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Name: Stephen T. Adair Student ID Number: 2060329784 Email Address: adair.steve@gmail.

com Course Name: The Synoptic ospels Course Number: !T"#47"$S%303 Assignment Number: Assignment 2 Audio Number: !&A Project Number: !&A Date of seminar (if applicable): !&A Course instructor for seminar (if applicable): Location of seminar (if applicable): !&A !"e #odule Number$ Audio Number (if applicable)$ and Project Number (if applicable) must be accurate in order to process t"e lesson and record t"e grade% !"e correct information is stated in t"e Course Stud& 'uide% ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Stud& 'uide Code)Date)*ersion found on t"e first page of t"e Stud& 'uide: 20''0726 Degree Program: (A in )i*lical St+dies Address: ,- )o. 2'32 Cit&: (ossel )ay State: /estern 0ape +ip: 6#00 Countr&: So+th A1rica !elep"one: 227 44 690 #'33 ((((((((((((((((((((End of Co,ers"eet(((((((((((((((((((( PLEASE !-PE !.E /E01I/E#EN!S 23/ !.IS LESS3N S14#ISSI3N AS !.E- APPEA/ IN -31/ S!1D- '1IDE .E/E

Read Stein, Studying the Synoptic Gospels (2001) and write a critical review of 2500 words in which you: 1 2 ' su!!ari"e the !ost i!portant data a#out the Synoptic agree!ents and disagree!ents (ca $50 words)% descri#e Stein&s solution to the pheno!ena, including his strongest argu!ents (ca $50 words)% and evaluate strengths and wea(nesses of Stein&s argu!ents, including his use of source criticis!, for! criticis! and redaction criticis! (ca 1000 words)

)or the last point, use an additional three (') secondary resources, located through the *+,* Religion data#ase availa#le through the -unter +heological ,i#rary

$!T%-340T$-! Stein5s 6Stud&ing t"e S&noptic 'ospels: 3rigin and Interpretation7 8 is a re,ised edition of a "ig"l& regarded boo9 originall& publis"ed in 8:;< under t"e title 6!"e S&noptic Problem7 =% !"e main focus of t"e boo9 to is to e>plain t"e ,er& significant similarit& t"at e>ists bet?een t"e gospels of #att"e?$ #ar9 and Lu9e as ?ell as t"eir differences@ an issue freAuentl& referred to as 6t"e S&noptic Problem7% Stein di,ides t"e boo9 into t"ree parts$ ?"ic" in turn discuss t"e literar& relations"ip of t"e S&noptic 'ospels$ t"eir preliterar& "istor& and t"e inscripturation of t"e gospel traditions% !"ese t"ree parts emplo& t"ree different academic e,aluation met"ods to e>plore t"e s&noptic gospels$ namel& literar& or source criticism$ form criticism and redaction criticism% !"is paper see9s to re,ie? t"e main concepts described b& t"e boo9 and to e,aluate t"e strengt"s and ?ea9nesses of its main t"esis%

Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ =BB8% = Stein$ /% .%$ The Synoptic Problem: An Introduction$ 4a9er Academic$ 8:;<%
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T56 S7!-,T$0 ,%-)86( Stein opens t"e first c"apter ?it" a summar& of t"e S&noptic problem$ noting t"at despite t"e differences in siCe bet?een #att"e? (8$B;D ,erses)$ #ar9 (DD8 ,erses)$ and Lu9e (8$8E: ,erses)$ t"ere is a remar9able similarit& t"at e>ists bet?een t"ese t"ree 'ospels F% Suc" similarities include:

Similarit& of ?ordingE$

!"e order of e,entsG$

Agreement of parent"etical material D (9l =E; to =DG) e%g% 6let t"e reader understand7 in #att H #ar9 (9l =G;)$

Literar& agreements (9l =D: to =;B) I noting t"at #att ==:F<$ #ar9 8=:FB H Lu9e 8B:=< agree ?it" eac" ot"er but none agree ?it" t"e #asoretic te>t or t"e !argums%

Similarity in Wording Stein ad,ocates s&stem of colour coding and underlining to compare t"e te>ts of t"e S&noptic 'ospels$ and notes t"at t"is s&stem re,eals t"e presence of numerous unbro9en lines of e>act agreements$ demonstrating t"e degree of e>act agreement in ?ording bet?een t?o and often all t"ree of t"e S&noptics<% Stein notes t"at t"is degree of agreement demands an e>planation$ noting t"at: It cannot be argued t"at t"e le,el of agreement is due to t"e fact t"at eac" aut"or independentl& used e>actl& t"e same ?ords as t"ere no need to anticipate t"at e>act

Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ Jindle Location (9l) =BE% E Ibid$ 9l =BE to ==E% G Ibid$ 9l ==E to =E;% D Ibid $ 9l =E; to =DG% < Ibid$ 9l =8<%
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"istorical reproduction reAuires e>act ?ording% #oreo,er$ differences in ?ording also do not reflect ine>act "istorical reproduction% !"e agreement in ?ording e>tends to Auoted speec"$ ?"ic" is li9el& to "a,e been in Aramaic$ alt"oug" t"e 'ospel accounts are all ?orded in 'ree9% It is ,er& unli9el& t"at eac" aut"or ?ould translate t"e Aramaic in e>actl& t"e same ?a&% Stein concludes t"at t"ere is strong e,idence of a common ?ritten source rat"er t"an oral tradition (9l =;B to =:F)%

The Order of Events Stein "ig"lig"ts t"ree specific series ?"ere t"e s&noptic gospels s"o? agreement in t"e order of e,ents% Stein5s tables are reproduced in Appendi> A$ and co,er t"e follo?ing passages: #att% E:=F I 8=:8D@ #ar9 8:=8 I F:8:@ Lu9e E:F8 I D:8D

#att% 8D:8F I =B:FE@ ;:=< I 8B:G=@ Lu9e ::8; I 8;:EF

#att% ;:=F I 8F:G;@ #ar9 F:F8 I D:D@ Lu9e E:8D I 8F:=8

Noting t"at t"e order of e,ents is not al?a&s identical$ Stein argues t"at muc" of t"e material is organised in topical$ rat"er t"an c"ronological$ order to suit t"e preference of t"e indi,idual aut"or;% !"is not?it"standing$ Stein argues t"at t"e degree of agreement is sufficientl& impressi,e to suggest some form of common source:%

; :

Ibid$ 9l% =GB% Ibid%

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Agreement of Parenthetical Material Listing eig"t e>amples (reproduced in Appendi> 4)$ Stein suggests t"at one of t"e most persuasi,e arguments for t"e literar& interdependence of t"e s&noptic gospels is t"e use of similar parent"etic material8B% #oreo,er$ Stein combines t"is e,idence ?it" t"e reference to ?ritten source materials ?it"in t"e Lu9an prologue to le,erage "is ,ie? t"at t"ese similarities are due to t"e use of common$ ?ritten source material 88%

Literary Agreements Stein sites t?o instances of unusual Auotes from 3ld !estament scripture$ arguing t"at t"ese references pro,ide strong e,idence of a common ?ritten source 8=% !"e first occurs in #att"e? F:F$ #ar9 8:F and Lu9e F:E$ ?"ic" all use t"e same Auote from t"e 3ld !estament 6A ,oice of one calling in t"e desert$ KPrepare t"e ?a& for t"e Lord$ ma9e straig"t pat"s for "im%57% Stein notes t"at t"is Auotation is unusual because it does not conform to t"e ?ording used in eit"er t"e Septuagint or #asoretic !e>t% !"us$ t"e fact t"at all t"ree s&noptic gospels use e>actl& t"e same ?ords is strong e,idence of common source material% !"e second instance occurs in #att"e? ==:F<$ #ar9 8=:FB and Lu9e 8B:=<$ ?"ic" read: Love the Lord your God ith all your heart and ith all your soul and ith all your mind (#att"e? ==:F<) Love the Lord your God ith all your heart and ith all your soul and ith all your mind and ith all your strength (#ar9 8=:FB) Love the Lord your God ith all your heart and ith all your soul and ith all your strength and ith all your mind (Lu9e 8B:=<)

8B 88

Ibid$ 9l% =E;% Ibid$ 9l% =DG% 8= Ibid$ 9l% =D:%

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Stein notes t"at t"e ?ording of t"ese Auotations agrees neit"er ?it" t"e #asoretic !e>t nor t"e !argums$ neit"er of ?"ic" mentions 6mind7 8F$ and t"e use of bot" 6"eart7 and 6mind7 "as no 9no?n precedence in t"e Septuagint te>ts$ some of ?"ic" use t"e former and some of ?"ic" use t"e latter but none of ?"ic" use bot" terms8E%

Conclusions 2ollo?ing "is anal&ses of t"e similarities in t"e s&noptic gospels$ Stein argues in fa,our of a common ?ritten source utilised b& t"e t"ree gospel ?riters% !"is argument is predicated primaril& on t"e precision of t"e agreement in ?ording used b& t"e aut"ors 8G% Secondl&$ Stein asserts t"at t"e agreement in parent"etical material cannot be adeAuatel& e>plained b& means of oral tradition8D% !"irdl&$ Stein argues t"at t"e agreement in order of e,ents can onl& be e>plained in terms of a ?ritten tradition as it is unli9el& t"at an oral tradition$ ?"ic" ?ould rel& on memorisation of ,ast details$ could produce suc" le,el of agreement 8<%

ST6$!9S S-84T$-! T- T56 S7!-,T$0 ,%-)86( .a,ing concluded t"e e>istence of a literar& source t"at ?as a,ailable to eac" of t"e gospel aut"ors$ Stein in,estigates t"ree forms of "&pot"esis concerning t"e nature of t"is literar& interdependence$ including:

6The :ragmentary 5ypothesis7 ?"ic" assumes t"e e>istence of numerous fragments of ?ritten memorabilia recorded b& t"e disciples% Stein dismisses t"e credibilit& of t"is "&pot"esis as it is unable to e>plain t"e close agreement in t"e order of e,ents s"ared b& t"e s&noptic gospels8;%

8F 8E

Ibid$ 9l% =;B% Ibid% 8G Ibid$ 9l% =:F% 8D Ibid% 8< Ibid% 8; Ibid$ 9l% FBF%
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6The 4r" ospel 5ypothesis7 ?"ic" asserts t"e e>istence of an earlier$ independent gospel$ freAuentl& referred to as t"e 61r 'ospel7% !"is "&pot"esis assumes t"at se,eral different ,ersions of t"e 1r('ospel e>isted$ as it ?as redacted and e>tended ?it" time% !"is ,ariation in t"e original document is said to account for t"e ,ariations in t"e s&noptic gospels% Stein points out t"at no trace of t"is 1r('ospel "as e,er been found$ but also notes t"at no trace of 0 "as e,er been found eit"er% Stein notes t"at t"e most significant difficult& ?it" t"is "&pot"esis is t"at t"e reconstructed 1r('ospel began to loo9 increasingl& li9e #ar95s 'ospel$ ?"ic" t"en ob,iated t"e "&pot"esis as a simpler$ more plausible "&pot"esis ?ould be t"at #ar95s 'ospel ?as ?ritten first and ser,ed as a literar& source for bot" #att"e? and Lu9e 8:%

6The $nterdependence&4tilisation 5ypothesis7 ?"ic" asserts t"at t"ere is an interdependence bet?een t"e s&noptic gospels$ ?it" one being t"e first to be ?ritten and t"e ot"er t?o "a,ing access to at least one or e,en bot" of t"e ot"er t?o% Stein notes t"at t"ere are eig"teen different connotations to t"is t"eor&$ ?it" just t"ree finding support in t"e academic argument=B% !"ese t"ree possibilities are as follo?s: o Stein first e>amines t"e t"eor& t"at #att"e? ?rote first$ and ?as used b& #ar9$ and t"en in turn b& Lu9e@ a t"eor& ?"ic" dates bac9 to Augustine% o !"e second t"eor& e>amined is t"at #att"e? ?rote first$ ?as used b& Lu9e and t"en in turn b& #ar9% !"is t"eor& is commonl& 9no?n as t"e 'riesbac" .&pot"esis% o !"e t"ird "&pot"esis$ freAuentl& referred to as t"e .oltCman ) Streeter .&pot"esis$ "olds t"at #ar9 ?rote first and ?as independentl& used b& bot" #ar9 and Lu9e%

Stein argues in fa,our of t"e priorit& of #ar9 based on t"e fact t"e follo?ing factors:
8: =B

Ibid$ 9l% F8<% Ibid$ 9l% FBF(F8;%

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(ar;9s shortness: #ar95s 'ospel is considerabl& s"orter t"an t"ose of #att"e? or Lu9e ?"en considering eit"er t"e number of ,erses =8 or t"e number of ?ords==% It is unli9el& t"at #ar9 ?ould "a,e omitted so muc" of t"e material ?it"in #att"e? or Lu9e "ad eit"er of t"ese gospels been "is source =F% #oreo,er$ it is unli9el& t"at #ar9 consciousl& soug"t to pro,ide an abridged ,ersion of t"e ot"er 'ospels as in man& cases t"e indi,idual periscopes ?it"in #ar9 are freAuentl& longer t"an t"eir parallel periscopes in t"e ot"er 'ospels%

(ar;9s ,oorer /riting Style% #ar95s ?riting st&le$ in terms of grammar$ ,ocabular&$ st&le idiom and sentence$ is inferior to t"at of #att"e? or Lu9e% It is unli9el& t"at #ar9 ?ould c"ange good 'ree9 in "is source material and replace it ?it" inferior 'ree9@ it is far more logical t"at #att"e? and Lu9e ?ould impro,e on t"e ?riting st&le of t"eir source=E%Additionall& #ar9 is freAuentl& o,erl& ?ord&$ using unnecessar& material=G% Stein dismisses t"e notion t"at t"is could be a result of #ar95s conflation of #att"e? and Lu9e as t"is is onl& possible in 8< of t"e =8F cases of redundanc&$ in t"e gospel of #ar9=D%

(ar;9s 5arder %eadings% In a number of cases$ #ar95s 'ospel presents difficult passages ?"ic" ma& appear to ?ea9en Lesus5 po?er or influence =<$ present t"e disciples in a negati,e ?a&=;$ or present clums& t"eolog&=:% Stein argues t"at it is more

=8 ==

#ar9 contains DD8 ,erses$ #att"e? contains 8$BD; and Lu9e contains 8$8E:% #ar9 contains 88$B=G ?ords$ #att"e? contains 8;$=:F and Lu9e contains 8:$F<D% =F Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% FFF% =E Ibid$ 9l% F<8% =G An e>ample is contained in #ar9 8:F=$ ?"ere #ar9 reads 6!"e e,ening at sundo?nM7$ ?"ereas t"e parallel in #att"e? ;:8D simpl& reads 6!"at e,ening7$ and t"at in Lu9e E:EB reads (No? ?"en t"e sun ?as settingM7 =D Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% E=;% =< An e>ample is in #ar9 8:F=(EF$ ?"ere man& sic9 ?ere broug"t to Lesus$ #ar9 sa&s t"at Lesus "ealed 6man&7$ ?"ereas #att"e? and Lu9e sa& t"at Lesus "ealed 6all7% =; An e>ample is #ar9 E:8F$ ?"ic" reads 6!"en Lesus said to t"em$ KDonNt &ou understand t"is parableO .o? t"en ?ill &ou understand an& parableO57% In bot" #att"e? and Lu9e Lesus merel& e>plains t"e parable$ ?it"out Auestioning t"e disciples% =: An e>ample is #ar9 F:G ?"ere Lesus loo9ed around Pat t"ose Auestioning .is rig"t to "eal on t"e Sabbat"Q 6?it" anger7% !"e parallel passages in bot" #att"e? and Lu9e omit 6?it" anger7%
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credible t"at #att"e? and Lu9e ?ould tend to modif& suc" difficulties in t"e #ar9an te>t to a,oid suc" difficulties$ t"an for #ar9 to create suc" difficulties from a less contro,ersial source% 8ac; o1 (atthe<"8+;e Agreements against (ar; % !"ere are ,er& fe? instances ?"ere #att"e? and Lu9e agree against #ar9$ eit"er in t"e use of ?ords FB$ or in order of e,entsF8% 8iterary Agreements% T"e omission of specific ?ords in #att"e? and Lu9e are best e>plained in t"eir modification of t"e #ar9 account t"an ,ice ,ersa F=% The Arg+ment 1rom %edaction% Stein notes t"at redaction criticism fa,ours #att"ean and Lu9an redaction of #ar9 rat"er t"an #ar9an redaction of eit"er #att"e? or Lu9eFF% (ar;9s (ore ,rimitive Theology% Stein notes #ar95s more primiti,e t"eolog& is a good indicator of its priorit& in time$ ?it" later accounts e>"ibiting a more refined t"eolog&FE%


3ccasions ?"en #att"e? and #ar9 agree against Lu9e in use of ?ords are best e>plained b& Lu9e "a,ing di,erged from t"e #ar9an account@ similarl&$ in instances ?"ere #ar9 and Lu9e agree against #att"e?$ it is most credible t"at #att"e? di,erged from t"e #ar9an account% !"ere are ,er& fe? instances ?"ere #att"e? and Lu9e agree against #ar9% See: Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% E<= F8 Stein refers to Lac"mann5s obser,ation t"at t"ere are no occasions ?"ere #att"e? and Lu9e agree against #ar9 in order of e,ents% Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% E<:% F= Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% E:<(G=E% FF Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% G=E(G:< FE 3ne e>ample is t"e limited use of t"e title 6Lord7 in #ar95s 'ospel (D times in t"e triple tradition) compared to eit"er #att"e? (8E times) or Lu9e (8E times)% See: Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% DBG( D==%
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Stein also notes t"at #att"e? and Lu9e contain a significant amount of common material t"at is not found in #ar9% .o?e,er$ t"is 6double !radition7 material is arranged differentl& in #att"e?FGand Lu9e$ indicating t"at ?"ilst bot" relied on similar source material$ it is unli9el& t"at eit"er #att"e? or Lu9e used eac" ot"er as t"e source for t"is material$ and t"us t"ere must "a,e been additional source material a,ailable to bot" FD% !"is source material is commonl& referred to as 607% Noting difficulties in t"e 607 "&pot"esis$ Stein argues t"at alternati,e "&pot"eses "a,e e,en more difficultiesF<$ and "ence supports t"e priorit& of #ar9 and t"e e>istence of 607% #oreo,er$ Stein fa,ours t"e notion t"at 607 ?as a ?ritten source due to t"e e>actness of ?ording and agreements in t"e order of e,ents ?it"in t"e 607 material F;%

3$S04SS$-! !argeted at t"eological students$ rat"er t"an seasoned academics$ 6Stud&ing t"e S&noptic 'ospels: 3rigin and Interpretation7 pro,ides a ,er& useful introduction and met"odolog& for first "and stud& of t"e s&noptic gospels% Its contribution to t"e academic debate ma& be e,aluated under t"e follo?ing categories: Layout ! Structure !"e approac" ta9en is ,er& practical$ ?it" suggested colour coding of t"e s&noptic gospel accounts to identif& areas of agreement ?it"in t"e triple and t"e double traditions$ as ?ell as t"ose areas ?"ic" are uniAue to a specific aut"or%


R"o arranges t"e material ,er& artisticall& into fi,e distinct 6boo9s7% Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% <F;% F< Ibid$ 9l%;F8% F; Stein concedes t"at t"e nature of 607 is not conclusion$ noting: 6R"et"er 0 ?as a single ?ritten source$ a collection of se,eral different ?ritten fragments$ a combination of ?ritten and oral traditions$ ,arious oral traditions$ or e,en a single$ unified oral tradition are Auestions unli9el& to be resol,ed in t"e immediate future7$ Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% ;F8%
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A major strengt" is t"e presentation in tabular form of material demonstrating t"e ,arious relations"ips bet?een t"e te>ts of eac" of t"e gospel accounts% Academic Approach 1se of Source Criticism 4& anal&sing t"e 'ospels of #att"e?$ #ar9 and Lu9e$ Source Criticism see9s to identif& t"e original source material emplo&ed b& eac" of t"e aut"ors% !"is form of anal&sis is necessar& to e>plain t"e stri9ing agreement ?it"in t"e s&noptic gospels$ as ?ell as t"eir distinct ,ariations% Source Criticism is a primar& tool emplo&ed b& Stein in "is e,aluation of t"e S&noptic 'ospelsF:$ and is used to demonstrate "is conclusions concerning #ar9an priorit& and t"e e>istence of 0% Stein notes t"at if Source Criticism can isolate a more primiti,e form of a te>t$ or e,en t"e ipissima verba of Lesus$ t"en it is possible to better understand "o? eac" e,angelist understood and interpreted eac" specific e,ent EB% #oreo,er$ b& comparing "o? eac" indi,idual aut"or interpreted ,arious te>ts pro,ides a better understanding of t"e true meaning and e>egetical limits of eac" te>tE8% 2orm Criticism R"ilst source criticism see9s to identif& t"e earliest ?ritten te>t$ 2orm Criticism see9s to reconstruct t"e preliterar& tradition b& anal&sing t"e 6form7 E= of t"e ,arious te>tual


!"is is clearl& demonstrated in "is colour coding met"odolog&% Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l%8=E;% E8 Ibid$ 9l% 8=E;(8=D;% E= #artin Dibelius described fi,e distinct te>tual 62orms7 including: Paradigms$ !ales$ Legends$ #&t"s and E>"ortations% See: !ra,is$ S% .%$ 62orm Criticism7$ in: #ars"all$ .% I%$ "e Testament Interpretation: #ssays on Principles and $ethods$ Paternoster Press$ 8:<<$ pp8GGI8G<%
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components ?it"in eac" indi,idual gospel te>t and "o? t"e& emerged from t"e period of oral transmissionEF% Stein re,ie?s t"e de,elopment of 2orm Criticism$ pro,iding an anal&sis of its basic presuppositions$ strengt"s and ?ea9nesses in order to demonstrate t"e innate ,alue of t"e discipline% Noting negati,e ,ie?s from certain academic circles EE$ Stein concludes t"at 2orm Criticism is a neutral tool t"at ma& be used eit"er positi,el& or negati,el& EG% 1sing insig"ts gained t"roug" 2orm Criticism$ Stein concludes t"at t"e 'ospels are not c"orological biograp"iesED$ and t"at t"eir current form points to materials ?"ic" ?ere perse,ered for t"eir religious ,alue E< and circulated as independent$ self(contained entities during t"e oral periodE;% Straus notes t"at t"e most important function of t"e earl& C"urc" ?as to proclaim t"e good ne?s of t"e life$ deat" and resurrection of Lesus E:$ ?"ic" reAuires robust preser,ation of t"e oral tradition% 4etter understanding of t"e nature of t"e pre(e>isting oral tradition "elps to identif& t"e editorial ?or9 of eac" E,angelist ?it" greater precision GB$ and ma& be emplo&ed to identif& ?it" greater reliabilit& t"e ipsissima verba%& of LesusG=% !"ese outcomes allo? greater interpreti,e insig"ts to be deri,ed from t"e 'ospel accounts GF$ leading to useful "omiletical and didactic Insig"ts t"at en"ance t"e proclamation of t"e 'ospel message GE%


4lac9 D% A%$ Doc9er& D% S%$ "e Testament 'riticism and Interpretation$ +onder,an$ 8::8$ p8<D% 2or instance: Collins$ L% L%$ 62orm Criticism and t"e S&noptic 'ospels7$ !"eogical Studies$ 8:E8$ ppF;;(EBB% EG Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% =B=D% ED Ibid$ 9l% =BF8% E< Ibid 9l% =BD8% E; Ibid$ 9l% =BF:% E: Strauss$ #% L%$ 6 2our Portraits$ 3ne Lesus: A Sur,e& of Lesus and t"e 'ospels7$ +onder,an$ =BB<$ pG;% GB Ibid$ 9l% =8B8% G8 Actual ?ords of Lesus% G= Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% =88<% GF Ibid$ 9l% =8=E% GE Ibid$ 9l% =8GG%
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/edaction Criticism /edaction Criticism see9s to e>amine t"e final stage in t"e composition of t"e 'ospels accountsGG% In ot"er ?ords$ it is t"e stud& of t"e process of 6inscripturation of t"e 'ospel !raditions7$ ?"ic" see9s to identif& t"e specific emp"asis and interpretation t"at eac" 'ospel aut"or placed on t"e e,ents recorded% Stein notes t"at /edaction Criticism "as limitation$ particularl& because it is more concerned ?it" t"e differences bet?een t"e S&noptic 'ospels t"an ?it" t"eir similaritiesGD% !"is not?it"standing$ Stein utilises /edaction Criticism in dra?ing "is conclusion of #ar9an priorit& as "e refers to t"e later aut"ors redacting factors suc" as #ar95s poorer 'ree9 and "is "arder sa&ings% 'oodacre G< and !"omasG; ma9e similar obser,ations$ ?"ilst Straus notes t"at /edaction Criticism confirms t"at t"e ?riters of t"e S&noptic 'ospels ?ere purposeful aut"ors and not mere compilers G:%

It ma& be concluded t"at Source$ 2orm and /edaction Criticism are necessar& in t"e Auest for sound e>egesis of t"e 'ospels as it is necessar& to trace t"e literar& "istor& of t"e traditions as far bac9 as possible before speculating about t"e oral period or dra?ing reliable conclusion regarding a specific aut"or5s editorial tendencies DB% Stein5s use of t"ese tec"niAues$ toget"er ?it" "is appraisal of t"eir relati,e strengt"s and ?ea9nesses is robust%


Smalle&$ S% S%$ 6/edaction Criticism7$ in: #ars"all$ .% I%$ "e Testament Interpretation: #ssays on Principles and $ethods$ Paternoster Press$ 8:<<$ pp8<:I8;8% GD Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l =G;;% G< 'oodacre$ #%$ The Synoptic Problem: A (ay Through the $a)e$ ! H ! Clar9$ =BB8$ p;<% G; !"omas$ /% L%$ 6/edaction Criticism7 in: !"omas$ /% L%$ 2arnell$ 2% D%$ The *esus 'risis: The Inroads o+ ,istorical 'riticism Into #vangelical Scholarship$ Jregel Academic$ 8::;$ p=GE% G: Strauss$ #% L%$ 6 2our Portraits$ 3ne Lesus: A Sur,e& of Lesus and t"e 'ospels7$ +onder,an$ =BB<$ pD=% DB Ren"am$ D%$ 6Source Criticism7$ in: #ars"all$ .% I%$ 6 "e Testament Interpretation: #ssays on Principles and $ethods$ Paternoster press$ 8:<<$ pp8F<I8EB%
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$ar-an Priority Stein5s conclusion t"at #ar9an priorit& best e>plains t"e a,ailable e,idence is robust and follo?s t"e consensus ,ie?D8% !"is ,ie? assumes t"at #att"e? and Lu9e ?ere una?are if eac" ot"er5s ?or9$ and t"us necessitates t"e need for additional source material$ commonl& referred to as 607D=% Stein5s conclusion could "a,e been strengt"ened furt"er b& obser,ations suc" as ?"& #ar9$ ?"o emp"asised Lesus5 role as teac"er DF$ ?ould omit so muc" of t"e discourse material set out in #att"e?5s 'ospel "ad "e used t"is as a primar& source DE% 3ne ?ea9ness in Stein5s conclusion is "is discussion of t"e minor agreements of #att"e? and Lu9e against #ar9% Suc" agreements constitute an Ac"illes "eel for t"e t?o document "&pot"esis as t"e& could indicate t"at #att"e? and Lu9e 9ne? of eac" ot"er5s ?or9 and copied from one anot"er$ ob,iating t"e need for 0 DG% Stein ac9no?ledges t"e difficult& of suc" agreements$ but dismisses t"eir significance purel& because "e assumes t"at t"e ?eig"t of t"is e,idence is not sufficient to counter balance t"e remaining e,idence for #ar9an priorit&DD% Stein5s conclusion ?ould "a,e been better supported "ad "e engaged in t"e academic debate more full&$ e,aluating t"eories suc" as t"e use of a proto(#ar9$ suc" as 1r(#ar9us$ or e,en #att"e? and Lu9e5s use of different redacted ,ersions of #ar9D<%


Strauss$ #% L%$ 6 2our Portraits$ 3ne Lesus: A Sur,e& of Lesus and t"e 'ospels7$ +onder,an$ =BB<$ pGE% D= !"e combination of #ar9an priorit& and t"e e>istence of 0 is commonl& referred to as t"e 6!?o Source .&pot"esis7% DF #ar9 uses t"e ?ord 6teac"er7 8= times in D<; ,erses in direct reference to Lesus@ #att"e? uses t"e term 8F times in 8B<8 ,erses$ but in onl& ; instances is t"e term used directl& of Lesus@ Lu9e uses t"e term 8G times in 88<8 ,erses$ 8= of ?"ic" are direct references to Lesus% DE Dunn$ L% D% '%$ 'hristianity in the $a-ing. /olume &: *esus 0emembered $ Rilliam 4$ Eerdmans Publis"ing Compan&$ =BBF$ p8EG% DG Ralters$ P%$ 6!"e S&noptic Problem7$ in: Aune$ D% E%$ The 1lac- ell 'ompanion to The "e Testament$ Lo"n Rile& H Sons$ =B8B% P=EE% DD Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation $ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l 8BF:% D< Ralters$ P%$ 6!"e S&noptic Problem7$ in: Aune$ D% E%$ The 1lac- ell 'ompanion to The "e Testament$ Lo"n Rile& H Sons$ =B8B% P=EG%
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2 $aterial Stein notes t"at t"e e>istence of 0 is not an isolated "&pot"esis but "as al?a&s been predicated upon #ar9an priorit& and t"e independence of #att"e? of Lu9e$ as ot"er "&pot"eses "a,e no need of 0D;% Stein also concedes t"at t"e e>istence of 0 is entirel& "&pot"etical as t"ere is no e>tant 0 material D:% Stein5s support of 0 and$ in particular$ "is conclusion t"at 0 ?as a ?ritten document rat"er t"an oral tradition is open to debate$ and it is disappointing t"at Stein did not defend "is conclusions rat"er more robustl&% Clearl& t"ere ?ere se,eral stages in t"e de,elopment of t"e 'ospel te>ts$ starting ?it" t"e life of Lesus and t"e actual e,ents t"at t"e 'ospels record$ ?"ic" ?ould be follo?ed b& a period of oral tradition ?"ere 9e& e,ents and specific ?ords of Lesus ?ould retained and passed on primaril& t"roug" t"e spo9en ?ord@ t"ese memories ?ould t"en be recorded in a ?ritten format$ most li9el& constituting se,eral indi,idual fragments ?"ic" ma& t"en "a,e been included in a number of literar& collections ?"ic" ser,ed as ?ritten sources for t"e 'ospel aut"ors <B% Indeed$ Lu9e clearl& states t"at man& ?ritten accounts of Lesus life ?ere e>tant at t"e time of "is ?riting <8% Dunn notes t"at t"e agreement in ?ording in t"e 0 material in #att"e? and Lu9e ,aries from 8BBS to around ;S$ and argues t"at t"is strongl& suggests t"at 0 ?as most li9el& to be a collection of oral tradition$ rat"er t"an ?ritten record <=% Lu9e5s reference to 6man&7 ?ritten accounts strongl& suggests t"at t"ere ?ere se,eral ?ritten sources a,ailable$ ?"ic" ?ould "a,e supplemented a strong oral tradition$ and so 0 is probabl& best regarded a general term referring to an& source material$ eit"er oral or ?ritten$ ?"ic" ?as a,ailable at t"e time t"e indi,idual 'ospels ?ere ?ritten% /ecognising t"at t"is material is not a distinct$ definable

Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ Jindle$ Edition$ =BB8$ 9l% ;BG% D: Ibid% <B Strauss$ #% L%$ 63our portraits. one *esus: A Survey o+ *esus and the Gospels$ +onder,an$ =BB<$ pEE% <8 Lu9e 8:8(E% <= Dunn$ L% D% '%$ 'hristianity in the $a-ing. /olume &: *esus 0emembered $ Rilliam 4$ Eerdmans Publis"ing Compan&$ =BBF$ pp8E;(:%
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?or9 leads to t"e li9eli"ood t"at bot" #att"e? and Lu9e ?ould "a,e "ad a different collection of 0 material$ ?it" some o,erlaps and ot"er uniAue material and so some sc"olars "a,e referred to 0 (source material common to #att"e? and Lu9e)$ # (source material a,ailable onl& to #att"e?) and L (source material onl& a,ailable to Lu9e <F% !"us$ 0 remains a purel& "&pot"etical document$ ?it" no e>tant documentar& e,idence to support its e>istence% !"us some "old t"at 0 ?as a collection of bot" oral and ?ritten material t"at could e>plain bot" t"e close agreement and t"e ?ide di,ergence of t"e S&noptic 'ospels<E ?"ilst ot"ers "a,e cast doubt on t"e e>istence of 0 altoget"er$ preferring t"e argument t"at Lu9e 9ne? and utilised #att"e?5s 'ospel <G%

0-!084S$-! 6Stud&ing t"e S&noptic 'ospels: 3rigin and Interpretation7 pro,ides an e>cellent introduction to t"e stud& of t"e s&noptic gospels% !"e boo9 is ,er& practical$ describing a simple colour coding met"odolog& for t"e stud& of t"e S&noptic 'ospels and ,er& useful tabulated comparisons of t"e 'ospel te>ts% Stein emplo&s source$ form and redaction criticism discerningl& in "is Auest to na,igate t"roug" t"e 6S&noptic Problem7% 1sing t"ese tools$ Stein concludes t"at t"e majorit& of data supports #ar9an priorit& and t"e e>istence of 0 in ?ritten format% R"ilst Stein5s approac" is generall& robust$ "is e,aluation of t"e minor agreements bet?een #att"e? and Lu9e against #ar9 is rat"er too superficial$ and alternati,e t"eories suc" as t"e use of a proto(#ar9$ suc" as 1r(#ar9us$ or e,en #att"e? and Lu9e5s use of different redacted ,ersions of #ar9 are not adeAuatel& e>plored%

Strauss$ #% L%$ 63our portraits. one *esus: A Survey o+ *esus and the Gospels$ +onder,an$ =BB<$ pG8% <E !"omas$ /%$ L%$ 6An In,estigation of t"e Agreements 4et?een #att"e? and Lu9e Against #ar97$ Lournal of E,angelical !"eolog&$ Spring 8:<D$ pp8BF(88=% <G 'oodacre$ #%$ The Synoptic Problem: A (ay Through the $a)e$ ! H ! Clar9$ =BB8$ pp8GD(8D8%
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)$)8$- %A,57


!"e .ol& 4ible$ Ne? International *ersion$ +onder,an 4ible Publis"ers$ International 4ible Societ&$ 8:;E%

%6:6%6!06S Aune$ D% E%$ 6!"e 4lac9?ell Companion to !"e Ne? !estament7$ Lo"n Rile& H Sons$ =B8B% 4lac9 D% A%$ Doc9er& D% S%$ "e Testament 'riticism and Interpretation$ +onder,an$ 8::8% Collins$ L% L%$ 62orm Criticism and t"e S&noptic 'ospels7$ !"eological Studies$ 8:E8$ ppF;;(EBB% Dunn$ L% D% '%$ 'hristianity in the $a-ing. /olume &: *esus 0emembered$ Rilliam 4$ Eerdmans Publis"ing Compan&$ =BBF% 'oodacre$ #%$ The Synoptic Problem: A (ay Through the $a)e$ ! H ! Clar9$ =BB8% #ars"all$ .% I%$ "e Testament Interpretation: #ssays on Principles and $ethods$ Paternoster Press$ 8:<<% Stein$ /% .%$ Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation$ Second Edition$ 4a9er Academic$ =BB8% Stein$ /% .%$ The Synoptic Problem: An Introduction$ 4a9er Academic$ 8:;<% Strauss$ #% L%$ 3our Portraits. One *esus: A Survey o+ *esus and the Gospels$ +onder,an$ =BB<% !"omas$ /% L%$ 2arnell$ 2% D%$ The *esus 'risis: The Inroads o+ ,istorical 'riticism Into #vangelical Scholarship$ Jregel Academic$ 8::;% !"omas$ /%$ L%$ 6An In,estigation of t"e Agreements 4et?een #att"e? and Lu9e Against #ar97$ Lournal of E,angelical !"eolog&$ Spring 8:<D$ pp8BF(88=%

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Appendi> A: Agreements in t"e 3rder of E,ents

Ta*le A': 2irst Series of Agreements in 3rder of E,ents
Event a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) .esus& teaching in the synagogue in /apernau! .esus& healing of the de!oniac in /apernau! .esus& healing of 3eter&s !other0in0law .esus& healing in the evening .esus leaves /apernau! .esus& preaching in Galilee +he !iraculous catch of fish .esus heals a leper .esus heals a paralytic +he calling of ,evi /ontroversy over fasting /ontroversy over pluc(ing grain /ontroversy over healing on the Sa##ath -ealing #y the sea +he choosing of the twelve 2:101 4:102 4:401' 4:1101$ 12:102 12:4011 1:2025 12:15015 10:101 1:10015 1:10015 2:1012 2:1'01$ 2:2'022 ':105 ':$012 ':1'014 1:2' 2:11015 2:1501$ Matthe w Mark 1:21022 1:2'022 1:240'1 1:'20'1 1:'50'2 1:'4 Luke 1:'10'2 1:''0'$ 1:'20'4 1:10011 1:1201' 1:11 5:1011 5:12015 5:1$025 5:2$0'2 5:''0'4 5:105 5:5011 5:1$014 5:12015

/ed te>t denotes e,ents ,erses ?"ere agreement in order is not realised%

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Ta*le A2: Second Series of Agreements in 3rder of E,ents

Event a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) 3eter&s confession of /hrist )irst 3assion prediction +eaching on discipleship +he +ransfiguration /oncerning the return of 6li7ah .esus heals a de!on possessed #oy Second 3assion prediction +he te!ple ta8 +eaching on true greatness /oncerning the use of .esus& na!e +eaching on te!ptation 3ara#le of the lost sheep +eaching on reproving a #rother +eaching on the presence of .esus +eaching on reconciliation with a #rother 3ara#le of the unforgiving servant 9eparture to .udea +eaching on divorce 12:504 12:10011 12:15012 12:14020 12:21022 12:2'0'5 14:102 14:'012 10:1 10:2012 4:51: 1$:1 Matthe w 15:1'020 15:2102' 15:21022 1$:104 1$:1001' 1$:11021 1$:2202' 1$:2102$ 12:105 4:''0'$ 4:'2011 4:12050 4:15012 4:14050 1$:102 11:'10'5 15:'0$ Mark 2:2$0'0 2:'10'' 2:'104:1 4:2010 4:1101' 4:11024 4:'00'2 4:'$01'a 4:1'#015 Luke 4:12021 4:22 4:2'02$ 4:220'5

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Event s) t) u) v) w) x) y) .esus #lesses the children +he rich young !an +eaching on the danger of riches 3ara#le of the la#ourers in the vineyard +hird passion prediction +he re;uests of the sons of <e#edee +he healing of the #lind !an

Matthe w 14:1'015 14:15022 14:2'0'0 20:1015 20:1$024 20:20022 20:240'1

Mark 10:1'015 10:1$022 10:2'0'1

Luke 12:1501$ 12:1202' 12:210'0

10:'20'1 10:'5015 10:15052



/ed te>t denotes e,ents ,erses ?"ere agreement in order is not realised% 4 3ollo ing this verse is the largest bloc- o+ uni5ue Lu-an material 67:%&8&9:&:;<

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Ta*le A3: !"ird Series of Agreements in 3rder of E,ents

Event a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) +he !other and #rother of .esus 3ara#le of the sower =hy .esus taught in para#les +he interpretation of the para#le of the sower 3ara#les of la!p on a stand and >!easure upon !easure? 3ara#le of the growing seed 3ara#le of the weeds 3ara#le of the !ustard seed 3ara#le of the leaven .esus& use of para#les +he interpretation of the para#le of the weeds 3ara#les of hidden treasure and pearl 3ara#le of the net 3ara#le of the householder .esus cal!s the stor! .esus heals the Gerasene de!oniac .esus heals .airus& daughter .esus re7ected at @a"areth 1':210'0 1':'10'2 1':'' 1':'10'5 1':'501' 1':11015 1':1$050 1':51052 2:2'02$ 2:220'1 4:12025 1':5'052 1:'5011 5:1020 5:2101' 5:105a 2:22025 2:250'4 (1:150 '0) 1:''0'1 1:'00'2 1':12014 1':20021 Matthe w 12:15050 1':104 Mark ':'10'5 1:104 Luke 2:14021 2:102 2:4010 2:11015 2:15012

1'01001$ 1:10012 1':1202' 1:1'020 1:21025 1:25024

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/ed te>t denotes e,ents ,erses ?"ere agreement in order is not realised%

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Appendi> 4: Agreements in Parent"etical #aterial

Ta*le )': Agreements in Parent"etical #aterial
Matthe w !"#$%& $' Mark 1':110 15 Luke Parenthetical Material otes

Let the reader understand Then he said to the paralytic* He said to the paralysed man Stein i!plies that the parenthetical !aterial is si!ilar in all three synoptic gospels -owever, Aatthew does not include the parenthetical !aterial Aoreover, Aatthew records two de!oniacs, whilst the Aar( and ,u(e record 7ust one ,u(e has !uch !ore parenthetical !aterial than Aar( +his appears to #e very wea( evidence of any written for! of interdependence For he (ne' it 'as out of en y that they had handed Jesus o er to him# * (no'in& it 'as out of en y that the chief priests had handed Jesus o er to him#



5:1$0 25

For Jesus had said to him, Come out of this man, you e il spirit!" For Jesus had commanded the e il spirit to come out of the man# $any times it had sei%ed him, and thou&h he 'as chained hand and foot and (ept under &uard, he had )ro(en his chains and had )een dri en )y the demon into solitary places#


2:250 24

!)#$%& $'

15:50 10

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Matthe w



Parenthetical Material *+ut not durin& the Feast,* they said, *or there may )e a riot amon& the people#* *





*+ut not durin& the Feast,* they said, *or the people may riot#* ,for they 'ere afraid of the people# Then one of the T'el e--the one called Judas .scariot--'ent to the chief priests * Bt is not clear that these sentences actually constitute parenthesis at all% in fact only Aatthew includes any for! of parenthesis% Bn Aar( and ,u(e the reference to .udas Bscariot is part of the !ain narrative




Then Judas .scariot, one of the T'el e, 'ent to the chief priests to )etray Jesus to them# *Then /atan entered Judas, called .scariot, one of the T'el e#*




Judas, one of the t'el e /he said to herself, .f . only touch his cloa(, . 'ill )e healed#"** ,)ecause she thou&ht, *.f . 0ust touch his clothes, . 'ill )e healed#*



* $atthe' $ar( Lu(e

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Appendi> C: /elations"ips 4et?een t"e S&noptic 'ospels

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