I E He dressed that in mathematical formulae what 1e#ler) the German astronomer) had e/#ressed5 Because nothing is included in +ewton,s wor7s what 1e#ler did not alread$ sa$5 1e#ler wor7ed out of that 'iew with which the whole soul wor7s not onl$ the head5 Howe'er) 27

+ewton brought the whole in a s$stem and thereb$ all 7inds of mista7es came into being) for e/am#le) the doctrine of a remote effect of the sun which is not useful for the Cudgment of #lanetar$ motion5 (ith +ewton it is real that wa$) as if the sun had #h$sical arms) and stretches these arms and attracts the #lanets5 E Howe'er) the German #hiloso#her warned in 'ain that the &entral %uro#ean culture would be flooded b$ the British culture in this field5 !nother e/am#le@ Goethe founded a theor$ of colours which originated com#letel$ from the &entral %uro#ean thin7ing and which $ou onl$ understand if $ou recognise the connections of the #h$sical with the s#iritual a little bit5 The world did not acce#t the Goethean theor$ of colours) but the +ewtonian theor$ of colours5 E Goethe founded a teaching of e'olution5 The world did not understand it) but it onl$ acce#ted what Darwinism ga'e as a theor$ of e'olution) as a theor$ of de'elo#ment in a #o#ular materialistic wa$5 Jou ma$ sa$@ the &entral %uro#ean human being who is encircled b$ the Midgard "na7e has to call in mind his forces5 It concerns not to bend under that what rationalism and em#iricism brought in5 Jou see the gigantic tas7. $ou see the significance of the ideal5 0ne does not notice that at all because it still #asses) I would li7e to sa$) in the current of #henomena if one asserts the &entral %uro#ean being5 I do not 7now how man$ #eo#le noticed the following5 (hen for reasons which were also mentioned $esterda$ in the #ublic lecture L The Bearing Force of the German Spirit5 Lecture of the same title in Berlin) A4th Februar$ 2324) in "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume 2=4 N our s#iritual scientific mo'ement had to free itself from the s#ecificall$ British direction of the Theoso#hical "ociet$ and when long ago as it were that ha##ened beforehand in the s#iritual realm what ta7es #lace now during the war E and #receded for good reasons) E I ha'e discussed and e/#lained the whole matter in those da$s on s$m#toms5 There are brainless #eo#le who want to Cudge about what our s#iritual scientific mo'ement is and ha'e often said@ well) also this &entral %uro#ean s#iritual scientific mo'ement has gone out from that which it has got from the British theoso#hical mo'ement5 I sa$ the following not because of #ersonal reasons) but because it characterises the situation) the whole ner'e of the matter in a s$m#tom) I would li7e to remind $ou of the fact that I held tal7s in Berlin which were #rinted then in m$ writing Mysticism at the Da-n of the Modern Spiritual 7ife) before I had an$ e/ternal interrelation with the British theoso#hical mo'ement5 In this writing nobod$ will find an$thing of western influence) but there e'er$thing is de'elo#ed #urel$ out of the &entral %uro#ean cultural life) from the s#iritual) m$stic mo'ement of Master %c7hart u# to !ngelus "ilesius5 (hen I came to London the first time) I met one of the #undits of the theoso#hical societ$ in those da$s) Mr5 Mead LGeorge M5 "5 Mead@ last #ri'ate secretar$ of H5 P5 Bla'ats7$5 He left the Theoso#hical "ociet$ later5 N5 He had read the boo7 which was immediatel$ translated in man$ cha#ters into the %nglish) and said that the whole theoso#h$ would be contained in this boo75 E "o far as #eo#le admitted that the$ could go along with us) so far we could unite with the whole obCect) of course. but nothing else was done5 (hat matters is that we reflect on our tas7s of the &entral %uro#ean s#iritual culture and that we ne'er de'iate from them5 The one or the other sent the medals) certificates and the li7e bac7 to the %nglish5 That is) ne'ertheless) less im#ortant5 The im#ortant thing will be first to send bac7 +ewtonianism) the %nglish coloured Darwinism) that means to release the &entral %uro#ean cultural life from it5 "omething is to be learnt from the wa$ how E free of other influence E the &entral %uro#ean cultural life has made itself noticeable Cust as s#iritual science5 But $ou ha'e to call to mind the essential #art once and to stand firml$ on this ground5 It is 'er$ #eculiar how m$steriousl$ matters wor75 Imagine the following case@ %rnst Haec7el has ta7en care basicall$ through his whole life to direct the German world 'iew to the British thin7ing5 The British thin7ing) the British em#iricism flows into %rnst Haec7el,s writings com#letel$5 He now rails against %ngland the most5 These are #rocesses which ta7e #lace in the subconscious of the soul of the &entral %uro#ean. these are also matters which are tightl$ connected in such a soul with 7arma5 &onsider #lease what it means that Haec7el #laces himself before the world and sa$s) he himself has accom#lished the first great action of the great researcher Hu/le$) while he stam#ed the sentence of the similarit$ of the human bone and the animal bone. that he) Haec7el) then has #ointed to the big change in the 'iew of the origin of the human being) and that he acce#ted nothing in the e'olution theor$ but what came from the (est5 E Then one sees that he is urged now to rail against that what has constituted his whole intellectual life5 It is the most tragic e'ent of the #resent for such a soul which can be onl$ thought5 It is s#iritual d$namite) because it bursts) actuall$) all su##orting #illars on which such a soul stands5 Thus $ou can) actuall$) loo7 into the de#ths of the #resent dreadful e'ents5 0nl$ if $ou reall$ consider the matters that wa$) are $ou able to consider them be$ond a narrow hori<on under which the$ are often considered toda$5 Jou will be able to learn a lot E and this will be the nicest) at the same time the most humiliating and the loftiest teaching5 For this teaching the #re'ailing acti'e world s#irit determined the &entral %uro#ean human being who is now embraced b$ the Midgard "na7e) enclosed li7e in a fortress) surrounded b$ enemies e'er$where5 If the e'ents become a s$mbol of the dee#est world wea'ing and world being) then onl$ we release oursel'es from a selfish 'iew of the #resent grie'ous) 28

destin$ burdened e'ents5 Then we feel onl$ that we must ma7e oursel'es worth$ of that what) for instance) Fichte also s#o7e about in a time in which German$ e/#erienced destin$ burdened da$s in his 0ddresses to the German 2ation5 There he wanted to s#ea7) as he e/#resses it himself) Gfor Germans #ar e/cellence) of Germans #ar e/cellence)H and he s#o7e li7e one had to s#ea7 of the German #ar e/cellence to the German #ar e/cellence in those da$s5 But li7e in those da$s Fichte s#o7e of the German mission) of the German range of tas7s) we ha'e toda$ to e/#erience the seriousness as the sunrise of the &entral %uro#ean consciousness within the containment b$ hating enemies5 Indeed) a word which is found at the end of Fichte,s addresses ma$ be transformed@ the s#iritual world 'iew must flow into the souls for the sa7e of human7ind,s welfare5 The world s#irit is loo7ing at those who li'e in &entral %uro#e that the$ become a mouth#iece for that what he has to sa$ and bring to human7ind in continuous re'elation5 (ithout arrogance) without national egoism one can loo7 at that which the sons of German$ and &entral %uro#e ha'e to defend with bod$) blood and soul generall$5 Howe'er) one has also to realise that5 Then onl$ from the immense sacrifices) which must be brought from the sufferings) must that result what ser'es the welfare of human7ind5 (e stand at a significant threshold5 0ne ma$ characterise this threshold in the human de'elo#ment that one sa$s@ in future the ab$ss must be bridged between the #h$sical and the s#iritual worlds) between the #h$sicall$ li'ing and the s#irituall$ li'ing human beings) between the earthl$ and that what lies be$ond the earthl$ death5 ! time must come to us as it were when not onl$ the souls are ali'e to us which wal7 about in #h$sical bodies) but when we feel being integrated to that bigger world to which also the souls belong li'ing between death and new birth disembodied in our world5 The 'iew of the human being has to turn be$ond that which sensor$ #h$sical e$es are onl$ able to see5 Indeed) we are standing at the threshold of this new e/#erience) of this new consciousness5 (hat I said to $ou of the widening of the consciousness) of the ascending de'elo#ment of the consciousness) this must become a familiar 'iew5 The &entral %uro#ean culture #re#ares itself to ma7e this a familiar 'iew. it reall$ #re#ares itself for that5 I ha'e shown $ou how the best heads of the 23th centur$ are afraid e'en toda$ to get into their consciousness what the soul has in its de#ths. onl$ its earthl$ soul forces cannot $et turn the attention to it5 That thin7ing e/ists) into which the su#ersensible forces and su#ersensible beings e/tend) and this thin7ing also o#ens straight awa$ after the human being has gone through the gate of death5 The materialists are afraid of admitting that the human consciousness can be e/tended that reall$ the barrier between the #h$sical and the s#iritual e/#erience can fall) between that what lies on this side of death and be$ond death5 Because the$ are afraid) the$ reCect it as something fantastic) dream li7e) na$ as mentall$ ill5 Howe'er) one will recognise that the human being when he has gone through the gate of death de'elo#s onl$ the forces which he also has now alread$ between birth and death5 0nl$ the$ wor7 in such de#ths that he does not behold them5 The$ cause #rocesses in him which are done) indeed) in him) but esca#e his attention in the e'er$da$ life5 (ith the forces of thin7ing) feeling and willing) about which the human being 7nows) he cannot master the #h$sical earthl$ life5 If the human being could onl$ thin7) feel and will) as well as now he is able to do it) he would be ne'er able to de'elo# his bod$) for e/am#le) #lasticall$ that the brain matched its dis#ositions5 Formati'e forces had to inter'ene there5 Howe'er) the$ alread$ belong to that what the soul does no longer #ercei'e in the #h$sical e/#erience what belongs to a more encom#assing consciousness than to the segment of consciousness which we ha'e in the e'er$da$ life5 (hen the human being goes through the gate of death) he has not a lac7 of consciousness) but then he li'es at first in a consciousness which is much richer and fuller of contents than the consciousness here in the #h$sical life5 Because from a more encom#assing consciousness the bod$ cuts out a #iece and shows e'er$thing that can be shown onl$ in a mirror5 Howe'er) what is in the bod$ and the human being bears through the gate of death that has an encom#assing consciousness in itself5 (hen the human being has gone through the gate of death) he is in this encom#assing consciousness5 He then does not ha'e not enough) but on the contrar$ too much) too rich a consciousness5 !bout that I ha'e s#o7en in m$ Vienna c$cle L nner 2ature of Man and 7ife Bet-een Death and .e/irth) eight lectures 6Vienna) 232B;) "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume 24ON at %aster 232B5 The human being has a richer consciousness after death5 (hen the often described retros#ect) caused b$ the etheric bod$) is o'er) he enters into a 7ind of slee#ing state for a while5 Howe'er) this is not a real slee#ing state) but a state which is caused b$ the fact that the human being is in a richer consciousness than here on earth5 !s our e$es are blinded b$ o'erabundant light) the human being is blinded b$ the su#erabundance of consciousness) and he onl$ must learn to orientate himself5 The a##arent slee# onl$ consists in the fact that the human being orientates himself in this su#erabundance of consciousness that he then is able to lessen the su#erabundance of consciousness to that le'el he can alread$ endure according to the results of his life5 This is the essential #art5 (e do not ha'e not enough) but too much a consciousness) and we are awa7e when we ha'e lessened our sense of direction to the le'el we can endure5 It is reducing the su#erabundance of consciousness to the endurable le'el what ta7es #lace after death5 Jou must get such matters clear in $our mind b$ the details of the Vienna c$cle L nner 2ature of Man and 7ife Bet-een Death and .e/irth) eight lectures 6Vienna) 232B;) "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume 24O N5


I want to illustrate that toda$ onl$ with the hel# of two ob'ious e/am#les5 I could state man$ such e/am#les) because man$ of our friends ha'e gone through the gate of death recentl$ and also before5 But as a result of characteristic circumstances) Cust b$ the fact that it concerns the last deaths) these considerations are more ob'ious5 I would li7e to ta7e the starting #oint from such e/am#les to s#ea7 to $ou of that which ma7es our hearts bleed because it has ha##ened in our own middle out of the circle of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 Recentl$ we ha'e lost a dear friend 6Si/yl *ola88a; from the #h$sical #lane) and it was m$ tas7 to s#ea7 words for the deceased at the cremation5 There it turned out to me automaticall$ b$ the im#ulses of the s#iritual world) in such a case s#ea7ing clearl$ enough) as a necessit$ to characterise the Fualities of this friendl$ soul5 (e stood E it was in Durich E before the cremation of a dear member of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 Because her death occurred on a (ednesda$ e'ening and the cremation too7 #lace in the earl$ Monda$ morning) it is com#rehensible that the retros#ect of the etheric bod$ had alread$ sto##ed5 !ctuall$) without ha'ing wanted it) I was induced b$ the s#iritual world to begin and close the obituar$ with words which should characterise the internal being of this soul5 This internal being of the friend deceased in the middle of life was real that I had to del'e in this being and to create it s#irituall$ b$ identification with this being5 That means to let the thin7ing di'e in the soul of the dead and that what wo'e in the soul of the dead let flow into the own thoughts5 Then I got the #ossibilit$ to sa$ as it were in 'iew of this soul how the soul was in life and how it is still now after death5 It has turned out b$ itself to dress that in the following words5 I had to sa$ the subseFuent words at the beginning and at the end of the cremation@ Jou wal7ed among us5 Jour being,s gentle s#irit "#o7e through the Fuiet #ower of $our e$es E %nsouled) ali'e) #eace Flowed in wa'es) (ith $our glance To things and #eo#le Bearing $our inner wea'ing. !nd $our 'oice ensouled this being E Jour 'oice that eloFuentl$) More in the 7ind of words Than in the words themsel'es) Re'ealed what wor7ed hidden (ithin $our beautiful soul. Jet $our sacrificial lo'e -n'eiled itself com#letel$ To s$m#athetic #eo#le without words E This being) who) from noble) Fuiet beaut$) Heralded the sensiti'e awareness 0f worlds and souls creation5 The being of this soul a##eared to me that wa$ during the da$s before the cremation) when I identified m$self with it) after the retros#ect of the etheric bod$ was o'er5 The soul was not $et able to orientate itself in the su#erabundance of consciousness5 It was slee#ing as it were when the bod$ was about to be cremated5 The abo'e mentioned words were s#o7en in the beginning and at the end of the cremation5 Then it ha##ened that the flame E that what loo7s li7e the flame) but it is not E gras#ed the bod$) and while the bod$ was gras#ed from that what loo7s li7e the flame what is) howe'er) onl$ the ascending warmth and heat) the soul became awa7e for a moment5 +ow I could notice that the soul loo7ed bac7 at the whole scene which had ta7en #lace among the human beings who were at the cremation5 !nd the soul loo7ed #articularl$ bac7 at that what had been s#o7en) then again it san7 bac7 into the su#erabundance of consciousness) $ou ma$ sa$@ in the unconsciousness5 ! moment later) one could #ercei'e when such a loo7ing bac7 was there again5 Then such moments last longer and longer) until finall$ the soul can orientate itself entirel$ in the su#erabundance of consciousness5 But one can recognise something significant from that5 I could notice that the words s#o7en at the cremation lighted u# the retros#ect) because the words ha'e come from the soul itself which had something awa7ening in them5 From that $ou can learn that it is most im#ortant after death to o'erloo7 $our own e/#erience5 Jou ha'e to begin as it were with self 7nowledge after death5 Here in the life on earth $ou can miss self 7nowledge) $ou can miss it so thoroughl$ that is true what a not a'erage #erson) also a not a'erage man of letters) but a famous #rofessor of #hiloso#h$) Dr5 %rnst Mach L%rnst Mach 62=O=M2329;) !ustrian #h$sicist and #hiloso#herN E not Ferdinand Maac7) I would not mention him E admits in his 30

*ontri/utions to the 0nalysis of Sensations) a 'er$ famous wor7@ as a $oung man I crossed a street and saw a #erson suddenl$ in a mirror who met me5 I thought@ what an un#leasant) disgusting face5 I was sur#rised when I disco'ered that I had seen m$ own face in the #rofile5 E He had seen his own face which he 7new so little that he could ma7e this Cudgment5 The same #rofessor tells how it has ha##ened to him later when he was alread$ a famous #rofessor of #hiloso#h$ that he got in a bus after a long tri#) surel$ e/hausted) there a man also got in from the other side E there was a big mirror o##osite) E and he confesses his thoughts Fuite sincerel$) while he sa$s that he thought@ what a disagreeable and down and out schoolmaster gets in thereI E !gain he recognised himself) and he adds@ so I recognised the t$#e better than the indi'idual5 E This is a nice e/am#le of how little the human being alread$ 7nows himself b$ his e/ternal figure in life if he is not a flirtatious lad$ who often loo7s in the mirror5 E But much less the human being 7nows the Fualities of his soul5 He #asses those e'en more5 He can become a famous #hiloso#her of the #resent without self 7nowledge5 But the human being needs this self 7nowledge when he has #assed through the gate of death5 The human being must loo7 bac7 Cust at the #oint of his de'elo#ment from which he has gone through death) and he must recognise himself there5 !s little the human being) who stands in the #h$sical life and loo7s bac7 with the usual forces of life is able to see his own birth) as little this stands before the usual soul forces E there is no one which can loo7 bac7 with the usual soul forces at the #h$sical birth) E in the same wa$ it is necessar$ that the moment of death is #ermanentl$ there at which one loo7s bac75 Death stands alwa$s before the soul,s e$es as the last significant e'ent5 This death) seen from the other side) seen from be$ond) is something different than that from the #h$sical side5 It is the most beautiful e/#erience which can be seen from the other side) from the side of the life between death and new birth5 Death a##ears as the glorious #icture of the e'erlasting 'ictor$ of the s#iritual o'er the #h$sical5 Because death a##ears as such a #icture) it wa7es u# the highest forces of the human nature #ermanentl$ when this human nature li'es in the s#iritualit$ between death and new birth5 That is wh$ the soul loo7ing bac7 or stri'ing for loo7ing bac7 must loo7 at itself at first5 Kust in these cases which we ha'e gone through recentl$ it was clear in which wa$ the im#ulse originated to characterise this soul5 The so called li'ing human being wor7s together with the so called dead that wa$5 More and more such a relation will come from the so called li'ing to the so called dead5 (e e/#erienced another case in the last time) that of our dear friend Frit< Mitscher5 %'en if Frit< Mitscher is less 7nown to the local friends) ne'ertheless) he wor7ed b$ his tal7s among man$ other anthro#oso#hists) b$ that what he #erformed wonderfull$ from friend to friend b$ the wa$ he familiarised himself with the anthro#oso#hical life5 His character has Cust to be regarded as e/em#lar$) because he whose soul forces were directed to go through a learnt education was 7een to ta7e u# and collect e'er$thing in himself according to his dis#osition of scholarshi#) to embrace it intimatel$ in his soul life) to insert it then in his s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 (e need this 7ind of wor7) in #articular) while we want to carr$ the s#iritual scientific ideals into future in a beneficial wa$5 (e need human beings) who tr$ to #enetrate the education of our time with understanding to immerse it in the stream of s#iritual education. who offer that as it were as a sacrifice5 !lso there E and I s#ea7 onl$ of matters that resulted from 7arma with necessit$ E 7arma caused that I had to s#ea7 at the cremation5 0ut of internal necessit$ it turned out that I had to characterise the being of our dear friend again in the beginning and at the end of the funeral s#eech5 I had to characterise this being@ ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 Jour longing was bound from the beginning To #ure truth lo'ing being. To create out of s#irit light (as the earnest life goal For which $ou stro'e without rest5 Jou nurtured $our beautiful gifts To tread with stead$ ste#s Bright #aths of s#irit 7nowledge !s truth,s true ser'ant -n#erturbed b$ worldl$ contradiction Jou trained $our s#irit organs That) with courage and #ersistence) 31

0n both sides of the #ath Re#elled error for $ou !nd made a s#ace for truth for $ou5 For $ou) to form $our "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within $ou (as $our life,s concern and Co$5 0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched $our soul) For 7nowledge seemed to $ou to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to $ou life, s true 'alue5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 ! loss that #ains us dee#l$) Jou disa##eared from the field (here the "#irit,s earthl$ 7ernels In the womb of soul being Ri#ened $our senses for the s#heres5 Feel how we lo'ingl$ ga<e Into the heights that now &all $ou to other wor7s5 Gi'e to the friends left behind Jour #ower from s#irit realms) Hear our souls, entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need "trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness) ! loss that #ains us dee#l$@ !llow us to ho#e) that $ou) far near) -n lost) light our life !s a soul star in s#irit realm5 In the following night the soul which was not $et able to orientate itself returned of own accord something li7e an answer what is connected with the 'erses) which were directed to its being at the cremation5 "uch words li7e those are s#o7en that the own soul writes them down reall$ without being able to add a lot5 The words are written down while the soul oriented itself to the other soul) out of the other soul5 It was unclear to me at all that two stan<as are built in a Fuite #articular wa$) until I heard the words from the friend,s soul who had gone through the gate of death@ For me) to form m$ "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within me (as m$ life,s concern and Co$5 32

0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched m$ soul) For 7nowledge seemed to me to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to m$ life,s true 'alue5 I could onl$ 7now now) wh$ these stan<as are built that wa$. I s#o7e them e/actl$ the same@ For $ou) to form $our "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within $ou (as $our life,s concern and Co$5 Howe'er) an$ G$ouH came bac7 as GI)H an$ G$ourH came bac7 as Gm$.H thus the$ returned transformed) e/#ressed b$ the soul about its own being5 This is an e/am#le in which wa$ the corres#ondence ta7es #lace) in which wa$ the mutual relation alread$ e/ists between the world here and the world there in the time after death5 It is connected with the meaning of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement that this consciousness #enetrates the human souls5 "#iritual science will gi'e human7ind the consciousness that the world of those who li'e between death and a new birth also becomes a world in which we 7now oursel'es connected with them5 Thus the world e/tends from the narrow area of realit$ in which the human being li'es #ro'isionall$5 Howe'er) this is connected intimatel$ with that what should be in &entral %uro#e5 "omebod$ who has well listened finds Cust in the words directed to Frit< Mitscher,s soul what is dee#l$ connected with this meaning of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement) because the words are s#o7en from a dee# internal necessit$@ Hear our souls, entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need "trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 "ometimes one ma$ doubt) e'en if not in realit$ but concerning the interim #eriod) whether the souls) which are embodied in the flesh here on earth) do reall$ enough for the welfare of humans and earth what must necessaril$ be made concerning the s#iritual com#rehension of the world5 Howe'er) somebod$ who is engaged com#letel$ in the s#iritual scientific mo'ement ma$ also not des#air5 For he 7nows that the forces of those who ascended into the s#iritual worlds are effecti'e in the current) in which we stand in this incarnation5 In their #re'ious li'es those souls felt stronger here because the$ had ta7en u# s#iritual science in themsel'es5 It is as if one communicates with a friend,s soul who has gone through the gate of death if one sa$s to him what one owes to the friend,s force for the s#iritual mo'ement) if one is able to communicate as it were with the soul to remain united with its forces5 (e ha'e it alwa$s among us) so that it alwa$s wor7s on among us5 (e ta7e u# not onl$ ideas) conce#ts and mental #ictures in our s#iritual science) that does not onl$ concern) but we create a s#iritual mo'ement here on earth to which we reall$ bring in the s#iritual forces5 It suggests itself to us Cust at this moment) out of the sensations which #erha#s ins#ire our local friends to turn the thoughts to the soul of somebod$ who has alwa$s dedicated his forces to this branch5 (e want to feel united also with him and his forces) after he has gone through the gate of death. therefore) we get u# from our seats5 The Lei#<ig friends 7now of which friendl$ soul I am s#ea7ing) and the$ ha'e certainl$ turned their thoughts to this soul with mo'ed hearts5 It was m$ res#onsibilit$ to bring these ideas home to $ou toda$) while we were allowed to be together5 These words were ins#ired through the consciousness that the grie'ous and destin$ burdened da$s in which we li'e must be re#laced again with such which will #ass in #eace on earth in which the forces of #eace will wor75 But a lot will be transformed) na$) must absolutel$ be transformed b$ that what ha##ens now in the earthl$ life of human7ind5 (e who bear witness to s#iritual science must #articularl$ 7ee# in mind how much it de#ends on the fact that must ta7e #lace on the ground E for which so much blood flows for which so often now souls go through the gate of death on which so man$ fathers and mothers) brothers and sisters) sons and daughters are mourning E what can be done b$ those whose souls can be illumined through the forward loo7ing thoughts of s#iritual science5


Those thoughts which come from the consciousness of the li'ing relationshi# of the human soul with the s#iritual world ha'e to ascend from the earth into the s#iritual heights5 "ouls now enter these s#iritual worlds) and there will be s#iritual forces which are #roduced Cust b$ our destin$ burdened da$s5 Imagine how man$ #eo#le go through the gate of death in the #rime of their li'es in this time5 Imagine that the etheric bodies of these human beings who go between their twentieth and thirtieth $ears) between their thirtieth and fortieth $ears through the gate of death are etheric bodies which could ha'e su##lied the bodies still for decades here in the #h$sical life5 These etheric bodies are se#arated from the #h$sical bodies. howe'er) the$ 7ee# the forces still in themsel'es to wor7 here for the #h$sical world5 These forces 7ee# on e/isting in the s#iritual worlds) se#arated from the unused etheric bodies of the souls which went through the gate of death5 The bright s#iritualit$ of the uns#ent etheric bodies of the heroic fighters turns to the s#iritual welfare and #rogress of human7ind5 Howe'er) that what flows down there has to meet the thoughts coming from the souls which E aware of s#irit E the$ can ha'e b$ s#iritual science5 Hence) we are allowed to summarise the thoughts of which we made oursel'es aware toda$ in some words showing the interrelation of the consciousness based on s#iritual scientific ideas with the #resent e'ents5 The$ e/#ress how for the ne/t #eacetime the room has to be filled with thoughts which ha'e ascended from souls to the s#iritual worlds) from souls which e/#erienced s#iritual science5 Then that can flourish and $ield fruit in the right sense what is gained with so big sacrifices) with blood and death in our time) if souls are found) aware of s#irit) which turn their senses to the realm of s#irits5 That is wh$ we are allowed to sa$ ta7ing into account the grie'ous and destin$ burdened da$s toda$@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 The Inter'ention of the &hrist Im#ulse in the Historical %'ents5 Bridging the !b$ss between the Li'ing and the Dead 2urem/erg" $#th March" $&$'

If s#iritual science shall be a 7ind of life force for our souls) and it can be that) this s#iritual science must also #ro'e itself #owerful and suitable to e/tend the s#iritual 7en of the souls dedicating themsel'es to s#iritual science in such times li7e ours in which a lot #re#ares which is so significant5 0ne sees the e'ents thereb$ in a wider #ers#ecti'e than other contem#oraries often can do with their narrow 'iew of materialism5 0ne could see in that what our s#iritual scientific mo'ement has nurtured during the $ears that one of the #ur#oses has also consisted in e/tending the mood of soul) so that the human being frees himself from the bare thin7ing about his narrow self and about that what surrounds this narrow self and is reall$ able to loo7 at the big im#ulses) the big manifestations of forces which go through the whole e'olution of humanit$5 If we ha'e tried that wa$ to e/tend the 'igour of our feelings and sensations as it were) we also ha'e to ma7e the forces suitable which we ha'e won b$ s#iritual science) Cust in such times) on the one hand) the wa'es of which brea7 so dee#l$ #ainfull$ against the soul and) on the other hand) raise this soul to #articular height because the$ bear such im#ortant matters in themsel'es5 (e must be able to come alread$ to the #osition in such times to go along with that what is not so e/ternall$ 'isible in the e'ents) what the e'er$da$ mind is not able to see in these e'ents5 (e must be able to as7 oursel'es@ does that mean something #ro#hetic for the whole earth de'elo#ment what as such a dreadful torch of war is burning abo'e our headsI 0nl$ that human being li'es #ro#erl$ in the #resent e'ents who sees these e'ents in such a significant light as far as it is #ossible5 Friends) who are in our circles) will often ha'e as7ed themsel'es) wh$ I ha'e s#o7en in our circle during the last $ears now and again of the fact that in decades of the A:th centur$ times come for which we must loo7 ahead with a #articular attention because children and grandchildren of those who li'e now will ha'e to e/#erience im#ortant and immense) but also tragic and #ainful e'ents5 Those u#on whom it is incumbent toda$ to gi'e something to 7ee# the souls of the children and grandchildren u#right towards that what the human7ind of the A:th centur$ e/#eriences must be aware that this gift must be a strong internal s#iritual force5 %'en more than we can imagine alread$ toda$ in our e'er$da$ life) our offs#rings of the A:th centur$ will need strong internal forces 7ee#ing u# the soul to #ass on the achie'ements of human7ind) which were accumulated in the human de'elo#ment throughout centuries5 To Fuite other storms of life the 34

offs#rings of human7ind now li'ing on earth will be e/#osed5 I said that someone could be sur#rised when that was said within our circles that wa$5 +ow) howe'er) a sensation of that ma$ arise if we consider that we are in the most dreadful war e'ents which concerned human beings) since human7ind e/#eriences histor$ consciousl$ on this earth5 It would be absolutel$ wrong if we did not #enetrate oursel'es so intensel$ as #ossible with the im#ortance of the moment and #resent the Fuestion to oursel'es@ with what does that ha'e actuall$ to do that we stri'e for out of internal longing of the soul) what s#iritual 7nowledge does ha'e to do with that which should come in the de'elo#ment of human7indI Don,t we see) e'en if we loo7 onl$ cursoril$) a tem#est brea7ing out which got u# from the %ast since long ago menacing modern education and ci'ilisation of %uro#eI Jou ha'e at least to 7now that in the la# of this %ast immense forces are wor7ing from which $ou can alread$ see that the$ ma7e themsel'es noticeable. so that the$ now intend to dismember) destro$ the %uro#ean ci'ilisation5 Jou can onl$ antici#ate now to which e/tent this is the case5 0ur %uro#ean ci'ilisation is in the fifth #ost !tlantean e#och5 It is the culture of the consciousness soul in whose middle souls are among us who ha'e to gi'e something to human7ind5 Loo7ing bac7 at what was the Gree7 Latin culture) this Gree7 Latin culture was basicall$) e'en if in another arrangement) an echo) a reca#itulation of that what alread$ li'ed in the old !tlantis but on a higher le'el5 It li'ed there still differentl$5 In the fourth #ost !tlantean culture e#och a 7ind of reca#itulation ha##ened5 The fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och in which we stand is a new formation) is something absolutel$ no'el what has been added to the current de'elo#ment of human7ind5 (e should not concei'e that onl$ as an abstract truth) as a theor$) but with the dee#est and most intensi'e human sense of res#onsibilit$5 (e should also be clear to oursel'es about the fact that in the earthl$ e'olution still long times will ha'e to run off) until e'er$thing has come out of the human hearts and souls what the di'ine cosmic order has to gi'e to human7ind in the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 In the fourth culture e#och) the im#ulse of the M$ster$ of Golgotha too7 #lace as the most significant e'ent of the whole earth de'elo#ment5 Kust as this M$ster$ of Golgotha had an effect in the fourth culture e#och) it does not merel$ continue wor7ing in the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 This fifth culture e#och is incumbent to go to meet the M$ster$ of Golgotha graduall$ with full 7nowledge of s#irit) with full understanding) with all forces of 7nowledge of the soul. not onl$ with the forces of the reason) the forces of de'outness5 It has to com#rehend &hrist) (ho went through Death and Resurrection) bit b$ bit with e'er$thing the soul can #roduce from itself of 7nowledge and understanding forces5 "o that the word of Paul LGalatians A@A:N is true) indeed) in a new wa$@ Gnot I) but &hrist in me5H %'er$ effort we ma7e in s#iritual science is a #re#aration to gras# with all internal recognising forces of the soul in the end what is) actuall$) this &hrist5 This is a significant) great tas7 of the fifth culture e#och5 +ow we ma$ imagine what it means) actuall$) if such efforts are e/#ected from the fifth culture e#och5 Let us #ut before our souls the wa$ how the &hrist Im#ulse has wor7ed since the M$ster$ of Golgotha in human7ind5 If the &hrist Im#ulse could ha'e wor7ed onl$ b$ that what the human beings understood about this &hrist Im#ulse in the course of the centuries) since the M$ster$ of Golgotha has ta7en #lace) then the &hrist Im#ulse could ha'e wor7ed onl$ a little among the human beings5 But it is not such an im#ulse which has s#o7en onl$ conce#tuall$ to the human understanding or to the feeling understanding) but it is a real im#ulse which flowed into the course of histor$ with li'ing forces5 The e/ternal s$mbol of the blood flowing on Golgotha re#resents the li'ing force flowing into the histor$ of human7ind5 (e will tr$ to get clear in our mind with the hel# of a historical e'ent in which wa$ this &hrist Im#ulse has wor7ed) without being understood alread$ b$ human beings) in which wa$ it has wor7ed as a li'ing dri'ing force in the e'olution of human7ind5 The fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och has a 'ocation to ma7e conscious the whole internal nature and being of the &hrist Im#ulse5 But that has alread$ wor7ed as a li'ing force in the subconscious soul forces) before it became full$ conscious in human7ind5 0ne of those figures the &hrist Im#ulse selected to wor7 through them) to wor7 something significant is) for e/am#le E one could still gi'e others E the figure of the Maid of 0rleans5 If we #ursue the histor$ of %uro#e u# to the e'ent that is connected with the #ersonalit$ of the Maid of 0rleans) we must sa$) e'en if we loo7 onl$ e/ternall$ at histor$@ with that what she accom#lished in those da$s when she struc7 bac7 the %nglish) in the midst of the French #eo#le rising u#) E she did that reall$) E the ma# of %uro#e was arranged as it was Cust arranged graduall$5 !n$ other historical consideration is basicall$ a fair$ tale for the last centuries) in so far as it concerns the distribution of nations and states in %uro#e5 It is something unconscious that the &hrist Im#ulse as a li'ing im#ulse with the hel# of the Maid of 0rleans caused the distribution of the %uro#ean nations and national forces in those da$s5 I ma$ sa$@ while the learnt #eo#le argued about a lot) alread$ started to argue about the Fuestion whether one has to ta7e the &ommunion in this or that form whether this or that has to be inter#reted according to this or that formula) and while the learnt #eo#le showed that the$ were not $et able to com#rehend the &hrist Im#ulse) this im#ulse wor7ed through the sim#le farmer girl) the Maid of 0rleans) wor7ed as a formati'e force in %uro#ean histor$5 35

Because the effect of the &hrist Im#ulse is Cust not de#endent on the understanding which somebod$ shows for it5 B$ his Michaelic re#resentati'e the &hrist Im#ulse wor7ed in the Maid of 0rleans5 +ow) howe'er) the Maid of 0rleans had to go through something that is similar to an initiation5 (e tal7 of initiation toda$ and gi'e the rules to the consciousness of the human being which I ha'e collated in m$ boo7 ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI But such an initiation of the Maid of 0rleans is out of the Fuestion) of course5 Jou can onl$ tal7 about an initiation which was as it were a relic of the ancient initiation which too7 #lace more in the subconscious soul forces of the human beings5 +ow Cust these ancient initiations ha'e re#roduced li7e elementar$ forces u# to the modern time5 In old legends and fair$ tales a lot is told@ that this or that ha##ened to this or that #erson b$ which he got the internal soul force5 That is wh$ he has seen this or that of the s#iritual world5 "uch matters should be onl$ an indication of it) li7e without an$ hel# of the human being) b$ the effect of di'ine s#iritual forces #ermeating the world) certain human beings) who are suitable for that because of their 7arma) are natural initiates) b$ the #lace on which the$ are #ut b$ 7arma where the 7arma of human7ind flows together with the #ersonal 7arma5 ! good echo of such a natural initiation) as one would li7e to call it) gi'es us a #oem which s#ea7s of the fact) that the Gsolar sonH 0laf Qsteson was in a 7ind of slee#ing state during thirteen nights and da$s E the inter'al between &hrist,s birth and His %#i#han$) u# to the 9th Kanuar$5 The name 0laf Qsteson alread$ indicates that subconscious hereditar$ forces of 7nowledge are included in it) because somebod$ is called 0laf Qsteson through whom the blood of his forefathers runs5 The solar son 0laf Qsteson slee#s through and dreams for thirteen nights which are the dar7est of the $ear or contain at least the biggest force of the earthl$ annual dar7ness in them) from the first &hristmas Da$ u# to the 9th Kanuar$) to %#i#han$5 That is not onl$ su#erstitious nonsense what goes bac7 to these nights in such legends5 "ince) indeed) there are two seasons which are in a certain wa$ li7e two o##osite cosmic #oles for the soul life of the li'ing human being5 If we ta7e the season around the "t Kohns tide in summer) this is the time when the human soul with all its #assionate im#ulses is united with the uni'erse through the e/ternal #h$sical sun force whose energ$ then reaches its #ea75 Hence) the "t Kohns tide festi'al of the old time was intended to #ut di'ine s#iritual forces) #ermeating the uni'erse) into the human soul when the human beings forgot themsel'es and were wra##ed u# in the e/ternal strong #h$sical forces of the uni'erse5 Howe'er) when the solar force is #h$sicall$ the wea7est) in the middle of winter) the s#iritual forces which ha'e an effect in the dar7ness reaches its #ea7 in return5 !nd rightl$) one can sa$) according to the cosmic laws the birth of Kesus of +a<areth is in this time5 (hen the #h$sical surroundings are the dar7est) the soul can ha'e the #rofoundest e/#eriences if it feels united with the forces #ermeating the aura of the earth5 That is wh$ 0laf Qsteson 7ee#s on slee#ing during these da$s) and e/#eriences e'er$thing we call 1amalo7a) soul world) and) finall$) s#irit land5 The +orwegian legend tells us that 0laf Qsteson) when he awo7e again after thirteen nights) 7nows to tell about his e/#eriences that he has met the souls in the soul world and in the s#irit land5 Indeed) these are #ictures which corres#ond to an Imaginati'e 7nowledge) but the$ #oint to that what reall$ li'ing #ossibilities of the human soul are if these souls feel trans#orted in that time of #h$sical dar7ness which is) howe'er) the time of s#iritual enlightenment) if the$ feel trans#orted to that what flows and wea'es in the earth,s aura5 !t the end of the legend) we see the forces of the &hrist Im#ulse which get hold of the subconscious understanding of 0laf Qsteson5 In such legends one s#ea7s E as it were E of natural initiations which were still #ossible in olden times) of beholding the s#iritual world5 In these times the earth,s aura reall$ has a force which it does not ha'e in other times when it is flooded and outshone b$ the #h$sical sun force5 Because &hrist is united with the earth,s aura since the M$ster$ of Golgotha) the force of the &hrist Im#ulse is also able to wor7 into the souls #articularl$ during these da$s if the souls are susce#tible for it5 Hence) one ma$ assume) before one in'estigates something historical) that E also with such a figure li7e the Maid of 0rleans E the &hrist Im#ulse would ha'e wor7ed subconsciousl$ in her soul during thirteen da$s5 The fact that also she would ha'e gone through something li7e enlightenment b$ the &hrist Im#ulse in the subconscious soul forces E what 0laf Qsteson has gone through during thirteen da$s and nights in the slee#ing state5 Then) howe'er) the Maid of 0rleans would ha'e been in a 7ind of slee# once during the thirteen da$s from the A4th December to the 9th Kanuar$) and then on the 9th Kanuar$ the &hrist Im#ulse would ha'e gras#ed this soul after it had been in a 7ind of slee#ing state5 That what one can assume did reall$ e/ist in a #eculiar wa$) onl$ in a Fuite #articular time when the human being can be) indeed) in a 7ind of slee#5 +amel$) before the human being does the first gas# in his earth life) before he is released from the bod$ of his mother and recei'es the first earthl$ #h$sical beam of light) he s#ends a time as a nascent human being in a true slee#ing state5 Kust as $ou get a dreaming slee# in the e'ening) $ou are in the bod$ of the mother in such a dream li7e slee#5 Those da$s in which the dream li7e slee# is most rece#ti'e to the unaware influence of the s#iritual world are Cust the last da$s which the human being s#ends in the bod$ of his mother5 That is wh$ it could also be that Cust these da$s would ha'e been used with the Maid of 0rleans to #lant the &hrist Im#ulse to her) before she saw the #h$sical sunlight with #h$sical e$es and did the first gas# outside the bod$ of her mother5 This was the case) because the Maid of 0rleans is 36

born on the 9th Kanuar$5 0n the 9th Kanuar$) it too7 #lace that the whole 'illage gathered because something uncertain was in the aura of the 'illage5 This is a historical fact5 The #eo#le did not 7now what had ha##ened@ the Maid of 0rleans was born5 Behind such matters a lot is hidden5 0nl$ if human7ind gets round to seeing this m$sterious fact once in the right light) will understanding of that also e/ist what reall$ ta7es action in the human de'elo#ment under the surface of the e/ternal sensor$ world5 The di'ine forces loo7 for the most manifold wa$s for themsel'es to get into the human soul5 0f course) the 7arma of the Maid of 0rleans had to be suitable that such a thing could ha##en5 But while the 7arma of the Maid of 0rleans coincided with the fact that she was born on the 9th Kanuar$) the historical chance was gi'en that the &hrist Im#ulse had a #articular effect on her and ga'e %uro#e a new formation5 These are matters which $ou can e/amine if $ou obser'e the course of histor$ with some understanding5 These are the matters which the s#iritual understanding resumes in future when this fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och reall$ gets e'er$ 7nowledge force out of the souls5 Then the soul e/#eriences the e/istence of the &hrist Im#ulse more and more consciousl$5 But it e/#eriences this onl$ if human7ind is able to regard s#iritual science not as a mere theor$) but to feel it as li'ing) to e/#erience it internall$5 Then s#iritual science is able to achie'e its actual mission in the de'elo#ment of human7ind5 In such a time li7e ours) we must be clear to oursel'es in #articular about the fact that the chasm must be bridged which o#ens for a materialistic age more and more between the human souls) who are here incarnated) and those who ha'e alread$ gone through the gate of death5 More and more one will get round to regard also the souls which stand in the life between death and a new birth as belonging to the whole human7ind) li7e those who are in the #h$sical life between birth and death5 The consciousness must become stronger and stronger) that we all are united on earth) also those who ha'e gone into the su#ersensible realms before us who wor7 onl$ with different forces among us than we do who are incarnated5 This consciousness must become more and more intense5 Howe'er) Cust understanding of the s#irituall$ effecti'e forces is necessar$5 It is necessar$ that we learn to loo7 at the connections of the earthl$ #henomena in that new light s#iritual science can gi'e5 0nl$ because s#iritual science should be something that touches our hearts at the same time) while it hel#s our souls in 7nowledge) want I to tal7 to $ou about something that has concerned us during the last wee7s5 I do that to e/#lain something about the wa$ which goes bac7 at the same time to something that occu#ied us in the farther 'icinit$ of our s#iritual scientific current during the last wee7s5 I could also ta7e other cases) indeed) but these cases are connected with our 7arma immediatel$) so that I can s#ea7 about them Cust toda$ again5 Jou can e/tend that what I sa$ here also to other #ersons who stand within and be$ond our s#iritual scientific mo'ement with their destinies and their relation to death in a similar relation as in the cases about which I want to s#ea75 Last autumn we ha'e e/#erienced a distressing case in Dornach in the 'icinit$ of our construction5 Dear friends had mo'ed with their children to Dornach) settled there near the construction to manage the garden5 !nd the oldest) se'en $ear old child) a s#irituall$ infinitel$ bright bo$ who was something Fuite #eculiar) howe'er) also concerning his heart Fualities was reall$ a little bit li7e a sunn$ child5 0ne had the most intimate interest in the soul of this child) e'en if one could see it onl$ briefl$ here and there5 (hen then the father Coined the armed forces to do his dut$ as a German citi<en on the battlefield) there was the se'en $ear old bo$ with his heart) I would li7e to sa$) alread$ in the whole situation of life that he made #articular efforts to substitute the father) as well he was able to do) to hel# his mother) while he managed e'er$thing #ossible5 He went into the cit$) made #urchases) the se'en $ear old bo$ Fuite on his own5 0ne e'ening the bo$ was missed5 It was Cust an e'ening lecture5 ! #erson friendl$ to us came #ossibl$ at ten o,cloc7 and said that the bo$ would be missed5 It could not be unclear in the end at all that this had to do something with a remo'al 'an which had to##led o'er near our construction at a #lace where #erha#s a remo'al 'an has ne'er gone before and and will #robabl$ also not go for a long time5 The 'an had to##led o'er a small emban7ment in a meadow that the carters said) it would be out of Fuestion that one could lift the 'an in the e'ening5 The$ un$o7ed the horses about which the$ were 'er$ an/ious) and left the 'an to lift it the ne/t da$ because the$ belie'ed that the$ had to wor7 for a whole da$ to be able to lift the hea'$ carriage5 +ow it was ten o,cloc7 in the e'ening5 (e had to assume that the bo$ was missed because the carriage had to##led o'er5 !ll #ossible tools were brought) and e'er$bod$ who could wor7 wor7ed) and in two hours the carriage was lifted5 !t midnight we found the dead bo$ under the remo'al 'an5 +ow if one ta7es onl$ e/ternall$ into account and considers) how from longer time) before this had ha##ened) e'er$thing #ushed itself together) so that the bo$ who had alwa$s gone) otherwise) a somewhat different wa$ b$ which he would ha'e #assed the 'an on the right side) howe'er) at that time he went so that he #assed the carriage on the left side where the carriage Cust had to to##le o'er him5 If $ou imagine that he was detained a little bit in the most bene'olent wa$) so that he left #ossibl$ a Fuarter of an hour later E he got something for the su##er in the so called canteen) E so that he has left later than he wanted) actuall$5 If $ou imagine that the whole accident too7 #lace that it de#ended reall$ on some) 37

e'en not some minutes that the bo$ was Cust here where the carriage to##led o'er) and nobod$ noticed the accident5 +ot far awa$ from that #lace #eo#le noticed that the carriage fell down) but the$ did not see the bo$5 If $ou imagine e'er$thing) $ou will recognise alread$ e/ternall$ that this is a most remar7able e/am#le of logical delusion which ma$ occur easil$ to human beings5 I ha'e often shown clearl$) also to $ou) that the human being can alread$ delude himself in the e/ternal life) so that he mista7es cause and effect5 I ha'e said@ imagine that $ou see a #erson from the distance going along a ri'erside5 Jou see him suddenl$ staggering and falling into the ri'er5 He is #ulled out dead not long afterwards5 +ow $ou are Fuite Custified to su##ose according to all e/ternal reasons that the #erson has fallen into the water and has Cust drowned5 If $ou do nothing else) $ou adhere to this Cudgment5 In this case it onl$ reFuires e/ternal means to con'ince $ou of the o##osite5 0ne has still found a stone where the #erson has fallen into the ri'er) and $ou are su##orted in $our Cudgment5 If one o#ens the cor#se) one will find out that the #erson suffered a stro7e that he has fallen conseFuentl$ into the ri'er and that he has met his death not because he fell into the ri'er) but that he fell because he was dead5 "o cause and effect were com#letel$ mista7en5 Howe'er) somebod$ who understands the matters obser'es that at man$ #laces abo'e all in science5 In our case where the bo$ met his death) we must sa$@ the 7arma of this bo$ ordered the remo'al 'an. 7arma brought the 'an Cust to that #lace5 The Cudgment is wrong if one belie'es that chance #la$ed a role5 The bo$ should onl$ arri'e Cust at the se'enth $ear in this incarnation5 I would li7e to sa$) the whole arrangement was made for that5 (e must com#letel$ get used to e/change cause and effect com#ared with the wa$ of Cudging matters in the e'er$da$ life5 If we loo7 now with the glance of the seer at the life of this soul) something stu#ef$ing becomes a##arent to us that at the same time lights u# the di'ine s#iritual secrets of the world5 +ot long after the bo$,s death) the whole aura of the Dornach construction changed5 (hile I sa$ this) I sa$ something to $ou that is connected with m$ e/#eriences5 If an$bod$ himself has to wor7 for the Dornach construction of the !nthro#oso#hical "ociet$) if one has to instigate what is to be carried out there) then one 7nows what one has to than7 the su##orting forces for wor7ing from such an aura into one,s soul5 "ince those da$s) the still unused etheric bod$ of the bo$ is reall$ connected with the aura of the Dornach construction5 !fter the human being has ta7en off his etheric bod$) he goes on with his ego and astral bod$. this is something different5 But the etheric bod$ if it is ta7en off at such a tender age has forces in itself which could still ha'e su##lied the #h$sical bod$ and its life for decades5 +ow these forces ha'e gone unused through the gate of death5 The$ are ta7en off after some da$s5 These forces Cust co o#erate with the aura of our construction5 0ne is not allowed to sa$ that it is the soul itself of this indi'idualit$) but it is the unused etheric bod$5 +othing gets also lost in the s#iritual world5 The #h$sicist 7nows that nothing of #h$sical forces gets lost that the forces onl$ change5 !lso in the s#iritual world we ha'e to loo7 for transformed forces) unused etheric forces which ascend from earl$ deceased human beings to the s#iritual world5 (e a##roach these matters if we obser'e them in concrete cases5 That is wh$ I ma$ tal7 to $ou onl$ about such concrete cases toda$5 ! dear anthro#oso#hical friend ;Si/yl *ola88a< died before some wee7s in Durich after a life which had brought her some ordeals) and the 7arma of our mo'ement brought it about that I had to s#ea7 at the cremation5 The time from death u# to cremation lasted from (ednesda$ at si/ o,cloc7 #5 m5 until Monda$ at ele'en o,cloc7 a5 m5 This inter'al was a little longer than usual5 That is wh$ the se#aration of the indi'idualit$ from the etheric bod$ had alread$ ha##ened) while the cremation too7 #lace5 +ow the #eculiar was that in the time) in which the soul had alread$ se#arated from the etheric bod$ during the da$s between death and cremation) the necessit$ arose to me to s#ea7 certain words before and after the obituar$5 M$ own abilit$ of coining words had reall$ to do a little with the wa$ these words were coined5 Howe'er) b$ identif$ing with the soul of that #ersonalit$ the necessit$ resulted to characterise this #ersonalit$ as if an ins#iration came from her soul itself5 The soul said as it were@ coin $our words) so that the$ characterise m$ soul5 E But the soul was still unconscious5 The words came not consciousl$ from the soul) but from the being of this soul5 I had to characterise her as she wanted not to mirror herself in selfish wa$) but as she a##eared to herself if another soul loo7ed at her5 For this other soul the necessit$ arose to s#ea7 the following words at the beginning of the funeral s#eech and to coin each single word5 The words had to be s#o7en as an address to the soul who had gone through the gate of death@ Jou wal7ed among us5 Jour being,s gentle s#irit "#o7e through the Fuiet #ower of $our e$es E %nsouled) ali'e) #eace Flowed in wa'es) (ith $our glance To things and #eo#le Bearing $our inner wea'ing. !nd $our 'oice ensouled this being 38

Jour 'oice that eloFuentl$) More in the 7ind of words Than in the words themsel'es) Re'ealed what wor7ed hidden (ithin $our beautiful soul. Jet $our sacrificial lo'e -n'eiled itself com#letel$ To s$m#athetic #eo#le without words E This being) who) from noble) Fuiet beaut$) Heralded the sensiti'e awareness 0f worlds and souls creation5 !s I said) in the beginning and at the end of the funeral these words had to be s#o7en5 +ow) indeed) this soul was as it were li7e slee#ing during the whole #rocess) during the funeral ceremon$5 Then the cremation followed5 "trangel$ enough the soul e/#erienced a first flashing of consciousness) which later #assed again) at the moment when) one cannot sa$ the flame) but the heat sei<ed the cor#se5 There one could sa$@ now this soul has gone through the gate of death) it had ta7en off its etheric bod$) and it now a##eared how such a soul loo7s bac75 In this retros#ecti'e 'iew) the whole funeral ceremon$ stood before the soul) loo7ing at the s#o7en words5 "omeone could see there the secret of time effecti'eness for the soul) after it has gone through the gate of death5 0ne could alwa$s ha'e seen this in such a case5 If one here in the #h$sical bod$ loo7s at something s#atial and then lea'es it) this obCect does not lea'e) but is left) and one can alwa$s loo7 around E one sees that it is left5 Howe'er) that does not hold true of something we e/#erience in time in the #h$sical life5 There we ha'e a memor$ #icture of the e'ents onl$5 If one loo7s bac7 after death at #ast e'ents) the$ are left. one loo7s at the e'ents li7e through s#ace5 Thus the words had been left. the soul loo7ed bac7 at them li7e at s#atial things through the course of time5 This is the wa$ to loo7 at the things of the !7asha &hronicle5 Then a 7ind of slee#ing state ha##ened again5 But #articularl$ in this case it was rather clear that the fear of the materialistic soul is unfounded that the consciousness of the soul is reduced when it goes through the gate of death5 (e do not ha'e no consciousness or not enough consciousness after death when we sin7 in a 7ind of slee#ing state) but we ha'e too much consciousness5 (hen we ha'e ta7en off the etheric bod$) when the life tableau is ta7en off) we are full of consciousness that blinds us at first) and the human being must orientate himself first5 E I ga'e more details in m$ tal7s of the Vienna c$cle The nner 2ature of the ,uman Being and 7ife Bet-een Death and 2e- Birth 5 E The soul orientates itself) while it loo7s bac7 at its own earth life and at its character in this earth life5 It has to orientate itself b$ means of self 7nowledge5 The force of orientation must ta7e hold there) and then the abundant consciousness is reduced as far as the human being is able to endure it) de#ending on what he has gone through in his last incarnation5 It is) actuall$) reducing the su#erabundance of consciousness to the degree which the human being can endure5 But that ma$ ha##en in stages5 (hen the bod$ was sei<ed b$ the heat) the first flashing of real consciousness too7 #lace in the soul of this #ersonalit$ friendl$ to us5 It a##eared to me es#eciall$ clearl$ in another case that the soul) when it has gone through the gate of death) wants to summarise its being5 I said that $ou can e/#erience these matters at e'er$ death) but I gi'e $ou t$#ical e/am#les of the most recent time5 It a##eared to me with Fuite #articular clearness in another case when a friendl$ #ersonalit$) after it had reached higher $ears) has gone through the gate of death5 During the last $ears which it li'ed through on earth it was gi'en awa$ with all feelings in a rare wa$ to the im#ulses of s#iritual science5 It felt the details of s#iritual science more than it gras#ed them with the mind) that it united with its soul the 7ind of feeling which gi'es not a theoretical) but a true 'iew of s#iritual science5 "hortl$ after the hour of death) while the soul e/#erienced the life tableau with its etheric bod$) it tried now to gras# its self where it had ta7en off its bod$5 This #rocess seemed li7ewise to ra$ forth to me) and I identified with it5 I had then to note words shortl$ after death) when the soul was still united with the etheric bod$) which I ha'e also not coined with the hel# of m$ human 7nowledge5 These words are nothing else than a re#roduction of that what the soul wor7ed internall$ in itself to summarise what it had been able to get from s#iritual science and came to an internall$ com#lete self awareness that wa$5 There the words sounded from the soul which I had to s#ea7 then also) following an ins#iration) before and after the funeral s#eech5 Jou will immediatel$ notice the great difference to the whole tone of those words I ga'e for the other #ersonalit$ before5 Into cosmic distances I will carr$ M$ feeling heart) so that it grows warm In the fire of the hol$ forces, wor7ing.


Into cosmic thoughts I will wea'e M$ own thin7ing) so that it grows clear In the light of eternal life becoming. Into de#ths of soul I will sin7 De'oted contem#lation) so that it grows strong For the true goals of human acti'it$. In the #eace of God I stri'e thus !midst life,s battles and cares) To #re#are m$self for the higher "elf. !s#iring to wor7 in Co$ filled #eace) "ensing cosmic being in m$ own being) I see7 to fulfil m$ human dut$. Ma$ I li'e in antici#ation 0riented toward m$ soul,s star) (hich gi'es me m$ #lace in s#irit realms5 The soul s#ea7s of itself as GI5H In the former case) the considering soul had to characterise the other soul interchanging with it5 In this case) the considering soul had nothing else to do than to trans#ort itself com#letel$ into the soul which still tried to gras#) enriched b$ s#iritual science) with the forces of the etheric bod$ to become clear that it has now to orientate itself in the s#iritual world5 These are cases again in which one realises that the human being) after he has gone through the gate of death) is de#endent on loo7ing bac7 at himself in self 7nowledge5 0ne could see clearl$ that somebod$ who is still in the #h$sical bod$ can hel# the dead to formulate in words what wor7s and wea'es in him5 0f course) the times) when the human being sees his wea7nesses and mista7es) his sins) come later in the soul world5 But we ha'e to retain@ as much as death is feared now and again b$ those who are still in the bod$) death is something com#letel$ different seen from the other side in the retros#ecti'e 'iew5 Here in the #h$sical life nobod$ can loo7 so far bac7 with his e'er$da$ human forces to the hour of his birth5 !ctuall$) nobod$ who does not ha'e clair'o$ant forces has the #ossibilit$ to loo7 at his entr$ into the world. onl$ later the #oint in time u# to which one can loo7 bac7 ta7es #lace5 Kust the re'erse is the case with that birth for the s#iritual world which we call death5 The human being loo7s at this #oint in time #ermanentl$ in the life between death and new birth5 This moment belongs to the most mar'ellous) greatest at which one can generall$ loo7 in the s#iritual world5 Death is alwa$s an immediate #roof of the fact that the s#irit incessantl$ celebrates his 'ictor$ o'er the #h$sical nature5 !nd $ou e/#erience this in $ourself5 That is wh$ the soul wants to e/#erience that which one can be also reall$ in the soul after death5 Hence) it is a hel# if a soul li'ing in the bod$ e/#resses that in words what the soul stri'es for) so that the soul clearl$ sees itself with the best it has before its own s#iritual 'iew after it has gone through the gate of death5 I Cust could see in this case that such words came to me with an internal necessit$ which referred to the soul in Fuestion when I had to s#ea7 at the funeral and did not s#ea7 out of arbitrariness) but obe$ed the di'ine 'oice which told me what I had to do5 In still another case that a##eared to me b$ the 7armic course of the last times) when one of our friends died as $oung man who ga'e rise to great ho#es Cust for our mo'ement5 He died in the thirtieth $ear of his life5 0n the A9th Februar$ he would ha'e been thirt$ $ears old) he died shortl$ before5 This friend) our dear Frit< Mitscher) has been somebod$ who was able to summarise that s#iritual scientificall$ what he had gained in learning E he had a dis#osition to scholarshi#) E with infinite) sacrificing de'otion) and thus) indeed) he stood before something our mo'ement needs so much@ ta7ing u# our e/tensi'e science in oneself) so that one #enetrates it s#iritual scientificall$ and re#orts it s#iritual scientificall$) so that one stands com#letel$ on the ground of the scientific #resent5 He was well #re#ared for that5 %'en if now the 7arma runs a wa$ that such souls go earl$ through the gate of death) this has its significance in the whole world course5 Li7e in the other cases E because I was urged Cust b$ 7arma to s#ea7 at the funeral) E it was there also that I had to s#ea7 words in the beginning and at the end of the funeral s#eech which had to be s#o7en again in the same manner) trans#orting m$self into the soul,s being) so that I coined the words again not arbitraril$) but gras#ed them in the li'el$ being together with the deceased5 There I had to sa$ then@


! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 Jour longing was bound from the beginning To #ure truth lo'ing being. To create out of s#irit light (as the earnest life goal For which $ou stro'e without rest5 Jou nurtured $our beautiful gifts To tread with stead$ ste#s Bright #aths of s#irit 7nowledge !s truth,s true ser'ant -n#erturbed b$ worldl$ contradiction Jou trained $our s#irit organs That) with courage and #ersistence) 0n both sides of the #ath Re#elled error for $ou !nd made a s#ace for truth for $ou5 For $ou) to form $our "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within $ou (as $our life,s concern and Co$5 0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched $our soul) For 7nowledge seemed to $ou to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to $ou life,s true 'alue5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 ! loss that #ains us dee#l$) Jou disa##eared from the field (here the "#irit,s earthl$ 7ernels In the womb of soul being Ri#ened $our senses for the s#heres5 Feel how we lo'ingl$ ga<e Into the heights that now &all $ou to other wor7s5 Gi'e to the friends left behind Jour #ower from s#irit realms) Hear our souls, entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need 41

"trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness) ! loss that #ains us dee#l$@ !llow us to ho#e) that $ou) far near) -n lost) light our life !s a soul star in s#irit realm5 !lread$ in the ne/t night I could e/#erience that the following sounded from this soul from the s#iritual realm@ For me) to form m$ "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within me (as m$ life,s concern and Co$5 0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched m$ soul) For 7nowledge seemed to me to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to m$ life,s true 'alue5 I assure $ou) when I had written down these 'erses) I did not thin7) not in the least) that in both stan<as each G$ouH can be transformed to Gme)H each G$ourH to Gm$5H I too7 notice onl$) when both stan<as sounded bac7 from the other soul li7e an answer in the ne/t night5 "o that the stan<as could Cust remain) onl$ the second #erson was re#laced b$ the first #erson5 I mention this) because a heart understanding can arise to us that in the future of the human de'elo#ment the #ossibilit$ remains to s#ea7 from soul to soul) when the mouth is no longer the tool5 In the same wa$ we get answer here for the e'er$da$ life from the mouth of the other soul) it was here at an e/am#le where the soul ga'e answer still e'en from the unconscious of its being) sa$ing as it were@ I ha'e now understood) because it was to me reall$ that wa$ in life. now I understand what I ha'e aimed at in life) after I ha'e ta7en off m$ bod$5 It does not onl$ de#end on the fact that we ta7e u# conce#ts) ideas and mental #ictures of the s#iritual worlds) but that we li'e in a certain life) in a certain wa$ of life as human beings) while we go as human beings of the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och towards the si/th and se'enth culture e#ochs5 It de#ends on the fact that the chasm is bridged reall$ which se#arates the li'ing human beings from the so called dead that human7ind becomes one more and more not onl$ in so far as it is incarnated in the bod$) but also as it has ta7en on those forms of e/istence which the human being li'es through between death and new birth5 "#iritual science has not onl$ to bring that to human7ind) but for the life which the earth needs for the rest of this #ost !tlantean de'elo#ment) s#iritual science is the first) I would li7e to sa$) still stammering attem#t) because what can be gi'en in s#iritual science is basicall$ onl$ a stammering com#ared to that what future generations e/#erience of s#iritual science5 M$ account tried to ma7e that com#rehensible b$ the force of heart what we can thin7 about the relations of life and death) referring toda$ to s#iritual science facing life) so that $ou get another understanding than the head understanding) the li'el$ heart understanding which we see7 for) actuall$) through the s#iritual scientific dee#ening5 That is the tas7 of the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 The si/th and the se'enth e#ochs follow it5 Howe'er) $ou understand onl$ what is to be defended as &entral %uro#ean culture if $ou Cust feel this &entral %uro#ean culture intimatel$ connected with that which must be gained in the fifth culture e#och for human7ind5 "omething ma$ then begin from that which I ha'e mentioned in the beginning of this consideration@ a widening of the 'iew be$ond that what our destin$ burdened times ha'e in their la#5 In the %ast) a 7ind of human life #re#ares which will be significant for the future5 Jou onl$ need to read u# about that in the series of tal7s about the mission of the fol7 souls L The Mission of the ndi)idual Folk=Souls in *onnection -ith the Germanic= 2ordic Mythology 22 lectures in 1ristiania 6toda$ 0slo) Kune 232:;) "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume 2A2 N I held once in 1ristiania ;> Oslo<5 But totall$ different from the soul 7ind which is Cust that of the &entral %uro#ean is alread$ the soul 7ind of the 42

%astern %uro#ean not to s#ea7 at all of the Far %astern E totall$ different5 (e ha'e alread$ to get on b$ that what s#iritual science should be for us to create an o#en s#irit e$e for such things5 (hat is often told that once the Varangians were in'ited b$ the Russian "la'ic #o#ulation that the$ would ha'e said to them@ we ha'e a nice countr$) but we ha'e no order) come to us and ma7e order5 !rrange something li7e a state for us5 (hat is told sentimentall$ as a starting #oint of the Russian histor$ is nothing else as a legend without an$ historical bac7ground5 This has ne'er ta7en #lace that wa$5 In truth) these Varangians came into the countr$ as conFuerors and were not called reall$5 +e'ertheless) what is told in histor$ has more significance) e'en more than it would ha'e if it corres#onded to a historical truth5 Because it means something #ro#hetic) something reall$ #ro#hetic) something that has not $et ha##ened that ha##ens) howe'er) in future5 (hat should de'elo# in the %ast) has to de'elo# so that the abilities of the eastern #eo#les are used to ta7e u# what the western ci'ilisation has created) and to #rocess it in itself to get fertilised with that which the (est has created5 This is the tas7 of the eastern #eo#les in future5 0ne can Cust characterise the nature of the Russian eastern nation briefl$5 (hen we loo7 at the real nation E not at that dishonest societ$ which now go'erns the Russian nation) E then we ha'e to be aware of the fact that the Russian soul has an immense lot of talents that it is gifted as it were for e'er$thing. but Cust while it unfolds its mission in the world human de'elo#ment more and more) will a##ear that something can be there in humanit$ what one can call@ talent without #roducti'e #ower5 The talent will still become greater and greater5 That) howe'er) what distinguishes) for e/am#le) the &entral %uro#ean) that he has combined his talent with the s#iritual force that he #roduces that Gfor him whose stri'ing ne'er ceases 555H and li'es intimatel$ with his fol7 soul5 He wants to #roduce that what he wants to understand at the same time what is there so s#lendid in Fichte,s #hiloso#h$ where the ego to understand itself wants to #roduce itself #er#etuall$ E one will see onl$ later which significance this #hiloso#h$ has) E Cust that what distinguishes &entral %uro#e5 The o##osite of that is in e/istence in Russia) in the east of %uro#e5 These Russian souls are rece#ti'e first of all@ the$ ha'e the biggest gift for ta7ing u#) and if one s#ea7s of #roducti'eness) one is mista7en5 The$ ha'e a 'ocation to de'elo# talents without #roducti'eness5 Toda$ e'en the conce#t is difficult to gras# because something li7e that has not $et e/isted in the de'elo#ment) but has to de'elo# onl$ bit b$ bit5 In future it ha##ens that from the %ast o'er here to the (est the call goes out@ we ha'e a nice countr$) but no order E for disorder increases more and more) E come and ma7e order5 E &entral %uro#e has a 'ocation to bring s#iritual #roducti'eness to the %ast5 (hat ha##ens now means that the$ defend themsel'es unreasonabl$ against that which must still ha##en in future5 0ne wants to crush that to which once one will ha'e to come and sa$@ come to us and ma7e order5 E It is thus in the historical e'olution of humanit$ that that is thrown bac7 mostl$) #ushed bac7 mostl$ what one has to long for in the end5 The biggest misfortune would be that the east of %uro#e) if Russia were 'ictorious in this #rocess5 That would not be the biggest misfortune for &entral %uro#e) not at all) but for Russia herself) the biggest misfortune) considered internall$) because this 'ictor$ would ha'e to be cancelled again5 This 'ictor$ could not last with its effects5 Thus we stand before the tragic moment of the historical e'olution of humanit$ that the %ast defends itself against something it will long for in future) will long for with all its forces5 Because it would e/#erience an entire decline if it could not be fertilised b$ the s#iritual life of the directl$ bordering (est5 In the further course of its culture this (est has to #roduce a li'el$ cultural life) not onl$ idealism) but li'el$ cultural life5 This li'el$ cultural life will be li7e a s#irit sun which mo'es from the (est to the %ast) o##osite to the mo'ement of the sun5 The e/ternal Russian human being will see more and more how little he is able to do b$ himself how he is de#endent on arranging himself reall$ in the whole e'olutionar$ #rocess of humanit$. how he commits the biggest sin assaulting the west %uro#ean culture5 I would li7e to sa$ we could feel strange #re flashes of it5 "omething a##eared in this %ast that was im#ossible in the (est@ the so called world 'iew of the discalced friars) L the following Fuotation from the dramatic #oem The 7o-er Depths b$ Ma7sim Gor7$ 62=9=M23O9; stems originall$ from a writing b$ Dmitr$ Mere<h7o's7$ 62=94M23B2;N a t$#e of #hiloso#h$ of the discalced friars which has Fuic7l$ s#read o'er big circles) while it was not there some $ears ago at all5 Being discalcedP The world 'iew of those who ma7e the absolute unbelief in human beings and humanit$ a #hiloso#h$) because the$ cannot belie'e that the human being is reall$ something different than that what there wal7s around between birth and death under tribulation and fright) that the words libert$) fraternit$) com#assion and lo'e are em#t$ #hrases) and that the onl$ wise one is who wal7s as a #ilgrim barefoot through the world) who the whole culture) the whole #utrescent west %uro#ean culture E as the discalced friar sa$s E feels as a big dece#tion and regards the tattered clothing) the must$ room and broad street as something through which the human being wal7s) when he forced himself to the discalced friars, world 'iew5 (hen a #oet allows to e/#ress this discalced friars, world 'iew b$ one of his #ersons with characteristic words) this must touch us Fuite strangel$ who alwa$s tr$ to find out that of the &entral %uro#ean world 'iew which can 7indle the light of the future for the human beings5 If a #oet allows to e/#ress a #erson that what is) howe'er) basicall$ a 7ind of a summar$ of the discalced friars, world 'iew and their #hiloso#h$ how does it seem to usI HJes what does this #erson mean to $ouI Do $ou understandI He collars $ou) Fuashes $ou under the nails li7e a fleeingP Then $ou ma$ feel sorr$ for him 555 &ertainl$P Then $ou ma$ manifest $our whole stu#idit$ to him5 He will 43

stretch $ou on se'en instruments of torture for $our com#assion. he wra#s $our intestine o'er the hand and #ulls all $our 'eins out of the bod$) an inch #er hour 555 0h $ou 555 &om#assionP Pra$ to God that one ma$ thrash $ou sim#l$ without an$ com#assion) and finish 555 &om#assion 555 BahPH !nd Gor7i of whom $ou ha'e alread$ heard something sa$s to such words@ G&ruel) but true)H while he returns now not onl$ the world 'iew of a #oetic #ersonalit$) as the #oet e/#resses it) but he e/#resses his own world 'iew which results for him as the consideration of the world5 This is the world 'iew of a discalced friar) a world 'iew about which one can Cust tal7 li7e about other world 'iews now in e/istence5 It is the world 'iew which has lost the #ossibilit$ to come out of itself to something that ra$s light to life5 It has to wait) until it is fertilised b$ this light) and then it can fulfil its mission in the human e'olution5 Howe'er) now it rebels against that what it Cust must do5 0ne could e/#erience man$ #hrases in the world) but I sa$ that from the most tragic feeling@ "uch #hrases) as the$ were s#o7en b$ the most different #arties in !ugust 232B on the war assembl$ of the Russian Duma) such a sum of #hrases e/ceeds the #ea7 of #hraseolog$5 "uch a thing is onl$ s#o7en when an$ li'el$ #roducti'e force of the soul is e/hausted5 In the %ast one stands in realit$ in the e'e of that what should become first) and unfolds a force that is o##osite to that what will once ma7e this %ast great5 (e in &entral %uro#e ha'e to sa$ to oursel'es@ ne'ertheless) this %ast waits Cust for the s#iritual wisdom which has to arise in the middle of %uro#e5 M$ dear friends) tr$ to transform that into feelings what I has suggested to $ou with grie'ous feelings) I would li7e to sa$) in single words that it can light u# that what we are able to see as s#iritual scientists with enlarged sensations and with which we should familiarise oursel'es to understand the real necessit$ and also the contem#orar$ historical necessit$ of the s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 Then we #enetrate oursel'es with thoughts which ascend from our souls to cosmic distances5 Thoughts which meet then what wor7s down from these s#iritual worlds) when #eace #re'ails on earth5 Toda$ I ha'e shown $ou how the etheric bodies of those souls wor7 which free themsel'es as unused etheric bodies from the souls) which could wor7 still for $ears) still for decades here in the #h$sical bodies) for the #h$sical li'es5 The idea must become a##arent to us how man$ such unused #arts of etheric bodies ascend into the s#iritual world E still e/ce#t that what human beings going through the #ortal of death on the battlefields ta7e with their indi'idualities into the s#iritual world5 Howe'er) these etheric bodies re#resent a big sum of s#iritual forces) those s#iritual forces which should hel# forming a s#iritual world 'iew from the s#iritual s#heres which should sei<e humanit$ more and more5 It is necessar$ that thoughts ascending from earthl$ human beings to the s#iritual s#heres meet these forces of the unused etheric bodies which are able to wor7 down from the s#iritual s#heres5 These human thoughts ha'e to show understanding for the secret wor7 of the s#iritual world into which the forces of these unused etheric bodies are wo'en5 Howe'er) this should be an encouragement for us that we #enetrate oursel'es with the #rofundities of s#iritual science5 "ince these #rofundities stimulate thoughts in us which ha'e an effect then more and more also in other human beings5 De#ending on what de'elo#s as destin$ burdened contents of our da$s) da$s full of #eace will come when that what the souls ha'e #lanted of s#iritual science in themsel'es will ascend5 It will meet the forces that ha'e collected from the etheric bodies of those who went through the gate of death on the battlefields and flow down5 Then this will ha##en what I would li7e to subsume in some words as a result of this s#iritual scientific consideration5 If we are able to #ut the fruits of s#iritual science in our time rightl$) then that will ha##en what I would li7e to e/#ress in the words@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 Moral Im#ulses and Their Results The Relationshi# of the %uro#ean Peo#les to Their Fol7 "ouls The &ultural Im#ulse of %ur$thm$ 2urem/erg" $?th March $&$' 44

It ma$ seem at first and it seems so to man$ #eo#le) as if that what one calls clair'o$ant forces in the true sense of the word through which the beings and #rocesses of the s#iritual worlds can be recognised) as if the human being does not ha'e these clair'o$ant forces in the e'er$da$ life at all) or as if he de'elo#s nothing at all of these forces in his soul in the e'er$da$ life5 Howe'er) it is not that wa$5 The clair'o$ant forces are not such forces which are Fuite strange to the human being li'ing in the e'er$da$ life5 This is not the case) but that we ha'e to de'elo# so that we can behold in the s#iritual worlds what we must bring out of the dee# subsoil of the soul in order to find the #ath into the s#iritual worlds) this alread$ e/ists in a certain soul acti'it$ also for the e'er$da$ life of the human being5 These are the moral im#ulses of the human being5 ! reall$ moral action) a reall$ moral im#ulse arises from the same abilities of the soul which lead to clair'o$ant abilities b$ means of a corres#onding de'elo#ment5 Indeed) for the e'er$da$ life the matter is different because e'er$thing that the human being is doing comes from his #h$sical nature or from that which he has acFuired for and b$ means of his #h$sical nature in the course of life5 If the human being de'elo#s desires if the human being does this or that what he is determined b$ his education or his other conditions of life) then it is the bod$ from which the im#ulse comes5 But there are real im#ulses in the human life which do not come from the bod$ with which onl$ the soul deals if the human being gras#s these im#ulses@ these are the moral im#ulses5 ! reall$ moral action is that to which the bod$ is called for hel#) indeed) so that one gets a mental #icture of the moral action) but the im#ulse of the moral action is in the #s$cho s#iritual which is reall$ inde#endent of the bodil$5 0ne will ne'er be able to define moral with the hel# of mere #hiloso#h$) and it is Cust the t$#ical of #hiloso#h$) #ro'ided that it wants to be moral #hiloso#h$) that it does not come to a correct) satisf$ing definition of moral if it does not #osition itself on the ground that the human being is able to e/#erience his #s$cho s#iritual in himself inde#endentl$ of his bod$5 (e 7now that human life is com#osed of moral) less moral and immoral actions and im#ulses5 The difference which e/ists between moral and immoral actions a##ears onl$ to the esoteric consideration in the true light5 The human being goes in his smallest life c$cle) in that time of twent$ four hours) into the slee#ing state5 This slee#ing state means that the ego and the astral bod$ go out basicall$ from the #h$sical and etheric bodies and li'e then be$ond this #h$sical and etheric bodies5 +ot $et e'er$thing is said with it if I sa$ that the ego and the astral bod$ lea'e the #h$sical and etheric bodies5 But $ou ha'e also to realise that the ego and the astral bod$) while the$ lea'e the etheric and the #h$sical bodies) are ta7en u# in the s#iritual worlds which #re'ail in the su#ersensible around us5 (e go into the su#ersensible worlds with our ego and astral bod$5 If we ha'e had a moral im#ulse during the da$) during our wa7ing state and ha'e accom#lished a moral action) then the following is true@ we must be ta7en u# with our ego and astral bod$ b$ the s#irits of the ne/t higher hierarchies) b$ the s#irits) which we count to the hierarch$ of the angels) of the archangels et cetera5 These ta7e us u#. we go into them as it were in the slee#ing state5 !s well as we li'e in the bod$ during the da$) we li'e inside the beings of the higher hierarchies during slee#5 That has to be clear to us5 If we ha'e accom#lished a moral action) if we ha'e had a moral im#ulse) then it is #ossible for the beings of the ne/t higher hierarchies E according to the s#iritual cosmic laws E to ta7e u# our ego and our astral bod$ with our moral im#ulses or that which of our moral im#ulses has remained in our soul5 If we ha'e committed an immoral action or ha'e had an immoral im#ulse) we cannot come with this rest) with that which was formed b$ the immoral im#ulse in us into the beings of the higher hierarchies during slee#5 That reall$ remains behind) is #ushed bac7 which is immoral in us) it is #ushed down again into the #h$sical nature5 The result of the fact is that e'er$thing that we bring as an after effect of moralit$ into the s#iritual worlds during slee# does not ha'e an effect on our #h$sical and etheric bodies) because it is ta7en awa$ from them5 !n immoral idea) an immoral im#ulse) an immoral action) howe'er) becomes something that is #ushed bac7 into the etheric and #h$sical bodies and this has an effect on them5 That is wh$ the results of immoral actions can wor7 in the #h$sical and etheric bodies during slee#) from falling aslee# u# to wa7ing5 In this regard) it is reall$ eas$ to recognise what I ha'e often em#hasised in m$ tal7s that language has a miraculous genius that it wor7s ingeniousl$5 If we s#ea7 of guilt) there Cust this German word G"chuldH 6also meaning de/ts; signifies infinitel$ e/actl$ this what it concerns5 (e #a$ what we owe to the s#iritual world with our moral actions) but we remain guilt$ to the s#iritual world of that which we must lea'e behind in our bodies) our immoral thoughts) our immoral im#ulses) our immoral actions5 Ta7e now the following into account@ if we s#ent our life in such a wa$ that we would onl$ #ercei'e the things of the outside world and thin7 about them) the #rocesses e'en in our #h$sical bod$ would be Fuite different than the$ are5 Because we not onl$ thin7 and #ercei'e) but we also remember the thoughts) #erce#tions and e/#eriences5 (hat we thin7) imagine) feel goes down into our etheric bod$) but the etheric bod$ im#rints it again into the #h$sical bod$5 !nd that what the etheric bod$ creates li7e im#ressions in the #h$sical bod$ this is memor$5 If we remember something of former 45

e/#eriences in the later life) this means@ we bum# our astral bod$) which is connected then with the etheric bod$) on that what li7e an im#ression) as a seal im#ression has remained in our #h$sical bod$5 The materialistic idea is childish@ as if a recollection sits in the brain here) another there) as if it is tinned thus5 This is not true) but an$ recollection has an im#ression which corres#onds basicall$ to the whole head and still some other #arts of the human figure) and the recollections are in each other) not side b$ side as a childish materialistic idea su##oses it5 This acti'it$ of remembering is based on the fact that our astral and etheric bodies can cause im#ressions in our #h$sical bodies5 It is reall$ the same acti'it$ which ta7es #lace e/ternall$ when we write down something5 If we loo7 at the notes) then that what we ha'e in our soul) of course) does not ha'e the slightest resemblance to the signs we ha'e on the #a#er5 0n the #a#er are signs of an$ form) but b$ that what we do then from it) while we are induced to bring bac7 to life again that in the soul which we ha'e written down) a s#iritual #rocess ta7es #lace5 It is the same also with memor$5 (hat remains in us does not ha'e more resemblance in #rinci#le with that which a##ears in the soul while remembering) than that which stands on the #a#er) with that what a##ears in the soul if we read it again5 &lair'o$antl$ beheld) the matter is li7e that@ let us su##ose that somebod$ remembers something that he has gone through once5 (hat lights u# then in his #h$sical bod$) is a mar7 which is a co#$ of the human figure from the head and a #iece below in an$ wa$5 These are mar7s5 %'er$ mar7 is different which a##ears in the memor$) but these are mar7s5 The soul onl$ ma7es with the hel# of the mar7s what we e/#erience) while we remember5 This is reall$ a subconscious reading what a##ears as memor$5 If natural sciences #rogress a little further and in'estigate the #h$sical #rocesses) the$ will be a hel# to s#iritual science) while the$ will show that that what remains in the bod$ must reall$ be submitted b$ the soul to a #rocess which is similar to the reading in the soul in #rinci#le5 Memor$ is a real subconscious reading5 This is a regular acti'it$ of the human soul) this remembering5 Howe'er) if we send down results of immoral im#ulses) thoughts or actions into our bod$ while falling aslee#) we do not remo'e immoral im#ulses from our #h$sical bod$5 "omething similar thereb$ ha##ens as it ha##ens usuall$ regularl$ in memor$5 The wor7 on the #h$sical bod$ im#rints itself there5 If now the human being wants to fall aslee# and his ego and astral bod$ want to go out from his #h$sical and etheric bodies) this #rocess begins5 (hat he must lea'e behind there im#rints itself li7e memories im#rint themsel'es) and then there come the #angs of conscience which a##ear there5 This is the real #rocess of the #angs of conscience5 Thus the$ are reflected from that what the matters cause as im#ressions in our #h$sical bod$ and also in the etheric bod$5 This remains then5 Because these #angs of conscience remain as the regular memories do and attain strength) the$ a##ear then as self re#roaches in the further life5 This is the im#ortant matter that we reall$ succeed in seeing that the moral action is a real #rocess that it is not onl$ something abstract) but that this moral action is handing u# that into the s#iritual worlds what we here act on earth5 Because we hand o'er the results of our moral beha'iour to the higher hierarchies) the$ also remain in certain res#ect in these higher hierarchies5 (hat we cannot ta7e with us what wor7s then in the #h$sical and etheric bodies remains here on earth. this is in the earth #rocess5 If the human being has gone through the gate of death) he must alwa$s loo7 bac7 at it) and while he alwa$s loo7s bac7 at it) the im#ulse must originate in him to #ut it awa$ from the earth #rocess5 The wor7ing out of 7arma between death and a new birth is based on that5 (e ta7e the results of our moral im#ulses in our 7arma with us) but while we bring them into s#iritual worlds during slee#) the$ also ma7e im#ressions there5 (e can sa$ that the angels) the archangels) also the s#irits of #ersonalit$ then ha'e the moral im#ulses5 (hat do the$ do with themI These moral im#ulses) which are now in the s#iritual world) are the real fertilising germs for the later earth #eriods5 +ot onl$ that we 7ee# these results in our 7arma) but we bring the im#ressions u#) and in the coming earth e#ochs the s#irits of higher hierarchies bring them down again5 These results of the moral im#ulses are the fertilising germs for the human in'enti'e thin7ing) for the human thin7ing generall$ in later earth e#ochs5 Imagine that an e#och of the earth e'olution is Fuite immoral) so that no im#ressions of moral im#ulses are brought to the s#iritual worlds5 Then an e#och would follow in the earth e'olution when the human beings would thin7 of little for the life on earth when the human beings would ha'e few ideas and conce#ts when the$ ha'e no means to im#rint and stimulate their soul li'es5 "o we stand with our moral im#ulses in a real #rocess of the uni'erse5 Hence) s#iritual science which shows us such a matter is suitable to increase our res#onsibilit$) to ma7e our res#onsibilit$ more 'igorous) because we thereb$ notice onl$ what it means to be moral or immoral in human life5 Being immoral means to ta7e its life germs awa$ from the earth) to incor#orate them into the #h$sical earth #rocess in which the$ become then germs of destruction for the ne/t earth e#ochs) because the$ are also #reser'ed there) of course) because nothing gets lost5 Then the$ e/tinguish that what should li'e 'i'idl$ as a soul element5 "u##ose that a bigger crowd of #eo#le would decide that the$ would li'e immorall$ in a 46

certain e#och5 Then a later e#och #oor in thoughts would be thereb$ caused) and the souls would come down to the earth and find no ideas there) the$ would ha'e a desolate life5 It is now #ossible that we ta7e u# not onl$ the contents of moral in our 7nowledge5 If we do not ta7e u# that in our effecti'e 7nowledge) we obliterate the earth5 But we need and we ha'e the #ossibilit$ to ta7e u# something different in our soul de'elo#ment) and this is the 7nowledge of the su#ersensible5 Basicall$) the earth ne'er was com#letel$ without su#ersensible 7nowledge5 (e 7now that human7ind recei'ed a certain inheritance of clair'o$ant ca#acities) also of clair'o$ant 7nowledge in olden times5 It is not long ago that the aftermath of this clair'o$ant 7nowledge was there on earth5 (e also 7now that we li'e in the time when this clair'o$ant 7nowledge is drawing to an end since centuries) but must be re#laced b$ the clair'o$ant 7nowledge gained consciousl$5 (e li'e in this im#ortant time5 (e ha'e $esterda$ made oursel'es aware that the fifth culture e#och and those who are its bearers ha'e a 'ocation to gain clair'o$ant 7nowledge consciousl$ for the souls5 The fifth culture e#och will not come to an end) before a certain sum of clair'o$ant 7nowledge has gras#ed a relati'el$ big #art of human7ind5 Herder,s sa$ing is true that enlightenment will s#read o'er the earth5 !n$ 7nowledge we acFuire from the onl$ sensor$ outside world) all the thoughts we ha'e onl$ as after images of the sensor$ outside world cannot be brought directl$ b$ us into the s#iritual world) while we slee#5 It is true) the thoughts) the ideas which we ha'e reach to the beings of the higher hierarchies u# to a certain degree E Cust with the e/ce#tion of the immoral im#ulses5 Howe'er) that rises u# which we acFuire as #ictures of the outside world u# to a certain degree into the s#iritual world5 But it does not rise u# 'er$ far) not at all to the s#here of the archangels5 "o that the human being E if he fills himself with ideas onl$ which come from the sensor$ world E can bring that which he gains as ideas of the sensor$ world not 'er$ far into the s#iritual worlds5 The su#ersensible ideas we e/#erience in oursel'es are brought far into the s#iritual worlds5 Kust those beings who belong to the hierarch$ of the archangels get) as it were) the im#ressions of them and carr$ them o'er into later times5 That of su#ersensible 7nowledge which the human egos and astral bodies carr$ u# into the s#iritual worlds is used later for the earth e'olution5 It does not form) li7e the moral im#ulses) the fertilising germs) the stimulating element) but the germs for that which we call the earth #rogress5 Refusing su#ersensible ideas b$ an age means the condemnation of a coming age to ma7e no #rogress in the earth e'olution5 He who refuses the su#ersensible ideas restrains the #rogress of coming e#ochs as far as he is concerned5 If an$ nation became Fuite materialistic) this materialism of a whole nation would condemn the earth to a standstill in its de'elo#ment E of course u# to a certain degree because the other #eo#les would not ha'e to reCect the su#ersensible ideas5 (e see again how the acFuisition of su#ersensible ideas is significant in the earth #rocess itself5 &auses and effects are connected in the whole earth #rocess that wa$5 Those human beings who are) as it were) consciousl$ materialists in our #resent are ahrimanicall$ enticed beings) enticed b$ the ahrimanic s#irits) because !hriman is 'er$ interested in restraining the regular #rogress5 (e see again how s#iritual science is able to increase the feeling of res#onsibilit$ of the indi'idual human soul to the world as a whole5 (e see s#iritual science snatching us from our sel'es and ma7ing us members of the whole human #rocess) that s#iritual science is basicall$ an unselfish acti'it$ of the human soul5 In a certain res#ect) an$ li'ing in su#ersensible ideas is a re#roduction of the moral life5 Hence) there is nothing more disturbing for the 7nowledge of the su#ersensible worlds than filling the human soul with immoral im#ulses5 That is wh$ it is dee#l$ founded to demand a 7ind of moral thin7ing in the most eminent sense as a #re#aration of the esoteric de'elo#ment5 The fifth e#och has the tas7 to ma7e consciousl$ sure that s#iritual 7nowledge fills the human beings) so that during the rest of the #ost !tlantean age the #rogress of humanit$ is not restrained) so that reall$ a #rogress can ta7e #lace in humanit$5 If we ha'e to ascribe the natural abilit$ of s#iritual 7nowledge in the most eminent sense Cust to the &entral %uro#ean #eo#les after all our discussions during the last da$s) it must be clear to us which significance the further e/istence) the undisturbed de'elo#ment of the &entral %uro#ean culture has5 If we now are able to see the hori<on of the %uro#ean life onl$ a little bit b$ means of that which we ha'e mentioned) what does it #resent to usI The life of the higher hierarchies is connected with the life of #eo#les5 Jou need onl$ to stud$ the series of tal7s about the de'elo#ment of the fol7 souls which was held once in 1ristiania 6 > Oslo;) which is es#eciall$ im#ortant to stud$ in our #resent time5 Jou need onl$ to call it in $our mind and $ou will see how the archangels inter'ene in the national life. how generall$ this national life unfolds in the coo#eration of the higher hierarchies with that what ha##ens here on earth5 If we loo7 at an indi'idual human being) we 7now that his ego de'elo#ment ta7es #lace onl$ slowl$ and graduall$5 Indeed) in the tender childhood) from the time u# to which one remembers) the ego consciousness begins5 But this ego becomes increasingl$ mature) ad'ances in his de'elo#ment5 In our time big mista7es are there concerning this ego de'elo#ment5 There is too little a consciousness of the fact that such an ego de'elo#ment ta7es #lace 47

in life5 Thus one can e/#erience that toda$ greenhorns regard themsel'es to be mature to Cudge e'er$thing because the$ do not 7now that one has to attain a certain age to Cudge certain matters) because the ego thereb$ reaches a certain maturit$ onl$5 !s it is in the indi'idual life of the human being) it is also in the life of #eo#les5 (e must onl$ ta7e the following into consideration if we want to understand the life of #eo#les in relation to the indi'idual human life on the #h$sical #lane5 The indi'idual human being matures concerning to his ego de'elo#ment5 Because he grows increasingl$ mature) he also learns to ta7e a better o'er'iew of the outside world5 (hat we 7now about the outside world if we ha'e attained twent$) twent$ fi'e $ears) and what we can 7now if we s#end life substantiall$ if we ha'e wor7ed through ten $ears more5 For such matters Cust the s#iritual scientist has to get a feeling5 There is the ego in its relation to the e/ternal world) to its surroundings5 The beings of the higher hierarchies beha'e differentl$5 These beings of the higher hierarchies ha'e the same relationshi# to our egos as we ha'e to the matters of the outside world5 The matters and beings of the mineral) #lant and animal realms are obCects for us5 For the beings of the higher hierarchies) for e/am#le) our egos are obCects5 The relationshi# of the beings of the higher hierarchies to our egos is not that of #erce#tion as we ha'e it to the outside world5 Their 'olition rather #enetrates our egos) their 'olition wor7s on our egos5 Those archangels who ha'e to lead the #eo#les ha'e the same relationshi# to the egos) to the indi'idual human beings of the #eo#le as we ha'e concerning the #erce#tion of matters of the outside world5 (e are the obCects for these archangels5 (hat is an outside world for us) we are as human beings for the archangels) onl$ that it is more a #rocess of #erce#tion with us and more a #rocess of will with the archangels5 But concerning this #rocess of will the archangel also e/#eriences a de'elo#ment5 This archangel goes through a maturation of his soul e/actl$ the same wa$) now not concerning his ego) but concerning dee#er forces of his soul5 He e/#eriences a de'elo#ment through which he attains another relation to the indi'idual human beings of his nation. as well as we attain another relation to our en'ironment with a more mature ego5 Let us ta7e) for e/am#le) the archangel to whom the guidance of the Italian #eo#le has been transferred in the course of histor$5 This archangel has had such a relation to the Italian #eo#le for a long time that he has) actuall$) wor7ed with his will basicall$ on the higher #arts of the soul5 In the further course this archangel had an effect not onl$ on the higher #arts of the soul) but also on the lower ones) on the #assions) on the im#ulses of the soul which are still connected with the bod$5 Thus the de'elo#ment of the archangel goes on@ at first) he has more an effect on the soul as such) in the later course he becomes more and more #owerful and wor7s on those #arts of the soul which are more connected with the bod$5 (e can gi'e for the Italian #eo#le that the archangel e/#erienced a condition of his de'elo#ment in 24O: which can be characterised in such a wa$ that one can sa$@ he has wor7ed more on the real soul) now he starts im#regnating the soul more with his will) in so far as it #enetrates the bod$5 The Italian #eo#le) reall$) starts now to let itself go concerning its a##earance) to de'elo# its national character so surel$5 "tud$ the histor$ of the Italian #eo#le before the mentioned time E about the middle of the 29th centur$) E then $ou see that there the archangel still wor7ed on the internal soul Fualities of the Italian #eo#le. that then the e/ternal national character formed in the most remar7able sense) as we 7now it toda$5 Before this #oint in time E and such a #oint in time e/ists for an$ #eo#le E the whole soul life of a #eo#le is still ali'e5 It is still #ossible then that the soul life of the #eo#le can ta7e on this or that Fualit$5 The Fualities are not $et coined so strongl$5 !fter this #oint in time) when the archangel has de'elo#ed his will relations to the dee#er Fualities of the soul) the #eo#le,s character becomes rigid. it #enetrates the bodil$ Fualities5 The time begins when one can hardl$ a##roach the #eo#le with an$thing that does not corres#ond to the national character5 It becomes ner'ous at once if an$bod$ comes with an$thing that does not lie com#letel$ in the national line or current5 0ne can reall$ gi'e this #oint in time in the historical de'elo#ment of the French #eo#le correctl$5 !ll these statements are a##ro/imate) of course) but this time is for the French #eo#le about 29::) in the beginning of the 2?th centur$) and for the %nglish #eo#le in the middle of the 2?th centur$) in 294:5 If $ou go bac7 before this time) to the Middle !ges) $ou see how much the #eo#les of %uro#e still ha'e in common) and how with the single #eo#les the de'elo#ment of the national character begins at the #oints in time which I ha'e gi'en5 The archangel e/#eriences a de'elo#ment so that one can sa$@ his forces were e'en wea7er before that) so that he was onl$ able to wor7 on the soul) on the inside5 The forces grow stronger after that) he can stretch his forces u# to the #h$sical5 He thereb$ causes the shar#l$ distincti'e national character5 "ingle #henomena a##ear Fuite com#rehensible to $ou if $ou ha'e such matters for the historical consideration5 Imagine that in the time in which the %nglish #eo#le had 48

their "ha7es#eare the national character had not $et been enclosed in this wa$) so that Cust the %nglish #eo#le are no longer able to understand "ha7es#eare5 This comes from the fact that the archangel enclosed it with a distincti'e national character5 This will gi'e a real historical consideration of the future when one does no longer start) as it was the case so often in the 23th centur$) from the assum#tion that ideas ha'e an effect in histor$5 ! human being can ha'e ideas) but ideas cannot wor7 as forces in histor$5 The angels) archangels and archai can ha'e ideas) but ideas must alwa$s come from beings5 The whole historical consideration of the 23th centur$) in so far as it s#ea7s of ideas in histor$) is a s#oo7) because it is based on the faith that ideas de'elo#) can freel$ mo'e in the continuous current of time5 (e can now #ut the Fuestion@ what about the German #eo#leI (as there a #oint in time at which the archangel attained a certain le'elI E Jes) such a #oint in time ha##ened5 But the German #eo#le differ from the other #eo#les to a certain degree5 (e 7now that the soul of the human being consists of sentient soul) intellectual soul or mind soul) and consciousness soul5 Jou can gather this from the tal7s on the fol7 souls that the archangel of the Italian #eo#le #referabl$ wants to gain #ower in the sentient soul) that of the French #eo#le in the intellectual soul or mind soul) that of the British #eo#le in the consciousness soul) and that of the German #eo#le in the ego which e/tends its #ower to the three soul members5 Hence) the relation of the archangel to the indi'idual egos of the German #eo#le is also another than with the western #eo#les5 There was alread$ a #oint in time when the archangel of the German #eo#le inter'ened in the #h$sical life or in the lower soul life) in so far as it sei<es the #h$sical5 This is the time a##ro/imatel$ between 2?4: and 2=O:5 If one studies the matters once Fuite rationall$) one will get wonderful e/#lanations about the course of the national de'elo#ment5 If an$bod$ got in'ol'ed onl$ to loo7 at the reall$ great) magnificent difference which is there in the German life in the human beings of the 23th and A:th centuries and the human beings li'ing two hundred $ears ago) then he would see how immense this difference is5 In those da$s) the archangel inter'ened in the national character of the German #eo#le) as well as the archangels inter'ened in the other #eo#les at the #oints in time which I ha'e gi'en5 But) one would li7e to sa$) he sto##ed again) he did not transform the #h$sical constitution so 'igorousl$) as thoroughl$ as it ha##ened with the other #eo#les5 Hence) it has e'en ha##ened that the second half of the 23th centur$ too7 such a course that this German #eo#le ha'e reall$ ta7en u# e'er$thing imaginable from the other #eo#les unconsciousl$5 This has led to tragic conflicts in our da$s5 Thin7 onl$ once that %rnst Haec7el is an %nglishman in his whole world 'iew) in so far as he has based his world 'iew on science5 He is com#letel$ an %nglishman) because he has ta7en u# %nglish thought forms5 %'er$thing that he thin7s is influenced b$ the %nglish being5 He starts from Darwin) from Hu/le$5 He regards "#encer as his #hiloso#hical God5 (hile one cannot reall$ translate a boo7 of Hegel or a boo7 of s#iritual science into %nglish) one can translate Haec7el 'er$ easil$ into %nglish) of course5 Jou ma$ be sur#rised about me sa$ing this) because $ou 7now that s#iritual scientific boo7s are translated into %nglish5 But what $ou read in the boo7s) $ou read this onl$ a##ro/imatel$ in the %nglish translations5 0ne can ne'er reall$ translate) for e/am#le) the sentence which is essentiall$ German) which is connected with the sensation of Master %c7hart L Master %c7hart@ U2A9:M2OA?) m$sticN and with e'er$thing that de'elo#ed in the German being following Master %c7hart5 Jou cannot translate this sentence correctl$ into %nglish@ GIn dem GemVte lebt das FVn7lein) in dem sich in der Menschenseele die (eltseele offenbart5H GThe little s#ar7 li'es in man,s feeling nature in which the world soul re'eals itself to the human soul5H It is im#ossible to translate it reall$ into %nglish) because for that what is e/#erienced in the word GGemVtH does no translation e/ist5 !lso the original dictum b$ Hegel cannot be translated into %nglish which is almost the foundation stone of German idealistic #hiloso#h$@ G"ein und +icht "ein 'ereinigen sich <ur hWheren %inheit im (erden5H GBeing and +ot Being coalesce to Becoming as the higher unit$5H 0f course) one can translate e'er$thing) but the translation cannot re#ort what is e/#erienced in such a sentence5 The German language has the s#ecial #eculiarit$ that it still allows certain liFuidness5 Imagine how infinitel$ eas$ it is to sa$ if an$thing is translated into %nglish or French@ this is wrong. one does not sa$ this that wa$P E (e Germans must not de'elo# the bad habit to sa$ that something is wrong) but we must 7ee# our language liFuid E this is s#o7en radicall$) of course5 "tud$ our c$cles) there $ou will see how I alwa$s struggled to form new words) also forms which formulate the words from within5 This comes) for e/am#le) from the fact that the archangel of the German #eo#le sto##ed the shar# stam#ing again5 He has onl$ made an attem#t) as it were) to shar#l$ coin the national character during almost one centur$) and has then released the #eo#le again5 That means a lot5 But this must be that wa$) because the German #eo#le ha'e a 'ocation to transform their idealism to li'el$ s#iritual 7nowledge5 Fichte) "chelling) Hegel) who are attac7ed toda$) created a thin7ing which is indeed not alread$ s#iritualism) nor s#iritual science which is) howe'er) the seed of s#iritual science which guides $ou reall$ to s#iritual science) so to s#ea7) if $ou meditate it thoroughl$5 Howe'er) the German national character must still remain liFuid) must ma7e reall$ #ossible that one sa$s@ somebod$ is an Italian) somebod$ is a Frenchman) and somebod$ is an 49

%nglishman5 Howe'er) somebod$ becomes a GermanP The archangel has onl$ made an attem#t with the German #eo#le to form the national character5 In the same wa$ to be national or chau'inistic as the (est %uro#ean #eo#les are) this would be an untruth with the German. he is not able to do this at all E one is able to do e'er$thing) of course) but then it is not commensurate with the real being of the German5 The relations of the Russian #eo#le are Fuite different5 Its archangel is connected with the indi'idual egos of the #eo#le in a different wa$ than with the (est %uro#ean and &entral %uro#ean #eo#les5 The archangels of the (est %uro#ean #eo#les wor7 with their ra$s of will) with the Italian #eo#le on the sentient soul) with the French #eo#le on the intellectual soul or mind soul) with the British #eo#le on the consciousness soul) with the German #eo#le on the ego5 Howe'er) the fol7 soul of the Russian #eo#le does not wor7 on the souls at all5 It ho'ers as it were o'er the #eo#le li7e a cloud) and the soul can onl$ ha'e a #remonition of it and long for it5 It has still remained a grou# soul as it were5 There is no intimate interaction of the fol7 soul with the indi'idual human egos5 Jou can get no more tragic) more serious im#ression than when $ou are #resent at a Russian orthodo/ ser'ice) in which the human egos of those) who ta7e #art in it as belie'ers) are almost com#letel$ eliminated5 There is something im#ersonall$ uni'ersal that does not sei<e the indi'idual #ersonalit$5 There is nothing in this ser'ice that a##eals to the human nature5 This is an immediate e/#ression of the fact that the Russian soul has not awo7en at all to that stimulation which is due to the interchange of the indi'idual ego with the fol7 soul5 %'er$thing is a little bit rigid and stereot$#ed) as if s#iritualit$ comes from un7nown worlds and turns to something rigid and stereot$#ed) in the #erformances Cust as in the icon #ainting5 There we stand before something Fuite different as it is the case in (estern %uro#e5 There we stand before the fact that the archangel has not got read$ at all to inter'ene in the national element5 Hence) the national element is for the Russian more a soul dream5 The Russian alwa$s tal7s of the Greall$ Russian human being)H and the Russian writers tal7 of it5 But it is a soul dream which is em#hasised in #articular) because the fol7 soul is not incor#orated into the human beings) because the Russian has a longing for a su#er #ersonal fol7 soul5 Jou ha'e to loo7 into these dee# secrets) and then $ou understand how the %uro#ean cultural regions stand facing each other5 I ne'er thin7) of course) to see the cause of the #resent e'ents directl$ in this facing each other of the cultural regions5 +e'ertheless) $ou must do that indirectl$5 In #articular) $ou must be aware of the fact that the torch of the current war is a #owerful mar7 to familiarise oursel'es with that which wea'es and reigns within the s#iritual life of %uro#e5 (e loo7 u# to beings of the higher hierarchies. we see these beings of the higher hierarchies also de'elo#ing5 (hereas we de'elo# our egos as indi'idual human beings) we see these de'elo#ing in such a wa$ that the$ get more and more #ower to #enetrate the ego with their will5 First the$ still 7ee# far awa$ from this ego) o'ershadow it from abo'e li7e in the case of the Russian #eo#le5 Then there is a more intimate o'ershadowing and li'ing together at the same time as it is with the German #eo#le5 Then the$ add the intransigent national character to the indi'idual human beings li7e it is the case of the three characterised (est %uro#ean #eo#les5 Jou can deri'e from that in which condition this modern life of the human de'elo#ment is5 Ha'e a loo7 onl$ once at the &entral %uro#ean histor$ and $ou will find E if $ou refrain from Russia where the relations are Fuite different) E $ou will find that the life of the (est %uro#ean #eo#les and in certain wa$ also of the &entral %uro#ean #eo#les is similar) that a %uro#ean internationalism is there5 Then we see a new time dawning in the indi'idual #eo#les from the 2Bth centur$ on5 (ith this dawning we see the #eo#les being sei<ed b$ distincti'e national characters5 !t the turn of the 2=th to the 23th centur$) we see the German #eo#le getting Cust as much of national character that the German feels as it were what a national character is) but not so much that he is ta7en u# in the solidified national character5 0ne will find that that lies in the dis#osition of the German nature that the German does not need to be ta7en u# in the national character. that it reall$ has a dee# sense when Fichte L se'enth address in 0ddresses to the German 2ationN sa$s@ e'er$thing that wants freedom of the human soul being) e'er$thing that stri'es for the uni'ersall$ human) that belongs to us5 There is a #ossibilit$ of free de'elo#ment of the &entral %uro#ean or German character5 Howe'er) something is contained in that which leads immediatel$ to the insight that the (est %uro#ean #eo#les ha'e to ta7e this national character E or fluid national character E of the German #eo#le into account5 I sa$) something li7e the fluid national character of the German can lead to the tragic Cust in our time5 Thin7 of %rnst Haec7el once again5 (e ha'e seen that he was influenced b$ the %nglish so dee#l$ in the second half of the 23th centur$ E because the de'elo#ment of the national character was released again5 !nd toda$I The man who bears) actuall$) the whole %nglish nature in himself has thrown words of the strongest hatred against the %nglish #eo#le5 He stood at the head of those who sent bac7 their %nglish certificates) medals and honourings5 It would be so much more im#ortant that the$ would send bac7 the materialistic Darwinism) the materialistic +ewtonism) e'er$thing that came from them5 In this regard) we ha'e to learn to reall$ understand us) to see the matters obCecti'el$ and without national hatred5 50

It was a 7ind of a s#iritual #relude when some $ears ago the s#litting had to ta7e #lace between our anthro#oso#hical mo'ement and the !nglo Indian coloured theoso#hical mo'ement5 It had to ta7e #lace5 Those who ha'e a 'ocation to de'elo# the s#iritual element cannot go along with the materialistic 'iew of a &hrist re embodied in the flesh5 It had to come out among us that the return of &hrist will reall$ be the return of the etheric &hrist5 It has often been said that and could also be heard out of Theodora,s mouth in m$ first m$ster$ drama L The :ortal of nitiation N5 Indeed) now we read in an %nglish theoso#hical maga<ine E I tell no fair$ tales to $ou) the #resident of the societ$ herself e/#ressed it E that the warfare of the Germans shows now what was) actuall$) behind the theoso#hical German underta7ing at that time) because it a##ears now that we would ha'e ta7en amiss) actuall$) on theoso#hical field that the #resident !nnie Besant has alwa$s stood u# for the #eace #rince) who did his best for %uro#e) %duard VII5 (e would ha'e loo7ed at this alread$ with immense a'ersion) and) therefore) we would ha'e sent our agents to %ngland who should there tal7 about theoso#h$ in our sense to get the theoso#hists in our hands5 If we had succeeded) the #resident tells in the %nglish theoso#hical maga<ine) to #enetrate at that time so far that we would ha'e got the com#lete) as she sa$s) Grich administrati'e machiner$H of the !nglo Indian theoso#h$ E ne'er ha'e we wanted this) of course) E our intention would ha'e been carried out to bring the #oison of our 'iews to India and to gain influence on the British go'ernment from there5 Then our intention would ha'e been e/ecuted to induce the British #eo#le to ac7nowledge the German su#remac$ o'er %ngland on this wa$P E This is the re#resentation which is gi'en now in %nglish theoso#hical maga<ines to the theoso#hists there5 +ow loo7 at the truth5 (e ha'e to realise it) because we cannot thin7 about these matters in a dreaming wa$5 The truth is) for e/am#le) that that which I wrote in m$ boo7 Mysticism at the Da-n of Modern 7ife is written out of the 7ind as s#iritualism li'es in the &entral %uro#ean cultural current5 The boo7 was translated into %nglish straight awa$) and at that time one said to us there E to me at least E that the whole theoso#h$ is contained in this boo75 +ow we could sa$@ well) if #eo#le thin7 in London that the whole theoso#h$ is contained in this boo7) the$ can go along with us5 E But each ste# we undertoo7 was nothing but an e/#ression of the &entral %uro#ean de'elo#ing s#iritualism5 "ome months before the outbrea7 of this war) it touched me still #eculiarl$ E toda$ I am allowed to mention this E that some of our ladies who do eur$thm$ dro'e to London to gi'e there a course5 The eur$thm$ has #leased5 This is all right) it shall #lease human beings5 But one does not notice that this eur$thm$ is the s#iritual counter #ole of the materialistic s#ort. the fact that on one side %uro#e is flooded com#letel$ b$ materialism and s#ort brings materialism into the mo'ement of human beings) which ser'es the amusement of the #eo#le) the addiction to ma7e oneself health$ which is Fuite materialistic) whereas with us each mo'ement is the e/#ression of the s#iritual) corres#onds e/actl$ to that which is &entral %uro#ean s#iritualit$5 (e wor7 on this ground and let grow u# the fruits of the s#iritual de'elo#ment from this ground5 How did Cust the s#ort inter'ene in the second half of the 23th centur$ in German$P How finer s#ort acti'ities ha'e then also E I belie'e) a method was es#eciall$ that of Dalcro<e L %mile Dalcro<e 62=94M234:;) he founded a 7ind of rh$thmic g$mnasticsN E how these matters ha'e inter'enedP +ow one will not li7e him #articularl$ because he also belongs to those who insult GGerman barbarismH so 'iolentl$5 But that what belongs to the German being this is the eur$thmic b$ means of which the s#iritual is e/#ressed in the mo'ements of the e/ternal #h$sical bod$5 It li'es in the mo'ements of the etheric bod$) is natural to the etheric bod$ which wor7s on the su#ersensible human being5 This eur$thm$ is based on the following #rinci#les@ we ha'e an organ through which the etheric bod$ acts immediatel$) so that the #h$sical becomes an image of the etheric5 This is the case when we are s#ea7ing5 +ot the whole #h$sical) but the air becomes an image of the etheric5 The sounding word in the air) the 7ind how the air swings) is a direct e/#ression of the etheric5 If one sei<es that what li'es in the sound) in the word and s#reads it o'er the whole etheric bod$ and lets the hands and feet and e'er$thing of the human being be mo'ed) li7e in s#ea7ing and singing the air is mo'ed in the etheric bod$) then one has eur$thm$5 "ince eur$thm$ is a s#ea7ing of the whole human being) so that one ma7es use not onl$ of the mo'ing air but of the human organs5 "uch a matter shows $ou that the inter'ention of s#iritual science in the modern ci'ilisation is intended as something uni'ersal and e/tensi'e5 To understand the ner'e of the thing we ha'e Cust heard something of which one does not thin7 toda$5 I ha'e gi'en these both tal7s within this small circle b$ means of which I wanted to stimulate the sensation in $ou to loo7 at that what s#iritual science intends for the whole human life uni'ersall$5 If I succeeded in doing so) it would be alread$ enough5 "ince the tas7 of s#iritual science is not reall$ fulfilled if we learn single theoretical conce#ts5 The tas7 of s#iritual science is fulfilled if it inter'enes in e'er$thing) in e'er$ life) and s#iritualises this life5 It is ine'itable in our fifth culture e#och within that nation to which this tas7 is assigned to cause s#iritualisation) to understand these matters) to cause a sense of res#onsibilit$ concerning de'elo#ment5 It is eas$ to criticise the human de'elo#ment) rather eas$5 Howe'er) this does not concern) because the matters which ha##en ha##en with necessit$) e'en if the$ counter that which as it were the good #rogress intends with the human beings5 In a certain res#ect) we must ha'e and let ha'e something in our culture that counters this good #rogress) actuall$5 51

!mong these 'arious matters which belong to it) for e/am#le) this is that we start to maltreat our children from tender age on because of our #resent cultural #oint of 'iew) as one sa$s) for the sa7e of #rogress5 0ne does not 7now it) but one maltreats them5 "ince there is basicall$ nothing more countering the human nature than to let start the children from the se'enth $ear alread$ learning the school obCects and to teach them as #u#ils as one does it #resentl$5 0ne would reall$ e/#erience something es#eciall$ ad'antageous if one grew u# Fuite differentl$ and such matters that are taught alread$ in the se'enth $ear would be taught onl$ in the ninth or tenth $ears5 Mind $ou) that I do not sa$ this intending that it should not ha##en) because the general cultural #rogress demands it) it must be li7e that5 But the counter #ole must be created5 !nd #articularl$ while we maltreat the etheric bodies of the children terribl$ on one side because we ha'e certain t$#es of school lessons because we stam# something into them for which the$ are good in no wa$ during these $ears) we must create eur$thm$ as a counter #ole and su##l$ Cust that what is eur$thm$ for the children) so that their etheric bodies ha'e the balance in these mo'ements indigenous to them5 %ur$thm$ will become something that is Fuite general) since the de'elo#ment does not arri'e at its destination ad'ancing unilaterall$) but ad'ancing in contrasts5 0ne must alwa$s create the counter #ole) assert the counter #ole5 De'elo#ment mo'es in contrasts5 !nd against the maltreating of the etheric bod$ as a result of the #resent da$ school lessons a counter #ole must be created) in ma7ing the etheric bod$ malleable) causing natural mo'ements of it in the sense) as it is attem#ted in the first rudiments of our eur$thm$5 Thus something is connected that man$ call e'en toda$ Gour eur$thm$H with that which I ha'e to call the uni'ersal character of our s#iritual mo'ement5 If we see) on one side) how that inter'enes in the ramifications of the e/ternal life how dee#l$ it can #enetrate us) on the other side) that the de#ths of the &hrist Im#ulse combine with that which we gather in s#iritual science) then we ha'e the uni'ersal character of s#iritual science from the highest 7nowledge down to the lowest5 !nd e'en more than on some other things it de#ends on the fact that we get a sensation of this uni'ersal character of s#iritual science5 I must sa$) it belongs to the #ro'isionall$ most serious sensations and feelings that the #resent destin$ burdened e'ents are not felt as something more significant that the$ do not ma7e stronger im#ressions on our contem#oraries5 "ince a#art from all that which one can notice e/ternall$ these destin$ burdened e'ents is a warning sign) a warning sign not to 7ee# to that which the last centuries ha'e brought u# as materialism in human7ind) a warning sign to turn on the de'elo#mental wa$ of human7ind5 (hat is e/#erienced in blood and death should be felt) as if it was sent from the gods to earth) so that it teaches us how necessar$ s#iritualit$ is for the further de'elo#ment of human7ind5 It is reall$ a #it$) for e/am#le) when we e/#erience in these times that #eo#le hold tal7s) also write articles in which the$ sa$@ ma$ it come soon again) the time when again the free interchange of the #eo#les ta7es #lace) as it has ta7en #lace before5 0therwise) the Germans could labour under the delusion to come bac7 again to the meta#h$sics of Fichte and Hegel) to de'elo# meta#h$sical im#ulses again5 E %'en in these destin$ burdened da$s one fears that in the longings of the human beings something of meta#h$sical im#ulses could come in again5 The meta#h$sical im#ulses shall be aroused in these months again5 "ince in how man$ cases we see E to the grie'ous e/#erience of the mothers) fathers) sons) daughters) sisters) brothers and other human connections an unaware confidence in the significance of the su#ersensible going li7e a magic breath through our world5 "hall thousands and thousands go through death willing to ma7e sacrifices) and the human beings will then 7ee# on #reaching that the human life is enclosed between birth and death when #eace is on our earth againI Then the sacrificial deaths would be offered for nothing) because these sacrificial deaths arise E e'en if for man$ not clearl$ E from the stead$ confidence that these deaths is the aurora of a new time5 He who goes into death on the battlefield wants to confirm something different b$ his death than this@ m$ bod$ ends here5 E (hich futilit$ would it be to fill the %uro#ean earth with cor#ses in our time if the materialistic world 'iew e'en had a grain of CustificationI (e ha'e to write this into our souls abo'e all5 Those) who sur'i'e this time who li'e in the time when #eace is there again) betra$ the dead if the$ do not wor7 on the s#iritualisation of the human de'elo#ment5 +ot to wor7 on the s#iritualisation of human7ind signifies nothing but to sa$ to those who ha'e gone through blood and death@ $ou died for nothing5 E If materialism is right) the$ all died for nothing5 The s#iritual scientist has to #enetrate himself com#letel$ with this sensation5 I read Cust during these da$s again that there are #eo#le toda$ E and in the 23th centur$ these #eo#le became more and more numerous E who state@ it was a #reCudice of "t Paul that he said) if &hrist did not rise) then our words and our faith would be Gnull and 'oid5H But this sa$ing b$ Paul L"t5 Paul@ 2 &orinthians 24@2BN is true5 "ince through that what ha##ened as a result of the M$ster$ of Golgotha) the human soul was a##ointed again to ha'e forces) which lead it to the s#iritual world5 (e ha'e s#o7en of these forces5 But our time calls to us clearl$@ the deaths of so man$ #eo#le would be null and 'oid if materialism were right5 If materialism were right) the$ all would ha'e died in 'ain5 If we #enetrate oursel'es with such thoughts) those who offered to gi'e u# their forces to the big human #rogress in a death which occurred at the blossoming human age will recei'e their forces increasingl$ from the thoughts which go u# 52

from our souls5 If human souls turn that what the$ can ha'e of s#iritual thoughts and sensations) the collected forces from abo'e) the unused etheric forces will meet) as I also said $esterda$ at the end) the human s#iritual thoughts and cause a new age5 That is wh$ I close with the words toda$ which ga'e us the feeling sense of standing in our time as s#iritual scientists@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 &osmic %ffects on the Human Members During "lee# The %soteric Foundation of &hristmas The "ignificance of "acrificial Deaths Vienna" 9th May $&$'

It must be m$ intention during these da$s to bring something home to our souls that is able to throw some light from the s#iritual scientific #oint of 'iew on our big e'ents5 Therefore) it is also m$ tas7 ne/t "unda$ to turn our sensations to certain #oints of 'iew which can bring some light Cust in that which must now mo'e our hearts and souls in the dee#est sense5 I would li7e to #re#are the basis of that) directing $our souls to certain #owers and forces which ha'e an effect in the historical e/istence of human beings which can be onl$ recognised b$ those insights s#iritual science can gi'e and are not immediatel$ discernible for the e'er$da$ consciousness5 I want to #oint to de'elo#mental facts of human life) to more or less subconscious facts toda$ which e/#ress themsel'es in the historical course of human life5 (e go out from the fact $ou 7now it from the re#resentation in m$ boo7 ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI E that what ta7es #lace in secrec$ with e'er$ human being is recognised on successi'e le'els of su#ersensible 7nowledge) of the so called Imaginati'e 7nowledge) of the Ins#irati'e 7nowledge and of the Intuiti'e 7nowledge5 In the #ublic lecture $esterda$) I ha'e alread$ em#hasised that one has alwa$s to 7ee# in mind that the s#iritual scientist who states something of the s#iritual worlds on the basis of his 7nowledge of Imaginati'e) Ins#irati'e and Intuiti'e #erce#tions) does not add an$thing that does not e/ist in the s#iritual realms in which e'er$ human soul li'es without being aware of them5 The s#iritual scientist onl$ draws attention to that which alwa$s wea'es and li'es in the world and in which wa$ the indi'idual human soul is #ut in it5 "o that not onl$ for somebod$ who has the intention to ma7e his wa$ into the current of esoteric e/#eriences) but for e'er$ human soul the 7nowledge of them is im#ortant what is internal realit$ for it at an$ rate) onl$ a realit$ which cannot be recognised b$ means of the e'er$da$ awareness of life5 Thus I would li7e to go out from some facts of the Imaginati'e #erce#tion of the human nature generall$5 (e obser'e dail$ that an e'ent full of riddle) at least an e'ent full of riddle for the e/ternal science inter'enes rh$thmicall$ in our life b$ turns@ the wa7ing and slee#ing states5 (e 7now for a long time that we belong with our four human members) the #h$sical bod$) the etheric bod$) astral bod$ and ego) in the wa7ing state to the #h$sical earth5 (e 7now that we are during slee#) from falling aslee# u# to wa7ing) in the #h$sical world onl$ with our #h$sical and etheric bodies that we withdraw as it were into the #urel$ s#iritual world with our astral bodies and egos5 (e can characterise that which #resents itself now to the 'iew of the s#iritual researcher and sa$@ the s#iritual researcher loo7s at that which ta7es #lace) for e/am#le) constantl$ with the human being when he lea'es his #h$sical and etheric bodies while falling aslee# and ad'ances to the region of the higher world with his astral bod$ and ego5 The s#iritual researcher sim#l$ watches what ha##ens there with the human being E with e'er$ human being falling aslee#5 "o that we can sa$@ the s#iritual researcher onl$ obser'es what would show itself to e'er$ human soul if it could loo7 down not in the dream state) but in the com#lete slee#ing state at the world) so that it would find its #h$sical and etheric bodies as something among the things of the world that is outside of it) of the slee#ing soul5


(e must not imagine that we see that which we ha'e left there) in which we ha'e left behind our #h$sical and etheric bodies) from the #oint of 'iew of slee# as we see our #h$sical surroundings with our #h$sical e$es5 (e ha'e to use our #h$sical senses) our #h$sical e$es to see our surroundings from wa7ing u# to falling aslee#5 (e do not use them when we are be$ond our #h$sical and etheric bodies5 If we became suddenl$ clair'o$ant in the slee#ing state) we would #ercei'e nothing of that what surrounds us in the wa7ing state) as it is in the wa7ing state5 (e also do not #ercei'e our #h$sical and etheric bodies as we #ercei'e the #h$sical bod$ loo7ing into a mirror5 It is Fuite wrong to belie'e that one loo7s at the #h$sical and the etheric bodies as if one bends with his astral bod$ and ego o'er the #h$sical and etheric bodies5 This is not the case5 That what the Imaginati'e 7nowledge E we 7ee# that in mind now@ Imaginati'e 7nowledge E shows us that e'er$thing disa##ears to us) reall$ disa##ears for the time being that we are used to see in the wa7ing state5 !lso while we see our #h$sical and etheric bodies) these are not li7e the$ are in the wa7ing state) but our #h$sical and etheric bodies a##ear to be enlarged to a world. the$ a##ear to us as connected with the whole earth5 (e are loo7ing. we are aware that we are loo7ing at the #h$sical and etheric bodies5 But we behold them) so that the$ are the onl$ world for us at first5 !s well as we ha'e mountains) ri'ers and clouds) the sun and stars et cetera round oursel'es and loo7 at them as our surroundings in the wa7ing state) we loo7) while we loo7 at our surroundings) when we are be$ond our #h$sical and etheric bodies) at our #h$sical and etheric bodies as something that is e/tended to a world5 (e loo7 at nothing else at all5 (e loo7 at this as we loo7) otherwise) at the different things of our earth5 (e loo7 there at our own #h$sical nature li7e at a whole world5 It is strange that we feel this world at which we loo7 there falling aslee# that we feel it as we feel the earth in s#ring when it #roduces the single green rungs) after it has been freed from the snow$ co'er of the winter) when it ma7es the 'egetation grow on it again) when e'er$thing begins shooting and s#routing5 Falling aslee# we loo7 at the #h$sical and etheric bodies enlarged to a world) we loo7 at them) so that we can feel them li7e a #lanet wa7ing in s#ring5 !nd this goes on through the whole slee#ing state that wa$5 (hat we see there in might$ #ictures which reall$ a##ear to us in the e/#ansion of a #lanet) begins going to its summer li7e the earth is about to go towards its summer when the s#ring comes to an end5 (e e/#erience the slee#ing state that wa$ if we e/#erience it #ro#erl$5 (e go in the slee#ing state u# to that #oint where we feel@ our #h$sical and etheric bodies bear something s#routing and shooting u# to bloom) u# to fruit. e'er$where e'er$thing grows and blossoms5 If I ma$ e/#ress m$self in detail) I ha'e to sa$ E for the Imaginati'e 'iew that is #arado/ical which shows itself that wa$) indeed@ while loo7ing #h$sicall$ we feel our earth,s surface and e/#erience its s#routing u#wards) its growing and blooming in our consciousness5 It is different when we now obser'e that from outside which ta7es action with our bod$ and com#are it with the #lant world) as if its roots #enetrate from abo'e and grows with its flowers into our bod$5 Thus we feel a com#letel$ re'erse world) and the fruits are immersed5 (e learn then that with this immersion of the fruits is reall$ e/#ressed what becomes clear to us as the refreshment of slee#5 (e 7now thereb$ that our #h$sical and etheric bodies recei'e the forces from the whole uni'erse E because e'er$thing is forces at what we loo7 Imaginati'el$) E while we go on slee#ing5 (e watch forces coming from the uni'erse which are acti'e in the creation of #lants5 (e see the uni'erse dri'ing a 'egetation into our #h$sical nature5 (e get the sure 7nowledge of the fact that we lea'e our bod$ while falling aslee#) because we ta7e awa$ our #h$sical and etheric bodies from the effects of the cosmic forces with our egos and astral bodies from wa7ing u# to falling aslee#5 Because we oursel'es go out) the whole uni'erse is able to ha'e an effect on our #h$sical and etheric bodies5 It sends elemental) not #h$sical forces into us which e/#ress themsel'es in the described Imaginations5 Thus a relation is #roduced between #h$sical bod$ and etheric bod$ with the whole uni'erse e'er$ time when we fall aslee#5 (hile we li'e in the wa7ing state in the #h$sical world) our #h$sical and etheric bodies reall$ li'e during slee# in that what we call the elemental world) the world of the bare forces which show themsel'es Cust in the described Imaginations5 (here are we with our egos and astral bodiesI (e ha'e often described) and it is also shown in different writings@ we are with our egos and astral bodies in the world that has been described as the world of the higher hierarchies among the beings we call angeloi) archangeloi) archai et cetera5 The egos and the astral bodies di'e into these beings and their world5 !s well as we 7now about the beings of the animal) the #lant) the mineral realms) when we are wa7ing) and stand as human beings as it were abo'e this world while we ta7e u# them in our thoughts) we are ta7en u# li7e thoughts b$ the beings of the higher hierarchies5 This is the significant matter that we can sa$@ while here below our #h$sical and etheric bodies are connected with the forces of the whole uni'erse) we are thought from falling aslee# u# to wa7ing) as if we were real beings) wo'en of thoughts and the will being. we are thought b$ the beings of the higher hierarchies5 E !s we thin7 nature) the beings of the higher hierarchies thin7 us5 Hence) it is not right at all) e/actl$ s#ea7ing) to sa$ if one comes out of the #h$sical bod$) he thin7s the world5 It is correct to sa$ that one e/#eriences to be thought b$ the world of 54

the higher hierarchies5 !s the thought would ha'e to feel itself during the wa7ing life if it had consciousness) we would ha'e to e/#erience oursel'es as the thoughts of the higher beings when we are outside our #h$sical bodies5 How do we e/#erience the reawa7ening Imaginati'el$I (hile we #re#are to wa7e u# graduall$) we e/#erience that reall$ as we e/#erience E we can com#are the Imagination again to the e/ternal nature E the winter coming with its forces destro$ing and #aral$sing the s#routing summer life5 !s well as the winter abo'e the earth brings frost and cold and the destruction of the summer s#lendour) we oursel'es di'e into the #h$sical bod$ and etheric bod$5 (a7ing u# we #re#are the decline of the forces which entered our #h$sical bod$ and etheric bod$ reall$ li7e a 'egetation) e'en li7e an animal realm from the elemental world of the uni'erse as the winter #re#ares the decline of the summer s#lendour5 (hile we are awa7e) we reall$ trans#ort our #h$sical and etheric bodies as a result of our #resence into such a condition as the cosmic relations trans#ort the earth when it is winter5 (e s#read out the winter o'er our own #h$sical and etheric bodies) entering them5 Jou see at the same time that what one uses from #h$sical #oints of 'iew often as a com#arison is not right for the s#iritual 'iew5 Indeed) the human being alread$ has the consciousness instincti'el$ that he is connected with the whole uni'erse and that his e/#erience is a microcosmic image of the macrocosm5 But the human being #refers to sa$ when he reall$ wants to com#are something in his microcosmic life to the macrocosmic life@ wa7ing is li7e the s#ring coming in our life and the wa7ing life is li7e the summer5 The autumn is li7e becoming tired in the e'ening and slee#ing is li7e the winter5 E Kust the re'erse is realit$5 The summer life is the slee#ing life and the winter life is the wa7ing life5 This is the truth of the matter5 If the s#iritual researcher in'estigates these relations) he finds that) while his ego and astral bod$ rise to the realms of the higher hierarchies and are thought b$ the higher beings) not onl$ the elemental world but also certain beings of the higher hierarchies wor7 on his #h$sical and etheric bodies5 It is not onl$ the elemental world which consists of forces) but real beings of the higher hierarchies) which wor7 on our #h$sical and etheric bod$5 "omething strange comes to light then that we can notice that we get to Fuite different conditions at the moment when we fall aslee# as those in which we are while we are awa7e5 !s I ha'e said) e'er$thing that can be e/#ressed that wa$ is based on the fact that the s#iritual research #ermits us to watch the conditions of falling aslee# and wa7ing5 Then it a##ears that also that being of the higher hierarchies has an effect on our #h$sical and etheric bodies from wa7ing u# to falling aslee# whom we must feel as the fol7 soul to whom we belong5 (hen the human being wa7es u#) he does not onl$ di'e into his #h$sical and etheric bodies) but also into the #rocesses which are carried out in his #h$sical and etheric bodies b$ that which his fol7 soul accom#lishes5 "omething strange becomes a##arent that the human being di'es with falling aslee# not onl$ into those beings of the higher hierarchies who corres#ond to his indi'idual de'elo#ment) but also into such s#iritual beings we must regard as fol7 souls5 I as7 to notice that) because it beho'es us) who want to #enetrate into s#iritual science) to loo7 dee#er at the world interrelation than e/ternal #erce#tion can do it5 +amel$) the human being di'es into the relationshi# to all fol7 souls e/ce#t his own fol7 soul from falling aslee# u# to wa7ing5 Let us remember@ during the wa7ing state we li'e immersed in the s#iritual facts which our own fol7 soul carries out in our #h$sical and etheric bodies5 (e li'e together with our own fol7 soul from wa7ing u# to falling aslee#5 Beside our fol7 soul all the fol7 souls of the other #eo#les are e/istent in the world5 (ith falling aslee# we di'e into the relations of the other fol7 souls) not in a single other fol7 soul E ma7e a note of that) E but in what the$ accom#lish together) what the$ accom#lish as it were in association) as a societ$5 0nl$ the own fol7 soul is ta7en awa$ from this relationshi# during night5 (e cannot esca#e to ha'e also a relationshi# with all those fol7 souls which belong to the other #eo#les in whom we are not incarnated in a certain incarnation5 "ince) while we belong to our fol7 soul in our wa7ing state) we belong to the other fol7 souls in the slee#ing state) indeed) onl$ to their sounding together. while we belong in the wa7ing state to the intentions of the indi'idual fol7 soul in whose area we are born in a certain incarnation5 But there is a means to di'e slee#ing also into an other fol7 soul5 (hile we li'e in the normal awa7e state in our own fol7 soul or its acti'it$ and in slee# in the harmon$ of the other fol7 souls) we can di'e slee#ing in an indi'idual fol7 soul if we acFuire a rather burning hatred of that which this other fol7 soul accom#lishes5 "o absurd it ma$ sound) it is true E and we must be able in our mo'ement to endure such a truth Fuietl$@ if the human being reall$ feels burning hatred of a nation,s area from his inner being) he condemns himself to slee# with the fol7 soul of this nation,s area at night) to be together with it5 (e Cust touch a truth where we can see that life begins to ha'e a dee# seriousness behind that 'eil which co'ers the s#iritual worlds for the e'er$da$ 'iew) and that it is Fuite uncomfortable in a certain res#ect to be a su##orter of s#iritual science5 "ince s#iritual science begins to be most serious about circumstances which one thin7s uncomfortable in life and o'er which we are generousl$ hel#ed to get because life does not re'eal the truth in the e'er$da$ sense5 !lthough we must stand) of course) in the e/ternal life on the ground which this e/ternal life reFuires from us) we ha'e to be serious about such a #rinci#le if we rise in s#iritual science to those realms where other characteristics of life begin5 55

In m$ boo7 ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI I s#o7e of the fact that at the moment when one rises in the s#iritual world E and e'er$ human being is in the s#iritual world) it concerns here onl$ to a 7nowledge of that which is there alwa$s) E then that comfortable unit$ of the human being sto#s in which we li'e in the #h$sical world5 The human being e/#eriences some s#lits. a#art from those s#lits which are mentioned there) and which one can obser'e after the meeting with the guardian of the threshold) some other s#lits ha##en) for e/am#le) that is of dee# im#ortance for the soul life5 (e ha'e to acce#t while we li'e in a certain incarnation in a certain nation that it is in'ol'ed in the whole #rocess of the earth,s e'olution5 (e ha'e to do our dut$ for the nation in which we stand and we ha'e to offer our lo'e to it5 It must be clear to us that we reall$ belong) because we are also s#iritual beings in our ego and astral bod$) to the whole human7ind and feel with our im#ulses with the whole human7ind5 "#iritual science does not allow that we li'e in it in one sidedness) but we must be able to harmonise these both sides com#letel$5 (e ha'e to realise that we harmonise E although we can lo'e as a #erson of the #resent incarnation) e'en if we are s#iritual scientists) our nation as intensel$ as somebod$ else is able to lo'e his nation E this feeling with that which combines us with the whole human7ind5 !nd Cust s#iritual science raises us to be brought together with the whole human7ind because it shows us that we are connected with the whole human7ind in our egos and astral bodies5 "#iritual science demands more and more to harmonise contrasts from those who de'ote themsel'es to it with seriousness and dignit$5 It is bad if true s#iritual science is confused with that unclear m$stic acti'it$ which wants to combine the needs of the e/ternal) #h$sical life with that for which we must rise di'ing into the s#iritual world5 Because unclear m$sticism wants to bring in that e'er$where in the e'er$da$ life what s#iritual science onl$ shows in the right light5 That unclear m$sticism will ne'er be able to harmonise) for e/am#le) the lo'e of the own nation with the lo'e of the whole human7ind) it leads to a ha<$ m$stic cosmo#olitism5 0ne can com#are it) as I ha'e alread$ done) to that which ha<$ theoso#hists sa$ all the time about eFualit$ and about the eFual 'alidit$ of an$ religion5 Indeed) $ou can sa$ in the abstract@ all religions contain the truth5 But this is e/actl$ the same) as if one sa$s@ #e##er) salt and #a#ri7a and e'er$thing #ossible are on the table) and all are food ingredients5 "ugar) #e##er) salt) and #a#ri7a E e'er$thing is the same5 "o I gi'e #a#ri7a once into the coffee and sugar into the sou#) because the$ are all food ingredients5 %/actl$ on the same #oint of logic are those who dri'el in an unclear m$sticism onl$ about the uniform core of all religions instead of getting in'ol'ed in the real being of an$ detail that a##ears in our earth de'elo#ment5 It does not de#end on em#hasising alwa$s@ all #eo#les are onl$ e/#ressions of the generall$ human) but that we recognise the s#ecific tas7s which are gi'en to the indi'idual #eo#les b$ their fol7 souls5 ! 7e$ is gi'en for that in the series of tal7s which was #rinted long ago) which was held se'eral $ears before the outbrea7 of the war) which did not come into being under the influence of the war) which one cannot re#roach that it originated under the im#ressions of the war@ The Mission of the ndi)idual Folk=Souls in *onnection -ith the Germanic=2ordic Mythology 5 Kust in our time it is im#ortant to call to mind such serious matters) so that the human being can find the harmon$ between general charit$ and #atriotism5 0ne does not need to sh$ awa$ from characterising of an$ indi'idual #eo#le) in so far as it is a #eo#le E the indi'idual human being alwa$s rises u# abo'e his #eo#le5 Howe'er) $ou can deri'e from m$ remar7s that that has to ta7e #lace without hatred) of course5 !n$bod$ does not recognise the real being of the indi'idual #lant if he hates the #lant and describes what he feels as hatred5 !nd also an$bod$ cannot recognise the characteristics of a #eo#le if he describes what he hates of the #eo#le) or if he ta7es u# that in the #ortra$al which comes from the emotions of hatred5 Thus somebod$ who is able to rise u# to the #oints of 'iew of s#iritual science has to be eager all the time to see the being of the world not in a uniform unit$) but Cust in the harmon$ of a 'ariet$5 The human being has to find the #ossibilit$ to feel all #ossible warmth for his #eo#le) concerning which he needs not show less commitment than an$bod$ who does not stri'e for s#iritual science) and to combine) on the other side) what brings us together with the whole human7ind as a big com#lete being5 I said that we resume such matters the da$ after tomorrow5 +ow) howe'er) I want to note that we ta7e off that which brings us together with the single incarnation b$ our #h$sical and etheric bodies at the same time) while we #ass from our wa7ing state into slee# and are thereb$ ta7en u# in the beings of the higher hierarchies5 "o we ta7e off our national being in slee#) too5 (e become onl$ human beings) human beings with all the characteristics which we must ha'e b$ that which we ha'e acFuired as human beings5 If we loo7 as s#iritual scientist at that which ha##ens to the human being) wa7ing and slee#ing) we #ercei'e at the same time that in slee# the human being li'es in the s#iritual world with his ego and astral bod$) Cust as now also his #h$sical and etheric bodies belong to the big world5 The inde#endent e/istence sto#s) which #asses as it were in our s7in) and we e/tend our sel'es to the big self5


Ta7e into account that we go through a summer state and a winter state alwa$s in the course of twent$ four hours5 The earth goes also through this summer and winter states) but the earth goes through them in the c$cle of the $ear5 (h$ does the earth go through these states in the c$cle of the $earI Because the earth is a being as we are) onl$ on another le'el of the hierarchies5 The whole earth) if we loo7 at it #h$sicall$) as it is around us) is onl$ the bod$ of the earth. and as well as we carr$ our soul and s#irit in oursel'es) the earth also has its soul and s#irit5 0nl$ that is the difference that we are awa7e and slee# in the course of twent$ four hours) and the earth is awa7e and slee#s in the c$cle of the $ear5 It is awa7e from the autumn u# to the s#ring and slee#s during the summer5 "o that we can alwa$s sa$) actuall$ when we li'e in the summertime@ we li'e embedded in the slee#ing earth5 E (hen we li'e in the wintertime@ we li'e embedded in the wa7ing earth5 E It does not hold true that the earth is awa7e in summer and slee#s in winter as we can sa$ in the tri'ial com#arison ta7en from e'er$da$ life5 But it is correct that when autumn comes the earth wa7es u# as a #s$cho s#iritual being and is most awa7e in the midwinter5 The earth s#irit thin7s in the midwinter the most and starts sto##ing its thin7ing bit b$ bit while s#ring is a##roaching. and it slee#s when the e/ternal life s#routs. in the summertime the earth s#irit is slee#ing5 (e as human beings are not onl$ in connection with the bod$ of the earth b$ our #h$sical bod$) but also with the s#irit of the earth5 (e 7now from 'arious tal7s that the s#irit we call the "#irit of &hrist was united with the s#irit of the earth b$ the M$ster$ of Golgotha5 The &hrist "#irit li'es in the s#irit of the earth since the M$ster$ of Golgotha5 If the human beings want to commit a festi'al which should e/#ress that the &hrist "#irit is in the earth s#irit E in which time the$ ha'e to set this festi'alI The$ must not set it in the summer) but in the winter) in the midwinter5 This is &hristmas5 For this reason one sets &hristmas and that which de'elo#s from it in the wintertime5 This arose from a right 7nowledge of those who once arranged the &hristian $ear5 0ut of esoteric truth &hristmas was determined) not account of historical facts5 For the human being) while he is embedded with his soul and s#irit in the soul and s#irit of the earth) is together with that most awa7e condition of the earth in the wintertime5 There he li'es in the wa7ing earth5 !nd what did the ancient #eo#les do about whom we 7now that the$ wor7ed and got 7nowledge with the hel# of a 7ind of dreamli7e clair'o$anceI The$ must refer #referabl$ to that which li'es in the slee#ing earth s#irit when the earth s#irit slee#s mostl$) has withdrawn mostl$ to its slee#ing state5 There the$ ha'e risen to that E in contrast to the modern human7ind E which ga'e them the truth unconsciousl$) as it had to be for them5 Hence) in the midsummer we find the "t Kohn,s tide festi'al with the #eo#les who belonged to the cult which scoo#ed its 7nowledge from the more slee#ing) dreamli7e state5 It is the summer festi'al in contrast to &hristmas which is fitting for the modern human7ind5 (hat is determined so e/ternall$) and what our materialistic time does not understand at all) this actuall$ has its dee# bases in the s#iritual realit$5 (e li'e now in a time in which the human beings must start again thin7ing and feeling Fuite differentl$ as it was the case in the #ast time5 The #ast time had the tas7 to bring the realm of materialistic thin7ing and feeling home to the human beings5 !nd Cust the last centuries which the human souls li'ed through should bring them home to the materialistic thin7ing and feeling5 The earth de'elo#ment had to go through the materialistic time5 (e do not do well to harshl$ criticise materialism5 It had to come once in the earth de'elo#ment5 But now we li'e in a time when materialism must be o'ercome again when s#iritual beholding has to enter human souls again5 This is the more or less bright or dar7 sensation of those who are attracted in their own souls to our s#iritual scientific attem#ts) to our s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 The$ Cust feel that now the time is there when one has consciousl$ to ta7e u# this s#iritual world) while the s#iritual world was once seen in a dreamli7e condition5 "#iritual science is there for that5 The #ast time was that of materialism5 Because human7ind had to di'e into materialism) the strong im#ulse which ta7es u# human7ind again had to wor7 Cust through the time of materialism5 This is the &hrist Im#ulse5 (hen the &hrist Im#ulse came into the earth e'olution) the #re#aration alread$ began5 It came in the 2Bth) 24th centuries all the more5 But when it a##roached) human7ind alread$ #re#ared itself to di'e into materialism5 The &hrist Im#ulse was there as an obCecti'e fact in the world e'olution) but the human beings of that time were not able to understand it least of all5 +ow we li'e in the time when one has to start to reall$ understand it5 (hat do we see) henceI (e see a strange course of the &hrist Im#ulse in the #re'ious de'elo#ment5 (e see that this &hrist Im#ulse when it has entered in the human de'elo#ment as a result of the M$ster$ of Golgotha is not understood at all b$ the human beings5 Let us tr$ once to form an idea about that which #eo#le did in their cle'erness5 Kust in the first and the following centuries) after the &hrist Im#ulse had entered) we find that an$ #ossible theological s$stem forms) that the #eo#le argue about how the$ ha'e to imagine the Trinit$ et cetera5 (e see an infinite theological sFuabbling through centuries) and it would #robabl$ be the worst wa$ to want to understand the &hrist Im#ulse toda$ from this theological sFuabbling how the &hrist Im#ulse has wor7ed during these centuries5 The #eo#le who Fuarrelled there about its understanding ha'e also understood nothing of the wa$ the &hrist Im#ulse stands in the e'olution5 57

Let us tr$ to realise how this im#ulse reall$ wor7ed once5 I ma$ gi'e $ou single facts5 I ta7e the e'ent that ha##ened in the fourth centur$ !5D5) in O2A) on the A=th 0ctober) which determined the later ma# of %uro#e com#letel$@ this was that &onstantine) who was called Gthe Great)H the son of &onstantius &hlorus) mo'ed against Ma/entius) the ruler of Rome) and trium#hed o'er him5 That is wh$ &hristianit$ also was 'ictorious in the western world in an e/ternal wa$5 &onstantine declared &hristianit$ the state religion et cetera5 Howe'er) did he act out of his cle'ernessI Did that ha##en) which ha##ened in those da$s) out of cle'ernessI (e cannot sa$ this5 (hat ha##ened then) actuall$I (hen Ma/entius) the ruler of Rome) got to 7now that &onstantine was a##roaching) he as7ed the "ib$lline Boo7s at first5 That means that he set about understanding the world #henomena in a dreamli7e wa$5 He got the statement out of these boo7s that somebod$ would accom#lish the right action if he left the cit$ as a ruler of Rome and went into battle outside Rome5 This was something most unusual that one could thin75 Because &onstantine had a much smaller arm$ than Ma/entius and could ha'e achie'ed nothing without doubt if Ma/entius had remained in Rome5 But Ma/entius mo'ed out of Rome on the ad'ice of the "ib$lline Boo7s5 Howe'er) also in the arm$ of &onstantine the generals were not 'ictorious5 Rather &onstantine had a dream showing him the s$mbol of &hrist5 0n account of this dream he made his armies carr$ the cross as the s$mbol of &hrist5 He made his beha'iour de#endent on that which the dream had re'ealed to him5 This battle b$ which the ma# of %uro#e was determined at that time was not decided b$ means of human cle'erness) nor did the generals trium#h) but dreams and #ro#hecies5 %'er$thing in %uro#e would ha'e changed if in those da$s the matters had ta7en #lace according to the consciousness of the human beings and not according to that what wor7ed out of the subconsciousness what the human beings Cust did not 7now5 The theologians ha'e argued about the Fuestion who is &hrist) whether He is born with the Father in eternit$) whether He is born in time whether He had the same 'alidit$ as the Father et cetera5 In their thoughts nothing of the &hrist Im#ulse was included5 But it wor7ed within the human beings in the subconscious regions5 It wor7ed not b$ the egos) but b$ the astral bodies5 The &hrist Im#ulse was realit$ and wor7ed without human beings understanding it5 This is the im#ortant) essential #art5 The wor7ing of &hrist is so inde#endent of that what human beings understood of it li7e the course of a thunderstorm is inde#endent of that what human beings ha'e learnt about electricit$ or in the #h$sical laborator$5 +ow it is the time to immerse oneself consciousl$ in the effecti'eness of the &hrist Im#ulse5 But &hrist was alwa$s wor7ing as a force in the historical e'ents5 (e go o'er from this to another) later e/am#le5 Howe'er) there we ha'e to remember of what I e/#lained to $ou5 For the time when materialism a##roached it is im#ortant to 7now that the human being) while he wants to immerse himself in the s#iritual world) must do that best of all in the wintertime5 Hence) the 'iew arises e'er$where for this time that at the mentioned nights of midwinter es#eciall$ talented #eo#le are endowed with ins#irations from the s#iritual world5 There are legends e'er$where with the #eo#les that tell us how the es#eciall$ talented human beings who e/#erience no initiation but are endowed b$ their nature) b$ elemental forces wor7ing in them to be ins#ired) how these are ins#ired during the nights from the &hristmas %'e u# to the %#i#han$ da$) in thirteen winter nights There is a 'er$ nice legend which was found in +orwa$ not long ago) the legend of 0laf Qsteson who a##roaches the church at &hristmas %'e and falls aslee#5 He slee#s u# to the si/th Kanuar$. and when he wa7es u#) he 7nows how to tell in imaginations about that which has ta7en #lace in the soul land) in the realm of s#irits) as we call it5 He e/#resses it in #ictures) but he has e/#erienced it through these thirteen nights5 "uch legends are found e'er$where5 The$ are Cust not that which one calls legends toda$5 Indeed) there ha'e alwa$s been endowed human beings who ha'e gone through a #h$sical initiation b$ elemental forces wor7ing in them which the human being can go through if he carefull$ follows the instructions of the initiator$ #ath b$ his will5 "o that we can sa$@ in the time of materialism there could alwa$s be human beings who could unite with the earth s#irit and recei'e ins#irations when the earth s#irit is most awa7e) in the midwinter5 This was also the time when the &hrist Im#ulse was able to wor7 which united with the earth5 Imagine es#eciall$ endowed souls who are rece#ti'e for the s#iritual world5 It became a##arent to them that the$ Cust got the im#ulses to that what the$ had to accom#lish from the s#iritual world in these thirteen nights u# to the si/th Kanuar$5 This had to a##ear and a##eared alwa$s again in little and big e/am#les that there were human beings in the historical course who were inclined s#irituall$ so that if the right #oint in time entered when the$ li'ed through those thirteen nights in winter the s#iritual im#ulse E and in this time the &hrist Im#ulse in #articular E came into them5 Initiations b$ nature) initiations which did not ta7e #lace b$ means of conscious wor7 ha'e been carried out in the time of materialism alwa$s the easiest in these thirteen nights5 (e can find out that where such initiations a##eared the$ too7 #lace in these thirteen nights5 !nd now we ha'e a fact that e'en those will acce#t) who ha'e onl$ a little good will to recognise the s#iritual world E the fewest #eo#le ha'e this toda$) E that s#iritual forces entered the historical course in the 24th centur$ in the form of a 'irgin) the Maid of 0rleans) as can be #ro'ed5 Jou can 'erif$ this also historicall$ that again the whole ma# of 58

%uro#e was arranged differentl$) because the Maid of 0rleans hel#ed the French against the %nglish at that time5 (ho thin7s about it can find out that e'er$thing would ha'e formed differentl$ after that what human beings are able to do unless the she#herd girl had inter'ened E and in this she#herd girl Cust the forces of the s#iritual world5 The Maid of 0rleans was onl$ the instrument for that which was caused in those da$s5 The &hrist Im#ulse wor7ed in her5 Howe'er) she had to ha'e a #h$sical initiation for that E and this #h$sical initiation had to be carried out the best in the thirteen nights u# to the si/th Kanuar$5 The Maid of 0rleans had to get a slee#ing state in the time from the ABth December to the si/th Kanuar$ when she would ha'e been es#eciall$ rece#ti'e for the s#iritual influence which can be there Cust in this time5 "o that one had to demand that the Maid of 0rleans would ha'e e/#erienced the time in a not Fuite conscious state from the ABth December to the si/th Kanuar$ and would ha'e got the &hrist Im#ulse5 E Jes) the Maid of 0rleans went through this state in a Fuite stri7ing wa$5 0ne cannot go through it more stri7ingl$) than when one is still in that slee#ing state in which somebod$ is before his birth) in the last times which he8she s#ends as a child before the birth in the bod$ of the mother5 The e/ternal consciousness is not able) of course) to ta7e u# an$thing5 There is a slee#ing state) and if it is the end of the time in the womb) it is the ri#est condition of the internal motherl$ slee#5 Indeed) the Maid of 0rleans is born on the si/th Kanuar$5 This is the great secret of the Maid of 0rleans that it went through an initiation b$ nature during thirteen da$s) which #receded her birth5 That was wh$ es#eciall$ sensiti'e #eo#le gathered on that si/th Kanuar$) when the Maid of 0rleans was born in the 'illage) and said that something Fuite #articular must ha'e ha##ened5 The$ sensed that something #articular had come to the 'illage5 The Maid of 0rleans was born5 "he wor7ed through an initiation b$ nature in that slee#ing state which she e/#erienced in the bod$ of the mother in the last time before her birth5 There we see the s#iritual beings wor7ing behind the threshold of that which ta7es #lace for the human consciousness) which are under this threshold of consciousness5 (e see what histor$ can mean if it counts onl$ on that which is gi'en in documents and e/ternal communications5 The gods go differentl$ through the course of histor$5 The gods wor7 b$ other means and in other wa$s5 The$ #ut a Maid of 0rleans into life who is able because of her s#ecial 7arma of this incarnation to ta7e u# the &hrist Im#ulse and to wor7 with it5 The$ allow the &hrist Im#ulse to flow in at the right moment5 0f course) both were right for that@ the s#ecial indi'idual 7arma of the Maid of 0rleans had to be added5 +ot an$ child that is born on the si/th Kanuar$ could accom#lish the same5 Thus we can reall$ sa$@ the &hrist Im#ulse wor7ed in the human being using those forces which did not become clear to these human beings5 0nl$ toda$ do we li'e in the time in which we must consciousl$ ta7e u# that which used another wa$ for centuries than the conscious wa$ to be effecti'e in histor$5 I wanted to arouse a feeling in $our souls how the subconscious #owers wor7 definitel$) what e/ternal histor$ is which can be studied according to the e/ternal documents) that it is tri'ialities5 It is good if one does such a stud$ in #articular in our time5 (e see) ne'ertheless) Cust in our time something great) something immense) something 'aliant) combined with sacrificial actions) occurring5 But we see this great that ta7es #lace in our time) being reall$ accom#anied from the conseFuence of the e/treme materialism) from that conseFuence which tries to e/#lain e'er$thing that ta7es #lace in our time b$ means of bare e/ternal circumstances5 This finds e/#ression in the fact that one nation #uts the blame on the other nation for the #resent e'ents and wants to Cudge e'er$thing e/ternall$) so that one finds the guilt with the other for that which ta7es #lace5 !lso for our time the causes and reasons of the e'ents are right down at the bottom in the subconscious #rocesses5 (e will s#ea7 about that the da$ after tomorrow5 0ur time will be suitable E also because of the blood$ e'ents E to remind the human beings of s#iritual im#ulses of cognition5 If once again #eace is in the countries waging war toda$) one will realise that one cannot e/#lain such immense wars of world histor$ out of e/ternal causes5 0ne will find out that one cannot e/#lain them5 Toda$ #eo#le still sa$) es#eciall$ the cle'er ones@ nobod$ is allowed to s#ea7 about e'er$thing that has caused this war) histor$ will s#ea7 about that5 E The$ regard themsel'es as es#eciall$ #rudent who sa$ there@ onl$ in fift$) in hundred $ears histor$ will s#ea7 the right thing about that5 (hat one calls histor$ toda$ will ne'er e/#lain the causes of these e'ents. howe'er) one will see that from the historical consideration the causes cannot be fathomed5 But other su##ort will be there5 !n esoteric obser'ation of our #resent Cust shows this5 (hat is one of the most remar7able facts in this destin$ burdened timeI 0h) one of the most remar7able facts is without doubt this that so countless human beings go through the gate of death in their $outh5 (e 7now what ha##ens with the human being when he goes through the gate of death5 (e 7now that he comes out of the #h$sical bod$ with his 59

etheric bod$) astral bod$ and ego and that he ta7es off his etheric bod$ after relati'el$ short time and ma7es his Courne$ with the essence of the etheric bod$5 Howe'er) $ou can imagine that a difference must be between an etheric bod$) which is ta7en off between the twentieth and thirtieth $ears which could still ha'e su##lied the functions of human life for decades) and an etheric bod$) which is ta7en off at the later age5 Jes) there is a big difference5 If a human being dies because of age or illness) the etheric bod$ has fulfilled its tas75 But countless $oung human beings go now through the gate of death) and their etheric bodies could not $et fulfil e'er$thing that the$ could fulfil5 I would li7e to show $ou at a concrete e/am#le how it is in a certain wa$ with such etheric bodies that are torn awa$ b$ force from the #h$sical bodies5 0ne could gi'e man$ e/am#les) of course5 But toda$ I want to gi'e $ou an e/am#le which we oursel'es e/#erienced in Dornach in autumn5 (e e/#erienced it at the site of our construction5 ! famil$ which li'es near the construction had a little son of se'en $ears E a famil$ which belongs to our anthro#oso#hical circle5 It was a dear bo$ of se'en $ears) reall$ a boon bo$5 He was so well beha'ed that when his father had gone to war the se'en $ear old Theo said to his mother@ now I must be es#eciall$ diligent) because I must hel# $ou where the father has hel#ed $ou5 0ne e'ening after a lecture) a #erson belonging to our circle came and re#orted that this little Theo has disa##eared since the e'ening5 0ne could imagine nothing but that he has had an accident5 ! remo'al 'an had dri'en in that e'ening b$ what one calls in the e/ternal life chance at a #lace where for $ears indeed no 'an has gone) and since that time also not5 Here the carriage had ti##ed o'er5 The little Theo had been in that small house which one calls the canteen because there our friends who wor7 on the construction are su##lied with food5 "trangel$ enough E he would ha'e left sooner E he was detained b$ somebod$) and while he wanted to go out through a door through which he would ha'e gone on a certain wa$) this time he had to go through another door) and he thereb$ #assed the remo'al 'an) Cust when the remo'al 'an to##led o'er5 The 'an fell on him5 This is one of those e/am#les where we see clearl$ 7arma wor7ing5 I often used the sim#le com#arison to show how often cause and effect are totall$ confused@ we see a #erson going along a ri'er5 "uddenl$ we see the #erson falling into the ri'er5 (e go and find a stone l$ing where the #erson has fallen5 The #erson is drawn out of the water5 He is alread$ dead5 If one does not go on e/amining the matter) one tells the matter with the best e/ternal conscience in the following wa$@ the man fell o'er the stone and then into the ri'er) and drowned5 E 0ne would ha'e onl$ needed to e/amine) and one would ha'e thought that death did not ha##en because the #erson fell into the water) but the #erson fell into the water because he was dead. he had got a heart attac75 Kust the o##osite ha##ened as one imagines5 Jou see how eas$ it is to confuse cause and effect e'er$where in life5 Howe'er) in the usual science this ha##ens e'er$where that causes and effects are confused5 0f course) here is the case that this Theo Cust caused it5 He was the cause that the 'an #assed at this time) he steered it to himself5 Jou ha'e to imagine this as the real secret of the matter5 But now I will go on@ a human child is 7illed in an accident in the 'er$ first blossom of life5 If an$bod$ is combined wholeheartedl$ with the construction wor7 in Dornach and has the #ossibilit$ at the same time to obser'e what is wor7ing on this construction) then one can sa$@ this etheric bod$ which was se#arated b$ force from the little Theo is in the atmos#here of the construction5 Thus one gains the best Ins#irati'e forces for the construction combining his own soul with that what li'es) e/#anded to a little world) in the atmos#here of the construction5 +e'er will I hesitate before confessing unreser'edl$ that I ha'e to than7 for much that I could find for our construction in that time that I directed m$ soul to the etheric bod$ of the little Theo wor7ing in the atmos#here of the construction5 Thus Cust the connections are in the world5 The real indi'idualit$ of this human being goes on) but the etheric bod$ remains which could ha'e still su##lied a human life for man$ decades5 Imagine the number of the unused etheric bodies which are floating there in the s#iritual atmos#here o'er us and o'er those who will also li'e after us5 Those etheric bodies which are left behind b$ those who went in $oung age through the gate of death in our destin$ burdened time5 (e do not s#ea7 of the wa$ the indi'idualities go through) but we s#ea7 of the fact that an own s#iritual atmos#here is created b$ these etheric bodies5 The human beings) who will li'e there) will li'e in this atmos#here5 The$ will be submerged into a s#iritual atmos#here which is filled with these etheric bodies which sacrificed their li'es) because Cust in our time human7ind can ad'ance b$ these e'ents5 But it will be necessar$ that one feels what these etheric bodies intend which are the best ins#irators of the future human7ind5 ! good time of s#iritualism comes if human beings show understanding) internal heart understanding for that what these etheric bodies want to sa$ to them5 !ll these etheric bodies are assistants of the s#iritual im#etus of the future5 That is wh$ it is so im#ortant that there are souls who are able to feel that what comes into the atmos#here of the future b$ these etheric bodies5


Jou do not learn an$thing about the nature of the etheric bodies that $ou can tell@ the human being consists of #h$sical bod$) etheric bod$) astral bod$ and ego) but that $ou also 7now such a secret of the effecti'e s#iritualit$ of the etheric bodies as it is there in future5 Those ha'e to #re#are themsel'es who alread$ tend to stand u# for s#iritual science) to recei'e that which these etheric bodies want to sa$5 If we turn our souls to the s#iritual world) we #re#are oursel'es and those who come after us to feel that which the legac$) the etheric legac$ of the dead wants from the future human7ind5 If human souls are stimulated b$ s#iritual science) so that the$ are able to direct their s#iritual senses to the s#iritual worlds) then something great and immense will certainl$ s#rout u# as an effect of the blood) of the courage) of the sufferings) and of the sacrifices5 Hence) I would li7e to summarise at the end of this consideration in some words that what ma$ now ins#ire) in'igorate us if we as s#iritual scientific su##orters direct our senses to the big) destin$ burdened e'ents of our time5 From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 The (ar) an Illness Process &entral %uro#e and the "la'ic %ast The Dead as Hel#ers of the Human Process Vienna" &th May $&$'

0ur s#iritual scientific world 'iew ma$ not onl$ turn to the de'elo#ment and ad'ance of the indi'idual souls) but abo'e all it has also to hel# reall$ to gain additional #oints of 'iew for the obser'ation of life5 In our time it has to suggest itself to us in #articular to gain such additional #oints of 'iew for the Cudgement of life5 Indeed) it is a big and also im#ortant tas7 for the indi'idual human being to hel# himself b$ that which he can gain as the fruit of the s#iritual scientific self education5 0nl$ because the indi'idual human beings reall$ hel# themsel'es) can the$ co o#erate in the de'elo#ment of human7ind generall$5 But our attention should be directed not onl$ to that) but we reall$ should be able to feel as su##orters of the anthro#oso#hical world 'iew the big e'ents of our time from a high #oint of 'iew) from a reall$ s#iritual #oint of 'iew5 (e should be able to trans#ort oursel'es to a higher stand#oint Cudging the e'ents5 Toda$ some #oints of 'iew Cust with reference to the big e'ents of our time ma$ be gi'en) because our #resent meeting ta7es #lace in these destin$ burdened times5 (e start from something that is near to us as human beings5 Human beings ha'e illnesses at certain times5 0ne considers illnesses normall$ as that which damages our organism which #enetrates our organism li7e an enem$5 "uch a general #oint of 'iew is not alwa$s Custified5 Indeed) there are s$m#toms which must be Cudged from this #oint of 'iew where as it were the illness comes li7e an enem$ into our organism5 But that is not alwa$s the case5 In most cases) the illness is something com#letel$ different5 The illness is not the enem$ in most cases) but Cust the friend of the organism5 That what is the enem$ of the organism #recedes the illness in most cases) it de'elo#s in the human being) before the e/ternall$ 'isible illness brea7s out5 There are forces o##osing each other in the organism) and the illness) which brea7s out at an$ time) is the attem#t of the organism to sa'e itself from the forces o##osing each other which were not noticed before5 Illness is often the beginning wor7 of the organism to induce the healing5 The illness is that which the organism underta7es to fight against the hostile influence which #recedes the illness5 The illness is the last form of the #rocess) but it signifies the battle of the good Cuices of the organism against that which is lur7ing there at the bottom5 0nl$ if we loo7 at the most illnesses in such a wa$) do we get the correct understanding of the illness #rocess5 Hence) the illness #oints to the fact that something has ta7en action) before the illness bro7e out) that should come out of the organism5 If some #henomena of life are seen in the right light) $ou understand Fuite easil$ what I said5 The causes ma$ be in the most 61

different areas5 (hat it concerns) this is that which I ha'e Cust suggested@ the fact that we ha'e to loo7 at the illnesses as something that the organism defends itself against things which should be dri'en out5 I do not belie'e that there is a com#arison which holds reall$ as true as the com#arison of such a sum of significant) dee#l$ inter'ening e'ents) as we e/#erience them now since the beginning of !ugust 232B o'er a big #art of the earth) with an illness #rocess of the human e'olution5 Kust this must stri7e us that these militar$ e'ents are actuall$ an illness #rocess5 But wrong would it be to belie'e that we co#e with it if we sim#l$ understand this illness #rocess in the wrong sense as Cust man$ an illness #rocess is understood@ as if it is the enem$ of the organism5 The cause goes ahead of the illness #rocess5 It can stri7e us in our time #articularl$ how little #eo#le are inclined in the #resent to ta7e into consideration such a truth which must #ro'e itself as immediatel$ clear to somebod$ who ta7es u# the s#iritual scientific world 'iew not onl$ in his reason) but also in his feeling5 (e had to e/#erience a lot of infinitel$ #ainful things Cust in the course of the last nine months E #ainful concerning the human abilit$ of Cudgement5 Is it not that wa$) actuall$) if one reads the literature) which is read mostl$ and is s#read b$ the most different countries of the earth) is it not as if the #eo#le who Cudge about these e'ents su##ose that in Kul$ 232B) actuall$) histor$ has begunI This was the saddest e/#erience in which we had to ta7e #art beside all the other #ainful things that the #eo#le) setting the tone or rather gi'ing articles) and ma7ing the #ublic o#inion) 7now basicall$ nothing about the origin of the e'ents and loo7 onl$ at the nearest5 The infinite discussions) these in'alid discussions came into being from that5 (here is the cause of the #resent militar$ conflictsI 0'er and o'er again one has as7ed@ does this ha'e the guiltI Does that ha'e the guiltI E !nd so on5 !lwa$s one hardl$ went bac7 further than u# to Kul$) at most Kune 232B5 I mention that because it is a characteristic feature of our materialistic time5 0ne thin7s usuall$ that materialism onl$ manages a materialistic wa$ of thin7ing) a materialistic world 'iew5 This is not the case5 Materialism manages not onl$ this) but it also manages shortsightedness. materialism manages mental la<iness) manages lac7 of insight5 The materialistic wa$ of thin7ing leads to the fact that one can #ro'e e'er$thing and belie'e e'er$thing5 It reall$ belongs to that self education which anthro#oso#h$ must gi'e us to see that somebod$ who sto#s in the area of materialism can #ro'e e'er$thing and belie'e e'er$thing5 I ta7e a sim#le e/am#le5 (hen one had something to sa$ about the s#iritual scientific world 'iew during the last $ears) somebod$ here or there belie'ed to ha'e to assert his 'iew com#ared to the s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 0ne could often hear@ 1ant has alread$ #ro'ed b$ his #hiloso#h$ that the human being has limits of 7nowledge) and that one cannot get where the s#iritual scientific world 'iew wants to attain 7nowledge5 E Then the 'er$ interesting matters were stated b$ which 1ant should ha'e #ro'ed that one cannot #enetrate to the s#iritual world with human cognition5 If one still went on re#resenting s#iritual science) then the #eo#le came and belie'ed@ he denies e'er$thing that 1ant has #ro'ed5 0f course) such a thing contained a little bit of the assertion@ this man must be an es#eciall$ foolish #erson) because he strictl$ denies #ro'en matters5 It is not that wa$ at all5 The s#iritual scientist does not den$ at all that this is absolutel$ right what 1ant has #ro'ed) it is clear that this is #ro'ed Fuite well5 Howe'er) assume once that somebod$ would ha'e strictl$ #ro'ed in the time in which the microsco#e was not $et in'ented) that there would be the smallest cells in the #lant) but one could ne'er find these because the human e$es were not able to see them5 This could ha'e been strictl$ #ro'ed) and the #roof would be absolutel$ right) because the human e$e) as well as it is arranged) could ne'er #enetrate to the organism of the #lant u# to these smallest cells5 That is an absolutel$ right #roof which can ne'er be u#set5 Howe'er) life has de'elo#ed this wa$ that the microsco#e was in'ented) and that in s#ite of the strict #roof #eo#le got the 7nowledge of the smallest cells5 0nl$ if once an$one understands that #roofs are worthless for gaining the truth that #roofs can be correct) but mean basicall$ nothing s#ecial for the #rogress of the 7nowledge of truth) onl$ then will one stand on the right ground5 Then one 7nows@ the #roofs can be good) of course) but the #roofs do not ha'e the tas7 to lead reall$ to truth5 Thin7 onl$ once of the com#arison I ha'e gi'en) then $ou see that also) as absolutel$ strict the #roof ma$ be that the human 'isual abilit$ does not reach to the cell) as strict can be the #roof that human 7nowledge) as 1ant sa$s) does not reach to su#ersensible worlds5 The #roofs were absolutel$ correct) but life goes be$ond #roofs5 This is also something that is gi'en to somebod$ on the #ath of s#iritual research that he e/tends his 7en and is reall$ able to a##eal to something different than to the human reason and its #roofs5 (ho limits himself to materialistic ideas is reall$ led to an uncontrollable confidence in #roofs5 If he has a #roof in the #oc7et) he is generall$ con'inced of the truth5 "#iritual research will Cust show us that an$one can #ro'e the one and the other matter rather well that) howe'er) #roofs b$ reason ha'e no significance for gaining real truth5 That is wh$ it is a concomitant of our materialistic time that #eo#le are ensla'ed b$ mental shortsightedness5 If this mental shortsightedness is still infiltrated with #assions) it comes 62

about that we see toda$ not onl$ the %uro#ean #eo#les fighting with arms) but feuding with each other5 There an$one has to sa$ all #ossible matters) and $ou cannot e/#ect basicall$ that one is able to #ersuade the other) not onl$ during the war5 If an$bod$ belie'ed that one da$ a neutral state could #ossibl$ choose between the allegations of two hostile states) he would ha'e a nai'e confidence5 0f course) one side can ha'e its o#inion and substantiates it b$ all 7inds of #roofs) but the other side will do the same5 0ne gets insight onl$ if one is in'ol'ed in the dee#er bases of the whole human e'olution5 I tried alread$ some $ears before the outbrea7 of this war to throw some light on it in the series of tal7s about the indi'idual fol7 souls and their effects on the indi'idual human beings in the different %uro#ean regions) how the indi'idual nations face each other and that there reall$ different forces hold swa$ o'er the different #eo#les5 Toda$ we want to com#lete that with a few other 'iew#oints5 0ur materialistic time thin7s too much in the abstract5 "uch a thing is not ta7en into consideration in our materialistic time at all that there is a real de'elo#ment in the life that the human being has to allow to be ri#e that what is in him de'elo#s graduall$ to the real Cudgment5 The human being E we 7now this and it is shown in detail in m$ essa$ 5ducation of the *hild in the 7ight of Spiritual Science E e/#eriences such a de'elo#ment that during the first se'en $ears his #h$sical bod$) from the se'enth u# to the fourteenth $ears the etheric bod$ de'elo#s in #articular et cetera5 This ad'ancing de'elo#ment of the indi'idual human being is ta7en into consideration a little) the #arallel #henomenon) the s$non$mous #henomenon much less5 The #rocesses which ta7e #lace within the indi'idual nation,s connections are directed and led E we all 7now this from s#iritual science E b$ beings of the higher hierarchies5 (e s#ea7 of fol7 souls) of fol7 s#irits in the true sense of the word5 (e 7now that) for e/am#le) the fol7 soul of the Italian #eo#le ins#ires the sentient soul. the French fol7 soul ins#ires the intellectual soul or mind soul) that the inhabitants of the British islands are ins#ired b$ the consciousness soul. in &entral %uro#e the ego is ins#ired5 I do not #ass an$ 'alue Cudgment on the indi'idual nations) but I ma$ onl$ sa$ that this is that wa$5 The fact that) for e/am#le) an ins#iration of the #eo#le that inhabit the British islands is based on the fact that it brings as nation e'er$thing into the world that is caused b$ ins#iration of the consciousness soul from the fol7 soul5 It is strange to which e/tent #eo#le become ner'ous in this field5 (hen I em#hasised here or there during the war what I had e/#ressed in the mentioned series of tal7s) there were #eo#le who almost understood it li7e a 7ind of abuse of the British #eo#le that I said that it would ha'e the tas7 to ins#ire the consciousness soul) while the German fol7 soul has to ins#ire the human ego5 !s if one understood it as an insult when one sa$s@ salt is white) #a#ri7a is red5 E It is a sim#le characterisation) the re#resentation of a truth which e/ists) and one has to acce#t this as such a truth first of all5 0ne manages that much better which #re'ails between the indi'idual members of human7ind if one loo7s at the characteristics of the indi'idual #eo#les) and not) if one confuses e'er$thing) as the modern materialistic 'iew does it5 0f course) the indi'idual human being rises u# abo'e that which he gets from his fol7 soul) and this is Cust the tas7 of our anthro#oso#hical societ$ that it raises the indi'idual human being out of the grou# soul and raises him to the general human7ind5 But it remains that the indi'idual human being) in so far as he stands in a #eo#le) is ins#ired b$ his fol7 soul) that) for e/am#le) the Italian fol7 soul s#ea7s to the sentient soul) the French fol7 soul to the intellectual soul or mind soul) the British fol7 soul to the consciousness soul5 (e ha'e to imagine that as it were the fol7 soul is ho'ering o'er that which the indi'idual human beings do in the single nations5 But as we see that the human being de'elo#s alread$ as we can sa$@ the ego e/#eriences a #articular de'elo#ment in a certain time of life. we can also s#ea7 of a de'elo#ment of the fol7 soul in relation to its #eo#le5 0nl$ this de'elo#ment is somewhat different from that of the indi'idual human being5 (e ta7e) for e/am#le) the Italian #eo#le5 There we ha'e this #eo#le and the fol7 soul belonging to this #eo#le5 The fol7 soul is a being of the su#ersensible world. it is affiliated to the world of the higher hierarchies5 It ins#ires the sentient soul) and this alwa$s ha##ens) as long as the #eo#le li'e) the Italian #eo#le) because we s#ea7 of this #eo#le) but it ins#ires the sentient soul in the different times in the most different wa$5 There are times in which the fol7 souls ins#ire the members of the single nations) so that this ins#iration ha##ens as it were on the le'el of the soul5 The fol7 soul floats in higher regions of s#irit and its ins#iration ha##ens in such a wa$ that it ins#ires the soul Fualities onl$5 Then there are times when the fol7 souls float further down and ma7e stronger demands on the single members of the #eo#les when the$ ins#ire them so strongl$ that not onl$ the human being gets them in his soul Fualities) but where the$ wor7 so effecti'el$ that the human being becomes de#endent on the fol7 soul concerning his bodil$ Fualities5 !s long as #eo#le are influenced b$ the fol7 soul in such a wa$ that it ins#ires the #s$cho s#iritual Fualities) the t$#e of the #eo#le is not coined so dee#l$5 The forces of the fol7 soul do not wor7 there) so that the whole human being is sei<ed u# to the blood5 Then a time comes when one can infer alread$ from the 7ind how the human being loo7s out of his e$es) from the facial features how the fol7 soul is wor7ing5 It is re'ealed that the fol7 soul has sun7 dee#l$. it ma7es forceful demands on the whole human being5


"uch a dee# im#ression too7 #lace with the Italian #eo#le a##ro/imatel$ in the middle of the 29th centur$) about 244:5 Then again the fol7 soul floated bac7 as it were) and thenceforward that is #assed on the descendants5 Jou can sa$@ the most intensi'e being together of the Italian #eo#le with their fol7 soul was about 244:5 !t this time) the Italian fol7 soul san7 the dee#est) this #eo#le of the Italian #eninsula got their most distincti'e character5 If we go bac7 to the time before 244:) we see that their character is not as strongl$ coined as from 244: on5 Then onl$ the t$#ical begins what we 7now as ItalianitX5 The Italian fol7 soul) so to s#ea7) entered into marriage with the sentient soul of the indi'idual human being) who belongs to the Italian #eo#le5 For the French #eo#le E I do not tal7 about the single human being who can rise u# abo'e the #eo#le E the similar #oint in time entered when the fol7 soul san7 the dee#est and #enetrated the #eo#le com#letel$) about 29::) in the beginning of the 2?th centur$5 !t this time) the fol7 soul com#letel$ sei<ed the intellectual soul or mind soul5 For the British #eo#le the #oint in time entered in the middle of the 2?th centur$) about 294:5 0nl$ then the British #eo#le got their e/terior British e/#ression5 If $ou 7now such matters) something will be e/#licable to $ou) because $ou can now #ut the Fuestion differentl$@ how is it with "ha7es#eare in %nglandI E "ha7es#eare wor7ed in %ngland) before the British fol7 soul wor7ed most intensi'el$ on the %nglish #eo#le5 That is wh$ he is not understood in %ngland substantiall$5 !s e'er$bod$ 7nows) there are issues in which e'er$thing that does not corres#ond com#letel$ to the taste of the go'ernesses is eradicated5 Ver$ often "ha7es#eare is e/tremel$ moralised5 (e 7now that the dee#est understanding of "ha7es#eare was caused not in %ngland) but in the &entral %uro#ean s#iritual de'elo#ment5 +ow $ou will as7@ when did the fol7 soul touch the members of the &entral %uro#ean #eo#leI E Howe'er) the case is somewhat different) because this fol7 soul descends and ascends re#eatedl$5 !nd thus we ha'e in the time) when the boon legend world of Par<i'al) of the Grail originated) such a descent of the fol7 soul which combines with the indi'idual souls) then it ascends again and after that a ne/t descending ta7es #lace in the time between 2?4: and 2=O:5 The &entral %uro#ean life is then touched b$ its fol7 soul the dee#est5 "ince that time the fol7 soul is ascending5 Thus $ou see that it is Fuite com#rehensible that Kacob BWhme 624?4M29AB; li'ed in a time in which he could get little from the German fol7 soul5 There was not the time when the fol7 soul combined with the indi'idual souls of the #eo#le5 Hence) Kacob BWhme is) although he is called the GTeutonic #hiloso#her5H a #erson who is chronologicall$ inde#endent of his fol7 soul. he stands as it were li7e an u#rooted human being there) li7e an e'erlasting #henomenon within his time5 If we ta7e Lessing) "chiller) Goethe) these are also German #hiloso#hers) the$ are com#letel$ rooted in the German fol7 soul5 This is Cust the t$#ical feature of these #hiloso#hers li'ing in the time between 2?4: and 2=O: that the$ are com#letel$ rooted in the fol7 soul5 Jou see that it does not de#end onl$ on the fact that one 7nows@ with the Italian #eo#le the fol7 soul wor7s on the sentient soul) with the French #eo#le the fol7 soul wor7s on the intellectual soul) with the British #eo#le the fol7 soul wor7s on the consciousness soul) with the &entral %uro#ean nation the fol7 soul wor7s on the ego5 0ne has also to 7now that this ha##ens at certain #oints in time5 The e'ents which ha##en become historicall$ e/#licable onl$ if one 7nows such matters reall$5 That nonsense which is done as science where one gets the documents and enumerates the e'ents successi'el$ and sa$s that one has to deri'e one matter from the other) howe'er) this nonsense of the historians does not lead to a real histor$) to an understanding of the human e'olution) but Cust onl$) so to s#ea7) to a falsification of that which e/ists and wor7s in human histor$5 If one sees how differentl$ that wor7s on the indi'idual #eo#les E I could still characterise other #eo#les E which forces dri'e these #eo#les) then one sees the conflicting matters which are there5 !nd one sees that the e'ents of toda$ reall$ did not ha##en onl$ during the last $ears) but were #re#ared for centuries5 (e loo7 at the %ast) at the area of the Russian culture5 The characteristic of the Russian culture is that it can de'elo# when once the #oint in time can enter when the Russian fol7 soul combines with the s#irit self E I alread$ e/#ressed this in the mentioned series of tal7s5 ! time has to come in which this characteristic of the %uro#ean %ast is onl$ re'ealed5 This will be com#letel$ different from the de'elo#ment in the (est or in the middle of %uro#e5 Pro'isionall$) howe'er) it is Fuite e/#licable that that which is allotted to the Russian culture is not there at all) but that the Russian culture has such a relationshi# E li7e the indi'idual human being E to the s#irit self that it turns alwa$s u#wards5 The single member of the Russian #eo#le and e'en #rofound Russian #hiloso#hers do not s#ea7 as one s#ea7s of the biggest matters in &entral %uro#e) but the$ s#ea7 Fuite differentl$5


(e find something tremendousl$ t$#ical5 (hat is the most characteristic of this &entral %uro#ean cultural lifeI Jou all 7now that there was a time of the great m$stics in which Master %c7hart) Kohn Tauler and others wor7ed5 The$ all sought for the di'ine in the human souls5 The$ tried to find the God in their chests) in their souls) Gthe little s#ar7 in the soul)H as Master %c7hart e/#ressed it5 The$ said@ therein something must be where the di'init$ is immediatel$ #resent5 Thus that stri'ing originated through which the ego wanted to be united with its di'init$ in itself5 This di'init$ wanted to be won b$ hard efforts. the di'init$ wanted to be won b$ the de'elo#ing human being5 This runs as a trait through the whole &entral %uro#ean being5 Imagine which infinitel$ dee# emotion it is when !ngelus "ilesius 629ABM29??; who) I ma$ sa$) stands internationall$ on the ground of the &entral %uro#ean culture and cultural life) sa$s in one of his nice sa$ings The *heru/inic Wanderer@ if I die) not I die) but God dies in me5 E Imagine how infinitel$ dee# this is5 For he) who said this) sei<ed the idea of immortalit$ 'i'idl$) because he felt@ if death ha##ens in the indi'idual human being) E because the human being is filled with God E this #henomenon of death is no #henomenon of the human being) but of God) and because God cannot die) death can be onl$ a delusion5 Death cannot mean destruction of life5 He 7nows that an immortal soul e/ists and sa$s@ if I die) not I die) but God dies in me5 E It is a tremendousl$ dee# sensation which li'es in !ngelus "ilesius5 This is a result of the fact that the ins#iration ta7es #lace in the ego5 If the ins#iration ta7es #lace in the sentient soul) it can ha##en what too7 #lace b$ Giordano Bruno5 The mon7 got into the s#irit with e'er$thing what he found with &o#ernicus) felt the whole world animated5 Read a line of Giordano Bruno) and $ou find 'erified that he) in so far as he has grown out of the Italian #eo#le) Cust #ro'es the fact that there the fol7 soul ins#ires the sentient soul5 &artesius) Descartes 62439M294:;) is born almost in the characterised #oint of the French de'elo#ment) when the French fol7 soul combined so surel$ with the French #eo#le5 Read a #age b$ &artesius) the French #hiloso#her) $ou find that he confirms on each #age what s#iritual science finds@ the fact that there the ins#iration of the fol7 soul wor7s on the intellectual soul5 Read Loc7e 629OAM2?:B; or Hume 62?22M2??9; or another %nglish #hiloso#her) u# to Mill 6Kohn "tuart Mill) 2=:9M 2=?O; and "#encer 6Herbert "#encer) 2=A:M23:O;) e'er$where ins#iration of the consciousness soul5 Read Fichte 6Kohann Gottlieb Fichte) 2?9AM2=2B; in his struggle in the ego itself) then $ou ha'e the ins#iration of the ego b$ the fol7 soul5 This is Cust the characteristic that this &entral %uro#ean fol7 soul is e/#erienced in the ego) and that) hence) the ego is the actuall$ stri'ing force) this ego with all its #ower) with all its mista7es) with all its wrong trac7s and also with all its conscious efforts5 If this &entral %uro#ean human being should find the wa$ to &hrist) he wants to bear Him in his own soul5 Tr$ once to loo7 for the idea to e/#erience the &hrist or a God internall$ in the Russian cultural life) if it is not ta7en o'er e/ternall$ b$ the west %uro#ean ci'ilisation5 Jou cannot find it at all5 There one e/#ects e'er$where that a historical e'ent ha##ens reall$) so that it ta7es #lace) as "olo'$o' 6Vladimir "olo'$o') 2=4OM23::; sa$s) as a Gmiracle5H The Russian cultural life is 'er$ much inclined to behold the resurrection of &hrist in the su#ersensible realm) to re'ere the wor7ing of an ins#iring #ower e/ternall$) as if the human being is beneath it) as if the ins#iration mo'es o'er human7ind li7e a cloud) not as if it enters into the human ego5 This intimate being together of the ego with its God) or also) if it concerns &hrist) with &hrist) this desire that &hrist is born in the soul is to be found onl$ in &entral %uro#e5 If once the %ast %uro#ean culture de'elo#s as it is commensurate) again a 7ind of grou# soul will a##ear because that culture will be founded which floats abo'e the human beings5 This 7ind of grou# soul is onl$ on a higher le'el than the old grou# soul was5 !t the time being) we must find it Fuite natural that one s#ea7s e'er$where in that wa$) as the Russian #hiloso#her does) about something that floats li7e the s#iritual world abo'e the human world5 Howe'er) he can ne'er a##roach that world as intimatel$ as the &entral %uro#ean human being wants to a##roach with his ego the di'ine that flows and wea'es through the world5 (hen I often s#o7e of the fact that the di'init$ flows through the world and wea'es and surges) then that is out of the sentient world of the &entral %uro#ean human being and would not at all be understood b$ an$ other %uro#ean #eo#le in the same wa$ as it can be ta7en u# b$ the &entral %uro#ean feeling nature5 This is the t$#ical) the characteristic of the &entral %uro#ean #eo#le5 These are the forces which li'e there in the indi'idual #eo#les facing each other) which time and again are in com#etition) which must discharge b$ force as clouds discharge and cause flashes and thunderstorms5 Do we not hear) one could sa$ now) a word sounding in the %ast of %uro#e which was as it were something li7e a slogan and should wor7 thus) as if the culture of %astern %uro#e should begin now to e/tend o'er the little 'aluable 65

(estern %uro#e) to o'erflow itI Do we not see that the Pan "la'ists) the Pan "la'ism L was originall$ a scientific term for the
relationshi# of the "la'ic languages5 The idea of nationalit$ of the "la'o#hils led to the demand to unite all the "la'ic #eo#les under Russian dominion5N a##eared) es#eciall$ also a##eared in s#irits li7e Dosto$e's7$ 6F$odor Mi7ailo'itch Dosto$e's7$) 2=A2M2==2;

and similar #eo#le) with the #articular #oints of his #rogram as there was said@ $ou (est %uro#eans altogether) $ou ha'e a decadent culture that must be re#laced b$ %ast %uro#e5 E Then a whole theor$ was built u#) a theor$ which culminated abo'e all in the fact that one said@ in the (est e'er$thing has become decadent. this must be re#laced b$ the fresh forces of the %ast5 (e ha'e the reall$ orthodo/ religion against which we do not fight) but we ha'e Cust acce#ted it li7e the cloud of the fol7 soul floating abo'e the human beings et cetera5 Then sagacious theories were built u#) 'er$ sagacious theories) which the #rinci#les) which the intentions of the old "la'ism could alread$ be) that from the %ast the truth must now s#read out o'er &entral %uro#e and (estern %uro#e5 I said that the single human being can rise u# abo'e his #eo#le5 "uch an indi'idual being was "olo'$o' in a certain field) the great Russian #hiloso#her5 !lthough one also notices with him in each line that he writes as a Russian) ne'ertheless) he rises u# abo'e his #eo#le5 In the first time of his life) "olo'$o' was a Pan "la'ist5 But he has more e/actl$ concerned himself with that which the Pan "la'ists and "la'o#hils L se'eral Russian #hiloso#hers of the 23th centur$ who stood u# for the emanci#ation of the Russian culture in contrast to the G(esternisers5H N #ut u# as a 7ind of national #hiloso#h$) national world 'iew5 (hat did "olo'$o') the Russian) findI He as7ed himself@ is there alread$ the real Russian being in the #resentI Ma$ it be included alread$ in those who re#resent Pan "la'ism and "la'o#hilismI E !nd lo and behold) he did not rest) until he came on the right thing5 (hat did he findI He chec7ed the statements of the "la'o#hils to whom he had belonged before) he tac7led them) and there he found that a big #art of the forms of thin7ing) the statements) the intentions is got from the French #hiloso#her de Maistre LKose#h Marie &omte de Maistre 62?4OM2=A2; stood u# for absolutism and the feudal form of societ$5 He regarded &atholicism and the #a#al #rimac$ as foundations of the national and social life5 N friendl$ to the Kesuits) who was the great teacher of the "la'o#hils concerning their world 'iew5 "olo'$o' himself #ro'ed that "la'o#hilism does not grow on own ground) but originates from de Maistre5 He #ro'ed e'en more5 He disco'ered a German boo7 of the 23th centur$ which was forgotten for long time and which nobod$ 7nows in German$5 The "la'o#hils co#ied whole #arts of that boo7 in their literature5 (hat a #eculiar #henomenon a##earedI 0ne belie'es that something comes from the %ast) whereas it is a #urel$ western im#ort5 It came o'er from the (est and was then sent bac7 to the western #eo#le again5 The western #eo#le were confronted with their own thought forms because own thought forms do not $et e/ist in the %ast5 If an$one tac7les the matters e/actl$) it is confirmed e'er$where what s#iritual science has to sa$5 "o that one alread$ deals with something while rolling from the %ast that is still elementar$) with something that will find its de'elo#ment when it ta7es u# that as affectionatel$ which has de'elo#ed in &entral %uro#e as this &entral %uro#e too7 u# the Gree7 and Latin cultural achie'ements from the "outh5 Because de'elo#ment of human7ind ta7es #lace) so that the following condition ta7es u# the #re'ious one5 (hat I could characterise in the #ublic lecture as the Faustic wa$ of thin7ing of &entral %uro#e b$ the words@ there was a $ear 2??: E Goethe felt it as a Faustic stri'ing when he said@ I,'e studied) to m$ regret) Philoso#h$) Law) Medicine) and E what is worst E Theolog$ from end to end with diligence5 Jet here I am) a wretched fool and still no wiser than before Faust I) 'erses O4BMO43 There a 'er$ rich German cultural life came about) a most intensi'e stri'ing5 But if Goethe had written his Faust fort$ $ears later) indeed he would not ha'e started@ GI,'e studied now) to m$ regret) Philoso#h$ 555H et cetera) and I ha'e now become a wise man) E but he would ha'e written e/actl$ his Faust li7e in 2??:5 This 'i'id stri'ing comes from the ins#iration of the fol7 soul in the ego) from that intimate being together of the ego with the fol7 soul5 This is a basic characteristic of the &entral %uro#ean s#iritual culture5 !nd the %ast %uro#ean culture has to combine with it affectionatel$) it must ta7e u# it5 (hat had to flow into &entral %uro#e was recei'ed once from the southern culture) was ta7en u#5 +ow) howe'er) it is not different when from the %ast the elementar$ wa'e of de'elo#ment rolls) as if the #u#il is furious with his teacher because he should learn something from him and wants to thrash him) therefore5 It is a somewhat tri'ial com#arison) but) ne'ertheless) it is a com#arison which e/actl$ a##lies to the matter5 Human masses of Fuite different internal forces of de'elo#ment li'e in %uro#e together5 These different forces of de'elo#ment must com#ete with each other. the$ must assert themsel'es in different wa$5 The reluctant forces de'elo#ed for a long time5 If one loo7s at the details) one finds that the$ e/#ress e'er$where what s#iritual science has to sa$5 66

Is it not e/#ressed so wonderfull$) does not the wa'e of the %uro#ean de'elo#ment crowd together in such a wa$ that it is #ut s$mbolicall$ before the whole human7ind that in &entral %uro#e the intimate li'ing together of the ego with the s#iritual world must be feltI That God is to be e/#erienced in the Glittle s#ar7 in the soul)H that &hrist is to be e/#erienced in the Glittle s#ar7 in the soulIH &hrist Himself must come to life in the human ego efficientl$5 That is wh$ the whole de'elo#ment in &entral %uro#e tends to the ego as in no other %uro#ean language5 GIchH 6ego; is GI & H5H Li7e a might$ s$mbol in the intimate interaction of that what can be the holiest to the soul stands there in &entral %uro#e@ I Y I &H E Kesus &hrist5 &hrist Kesus and at the same time the human egoP The fol7 soul is wor7ing that wa$) ins#iring the #eo#le to e/#ress in t$#ical words what the underl$ing facts are5 I 7now 'er$ well that #eo#le laugh at such a thing) when I e/#ress that the fol7 soul wor7ed for centuries) so that the term GichH has come about which is so t$#ical) so s$mbolical5 Howe'er) we let #eo#le laugh5 0nl$ few decades) and the$ will no longer laugh) but then the$ will regard it as more significant than what #eo#le call #h$sical laws toda$5 (hat had an effect as a wa'e of de'elo#ment wor7ed rather t$#icall$5 "ometimes) the consciousness e/#resses a 'er$ small #art of the truth onl$. but what wor7s in the subconscious de#ths e/#resses itself much truer5 (e s#ea7) for e/am#le) of GGermansH 6Teutons) Germanic #eo#le;5 (ords are formed b$ the acti'e genius of language5 ! #art of the inhabitants of &entral %uro#e is called GGermans5H If a German s#ea7s of GGermanic #eo#leH 6Teutons;) he counts the inhabitants of German$) !ustria) Holland) "candina'ia) but also the inhabitants of the British islands to them5 He e/#ands the word GGermanH about a wide area5 Howe'er) the inhabitant of the British islands reCects this5 He calls the German GGermanH onl$5 He does not ha'e the word German for himself5 The German language embraces a much bigger circle5 It is inclined to #ut the word into the ser'ice of selflessness. he not onl$ is called GGerman)H he also encloses the others5 The other) the Briton) reCects this5 If $ou are once gras#ed b$ the creati'e genius of language) then $ou see something reall$ wonderful in it5 (hat #eo#le ha'e in consciousness becomes ma$a) the big delusion5 (hat e/ists in subconscious de#ths has a much truer effect5 "omething tremendousl$ significant and dee# e/#resses itself therein5 &om#are now the rude wa$ to loo7 at the relations of the %uro#ean #eo#les toda$ with the wa$ one has to go to wor7 intimatel$ to understand the %uro#ean inter#la$ of forces5 Then onl$ will $ou be able to see the de'astation that the materialistic age caused in the human #ower of Cudgment5 The fact that one started to thin7 that matter carries and holds e'er$thing is not $et the worst) but that one has become shortsighted that one cannot loo7 at the central issue) e'en does not do a ste# behind the 'eil which is wo'en as a ma$a o'er the truth) this is the actuall$ bad5 Materialism well #re#ared what it intended5 !lso there the genius wor7ed) onl$ the genius who caused materialism as the highest leader is !hriman5 He had a #owerful influence during the last centuries5 I ma$ still #oint briefl$ to a cha#ter to which one does not #oint with #leasure toda$5 If it ha##ens) one loo7s at it as a #articular madness5 0ne influences the human being the easiest) if one instills to him in his $outh in his #owers of imagination) in his soul what should grow u# then in him5 In the later life one cannot teach human beings an$thing thoroughl$5 Hence) !hriman ne'er would ha'e) actuall$) better #ros#ects to ma7e the souls reall$ materialistic) than when he instills in the $outhful childish souls alread$ that which wor7s on in the subconsciousness5 If in the time when the human being does not $et thin7 intellectuall$ alread$ the materialistic forms of thin7ing are ta7en u#) then #eo#le will learn to thin7 thoroughl$ materialisticall$ if materialism is alread$ instilled in the children,s souls5 !hriman did this in such a wa$ that he ins#ired a writer of the materialistic age LDaniel Defoe 6299:M2?O2; wrote The 7ife and Strange Surprising 0d)entures of .o/inson *rusoe of 3ork 62?23;N with the idea of .o/inson *rusoe5 (ho allows to ta7e in .o/inson sees the materialistic ideas of .o/inson thoroughl$ wor7ing5 It does not seem so) but the whole E as .o/inson is constructed as he is dri'en in this ad'enturer,s life in the e/ternal e/#erience to e'er$thing) until e'en the religion grows u# finall$ li7e cabbages on the fields E all that #re#ares the child,s soul 'er$ well to the materialistic thin7ing5 If $ou imagine that there were in a certain time E in the 29th) 2?th) and 2=th centuries E Bohemian) Portuguese) Hungarian 'ersions of .o/inson et cetera as imitations of .o/inson *rusoe) one must sa$@ the Cob was #erformed thoroughl$) and the #ortion that the .o/inson reading had in the education of materialism is enormous5 &om#ared with such a #henomenon one has to #oint to something different that the children should ta7e u# in their understandings for their later li'es5 These are the fair$ tales which li'e in &entral %uro#e) and #articularl$ the fair$ tales which the brothers Grimm LKacob Grimm 62?=4M2=9O; and (ilhelm Grimm 62?=9M2=43; #ublished their collection of fair$ tales in 2=2: for the first time5N collected5 This is a much better literature for the children than .o/inson5 !nd if one understands that which now ha##ens between the %uro#ean #eo#les in such a frightful) such a grie'ous and destin$ burdened wa$ as an admonition to loo7 at the wa$ a little more e/actl$ that de'elo#ed in the subsoil of the e'ents) at that which e/tends to himself in the #resent) then one will 7now abo'e all) that it does not de#end reall$ on whether now a few German scholars send bac7 their medals and certificates to %ngland5 If the admonition of the time is so strong that one recognises the materialisticall$ ins#ired consciousness soul of the British #eo#le in its significance) one also understands the significance of the .o/inson reading and eradicates the whole .o/inson once5 Much more thoroughl$) much more 67

radicall$ one will ha'e to set to wor7 if one is able to ta7e into consideration the admonitions of our time correctl$ one da$5 Thirt$ fi'e $ears ha'e now #assed since I started inter#reting Goethe) Cust in his s#iritual scientific tas75 I tried to show that in Goethe,s theor$ of e'olution a reall$ great) s#iritual theor$ of e'olution is gi'en5 The time must come when that is seen in wider circles5 For Goethe ga'e a great) tremendous and s#iritual theor$ of e'olution5 This was hard to understand for the #eo#le5 Then Darwin could wor7 better in the materialistic age who ga'e that in a coarsened) materialistic wa$ which Goethe ga'e in a fine) s#iritual wa$ as a theor$ of e'olution5 It was a thorough !nglicisation which sei<ed &entral %uro#e5 +ow imagine the traged$ which lies) actuall$) in the fact that the most %nglish naturalist in German$) %rnst Haec7el) who swore com#letel$ on Darwin) had to a##ear with his furious hatred about the %nglish5 (hen this war bro7e out) he was one of the first who sent bac7 the recei'ed medals and certificates to %ngland5 To send bac7 the %nglish coloured Darwinism) he is #robabl$ too old) howe'er) that would be the essential) the more im#ortant action5 The concerning matters are tremendousl$ dee# and im#ortant) and the$ are connected with the necessar$ s#iritual dee#ening of our time5 If one sees once that the Goethean theor$ of colours is infinitel$ dee#er than the +ewtonian theor$ of colours that the Goethean theor$ of e'olution is infinitel$ dee#er than Darwin,s theor$ of e'olution) then one finall$ becomes aware of that which the &entral %uro#ean cultural life in'ol'es) also with regard to such highest fields5 I will onl$ arouse a sensation in $our souls which admonitions the #resent grie'ous) destin$ burdened e'ents must be to us5 !n admonition to wor7 which should induce us to reflect that which is there in the &entral %uro#ean cultural life and which is as it were an obligation to get it out5 I also meant this when I s#o7e $esterda$ in the #ublic lecture L The ,uman Destiny Seen in the 7ight of Spiritual 1no-ledge) Vienna) =th Ma$ 2324) not $et #ublished5N about the fact that this &entral %uro#ean cultural life contains germs which must #roduce blossoms and fruits5 (hen we sa$ time and again@ the conscious soul life ta7es #lace on the surface. howe'er) beneath it there is something about which we ha'e s#o7en during these da$s5 Then we are also allowed to direct our thoughts to the fact that in the im#ulses of numerous human beings also in the #resent something li'es that is Fuite different from that the$ are aware of5 Do not belie'e that the human beings fight in the (est and the %ast who ha'e to defend the big &entral %uro#ean fortress onl$ for that the$ are aware of in their consciousness5 Loo7 at the im#ulses abo'e all which are unaware to man$ human beings who go through blood and death toda$5 Howe'er) the im#ulses e/ist) and we should be able to get the sensation from s#iritual science) E loo7ing to the %ast and to the (est E that in the im#ulses of those) who sacrifice their li'es) something li'es that the future has to bear onl$ for the e/ternal e/#erience) e'en if the fighters #ossibl$ ha'e no #remonition in their consciousness5 &onsidering these e'ents that wa$ we can #enetrate oursel'es with the right feeling5 Ta7e into account that man$ souls ha'e gone through blood and death during these militar$ e'ents which cannot be com#ared with that which too7 #lace in the conscious histor$ of human7ind) and we imagine that these souls will loo7 down on the death which was im#osed to them b$ the big e'ents of time5 Imagine that for the #ur#oses of what I said the da$ before $esterda$ the $outhful etheric bodies #ermeate the s#iritual atmos#here5 Imagine that not onl$ the souls) the indi'idualities) are in the s#iritual world) but that something useful of their $oung etheric bodies #enetrates the s#iritual atmos#here5 Let us tr$ to loo7 at the admonitions which #eo#le should ha'e) who are left here on the earth5 Jes) the indi'idual human being who has gone through the gate of death reminds us of the big tas7s which are to be carried out in the %uro#ean culture5 These admonitions must be heard5 !nd #eo#le must be inclined to get recognising sensations of our conditions from the de#th of the cultural life5 If one feels once that wa$ that e'er$bod$ who remains toda$ in the blossom of his $ears on the battlefield stands as an admonisher calling for the s#iritualisation of human7ind in the %uro#ean culture) one will ha'e #ro#erl$ understood it5 0ne wants not onl$ that from such sites as ours the abstract 7nowledge goes out@ the human being consists of #h$sical bod$) etheric bod$) astral bod$ and ego) the human being goes through man$ incarnations) the human being has a 7arma and so on) E but one would want that the souls who ta7e #art in our s#iritual scientific life are roused in their internal de#ths to the sentient life which has Cust been suggested) to e/#erience also that which the admonitions of the earl$ deceased are in the ne/t future5 The nicest we can acFuire to us as su##orters of s#iritual science is the 'i'id life which should go li7e a breath through those who count themsel'es to us5 +ot the 7nowledge) not the 7nowledge onl$) but this life) this life becoming realit$5 In the last times) se'eral members left us from the #h$sical #lane5 !lso a $oung co wor7er) our dear Frit< Mitscher) died5 I had) arranged b$ 7arma) the tas7 to s#ea7 at the cremation in Basel5 I had to s#ea7 certain words to the 68

disa##earing soul5 !mong 'arious matters) I s#o7e to the soul that we are aware of the fact that he also remains as a co wor7er) after he has gone through the gate of death5 I had to s#ea7 this out of the consciousness that what in'igorates us is not onl$ a theor$) but that it must fill our souls com#letel$ with life5 Then) howe'er) we must beha'e to those who ha'e gone through the gate of death li7e to those who are here still in life5 (e must not be waiting to sa$ to oursel'es@ human beings li'ing in #h$sical bodies are #re'ented b$ the most manifold circumstances from full$ realising the s#iritual life5 (hich inhibitions can we notice in this #h$sical life on earth with the human beings if the reall$ big tas7s of de'elo#ment are in'ol'ed E and ha'e to be fulfilled then5 But we can rel$ on the dead often better5 This feeling that the$ are among us that a s#ecial mission can be transferred to them allowed me to s#ea7 the obituar$ for our friend Frit< Mitscher a##ro#riatel$ who has gone as an earl$ deceased through the gate of death5 (hat was said for him concerns man$ others who ha'e gone through the gate of death5 (e regard them as our most im#ortant co wor7ers) and it will not be misunderstood if I sa$@ e'en more than on the li'ing we can rel$ on the dead with our s#iritual wor75 But that we can generall$ e/#ress such a thing) we ha'e to stand Fuite 'i'idl$ in that which our s#iritual mo'ement can gi'e us5 I rel$ on the fact that Cust the dead are now the most im#ortant co wor7ers for the s#iritualisation of the future human culture on the e/ternal field in our destin$ burdened time5 For this death is a great master at which those loo7 bac7 who ha'e gone through the gate of death5 "ome #eo#le need a stronger teacher than life can be toda$5 Jou can see this at 'arious e/am#les5 I would li7e to gi'e an e/am#le E some other could be gi'en5 ! s#ectacular article L (incent$ Lutoslaws7i .udolf Steiner(s o##osing against s#iritual science) re#resented b$ me) a##eared se'eral $ears ago in a maga<ine which is #ublished in "outh German$) in the ,ochland5 This article caused a great sensation5 It has made sense to man$ #eo#le because it was written b$ a Fuite famous #hiloso#her5 The editor of that maga<ine ,ochland acce#ted this article5 He su##orted) actuall$) as he thin7s) such a 'iew on this tric7$ s#iritual science5
so=called Occult Science in ,ochland 0ctober 232:N)

It does not de#end reall$ on defending oneself with e/ternal means against it5 It is absolutel$ com#rehensible that the Fuite cle'er #eo#le of the #resent consider s#iritual science to be something foolish5 But after the war had bro7en out) something different occurred5 The editor of the mentioned maga<ine is a good German) a man feeling 'er$ German5 +ow the man whose article he acce#ted in those da$s has written letters to him) and this editor also has #rinted them) I ma$ sa$) in his es#eciall$ gifted GinnocenceH in the South German Monthly Maga8ine5 Tr$ once to read them) $ou will see that same #hiloso#her 'enting his rage against the &entral %uro#ean s#iritual culture so that the editor of the ,ochland feels com#elled to sa$@ one can onl$ find somebod$) who thin7s such matters) in madhouses in &entral %uro#e5 (hat an infinitel$ significant criticism5 There is an editor of a "outh German maga<ine5 This editor acce#ts an article which he considers to be authoritati'e to destro$ s#iritual science of which he sa$s@ this is a good article about s#iritual science b$ a famous #hiloso#her5 E !fter some time the editor gets letters from the same man) who should be in a madhouse) as he sa$s5 "o would one not ha'e to continue) with the logic of life) and sa$@ if the man is now a fool) he once was a fool) too) and the dear editor did onl$ not realise in those da$s that he deals with a fool when he wrote against s#iritual science5 E This is logic of life5 Jou cannot sometimes wait) until such logic of life wor7s) but it alread$ e/ists in our life5 Thus $ou can sometimes e/#erience something according to this #rescri#tion5 In those da$s) the article a##eared Cust against m$ s#iritual science5 Peo#le read him5 Peo#le said@ this is a famous #hiloso#her and Platonist) he is es#eciall$ cle'er5 E The editor said to himself@ if an$bod$ who is so cle'er writes about s#iritual science) this is a significant article5 E "ome time #asses) and the same editor sa$s@ the man is a fool5 E But he needed the #roof in the Cust cited wa$5 "uch matters ta7e #lace with the li'ing human beings5 "uch #eo#le who ha'e so little stead$ ground under their feet li7e that editor of the "outh German maga<ine need that the$ are taught b$ e'ents which are gi'en in much dee#er sense b$ the life of the last times from the s#iritual world than it is con'enient5 Thus $ou understand when I return to that which I said Cust now@ our time had man$ reluctant forces) and if we call the war an illness E we can do this) E this is an illness which was caused b$ something that too7 #lace long ago) and it is there to the reco'er$) so that something is eradicated that had to lead to the damage of the life of the whole culture graduall$5 If we call it illness in this sense) if we loo7 at the illness as a defence) we understand this war and the destin$ burdened e'ents of the #resent) understand it also in its significant hints and admonitions5 (e then e/#erience it with all internal forces of our souls) so that we can surel$ ta7e notice of those who ha'e gone through the gate of death and loo7 at the ne/t future and reall$ ha'e learnt what the$ can ins#ire in the souls which the$ want to hear5 That s#iritual dee#ening which is necessar$ for the human welfare and #rogress in the ne/t future must come into them5 If $our souls can rightl$ ta7e u# that which I would li7e to sa$ with these words) $ou are su##orters of our s#iritual scientific world 'iew in the right sense onl$ now5 If $our souls can ma7e the decision to become such souls which turn their attention to that which is murmured down from those who ha'e gone through the gate of death because of the destin$ burdened e'ents5 69

! connecting bridge between the li'ing and the dead should be built b$ s#iritual science Cust for the ne/t future) a connecting line b$ which the ins#iring elemental forces of those who ha'e made the big sacrifices in our time are able to find their wa$ to us5 That is wh$ I wanted to stimulate sensations during these da$s) teaching to $our souls5 These sensations should be li7e sensations e/#ecting that which is said to the souls b$ the effects of our destin$ burdened time5 In this sense) I ma$ close toda$ again with the words that I alread$ s#o7e here the da$ before $esterda$ that should ha'e an effect li7e a mantram in our souls) so that our souls e/#ect the ins#iration which will come there from the dead who become #articularl$ li'ing in s#irit@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of +ature and the Hierarchies The "#irits of the !ge and the Fol7 "#irits The !dmonishing Voices of the Dead :rague" $#th May $&$'

It is a grie'ous time in which we li'e) a time more of effecti'e actions full of courage and sacrifices) on one side) a time of se'ere ordeals for the human souls) on the other side5 To stimulate some sensations Cust in 'iew of our destin$ burdened time ma$ be m$ tas7 at the end of these considerations5 "ince we are allowed to be together in such a time) we want to let culminate our sensations at the end of our considerations according to this time5 I ma$ start from something that can s#read light Cust about 'arious matters which s#ea7 significantl$ to our souls in this time5 "ince we started considering the world s#iritual scientificall$) we call the four members of our human nature@ #h$sical bod$) etheric bod$) astral bod$) and ego5 (e 7now that the ego or rather that in the human being which we name ego b$ which we e/#ress the ego which is the $oungest) but is also for us the most significant member of the human being5 If the human being onl$ consisted of #h$sical bod$) etheric bod$ and astral bod$ as the result of the "aturn) "un and Moon e'olutions) he would not be a human being5 The human being is a human being because he recei'ed his ego from the s#irits of the higher hierarchies during the earth e'olution5 He de'elo#s this ego in the course of his successi'e incarnations in different human communities) through #eo#les and #eriods) until the earth arri'es at the goal of its de'elo#ment and the human being also arri'es at his goal de'elo#ing his ego5 Howe'er) we also 7now that there are higher s#iritual beings E we use for them the word Ghigher)H E who belong to the higher hierarchies which stand as it were abo'e the human being5 (e s#ea7 of the hierarch$ of the angels or angeloi) of the hierarch$ of the archangels or archangeloi) the archai or s#irits of the age and so on) u#ward rising5 (e call them with these names) we could use other names Cust as well) but the names are introduced in the (est5 How ha'e we to imagine) actuall$) these s#iritual beings of the higher hierarchies in relation to the human being here on earthI (e go out from the surroundings of the human being5 (e 7now) it is the mineral realm) the #lant realm) the animal realm) and the human being has to consider the human realm as the highest after all he can obser'e5 "o that we can sa$@ if we ta7e the 'isible realms on earth) we ha'e the realms of the minerals) the #lants) the animals and that of the human beings5 !bo'e these realms) as it were) as a continuation u#wards) the realms of the angeloi) the archangeloi) the archai et cetera a##ear5 (e can sim#l$ imagine that the realms are not closed with the human realm) but also e/tend farther u#wards) onl$ that the higher realms cannot be seen with the outer senses5 It could seem remar7able if we go u#wards from the realms of nature to the realm of human beings that abo'e the human realm in'isibilit$ begins at once5 Howe'er) this will be remar7able onl$ as long as one does not thin7 that the 70

animals do not see the human being in such a wa$ as a human being sees the other5 That is com#letel$ clear to somebod$ who is able to trans#ort himself into the animal 'iew5 If the animals could s#ea7) the$ would onl$ s#ea7 of 'isible realms) of the mineral realm) the #lant realm) and the animal realm5 The$ would consider themsel'es as the highest 'isible realm5 The fact that the animals see the human being li7e a human being sees the other is onl$ a #reCudice5 (e are human beings of a su#ersensible) ghostl$ e/istence to the animals. and if the animals had onl$ such a #erce#tion as we ha'e it) the$ would not see the human beings) but the$ would be as in'isible for them as the realm of angels for the human beings5 0nl$ because the$ ha'e a certain 7ind of dream$ clair'o$ance) the animals see the human being as a ghost) as a su#ersensible being5 The human being can ha'e no idea directl$ of the image which an animal has of him5 In return) the animals see something also downwards) or #ro#erl$ s#ea7ing) #ercei'e something downwards that the human being does not #ercei'e an$ more5 "ince the animals #ercei'e not onl$ li7e the human being #ercei'es the mineral world) but still #ercei'e E the lower animals most intensel$ E something else5 If an animal) for instance) a snail cree#s on the ground) and then it #ercei'es the whole #eculiarit$ of the ground5 This would disturb the human being #er#etuall$ if he) while he goes on the surface of the earth) #ercei'ed this in the same wa$ as a snail or a tortoise5 (ith the higher animals which ha'e warm blood it is somewhat different) but Cust the lower animals reall$ #ercei'e the whole #eculiarit$ of the ground on which the$ cree#5 The$ #ercei'e the whole #eculiarit$ of the air. the$ #ercei'e e'er$thing that is round them in another wa$ as the human being5 The animal 7nows whether it is on a soil which is marsh$) or whether it mo'es on a sand$ soil) because it #ercei'es the whole #eculiarit$ of the soil5 +amel$ this is as similar as we hear the things in our surroundings5 The whole mineral world is infiltrated with forces which ma7e it sha7e and which the human being does not #ercei'e5 The animal #ercei'es this fine sha7ing) these forces in such a wa$ that it feels something as s$m#athetic) something not5 If the animal turns bac7) for e/am#le) from one soil t$#e to the other) it is not so that the animal sees it li7e the human being) but because something is a little bit #ainful to it) because the fine mo'ements go on re'erberating in it) because it feels as if it belongs to it5 This is a 7ind of instincti'e hearing li7e a hearing of that which ta7es action in the ground or this is li7e smelling5 "o that we can sa$@ the animal #ercei'es an elemental realm) and the higher hierarchies begin alread$ with the human being for it5 E (e are #ut in the middle in the world which we 7now as the e/ternal sensor$ world) the e/ternal realms of the sensor$ world) and the world of the higher hierarchies5 (e call the lower 'isible hierarchies the realms of nature. we call the in'isible ones the higher hierarchies5 (e also 7now that such a being of the higher hierarchies) for e/am#le) an angel) once also e/#erienced the le'el of humanit$5 This too7 #lace) while the earth went through the old Moon e'olution5 There the human being was not $et a human being. for he had no ego. he was on the #re#arator$ le'el of humanit$ onl$ and had the astral bod$ as his highest member5 The beings who belong to the hierarch$ of the angeloi went through their human le'el during the old Moon e'olution5 The s#irits to whom we turn as the guarding s#irits of the indi'idual human being are these beings of the hierarch$ of the angeloi5 To each of them) as it were) a human being is assigned5 G"#irits of $our soulsH are those who stand immediatel$ in the hierarch$ abo'e the human being who reall$ s#read out their #rotecting wings) s$mbolicall$ s#o7en) o'er the human beings namel$ o'er the indi'idual human being5 (e come then to the hierarch$ of the archangeloi5 The$ also were human beings once5 During the old "un e'olution the beings we call archangeloi toda$ were on the human le'el5 The$ were not so formed as the human beings toda$) of course not) the$ were formed Fuite differentl$) but the$ were on their human le'el in that time5 (e are not allowed to imagine that during the old "un e'olution the archangeloi loo7ed as the human beings toda$) but concerning their de'elo#ment the$ were on their human le'el5 The s#irits of #ersonalit$ or s#irits of the ages were on their human le'el during the old "aturn e'olution5 +ow) we #ic7 out the s#irits we call archangeloi5 There we ha'e such s#irits as archangeloi who went through the human le'el during the old "un e'olution) ascended to the le'el of the angels during the Moon e'olution) and toda$ the$ ha'e ascended to the le'el of the archangeloi5 (e lea'e these s#iritual beings #ut before our souls at first) as it were) standing two le'els abo'e us. later we will come bac7 to them5 Then we ha'e the s#iritual beings who were human beings during the old "aturn e'olution) toda$ the$ are s#irits of the ages) the$ are three le'els abo'e us5 (e let them #ut again5 +ow we want to loo7 at our relation to these both t$#es of s#iritual beings5 (hen the human being goes through an incarnation) then stand abo'e us the s#irits we count to the hierarch$ of the angels) then the s#irits we count to the hierarch$ of the archangeloi) and those we count to the hierarch$ of the archai) s#irits of the ages or s#irits of #ersonalit$5 Howe'er) the$ also de'elo#5 Let us #ic7 out the archai) the s#irits of #ersonalit$ or s#irits of the ages5 (e go through our incarnation) and then we go through the gate of death) come into a s#iritual world after death) go through a certain #urel$ s#iritual de'elo#ment between death and a new birth and come to an earth e/istence b$ a new birth again5 +ow we can as7@ what does this de#end on that we mo'e down to the earth again 71

after a certain number of $earsI In #ublic tal7s this Fuestion is often #ut5 Then one can alread$ gi'e an answer from certain #oints of 'iew) but intimatel$ s#ea7ing in our branches we can gi'e a more obCecti'e answer #ointing to realit$5 (hile we li'e here in the #h$sical bod$) the s#irit of the ages has a certain le'el of de'elo#ment5 He does something that is connected with the de'elo#ment of the human beings on earth) and he e/#eriences a de'elo#ment on his #art5 If this s#irit of the ages has come in the course of a de'elo#ment so far that we all let flow into oursel'es that which he has wor7ed through on his #art) then we are ri#e) as it were) to come down to an earth incarnation5 If he has ad'anced to a certain le'el and we ha'e de'elo#ed b$ the s#iritual worlds u# to a certain le'el) we can enter an earth de'elo#ment again5 Let us understand well in this regard and refrain from our own de'elo#ment first of all5 Let us loo7 at the s#irit of the ages de'elo#ing in a 'er$ long #eriod5 I ma$ sa$ the following5 If we consider the de'elo#ment of the earthl$ human7ind in such a wa$ that we go bac7 to the foundation of the ancient Rome) about eight hundred $ears before the M$ster$ of Golgotha) we find that there a certain s#irit of the ages started his de'elo#ment5 !nother s#irit of the ages was leading and steering the destin$ of the earth before5 This s#irit of the ages who too7 o'er the leadershi# of the s#iritual earthl$ de'elo#ment in those da$s was leading u# to the 29th centur$5 ! s#irit of the ages leads the destin$ of the earth for such a #eriod5 "ince the 29th centur$) another s#irit of the ages is there5 (e deal with two s#irits of the ages5 The human being who was) for e/am#le) in the third centur$ before the M$ster$ of Golgotha in an$ incarnation on the earth e/#erienced that which this s#irit of the ages caused for the earth5 For the time after his death if this human being has died in the third centur$ or also in the second centur$) the s#irit of the ages can gi'e him nothing at first5 He ga'e him what he could gi'e him5 +ow the s#irit of the ages must go through a number of $ears again) until he is able to gi'e something new to the human being5 This human being comes again down to the earth who was between death and birth in a s#iritual world) when the s#irit can gi'e him something new5 +ow) howe'er) it is arranged that wa$ that the human being comes down se'eral times on a'erage) because the s#irit of the ages is not able to gi'e the human being e'er$thing that he could gi'e him because of the im#erfection of the human beings5 That is wh$ the human being comes down re#eatedl$ in the time in which a s#irit of the ages de'elo#s5 But basicall$ it de#ends on the fact that the s#irits of the ages regulate the successi'e incarnations of the human beings5 +ow) howe'er) the s#irits of the ages regulate this whole course of the human destin$) as it were) b$ their subordinates5 These are the archangels5 "uch archangels go'ern in subordinated #ositions for a much shorter time than the s#irits of the ages5 (hile the s#irits of the ages rule as long as I ha'e stated Cust now) we can assume a s#irit of the ages from the foundation of Rome u# to the 29th centur$) the s#irits we count to the hierarch$ of the archangels rule onl$ for three to four centuries5 The$ alternate in such a wa$ that about si/ or se'en come one after the other) while a s#irit of the ages is ruling5 "o that we ha'e that archangel we call 0ri#hiel in the time of the M$ster$ of Golgotha5 Then !nael) Dachariel) Ra#hael) "amael) Gabriel rule successi'el$. and now since 2=?3 we ha'e the go'ernment of that archangel we call Michael5 "o we ha'e) if we loo7 at the s#iritual worlds) the higher go'ernment of the s#irits of the ages and subordinate to them) the successi'e go'ernments of archangels5 Because the human being cannot ta7e u# e'er$thing that the s#irit of the ages would gi'e him) he does not ta7e it directl$ from the hands of the s#irit of the ages) but from the hands of the less #owerful archangel5 1ee# in mind@ our #ersonal guardians belong to the hierarch$ of the angeloi5 !bo'e them there are the s#irits who regulate the interrelations of the human beings5 !bo'e them there are the archai or s#irits of #ersonalit$ or s#irits of the ages5 If I tal7 in such a wa$) it alwa$s concerns those beings who went through their de'elo#ment #ro#erl$5 But not all the s#irits de'elo# regularl$5 There are s#iritual beings who were archai alread$ during the "aturn e'olution who lagged behind) howe'er) on the le'el of the archai at that time) the le'el of human7ind5 The$ ha'e not gone be$ond their "aturn le'el during the earth de'elo#ment5 The$ did not ascend to the le'el of the regular de'elo#ment5 The$ maintained their human character) are su#ersensible "aturn beings on one side) howe'er) are on the le'el of human7ind5 There are also beings of the hierarch$ of the archai who sto##ed on the human le'el during the "un e'olution and stand there now in the su#ersensible world still as human beings5 (e term these beings that lagged behind the luciferic beings or ahrimanic beings with collecti'e names5 (e cannot get in'ol'ed in the difference between luciferic and ahrimanic beings toda$5 These are s#irits who lagged behind5 (e ha'e now to answer the Fuestion@ how does the human being concei'e) here in his earthl$ incarnation) the influence of the s#irits who ha'e #ro#erl$ #rogressed) the s#irits of the ages) the archai) and the archangeloi who are their ser'antsI These beings are su#ersensible. the human being cannot get a relationshi# to them li7e to the sensor$ world5 Hence) the human being does not 7now as a rule if he onl$ relies on the sensor$ world that he has been #ut in a 72

de'elo#ment which is directed b$ the archai and archangeloi abo'e him5 He does not 7now it. but these su#ersensible beings inter'ene in his whole nature5 !lso those s#iritual beings we call fol7 s#irits who lead whole #eo#les are among the archangeloi) the archangels5 !nd in so far as we ha'e the #eo#le to which we belong to than7 for that which we are) we ha'e to loo7 at that what the nation,s being gi'es us as a gift of the corres#onding being of the hierarch$ of the archangeloi5 It is the ins#iration of the archangeloi which comes to us because we are #ut into a #eo#le5 +ow we onl$ need to thin7 what it means for the human being to be #ut into a #eo#le5 In the #eo#le,s being there flow mental Fualities) but also customs. a certain configuration of the being flows into the human being5 0ne cannot imagine at all that somebod$ would ha'e become that who somebod$ is in an incarnation because of the gift of the fol7 s#irit) in realit$ of the gift of an archangel5 %/ce#t that we stand within a #eo#le and recei'e) ins#ired b$ an archangel) certain configurations of our whole being) we stand in the de'elo#ment of the whole human7ind5 There we are e/#osed to the intuitions into which the s#irit of the ages of the hierarch$ of the archai leads us5 Imagine that we recei'e something toda$ in our #resent s#iritual culture that goes be$ond an$ national differentiation. what we ha'e because we li'e from the 23th to the A:th centuries what we would not ha'e had if we had li'ed during the Roman or Gree7 times5 (e ha'e the s#irit of the ages to than7 for this5 Jou can strictl$ ma7e a distinction between the gift of the s#irit of the ages and the gift of the fol7 s#irit5 If onl$ this were there which is a regular de'elo#ment of the human being) of the angel) of the archangel or that of the s#irit of the ages then we would recei'e) e'er$ indi'idual human being) the gift alwa$s from our s#irit of the ages and from our corres#onding fol7 s#irit and would de'elo# b$ means of this gift5 The human beings on earth would de'elo# side b$ side5 !ll members of the different #eo#les would recei'e the gift of their fol7 s#irits in such a wa$) as if fi'e #ictures would hang com#letel$ differentl$ from each other in a galler$ which would show miscellaneous things) but which would not disturb each other in the slightest5 Thus indi'idual human beings would recei'e the gift of their fol7 s#irits on earth side b$ side5 The$ would not disturb each other if their de'elo#ment had #roceeded regularl$5 But there are beings who lagged behind5 !mong the guiding archangeloi are those who began their de'elo#ment #ro#erl$ on the "un and ha'e become right archangeloi u# to the earth e'olution) but also those who sto##ed on the "un le'el who are basicall$ onl$ on the le'el of human beings5 These beings are on the same le'el as the fol7 s#irits) and) ne'ertheless) the$ lagged behind them) ha'e the Fualities of in'isible su#ersensible human beings) not those of archangels5 The$ ma7e the same claims to the world li7e the archangeloi in a certain wa$) but the$ ha'e not reached the le'el of the archangeloi on earth5 Hence) the$ must wor7 with the same forces as on the "un5 The result is that the$ do not sei<e the human beings as the archangels do directing them from abo'e) but #enetrate them as in'isible human beings5 The$ do not lead the human being from abo'e) but go into the human nature5 These s#irits) who com#ete with the reall$ leading fol7 s#irits) cause that the nations feud with each other) do not li'e in #eace with each other5 The human being would not be tem#ted at all to identif$ his #ersonalit$) his humanness with his nation) but he would loo7 at the #erson as something that feeds him s#irituall$5 Howe'er) he would not stand u# as a fighter for his nation) not identif$ his #erson with it5 The human being would not sa$) I am of this or that nationalit$) but@ nationalit$ is there) and I ha'e to get m$ s#iritual food indirectl$ 'ia this nationalit$ into which I ha'e been born5 But while the archangel stimulates him to thin7 that wa$) the other comes who is on the le'el of human7ind) actuall$) and is basicall$ a luciferic s#irit) and leads him into his nationalit$5 The result is that the archangel li7e does not come down as a gift to the human being) but that the human being identifies himself with the nation li7e with a com#letel$ #ersonal affair) and thereb$ this Fuarrel of the nationalities comes into being on the earth5 That must absolutel$ be clear to us@ because we were not onl$ e/#osed to the influence of the leading archangel) but also to the influence of the retarded archangel) we identif$ oursel'es with the nationalit$ as we do on earth5 That is Cust the s#iritual scientific feeling that we as human beings are able to rise abo'e the onl$ national to find access to the general humanness5 Then we can be national in the most remar7able sense5 !s well as the one human being ma$ do that or the other ma$ do something different as art) and the former doing his art does not need to be the ad'ersar$ of the other) one did not need to be the ad'ersar$ of the other concerning nationalit$ if there were no retarded archangels who cause the identification5 0ne has to #resu##ose that if one generall$ s#ea7s about the basis of the human de'elo#ment with reference to the national or other differentiations5 &oncerning the s#irit of the ages $ou will still see further details) in which wa$ the luciferic element wor7s into the regular element if we consider the following5 ! s#irit of the ages wor7s for a certain time5 "ince the 29th centur$ a new s#irit of the ages is there5 This s#irit of the ages has a #articular tas75 He has the tas7 to add the whole materialistic s7ill and understanding of the world to the former im#ulses of de'elo#ment5 Hence) materialism made so big #rogress since the 29th centur$ in the world5 Therefore) we do not need to loo7 at the materialistic understanding as something more 73

inferior to the former 7ind of understanding if we identif$ oursel'es not onl$ unilaterall$ with it5 (hat will somebod$ who loo7s at the matters that wa$ sa$ about the go'ernment of the different s#irits of the agesI He sa$s@ we are now controlled b$ the #articular s#irit of the ages. before we were controlled b$ another s#irit of the ages5 The human beings had other ideas) other im#ulses then5 If the human being now were able to be influenced b$ the #ro#erl$ de'elo#ing s#irits of the ages) he would sa$@ we must now ada#t oursel'es to this s#irit of the ages) while we #enetrate more the laws of the e'olution of the world) of the materialistic thin7ing5 Then another s#irit of the ages comes after a time. he causes another attitude of mind in the human thin7ing5 I em#hasised it often that we as su##orters of s#iritual science must sa$@ toda$ we announce s#iritual science using #articular words) ideas and conce#ts) but it is not correct that we belie'e) that what we sa$ toda$ holds good for the whole earth future) but it changes5 (hen two thousand $ears are o'er) our 7nowledge of s#iritual science toda$ is announced with other words) Cust as we tal7 differentl$ than in the Gree7 e#och. nothing remains of the 7ind of our words5 (e do not rel$ on an$thing that e/ternall$ remains but we 7now that one s#irit of the ages re#laces the other and that the$ all stand eFuall$ side b$ side5 "omebod$ who is influenced b$ the retarded s#irits of the ages of the "aturn and identifies himself with their influence sa$s@ at that time all the other human beings were sill$. this was the nurser$ of human7ind5 (e ha'e ad'anced so far toda$. we ha'e found com#letel$ 'alid truth for all future5 E 0ne becomes humbler) more modest in the field of s#iritual science5 "omebod$ who identifies himself with the s#irit of the ages sa$s@ &o#ernicus found the right thing finall$. something different was once belie'ed5 +ow the human beings will sa$ fore'er@ the earth and the #lanets mo'e in elli#ses around the sun5 The sun is in its centre5 E "#iritual science alread$ 7nows toda$ that this is a one sided teaching5 It is 'er$ good for our materialistic time to imagine the world) but it is wrong5 It is not true at all that the sun is in one focus of the elli#se and the earth mo'es around5 It is) actuall$) a materialisticall$ calculated a##arent mo'ement5 In truth it is in such a wa$ that the sun mo'es and the earth and the other #lanets run after it in a helical mo'ement5 Because certain #ositions originate in this helical mo'ement) the earth stands once here) another time there5 That a##ears as an elli#se5 In truth it is another line5 The time will come when the e/ternal science 7nows this) too5 0ne becomes more modest if one 7nows that truth is announced in a certain wa$ for certain times5 (e ne'er state as correct su##orters of s#iritual science@ from now on into all future all human beings sa$) the human being consists of #h$sical bod$) etheric bod$) astral bod$) and ego5 But the future s#ea7s Fuite differentl$) because e'er$thing is de'elo#ing5 The ideas of $esterda$ are as Custified as the ideas of toda$5 (e can be controlled not onl$ b$ a s#irit of the ages who leads us to belie'e that all #re'ious 7nowledge was a #ac7 of lies and we ha'e ad'anced so wonderfull$ far5 (ith reference to the s#irit of the ages $ou see #eo#le #ossessed b$ the luciferic s#irit sa$ing@ how wonderfull$ far we ha'e ad'anced5 How im#erfect e'er$thing was what one thought and said about the world once5 (hat we ha'e found since the 29 centur$ remains as eternal truth5 The fol7 s#irit is basicall$ a com#licated being on the whole5 He is the regular fol7 s#irit who floats abo'e us and if we onl$ followed him we would follow in such a wa$ that we ta7e u# his gifts because we are in his s#here5 But he is im#aired #er#etuall$ in his effecti'eness b$ his luciferic com#anion who obsesses us and induces us to identif$ oursel'es as indi'idual human beings with the whole nationalit$5 Howe'er) the indi'idual human being does this differentl$5 It is 'er$ im#ortant that one reall$ sees that in the middle of %uro#e a #eo#le has to de'elo# that has another relationshi# to its fol7 s#irit as the #eo#les ha'e in the #eri#her$ of %uro#e5 (e ha'e to learn this insight5 (hat ta7es #lace under the surface of the human consciousness and what de#ends reall$ on the s#iritual beings of the higher hierarchies is e/tremel$ im#ortant5 The materialisticall$ thin7ing human being regards it still an insanit$ if one sa$s that such im#ulses go out from the s#iritual beings li7e this is one in &entral %uro#e who stimulates the unaware #eo#le to such a feeling towards the di'ine or E because in &entral %uro#e &hrist is wor7ing E to the &hrist Im#ulse5 "o that the &entral %uro#ean human being learns to feel &hrist in such a wa$ as He s#ea7s to the core of the soul5 This came nowhere else into being as in &entral %uro#e5 "till during the Roman time of the &hristian de'elo#ment one understood) for e/am#le) &hrist as a being who came to earth and wor7ed for the human beings5 Indeed) the ad'anced human beings and #artl$ those who thought alread$ in such a wa$) as we thin7 toda$ who we are in the #ossession of s#iritual science felt as Paul thought@ Gnot I) but &hrist in me5H Howe'er) it is a difference com#ared with a feeling as we find it with Master %c7hart) with Tauler) with !ngelus "ilesius and similar minds5 How these s#irits too7 u# the M$ster$ of Golgotha5 (e onl$ need to as7 !ngelus "ilesius. and he answers us with the nice sa$ing@ (ere &hrist born a thousand times in Bethlehem !nd not in $ou) $ou would be lost fore'er5 74

It de#ends on the commiseration of the M$ster$ of Golgotha in the own soul5 These &entral %uro#ean human beings tried to internall$ e/#erience something that is an internal #icture) an internal e/#ression of the M$ster$ of Golgotha5 !nd how wonderful is it when !ngelus "ilesius sa$s once about death@ e'er$thing that ha##ens in me ha##ens in the end because God is in me and carries out the matters in me5 !nd if I die) I do not die) but) actuall$) God dies in me5 E Imagine what a wonderfull$ intimate idea of immortalit$ alread$ is gi'en when one sa$s@ God dies in me5 E "ince God is immortal) of course5 If God dies in me) death is onl$ a##arent. then one feels li7e !ngelus "ilesius felt@ God dies onl$ a##arentl$ in me) because God cannot die5 "o is death not that it seems e/ternall$) it is onl$ a fact of life5 Because God cannot die E but dies in an$one) E one alread$ feels immortalit$ with it5 This most intimate being together with God whether one feels it as something di'ine or as something &hristian was #re#ared for long times in the course of the &entral %uro#ean de'elo#ment5 There the &entral %uro#ean fol7 s#irits wor7ed) so that it found an e/ternal s$mbolic e/#ression) a real s$mbolic e/#ression5 %/ce#t in &entral %uro#e nowhere an$bod$ sa$s Gich)H if he means his own self) his own being5 The whole de'elo#ment was led b$ the fol7 s#irit who manifests himself as a s#irit of language in such a wa$ that the own being was e/#ressed with the word I&H5 But I&H) GI &h)H is Kesus &hrist5 It lies in Kesus &hrist5 Because in GI&HH &hrist Kesus is e/#ressed in His initial letters) it is e/#ressed allegoricall$ what in the &entral %uro#ean s#iritual being is as it is connected with the most intimate e/#erience5 (hene'er somebod$ #ronounces GIch)H he #ronounces the initial letters of GKesus &hrist5H If one turned the s#iritual e$es onl$ once to such matters which are reall$ considered e'en toda$ as fantastic) somebod$ would alread$ thin7 that the s#irits of the higher hierarchies wor7 unconsciousl$ in the human de'elo#ment) and would then find something significant in the matters which one ta7es for granted toda$5 I want onl$ to mention a reall$ significant fact5 0ne calls a certain grou# of %uro#ean human beings Germanic #eo#le or Teutons5 !nd while one s#ea7s in &entral %uro#e of Germanic #eo#le 6G GermanenH;) one includes %ngland) Holland) +orwa$) "weden and still others5 0ne e/#ands the conce#t of the Germanic #eo#le5 I do not tal7 out of agitation) but out of that which is gi'en in the language5 The %nglish do not s#ea7 of themsel'es as Germanic #eo#le) because the$ call onl$ the Germans Germanic #eo#le5 The German calls himself Gdeutsch)H and if he s#ea7s of Germanic #eo#le) he encloses a bigger grou# of human beings5 The %nglish a##l$ the term Germans onl$ to the Germans) to those who are not li7e Ghim5H This is a tremendousl$ significant fact5 It is something that is in the dee#est sense t$#ical for the 7ind in which wa$ on the one side and on the other the fol7 s#irit wor7s. he wor7s in &entral %uro#e to embrace a bigger entit$ and the fol7 s#irit of the %nglish #eo#le ta7es care to #ut awa$ that and onl$ to a##l$ it to the other5 That will be ob'ious to the human beings graduall$ in a wonderful wa$ which the language teaches as the outflow of the effecti'e fol7 s#iritualit$5 +ow one is little understood if one s#ea7s about the different %uro#ean #eo#les as I tried it some $ears before this war E not caused at all b$ the war E in the c$cle The Mission of the ndi)idual Folk=Souls in *onnection -ith the Germanic=2ordic Mythology5 This is understood in such a wa$) as if I wanted to e/#ress an$ 'alue Cudgments5 But I do not want to e/#ress 'alue Cudgments) but onl$ a characteristic5 (e can now characterise the (est %uro#ean #eo#les e/#ressing e/actl$ what I e/#ressed in this lecture c$cle5 (e 7now that the soul of the human being consists of the sentient soul) the intellectual soul or mind soul and the consciousness soul) and the ego which wor7s in these three soul nuances5 If we loo7 at the Italian nation with its fol7 s#irit) we find the #eculiarit$ that there the fol7 s#irit ins#ires the sentient soul5 This is the t$#ical of the Italian #eo#le) that the fol7 s#irit ins#ires the sentient soul5 If now something is #ossessed b$ the luciferic fol7 s#irit) it is also the fol7 s#irit5 Imagine that on one side the brilliant as#ect of the Italian #eo#le is based on the fact that the sentient soul is ins#ired5 Thin7 of Dante) of all the great Italian artists5 But this #eo#le also identif$ themsel'es) on the other hand) with something su#erhuman that lagged behind lucifericall$ in all the #assionate im#ulses of de'elo#ment which a##ear within the Italian #eo#le5 I do not #ronounce an$ 'alue Cudgment) but I characterise it onl$5 (e can see e'er$where with the French #eo#le the fol7 s#irit ins#iring the intellectual soul or mind soul5 (ith the British #eo#le it is the consciousness soul5 The consciousness soul is for the #resent human c$cle that which connects the human being mostl$ with the e/ternal #h$sical world5 Hence) this nation which is ins#ired in the consciousness soul is entrusted abo'e all with the tas7 of furthering the materialistic ci'ilisation5 +o 'alue Cudgment is e/#ressed again) but it is characterised onl$ that Cust the British nation has a 'ocation to get the consciousness soul ins#ired5 In so far as the indi'idual human being belongs to his nation) in so far as he is ins#ired b$ the luciferic fol7 s#irit) he identifies himself with the #urel$ materialistic ci'ilisation of the #resent5 (e find this reall$ in the British culture5 Li7e the indi'idual human being #ositions himself in the British nation) this comes out what is Cust the materialistic s#irit of the British nation) this #eculiar s#irit who waged thirt$ four wars of conFuest from 2=49 u# to 23:: 75

and made fift$ se'en million #eo#le new British subCects) and who #retends to stand u# for the libert$ of single human grou#s in our time5 If we consider such a time li7e ours) we must absolutel$ be clear to us that Cust this time teaches #eo#le 'er$ much to feel li7e an admonition what one #uts u# now as the contrast of the single national grou#s of %uro#e or of a big #art of the earth5 The members of thirt$ four nationalities E a#art from minor tribal differences E are in war with each other5 0ne should regard this as an admonition to refrain reall$ from that which one has called histor$ u# to now5 But this a##roach is used Cust for the time being still u# to nonsense5 (e find it reall$ dri'en u# to nonsense what the indi'idual nations of %uro#e re#roach each other for e'er$thing5 0ne weighs u# the single e/ternal facts to disco'er the causes of this dreadful war5 But Cust this war will teach #eo#le that one finds nothing in its e/ternal causes) but at most e/ternal s$m#toms of that which e/ists dee#l$ hidden in the human grou#s b$ the guidance of ad'anced and retarded s#iritual beings5 The ordeals of this time force us to a##eal to the s#iritual subsoil in which the causes of the e/ternal e'ents in the world can be found toda$5 From the most different sides one can show how in the subsoil of the consciousness that wor7s which a##ears e/ternall$5 I want to #oint) although most of the friends alread$ 7now this e/am#le) once again to the fact that the whole ma# of %uro#e was determined towards the end of the Middle !ges b$ the Maid of 0rleans who inter'ened in the war between %ngland and France5 %'er$bod$ who loo7s understanding at our e/ternal histor$ has to recognise that the ma# of %uro#e would ha'e turned out Fuite differentl$ if at that time %ngland had not been defeated b$ France because the Maid of 0rleans inter'ened in the fight5 But the Maid of 0rleans was not a Fualified strategist. she was no one who stood at the summit of education5 "he was a sim#le human child E a farmer girl5 But the s#irits of the higher hierarchies wor7ed through her in the wa$ as the$ had to wor7 in this time5 It has been absolutel$ necessar$ u# to our time that these s#irits wor7ed in the subconscious because the human beings could not $et understand what must now be understood s#iritual scientificall$5 The inter'ention of s#iritual beings in the subconsciousness is often nicel$ e/#ressed in legends5 !nd rightl$) not because of su#erstition) but because it reall$ corres#onds to facts) one set #articular store b$ the time when the e/ternal world has withdrawn mostl$ from the $ear) the time from &hristmas u# to the si/th Kanuar$5 If one does not want to attain s#iritual 7nowledge in the wa$) as we do toda$ using the instructions gi'en in ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI) but in a more elementar$ wa$) one could be ins#ired in these thirteen nights5 This is e/#ressed) for e/am#le) 'er$ nicel$ in the +orwegian legend of 0laf Qsteson5 This legend relates that 0laf Qsteson goes to the church before &hristmas. that he falls aslee# before the church and slee#s during thirteen nights5 He wa7es u# at the %#i#han$ da$ and is reall$ able to tell his e/#erience5 (hat he tells there figurati'el$ in a clear) but #rimiti'e wa$ corres#onds to that we call the #assage through the soul world and the #assage through the s#irit land5 0laf Qsteson e/#erienced that in the time in which &hristmas was rightl$ #ut5 This ma7es it clear to us that the clair'o$ance of a nature child could be de'elo#ed best of all during these thirteen nights from &hristmas till %#i#han$5 Because the Maid of 0rleans was such a nature child) one could assume that she would ha'e e/#erienced the world in these thirteen nights in a sort of dream$ state of which she s#o7e when she led the French arm$ against the %nglish that she would ha'e been ins#ired in these thirteen nights5 This ha##ened in a #eculiar wa$5 %'er$ human being e/#eriences a slee#ing state) a state when the senses do not $et s#ea7) namel$ in the bod$ of the mother) before he sees the #h$sical earth light5 This is still a 7ind of slee#ing state) and the ri#est state is that during the last thirteen da$s before birth5 This is the great thing and fills our souls with such ama<ement@ the Maid of 0rleans is born on the si/th Kanuar$5 "he went through the ins#iration actuall$ in the thirteen nights) but before she o#ened her e$es to the earth light5 That is wh$ the si/th Kanuar$ is noted as the birthda$ of the Maid of 0rleans intentionall$ in our calendar5 (e ha'e to understand that in its big world historical connection. since it can sa$ to us how m$sterious the connections are in the world and how m$sterious forces wor7 in the world5 M$sterious #owers wor7ed in those da$s on the si/th Kanuar$) because #eo#le gathered in the little 'illage where the Maid of 0rleans was born in the morning. where the animals themsel'es beha'ed so wonderfull$5 0n this si/th Kanuar$) an ins#iration could be finished5 In thirteen nights a being could be ins#ired which was dis#osed b$ its own 7arma5 0f course) not e'er$bod$ who is born on the si/th Kanuar$ is dis#osed) but 7arma has to coincide with the other conditions5 I wanted to gi'e this e/am#le of the Maid of 0rleans which shows us so surel$ how subterranean #owers inter'ene in the historical de'elo#ment5 Indeed) the materialistic de'elo#ment of the following centuries came then5 It is com#letel$ com#rehensible that this had to consider such ti#s to historical bac7grounds as insanit$5 This does not harm. e'en it does not harm at all if toda$ #eo#le still loo7 at this s#iritual science li7e insanit$5 This s#iritual science will be acce#ted finall$5 76

But such significant e'ents) within which the human beings of the #resent time li'e and in which the$ themsel'es incarnated to ta7e #art in them in one or another wa$) do not alwa$s mean the same in the historical de'elo#ment5 Toda$ these destin$ burdened e'ents mean an admonition to the human beings5 "uch a flood of literature has been written about this war) but in e'er$thing that a##eared in boo7s) #am#hlets and so on we do not $et find this from which one has to assume) actuall$) that it is found and that it must be found bit b$ bit5 0ne often hears@ one can tal7 about the causes not reall$) ma$be after the war) ma$be #eo#le find the true causes of this war from documents onl$ after decades and 7now who was to blame for it5 E Jou can read this in e'er$ third news#a#er5 But that does not concern) it concerns that which one finds E and Cust as a result of this time E that the real causes are not to be seen in these e/ternal occasions) but that one has to loo7 for the causes in the s#iritual world5 0ne will find that this war was the significant 7arma of materialism which must be e/#erienced) so that the human beings ta7e u# a sum of con'ictions in them leading from materialism to s#iritualism5 Human7ind must e/#erience this ordeal5 (hat does ha##en basicall$ toda$ in such a distressing wa$ round usI E (e 7now) when the human being goes through the gate of death) he lea'es his #h$sical bod$ behind in the #h$sical world5 He enters in the s#iritual world with his etheric bod$) astral bod$ and ego5 He soon ta7es off the etheric bod$ which is gi'en to the remaining world5 Then he goes with astral bod$ and ego through the soul land) through the s#irit land5 But imagine now that toda$ a big number of human beings goes through the gate of death in relati'el$ short time and with a #articular consciousness. that the$ ta7e off etheric bodies which could ha'e su##lied) so to s#ea7) their li'es normall$ still for decades5 If a human being dies between the twentieth and thirtieth $ears) he ta7es off an etheric bod$ which could ha'e su##lied his #h$sical bod$ for si/t$ to se'ent$ $ears5 The forces are in the etheric bod$) because nothing gets lost also in the s#iritual world5 !ll human beings) who go toda$ in the #rime of life through the gate of death) hand o'er to the world etheric bodies which could still ha'e maintained their li'es for a long time5 These forces are there in the s#iritual world5 How are the$ there) these forcesI E I ma$ gi'e $ou an illustrati'e e/am#le of the significance of such a #henomenon which is ta7en from our circle itself5 Last autumn) a famil$ belonging to our anthro#oso#hical circle lost a little son) a dear bo$ of se'en $ears5 The e/ternal circumstances were e/ce#tionall$ tragic ones5 The father had been called u# to the arm$ as a German citi<en. he Cust fell ill and was in the militar$ hos#ital5 0ne e'ening) e'en as a lecture too7 #lace in Dornach where our construction is built) somebod$ informed us that the little se'en $ear old bo$ was missing5 He had not come home since the e'ening5 I ha'e to mention that the famil$ has settled down in Dornach as a gardener famil$5 I had come from German$ to "wit<erland shortl$ before5 The bo$ had alread$ met me before the construction and sha7en m$ hand. it was a sunn$ 'er$ dear child5 In that e'ening) we were informed that the bo$ was missing5 +ow one could imagine nothing else) as that a remo'al 'an) which had brought #ieces of furniture for our members) had to##led o'er and fallen on the bo$ near the construction5 Jou must also ta7e into consideration that since countless $ears no remo'al 'an went at that #lace or since that time5 Jou must thin7 further@ the bo$ li'ed with his mother who manages the garden5 He was such a dear bo$ that he said to his mother when the father had to go. now he would muc7 in) because the father is not there an$ more5 That e'ening) he had been sent to the so called canteen to get something for his mother5 It was not far at all. it is onl$ a short wa$ between the canteen and the flat of the mother5 0n this short wa$ is a crossroad) so that the remo'al 'an had to do a bend5 +ow the bo$ intended to lea'e) actuall$) ten minutes sooner) was detained b$ somebod$ who wanted to go with him5 If he had left sooner and through the door through which he was used to lea'e) he would ha'e #assed the carriage sooner and on its left side) while he went now on the right5 Because he left later) through another door and on the right side of the remo'al 'an) the carriage when it ti##ed o'er fell Cust on the bo$5 Peo#le had loo7ed at this) also those who were bus$ with the horses5 +obod$ antici#ated that the bo$ had got under the carriage5 Then one said@ The carriage is too hea'$ to lift it still this e'ening) tomorrow we do this5 E Between fi'e and si/ o,cloc7 #5 m5 this had ha##ened5 (e had definitel$ to lift the carriage a Fuarter #ast ten o,cloc75 !t twel'e o,cloc7 it was lifted. and we reco'ered the dead child5 The first thing I would li7e to mention is that Cust such an e/am#le is suited to show how wrongl$ #eo#le thin7 concerning life5 I would li7e to gi'e an often used com#arison for this wrong thin7ing5 !ssuming) $ou see a #erson in some distance who goes along a ri'erside5 "uddenl$ $ou see the #erson falling into the ri'er5 Jou run to that #lace and $ou find a stone at the same #lace5 0f course) $ou sa$) the #erson tri##ed o'er the stone) fell into the water) and found his death that wa$5 Howe'er) the matter can be com#letel$ different. it could be the other wa$ round5 The man could ha'e e/#erienced a heart failure5 He fell into the water) because he was dead before. and he did not find his death) because he fell into the water5 This mista7e is done an$ minute) in the natural sciences in #articular5 0ne does not notice it) of course) if it is well hidden5 That was also the case concerning this child5 The 7arma of this child had run off5 The remo'al 'an went there because of the child5 The s#iritual beings who e/ist behind the secret arranged the matter in such a wa$ that the child could find its 77

death5 The bo$ was se'en $ears old5 The rather $outhful etheric bod$ would ha'e su##lied life for man$ decades) its forces were there5 +ow) I will alwa$s confess what it means that since some time our Dornach construction is embedded in the enlarged etheric bod$ of the little bo$ Theodor Faiss5 The etheric bod$ is increased E it grows after death) E and the etheric bod$ of this little se'en $ear old Theo forms something li7e an aura of the construction since that time5 If one deals with the construction) if one needs to find ideas for the construction which #ut himself rightl$ in the s#iritual world) since the death of this bo$ he 7nows that he is co ins#ired b$ the etheric bod$ which is in'ol'ed in the aura of the construction) the etheric bod$ of the little Theo Faiss 0f course) no longing to a##ear original could in'eigle me into den$ing that a lot is co ins#ired b$ that which contributed to the construction since that time) because the aura of this etheric bod$ is round the construction) and one has) as it were) this hel# that this unused etheric strength wor7s in fa'our of the construction5 Imagine which im#ortant internal facts are behind the e/ternal facts@ a famil$ mo'es their residence near to the construction5 There is a bo$) es#eciall$ gifted b$ his soul being. he sacrifices his etheric bod$) so that the construction is wra##ed u# in the strength of this etheric bod$5 There we ha'e such an e/am#le at which we see that unused sacrificed etheric bodies ha'e their tas7 in the world5 There onl$ that begins basicall$ which should flow as the sentient content from our s#iritual science5 That one 7nows) the human being consists of #h$sical bod$) etheric bod$) astral bod$ and ego) that one goes through different li'es on earth E one 7nows that in theor$) it does not matter reall$5 But it matters that which is inserted in our real e/#erience b$ these 'iews5 0ne tries to bring life also into our mo'ement and to o'ercome the difference between the li'ing and the dead not onl$ theoreticall$ b$ teaching) but b$ life5 (hen recentl$ a 'er$ dear assistant) Frit< Mitscher) was snatched awa$ from us Cust in his thirtieth $ear) and I had to hold the address at the cremation in Basel) an im#ortant word consisted in the fact that I turned to this soul) I would li7e to sa$) begged him to continue wor7ing among us after death5 For we do not onl$ need the so called li'ing) but we need the coo#eration of those who ha'e gone through the gate of death5 The$ will co o#erate in a double wa$5 0n one side) a big number of etheric bodies co o#erate in the ne/t time which the human beings ha'e ta7en off going through the gate of death in the destin$ burdened e'ents5 Jouthful unused etheric bodies form a big aura in which we li'e5 0n the other side are the indi'idualities themsel'es who wor7 on from their etheric bodies5 (e can loo7 at the unused etheric bod$ at the e/am#le of the little Theo Faiss where the etheric bod$ becomes the ins#irator for something that was achie'ed in the construction5 I would loo7 at the indi'idualit$ of Frit< Mitscher in m$ address5 It is the tas7 of our s#iritual science to feel how the ab$ss between life and death is filled5 It must become conscious content of our earth times not onl$ to 7now in theor$) but to #enetrate 'i'idl$ that which the dead are to us li7e the li'ing that the dead gi'e something li7e the $outhful) unused etheric bodies5 In these etheric bodies) which belonged to the human beings who ha'e now found their death as a result of the big destin$ burdened e'ents) the echoes li'e of e'er$thing that is felt if one considers death as a sacrifice for the e'ents demanded b$ this time E more or less consciousl$5 This goes into these etheric bodies5 Loo7ing for death) or #ro#erl$ s#ea7ing) foreseeing death and ne'ertheless 7nowing that this death has a meaning) this will be the case with the numerous human beings going through the gate of death in the #resent5 0ne can be a materialist. if one e/ists in such a wa$) one ma$ sa$@ fol7 souls) fol7 s#irits are onl$ names for something that in the abstract holds together a grou# of human beings of the same language and the same characteristics5 "#ea7ing of fol7 s#irits as of real beings is a weirdie5 E "ome #eo#le going now through the gate of death ma$ s#ea7 that wa$ according to the words. because the$ go through death the$ agree unconsciousl$ to that which s#iritual science has to sa$ that a fol7 soul) a fol7 s#irit is a real being5 For what would it mean if fol7 s#irits) fol7 souls were not real beings and the human beings stand on all sides in this blood$ warI Pro'ided a materialistic world creation it would be im#ossible to imagine that5 If the indi'idual human being sacrifices himself for the fol7 s#irit) if the fol7 s#irit is a real being to him) it has the dee#est sense that such e'ents ha'e befallen the human beings5 Thus we will feel the ne/t time in which man$ uns#ent etheric bodies float in the s#iritual atmos#here admonishing e'er$bod$ that there is something s#iritual5 These etheric bodies are good assistants in future to dee#en the human world 'iew s#irituall$5 The human beings ha'e onl$ to feel the dead calling in their souls5 (hen again #eace holds swa$ o'er the fields on which now the dreadful e'ents ta7e #lace) the human beings who li'e then will wor7 much better if the$ hear the 'oices of the dead5 But this is meant not onl$ s$mbolicall$5 The uns#ent etheric bodies are calling5 The world cannot e/ist in future without the human beings feeling their connection with the s#iritual world5 Human7ind of the future would turn out lifeless if it were not able to hear the admonitions of the dead5 In #h$sics) e'er$bod$ admits that energ$ does not get lost. one s#ea7s of the transformation of energ$5 That also a##lies to the s#iritual realm5 The forces the unused etheric bod$ carries through the gate of death do not disa##ear. the$ 78

will be there5 The$ can be ta7en u# in the souls of the future) and these souls can recei'e strength and confidence for their s#iritual wor7 from the connection with the soul lefto'ers which remained from unused etheric bodies5 Beside man$ things this war can sa$ to us) it is for us as su##orters of s#iritual science abo'e all that we alread$ loo7 u# in s#irit at the atmos#here of the unused etheric bodies5 Howe'er) here below souls ha'e to be who ha'e a feeling for the admonitions of the dead5 It belongs to our tas7 as su##orters of s#iritual science to bring about that5 (e must alread$ find a s#iritual #oint of 'iew also towards such e'ents) not the #oint of 'iew of an abstract thin7ing5 But we must reall$ imagine the future #o#ulation of the earth in such a wa$ that below souls e/ist who are in the #h$sical bodies) and from abo'e forces of unused etheric bodies wor7. and that these souls below can sa$@ we ha'e no doubts that better times come for the s#iritual cognition) because the unused etheric bodies hel# us with their forces5 E If we ta7e this s#ecificall$) not in the abstract) we ha'e understood something of the admonitions which this destin$ burdened time can gi'e us in #articular as su##orters of s#iritual science5 It must ta7e #lace that wa$) because real effects in the human de'elo#ment are necessar$5 (e would ha'e to wor7 on for long times if we had to intellectuall$ con'ince #eo#le of that which the s#iritual scientific world 'iew wants to gi'e5 (ith the Maid of 0rleans a subconscious initiation too7 #lace5 In the future) s#iritualit$ wor7s in another wa$ in the human de'elo#ment5 The unused etheric bodies su##ort us and also those who as indi'idualities want to wor7 on the #h$sical #lane5 It is sometimes strange what #eo#le can understand also toda$5 0n account of the gi'en e/am#le $ou will admit that at the time of the Maid of 0rleans the strategists) the generals did not bring about that which was brought about5 I ha'e sometimes gi'en another e/am#le@ when at a determining hour the arm$ of &onstantine marched against Rome) these were not also the generals who brought about the 'ictor$ and defeated the fi'e times stronger arm$ of Ma/entius who led his armies before the gates of Rome against &onstantine5 &onstantine followed not his generals) but a dream that said to him) he should ma7e his armies carr$ the monogram of &hrist5 Dreams and "ib$lline oracles brought the armies together at a #articular #lace and decided e'er$thing in those da$s5 Howe'er) because &onstantine was 'ictorious) the ma# of %uro#e got its corres#onding a##earance5 (ho steered the e'ents in those da$s ta7ing #lace under the threshold of consciousnessI It was the &hrist Im#ulse) but the &hrist Im#ulse) as it was real) not as human beings understood it5 (e do not get to 7now the &hrist Im#ulse listening to the sFuabbling of the theologians5 The &hrist Im#ulse did not wor7 in that which the human beings accom#lished consciousl$ which the human beings understood. but it wor7ed in Coining together the e'ents with &onstantine and Ma/entius) and later again with the Maid of 0rleans5 !lso in this time one e/#eriences something) e'en in little facts5 Jou can com#are the little thing with the big one sometimes5 !n e/cellent #hiloso#her wrote a longer article about the s#iritual scientific world 'iew re#resented b$ me some $ears ago in a "outh German monthl$ maga<ine5 This article had a big effect. it was written in an o##osing wa$) infiltrated with man$ a bene'olent Cudgment about theoso#h$ on the whole) e'en some ac7nowledging notes5 For e/am#le) I got the ad'ice instead of using m$ talents for such matters to find out finall$ whether Mic7iewic< L !dam Mic7iewic< 62?3=M2=44;) Polish #oet) stood u# for the liberation of the Polish #eo#le from the Russian rule5 N is reall$ the reincarnation of the Maid of 0rleans and so on5 +e'ertheless) on the whole) the article was 'er$ suitable to show how our s#iritual scientific world 'iew has to be regarded so that an inadeFuate im#ression was aroused5 The #hiloso#her who had written the article was regarded as a great Platonist) as a great logician5 He himself said that he de'oted himself to no other tas7 than to announce the truth) and) therefore) he would be able to 7now the truth5 The editor of the maga<ine seemed to be 'er$ satisfied to #ublish such authoritati'e an article about this s#iritual science5 This was alread$ some $ears ago5 Then the war came5 The #erson concerned does not belong to those who s$m#athise with &entral %uro#e) but he s$m#athises in determined wa$ with %ngland and France and e'en with those who also fight on the side of %ngland and France5 +ow what ha##ensI He writes a number of letters to the same man) the editor of the maga<ine5 This editor of the mentioned maga<ine also #ublishes these letters because the$ are too t$#ical) in another maga<ine) the South German Monthly Maga8ine5 He e'en reminds of the fact that he is the same man E it is 1arl Muth E who #ublishes the maga<ine ,ochland and #rinted the article about the G"teinerean theoso#h$)H as he sa$s5 In these letters) a (est %uro#ean minded #erson rants at the &entral %uro#ean #o#ulation as much as he can do5 !mong other things) this man e/#lains@ blac7 #eo#le are free aristocrats com#ared to #eo#le who do not 7now an$thing the$ are fighting for5 0ne had to com#are the British %m#ire with &entral %uro#e) the former were established li7e the &atholic &hurch b$ God and would ne'er ha'e done an$thing but what is according to the di'ine world order5 Printing this letter is a matter of course5 The mentioned editor adds to this@ in whole &entral %uro#e nobod$ could be found e/ce#t in madhouses who could su##ort such a 'iew5 E +ow the dear Mr5 Muth admits that the man whom he had chosen to let him loose on our s#iritual scientific world 'iew is read$) actuall$) for the lunatic as$lum5 0f such a Fualit$ are the obCections generall$ which are raised against our s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 0nl$ Mr5 Muth would alread$ 79

ha'e had to 7now in those da$s that the man is read$ for the lunatic as$lum5 But he needed the admonition of the war5 His 'iew had to be challenged onl$ b$ that which he could easil$ see now5 "ome #eo#le who are read$ for the lunatic as$lum wal7 around and criticise our world 'iew) onl$ it does not come to the fore so absurdl$5 I said that this e/am#le shows that the reason which #eo#le ha'e toda$ would lim# for a long time if it concerns the s#iritual scientific world 'iew and that one must sa$@ not onl$ the li'ing but also the dead are necessar$ that a certain Fuantit$ of s#iritualit$ comes into the world5 Those belong to the best hel#ers who had to stand u# with their souls and li'es for the course of our #resent destin$ burdened e'ents5 That is wh$ we would want that such considerations remain not onl$ something theoretical in the souls) but become a dee#l$ honest feeling) the feeling that we ma$ bear witness of s#iritual science in such a wa$ that we 7now attenti'el$ that there are admonishing 'oices in the s#iritual world sa$ing to us@ let us dead be a landmar7 of the s#iritual dee#ening which must come to the human beings) because we ha'e gone through this death with consciousness E not for our matter) but for that which is inde#endent from us) so that we ha'e thereb$ confirmed the confession of something that goes be$ond the indi'idual material human life5 If among the su##orters of s#iritual science those are who antici#ate) feel or 7now the serious murmur of the dead) then something real is achie'ed that has to be achie'ed b$ s#iritual science in the feelings of the human souls. in other words) if souls are ins#ired b$ s#iritual science who 7now to turn their senses to the realm of s#irits) because a lot is said to the human beings from the realm of s#irits in the times to come5 It is this that I wanted to suggest to $ou for $our feelings) because the circumstances were such that we can be together Cust in this time also in a branch meeting5 0ne would want that at such meetings not onl$ a 7nowledge as a germ is gi'en) but that that which is s#o7en in such meetings would wor7 li7e a li'ing germ which is #lanted in the ground of the feeling soul5 (hat $ou carr$ on from such a consideration) this is the central issue5 That is wh$ we want to close these considerations) while we thin7 of that which might be assigned to us from the destin$ burdened e'ents of this time@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 &entral %uro#e between %ast and (est !hrimanic Ins#iration and "#iritual Im#ulses The "$mbol of the Rose &ross :rague" $'th May $&$'

(hen we gather at such an occasion at which an own room is dedicated to our efforts which we can gi'e a s#iritual character commensurate with our s#iritual scientific feeling) it is good to thin7 of the big 'iew#oint which we want to get as su##orters of s#iritual science towards the world and its #henomena) its tas7s) its big riddles5 How should our time) our distressing time full of ordeals not urge our souls to get a more far reaching 'iew#ointI In #articular in our time) one has to long for a 'iew#oint that reaches farther than the e/ternal life and e/ternal human efforts5 0ut of the tas7s and the efforts of our s#iritual scientific world 'iew we #ut u# a scul#tural grou# at an im#ortant #lace in our new Dornach construction5 This scul#tural grou# should e/#lain that which our souls should feel in the most intimate and also in the dee#est sense5 This grou# contains a central figure5 0ne ma$ call this central figure &hrist. one ma$ also call it the di'ine in the human being which tries to #osition itself in the right wa$ in the world5 0ne ma$ call this middle figure the Ghuman being)H the cosmic human being) e/#ressed in an earthl$ #ersonalit$ as &hrist was e/#ressed in the earthl$ #ersonalit$ in a tem#oral historical life b$ Kesus of +a<areth5 80

But two other figures will be on the sides of this middle figure) the one on to# li7e on a roc7) winged) but falling off from the roc75 Because of the #eculiar #osture of the hand of the middle figure) e/#ressing neither hatred nor #ower) but inner firmness a strength is achie'ed b$ which the figure on the roc7 on to#) the winged figure) brea7s the wings and falls down into the de#th5 This brea7ing of the wings E this must be well e/#ressed in this scul#ture E is not achie'ed because the human being) who stands in the middle) the &hrist human being) brea7s the wings) but because he stretches out his hand in his s#iritualit$) the other) the winged being) does not endure that) and because he finds that unbearable for his being which li'es below) he himself brea7s his wings b$ internal strength and falls off5 Jou ha'e to record the fact that this being throws down himself that he is not thrown down b$ an$ ad'ersar$5 Below inside the roc7 we see another figure tied u# in chains5 This is eager to turn u# the earth from below5 But he does not co#e in his stri'ing with that which flows out from the downwards directed hand of the middle figure5 He writhes because he is thrown bac7 b$ his own nature and b$ the strength of the middle figure5 Jou antici#ate that in this grou# is e/#ressed what we call the &hrist #rinci#le of our uni'erse in the middle figure) the luciferic #rinci#le in the angel falling off from the roc7) and the ahrimanic #rinci#le in the figure in the ca'e which stri'es from below u#wards5 I endea'oured to design the three figures as 'er$ similar #ortraits E we ma$ e/#ress such a matter in this intimate circle) E so that one reall$ gets an im#ression of the form which !hriman ta7es on a##earing to the human being in such a connection) and also of the #h$siognom$ of Lucifer which he ta7es on a##earing to the human being5 -ntil our da$s) the western religious world 'iew lac7s the 7nowledge that !hriman and Lucifer wor7 in the whole world interrelation5 Publicl$ one can onl$ indicate the matters because toda$ #eo#le still recoil from #recisel$ e/#ressing these matters5 Howe'er) we remember that e'en in the $esterda$,s #ublic lecture I said that the human being is led b$ meditation) on one side) to a region where he feels lonesome in his innermost nature and hel#less) on the other side) to a region where he feels being #enetrated in his nature with fear and #owerlessness5 (hat threatens us if we stri'e unilaterall$ onl$ for freeing oursel'es from the material) what threatens us if we stri'e for the s#iritual in the abstract this is that we are sei<ed b$ the luciferic #rinci#le5 (hat threatens us if we onl$ stri'e down for the material if we li'e longing for the material where we a##ear as fossili<ed E as I ha'e e/#lained it in the #ublic lecture $esterda$ E this is the ahrimanic #rinci#le5 !nd the human being stands between the luciferic and ahrimanic #rinci#les5 This must be recognised5 But we ha'e also to recognise correctl$ that it is not sufficient for us to sa$@ we ha'e to remo'e an$thing luciferic and ahrimanic from oursel'es5 E !ll the emotions of hatred and fear which we summon u# against the luciferic and the ahrimanic elements are not good) actuall$) for our human nature5 (e ha'e to realise that !hriman and Lucifer ha'e their Custification in the whole uni'erse5 That is wh$ it is indicated in the scul#tural figure that &hrist does not want to o'ercome Lucifer and !hriman because He hates them or wants to harass them) but that Lucifer and !hriman o'ercome themsel'es5 It is wrong to de'elo# feelings in us) as if we had to reCect !hriman and Lucifer) as if we had to fight against them directl$5 %'en the normal di'init$ #ermeating the world did not order in its wise guidance of the uni'erse that !hriman and Lucifer are not allowed to e/ist in the guidance of the uni'erse5 The$ are there5 If we as7 oursel'es where the luciferic #rinci#le does e/ist in the human de'elo#ment e'en toda$) then we ha'e to loo7 at the %ast5 In the %ast) in !sia and in the %uro#ean Russia) Lucifer #re'ails in the culture5 !lthough the Russian element has a 'ocation to de'elo# the s#irit self in future) as I e/#lained in the series of tal7s on the mission of the fol7 souls) the threat e/ists that the Russian culture is entangled b$ Lucifer5 It is on the wa$ to e/#eriencing that5 The luciferic #rinci#le consists of the fact that good s#irits lag behind5 In the Gree7 0rthodo/ &hurch was a good s#irit until the si/th) se'enth centuries5 But a s#irit that is good at a certain time changes into a luciferic s#irit if it is detained be$ond this time5 !dhering to the orthodo/ religion means Gto be in Lucifer,s claws5H !nd that is much more the case with the s#iritual forms that de'elo# in the %ast that were Custified in ancient times5 Because the$ #reser'e themsel'es) the$ run into in the luciferic element5 %'er$where in the %ast) we find man$ #eo#le who ha'e to go through something in the luciferic element5 %'er$where in the (est) we find the souls imbued with the ahrimanic element) in !merica abo'e all5 In !merica the trend e/ists to de'elo# a ci'ilisation which is imbued com#letel$ with the materialistic ahrimanic element which is infiltrated with #urel$ material 'iews) e'en where one stri'es for s#iritualism5 %'en where one stri'es for s#iritualit$) one wants to sei<e the s#irits) as it were) with the hands li7e the s#iritualists5 This tendenc$ becomes stronger and stronger) and the longing for the material becomes bigger and bigger5 It will also sei<e the west of %uro#e graduall$5 There the mission is fulfilled to introduce the ahrimanic element into ci'ilisation5 These are the big #oints of 'iew I had in m$ e$e@ that we see how we are ro#ed in between the luciferic #rinci#le of the %ast and the ahrimanic #rinci#le of the (est in &entral %uro#e) but that we ha'e a 'ocation to rise toward the forces that are shown b$ the &hrist #rinci#le5 This #rinci#le ma7es Lucifer brea7 his wings b$ o'ercoming the feeling of 81

#owerlessness) and) on the other side) emits forces against !hriman which #ush bac7 an$ fear of 7nowledge of the s#iritual world5 Because $ou cannot hold u# the ahrimanic element #ulsating through the world) it is there5 !lso &entral %uro#e is sei<ed b$ this ahrimanic element5 Peo#le must onl$ 7now how the$ ha'e to #osition themsel'es to it) because the course of the ahrimanic element is the course through materialism5 This course through materialism must be) and it has a dee# wisdom filled reason wh$ this course through materialism must be5 Imagine that there is a one sided religious mo'ement E I e/#ressl$ sa$ Gone sidedH religious mo'ement) also in &hristianit$) and manifests itself in the element of Kesuitism the strongest5 Thin7 that it alwa$s turns against the real scientific #rogress5 +e'ertheless) the &atholic &hurch did onl$ ac7nowledge the &o#ernican world 'iew in the 23th centur$5 The one sided religion combats the e/ternal science) of course) this cannot be different5 Two im#ulses are in this fighting against the e/ternal science5 0ne im#ulse is that the one sided religion ma$ feel@ in science which is done onl$ in 'iew of the e/ternal world !hriman shows himself5 This as#ect of the Fuarrel is Custified5 !hriman cannot be 7e#t awa$ from the e/ternal science if it does not loo7 u# to the s#iritual world 'iew. this is Custified5 Howe'er) the im#ulse of the one sided religion against science is not Custified5 This one sided religious world 'iew itself is ins#ired) is ensouled) so to s#ea7) b$ the luciferic element in #articular5 "ince stri'ing for religious dee#ening and hating the scientific in'estigation of s#iritual worlds is that Lucifer wants from the human beings5 Lucifer could not arri'e better at his goal) if all human beings were onl$ religious5 This religious attitude has a tremendousl$ strong selfish im#act5 Imagine onl$ how the human beings who do not stri'e for s#iritual 7nowledge understand their religion5 The$ want egotisticall$ to become blest) li'e egotisticall$ after death) as the$ imagine it5 The$ want egotisticall$ to be embodied onl$ once in the world5 In the one sided religion) egoism has reached its #ea7) egoism of the soul) not onl$ of the bod$5 The best religious as#irations which surround us are in this egoism5 The most #ious #eo#le who touch us b$ their de'outness E Lucifer is he who controls their religious feelings5 Lucifer #refers to get a lot of de'out souls who ha'e a sense for the s#iritual) for the good the$ aim at egotisticall$5 Because he does not want criminal souls) he wants to lead Cust the de'out souls into his realm5 "o we ha'e) on the one side) the Custified scientific element) which stands Cust at the threshold to the ahrimanic if it does not loo7 u# to the s#iritual world) on the other side) the luciferic element which would be ensla'ed b$ selfish religiousness also in &entral %uro#e unless the s#iritual world 'iew brought in a s#iritual 7nowledge5 This will be the #rogress of &hristianit$5 It is e/ce#tionall$ 'aluable to our souls if we #enetrate oursel'es with the 7nowledge that we stand between that what must be there) to the luciferic and ahrimanic elements from which we cannot esca#e which lose) howe'er) their #ower if we recognise them5 This is the characteristic of the s#iritual world@ if we recognise it) it loses the #ower through which it ma7es the human beings obsessed5 Lucifer and !hriman are in'isible5 If we get an idea of them in s#ace and time) the$ lose their #ower o'er us5 Jou must not belie'e that if a #erson has a #remonition of a bad s#irit because of his clair'o$ant ca#acit$ but does not behold it) the #erson does something worse when he re#resents the bad s#irit #ictoriall$ or #lasticall$5 0n the contrar$) the following is correct@ the s#irit loses its #ower as a result of the sensor$ 'iew5 Peo#le will no longer become ner'ous b$ s#irituall$ #utting a figure) but the s#irit as an in'isible #ower loses its significance as an in'isible force) and we consciousl$ #osition oursel'es in it5 !s God Himself uses Lucifer and !hriman to #ut the world from %ast and to (est bac7 to the right trac7) so that the world does not e/#erience an irregular de'elo#ment) but ad'ances li7e b$ a #endulum mo'ement) in the same wa$ the world go'ernment lets the luciferic of the %ast) the ahrimanic of the (est be effecti'e5 Howe'er) it also #oses the difficult and big tas7 for us in &entral %uro#e to loo7 at this #endulum mo'ement correctl$5 This #endulum is) actuall$) a small boat) as if a small boat were a##ended to a #endulum cloc75 In this small boat the souls of &entral %uro#e are sitting who stri'e rightl$ for s#iritualit$5 These souls reall$ ha'e to di'e in it and 7now that the$ ha'e to gras# the right balance #oint5 The$ ha'e to recognise what is behind the threshold of the e'er$da$ consciousness. the$ ha'e to ta7e u# it in their consciousness5 0ur #resent grie'ous da$s are admonitions abo'e all to those who alread$ antici#ate a little bit of that which a##roaches the world in future5 It does not concern that within the war an e/ternal 'ictor$ is won b$ the one or the other side) but it concerns how #eo#le li'e after this 'ictor$5 Imagine that the &entral %uro#ean nations were 'ictorious) howe'er) on the field of this 'ictor$ the #urel$ materialist ahrimanic world 'iew would s#read out and this would be detained b$ the luciferic element5 If the %ast) on one side) and the (est) on the other side) #enetrated the &entral %uro#ean s#iritualit$) an e/ternal 'ictor$ would also not be salutar$ for this &entral %uro#e5 "ince centuries) the human beings are #enetrated rather strongl$ b$ the ahrimanic luciferic element without noticing it5 Imagine onl$ that it was necessar$ to reCect the oriental luciferic element in our &entral %uro#ean theoso#hical mo'ement5 For that which we got as theoso#h$ from the %ast was infiltrated b$ 82

Lucifer and led also in its e/treme to the recognition of an e/ternal human idol) a #h$sicall$ reincarnated &hrist5 This was the Fuarrel we had to ha'e about the unCustified inter#retation of the theoso#hical world 'iew5 But we must be clear to us that we ha'e to recognise correctl$ in &entral %uro#e how we ha'e to imagine what a##roaches human7ind in future5 (e learn to see Cust b$ that which s#iritual science can be to us that materialism) the materialistic world 'iew is not allowed to e/tend about the area #re#ared for &entral %uro#e5 Those ha'e to stri'e to #re'ent it who antici#ate a little bit of the fact that a s#iritual world 'iew reall$ s#reads out) floating o'er &entral %uro#e and radiating from there to the whole earth5 It would be imaginable) e/ternall$ imaginable as a h$#othesis that this &entral %uro#e would ser'e a materialistic ci'ilisation after a 'ictor$5 Then !hriman would rea# the fruits of this 'ictor$5 This must be #re'ented5 Thin7 onl$ of such a tragic figure li7e %rnst Haec7el5 Goethe wrote a theor$ of e'olution5 "ince 2==B) I attem#t to ma7e it clear to the #eo#le that it is a theor$ of e'olution which is s#iritual in the highest sense5 But #eo#le cannot understand it in the dee# wa$ in which it is gi'en there5 (hen Darwin #ut it u# tri'iall$) #eo#le understood the teachings which could flow into their hearts and souls5 The teachings had got a materialistic colouring5 Ta7e such a tragic figure li7e %rnst Haec7el5 He got an$ thought) an$ fiber of his scientific life from %ngland5 Hu/le$) Loc7e) Darwin were his masters5 Toda$ %rnst Haec7el is somebod$ who turns mostl$ against %ngland) he is one of the most furious fighters E as far as he can be it as an old man5 He stood at the head of those who sent bac7 their medals) certificates and honourings to %ngland5 Howe'er) it does not matter to send bac7 medals and honourings unless the %nglish coloured Darwinism is sent bac75 !nd still some other things are there5 The souls are #re#ared for materialism best of all if the$ are in a half slee#ing state for the e/ternal life) so to s#ea7) if the$ are still childish souls5 0ne does not notice that one can bring into the souls ideas which #re#are them best of all to acce#t the materialistic 'iew as a matter of course5 !hriman accom#lished this) while he let a 'er$ effecti'e s#irit come into being who #lanted the tendenc$ of materialism in the childish souls) unnoticed b$ the British #eo#le) without the human beings being aware of it5 This is the e/ce#tionall$ ingenious author of .o/inson *rusoe5 If an$bod$ #lants the ideas of .o/inson in the childish souls) the$ get the #ro#ensit$ for materialism5 In the boo7 e'en religion comes into being of its own accord) as well as cabbages grow u#5 +owhere is reflected on an$thing that should flow in from the s#iritual world5 "ee onl$ .o/inson mo'ing through the world5 There was a time of the literar$ de'elo#ment in &entral %uro#e when imitations of .o/inson e/isted in man$ languages5 "o man$ translations of .o/inson are there5 0ne cannot count them at all5 "o dee# is this there inside5 But the &entral %uro#ean culture has to show the wa$ to s#iritualit$ again5 !nd reall$ a higher guidance ins#ired the brothers Grimm to collect fair$ tales5 If we gi'e these fair$ tales to our children instead of the ahrimanic .o/inson) we bring them the #ro#ensit$ for s#iritualism5 0ne is #ainfull$ affected if one E all that is s$m#tomatic E e/#eriences the following@ a 'er$ significant #hiloso#her of !ustria) %rnst Mach) wrote a boo7) 0nalysis of Sensations) which was of great im#ortance for man$ who want to thin7 #hiloso#hicall$ toda$5 0n the third #age) he s#ea7s of self 7nowledge5 (e 7now that self 7nowledge is e/ce#tionall$ im#ortant) as I ha'e often e/#lained5 %rnst Mach gi'es a #roof of the fact that self 7nowledge is rather difficult e'en for the e/ternal world5 He tells@ I #assed a sho# window where I saw m$ own #icture) m$ own figure meeting m$self5 I thought@ what an un#leasant) disgusting #erson meets me there5 I m$self was it5 E Thus he said5 He himself was it who has 7nown himself so little that he said to his mirror image@ what an un#leasant) disgusting #erson5 !nd to ma7e that clear com#letel$) he adds@ when he was alread$ a #rofessor) he had once returned from a tri# at night and had got in a bus5 (hen he got in) he saw in the mirror a man getting in and said to himself again@ what a down and out schoolmaster is getting in thereI "o he adds@ I 7new the a##earance of m$ t$#e better than m$ indi'idual a##earance5 If it is alread$ so difficult for a #erson who does not often see himself in a mirror E this s#ea7s for %rnst Mach that this has ta7en #lace E to recognise the e/ternal figure) then one will get an in7ling how difficult it is to get self 7nowledge in the soul5 It is Cust this) howe'er) what is necessar$@ attaining self 7nowledge in the soul5 I would li7e to sa$) it affects somebod$ almost tragicall$ if one reads u# in the same boo7 e'en farther) and %rnst Mach s#ea7s of the education of his son and sa$s from reall$ serious soul@ than7s to God E no) he does not sa$ that) but something that is commensurate with it E ne'er did m$ children read an$ fair$ tales5 "o the$ were not introduced in a s#iritual world b$ fantastic ideas resulting from reading fair$ tales5 E There we see that nesting in the souls of the #resent which wants to lead the &entral %uro#ean culture to !hriman5 0ne has to sa$@ that does not concern to be 'ictorious) but that the right attitude of mind is 'ictorious on the basis of the 'ictor$5 (e are also hea'il$ burdened in &entral %uro#e) e'en in the case of a 'ictor$5 Because we are connected with something that is infiltrated 'er$ lucifericall$5 It was once a benefit for %uro#e that from "outh %uro#e the !rabian) Moorish culture s#read out5 For the #ast) it was Custified) but toda$ it has become ahrimanic5 (e are hea'il$ burdened 83

with the alliance with the 0ttoman %m#ire L the 0ttoman %m#ire entered the First (orld (ar on the side of the &entral %uro#ean #owers in 232B5N5 (e ha'e to find the correct stand#oint and not belie'e that we can arrange our sensations according to e/ternal #olitical 'iew#oints5 The life of the e/ternal world is not suited to #re'ent !hriman5 The e/ternal banal literature leads directl$ to the ahrimanic #rinci#le and #ours scorn on the attem#ts to clearl$ see the #owers wor7ing into our world5 That is wh$ that must a##ear as a big warning) which a##ears to us under the sign of blood and grief. to ma7e the #resent souls inclined to get the gifts of the s#iritual life5 0ur souls ha'e to tend to that which was #re#ared in the &entral %uro#ean culture es#eciall$ e/#ressing that we are #ut #endulum li7e between two #owers #ermeating the world and that we must find the balance5 (e ha'e to realise that) on the one side) the world stri'es for ahrimanic hardening) stri'es to get solidified in the fire of the #urel$ material. that it stri'es) on the other side) to ascend egotisticall$ to an abstract s#iritualit$5 Following the one or other side would ruin the &entral %uro#ean human being5 Following onl$ the science engaged in the e/ternal senses would #ersuade us to tear the roses from the cross and onl$ to loo7 at that which solidifies5 (e would gain a world 'iew graduall$ which would com#letel$ deflect the human being from loo7ing at the s#iritual5 It would allow to onl$ loo7ing at that which has solidified ahrimanicall$5 Tr$ to imagine the ideals of the ahrimanic science@ it is a world of whirling atoms) a #urel$ material world creation5 0ne wishes to throw e'er$thing s#iritual out of this world #icture5 0ne wants to imagine) and one teaches it alread$ the children at school) that once whirling gaseous masses were in the uni'erse from which the sun formed which then again #ushed off the #lanets5 0ne ma7es it clear to the children at school) while one does an oil dro# in water) #ushes a small round #a#er sheet at its eFuator through it) #ierces it with a #in in the middle and turns the #in then5 "mall dro#s are s#lit off that wa$. a small #lanetar$ s$stem comes into being5 0f course) it is #ro'ed what one shows in such a wa$) but one forgets the most im#ortant fact that the teacher must turn the #in5 In truth) howe'er) $ou ha'e to concei'e a big Mr5 Teacher turning the whole matter in s#ace) if $ou want to imagine it honestl$5 But the thoughts) the sensations and feelings) which tend to !hriman) are those which imagine the creation of the sun and the #lanets in the Cust described wa$5 That also influenced the historical 'iew5 Herman Grimm L Herman Grimm 62=A=M23:2;) in his 7ectures on GoetheN sa$s once@ a bone of carrion around which a hungr$ dog is circling is a more a##etising sight than this world 'iew which is based onl$ on this &o#ernican world 'iew5 This is a threat to tear the roses from the cross and to ha'e onl$ the blac7) charred cross5 The other threat is to tear the cross from the roses and want to stri'e onl$ for the s#irit) des#ise what the di'init$ has #ut in the world de'elo#ment) not to want to di'e affectionatel$ into the thought that the #henomena of the sensor$ world e/#ress the godhead5 This is the unilaterall$ religious world 'iew which des#ises the science which onl$ wants the roses and which tends unconsciousl$ to the luciferic element of the %ast5 In the same wa$) science) which wants to tear the roses from the cross and to 7ee# onl$ the charred cross) tends to the (est5 (e) howe'er) in &entral %uro#e) we ha'e a 'ocation to ha'e the roses on the cross to ha'e this what is e/#ressed onl$ b$ the connection of the roses with the cross) the roses on the cross5 Loo7ing at the stiff cross we feel that that which has come as a stiff material to the world entered the world from the godhead5 It is) as if s#iritualit$ created a circle in the material for itself@ e/ deo nascimur5 (e also feel that if we understand it correctl$ we ma$ enter the s#iritual world not onl$ with Lucifer) but that we die) while we are united with that which descended from the di'ine higher "elf to the world@ in &hristo morimur5 !nd uniting the cross with the roses) the material world 'iew with the s#iritual world 'iew) we feel that the human soul can awa7e in s#irit@ #er s#iritum sanctum re'i'iscimus5 Therefore) the cross wound around b$ roses was the s$mbol of Goethe who #ositioned himself in the s#iritualit$ of the &entral %uro#ean culture5 It must be our s$mbol5 That is wh$ we will remind E as far as we ca be #resent in future) gathering in this room E of that which must be our ideal out of the big tas7s of the earth de'elo#ment@ winding roses around the cross) neither tearing the roses from the cross and holding onl$ the cross in our hands) nor onl$ estimating the roses and ascending b$ means of the roses to the s#irituall$ blossoming) s#routing life in the abstract5 It is e/#ressed to us in our s$mbol) in the rose cross) what we want to ta7e u# more and more in our souls) in our feelings when we come together in a room dedicated to our attem#ts5 Then we can be sure that the s#irits who lead the earth de'elo#ment in good sense e/ist in'isible among us. that our words) that all our thoughts and feelings) while we dedicate oursel'es to the s#iritual scientific attem#ts that all this is reall$ su##orted in such a room b$ the s#iritual #owers guiding our attem#ts5 (e can feel) culti'ating our s#iritual scientific 'iews) as if we are constantl$ ins#ired b$ the s#irits who e/ist in'isible in such a room5 I would li7e to call on these s#iritual #owers that the$ are alwa$s #resent with the souls if the$ stri'e in serious truth) honestl$ and affectionatel$ in this room5 If that comes true) we can be sure that this s#iritual scientific world 'iew finds the wa$ to the gods as it was alwa$s found5 84

Toda$ we come together in such rooms5 The$ are se#arated from the efforts of the e/ternal world5 The e/ternal world considers the e'ents in our rooms as something sectarian) something su#erstitious5 !nd thus we are gathered as it were underground com#ared with the intellectual culture of the #resent5 This intellectual culture) which is dee#l$ infiltrated b$ Lucifer in the %ast) b$ !hriman in the (est) is abo'e ground5 There we remember re#eatedl$ in order to strengthen our hearts) to in'igorate our souls that in another e#och the western world 'iew ascended from underground to the surface5 There was the world 'iew of the Roman %m#ire) the world 'iew which had ta7en u# the distinguished #hiloso#h$ and the artistic world 'iew of the Gree7s5 There were basicall$ brilliant minds among those who li'ed within this ancient Rome and its surroundings with this old world 'iew5 The$ were dee#l$ des#ised who culti'ated a Fuite new teaching underground in the catacombs5 Howe'er) those who culti'ated the new teaching) se#arated from the world 'iew abo'e ground Custified at that time) 7new that the$ had onl$ to hold on the contents of their stri'ing and to retain what had entered in the world as a result of the &hrist Im#ulse5 The$ stro'e in the catacombs and 7new@ those li'ed abo'e ground who were out to 7ill them who #ursued them who did not understand them5 E !fter we ha'e got these conditions of the ancient Roman %m#ire clear in our mind) we loo7 at the human de'elo#ment a few centuries later5 (hat was abo'e has disa##eared5 (hat li'ed underground in the catacombs has ascended. it #asses trium#hantl$ through the (est5 It alread$ li'ed in the souls of those who were stri'ing for that which should then conFuer the world although the$ were re#elled) des#ised and moc7ed li'ing underground in the catacombs5 (e must feel that wa$) m$ dear friends) as if we were still s#irituall$ outcast and moc7ed and #ursued b$ those who culti'ate the so called Custified world 'iew toda$5 But in such a wa$ as it ha##ened in the first e#och of the western &hristian de'elo#ment) it will go on5 (hat one would best destro$ E not li7e once) while one co'ered human beings with #itch and burnt them) but while one moc7s them E it will gain acce#tance5 (hat Ceers and moc7s there) what wants to conFuer the earth onl$ with an ahrimanic and luciferic world 'iew this will ha'e disa##eared) li7e the ancient Roman culture) the ancient world 'iew disa##eared in a certain wa$5 Howe'er) what is culti'ated in our catacombs E the$ are s#iritual catacombs) the world has #rogressed) ne'ertheless E what is felt in these catacombs) what is imagined) what is reflected) what #enetrates our souls@ it will ascend and arri'e trium#hall$ at the culture of the ne/t e#och5 (e ma$ 7ee# in mind that at e'er$ moment when we #ass the gate to such a room5 !nd sta$ing in it) we 7ee# in mind that we are still li7e in a submarine which will ta7e the direction u#wards E and absolutel$ will ta7e it if we become engrossed strongl$ in this with which we ha'e learnt to connect our souls5 (ith this 'ow that we want to #enetrate oursel'es strongl$ with the s#iritual &hrist Im#ulse which is de'elo#ing a further le'el) with this attitude) with this 'ow we reall$ will enter this room5 (e enter in the sense of these feelings that e'er$thing is dedicated to the s#iritual #owers) to the s#iritual indi'idualities who #ermeate our mo'ement) as we can 7now) who s#read out their blessing and #rotecting hands about us5 (e want to 7ee# in mind that when we come together here in future5 &hrist,s Relationshi# to Lucifer and !hriman The Threefold Being 7in8" $@th May $&$'

(hen once our construction) dedicated to s#iritual science) is finished in Dornach) it contains a scul#tural grou# at an im#ortant #lace5 This grou# #rimaril$ #resents three figures5 In the middle of this grou# a figure stands as) I would li7e to sa$) the re#resentati'e of the highest human which could de'elo# on earth5 Hence) one can also feel this figure of the highest human in the earth de'elo#ment as &hrist) (ho li'ed in the bod$ of Kesus of +a<areth for three $ears within the earth de'elo#ment5 It is the #articular tas7 to form this &hrist figure in such a wa$ that one can see) on one side) the concerning being li'ing in a human earthl$ bod$) howe'er) this earthl$ bod$ being s#iritualised in e'er$ loo7) in e'er$thing that is in it b$ &hrist (ho entered from cosmic) from s#iritual heights in the thirtieth $ear of his life in this earthl$ bod$5 Then two other figures are to be found) one on the left side) the other on the right side of the &hrist figure) if I am allowed to call this figure the &hrist figure5 This &hrist figure stands there li7e before a roc7 which towers u# in #articular on the left side of &hrist) so that its #ea7 is abo'e the head of the &hrist figure5 0n to# of the roc7 is another figure) a winged figure. but the wings are bro7en) and this figure falls) because it has bro7en wings) into the chasm5 (hat has to be wor7ed out artisticall$ in #articular is the wa$ how this &hrist figure raises the left arm5 Because the &hrist figure raises his left arm) it ha##ens that this falling being brea7s the wings5 But this must not loo7 in such a wa$) as if #ossibl$ &hrist bro7e the wings of this being) but the whole must be artisticall$ arranged so that) while &hrist raises the arm) alread$ lies in the whole mo'ement of the hand that he has an infinite com#assion) actuall$) also with this being5 Howe'er) this being 85

does not endure what flows u# through the arm and hand and what is still 'isible because the fingers of the stretched hand hollowed the roc7) as it were5 (hat this being feels in itself) because it comes near to the &hrist being) I would li7e to dress in the words@ I cannot bear an$thing #ure li7e that shining on me5 It is that which li'es in this being and li'es so substantiall$ in this being that its wings are bro7en and it falls conseFuentl$ into the chasm5 This is one es#eciall$ significant artistic tas75 Jou notice what could be missed if &hrist stood there #lasticall$ and such a force were sim#l$ emitted b$ raising the hand) so that He brea7s the wings of this being so that it falls into the chasm5 Then it would be &hrist who would shine on this being li7e with hatred and ma7e it fall5 Howe'er) this must not be shown that wa$) but the being should ma7e itself fall5 "ince this being who is shown falling down with bro7en wings is Lucifer5 0n the other side) toward the right side of the &hrist figure where the roc7 has a #roCection the roc7 will be hollowed out there5 In this hollow is also a winged figure5 This figure turns to the roc7 ca'it$ on to# with his arm li7e organs5 Jou ha'e to imagine@ on the right the roc7 ca'it$ and in this ca'it$ the winged figure which has) howe'er) Fuite differentl$ formed wings than the figure on to# of the roc75 This figure has more aFuiline wings) the figure in the ca'e bat li7e wings5 The latter figure loc7s itself u# in the ca'e) $ou see it in chains) and $ou see it wor7ing there on the ground hollowing out the earth5 The &hrist figure in the middle turns his right hand downwards5 (hereas it turns its left hand u#wards) it turns the right hand downwards5 It will be a significant artistic tas7 again not to show this in such a wa$) as if &hrist wanted to #ut this figure which is !hriman in chains) but that &hrist Himself has an infinite com#assion for !hriman5 Howe'er) !hriman cannot endure this. he writhes in #ains b$ that which the hand of &hrist emits5 This causes that the 'eins of gold) which are at the bottom in the ca'e) wind li7e strings around !hriman,s bod$ and tie it u#5 Kust as that which ha##ens with Lucifer ha##ens b$ himself) it also ha##ens with !hriman5 Then we will attem#t to #aint the same moti'e abo'e the scul#tural grou#) but the 'iew of the #ainting must be com#letel$ different from that of the scul#ture5 "o that we ha'e this grou# of three figures@ &hrist) Lucifer) and !hriman as a scul#ture grou# at the bottom and abo'e them the same moti'e #ainted5 (e #ut this relationshi# of &hrist) Lucifer) and !hriman in our Dornach building because s#iritual science shows us in a certain wa$ reall$ that concerning the understanding of the &hrist Im#ulse the ne/t tas7 is that) finall$) the human being learns to 7now which relationshi# e/ists in the world between these three #owers &hrist) Lucifer) and !hriman5 "ince) indeed) u# to now one often tal7s about &hristianit$ and the &hrist Im#ulse) but that which has entered the world b$ the &hrist Im#ulse) actuall$) as a result of &hrist,s Death and Resurrection) this has not $et become com#letel$ clear to the human beings5 0ne s#ea7s #robabl$ of the fact that there is Lucifer that there is !hriman) but while one s#ea7s of Lucifer and !hriman) one s#ea7s 'er$ often in such a wa$) as if one had to flee them) as if one had to sa$ almost alwa$s@ I want to 7now nothing) nothing at all about Lucifer and !hriman5 If the di'ine s#iritual #owers) which are found in the wa$) as I ha'e described it in the #ublic lecture $esterda$) also wanted to 7now nothing about Lucifer and !hriman) the world would Cust not be able to e/ist5 Jou do not #osition $oursel'es in the correct relationshi# sa$ing@ Lucifer) I a'oid himP !hriman) I a'oid himP Jou rather ha'e to loo7 at that which the human being has to stri'e for as a result of the &hrist Im#ulse li7e the eFuilibrium #osition of a #endulum5 The #endulum is in the middle in balance. howe'er) it must swing to and fro5 That is similar also in the earth de'elo#ment of the human being5 The human being must tend on one side to the luciferic #rinci#le) on the other side to the ahrimanic #rinci#le) but he must learn and stand firml$ on that which Paul said@ Gnot I) but &hrist in me5H (e ha'e to understand &hrist in his effecti'eness absolutel$ as a realit$5 That is we must be clear to us that this reall$ ha##ened which flowed b$ &hrist,s Death and Resurrection in our earth de'elo#ment5 How well or how badl$ #eo#le understood this u# to now) it does not de#end on it) but on the fact that it was there that it has wor7ed in the human earth de'elo#ment5 0ne could sa$ a lot that #eo#le ha'e not $et understood of the &hrist Im#ulse5 !nd s#iritual science will contribute a little #iece to the understanding of that what flowed in from s#iritual heights b$ the M$ster$ of Golgotha as the &hrist Im#ulse onto the earth de'elo#ment5 To realise &hrist,s wor7ing) we want to ma7e clear to us) as this has also ha##ened at other #laces) two moments of the earth de'elo#ment of human7ind) two moments which became im#ortant in the whole western de'elo#ment5 Jou 7now from histor$) what an im#ortant moment it was) when &onstantine) the son of &onstantius &hlorus) defeated Ma/entius) and &hristianit$ was introduced b$ &onstantine e/ternall$ in the western de'elo#ment5 &onstantine had to go into that im#ortant battle against Ma/entius through which &onstantine then made &hristianit$ the state religion in his western em#ire5 The whole ma# of %uro#e would ha'e become different if in those da$s this battle had not ta7en 86

#lace against Ma/entius5 But strategic art) that of what #eo#le were ca#able with their intellects in those da$s) did not decide this battle reall$) but something else5 Ma/entius made read u# in the so called "ib$lline Boo7s) the #ro#hetic boo7s of Rome) and got the ad'ice to lead his arm$ out of the walls of Rome) whereas the$ would ha'e been sa'ed well within the walls5 "o he #ositioned his troo#s in the free field against the arm$ of &onstantine5 Howe'er) &onstantine had a dream before the battle which indicated to him@ if $ou go in the sign of the M$ster$ of Golgotha against Ma/entius) $ou arri'e at a big goal5 E !nd carr$ing the sign of the M$ster$ of Golgotha) the cross) &onstantine went to the battle with an arm$ about three Fuarters smaller than that of Ma/entius5 Filled with enthusiasm b$ the #ower which came from the M$ster$ of Golgotha) &onstantine won that im#ortant battle through which &hristianit$ was introduced e/ternall$ in %uro#e5 If we remember what #eo#le understood of the &hrist Im#ulse with their intellects in those da$s) we find an endless theological Fuarrelling5 Peo#le Fuarrelled whether &hrist is identical from eternit$ with the Father and the li7e more5 0ne must sa$@ it does not de#end on that which #eo#le 7new about the &hrist Im#ulse in those da$s) but on the fact that it was there) the &hrist Im#ulse) that it induced the necessar$ e'ents b$ &onstantine) b$ a dream of &onstantine5 It de#ends on the realit$ of &hrist) on the real #ower of &hrist5 In our s#iritual science) we onl$ begin understanding the &hrist Im#ulse5 !nother moment was that when in the fight between France and %ngland %uro#e was formed in such a wa$ that one can sa$@ if France had not been 'ictorious against %ngland in those da$s) all the circumstances would ha'e become different5 But how had this ha##enedI E The &hrist Im#ulse has Cust wor7ed in the subconscious of the soul u# to now) when it has to become more aware5 (e see then in the western s#iritual de'elo#ment the &hrist Im#ulse see7ing for those conditions in the human souls through which it can be effecti'e with indi'idual human beings5 Legends ha'e #reser'ed the wa$ how the &hrist Im#ulse in the western s#iritual de'elo#ment can ma7e itself noticeable5 These legends #oint #artl$ bac7 to old #agan times) when e'er$where understanding of &hristianit$ was #re#ared Cust in #aganism5 If the soul does not stri'e for initiation consciousl$ in the wa$ I ha'e described in ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI) but gets it as it were in natural wa$) as it was filled with the &hrist Im#ulse b$ a natural initiation5 The most con'enient time in which this &hrist Im#ulse is able to ins#ire the soul is the time of the &hristmas %'e u# to the %#i#han$ da$) the time from the A4th December to the 9th Kanuar$5 (e can understand that if we get the following clear in our mind@ for the esoteric 7nowledge it is unambiguousl$ e'ident that our earth is not onl$ that of which the geologists tal75 That is onl$ li7e the s7eleton of the human being5 But our earth also has its own s#iritualit$5 !nd &hrist has Cust entered the earth aura5 This earth slee#s and wa7es as we slee# and are awa7e in twent$ four hours5 (e ha'e to realise the fact that the earth slee#s during the summertime and is awa7e in the wintertime5 The s#irit of the earth is the most awa7e in these twel'e or thirteen nights from &hristmas to %#i#han$5 In olden times) in which E as $ou 7now from the 'arious re#resentations in m$ lectures E the human beings had a dreamli7e clair'o$ance and e/#erienced the s#iritual #rinci#le of the world that wa$5 The most con'enient time was the summertime5 It is Fuite natural that somebod$ who wants to rise in a more dreamli7e clair'o$ance to the s#iritual has it easier during the slee#ing time of the earth) in the summertime5 Hence) it was the "t5 Kohn,s tide which was the most con'enient in olden times to raise the strength of the soul to the s#iritual5 The new) more conscious wa$ has re#laced the old wa$ in which the s#iritual was wor7ing into the earth. now it is the best time when the earth is awa7e5 Hence) the legends tell us that es#eciall$ gifted human beings) human beings who are #articularl$ suitable because of their 7arma) get a s#ecial condition of consciousness at the Juletide which is onl$ e/ternall$ similar to slee# but ins#ires it internall$) so that the human being was raised to the world we call the s#irit land5 There is a 'er$ nice legend) the +orwegian legend of 0laf Qsteson about whom is told to us that he goes to the church at the &hristmas %'e) falls into a slee# li7e state and wa7es u# at the si/th Kanuar$ and can tell what he e/#erienced in this state similar to slee#5 This +orwegian legend actuall$ e/#lains to us that 0laf Qsteson e/#erienced something that one feels at first li7e the soul world) then something that one feels li7e the s#irit land) onl$ Cust e'er$thing in #ictures) in Imaginations5 This time was the most con'enient in those e#ochs in which the human beings were not $et so ad'anced as in our time5 Toda$) the times are o'er in which the &hrist Im#ulse can flow into the souls li7e b$ a natural initiation5 Toda$) the human beings ha'e to ascend to initiation as consciousl$ as it is described in ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI (e li'e in a time in which natural initiations become rarer and rarer and com#letel$ disa##ear) finall$) so that we do not ha'e to count an$ more on them5 But) basicall$) one can call a #h$sical initiation that through which the &hrist Im#ulse wor7ed on the soul of the sim#le farmer girl) the Maid of 0rleans) who brought about the 'ictor$ of the French o'er the %nglish5 This 'ictor$ resha#ed the %uro#ean ma# wondrousl$5 The human reason could not #erform that) but that which guided the Maid of 0rleans in those da$s and outstri##ed all the s7ill of the militar$ leaders) b$ which 87

%uro#e got a new figure5 It was the &hrist Im#ulse) which wor7ed on the unconscious of a single #ersonalit$) but wor7ed so that then from this #ersonalit$ s#read out what was efficient in histor$5 (e would ha'e to notice if an$thing similar could ha'e ta7en #lace as a natural initiation with the Maid of 0rleans if the soul of the Maid of 0rleans had been ins#ired in the nights from the A4th December to the 9th Kanuar$5 In the course of life it seems that such a matter cannot be 'erified that the Maid of 0rleans also was once during twel'e or thirteen da$s from the A4th December to the 9th Kanuar$ in a slee# li7e state in which the &hrist Im#ulse would ha'e wor7ed on her) so that she would be able to wor7 as a human being onl$ li7e the co'er of the &hrist Im#ulse on the battlefields of France5 +e'ertheless) it was that wa$5 For there is a time which E if the 7arma of the concerning indi'idualit$ ma7es it #ossible E can be filled with such a slee# li7e state5 This is the time of the last da$s in which the human being still li'es in the bod$ of the mother) before he sees the #h$sical earth light5 The human being li'es there in a dreamli7e state similar to slee#5 He has not $et seen an$thing b$ the senses that ta7es #lace e/ternall$ in the world5 If a human being were #articularl$ suitable b$ his 7arma to ta7e u# the &hrist Im#ulse during these last da$s in which he li'es in the bod$ of the mother) these da$s would also be da$s of the natural initiation5 Then such a human being would o#en his e$es for the first time alread$ strengthened b$ the &hrist Im#ulse l$ing in him after the initiation) that means in this case) after his birth5 !nd such a human being would ha'e to be born on the 9th Kanuar$5 The Maid of 0rleans was born on the 9th Kanuar$5 This is the secret of the Maid of 0rleans that she was born on the 9th Kanuar$ that she s#ent the time from &hristmas u# to the %#i#han$ da$ in that #eculiar state similar to slee# in the bod$ of the mother and got a natural initiation5 &onsider the dee# connections which are behind the e/ternal de'elo#ment which one normall$ calls histor$5 (hat is shown e/ternall$ in histor$ with the hel# of documents is as a rule e'en the most insignificant5 The sim#le date which is registered in our calendar that the Maid of 0rleans was sent into the world on the 9th Kanuar$ is of authoritati'e historical significance5 The forces wor7 from the su#ersensible realm on the sensor$ realm that wa$5 (e ha'e to read this occult writing which shows us the forces wor7ing from the su#ersensible realm on the sensor$ realm5 "o the &hrist Im#ulse flowed into the Maid of 0rleans li7e b$ a natural initiation) alread$ before her #h$sical birth5 I want to e/#lain these matters to arouse a feeling in $ou that forces and connections un7nown to the e/ternal 'iew are effecti'e behind that what one normall$ calls histor$5 Howe'er) the &hrist Im#ulse guides histor$) of the %uro#ean human7ind in #articular) since the M$ster$ of Golgotha5 In the %ast) in !sia a world 'iew remained of which one can sa$@ it has not $et a##roached the &hrist Im#ulse in its feelings5 Indeed) the %uro#ean was enticed to call the Indian 'iews #articularl$ dee#5 But this is the t$#ical of Hinduism E generall$ of the whole !sian religious feeling E that it stands with all its feelings before the &hrist Im#ulse) but has #reser'ed the state which was there in the religious feeling of the earthl$ human7ind before the &hrist Im#ulse5 Lagging behind in the de'elo#ment alwa$s means ta7ing u# something luciferic5 Hence) the !sian religious de'elo#ment carries a luciferic element in itself5 If we loo7 o'er at the !sian religious de'elo#ment) we must notice@ indeed) we can see a lot in it that human7ind had alread$ once that it had to lea'e) howe'er5 But we ha'e #artl$ to #urif$ that all in the western culture from the luciferic element) to raise it #artl$ in such a wa$ that the &hrist #rinci#le can flow into it5 If we go from !sia to %uro#e) we find in the east of %uro#e) in the Russian culture) the orthodo/ &hristianit$ s#read out which has sto##ed on a former le'el of the &hristian de'elo#ment which did not want to go along which wanted to 7ee# something luciferic5 Briefl$) we loo7 at the %ast) we ha'e what) I would li7e to sa$) the wise guidance of the world left behind in the whole de'elo#ment of human7ind as the luciferic element5 Let us loo7 at the (est) #articularl$ at the !merican ci'ilisation) and then we ha'e another characteristic5 The t$#ical of this !merican ci'ilisation is that e'er$thing is searched for in the e/ternal5 ! lot of significant things are thereb$ #roduced indeed. but e'er$thing is searched for in the outside5 Ta7e an e/am#le5 If we see in %uro#e) in #articular in &entral %uro#e) that a human being who did not ha'e an$ o##ortunit$ in his life at first to turn his soul to &hrist and the #owers of the s#iritual world and suddenl$ changes his life because of something) then interests us what has ta7en #lace in his soul5 It does not interest us that he e/#erienced a Cum# in his de'elo#ment) we find this e'er$where5 "ince most inaccurate is the sa$ing which the e/ternal science has stam#ed@ nature does not ma7e Cum#s L &arl LinnZ in E From the green #lant leaf to the red #etal is a big Cum#. from the #etal to the chalices is again a big Cum#5 It is an absolutel$ wrong sa$ing) and the truth of the de'elo#ment is based Cust on the fact that e'er$where Cum#s are made5 The fact that a human being if he has li'ed for a while so e/ternall$ is able to tend suddenl$ to s#iritualit$ induced b$ an$thing) in that we are not interested in #articular5 But the internal #ower which achie'es such a con'ersion to s#iritualit$ interests us5 (e want to loo7 into the soul of such a human being. we want to 7now what brought him to such a con'ersion5 (e are interested in the soul5
his :hilosophia Botanica) "toc7holm 2?42N5


How does the !merican ma7e itI E He ma7es something 'er$ #eculiar5 In !merica) one could often obser'e such con'ersions5 +ow) the !merican lets such #eo#le write letters who e/#erienced a con'ersion5 Then he #uts all these letters together on a small hea# and sa$s@ I recei'ed letters from two hundred #eo#le) more or less5 Fourteen #ercent of those who e/#erienced such a con'ersion wrote that the$ were suddenl$ attac7ed b$ fear of death or hell. fi'e #ercent because of altruistic moti'es. se'enteen #ercent because of stri'ing for moral ideals. fifteen #ercent e/#erienced #angs of conscience. ten #ercent because the$ obser'ed teachings gi'en to them. thirteen #ercent because the$ ha'e seen that others were con'erted E b$ imitation. nineteen #ercent because the$ were forced) while the$ were thrashed at the suitable age) and so on5 0ne selects the most e/treme souls) sorts them and recei'es a result which is based on Gsure data5H That is registered then in the boo7s which one s#reads as G#s$cholog$H among #eo#le5 !ll the other documents are uncertain to these #eo#le) are onl$ based on subCecti'it$) the$ sa$5 There $ou ha'e an e/am#le that something innermost is made su#erficial5 That holds true in man$ res#ects in !merica5 In the time which demands a #articular s#iritual dee#ening the most su#erficial s#iritualism is ram#ant in !merica5 0ne wants to ha'e e'er$thing as something sensor$5 "#iritual life is gras#ed materialisticall$ that wa$5 (e could still gi'e man$ such e/am#les which would show $ou that the ci'ilisation of the (est is sei<ed b$ !hriman5 This is the other deflection of the #endulum5 If we loo7 at the %ast) we ha'e the luciferic element) if we loo7 at the (est) we ha'e the ahrimanic element5 The infinitel$ im#ortant tas7 we ha'e in &entral %uro#e between (est and %ast is to find the balance5 Hence) we would li7e to #ut the biggest of the s#iritual demands of our time in our Dornach building as a scul#tural grou#@ to find the balance between the relation to Lucifer and the relation to !hriman5 Then one will onl$ recognise what the &hrist Im#ulse wanted from the earth de'elo#ment if one #uts outside &hrist not so sim#l$) but if one 7nows correctl$ that &hrist is that #ower which shows us the relation to Lucifer and !hriman e/em#laril$5 That the relation of the human being and &hrist to Lucifer and !hriman is not $et recognised clearl$) this ma$ become illustrati'e to $ou b$ the following5 !lso the greatest) which contains the greatest in one res#ect) is not alwa$s free of that which must still be there as an one sidedness in time5 Indeed) one cannot a##reciate that #icture enough which Michelangelo #ainted in the "istine &ha#el in Rome) The 7ast %udgement) this miraculous #icture5 &hrist trium#hing) directing the good human beings to one side) the bad human beings to the other5 Let us loo7 at this &hrist5 He does not ha'e the features which we would li7e to gi'e the &hrist figure that should stand in our Dornach construction5 It must become e'ident that &hrist raises the hand in com#assion) e'en though Lucifer is there abo'e5 Lucifer should not be brought down b$ the #ower of &hrist) but he falls down because he cannot endure what shines from &hrist in his nearness5 &hrist raises his e$e and folds the forehead while raising the folded forehead to Lucifer5 !hriman is o'ercome not b$ the hatred of &hrist) but he feels that he cannot endure what flows out from &hrist5 Howe'er) &hrist stands in the midst as somebod$ who introduces the Par<i'al element in the modern age5 He has to get the others to o'ercome themsel'es not b$ His #ower) but b$ His e/istence) so that the$ o'ercome themsel'es and not he o'ercomes them5 (ith Michelangelo) we still see &hrist sending the good human beings to hea'en and the bad ones to hell b$ His #ower5 This is not the right &hrist in future) but this is a &hrist who is still 'er$ luciferic5 That does not reduce our esteem of that #icture5 The whole significance of this #icture is recognised) but one has to admit that Michelangelo could not $et #aint &hrist because the world de'elo#ment was not $et so far5 It must clearl$ be seen that one has not onl$ to turn the sense to &hrist) but that one has to turn the sense to the threefold being@ &hrist) Lucifer) and !hriman5 I can onl$ indicate that5 0nl$ in future) s#iritual science finds out e'er$thing that lies in this secret@ &hrist in relation to Lucifer and !hriman5 But now consider the following@ if we loo7 at the %ast) we loo7 at luciferic #owers e'en in the near %ast5 In the (est) we loo7 at ahrimanic #owers5 In s#iritual science) we ha'e to get into the habit of considering the matters not with s$m#ath$ and anti#ath$ and also the #eo#les and fol7 souls not with s$m#ath$ and anti#ath$) but in such a wa$ as the$ are in their characteristics5 (hat one calls the national characteristic of a human being who stands in his #eo#le) de#ends E abo'e all E on that which is effecti'e in the #h$sical and etheric bodies5 (hen we li'e from falling aslee# to wa7ing u# with our soul and mind as an astral bod$ and ego) we li'e be$ond the normal national element5 (e li'e onl$ from wa7ing u# to falling aslee# in our nationalit$ when we are in our #h$sical bod$5 That is wh$ the nationalit$ is also something the human being o'ercomes graduall$ during his sta$ in 7amalo7a5 The human being there stri'es for the generall$ human) while he o'ercomes the nationalit$ in 7amalo7a to li'e then in the generall$ human for the longest time between death and new birth5 It belongs to the Fualities which are ta7en off in 7amalo7a) also that which ma7es us a national human being5 The single nationalities are 'er$ different from each other in this regard5 &om#are a French human being and a Russian human being5 The French human being has the characteristic that he sei<es that #articularl$ which the fol7 soul brings in his #h$sical and etheric bodies during his life between birth and death that he li'es #articularl$ in it5 This 89

e/#resses itself in the fact that the Frenchman E not as an indi'idual human being but as a Frenchman E has an idea of that which is a Frenchman. the fact that he #uts ahead that abo'e all which is) actuall$) a Frenchman5 But these ideas which the French) also all the other neo Latin #eo#les) ha'e of their nationalit$ cause that the ideas of their nationalit$ are dee#l$ stam#ed into their etheric bodies5 (hen the Frenchman goes through the gate of death) he alread$ detaches the etheric bod$ after some da$s. then this etheric bod$ is a clearl$ defined figure which e/ists in the etheric world for a long time5 The etheric bod$ cannot dissol'e because the ideas of his nationalit$ are dee#l$ stam#ed on it. these ideas hold together the etheric bod$5 That is wh$ we see the field of death filled with clearl$ defined etheric bodies if we loo7 westwards5 Loo7 at the %ast now) at the Russian human being5 It is the #eculiarit$ of this Russian human being that he has such an etheric bod$ in himself that it dissol'es relati'el$ Fuic7l$ when the soul goes through the gate of death5 This is the difference between the (est and the %ast5 The etheric bodies) which the (est %uro#ean human beings ta7e off after death) ha'e the #eculiarit$ that the$ want to be clearl$ defined5 (hat the French calls GgloireH stam#s itself to his etheric bod$ firml$ as national gloire) so that he is condemned to turn his s#iritual 'iew to this etheric bod$) to himself for long) long times after death5 The Russian human being) howe'er) loo7s at himself onl$ a little after death5 That is wh$ the (est %uro#ean human being is e/#osed to the ahrimanic influence. the materialisation of the etheric bod$ is again e/#osed to the ahrimanic #rinci#le5 The dissolution of the etheric bod$) the Fuic7 merging of the etheric bod$ is accom#anied b$ a feeling of lust) and this is Cust the #eculiar) an instincti'e feeling of lust in the national5 How is this e/#ressed in the %astI &entral %uro#e does not understand that) as it also does not feel in that5 If one #ursues Dosto$e's7$ and Tolsto$ or others who were setting the tone who tal7 alwa$s about the GRussian human being)H this is a feeling of lust in the national which cannot define itself5 %'en with "olo'$o') we find that something sultr$ is li'ing in his #hiloso#h$ that is not com#atible with the clearness and cleanness the &entral %uro#ean human being searches for5 (hat is effecti'e in %uro#e as a s#iritual #ower is connected with all that5 In &entral %uro#e another) a middle state e/ists) namel$ something that one could e/#lain e'en further than it was #ossible in the #ublic lecture $esterda$5 I said@ something e/ists in &entral %uro#e that is an inner stri'ing nature5 Goethe would ha'e written his Faust in e/actl$ the same wa$ in the forties of the last centur$@ stri'e again and again5 E But this stri'ing is innermost nature5 In &entral %uro#e) the m$stics a##eared who did not onl$ want to recognise the di'ine s#iritual) but wanted to e/#erience it with their own souls5 The m$stics wanted to internall$ e/#erience the &hrist e'ent5 If one ta7es "olo'$o') one thin7s that he goes out abo'e all from that@ &hrist died once historicall$ for human7ind5 This is Fuite right) but "olo'$o' sees the s#iritual life li7e a cloud outside himself) who sees that as it were e'er$thing alread$ has ha##ened) while the &entral %uro#ean human being demands that e'er$bod$ e/#eriences &hrist in himself time and again5 Master %c7hart would ha'e #ossibl$ re#lied the following e'en to somebod$ li7e "olo'$o'5 If "olo'$o' em#hasised re#eatedl$ that &hrist must go through death) so that the human being can be a human being) Master %c7hart would sa$@ $ou loo7 at &hrist as one loo7s at something e/ternal5 It does not matter that we alwa$s loo7 at the historical e'ents onl$) but we oursel'es ha'e to e/#erience &hrist inside) we ha'e to disco'er something inside that goes through such states li7e &hrist) at least s#irituall$) so that &hrist is e/#erienced s#irituall$5 It seems tric7$ and fantastic indeed if an$bod$ sa$s to the modern human7ind@ the whole de'elo#ment) e'en the fol7 soul wor7ed in &entral %uro#e) so that this connection of the ego with the &hrist #rinci#le is e/#ressed in the language@ I &H 6Y I; Y Kesus &hrist5 I &H which is com#osed in such a wa$ that it means GI5H (hile one #ronounces I 6ich; in &entral %uro#e) one #ronounces the name of &hrist5 "o near one wants to feel the ego with &hrist) so intimatel$ connected with it5 0ne 7nows this intimate li'ing together with the s#iritual world) as it must be stri'en for in &entral %uro#e in an$ s#iritual field) neither in the (est nor in the %ast5 Hence) something must ha##en in the twentieth centur$) so that the &hrist #rinci#le can s#read out graduall$ o'er the whole %uro#ean continent in suitable wa$5 I em#hasised it often in 'arious lecture c$cles that in +o'ember 2=?3 that s#iritual being whom we call the archangel Michael ascended to a s#ecial le'el of de'elo#ment5 Michael became) so to s#ea7) the leading s#irit5 +ow this leading s#irit #re#ares the e'ent which I indicated in the first of m$ m$ster$ dramas as the a##earance of the etheric &hrist o'er the earth) the e'ent which must ta7e #lace in the twentieth centur$5 Then it will ha##en that single souls at first) then more and more souls 7now@ &hrist is there in realit$) &hrist wal7s again on earth) but in an etheric figure) not in a #h$sical figure5 This must be #re#ared5 If in the course of this twentieth centur$ the s#iritual e$es of certain souls were o#ened clair'o$antl$ E and this will ha##en E for the life of the etheric world) the$ would be disturbed b$ those etheric bodies which s#read out from (estern %uro#e5 The$ would behold them first) and one would see the figure of &hrist wrongl$5 Hence) Michael must fight a battle in %uro#e5 He has to contribute something that these (est %uro#ean clearl$ defined etheric bodies are dissol'ed in the etheric world5 For that he has to ta7e those etheric bodies which enCo$ dissol'ing) the etheric bodies in the %ast) and must fight with them against the (est5 This causes that since 2=?3 a 'iolent struggle 90

#re#ares itself in the astral world between the Russian and the (est %uro#ean etheric bodies) and this struggle is raging in the whole astral world5 It is actuall$ a 'iolent struggle in the astral world) led b$ Michael) between Russia and France5 This forms the basis of the battle in the astral world) raging in %uro#e5 !s we are often stu#efied b$ the fact that something that ta7es #lace here in the #h$sical world is the o##osite of that in the s#iritual world) it also is here the case5 That French Russian alliance L agreement b$ the French #resident Faure and &<ar +icholas II in 2=3?N) managed b$ !hriman,s seduction) which is based mainl$ on the ahrimanic element) namel$ on twent$ billions which France ga'e Russia) is the #h$sical e/#ression of a battle that is raging between French and Russian souls) of a battle in which &entral %uro#e is #ut with its stri'ing for meeting the &hrist in its innermost soul element5 !nd %uro#e is ensla'ed b$ 7arma that one has to e/#erience Cust in &entral %uro#e tragicall$ what the %ast with the (est and the (est with the %ast has to fight out5 The matters which e/ternall$ the German element has to fight out with the French element are to be understood onl$ in such a wa$ that the German is Cust in the middle between the %ast and the (est and ser'es as an an'il for both sides5 "ince that which is #ushed together b$ both sides in German$ is negotiated b$ these both sides in truth5 This is the s#iritual truth which is com#letel$ different from the e/ternal e'ents in the #h$sical world5 Imagine how different the s#iritual truth is from the e/ternal e'ents in the #h$sical world5 Indeed) e'er$thing li7e that sounds absurd to the modern human beings) but it is the truth5 This truth must stu#ef$ us5 But another matter is also e/ce#tionall$ significant5 Indeed) it counters e'er$thing that histor$ can show us that %ngland) after it was alwa$s an all$ of Tur7e$ against Russia) must fight now suddenl$ with Russia against Tur7e$5 0ne can understand this gainsa$ if one does the following occult obser'ation5 (hile here below on the #h$sical #lane %ngland is an all$ of Russia and fights against the Tur7ish element) the following #resents to the occult obser'ation5 If one obser'es this struggle clair'o$antl$ and loo7s as it were from below u# at the #h$sical #lane and then at the astral #lane) it becomes a##arent@ in the +orth) Russia seems to be allied with %ngland) and in the "outh %ast Tur7e$ seems to be allied with %ngland5 This is due to the fact that the alliance between %ngland and Russia has significance onl$ on the #h$sical #lane) but there is no reflection in the s#iritual world) because it is com#letel$ based on material interests5 From below one sees %ngland and Russia united onl$ on the #h$sical #lane in the +orth5 In the "outh %ast) one sees through the #h$sical #lane to the astral #lane where the %nglish are allies of the Tur7s and are fighting against Russia5 0n one side) %ngland fights together with Russia on the #h$sical #lane) and on the other side Russia is combated b$ %ngland5 (e ha'e to loo7 at the e/ternal e'ents this wa$) in so far as the$ manifest themsel'es as e/ternal histor$5 "ince that which lies behind is something com#letel$ different5 ! time will come in which the human beings tal7 about the #resent e'ents Fuite differentl$ than it ha##ens now5 0ne must sa$ that the whole war literature has something rather un#leasant5 "omething #leasant is also said) but also a lot of un#leasant things5 !bo'e all one matter is un#leasant5 It is alwa$s said@ toda$ one cannot $et s#ea7 about the Fuestion@ who is res#onsible for the warI %t cetera5 E Peo#le console themsel'es #assing o'er the matters5 The$ sa$@ in future one finds out of the documents in the archi'es) who was res#onsible for the war5 E &oncerning the e/ternal e'ents the matter) howe'er) is not hard to be found at all if one Cudges without #assion5 &hamberlain L Houston "tewart &hamberlain@ 2e- War 5ssays) Munich) 2324N is right in his Gwar articlesH e'en if he is mista7en in the details) when he sa$s that one can 7now the most certain Cust about this war5 This is right that no doubt e/ists about that) onl$ one has to #ut the right Fuestion5 ! Fuestion can onl$ be answered unambiguousl$) for e/am#le) if it is #ut correctl$5 It is the Fuestion@ who could ha'e #re'ented this warI The alwa$s returning Fuestion@ who is res#onsible for this warI !nd still man$ other Fuestions) are not Cust right5 (ho could ha'e #re'ented the warI E +o other answer can be gi'en than@ the Russian go'ernment could ha'e #re'ented the war5 E 0ne will onl$ be able to find the right definition of the im#ulses which wor7 in detail5 0f course) the war) intended b$ the %ast since decades) could not ha'e come unless a certain relation had e/isted between %ngland) Russia) and France) so that one can ascribe the bigger guilt also E if one wants E to %ngland5 But all these matters do not ta7e into consideration which causes are behind that showing the whole world war as a necessit$5 It is nai'e to thin7 that the war could ha'e failed to come5 +ow the #eo#le tal7) as if this war did not need to come5 It is the result of the %uro#ean 7arma5 I wanted to indicate something b$ the s#iritual contrasts between the %ast and the (est5 It does not de#end on the fact that we as7) so to s#ea7) for the outer causes in #articular) because the$ are not im#ortant5 (e must onl$ 7now that this war is a historical necessit$5 The single causes are not im#ortant there5 But all the heterogeneous effects to which we will ha'e to #osition oursel'es correctl$ are im#ortant5 0ne effect can a##ear to us as #articularl$ im#ortant5 It is a great) t$#ical #henomenon that such a war #roduces man$ unused etheric bodies5 Because this is the biggest war which human7ind has waged in its conscious historical de'elo#ment) this 91

characteristic also e/ists to a 'er$ high degree5 -nused etheric bodies are #roduced5 The etheric bod$ can su##l$ the human being for long) until the human being is se'ent$) eight$) or ninet$ $ears old5 Howe'er) during the war human beings are sacrificed in the #rime of life5 (hen the human being goes through the gate of death) he ta7es off the etheric bod$) as $ou 7now) after a short time. but the etheric bod$ of somebod$ who was 7illed in action is ta7en off in such a wa$ that it could still ha'e su##lied this human life in a #h$sical bod$ for long) for decades5 In #h$sics one acce#ts that energ$ does not get lost5 Howe'er) that also a##lies to s#iritualit$5 The forces of these etheric bodies) which earl$ go to the etheric world) remain a'ailable5 Thin7 now that countless unused etheric bodies of those are there who go as $oung human beings through the gate of death5 +e'ertheless) it is something #articular with these etheric bodies5 I would li7e to e/#lain this at an e/am#le which is ob'ious to our mo'ement and to lead then to the etheric bodies of the warriors gone through death which are contained in the etheric world in the ne/t future5 In this autumn) we e/#erienced the death of the little son of an anthro#oso#hical famil$ which is em#lo$ed in the area of our Dornach construction5 This bo$) Theodor Faiss) was se'en $ears old5 His father once li'ed in "tuttgart) and then he came as a gardener to Dornach in the area of the construction and li'ed there with his famil$5 He himself was soon called u# to the arm$ after outbrea7 of the war and was in a militar$ hos#ital at the time of the accident5 The little) se'en $ear old Theodor was a real sunn$ child) a wonderful) dear bo$5 +ow one da$ the following ha##ened5 (e had Cust a lecture as I gi'e them in Dornach after the construction wor75 !fter the lecture somebod$ came and re#orted that the little Theodor Faiss has not come bac7 to his mother since the late afternoon5 It was ten o,cloc7 in the e'ening) and one could imagine nothing but that a big traged$ has ha##ened5 ! remo'al 'an had arri'ed in this afternoon and had gone a wa$ near the so called canteen where it had to turn round5 This carriage had reached a #lace in those da$s) in which) one is allowed to state this) no such a big carriage has gone for man$ decades before) generall$ ma$be no remo'al 'an has e'er gone and Cust as little after5 +ow the little Theodor) before this 'an had turned round) had been in the canteen5 He had been detained there a little bit) otherwise he would ha'e gone sooner with the #ro'isions he had got in the canteen for the dinner5 Then he went the wa$ home E it is onl$ a short distance E so that he was Cust at that #lace where the 'an to##led o'er and fell on him) the little Theodor5 +obod$ had noticed it) e'en the coachman did not5 He had onl$ got his horses to safet$ when the carriage to##led o'er) and did not 7now that the child was under it5 (hen the absence of the child was re#orted to us) we had to tr$ to lift the carriage5 The friends got tools) and the mobilised "wiss soldiers hel#ed us5 0f course) the child was alread$ dead since #ossibl$ a half #ast fi'e o,cloc7 in the afternoon5 The remo'al 'an had crushed it straight awa$) it died of suffocation5 There we ha'e such a case to which one can a##l$ what I often tried to ma7e clear using a com#arison that one confuses cause and effect5 Imagine that we see a #erson going along a ri'erban75 The #erson falls into the ri'er5 0ne runs to him and finds a stone where the #erson fell into the ri'er and thin7s that the #erson tri##ed) then fell in the ri'er and died this wa$5 0ne sa$s that the #erson has died because he fell into the ri'er5 But if one dissects him) one ma$be finds that he e/#erienced a heart attac7 and fell conseFuentl$ dead into the water5 He did not die because he fell into the water) but he fell into the water because he died5 Jou find such mista7es of cause and effect in the Cudgement of life 'er$ freFuentl$ and in the usual science e'en more5 The 7arma of the little Theodor had run off in a certain wa$) so that one can reall$ sa$@ he ordered the carriage to that #lace5 I mention this case which is e/ternall$ e/ce#tionall$ tragic) because we deal with the etheric bod$ of a child which could ha'e su##lied through the life of this child still for decades5 This etheric bod$ is #assed o'er with its unused forces to the s#iritual world) the etheric world5 (here is heI (hat does he doI E "omebod$ who is obliged to wor7 on the Dornach construction since that time with artistic intentions) generall$ to ha'e thoughts in the area of the construction 7nows if he beholds clair'o$antl$ at the same time@ this whole etheric bod$ and its forces is increased in the aura of the Dornach construction5 (e ha'e to distinguish@ the indi'idualit$ is somewhere else) it goes its own wa$) but the etheric bod$ is e/#elled after some da$s and e/ists now in the construction5 +e'er will I hesitate before sa$ing that among the forces which one needs to Intuition the forces of this etheric bod$ are) sacrificed to the construction5 Behind life the connections are often com#letel$ different than an$bod$ onl$ sus#ects it5 This etheric bod$ has become #rotecting #owers of the construction5 "omething great is in such a connection5 &onsider now) what a big sum of strength goes u# to the s#iritual world in the unused etheric bodies of those who go now through the gate of death as a result of the militar$ e'ents5 The matters are connected differentl$ than the human beings can imagine5 The world 7arma ta7es #lace differentl$5 "#iritual science must be there Cust to re#lace fantastic ideas with s#irituall$ true ideas5 (e can imagine hardl$ E to mention onl$ one e/am#le E something more fantastic or untrue from the s#iritual #oint of 'iew than something that too7 #lace in the last decades5 ! s#ecial G#eace societ$H L #eace conferences in the Hague from 2=33 to 23:?) con'ened on the initiati'e 92

of &<ar +icholas IIN

was founded to #ut the law at the #lace of the war) as one said) Gthe International Law5H E In no time of human7ind such dreadful wars were waged as since the G#eace societ$H e/ists5 In the last decades) this #eace mo'ement had a monarch among its #articular #rotectors who waged the bloodiest and cruelest wars which e'er were waged in world histor$5 "o that the installation of the #eace mo'ement from the #art of the c<ar must reall$ a##ear as the biggest comed$ which was #la$ed in world histor$) the biggest comed$ and at the same time the most hideous comed$5 0ne has to call that luciferic seduction5 This can well be in'estigated in details5 0ne can sa$) it stu#efies the soul if one sees E one ma$ loo7 at the matters as one wants E in the beginning when these war im#ulses entered %uro#e) &entral %uro#e) where one assembled li7e in the Berlin Reichstag) #eo#le tal7ing almost about nothing5 0ne has onl$ s#o7en a little) but the matters ha'e s#o7en5 ! lot has been s#o7en in the (est li7e in the %ast5 But one has the most stu#ef$ing im#ression in a certain wa$ of that what has been s#o7en in the "t5 Petersburg Duma b$ the different #arties5 In the 'arious wa$ the re#resentati'es of the Duma ha'e reall$ brought forward nothing else than the em#t$ #hrases with the biggest fire of enthusiasm5 It was stu#ef$ing5 This is a luciferic seduction5 Howe'er) e'er$thing shows us that the fire) which burns during this war) is a warning fire) and that the human beings ha'e to #a$ attention5 %'er$thing that ha##ens now #oints to the fact that at least some souls must sa$ to themsel'es@ it cannot go on that wa$ as it has gone in the world) s#iritualit$ must flow into the human de'elo#ment5 Materialism has found its 7arma in this most dreadful war of all the wars5 In certain res#ect this war is the 7arma of materialism5 The more the human souls see this) the more the$ will get be$ond arguing) whether this one or that one is res#onsible for the war) and sa$ to themsel'es@ this war was sent to us in world histor$ that it is an admonisher that we should turn to a s#iritual understanding of the whole human life5 Materialism ma7es not onl$ the souls of the human beings materialisticall$ minded. it also corru#ts the logic and ma7es the feeling dull5 (ithin &entral %uro#e) one still has to see something that is connected with that which I ha'e said@ that one has to deal most intimatel$ with the further de'elo#ment of the &hrist Im#ulse Cust in &entral %uro#e5 But that belongs to it that one has to start understanding the s#irits who ha'e alread$ laid the germs5 0nl$ one e/am#le@ Goethe wrote a theor$ of colours5 The #h$sicists loo7 at it as something) about which the$ sa$ com#assionatel$ smiling@ what has the #oet understood of the coloursI He was Cust a dilettante5 E "ince the eighties of the nineteenth centur$ I tr$ to hel# the Goethean theor$ of colours on the road to success against modern #h$sics5 This cannot be understood5 (h$ can it not be understoodI Because the materialistic #rinci#le) which came from the British fol7 soul) #enetrated &entral %uro#e5 +ewton whom Goethe had to combat won the 'ictor$ o'er that which issued from Goethe,s s#irit5 Goethe also founded a theor$ of e'olution in which is shown b$ gras#ing s#iritual laws how the beings ad'ance from the most im#erfect condition to the most #erfect5 This was too hard to understand5 (hen Darwin brought his theor$ of e'olution) the #eo#le acce#ted it) because the$ could understand it easier5 Darwin was 'ictorious o'er Goethe5 The materialistic thin7er who was ins#ired b$ the British fol7 soul was 'ictorious o'er Goethe who got e'er$thing from the most intimate dialog with the German fol7 soul5 %rnst Haec7el has e/#erienced something tragic5 He li'ed mentall$ through his whole life on that which Hu/le$ and Darwin ha'e gi'en to him5 The materialism of %rnst Haec7el is basicall$ a 'er$ %nglish #roduct5 (hen the war bro7e out) Haec7el was outraged about what ha##ened from the British islands5 He was one of the first to send bac7 the %nglish medals) certificates and honourings5 (hat must be sent bac7) howe'er) are not the certificates) medals and honourings) but the %nglish coloured Darwinism and the %nglish coloured #h$sics5 0ne has to call that in mind) so that one sees what can be stri'en for in the &entral %uro#ean area as an intimate being together with the laws of the world5 0ne can corru#t the childish soul mostl$ if one alread$ #ours out in it that which de'elo#s then in onl$ materialistic colouring5 The centuries ha'e wor7ed towards it5 !mong the Britons o'er there) !hriman ins#ired a great author) so that this author wrote a wor7 which was com#letel$ intended to influence the soul materialisticall$ from the childish age on in such a wa$ that one does not notice it) because one does not consider it #re#aring materialism5 This is .o/inson *rusoe5 The whole wa$) as Robinson is described) is so cle'er that these ideas of Robinson &rusoe if the$ are ta7en u# #re#are the mind in such a wa$ that it can later thin7 onl$ materialisticall$5 Human7ind is not $et cured of in'entors of such Robinsons. the$ alwa$s e/isted and e/ist e'en toda$5 I could gi'e man$ e/am#les5 I tal7 about these matters not to sa$ an$thing against the #eo#les of the (est who ha'e to be as the$ are) but to show how in &entral %uro#e the human beings ha'e to find the connection with the big) onl$ germ li7e 'alues of the future de'elo#ment5 The role of !ustria is also significant in #articular5 In the last decades) one could see some s#irits stri'ing for high ideals li7e Hamerling LRobert Hamerling 62=O:M2==3;) cf5 The .iddle of the ,uman Being and 0uto/iography) Rudolf "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olumes A: and A=N in #oetr$) li7e &arneri LBartholomTus 'on &arneri 62=A2M23:3;) cf5 Methodical Foundations of 0nthroposophy) Rudolf "teiner,s &ollected (or7s 'olume O:5A5A3N who wanted to dee#en Darwinism concerning moral) and li7e 93

Bruc7ner L!nton Bruc7ner 62=ABM2=39;) !ustrian com#oserN and other artists in all 7inds of fields5 It matters such a self reflection of the #eo#le +ow we loo7 at the unused etheric bodies which e/ist there5 These etheric bodies were ta7en off b$ human beings who learnt during a big e'ent to sacrifice themsel'es for something that there is no longer for them) not as an$thing sensor$ at least@ for the #eo#le5 If somebod$ tal7s toda$ as a s#iritual scientist about the fact that there a fol7 soul is as an archangel et cetera) then the$ laugh at him5 (hat one calls fol7 soul in materialism is onl$ the summar$ of the Fualities which the human beings of a #eo#le ha'e5 (hat the materialist calls #eo#le is onl$ the sum of the human beings who li'e together and loo7 similar in an area5 (e s#ea7 about a #eo#le in such a wa$ that we 7now@ the fol7 soul e/ists as a real being of the archangel,s ran75 %'en if an$bod$ who sacrifices himself who goes through death for his #eo#le has no clear idea of a real fol7 soul on the field of the e'ents) ne'ertheless) he confirms b$ the wa$ he goes through death that he belie'es in a further effecti'eness after this death that he belie'es that there is more than that which the e$es see in the #eo#le@ its connection and its 7ee#ing together with the su#ersensible realm5 %'er$bod$ who goes through death) whether he 7nows it more or less) goes through this death) confirming that there is a su#ersensible world. this is stam#ed to his etheric bod$5 "o that in future e/ce#t those who will li'e on the #h$sical earth when #eace has ta7en #lace again) the unused etheric bodies will li'e for e'er sending these tones to the music of the s#heres@ there is more in the world than that which can be seen onl$ with #h$sical e$es5 "#iritual truth sounds into the music of the s#heres b$ that which the dead lea'e behind in their etheric bodies) a#art from that which the$ ta7e with their indi'idualities which the$ carr$ through the life between death and new birth5 Howe'er) one has to listen to that which will li'e and sound from these etheric bodies5 For these etheric bodies were ta7en off b$ human beings who) confirming the truth of the s#iritual world) went through death5 The biggest sin of human7ind will be if it does not listen to that which the dead call to it b$ their warning etheric bodies5 How much is the 'iew to the s#iritual world enli'ened if one has to imagine that the fathers and mothers) the sisters and brothers) sons and daughters) who lose dear relati'es and friends) must sa$ to themsel'es@ what was there sacrificed) li'es for the whole human7ind) admonishing that which has to come5 If one relied on the e'ents of the #h$sical world) one could not ha'e a lot of ho#e for the #ros#erous #rogress of the s#iritual mo'ement which should be culti'ated in our s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 (hen recentl$ a good) lo$al co wor7er died) in the thirtieth $ear of his life) there was in m$ words) which I directed to this soul after he has gone through the gate of death) the entreat$ that he would li7e to co o#erate as faithfull$ and courageousl$ on our s#iritual scientific field as he co o#erated here faithfull$ and de'otedl$) using e'er$thing that he 7new5 He co o#erated diligentl$ here on the #h$sical #lane) this co wor7er5 I ga'e him this as a message for his life between death and new birth that he ma$ co o#erate after death as he done it before death) because we count on these dead) the so called dead) as on the li'ing5 0ur s#iritual scientific world 'iew must be 'i'id) so that the ab$ss is o'ercome between the so called dead and the li'ing that we feel the dead among us li7e li'ing human beings5 (e want not onl$ theor$) but life5 That is wh$ we also #oint to the fact that a li'ing bond e/ists between those who li'e on earth when #eace is again) and those who went through the gate of death5 The human beings will be able to learn from the dead) will ha'e to learn how these dead hel# in the big s#iritual #rogress which must sei<e the earth5 "ometimes one recognises in life that the human logic does not suffice5 I would li7e to gi'e $ou an e/am#le) not for #ersonal reasons) but to characterise the wa$ #eo#le #osition themsel'es to our mo'ement5 "ome $ears ago) one could read an article about our s#iritual science in a "outh German 'er$ serious maga<ine written b$ a famous #hiloso#her of the #resent5 "#iritual science was treated there in such a wa$ that it could ma7e a certain im#ression on the #eo#le because the article was written b$ a great #hiloso#her5 The editor of the maga<ine #rided himself in #articular that he could #ublish an article on s#iritual science b$ such a famous man5 0f course) e'er$thing was shown badl$ and erroneousl$. a totall$ as7ew #icture of s#iritual science was gi'en5 (hat did the editor need) howe'er) to see what a Cudgment about our mo'ement he had deli'ered) actuall$) in his monthl$ maga<ineI Then the war came5 That man who had written the article wrote some letters to the editor5 These letters contain the most re#ellent things one can generall$ sa$ about the &entral %uro#ean culture5 He ranted and sneered terribl$ about this &entral %uro#ean culture5 The editor #rinted these letters as an e/am#le of how brainlessl$ one can thin7 about this culture5 +ow he sa$s@ this #erson writes) ne'ertheless) as onl$ a #erson can write who should be in the lunatic as$lum5 E The fact is that such a thing was necessar$ for a good editor to see that the man should be in the lunatic as$lum who wrote this article about s#iritual science some $ears ago and wrea7ed much ha'oc outwardl$5 If the man had to be in the lunatic as$lum) he should alread$ be there at that time5 But at that time he wrote an article about s#iritual science5 94

"uch matters ha##en in the world5 Suite different su##orts ha'e to come to get a Cudgment than those the human being has toda$5 Howe'er) the s#iritual scientist stands firml$ on the ground that shows clearl$ that truth finds its wa$5 But s#iritual science must ha'e an effect on the de'elo#ment of human7ind) so that the necessar$ matters ta7e #lace5 Li7e in that time) when the em#eror &onstantine had to com#lete his tas7) the &hrist Im#ulse had to wor7 from the s#iritual world on the subconscious) li7e with the Maid of 0rleans the &hrist Im#ulse had to wor7) so that ha##ened what had to ha##en) the &hrist Im#ulse has to go on wor7ing) onl$ now more in the consciousness5 There must be souls in future who 7now@ u# there in the s#iritual world are those who sacrificed themsel'es with their indi'idualities and reFuest us to follow them and belie'e in the effecti'eness of s#iritualit$ the$ got through death5 But also the forces of the unused etheric bodies call into the future what one onl$ needs to understand to ta7e u# it in our own souls5 0n earth) howe'er) must be the souls who hear this5 "ouls must be there who #re#are themsel'es b$ the right and li'ing understanding of our s#iritual science5 0ur s#iritual science has to create souls here on earth that are able to ha'e #remonitions of what the etheric bodies of the dead u# there s#ea7 in future5 The souls who 7now@ there u# are the forces which can admonish the human beings who had to be left to their own resources on earth5 If here below souls aware of s#irit direct their senses to the hidden tones of the s#iritual world) the right fruits will originate from all the blood that flowed) from all the sacrifices that were accom#lished) from all the grief that had to be endured and must still be endured5 Loo7ing at the ho#e which ma$ be e/#ressed that a lot of souls ma$ be found b$ s#iritual science who can hear these 'oices which sound from the s#iritual world in #articular as a result of this war) I would li7e to s#ea7) to sum u#) the last words of this consideration) words which should e/#ress onl$ as a feeling what I would li7e to stimulate in $our souls@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 (ith such emotions in the heart we alwa$s want to #enetrate oursel'es with the sense of the rose cross) so that this rose cross is considered rightl$ b$ us as the slogan of our wor7ing and wea'ing and feeling5 +ot the blac7 cross onl$5 "omebod$ who tears the roses from the blac7 cross would onl$ ha'e the blac7 cross) would be ensla'ed b$ !hriman5 The blac7 cross is the life stri'ing for the bare matter5 !nd an$bod$ who tears the cross from the roses and #refers onl$ to ha'e the roses does not find the right5 "ince the roses) se#arated from the cross) would raise us to life) but this life would stri'e egoisticall$ for s#iritualit$ and not re'eal something s#iritual in the material5 +ot onl$ the cross) not onl$ the roses) but the roses on the cross) the cross bearing the roses) both in harmonious interaction@ this is our right s$mbol5 "#iritual "cience as an !ttitude The %theric Bod$ as a Reflection of the -ni'erse 5l/erfeld" $#th %une $&$'

(e are #resentl$ within an era of e'ents which call for all the sensations of the human soul in the dee#est) in the most im#ortant sense5 (e stand in the midst of e'ents which cause that which is alwa$s #osed as a riddle for our s#iritual science E death E 'er$ often in relati'el$ short time on earth5 (e are in a time which s#reads out grief and #ains about countless souls) and in a time of which we ho#e that it bears im#ortant forces in their la#s for the future de'elo#ment of human7ind5 If so man$ things are to be born from #ain and grief) and if Cust s#iritual science teaches us that man$ things are to be born from #ain and grief) Cust s#iritual scientific considerations can also stimulate some strength of confidence) some strength of ho#e in us in this destin$ burdened time5 Let me toda$ de'elo# some considerations before $ou which are not connected directl$) but indirectl$ with the sensations and emotions which can be aroused in this storm$ and #ainful time5 (hat we see occurring so 'ariousl$ in our #resent is that human beings lea'e the #h$sical #lane at an earl$ age of their #h$sical e/istence5 Kust this is the #eculiarit$ of such e'ents li7e the #resent ones that the$ recall $outhful li'es from the #h$sical #lane5 (e 7now that the human being when he goes through the gate of death has to hand o'er his #h$sical bod$ to the elements of the earth that he is still united with his etheric and astral bodies and his ego at first) while he goes through the gate of death5 (e 7now that after a relati'el$ short inter'al this etheric bod$ is se#arated from the human 95

being) and that then the human being continues his Courne$) which he has to do between death and a new birth) with his ego and astral bod$) united with those members of his s#iritual nature that he can get onl$ in the s#iritual world5 The etheric bod$) howe'er) se#arates from the human indi'idualit$ and goes through its own wa$5 +ow it must stri7e us that the etheric bod$ of an earl$ deceased human being is in another condition than that of a dead one who attained a normal age5 (e 7now that the e/ternal natural sciences s#ea7 about the fact that forces can change that) howe'er) the$ cannot get lost5 For the e/ternal world of the #h$sical e/istence the natural sciences recognise this truth absolutel$ that forces ne'er get lost) onl$ change5 "#iritual science has to teach to ac7nowledge this also for the s#iritual world5 If an etheric bod$ frees itself from a human being who went through the gate of death as $oung man) then his etheric bod$ could still ha'e su##lied the life of this human being on the #h$sical #lane for man$ decades5 !n etheric bod$ must be arranged in such a wa$ that it can gi'e all that 'italit$ which the human being has to ta7e u# until the highest age5 If the human being goes through the gate of death) we sa$) in his twent$ fifth) twent$ si/th) thirtieth $ear) his etheric bod$ goes awa$ from him) but this etheric bod$ still has forces through which he could ha'e #reser'ed his #h$sical life u# to the si/tieth) se'entieth) eightieth $ear5 These forces are in the etheric bod$) these forces do not get lost5 (e are to be #reoccu#ied with the Fuestion E Cust in such a time li7e the #resent one when so man$ of such etheric bodies are entrusted to the s#iritual worlds@ what ha##ens with the etheric bodies of those human beings who went through the gate of death in earl$ $outhI E It will be good if we familiarise oursel'es E to answer such a Fuestion rather thoroughl$ E with the wa$ the etheric bod$ of a human being goes through) while the human being goes through the life between birth and death5 The e/ternal #h$sical bod$ of the human being gets older and older5 That it gets older and older does not a##l$ to the etheric bod$ e'en if that is hard to understand5 But the etheric bod$ gets $ounger and $ounger to the same degree as the #h$sical bod$ gets older and older5 The etheric bod$ arri'es at a certain) one could sa$) childish le'el of etheric e/istence in the time when the human being goes through the gate of death in a normal age5 "o that we must sa$ to oursel'es@ when we start our #h$sical earth e/istence with birth) then that is old which has been united as an etheric bod$ with our #h$sical bod$ E we can sa$ com#arati'el$ E and gets $ounger and $ounger during life and arri'es at its childish le'el when we go through the gate of death5 (e could also sa$@ if a human being dies in his $outh) his etheric bod$ does not get $oung enough) but it 7ee#s a certain le'el of its age5 E (hat does that mean reall$I !n e/am#le can teach us what that means5 "ome of $ou alread$ 7now this e/am#le which I ha'e again to mention here) a concrete e/am#le of the last time which could be e/#erienced b$ a number of our friends5 This concrete e/am#le concerns) actuall$) to a 'er$ $oung child) the little son of a member of ours5 It was Cust at an e'ening lecture in Dornach when we got to 7now after the lecture that a bo$ of se'en $ears) the son of our friend Faiss) was missing5 It was soon clear to us that a big misfortune must ha'e ha##ened5 ! remo'al 'an had come in the late afternoon nearb$ the Dornach construction) strangel$ in an area) in which long before no remo'al 'an has #robabl$ gone) and will also not after5 This remo'al 'an had to##led o'er at a #articular #lace5 This had ha##ened towards e'ening) nothing else had been noticed. howe'er) the bo$ was missing5 (hen our friends) together with others) endea'oured to lift the remo'al 'an between ten and twel'e o,cloc7 in the e'ening which had not been lifted b$ the #eo#le to whom it belonged E the$ had sa'ed themsel'es it for the ne/t da$ because the carriage had fallen 'er$ unfa'ourabl$ and was 'er$ hea'$5 (hen the hel#ers had succeeded in lifting it) it became a##arent that) indeed) the child) the little Theodor Faiss) had #assed Cust at the moment when the remo'al 'an to##led o'er) and that the carriage had fallen on the child5 This child was onl$ se'en $ears old E an e/ce#tionall$ dear child) a child who had e/ce#tionall$ nice Fualities5 I would li7e to remind $ou of a logical consideration which I ha'e often done in our circle to show such a fact in the light of our s#iritual science5 I ha'e often said that one can mista7e cause and effect using e/ternal thin7ing) untrained thin7ing) and that such mista7es of cause and effect a##ear e/ce#tionall$ often5 !t an e/am#le I tried to illustrate this) an e/am#le which should be onl$ a meta#hor5 Imagine that one sees a #erson in the distance going along a ri'erban75 0ne sees him falling into the ri'er) one tries to a##roach him) and one sees a stone l$ing Cust where the #erson had fallen into the water5 0ne tries to #ull out the #erson from the ri'er@ he is dead5 (hat is more ob'ious than to sa$@ the #erson tri##ed o'er the stone) fell into the ri'er and drownedI This does not need to occur at all in such a wa$) but here the sim#le #h$sical in'estigation ma$ teach us that at the moment when the #erson entered this #lace he got a cariad arrest) without his destin$ ha'ing to do an$thing with the stone or an$thing else5 That is wh$ he fell into the water) so that the cariad arrest was the cause of the fall into the water) while one would sa$ if one ma7es no effort to come to the cause that the fall into the water is the cause of his death5 0ne would assume the o##osite of the right thing5 &ause and effect are distinguished more difficultl$ if one deals with matters related to the s#iritual world5 That is wh$ one has to sa$@ in such a case li7e in the case of this child who reall$ finds his death under such e/traordinar$ 96

circumstances E which were still e/traordinar$ in some other res#ect E one does not ha'e to remember from a higher #oint of 'iew that now this has ha##ened@ that the remo'al 'an came and to##led o'er and the child got under the carriage b$ chance. that the carriage is the cause of the child,s death5 0n the contrar$) one thin7s in such a case correctl$ s#iritual scientificall$ that the child,s 7arma had run off) and that basicall$ the carriage went to that #lace because the bo$ should find his death. that the carriage brought onl$ about the e/ternal conditions to gi'e the bo$ his death) which was #redestined in his 7arma5 0ne could sa$ tri'iall$@ the higher ego of the child wanted to go through the gate of death and ordered the whole situation) all the e'ents that wa$5 Indeed) it would be something totall$ cra<$ for the human being) who thin7s according to our time) to hear of such an idea5 "#iritual science has to show us that something that the materialisticall$ minded human beings of toda$ consider as something cra<$ corres#onds to the truth5 Howe'er) it is im#ortant that Cust in this case the etheric bod$ of a se'en $ear old child was se#arated from the indi'idualit$ of the child) from that which goes then in connection with the ego and the astral bod$ through the s#iritual worlds5 +ow it should not be m$ obCect to s#ea7 about the further life of this indi'idualit$ of the little Theodor Faiss) but m$ tas7 is rather to draw $our attention to the fact that the etheric bod$ su##lied the #h$sical life with 'italit$ onl$ for se'en $ears. but it had forces in itself to su##l$ a long life with 'italit$ between birth and death5 These forces remain in the etheric bod$5 The im#ortant matter is that somebod$ who dealt with our Dornach construction in an$ s#iritual relation since the death of the little Theodor Faiss can now 7now what came into being from the etheric bod$ of the little Theodor Faiss5 Various things of the construction are to be accom#lished5 (e still tal7 immediatel$ about the Ins#irations we ha'e to get down from the s#iritual world5 0ne need su##orting forces if e'er$thing comes down that should reall$ come down from the s#iritual world5 There it becomes ob'ious that our Dornach construction is wra##ed u# b$ the enlarged etheric bod$ of this child li7e b$ an aura since his death E u# to a far reaching circumference5 It is #ossible to reall$ determine the e/tension of this co'ering5 (hen $ou see the Dornach construction E those who ha'e alread$ seen it) 7now it) it is a double rotunda Lsee drawing ne/t #ageN5 Here we ha'e built a heating house in a #articular wa$ according to the #rinci#les of s#iritual science) and then here we ha'e built another house where the glass #anes are cut and engra'ed for the construction5 0nl$ b$ the wa$) I want to mention that there is the so called GHouse HansiH E this is the house in which we li'e5 +ow it is strange that towards the wood) then Cust along the heating house) di'iding this construction in the middle where the glass #anes are cut) and here along this house) House Hansi) not enclosing it) this aura of the little Theodor Faiss wra#s u# the whole construction5 "o that one enters this etheric aura if one enters the building5

6Bau Y construction) Hei<haus Y house of the heating s$stem) Haus fVr Glasfenster Y gla<ier,s wor7sho#) -mgren<ung der !ura Y boundar$ of Theodor,s aura) Villa Hansi Y House Hansi) (ald Y wood; I ha'e often #ointed out to $ou that the etheric bod$ e/tends if it becomes free of the #h$sical bod$5 Hence) it does not sur#rise us that this etheric bod$ a##ears enlarged to us5 In this etheric bod$ are the mediating forces through which one finds certain im#ressions of the s#iritual world one needs for the forms and artistic decoration of the construction5 "omebod$ who has to wor7 for the construction 7nows what he owes to this etheric aura5 +e'er will I hesitate to admit 97

that since the death of this little Theodor Faiss the wor7 is thereb$ made #ossible for me that mediating forces are gi'en for the Ins#irations in this etheric bod$ of the bo$ s#read out o'er the construction5 It would be much easier not to mention such a matter5 0ne could boast about the fact that one does not ha'e need of such mediating forces5 But it does not concern such matters but that one recognises the truth5 If we imagine these Cust described facts) we get an im#ression of how it is with an etheric bod$ which must se#arate from a human life if this life is finished b$ death in $outh5 +ow it is im#ortant to ta7e into consideration that as to us the etheric bod$ of a human being does not remain onl$ li7e a nebulous formation in which the #h$sical bod$ is embedded5 (e do also not recognise a #h$sical human bod$ b$ the fact that we describe it onl$ li7e a mass of muscles and bones et cetera) but b$ the fact that we loo7 at it as something li7e a tem#le of the godhead) as a microcosm5 (e onl$ recognise the #h$sical bod$ correctl$ if we realise that its forms which are stam#ed on it are reall$ ta7en out of the whole cosmos that the #h$sical bod$ of the human being is a miracle5 "omebod$) who can feel the emotions which are e/#ressed in the first con'ersation of the second m$ster$ drama The :ro/ation of the Soul) can get an idea in which wa$ an indi'idual human being is #ut into his #h$sical e/istence concerning his #h$sical bod$ b$ all 7inds of hierarchies. that a whole world of gods aims at it as their goal to #ut this human being into the #h$sical e/istence5 (e get to 7now so surel$ which significance this #h$sical bod$ has if we consider the clair'o$ant 7nowledge a little5 The clair'o$ant cognition is the cognition which comes about b$ the fact that the human being #ulls out his #s$cho s#iritual entit$ from his #h$sical bod$ and that he can then be conscious and #ercei'e outside his bod$ in the #s$cho s#iritual realm5 0ne cannot recognise an$ difference between the human being who #ercei'es clair'o$antl$ and the slee#ing human being who has also #ulled out his #s$cho s#iritual of his #h$sical bod$5 Howe'er) because the clair'o$ant consciousness can #ercei'e outside the #h$sical bod$) it can gain an idea what ha##ens with the human being during slee#5 This schematic drawing ma$ ma7e it easier5 (e assume that this is the #h$sical bod$ and this is the #s$cho s#iritual entit$ of the slee#ing human being5 0f course) the #s$cho s#iritual entit$ is in the #h$sical bod$ when he is awa7e5 (e imagine the human being in his slee#ing state5 The #h$sical bod$ and the etheric bod$ lie there in the bed. the$ do not contain the astral bod$ and the ego as the$ contain them when the$ are awa7e5 But one would li7e to sa$ that what the astral bod$ and the ego accom#lish in the #h$sical bod$ during the wa7ing state is not sto##ed com#letel$ in slee#5 For all that which the human being can #ercei'e at first the human being l$ing in the bed is l$ing there as lifeless5 For the clair'o$ant consciousness this #h$sical human being and this etheric bod$ which lie in the bed are not as l$ing there lifelessl$5 The clair'o$ant must sa$ something com#letel$ different of this slee#ing #h$sical and etheric human being5 He has to sa$@ during the whole da$ the area of the earth on which now the human beings are slee#ing was shone on b$ the sun5 +ow it is night5 I tal7 about the normal circumstances if one slee#s at night and is awa7e during the da$) not about the modern urban or big cit$ circumstances5 Dar7ness s#reads out o'er the area on which the sun has shone during the da$5 It is strange) but one notices there that the earth as a being starts to thin7 and the organs with which the earth thin7s are these slee#ing human bodies5 !s well as the human beings thin7 with their brains) the earth thin7s with these slee#ing human bodies5 It #ercei'es continuall$ during the da$ E and the #erci#ience consists in the fact that it is shone b$ the sun from the uni'erse) this is the #erce#tion of the earth E and at night it #rocesses thin7ing what it has #ercei'ed5 The earth thin7s) the clair'o$ant sa$s) and it thin7s using the slee#ing human beings5 %'er$ slee#ing human being becomes as it were a brain molecule of the earth5 0ur #h$sical bod$ is established so that the earth can thin7 with it if we oursel'es do not use it5 But as well as the earth thin7s with the human #h$sical bod$) it imagines E $ou 7now what an Imaginati'e 7nowledge is) E it imagines e'er$thing that is not earthl$ on earth that belongs to the earth from the whole uni'erse5 It imagines that in the etheric bod$5 In the slee#ing #h$sical bod$ of the human being one recognises brain #arts of the earth) and in the etheric bod$ of the slee#ing human being one sees that cosmos imagining which belongs to the earth at first5 0ne can behold this inter#la$ of forces in the etheric bod$ as miraculous #ictures which must flow from the etheric world of the earth) so that the e'ents of this earth can ta7e #lace5 !s true as the #h$sical human being belongs to the earth) he belongs as an etheric human being to the hea'ens5 0nl$ so we can use our #h$sical bod$ for oursel'es as a mental organ because it is created for thin7ing because) so to s#ea7) the earth gi'es him off during the wa7ing state5 That is wh$ we can onl$ use our etheric bod$ in such a wa$ that it gi'es us the 'ital forces because the hea'ens gi'e it off during the wa7ing state) and because the forces of Imagination of the hea'ens are transformed to 'italit$ in us during the wa7ing state5 "o that we will tal7 not onl$ about our etheric bod$ li7e about a nebulous thing) but about a microcosmic thing reflecting the hea'ens in it5 0ur etheric bod$ is handed o'er to us as a #articularl$ #erfect creation at our birth5 !t our birth our etheric bod$ glitters internall$ and gleams from nothing but Imaginations which come from the big cosmos to it5 It is a mar'ellous 98

reflection of the cosmos5 (hat the human being can get as education) as 7nowledge) as forces of will and soul during his life) while he grows old between birth and death) this is got out of this etheric bod$5 The cosmic hea'enl$ forces hand o'er to us what the$ ha'e to hand o'er to us during the life between birth and death5 Therefore) we are again $oung as etheric human beings when we ha'e run through a normal life between birth and death) because we ha'e then suc7ed out e'er$thing from this etheric bod$5 If such an etheric bod$ goes through the gate of death which belongs to a $outhful bod$) then there is still a lot of unused hea'enl$ light in it5 Hence) it becomes a mediator of such forces as I ha'e told5 &om#letel$ a#art from the fact what the indi'idualit$ of such a human soul becomes) li7e that of which I tal7ed before) the etheric bod$ becomes something li7e a gift of the hea'ens) a gift of the s#iritual worlds5 That is wh$ this etheric bod$ can wor7 ins#iring in the described sense5 It would go too far to tal7 about the #eculiar 7arma which has such a human soul who is able to ma7e such a sacrifice5 For this cannot be brought about artificiall$) but it must be connected with the whole 7arma of such a #erson5 He has to do something that has to #la$ a role in the s#iritual world #rocess of human7ind as we intend it for this Dornach construction which should surround our s#iritual scientific efforts5 +ow) howe'er) consider that we go towards a time) in which man$ such etheric bodies) e'en if the$ are not so $outhful concerning their age but their life) are in the s#iritual atmos#here5 Those who ha'e gone on the blood$ battlefields through the gate of death go in another wa$ through the gate of death than somebod$ who goes in his bed or because of an e'er$da$ accident through the gate of death5 The$ go in a certain wa$ through the gate of death so that the$ rec7on with their death) e'en if more or less in the subconscious E the astral bod$ rec7ons with the death in a certain wa$5 0ne can sa$ that this death is alwa$s a sacrifice5 !ll the etheric bodies which go u# in this wa$ from $outhful human beings to the s#iritual world ha'e unused forces5 ! #eriod of human de'elo#ment lies ahead to us in which human souls can consciousl$ loo7 u# to the s#iritual world and can sa$ to themsel'es@ a time has #assed which has sent man$ unused etheric bodies to the s#iritual world5 In these unused etheric bodies forces are included) forces of which we can sa$ s#iritual scientificall$ alread$ toda$ which significance the$ ha'e for the de'elo#ment of human7ind5 If one discusses such a matter) one must e/#ressl$ #oint to the fact that that does not a##l$ to e'er$ war which too7 #lace in the de'elo#ment of the human beings on earth5 (hat ha##ens s#irituall$ and should be considered b$ s#iritual science is not so sim#le as natural sciences ma7e it eas$ to themsel'es5 0ther wars of former times reFuired that one has to tal7 about them differentl$5 (hat I ha'e to sa$ a##lies to the #resent destin$ burdened times5 Thin7 once the following@ at different occasions I had to em#hasise that it does not arise from arbitrariness if we culti'ate s#iritual science toda$) but that it reall$ lies in the de'elo#mental #rocess of human7ind that the human beings get to 7now s#iritual science graduall$5 (e 7now that e'er$ e#och of the earth de'elo#ment of human7ind has a #articular tas75 (e can gather this from different c$cles of tal7s5 (e can recognise that the welfare of the future de'elo#ment of human7ind can onl$ blossom if reall$ the re'elations of s#iritual science become mental #ro#ert$ of more and more souls5 I assume that most of $ou are warml$ enthusiastic for s#iritual science) but ta7e into account which difficulties are there with reference to the #ro#agation of the s#iritual scientific truth in the #resent5 Ta7e into account that the human beings outside in the world o##ose against this s#iritual scientific truth5 Ta7e into account that this truth is defamed) that the human beings consider it as mad) as distorted) as cra<$) as a ra'ing5 Reall$ im#ressi'e e/am#les could be gi'en) but) ne'ertheless) all the e/am#les would be onl$ a small #art of that which basicall$ e'er$bod$ can feel if he is enthusiastic for s#iritual science and faces the world from which he would li7e that it would ta7e u# s#iritual science E and does so little toda$5 +ow the s#iritual scientist ma$ sa$ to himself the following@ what has to be accom#lished with the bare earth forces of human7ind seems to be rather wea7 com#ared to the tas7 of s#iritual science5 But in the immediate future there are the unused etheric bodies which had to carr$ soul and life through the gate of death on the fields of the e'ents in our time5 The etheric bodies with their unused forces become ins#iring forces) su##orting forces in the immediate future5 (e onl$ need to get the attitude E now not intellectuall$) not theoreticall$) but out of heart and soul E to loo7 u# to the hea'enl$ etheric bodies of those who ha'e gone in earl$ $outh through the gate of death in our destin$ burdened time5 (e need to turn our souls as it were onl$ in #ra$ing mood to these etheric bodies) and those who are enthusiastic for s#iritual science onl$ need to turn their souls to these forces E and the$ will ha'e hel# from these etheric bodies5 "o that if ardent s#iritual li'ing together with these etheric bodies is #ossible because one is #enetrated with a real s#iritual scientific attitude) one also finds those among the 'arious fruits which are in the la# of our destin$ burdened time5 For into the souls of the s#iritual scientific enthusiastic human beings of the future that will stream which lies in the forces of the sacrificed etheric bodies of our destin$ burdened time5 Through the souls of those who li'e in the #h$sical bod$ in the ne/t future the forces of the sacrificed etheric bodies can flow if these souls are #enetrated with the real attitude5 These are hea'enl$ forces) forces of the s#iritual world5 Then Fuite different forces are able to #re'ail in the world to bring s#iritual scientific attitude into the world5 (e ha'e onl$ to find the #ossibilit$ to bear witness of that which ha##ens now 99

in the sense of the Cust gi'en e/#lanation) then these destin$ burdened da$s are also dee#l$ significant for somebod$ who stands in s#iritual science5 Mar'ellous) we ha'e said) are the Imaginati'e formations of the human etheric bod$5 +e'ertheless) the$ are different than the$ would be unless the$ had gone through an etheric bod$ of a human being5 But also on this field the sentence holds true@ nothing comes into being from nothing5 E This is not an absolute sentence) but it a##lies to this field5 (hat a human soul adds as an etheric bod$) when it enters in the #h$sical e/istence) gathers forces of the s#iritual world which are used u# during the #h$sical life5 These forces are not from nothing) the$ are there in the s#iritual world5 Indeed) one can find them also in the s#iritual world) but if an$bod$ wants to find them directl$ in the s#iritual world) it is difficult5 0ne must use much bigger instruments of #ower5 If the$ ha'e gone) howe'er) once through a #h$sical human being who has died earl$ and show themsel'es as it were with that which the$ ha'e in themsel'es because of the #assage through the human being) it is easier to use their hel#5 !ll the forces which are in this $oung etheric bod$ of the little Theodor Faiss) indeed) would also be in the s#iritual world) but it would be a s#iritual Herculean tas7 to #ull them) otherwise5 Because the$ ha'e come along on the detour through the bo$) it was substantiall$ easier to be ins#ired b$ them5 Imagine then what a tremendousl$ great significance for the whole further de'elo#ment of human7ind it has that such a big amount of etheric bodies with still unused forces are gi'en to human7ind in the ne/t future5 But because these) I would li7e to sa$ that re#eatedl$) hea'enl$ forces ha'e gone through human beings) the$ freed themsel'es as it were from the laws to which the$ are subCected in the uni'erse outside5 It is im#ossible that in the uni'erse these forces) which are got directl$ from the uni'erse) are used in a bad sense5 !ssuming that all the human beings who go now because of the militar$ e'ents or other circumstances through the gate of death) the$ would not deli'er such a sum of etheric bodies if the war had not come5 !ll these forces would also be in the uni'erse) of course. then) howe'er) the$ could not be used b$ the human beings) because it would be too difficult to use them5 That is wh$ the$ could not be used) because the$ would be used u# in the li'es b$ the human beings who reached their normal age5 This is Fuite im#ortant that these hea'enl$ forces ha'e gone through human bodies5 The$ thereb$ esca#e as it were from the usual #rogress of de'elo#ment5 Howe'er) this freedom ma7es that these forces can be also used in another wa$ than to the welfare of human7ind5 The$ can also be used in another wa$5 The human life must de'elo# in the light of freedom5 !ssuming that !hriman would reall$ succeed in dar7ening the thoughts and reason of the human beings) so that the$ all would reCect s#iritual science5 Then) ne'ertheless) these etheric bodies would be there) but there would be no s#iritual scientific enthusiastic souls who ta7e these forces into the ser'ice of the earth #rogress5 Then Lucifer or !hriman would be able to inter'ene and would use these forces either in the world of Lucifer or in the world of !hriman5 &onsider that I e/#ress something tremendousl$ im#ortant with it5 I e/#ress that it is #ut as it were into the hands of the human beings in which wa$ the forces are incor#orated in the earth #rocess which were gi'en to the world b$ sacrificial deaths5 The fact that these forces can be used to the #rogress of earth de'elo#ment ins#iring that which was aroused b$ s#iritual science5 0therwise) it could be E if materialism sei<ed all minds or if nationalism s#read out in a #urel$ #assionate wa$ E that Lucifer or !hriman would ta7e these forces into their ser'ice5 Then the earth #rogress could not ha'e an$thing of these forces5 The dee# significance of s#iritual science for the human earth de'elo#ment becomes a##arent to somebod$ who considers these connections5 He learns to sa$ to himself@ how necessar$ is it that sacrificial forces are used in the right sense in the de'elo#ment) how necessar$ is it that indi'idual human beings can be touched b$ the s#iritual scientific attitude5 E This s#iritual science becomes something hol$ if one considers it in the connection with the s#iritual de'elo#ment) as it e/#resses itself during our destin$ burdened da$s5 The attitude which can originate from s#iritual science becomes something li7e a #ra$er which can be summarised in the words@ s#irit of the world) let us rightl$ be #enetrated with this s#iritual scientific attitude) so that we do not fail to wring that which can be used to the welfare and #rogress of the earth out of Lucifer and !hriman5 0ur construction should ser'e li7e a landmar7 what s#iritual science should become to human7ind as an attitude5 Hence) it is arranged in such a wa$ that its forms e/#ress artisticall$ what s#iritual science can gi'e from itself5 I would ha'e to s#ea7 a lot if I wanted to e/#lain to $ou what is #ut into e'er$ detail of this construction5 Jou e/#erience all that) if $ou 'isit the construction in the course of the $ears) and Coin in the matters which should ta7e #lace there5 Toda$ I will onl$ tal7 about one matter in connection with that which I ha'e Cust e/#lained5 !t an im#ortant #lace of the construction) where it turns eastwards) a scul#tural grou# will be5 In this scul#tural grou# should be e/#ressed in #articular that which has to #enetrate the consciousness of our time to the right degree5 This grou# consists of three figures basicall$) a#art from that which will be added5 Three beings find e/#ression in this grou#5 "omething li7e a roc7 will be there5 This roc7 has a #roCection forwards) and in this #roCection is a ca'e5 The central 100

figure stands on the roc7 #roCection5 Jou ma$ call it as $ou want) but $ou ha'e to see the re#resentati'e of the earthl$ human being in it in the truest sense of the word5 If $ou want to see the ideal of the earthl$ human being in that human being who carried the &hrist being for three $ears of his life on earth) $ou ma$ also see &hrist in this central figure5 But this must not ha##en in such a wa$ that $ou stand before this grou# with the consciousness that this should be &hrist) but e'er$thing must be felt artisticall$5 That is) it must not be inter#reted e/ternall$ as a s$mbol) but e'er$thing must result from the forms themsel'es5 Here on to# is the second being5 This being has a humanli7e head5 The head is reall$ formed in such a wa$ that one can sa$) a human head reminds of this head5 "ince this head is so formed that the s7ull is e/tremel$ de'elo#ed) in #articular the forehead5 (hile these #arts are relati'el$ immobile with the human being) e'er$thing is mobile with this being5 %'er$thing is an e/#ression of soul5 !s well as the human being can mo'e his hands with the fingers) but not this #art here) this being can mo'e e'er$thing5 0ne notices in the scul#tural wor7 that e'er$thing is mo'able5 The lower #art of the face recedes 'er$ much with this being5 0ne ma$ sa$ that the might$ s7ull arches o'er the receding face5 I can onl$ discuss some #arts) because e'er$ single line of this figure is 'er$ significant5 Then) howe'er) it is the #eculiar that a connection e/ists between that which has atro#hied to the lar$n/ with the human being and the ear of this figure5 That which is as a little lar$n/ in it bends u# and constitutes the lower #art of the ears5 The u##er #art is formed b$ the forehead5 0n the other side) two formations) reminding of bird wings) adCoin between which a bod$ is s#read out resembling a resha#ed human face on the whole5 (ings and lar$n/ and ear are formed as a unit$) so that one recognises@ with the wings the being li'es in the music of the s#heres inside) mo'es through the s#ace) through the wa'es of the music of the s#heres) and this is located in the ear5 (ith the human being all that has atro#hied5 Because the human re#resentati'e lifts the left hand to the figure on the roc7) its wings are bro7en) and it falls off the roc75 E Jou antici#ate@ this figure is Lucifer who falls off the roc7 with bro7en wings5 Here at the bottom) in the ca'e) is another figure5 It does not ha'e bird li7e wings) but bat li7e wings) a 7ind of worm li7e or dragon li7e bod$ and a head again reminding of the human head5 But what is a might$ forehead with Lucifer recedes in this lower figure com#letel$) has atro#hied5 The lower #arts toward the mouth are e/tremel$ de'elo#ed with this figure5 This figure is wra##ed with the gold of the earth5 The gold of the earth turns into chains) which tie u# this figure therein5 This figure writhes because of the effect which goes out from the downward showing hand of the human re#resentati'e) &hrist5 This figure at the bottom is !hriman) who is tied u# with the gold of the earth5 (hat I ha'e Cust said is) as it were) the idea of the whole5 But with this idea I ha'e onl$ #ointed to that which it concerns5 +e'er will we ado#t the bad habit of the old theoso#hists who ha'e alwa$s wor7ed with s$mbols) but e'er$thing that mo'es from s#iritual science to the human feeling has reall$ to be raised to the artistic realm5 Hence) one must not sa$@ these figures e/#ress this and that) E but the$ ha'e to show the relation of the human being) or of &hrist) to Lucifer and !hriman artisticall$5 That is wh$ this cannot be e/#ressed using the old artistic means5 %ach mo'ement of the fingers) the wa$ as the hands are formed) is im#ortant) because something im#ortant has to e/#ress itself in it5 0ne could ha'e the idea at first that &hrist lifts the left hand u# and would allow to emit forces which brea7 the wings of Lucifer) so that he falls off5 The forces b$ which !hriman is tied u# would be emitted b$ the right downward showing hand again5 0ne would ha'e imagined something com#letel$ wrong if one had imagined this5 To e/#lain the es#eciall$ im#ortant as#ect of that) I ma$ remind $ou of something that reall$ belongs to the greatest #ieces of art u# to now@ The 7ast %udgement b$ Michelangelo in the "istine &ha#el in Rome5 There one sees &hrist #ointing the good to the hea'en) the bad to the hell5 0ne sees in &hrist that he sends the ones to the good world) the others to the bad world5 This &hrist) as he is shown there) is not from now on the &hrist whose true being we should onl$ understand b$ s#iritual science5 The &hrist who is the true &hrist does not condemn) does not #raise) using rage or usual lo'e) but has an effect b$ his own nature5 Lucifer,s wings are not bro7en) but he brea7s them because of his attitude while a##roaching &hrist5 !hriman ties u# himself because of the soul e'ents while a##roaching &hrist5 Hence) the downward and u#ward lifted hands must not ha'e an$thing that is not #ure s$m#ath$ with the world5 0n to#) Lucifer cannot endure on his #art that the hand of &hrist a##roaches him5 The e/#erience of this in himself brea7s his wings) &hrist does not brea7 them5 That also holds good for !hriman5 Michelangelo did not $et 7now how to form &hrist as He is in realit$5 The &hrist Being is so significant) the understanding of the &hrist Being is so difficult that this can onl$ be reached in the course of time5 The &hrist (ho #ersuades the beings b$ His nature) so that the$ condemn or release themsel'es) is understood in future5 &hrist in the #icture of Michelangelo has something luciferic ahrimanic because He leads the bad human beings to hell in His rage) the good to the hea'en@ He is engaged with His #assions5 In our scul#tural grou#) &hrist stands as somebod$ im#ersonal) and the beings condemn themsel'es who a##roach Him5 101

Jou see that the #osition of the human being in the world is e/#ressed) in which luciferic and ahrimanic forces are included) at an im#ortant #lace of our construction5 Beings must find e/#ression that can be found onl$ in the s#iritual world5 !n$ naturalism of art) an$ tendencies of art Cust in the last times when #eo#le were sei<ed b$ materialism must be o'ercome b$ the art we culti'ate here5 "omething no'el) also in the field of art) has to enter the world b$ s#iritual science) so that the greatest achie'ement of art is also o'ercome which was #ossible u# to now@ the &hrist figure of Michelangelo in his 7ast %udgement5 0ne is allowed to e/#ress such things) if one em#hasises) on the other side) what must not be forgotten@ the fact that of course this construction can onl$ be a #rimiti'e start5 %'er$thing is im#erfect) e'er$thing is elementar$) e'er$thing is onl$ a start) but the start should alread$ be something no'el5 The fact that e'er$thing is im#erfect) this can be 7nown of course) but one has to #oint to something that should come as an im#ulse in the whole human life5 Ta7e into consideration that it suggests itself to #ass a gift of the cosmic e/istence indifferentl$) which consists of the unused forces of human etheric bodies5 Ta7e into consideration that these forces could become a #re$ of Lucifer and !hriman if the human being did not find the #ossibilit$ to ser'e the welfare of the earthl$ de'elo#ment5 There we ha'e touched a tremendous secret of our earthl$ de'elo#ment@ the secret of the relation of the &hrist Im#ulse to the im#ulses of Lucifer and !hriman5 This relation of the &hrist Im#ulse to the im#ulses of Lucifer and !hriman can be understood b$ human7ind more and more in the ne/t future5 Lucifer,s and !hriman,s forces #re'ail in the world) and the human being must become with the hel# of his &hrist consciousness li7e a being who sits in a boat which is alwa$s e/#osed to the storms Lucifer and !hriman e/cite5 The boat has to roll from side to side) howe'er) it finds its wa$ through the sea whose li'ing substance consists of Lucifer and !hriman) through which) howe'er) the human being steers his &hrist boat5 (e do not come together in our branches to learn this or that theoreticall$ what s#iritual science can re'eal to us) but we come together that e'er$thing that li'es in our souls is filled with an attitude which can flow from this s#iritual science5 It does not de#end on that which we thin7 of s#iritual science) but how we thin7) feel and will5 (hether the smallest or the biggest what we can obser'e in the earth de'elo#ment of human7ind stands before our soul e$es) e'er$where can come before our e$es that it is necessar$ for the human being of the future to familiarise himself Cust with the significance of the triad of &hrist) Lucifer) and !hriman5 Michelangelo could not correctl$ see) the #ast times could not correctl$ see this triad e/isting there in the world5 But one will onl$ recognise &hrist #ro#erl$ b$ His being when one sees Him in His relation to that which wor7s in the world li7e the +orth Pole and the "outh Pole@ Lucifer and !hriman5 "ome of these matters are to be discussed for those who can be #resent still during the ne/t da$s5 Toda$ I wanted to #ut on $our souls that which allows s#iritual scientific attitude to a##ear to us as something 'er$ im#ortant also for im#ortant matters which can a##ear in the s#iritual world in the ne/t future to somebod$ who is able to understand also s#irituall$ what ha##ens #h$sicall$5 0ne ma$ beg the good gods and s#irits guarding the earth and human7ind that the$ gi'e the human beings strength) so that that can ha##en which must ha##en for the welfare of human7ind5 !bo'e there the unused etheric forces of the human beings are who went through death in their $outh5 But human hearts and human souls ha'e to be here on earth which loo7 u# to these forces) so that these forces can be brought in the correct direction of de'elo#ment b$ them5 It de#ends not onl$ on it that there abo'e the forces are which could also become a #re$ of Lucifer and !hriman) but it concerns that here below human souls are in #h$sical bodies that send their #ious mood to these sacrificial etheric bodies5 It will de#end on that in which sense the forces flow in the human de'elo#ment which are created on the fields on which the blood runs on which sacrifices are offered on which #ains are suffered5 This shows the contribution of s#iritual science to the course of the human de'elo#ment if that which can be recognised onl$ b$ s#iritual science is reall$ sei<ed b$ a number of human beings5 (hat can come into being from the #resent destin$ burdened da$s) I would li7e to e/#ress it in the end in some #ragmatic words before $our souls once again@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices 102

(ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 &ommon Ground abo'e -s &hrist in -s DAsseldorf" $'th %une $&$'

(e come together toda$) m$ dear friends) first and foremost) to commit the celebration of the institution of that branch which has been founded b$ our dear friend #rofessor &raemer and which will dedicate its forces to the s#iritual life of the #resent and of the future in the wa$ of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 0n such an occasion it is alwa$s good to thin7 of the real sense of our union in single branches) to as7 us@ wh$ do we come together as stud$ grou#s) and wh$ do we care for the s#iritual wealth within such stud$ grou#s to which we want to dedicate our abilitiesI If we want to answer this Fuestion correctl$) we must get clear in our mind that we still se#arate our wor7 which we #erform here in a certain wa$) e'en if onl$ in thoughts) from the wa$ #re#aring our other wor75 That human being in our #resent who generall$ does not want to familiarise himself with certain more intimate truth of the s#iritual #rogress of human7ind could as7@ could $ou not sim#l$ care for s#iritual science) without uniting in single closed grou#s) while $ou find lecturers and freel$ gather human beings who also do not 7now themsel'es and can come together to let their souls get to 7now the s#iritual wealth about which $ou tal7I E 0f course) we could also #roceed that wa$5 But as long as it is #ossible for us in an$ wa$ to #roduce connections of human beings in the farther and narrower sense who 7now themsel'es who are connected in certain res#ect most friendl$ and brotherl$ in these stud$ grou#s) we want to do this out of full consciousness of our attitude connected with s#iritual science5 "ince it is not without reason that with us human beings meet for the care of the more intimate #art of our s#iritual wealth who 'ow to themsel'es seriousl$ to be together in brotherl$ lo'e and unit$5 +ot onl$ that it has a certain significance for the wa$ as we associate with each other that we can s#ea7 in a Fuite different wa$ if we 7now) we s#ea7 to related) with us consciousl$ connected souls) not onl$ that this is that wa$) but it is something different5 Indeed) we do something with such a union in the single branches that is connected intimatel$ with the whole 'iew which we must ha'e of our s#iritual mo'ement if we understand it in the dee#est inside5 0ur s#iritual mo'ement has to #enetrate our consciousness that it has not onl$ significance for the sensor$ and intellectual e/istence of the human beings5 0ur s#iritual mo'ement has to realise that our souls search for a real and true connection with the s#iritual worlds through it5 (e must sa$ to oursel'es as it were with consciousness re#eatedl$@ while we culti'ate s#iritual science) we trans#ort our souls in certain wa$ to those worlds which not onl$ earthl$ beings) but which the beings of the higher hierarchies) the beings of the in'isible worlds inhabit as their #lace of e/istence5 That we are therein as it were) that our wor7 has significance for these in'isible worlds that we are in these in'isible worlds reall$ E it is this of which we become full$ aware at our wor75 Indeed) it is in a certain wa$ that within the s#iritual world the s#iritual wor7) which we do) while we co o#erate E 7nowing each other E in single stud$ grou#s) has a different significance than if we #erformed such a wor7 not within such stud$ grou#s) but without) dis#ersed in the world5 "o the wor7ing together within our grou#s in brotherl$ unit$ has a different significance for the s#iritual worlds than the wor7 which we could otherwise #erform5 To understand this com#letel$ we must remember something significant that faced us at our s#iritual scientific wor7 of the last $ears in manifold wa$5 Let us consider that our earth de'elo#ment too7 #lace for us human beings so that in the #ost !tlantean age this earth de'elo#ment was carried b$ that cultural communit$ we call the !ncient Indian culture e#och5 This culture e#och was continued b$ that which we term with a more or less matching e/#ression E it does not de#end on that now E !ncient Persian culture e#och5 Then the %g$#t &haldean Bab$lonian culture e#och) the Gree7 Latin e#och followed) then our fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 !n$ such culture e#och has to care for that in culture and in s#iritual life in #articular which is allotted to it at first for the e/ternal 'isible world5 But at the same time e'er$ such culture e#och must #re#are) must bear in its womb) as it were) what should come there in the ne/t culture e#och5 The first #ost !tlantean culture e#och) the !ncient Indian one) had to #re#are the !ncient Persian one in its womb) the !ncient Persian e#och the %g$#t &haldean one and so on5 0ur fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och must #re#are the si/th culture e#och of the ne/t age5 I em#hasised re#eatedl$ that it is our s#iritual scientific tas7 not onl$ to learn E that 103

is all right E and gain s#iritual wealth for our indi'idual souls. this is allotted to us for the eternal life of our souls5 Howe'er) it is also our tas7 to #re#are what the si/th culture e#och should ha'e as its contents for its #articular e/ternal wor75 It was in each of the single #ost !tlantean culture e#ochs that wa$5 The sites where that was #re#ared which was the e/ternall$ significant for the ne/t culture e#och were the m$ster$ sites5 These were unions of human beings where different matters were culti'ated than the e/ternal world did5 Jou also 7now that it mattered #articularl$ that the first #ost !tlantean culture e#och) the !ncient Indian culture e#och) culti'ated the human etheric bod$) the !ncient Persian one the astral bod$) the %g$#to &haldean one the sentient soul) the Gree7 Latin e#och the intellectual or mind soul5 0ur culture e#och culti'ates and de'elo#s the consciousness soul u# to its end5 That must be #re#ared which deli'ers) as it were) the contents) the character of the e/ternal culture in the si/th culture e#och5 This si/th culture e#och will ha'e 'arious characteristics in itself) 'arious characteristics which differ e'en 'er$ much from the characteristics of our time5 !bo'e all we can em#hasise three characteristics of which we must 7now that we must alread$ carr$ them as our ideals for the si/th #ost !tlantean culture e#och in our hearts that we ha'e to #re#are them for this si/th culture e#och5 "omething does not $et e/ist in the human communit$ what will be there in the si/th culture e#och with those human beings who reached the aim of the si/th culture e#och who did not lag behind this aim. the$ are not among those who are maniacs or barbarians in the si/th culture e#och5 In the si/th culture e#och the culturall$ leading human beings will ha'e a moral characteristic) as it were) as one of the most im#ortant characteristics5 +ow onl$ a little of this characteristic is to be noticed within human7ind5 Toda$ the human being must be organised more sensiti'e if it should hurt him in his soul that e/ce#t his own e/istence he has to loo7 at other human beings in the world who ha'e it worse than he has it5 Indeed) alread$ toda$ more sensiti'e souls also feel grief because of the grief which is #oured on man$ human beings in the world E but these must be more sensiti'e souls5 In the si/th culture e#och) those human beings who are at the #ea7 of this culture not onl$ feel as #ain what we toda$ feel as #ain of miser$) grief) and #o'ert$ which are wide s#read) but then the human being feels an$ grief of another human being as his own grief5 If he sees a star'ing human being) he feels the hunger so li'el$ in his #h$sical nature that this hunger of the fellowman is intolerable to him5 (hat is indicated here that it is not in the si/th culture e#och an$ more as it is still in the fifth e#och) that rather it is a moral characteristic of the si/th culture e#och that the welfare of the single human being com#letel$ de#ends on the welfare of all the human beings5 !s well as now onl$ the welfare of a single human member de#ends on the health of the whole bod$) and if the whole human being is not health$) also the single member is not in the mood to do this or that) a common characteristic sei<es the ci'ilised human7ind of the si/th culture e#och5 The indi'idual human being will share) li7e a member of the totalit$) all the suffering) all the need) all the #o'ert$ or wealth to a much higher degree5 This is the first) mainl$ moral characteristic of the ci'ilised human7ind in the si/th culture e#och5 The second characteristic will be that e'er$thing we call religious goods de#ends on the indi'idual human being to a much higher degree than this is the case toda$5 "#iritual science e/#resses that in such a wa$ that in an$ religious field in the si/th culture e#och entire freedom of thought and longing for the freedom of thought sei<e the human beings5 %'er$thing is #ut into the strength of the indi'idualit$ that a human being wants to belie'e and wants to be con'inced in #articular in religious res#ect5 Religious relationshi#) as it e/ists e'en toda$ so often) religious relationshi#) which #re'ails among the single human communities most differentl$) will no longer rule o'er that #art of human7ind in the si/th culture e#och which is then the ci'ilised one5 %'er$bod$ feels as a necessar$ characteristic of human beings that in the field of religion entire freedom of thought holds swa$5 The third characteristic will be that the human beings of the si/th culture e#och onl$ su##ose to ha'e 7nowledge generall$ if the$ recognise that s#iritualit$ is s#read out in the world and that the human souls must be united with the s#iritual5 (hat one calls science toda$) and what has a materialistic colouring as a science) is not called science in the si/th culture e#och at all5 0ne will consider it as an old su#erstition which can onl$ be characteristic for those human beings who remained on the le'el of the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 Toda$ we regard it as an old su#erstition) if the blac7 thin7s that no limb of his bod$ ma$ be se#arated from his bod$ after his death) because he cannot enter the s#iritual world as a whole human being5 The blac7 connects the idea of immortalit$ with #ure materialism) with the con'iction that an$ co#$ of his com#lete form must enter the s#iritual world5 He thin7s materialisticall$) but belie'es in immortalit$) whereas we 7now toda$ from our s#iritual science that we ha'e to se#arate the s#iritual element from the bod$ and that onl$ the s#iritual element enters the su#ersensible world5 !s well as we must toda$ loo7 at that materialistic faith of immortalit$ as a su#erstition) an$ materialistic confidence) also that of science) is an old su#erstition in the si/th #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 !s science onl$ will be regarded b$ the human beings what is founded) as s#iritual science sa$s) on #neumatolog$) on s#iritualit$5 104

Jou see) our s#iritual science is com#letel$ intended to #re#are the abo'e mentioned matters for the si/th culture e#och5 (e tr$ to culti'ate s#iritual science to o'ercome materialism and to #re#are that wa$ what must be there in the si/th culture e#och as science5 (e found human communities in which nothing of an$ trust in authorit$) of recognition of a doctrine ma$ hold swa$) onl$ because it is deli'ered from the one or the other #ersonalit$5 (e found human communities in which e'er$thing must be built on the free agreement of the soul to the teaching5 (e #re#are what s#iritual science calls freedom of thought5 (hile we unite in brotherl$ unions to care for our s#iritual science) we #re#are what should #enetrate the si/th #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 But e'en dee#er we ha'e to loo7 at the course of the human de'elo#ment if we com#letel$ want to understand what is about our brotherl$ unions) actuall$5 In the first #ost !tlantean culture e#och one also culti'ated what held swa$ then in the second culture e#och in the communities which were m$steries in those da$s5 That is) the astral bod$ was nurtured alread$ in the s#ecial unions of the first #ost !tlantean) the !ncient Indian culture e#och5 It would go too far if one wanted to describe what was nurtured in these s#ecial unions of the ancient India) different from the e/ternal ancient Indian culture) to #re#are the !ncient Persian culture e#och5 But this should be said if these human beings of the !ncient Indian culture e#och united to #re#are the second culture e#och) then the$ felt@ this is not $et reached. this is not $et with us which will be with us when our souls are reincarnated in the ne/t culture e#och5 This ho'ers) as it were) still o'er us5 It is correct that wa$5 In this first culture e#och was that still ho'ering o'er the souls which should descend in the second e#och onl$) one would li7e to sa$) from the hea'en onto earth5 The wor7 was managed in such a wa$ that the s#irits of the higher hierarchies got the forces ascending from the wor7 which the human beings #erformed on earth in closer unions) in m$ster$ unions) so that the$ could nurture that which had to descend then as contents of the astral bod$ to the souls of the human beings in the second) the !ncient Persian culture e#och5 0ne would li7e to sa$) the$ e/isted as little children who descended as adults down to the souls who were embodied in ancient Persian bodies5 !bo'e in the s#iritual world the$ recei'ed the forces of the human wor7 which flowed from below) #re#aring the ne/t culture e#och) and these forces nurtured the forces which had to flow down then5 Thus it must be in an$ further culture e#och5 In our culture e#och) it must be in such a wa$ that we realise@ what de'elo#ed in us b$ the usual ci'ilisation must be the consciousness soul5 It must be that which since the fourteenth) fifteenth) si/teenth centuries started sei<ing the human beings as a science) as an e/ternal materialistic consciousness that will s#read out farther) and is com#letel$ de'elo#ed until the end of the fifth culture e#och5 That) howe'er) which must sei<e the si/th culture e#och must be the s#irit self5 Then the s#irit self must be de'elo#ed in the souls li7e now the consciousness soul is de'elo#ed5 Howe'er) this is the characteristic of the s#irit self that it #resu##oses these three traits of which I ha'e s#o7en in the human souls as s#iritual science sa$s it@ brotherl$ social li'ing together) freedom of thought) and #neumatolog$5 ! human communit$ Cust needs these characteristics within which the s#irit self is de'elo#ed as the consciousness soul in our souls of the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och b$ the e/ternal culture5 Hence) we are allowed to imagine that) because we unite in stud$ grou#s brotherl$) that ho'ers in'isibl$ o'er our wor75 It is li7e the child of those forces which are the forces of the s#irit self which is culti'ated b$ the beings of the higher hierarchies) so that it can flow down into our souls when the$ are there again in the si/th culture e#och5 In our brotherl$ stud$ grou#s we #erform wor7 which flows u# to the growing forces #re#aring the s#irit self5 "o $ou see how we can understand basicall$ onl$ from the wealth of wisdom of our s#iritual science what we do) actuall$) concerning our connection with the higher s#iritual worlds if we unite in such stud$ grou#s5 The idea that we do such a wor7) which we #erform in our stud$ grou#s not onl$ for our egotism) but that we do it that it flows u# to the s#iritual worlds5 The idea of this wor7 in connection with the s#iritual worlds gi'es the right inauguration to a wor7ing branch5 (hile we ha'e such an idea) we #enetrate oursel'es with the idea of inauguration which founds such a stud$ grou# within our s#iritual mo'ement5 Hence) it is of a #articular significance that we gras# this fact 'er$ s#irituall$5 (e meet in stud$ grou#s which di'e their wor7 in brotherl$ co o#eration e/ce#t that the$ do s#iritual science) #neumatological science) e/ce#t that the$ want to be founded on freedom of thought and 7now nothing of an$ dogma) nothing of an$ religious coercion5 It de#ends on whether we ta7e u# this idea of communit$ correctl$ in our consciousness that we sa$ to oursel'es@ e/ce#t that we as #resent souls belong to the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och and de'elo# indi'iduall$) get out the indi'idual #ersonal of the communit$ life) we ha'e to feel a higher communit$) which we found on free brotherl$ lo'e) li7e a magic breath we inhale in our stud$ grou#s5 This is the dee# meaning of the (est %uro#ean culture@ that the consciousness soul should be searched for within the fifth #ost !tlantean culture5 It is the tas7 of the (est %uro#ean and #articularl$ the &entral %uro#ean culture that the human beings de'elo# an indi'idual culture) an indi'idual consciousness more and more in their souls5 It de#ends on that in the #resent5 (e can com#are our culture e#och with the Gree7 one) the Roman one5 In the Gree7 culture e#och) it is es#eciall$ remar7able that the grou# soul holds swa$ #articularl$) a consciousness of a grou# soul Cust among the 105

ci'ilised Gree7s5 "omebod$ who li'ed and was born in !thens felt as an !thenian abo'e all5 This communit$ of the cit$ and that which belongs to it had a different significance for the indi'idual human being than a human communit$ has toda$5 Toda$) the human being wants to grow out of the communit$) and this is the right tas7 of the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 In Rome) the human being was nothing but a Roman citi<en. this was that which he was first and foremost5 Howe'er) the time has come in the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och in which we want to be a human being abo'e all) a human being and nothing but a human being in our innermost nature5 (e e/#erience so #ainfull$ toda$ that the human beings Fuarrel on earth5 That is onl$ a reaction to the incessant stri'ing of the fifth culture e#och for free de'elo#ment of general humanness5 (hile the single countries and #eo#les shut off themsel'es toda$) the forces should be de'elo#ed in this o##osition all the more which allow the human beings to be com#letel$ human beings and to grow out of an$ 7ind of communit$5 That is wh$ the$ must again #re#are the communities) which are founded on full consciousness) which the$ will freel$ Coin in the si/th culture e#och) which the$ im#ose on themsel'es onl$5 (e ha'e this communit$ in mind li7e a loft$ ideal which com#rises the si/th culture e#och) so that it will be a matter of course that the ci'ilised human beings stand facing each other sincerel$ li7e brothers and sisters5 (e 7now from the numerous tal7s which were held during the #ast $ears that in the %ast of %uro#e #eo#le li'e that ha'e a 'ocation in #articular to de'elo# that which is as elementar$ forces in them onl$ in the si/th culture e#och5 (e 7now that the Russian #eo#le are ri#e onl$ in the si/th culture e#och to de'elo# the forces which e/ist in them elementaril$ toda$5 (estern %uro#e and &entral %uro#e ha'e the 'ocation to de'elo# that in the human souls which can be brought in b$ the consciousness soul5 The %ast does not ha'e this 'ocation5 The %ast of %uro#e has to wait) until the s#irit self descends on earth and can #enetrate the human souls5 This has often been mentioned. we ha'e to understand it rightl$5 If it is understood wrongl$) it can lead 'er$ easil$ to arrogance Cust in the %ast5 The summit of the #ost !tlantean culture is alread$ reached in the fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och5 ! downward de'elo#ment follows in the si/th and se'enth culture e#ochs5 Howe'er) it will ta7e #lace in such a wa$ that this downward cultural de'elo#ment in the si/th culture e#och is ins#ired) is #enetrated b$ the s#irit self5 Toda$) the human being of the %ast who is called b$ the s#irits of the %ast Gthe Russian human beingH feels instincti'el$) but one would li7e to sa$) often rather wrongl$ instincti'el$) that it is certain wa$. he mostl$ has an e/tremel$ unclear consciousness of it5 It is t$#ical that this e/#ression Gthe Russian human beingH could arise so often5 ! genius holds swa$ in language if such a matter is got out of the language and one does not sa$ li7e in the (est@ the Briton) the French) the Italian) the German) but Gthe Russian human being5H Man$ Russian intellectuals attach a certain 'alue to the fact that one alwa$s sa$s Gthe Russian human being5H This is dee#l$ founded in the genius of the corres#onding culture5 0ne means that which s#reads out as humanness) as it were) as brotherliness o'er a common characteristic5 0ne wants to indicate it using the term human5 But one shows at the same time that one is not $et on the summit which one has to reach in distant future) while one adds something that is basicall$ contradictor$ to the noun5 The GRussianH human being@ one ta7es bac7) as it were) in the adCecti'e what is e/#ressed in the noun5 "ince if humanness is to be reached) it must not ha'e an$ such adCecti'e which again ma7es this humanness something e/cluding5 But #resentl$ something is founded much dee#er Cust in the members of the Russian intelligence that a certain idea of communit$ has to hold swa$) an idea of brotherliness5 In this regard the Russian soul alread$ feels@ the s#irit self descends once) howe'er) it can descend onl$ to a human communit$ which is filled with brotherliness5 It can ne'er s#read out in a human communit$ which is not filled with brotherliness5 That is wh$ the Russian intellectuals) as the$ are called) accuse the (est of %uro#e and also &entral %uro#e5 The$ sa$@ $ou do not #a$ attention at all to that which is a real communit$ life) $ou onl$ care for indi'idualism5 %'er$bod$ wants to be an indi'idual. e'er$bod$ wants to be indi'idualit$5 Jou ta7e the #ersonal) through which an$ single human being feels as a self) as an indi'idualit$) to e/tremes5 This is that which sounds in a lot of re#roaches concerning barbarit$ et cetera to &entral %uro#e and (estern %uro#e from the %ast5 Those who want to realise what is there) actuall$) sa$@ (estern %uro#e and &entral %uro#e ha'e alread$ lost an$ sensiti'it$ of human connections5 (hile one confuses #resent with future) one sa$s@ the real human connections where e'er$bod$ feels as the brother of his fellowman where somebod$ who stands abo'e the other feels as his Gdadd$H and Gmumm$)H real human communit$ life is onl$ in Russia5 E The Russian intelligence states that5 That is wh$ it sa$s) the (est %uro#ean &hristianit$ did not manage to care for the real human communit$ life5 The Russian still 7nows) the$ sa$) the communit$5 "uch an e/cellent Russian intellectual li7e !le7sander Her<en L !le7sander I'ano'ich Her<en 62=2AM2=?:;N) li'ing in the nineteenth centur$) said as the last conseFuence@ in (estern %uro#e) ha##iness can ne'er come into being5 (hate'er ma$ be attem#ted in the (est %uro#ean culture and ci'ilisation) ha##iness will ne'er come into being there5 Human7ind is ne'er able to be contented5 There onl$ chaos can #re'ail5 The onl$ blessing lies in the Russian nature 106

where the human beings ha'e not $et se#arated from the communit$ life where the$ ha'e something else li7e a grou# soul in their 'illages to which the$ stic75 (hat we call grou# soul of which human7ind has struggled out graduall$ and in which still com#letel$ the animal nature li'es inside) Cust the Russian intellectuals re'ere this with their #eo#le as something #articularl$ great and significant5 The$ cannot rise to the thought that the$ should ha'e in mind the future communit$ life as a loft$ ideal) an ideal which onl$ has to be asserted5 The$ stic7 to the thought@ we loo7 at that which has remained to us as the last in %uro#e5 The others ha'e alread$ lifted themsel'es out of the grou# soul) we ha'e still 7e#t it. we must 7ee# it5 In future) it is not allowed to li'e in the grou# soul in realit$) because this is the old wa$ of li'ing in the grou# soul5 It would get a luciferic colouring remaining on a former le'el) while the true life in the grou# soul which is to be stri'en for is that which we search for within our s#iritual science5 But $ou can recognise Cust b$ the desire and the longing of the Russian human beings) in #articular of the intellectuals) that one needs the communit$ s#irit to the descent of the s#irit self5 !s it is searched for there onl$ on wrong wa$s) it must be searched for in our s#iritual scientific current correctl$5 (e would li7e to call to the %ast@ we must Cust o'ercome what $ou tr$ to #reser'e e/ternall$@ the old luciferic ahrimanic communit$5 The communit$ life of luciferic and ahrimanic t$#e will ha'e such a firm religious coercion as the 0rthodo/ remaining &atholic &hurch in Russia had to found it5 This communit$ life does not understand the freedom of thought) and it cannot rise to the com#lete indi'idualit$ and) ne'ertheless) to the social brotherl$ li'ing together least of all5 Hence) it would li7e to #reser'e what has stuc7 to blood brotherhood) to mere unit$ b$ blood5 "#iritual science has to stri'e for a communit$ which is based not on the blood) but on the s#irit) on the communit$ of the souls5 It is that which we stri'e for) while we sa$ to oursel'es@ we must stri'e for communities in which the blood does not s#ea7 an$ more5 The blood will sur'i'e) of course) it will enCo$ life in famil$ connections E what must remain is not e/tir#ated) but something new must come into being5 (hat is significant in the child will be #reser'ed in the forces of the old aged human being) but the human being has to do something new in his later age5 The role of the blood must not be reinter#reted in such a wa$) as if it encom#asses the big human communities of the future5 This is the big mista7e) which the %ast contributed in these blood$ e'ents that one unleashed a war under the title of a communit$ of the "la'ic #eo#les based on the blood5 There e'er$thing is a contributor$ factor in our destin$ burdened time that I ha'e now e/#lained and that again contains the right core in itself) namel$ the instincti'e feeling@ the s#irit self can a##ear onl$ in a brotherl$ communit$5 Howe'er) it must not be a communit$ of the blood) but it must be a communit$ of the souls5 (hat arises then as a communit$ of the souls we care for this in its infanc$ in our stud$ grou#s) in our branches5 !s the %ast of %uro#e stic7s to the grou# soul) calling) for e/am#le) the "la'ic grou# soul something that it does not want to lea'e that on the contrar$ it wants to consider as the encom#assing #rinci#le of forming states) this is something that must be o'ercome5 It is a great and 'er$ im#ortant s$mbol that the two states from which the war originated call on the one side blood brotherhood as the reason of the war E Russia with all the "la'es E and the other state) which stands facing it) has thirteen official #eo#les and thirteen languages5 The mobilisation in !ustria had to be issued in thirteen languages) because thirteen #eo#les are united in !ustria@ Germans) &<echs) Poles) Ruthenians 6-7rainians;) Rumanians) Hungarians) "lo'a7s) "erbians) &roatians) "lo'enes E and an additional #articular "lo'enish dialect) E Bosnians) Dalmatians and Italians5 Thirteen different #eo#les are united in !ustria that wa$) a#art from an$ small differentiations5 (hether one sees this or not) it shows that this !ustria consists of a interrelation of human beings where the common characteristic can ne'er be founded u#on blood brotherhood) because from thirteen different origins comes that into being which #re'ails within this #eculiar region5 0ne would li7e to sa$) the most com#osed state of %uro#e faces that state which mostl$ stri'es for something li7e a grou# soul or for conformit$5 But this stri'ing for something li7e a grou# soul has something different as conseFuence5 +ow we still find something that we ma$ remember toda$ as significant5 Jesterda$ in the #ublic lecture) I ha'e alread$ mentioned the great #hiloso#her "olo'$o' as one of the most significant s#irits of Russia5 "olo'$o' is actuall$ an e/cellent s#irit) but a Fuite Russian s#irit5 He is a s#irit who is e/ce#tionall$ hard to understand from the (est %uro#ean #oint of 'iew5 But anthro#oso#hists should get to 7now him5 Those who stand on the ground of s#iritual science should get to 7now him. the$ should be able to bring themsel'es to understand "olo'$o' to a certain degree5 +ow I want to #ut) I would li7e to sa$) a #rime and central idea of "olo'$o' once before $our souls from our intimate #oint of 'iew5 "olo'$o' is too much a #hiloso#her) as that he could reall$ acce#t the grou# soul for himself so easil$5 The matter ma7es trouble for him) and he comes into 'arious contradictions5 But he is not com#letel$ controlled with an idea) so that one has to sa$@ if this 107

"olo'$o' is clair'o$ant that he ma$ behold in ad'ance what his soul onl$ can see on earth when it is incarnated in the si/th culture e#och5 The idea which is hard to understand to the (est %uro#ean from its starting #oint) of course) also to the &entral %uro#ean) became a #rime and central idea with "olo'$o'5 This is the following5 (e in (estern %uro#e loo7 Cust for that which we care for as the #re#aration of the si/th culture e#och) among a lot of other things) to understand death in its significance for life5 (e tr$ to understand how death is the a##earance of a wa$ of life) how the soul is transformed in death to another wa$ of life5 (e describe how the human being li'es in his bod$) and what he e/#eriences between death and new birth5 (e tr$ to understand death5 (e tr$ to o'ercome death) while we understand it) while we show that it is onl$ an a##earance that the soul li'es in truth) while it goes through death5 But this is the main thing to us that we tr$ to o'ercome death through understanding5 Howe'er) there we ha'e) for e/am#le) one of the #oints) one of the most #rinci#al #oints) which distinguishes our s#iritual scientific stri'ing com#letel$ from the idea of "olo'$o') the great Russian s#irit@ there is e'il in the world) there is the bad in the world5 The bad) the e'il is there in the world5 If we loo7 with our senses at the e'il) the bad) then we cannot den$ that the world is full of the bad5 This contradicts the belief) "olo'$o' sa$s) that the world is di'ine5 (h$ can $ou belie'e in a di'ine world if $ou loo7 at the world with $our senses) because a di'ine world cannot e/#lain the bad5 But the senses see the bad e'er$where and the worst is death5 Because death is in the world) the world a##ears in its entire badness) in its entire e'il5 The #rimal e'il is death5 This is "olo'$o',s characteristic of the world5 He sa$s E I Fuote almost literall$@ loo7 at the world with $our bare senses5 Tr$ to understand the world with $our bare reason5 There $ou can ne'er den$ the e'il in the world5 It would be absurd to stri'e for an understanding of death5 Death is there5 It a##ears5 ! sensor$ 7nowledge can ne'er recognise death5 Hence) the sensor$ 7nowledge shows a bad world) a world of the e'il5 &an we belie'e now E "olo'$o' sa$s E that this world is di'ine if it shows us that it is full of e'ilI If it shows us death where'er we goI (e can ne'er belie'e that this world) which shows us death) is a di'ine one5 "ince the e'il cannot be in God) cannot be the #rimal e'il at all5 Death cannot be in God5 If God came to the world E I re#eat almost literall$ what "olo'$o' sa$s E if God came to the world if He a##eared in the world) could we belie'e Him easil$ that He is GodI +o) we could not belie'e God easil$ that He is God5 He would onl$ ha'e to #ro'e His identit$5 If a being came and stated) he were God) then we would not belie'e him5 Then he would onl$ ha'e to #ro'e his identit$5 It would ha'e to show onl$ something E "olo'$o' s#ea7s that wa$ E as a world document) something through which we can recognise@ this is God5 (e cannot find such a thing in the world5 God cannot #ro'e His identit$ through that which is in the world) because e'er$thing that is in the world is contradictor$ to the di'ine5 How can He #ro'e His identit$I He onl$ can #ro'e His identit$ that He shows when He came into the world that He defeated death that death can do no harm to Him5 +e'er would we belie'e that &hrist is God if He did not #ro'e His identit$5 He did it) while He rose again) while He showed that the #rimal e'il) death) is not in Him5 E "o we ha'e a consciousness of God which is onl$ based on a real) historical Resurrection of &hrist) which legitimised God as God5 +othing in the world but the Resurrection re'eals us that there is God5 If &hrist did not rise E this sa$ing of "t5 Paul is #rinci#al) "olo'$o' Fuotes it re#eatedl$) E all our faith would be null and 'oid5 %'er$thing would be null and 'oid that we can sa$ about something di'ine in the world5 Hence) the sentence of "olo'$o'@ if we loo7 at the world) we onl$ see e'il and bad) deca$ and futilit$ e'er$where in the world5 If &hrist did not rise again) the world would be #ointless5 "o &hrist rose again5 E +otice this sentence well5 For this sentence is a cardinal sentence of one of the greatest s#irits of the %ast5 If &hrist did not rise again) the world would be #ointless5 "o &hrist rose againP E "olo'$o' said@ there ma$ be #eo#le who belie'e) it would not be logical if I sa$@ if &hrist did not rise again) the world would be #ointless. so He rose againP E Howe'er) this is a much better logic E "olo'$o' means) E than all logic which $ou can hold out towards me5 I ha'e shown $ou definitel$) Cust in this #eculiar demanding of a document for the di'init$ of God b$ "olo'$o') how #eculiar the thoughts are in the %ast. how #eculiarl$ the thoughts ascend to sei<e once that b$ which God shows directl$ that He is God5 How different it is in the (est) how different in &entral %uro#e5 (hat do we use our s#iritual scientific stri'ing forI Tr$ to com#are and to ta7e an o'er'iew of e'er$thing that we do in s#iritual science5 (hat does it ha'e as an obCecti'e at which we get thenI (e want to realise) out of the 7nowledge) that the world has a sense that the world has significance that e'il and deca$ are not onl$ in it5 -sing immediate 7nowledge we want to understand that the world has a sense5 (e Cust want to #re#are oursel'es for e/#eriencing &hrist while we understand that the world has a sense5 (e want to gras# the li'ing &hrist5 Indeed) as a gift) as a merc$ of &hrist we want to acce#t all this5 (e 7now that it can be gi'en us according to the sa$ing@ I will be with $ou alwa$s) to the end of time L Matthew A=@A:N5 (e want to acce#t e'er$thing that &hrist #romises to us #er#etuall$5 "ince He s#ea7s not onl$ b$ means of the Gos#els but also in our souls5 He means this 108

with the sa$ing@ I will be with $ou alwa$s) to the end of time5 He can alwa$s be found as li'ing &hrist5 (e want to li'e in Him) ta7e u# Him in us@ not I) but &hrist in me LGnot I) but &hrist in me or the life I now li'e is not m$ life) but the life which &hrist li'es in me@H Galatians A@A:N5 This is our most #rinci#al Pauline sa$ing@ the life I now li'e is not m$ life) but the life which &hrist li'es in me5 "o that we see b$ Him@ e'er$where we get) there is sense5 Faust alread$ wanted to sa$ this) while he e/#ressed his whole world 'iew in the words@ "#irit sublime) all that for which I #ra$ed) all that $ou now ha'e granted me5 In fire $ou showed $our face to me) but not in 'ain5 Jou ga'e me for m$ realm all +ature,s s#lendor) with #ower to feel and to enCo$ it5 Jou grant not onl$ awed) aloof acFuaintanceshi#) $ou let me loo7 dee# down into her heart as if it were the bosom of a friend5 Jou lead the ran7s of li'ing beings #ast me) and teach me thus to 7now m$ fellow creatures in air and water and in silent wood5 !nd when the storm swe#t forest crea7s and groans) when) as it falls) the giant fir stri#s down and crushes neighbouring boughs and trun7s) and when the hill echoes its fall as muffled thunder) $ou guide me to the safet$ of a ca'e) re'eal m$ self to me) and then m$ heart,s #rofound and secret wonders are un'eiled5 Faust I) 'erses OA2?MOAOB (e ha'e to com#rehend the e/ternal and internal things) to gras# sense e'er$where) to com#rehend death as something significant that it is the #assage from one life form to the other life form5 (hile we search for the li'ing &hrist) then we also follow Him through death and resurrection5 (e do not start from the resurrection li7e the %ast %uro#ean human being5 (e follow &hrist (ho ins#ires us) (hom we ta7e u# in our Imaginations5 (e follow &hrist u# to death5 (e follow Him not onl$) while we sa$@ eB deo nascimur) E but while we sa$@ in *hristo morimur5 E (e obser'e the world and 7now that the world is the document b$ which God e/#resses His di'init$5 (e cannot sa$ in the (est) while we want to e/#erience and gras# the s#iritual wea'ing and #re'ailing@ we reFuire a document if God comes into the world and has to identif$ Himself) E but we search for God e'er$where5 In nature and in the human souls we search for God5 That is wh$ this fifth #ost !tlantean culture e#och also needs what we culti'ate in our brotherl$ branches5 It needs the conscious care) as it were) of that s#iritual aura which still ho'ers o'er us which is nurtured b$ the s#irits of the higher hierarchies and flows into the human souls when the$ li'e in the si/th culture e#och5 (e do not want to turn to an$thing dead) li7e the %ast to something li7e a grou# soul) to the rest of a communit$ life5 (e want to care for the li'ing from its infanc$ on) and this is the communit$ s#irit of our branches5 (e do not want to loo7 at that which rumbles there below in the blood to call together onl$ those with whom something common rumbles in the blood and care for that in an$ communit$5 (e want to call together the human beings who resol'e to be brothers and sisters and feel the good genius of brotherliness ho'ering o'er them) while the$ care for s#iritual science5 (e ta7e u# this as an inauguration thought at the first meeting of one of our branches5 (e o#en a branch that wa$ when we found it5 &ommunit$ life and li'eliness5 (e search for communit$ life abo'e oursel'es) the li'ing &hrist in oursel'es) (ho needs no document that authenticates Him onl$ because of His Resurrection5 He is authenticated) because we e/#erience Him in oursel'es5 &ommunit$ life abo'e us) &hrist in us@ we ma7e this our motto) our inauguration motto) while we found a branch5 (e 7now@ if two or three or se'en or man$ are united in this sense in the name of &hrist) in those &hrist is ali'e5 !ll the human beings who ac7nowledge &hrist as their brother in this sense are sisters and brothers5 &hrist will acce#t this human being as his brother who acce#ts the other human being as his brother5 If we are able to ta7e u# such an inauguration motto in oursel'es) to do our wor7 with such an attitude) then the right s#irit of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement #re'ails in this wor75 !lso in this difficult time) our s#iritual scientific friends from out of town ha'e united with those who ha'e here founded their branch5 This is alwa$s a nice custom5 "ince thereb$ 109

the others who wor7 in other branches carr$ the inauguration thoughts) the inauguration motto outwards5 The$ 'ow to each other to thin7 alwa$s of those who ha'e 'owed in a branch to wor7 with each other for the #ur#oses of our mo'ement5 Thus this grows and grows which we want to found as our in'isible communit$ b$ the 7ind of our wor75 Howe'er) when such an attitude) connecting with our wor7) s#reads out more and more) we do Custice to the demands of s#iritual science for the #rogress of human7ind5 Then we are allowed to belie'e that those who guide there as the Great Masters of (isdom the human #rogress and the human 7nowledge are at our wor7 among us5 !nd in this res#ect $ou wor7 here in this s#iritual scientific attitude of ours) in the same sense I 7now that the loft$ masters) who guide our mo'ement reall$ from the s#iritual worlds) are also in the middle of $our wor75 From this #oint of 'iew) I call the strength and the merc$ and the lo'e of these Masters of (isdom who direct and guide what we do as a wor7 in brotherl$ unions in our branches5 I call the merc$) I call the strength) and I call the lo'e of these Masters of (isdom) who are in immediate connection with the forces of the higher hierarchies) for the wor7 of this branch) too5 The good genius of $ou) Great Masters) and the good genius of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement ma$ be with this branch5 Ma$ the$ #re'ail and wor7 in it5 Post mortal %/#eriences of the Human Being DAsseldorf" $9th %une $&$'

In connection with some s#iritual scientific considerations) I ha'e often said that it concerns within our s#iritual scientific mo'ement and its efforts of ta7ing u# those conce#ts and ideas not onl$ in theor$ which one can learn b$ s#iritual science) but that the s#iritual scientific results ha'e to #enetrate the innermost mo'ements) the innermost im#ulses of our soul life5 Indeed) we ha'e to start from the results of the s#iritual scientific 7nowledge) and we can gain such 7nowledge if we Cust stud$ it if we occu#$ oursel'es with it5 But s#iritual science is not to be ta7en u# li7e another science) so that one 7nows onl$ afterwards that one has heard this or that) that this or that is true concerning one or another matter in the world5 "#iritual science has to wor7 on our souls so that the souls become different in this or that field of feeling that the$ become different ta7ing u# what can flow out of s#iritual science5 The conce#ts) ideas and mental #ictures which we ta7e u# b$ means of s#iritual science ha'e to rouse our souls in the core) ha'e to unite with our feelings) so that we learn through s#iritual science to loo7 at the world not onl$ differentl$) but also to feel differentl$ than without it5 The s#iritual scientist) actuall$) has to familiarise himself with certain circumstances Fuite differentl$ than this is #ossible without s#iritual science5 If he is able to do this) he has basicall$ onl$ arri'ed at what has to flow to us from s#iritual science5 (e li'e in a grie'ous time toda$) in which to us one of the most im#ortant Fuestions of s#iritual science) the Fuestion of death) a##ears in so countless cases before our e$es) before our souls) before our hearts) closer to one) closest to the other5 The s#iritual scientist has also to be able to #ro'e s#iritual science in his feelings in this grie'ous time5 He should be able to ha'e a different attitude to the e'ents of time than the others) e'en if these e'ents touch him so near5 Indeed) the one needs consolation) the other needs encouragement. but both should find this also in s#iritual science5 If this can be the case) we ha'e onl$ correctl$ understood the intentions of s#iritual science5 (e ha'e thereb$ to e/#erience a certain shoc7 in our souls through the ideas of s#iritual science alread$ that we learn to feel Fuite differentl$ about some matters than we can feel without s#iritual science about an$thing in the world5 If $ou summarise all that which has alread$ been said about the m$ster$ of death within our s#iritual science) $ou can understand what I would also li7e to e/#lain toda$ not onl$ re#eating) but something adding to former considerations5 (e must learn to thin7 about death not onl$ differentl$) but we must learn to feel about death differentl$5 "ince) indeed) the m$ster$ of death is connected with the dee#est world m$steries5 (e should be Fuite clear to oursel'es that we ta7e off all that through which we get #erce#tion and 7nowledge in the #h$sical world) through which we e/#erience something of the e/ternal world when we go through the gate of death5 (e get im#ressions about the world in the #h$sical world b$ means of our senses5 (e ta7e off these senses when we enter the s#iritual world5 Then we do not ha'e the senses an$ more5 This must alread$ be a #roof to us that we must tr$ if we thin7 about the su#ersensible world to thin7 differentl$ than we ha'e learnt to thin7 b$ means of our senses5 Indeed) we ha'e a clue of sorts) while also in the e'er$da$ life) which we s#end between birth and death) something analogous) something similar of the e/#eriences in the s#iritual world #roCects5 These are the dream e/#eriences #roCecting into the e'er$da$ life5 The dream e/#erience does not come into being to us through our senses. our senses ha'e reall$ nothing to do with the dream e/#erience5 +e'ertheless) it is in the #ictures that sometimes remind of the 110

sensor$ life5 (e ha'e in these dream #ictures) e'en if a wea7 reflection) Cust a reflection of that t$#e) as the s#iritual e/istence faces us as an Imaginati'e world between death and a new birth5 (e ha'e Imaginati'e #erce#tion) howe'er) after death. the e/#erience a##ears in #ictures5 0nl$ if $ou see) for e/am#le) a red colour in the sensor$ world and must ha'e the thought@ what is behind this red colourI E Then $ou will sa$ to $oursel'es@ there is something that fulfils the s#ace) something material is behind it5 E The red colour also a##ears to $ou in the s#iritual world) but there is nothing material behind it) nothing that would e/ercise a material im#ression in the usual sense5 Behind the red is a #s$cho s#iritual being. behind the red is the same which $ou feel as $our world in $our soul5 0ne would li7e to sa$@ from the sense im#ression of the colour we descend e/ternall$ in the #h$sical down to the material world) from the Imaginations we ascend to s#iritual regions of the s#iritual world5 +ow we must be aware E this has been em#hasised strongl$ in the new edition of m$ Theosophy E that also these Imaginations do not a##ear to us li7e the sensor$ im#ressions of the #h$sical world5 The$ are there indeed) these Imaginations) but the$ a##ear as e/#eriences@ the red) the blue colours are there e/#eriences5 0ne can rightl$ call these Imaginations red or blue) but the$ are something different than the sensor$ im#ressions of the #h$sical world5 The$ are more intimate. we unite more intimatel$ with them5 (ithout the red colour of the rose $ou are $ourself. within the red colour of the s#iritual world $ou feel to be therein) $ou are united with the red colour5 (hile $ou #ercei'e a red colour in the s#iritual world) a will) a 'er$ effecti'e will of a s#iritual being de'elo#s5 This will shines) and that which it shines is red5 But $ou feel to be in the will) and $ou call this e/#erience red) of course5 I would li7e to sa$ that a #h$sical colour is li7e the fro<en s#iritual e/#erience5 Thus we must get the #ossibilit$ in man$ fields to thin7 something different) to gi'e our ideas other 'alues and meanings if we reall$ want to rise to an understanding of the s#iritual world5 Then we ha'e to realise that abo'e in the s#iritual world the Imaginations do not ha'e the same relationshi# to the s#iritual beings E whose e/#ression) for e/am#le) the colours are E as a colour has to a sensor$ being5 The rose is red. this is a Fualit$ of the rose5 But if a s#irit comes to the nearness and we must ha'e the consciousness according to that which I ha'e now said@ the s#irit shines red) and then the red does not mean a Fualit$ of the s#irit li7e the red of the rose is a Fualit$5 This red colour is more something li7e a re'elation of the inside of the s#iritual being. it is more a character which the s#iritual being #uts in the s#iritual world5 Jou ha'e onl$ to behold through the Imaginations5 The acti'it$ which $ou de'elo# there is to be com#ared in the #h$sical world onl$ with its ahrimanic image) namel$ with reading5 (e loo7 at the red colour of the rose and 7now@ it is a Fualit$ of the rose5 (e do not onl$ loo7 at the red colour in the s#iritual world) but we inter#ret it) but not fantasising E I must warn about it alwa$s again5 Howe'er) our soul itself alread$ finds that something is gi'en li7e a sound) a letter) li7e something that should be deci#hered) should be read) so that it recognises the meaning5 The s#iritual being means something if he manifests himself as a & shar# or G shar# or as red or blue or green colours5 The s#iritual being means something with it. one starts s#ea7ing with him) one starts reading his writing5 The e/ternal culture is based on it that such matters which ha'e their dee# wisdom in the s#iritual world are trans#lanted then also to the e/ternal world5 (e s#ea7 rightl$ of an occult reading) because somebod$ who attains the clair'o$ant consciousness) who enters the s#iritual world) who is able to see out o'er the Imaginations and reads in them) loo7s through them at the bottom of the souls li'ing in the s#iritual world) not onl$ through colours) but also through other im#ressions) such im#ressions which remind of sensor$ im#ressions) and those which are added in the s#iritual worlds5 This acti'it$ which is a #urel$ #s$cho s#iritual acti'it$ is subordinate) as it were) to the go'ernment of the reall$ #rogressi'e s#iritual beings5 Here in the #h$sical world) !hriman creates a reflection Cust of that which I ha'e characterised now5 The e/ternal reading of characters in the #h$sical world is an ahrimanic reflection of this occult reading5 "ince reading in the #h$sical world b$ signs which were de'elo#ed artificiall$ is an ahrimanic acti'it$5 +ot without good reason) the in'ention of the art of #rinting was felt as an ahrimanic art) as a Gblac7 art)H as one called it5 Jou are Cust not allowed to belie'e that $ou could esca#e the claws of Lucifer and !hriman using an$ #erformances5 Lucifer and !hriman must be in the e/ternal culture5 It is onl$ that $ou find the balance) the wa$ if life turns #er#etuall$ to the luciferic or the ahrimanic side5 If an$bod$ did not want to be touched at all b$ !hriman) ne'er would he ha'e to learn reading5 But this is wh$ it concerns not that we flee !hriman and Lucifer) but that we get the right relationshi# to them) that we #osition oursel'es correctl$ to them) although the$ are as forces round us5 If we 7now that we follow what we ha'e described so often as the &hrist Im#ulse which li'es in us) and if we get the s#iritual sensations which im#ose the intention to follow &hrist to us at e'er$ moment of our life) then we are also able to read5 Then we can get to 7now E and we alread$ shall do it if it is right according to our 7arma E that !hriman also established reading) and we see this ahrimanic art in the right light5 If we do not e/#erience this) we declaim something about the ahrimanic culture) about the #rogress and the s#lendour of the ahrimanic culture) for e/am#le) about reading5


But all these matters also im#ose duties) and this is wh$ it concerns that such duties are also 7e#t5 Kust in our #resent time) a lot can be stated to defend or accuse this or that5 Reall$) we ha'e what we can call a flood of war literature5 %'er$ da$ #roduces not onl$ brochures) but also boo7s et cetera5 There $ou can often read@ this countr$ has so and so man$ illiterates) in this countr$ so and so man$ #eo#le can read and write) and the li7e5 !do#ting this easil$ would not be according to what somebod$ who is well 'ersed in s#iritual science has to sa$ out of his res#onsibilit$5 If I wanted to indicate) for e/am#le) that which I ha'e to state with regard to our time) all the es#eciall$ bad of a nation and sa$ that in this nation are so and so man$ #eo#le who cannot read and write) I would not correctl$ s#ea7 s#iritual scientificall$5 There onl$ matters must be stated for which one can ta7e res#onsibilit$ to the occult duties5 Jou see E I wanted to gi'e onl$ an e/am#le E that s#iritual science must go o'er into life and im#oses duties in this dee#er sense5 If the s#iritual scientist sa$s such things which the others also sa$) $ou are alwa$s able to notice that the$ are said in a different conte/t) and it de#ends on this5 Hence) something a##ears rather strange to somebod$ who does not 7now s#iritual science) if it is said in s#iritual science) because he is accustomed to ha'e other ideas and must sa$ to himself sometimes@ this s#iritual science calls the blac7 white) and the white blac75 E This is necessar$ sometimes) because if one ascends to the s#iritual world with the usual ideas and conce#ts which one learns in the #h$sical world) some ideas and conce#ts must be changed thoroughl$5 From this #oint of 'iew let us ta7e one of the most im#ortant) most enigmatic conce#ts which we ha'e to acFuire out of the im#ressions of the #h$sical world) the conce#t of death5 In the #h$sical world) the human being sees death alwa$s onl$ from one side) from the side that he sees de'elo#ing the human life u# to the #oint where the human being dies5 That is where the #h$sical bod$ is se#arated at first from the higher members of the human nature and is dissol'ed then within the #h$sical world5 0ne can reall$ sa$ what the human being sees as death within the #h$sical world@ loo7ing at death from one side5 Howe'er) loo7ing at death from the other side means to loo7 at it in an o##osite light) to see it as something totall$ different5 (hen we enter the #h$sical life b$ birth) we e/#erience something at first in such a wa$ that the #ea7 of our #h$sical consciousness is not $et reached5 Jou 7now that we do not remember the first $ears of our e/#erience with the usual #h$sical consciousness5 +obod$ can remember his birth with the usual #h$sical consciousness5 !t least no one will a##ear in the world who states that he can remember with his usual consciousness how he was born5 (e can sa$@ this is a characteristic of the #h$sical consciousness that the birth of the human being must be forgotten5 It is forgotten. also the first $ears are forgotten5 If we loo7 bac7 at our life between birth and death) we remember u# to a certain #oint5 Then memor$ ends5 The #oint where it sto#s is not our #h$sical birth) but an e/#erience #recedes5 +obod$ can 7now from e/#erience that he is born5 He can onl$ conclude it5 (e conclude that we are born E and onl$ from that E that after us human beings are born whose birth we #ercei'e5 If the naturalist states that he onl$ admits what can be seen) nobod$ could claim his birth after this #rinci#le if he wants to be logical) because it is im#ossible to #ercei'e his own birth without being clair'o$ant. one can onl$ conclude it5 +ow e/actl$ the o##osite ta7es #lace with regard to death5 The whole life through between death and new birth the moment of death which he e/#erienced stands before the soul e$e of the dead as the li'eliest) as the brightest im#ression5 Howe'er) do not belie'e that $ou are allowed to #ossibl$ conclude from it that this would be a #ainful im#ression5 Then $ou would belie'e that the dead loo7s bac7 at what $ou see in the #h$sical world of death) of deca$) of decline5 He sees death) howe'er) from the other side. he sees something in death what one must call the most beautiful also in the s#iritual world5 "ince the human being can e/#erience nothing more beautiful than the sight of death in the s#iritual world first of all5 "eeing this 'ictor$ of the s#irit o'er the material) this lighting u# of the s#iritual light of the soul from the dee# dar7ness of the material is the greatest) the most significant that can be beheld on the other side of life which the human being goes through between death and a new birth5 If the human being ta7es off the etheric bod$ between death and new birth and has full$ de'elo#ed his consciousness what ha##ens not 'er$ long time after death) then he has not the same relationshi# to himself as here in the #h$sical world5 If the human being slee#s here in the #h$sical world) he is unaware) and if he is awa7e) he realises that he 7nows now@ I ha'e a self) an ego in m$self5 !fter death in the s#iritual world) this is something different E there is his self consciousness on a higher le'el) E then it is not Cust the same5 I will immediatel$ s#ea7 about that5 But there is also something li7e a self contem#lation5 %/actl$ the same wa$ as one must call to mind the self in the morning while wa7ing u# it is in the s#iritual world5 But this self contem#lation is a loo7ing bac7 at the moment of death5 !lwa$s it is in such a wa$) as if we sa$ to oursel'es to #ercei'e our ego between death and a new birth@ $ou ha'e reall$ died) so $ou are a self) $ou are an ego5


This is the most im#ortant thing@ one loo7s bac7 at the 'ictor$ of the s#irit o'er the bod$) one loo7s bac7 at the moment of death which is the most beautiful of the s#iritual world that can be e/#erienced5 In this loo7ing bac7 one notices his self in the s#iritual world5 This is alwa$s) one cannot sa$ li7e wa7ing u# E one would stam# the conce#ts one sidedl$) E it is the self contem#lation to loo7 bac7 at his death5 That is wh$ it is so im#ortant that the human being has the #ossibilit$ to loo7 reall$ bac7 at the moment of death with full #ostmortal consciousness E with a consciousness which enters after death5 "o he dreams not onl$ in an$ wa$ what he beholds there but can com#letel$ understand what he beholds. this is e/tremel$ im#ortant5 (e can alread$ #re#are oursel'es during life while we tr$ to #ractice self 7nowledge5 In #articular) this is necessar$ for human7ind from now on to #ractice self 7nowledge5 Basicall$ all s#iritual science is there to gi'e that self 7nowledge to the human being which is necessar$ to him5 For s#iritual science is an introduction to the enlarged self of the human being) that self b$ which one belongs to the whole world5 I said that the consciousness after death is something different than here in the #h$sical world5 If I might to #lot the consciousness after death diagrammaticall$ to $ou) I could do it in the following wa$5

6sehendes !uge Y seeing e$e) sinnlicher 1Wr#er Y material obCect) geistige (esenheit Y s#iritual being; Imagine we would ha'e an e$e here) and here we would ha'e an obCect5 How do we attain the consciousness that there is an obCect outside usI Because the obCect ma7es an im#ression on our e$e5 The obCect ma7es an im#ression on our e$e) and we learn to 7now something about the obCect5 The obCect is outside in the world) it ma7es an im#ression on our senses) and we ta7e u# the mental #icture) which we can form of the obCect) in oursel'es) in our souls5 The obCect is outside us5 Then it has deli'ered the mental #icture which we form then5 It is different now in the s#iritual world5 Because I cannot draw it gra#hicall$ differentl$) I would want what I alwa$s call soul e$e to draw as a soul e$e) although it is wrong strictl$ considered5 +ow this soul e$e which the human being has after death has the dis#osition that after death the human being sees) for e/am#le) an angel or another human soul who is also in the s#iritual world not as he sees a flower in the #h$sical world) but this soul e$e has the dis#osition E we disregard a human soul at first) we loo7 onl$ at a being of the higher hierarch$ E that it does not ha'e as an e$e the consciousness if here an angel) an archangel is@ I see this angelic being outside m$self) E but@ I am seen b$ the angelic being) he sees me5 E It is Cust the o##osite of the #h$sical world5 (e familiarise in the s#iritual world so that we get the consciousness of the beings of the higher hierarchies that we are 7nown b$ them that the$ thin7 us5 (e feel embedded in them) we feel that we are concei'ed b$ the angels) archangels) s#irits of #ersonalit$ li7e the realms of minerals) #lants) and animals feel to be concei'ed b$ us5 0nl$ concerning human souls we ha'e the feeling that the$ see us as we also ha'e the feeling that our 'iew goes into them5 (e see them and the human souls see us5 !s to all the other beings of the higher hierarchies) we ha'e the feeling that we are #ercei'ed b$ them) are thought) imagined b$ them. and while we are #ercei'ed b$ them) are thought) are imagined b$ them) we are in the s#iritual world5 +ow imagine that we wal7 around as souls in the s#iritual world) li7e we wal7 around in the #h$sical world5 (e then ha'e the feeling e'er$where to get a relationshi# to the beings of the higher hierarchies) li7e we ha'e the feeling here in the #h$sical world to get a relationshi# to the mineral) #lant) and animal realms5 0nl$ we need the meditation re#eatedl$ that we ha'e a self5 Then we loo7 at our death and sa$ to us@ this is $ou5 E This is a continual consciousness) continual contents of our consciousness (hat I ha'e said toda$ is to be added to the 'arious ideas which $ou can ta7e u# from tal7s and boo7s5 It is s#o7en more emotionall$ than that which is s#o7en) for e/am#le) in the boo7 Theosophy more from an e/ternal #oint of 'iew5 But onl$ while $ou loo7 at such a matter emotionall$) $ou can feel as if $ou are in the sensations which one must ha'e towards these matters and generall$ towards the s#iritual world5 Hence) self 7nowledge is that which su##orts us which ma7es us strong for the life between death and a new birth5 That could face me recentl$ again with #articular li'eliness when I had the tas7 to s#ea7 se'eral times at the cremation) after some of our friends had deceased5 There it was necessar$ to s#ea7 about something that is connected intimatel$ with 113

the character) with the self of that who had gone through the gate of death5 (h$ did this Ins#irati'e or Intuiti'e come into being to s#ea7 something to the dead that is connected with their beingsI This a##ears in the life of the #ersons concerned after death5 It comes to their assistance what in'igorates the forces of their self 7nowledge5 (hile s#ea7ing about these Fualities) which the$ feel in themsel'es) immediatel$ after death when their consciousness had not $et awo7en) one let flow) as it were) something of the strength towards them that the$ need to graduall$ de'elo# the abilit$ to loo7 at the moment of death5 Their whole being seems to be concentrated there) as it has de'elo#ed between birth and death5 0ne hel#s the dead if one lets flow something towards them Cust after death that reminds them of their Fualities) of their e/#eriences et cetera5 0ne thereb$ fosters the strength of self 7nowledge5 If an$bod$ has the #ossibilit$ as clair'o$ant to familiarise himself with the soul of such a dead #erson) then he feels the desire in his soul to hear something Cust in this time about the 7ind) as he was) about this and that which he has gone through or which his main Fualities are5 Jou can understand that here on earth the life of a human being does not resemble the life of the other) but that all human beings ha'e li'es which are different from each other5 It is the same with those who ha'e gone through the gate of death5 +ot one soul life resembles the other between death and new birth5 I would li7e to sa$@ e'er$ soul life which one can obser'e there is a new re'elation) and one can alwa$s em#hasise indi'idual #articular Fualities onl$5 I would li7e to s#ea7 about such matters toda$ and then also in &ologne the da$ after tomorrow5 I would li7e to s#ea7 of a concrete case as an e/am#le5 In Dornach before some time) we saw a member lea'ing the #h$sical #lane who was rather old aged 6 7ina Grosheint8=.ohrer;5 ! member who had s#ent her life) in an$ case) in industrious wor7) caring wor7) but during the last $ears) since longer time alread$) she was connected in the dee#est soul with our s#iritual scientific world 'iew and had com#letel$ de'elo#ed it in her heart) in her soul5 "o that one ma$ sa$@ this #ersonalit$ had come so far that in the last times of her #h$sical e/istence she was com#letel$ one in her feeling with our world 'iew5 +ow $ou 7now that the human being if he8she goes through the gate of death ta7es off his #h$sical bod$ first) carries the etheric bod$ in himself still for a while and then ta7es off the etheric bod$) too5 There comes a time when the human being must onl$ gain the consciousness graduall$ which he has to #ossess between death and a new birth5 Immediatel$ after death) the human being is in his etheric bod$5 There he e/#eriences) we 7now this) a com#lete re'iew of his life as a big life tableau5 In this time) #articularl$ the #owerful im#ulses also a##ear in his soul) I would li7e to sa$) all at once) so that something that is im#ortant Cust in this regard can a##ear after death that is com#letel$ different than during life5 During life the human being is often tied u# b$ the restrictions which his #h$sical bod$ #laces on him5 Immediatel$ after death) the human being has o'ercome what burdens) #resses) solidifies him) and also the #h$sical that wea7ens the clearness of some soul im#ulses5 0ne has not $et lost the etheric bod$ and) hence) the memor$ of life5 It is an Imaginati'e world which contains the #ictures of the #ast life) and also contains the es#eciall$ strong im#ulses5 If now a soul has ta7en u# the im#ulses of s#iritual science during life so intensel$) if this soul has brought these im#ulses u# to the innermost feeling in herself) she can de'elo# these im#ressions after death also in another wa$) because she has the elastic) malleable etheric bod$ at her dis#osal) then she is no longer tied u# to that which the #h$sical bod$ allows5 0ne could see this with that #ersonalit$ in #articular about which I ha'e Cust s#o7en who shortl$ after death let flow out of her soul what had li'ed from the s#iritual scientific im#ulses in her) after I had Cust succeeded in trans#orting m$self com#letel$ into this soul5 0f course) it would not ha'e stam#ed this in such words during her #h$sical life5 Because the etheric bod$ was still there) she could dress it in #h$sical words5 It was not $et out of her elastic etheric bod$) when she de'elo#ed what she had ta7en u# from s#iritual science) so that it became the e/#ression of her soul5 Then I had the necessit$ at the cremation of the concerning #ersonalit$ a few da$s later that I had to s#ea7 these words) which sounded from her being) which belonged to her) not to me@ Into cosmic distances I will carr$ M$ feeling heart) so that it grows warm In the fire of the hol$ forces, wor7ing. Into cosmic thoughts I will wea'e M$ own thin7ing) so that it grows clear In the light of eternal life becoming. Into de#ths of soul I will sin7 De'oted contem#lation) so that it grows strong For the true goals of human acti'it$. In the #eace of God I stri'e thus 114

!midst life,s battles and cares To #re#are m$self for the higher "elf. !s#iring to wor7 in Co$ filled #eace) "ensing cosmic being in m$ own being) I see7 to fulfill m$ human dut$. Ma$ I li'e in antici#ation) 0riented toward m$ soul,s star (hich gi'es me m$ #lace in s#irit realms5 I would li7e to sa$ that these are the words e/#ressing the sensation after death what the soul has become through s#iritual science5 Then came the time which e'er$bod$ has to go through after death more or less which one im#ro#erl$ calls the time of slee#ing5 Because if $ou ha'e ta7en off the etheric bod$) $ou are actuall$ in the s#iritual world) onl$ the fullness of the s#iritual world is da<<ling $ou5 Jou cannot ha'e an o'er'iew of e'er$thing) $ou ha'e onl$ to ada#t $our strength which $ou ha'e brought into the s#iritual world. $ou ha'e to belittle $ourself5 Jou see too much after death. the consciousness is there) $ou ha'e to reduce it to the le'el of the forces which $ou ha'e acFuired5 Then $ou can orientate $ourself and li'e reall$ in the s#iritual world5 It is s#o7en not Fuite #ro#erl$ if an$bod$ sa$s that one becomes conscious after some time) but one has to sa$ that somebod$ has too much consciousness and has to reduce it to the le'els which he can endure5 This means wa7ing u#5 That is wh$ the soul of which I ha'e Cust s#o7en to $ou reached this condition E when the etheric bod$ is ta7en off E that she was unable to endure the s#irit light5 But she had a lot of strength in herself5 Jou notice that in the words which I ha'e read) and that this strength had been com#letel$ filled bit b$ bit with that which s#iritual science can ma7e of the human feeling and willing5 That is wh$ this being) this soul got a consciousness which was tolerable to her some time after death5 0f course) one would ha'e to describe a lot of the time which begins then for a soul when one wanted to describe e'er$thing that such a soul e/#eriences there5 0ne onl$ describes #arts alwa$s. and while we are within our mo'ement) it belongs) of course) to the most significant matters $ou can obser'e in the souls what connects these souls with our mo'ement5 Jou can learn what generall$ human souls connects with the whole world after death. but $ou can obser'e best of all in such souls what is the life of the soul after death) #articularl$ when it has a##roached $ou li7e this soul of whom I s#ea7 now5 Therefore I could obser'e Cust with this soul how she got the orientating consciousness while ta7ing #art in our meetings) reall$ ta7ing #art in our meetings5 !nd she com#letel$ too7 #art in a Dornach %aster festi'al of this $ear) in that %aster festi'al when I tried to e/#lain the #articular de#th of the %aster thought to our dear friends there in Dornach5 This soul was #resent there5 "he too7 #art as she had ta7en #art once with intimate warmth. she too7 #art now as a soul5 "he wanted to e/#ress herself li7e somebod$ has the need in the #h$sical bod$ to e/#ress himself afterwards about that which he has ta7en u#5 "he wanted to e/#ress herself) and the #eculiar is that she stam#ed such words) because thereb$ the #ossibilit$ e/ists to communicate) that she formed such words describing her #resent life and its e/#erience of this %aster lecture5 The soul added something li7e a su##lement of that which had come from her at that time after death5 This su##lement which came out of the consciousness is the following@ I will steer in human souls "#irit feeling) so that willingl$ It wa7es in hearts the word of sacrifice. I will thin7 with human s#irits "oul warmth) so that #owerfull$ It can feel the Risen 0ne. I had ta7en care Cust in those %aster tal7s and in some other tal7s) which I held at that time) to draw attention E as I did it re#eatedl$ E to the significance of s#iritual science not onl$ here for the life on earth) but for the whole world5 "omebod$ who goes through the gate of death can also e/#erience and get to 7now what is done here in s#iritual science5 That is wh$ I ad'ise so man$ #eo#le if the$ ha'e dear dead to read out to them or to tell about the s#iritual scientific teachings) because what is stam#ed in s#iritual scientific words has not onl$ significance for the souls li'ing in #h$sical bodies) but it has full significance also for the souls who are disembodied5 It is to them li7e s#iritual air of life) li7e s#iritual water of life) or one could also sa$) the$ #ercei'e light b$ us here below5 This light is for us s$mbolic at first) one would li7e to sa$) because we hear words and ta7e u# them as thoughts in our souls. the dead see it) howe'er) reall$ as a s#iritual light5


+ow it is 'er$ significant that Cust this soul who has often heard this wanted to sa$ reall$@ I ha'e understood this) and it is real that wa$5 E "ince her words in this regard are@ The earthl$ flame of s#iritual 7nowledge Brightl$ illuminates death,s a##earance. This is the fact for the soul5 "he wants to sa$@ what $ou s#ea7 there below shines li7e a flame5 E "he e/#ressed this) while she said Gearthl$ flame@H it Gbrightl$ illuminates death,s a##earance 555H (h$ does she sa$ Gdeath,s a##earanceIH If $ou meditate) $ou find out it5 "he said it) because she had alwa$s heard that we call the world ma$a@ on earth she is in the a##earance of the senses. now she is also in an a##earance b$ which she onl$ has to behold the being@ The earthl$ flame of s#iritual 7nowledge Brightl$ illuminates death,s a##earance. E !nd something that she also confirms now@ The "elf becomes cosmic e$e and ear5 "he means cosmic ear5 "he means that now the whole self becomes a #owerful sense organ) becomes the #erce#tion organ for the whole uni'erse5 It is a nice wa$ b$ which the dead shows how she becomes conscious that that becomes true which s#iritual science sa$s5 For this soul it is t$#ical that she wants to e/#ress herself straight awa$ after death and wants to sa$@ $es) now I am so far that that which I ha'e learnt on earth a##ears to me as the right thing5 These words were to me of a certain im#ortance) because the$ came after some time) ma$be a few wee7s later) from the s#iritual world from that soul of which I ha'e s#o7en) after shortl$ before) a few wee7s before) another e'ent satisf$ing me too7 #lace5 Friends of our mo'ement lost a rather $oung son in the current war who had 'olunteered for the arm$5 The $oung man fell5 He had half a##roached s#iritual science. one would li7e to sa$) in his last earth time which he went through5 He was onl$ se'enteen) eighteen $ears old5 +ow he had gone) he had fallen5 !fter some time I could behold the soul of this $oung man reall$ a##roaching his #arents5 (ith man$ souls who ha'e now gone through the gate of death during the war this is the case that the$ become conscious rather ra#idl$5 It was thus E I could reall$ hear it) E as if he said to them@ now I would li7e to ma7e it com#rehensible to $ou that that which I ha'e often heard of s#iritual science) of s#iritual light and s#iritual beings in $our home can become clear to me that it is true that it hel#s me what I heard there5 I do not mention this) because it is something s#ecial) but because it Cust shows how the relationshi# is between the earthl$ life and the s#iritual life5 +e'ertheless) I want to mention something strange besides5 !t that time after a lecture which I held in one of our branches E I had written down the words which had come through to me) I went to the #arents of the $oung man and told this to them and also ga'e the night in which the $oung man a##roached his #arents and s#o7e as it were to their souls5 There said the father@ this is Fuite strange) I dream 'er$ seldom5 Howe'er) I dreamt this night) this same night of m$ son that he a##eared to me and that he wanted to sa$ something to me. howe'er) I ha'e not understood it5 It touches those #eo#le strangel$ e'en toda$ who are outside our s#iritual mo'ement if these matters are e/#lained to them5 Hence) we 7ee# them among us5 But it must be im#ortant to us to deal s#ecificall$ also with these matters) because our 7nowledge is com#osed of these single stones of the e/#eriences of the s#iritual world5 (e onl$ get a concrete #icture if we do not want to limit oursel'es onl$ to hear nice theories of the s#iritual world but if we can enli'en s#iritual science in our souls) so that we endure that which one s#ea7s of the s#iritual world reall$) li7e reasonable human beings Cust s#ea7 of that which the$ e/#erience in the sensor$ world5 "#iritual science thereb$ becomes life in the right sense in us) and it should become life in us) that we gain a life b$ it E not onl$ a teaching) a 7nowledge5 It should bridge the ab$ss which results from materialism which e/tends outside s#iritual science and must become bigger and bigger5 It bridges this ab$ss between the #h$sical sensor$ realm) which we go through between birth and death) and the s#iritual realm in which we li'e between death and a new birth) so that we graduall$ learn to become citi<ens also of the s#iritual world5 (hat matters is that we learn to feel@ somebod$ who has gone through the gate of death has onl$ ta7en on another condition of life and has an attitude towards our feeling after death li7e somebod$ who Cust had to mo'e because of the e'ents of life to a distant countr$ in which we can follow him onl$ later5 "o we ha'e to endure nothing but a time of se#aration5 But this 116

must be felt 'i'idl$ b$ means of s#iritual science5 If $ou ris7 forming an idea about single concrete facts) $ou will alread$ see that these facts also corres#ond to it and su##ort each other for somebod$ who does not loo7 into the s#iritual world5 That is wh$ the confidence) which one has) before one beholds in the s#iritual world) is actuall$ no blind confidence) no trust in authorit$) but a confidence which is su##orted b$ the feeling which is dee#er than critical 7nowledge) b$ the original feeling of truth indigenous to the human soul5 (e li'e in a time in which the e/ternal destin$ burdened e'ents ma7e it clear that the human life has to be dee#ened5 It would be much better if the human beings loo7ed at these militar$ e'ents as a warning to dee#en the souls more than the #redominating maCorit$ of the human beings do5 The$ discuss instead who has the war guilt) who does this or that5 I said) while I discussed the most im#ortant matters before $ou@ concerning some matters we must learn b$ s#iritual science to change our ideas) our conce#ts5 (e can count the conce#t of war to these conce#ts E toda$ this ma$ be still added to our consideration about such a significant obCect li7e death5 0ne will be right) also from the s#iritual scientific #oint of 'iew) to consider the war as an illness of de'elo#ment5 Indeed) it is an illness) but $ou remember onl$ once that $ou also do not do Custice to an illness if $ou condemn it5 (hat matters an illness is often that which has #receded the illness in the human bod$@ the disorder) the disharmon$ has #receded5 Then the illness comes into being which often is there to wor7 Cust against the disorder in the bod$5 %'en if the human being goes through an illness before death) it is this wa$5 He carries disharmonies in himself which ma7e it im#ossible for him to enter the s#iritual world5 Perha#s) the s#iritual world would be obscured to him too long) or other obstacles would be there) because disharmonies are in him which cannot Cust be brought into the s#iritual world5 This is wh$ an illness infects him before death5 It frees his soul from disharmon$ so far that he can enter the s#iritual world5 If it is an illness which leads to reco'er$) then this illness is there to com#ensate that which has #receded the illness which was caused b$ the 7arma of #re'ious li'es) ma$be of thousands of $ears5 0ne would not do well to sa$ at all@ the child has the measles. had it not got these measles5 E 0ne cannot 7now what would ha'e come about the child if it had not got the measles5 Because that came out which sat dee#l$ alwa$s in the child and loo7ed for its com#ensation5 It is also good to consider the war) and to see the e'il not so much in that which must be e/#erienced now in blood and iron but also to loo7 at that which ha##ened since long) long times in the cultural currents5 The human beings must learn to loo7 dee#er at the connections5 !fter this war) a time will come when the human beings start thin7ing about this war5 There the$ will get on how man$ hollow words were tal7ed if one said@ this one has the guilt) that one has the guilt5 E "omething will Cust ha##en) e'en if it ta7es #lace onl$ long after the war5 Then the #eo#le will sa$ something different than toda$5 There will be #eo#le who sa$@ if one studies histor$ the wa$ as one studied it u# to now) indeed) one finds in these acts of the di#lomats this) in those acts of di#lomats that. here and there or this and that was written5 But if one #roceeds that wa$ as histor$ treated all that u# to now) and wants Gto obCecti'el$ CudgeH e'er$thing) as one sa$s) then one ne'er finds out wh$ this war came into being5 Then one will disco'er that it is necessar$ to loo7 at the dee#er reasons be$ond the e/ternal causes which then s#iritual science has to e/#lain5 -nfortunatel$) I can ma7e onl$ remar7s about these matters5 0ne will find that at 'arious #laces Cust at the outbrea7 of this war this or that ha##ened where not the consciousness #la$ed the most significant role) but something unconscious) something under the threshold of the e/ternal e'ents was a contributor$ factor. so that those matters are not e/hausted at all which the historian is accustomed to consider as something decisi'e for the causalit$5 Kust with this e/am#le one learns@ histor$) as we are accustomed to it u# to now) e/#lains nothing at all to us5 It is an admonition to go into dee#er reasons5 !s I had to admonish our souls at the end of almost each tal7 which I held in the last time) I would li7e to do it also again toda$5 ! certain res#onsibilit$ arises for $ou sim#l$ from the fact that $ou ha'e a##roached the s#iritual scientific world 'iew5 Jou must become able to ha'e the thoughts b$ the s#iritual scientific world 'iew at least that those su#erficial Cudgments which are deli'ered e'er$where toda$) because materialism controls the world) should also not become Cudgments of ours who we are su##orters of s#iritual science5 (hat #la$s a role in the world toda$ is a su#erficial hatred from nation to nation5 I ha'e often s#o7en about that in our branch tal7s5 It must not #enetrate us to the same degree) but we also must not become unfair5 For we can learn from the old Theoso#hical "ociet$ to become rather unfair5 The$ ha'e im#ressed on their su##orters with regard to the religions@ all religions are eFual5 This is a##ro/imatel$ the same) as if one li7ed to im#ress on the human beings@ on the table are #e##er) salt) sugar) #a#ri7a. now) the$ all can be used as s#ices) one should not #refer an$thing5 "o) here I ha'e a cu# of coffee) I #ut some #e##er into it) because e'er$thing is the same5 The identical logic is in it if one s#ea7s of the fact that the same core of 117

truth forms the basis of all religions5 This logic sa'es one from stud$ing the great miraculous world de'elo#ment in its details) because one gets b$ with the sentence@ a core of truth forms the basis of e'er$thing5 But we ha'e freed oursel'es from the most su#erficial Cudgments since long5 Thus that cannot #re'ent us from recognising rightl$ to go into an$ national characteristic with affectionate understanding) where we ha'e to stand with our hearts out of 7nowledge5 It is not #ossible that all friends agree in this regard5 That does not matter) but that our souls tr$ to get o'er the #oint of 'iew of the e/ternal world and to deal with the characteristics of the different fol7 souls5 E Then we will alread$ see that the belief in our s#iritual scientific world 'iew im#oses a certain res#onsibilit$ to us in man$ res#ects) the res#onsibilit$ to deal with the matters as thoroughl$ as #ossible and to #a$ more attention on them on the basis of s#iritual science5 0ne e/#eriences #ainful things sometimes5 +ot an$ human being does remember the big admonition of our destin$ burdened e'ents) so that he feels obliged to turn his heart reall$ dee#er) more thoroughl$ to the e'ents instead of Cudging su#erficiall$ in the wa$ of the e/ternal materialism we Cust want to o'ercome5 In this regard) one would li7e to wish and long for that the human beings who are within our mo'ement form a host) as it were) which deals thoroughl$ with the dee#l$ mo'ing Fuestions of toda$5 Thoroughness is necessar$ concerning a lot of matters5 Jou do not imagine at all what is #ossible in our time5 0h) I could tell a lot about that which can ma7e the heart blood$ to somebod$ who #ursues the time reall$ with the goodness of his heart5 Toda$ a lot of 'iews and thoughts are s#read) sometimes with the best intention) from an unhealth$) ahrimanic world 'iew5 But loo7ing at the flood of war literature we ha'e Cust to dee#er meditate about the tas7s of the cultural de'elo#ment5 I attem#t this now in m$ tal7s showing the real #osition of the single human beings5 Because it is often a matter of defending thoroughness against su#erficialit$5 Jou could e/#erience something 'er$ strange) for e/am#le) during the last wee7s5 Because of com#rehensible reasons I would not li7e to mention the title of a boo7 which has a##eared abroad) e'en in German) and some #eo#le state that a German would ha'e written it5 %/#ressl$ I would li7e to stress that $ou can bring $oursel'es to understand an$ #oint of 'iew5 Perha#s) $ou can understand the most anti German stand#oint if the one or the other shows it5 Jou ma$ tr$ to understand it) $ou need not share it) but #erha#s $ou are able to understand it5 But the concerning boo7 has characteristics to which it does not de#end on the fact that it ta7es a thoroughl$ anti German stand#oint) that it re'iles Germanness and the German nature on e'er$ line5 0ne ma$ understand that it is written 'iciousl$5 But nobod$ is allowed to come and sa$@ if a German s#ea7s about the boo7 that wa$) we can understand this) because he tal7s dis#aragingl$ about Germanness5 E Howe'er) it de#ends on something different5 The boo7 is written) so that somebod$ who has a little feeling for internal #rofessionalism and internal thoroughness) who is educated a little) must find@ it is the most terrible simulation of the chea#est literature5 E &om#letel$ a#art from its stand#oint) its literar$ le'el is so low that somebod$ who finds something in the boo7 shows that he acce#ts the most tri'ial literature as something that one can ta7e seriousl$) a boo7 cobbled together with ignorance) I would li7e to sa$) with the most ob'ious ignorance5 "o the stand#oint does not matter. but $ou see from the wa$) as it is written li7e an$bod$ who learnt thin7ing would not write) that one deals with a Fuite inferior sort of boo75 +e'ertheless) I also had to hear Cudgments that this boo7 whose title I do not mention because of #articular reasons is ta7en seriousl$5 If such matters a##ear) it is Cust to us not to shrin7 from forming a Cudgment on the basis of certain 'ersatilit$5 If an$bod$ agrees to certain sentences which are e/#ressed in that boo7 as regards content) he does not need to ta7e such a boo7 seriousl$) alread$ because the boo7 is a terrible concoction) and because one does not ta7e a terrible concoction seriousl$) because one cannot wish that e'en the truth is e/#ressed terribl$ in the worst affect and in an uneducated wa$5 I wanted to characterise such an e/am#le) because I would li7e to draw $our attention to the fact that it de#ends on 'arious things if the s#iritual scientist tries to form a Cudgment about the world5 If it were #ossible to ta7e a boo7 for good) e'en if it is st$listicall$ a horror boo7) then somebod$ would admit that he has not enough enli'ened the s#iritual scientific feeling in his heart) in his soul5 +ot to e/#ress an$thing differentl$ but to draw attention to the fact that s#iritual science has to #enetrate our feeling and thin7ing 'i'idl$ in the most #rofound sense) concrete e/am#les are also gi'en in this field5 It is 'er$ necessar$ that such concrete im#ulses are searched for in our souls5 I ha'e to admit what satisfied me #articularl$ u# to now) tra'elling through German$) that I could not notice terrif$ing cheering after great 'ictories5 0ne noticed that #ain about the enormous losses was in e'er$ soul at the same time5 I belie'e that it is that wa$5 Futile Co$ of 'ictor$ must not be there5 "ince these destin$ burdened da$s demand not onl$ enormous sacrifices) but the$ o#en u# enormous wounds) also s#iritual wounds if one considers the beha'iour of man$ human beings5 That is wh$ it is 'er$ necessar$ that we remember now and again) Cust if we loo7 at im#ortant matters in the field of s#iritual science which res#onsibilit$ is im#osed on our souls and that we must long for times in 118

which the effects of the $oung) unused etheric bodies and the souls can reall$ meet who still are below in the bodies of the human beings and can send their sensations and abilities u# to them5 ! time will come after this war when the unused etheric bodies of those wor7 who went through the gate of death and de'elo#ed forces out of the sacrifices the$ made and which the$ could send down now for the s#iritualisation of human7ind5 But below there must be souls who are able to recei'e this) who loo7 u# in li'el$ confidence at that which went u# in the s#iritual world from the earl$ deceased to shine down the forces of the s#iritualisation of human7ind5 There I would want that it a##ears to our e$es in the sense of the words which I would li7e to s#ea7 at the end of this consideration again@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5 Notes The earthl$ flame of s#iritual 7nowledge Brightl$ illuminates death,s a##earance. The "elf becomes cosmic e$e and ear5 The translation of these 'erses in Our Dead contains some mista7es. #erha#s) the$ occurred because "teiner used a scri#t consisting of normal Latin but also of old German letters 6"Vtterlin scri#t;@

%s leuchtet hell dem Todesscheine Des Geisteswissens 6not@ Geisteswillens; %rdenflamme. Das "elbst wird (elten 6not@ (ellen; !ug und 0hr5 a boo7 which has a##eared abroad@ Richard Grelling %(accuse. By a German5 Third edition) Lausanne) 2324


0'ercoming Death through 1nowledge Prebirth and Postmortal %/#eriences of the "oul 0ur &onnection with the Dead *ologne" $&th %une $&$'

!t our DVsseldorf branch consideration the da$ before $esterda$ we loo7ed a little at that which one calls the #assage through the gate of death b$ the human being5 It is that which matters that the (estern mental de'elo#ment is #enetrated with a 7nowledge which o'ercomes death) as it were) through 7nowledge) o'ercomes it because it recognises death as a transformation of life5 It is a matter of course that Cust in our time) #enetrated with materialistic 'iews) death must a##ear more and more li7e a border of the world which the human being e/#eriences5 (e can easil$ imagine that this was substantiall$ different in ancient times. because) as we 7now) the human beings had lefto'ers of an old dream$ clair'o$ance in these times5 This dream$ clair'o$ance was connected with an e/istence in the s#iritual worlds5 Because in those times in which our souls were embodied in such bodies in which still a clair'o$ant e/istence was #ossible in the s#iritual worlds) our souls were connected with the s#iritual world5 Death was to them at that time not a significant) not a final #henomenon as it is in our times5 But this would become stronger and stronger if that 7nowledge did not come bit b$ bit into our time which should be o#ened b$ s#iritual science5 Hence) do not belie'e that this s#iritual science which we acFuire does not ha'e the greatest significance alread$ as s#iritual science itself for the whole e/#erience of the human being5 Indeed) man$ of us will sa$@ we stri'e for two things on our wa$ through the s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 First@ to #enetrate that reasonabl$ which s#iritual science gi'es us5 "econdl$@ because we a##l$ to our souls the s#iritual scientific methods) as the$ are outlined to us) for e/am#le) in the boo7 ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI) we stri'e for getting the #erce#tion of the s#iritual world alread$ during our #h$sical incarnation5 But some will sa$@ definitel$ onl$ to some) onl$ to few it is allotted b$ their 7arma to reach the s#iritual world consciousl$ in this incarnation5 Indeed) e'er$bod$ would and does come into the s#iritual world in certain sense who onl$ a##lies these rules. but noticing that he is in it. ta7ing notice on it is more difficult than entering it5 "ome #eo#le are #re'ented from being aware in which wa$ the$ are in the s#iritual world e'en if the$ are reall$ in it5 Because the$ are unable to a##l$ that fine) intimate attention on their e/#erience5 0ne would li7e to sa$) e'er$bod$ who a##lies the instructions gi'en in the boo7 ,o- Does One 0ttain 1no-ledge of the ,igher WorldsI enters the s#iritual world with his self after a relati'el$ short time) but E he does not notice it5 Kust concerning such a consideration I ha'e to stress re#eatedl$ that the reasonable understanding of that which is gi'en in s#iritual science does not de#end at all whether an$bod$ himself beholds in the s#iritual world5 (e ha'e often said@ the s#iritual scientific 'iew is necessar$) of course) to get the facts of the s#iritual world5 If) howe'er) the facts are gi'en) e'er$bod$ can understand them if he uses his unbiased health$ reason not clouded b$ #reCudices of the e/ternal materialistic world5 (e ha'e to realise that it does not suffice if we intend or #ersuade oursel'es that we are be$ond the #reCudices which the materialistic age gi'es5 Indeed) concerning our will) concerning our longing we are be$ond these #reCudices of the materialistic time if we de'ote us seriousl$ to the s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 "ince basicall$ nobod$ will confess honestl$ and sincerel$ to this s#iritual scientific mo'ement who is not #enetrated in the dee#est inside b$ the longing for o'ercoming the materialistic #reCudices5 But the$ stic7 in our wa$s of thin7ing firml$) and that stic7s es#eciall$ firml$ which is not directl$ a materialistic #reCudice but which is connected with the materialistic #reCudice5 It is connected with the materialistic #reCudice) with the whole materialistic world 'iew that the human being cannot de'elo# a com#rehensi'e #ower of thin7ing in a certain wa$5 0ur time stri'es for intelligence and logic) but those who want to be at the head of the scientific or cultural efforts of our time do not #ossess a lot of 7een mind and logic5 0ne does not aim at the whole clearness of thin7ing in our time at all5 If one full$ aimed at the clearness of thin7ing) one would also be able to understand s#iritual science com#letel$5 (ho thin7s clearl$ cannot argue an$thing against that which s#iritual science has to bring forward E of course on the whole. since the s#iritual scientist can be mista7en as the human being can generall$ be mista7en5 &ountless e/am#les could be gi'en which show us that Cust our time is little inclined to a##l$ clear) 7een thin7ing5 120

I would li7e to gi'e $ou an e/am#le onl$ of our da$s5 0ne could read it alwa$s as a 'er$ common Cudgment of a reall$ great man Lthe Prussian general &arl 'on &lausewit< 62?=:M2=O2; in his unfinished wor7 On War 62=OA;N) a 'er$ significant #erson5 This Cudgment has been re#eated) and one of the German commentators on #olitics showed off #articularl$ #resenting this Cudgment time and again5 ! great man said once that war is nothing but a continuation of #olitical intercourse with the admi/ture of different means5 This a##ears to some thin7ers) who thin7 Cust in the sense of our time) to be infinitel$ logic@ war is a continuation of #olitics with different means5 0f course) nothing should be argued against the significance of the man who said this5 He means with it that the #eo#les ha'e #olitical intercourse with each other in a certain wa$) thereb$ the$ order their #roblems together. if this #olitics has arri'ed at a #oint where it cannot be continued) then E well) what thenI E Then Cust war continues #olitics5 In this sense) the Cudgment of all human beings can be Custified and acce#ted immediatel$5 But if one thin7s a little) one finds out how one sided such a Cudgment is in most cases5 "ince this Cudgment is the same as one sa$s) for e/am#le@ there are two human beings who are friends or are in another relationshi# who alwa$s ha'e got on well) ma$be) ha'e lo'ed each other endlessl$) and start then Fuarrelling5 Jou could also sa$@ Fuarrel is the continuation of lo'e5 The Fuarrel is e/ternall$ considered the continuation of lo'e5 But about the nature of the Fuarrel one will ha'e said nothing #articular if one 7nows that this Fuarrel is the continuation of lo'e5 0ne has achie'ed nothing with it. of course) one has not stated the least about war if one loo7s at it) so that one sa$s@ war is the continuation of #olitics5 It is reall$ that wa$ that Cudgments which are) ne'ertheless) rather one sided Cudgments can a##ear tremendousl$ significant in this time5 Toda$ a Cudgment is a##reciated that e/#resses nothing #articular about the nature of the matter in Fuestion5 Howe'er) such a Cudgment not alwa$s needs to be futile5 It can e'en be 'er$ fruitful5 But those who bear witness of our world 'iew should #enetrate the 'eil of ma$a a little also concerning the e/ternal life5 0f course) one should not argue an$how against the Cudgment which one reads in e'er$ third news#a#er column) because it is a fruitful Cudgment5 Howe'er) one would e/#erience something #eculiar with the correctness of the Cudgment if one wanted to e/amine it with a clear thin7ing5 This also holds true if one can read almost in e'er$ news#a#er column@ we shall be 'ictorious) because we must be 'ictorious5 E 0ne can argue nothing against the Custification of this Cudgment) against the fertilit$ and the 'alue of this Cudgment. but if an$bod$ who stands before a ri'er and has to cross o'er it sa$s@ I shall swim) because I must swim) E the correctness of the Cudgment de#ends whether he is able to swim5 Jou can testif$ the correctness of the Cudgment of a non swimmer in this case with a clear thin7ing@ I want to swim) because I must swim5 (hich 'alue does such a Cudgment ha'eI It has a high 'alue) because there are forces) there is courage and confidence) the$ #enetrate the will5 It is a Cudgment moti'ating the will5 It is not a Cudgment which recognises an$thing) but it strengthens the will5 That is wh$ the Cudgment is significant and im#ortant5 Do not misunderstand such matters5 The$ are stated to show that a clear thin7ing understanding the matters is something different than that which is asserted so often5 In our time) the materialistic wa$s of thin7ing are e/ce#tionall$ de'elo#ed5 Howe'er) our Cudgment is mostl$ obscured if we ha'e to e/amine what the s#iritual scientist sa$s5 It is true that e'er$thing can be seen that the s#iritual scientist sa$s) e'en if one has ne'er loo7ed into the s#iritual world) if one a##lies a reall$ health$) correct thin7ing5 There is nobod$ who) also without being clair'o$ant) if he onl$ had a health$ Cudgment) would ha'e to be an ad'ersar$ of s#iritual science5 There are other reasons in the nature of the human being) in the soul of the human being to be an ad'ersar$ of s#iritual science5 0ne of these reasons is the following abo'e all5 If the human being #ercei'es in the #h$sical world) his #h$sical #erci#ience is alwa$s su##orted b$ his #h$sical) etheric) and astral bodies5 These human members were created in the course of the "aturn) "un) and Moon e'olutions) and were added to the human being through the forces of the di'ine hierarchies5 Toda$) the$ are that which the$ ha'e become in the #ast5 The human being is #ut in that which was #re#ared for him for long times) when he enters his #h$sical e/istence5 !ll that su##orts him when he #ercei'es in the #h$sical world5 (hene'er we #ercei'e) whene'er we form a mental #icture) an im#ression is made in our #h$sical bod$5 (e 7now nothing about it) but this im#ression does ta7e #lace in the #h$sical bod$5 That is wh$ we ha'e a memor$ during the #h$sical life5 Jou ha'e to imagine this matter onl$ correctl$5 If we #ut the Fuestion@ wh$ do we ha'e a memor$ in the #h$sical lifeI E (e must sa$@ whene'er we form a mental #icture) an im#ression on the #h$sical bod$ is made5 This im#ression is e'en more or less humanli7e5 !n$ mental #icture which we form ma7es not onl$ E li7e the materialist fantasticall$ thin7ing human being means E an im#ression here or there in the brain) but an$ mental #icture ma7es an im#ression on the whole human being5 !n$ mental #icture which we form reall$ deli'ers an im#ression re#roducing a 7ind of the human head and u##er #arts of the chest5 It is reall$ true@ if I now s#ea7 hundred s$llables #er minute to $ou) $ou ha'e formed about fift$ human beings within $oursel'es in these minutes) howe'er) $ou ha'e got rid of fift$ human #ictures Fuic7l$) and it alternates Fuic7l$ between these two #rocesses5 Jou can imagine how man$ such 121

human #ictures $ou ha'e formed in $oursel'es when the hour of this consideration is o'er5 These human #ictures are more or less identical in their e/ternal figure) but incom#arable on the other hand. no #icture is com#letel$ identical to the other5 !n$ #icture is different from the other) e'en if Cust a little5 It is a childish idea if an$bod$ belie'es if he has an im#ression of his outside world and remembers it tomorrow that this im#ression has sat in an$ form in him5 It has not sat at all in him) but a #icture which is humanli7e has remained in the human being5 Reall$) a humanli7e #icture remains of e'er$ im#ression of the outside world5 If $ou remember the im#ression again tomorrow) $ou trans#ort $our soul into this human #icture which is in $ou5 The reason wh$ $ou see not this human #icture) but remember the im#ression) is that $ou read in $our astral bod$5 It is reall$ a reading acti'it$) a subconscious reading acti'it$5 %/actl$ the same wa$ as if $ou want to write down something and read it later) $ou describe not the letters) but that which the letters mean tomorrow if $ou remember the e/#eriences of toda$5 Jou do not loo7 at the #icture which originated in $ou) the human #hantom which li'es there in $ou) but $ou inter#ret it5 Jou trans#ort $ourself into this human #hantom in $our soul) and $our soul e/#eriences something different than this human #hantom5 It e/#eriences that which it e/#erienced $esterda$ once again5 The human being needs not to be 'er$ sur#rised about that) because if $ou read Goethe,s Faust E what do $ou deal with itI (ith a lot of #a#er and #rinter,s in7 of an$ sha#e5 This is materiall$ the com#lete Faust5 Jou would ne'er ha'e the Goethean Faust if $our soul were not able to wor7 an$thing on that $ou ha'e in #a#er and #rinter,s in7 before $ourself5 If $ou were not able to deci#her this) it would Cust be #a#er and #rinter,s in75 (ith regard to the e/ternal world the materialists debate #er#etuall$ that that does not e/ist which the s#iritual scientist s#ea7s about5 But these materialists are as cle'er as a human being would be cle'er who sa$s@ what do $ou tell about the Goethean Faust) it does not e/ist at all) and there is onl$ #a#er and #rinter,s in7P E This Cudgment about Faust is com#letel$ identical to the Cudgment which toda$ the materialists #ronounce on the world5 But that a##lies also to our memories5 Tomorrow) nothing of an im#ression of toda$ is there in our human being but the #hantom) the image) and the soul has to co#e with all the remaining matters wor7ing on this #hantom5 !s well as from the #a#er and the #rinter,s in7 in our soul the whole Goethean Faust a##ears) something a##ears from that which has remained as a #hantom in us5 It is li7e a reanimation of the toda$,s im#ression if we remember it tomorrow5 But this acti'it$ which must be carried out) so that we can remember) is carried out for us b$ means of our wonderfull$ formed #h$sical bod$ and our etheric bod$ which were #re#ared through the "aturn) "un and Moon e'olutions5 The$ arrange that) the$ act for us5 The materialisticall$ thin7ing human being feels that5 +ow ta7e into consideration that the s#iritual truth) which is gained) is gained without this hel#) that the hel# of the e/ternal #h$sical bod$ is not enlisted5 The forces which wor7) otherwise) in the e/ternal bod$ must come from the inside of the soul. there must be wor7ed from the soul5 If one has a s#iritual 'iew which is not managed b$ the e/ternal world) we cannot trans#ort oursel'es into an internal #hantom which has remained if we want to remember it. for this is in the bod$5 There we must wor7 for the whole matter with a much bigger strength) without this su##ort5 This is nothing es#eciall$ miraculous5 Imagine onl$ how the difference) which I mean) mirrors the matter in small details5 Let us assume that toda$ somebod$ reads a #oem) and he 7ee#s this #oem till tomorrow) which he has read toda$5 Then he can read it tomorrow again) the da$ after tomorrow again5 Howe'er) we su##ose that he does not 7ee# it) and then he must sa$ it b$ heart5 Jou see the difference@ once we do something) as it were) that has nothing to do with us. the e/ternal #a#er carries what we would ha'e to do) otherwise) from one time to the other. the #a#er is a su##ort to us5 (e must e/ert oursel'es more if we reconstruct the #oem b$ heart5 Thus somebod$ who li'es in the s#iritual world has to e/ert his will more than somebod$ who relies on the su##ort of his bod$5 Howe'er) this is connected with the fact that e'er$thing that is gained in the s#iritual scientific field) e'en what should be onl$ understood generall$) demands big mental efforts5 ! materialist ma$ be much more sluggish) la<ier than a s#iritual scientist5 This is the reason or at least one of the reasons wh$ the human beings are materialists5 The$ are not materialists) because the$ are forced b$ means of a logic) but the$ are materialists from fear) but also from sluggishness) because the$ want that an$thing that ta7es #lace in the soul does not come into being b$ the internal forces of the soul) but that it ha##ens b$ that which is im#rinted in their bodies) which is recorded there5 These are matters which we ha'e to consider if we want to see the reasons wh$ man$ #eo#le are ad'ersaries of s#iritual science5 !bo'e all) howe'er) it is difficult to manage with the thin7ing com#letel$ if an$thing is to be reached that the human being must still reach if he goes through the gate of death5 The da$ before $esterda$) I ha'e alread$ #ointed to that which is essential if one goes through the gate of death crossing@ this is self 7nowledge5 0f course) this self 7nowledge is not an$thing eas$ at all5 "ome of $ou ha'e alread$ heard as I ha'e s#o7en about that that with regard to the e/ternal figures the human beings ma7e the biggest mista7es 'er$ often5 There is an often mentioned #hiloso#her) who li'ed in Vienna. I do not mean the Hamburg Maac7 who 122

grumbles about theoso#h$) but %rnst Mach) the #hiloso#her to be ta7en seriousl$5 He wrote an 0nalysis of Sensations5 Therein he tells the following 'er$ nai'el$@ I wal7ed once in the street. suddenl$ I had to sto#) because a #erson met me) and I thought@ this is a #erson with a 'er$ un#leasant face) e'en with an intolerable face5 Lo and behold) I found out that I had #assed a mirror) and the mirror was hanging in such a wa$ that I had seen m$self5 There I too7 notice how little I was familiar with m$ own figure5 E (hen he saw himself) he too7 himself for a disagreeable human being with an intolerable face5 This is a #hiloso#h$ #rofessor) a famous #rofessor of the #resent5 !nd to confirm that which he had e/#erienced he adds something else5 (hen he was a #rofessor alread$ for a long time) one da$ he went b$ train) arri'ed 'er$ tired at a cit$ and got in a bus5 There he saw a man on the other side getting in) and he thought@ what a down and out school master gets inP E Then) howe'er) he saw on the o##osite side a mirror hanging) and he found out that he had called himself a down and out school master5 He draws attention to the fact that he) as he sa$s) 7new the t$#e more e/actl$ than his s#ecial figure5 It is alread$ hard to recognise oneself concerning the a##earance of the human being E with ladies it is #erha#s easier) because the$ more often loo7 in the mirror) E but it is still com#letel$ different if it matters the soul5 There is almost no other #ossibilit$ of self 7nowledge in our time than to shar#en the 7nowledge forces we can ta7e u# from s#iritual science5 The conce#ts) the mental #ictures we ta7e u# from s#iritual science are suitable Cust in the best sense to shar#en our self 7nowledge5 %'er$thing is founded on self cognition generall$ s#ea7ing that we ta7e u# from the boo7 Occult Science in Outline5 !n$ mental #icture we ta7e u# from this boo7 means) actuall$) to recognise oursel'es) to 7now what the human being is real5 (hile we stud$ how the human #h$sical) etheric and astral bodies were graduall$ created during the "aturn) "un and Moon e'olutions) we get to 7now what is in us5 (hile we get to 7now what is in us) our #owers of imagination are shar#ened to recognise oursel'es much better than it is #ossible otherwise5 To which e/tent does this self 7nowledge ha'e significance for the moment of deathI !s long as we sta$ here in the #h$sical bod$) self 7nowledge is Cust 7nowledge5 If we go) howe'er) through the gate of death) e'er$thing changes to will#ower that we ha'e learnt as self 7nowledge5 The better we recognise oursel'es) the stronger a 7ind of will#ower comes into being Cust when we ha'e ta7en off the #h$sical bod$5 Let us su##ose for e/am#le) that we ha'e realised here that we were) we sa$) a choleric #erson concerning certain things5 Jou 7now that it is hard to transform us com#letel$ in the #h$sical life to ta7e off the 'iolence e'en if we understand it5 But at the moment when we ta7e off the #h$sical bod$ when we onl$ 7now@ $ou were choleric E that becomes will5 This will is directed to eliminate the 'iolence from our being5 !n$ 7nowledge Cudgment becomes) while we go through the gate of death) a will Cudgment. it becomes will#ower5 Then something 'er$ significant ta7es #lace that we can call E in certain sense E the re'ersal of something that is e/#erienced before the birth of the human being that is forgotten) howe'er) because the human being cannot loo7 bac7 to the times which he went through before his birth5 Let us imagine) howe'er) the human being would alread$ be able to do that which he de'elo#s in the Ku#iter e/istence@ if he were about to graduall$ return from the s#iritual world to an incarnation) he would e/#erience something in e/tremel$ strange wa$ li7e loo7ing at his future figure) his future life5 He would also behold something of his #h$sical figure5 But he would ne'er #enetrate that in this #h$sical figure which would a##ear to him in it li7e two #oints5 Imagine that we would ha'e our #h$sical figure li7e in a fog when we wal7 to birth5 (e would see it as light) but there we would see im#enetrable) dar7 #oints) dar7 balls) still some other things) but Cust these dar7 balls5 Long before his #h$sical birth) the human being sees E in time) not in s#ace E before himself@ $ou become this5 He alread$ sees how his #h$sical constitution is formed out of the nature of the s#irits of form5 This a##ears to him as a light figure more or less) but in it two dar7 balls are floating5 (hen the human being li'es toward the #h$sical life E he does this #artiall$ alread$ in the bod$ of his mother E there he absorbs certain forces from these surroundings which the mother forms then5 He feels being graduall$ lin7ed with this light figure) and then he senses) as if he were in these two balls in#articular5 The$ ha'e a##eared to him as im#enetrable before) now he himself is in it and feels the forces which come to him from all sides) the$ flow into him5 Then he #ierces these two balls) the s#ace of the balls. the s#ace loses its im#enetrabilit$5 These are the #laces where later the e$es are5 If one a##roaches the #h$sical earthl$ incarnation that wa$) it is the e$es we cannot see but we can see b$ means of the e$es5 The$ are li7e im#enetrable balls toward which we li'e5 Then one #enetrates them in the last #hase) before one enters the #h$sical world5 If an$bod$ consciousl$ li'ed through this) that would be) actuall$) a miraculous #henomenon5 Imagine that the human being sa$s to himself) lea'ing the s#iritual world and entering the #h$sical world@ now $ou go with $our soul toward this #h$sical figure5 Jou find two dar7 balls there5 Jou cannot see through them with $our #resent soul. this is full of s#iritual substance5 E Then one gets the strength to ma7e trans#arent what was s#irituall$ non trans#arent first5 If one Gsees first the light of da$H as one sa$s) these s#aces which were non trans#arent are Cust the reason wh$ one sees5 Jou $oursel'es cannot see the e$es. if $ou saw them) $ou would not see the world5 123

(hen the human being goes through the gate of death) the sight of death is such a miraculous #henomenon in the s#iritual human life after death) because he e/#eriences something similar that too7 #lace here with his e$es5 0nl$ that the whole human being e/#eriences it consciousl$5 He has to get the feeling after death@ there $ou left behind the world5 -# to now he had the #h$sical world in the e$e as a #h$sical e/#erience) e'en that which the etheric bod$ still shows as a tableau at the end5 +ow he goes through the gate of death with his self 7nowledge) which then becomes will#ower5 E Imagine now that the dead would be here5 He lea'es behind his #h$sical e/#eriences5 He radiates his will#ower) which he has acFuired from his self 7nowledge5 This radiating will#ower which is acFuired through self 7nowledge gets rid of that which #re'ents us from loo7ing into the s#iritual en'ironment5

6!etherleib Y etheric bod$) toter Mensch Y dead soul) (illens7raft Y will#ower; !s well as we get rid of the clouding of the e$e while going into birth) so to s#ea7) we get rid of that which #re'ents us from loo7ing into the s#iritual world b$ means of this will#ower5 (e ma7e oursel'es trans#arent after death5 This is the significant e'ent5 If the human being goes through the gate of death) he has an o'er'iew of his whole life li7e of a great tableau) as long as he has the etheric bod$ in himself5 This stands before him5 But now he also gets the feeling@ $ou see $ourself5 Jou are that while $ou li'ed between birth and death) $ou $ourself are e'er$thing5 E +ow the com#lete strength of self 7nowledge stirs in him) which he has gained to himself) and #ierces it as I ha'e described. the etheric bod$ thereb$ lea'es5 Then it is) as if a 'eil fell) and the s#iritual world behind it comes to the fore5 It is this tremendous e/#erience to go through the gate of death and to ha'e the com#lete last life before oneself) because the etheric bod$ has become free5 Then the soul gets the feeling@ this last life is a 'eil which co'ers a tremendous world to $ou which $ou could not see during life5 +ow the will#ower) coming from self 7nowledge) fights against this 'eil and remo'es it5 (hile the 'eil tears) the s#iritual world behind it comes to the fore5 0ne does not need to be an/ious) because somebod$ could sa$ to himself@ in our #resent time man$ #eo#le ha'e done nothing at all to get some self 7nowledge5 !ccording to the Cudgment of man$ #eo#le one can hardl$ be cle'erer and more intelligent than a #resent uni'ersit$ #rofessor of #hiloso#h$. this is the ideal of the #resent intelligence5 Howe'er) somebod$ can be #redis#osed to such a small self 7nowledge li7e that famous man) e'en a #hiloso#her) who is reall$ a significant #erson5 "omebod$ could become faint hearted and sa$@ self 7nowledge is in a bad wa$5 E 0f course) if the matters were that wa$ that the human beings de#end whether the$ onl$ ha'e that will#ower from self 7nowledge which results from the life of #resent time) then the human beings would be in a rather bad wa$5 In certain res#ects) the human beings of the #resent are rightl$ 'er$ #roud of the tremendous #rogress of 7nowledge) which has been achie'ed5 Thin7 onl$ how a doctor of #resent time who 7nows an$ current trend of medicine #roudl$ loo7s down on those who were doctors not $et long ago5 These all were fools) he thin7s) of course5 (ith regard to the e/ternal 7nowledge) #eo#le ha'e achie'ed a lot of things in the course of the last centuries and found out about the e/ternal world how the e/ternal #henomena are connected and so on5 Big #rogress has been done5 But with regard to self 7nowledge) the ancient times which we ha'e gone through in former incarnations were far ahead. so far ahead) actuall$) that the #resent human being if he thin7s materialisticall$ has no idea what he should do with that which comes from ancient times5 "ince e'er$thing that the human beings toda$ regard as old #reCudices was basicall$ self 7nowledge) while the souls of ancient times e/#erienced it5 0nl$ the last left o'ers of self 7nowledge are re#orted5 The human being li'ing on earth 7nows nothing of his former incarnations with the usual e/ternal consciousness5 Indeed) we 7now that there are #eo#le among the theoso#hists who after a relati'el$ short time 7now a lot of their former incarnations5 0nce I got to 7now a grou# of #eo#le in a %uro#ean cit$ where "eneca L "eneca 6U2M94 !5 D5;) Roman #hiloso#herN) Frederic II of Prussia LFrederic II of Prussia 62?2AM2?=9;N) the German %m#eror Kose#h II LGerman %m#eror Kose#h II 62?B2M2?3:;N) the Du7e of Reichstadt LDu7e of Reichstadt 62=22M2=O2;) +a#oleon Fran< Bona#arte 'on Reichstadt) son of +a#oleon I5 N) Madame Pom#adour LMadame Pom#adour 6Keanne !ntoinette Poisson; 62?A2M2?9B;N) Marie !ntoinette LMarie !ntoinette) Sueen of France 62?44M 2?3O;N and still some other #eo#le were sitting together at a coffee table5 But a#art from those who 7now so much about their former incarnation) after the$ ha'e learnt a little theoso#h$) #eo#le do not 7now a lot) as e'er$bod$ 7nows) or 124

nothing at all about their former incarnations with their e'er$da$ e/ternal 7nowledge5 "ince) as true as it is that the human being 7nows nothing of his #re'ious incarnations b$ that which Cust the #resent human c$cle gi'es him) it is true that he has e'er$thing for his will de'elo#ment after death that remained to him from #re'ious li'es5 There it is different between death and a new birth5 (hereas #eo#le 7now nothing about their #re'ious incarnations between birth and death here) the$ ha'e all the forces of their #re'ious incarnations in themsel'es in the life between death and a new birth) but also that which has alwa$s been e/#erienced between death and a new birth5 (hen the human being goes through the gate of death) so he has not onl$ that will#ower which comes from self 7nowledge that the human beings mostl$ do not ha'e toda$) but all the will#ower which do not come from the self 7nowledge of this life but from the self 7nowledge) which he got in former times5 "o that the human being when he goes through the gate of death Cust is not lac7ing will#ower which gets rid of this 'eil that is wo'en b$ the own life5 Howe'er) if the human being wanted to gain new will#ower in the course of the ne/t millennia) this self 7nowledge of ancient times would be more and more a##reciated in the #resent era5 That is wh$ s#iritual science had to a##ear for the further human de'elo#ment5 "ince it is the course of human7ind that the human will#ower still suffices toda$ that) howe'er) now also the time begins when during the earth de'elo#ment this will#ower can be in'igorated while the human being familiarises himself with the s#iritual world5 The earth de'elo#ment of human7ind would be e/#osed to a ris7 if the human beings resisted u# to the end of the earth de'elo#ment from now on in e'er$ res#ect to ta7e u# an$thing of s#iritual science5 Then) howe'er) the human being would be less and less able to #ercei'e an$thing of the s#iritual matters and e'ents o'er there in the s#iritual world5 He would be able to do this less and less5 He would be less and less able to #enetrate the 'eil of which I s#o7e5 Thus $ou see which significance self 7nowledge transformed to will#ower has5 Here this 7nowledge is a self obser'ation. o'er there it is self will which is #ulling off the 'eil from the s#iritual world5 Kust in those who go through the gate of death one #ercei'es how im#ortant it is for them that the$ themsel'es in'igorate their will#ower as I ha'e e/#lained now) the will#ower that comes from self 7nowledge5 That is wh$ it is rather significant that the human being) while he goes through the gate of death) through these different stages) occu#ies himself with that which is in him what is in his self what he was during his earth life5 If an$bod$ has communit$ with a dead) then it is of big significance to ma7e this communit$ es#eciall$ fruitful that one hel#s the dead to strengthen and fulfill his self consciousness5 This is definitel$ meant that wa$@ su##ose that an$bod$) who was here in the #h$sical life with us) would go through the gate of death5 (hile we ha'e li'ed with him) we 7now how he was. we 7now what he has es#eciall$ li7ed to do5 (hen he has gone through the gate of death) he is in urgent need to summon u# strong internal forces for e'er$thing that he wills5 These must flow out of his retros#ect5 (e can hel# him if we thin7 of him how he a##eared to us in life. if we #a$ attention to that) if we send thoughts to him which characterise him5 Beside the different things which ha'e alread$ been said about our occu#ation with the dead who ha'e #assed from us) we can also hel# the dead showing them) as it were) the image of their nature5 Thus we ta7e a certain strain awa$ from them de'elo#ing that will#ower which has to tear u# the characterised 'eil5 That is wh$ it ha##ened to me that the other #henomenon has resulted of which I ha'e alread$ s#o7en to $ou the da$ before $esterda$5 It has resulted to me when I had to s#ea7 at the funeral of friends before short time that I felt it necessar$ to e/#ress that which li'es in the friends as their nature) Cust at the funeral5 There I s#o7e not out of memor$) but I s#o7e while m$ soul was trans#orted com#letel$ into the other soul) after this had alread$ gone through the gate of death5 If $ou deal with a soul which has alread$ gone through the gate of death) then it is about that $ou trans#ort $ourself into this soul5 Here in the #h$sical world) the obCect is there) $ou loo7 at it from without5 In the s#iritual world) $ou are with $our whole being in this #s$cho s#iritual element5 In the indi'idual case of which I s#o7e the da$ before $esterda$) it was Cust #ossible to #ut m$self in the soul of this #erson who had gone through the gate of death and was characterised b$ me as a #erson who for long $ears before her death occu#ied herself with our world 'iew who li'ed com#letel$ in it) so that she was able to #ut into words her own contents) her nature) li'ing in s#iritual science and ta7ing u# certain forces) as long as she was in her etheric bod$5 I managed to catch this from the dead and I had to s#ea7 this at the funeral5 It was different in another case5 (hen I had to s#ea7 at the funeral of our dear Frit< Mitscher who is es#eciall$ dear to the members of our branch here) I felt the necessit$ also to trans#ort m$self in this soul who had gone through the gate of death5 But now the necessit$ arose to #ut into words that which this soul was during life for his friends and fellowmen) who were also members of our anthro#oso#hical mo'ement) to thin7 this together with this soul after death and to e/#erience together what moti'ates and increases that will which results from self 7nowledge5 I had to sa$ some things Cust at this funeral which harmonise with that which our dear friend Frit< Mitscher e/#erienced in the times of his 125

de'elo#ment) after he had come to our s#iritual scientific mo'ement) what he had learnt) how his internal 7arma had dri'en him5 The words which I had to s#ea7 there are not m$ words) as I ha'e said) the$ came from the forces of his own soul) but formed so that the$ e/#ressed the essential #art of the $ears which #receded his death5 I had to sa$ that E not@ I wanted to sa$ what I had to sa$ there5 0f course) these words were not his own words directl$. the concerning soul would ne'er ha'e said this from himself in life5 It is that which the other soul felt) ne'ertheless) who is connected with the soul of the deceased) as well as one can feel onl$ with a soul who is alread$ disembodied5 I want to inform $ou of these words which I had to s#ea7 at the funeral@ ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 Jour longing was bound from the beginning To #ure truth lo'ing being. To create out of s#irit light (as the earnest life goal For which $ou stro'e without rest5 Jou nurtured $our beautiful gifts To tread with stead$ ste#s Bright #aths of s#irit 7nowledge !s truth,s true ser'ant -n#erturbed b$ worldl$ contradiction Jou trained $our s#irit organs That) with courage and #ersistence) 0n both sides of the #ath Re#elled error for $ou !nd made a s#ace for truth for $ou5 For $ou) to form $our "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within $ou (as $our life,s concern and Co$5 0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched $our soul) For 7nowledge seemed to $ou to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to $our life,s true 'alue5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness@ Jou entered the field (here) through the #ower of soul being) %arth,s s#irit blossoms Re'eal themsel'es to in'estigation5 ! loss that #ains us dee#l$) Jou disa##eared from the field (here the "#irit,s earthl$ 7ernels In the womb of soul being Ri#ened $our senses for the s#heres5 Feel how we lo'ingl$ ga<e 126

Into the heights that now &all $ou to other wor7s5 Gi'e to the friends left behind Jour #ower from s#irit realms) Hear our souls, entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need "trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 ! ho#e) filling us with ha##iness) ! loss that #ains us dee#l$@ !llow us to ho#e) that $ou) far near) -nlost) light our life !s a soul star in s#irit realm5 If these words must not be ta7en so that the$ are s#o7en b$ the soul) howe'er) the$ were s#o7en in such a communit$ with the soul that after relati'el$ short time this soul re'ealed something that came now onl$ from the soul. not at all from m$ soul) but onl$ from the soul who had gone through the gate of death5 Then this sounded in that wa$) and since that time these words sound to me alwa$s@ For me) to form m$ "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within me (as m$ life,s concern and Co$5 0ther cares) other Co$s Barel$ touched m$ soul) For 7nowledge seemed to me to be The light that gi'es e/istence meaning) "eemed to m$ life,s true 'alue5 (hen I heard these words for the first time E since that time it has ha##ened se'eral times E from this deceased soul) there I got on onl$ E for that which I read out there) is so written reall$ word b$ word as it was heard in connection with the other soul E there I onl$ got on that a dialog could come into being5 !t the cremation I had said@ For $ou) to form $our "elf For the re'elation of #ure light "o the soul,s sun #ower Might shine mightil$ within $ou (as $our life,s concern and Co$5 GJouH and G$oursH a##ear in these stan<as5 But it was not done b$ me an$how5 I noticed onl$) when the words came bac7 from the deceased soul that these words were so formed that one ma$ Fuote them Cust also in the first #erson@ For me) to form m$ "elf For the re'elation of #ure light Jou see a dialog reaching be$ond the gra'e) a 7ind of communication5 (ith res#ect to this I would li7e to s#ea7 about something that is often mentioned in our s#iritual scientific mo'ement which one cannot re#eat enough5 In the stan<as) which ha'e been s#o7en to a deceased soul) $ou find something that reminds $ou of that which is e/#ressed most significantl$ where it is said@


Hear our souls, entreaties "ent to $ou in confidence and trust@ For our earthl$ wor7 here we need "trong forces from s#irit lands) For which we than7 dead friends5 Ta7e such a thing not as bare words5 This s#ea7s of something that is connected in the dee#est sense significantl$ with the whole being of our s#iritual scientific mo'ement5 If a soul has so stri'en li7e that about whom I s#ea7 here) so that he wanted to #enetrate that which he could learn of 7nowledge) of e/#eriences with the s#iritual scientific im#ulses) and goes so earl$ through the gate of death) then such a soul can remain a lo$al co wor7er5 Thus it was a little bit li7e an entreat$ when I called these words to this soul that he ma$ hel# us in our efforts for the future of earth5 For $ou can consider this as something sure@ the ab$ss between the li'ing and the dead human beings must be bridged 'i'idl$ through our s#iritual science in the course of the earth de'elo#ment5 (e ha'e to learn) Cust as we are together with human beings li'ing in #h$sical bodies) to loo7 at the dead human beings not as dead) but as li'ing among us) as li'ing and creating5 Those who are the so called dead are wor7ing with us with forces a'ailable to them5 (e ha'e to sei<e that 'i'idl$ and not theoreticall$ which im#ulses s#iritual science has to create and con'ert in us into the 'i'id life which we want to insert to the cultural de'elo#ment out of s#irit5 I ha'e to sa$@ concerning our e/ternal ci'ilisation one needs the assistance of those in future who are in the s#iritual worlds u# there5 Those who get entrance for the s#iritual scientific mo'ement here on earth need the dead souls5 That is wh$ I said that we need the strength for our wor7 on earth from s#iritual realms for which we than7 the dead friends5 (e ma7e an entreat$) as it were) to the souls to wor7 with us on earth5 I mean such souls who go on wor7ing with the forces which are strengthened b$ that which the$ too7 u# here and #enetrated themsel'es with that which the$ ha'e ta7en u# in the s#iritual worlds5 "ometimes it a##ears so s$m#tomaticall$ which difficulties and obstacles our anthro#oso#hical earth wor7 does find5 !mong 'arious things $ou can obser'e time and again) I want to em#hasise one thing onl$5 In a "outh German maga<ine) an article a##eared some $ears ago which caused a sensation) because it was rumoured that a 'er$ significant #hiloso#her had written it5 The editor of the maga<ine is called 1arl Muth5 That 1arl Muth has acce#ted an article of man$ #ages in those da$s5 (hen m$ Occult Science in Outline was #ublished) he has brought this article) Cust resuming this boo7 Occult Science5 It would not ha'e been so es#eciall$ difficult to me to eradicate the worst things of the article) the most foolish assertions5 "ince with the truth of that great #hiloso#her it is as follows@ man$ #eo#le regard him reall$ as a great #hiloso#her5 But he a##ears to some whom he a##roached in life E he does not need to ha'e a##roached them es#eciall$ near) to ha'e sat o##osite to them onl$ once) E clinging to them li7e a lim#et5 He a##eared to me that wa$) and I had to fight off him5 But after he had written #ostcard after #ostcard) letter after letter to me) he also sent me this article as a manuscri#t5 I could not resol'e to read the article) because it began alread$ too foolishl$5 There the author said) for e/am#le@ "teiner calls that occult science which he wrote there in his boo75 But there cannot be an occult science at all) because this is the nature of science that it is not secret) but is #ublic5 E "o) an occult science is contradictor$ to the nature of science itself5 Thus it started5 (here one turned o'er a few #ages) one got on such im#ertinent follies that it was fatal to me to read on) to read the manuscri#t5 It still lies there somewhere5 It is a foll$) because one needs onl$ to be able to s#ea7 German to feel this foll$5 This is Cust) as if an$bod$ sa$s@ there are no natural sciences5 Howe'er) there are natural sciences5 There is not a secret science) of course) but there is an occult science5 It was too foolish) but the editor of the maga<ine thought that it was an es#eciall$ significant article5 Man$ #eo#le read the article) and regarded it as something 'er$ cle'er that was written about s#iritual science where it was criticised thoroughl$5 +ow the war came5 That #hiloso#her is no German) but now he counts himself to the worst enemies of German$5 +ow he writes a number of letters to the same 1arl Muth who in those da$s E $ou forgi'e the tri'ial e/#ression E lic7ed his fingers that he got the article of the famous #hiloso#her5 ! lot of 'enom has alread$ been em#tied o'er German$ and the German nation) but an$thing more to/ic) more dreadful has not been written) actuall$) than that which this famous #hiloso#her wrote in letters to 1arl Muth5 The most horrible Cudgments and re'iews about Germanness and German nature are found there5 +ow the following can be considered still as a good sign5 The #hiloso#her concerned wrote) after he had s#it 'enom) unfortunatel$ not with Goccult science)H because the censorshi# did not sto# it crossing the border) so that it arri'ed e'en in Munich) and Muth 6Muth Y courage; found the courage to #rint this 'enom again. now) howe'er) not to #rint the Gsignificant article of a significant manH but E after $ears the same 1arl Muth #rints this writing about the Germans and writes@ of course) a man who writes that wa$ should be in the lunatic as$lumP E Jou see) 1arl Muth needed this writing about the German nature to get on that the man is a fool5 "ome $ears ago) howe'er) he let the same fool loose on our s#iritual science5 ! reasonable #erson could 7now this alread$ in those da$s) but fools are 128

often regarded also as famous #hiloso#hers. it does not de#end on it5 But $ou see which unfa'ourable conditions s#iritual science is e/#osed to5 If the war had not come and 1arl Muth had not been taught that) actuall$) the dear man) this #rofessor (incent$ Lutoslaws7i) is a fool) he would ha'e again acce#ted an article annihilating s#iritual science from the feather of this Gfamous #hiloso#herH at the ne/t o##ortunit$5 Jou also see that in our time human beings are not often inclined to get on with their Cudgment which #oint of 'iew the$ ha'e to ta7e concerning s#iritual science5 I gi'e this e/am#le onl$ to show E one could gi'e man$ such e/am#les E which obstacles our s#iritual scientific mo'ement is e/#osed to) that e'en those who must be regarded later as fools are let loose on it5 Then the Cudgment ma$ also be Custified that some other things which are said against this s#iritual science are not cle'erer5 "ince where it could be #ro'ed once rather stri7ingl$) there it has been #ro'ed5 (e ha'e to realise that we also need the forces of those who went through the gate of death) and who) before the$ went through this gate) too7 u# that which is contained in the light of s#iritual science5 (e need them to enli'en the s#iritual scientific im#ulses5 The ab$ss between the li'ing and the dead must be cleared awa$ first on our s#iritual scientific field abo'e all5 This is wh$ something li7e an admonition must a##ear time and again@ (e want to 7ee# the consciousness that we had souls being closer to us) as long as the$ wal7ed in their #h$sical bodies among us) as it was before) onl$ Cust according to their other condition of life5 (e want to 7ee# this) e'en if the souls concerned ha'e gone through the gate of death5 For it belongs to the nicest) to the most significant what we can gain from s#iritual science if we can loo7 at those who went through the gate of death as human beings li'ing among us) meeting us. as those meet us who li'e in their #h$sical bodies5 This becomes an essential su##ort) because now so man$ souls go through the gate of death as $oung #eo#le on the fields where something new #re#ares itself out of blood and death) and deli'er their unused etheric bodies to the s#iritual world5 The human etheric bod$ is #re#ared in such a wa$ that it can su##l$ the human being with 'ital forces u# to the highest age5 If the human being goes now through the gate of death in his $outh) the forces remain unused which could still ha'e been used here if the human being grew u# to a higher age5 +ow we can loo7 u# to the s#iritual etheric world where the human being still sta$s some time after he has left the #h$sical #lane5 There are Cust man$ $outhful etheric bodies of those a'ailable who were 7illed in action and went through the gate of death5 These etheric bodies do not dissol'e immediatel$ but 7ee# holding together and containing the forces which could ha'e su##lied life for a long time5 These etheric bodies will be there) the$ will be forces which can hel# the human beings when these loo7 u# longing with the consciousness of s#iritual science where that is contained in unused etheric bodies5 From abo'e these forces Coin with those who Coin consciousl$ with these forces of the s#iritual scientific consciousness5 Feeling and sensing that) we should turn to them5 (e ha'e to li'el$ bear witness to the s#iritual world5 (e should be able to sa$ to oursel'es@ there ha'e to be human beings Cust in future) in the time which follows this war) here on our earth who carr$ souls in themsel'es which can loo7 u# at the s#iritual world) so that these unused etheric bodies are realities to them. that it becomes realit$ to them through their 7nowledge of the s#iritual world5 Then s#iritual science will be u# to that which is not onl$ 7nowledge) but real life. real life also because of the destin$ burdened e'ents of our time5 Then somebod$ can sa$@ there are souls in the world who loo7 u# to the etheric bodies abo'e there which de'elo# their unused forces) and that is wh$ the$ are able to ta7e u# these forces and to wor7 e'en stronger5 These unused forces of the etheric bodies of those who sacrificed themsel'es on the fields of blood and death are fruitful for the souls on earth in future5 For this reason) we also want to thin7 again of that coo#eration which can come into being between the human beings who are ins#ired and s#iritualised with s#iritual scientific 7nowledge and loo7 at that which remains of the etheric bodies from this war) what can come into being from this internal interaction of souls5 (e also want to write those words in our souls again which I would li7e to s#ea7 now at the end of our branch considerations) out of the whole interrelation of the e'ents@ From the courage of the fighters) From the blood of the battles) From the grief of the berea'ed) From the nation,s sacrifices (ill grow u# the fruits of s#irit If souls aware of s#irit turn Their senses to the s#irit land5


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