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Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 1125–1128

Signature of surface energy dependence of partial dislocation slip

in a gold nanometer-sized protrusion
Sung Bo Leea,⇑ and Young-Min Kimb
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Republic of Korea
Korea Basic Science Institute, Daejeon 305-333, Republic of Korea
Received 13 February 2011; revised 27 February 2011; accepted 4 March 2011
Available online 10 March 2011

The mechanical behavior of metallic nanowires has been intensively studied, demonstrating the strong sample-size dependence of
crystal plasticity. However, the effect of surface energy has not yet been fully resolved. Here we have used in situ high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy of gold nanometer-sized protrusions at room temperature to address this problem. Our experi-
mental results reveal that the slip of Shockley partial dislocations reduces the energy cost of creating the extra surface area resulting
from the dislocation slip (i.e. surface steps).
Ó 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM); Nanostructured materials; Dislocation dynamics; Twinning

As is well evidenced, pure bulk metals are transmission electron microscope, we have captured
strengthened by strain hardening by plastic deformation. the detailed dynamics of dislocation slip in Au nanome-
Plasticity in bulk metals occurs by the motion of disloca- ter-sized protrusions (nanoprotrusions) at the atomic
tions. During plastic deformation, dislocations multiply scale at room temperature. Our real-time monitoring
and are pinned by other dislocations and defects, such discloses that the slip of some Shockley partial disloca-
as grain boundaries, leading to strengthening. In contrast, tions cannot be explained by the stress state, but is fa-
defect-free metallic nanowires with diameters up to tens vored by surface energy minimization.
of nanometers do not exhibit such strain hardening For the experiment, 3 mm disks were cut from a pure
behavior, but display a very high elastic stress followed Au(1 1 0) single crystal (99.999% purity) (MaTeck
by a drastic drop and pronounced strain softening, exhib- GmbH, Germany). Electron-transparent sections were
iting a sharp yield point [1–5]. Such mechanical behavior produced by ion milling with 3.5 kV Ar ions at an
is also observed in dislocation-free metal whiskers [6]. incidence angle of about 3° from both sides (top and
Due to their limited sizes, yielding in nanowires is bottom) in a Gatan precision ion polishing system
determined by the surface nucleation and propagation (PIPS). To obtain nanometer-sized protrusions, the pre-
of 1=6h1 1 2i Shockley partial dislocations on the pared, plan-view specimens were subjected to beam irra-
{1 1 1} plane, rather than full dislocations [1–5,7–10]. diation in a high-voltage electron microscope (Stuttgart
Twinning, which occurs by successive emissions of JEOL JEM-ARM1250 (JEOL Ltd., Japan) operated at
Shockley partials with the same Burgers vector on 1.25 MeV (0.12 nm point-to-point resolution)) [13] at
neighboring slip planes [11,12], is also predicted to form 600 °C for 45 min. At this high temperature, due to
in nanowires [2,3]. As compared with such well-accepted the enhanced sputtering by the beam irradiation, many
geometric size effects on partial dislocation slip, how- nanometer-sized protrusions could be obtained, as
ever, there is still a lack of detailed information on shown in Figure 1a. After cooling down to room
how surface energy influences dislocation slip in temperature at a rate of 15 °C min–1, the specimens were
nanostructures. observed using the same microscope as used for prepa-
Here, using in situ high-resolution transmission ration of the protrusions. All the HRTEM observations
electron microscopy (HRTEM) with a high-voltage in the present study were made with the ½ 1 1 0 zone axis
of Au aligned parallel to the electron beam.
The nanoprotrusion shown in Figure 1a had twin
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 880 8970; e-mail: bolee@ boundaries (TBs) (indicated by arrows), which had been formed during observation at room temperature. To

1359-6462/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

1126 S. B. Lee, Y.-M. Kim / Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 1125–1128

Figure 1. (a) Initial microstructure of the nanoprotrusion. Alternating twin (T) and matrix (M) lamellae with a spacing of a few nanometers are seen.
(b) Time sequence of HRTEM images taken at the white-boxed region shown in (a). The shift of the crystal block above the slip plane relative to that
below in the left direction resulted in the downward migration of the TB. (c) Schematic diagram of the shift at the ½ 1 1 0 zone axis, marked as D1.

identify the character, i.e. Burgers vector, of Shockley dislocation slip was typically observed in twin lamellae,
partial dislocations participating in dislocation slip, a se- the dislocation is accepted as the trailing partial, which,
quence of HRTEM images (Fig. 1b), was taken of the when added to the leading partial, gives full dislocation
region marked by a white box in Figure 1a. The exper- slip. (For a real-time movie, see the Supplementary
imental images matched well with a simulated image information.)
produced with imaging parameters of a thickness of About 2 min after the images in Figure 1 were taken,
2.3 nm and an overfocus of 38 nm. (For details of the the white-boxed region was observed to have a micro-
image simulation, see the Supplementary information twin of two atomic layers in thickness (i.e. composed
on the image simulation of the HTREM images and of two parallel and neighboring stacking-fault planes),
the video editing. Movie files corresponding to Figs. 1–3
are uploaded as Supplementary videos 2–4, respectively.
The movies are real-time at 25 fps and have views of lar-
ger areas than those printed in the figures.) Figure 1b
shows that the TB at 0 s (indicated by the dashed line)
migrated downwards by one (1 1 1) interplanar spacing
of Au after 0.24 s. As shown in the second panel of
Figure 1b (0.12 s), the migration was accomplished via
a shift of the crystal block above the slip plane in the left
direction relative to the block below. This is schemati-
cally displayed in Figure 1c. As depicted at the bottom
of Figure 1c, the shift at the ½1 1 0 zone axis (i.e. when
viewed from the ½1 1 0 direction), marked as D1, corre-
sponds to the slip of a 1=6½2 1 1 or 1=6½1 2 1 Shockley
partial dislocation on the (1 1 1) plane. However, these
two dislocations cannot be differentiated from each
other in the HRTEM images of the ½1 1 0 zone axis
(Fig. 1c). It should be noted that the slip plane was lo-
cated below the initial TB, that is, in the matrix region
(M), not in the twin lamella (T), as shown in the second
panel of Figure 1b. The partial dislocation slip was typ-
ically captured in other matrix regions, suggesting that
the partial dislocation is considered as the leading par-
tial for creating stacking faults and thus twins. (For a
real-time movie, see the Supplementary information.)
By examining crystal shifts in slip planes located at
twin lamellae, we could identify the trailing partial dislo-
cation for erasing a stacking fault. Figure 2 was also ta-
ken at the same region as in Figure 1a, but 30 s after.
As shown in the second panel of Figure 2a, the crystal
Figure 2. Time sequence of HRTEM images showing a crystal-block
block above a slip plane, which was located at the twin
shift along a slip plane located at the twin lamella (T). In (a), the
lamella (T), shifted to the left relative to the block below crystal block above the slip plane shifted to the left relative to the block
the plane, resulting in the upward migration of the TB below the plane, resulting in the upward migration of the TB (0.16 s).
(0.16 s). Figures 2b and 1c (bottom) illustrate that the (b) The shift, marked as D2, corresponds to the slip of a 1/6½1 1 2
shift, marked as D2, corresponds to the slip of a Shockley partial dislocation on the (1 1 1) plane (see also Fig. 1c
1=6½1 1 2 Shockley partial dislocation. Since the partial (bottom)).
Author's personal copy

S. B. Lee, Y.-M. Kim / Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 1125–1128 1127

Figure 3. (a) Time sequence of HRTEM images monitoring the detwinning of the microtwin. (b) The possible partial dislocations responsible for the
shift on plane 2 is marked as A and B by the dashed arrows. (c) Schematic diagram of the comparison of areas of surface steps formed by the shift
along plane 3 (1/6½1 1 
2) (left) and by the leading partial slip (right). The areas shaded in gray indicate surface steps formed by partial dislocation slip
on one surface side. The dashed rectangle shows the lower crystal part below the slip plane and the solid one the upper crystal part above.

as shown in the first panel of Figure 3a. The two stack- but by the slip of a partial dislocation of 1=6½1 1  2
ing-fault planes in the lamella were indicated by long- (Fig. 3b). This slip was not anticipated by the present
dashed lines with numbers 1 and 2 in the second panel stress state. (For a real-time movie for Fig. 3, see the
of Figure 3a. The width of the center part of the region Supplementary information.)
was decreased from 2.5 nm (Fig. 1a) to 1.7 nm; this is Since the specimens were examined at room tempera-
attributed to the sputtering effect of the high-energy ture under the illumination of a high-energy electron
electrons. Figure 3a shows that the microtwin at 0 s dis- beam, it might be argued that the slip of the Shockley
appeared after 0.12 s by erasing the stacking faults on partial dislocations originated from beam irradiation ef-
planes 1 and 2. For plane 1, the crystal block above fects. However, as is well evidenced, beam irradiation
the plane shifted to the left relative to the atomic layer produces clusters of point defects, such as interstitials
below the plane. (See the movement of the blue circle and vacancies, which lead to the formation of Frank
relative to the red one in Fig. 3a). The shift corresponds loops, which show the stacking fault feature [14,15].
to a Burgers vector of 1=6½1 1 2, which was of the trail- Put another way, the formation of these faults by beam
ing partial dislocation, as observed in Figure 2a. irradiation does not involve dislocation slip, as sug-
For plane 2, as demonstrated in the first to third pan- gested by Kiritani et al. [14]. Thus we conclude that
els of Figure 3a (0–0.12 s), the atomic layer above the the partial dislocation slip observed here (Figs. 1–3)
plane shifted to the right relative to the crystal block did not result from beam irradiation. Moreover, no
below the plane, also removing the stacking fault on significant beam heating effects are expected due to the
the plane. (See also the movement of the red circle high thermal conductivity of Au (318 W m1 K1), the
relative to the black one.) The shift was the reverse of temperature rise being calculated to be negligible
that shown in Figure 1b and c (D1) in the HRTEM im- (DT = 0.035 K) [16]. However, since the 1250 keV
age (i.e. when viewed from the ½1 1 0 direction), thus electron beam used was comparable to the electron dis-
indicating that the Shockley partial dislocation for the placement threshold energy (1320 keV for Au) [16], dis-
shift on plane 2 would be the reverse of, or at an angle placement of atoms and atomic surface diffusion would
of 60° with, the leading partial (1=6½2 1 1 or 1=6½1 2 1) be significantly enhanced, concomitantly facilitating the
(indicated as B and A by dashed arrows, respectively, nucleation and propagation of partial dislocations.
in Fig. 3b), which are not differentiated from each other Thus, the partial dislocation slip under no external
in the HRTEM image. The partial for plane 2 is not con- mechanical stress shown in Figures 1–3 is likely to be in-
sidered as being caused by the intrinsic compressive duced by an intrinsic stress existing within the
stress, because this is neither the leading nor the trailing nanoprotrusion. A plausible explanation for its origin
partial, which will be discussed in detail below. is compressive stresses intrinsically placed inside the
For plane 3, as shown in the second to fifth panels of nanostructure induced by large tensile surface stress,
Figure 3a (0.12–0.20 s), the upper crystal block above as demonstrated for Au nanowires by Diao et al.
the plane shifted to the right relative to the block below, [17,18]. Diao et al. [18] showed by atomic simulations
causing the TB to migrate downwards. Since plane 3 was using the embedded atom method that, for Au nano-
located at a matrix region, the shift along the plane is wires with square cross-sections, the induced compres-
equivalent to forming a new stacking fault. However, sive stresses amount to several GPa at nanometer-scale
the shift corresponds to D2, indicating that it did not wire thicknesses, leading to an asymmetry in the ten-
occur by the slip of the leading partial shown in Figure 1, sion–compression yielding and even inducing reorienta-
Author's personal copy

1128 S. B. Lee, Y.-M. Kim / Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 1125–1128

tions at critical sizes for h1 0 0i wires [17,18]. For h1 0 0i vored considering surface energy minimization. (For
nanowires, due to the intrinsic compressive stresses, plane 3, a rectangular cross-section of the nanoprotru-
elastic contraction occurs upon relaxation, followed, be- sion was assumed. However, if different shapes or
low a critical size, by yielding, elastic contraction and dimensions are assumed, different conclusions will be
yielding alternating with each other during the simula- made. For a circular cross-section, different slip direc-
tion [18]. Though the shape of the nanoprotrusion in tions will give no step-area difference. We accept that
the present study was complicated, the width of the re- such possibilities even seem to suggest that geometrical
gion of interest (ROI) (indicated by the white box in factors are critical in deformation mechanisms in nano-
Fig. 1a) ranged from 2.49 nm (Fig. 1b) to 1.743 nm scale materials, which awaits further detailed study.)
(Fig. 3a) and its thickness was only 2.3 nm. It is thus ex- A final remark is in order. The types of leading and
pected that the ROIs with such small cross-sectional trailing partial dislocations observed in a larger nanopro-
areas receive large compressive stresses. trusion (Figs. 1 and 2) underwent a change when its
For the detwinning process shown in Figure 3, as dimensions were decreased even further, as demonstrated
mentioned above, the slip on plane 1 occurred by the in Figure 3. We suggest that such a tendency clearly indi-
trailing partial. However, the partial dislocation slip cates the surface energy dominance in the deformation
along plane 2 is different from the trailing partial, mak- mechanism with decreasing size, even violating the expec-
ing its generation appear exceptional. The generation of tation from the stress condition (Fig. 3). For nanostruc-
the Shockley partial responsible for the shift on plane 2 tures, due to their limited size, the nucleation and
needs to be understood in the context of a possible size propagation of Shockley partial dislocations is expected
effect on the generation of defects. With the reduction in to be strongly influenced by surface energy. The present
size to the nanometer scale, surface energy is likely to results support this tenet. Our results suggest that surface
play a significant role in the generation of defects. If a energy is a relevant parameter for analyzing nanoscale
trailing dislocation erases the stacking fault formed by deformation mechanisms, providing a firm foundation
a leading partial, generating full dislocation slip, two for optimizing theoretical models and atomistic simula-
surface steps will form on opposite surface sides, each tions of the mechanical behavior of nanostructures.
surface step corresponding to h0 1 1i perfect slip and
resulting in an increase in surface energy. This corre- This work was financially supported by the Na-
sponds to the slip on plane 1. tional Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea funded by
For plane 2, let us assume that, of the possible two the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
partials, A and B, A is responsible for the shift (2010-0028176).
(Fig. 3b) and one of the possible leading partials, e.g.
1=6½2 1 1, acts as the leading partial. The shift by the slip
of partial A will result in full dislocation slip, generating
Supplementary data associated with this article can
surface steps corresponding to h0 1 1i perfect slip
be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/
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