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Career success: the effects of personality Victor P.

Lau Department of Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong Margaret A. Shaffer Department of Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong

In this article the author described about the relationship of career success and personality of a person. Also it tells about the impact of the career success on the individuals personality. In the article the author described that there are two of career success firstly is the objective success of the individual like salary, promotion, bonus packages, etc. Second is the subjective career success like personal appraisal attainment. In the study the researchers also found that the personality of the individual can also be determined by the career success of the individual. The person having a successive career has a significant impact on the personality. The researchers also classified personality into three schools; benevolent eclecticism explains a long and respected line of personality theories; partisan zealots present only one theory in which they believe; enthusiastic taxonomists classify theories according to their epistemological origins. Ryckman, who belongs to the third school, categorized personality theories into five perspectives. The psychoanalytic perspective is biological in nature and based on the unfolding of a series of stages in which particular behaviors occur. However the findings include that the effects of personality on the career success is found to be contradictory. The researchers like Furnham noted that the effects of some personality dimensions such as machiavellianism, self monitoring, or a type behavior on careers frequently excite temporary interest, but are soon forgotten. He stated that occupational psychologists and personality theorists tended to ignore each other. In a sight of the development of career research, Sonnenfeld and Kotter acknowledged four stages of career theories. The first was a psychological perception which focused on static dispositional differences. The second stage was a sociological viewpoint in which social classes were view as determinants of career outcome. The third stage was a junction of psychological and sociological perspectives. The fourth stage, the current direction of career research, is principally from a psychological standpoint with concerns on the association between careers and other major life activities.

Fitting the person to the organisation: examining the personality-job performance relationship from a new perspective In this study the author states about the relationship of the people to their organization. For this the study is done on the employees of the several organizations. The study was done on the people behavior and discipline related to their organization. The results that are shown by the study is that the people working in the organization is not between personality and performance related variable in the organization, but between people and job satisfaction in the organization. Several interviews and studies were done in order to enhance and support the study related to individuals performance and the job satisfaction. The research has verified that confident broad personality constructs are valid predictors of job performance across various jobs

An empirical investigation into the impact of relationship selling and LMX on salespeoples effectiveness Nicholas G. Paparoidamis IESEG School of Management, Universite Catholique de Lille, France, and Paolo Guenzi SDA Bocconi School of Management, Universita` Bocconi, Milan, Italy The study purpose of this case includes building up and testing a model of relationship selling management. It seek to inspect the impact of leadership quality and relationship selling, as previous circumstances of sales peoples relational behaviors, on sales effectiveness. The methodology approach of this study includes starting from a analysis of text, the model incorporates two classes of sales peoples relational behaviors, namely customer-oriented selling (COS) and adaptive selling (AS), two classes of managerial antecedents and one consequence. The writers collected data from different and numerous sales manager-salespersons in a sample of French firms. A structural equation modeling approach was employed to test the hypotheses. The findings show that relationship selling stimulates salespeoples relational behaviors, which in turn positively affect sales effectiveness. Moreover, the results reveal a positive collision of relationship selling on sales manager-salesperson exchanges. The study is cross-sectional, and many other relevant construct should be investigated in future research on the topic. Objective measures of performance may also be incorporated. The practical implementation of the study includes that the companies can stimulate desirable behaviours of salespeople, which drive to better performance, by leveraging on controllable organisational factors, i.e. selling strategy and leadership. The research fills three important gaps in the extant literature. First of all, the study clearly sheds some light on the role played by specific organisational variables and behaviours of salespeople in implementing relational strategies. Second, the study shows that the quality of the relationship between supervisors and salespeople can affect specific behaviours of subordinates. Third, the paper contributes to a better understanding of organisational drivers of customer-oriented selling and adaptive.

USING PERSONALITY CONSTRUCTS TO PREDICT PERFORMANCE: NARROW OR BROAD BANDWIDTH Margaret Jenkins Brevard Community College Richard Griffith Florida Tech ABSTRACT: The results of this case includes that necessity to perform a personality based job investigation within a exact professional category to appropriately select a personality measure. Criterion validity coefficients of broad constructs were not significant. However, specific facts are identified in a personality based job analysis verified moderate momentous correlations. In account, applicants prefer a more narrowly definite selection test.

Beyond personality: the impact of GMA on performance for entry-level service employees Michael J. Tews School of Hospitality Management, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA John W. Michel College of Business and Economics, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA, and Brian D. Lyons The purpose of this study includes that while personality is often deemed important; some studies have examined the association between general mental ability (GMA) and job performance for entry-level or fresh service employees. As such, the present study aims to examine the impact of GMA, along with the Big Five personality dimensions, on performance in this context. The methodology and approach data were collected on servers from multiple units of two large restaurants. The employees completed GMA and personality assessments. Managers in Sample provided the ratings of service performance and two dimensions of contextual performance interpersonal facilitation and job commitment. In another sample of sales performance data was obtained from company records. The findings included in the study were unlike the Big Five, the GMA was the only variable to significantly predict all performance criteria. The limitation and implementation includes that the successful job performance requires more than habits and inspiration rooted in personality; it also requires knowledge acquisition and ongoing problem solving facilitated by GMA. The practical implications includes the managers should consider GMA along with personality in hiring decisions to maximize the prediction of employee performance. Finally the originality value of the paper demonstrates that GMA impacts multiple dimensions of server performance, including task and background performance.

Critical success factors in the personel selling process 2003 Fernando Jaramillo According to the study it examine or identifies the factors which were success in personal selling while products and services in a banking environment .this study examines the top and bottom sales performers in banking industry.five step which they idenfiies are1 prospecting,2 the approach, 3 the sales presentation, 4 closing ,5 post satisfaction or folloe up-service. Personal selling plays a vital role in banking industry or institions .researchers in sales identified several techniques in order to find the determinants of salesperson effectiveness and success both demographic and psychological characteris tics.account personal salesperson to analyze customer organizational and business problem and focus on their long term interests and on second step sales aptitude,mental ability and personal traits etc.hence bank managers may have develop programs to enhance satisfacvtion level of existing customers as means for empowering long-term sales.

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