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Picture 1 Migrants from Central Asia to China

The four rivers from south to north: 1. Nu Caing or Salween or Nam Khong 2. an Caing or Mei Kawng !. "angtse Caing #. $awng $o or "ellow %iver

Picture 2. The Proto& Tai migrate' along 'ifferent routes& The( ha' a choice to follow an( of the four rivers)'e*en'ing on which one was more convenient.

Picture !. %ivers an' Provinces of China

Picture #& Some Proto&Tai) migrate' along the "angtse an' $awng $o %ivers from +inghai to Sichuan roun' a,out 2--- .C .

South&/ast Asia Countries

Picture 0& The Proto& Tai from Sichuam s*rea' to 1ansu) 1ui2hao) 1aung2i) 1ong'ong an' surroun'ing areas. ater) some) other than the 2haung went to Northern 3ietnam as Tai 4am) Tai 4eng an' Tai Pur56 or Tai Khao7. The Proto&Tai that followe' the Mei Kawng) migrate' to the South an' S.8est of "unnan) an' some later to Chaing Mai) Chaing %ai ) other *arts of Thailan' an' ao. Those that followe' the Nam Khong migrate' mainl( to 4ai Khong) an' later or at the same time to the Shan *lateau) which ,ecame Seing Murng Tai or Shan States . The King'om of Nanchao influence' the migration an' e9*ansion of Tai into S. /ast Asia. :ver several centuries ) ,an's of Tai from "unnan move' stea'il( into S.Asia) an' ,( the 1!th. Centur( as far as Assam . :nce settle' the( ,ecame i'entifie' as the following ,ranches of Tai: 1. 4ai ue foun' in ;iaung*anna6China7 *arts of ao) Chaing Mai) Chaing %ai 6Thailan'7*arts of 3ietnam an' in Kengtung 6 /astern Shan State 6.urma7 2. Tai Mao in ;ishaung*anna) an' 4ehong 6formerl( 4ai5ong7 in China) an' Muse in Northern Shan State) .urma !. #. Tai Nuer in ;ishaung*anna an' 4ehong in China) uang Namha6 ao7 Tai "ai or Tai ong in Shan States) 6 .urma7) Northern Thailan' ) ao an'

5achin State.P 0. <. =. Tai Noi:in Central *art of Thailan' an' ao Tai 4am or Tai um in North&west 3ietnam an' Northern ao 4ai Khao or Tai Pue5:& Northern 3ietnam an' Northern ao

>. Tai 4eng or Tai eang:&/astern ao? Kachin State ) Sagaing 'ivision in ower .urma7Tai Khuen in Kengtung6 Chaingtung7 /astern Shan State) .urma @. 1-. 11. 12. 1!. Tai Khamti& in Kachin State) N. .urma an' N. / An'ia Tai Pha5e same s 6Tai Pue5B meaning white Tai7 in /astern An'ia Tai Aiton in North &eastern An'ia Tai Turong in North&eastern An'ia Tai Kham(ang in North&eastern An'ia

1#. There are other smaller grou*s such as Tai Num ) Tai ai) Tai oi) Tai Kei an' *oc5ets of 'ifferent ,ranches of Tai are also foun' in C**er an' ower .urma an' in Kachin State.

Picture <& Princi*alities or Mongs in Sieng Mong Tai or Shan States. .efore the .ritish an' Drench entere' S. / Asia) there were loosel( connecte' countless small *rinci*alities or mongs stretching from 4ai5hong) ;i*saung,anna) Seing Mong Tai) Chaing Mai) Chaing %ai an' ao) each rule' ,( a Sao $*a 6Chao Pha or Ehao Da7

Picture =& 4ai Mong s or *rinci*alities in 4ai5ong meaning Tai of the Nam Khong or Salween %iver? now change' to Kachin an' 4ai 4ehong Prefecture. Tai names of five *rinci*alities: Maung Khon) Maung Mao) Maung Ti) Maung a) Maung :ne to Mang Cit() %uilli) ianghe Count() "ingFian Count() ongchuan Count(.

.urma is ma'e of Central .urma) where the maForit( of the .amar *eo*le live) is surroun'e' ,( other = ethnic states) the Kachin) Ara5an) Chin) Karen) Mon) Karenni an' Shan States. The ethnic nationalities make up half of the total population of Burma. Seven of Burma's 8 states, with ancestral lands dominate most of the country's borders and

international trade routes, and occupy lands that account for the majority of the country's natural resources.

.efore the occu*ation of their hmonelan' ,( the .urmese Militar( 'ictatorial Arm() these 'iverse ethnic grou*s live harmoniousl( si'e ,( si'e.

An 1@#=) the Shan) Kachin an' Chin lea'ers signe' the GPanglong AgreementH with .og(o5e Aungsam) who re*resente' the ethnic .umans) the maForit( of whom live in .urma *ro*er. The agreement was to form a De'eral Cnion of .urma) ,ase' on the *rinci*les of G eIual *artners) ,oth in o**ortunit( an' status) with internal autonom( an' the rights of self&'etermination for mem,er states. Sa'l( .og(o5e Aungsan was assassinate' ,( a .urmese of the o**osition *art( . C Nu ,ecame the Prime Minister) an' a Constitution which was su**ose' to ,e ,ase' on the Panglong *rinci*les was 'rafte'. The De'eral Cnion of .urma) now with > mem,ers receive' in'e*en'ence from .ritain on the #th. of Januar( 1@#>. 6 The Karen) Mon an' Karenni Foine' later7 The Panglong Accor' is most significant historicall( an' *oliticall( as it is the one an' onl( ,on' that connecte' the eight states in the formation of the De'eral Cnion. The a,rogation of the Panglong Agreement not onl( le' to the 'isintegration of the De'eral Cnion of .urma) ,ut also to the in'e*en'ent status of each state.

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