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Table Of Contents

Foreword Chapter 1. Youre Dying Chapter 2. The Miracles of Jesus Chapter . The "a#e of Jesus $ings %ells

2 5 ! 1 & 1 *

Chapter &. 'tay (n The )ord

Chapter 5. Maintaining (s +s (#portant +s 1& $ecei,ing & Chapter -. +nd %y .is 'tripes 15 &

Chapter /. To Forgi,e (s To $ecei,e To 1Forget (s To Maintain ! Chapter *. Do You )ant To0 111

Chapter 1. ( )ill 2raise .i#

3ne of the #ost uni4ue5 answera6le5 and yet unanswera6le 4uestions in the healing #inistry is5 7)hy do so#e people get healed and others do not08 +nd then to further co#plicate things5 7)hy is it that so#e people who get co#pletely healed lose their healing08 (s there #ore than #eets the eye concerning not only recei,ing a healing5 6ut 9eeping your healing and health once you ha,e escaped fro# the hand of the de,il: .e is the culprit who dishes out sic9ness without regard to who you are5 what your relationship to ;od is5 the le,el of your faith5 or anything else you could possi6ly thin9 of. This is so#ething that has plagued #any people. )hy is it that so#e people get healed and others do not0 )hy is it that so#e great saint who has lo,ed ;od her whole life and followed His direction5 guidance5 and )ord5 suddenly disco,ers that she is the ,icti# of an incura6le disease such as cancer5 rheu#atoid arthritis5 or any one of the 7i#possi6le8 situations which 'atan lo,es to put upon us0 )hy is it that this sa#e great saint who has prayed for #any people and seen the# #iraculously and instantly healed of all 9inds of diseases5 see#s una6le to recei,e a healing for herself. )hy is it that all the great 7faith8 healers can co#e5 pray for her and see#ingly nothing happens.

)hy is it this sa#e great saint starts on a downhill path5 dwindles down to a6solutely nothing5 and e,entually goes on to 6e with ;od and Jesus after ne,er 6eing a6le to recei,e that special di,ine touch fro# ;od in her own life0 These are 4uestions all of us would li9e to ha,e answered so#ehow or other. )e ha,e #ade a lengthy study of this pro6le# and while neither we5 nor anyone else5 ha,e all the answers5 we will gi,e you so#e of the things which ha,e helped us tre#endously in recei,ing healings and #aintaining the# o,er the years. )e all 9now that the de,il co#es to steal5 9ill and destroy5 and it is his plan and desire that those in,ol,ed in the wor9 of the 9ingdo# of ;od will 6e the ones he atte#pts to 7hit8 the #ost. ;ods plan is that we li,e a long healthy life5 so we need to 9now how to tap into that source of life and healing which will ena6le us not only to receive what ;od has for us5 6ut which will ena6le us to maintain it: Jesus is the gi,er of life and also the author and finisher of our faith5 so we need to loo9 to .i# for the answers to those 7unanswera6le8 4uestions. 3ne of the #ost critical factors in recei,ing and #aintaining a healing5 <6ecause the answer in so#e cases is e=actly the sa#e>5 is to sincerely 6elie,e that ;od really wants to heal us. 'o#e people hope5 pray5 thin95 wonder5 4uestion and dou6t that ;od wants to heal the#. ?sta6lish in your own #ind and heart that ;od actually wants to heal you. 2ro6a6ly one fact #ore than anything else has allowed #e to 6e 6lessed and recei,e healing after healing and #aintain the#. That fact is this whene,er sic9ness hits5 ( 9now in #y heart it is

only a te#porary thing5 and ( always 9now that ( 9now that ( 9now 6eyond a shadow of any dou6t that ( will reco,er. This is not 6y 7faith8 or 6y 4uoting scripture5 6ut is an honest state#ent of howl feel in #y heart. There is a6solutely no dou6t in #y #ind that ;od wants #e healthy for the rest of #y life 6ecause .e has so #uch for #e to do. )e hear so #uch a6out 7incura6le8 or 7ter#inal8 diseases. The #inute we hear that so#eone has cancer or so#e other 7ter#inal8 disease5 we i##ediately panic and start planning their funeral. For so#e reason or other5 dou6t as to ;ods a6ility to heal the# 6eco#es an o,erwhel#ing thought and oppression that settles in on the #a@ority of us. )e try to push it aside5 6ut it lingers there 6ecause the first thought that ca#e into our #ind said 7fatal:8 2ity5 a tool of the de,il5 co#es in 6ecause we feel so sorry for the person who has @ust recei,ed such de,astating news. 3ur i##ediate response to the news a6out so#eones fatal illness should 6e5 7( dont recei,e that in the na#e of Jesus:8 and #o,e in to attac9: ;od is ne,er on the defensi,e5 .es always on the offensi,e:

Chapter 1

Youre Dying... By Frances

( ha,e atte#pted o,er the last two years to try to esta6lish when 7it8 started. )hen was the first ti#e ( noticed there was so#ething wrong0 )ere there warning signals along the way that ( ignored0 Did it suddenly snea9 up on #e0 )as there so#ething ( could or should ha,e done to ha,e pre,ented what the de,il did0 ( re#e#6er 6ouncing into the doctors office for a 4uarterly chec9 of #y 6lood pressure and heart5 feeling li9e a young si=teenAyearAold girl. )hen the doctor as9ed #e how ( was5 ( said5 7Fa6ulous ne,er felt 6etter:8 .is answer was 4uite a surprise and delight 6ecause he said5 7(ts always a pleasure to ha,e you co#e into #y office5 6ecause you always #a9e me feel 6etter:8 "ow thats a switch5 isnt it5 for Y3B to #a9e the doctor feel 6etter0 Charles and ( 6oth laughed 6ecause what the doctor really saw was our Jesus @oy e,en though he is a Mosle# fro# (ndia. .e #ade the routine chec9 and said all signs were nor#al5 and then he said5 7( want to ta9e a potassiu# chec9 on you.8 ( willingly donated the little 6it of 6lood re4uired for that and Charles and ( left ho#e to #inister healing outAofAtown for a6out two wee9s. ( @o9ingly said5 7(f you find anything wrong with #y 6lood5 call #y secretary5 and shell find #e and deli,er the news.8 *

( 9new there were no pro6le#s 6ecause ( felt so good: Therefore it was shoc9ing to recei,e a call fro# #y secretary with the infor#ation that #y doctor wanted #e to start ta9ing one potassiu# ta6let per day and to co#e in to see hi# as soon as ( returned ho#e. ( purchased so#e potassiu# and too9 the one potassiu# pill per day5 6ut it see#ed to #e ( suddenly didnt feel as good as ( had pre,iously felt. ( said to Charles5 7( dont thin9 those ta6lets agree with #e58 6ut 6ecause ( 6elie,e when you go to a doctor you should follow his ad,ice5 ( continued to ta9e the one ta6let per day. +s soon as we got ho#e5 we went right to the doctors office for another 6lood test5 9nowing that e,erything would 6e fine: ( recei,ed a telephone call the ne=t day saying5 7'tart ta9ing two potassiu# ta6lets daily5 6ecause your syste# is e=tre#ely low on potassiu#.8 )hen you are not #anufacturing sufficient potassiu# it can ha,e a lot of side effects5 so#e of which are not good at all. ( #entioned to hi# that ( had not see#ed to feel as good after ( started ta9ing the# as ( pre,iously had5 and he said5 7Thats odd5 6ecause you should feel 6etter.8 ( started ta9ing two a day5 confident ( would 6e right 6ac9 to #y old ,i#5 ,igor and ,itality which ;od has gi,en #e5 6ut as ( loo9 6ac9 now5 it see#s to #e ( started on a slow5 6ut definitely downward cur,e: ( suddenly noticed an unnatural 7tiredness8 which ( would get5 not on a regular 6asis5 6ut enough to #a9e #e aware of it. Then it 6egan to 6e 1

#ore regular until one day Charles as9ed #e if ( was sure that the de,il hadnt 6rought 6ac9 dia6etes0 ( insisted it was not a return of dia6etes5 6ecause it was a 7different8 9ind of tiredness. )e were scheduled to go to Japan5 Taiwan5 $ed China and .ong Cong5 so we went5 positi,e in our hearts that this was a 7te#porary8 thing and that ( would 6e o,er 7it8 6efore we got to Japan. ( #anaged to #a9e the two wee9s trip only 6y running to 6ed as fast as ( could after each ser,ice or plane ride. (t was a grueling trip5 6ut it see#ed to 6e #uch harder than any other trip had e,er 6een on #e. ( said to Charles5 7( guess (# @ust getting older and cant do 4uite as #uch as ( did 6efore:8 The trip was finally co#pleted5 6ut we ca#e 6ac9 through .awaii where we had another .ealing ?=plosion scheduled: ( re#e#6er when we got into the lo66y of the hotel they told #e our roo# wasnt ready5 and it would 6e se,eral hours. ( panic9ed: ( was e=hausted: )e called %o6 and Joans roo#5 6ut they had gone out5 so ( as9ed the #anage#ent if they would let us in there 6ecause ( could not sit up any #ore. Co#plete e=haustion are the only words that e=press how ( felt. (t was such a tiredness that ( felt #y 6ody wouldnt e,en sit up long enough to ha,e our roo# ready. (t got worse 6y the #inute: %efore they ga,e the final o9ay to %o6 and Joans roo#5 ( was lying down on a couch in the lo66y of the hotel: ( wasnt worried what anyone would thin9 ( was only concerned a6out the fact ( ne,er felt worse in #y life:


( slept the whole day through5 ha,ing allowed one day to reco,er 6efore starting the .ealing ?=plosion5 and after sleeping that entire ti#e5 ( got up e=hausted: ( #anaged to get through the first ser,ice <its a#aDing what the anointing of ;od will do to gi,e you strength:>5 6ut as soon as it was o,er5 Charles literally carried #e 6ac9 to our roo# where ( fell in 6ed e=hausted. This continued throughout the entire .ealing ?=plosion5 e,en though ( #anaged to #a9e each ser,ice: ( thought ( was really suffering fro# 7@et lag:8 )e ca#e ho#e deter#ined ( was going to stay in 6ed until ( fully reco,ered fro# 7@et lag8. %ut that wasnt what happened: The downward cur,e accelerated until it wasnt long 6efore ( disco,ered it was harder and harder to get out of 6ed in the #orning and easier and easier to get 6ac9 in early in the e,ening. Then one #orning ( wo9e up and try as ( would5 ( could not get up. +s fast as ( left the 6ed5 ( returned to it5 fell into it and could not #uster the necessary energy to stay on #y feet. ( suggested to Charles that ( #ight ha,e caught the 7flu8 or so#ething li9e that and that ( was @ust 7catching a healing8 6ut that ( would 6e all right 6y the ne=t day. .e prayed for #e and went to wor9 without #e. %y this ti#e the downward cur,e was di,ing al#ost straight down 6ecause daily ( grew worse and worse. The office was praying5 the church was praying5 %o6 and Joans church was praying5 6ut ( still continued to get worse. )e decided it was ti#e


to go to a doctor5 so Charles literally drug #e out of 6ed and we went to the doctor. There was no fe,er5 no nausea5 no pain5 only tre#endous sweating5 and e=tre#e e=haustion. ( could lay in 6ed wrapped in a terry cloth ro6e with towels on top of #e5 and in fi,e #inutes ( would soa9 the# all the way through. The doctor could not #a9e a diagnosis5 so he decided to #a9e so#e 6lood tests. The first series of 6lood tests showed nothing5 and ( was getting worse and worse. Then started a series of 6lood tests and tests of all 9inds5 and ( proceeded to get worse and worse. ( was tested for e,erything your 6lood can 6e tested for5 and they all ca#e out negati,e. (# sure the physician felt he had a hypochondriac on his hands5 6ut ( @ust didnt feel good5 and yet nothing was showing up on any charts. .e ga,e #e so#e #edication5 including steroids <which ( did not 9now a6out at the ti#e> and all it did was #a9e a tre#endous weight gain: Charles had to go on the road away fro# ho#e WITHOUT M?: 3n one trip ( tried to go with hi#5 got as far as Dallas5 threw up all o,er the place5 got ,iolently ill5 and he had to put #e in a wheelchair5 turn #e o,er to the airline nurse5 and run for his plane. 3ne of the #ost difficult things in the world is to lea,e the one you lo,e the #ost on this earth when they are sic9. +nd the hardest thing for the one who is sic9 is to let their 6elo,ed go when you dont e,en 9now if you will li,e long enough to #a9e it ho#e on the plane. %ut one thing Charles .unter and ( 9now is that ;od has always co#e first5 is always first in our li,es5 and will always 12

co#e first in our li,es regardless of the circu#stances. +s Charles turned and wa,ed at #e5 ( could see hi# crying5 torn 6etween what he #ight want to do in the natural5 6ut doing what he 9new he had to do in the spirit: ( couldnt e,en wa,e good6ye 6ecause #y strength had gone: 'o#eone called #y secretary5 %ar6ara5 to #eet the plane with a wheelchair in .ouston5 and ( #anaged to sur,i,e the &5 #inute flight fro# Dallas5 6ut when ( fell in 6ed ( was a6solutely e=hausted: 'he stayed all night at #y house5 watching o,er #e li9e a #other hen. ( continued to get worse and worse. ?,en when you thin9 you feel as 6ad as anyone can feel5 you disco,er the ne=t day you feel worse. (ts difficult to understand how you can continually slide downhill when you ha,e none of the usual things that indicate sic9ness5 and ( had none of the#. ( didnt want to tal9 to anyone. ( didnt want to see anyone. ( didnt want to do anything. ( didnt ha,e enough strength to read the %i6le5 ( didnt e,en ha,e enough energy to thin9. (t see#ed as if ( was in a 6otto#less pit with no way out5 and e,en #ore de,astating5 no will to get out. ( felt li9e a pile of nothingness lying in 6ed. .owe,er5 ( didnt waste #y ti#e. My 6ed was stac9ed with piles and piles of cassette tapes. 2astor ;ary )hetstone sent #e a6out 15! of his tapes and ( listened to his enthusias# and anointing hour after hour which was feeding #y soul.

( listened to tapes 6y Marilyn .ic9ey5 John 3sA teen5 and e,en #y own: My 6ody wasnt doing so well5 6ut #y spirit was soaring in spite of it: ( was too sic9 to read5 too sic9 to sit up and watch ,ideo tapes5 6ut at least ( could lay in 6ed twentyAfour hours a day listening to tapes. My sleep ha6its at that ti#e were not good5 so ( went to sleep listening to tapes and would wa9e up while the sa#e tape was still going. ?,en while ( was asleep5 ( 6elie,e the )ord of ;od was washing o,er #e #inistering to 6oth #y 6ody and #y soul. There were #any nights when #y adrenalin was at such a high le,el 6ecause of 6eing inspired 6y teaching on tape5 that #y heart would pound. ( would thin95 7'urely ( can get up 6ecause #y adrenalin is racing58 6ut5 try as ( would5 there was no strength in #y 6ody. ?,en getting to the 6athroo# which is @ust fi,e feet fro# #y side of the 6ed5 was acco#plished only 6y hanging onto the wall and the door: The slide downhill see#ed to 6e accelerating after #y atte#pt to go with Charles5 and at ti#es it #ight ha,e 6een easy to thin9 that ;od wasnt going to heal #e5 6ut the only thing ( e,er thought was 7)hen08 Then one night so#ething #ost unusual happened: ( had apparently doDed off 6ecause ( do not e,er recall feeling as 6ad as ( did that night. 'uddenly e,en though ( was sleeping5 so#ething roused #e and ( re#e#6er the horri6le sic9ening feeling that engulfed #e as the stench of death filled #y 6edroo#. (t was so horri6le and so terrifying that ( pulled the co,er o,er #y head in an 1&

atte#pt to escape whate,er this was5 and slipped 6ac9 into apparent unconsciousness 6ecause whate,er was happening was #ore than ( could physically stand. ( spo9e the na#e of Jesus and slipped into o6li,ion. ( do not 9now what ti#e it was when this was happening5 6ut so#eti#e after this ( heard a telephone ringing in the distance. (t was so faint ( could hardly distinguish or recogniDe the fact that it was a telephone5 e,en though it was ne=t to #y pillow. ( struggled to answer it5 6ut ( was trapped in so#ething that ( couldnt get out of5 and that horri6le stench was stronger than e,er5 and ( 9new ( had to get out of whate,er it was that was 6inding #e. ( continued to struggle to get out of what see#ed li9e a huge pipe or tu6e5 or possi6ly a tunnel which was holding #e. (t see#ed li9e a hopeless tas9: +fter what see#ed to #e to 6e an endless struggle5 ( finally #anaged to get #y head out. The phone 9ept ringing and ringing5 6ut ( couldnt answer it. ( 9ept struggling and struggling5 and finally with supernatural effort5 got #y left ar# out of the tunnel. The phone continued ringing way in the distance: (t see#ed an eternity away: 'o#ehow or other5 ( 9new it was Charles caning #e fro# so#ewhere5 where,er he was. )ith a di,ine energy5 ( finally pic9ed up the telephone. .e was still hanging on the other end5 9nowing ( hadnt gone anyplace. 15

( did not say #y usual greeting5 7.allelu@ah5 ;od lo,es you58 6ut wea9ly said5 7.ello.8 Charles apparently noticed so#ething was seriously wrong with #e and he said5 7.oney5 whats the #atter08 ( replied5 7(# too sic9 to tal95 please call #e later58 and with that ( hung up and slid 6ac9 into nothingness. .ours later ( wo9e up when #y sonAinAlaw %o6 called #e. Joan had @ust 6een operated on and was in the hospital and his loyalty was first to his wife5 6ut his heart was 6rea9ing 6ecause he couldnt help #e. Joan called #e and all she could say was5 7Mother5 ( wish ( could 6e there to help you:8 6ut she needed #ore help than ( did. ( told %o6 what had happened during the night5 and with a lo,e that ,ery few #othersAinAlaw e,er feel5 %o6 whispered5 7Mother5 did it e,er dawn on you that you #ight ha,e died last night and when Dad called you it 6rought you out of it08 That had ne,er entered #y #ind: ( said5 7"o way5 ( would ha,e 9nown it:8 .e continued5 7)hat ti#e did it happen08 ( said5 7Charles called #e around 2 a.#. <& a.#. .ouston ti#e> fro# California8 6ecause later ( found out that the .oly 'pirit had wo9e hi# up and told hi# to call #e: %o6 continued with the greatest lo,e i#agina6le and said5 7Thats the ti#e of the night when your 6ody is the wea9est5 and if Dad hadnt called5 you #ight not 6e here this #orning.8 .e pro#ptly called our secretary and told her to stay with #e until Charles ca#e ho#e. This is hard 1-

6ecause she has a fa#ily5 6ut praise ;od for her faithfulness and loyalty5 she ca#e o,er and 76a6y sat8 with #e until ( felt ( could once again 6e all right 6y #yself during the night. %o6 and Joan called #e three and four ti#es daily to chec9 on #e and finally Joan was out of the hospital and %o6 said5 7Mother5 we ha,e such wonderful doctors up here5 ( thin9 you should get up here so#ehow and let us ta9e care of you. )ell #a9e an appoint#ent with so#e doctors to see if they can find out what your pro6le# is.8 (n the #eanti#e5 Charles left for 'weden with a 6ro9en heart5 6ut #inistered with a tre#endous anointing 6ecause we 9now that we 9now that we 9now that ;od has to co#e first5 regardless of what the circu#stances are: .ow ( got to Dallas was a #iracle it was a supernatural one ( could ha,e ne,er #ade it on #y own: %o6 #et #e with Joan lying down in the 6ac9 seat5 fresh fro# the hospital5 so now he had T)3 of us on his hands. They had #ade so#e appoint#ents for #e5 so %o6 too9 #e to the doctor5 left Joan in the car5 6ut she couldnt stand not 6eing with #e5 so she struggled up to the doctors office5 and what a day we had. ( went fro# one doctor to another for a series of e=a#inations and 6lood tests5 6lood cultures and e,erything else you could thin9 of. )hen ( related it to Charles on the telephone that night he said5 7They were @ust trying to see what a faith healer is #ade up of:8 They decided there was a possi6ility ( could ha,e so#e disease ( pic9ed up in a foreign country. 1/

)e had @ust returned fro# Japan5 so they tested #e for e,ery 7Japanese8 disease ( #ight ha,e possi6ly caught. +s ( #entioned5 we had co#e 6ac9 6y .awaii and had a .ealing ?=plosion there5 so they decided it could 6e so#ething fro# the 'outh 'ea (slands5 so ( was chec9ed for e,erything they could thin9 of fro# that area. They e,en tested #e for diseases that ha,ent 6een disco,ered yet: ( didnt ha,e any of those diseases: 7)here were you 6efore that08 %raDil5 Chile5 +rgentina5 2araguay and Bruguay.8 Then ( went through a 6attery of 6lood cultures for e,ery disease 9nown in those areas. "o diagnosis could 6e #ade: )here do you go fro# there0 Joan was e=hausted5 6ut they suggested a #a##ogra#5 so we went to a la6oratory and had one #ade. "o pro6le#s: )here do you go ne=t0 )e all went ho#e and went to 6ed5 and %o6 and Joan felt secure 6ecause ( was in their tender5 lo,ing care. Charles felt peace since he could not 6e with #e5 6ecause our children were ta9ing care of #e. +fter consultations a#ong the#sel,es5 the physicians decided ( needed to see a specialist in (nternal Medicine5 so they #ade an appoint#ent and off we went to see hi#. +gain ( went through e,ery 9ind of e=a#ination you can i#agine and then so#e. .e decided on a series of 6lood cultures. ( had 6lood drawn for se,enteen5 and for so#e reason or other5 the 6lood 1*

was #isplaced5 and ( had to go 6ac9 and ha,e it done again: Then we went through #ore series and #ore series of 6lood cultures. The 6eautiful5 thorough5 patient doctor to who# ( went could find nothing5 so ( ca#e 6ac9 ho#e to .ouston 6ecause Charles was co#ing ho#e. ( see#ed to ha,e reached a plateau of not going downward5 not going upward5 6ut at least holding #y own5 which wasnt ,ery #uch5 6ecause ( felt terri6le. My strength was a6solutely ,oid5 although #y appetite was good5 and ( ne,er had any fe,er5 chills5 pain5 nausea5 6ut felt terri6le: )as this e,er going to end0 "ow let #e 6ac9 up a little: ( a# not telling you this story to gi,e you the details of a horri6le sic9ness5 6ut to share with you so#e of the things ( ha,e learned on how to recei,e and #aintain a healing: 3,er the si=Awee9s period ( was flat on #y 6ac9 in 6ed5 ( recei,ed telephone calls e,ery day fro# friends and well wishers who wanted to 9now how ( felt. My answer was always the sa#eE 7.orri6le8 <and ( wasnt 6eing negati,e5 ( was @ust 6eing honest>5 6ut each ti#e ( said5 7%BT ;3D' ;3T + M($+CF? +T T.? ?"D: 3,er and o,er ( said those sa#e words to person after person. Many could not understand why ( said ( felt horri6le. ( said that 6ecause ( was truthful5 6ut watch what ( was calling into 6eing. + #iracle fro# ;od: There was ne,er a single #o#ent when ( had e,en one dou6t as to the fact that ;od was going to heal #e: ( 9new that ( 9new that ( 9new that this


sic9ness was not unto death5 6ut there was a #iracle at the end. ( told #any people that ( didnt 9now what the #iracle was5 6ut ( 9new it was there. ( want to re#ind you of the words ( said each ti#eE 7;3D' ;3T + M($+CF? +T T.? ?"D 3F T.(':8 "e,er one ti#e did ( gi,e a report of #y actual feeling without adding the #iracle that needed to 6e called into 6eing. 7;3D' ;3T + M($+CF? +T T.? ?"D 3F T.(':8 (t wasnt @ust words that were co#ing out of #y #outh. (t was the heartA9nowledge that ( had of ;ods pro,ision for #e. ( ta9e seriously what it says in #y %i6le5 7Frances .unter5 ( wish a6o,e all things that you #ay prosper and 6e in health5 e,en as your soul prospers:8 My soul was prospering 6ecause of the audio tapes ( was listening to5 so that is why ( could confidently say5 7;ods got a #iracle at the end of this:8 3ne day the telephone rang and the (nternal Medicine specialist called #e and said after discussing #y case with #any other specialists that they felt there was a possi6ility that ( could ha,e endocarditic5 a fatal 6lood disease where the 6lood literally pulls off pieces of the heart until you die. .e said ( also could ha,e a staphylococcus infection negati,e in the 6lood strea#. .e said the treat#ent for this was hospitaliDation for thirty days5 recei,ing #assi,e doses of anti6iotics twentyAf our hours a day5 and upon discharge the patient would ha,e a shunt 2!

placed in the shoulder so that anti6iotics could 6e fed into the 6ody twice daily. ( scri66led down all of these notes on a piece of paper 6y #y 6edside. Then he casually mentioned that the disease was 100% fatal! +ll ( could thin9 of was that ( didnt ha,e ti#e to go to a hospital for thirty days5 6ecause we had a .ealing ?=plosion co#ing up which ( had to attend: %ut then the thought ca#e5 7( couldnt possi6ly ha,e so#ething li9e that:8 .e said he would call #e later as soon as the 6lood cultures had ti#e to 7coo98 which ta9es se,en days: November 8, 1 88 is a day l will never for!et as lon! as " live# ( had not 6een to #y office for si= wee9s5 and it was election day. ( did not feel good5 6ut 6ecause Charles and ( feel so strongly a6out Christians ,oting5 we decided ( should try to get dressed5 go to the polling place5 ,ote and then co#e ho#e. +fter we ,oted5 ( told Charles that ( thought ( could #a9e it to the office so they would 9now ( wasnt dying5 6ecause in spite of all this ( didnt loo9 sic9: (t was only when ( got those awful spells of 7sweating8 that ( was de,astated. 'o#eti#es they lasted for se,eral hours: )hen ( got o,er one5 ( was wea95 6ut otherwise fine5 until the ne=t one unless ( tried to get out of 6ed: The staff was delighted to see ( was still ali,e5 6ut ( had no #ore than wal9ed into #y office when the telephone rang. Charles and ( had prayed and prayed. Many wellA9nown Christians had prayed for #e and nothing see#ed to 6e effecti,e: 21

%o6 and Joan and Charles and ( had prayed for e,ery 9ind of disease and spirit we could thin9 of 6ut ( still ne,er was healed5 6ut ( always said5 7+s soon as we find out what this is5 Charles will pray and (ll get healed:8 )e 6elie,e in specific prayers5 and e,en though we 9now that ;od is so,ereign and can do anything .e wants to do and any way .e wants to5 we ha,e found fro# #uch e=perience that it helps to 9now what the pro6le# is. ( wasnt going to ta9e the telephone call 6ecause ( was sagging 6y this ti#e5 6ut when #y secretary told #e it was the internist5 ( gra66ed the telephone. 3ur con,ersation is so#ething ( will ne,er forget as long as ( li,e: DoctorE Mrs. .unter5 we ha,e found out what your pro6le# is. FrancesE .allelu@ah: <"ow ( 9new ( could 6e healed 6ecause Charles would 9now how to pray:> DoctorE You wont 6e saying that when you find out what your pro6le# is... $ou %re dyin!! <)hat a shoc9 that was:> ( put #y hand o,er the #outhpiece and said5 7( dont recei,e that in the na#e of Jesus:8 .e was still tal9ing: DoctorE You ha,e endocarditis5 plus a staphylococcus infection negati,e in your 6lood strea#: You ha,e possi6ly si= #onths #a=i#u# to li,e: ( want you to 6e at the hospital to#orrow #orning at eight ocloc9. )e will start you on #assi,e doses of anti6iotics i##ediately for thirty days. Then we will let you go ho#e. )e will insert a shunt in your shoulder and ha,e a nurse co#e o,er daily as long as you li,e: 22

( personally 6elie,e your response at a ti#e li9e this is critical as to whether you li,e or die. (n the first place5 my spirit did not receive what he said# ( 9new he was telling #e what the la6oratory reports said5 6ut ( 9new what ;od was saying to #e: "e,er was there one single #o#ent when ( 6elie,ed ( would die. ( 9new it was an i#possi6le situation where ( was concerned at that ti#e. My #ind raced5 6ecause ( feel you should o6ey a doctors instructions when you go to the#. )hat should ( say to hi#0 )hat could ( say to hi#0 ( had to go to 'an +ntonio the ne=t day to a .ealing ?=plosion5 and truthfully at that #o#ent ( dont 9now how ( e,er thought ( could #a9e it5 6ut there was no 4uestion in #y #ind ( would 6e there: ( said5 7( cant. ( ha,e to go to 'an +ntonio to#orrow. Can ( co#e in Monday08 .e said5 7"o5 ( want you there to#orrow #orning:8 ( said5 7( cant5 could ( #a9e it 'aturday08 thin9ing ( could s9ip the Gictory %rea9fast: <%y that ti#e the ?=plosion would 6e o,er:> Gery sternly he said5 7Mrs. .unter5 you dont understand: Y3B$? DY(";: ( want to prolong your life. ( want to see you there to#orrow #orning:8 MY '2($(T "?G?$ .?+$D + )3$D .? '+(D: 7( cant go to the hospital until ( as9 #y hus6and if its all right5 then (ll call you 6ac9:8

The doctor realiDed ( was #a9ing e=cuses and trying to wiggle #y way out of going to the hospital5 so as soon as he hung up5 he called #y daughter and said5 72lease call your #other and tell her to 6e at the hospital to#orrow #orning. 'hes dying5 and she doesnt realiDe how sic9 she is:8 Joan said5 7You dont 9now #y #other:8 2raise ;od for a daughter who 6elie,es in the healing power of ;od: Charles office is at the opposite end of our 6uilding fro# #ine5 so ( dialed hi# and told hi# the doctor had told #e the pro6le# and he ca#e running down the hall5 6ecause now he 9new that he 9new that he 9new ( would 6e healed 6ecause now he would 9now how to pray: ( 6lurted out e,erything as soon as he ca#e in sight of the door to #y office. My words were co#ing out so fast5 they #ust ha,e sounded li9e a sentence without any spaces 6etween words5 7The doctor says (# dyingHthat (,e go endocarditic which is causing #y 6lood to pull off pieces of #y heart5 and a staphylococcus infection negati,e in #y 6lood strea# and that (,e got to 6e at the hospital to#orrow #orning at eight ocloc9 and l8.... My hus6and5 who lo,es #e 6eyond #easure5 didnt e,en say5 7(ll #iss you5 honey.8 7)hat 9ind of flowers would you li9e on your cas9et08 7( cant li,e without you:8 not one of those things did he say5 and he ne,er e,en let #e finish #y sentence5 6ecause Charles literally leaped o,er #y des95 laid hands on #y heart and said5 7(n the na#e of J?'B'


<the na#e where all #iracles occur> ( co##and a total new 6lood syste# into your 6ody:8 ( felt nothing: "o heat5 no sensation whatsoe,er5 6ut so#ehow ( 9new that #y healing was ta9ing place. ( #erely said5 7Than9 you5 Jesus:8 ( dialed the heart specialist and told the nurse what the internist had said and as9ed if ( could see the doctor i##ediately. ( dont care who you are5 or how #uch you lo,e ;od5 or how ready you are to go to hea,en5 recei,ing a death sentence doesnt e=actly turn you on: (t didnt turn #e on either: They could sense the seriousness in #y ,oice and said5 7(f you can 6e here in ten #inutes the doctor will see you.8 Charles and ( didnt say a word to anyone5 6ut dashed out of the office5 @u#ped into the car and dro,e as fast as we could up the highway: Charles loo9ed at #e and said5 7(,e got peace:8 ( had @ust told hi# ( was dying and he tells #e he has 7peace8: ( 9new that ;od had spo9en to Charles to tell hi# the situation was in .is control. ( i##ediately 6egan to put ;od in re#e#6rance of .is )ord. ( said5 &" shall not die, but live, and declare the wor's of the (ord <2sal#s 11*E1/>. Then ( said5 7Father5 you pro#ised to satisfy #e with long life and (# not satisfied yet:8 ( re#e#6er what ( said o,er and o,er as ( laid in 6ed5 &The (ord is my shepherd) " shall not want# *e ma'es me to lie down in !reen pastures) *e leads me beside the still waters, *e restores my soul) 25

*e leads me in the paths of ri!hteousness For *is Name+s sa'e# $ea, thou!h " wal' T*,-./* the valley of the shadow of death, " will fear no evil) For you are with me###0 <2sal#s 2 E1A&>. ;od didnt say wed sit down in the ,alley of the shadow of death5 .e said we would wal9 T.$3B;. it. 'o#eti#es our steps #ay 6e wea9 and faltering and we #ay so#eti#es wonder if well #a9e it5 6ut if we will 9eep our eyes on .i#5 we will wal9 T.$3B;. any situation in life and co#e out on the other side totally G(CT3$(3B': Then another thought ca#e into #y #ind. ;od had stationed a huge warrior angel with us in +6ilene5 Te=as on Fe6ruary &511/*5 and .is words were fore,er 6urned into #y heart when .e said5 7Thats a special warrior angel ( ha,e stationed with you and Charles to protect you fro# the fiery darts of the de,il until Jesus Christ co#es 6ac9 again:8 +ll of us ha,e anchor points in our life. To so#e it is the day of their sal,ation to others it can 6e al#ost any supernatural e,ent in their life5 6ut one of the anchor points in #y life is that day when a 6ig angel stood 6eside #e and ( heard the ,oice of ;od as clearly as ( can hear #y own ,oice: ( re#inded ;od of what .e had told #e that wonderful5 e=citing day in +6ilene. +ll the way up to the doctor <which is only a ten #inute dri,e fro# our office>5 ( spo9e scriptures concerning healing. ?,en though you can ha,e the greatest faith in the world5 a death sentence is still a


shoc9 to your ner,ous syste#5 and to your 7faith syste#8: ( still wasnt turned on: The doctor too9 #e i##ediately5 called the internist5 and things really flew around the office. .e told #e to go to the hospital i##ediately for si= #ore 6lood cultures 6ecause all of the #ore than one hundred pre,ious ones had co#e out positi,e: )e went to the hospital and so#ehow when they too9 #y 6lood5 ( 9new this ti#e it would co#e out right: The peace of ;od which surpasses all understanding had flooded #y soul: )e left the hospital and i##ediately went to a Me=ican restaurant and ate fa@itas for supper: ( will ha,e to ad#it that there wasnt #uch con,ersation o,er the dinner ta6le that night. %oth of us were e#otionally e=hausted fro# the afternoon5 so as 4uic9ly as we had eaten5 we ca#e ho#e and i##ediately went to 6ed and fell asleep: (t was a ;33D sleep: The first good one ( had e=perienced in a long ti#e and ( was so grateful that ( had fallen right to sleep without ha,ing ti#e to stay awa9e or 9eep #yself awa9e thin9ing a6out what had transpired during the day: 'o#ewhere in the #iddle of the night ( was awa9ened. ?ither it was a ,ision or a drea#5 ( a# not sure which5 6ecause what wo9e #e was a sensation that so#ething huge had hit #e on the head. (t see#ed as if it was a 2=& piece of lu#6er5 6ut our 6edroo# doesnt ha,e that 9ind of a ceiling. +s ( #entioned5 ( a# not sure if it was a ,ision or drea#5 6ut whate,er hit #e on the head 6ounced down onto #y chest and when ( saw it5 it appeared


to #e to 6e a huge 6oo9 which was open5 and all ( saw was one sentence5 directly fro# ;ods )ordE &They that wait upon the (ord shall renew their stren!th) they shall mount up with win!s as ea!les) they shall run, and not be weary) and they shall wal', and not faint0 <(saiah &!E 1 CJG>. ( 9new that ( 9new that ( 9new that ;od had healed #e. (t was a confir#ation directly fro# the throne roo# of ;od5 sol said5 7Than9 you5 Jesus: , rolled o,er and went right 6ac9 to sleep: The ne=t #orning ( wo9e up 6right and early5 feeling li9e a #illion dollars. Charles and ( pac9ed our luggage to go to 'an +ntonio for the .ealing ?=plosion5 put it in the car5 and then went to the 7(nfectious Disease 'pecialist8 to who# the doctor had told us to go5 6ut 6elie,ing that we would go on to 'an +ntonio. .e e=a#ined #e5 as9ed #e an hours worth of doctorA9ind of 4uestions5 and ( was 6u66ling o,er gi,ing hi# the answers5 when he said5 7)hat you did ha ye you don+t have! /o to 1an 2ntonio#0 )e caught the plane and went to 'an +ntonio5 where ( shared #y testi#ony that night5 and what a glorious ?=plosion we had: )e ca#e ho#e a6out a wee9 later and #y #ail 6rought so#e interesting docu#ents: (t was the si= 6lood culture results fro# the hospital ta9en the day ( was ad,ised ( was dying: They should ha,e gone to the doctor5 6ut they ca#e to #e instead: They ca#e 6ac9 negati,e5 negati,e5 negati,e5 negati,e5 negati,e5 negati,e:


They as9ed #e to co#e 6ac9 and ha,e si= #ore #ade5 6ecause surely the 6lood had 6een #i=ed up: ( did: "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?: 'o#ething had to 6e wrong: This ne,er happens to 6lood when a person is not on #edication: "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?5 "?;+T(G?: ( was on no #edication of any 9ind5 so no 7pill8 can clai# the healing. The doctor finally closed #y case noting that the cause of healing was un9nown. %lood cultures do not instantly change fro# positi,e to negati,e in the natural5 6ut ( 9now ;od put .is di,ine finger into #y conta#inated 6lood syste# and #ade it co#pletely whole. The #edical profession #ight not 9now why or how ( was healed5 6ut ( do5 6ecause ( 9now the 3ne who healed #e5 and ( ;(G? .(M +FF T.? 2$+('? +"D T.? ;F3$Y: +nd ( than9 .i# e,ery day: 2lease do not thin9 that #y co##ents are against the #edical profession5 6ecause ( appreciate what they do. )hen prayer doesnt get the answer we need5 we do not hesitate to go to a doctor5 which we feel is wisdo#. 2eople #ay say its a lac9 of faith5 6ut we feel its the thing to do. 2rayer always co#es first5 6ut when we are una6le to so#ehow or other #uster faith5 or whate,er it ta9es5 we go to a doctor5 and we appreciate the#. ( could ha,e perished for lac9 of 9nowledge: ( appreciate with all #y heart the doctors who tal9ed with #e for hours trying to disco,er the 21

pro6le#5 #ade test after test5 6lood culture after 6lood culture and then ga,e #e the diagnosis. ( 6elie,e he was a stepping stone that ;od used to lead us into the right way to pray. )e do not e,er 4uestion the so,ereignty of ;od. .e could ha,e healed #e any ti#e any way .e wanted to5 6ut ( 6elie,e .e chose the way .e did for so#e reason which we #ay ne,er 9now until we get to hea,en5 6ut for whate,er reason it was5 ( gi,e .i# all the praise and all the glory 6ecause .e is the one who did it: By 3harles 'hortly after that5 we went to a .ealing ?=plosion in California. ( was at the 6oo9 ta6le when Dr. JantDen approached #e and said5 7( #ust tell you so#ething.8 .e is a 'piritAfilled doctor who had attended si= or #ore .ealing ?=plosions and who had helped us on Doctors panels. .e has spent a lifeti#e in #edical practice. .e said5 7Charles5 when we recei,ed your letter as9ing us to pray for Frances5 #y wife and ( i##ediately entered into prayer. 'hortly after that5 ( went to #y study and was i#pressed to pray in the spirit for Frances. +n urgency arose in #y spirit5 and while seriously praying in the spirit5 ;od said5 IFrances is going to die: 7( was shoc9ed. ( said5 I;od5 that cant 6e so: You told her when you stationed the angel with her and Charles that they would li,e until Jesus co#es 6ac9. They ha,e so #uch i#portant wor9 to do for You: !

7That certainly caused #e to #uch #ore seriously pray for her:8 )hen Dr. JantDen told #e this5 instantly #y #ind raced 6ac9 to what Frances had told #e after the healing too9 place. ( ha,e read se,eral 6oo9s a6out people who died and ca#e 6ac9 to life again. They always re#ar9ed a6out going through a tunnel5 seeing a light at the other end5 and then co#ing out into that light. Frances had told #e a6out the horri6le stench of death in our 6edroo# while ( was away fro# ho#e5 and a6out how ( had called in the night. ( recalled how ( suddenly wo9e up5 felt an urgency to call her i##ediately5 and did so. This was ,ery Bnusual 6ecause ( 9new that was a ti#e she should 6e asleep5 6ut we #ust always 6e alert to the ,oiceless ,oice of the .oly 'pirit. )hen we wrote the 6oo9 +";?F' 3" +''(;"M?"T5 ( had as9ed 2astor %uc9 if he went through a tunnel when he went to hea,en5 and told hi# that when ;od too9 #e up to hea,en in 11-* <see the story in F3FF3) M?>5 that ( did not go through such a tunnel. .e said5 7"either of us died:8 )hat ( 6elie,e happened was that Frances actually did die5 that ;od had caused Dr. JantDen to intercede seriously in praying in the 'pirit5 and had caused #e to awa9en her fro# what we thought was a deep sleep5 6ut which ( 6elie,e was death. &4hen *e came in, *e said to them, %4hy ma'e this commotion and weep5 The child is not dead, but sleepin!#+ 2nd they lau!hed *im to scorn# But when *e had put them all out, *e too' the 1

father and the mother of the child, and those who were with *im, and entered where the child was lyin!# Then *e too' the child by the hand, and said to her, %Talitha, cumi,+ which is translated, %(ittle !irl, " say to you, arise# &"mmediately the !irl arose and wal'ed, for she was twelve years of a!e# 2nd they were overcome with !reat ama6ement!0 <Mar9 5E 1A&2>. For those wonderful si= wee9s <wonderful 6ecause of what ;od could do e,en with @ust #e #inistering> horri6le <horri6le 6ecause #y hu#an heart was 6rea9ing5 held together only 6y the assurance of 6oth of us that we were doing what ;od wanted us to do>. ( was spea9ing in #any places in the Bnited 'tates5 in 'weden5 GeneDuela5 and Costa $ica. During those si= wee9s ( had heard testi#onies fro# fi,e healing tea# #e#6ers of raising the dead. )as Frances nu#6er si=0

Chapter 2

The Miracle of Jesus

3ne of the #ost i#portant things in recei,ing and #aintaining a healing is to 6elie,e that Jesus Christ is the sa#e yesterday5 today and fore,er5 and what .e did yesterday5 .e will do today and will continue doing to#orrow: ThirtyAse,en specific #iracles are listed in the "ew Testa#ent and to 6elie,e the# with our head is not sufficient. Bntil ;od gi,es us re,elation on the#5 they re#ain only infor#ation5 and nothing #ore5 6ut once we recei,e that rhe#a word fro# ;od5 they really co#e ali,e. )e read and reread all of the / #iracles in the "ew Testa#ent o,er and o,er again 6ecause we 6elie,e the #ore that we can get the #iracles Jesus perfor#ed when .e was wal9ing on this earth in our spirits5 the easier it will 6e for us to not only recei,e a healing5 6ut to #aintain the healing: Maintaining a healing re4uires as #uch faith as recei,ing the healing in the first place. 'o#e of the / #iracles Jesus did do not concern healing5 ne,ertheless5 they are in the #iracle category and we need to get the# down into our spirit so we can 6elie,e that with ;od +FF things are possi6le: +s we loo9 at these #iracles of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels5 we #ust realiDe that these are only a 7sa#pling8 of all that Jesus did. &7any other si!ns therefore 8esus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this boo', but these have been written that you may believe that 8esus is the 3hrist, the

1on of /od, and that believin! you may have life in *is name0 <John 2!E ! CJG>. Those which the .oly 'pirit chose to re,eal to us were carefully selected fro# the thousands of #iracles which we 9now Jesus did5 so that fro# a study of the# we #ight learn all that we need to 9now to 6oth follow .i# in the doing of #iracles5 and when needed5 follow the e=a#ples gi,en so that we #ay recei,e #iracles in our own li,es. ?ach #iracle is a de#onstration of Jesus o,erpowering so#e principle allowed into the hu#an race through the fall of +da#. De#onstrated is the control o,er "+TB$?5 '+T+"5 D('?+'?5 2+("5 and D?+T.. Then .e sent 6ac9 the .oly 'pirit to us and 6ecause of this .e has 6oth co##anded and gi,en us the a6ility to e=ercise that sa#e total control o,er all that was lost. There are #any things which we need to watch for as we read all of the thirtyAse,en #iracles5 which are in chronological order. )e want to encourage you to read e,ery scripture ,erse carefully and not @ust s9i# o,er the# thin9ing you 9now what they say5 6ecause they will spea9 to you in a new and different way. You will notice that #any ti#es there is a cry of desperation. ( wondered for years why it was so easy for people in the third world countries to 6e healed and #uch #ore difficult in the Bnited 'tates. .ere we always ha,e an 7alternati,e8. )e ha,e hospitaliDation5 Medicare5 pills and 7re#edies85 6ut thats not present o,erseas. Their only hope is Jesus


and in their desperation it see#s easy for the# to 6e healed: (f we can 6elie,e Jesus and use our faith5 its a#aDing how #any ti#es we ha,e seen people healed the instant they 7put their faith in action8. +s we go through these #iracles5 watch for these signs5 and also the action which ( 6elie,e '?+F' the healing and will #aintain the healing the .?+$T 3F T.+"C';(G(";. Many ti#es we ha,e seen healing released as the person si#ply stated fro# their heart 7T.+"C Y3B5 J?'B':8

MIR C!" #$. 1% &John 2%1'11(

The first #iracle that Jesus e,er did was when he turned the water into wine5 which appears in one gospel only: ( ha,e ne,er 6een a6le to understand why all the #iracles didnt appear in all of the gospels5 6ut it is interesting to note how #any ti#es so#e of the# appear and how few others appear. The ,ery first one Jesus e,er did does not appear in any place e=cept John. 1# -n the third day there was a weddin! in 3ana of /alilee, and the mother of 8esus was there# 9# Now both 8esus and *is disciples were invited to the weddin!# :# 2nd when they ran out of wine, the mother of 8esus said to *im, &They have no wine#0

;# 8esus said to her, &4oman, what does your concern have to do with 7e5 7y hour has not yet come#0 <# *is mother said to the servants, &4hatever *e says to you, do it#0 =# Now there were set there si> waterpots of stone, accordin! to the manner of purification of the 8ews, containin! twenty or thirty !allons apiece# ?# 8esus said to them, &Fill the waterpots with water#0 2nd they filled them up to the brim# 8# 2nd *e said to them, &@raw some out now, and ta'e it to the master of the feast#0 2nd they too' it# # 4hen the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not 'now where it came from Abut the servants who had drawn the water 'newB, the master of the feast called the bride!room# 10# 2nd he said to him, &Cvery man at the be !inD flin! sets out the !ood wine, and when the !uests have well drun', then that which is inferior) but you have 'ept the !ood wine until now#0 11# This be!innin! of si!ns 8esus did in 3ana of /alilee, and manifested *is !lory) and *is disciples believed in *im# The first #iracle Jesus e,er perfor#ed in,ol,ed #arriage5 which was the first institution ;od #ade -

# the 6eginning of the earth when .e created +da# and ?,e5 so it is interesting to note that Jesus first #iracle concerned #arriage. The fa#ily is close to the heart of ;od and ( 6elie,e this is one reason that the first #iracle Jesus e,er did pertained to the fa#ily. .owe,er5 the #ost significant sentence ( 6elie,e is where Mary said5 7)hate,er .e says to you5 do it8 <John 2E5>. Those words apply to us in our 2!th century li,ing. (t doesnt #a9e any difference what Jesus tells us to do5 we need to do it. "ot to 4uestion .i#5 nor to 6e distur6ed 6y what .e as9s5 6ut to @ust do it5 regardless of whether it e,en #a9es sense to us in the natural5 we need to 7do8 it: ( 6elie,e in recei,ing and #aintaining a healing that this is one of the #ost i#portant things to re#e#6er. )hate,er Jesus tells you to do whether its in the healing5 in the #aintaining5 or li,ing a Christian life5 we need to do it: )e need to 6e 6lindly o6edient to whate,er .e tells us to do 6ecause when we are in line with .i# then we can e=pect to recei,e the ,ery 6est .e has to offer.

MIR C!" #$. 2% &John ))*'+)(

The second #iracle Jesus e,er did occurred ,ery early in .is Judean #inistry. (ts also interesting in this and other #iracles that .e 7a6undantly8 suppliedJ not 6arely. +nother resultE The disciples 6elie,ed. This #iracle indicates what 6elief can do5 6ecause it si#ply says5 &1o the man BC("CEC@ the word that 8esus spo'e to him, and he went his /

way#0 .e did not 4uestion Jesus. .e si#ply too9 .i# at .is word. .e did not say5 7Ceep praying for #e:8 .e si#ply 6elie,ed what Jesus had spo9en to hi#. %elief can #a9e your #iracle co#e to pass: ;=# 1o 8esus came a!ain to 3ana of /alilee where *e had made the water wine# 2nd there was a certain nobleman whose son was sic' at 3apernaum# ;?# 4hen he heard that 8esus had come out of 8udea into /alilee, he went to *im and implored *im to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death# ;8# Then 8esus said to him, &.nless you people see si!ns and wonders, you will by no means believe#0 ; # The nobleman said to *im, &1ir, come down before my child dies!0 <0# 8esus said to him, &/o your way) your son lives#0 1o the man believed the word that 8esus spo'e to him, and he went his way# <1# 2nd as he was now !oin! down, his servants met him and told him, sayin!, &$our son lives!0 <9# Then he inFuired of them the hour when he !ot better# 2nd they said to him, &$esterday at the seventh hour the fever left him#0 <:# 1o the father 'new that it was at the same hour in which 8esus said to him, &$our son lives#0 2nd he himself believed, and his whole household# *

<;# This a!ain is the second si!n that 8esus did when *e had come out of 8udea into /alilee# (t is interesting and uni4ue to note that this second #iracle occurred when Jesus ca#e again to Cana5 which was the sa#e site of .is first #iracle. (n ,erse &*5 Jesus was so fran9 when .e said5 &.nless you people see si!ns and wonders, you will by no means believe#0 Jesus understood that so #any people follow signs and wonders when actually signs and wonders should 6e following us. +ll of us who are parents can understand the sincerity and the desire of the fathers heart and also the fear in his heart 6ecause his son was sic9. +ny of us who ha,e e,er had a sic9 child 9now we feel e=actly the sa#e way. Jesus saw that the #an had faith <not @ust desire> and so the son was healed. +nother resultE They 6elie,ed.

MIR C!" #$. ,% !u-e )%2.',/

The third #iracle was narrated in one gospel only. 98# Then all those in the syna!o!ue, when they heard these thin!s, were filled with wrath, 9 # and rose up and thrust *im out of the city) and they led *im to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they mi!ht throw *im down over the cliff# :0# Then passin! throu!h the midst of them, *e went *is way# 1

This is a totally different 9ind of #iracle 6ecause its a #iracle of Jesus 6eing a6le to go right through a crowd without any6ody e,er seeing .i#. )hen .e wal9ed on the water .e was de#onstrating a totally different 9ind of #iracle 6ut when 6e wal9ed through the crowd .e o6,iously either 6eca#e in,isi6le or .e caused 6lindness to co#e o,er their eyes. ( well re#e#6er how Charles and ( were at a #eeting #any5 #any years ago. )e had flown to a #eeting in the 3Dar9s which had 6een ,ery hard to reach and wed had to ta9e se,eral planes that day. )e were totally and co#pletely e=hausted and had to 6e 6ac9 to spea9 at a 6an4uet that night. Cenneth Copeland #inistered in the afternoon5 and at the conclusion of his ser,ice5 he called us up on the stage5 #inistered to us in prophecy and we fell under the power of ;od. +ll the audience saw us5 and they were aware that we were there5 6ut as we wal9ed a#ong the audience toward the ele,ator5 it was li9e they loo9ed through us5 6ut didnt see us. There were pro6a6ly 155!! people there5 and we had said5 7;od5 so#ehow or another let us get to our roo# without people seeing us5 so we can ta9e a nap and 6e fresh for tonight.8 )e wal9ed right through the crowd5 not one person said a word to us5 not one person stopped us. )e got on the ele,ator which was loaded with people and not one single person acted li9e they e,en saw that we were there. "othing is i#possi6le with ;od if we can 6elie,e it.


( 6elie,e one of the reasons so #any different 9inds of #iracles were done was that ;od wants to show us that a6solutely nothing in any way5 shape or for# is i#possi6le with .i#.

MIRACLE #$. )%

Luke +%1'11

1# Now so it was, as the multitude pressed about *im to hear the word of /od, that *e stood by the (a'e of /ennesaret, 9# and saw two boats standin! by the la'e) but the fishermen had !one from them and were washin! their nets# :# Then *e !ot into one of the boats, which was 1imon+s, and as'ed him to put out a little from the land# 2nd *e sat down and tau!ht the multitudes from the boat# ;# Now when he had stopped spea'in!, he said to 1imon, &(aunch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch#0 <# But 1imon answered and said to *im, &7aster, we have toiled all ni!ht and cau!ht nothin!) nevertheless at $our word " will let down the net#0 =# 2nd when they had done this, they cau!ht a !reat number of fish, and their net was brea'in!# ?# 1o they si!naled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them# 2nd they came and filled both the boats, so that they be!an to sin'#


8# 4hen 1imon Geter saw it, he fell down at 8esus+ 'nees, sayin!, &@epart from me, for lam a sinful man, 0 (ord!0 # For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had ta'en) 10# and so also were 8ames and 8ohn, the sons of Hebedee, who were partners with 1imon# 2nd 8esus said to 1imon, &@o not be afraid# From now on you will catch men#0 11# 1o when they had brou!ht their boats to land, they forsoo' all and followed *im# This is an unusual #iracle totally different fro# all the rest 6ecause to #e5 this is a #iracle which indicates ;ods pro,ision for you in all things. They had fished all night long and had gotten a6solutely nothing and yet ( lo,e what 'i#on said in ,erse 55 &2t your word " will let down the net#0 This is a case of a #an who was pro6a6ly totally e=hausted after fishing all night. ( a# sure there was nothing he wanted to do less than to throw his nets out once again <he was already cleaning the#> and ha,e to haul the# in 6ecause there is a lot of hard wor9 connected with hauling in a net fro# the sea whether it has fish in it or not. %ut his co#plete o6edience saying5 &2t your word " will let down the net0 is so#ething all of us should re#e#6er when we read the )ord of ;od or when we ha,e a rhe#a word fro# ;od 7at your word ( will do whate,er you tell #e to do.8 )hen we 7instantly o6ey8 without 4uestioning ;od or trying to find another way to do it5 or an e=cuse not to do it5 ;od is &2

pleased and will 9eep on gi,ing you #ore to do for .i#. This is a wonderful instance of Jesus showing you that we can 6e loo9ing for prosperity or a @o6 in one place and a6solutely 6e una6le to find anything that is the least 6it successful. Yet when .e co#es along and puts .is hand on it5 as you can see in this #iracle5 they caught so #any fish fro# fishing in e=actly the sa#e place that it filled the 6oats and the 6oats 6egan to sin9. ;od always has a pro,ision for you and not only a pro,ision5 .e has a #ore than all sufficiency pro,ision for you if you will @ust act 7at .is word8.

MIR C!" #$. +% !u-e )%,,',1

Mar- 1%2,'2. 0

This is narrated in two of the gospels. 7ar' 1#9:D9IJ 9:# Now there was a man in their syna!o!ue with an unclean spirit# 2nd he cried out, 9;# sayin!, &(et us alone! 4hat have we to do with $ou, 8esus of Na6areth5 @id $ou come to destroy us5 " 'now who $ou areKthe *oly -ne of /od!0 / 9<# But 8esus rebu'ed him, sayin!, &Be Fuiet, and come out of him!0 9=# 2nd when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him# 9?# Then they were all ama6ed, so that they Fuestioned amon! themselves, sayin!, &

&4hat is this5 4hat new doctrine is this5 For with authority *e commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey *im#0 98# 2nd immediately *is fame spread throu!hout all the re!ion around /alilee# "t appears a second time in (u'e# (u'e ;J::D:?J ::# Now in the syna!o!ue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean demon# 2nd he cried out with a loud voice, :;# sayin!, &(et us alone! 4hat have we to do with $ou, 8esus of Na6areth5 @id $ou come to destroy us5 " 'now $ou, who $ou areKthe *oly -ne of /od!0 :<# But 8esus rebu'ed him, sayin!, &Be Fuiet, and come out of him!0 2nd when the demon had thrown him in their midst, it came out of him and did not hurt him# :=# 1o they were all ama6ed and spo'e amon! themselves, sayin!, &4hat a word this is! For with authority and power *e commands the unclean spirits, and they come out#0 :?# 2nd the report about *im went out into every place in the surroundin! re!ion# (ts al#ost e=actly the sa#e in 6oth ,ersions5 6ut (# referring to 6oth of the# so you can see what its tal9ing a6out. 3ne of the things that i#presses #e the #ost with this particular #iracle is that Jesus did not tal9 &&

to the de,il all night long5 he did not argue with the unclean spirit5 6ut .e #erely told hi# to co#e out of hi#. Jesus 9new who .e was5 there was a6solutely no 4uestion in .is #ind as to who .e was and therefore5 the de#ons had to o6ey .i#. The people were du#6founded when they saw .is authority and yet .e has gi,en that sa#e authority to us when .e says in John 1&E12E &7ost assuredly, " say to you, he who believes in 7e, the wor's that " do he will do also) and !reater wor's than these he will do, because " !o to 7y Father#0 )e need to re#e#6er when we use the na#e of Jesus and spea9 with authority that the spirit will co#e out e=actly as it did when Jesus spo9e a word. )hen a person co##ands a de#onic spirit to co#e out of you if you are sic95 recei,e their word and 6e set free5 6ecause #any sic9nesses are caused 6y de#onic spirits. Cancer is a #ar,elous e=a#ple of a de#onic spirit. Christians and sinners ali9e get attac9ed 6y this horri6le de#on 6ut there is an answer5 and that is to ha,e the de#onic spirit cast out with the power thats in the na#e of Jesus: 'e,eral years ago we were at a #eeting and a #other as9ed #e if ( had e,er 9nown anyone who was healed of epilepsy. + young #an standing there said5 7May ( answer that 4uestion for Frances08 Then he continued and said5 7'he laid hands on #e 1 years ago and cast out the spirit of epilepsy and ( ha,e ne,er had a seiDure since that ti#e:8


Just #a9e sure the person who lays hands on you 9nows the 23)?$ that is in the na#e of Jesus when they spea9 to the de#on. "o loud shouting5 no endless fight with the de,il. .e has to 6ow at the na#e of J?'B': MIRACLE "3. 1J Fu9e &E *A 1 Matthew *E1&15J Mar9 1E !A

Miracle nu#6er si= is a ,ery uni4ue #iracle 6ecause this is the first one that appears in three gospels with the sa#e story. 7atthew 81;D1<J 1;# Now when 8esus had come into Geter+s house, *e saw his wife+s mother lyin! sic' with a fever# 1<# 2nd *e touched her hand, and the fever left her# Then she arose and served them# 7ar' 1J:0D:1J :0# But 1imon+s wife+s mother lay sic' with a fever, and they told *im about her at once# :1# 1o *e came and too' her by the hand and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her# 2nd she served them# (u'e :8# Now *e arose from the syna!o!ue and entered 1imon+s house# But 1imon+s wife+s mother was sic' with a hi!h fever, and they made reFuest of *im concernin! her#


: # 1o *e stood over her and rebu'ed the fever, and it left her# 2nd immediately she arose and served them# The thing that is so interesting a6out this is that three of the gospels chose to tell this particular story and yet you will notice that each one only tells a ,ery short ,ersion of the story. (n each case it said .e ca#e in and touched her hand or .e too9 her 6y the hand5 and in the third one it said .e @ust stood o,er her and re6u9ed the fe,er. (n two gospels youll notice the word &immediately0 is used. (n Matthew it says as .e touched her hand the fe,er left her5 which also #eans i##ediately. Many thoughts co#e into your #ind when you see this si#ple #iracle repeated in three different gospels. )as it 6ecause #othersAinAlaw are not always held in high estee# and respect today5 and ;od thought it would 6e a good idea to put it in there to show how #uch 2eter was concerned for his #otherAinAlaw0 ( do not 9now the answer to this5 it was Just an interesting little thought that ca#e into #y #ind. +nother thing ( li9e a6out this story is that its such a ,ery si#ple story. There was so little told and so little action doneJ it was si#ply a gesture or a touch on Jesus part that created the #iracle. (f we can 6elie,e this for the #iracle in our own life5 if we can 6elie,e that Jesus can still reach down and touch us today5 thats all it ta9es theres @ust that one little spar9 of faith necessary to #a9e a #iracle occur in your life.


MIRACLE NO. 7: Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 1:32-34; Luke 4:40-41 Miracle nu#6er se,en is the second #iracle that appears in three gospels. 7atthew 8J1=D1?J 1=# 4hen evenin! had come, they brou!ht to *im many who were demonDpossessed# 2nd *e cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sic', 1?# that it mi!ht be fulfilled which was spo'en by "saiah the prophet, sayin!J &*e *imself too' our infirmities 2nd bore our sic'nesses#0 7ar' :9# Now at evenin!, when the sun had set, they brou!ht to *im all who were sic' and those who were demonDpossessed# ::# 2nd the whole city was !athered to!ether at the door# :;# Then *e healed many who were sic' with various diseases, and cast out many demons) and *e did not allow the demons to spea', because they 'new *im# (u'e ;J;0D:1 ;0# Now when the sun was settin!, all those who had anyone sic' with various diseases brou!ht them to *im) and *e laid *is hands on every one of them and healed them# ;1# 2nd demons also came out of many, cryin! out and sayin!, &$ou are the 3hrist, the 1on of /od!0 2nd *e, &*

rebu'in! them, did not allow them to spea', for they 'new that *e was the 3hrist# The thing that is so interesting a6out this #iracle is the fact that Jesus healed all that were sic9. Two of the three gospels report that they 6rought unto .i# all that were diseased and that were possessed with de,ils and .e healed the# all: 3nly Mar9 says 7#any.8 The two of us ha,e often 7laid hands8 on the sic9 in crowds of one or two thousand people. Jesus often had far #ore people than that and .e did it alone. (f you lay hands on fi,e per #inute5 it ta9es o,er three hours to lay hands on a thousand. it is e=citing5 wonderful and thrilling to see people healed with one touch of the power of ;od5 6ut e=tre#ely e=hausting. Jesus #inistered day after day. )hen crowds e=ceed that5 we #ust find other ways to #inister healing. "ow we ha,e trained healing tea#s doing the wor9s of Jesus. Jesus has not changed fro# that ti#e to this and so .is desire is to heal all @ust li9e .e healed at that ti#e. +gain5 youll notice the %i6le is ,ery sparse in descriptions of these #iracles 6ecause Jesus did the# so easily5 and ( 6elie,e thats the way he wants us to do the# today. Many ti#es a persons illness is not healed si#ply 6ecause we try to co#plicate the gospel so #uch instead of lea,ing it si#ple5 e=actly the way it was 25!!! years ago. Jesus wants to heal you today e=actly the way .e wanted to heal all of the# who were diseased at &1

that ti#e. .e wants to heal all who are sic9 today. (ts such a si#ple process if we can @ust 9eep it si#ple. Dont struggle5 strain or sweat to recei,e your healing @ust rela= and 9eep your eyes on .i#: .e #ade it si#ple5 and he e=pects us to 9eep it si#ple:

MIR C!" #$. . Matthe2 .%2')3 Mar1%)/'))3 !u-e +%12'1+

Miracle nu#6er eight healing the leper5 is in three of the gospels. 7atthew 8J9D; 9# 2nd behold, a leper came and worshiped *im, sayin!, &(ord, if $ou are willin!, $ou can ma'e me clean#0 :# Then 8esus put out *is hand and touched him, sayin!, &" am willin!) be cleansed#0 2nd immediately his leprosy was cleansed# ;# 2nd 8esus said to him, &1ee that you tell no one) but !o your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the !ift that 7oses commanded, as a testimony to them#0 7ar' 1;0D;; 40. Then a leper came to *im, implorin! *im, 'neelin! down to *im and sayin! to *im, &"f $ou are willin!, $ou can ma'e me clean#0


;1# 2nd 8esus, moved with compassion, put out *is hand and touched him, and said to him, &" am willin!) be cleansed#0 ;9# 2s soon as *e had spo'en, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed# ;:# 2nd *e strictly warned him and sent him away at once# ;;# 2nd *e said to him, &1ee that you say nothin! to anyone) but !o your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansin! those thin!s which 7oses commanded, as a testimony to them#0 (u'e <J19D1< 12. 2nd it happened when *e was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw 8esus) and he fell on his face and implored *im, sayin!, &(ord, if $ou are willin!, $ou can ma'e me clean#0 1:# Then *e put out *is hand and touched him, sayin!, &" am willin!) be cleansed#0 2nd immediately the leprosy left him# 1;# 2nd *e char!ed him to tell no one, &But !o and show yourself to the priest, and ma'e an offerin! for your cleansin!, as a testimony to them, Lust as 7oses commanded#0 1<# Then the report went around concernin! *im all the more) and !reat multitudes


came toD !et her to hear, and to be healed by *im of their infirmities# (n either of the stories5 and it doesnt #a9e any difference which ,ersion of the %i6le you read or in which chapter you read5 the #essage is e=actly the sa#eHit is the will of Jesus to heal you. (t is the will of Jesus that you 6e whole and that you re#ain whole. 3ne of the things ( thin9 is so i#portant is that we re#e#6er what the leper did when he ca#e down to JesusE he worshiped .i#. %efore he as9ed Jesus to heal hi#5 6efore he #entioned anything a6out the desire of his heart5 he fell down and worshiped the one he 9new had the power and the authority and the will to heal hi#. Many ti#es we are so in,ol,ed or caught up in our own particular situations and with the e#ergency or the crisis of the #o#ent and the healing needed that we forget to ta9e ti#e to worship Jesus 6efore we as9 .i# for what we want. Then after the leper had worshiped .i#5 he so ,ery si#ply said in Fu9e 5E12E &(ord, if $ou are willin!, you can ma'e me clean#0 +nd Jesus said5 &" am willin!) be cleansed#0 +ctually ( lo,e this story 6etter in The Fi,ing %i6le. The leper said to .i#5 &"f you want to, you can heal me#0 2nd 8esus said, &" want to, be healed#0 2nd instantly the leprosy disappears# <Matthew *E2A TF%>. ( guess the reason this touches #y heart so #uch <and ( hope it touches yours> is that Jesus is saying5 7Fro# the 6otto# of #y heart with all that ( a#5 ( want to heal you. ( dont want to see you on a sic9 6ed: ( dont want you to re#ain on that sic9 52

6ed: +nd ( want you5 once you get healed5 to #aintain that healing.8 ( want: ( want: ( want: Jesus 7want8 is to #a9e you happy. Jesus 7want8 is to gi,e you the ,ery desires of your heart. ( ha,e certainly had so#e health challenges in #y life since ( 6eca#e a Christian. ( suppose this one particular scripture has helped #e #ore than any other si#ply 6ecause whene,er ( read it or whene,er ( a# in a situation where ( need a di,ine touch on #y 6ody5 so#ehow or another ( can see Jesus saying to #e5 7Frances .unter5 ( want to heal you.8 (n #y spirit when ( see this5 ( see Jesus with .is ar#s outstretched to #e ready to en,elop @ust one of the fi,e 6illion people on this earth. 'o#eti#es we #ight thin95 why would .e want to heal #e0 .is desire is to heal each and e,ery one of us. +nd thats why ( can see .is ar#s stretched out and saying5 7Frances .unter5 ( want to heal you.8 2ut your na#e in the place of #ine and 9now without a dou6t that Jesus really wants to heal you. You dont need to 6eg or plead with .i# .e )+"T' to heal you e,en #ore than you want to 6e healed. $ight now ,isualiDe Jesus holding .is ar#s out to you5 saying whate,er your na#e is 7( want to heal you.8 Thats .is desire5 thats your desire and thats #y desire5 too. 'o @ust 9now that .e wants to heal you. (ts not .is will for you to 6e sic95 so lets get well and 6less Jesus 6ecause .e wants to heal us. 5

MIR C!" #$. 4% Matthe2 4.2'13 Mar2,'123 !u-e 5:18-26

The ninth #iracle that Jesus did again appears in three gospels. 7atthew J9D? 9# 2nd behold, they brou!ht to *im a paralytic lyin! on a bed# 2nd 8esus, seein! their faith, said to the paralytic, &1on, be of !ood cheer) your sins are for!ive you#0 :# 2nd at once some of the scribes said within themselves, &This 7an blasphemes!0 ;# But 8esus, 'nowin! their thou!hts, said, &4hy do you thin' evil in your hearts5 <# &For which is easier, to say, %$our sins are for!iven you,+ or to say, %2rise and wal'+5 =# &But that you may 'now that the 1on of 7an has power on earth to for!ive sins0 M then *e said to the paralytic, &2rise, ta'e up your bed, and !o to your house#0 ?# 2nd he arose and departed to his house# 7ar' 9J:D19J :# Then they came to *im, brin!in! a paralytic who was carried by four men# ;# 2nd when they could not come near *im because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where *e was# 2nd when they had bro'en throu!h, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lyin!# 5&

<# 4hen 8esus saw their faith, *e said to the paralytic, &1on, your sins are for!iven you#0 =# But some of the scribes were sittin! there and reasonin! in their hearts, ?# &4hy does this 7an spea' blasphemies li'e this5 4ho can for!ive sins but /od alone50 8# 2nd immediately, when 8esus perceived in *is spirit that they reasoned thus within themselves, *e said to them, &4hy do you reason about these thin!s in your hearts5 # &4hich is easier, to say to the paralytic, %$our sins are for!iven you,+ or to say, %2rise, ta'e up your bed and wal'+5 10# &But that you may 'now that the 1on of 7an has power on earth to for!ive sins0 M *e said to the paralytic, 11# &" say to you, arise, ta'e up your bed, and !o your way to your house#0 19# 2nd immediately he arose, too' up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were ama6ed and !lorified /od, sayin!, &4e never saw anythin! li'e this!0 (u'e <J18D9=J 18# Then behold, men brou!ht on a bed a man who was paraly6ed# 2nd they sou!ht to brin! him in and lay him before *im# 1 # 2nd when they could not find how they mi!ht brin! him in, because of the 55

crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed throu!h the tilin! into the midst before 8esus# 90# 1o when *e saw their faith, *e said to him, 7an, your sins are for!iven you#0 91# 2nd the scribes and the Gharisees be!an to reason, sayin!, &4ho is this who spea's blasphemies5 4ho can for!ive sins but /od alone50 99# But when 8esus perceived their thou!hts, *e answered and said to them, &4hy are you reasonin! in your hearts5 9:# &4hich is easier, to say, %$our sins are for!iven you,+ or to say, %,ise up and wal'+5 9;# &But that you may 'now that the 1on of 7an has power on earth to for!ive sins0K*e said to the man who was paraly6ed, &" say to you, arise, ta'e up your bed, and !o to your house#0 8esus had the man put his faith into action# 9<# "mmediately he rose up before them, too' up what he had been lyin! on, and departed to his own house, !lorifyin! /od# 9=# 2nd they were all ama6ed, and they !lorified /od and were filled with fear, sayin!, &4e have seen stran!e thin!s today!0 This is an especially interesting #iracle 6ecause of what it says in each of the different ,ersions. (n Matthew it says5 8esus, seein! their faith# Jesus


loo9ed on the natural ele#ents and saw the faith that they had. 'o#eti#es we say we ha,e faith and we really dont5 6ut in each of these gospels it says5 *e saw their faith# 3,er in $o#ans the fourth chapter5 it says we can call into 6eing those things which 6e not as though they were. Many ti#es ;od has to 7see8 our faith and not @ust our words to 9now that we 6elie,e what we say. Jesus 7saw8 the faith of these #en and thats why the #an was healed of paralysis. This re#inded #e of an incident that happened while we were in Tegucigalpa5 .onduras5 Central +#erica at a great .ealing ?=plosion. (t was difficult if not i#possi6le to get down on the soccer field5 so ( told the people in the audience5 7(f Charles and Frances can do it5 you can do it too.8 ( said5 7(f you ha,e a disease5 if you ha,e an illness right now5 ( want you to put your hand on yourself and say5 I(n Jesus na#e: (ts that si#ple: 7(f ( laid hands on you5 ( would 6elie,e that you were going to 6e healed5 6ecause Jesus said that those who 6elie,e would lay hands upon the sic9 and they would reco,er.8 Then ( added5 7(f you will do the sa#e thing5 that scripture applies to you @ust as well as it does to #e.8 There was a wo#an in the stadiu# who had an e=tre#ely se,ere case of palsy. 'he was sha9ing so 6adly she could hardly stand up and certainly had difficulty holding her ar#s out5 6ut she heard those


words5 7(f Charles and Frances can do it5 you can do it too: Faith ignited in her that she had ne,er had 6efore 6ecause she was not a sa,ed person. %ut she 6elie,ed5 and ( 6elie,e ;od saw her faith to 6elie,e that if she touched herself she would 6e healed: 'he laid hands on her forehead and said5 7(n Jesus na#e5 6e healed.8 The palsy was instantly healed and she i##ediately stopped sha9ing. 'he went 6ac9 to the doctor to confir# her healing and he could find a6solutely not one hangAo,er fro# the palsy. +s a result of this5 she accepted Jesus as her 'a,ior and Ford: .ealing is a tool ;od has gi,en us so that the world will 6elie,e that Jesus is ali,e today. ( want you to really thin9 a6out that and lay hands on yourself right now and say5 7(f that wo#an in Tegucigalpa can do it5 ( can do it too. (f Jesus saw the faith of those #en5 let .i# see #y faith too.8 Dont thin9 you can 7con8 ;od or 7con8 Jesus5 6ecause you cant. (,e heard so #any people say5 7Tonight is #y night to 6e healed5 tonight ( 9now (# going to 6e healed.8 +nd yet in #y spirit5 ( 9now they dont ha,e a single solitary 6it of faith. Dont let that happen to you. ;et your 7e=pectors8 up5 put your feet on the solid ground of the )ord5 and get your 6elief going in the right direction: (t wor9s:


MIRACLE #$. 1/%

John +%2'1*

The tenth #iracle that Jesus did is narrated in one gospel only. 8ohn <#9D1= 9# Now there is in 8erusalem by the 1heep /ate a pool, which is called in *ebrew, Bethesda, havin! five porches# :# "n these lay a !reat multitude of sic' people, blind, lame, paraly6ed, waitin! for the movin! of the water# ;# For an an!el went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water) then whoever stepped in first, after the stirrin! of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had# <# Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirtyDei!ht years# =# 4hen 8esus saw him lyin! there, and 'new that he already had been in that condition a lon! time, *e said to him, &@o you want to be made well50 2!ain, 8esus reFuired faith to be put into action# ?# The sic' man answered *im, &1ir, " have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up) but while lam comin!, another steps down before me#0 V 8# 8esus said to him, &,ise, ta'e up your bed and wal'#0


# 2nd immediately the man was made well, too' up his bed, and wal'ed# 2nd that day was the 1abbath# 10# The 8ews therefore said to him who was cured, &"t is the 1abbath) it is not lawful for you to carry your bed#0 11# *e answered them, &*e who made me well said to me, %Ta'e up your bed and wal'#0 19# Then they as'ed him, &4ho is the 7an who said to you, %Ta'e up your bed and wal'+50 1:# But the one who was healed did not 'now who it was, for 8esus had withdrawn, a multitude bein! in that place# 1;# 2fterward 8esus found him in the temple, and said to him, &1ee, you have been made well# 1in no more, lest a worse thin! come upon you#0 1<# The man departed and told the 8ews that it was 8esus who had made him well# 1=# For this reason the 8ews persecuted 8esus, and sou!ht to 'ill *im, because *e had done these thin!s on the 1abbath# ( thin9 its interesting to note5 if you will5 that #ost of the ti#e when John related a #iracle he was the only one who related that particular e,ent. ( ha,e ne,er 6een a6le to figure this out5 6ut ( thin9 its an unusual fact anyway. This is an interesting type of healing 6ecause it was a wellA9nown fact that when the angel ca#e down and trou6led the -!

water5 the first one who got in after the trou6ling of the water was #ade whole regardless of what disease he had. (# sure that there is a purpose in this #iracle far greater than any of us can realiDe or certainly far greater than ( can realiDe. The thing (# wondering is this5 was it only the first one who got in there who got healed 6ecause that first one really 6elie,ed0 (s that why he got in there in such a hurry5 or was it the fact that a lot of people once they 7en@oy8 a sic9ness ne,er see# to #ind suffering with that sic9ness0 + lot of people lo,e to tal9 a6out their sic9nesses and thats why ( thin9 its hard so#eti#es for certain people to get healed. They hang on to illness li9e a security 6lan9et. Did you notice the 4uestion that Jesus as9ed the #an in ,erse -0 .e said5 &@o you want to be made well50 (f youll notice5 the #an did not say5 7Yes.8 .e @ust si#ply ga,e an e=cuse saying in ,erse ?, &" have no man to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up#0 ( thin9 we need to esta6lish in our #ind that we a6solutely want to 6e healed. )hether its a 6ig sic9ness or a little sic9ness we need to want to reco,er: "ot only do we need to 9now that Jesus wants to heal us5 we need to want to 6e healed ourA self. "ow you #ight say thats a ,ery odd 9ind of reasoning5 e,ery6ody wants to 6e healed and yet5 there are #any ti#es when ( wonder if we dont @ust -1

tolerate a sic9ness 6ecause we 9now its @ust a little te#porary thing and were going to get o,er it ,ery 4uic9ly. Did you e,er start to get a cold and then say5 73h5 well5 (ll 6e o,er this in a few days.8 $eally saying5 7( dont want to 6e healed5 ( 9now that (ll get o,er this in @ust a few days so ( dont really ha,e to 6e healed.8 Thats a ,ery interesting type of reasoning and ( @ust wanted to put that in your #ind 6ecause ( thin9 that was the pro6le# the #an had all the ti#e. .e 9ept loo9ing at e=cuses rather than at 6eing healed. 'o#e people en@oy the attention they recei,e while they are sic9. Thats detri#ental to healing: Foo9 for the healing and not for the e=cuse: MIRACLE NO. 11: 3:1-5; Luke 6:6-10 Matthew 12E1!A1 J Mark

Miracle nu#6er ele,en is found in three gospels. The fact ( ha,e found interesting in #a9ing this study is that when it appears in three5 it appears in Matthew5 Mar9 and Fu9e. The single ones appear #ostly in the 6oo9 of John. May6e thats 6ecause three of the# were si#ilar and the fourth one5 John5 was different than the rest. ( dont 9now5 thats @ust a thought that ( throw out to you. Matthew 19J10D1:J 10# 2nd behold, there was a man who had a withered hand# 2nd they as'ed *im, sayin!, &"s it lawful to heal on the 1abbath50 that they mi!ht accuse *im# -2

11# Then *e said to them, &4hat man is there amon! you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the 1abbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out5 19# -f how much more value then is a man than a sheep5 Therefore it is lawful to do !ood on the 1abbath#0 1:# Then *e said to the man, &1tretch out your hand#0 2nd he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other# ( thin9 this #iracle is especially fascinating 6ecause it concerns a #an with a withered hand and the first 4uestion that was as9ed Jesus was 6y the s9eptics5 the un6elie,ers5 and those who li9ed to antagoniDe Christians: Foo9 at the legalistic 4uestion in Gerse 1!E &"s it lawful to heal on the 1abbath50 )e face e=actly the sa#e thing today. 7Do you really thin9 its ;ods will to heal e,eryone08 7Does ;od put sic9ness upon us to teach us a lesson08 +nswering the first 4uestion5 7Yes5 ;od does want you healedJ second5 ;od does not put sic9ness upon you to teach you a lesson.8 <Matthew *E1A5>. These are 4uestions often as9ed of us and #any #ore in a si#ilar ,ein si#ply through legalis# and a lac9 of faith and a lac9 of 6elie,ing that ;od really wants to heal people. (f youll notice they started this off with a 4uestion of un6elief and dou6t and a sincere desire to see that the #an was not healed. ( lo,e it when Jesus @ust said5 Gerse 12E8 -f how much more value is a man than a sheep5 -

Therefore it is lawful to do !ood on the 1abbath#0 Jesus told the #an5 &1tretch out your hand0 and the #an was instantly healed5 o,erriding all the legalis# that was there. 7ar' :J1D<J 1# 2nd *e entered the syna!o!ue a!ain, and a man was there who had a withered hand# 9# 2nd they watched *im closely, whether *e would heal him on the 1abbath, so that they mi!ht accuse *im# :# Then *e said to the man who had the withered hand, &1tep forward#0 ;# 2nd *e said to them, &"s it lawful on the 1abbath to do !ood or to do evil, to save life or to 'ill50 But they 'ept silent# <# 1o when *e had loo'ed around at them with an!er, bein! !rieved by the hardness of their hearts, *e said to the man, &1tretch out your hand#0 2nd he# stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other# (u'e =D10J =# Now it happened on another 1abbath, also, that *e entered the syna!o!ue and tau!ht# 2nd a man was there whose ri!ht hand was withered# ?# 2nd the scribes and Gharisees watched *im closely, whether *e would heal on the 1abbath, that they mi!ht find an accusation a!ainst *im# 8# But *e 'new their thou!hts, and said to the man who had the withered hand, -&

&2rise and stand here#0 2nd he arose and stood# # Then 8esus said to them, &" will as' you one thin!J "s it lawful on the 1abbath to do !ood or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it50 10# 2nd loo'in! around at them all, *e said to the man, &1tretch out your hand#0 2nd he did so, and his hand was restored as whole as the other# Many ti#es the stories as they appear in the different gospels are al#ost identical and yet if you will read each one youll notice theres so#ething thats a little different. (n the 6oo9 of Fu9e5 ,erse * it said5 7.e 9new their thoughts.8 .e 9new that the legalistic 2harisees were trying to find so#e 9ind of accusation against .i#5 6ut again5 the end result was e=actly the sa#e the #an was healed. %eware of legalis# and dont 6ac9 down:

MIR C!" #$. 12% !u-e 1,'1/

Matthe2 .%+'I/ an5

Miracle nu#6er twel,e appears in two gospels. 7atthew 8J<D10 <# Now when 8esus had entered 3apernaum, a centurion came to *im, pleadin! with *im, =# sayin!, &(ord, my servant is lyin! at home paraly6ed, dreadfully tormented#0 ?# 2nd 8esus said to him, &" will come and heal him#0 -5

8# The centurion answered and said, &(ord, " am not worthy that $ou should come under my roof# But only spea' a word, and my servant will be healed# # &For " also am a man under authority, havin! soldiers under me# 2nd " say to this one, %/o,+ and he !oes) and to another, %3ome,+ and he comes) and to my servant, %@o this,+ and he does it#0 10# 4hen 8esus heard it, *e marveled, and said to those who followed, &2ssuredly, " say to you, " have not found such !reat faith, not even in "srael!0 (u'e ?#9D10 9# 2nd a certain centurion+s servant, who was dear to him, was sic' and ready to die# :# 1o when he heard about 8esus, he sent elders of the 8ews to *im, pleadin! with *im to come and heal his servant# ;# 2nd when they came to 8esus, they be!!ed *im earnestly, sayin! that the one for whom *e should do this was worthy, <# &for he loves our nation, and has built us a syna!o!ue#0 =# Then 8esus went with them# 2nd when *e was already not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to *im, sayin! to *im, &(ord, do not trouble $ourself, for " am not worthy that $ou should enter under my roof#


?# &Therefore " did not even thin' myself worthy to come to $ou# But say the word, and my servant will be healed# 8# &For " also am a man placed under authority, havin! soldiers under me# 2nd " say to one, %/o,+ and he !oes) and to another, %3ome,+ and he comes) and to my servant, %@o this,+ and he does it#0 # 4hen 8esus heard these thin!s, *e marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed *im, &" say to you, " have not found such !reat faith, not even in "srael!0 10# 2nd those who were sent, returnin! to the house, found the servant well who had been sic'# This is a ,ery fa#ous story a6out the centurion and his ser,ant who had co#e to Jesus telling .i# that his ser,ant was sic9 and Jesus said inE 7atthew 8J?J &1 will come and heal him# Eerse 8J The centurion answered and said, &(ord, lam not worthy that $ou should come under my roof# But only spea' a word, and my servant will be healed#0

This #an had such a tre#endous a#ount of faith5 (# sure Jesus saw the faith he had 6ecause .e @ust si#ply said5 7;o your way5 and as you ha,e 6elie,ed its going to happen.8 (f we could @ust get oursel,es to the point where we really 6elie,e that Jesus does want us well5 that -/

Jesus does want us healed5 that Jesus does want our e#ployees healed5 that Jesus does want our children healed and that Jesus does want our fa#ilies healed5 ( thin9 we would disco,er that we would all wal9 in a lot 6etter health. (n the 6oo9 of Fu9e it said that the ser,ant was ready to die5 6ut when his #aster heard of Jesus he i##ediately had faith and so he sent people to 6ring Jesus to hi#. <+pparently until that ti#e he had not heard of Jesus.> The sa#e thing is true today. )e ha,e disco,ered as we go into foreign lands #any people ha,e ne,er heard of Jesus5 they ha,e ne,er heard of the healing power of ;od5 they,e ne,er heard that ;od lo,es the# and wants to #a9e the# well5 and yet the #inute they hear of it they co#e and are instantly healed. ( lo,e Jesus response when .e said5 &" have not found such !reat faith, not even in "srael#0 +nd yet5 youll notice that was the faith of a new person who had @ust heard a6out Jesus. )e oftenti#es disco,er that people who are first 6ornAagain are the easiest ones to heal 6ecause their faith hasnt had an opportunity to get tainted5 which it does so #any ti#es after we ha,e 6een wal9ing with Jesus for a while. )e let dou6t and un6elief co#e in instead of letting our faith grow stronger. (f your faith is 7sagging85 let so#eone who has real faith go after your healing for you:


MIR C!" #$. 1,%

!u-e 1%11'1+

11# Now it happened, the day after, that *e went into a city called Nain) and many of *is disciples went with *im, and a lar!e crowd# 19# 2nd when *e came near the !ate of the city, behold, a dead man was bein! carried out, the only son of his mother) and she was a widow# 2nd a lar!e crowd from the city was with her# 1:# 4hen the (ord saw her, *e had compassion on her and said to her, &@o not weep#0 1;# Then *e came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still# 2nd *e said, &$oun! man, " say to you, arise#0 1<# 2nd he who was dead sat up and be!an to spea'# 2nd *e presented him to his mother# This is the first ti#e that the dead was raised in the #inistry of Jesus5 and yet there are only fi,e short ,erses connected to this. (snt it a#aDing that such a tre#endous #iracle as raising the dead rates only fi,e s#all ,erses in the %i6le5 and in only one 6oo90 2ro6a6ly the thing that stands out the #ost to #e in this story is that Jesus had such co#passion on the wo#an: (t was 6ecause of this tre#endous co#passion for her losing what was apparently her only son that .e spo9e to the young #an and said5 7+rise.8 -1

You will notice that .e did not spea9 to the #other5 .e spo9e to the young #an and the young #an sat up5 and there he was ali,e and well again:

+s we race toward the end of ti#e ( 6elie,e were going to see #any #ore #iracles of this type where the dead are raised. )e @ust recei,ed a call the other day fro# so#e people in %ur#a who say that raising the dead is ,ery co##on and ,ery co##onplace. %enson (dahosa5 a great #an of "igeria5 had a #ost unusual con,ersion in that when he was sa,ed5 he instantly 6elie,ed what the %i6le said5 that he could go out and lay hands on the sic9 and see the# reco,er. .e also 6elie,ed that he could raise the dead: )hen you hear hi# tell this story its a6solutely fascinating 6ecause it shows a #an who had incredi6le faith in sal,ation. .e went up and down the streets loo9ing for dead peopleJ hed 9noc9 at e,ery door and say5 7(s there any dead person in here0 (f there wasnt he would go on to the ne=t. .e found eight dead people the first one re#ained dead5 the second one re#ained dead. The third one he said was deader than he was when he got there5 6ut he didnt gi,e up: ( thin9 this is so ,ital when we want to recei,e or #aintain a healing or e,en raise the deadJ we ha,e to 6e persistent and we #ust not let go. .e 9ept on going until he got to the eighth house that person was raised fro# the dead: /!

Just i#agine5 a 6rand new con,ert who had @ust gotten sa,ed and here he is out raising the dead. ( 6elie,e thats one of the reasons today that %enson (dahosa is the #an of ;od that he is5 6ecause he started out 6eing persistent. You 6e persistent5 too:

MIR C!" #$. 1)% !u-e 11%1)

Matthe2 12%22'2,3

7atthew 19J99D9: 99# Then one was brou!ht to *im who was demonDpossessed, blind and mute) and *e healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spo'e and saw# 9:# 2nd all the multitudes were ama6ed and said, &3ould this be the 1on of @avid50 (u'e 11J1; 1;# 2nd *e was castin! out a demon, and it was mute# 1o it was, when the demon had !one out, that the mute spo'e) and the multitudes marveled# ( want you to 9now that there is so#ething ,ery special a6out this particular #iracle. + 6lind de#oniac was cured and yet it rates two ,erses in Matthew and only one ,erse in Fu9e. The #an was 6lind5 the #an was deaf5 and he 6oth spo9e and saw and yet thats all it rates in the %i6le. To #e5 this is an indication that healing is so#ething we should e=pect to happen. Youll notice that the %i6le doesnt write fifty pages on one little tiny healing5 it @ust #erely states a fact that they 6rought .i# one that was possessed with a /1

de,il and .e @ust cast the de,ils out5 the de,il of 6lindness5 and the de,il of du#6ness. (t doesnt say a thing a6out the faith of the person in,ol,ed5 it #erely said that when Jesus spo9e the word5 the de,ils ca#e out and that sa#e thing is true today: (f we 6elie,e that Jesus is li,ing on the inside of us we can use .is na#e and de,ils will co#e out. .e is spea9ing to you today if you need a healing:

MIR C!" #$. 1+% Matthe2 .%2,'213 Mar- )%,+')/3 !u-e .%22'2+
7atthew 8J9:;? 9:# Now when *e !ot into a boat, *is disciples followed *im# 9;# 2nd suddenly a !reat tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves# But *e was asleep# 9<# Then *is disciples came to *im and awo'e *im, sayin!, &(ord, save us! 4e are perishin!!0 9=# But *e said to them, &4hy are you fearful, 0 you of little faith50 Then *e arose and rebu'ed the winds and the sea# 2nd there was a !reat calm# 9?# 2nd the men marveled, sayin!, &4ho can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey *im50 7ar' ;J:<D;0 /2

:<# -n the same day, when evenin! had come, *e said to them, &(et us cross over to the other side#0 :=# Now when they had left the multitude, they too' *im alon! in the boat as *e was# 2nd other little boats were also with *im# :?# 2nd a !reat windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already fillin!# :8# But *e was in the stern, asleep on a pillow# 2nd they awo'e *im and said to *im, &Teacher, do $ou not care that we are perishin!50 : # Then *e arose and rebu'ed the wind, and said to the sea, &Geace, be still!0 2nd the wind ceased and there was a !reat calm# ;0# But *e said to them, &4hy are you so fearful5 *ow is it that you have no faith50 (u'e 8#99D9<J 99# Now it happened, on a certain day, that *e !ot into a boat with *is disciples# 2nd *e said to them, &(et us !o over to the other side of the la'e#0 2nd they launched out# 9:# But as they sailed *e fell asleep# 2nd a windstorm came down on the la'e, and they were fillin! with water, and were in Leopardy#

9;# 2nd they came to *im and awo'e *im, sayin!, &7aster, 7aster, we are perishin!!0 Then *e arose and rebu'ed the wind and the ra!in! of the water# 2nd they ceased, and there was a calm# 9<# But *e said to them, &4here is your faith50 2nd they were afraid, and marveled, sayin! to one another, &4ho can this be5 For *e commands even the winds and water, and they obey *im!0 2anic5 panic5 panic: Thats e=actly what this #iracle re#inds #e of: The disciples were trusting Jesus and were following .i# along as .e entered the ship. They were trustworthy and 6elie,ing in .i# for e,erything and 6elie,ing that nothing was i#possi6le with .i#5 and then what happened0 2ow: + little 6itty stor# ca#e up. )hether it was little or 6ig5 it can 6e e=actly the sa#e thing in our own personal li,es5 whether its a financial crisis5 whether its a physical crisis5 whether its a #arital crisis regardless of what it is5 suddenly our faith can go right out of our feet and we can 6eco#e fearful5 e=actly li9e the disciples did at that ti#e. ( wonder what went through the #ind of Jesus at that ti#e when .e thought5 7.ere are these #en who are supposed to really 6elie,e in Me and now suddenly @ust 6ecause a little stor# co#es up in their life they show they ha,e not really learned to trust Me.8 "otice what .e said to the#5 Where is your faith50 The 6iggest sin in the world today is still dou6t and un6elief and it was that dou6t and un6elief which ca#e up in their li,es ( .owe,er5 the thing ( /&

thin9 is so tre#endous is that while dou6t and un6elief can 9eep us fro# recei,ing the #iracles of ;od5 in this particular instance .e still went ahead and co#pleted the #iracle and cal#ed the sea. (t doesnt #a9e any difference what the stor# is in your life5 it doesnt #a9e any difference what youre going through right now re#e#6er5 Jesus is the 3ne who can cal# any stor#. 2ut your faith and trust in .i#5 and dont let dou6t and un6elief snea9 in5 regardless of the circu#stances:

MIR C!" #$. 1*% Matthe2 ..2.',23 Mar- +%1'1,3 !u-e .%2*',,(
7atthew N#98D:9 98# 4hen *e had come to the other side, to the country of the /er!esenes, there met *im two demonDpossessed men, comin! out of the tombs, e>ceedin!ly fierce, so that no one could pass that way# 9 # 2nd suddenly they cried out, sayin!, &4hat have we to do with $ou, 8esus, $ou 1on of /od5 *ave $ou come here to torment us before the time50 :0# Now a !ood way off from them there was a herd of many swine feedin!# :1# 1o the demons be!!ed *im, sayin!, &"f $ou cast us out, permit us to !o away into the herd of swine#0 :9# 2nd *e said to them, &/o#0 1o when they had come out, they went into the herd of swine# 2nd suddenly the whole /5

herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and perished in the water# 7ar' <1D1:J 1# Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the /adarenes# 9# 2nd when *e had come out of the boat, immediately there met *im out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, :# who had his dwellin! amon! the tombs) and no one could bind him, not even with chains, ;# because he had often been bound with shac'les and chains# 2nd the chains had been pulled apart by him, and the shac'les bro'en in pieces) neither could anyone tame him# <# 2nd always, ni!ht and day, he was in the mountains and in the tombs, cryin! out and cuttin! himself with stones# =# But when he saw 8esus from afar, he ran and worshiped *im# ?# 2nd he cried out with a loud voice and said, &4hat have " to do with $ou, 8esus, 1on of the 7ost *i!h /od5 " implore $ou by /od that $ou do not torment me#0 8# For *e said to him, &3ome out of the man, unclean spirit!0 # Then *e as'ed him, &4hat is your name50 2nd he answered, sayin!, &7y name is (e!ion) for we are many#0 /-

10# 2nd he be!!ed *im earnestly that *e would not send them out of the country# 11# Now a lar!e herd of swine was feedin! there near the mountains# 19# 2nd all the demons be!!ed *im, sayin!, &1end us to the swine, that we may enter them#0 1:# 2nd at once 8esus !ave them permission# Then the unclean spirits went out and entered the swine Athere were about two thousandB) and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and drowned in the sea# Luke 8:26-33: 9=# Then they sailed to the country of the /adarenes, which is opposite /alilee# 27. 2nd when *e stepped out on the land, there met *im a certain man from the city who had demons for a lon! time# 2nd he wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house but in the tombs# 98# 4hen he saw 8esus, he cried out, fell down before *im, and with a loud voice said, &4hat have " to do with $ou, 8esus, 1on of the 7ost *i!h /od5 " be! $ou, do not torment me!0 9 # For *e had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man# For it had often sei6ed him, and he was 'ept under !uard, bound with chains and shac'les) and he bro'e the bonds and was driven by the demon into the wilderness# //

:0# 8esus as'ed him, sayin!, &4hat is your name50 2nd he said, &(e!ion,0 because many demons had entered him# :1# 2nd they be!!ed *im that *e would not command them to !o out into the abyss# :9# Now a herd of many swine was feedin! there on the mountain# 2nd they be!!ed *im that *e would permit them to enter them# 2nd *e permitted them# ::# Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the la'e and drowned# This is another ,ery interesting #iracle5 6ut arent all of the #iracles of Jesus interesting0 You notice that .e didnt specialiDe in @ust one type. .e was capa6le of doing any and all 9inds5 and .e is still capa6le today if we can re#e#6er5 7.e is the sa#e yesterday5 today and fore,er.8 This is the fa#ous story a6out the de#oniac of ;adarenes. .e was often 6ound with chains and fetters and he would @ust 6rea9 the# to pieces and no #an could ta#e hi#. +ll day and all night he was in the #ountains and he was in the to#6s crying and cutting hi#self with stones. %ut note that when Jesus was far off5 this #an ran and he did the sa#e thing as the leper did in the 6oo9 of Matthew the eighth chapter. .e fell down first and worshiped .i#. (f we could @ust re#e#6er to get our hearts in a position of worship which says5 7Jesus5 ( lo,e you with all of #y heart and ( 6elie,e that you will do


the supernatural that ( need done58 ( thin9 wed find oursel,es recei,ing a lot #ore #iracles. This is the story where Jesus sent all of the de#ons into the swine and then they ran ,iolently down a real steep #ountain side and into the sea and drowned. ?ach of the gospels tells a little different part a6out the #an. Youll notice in the 6oo9 of Fu9e it said that he wore no clothes nor did he li,e in any house 6ut he li,ed in the to#6s. You put all three of the stories together and you ha,e a real good picture of a totally insane #an. +nd yet5 so#ehow or another the 'pirit of ;od had penetrated his #ind to #a9e hi# 6elie,e that Jesus could do so#ething for hi#. (snt it unusual that the disciples were not afraid of the de#onApossessed #an until he was clothed and in his right #indJ then the %i6le tells us that they were afraid. )e often wonder why people are afraid of the supernatural. Could this 6e a reason that so#e people dont get healed 6ecause they really are afraid of the supernatural0 ( do not 9now the answer to that5 (# @ust as9ing you a 4uestion. 'o#e 6elie,e that this could possi6ly 6e two #iracles e,en though the treat#ent and the situation was e=actly the sa#e. (n Matthew the town was recorded as ;ergesenes5 and #entioned 7two8 #en. Most theologians agree5 howe,er5 that this was the sa#e #iracle5 6ut differently recorded.


MIRACLE #$. 11% Matthe2 4%2/'223 Mar- +%2+',)3 !u-e .%),').

Matthew5 Mar9 and Fu9e record #iracle nu#6er se,enteen which ( thin9 is one of the fa,orite stories of al#ost e,ery6ody5 where the wo#an with the issue of 6lood was totally healed. This again was 6ecause of her tre#endous faith. 7atthew J90D99J 90# 2nd suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of *is !arment) 91# for she said to herself, &"f only " may touch *is !arment, " shall be made well#0 99# But 8esus turned around, and when *e saw her *e said, &Be of !ood cheer, dau!hter) your faith has made you well#0 2nd the woman was made well from that hour# 7ar' 5;25-34 9<# Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, 9=# and had suffered many thin!s from many physicians# 1he had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather !rew worse# 9?# 4hen she heard about 8esus, she came behind *im in the crowd and touched *is !arment) *!

98# for she said, &if only " may touch *is clothes, " shall be made well#0 9 # "mmediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction# :0# 2nd 8esus, immediately 'nowin! in *imself that power had !one out of *im, turned around in the crowd and said, &4ho touched 7y clothes50 :1# But *is disciples said to *im, &$ou see the multitude thron!in! $ou, and $ou say, %4ho touched 7e50 :9# 2nd *e loo'ed around to see her who had done this thin!# ::# But the woman, fearin! and tremblin!, 'nowin! what had happened to her, came and fell down before *im and told *im the whole truth# :;# 2nd *e said to her, &@au!hter, your faith has made you well# /o in peace, and be healed of your affliction#0 (u'e 8J;:D;8J ;:# Now a woman, havin! a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, ;;# came from behind and touched the border of *is !arment# 2nd immediately her flow of blood stopped# ;<# 2nd 8esus said, &4ho touched 7e50 4hen all denied it, Geter and those with him said, &7aster, the multitudes thron! *1

$ou and press $ou, and $ou say, %4ho touched 7e50 ;=# But 8esus said, &1omebody touched 7e, for " perceived power !oin! out from 7e#0 ;?# Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came tremblin!) and fallin! down before *im, she declared to *im in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched *im and how she was healed immediately# ;8# 2nd *e said to her, &@au!hter, be of !ood cheer) your faith has made you well# /o in peace#0 'he had heard a6out the #an Jesus5 and ( often thin9 a6out what she went through to get to that #an she had heard so #uch a6out. 'he could ha,e said5 7( dont ha,e any #oney to go 6ecause ( spent it all on doctors.8 'he could also ha,e said5 7( a# e=hausted fro# ha,ing 6een sic9 so #any years5 theres no way ( can possi6ly get to .i# 6ecause .es so faraway.8 'he also was unclean 6ecause she had an issue of 6lood and she could ha,e really gotten into trou6le going in pu6lic as a result of this. There was such a tre#endous crowd5 she could ha,e used that as an e=cuse for not getting to Jesus. %ut5 nothing stopped her5 a6solutely nothing stopped her 6ecause all she 9ept saying was5 7(f ( can @ust touch the he# of .is gar#ent5 (ll 6e #ade whole.8 .er faith was through touching so#ething5 6ut ( 6elie,e her faith would ha,e #ade her well *2

regardless of whether she touched .i# or not. ( 6elie,e it was 6ecause of all the pro6le#s that she went through and the trou6le that she went to get to that one person who# she 9new could heal her was what #ade her totally5 instantly and co#pletely healed. (ts also ,ery interesting to note that she did fi,e things. "u#6er one she heard. "u#6er two she said. "u#6er three she acted. "u#6er four she recei,ed. "u#6er fi,e she told it. (f ( were to pic9 out the two parts which ( thought were the #ost i#portant5 it would 6e "u#6er three and "u#6er fi,e. 'he acted: This is so ,ital 6ecause so #any of us do not act. 3,er and o,er again we ha,e had people co#e up and as9 us to pray for their #other or their father or their uncle or so#eone else and (d say5 7)ell5 are they here08 +nd theyll say5 7"o5 theyre too sic9 to co#e.8 (f you are too sic9 to co#e5 thats when you need to 6e there: You see5 thats what she did she acted5 which is what so #any people dont do5 and "u#6er fi,e she told it: ?,ery healing that ;od has e,er gi,en #e5 ( ha,e told it and ha,e pro6a6ly included it in so#e 6oo9 or another along the line. ( 6elie,e thats one of the #ost i#portant things in #aintaining a healing is to 9eep telling people. *

(u'e 8J: J &,eturn to your own house, and tell what !reat thin!s /od has done for you#0 This does not #ean youre going to tell the# when you thin' you+re healed when youre not really healed5 hoping that you can con ;od into doing it5 6ut the #inute you recei,e a legiti#ate healing5 tell the world a6out it: Thats what that wo#an did and thats why ( 6elie,e that she recei,ed. +nother e=cellent point in that story is so#ething that we all need to really loo9 at in relation to our own life. Jesus said5 7'o#e6ody touched #e.8 There were hundreds of people around .i# and (# sure that hundreds of people had 6rushed up against .i# and had touched .i#5 6ut .e said so#e ,ery i#portant words in Fu9e *E&-E &1omebody touched me, for " perceived power !oin! out from me#0 That was an e=tre#ely interesting state#ent for .i# to #a9e 6ecause with all the other people touching .i#5 .e did not feel the power going out of .i#. Thats so easy to understand when youre in the healing #inistry 6ecause we ha,e 6een in what we call 7hard audiences8 which is where people ha,e a lot of dou6t and un6elief and s9epticis# and a deter#ination to dispro,e the fact that ;od heals today. (ts ,ery difficult for #iracles to happen under circu#stances li9e that. .owe,er5 we ha,e also had #any5 #any ser,ices5 as a #atter of fact5 the 6ul9 of our ser,ices are this way5 where people co#e really e=pecting a #iracle and they literally


draw the power of ;od out of us and they get healed as a result. Jesus did not feel the power go out of .i# to any6ody else until this wo#an touched .i# and that was what #ade her whole. +s the power went out of .i#5 .e 9new in .is spirit that this wo#an had enough faith to #a9e her whole and thats why it was so easy for the power to go out of .i# into her:

MIR C!" #$. 1. Matthe2 4%1.62,'2+3 Mar- +.22'2,6,+'),3 !u-e 0)/')16 )4' +*
7atthew J18, 9:D9< 18. 4hile *e spo'e these thin!s to them, behold, a ruler came and worshiped *im, sayin!, &7y dau!hter has Lust died, but come and lay $our hand on her and she will live#0 23. 2nd when 8esus came into the ruler+s house, and saw the flute players and the noisy crowd wailin!, 24. *e said to them, &7a'e room, for the !irl is not dead, but sleepin!#0 2nd they lau!hed *im to scorn# 25. But when the crowd was put outside, *e went in and too' her by the hand, and the !irl arose# 7ar' N99D9:, :<D;:J *5

22. 2nd behold, one of the rulers of the syna!o!ue came, 8airus by name# 2nd when he saw *im, he fell at *is feet 23. and be!!ed *im earnestly, sayin!, &7y little dau!hter lies at the point of death# 3ome and lay $our hands on her, that she may be healed, and she will live#0 35. 4hile *e was still spea'in!, some came from the ruler of the syna!o!ue+s house who said, &$our dau!hter is dead# 4hy trouble the Teacher any further50 36. 2s soon as 8esus heard the word that was spo'en, *e said to the ruler of the syna!o!ue, &@o not be afraid) only believe#0 :?# 2nd *e permitted no one to follow *im e>cept Geter, 8ames, and 8ohn the brother of 8ames# 38. Then *e came to the house of the ruler of the syna!o!ue, and saw a tumult and those who wept and wailed loudly# : # 4hen *e came in, *e said to them, &4hy ma'e this commotion and weep5 The child is not dead, but sleepin!#0 ;0# 2nd they lau!hed *im to scorn# But when *e had put them all out, *e too' the fat her and the mother of the child, and those who were with *im, and entered where the child was lyin!# ;1# Then *e too' the child by the hand, and said to her, &Talitha, cumi,0 which is translated, &(ittle !irl, " say to you, arise#0 *-

;9# "mmediately the !irl arose and wal'ed, for she was twelve years of a!e# 2nd they were overcome with !reat ama6ement# ;:# But *e commanded them strictly that no one should 'now it, and said that somethin! should be !iven her to eat# Luke 8:40.41, 49-56 ;0# 1o it was, when 8esus returned, that the multitude welcomed *im, for they were all waitin! for *im# ;1# 2nd behold, there came a man named 8airus, and he was a ruler of the syna!o!ue# 2nd he fell down at 8esus+ feet and be!!ed *im to come to his house# ; # 4hile *e was still spea'in!, someone came from the ruler of the syna!o!ue+s house, sayin! to him, &$our dau!hter is dead# @o not trouble the Teacher#0 50. But when 8esus heard it, *e answered him, sayin!, &@o not be afraid) only believe, and she will be made well#0 <1# 4hen *e came into the house, *e permitted no one to !o in e>cept Geter, 8ames, and 8ohn, and the father and mother of the !irl# <9# Now all wept and mourned for her) but *e said, &@o not weep) she is not dead, but sleepin!#0 <:# 2nd they lau!hed *im to scorn, 'nowin! that she was dead# */

<;# But *e put them all out, too' her by the hand and called, sayin!, &(ittle !irl, arise#0 <<# Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately# 2nd *e commanded that she be !iven somethin! to eat# <=# 2nd her parents were astonished, but *e char!ed them to tell no one what had happened# The reason that this is so interesting is 6ecause one #iracle is interrupted 6y another one happening. (f you will recall5 #iracle nu#6er se,enteen was the #iracle of the wo#an with the issue of 6lood and the raising of Jairus daughter was interrupted 6y the wo#an with the issue of 6lood. There ha,e 6een #any ti#es in our ser,ices when we will 6e laying hands on the sic9 and the 'pirit of ;od will spea9 to us and tell us to go lay hands on so#eone else which in other words delays one persons #iracle 6ut is the e=act instant ;od wants to do the first #iracle. This is a ,ery interesting story 6ecause of that5 and you will notice in all three of the gospels one5 #iracle interrupts the story and then the circle co#es 6ac9 and pic9s up the story again. 3ne of the things that really 6rea9s #y heart in this story was in Matthew 1E2& where youll notice that e,ery one of the gospels say that they laughed when .e said that she was not dead5 6ut she was asleep.


The sa#e thing is unfortunately true today where people will scorn any re#ar9 concerning the healing power of ;od. )e ha,e seen this happen on tele,ision progra#s where the secular world does not understand and they laugh when you say5 7(n Jesus na#e8 or 7$ecei,e your healing in the na#e of Jesus.8 Ti#es ha,ent changed a single solitary 6it. Jesus Christ is the sa#e yesterday5 today and fore,er and so the world laughed then5 they still laugh today5 6ut we win: .allelu@ah: +nother ,ery interesting point in these particular scriptures is that .e 7put the# all out.8 )hen they laughed at .i#5 .e put the# all out. )ouldnt it 6e wonderful if we had the courage and the 6oldness today to put out any6ody who laughs when you 6egin to tal9 a6out the power of ;od. Just gi,e us ti#e and well do it. $e#e#6er if there is an interruption or set 6ac9 in your #iracle5 dont gi,e up: (ts on the way:

MIR C!" NO. 19 Matthe2 4.21'24

The nineteenth #iracle as re#ar9a6le as it is5 appears in one gospel only. 9?# 4hen 8esus departed from there, two blind men followed *im, cryin! out and sayin!, &1on of @avid, have mercy on us! 98# 2nd when *e had come into the house, the blind men came to *im# 2nd 8esus *1

said to them, &@o you believe that 8am able to do this50 They said to *im, &$es, (ord#0 9 # Then *e touched their eyes, sayin!, &2ccordin! to your faith let it be to you#0 Three little ,erses and only three little ,erses are de,oted to two 6lind #en 6eing healed. Fets loo9 at what happens today when a 6lind person gets healed: ( dont 9now a6out you5 6ut Charles and ( re@oice and re@oice and continue re@oicing. )e recently saw a young lady in .onduras who had 6een 6linded at the age of four in one eye and when she was healed she didnt shut up for #ore than an hour. 'he was re@oicing and so e=ceedingly glad and yet5 if youll notice here are two 6lind #en5 o6,iously 6lind in 6oth eyes5 and Jesus @ust touched their eyes and .e told the#5 7according to their faith58 they could ha,e their healing5 and they were healed: (snt it wonderful when #iracles can 6eco#e so co##on that we can @ust say5 7)ell5 praise the Ford. +ccording to your faith 6e it unto you58 and two 6lind people get healed.

MIR C!" #$. 2/

Matthe2 4%,2',+

+ du#6 de#oniac healed is narrated in one gospel only: :9# 2s they went out, behold, they brou!ht to *im a man, mute and demonD possessed#


::# 2nd when the demon was cast out, the mute spo'e# 2nd the multitudes marveled, sayin!, &"t was never seen li'e this in "srael!0 :;# But the Gharisees said, &*e casts out demons by the ruler of the demons#0 :<# 2nd 8esus went about all the cities and villa!es, teachin! in their syna!o!ues, preachin! the !ospel of the 'in!dom, and healin! every sic'ness and every disease amon! the people# There are se,eral uni4ue points in these two ,erses of scripture. (t #erely says they 6rought the #an to .i#5 and .e cast the de,il out. (t doesnt say that he fought with the de,il for hours and hours5 and it didnt say that he 7prayed8 hi# out5 6ut he cast the de,il out. Then he pro#ptly was accused of 6eing of the de,il. The same thin! happens today! Dont worry5 9eep on casting out de,ils: De,ils need to 6e cast out: )e need not fear a de#onic spirit 6ecause Jesus ga,e us far #ore power than the de,il. .e said in Fu9e 1!E115 &Behold, " !ive you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothin! shall by any means hurt you#0 .e #eant e=actly what .e said. That unli#ited power .e had was transferred to us and so we can cast out de,ils today as long as we 6elie,e that he #eant what .e said: )e can e,en cast a spirit of infir#ity out of oursel,es if we ha,e such a sic9ness. 'i#ply spea9 the word to your own 6ody: 11

Miracle "3. 21 Matthew 1&E15A21J Mar9 -E 5A &&J Fu9e 9:12-17; John 6:5-13 Miracle "o. 21 concerns feeding the fi,e thousand5 and this particular #iracle is e=traordinary 6ecause it is narrated in all four gospels. )hy this particular #iracle registered strongly enough in the #inds of Matthew5 Mar95 Fu9e and John is not 9nown or e,en understood5 e=cept for the fact that it shows ;ods pro,ision to #ultiply in an unli#ited #easure. 7atthew 1;J1<D91 1<# 4hen it was evenin!, *is disciples came to *im, sayin!, &This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late# 1end the multitudes away, that they may !o into the villa!es and buy themselves food#0 1=# But 8esus said to them, &They do not need to !o away# $ou !ive them somethin! to eat#0 ANotice that they were !iven permission to do this !reat miracle!B 1?# 2nd they said to *im, &4e have here only five loaves and two fish#0 18# *e said, &Brin! them here to 7e#0 1 # Then *e commanded the multitudes to sit down on the !rass# 2nd *e too' the five loaves and the two fish, and loo'in! up to heaven, *e blessed and bro'e and !ave the loaves to the disciples) and the disciples !ave to the multitudes#


90# 1o they all ate and were filled, and they too' up twelve bas'ets full of the fra!ments that remained# 91# Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children# Mark 6:35-44: :<# 2nd when the day was now far spent, *is disciples came to *im and said, &This is a deserted place, and already the hour is late# :=# &1end them away, that they may !o into the surroundin! country and villa!es and buy themselves bread) for they have nothin! to eat#0 :?# But *e answered and said to them, &$ou !ive them somethin! to eat#0 2nd they said to *im, &1hall we !o and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and !ive them somethin! to eat50 :8# But *e said to them, &*ow many loaves do you have5 /o and see#0 2nd when they found out they said, &Five, and two fish#0 : # Then *e commanded them to ma'e them all sit down in !roups on the !reen !rass# ;0# 1o they sat down in ran's, in hundreds and in fifties# ;1# 2nd when *e had ta'en the five loaves and the two fish, *e loo'ed up to heaven, blessed and bro'e the loaves, and !ave them to *is disciples to set 1

before them) and the two fish *e divided amon! them all# ;9# 1o they all ate and were filled# ;:# 2nd they too' up twelve bas'ets full of fra!ments and of the fish# ;;# Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men# (u'e #"9D"?J 19# 4hen the day be!an to wear away, the twelve came and said to *im, &1end the multitude away, that they may !o into the surroundin! towns and country, and lod!e and !et provisions) for we are in a deserted place here#0 1:# But *e said to them, &$ou !ive them somethin! to eat#0 2nd they said, &4e have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we !o and buy food for all these people#0 1;# For there were about five thousand men# 2nd *e said to *is disciples, &7a'e them sit down in !roups of fifty#0 1<# 2nd they did so, and made them all sit down# 1=# Then *e too' the five loaves and the two fish, and loo'in! up to heaven, *e blessed and bro'e them, and !ave them to the disciples to set before the multitude# 1?# 1o they all ate and were filled, and twelve bas'ets of the leftover fra!ments were ta'en up by them# 1&

John 6543: <# Then 8esus lifted up *is eyes, and seein! a !reat multitude comin! toward *im, *e said to Ghilip, &4here shall we buy bread, that these may eat50 =# But this *e said to test him, for *e *imself 'new what *e would do# ?# Ghilip answered *im, &Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little#0 8# -ne of *is disciples, 2ndrew, 1imon Geter+s brother, said to *im, # &There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they amon! so many50 10# Then 8esus said, &7a'e the people sit down#0 Now there was much !rass in the place# 1o the men sat down, in number about five thousand 11# 2nd 8esus too' the loaves, and when *e had !iven than's *e distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sittin! down) and li'ewise of the fish, as much as they wanted# 19# 1o when they were filled, *e said to *is disciples, &/ather up the fra!ments that remain, so that nothin! is lost#0 1:# Therefore they !athered them up, and filled twelve bas'ets with the fra!ments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten# 15

$ead all four of these e=a#ples with the idea in #ind that e,en if you should 6e one of fi,e thousand sic95 ;od always has pro,ision for you. .e 9nows a6out you5 e,en though there #ay 6e #illions who are also sic95 and .e can #a9e the special pro,ision you need for your illness. +nd the wonderful thing is there is always enough healing power left o,er to heal e,eryone else. (f you will note5 there was #ore left o,er than they started with: Thats ;od co#passion:

MIR C!" #$. 22 Matthe2 1)%22',23 Mar- *%).'+/6 John *%1*'213 Matthe2 1)%22',2
99# "mmediately 8esus made *is disciples !et into the boat and !o before *im to the other side, while *e sent the multitudes away# 9:# 2nd when *e had sent the multitudes away, he went up on a mountain by *imself to pray# 2nd when evenin! had come, *e was alone there# 9;# But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary# 9<# Now in the fourth watch of the ni!ht 8esus went to them, wal'in! on the sea# 9=# 2nd when the disciples saw *im wal'in! on the sea, they were troubled, sayin!, &it is a !host!0 2nd they cried out for fear# 1-

9?# But immediately 8esus spo'e to them, sayin!, &Be of !ood cheer! "t is ") do not be afraid#0 98# 2nd Geter answered *im and said, &(ord, if it is $ou, command me to come to $ou on the water#0 9 # 1o *e said, &3ome#0 2nd when Geter had come down out of the boat, he wal'ed on the water to !o to 8esus# :0# But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid) and be!innin! to sin' he cried out, sayin!, &(ord, save me!0 :1# 2nd immediately 8esus stretched out *is hand and cau!ht him, and said to him, &0 you of little faith, why did you doubt50 :9# 2nd when they !ot into the boat, the wind ceased# 7ar' =J;8D<0 ;8# Then he saw them strainin! at rowin!, for the wind was a!ainst them# 2nd about the fourth watch of the ni!ht *e came to them, wal'in! on the sea, and would have passed them by# ; # But when they saw *im wal'in! on the sea, they supposed it was a !host, and cried out) <0# for they all saw *im and were troubled# 2nd immediately *e tal'ed with them and said to them, &Be of !ood cheer! "t








8ohn 6:16-21
1=# 2nd when evenin! came, *is disciples went down to the sea, 1?# !ot into the boat, and went over the sea toward 3apernaum# 2nd it was now dar', and 8esus had not come to them# 18# Then the sea arose because a !reat wind was blowin!# 1 # 1o when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw 8esus wal'in! on the sea and drawin! near the boat) and they were afraid# 90# But *e said to them, &"t is ") do not be afraid#0 91# Then they willin!ly received *im into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were !oin!# This story is full of #iracles and other points for us to re#e#6er in dealing with sic9ness5 although this story does not concern sic9ness at all. First5 Jesus wal9ed on the water. 'econd5 2eter wal9ed on the water. Third5 2eter 6egan to sin9. Fourth5 Jesus 6rought hi# into the 6oat5 and i##ediately they were on the land: +pplying this to your healing5 there are ti#es when we need to wal9 on spiritual water. )e need to let our faith stretch out further than e,er 6efore. This is what 2eter did5 and in your case5 if it is a healing for which youre 6elie,ing5 or ha,e recei,ed and are still 4uestioning5 when 2eter put his eyes on 1*

the circu#stances5 he lost what he had gained with faith. )hen the #iracle was done5 they were i##ediately on shore. Consider this you start to get worse5 Jesus reaches down and touches you5 and i##ediately you are healed:

MIR C!" #$. 2,% Mar- 75-29

Matthew 1+.21'2.3

Miracle "o. 2 concerns the healing of the 'yroA2hoenician wo#ans daughter5 and is narrated in two gospels. 7atthew 1<J91D98 91# Then 8esus went out from there and departed to the re!ion of Tyre and 1idon# 99# 2nd behold, a woman of 3anaan came from that re!ion and cried out to *im, sayin!, &*ave mercy on me, 0 (ord, 1on of @avid! 7y dau!hter is severely demonDpossessed#0 9:# But *e answered her not a word# 2nd *is disciples came and ur!ed *im, sayin!, &1end her away, for she cries out after us#0 9;# But *e answered and said, &" was not sent e>cept to the lost sheep of the house of "srael#0 9<# Then she came and worshiped *im, sayin!, &(ord, help me!0


9=# But *e answered and said, &"t is not !ood to ta'e the children+s bread and throw it to the little do!s#0 9?# 2nd she said, &True, (ord, yet even the little do!s eat the crumbs which fall from their masters+ table#0 98# Then 8esus answered and said to her, &0 woman, !reat is your faith! (et it be to you as you desire#0 2nd her dau!hter was healed from that very hour# Mark 7:25-29: 9<# For a woman whose youn! dau!hter had an unclean spirit heard about *im, and she came and fell at *is feet# 9=# The woman was a /ree', a 1yroD Ghoenician by birth, and she 'ept as'in! *im to cast the demon out of her dau!hter# 9?# But 8esus said to her, &(et the children be filled first, for it is not !ood to ta'e the children+s bread and throw it to the little do!s#0 98# 2nd she answered and said to *im, &$es, (ord, yet even the little do!s under the table eat from the children+s crumbs#0 9 # Then *e said to her, &For this sayin! !o your way) the demon has !one out of your dau!hter#0 This story particularly fascinates #e 6ecause of the wo#ans persistence5 which ( personally 6elie,e


is one of the greatest helps in recei,ing a healing and also in #aintaining it. The second thing she did was to worship .i#5 saying5 7Ford5 help #e:8 'he ad#itted that she needed so#ething far #ore than she could do in the natural. ?,en though Jesus did not i##ediately answer her5 when .e saw her persistence which .e saw as a faith that would not stop5 .e granted her the desire of her heart. )e need to 9eep our faith out there with persistence until we recei,e what we need: Dont gi,e up: M($+CF? "3. 2& Mar9 /E 2A /

Miracle "o. 2& shows the healing of the deaf and du#6 #an. :9# Then they brou!ht to *im one who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech, and they be!!ed *im to put *is hand on him# ::# 2nd *e too' him aside from the multitude, and put *is fin!ers in his ears, and *e spat and touched his ton!ue# :;# Then, loo'in! up to heaven, *e si!hed, and said to him, &Cphphatha,0 that is, &Be opened#0 :<# "mmediately his ears were opened, and the impediment of his ton!ue was loosed, and he spo'e plainly# :=# Then *e commanded them that they should tell no one) but the more *e 1!1

commanded them, the more widely they proclaimed it# :?# 2nd they were astonished beyond measure, sayin!, &*e has done all thin!s well# *e ma'es both the deaf to hear and the mute to spea'# 3ne of the things that surprises #e a6out this scripture is that it is recorded in only one gospel. "otice in this #iracle that the #an did not co#e 6y hi#self5 6ut he was 6rought 6y friends. "or#a Jean Fe$oy5 a6out who# we wrote the 6oo9 "mpossible 7iracles5 was 6rought 6y friends5 although as she says5 she was 7dragged: The faith of friends when you #ight not ha,e any5 can 6e a tre#endous help in recei,ing a healing: "otice that Jesus healed in #any different ways:

MIR C!" #$. 2+ Mar- .%1'4

Matthe2 1+%,2',.3

Miracle "o. 25 concerns the feeding of the four thousand5 and is contained in two gospels. 7atthew 1<J:9D:8 :9# Then 8esus called *is disciples to *im and said, &" have compassion on the multitude, because they have now continued with 7e three days and have nothin! to eat# 2nd " do not want to send them away hun!ry, lest they faint on the way#0 ::# Then *is disciples said to *im, &4here could we !et enou!h bread in the 1!2

wilderness to fill such a !reat multitude50 :;# 8esus said to them, &*ow many loaves do you have50 2nd they said, &1even, and a few little fish#0 :<# 2nd *e commanded the multitude to sit down on the !round# 36. 2nd *e too' the seven loaves and the fish and !ave than's, bro'e them and !ave them to *is disciples) and the disciples !ave to the multitude# :?# 1o they all ate and were filled, and they too' up seven lar!e bas'ets full of the fra!ments that were left# :8# Now those who ate were four thousand men, besides women and children# 7ar' 8J1D 1# "n those days, the multitude bein! very !reat and havin! nothin! to eat, 8esus called *is disciples to *im and said to them, 9# &" have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with 7e three days and have nothin! to eat# :# &2nd if " send them away hun!ry to their own houses, they will faint on the way) for some of them have come from afar#0 ;# Then *is disciples answered *im, &*ow can one satisfy these people with bread here in the wilderness50 <# *e as'ed them, &*ow many loaves do you have50 2nd they said, &1even#0 1!

=# 2nd *e commanded the multitude to sit down on the !round# 2nd *e too' the seven loaves and !ave than's, bro'e them and !ave them to *is disciples to set before them) and they set them before the multitude# ?# 2nd they had a few small fish) and havin! blessed them, *e said to set them also before them# 8# 1o they ate and were filled, and they too' up seven lar!e bas'ets of leftover fra!ments# # Now those who had eaten were about four thousand# 2nd *e sent them away# This #iracle shows how Jesus o,erca#e all the dou6ts of the disciples. 3ftenti#es in our fa#ilies we will ha,e those who will preach doo# and gloo# concerning our healing. $e#e#6er your own faith can help you out of a lot of situations5 e,en though they #ay not loo9 6right at the #o#ent. "otice also in this #iracle that Jesus !ave away the provision and when *e !ave, it was #ultiplied. (t wasnt #ultiplied until .e ga,e away what .e had: +gain5 note that .e 6ad #ore when .e finished than when .e started: )hen we 7gi,e away8 healing 6y laying hands on the sic95 it is a#aDing 6ow our own healings will #ultiply: M($+CF? "3. 2Mar9 *E22A25

Miracle "o. 2- concerns the 6lind #an of %ethsaida 6eing healed5 and this #iraculous healing is narrated in only one gospel. 1!&

99# Then *e came to Bethsaida) and they brou!ht a blind man to *im, and be!!ed *im to touch him# 9:# 1o *e too' the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town# 2nd when *e had spit on his eyes and put *is hands on him, *e as'ed him if he saw anythin!# 9;# 2nd he loo'ed up and said, &" see men li'e trees, wal'in!#0 9<# Then *e put *is hands on his eyes a!ain and made him loo' up# 2nd he was restored and saw everyone clearly# +gain this is a story of friends who 6rought a 6lind #an to Jesus and they <not the 6lind #an> as9ed for his healing: This is an unusual healing5 6ut when ( read it5 ( always thin9 it is ;od showing .is so,ereignty 6y doing it e=actly as .e wants it done. Jesus touched the #an again when he said he could only see #en as trees5 showing that we need not 6e asha#ed to go 6ac9 #ore than once for our healing. This does not show a lac9 of faith5 6ut persistence

MIR C!" #$. 21 Matthe2 11%1)'213 Mar- 4%11'243 !u-e 4%,.')2

Miracle "o. 2/ concerns the healing of an epileptic child5 and is related in three gospels. 7atthew 1?J1;D91 1!5

1;# 2nd when they had come to the multitude, a man came to *im, 'neelin! down to *im and sayin!, 1<# &(ord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely) for he often falls into the fire and often into the water# 1=# 1o " brou!ht him to $our disciples, but they could not cure him#0 1?# Then 8esus answered and said, &0 faithless and perverse !eneration, how lon! shall " be with you5 *ow lon! shall " bear with you5 Brin! him here to 7e#0 18# 2nd 8esus rebu'ed the demon, and he came out of him) and the child was cured from that very hour# 1 # Then the disciples came to 8esus privately and said, &4hy could we not cast him out50 90# 1o 8esus said to them, &Because of your unbelief) for assuredly, " say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, %7ove from here to there,+ and it will move) and nothin! will be impossible for you# 91# *owever, this 'ind does not !o out e>cept by prayer and fastin!#0 Mark 9:17-29 17. Then one from the multitude answered and said, &Teacher, " brou!ht $ou my son, who has a mute spirit#


18# 2nd wherever he sei6es him, he throws him down) he foams at the mouth, !nashes his teeth, and becomes ri!id# 1o " spo'e to $our disciples, that they should cast him out, but they could not#0 1 # *e answered him and said, &0 faithless !eneration, how lon! shall " be with you5 *ow lon! shall " bear with you5 Brin! him to 7e#0 90# Then they brou!ht him to *im# 2nd when he saw *im, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the !round and wallowed, foamin! at the mouth# 91# 1o *e as'ed his father, &*ow lon! has this been happenin! to him50 2nd he said, &From childhood# 99# &2nd often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him# But if $ou can do anythin!, have compassion on us and help us#0 9:# 8esus said to him, &"f you can believe, all thin!s are possible to him who believes#0 9;# "mmediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, &(ord, " believe) help my unbelief0 9<# 4hen 8esus saw that the people came runnin! to!ether, *e rebu'ed the unclean spirit, sayin! to him, &$ou deaf and dumb spirit, " command you, come out of him, and enter him no more!0 26. Then the spirit cried out, convulsed him !reatly, and came out of him# 2nd he 1!/

became as one dead, so that many said, &*e is dead#0 9?# But 8esus too' him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose# 98# 2nd when *e had come into the house, *is disciples as'ed *im privately, &4hy could we not cast him out50 9 # 1o *e said to them, &This 'ind can come out by nothin! but prayer and fastin!#0 (u'e J:8D;9 :8# 1uddenly a man from the multitude cried out, sayin!, &Teacher, l implore $ou, loo' on my son, for he is my only child# : # &2nd behold, a spirit sei6es him, and suddenly cries out) it convulses him so that he foams at the mouth, and bruisin! him, it departs from him with !reat difficulty# ;0# &1o " implored $our disciples to cast it out, but they could not#0 ;1# Then 8esus answered and said, &0 faithless and perverse !eneration, how lon! shall " be with you and bear with you5 Brin! your son here#0 ;9# 2nd as he was still comin!, the demon threw him down and convulsed him# Then 8esus rebu'ed the unclean spirit, healed the child, and !ave him bac' to his father# The father of this child 6rought hi# and told Jesus that .is disciples could not cast the spirit out5 and Jesus re6u9ed the#5 and went on and set the child free. (n this story is one of the #ost powerful 1!*

of all the scriptures5 &"f you can believe, all thin!s are possible to him who believes0 <Mar9 1E2 >. %ut the heart6rea9ing thing is the fathers reply5 &(ord, " believe) help my unbelief!0 <Mar9 1E2&>. Many of us are in that sa#e position right now we 6elie,e <to a point> and we need to as9 Jesus to help our un6elief. %ut also note that Jesus healed the 6oy in spite of the fathers un6elief.

MIR C!" #$. 2.

Matthe2 11%2)'21

Miracle "o. 2* concerns finding #oney in the #outh of a fish5 and as re#ar9a6le as this story is5 it is found only in this one gospel. "o other gospel relates the story. 9;# 2nd when they had come to 3apernaum, those who received the temple ta> came to Geter and said, &@oes your Teacher not pay the temple ta>50 9<# *e said, &$es#0 2nd when he had come into the house, 8esus anticipated him, sayin!, &4hat do you thin', 1imon5 From whom do the 'in!s of the earth ta'e customs or ta>es, from their own sons or from stran!ers50 9=# Geter said to *im, &From stran!ers#0 8esus said to him, &Then the sons are free# 9?# Nevertheless, lest we offend them, !o to the sea, cast in a hoo', and ta'e the fish that comes up first# 2nd when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece


of money) ta'e that and !ive it to them for 7e and you#0 .ow #any fish swi# around with #oney in their #outh0 "ot #any5 and yet the ,ery first fish that 2eter caught was the one Jesus was tal9ing a6out: .e had cold5 hard cash in his #outh5 enough to pay the ta=es. Jesus can acco#plish the healing of your pro6le# fro# #any different sources5 so @ust 6e o6edient to .i# and e=pect a #iracle:

MIR C!" #$. 24

John 4%1')1

Miracle "o. 215 narrated in only one gospel is the story of the #an 6orn 6lind. 1# Now as 8esus passed by, *e saw a man who was blind from birth# 9# 2nd *is disciples as'ed *im, sayin!, &,abbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind50 :# 8esus answered, &Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the wor's of /od should be revealed in him# ;# &1 must wor' the wor's of *im who sent 7e while it is day) the ni!ht is comin! when no one can wor'# <# &2s lon! as " am in the world, " am the li!ht of the world#0 =# 4hen *e had said these thin!s, *e spat on the !round and made clay with the saliva) and *e anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay#


?# 2nd *e said to him, &/o, wash in the pool of 1iloam0 Awhich is translated, 1entB# 1o he went and washed, and came bac' seein!# 8# Therefore the nei!hbors and those who previously had seen that he was blind said, &"s not this he who sat and be!!ed50 # 1ome said, &This is he#0 -thers said, &*e is li'e him#0 *e said, &lam he#0 10# Therefore they said to him, &*ow were your eyes opened50 11. *e answered and said, &2 7an called 8esus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, %/o to the pool of 1iloam and wash#+ 1o " went and washed, and " received si!ht#0 12. Then they said to him, &4here is *e50 *e said, &No not 'now#0 13. They brou!ht him who formerly was blind to the Gharisees# 14. Now it was a 1abbath when 8esus made the clay and opened his eyes# 15. Then the Gharisees also as'ed him a!ain how he had received his si!ht# *e said to them, *e put clay on my eyes, and " washed, and " see#0 16. Therefore some of the Gharisees said, &This 7an is not from /od, because *e does not 'eep the 1abbath#0 -thers said, &*ow can a man who is a sinner do


such si!ns50 2nd there was a division amon! them# 1?# They said to the blind man a!ain, &4hat do you say about *im because *e opened your eyes50 *e said, &*e is a prophet#0 18# But the 8ews did not believe concernin! him, that he had been blind and received his si!ht, until they called the parents of him who had received his si!ht# 1 # 2nd they as'ed them, sayin!, &"s this your son, who you say was born blind5 *ow then does he now see50 90# *is parents answered them and said, &4e 'now that this is our son, and that he was born blind) 91# &but by what means he now sees we do not 'now, or who opened his eyes we do not 'now# *e is of a!e) as' him# *e will spea' for himself#0 22. *is parents said these thin!s because they feared the 8ews, for the 8ews had a!reed already that if anyone confessed that *e was 3hrist, he would be put out of the syna!o!ue# 23. Therefore his parents said, &*e is of a!e) as' him#0 24. 1o they a!ain called the man who was blind, and said to him, &/ive /od the !lory! 4e 'now that this 7an is a sinner#0 25. *e answered and said, &4hether *e is a sinner or not " do not 'now# -ne thin! 112

" 'nowJ that thou!h " was blind, now " see#0 26. Then they said to him a!ain, &4hat did *e do to you5 *ow did *e open your eyes50 27. *e answered them, &" told you already, and you did not listen# 4hy do you want to hear it a!ain5 @o you also want to become *is disciples50 28. Then they reviled him and said, &$ou are *is disciple, but we are 7oses+ disciples# 29. &4e 'now that /od spo'e to 7oses) as for this fellow, we do not 'now where *e is from#0 30. The man answered and said to them, &4hy, this is a marvelous thin!, that you do not 'now where *e is from, and yet *e has opened my eyes! 31. &Now we 'now that /od does not hear sinners) but if anyone is a worshiper of /od and does *is will, *e hears him# 32. &1ince the world be!an it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind# ::# &"f this 7an were not from /od, *e could no nothin!#0 :;# They answered and said to him, &$ou were completely born in sins, and are you teachin! us50 2nd they cast him out# :<# 8esus heard that they had cast him out) and when *e had found him, *e said to 11

him, &@o you believe in the 1on of /od50 :=# *e answered and said, &4ho is *e, (ord, that "# may believe in *im50 :?# 2nd 8esus said to him, &$ou have both seen *im and it is *e who is tal'in! with you#0 :8# Then he said, &(ord, " believe!0 2nd he worshiped *im# : # 2nd 8esus said, &For Lud!ment " have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind#0 ;0# Then some of the Gharisees who were with *im heard these words, and said to *im, &2re we blind also50 ;1# 8esus said to them, &"f you were blind, you would have no sin) but now you say, %4e see#+ Therefore your sin remains# This re#ar9a6le story 6rings up an interesting 4uestion5 7(s sic9ness due to the sin of parents or the indi,idual hi#self08 Jesus answer eli#inated the 4uestion. The second #ost i#portant part was he o6eyed Jesus when he told hi# to go and wash in the pool of 'iloa#. .e did @ust what Jesus said5 and he ca#e 6ac9 seeing. %ut there were s9eptics there5 @ust as there are today: They 4uestioned how it was done5 and e,en called the parents of the child who had recei,ed his sight. Then the 2harisees called Jesus a sinner 6ecause .e did #iracles on 'unday.


+ thing to re#e#6er in your own healing when people 4uestion if it is the de,il5 is what the 6lind #an answered in ,erse 25E *e answered and said, &4hether *e is a sinner or not " do not know. -ne thin! " know: that thou!h " was blind, now I see#0

MIRACLE #$. ,/

Luke 1,%11'11

Miracle "o. ! is another of the great #iracles of the %i6le which is told in only one gospel5 and yet what a wonderful #iracle it is: 11# 2nd behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity ei!hteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up# 19# But when 8esus saw her, *e called her to *im and said to her, &4oman, you are loosed from your infirmity#0 1:# 2nd *e laid *is hands on her, and immediately she was made strai!ht, and !lorified /od# 1;# But the ruler of the syna!o!ue answered with indi!nation, because 8esus had healed on the 1abbath) and he said to the crowd, &There are si> days on which men ou!ht to wor') therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the 1abbath day#0 1<# The (ord then answered him and said, &*ypocrite! @oes not each one of you on the 1abbath loose his o> or his don'ey from the stall, and lead it away to water it5 115

1=# &1o ou!ht not this woman, bein! a dau!hter of 2braham, whom 1atan has boundKthin' of itM for ei!hteen years, be loosed from this bond on the 1abbath50 1?# 2nd when *e said these thin!s, all *is adversaries were put to shame) and all the multitude reLoiced for all the !lorious thin!s that were done by *im# This wo#an5 who apparently had arthritis or osteoporosis had 6een 6ent o,er for eighteen years. )hen Jesus spo9e to her5 she was instantly #ade whole and she glorified ;od5 %BT the rulers of the synagogue again said Jesus was of the de,il 6ecause he healed on the 'a66ath day5 howe,er when .e answered in ,erse 1-5 e,en his ad,ersaries were asha#ed: This story always re#inds #e of one of the first 6ig #iracles which happened in one of our earlier #eetings. 'hortly after we recei,ed the 6aptis# with the .oly 'pirit5 we went on a ,isit to a church who did not 9now we had recei,ed: ( was going to gi,e a short little tal9 on how to #a9e the %i6le co#e ali,e5 6ut as were dri,ing to the location5 ;od spo9e and said5 7( want you to share that healing is for today:8 )hat a day of #iracles it was5 6ut the one we re#e#6er the #ost is the lady with osteoporosis who was 6ent o,er so far that you could not see anything 6ut her 6ac9 as she ca#e down the aisle: )e spo9e healing to her5 and she fell under the power of ;od with a tre#endous 7crac985 6ut when 11-

she stood up she was inches taller: "o longer was there a 7hu#p8 on her 6ac95 she was as straight as an arrow: 'he was a6out /! years old5 and had 6een sitting on the front pew of her church for years 6ecause she was so 6ent o,er she could not get in the pews5 and on 'unday #orning she was still in the sa#e place sitting straight up: .er pastor did not 6elie,e in healing and his ser#on that #orning was entitled 7.ealing is not for today:8 ?,ery ti#e he said that state#ent5 she said5 7.allelu@ah:8 .e continued5 7.ealing is of the de,il58 and she answered5 7.allelu@ah:8 )e went 6ac9 to the sa#e place years later and she was still perfectly healed: .allelu@ah: .a,e you noticed in al#ost e,ery #iracle that the de,il is right there to try to steal5 9ill and destroy0 )hene,er the de,il co#es at you and tells you your healing is not fro# ;od5 sto#p on hi# 4uic9ly and re#ind hi# who# you ser,e: +nd re#e#6er5 we ha,e #ore power than the de,il.

MIR C!" #$. ,1

!u-e 1)%1'*

Miracle "o. 1 is narrated in only one gospel. (t concerns the #an who had dropsy which is also 9nown as ede#a5 or an e=cessi,e a#ount of fluid in the 6ody which causes e=tre#e swelling. 1# Now it happened, as *e went into the house of one of the rulers of the


Gharisees to eat bread on the 1abbath, that they watched *im closely# 9# 2nd behold, there was a certain man before *im who had dropsy# :# 2nd 8esus, answerin!, spo'e to the lawyers and Gharisees, sayin!, &"s it lawful to heal on the 1abbath50 ;# But they 'ept silent# 2nd *e too' him and healed him, and let him !o# <# Then *e answered them, sayin!, &4hich of you, havin! a don'ey or an o> that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the 1abbath day50 =# 2nd they could not answer *im re!ardin! these thin!s# Jesus got to the 4uestion 6efore the 2harisees as9ed hi#5 and .e as9ed the# in ,erse 5 7(s it lawful to heal on the 1abbath50 They didnt answer hi#5 and Jesus too9 the #an and healed hi#5 and let hi# go. Then .e as9ed the# the 4uestion a6out retrie,ing an ani#al which had fallen in a pit on the 'a66ath5 6ut they couldnt gi,e .i# a good answer. This #iracle doesnt tell how the fluid left the #ans 6ody5 6ut is another e=a#ple of how nothing is i#possi6le with ;od: %ut it was a #iracle which they could see5 6ecause it was an instant healing. +gain5 notice that the de,il was right there with his 7theology8. 2ay no attention to hi#: ( re#e#6er one ti#e in California5 there was a so,ereign #o,e of ;od and one #an ca#e forward and as we as9ed hi# what his #iracle was5 he said5 7( @ust lost thirtyAfi,e pounds:8 .e had 6een singing 11*

in the choir5 and as the power of ;od en,eloped the auditoriu#5 he so,ereignly lost a6out 5 pounds of fluid5 or weight5 and his huge sto#ach was now flat: (gnore the de,il and watch ;od wor9 in your life.

MIR C!" #$. ,2

!u-e 11%11'14

Miracle "o. 2 is again narrated in one gospel only. This is where Jesus healed the ten lepers. 11# Now it happened as *e went to 8erusalem that *e passed throu!h the midst of 1amaria and /alilee# 19# Then as *e entered a certain villa!e, there met *im ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off# 1:# 2nd they lifted up their voices and said, &8esus, 7aster, have mercy on us!0 1;# 1o when *e saw them, *e said to them, &/o, show yourselves to the priests#0 2nd so it was that as they went, they were cleansed# 1<# Now one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice !lorified /od, 1=# and fell down on his face at *is feet, !ivin! *im than's# 2nd he was a 1amaritan# 1?# 1o 8esus answered and said, &4ere there not ten cleansed5 But where are the nine5


18# 4ere there not any found who returned to !ive !lory to /od e>cept this forei!ner50 1 # 2nd *e said to him, &2rise, !o your way# $our faith has made you well#0 Jesus is recorded as healing 1! lepers. Their opening state#ent is 7Jesus5 Master5 ha,e #ercy on us8. <Cry of desperation> Then Jesus instructs the# to 7test their faith8 6y going and 7showing yoursel,es to the priests8. "ow5 as they turned to go5 they were not yet healed. +nd if they arri,ed at the priests house with the signs of leprosy they would not only loo9 foolish5 6ut would 6e in trou6le. %ut the word says that 7as they were going5 they were cleansed8. "ow5 loo9 at the power of the 7heart of than9sgi,ing.8 3ne of the# turned to really e=press his gratitude to Jesus. The word says that he 7fell on his face at .is feet5 gi,ing than9s to .i#: +s a result of this e=tra heartAfelt than9sgi,ing5 he was 7#ade whole8 which #eans that e,en all the eaten off parts were restored. ( than9 .i# e,ery day for what .e has done in #y life si#ply 6ecause ( a# grateful to 6e ali,e and well5 6ut ( also 6elie,e that is a great part in #aintaining what ;od has gi,en you:

MIR C!" #$. ,,

John 11%1'))

Miracle "o. 5 the raising of FaDarus fro# the dead is told in one gospel only. John thought this was worthy of recording5 or #ay6e he was the only one there: 12!

1# &Now a certain man was sic', (a6arus of Bethany, the town of 7ary and her sister 7artha# 9# "t was that 7ary who anointed the (ord with fra!rant oil and wiped *is feet with her hair, whose brother (a6arus was sic'# :# Therefore the sisters sent to *im, sayin!, &(ord, behold, he whom $ou love is sic'#0 ;# 4hen 8esus heard that, *e said, &This sic'ness is not unto death, but for the !lory of /od, that the 1on of /od may be !lorified throu!h it#0 <# Now 8esus loved 7artha and her sister and (a6arus# =# 1o, when *e heard that he was sic', *e stayed two more days in the place where *e was# ?# Then after this *e said to the disciples, &(et us !o to 8udea a!ain#0 8# The disciples said to *im, &,abbi, lately the 8ews sou!ht to stone $ou, and are $ou !oin! there a!ain50 # 8esus answered, &2re there not twelve hours in the day5 "f anyone wal's in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the li!ht of this world# 10# &But if one wal's in the ni!ht, he stumbles, because the li!ht is not in him#0 11. These thin!s *e said, and after that *e said to them, &-ur friend (a6arus 121

sleeps, but " !o that " may wa'e him up#0 12. Then *is disciples said, &(ord, if he sleeps he will !et well#0 13. *owever, 8esus spo'e of his death, but they thou!ht that *e was spea'in! about ta'in! rest in sleep# 14. Then 8esus said to them plainly, &(a6arus is dead# 15. &2nd " am !lad for your sa'es that " was not there, that you may believe# Nevertheless let us !o to him#0 16. Then Thomas, who is called @idymus, said to his fellow disciples, &(et us also !o, that we may die with *im#0 17. 1o when 8esus came, *e found that he had already been in the tomb four days# 18. Now Bethany was near 8erusalem, about two miles away# 19. 2nd many of the 8ews had Loined the women around 7artha and 7ary, to comfort them concernin! their brother# 20. Then 7artha, as soon as she heard that 8esus was comin!, went and met *im, but 7ary was sittin! in the house# 21. Then 7artha said to 8esus, &(ord, if $ou had been here, my brother would not have died# 22. &But even now " 'now that whatever $ou as' of /od, /od will !ive $ou#0 23. 8esus said to her, &$our brother will rise a!ain#0


9;# 7artha said to *im, &" 'now that he will rise a!ain in the resurrection at the last day#0 9<# 8esus said to her, &" am the resurrection and the life# *e who believes in 7e, thou!h he may die, he shall live# 9=# &2nd whoever lives and believes in 7e shall never die# @o you believe this50 9?# 1he said to *im, &$es, (ord, " believe that $ou are the 3hrist, the 1on of /od, who is to come into the world#0 98# 2nd when she had said these thin!s, she went her way and secretly called 7ary her sister, sayin!, &The Teacher has come and is callin! for you#0 9 # 2s soon as she heard that, she arose Fuic'ly and came to *im# :0# Now 8esus had not yet come into the town, but was in the place where 7artha met *im# :1# Then the 8ews who were with her in the house, and comfortin! her, when they saw that 7ary rose up Fuic'ly and went out, followed her, sayin!, &1he is !oin! to the tomb to weep there#0 :9# Then, when 7ary came where 8esus was, and saw *im, she fell down at *is feet, sayin! to *im, &(ord, if $ou had been here, my brother would not have died#0 ::# Therefore, when 8esus saw her weepin!, and the 8ews who came with her


weepin!, *e !roaned in the spirit and was troubled# :;# 2nd *e said, &4here have you laid him50 They said to *im, &(ord, come and see#0 :<# 8esus wept# :=# Then the 8ews said, &1ee how *e loved him!0 :?# 2nd some of them said, &3ould not this 7an, who opened the eyes of the blind, also have 'ept this man from dyin!50 :8# Then 8esus, a!ain !roanin! in *imself, came to the tomb# "t was a cave, and a stone lay a!ainst it# : # 8esus said, &Ta'e away the stone#0 7artha, the sister of him who was dead, said to *im, &(ord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days#0 ;0# 8esus said to her, &@id " not say to you that if you would believe you would see the !lory of /od50 ;1# Then they too' away the stone from the place where the dead man was lyin!# 2nd 8esus lifted up *is eyes and said, &Father, " than' $ou that $ou have heard 7e# ;9# &2nd " 'now that $ou always hear 7e, but because of the people who are standin! by " said this, that they may believe that $ou sent 7e#0


;:# Now when *e had said these thin!s, *e cried with a loud voice, &(a6arus, come forth!0 ;;# 2nd he who had died came out bound hand and foot with !rave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth# 8esus said to them, &(oose him, and let him !o#0 Jesus actually put off the raising of FaDarus for fortyAeight hours 6ecause when the word reached .i# that FaDarus was dead5 .e stayed two days longer where .e was. 'o#eti#es we get i#patient and want our healing 7right now8 6ut this shows #e that Jesus does it in .is perfect ti#ing. (t always a#aDes #e the way Jesus #inistered healing so easily and without fanfare. 3ne of the #ost significant things a6out this story is that Martha had faith in the fact FaDarus would not ha,e died if Jesus had 6een there5 and she 9new he would 6e raised in the resurrection5 6ut it is a#aDing that she didnt ha,e the faith for a "3) #iracle: The sa#e fact re#ains today. 2eople 6elie,e that Jesus C+" do it 6ut theyre not sure .e )(FF do it now. %elie,e for your #iracle "3):

MIRACLE #$. ,) Matthe2 2/%,/',)3 Mar- 10:46-52; !u-e 1.%,+'),

Miracle "o. & concerns healing 6lind %arti#aeus5 and while this is told in three gospels5 only Matthew records there were two 6lind #en healed: 125

7atthew 90J:0D9; :0# 2nd behold, two blind men sittin! by the road, when they heard that 8esus was passin! by, cried out, sayin!, &*ave mercy on us, 0 (ord, 1on of @avid!0 :1# Then the multitude warned them that they should be Fuiet) but they cried out all the more, sayin!, &*ave mercy on us, 0 (ord, son of @avid!0 :9# 1o 8esus stood still and called them, and said, &4hat do you want 7e to do for you50 ::# They said to *im, &(ord, that our eyes may be opened#0 :;# 1o 8esus had compassion and touched their eyes# 2nd immediately their eyes received si!ht, and they followed *im# 7ar' 10#;=D<9J ;=# Then they came to 8ericho# 2nd as *e went out of 8ericho with *is disciples and a !reat multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road be!!in!# ;?# 2nd when he heard that it was 8esus of Na6areth, he be!an to cry out and say, &8esus, 1on of @avid, have mercy on me!0 ;8# Then many warned him to be Fuiet) but he cried out all the more, &1on of @avid, have mercy on me!0 ; # 1o 8esus stood still and commanded him to be called# Then they called the blind 12-

man, sayin! to him, &Be of !ood cheer# ,ise, *e is callin! you#0 <0# 2nd throwin! aside his !arment, he rose and came to 8esus# <1# 2nd 8esus answered and said to him, &4hat do you want 7e to do for you50 <9# The blind man said to *im, &,abboni, that " may receive my si!ht#0 Then 8esus said to him, &/o your way) your faith has made you well#0 2nd immediately he received his si!ht and followed 8esus on the road# )hen %arti#aeus heard that Jesus was co#ing his way he cried out5 &8esus, 1on of @avid, have mercy on me!0 )hen he was told that Jesus was calling hi# the word says that &throwin! aside his !arment, he rose up, and came to 8esus0# This is an act of faith for a 6lind #an. Jesus spo9e the word of healing5 he was healed5 and &followed him, !lorifyin! /odJ and all the people, when they saw it, !ave praise unto /od0 <Fu9e 1*E& CJG> (u'e 1J#:<D;:J :<# Then it happened, that as *e was comin! near 8ericho, that a certain blind man sat by the road be!!in!# :=# 2nd hearin! a multitude passin! by, he as'ed what it meant# :?# 1o they told him that 8esus of Na6areth was passin! by# :8# 2nd he cried out, sayin!, &8esus, 1on of @avid, have mercy on me!0


: # Then those who went before warned him that he should be Fuiet) but he cried out all the more, &1on of @avid, have mercy on me!0 ;0# 1o 8esus stood still and commanded him to be brou!ht to *im# 2nd when he had come near, *e as'ed him, ;1# sayin!, &4hat do you want 7e to do for you50 2nd he said, &(ord, that " may receive my si!ht#0 ;9# Then 8esus said to him, &,eceive your si!ht) your faith has saved you#0 ;:# 2nd immediately he received his si!ht, and followed *im, !lorifyin! /od# 2nd all the people, when they saw it, !ave praise to /od# .u#anity of writers told it as they saw and heard and they told it fro# #e#ory. +ccurate 6ut not religious in e=actness. They didnt get together and co#pare their writing5 6ut all were confir#ing one another. "otice the different ways three writers told the storyE Fu9e said that he was co#ing near Jericho and Jesus wanted the 6lind #an 6rought to hi#. Matthew said they were departing fro# Jericho and Jesus called the# to .i#. Mar9 said as they went out of Jericho5 Jesus co##anded hi# to 6e called. There is so#ething in each of these thirty se,en #iracles that is @ust for you. The part that ( li9e is that the 6lind #an i##ediately followed Jesus5 glorifying ;od. +lso5 +FF the people5 when they saw it5 ga,e praise to ;od. )e can ne,er gi,e ;od too #uch praise. 12*

MIR C!" #$. ,+ Matthe2 21%1.'223 Mar- 11%12'1)62/'2*(

Miracle "o. 5 concerns the cursing of the fig tree which is related in two gospels. 7atthew 91J18D99 18# Now in the mornin!, as *e returned to the city, *e was hun!ry# 1 # 2nd seein! a fi! tree by the road, *e came to it and found nothin! on it but leaves, and said to it, &(et no fruit !row on you ever a!ain#0 2nd immediately the fi! tree withered away# 90# Now when the disciples saw it, they marveled, sayin!, &*ow did the fi! tree wither away so soon50 91# 1o 8esus answered and said to them, &2ssuredly, " say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fi! tree, but also if you say to this mountain, %Be removed and be cast into the sea,+ it will be done# 99# 2nd all thin!s, whatever you as' in prayer, believin!, you will receive#0 7ar' 11J19D1;,90D9= 19# Now the ne>t day, when they had come out from Bethany, *e was hun!ry# 1:# 2nd seein! from afar a fi! tree havin! leaves, *e went to see if perhaps *e would find somethin! on it# 2nd when he came to it, *e found nothin! but leaves, for it was not the season for fi!s# 121

1;# "n response 8esus said to it, &(et no one eat fruit from you ever a!ain#0 2nd *is disciples heard it# 90# Now in the mornin!, as they passed by, they saw the fi! tree dried up from the roots# 21. 2nd Geter, rememberin!, said to *im, &,abbi, loo'! The fi! tree which $ou cursed has withered away#0 99# 1o 8esus answered and said to them, &*ave faith in /od# 9:# &For assuredly, " say to you, whoever says to this mountain, %Be removed and be cast into the sea,+ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those thin!s he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says# 9;# &Therefore " say to you, whatever thin!s you as' when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them# 9<# &2nd whenever you stand prayin!, if you have anythin! a!ainst anyone, for!ive him, that your Father in heaven may also for!ive you your trespasses# 9=# &But if you do not for!ive, neither will your Father in heaven for!ive your trespasses#0 "otice here also, how differently each writer descri6ed and worded the lesson5 6ut the #essage was #ade clear. +l#ost e,ery #iracle that Jesus did #a9es #e realiDe or re#inds #e of the fact that a6solutely nothing is i#possi6le with ;od if we can @ust 1 !

6elie,e5 not that it C+" happen5 6ut that it )(FF happen. This is one of the #ost i#portant things to re#e#6er in recei,ing a healing. 2ro6a6ly the reason this is a fa,orite of #ine is a si#ilar #iracle that happened to us #any years ago and was included in a little 6oo9 called T.?$? (' 23)?$ (" T.? "+M? 3F J?'B': &##and his name shall be called 4onderful, 3ounsellor, The 7i!hty /od, The Cverlastin! Father, The Grince of Geace0 <(saiah J= CJG>. That is what we should call .i# at all ti#es. .is "+M? (' )onderful5 Counsellor5 The #ighty ;od5 The ?,erlasting Father5 The 2rince of 2eace:8 .is "+M? (' +FF in all and o,er all5 e=cept ;od hi#self: &4orthy is the (amb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and stren!th, and honour, and !lory, and blessin!0 <$e,. 5E12 CJG>. This is how we should loo9 at the na#e of Jesus5 as the na#e is full of power and riches5 and wisdo#5 and strength5 and honour5 and glory5 and 6lessing: ( thin9 of the innu#era6le ti#es we ha,e called on the "+M? of Jesus: 'o#eti#es for %(; things5 and #any ti#es for s#all things5 6ut .e has always 6een faithful to the )ord which says .is na#e is a6o,e e,ery other na#e. )e were in Connecticut one year during to6acco growing ti#e. ( had ne,er seen to6acco grown in the field5 and didnt 9now that it could loo9 a6solutely 6eautiful and lush and. green. +s we ca#e into the city and noticed all these 6eautiful fields5 #any of which were growing under what 1 1

loo9ed li9e a huge gauDe co,ering5 ( in4uired of the ca6 dri,er what they were. .e told #e it was to6acco: )hen the Ford deli,ered #e of cigarettes right after ( was sa,ed5 ( understood the pro6le#s of people who depend on cigarettes for a nu#6er of things5 including ner,es5 weight5 fear5 etc.5 and at that ti#e he ga,e #e a #inistry to loose people fro# this 6ondage of the de,il. +ll ( could see in those 6eautiful fields of green were hundreds5 thousands and pro6a6ly e,en #illions of cigarettes. ( re#e#6ered the story of Jesus and the fig tree and how the fig tree withered: ( prayed a 4uic9 prayer and said5 7Father5 in the "+M? of Jesus5 ( as9 you to wither those to6acco plants5 wither the#5 wither the#5 wither the#:8 The ne=t #orning ( ca#e out of the To6acco Galley (nn <what a na#e for the #otel they put us in> and the to6acco plants were flourishing5 so once again ( prayed5 7(n Jesus "+M?5 wither the#5 wither the#5 wither the#5 Father.8 The ne=t #orning the plants were still flourishing5 so ( prayed the sa#e prayer again5 7(n the "+M? of Jesus5 Father5 wither those to6acco plants5 wither those to6acco plants:8 )hen we left town three days later5 the plants were still thri,ing5 6ut a6out two wee9s after we got ho#e5 we recei,ed se,eral letters which said5 7Did you hear a6out the tornado which swept through this area5 uprooting all the to6acco plants5 and now they are lying out in the sun5 withering away:8

1 2

.allelu@ah: Theres 23)?$ in the "+M? of Jesus: <'pecial noteE )e i##ediately as9ed ;od to replace the to6acco crops with an e,en #ore profita6le crop so the far#ers wouldnt lose out:> ?,en though this #iracle is only in two of the gospels5 it has so#e of the greatest scriptures and re,elation. Mar9 11E2 and 2& can put a charge into your life. + lot of detail on this is shared in the 6oo9 *ow To *eal The 1ic'# Mar9 11E25 goes into one of the greatest hindrances to healing and that is unforgi,eness. + lot #ore detail on this su6@ect is told in the special chapter in this 6oo9 on forgi,eness. This story re#inds #e of a wo#an who ca#e to one of our ser,ices with a 6a6y in her wo#6 which se,enteen gynecologists had told her to a6ort: The 6a6y had no 9idneys5 no sto#ach5 and two lungs which would ne,er de,elop: 'he ca#e to one of our ser,ices 6elie,ing that if we laid hands on her5 her 6a6y would 6e #ade nor#al: )hat a #ountain she faced5 and yet she ca#e and did not dou6t in her heart one single 6it5 6ut 6elie,ed that the things which she had said would co#e to pass: .ow right she was: 'i= #onths later we held her 6eautiful little 6oy in our ar#s at a .ealing ?=plosion and he has two perfect 9idneys5 two lungs that operate nor#ally5 and a perfect sto#ach. $e#e#6er whate,er your pro6le# is5 ;od is 6igger than your pro6le#: ;et your e=pectors up:

MIRACLE #$. ,*

Luke 22%+/'+2

Miracle "o. - concerns a creati,e #iracle and that is the restoration of Maichus ear when 2eter cut it off. <0# 2nd one of them struc' the servant of the hi!h priest and cut off his ri!ht ear# <1# But 8esus answered# and said, &Germit even this#0 2nd *e touched his ear and healed him# <9# Then 8esus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and the elders who had come to *im, &*ave you come out, as a!ainst a robber, with swords and clubs50 2roof again that nothing is i#possi6le with ;od5 e,en to the restoration of so#ething that has 6een cut off. .e has the 6est 7?l#ers glue8 of anyone ( 9now.

MIR C!" #$. ,1

John 21:1-14

Miracle "o. / is narrated in this one gospel and is an afterAresurrection #iracle. 1# 2fter these thin!s 8esus showed *imself a!ain to the disciples at the 1ea of Tiberias, and in this way *e showed *imselfJ 9# 1imon Geter, Thomas called @idymus, Nathanael of 3ana in /alilee, the sons of Hebedee, and two others of *is disciples were to!ether#

1 &

:# 1imon Geter said to them, &" am !oin! fishin!#0 They said to him, &4e are !oin! with you also#0 They went out and immediately !ot into the boat, and that ni!ht they cau!ht nothin!# ;# But when the mornin! had now come, 8esus stood on the shore) yet the disciples did not 'now that it was 8esus# <# Then 8esus said to them, &3hildren, have you any food50 They answered *im, &No#0 =# 2nd *e said to them, &3ast the net on the ri!ht side of the boat, and you will find some#0 1o they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish# ?# Therefore that disciple whom 8esus loved said to Geter, &"t is the (ord!0 Now when 1imon Geter heard that it was the (ord, he put on his outer !arment Afor he had removed itB, and plun!ed into the sea# 8# But the other disciples came in the little boat Afor they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubitsB, dra!!in! the net with fish# # Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread# 10# 8esus said to them, &Brin! some of the fish which you have Lust cau!ht#0 11# 1imon Geter went up and dra!!ed the net to land, full of lar!e fish, one 1 5

hundred and fiftyD three) and althou!h there were so many, the net was not bro'en# 19# 8esus said to them, &3ome and eat brea'fast#0 $et none of the disciples dared as' *im, &4ho are $ou5K 'nowin! that it was the (ord# 1:# 8esus than came and too' the bread and !ave it to them, and li'ewise the fish# 1;# This is now the third time 8esus showed *imself to *is disciples after *e was raised from the dead# This concerns changing the position of your faith. They had fished all night5 caught nothing5 and Jesus told the# to put their net down on the other side of the 6oat. 'o#eti#es we 9eep fishing in the sa#e place for our healing. May6e we ha,e had the sa#e people praying for us. Fets get out and get into another spiritAfilled #eeting. May6e so#eone there will 9now so#ething new and different a6out healing your type of illness5 or ha,e a special gift of faith <6etter results> in a particular 9ind of healing. 'o#eti#es Charles gets people healed for who# ( ha,e prayedJ other ti#es ( succeed after he has #inistered with no results. ( ha,e a real specialty for 6arren wo#en. My faith is 1!!K in this area. ( was loo9ing at a picture of a physician this #orning who had a sterile sper# and ca#e to one of our #eetings and in ten #onths he had a 6eautiful little 6oy. They now ha,e two. My faith was at top le,el when ( laid hands on hi#

1 -

and co##anded a supernatural sper# to for# in hi#. Charles real specialty is in 6ac9s. .e is the one who calls the e=a#ples up on the stage5 and we ha,e seen the #ost i#possi6le situations healed when he #inisters. %oth of us ha,e tre#endous faith in 6ac9 pro6le#s5 yet at ti#es neither of us will ha,e success and later on we will hear that so#eone who has ta9en our training will succeed: You will notice when 'i#on 2eter o6eyed5 the net was full and they had an i##ediate fish fry. You should i##ediately ha,e an instant praise cele6ration when you recei,e your healing. Jesus apparently ne,er prayed at the te#ple gate for the la#e #an5 6ut 2eter and John later did. 2erhaps the ti#ing for ;ods purpose is di,inely selected and not according to us: 2erhaps Jesus sa,ed this #ans healing to show 2eter and John that they could do #iracles5 @ust li9e .es telling us today:

1 /

Chapter ,

The #a7e of Jesus Rings 8ells

+s ,ital as anything else in recei,ing and #aintaining a healing5 is to 6elie,e in the power that resides in the na#e of Jesus: )hen we first hear a6out Jesus5 it is strictly 7head8 9nowledge5 6ut when we recei,e a re,elation fro# ;od it 6eco#es 7heart8 9nowledge. )e need to 6elie,e with the heart that the na#e of Jesus is a6o,e cancer5 rheu#atoid arthritis5 dia6etes5 heart pro6le#s5 #ultiple sclerosis5 cere6ral palsy and any other disease 9nown and un9nown to #an. (t cannot only 6e head 9nowledge5 it has to get down into the heart. The "+M? of Jesus 6rought forth so#e of the greatest #iracles in the %i6le5 and is still doing the sa#e thing today. 2eter and John were wal9ing 6y the te#ple one day when they saw the la#e #an sitting there. Then Geter said, &1ilver and !old " do not have, but what " do have " !ive youJ "n the name of 8esus 3hrist of Na6areth, rise up and wal'0 <+cts E->. +nd the #an wal9ed: 2eter had no #ore natural power than you or ( ha,e5 6ut he used the supernatural na#e that was a,aila6le to hi#. .e used the na#e of Jesus: This is the first ti#e 2eter e,er used the na#e of Jesus as a tool for healing. Jesus had told the# that they could use .is na#e to do whate,er #iracles needed to 6e done5 6ut up until this point it was strictly 7head8 9nowledge: 1 *

Jesus had said5 7( gi,e you the right to use #y na#e:8 7( gi,e you power of attorney to use #y na#e:8 7Bse it for whate,er circu#stances you need to use it. +nd as often as you li9e5 and as #any ti#es as you li9e: 2eter loo9ed at the crippled #an5 and what did he see0 )hat did he percei,e0 .e percei,ed that the #an had faith to 6e healed: 'uddenly re,elation 9nowledge 6egan wor9ing in 2eter. .e loo9ed into this #ans eyes and saw so#ething he had ne,er seen 6efore. .e pro6a6ly thought5 7)ow5 this guys e=pecting to 6e healed. Thats really neat5 6ut how do ( do it0 )hat do ( do now0 ( dont ha,e faith for his healing. )hat a# ( going to do 6ecause this #ans e=pecting a #iracle:8 Then the re,elation 9nowledge not only 6egan wor9ing5 it 6eca#e a reality as 2eter said5 7'il,er and gold ( do not ha,e5 6ut such as ( ha,e. . . and the re,elation 9nowledge hit 2eter li9e a ton of 6ric9s: ( i#agine 6ells 6egan ringing: ding5 ding5 ding5 ding: )hat do ( ha,e0 )hat do ( ha,e0 ( ha,e all the power thats in the na#e of Jesus: ( ha,e +FF power in hea,en and earth 6ecause it was gi,en to .i# and .e turned around and ga,e it to #e: That wonderful re,elation 9nowledge hit 2eter5 and it went fro# his head to his heart5 that he actually did ha,e all power in hea,en and earth: There was that special #o#ent of re,elation when he realiDed that Jesus #eant it when .e said5 1 1

7( gi,e Y3B power to tread on serpents and scorpions.8 Thats when he said <and 6elie,ed it>5 7(n the na#e of Jesus Christ of "aDareth5 rise up and wal9:8 ;lory to ;od it wor9ed: (t wor9ed: You can wal9 up to a hundred wheelchairs and say5 7'il,er and gold ha,e ( none5 6ut such as ( ha,e5 ( gi,e unto thee5 in the na#e of Jesus Christ of "aDareth5 rise up and wal958 6ut until you get that re,elation 9nowledge5 it will not 6e effecti,e. +nd what do you really ha,e0 You ha,e the sa#e resurrection power in you that 6rought the Ford Jesus Christ right out of the gra,e when you ha,e the 6aptis# with the .oly 'pirit. You,e got the na#e that is a6o,e e,ery other na#e. You,e got the na#e that is a6o,e e,ery disease. You,e got the na#e which #a9es the de,il tre#6le when you use it. )hen ( got that re,elation years ago5 #y %i6le suddenly said5 7Frances .unter5 all power in hea,en and earth is gi,en unto #e. "ow5 Frances .unter5 ( gi,e it to you.8 ( re#e#6ered a song we sang #any years ago5 73h5 to 6e .is hand e=tended5 reaching out to the oppressed.8 .e said5 7You +$? #y hand e=tended:8 ( loo9ed at #y hand with those funny little 6rown spots on it and thought5 7.ow a6out that0 Thats the hand of Jesus:8 +nd re,elation 9nowledge went straight as an arrow into #y heart: The #inute Y3B get that re,elation in your spirit5 the #inute that Y3B 6elie,e that +FF power


in hea,en and earth 6elongs to Y3B5 youre on your way to a #iracle: )e were in a city in Florida and a lady ca#e up on the stage with a #etastasiDed cancer on her chee9. 'he had a huge5 hard lu#p on her face. ( wal9ed o,er to her and started to say5 7(n the na#e of Jesus58 6ut 6efore ( got the words out5 ( touched it: Jesus had said5 7Those are not your hands5 Frances .unter5 they are #ine:8 +nd 6efore ( e,en got out the words5 7(n the na#e of Jesus58 that 6ig #etastasiDed cancer turned to @elly5 and ( 6egan pushing on the thing 6ecause ( wondered where it had gone0 ( e=pected it to go5 6ut not that fast: There was a doctor sitting on the stage with #e and he screa#ed5 7( saw it: ( saw it:8 L %ut this is e,en #ore interesting: ( ha,e a letter fro# hi# and he said5 7( @ust wanted to dou6le chec9 on you5 so ( went and chec9ed out that lady after the ser,ice5 and theres not a sign of cancer left:8 )e are not a powerless church5 and we do not ha,e a powerless gospel. )e are not powerless people. )e are people who ha,e the power of ;od: 7For ( a# not asha#ed of the gospel of Christ5 for it is the 23)?$ of ;od:8


Chapter )

Stay In The 9or5:

( lo,e to read the %i6le: (t is loaded with pro#ises direct fro# the heart of ;od. (t can change the course of your life5 your happiness and your health if you will @ust a6sor6 what it says: There is healing in the )ord of ;od5 and the #ore you fa#iliariDe yourself with what it says5 the 6etter your position is to recei,e what you need and want fro# ;od. 2sal# &- is a scripture ( use often in #y own life5 and it can 6e used in yours to recei,e or 9eep your healing. This is the way #y %i6le readsE /-@ <and that one word alone can acco#plish #iracles> is Frances *unter+s refu!e and stren!th# 2 very G,C1CNT <not past or future5 6ut in the "3)> help in trouble# <Therefore Frances .unter will not fear>5 Thou!h the earth be removed, <Frances .unter will not fear> 2nd thou!h the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea) <Frances .unter will not fear> Though its waters roar and 6e trou6led5 <Frances .unter will not fear> Though the #ountains sha9e with its swelling. <Frances .unter will not fear:> 2ut your own na#e in there5 regardless of how sic9 you are5 what the prognosis is for your life or your physical 6ody5 say it o,er and o,er and 3G?$5 1&2

and see the results it produces: )hate,er situation you are in right now physically5 re#e#6er that ;od is a ,ery 2$?'?"T help in ti#e of your trou6le: (ts good to read #ore than one ,ersion of the %i6le: )e ha,e a copy of practically e,ery %i6le that has 6een printed5 and we refer to all of the#. 'o#e of the 6est ad,ice concerning #aintaining a healing is contained in ( Chronicles 1-E*A11. .ere are three different ,ersions. The Fi,ing %i6le saysE 8# &-h, !ive than's to the (ord and pray to him,0 they san!# &Tell the peoples of the world 2bout his mi!hty doin!s# # 1in! to him) yes, sin! his praises 2nd tell of his marvelous wor's# 10# /lory in his holy name) (et all reLoice who see' the (ord# 11# 1ee' the (ord) yes, see' his stren!th 2nd see' his face .NT","N/($# The "ew Cing Ja#es Gersion gi,es a little different wordingE 8# -h, !ive than's to the (ord! 3all upon *is name) 7a'e 'nown *is deeds amon! the peoples! # 1in! to *im, sin! psalms to *im) Tal' of all *is wondrous wor's! 10# /lory in *is holy name) (et the hearts of those reLoice who see' the (-,@! 11# 1ee' the (-,@ and *is stren!th) 1ee' *is face CEC,7-,C!


+nd for those who li9e the Cing Ja#es Gersion5 heres what it saysE 8# /ive than's unto the (ord, call upon his name, ma'e 'nown his deeds amon! the people# # 1in! unto him, sin! psalms unto him, tal' ye of all his wondrous wor's# 10# /lory ye in his holy nameJ let the heart of them reLoice that see' the (ord# 11# 1ee' the (ord and his stren!th, see' his face 3-NT"N.2(($# +s you will note5 in all three ,ersions we are co##anded to do se,eral thingsE 1. ;i,e than9s unto the Ford 2. Call upon .is na#e . Ma9e 9nown .is deeds a#ong #en &. 'ing unto .i# 5. 'ing psal#s unto .i# -. Tal9 of all .is wondrous wor9s /. ;lory in .is holy na#e *. Fet the hearts of see9ers re@oice 1. 'ee9 the Ford 1!. 'ee9 .is strength 11. 'ee9 .is face C3"T("B+FFY5 ?G?$M3$?5 B"T($(";FY There is no way ( can e,er i#press upon you enough the necessity and pri,ilege of than9ing ;od for what .e has done in your life. Call upon .is na#e o,er and o,er in the e,ent the de,il tries to gi,e you 6ac9 what you were healed of: ;i,e a testi#ony as often as you can of .is deeds5 praise .i#5 and tal9 of e,erything .e has done for you. 1&&

;lory in .is na#e5 and see9 .i# continually5 e,er#ore and B"T($(";FY: John *E 15 2 saysE &"f you abide in 7y word, you are 7y disciples indeed# 2nd you shall 'now the truth, and the truth shall ma'e you free0 <"CJG>. 2. &Then said 8esus to those 8ews which believed on him, %"f ye 3-NT"N.C in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed) 2nd ye shall 'now the truth, and the truth shall ma'e you free0 <CJG>. The word 7a6ide8 #eans to dwell5 reside5 li,e5 stay5 su6#it to so if we stay in .is word5 su6#it to it5 literally reside in it5 and let it li,e in us5 then we shall 9now the truth and the truth shall #a9e us free: Continue si#ply #eans5 7Dont stop:8 'o we need to stay in .is word5 6ecause it doesnt say that @ust 6ecause you,e read a portion of scripture5 or e,en the entire %i6le that you should stop. )e need to grow daily in the Ford5 not @ust an occasional day5 6ut e,ery single day of our li,es: Through this we can 6eco#e #ore healthy spiritually5 e#otionally and physically: 2sal# &E1 says5 &" will bless the (ord at all times) *is praise shall continually be in my mouth#0 Your praises are a sweet s#elling fragrance unto the Ford5 and .e lo,es s#elling that sweetness: %ury the )ord of ;od in your heart and 9eep it there for recei,ing and #aintaining a healing: )hen the situation loo9s 6ad5 6egin to laugh. &2 merry heart doeth !ood li'e a medicine0 1&5

<2ro,er6s 1/E22 CJG>5 so #editate on the )ord of ;od. ( lo,e Jere#iah 2E2/. &Behold, lam the (ord, the /od of all flesh# "s there anythin! too hard for 7e50 "o: (s it too hard for ;od to heal a disease fro# which no one has e,er 6een healed 6efore0 "o. )e say5 7Thats easy:8 $e#e#6er that it is when you #editate on the )ord of ;od that you understand your position in ;od. )hen you understand5 thats when you can stand: 2ro,er6s &E& says5 Fet your heart $?T+(" #y wordsJ Ceep #y co##ands5 and F(G?. 2ro,er6s &E2!A22 says5 90# &7y son, !ive attention to my words) "ncline your ear to my sayin!s# 91# @o not let them depart from your eyes) Oeep them in the midst of your heart) 99# For they are ("FC to those who find them, 2nd *C2(T* to all their flesh! " shall not die, but live, 2nd declare the wor's of the (ord AGsalms 118J1?B# - (ord my /od, " cried out to $ou, 2nd $ou have healed me AGsalms :0J1,9B# 'o#eti#es we ha,e a feeling there is no way out5 o,er or under where our pro6le#s are concerned5 and heres a fa6ulous ,erse for any situation5 including sic9ness. +gain5 4uoting the handwritten things in #y %i6le5 this is what it saysE Fear not, for " <;od> have redeemed you <Frances .unter>J


" have called you by your name <Frances .unter>J $ou, <Frances .unter> are 7ine# 4hen you pass throu!h the waters, ", /od, will be with you, <Frances .unter> 2nd throu!h the rivers, <Frances .unter>5 they shall not overflow you# AFrances .unter>5 when you wal' throu!h the fire, $ou shall not be burned# Nor shall the flame scorch you, <Frances>. For l am the (ord your /od, The *oly -ne of "srael, your 1avior# <(saiah & E1A >. 2ut your na#e in where ( ha,e placed #ine5 and see what it does for you personally: $e#e#6er5 .ell 6e with you through fire and water5 and youll not drown5 nor will you 6e 6urned. Thats a pro#ise of ;od: ( want to encourage you to go through the %i6le searching for ,erses that spea9 to you personally a6out your own healing: (ts wonderful what ;od will do to highlight scriptures perfect for your understanding and situation: You #ight 6e thin9ing a6out this ti#e5 7)hy do ( need to 9now how to recei,e and #aintain a healing0 (# not sic9:8 Fet #e assure you that you ne,er 9now when the de,il is going to co#e in and ta9e a po9e at you. You will notice today that the people who are 6eing attac9ed the #ost are the ones in ;ods ar#y who are on the front lines. The de,il doesnt ha,e to worry a6out the pew sitters. Theyre doing nothing. (ts the ones who are out there on the front line that he really attac9s. That is why it is ,ital5 6ecause the ,ery fact that you 1&/

are reading this 6oo9 tells #e that you ha,e co#e off of the 6ac9 lines and gone into the front line: 'tay there5 6ut stay healthy:


Chapter + Maintaining Is as I7portant as Recei;ing

$ecei,ing a healing is one of the #ost i#portant things in the world5 especially if you are the one who is sic9. (t is interesting in #inistering healing that we can do the sa#e thing to one person that we do to you and it #ight not wor9 on the# and it #ight wor9 on you. )hats the difference0 3ne is ready to recei,e a healing5 and the other is not. )hat #a9es a person ready0 First5 you need to 6e in a recepti,e #ood. You need to put your 7e=pectors8 up5 anticipating to recei,e when hands are laid on you. The #ost ,ital thing you ha,e to 9now is that it is ;ods will for you to 6e well. ;od wants us to wal9 in di,ine health5 so when we ha,e to recei,e a healing5 we are accepting second 6est5 6ut second 6est is 6etter than first worst: (snt it wonderful to 9now that in the e,ent we dont always wal9 in di,ine health5 we can recei,e a healing for whate,er our pro6le# is0 The #ost i#portant thing5 ( 6elie,e5 is not necessarily 6ig faith5 6ut @ust enough faith to 6elie,e that ;od wants you well. +s ( shared with you pre,iously5 the thing that 9ept #e fro# 6eing concerned a6out how sic9 ( was5 was the fact that ( C"?) ;od wanted #e well. ( C"?) that ;od wasnt finished with #e. 1&1

( C"?) that the #inistry to which ;od had called #e was not co#pleted yet5 so ( was ne,er concerned a6out dying. ( want to share with you so#e thing else that ( 6elie,e had a lot to do with #y recei,ing #y healing. ( ne,er co#plained: ( 6elie,e this is where #any people get the#sel,es in trou6le5 6ecause the #inute they get sic95 they say5 7)hy #e5 ;od0 )hy #e08 You ha,e no idea how disastrous it was to our #inistry when ( was off for si= wee9s. Charles had to go out on his own all alone5 and were not used to that: The two of us are used to always #inistering together and are called 6y ;od to #inister as one5 6ut we 9new that he had to go5 e,en if ( couldnt go with hi#. ( could ha,e 6ellowed all o,er the place and said5 7;od5 how co#e you had to do this to #e08 7)hy did you ha,e to pic9 on #e08 7You 9now how 6usy ( a# for the 9ingdo# of ;od.8 7)hy did you ha,e to do this to #e08 That ne,er entered #y #ind. ;od could ha,e pre,ented what the de,il laid on #e5 and why .e did not5 ( do not 9now5 nor do ( care. +ll ( 9now is that .e healed #e. %ut all the ti#e ( was lying in 6ed5 ( ne,er co#plained to ;od. ( didnt gripe a6out a single solitary thing. ( @ust listened to so#e .oly ;host tapes and waited until ;ods ti#ing was for #e. Did you e,er #eet a Christian who co#plained a6out e,erything0 7)ell5 ( dont 9now why ;od had to allow this to happen or that to happen.8 ( 15!

6elie,e when you 6egin to tal9 li9e that5 you are ta9ing yourself out of a position where ;od will 6e a6le to heal you. Did you also notice as you read the story of #y 7incura6le8 sic9ness5 that ( did not get healed ("'T+"TFY0 ( spent si= #isera6le wee9s flat on #y 6ac9. )hen Charles prayed for #e the first ti#e5 ( e=pected to get well: ( could ha,e said to Charles5 7)hats the #atter with you08 (ts ,ery interesting that al#ost e,ery other ti#e Charles has laid hands on #e5 ( ha,e recei,ed an instant healing once he 9new e=actly what was wrong. .e laid hands on #e for a new heart May 1&5 11/&5 and ;od ga,e #e a 6rand new heart instantly: My 6lood pressure was 22 5M1&!5 and it went down in twel,e #inutes to 1&!M*! and it has stayed there e,er since. ( @ust had a heart echo #ade5 and the heart echo is as perfect as anything you e,er saw. )hen ;od does it5 ;od does it: %BT...hang on to it. "ow5 how do you hang on to a healing0 &The thief cometh not, but for to steal, to 'ill, and to destroy0 <John 1!E1! CJG>. %ut Jesus says5 7( ha,e co#e to gi,e you life5 and life #ore a6undantly.8 The #inute you get healed5 the de,il will co#e in and will try to con,ince you that you didnt get healed. More people lose their healings through dou6t and un6elief than any other way ( 9now. ( ha,e seen #any people who get healed in a ser,ice go 6ac9 to their seat5 and their good Christian 6rother5 good Christian sister5 good Christian hus6and or wife throw a 6ig arrow of 151

dou6t5 and will say5 7+re you sure you got healed08 7Try and see if you cant find so#e pain.8 )hos tal9ing0 The de,il: (ts not your hus6and. (ts not your wife. (ts not your 6rother or sister. (ts the de,il who is tal9ing to you5 and he is trying to plant a thought in your #ind that you didnt really get healed. Do you 9now what happens0 (,e seen people do things that would gi,e #e a pain <and (# healthy> if ( tried to do so#e of the craDy things they do. (t so#eti#es see#s as if they are trying to encourage it to return. +lso5 re#e#6er this you didnt get sic9 in a split second5 so gi,e ;od a little #ore ti#e: )e ha,e seen #any healings ta9e place o,ernight5 e,en though nothing was apparent at the ti#e of laying on of hands. The 6est way to recei,e a healing and to 9eep it is to say5 7Than9 you5 Jesus. Than9 you5 Jesus. Than9 you5 Jesus. Than9 you5 Jesus.8 For so#e reason5 those are the hardest three words in the world for people to say. ( cannot understand that. %ut the #inute you say5 7Than9 you5 Jesus58 what you are really also saying is5 7( got it: ( got it: ( latched onto it:8 Thats why ( always say5 7Than9 you5 Jesus58 without any consideration of whether ( got healed or not. To #e5 it is an auto#atic response to say5 7Than9 you5 Jesus.8 'o #any ti#es5 we dont than9 .i#5 6ut continue to loo9 for the sic9ness: + good thing to re#e#6er is5 7Dont loo9 for the sic9ness5 loo9 for the healing. Dont loo9 for the pain5 loo9 for the lac9 of pain5 or e,en the reduction of pain. 152

( personally 6elie,e the greatest way to #aintain a healing is to gi,e a testi#ony of your healing. ?,ery ti#e ;od has healed #e5 ( ha,e shouted it fro# the housetop: (,e had to write a 6oo9 a6out it. .allelu@ah: ?,ery ti#e you gi,e a testi#ony of your own healing5 it is going to confir# it right 6ac9 to you. +fter ( was healed of endocarditis5 ( shared the ,ery ne=t night in 'an +ntonio5 and praise the Ford ( ha,e #y words on ,ideo: )hat happened ne=t0 The de,il ca#e charging right after #e: .ow0 ( did not realiDe that #y i##une syste# was 6asically totally destroyed during that illness. ( did not realiDe how easy it would 6e for #e to catch so#ething else after that. )e went to the Fong %each .ealing ?=plosion in California. ?,ery6ody on our tea#5 6elie,e it or not5 got a ,irus that was al#ost in epide#ic stage in Fong %each. You ne,er saw a sadder loo9ing group of people co#ing 6ac9 fro# a .ealing ?=plosion than all these great people on the healing tea#s. )e were all sic9 as could 6e5 and couldnt wait to get ho#e. 3f course5 since all of #y 6ody syste#s were down5 ( got it worse than anyone else. ( went to 6ed as soon as ( got ho#e and stayed there for a6out 1! days. "ow let #e show you what your good Christian friends do un9nowinglyE 7Frances5 are you sure you got healed08 7+re you sure that its not that sa#e thing 6ac9 on you08 You ha,e no idea how #any telephone calls ( recei,ed li9e that. ?,eryone of the# said5 7+re you 15

sure its not the sa#e thing 6ac9 on you08 +nd ( said5 73n "o,e#6er *5 11**5 ;od healed #e and ;od doeth all things well. "o5 this is not the sa#e thing 6ac9 again. This is @ust the good old Fong %each ,irus that ( 6rought ho#e along with e,ery6ody else.8 They werent concerned a6out anyone else 6ut they said5 72ro6a6ly that sa#e thing is 6ac9 on you.8 +nd ( said5 7"o5 it is not.8 Do you see what ( did0 ( didnt listen to the gar6age that was 6eing put in #y ears. ( could ha,e listened to it and ( could ha,e thought5 7That pro6a6ly is the truth. That infection has pro6a6ly gotten 6ac9 into #y 6lood strea# again. (ll pro6a6ly die this ti#e.8 ( said5 7"o5 this is not the sa#e thing.8 ( added5 7This is @ust a ,irus that (,e caught and (ll get o,er this and (ll feel fine.8 ( reco,ered in ti#e and felt wonderful and went to "ew .a,en to the .ealing ?=plosion. They had an une=pected change in the weatherJ it went 6elow freeDing and guess what ( caught0 + cold: ( had not had a cold in #ore than ten years 6ut this one was horri6le: ( was so hoarse on the day of the .ealing ?=plosion5 ( could hardly tal9: )e ca#e ho#e. +gain5 ( went to 6ed5 and again ( got telephone calls: 7'ee5 ( told you that you didnt get healed. +re you sure this isnt that sa#e thing08 ( said5 7"o5 (,e @ust got a cold. ( ha,ent had a cold in ten years 6ut for so#e reason or another (,e got a cold5 6ut (# catching a healing.8


'uddenly Charles and ( re#e#6ered when we were little 9ids growing up that our #other or daddy said to us5 7Your resistance is low. Your resistance is run down and ( dont want you to get your resistance down 6ecause that is when you get a cold.8 Charles said5 7Your resistance <i##une syste#> is down 6ecause of your ha,ing 6een sic9.8 Then he said5 7You need a new i##une syste#:8 .e i##ediately prayed for a new i##une syste# for #e. ( a# thoroughly con,inced that the i##une syste# plays one of the greatest roles in 9eeping our 6odies healthy. Today5 when ( lay hands on anyone5 regardless of their pro6le#5 ( spea9 a new i##une syste# into the# )hen plagued with ,arious or nu#erous illnesses5 we need to re#e#6er our i##une syste# needs to 6e 6oosted at all ti#es. )hen your i##une syste# is low or destroyed5 you are open to e,ery disease that co#es along. + few years ago e,ery6ody thought that when you had an i##une syste# deficiency5 you had +ids. That is not true: 2eople with rheu#atoid arthritis ha,e a low or no i##une syste#. That is why they cannot throw off that horri6le disease. 2eople with cancer need a new i##une syste#. +ny physical 6ody that has an 7incura6le8 disease needs a new i##une syste#. 7)hen a 6ody is ill5 it is not always fighting off foreign in,aders. 'o#e diseases occur when the i##une syste# 6eco#es confused and stops functioning5 or actually attac9s the 6odys own 155

cells. +llergies stri9e when the i##une syste# o,erreacts to ordinarily har#less su6stances li9e dust or the droplet of to=in in a 6ee sting5 causing infla##ation. Multiple sclerosis results fro# i##une cells da#aging the central ner,ous syste#5 causing tingling5 6lindness and paralysis. $heu#atoid arthritis can 6e one of the #ore se,ere types of arthritis. (##une cells attac9 and infla#e the @oints and surrounding soft tissue5 causing pain and defor#ity.8 <Fro# the B.'. "ews N )orld $eport5 July 25 111!>. $e#e#6er5 7The thief co#es not 6ut for to steal5 to 9ill and destroy.8 ( do not 9now of anyone who# the de,il has not ,isited after a healing. ?,en though ;od ga,e #e a new heart in 11/&5 e,ery so often the de,il tries to put a pain in #y heart. ( lay #y hand on #y heart and say5 7De,il5 get lost:8 Then ( re#ind hi#5 7May 1&th5 11/&5 ;od ga,e #e a 6rand new heart.8 The de,il i##ediately ta9es off 6ecause .e cant stand it when you throw the truth at hi#: /ive your testimony often of bein! healed# That will get you away fro# dou6t and un6elief. Two of the greatest things which will steal your healing are dou6t and un6elief. +ll these wellA #eaning friends who spea9 dou6t and un6elief into you can ro6 you of your healing. Bse co##on sense. (,e seen people who were healed of dia6etes who i##ediately went out and went on a dessert 6inge @ust to see if they really got healed. Thats foolishness: )hen ( was healed of dia6etes5 ( went three years without e,er tasting sugar 6ecause ( thought 15-

that was great wisdo#. "ow ( eat sugar #oderately and it doesnt phase #e a single solitary 6it. %ut please use co##on sense after a healing. Bse wisdo# and get plenty of rest and sleep. .a,e you e,er found yourself suscepti6le to a cold when you stayed up <e,en to do good things> until 2 ocloc9 in the #orning at a prayer #eeting0 (t was really wonderful and you were @ust ha,ing the greatest ti#e5 the 'pirit of ;od was #o,ing and then you got a cold as a result: ;od intends for you to use co##on sense5 wisdo# and nor#al health rules. )hen we first started in the #inistry5 we had %i6le studies in our house. +ll of our .ealing ?=plosions started fro# a little %i6le study in our house. )hen the cloc9 struc9 125 we said5 73ut in the na#e of Jesus.8 +nd we #eant it: )e literally ran e,ery6ody out of the house. ( 6elie,e the de,il goes to wor9 at 12E!1. ( cant really say that 6ecause Charles and ( were #arried at 12E!1 in the #orning on "ew Years Day of 11/!5 so (ll say the de,il goes to wor9 at 12E!2: 'tand on the )ord of ;od. There has ne,er failed one word of all the good pro#ises of ;od. 2sal# 2/E5 <CJG> says5 &For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion) in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me) he shall set me up upon a roc'#0 ( will ne,er 6e #o,ed. You cannot sha9e #y faith one #inute concerning the fact that ;od healed #e on "o,e#6er *5 11** of an incura6le disease. ( 9now that ( 9now that ( 9now and nothing


can sha9e #y faith in that. 'tand on the )ord of ;od. ;et a scripture that really 7gra6s8 you. The scripture that gra66ed #e5 #ight not gra6 you: The scripture that gra6s you5 #ight not gra6 #e: ?,ery once in a while so#eone will gi,e #e a real re,elation on a scripture they ha,e and ( stand there and loo9 at the# 6lan9ly. ( thin95 7$eally08 (t doesnt #a9e a 6it of sense to #e. does to the#: They 6elie,e it: +nd thats all it ta9es:


Chapter *

n5 <y =is >tripes

But *e was wounded for our trans!ressions, *e was bruised for our iniFuities) The chastisement for our peace was upon *im, 2nd by *is stripes we are healed# <(saiah 5 E5>

There is pro6a6ly no scripture on which #ore people ha,e stood to recei,e their healing than the a6o,e5 and yet all o,er the world it is also contro,ersial: Does that #ean our healing ta9es place 6efore we recei,e it5 or does it #ean that the pro,ision is there for us to be a recipient0 My personal feelings are that the pro,ision is there @ust as it is for sal,ation5 6ut you are not sa,ed until you are sa,ed5 and you are not healed until you are healed: %BT.. .e,ery once in a while ( hear a testi#ony that shows #e 6oth sides are right5 and if you can recei,e and #aintain your healing through 4uoting that scripture5 (# with you all the way: )e were in Den#ar9 and the host who dro,e us to and fro# the #eetings had e=perienced a #iraculous healing fro# Myasthenia ;ra,is. .e was as healthy as anyone you,e e,er seen and ran all the ti#e5 9eeping up with the hectic schedule we #ainA ta#ed. .e ga,e us a copy of the testi#ony as 151

he had e=perienced it and written it with a re#ar95 72lease use this in any way you want to in order to help so#eone else:8 ( was so i#pressed that ( decided to share it with you. ( was going to edit it5 6ut felt his Danish a6ility to spea9 ?nglish was so interesting that #y final decision was not to touch it. ( hope you can feel in it what ( felt in it. The .istory of a MiracleA%icycle or The ;race of ;od in "o,e#6er 11*/ or I;i,e5 and you shall recei,e. This e=perience happened in "o,e#6er 11*/ and is true and pure facts as confir#ed 6y #y wife $uth and 6y #y and your 6rother in Christ 3,e 'tage5 the father of the little girl. 'o#e 6ac9ground infor#ation is necessaryE For #any years5 11-*A/*51 had 6een partially la#e <calledE Myasthenia ;ra,is>5 and ( was una6le to dress #yself5 co#6 #y hair5 wal9 distances5 do 6icycling5 swi##ing5 dri,e car etc. in spite of #uch #edicine5 and #y eyes had dou6leAeyesight 6ecause #y right eye could not #o,e. )eE #y faithful wife $uth5 &1 and nurse5 and our daughters of 1- and 12 li,e in a Copenhagen su6ur65 Den#ar9. ( a# &-5 a co#puter progra##er. ( en@oyed a ,ery good health until 11-*5 when the paralysis suddenly seiDed e,ery #uscle in #y 6ody5 and ( had only 2! percent strength left. Through the 11/!Aties there were se,eral crises5 and ( spent 1 days in respirator 6ecause ( could not 1-!

6reathe. ( ha,e recei,ed the 6est treat#ents doctors can gi,e and our fine Danish social syste# has 6een a great help to #e. .owe,er5 the se,ere in,alidating la#eness re#ained and lifeAthreatening crises ca#e repeatedly. 'ince 11/* ;od has healed #e in a continuous process through the co#plete wor9s of Jesus5 who con4uered the powers of the de,il5 and through forgi,eness of our sins restored spiritual life in ;od5 sal,ation and healing5 for #an9ind. ;radually #y #uscles regained for#er strength5 and after #any years suffering ( 6eca#e a6le to do without #edicine5 to dress #yself5 co#6 #y hair5 wal9 trips of - #iles5 dri,e our car5 and li,e a Inor#al life. My eyes are co#pletely healed and ( use no glasses. There is still so#e wea9ness in #y fingers. The doctors are happy with #e too5 they ha,e no #edical e=planation to #y healing. +ll glory to ;od. ( than9 .i# now and for e,er. .owe,er when dri,ing 6icycle5 swi##ing5 playing the piano which ( did with great pleasure until 11-* ( felt that #y 6ody was still too wea9 for that. .ere in Den#ar9 where cars and petrol are e=pensi,e due to high ta=es5 people do a lot of 6icycling. ?,ery Dane a6o,e years owns a cycle which is used for transport up to 5 #ilesE to and fro# school5 su6ur6an train stations5 wor95 fetching foodAstuff in store etc. ( often tried dri,ing our daughter Carolines old IchildrenAsiDe 6icycle where ( could reach the ground with 6oth feet sitting on the s#all seat. 1-1

Caroline has now a 1&AyearAoldAsiDed 6icycle5 and her old -AyearAsiDe is seldo# used. %ut ( could not dri,e and #o,e the pedals without losing #y 6alance and tu#6ling. ( felt the seat was far too s#all and that #y 6ac9 was too wea9 for the co#plicated wor9 of 9eeping the 6alance. (n a tal9 after the prayerA#eeting in our ho#e on Tuesday 3cto6er 2/ in our prayerAgroup ( learned that the -Ayear old daughter of one of the fa#ilies was in need of another 6icycle. )e decided to gi,e her Carolines old cycle5 which was worn 6ut well functioning. %ut the cycle would not fit into the luggage roo# of their car5 so we pro#ised to 6ring the# the cycle a few days later. $olling the cycle 6ac9 to our house through the garden ( as often 6efore tried to dri,e it the seat was still ,ery s#all and ( stepped forward with 6oth feet on the ground5 trying to #o,e the pedals. )3) one rotation of the pedals then another rotation. 2raise5 ;od5 ( was dri,ing again after 11 years.... Two days later we had a twoA#ile 6icycle trip to our ur6an center. ( had to 6e ,ery careful a6out stones and 6u#ps and turning left and right and #any stared at #e dri,ing that s#all 6icycle. ( had so#e pain in #y 6ehind 6ecause of the little seat5 and the #uscles around the 9nees were hurting and li9e @elly 6ecause they had not 6een used that way for 11 years. 'unday "o,e#6er 15 at the #orning ser,ice in the church5 we #et the fa#ily again. )e told the# that we would 6ring the# the 7#iracleA6icycle8 in a 1-2

few wee9s5 when ( would feel strong enough to dri,e one of #y daughters 6igger 6icycle. They told us that the old cycle of their daughter had 6een stolen two days 6efore and they were going to 6uy another one for her as she used it e,ery day to school. )e pro#ised to 6ring the 6icycle 7as soon as possi6le8 Monday "o,e#6er 25 ( felt 6ad a6out the 6icycle5 6ecause ( was #a9ing the little girl wait. ( put it into our car and 6rought it to the#. The daughter was ,ery happyJ her own cycle had 6een found destroyed. Co#ing ho#e that night ( i##ediately too9 the 6ig cycle of one of our daughters and all than9s to ;od ( was a6le to dri,e it.. .for the first ti#e.... )ednesday "o,e#6er &5 ( was dri,ing #y wifes 6icycle. The seat is still 7s#all85 6ut ).+T a feeling dri,ing again after 11 years5 feeling the wind 6lowing 6ecause of the speed. This #iracle happened in @ust a wee9s ti#e5 and it will change our daily routines5 @ust the sa#e way it happened when ;od ena6led #e to dri,e car again5 which happened two years ago. Jesus pro,ided co#plete sal,ation and healing gi,ing .is life for #e at Cal,ary ( ha,e recei,ed it gradually 6itA 6yA6it. Many dear 6rothers and sisters ha,e stood 6y #y side in prayers. You 9now5 so#eti#es there is a fight against e,il powers. %ut 2raise ;od5 through .is .oly 'pirit .e has gi,en .is power5 lo,e and anointing to #en and wo#en who co##itted the#sel,es to 6e li9e Jesus and follow .i#5 thin9


li9e .i#5 6elie,e li9e .i#5 preach li9e .i#5 pray li9e .i#5 wal9ing in the 'pirit and not in the flesh. ( a# than9ful to the# too @ust li9e the people of Malta5 when the apostle 2aul had stranded on their island and 6rought to the# the grace and #iracles of ;od. Can you i#agine our @oy0 )e are all so encouraged and praising ;od 6ecause of Jesus5 I6y .is stripes ( a# healed. 3cto6er 11*1E This testi#ony was written "o,e#6er I*/ @ust one wee9 after it happened. 'ince +pril I** ( dri,e 6icycle to and fro# wor95 a little #ore than 5 #iles5 when it is not raining or snowing. +t the sports e,ent in the 6an9 where ( a# wor9ing ( wal9 1! 9#.5 1 #iles5. in 1 hour 1- ##. (n 'ept. I** #y correspondence with social authorities was finished. The social pension was finally withdrawn5 and we returned the Ihandicapped car and 6ought our own. (t is fantastic to co#pare the doctors docu#ents fro# the 11/!Aties with the new docu#ents. +ll ;lory and Graise to Jesus: AsA Carl Michael 2ahus 2ro6a6ly the thing that #ade #e want to read this when he s4ueeDed it into #y hand was what his wife said5 7'uddenly one day words ca#e ali,e to #e. ( dont 9now the whole scripture5 ( only 9now that in one #o#ent the words I+nd 6y .is stripes we are healed 6eca#e a reality:8 May they 6eco#e a reality to you5 too: 1-&

Chapter 1

To ?orgi;e is To Recei;e To forget is to Maintain

For if ye forgi,e #en their trespasses5 your hea,enly Father will also forgi,e youE %ut if ye forgi,e not #en their trespasses5 neither will your Father forgi,e your trespasses <Matthew -E1&A15 CJG>. +s ( #editated on writing this chapter on forgi,eness5 ( reflected5 7This has 6een taught #any ti#es: )hat new taste or new fla,or can ( gi,e to it to #a9e people realiDe how i#portant forgi,eness really is in recei,ing and #aintaining a healing.8 The #ost #isera6le unhappy people in the world are those who ha,e unforgi,eness in their hearts 6ecause e,entually this leads to 6itterness5 resent#ent5 hate5 anger and #any other attitudes which do not 6elong in a Christians life. +s ( was reading through the %i6le conte#plating what ( was going to say5 the following ,erses really spo9e to #e concerning why so#e people ha,e difficulty recei,ing a healing. 3ome unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and " will !ive you rest# Ta'e my yo'e upon you, and learn of me) for " am mee' and lowly in heartJ and ye shall find rest unto your souls# For 1-5

my yo'e is easy, and my burden is li!ht <Matthew 11E2*A 3 CJG>. +s ( read that particular scripture5 suddenly it was as if ;od was saying5 72eople who dont gi,e away their sic9ness to Me ha,e difficulty 6eing healed 6ecause they ha,e not rid the#sel,es of so#ething that could often cause the sic9ness in their 6ody.8 This was 6rought to #e ,ery ,i,idly at a recent .ealing ?=plosion when Charles and ( called the cancer ,icti#s to co#e up. + lady who had ter#inal cancer was in a wheelchair5 and her healing card was laying on the top of a tray across the wheelchair. 2hysically5 she was in a pathetic condition 6ut as ( glanced at the card ( saw she was in a worse condition spiritually. 'he had writtenE 7( need to 6e healed ofE Fust %itterness $esent#ent .ate +nger Jealousy 'elfApity 'elfishness ?n,y8 The list was endless: The shoc9 ( e=perienced was uni#agina6le when ( read all of the things for which she was as9ing to 6e healed: These are not things you can 6e healed of these are things you ha,e to get rid of yourself. +s ( laid hands on her ( wondered how 1--

;od could or would possi6ly heal so#eone who had all of these 6ad attitudes in their heart. .er face showed it: The sound of her ,oice showed it: The loo9 in her eyes showed it: (t was o6,ious she hated the entire world: ( e,en wondered if she didnt hate ;od 6ecause she 6la#ed .i# for the cancer which had put her in a wheelchair. )e saw no sign of healing whatsoe,er: (t often ti#es a#aDes 6oth of us when people co#e forward for healing5 how they can e=pect to recei,e ;ods 6est when they are not willing to gi,e .i# their 6est. To recei,e healing we need to forgi,e. To #aintain healing we need to forget. .ow can you find rest for your soul when you ha,e 6itterness5 hatred and anger in your heart0 Jesus said .is yo9e was easy and .is 6urden was light. )hen .e says5 &3ome unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and " will !ive you rest,0 ( 6elie,e that includes sic9ness as #uch as anything else. + pri#e re4uisite for healing is to get rid of any 6ad attitudes you #ay ha,e. 2eople with unforgi,eness in their hearts are for the #ost part people who are always deter#ined to ha,e their way. )ith ;od its a 4uestion of .is way and not your way. .is pro#ises are so fantastic ( dont 9now how any6ody would want to refuse the guarantee .e gi,es when .e says5 if youre hea,y laden5 co#e to .i# 6ecause .is 6urden is light: 2 !ood man out of the !ood treasure of the heart brin!eth forth !ood thin!sJ and an evil man


out of the evil treasure brin!eth forth evil thin!s <Matthew 12E 5 CJG>. )hen e,il things co#e out of a persons #outh5 it is o6,ious there is 6itterness5 hate5 anger and resent#ent inside of their heart. The greatest e=a#ple of this is when Jesus hung on the cross: +fter the sha#e and torture Jesus went through when .e was crucified5 .e forga,e the#: The story of 'tephen as told in the 6oo9 of +cts is another e=a#ple of ulti#ate forgi,eness: Your faith really is put into full play when so#eone co#es against you5 6ut read the rest of the ,erses and see what 'tephen did. 2nd they stoned 1tephen, callin! upon /od, and sayin!, (ord 8esus, receive my spirit# 2nd he 'neeled down, and cried with a loud voice, (ord, lay not this sin to their char!e <+cts /E51A-! CJG>. (n other words what he really said was5 7( forgi,e the#. ( do not care what they did to #e5 ( forgi,e the#.8 For this reason 'tephen is recorded in the %i6le. (f he had not forgi,en the#5 he would ne,er ha,e appeared in the )ord of ;od. )e need to re#e#6er instances li9e this 6ecause when our spouse or our children do us wrong5 its easy to get resent#ent against the#. Bnfortunately5 resent#ent is li9e yeast. The #ore it sits5 the 6igger it gets and it doesnt ta9e long to 6e totally out of control: ( re#e#6er when ( was a little child5 pro6a6ly / or * years old5 we were at #y grandparents far# for the su##er. ;rand#a had #ade so#e special ho#e#ade 6read and put it in a little 7war#ing8 o,en to raise. Then she and ;randpa left to pic9 1-*

peaches on a neigh6oring far#. )hen she left5 she told us to 6e sure and watch the dough and when it got a6out one inch a6o,e the pan5 we were to ta9e it out and put it in the o,en so the 6read would 6a9e 6y the ti#e they got ho#e for lunch. )e decided to ride the plow horses instead: My uncle put the 6ridle on and we were really ha,ing a wonderful ti#e when suddenly we saw the wagon co#ing up the road with ;rand#a and ;randpa in it and we realiDed that the 6read was still in the war#ing o,en: )e @u#ped off the horses real 4uic9 our young uncle who was the sa#e age as we were5 ran the horses to the 6arn5 and then ca#e running after us: )hen we got in the 9itchen5 ( wish you could ha,e seen that sto,e and war#ing o,en: The dough was ooDing all o,er the place and if ( e,er saw anything in #y life that was out of control it was the 6read we were supposed to 6e ha,ing for lunch: (t had run out of the war#ing o,en5 down the side of the o,en5 o,er the floor and it loo9ed li9e a ri,er of 7goo:8 "eedless to say #y uncle got a good whipping fro# his father5 6ut 6ecause grandchildren ha,e a special place in grandparents hearts5 nothing happened to #y sister and #e e=cept we ,olunteered ne,er to do it again5 after we cleaned up the #ess. 3ften ti#es when ( thin9 a6out unforgi,eness ( re#e#6er the 6read with the yeast in it which 9ept getting 6igger and 6igger until it got totally out of control.


Bnforgi,eness is e=actly the sa#e way. (t can start off with a #inute little thing5 and then as we let it fester in our #ind and in our heart and in our spirit5 unforgi,eness can 6eco#e so#ething so 6ig that it gets totally out of control. Jesus forga,e .is disciples: (n fact5 Jesus forga,e you while you were still sinning. Jesus said <Matthew -E15>5 Your Father will not forgi,e you unless you forgi,e others. Thats a serious pro#ise5 6ut 3h5 the 6lessings when we forgi,e +"D ;3D F3$;(G?': Dont go on a guiltAtrip5 6ut ta9e a close loo9 at your life if youre not recei,ing healing5 and see if there is so#e area that needs to 6e ta9en care of. +s9 the .oly 'pirit to re,eal anything to you which #ight 6e 6loc9ing your healing. .e 9nows the answer:


Chapter 8

Do You 9ant To@ By 3harles

;od wants us to trust .i# and o6ey .i# #ore than anything else. The worst sin against ;od is un6elief 6ecause when we ha,e it5 we are saying5 7;od5 ( really dont trust you.8 Now when *e rose early on the first day of the wee', *e appeared first to 7ary 7a!dalene, out of whom *e had cast seven demons# 1he went and told those who had been with *im, as they mourned and wept# 2nd when they heard that *e was alive and had been seen by her, T*C$ @"@ N-T BC("CEC# 2fter that, *e appeared in another form to two of them as they wal'ed and went into the country# 2nd they went and told it to the rest, B.T T*C$ @"@ N-T BC("CEC T*C7 C"T*C,# <Mar9 1-E1A12> )hy not 6elie,e .i#5 trust .i#5 and then do what .e wants us to do. (s that easier said than done0 2erhaps the reason ;od lets us grow in our trust is that if we could 7#agically8 get anything we wanted5 we would want the things ;od has #ade for us5 instead of the ;od who #ade these things. My fa,orite scripture is 2hilippians 2E1 4uoted fro# The Fi,ing %i6le5 &For /od is at wor' within you, helpin! you want to obey him, and then helpin! you do what he wants#0


3nce ( really )+"T?D to please ;od instead of Charles5 it 6eca#e #uch easier to trust and o6ey .i#. ;od shined .is great light into the recesses of #y heart and soul5 then showed #e the 7little8 things which were not pleasing .i#5 and then ( disco,ered they were not pleasing #e either. )hen ;od spo9e to #e saying5 7;o into My word5 and listen to no #an5 and let M? tell you what ( want you to 9now58 ( read thousands of hours in the %i6le5 see9ing ;od and Jesus and what they wanted of #e5 and not what ( wanted of the#. That totally changed #y life5 and ( 6egan to learn the secret of o6edience. (n relation to how to recei,e and #aintain our healing5 certain scriptures 6egan to point out secrets of what trusting and o6eying ;od really #eant. ( found #yself short o,er and o,er again5 6ut each ti#e ;od showed #e so#ething ( wasnt doing to please .i#5 or things ( was doing which didnt please .i#5 ( instantly started correcting #y course. That was what ( disco,ered pleased ;od correcting #yself to get into align#ent with what pleased .i#. ( once re#ar9ed fro# the depth of #y heart5 7;od and Jesus5 ( would rather die than to do anything which is not pleasing to you5 or to not do anything you want.8 ( #eant that5 and ha,e persistently li,ed up to the ,ery intent of that thought5 that pro#ise. ;od didnt do it all at once5 and is still occasionally showing #e so#ething else in #y inner life which isnt up to the perfection .e desires <for our 6enefit>5 6ut each ti#e5 ( ,ery


4uic9ly5 #ethodically5 correct the course of #y life or thin9ing. "t is the thou!htDlife that pollutes# For from within, out of men+s hearts, come evil thou!hts of lust, theft, murder, adultery, wantin! what belon!s to others, wic'edness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, pride, and all other folly# 2ll these vile thin!s come from within) they are what pollute you and ma'e you unfit for /od <Mar9 /E2!A2 TF%>. Fro# this and other 7con,ersation thoughts8 6etween ;od and #e5 ( realiDed that attitudes5 our inner thoughts which were not pleasing to ;od and Jesus5 were the heart of all #y pro6le#s in pleasing The#. .erein lies #uch of our difficulty in trusting and o6eying ;od to recei,e or #aintain our healings. ( used to wonder why Jesus said it was worse to hate your 6rother than to #urder. Then ( realiDed you would not #urder if you did not first hate. (nside us5 in our thoughtAlife5 in our attitudes5 our intentions5 our choice of pleasing ;od or oursel,es5 can 6e the root of our sic9nesses and diseases. 1o " want men everywhere to pray with holy hands lifted up to /od, free from sin and an!er and resentment <( Ti#othy 2E* TF%>. "otice the #any instructions fro# the .oly 'pirit in the following scriptures5 and how ,ery si#ple they are. ( lo,e Frances su##ation of pleasing ;odE 7Do what ;od tells you to do and stop doing what .e tells you not to do:8 (n the 6oo9s of ;alatians5 ?phesians5 2hilippians5 Colossians5 and on through the ,arious letters in the "ew Testa#ent5 we find plenty of instructions 1/

a6out how to li,e for Jesus5 and health and healing naturally follow li,ing .is way. .ere are @ust a few sa#ples of instructions which are in the "ew Testa#entE Fet #e say this5 then5 spea9ing for the FordE Fi,e no longer as the unsa,ed do5 for they are 6linded and confused. Their closed hearts are full of dar9nessJ they are far away fro# the life of ;od 6ecause they ha,e shut their #inds against hi#5 and they cannot understand his ways. They dont care any#ore a6out right and wrong and ha,e gi,en the#sel,es o,er to i#pure ways. They stop at nothing5 6eing dri,en 6y their e,il #inds and rec9less lusts. 7%ut that isnt the way Christ taught you: (f you ha,e really heard his ,oice and learned fro# hi# the truths concerning hi#self5 then throw off your old e,il natureHthe old you that was a partner in your e,il waysHrotten through and through5 full of lust and sha#. "ow your attitudes and thoughts #ust all 6e constantly changing for the 6etter. Yes5 you #ust 6e a new and different person5 holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature. 'top lying to each otherJ tell the truth5 for we are parts of each other and when we lie to each other we are hurting oursel,es. (f you are angry5 dont sin 6y nursing your grudge. Dont let the sun go down with you still angryHget o,er it 4uic9lyJ for when you are angry you gi,e a #ighty foothold to the de,il. (f anyone is stealing he #ust stop it and 6egin using those hands of his for honest wor9 so he can 1/&

gi,e to others in need. Dont use 6ad language. 'ay only what is good and helpful to those you are tal9ing to5 and what will gi,e the# a 6lessing. Dont cause the .oly 'pirit sorrow 6y the way you li,e. $e#e#6er5 he is the one who #ar9s you to 6e present on that clay when sal,ation fro# sin will 6e co#plete. 'top 6eing #ean5 6adAte#pered and angry. Ouarreling5 harsh words5 and disli9e of others should ha,e no place in your li,es. (nstead5 6e 9ind to each other5 tenderAhearted5 forgi,ing one another5 @ust as ;od has forgi,en you 6ecause you 6elong to Christ <?phesians &E1/A 2 TF%>. (et there be no se> sin, impurity or !reed amon! you# (et no one be able to accuse you of any such thin!s# @irty stories, foul tal' and coarse Lo'es Kthese are not for you# "nstead, remind each other of /od+s !oodness and be than'ful# $ou can be sure of thisJ The 'in!dom of 3hrist and of /od will never belon! to anyone who is impure or !reedy, for a !reedy person is really an idol worshiperKhe loves and worships the !ood thin!s of this life more than /od# @on+t be fooled by those who try to e>cuse these sins, for the terrible wrath of /od is upon all those who do them <?phesians 5E A- TF%>. ( 6egan to loo9 closely at #y life and attitudes to see if ( really was pleasing ;od. .e #ade it ,ery plain in so#e of these areas that ( could i#pro,e considera6ly. (f we really e=a#ine our attitudes and ha6its5 we can disco,er at least so#e of the reasons we do not


recei,e our healings5 or we lose the# once we ha,e recei,ed the#. (t was #y old e,il nature which constantly 9ept #e fro# the a6undant life Jesus wanted #e to ha,e5 and until ( cried out fro# #y heart to ;od5 7Ta9e all of #y life and #a9e #e spiritually what you want #e to 6e58 ( couldnt o,erco#e these attitudes that constantly pulled #e into #yself5 #y old carnal nature. ( was not o6eying all of ;ods laws5 and ( 9new it. (f so#eone did #e wrong5 ( would 7sort of8 get #ad at the#. ( didnt hesitate to #a9e cutting re#ar9s <with nice words>5 always trying to loo9 good in the eyes of others5 6ut hurting those who were near #e. ( wasnt really that 6ad all the ti#e5 6ut @ust enough of the ti#e to 9now ( wasnt pleasing ;od. ( found #yself ,iolating #any of these si#ple principles which are in the ,erses 4uoted a6o,e. ( didnt want to do the#5 6ut ( did anyway. )hat was ( really doing0 ( was diso6eying what ;od co##anded 4uoted a6o,e in ?phesians5 so what effect did that ha,e on #y recei,ing and #aintaining a healing0 ;ods pro#ises pro,ed true5 #ostly on the 6ad side5 6ut at least not li,ing in the a6undance Jesus desired for #y life5 and yours. )hat can we do to put oursel,es in align#ent with ;ods pro#ises0 7Do what ;od tells you to do5 and stop doing what .e tells you not to do.8 (n our 6oo9 2n!els -n 2ssi!nment there is a #ighty truth re,ealed which ( want to repeat here for you which ( 6elie,e will connect attitudes to


sic9ness5 o6edience of ;ods laws to health5 diso6edience of ;od to sic9nessesE This is 4uoted fro# the chapter 7My Gisit to the Throne $oo#85 pages 5- and 5/E 7+nother of the e=tre#ely interesting things ;od told #e when ( was with .i# was a6out outer space. ;od spo9e of the gra,eyards of stars in outer space. ( tal9ed to #y wife a6out it5 and she was as a#aDed as ( was. 7There has 6een a lot of speculation a6out the e#pty spaces in hea,en. .e e=plained that the reason it appears that there are dar95 e#pty spaces5 is that the gra,itational pull of stars inside of the#sel,es is so strong that it 6ends their light rays 6ac9 inside5 so the stars go out and conse4uently they do not gi,e out light rays any #ore. The 6lac9 holes do not #ean that there are no stars there5 6ut si#ply that their light has gone out and they cannot 6e seen The 6lac9 holes are the gra,eyards of stars. ;od said that when our thoughts turn inward5 we 6eco#e @ust li9e the stars that are wandering in dar9ness.. . 7.e also re#inded #e that the earth is a wonderful place5 6ecause the whole earth is filled with .is glory: .e let #e see an increasing nu#6er of people turning to hi#. "ot a people 6ac9ing away5 not a surrendering of the church5 not a church heading underground5 6ut a church triu#phant:8 'atan turned inward in hea,en and his glory and light went out 6ecause of wanting to please hi#self instead of pleasing ;od. 'atan ca#e to earth to ?,e and con,inced her that if she would diso6ey ;od <turn inward and 1//

priDe herself and her desires a6o,e ;od> she would gain. %ut when she turned inward5 her light went outJ she lost her soul and the wonderful5 6eautiful place on earth pro,ided 6y ;od. (# sure sic9ness entered into her 6ody and the 6ody of her fa#ily and descendantsP including us. )hen our desire to please oursel,es instead of pleasing ;od turns us inward5 sic9nesses 6egin and po,erty 6egins in our li,es <not necessarily financial po,erty5 6ut po,erty of other failures in our li,es. Marriage for e=a#ple. )hen we want to please oursel,es5 we are in constant co#6at with our spouse and fa#ily>. )hen we turn inward5 we find that e,ery negati,e attitude arises within us5 and no longer can we 6e the light of the world5 we cannot e,en reflect the light of Jesus. 2eter is a perfect e=a#ple of this. .e lo,ed Jesus with all his heart5 and ga,e up his fishing 6usiness to follow Jesus. %ut the carnal5 selfAnature in 2eter turned hi# inward when it was either his life ta9en or that of Jesus. .e protected hi#self5 and let Jesus down when his Master needed hi# the #ost. That was e=actly what ruled #y life as a carnal Christian. %ut so#ething happened to 2eter and Charles when we 6oth #ade an a6solute5 total co##it#ent to Jesus and turned outward instead of inwardE Tongues of fire ca#e on 2eter and 6urned out that fleshly5 selfAdirected nature on the day of 2entecostJ in 11-*5 ( didnt see tongues of fire5 6ut (# 4uite sure that sa#e thing happened to #e when ( cried 1/*

out silently fro# the depth of #y soul5 7;od5 ta9e all of #y life and #a9e #e spiritually what You want #e to 6e.8 +6undant life started for #eJ ;od cleaned out #y selfAdesires and turned the# outward toward ;od and Jesus5 and toward seeing what ( could do to please The# instead of #e. My ulcers soon clearedJ fre4uent constipation leftJ #y hay fe,er leftJ tenseness which caused #uch disco#fort leftJ a peace and @oy flooded #y soul night and day5 year after year5 and continues to this day. My an=iety leftJ #y selfApity leftJ #y anger leftJ #y cutting re#ar9s turned to #inistering to othersJ fear of heart pro6le#s leftJ fear of lightning and fear of death left. +t the ti#e of this writing5 22 years later5 ( a# age /! and in perfect health al#ost all the ti#e5 and #y 6ody is young and strong. My eyesight is clearJ #y ears hear nor#allyJ all of #y 6ody functions wor9 perfectly. Most of all5 ( can reflect the light of Jesus as ( turn outward to #inister to others through teaching5 training others5 through writing 6oo9s which can change li,es of people we ne,er see. Through 6ringing sal,ation5 the 6aptis# with the .oly 'pirit5 #inistering healing and deli,erance5 and #a9ing disciples for Jesus. My hearty reco##endation isE Turn outward and let the world see your light as the light of JesusE this 6rings peace5 @oy5 lo,e5 and all the other fruit of the 'piritJ health5 strength5 prosperity in all ways. (f the stars can do it5 you can do it too: (f Charles and Frances can do it5 you can do it too: 1/1

UNFORGIVENESSE Just after the Fords prayer5 Matthew -E1&515 TF%E $our heavenly Father will for!ive you if you for!ive those who sin a!ainst you) but if you refuse to for!ive them, he will not for!ive you# Can you see the strong words of ;od here0 Could unforgi,eness cause us e,en to #iss hea,en @ust through not forgi,ing so#eone0 )hat can this do for our health5 or loss of it0 )e hear fro# doctors that arthritis is often caused 6y unforgi,eness5 6itterness5 hate5 en,y5 @ealousy. The 6alance in our 6ody syste#s 6egin to wor9 against one another and our ner,es 6egin to #alfunctionJ apparently this causes 7dry 6ones8 as spo9en of in the %i6le. Dry 6ones5 the #arrow5 #eans that the red 6lood cells are not 6eing produced. WORRY-ANXIETY: Jesus ga,e a rather long teaching on this in Matthew -E11A2&.1 had @ust read an article on 'T$?''5 and turned to this portion of scripture. Jesus identified the causes and effects5 and ga,e the solutions in a few words. 1o don+t worry at all about havin! enou!h food and clothin!# 4hy be li'e the heathen5 For they ta'e pride in all these thin!s and are deeply concerned about them# But your heavenly Father already 'nows perfectly well that you need them, and he will !ive them to you if you !ive *im first place in your life and live as *e wants you to# 1o don+t be an>ious about tomorrow# /od will ta'e care of your tomorrow too# (ive one day at a time <Matthew -E 1A & TF%>.


(n the article ( was reading5 the author stated5 7"o li,ing organis# can e=ist continuously in a state of alar#.8 'tress see#s to 6e so#ewhat the tal9 of the streets today. +rticle after article is written a6out coping with stress. 3f course5 the ideal is to a,oid stress. )e #ay not 6e a6le to a,oid it5 6ut we certainly can do a lot a6out controlling its cause through these attitude eruptions and hanging on to the attitudes <letting the sun go down while we are still angry>. (f you really want to #aintain your diseases5 sic9nesses5 and pains5 #i= the following ingredients and you will succeed in perpetual ail#ents and sic9nessesE )orry 'elf pity +n=iety )rong inclinations Fear Criticis# .ate Co#plaining $esent#ent %itterness Jealousy Martyr co#ple= (#aginations and strong holds 'uspicion ;uilt "egati,e attitudes and e=pressions +t the ,ery root of all these negati,e attitudes lies '?FF. 'atan wanted to 6e li9e ;od <idolatry5 selfishness> and he re6elled against ;ods laws. $esistance against our natural health laws will cause a hea,y #i=ture of the a6o,e attitudes. The only two sins which will ta9e us out fro# under the co,ering of the 6lood of Jesus once we are 6ornA again are idolatry and re6ellion. The 6iggest idol we 1*1

can ha,e is oursel,es putting 7self8 a6o,e ;od. )hen we idoliDe our self and our desires a6o,e the desires and ways of ;od5 we are re6elling against ;ods laws. (t has 6een scientifically pro,en that negati,e attitudes are energy forces which are destructi,e. 2ositi,e attitudes are energy forces which are constructi,e5 including our health and peace. (f there are 4uestions a6out this5 @ust as9 any doctor. )hat are the antidotes for such sic9nesses5 diseases5 stress5 and other negati,e effects on our #inds5 6odies5 and souls0 Just to 6e sure of the #eaning of the word 7antidote85 ( loo9ed in the dictionary and found so#e interesting factsE ANTIDOTEE + re#edy to counteract the effects of poison5 or of anything no=ious ta9en into the syste#. +nything tending to counteract an e,ilJ as5 an antidote for po,erty. To pro,ide an antidote for5 as a disease or condition. Changing fro# 6ad to good attitudes #eans changing fro# diso6edience of ;ods conditions <curses and sic9ness> to o6edience of .is laws <6lessings and health>. Do you want to get rid of a 6ad attitude0 First5 you ha,e to ad#it you ha,e one... There are two forces always co#peting for our desiresE The old e,il nature that gi,es us the 6ad attitudes5 and wrong thin9ing and selfish #oti,esJ and the .oly 'pirit who tells us what to do5 there6y opening our pathways into 6lessings and health.


;alatians 5E1-A1* <TF%>E " advise you to obey only the *oly 1pirit+s instructions# *e will tell you where to !o and what to do, and then you won+t always be doin! the wron! thin!s your evil nature wants you to# For we naturally love to do evil thin!s that are Lust the opposite from the thin!s that the *oly 1pirit tells us to do) and the !ood thin!s we want to do when the 1pirit has his way with us are Lust the opposite of our natural desires# These two forces within us are constantly fi!htin! each other to win control over us, and our wishes are never free from their pressures# 4hen you are !uided by the *oly 1pirit you need no lon!er force yourself to obey 8ewish laws# ;alatians 5E22A2 <TF%>E But when the *oly 1pirit controls our lives he will produce this 'ind of fruit in usJ love, Loy, peace, patience, 'indness, !oodness, faithfulness, !entleness, and selfDcontrol) and here there is no conflict with 8ewish laws# +ttitudes can eat us up li9e a cancer that @ust 9eeps eating5 and eating5 and eating until we destroy oursel,es. (t is not the de,il doing this5 although he is in there trying all the ti#e to con,ince us we ha,e a right to these attitudesJ it is our own choosing5 and we can 6rea9 the ha6its and release these 6ad ger#s of sic9ness. .ow0 ;i,e the# to Jesus5 and start trying to please .i# with e,ery thought5 intent5 and attitude. 2ractice good attitudes on othersJ try s#iling cheerfully at the ne=t 1!! people you #eet. You will disco,er that #ost of the# will s#ile 6ac9. Try 9eeping a 6ad disposition as you #eet the ne=t 1!! people and you will feel that the whole 1*

world is #ad at you. +s a child5 ( was told that it ta9es 1 ti#es #ore energy to frown than to s#ile. ( chose at that early age to always s#ile5 and #y life has 6een full of @oy and friends. )e #ust concentrate and discipline oursel,es to 9eep fro# practicing negati,e words and forces in our li,es5 and as we do that5 replace the# with good and healthy words and attitudes. +ttitudes are not the only things which 9eep us fro# 6eing healed or 9eeping our healings. Many hygiene ha6its and actions can contri6ute to our healing and health5 along with co##on sense and nor#al 9nowledge. )e actually can 6ring health or sic9ness into our 6odies and #inds 6y our own choices5 6ut generally without 9nowing we are doing such things. Thin9 a6out so#e of the following hints for healthE 1. Drin9 eight glasses of water daily. ;od in,ented water and no6ody has i#pro,ed upon it. ( often say that to waitresses when they as9 what we would li9e to drin9. %ut generally this is followed 6y5 7Do you 9now Jesus as your 'a,ior08 )e ha,e led #any people to Jesus in @ust that si#ple way. )inning so#eone to Jesus 6rings an inner @oy that nothing else will5 and you can 6e sure it delights ;od and Christ Jesus5 and e,en the angels of .ea,en re@oice. Thin9 what that 9ind of o6edience does for your syste#. 2. &The Loy of the (ord is our stren!th#0 Try perpetually li,ing with @oy in your heart and watch your health i#pro,e. That isnt a cureAall5 6ut it sure 6eats sadness which draws your strength fro# you.


Marilyn .ic9ey once re#ar9ed to us5 7The @oy of the Ford is your strength5 6ecause you always pro@ect @oy into other people.8 )e realiDe that there are ti#es of trials and difficult unpleasing situations5 6ut they dont need to re#o,e your @oy. Consider this #ottoE The @oy of the Ford is #y strengthJ the lac9 of @oy in the Ford drains #y strength. . &2 merry heart doeth !ood li'e a medicine0 <2ro,er6s 1/E22>. (t does: Try loo9ing into your #irror and laughing for a few #inutes early in the #orning. (t wor9s wonders. Try loo9ing up to ;od with a 6ig s#ile and sing a praise song to .i# in your 'pirit languageJ then see how 4uic9ly 6ad attitudes lea,e. Fu9e 11E - <TF%>E "f you are filled with li!ht within, with no dar' corners, then your face will be radiant too, as thou!h a floodli!ht is beamed upon you# (f we really 6elie,e the @oy of the Ford is our strengthJ that a #erry heart doeth good li9e a #edicineJ that Jesus is the answer to e,ery pro6le# in lifeJ that Jesus actually sa,ed us and 6rought us the opportunity to ha,e life a6undantlyJ then our faces should show this where,er we go5 day and night5 in trou6le or in pleasant ti#es5 in sic9ness and in health. 3ur faces were #ade to reflect ;ods light5 6ut we #ust choose our own disposition and reflection. (t can affect our health. &. Ceep our 6odies clean5 including our teeth. (t shoc9s #e when ( see e=ecuti,e 6usiness#en lea,e a restroo# without washing their hands. + witness is often destroyed when our 6reath is not freshJ 6ut 1*5

our teeth also lose their health. %ody odor is destructi,e to friendship and success5 and affects our health ad,ersely. )e once had a young accountant wor9ing in our fir# who really was good at his @o6. %ut e,ery ti#e ( was near hi#5 ( could hardly stand the odor. )e are ,ery reluctant to tell so#eone of a pro6le# li9e this5 6ut one day ( 9new ( had to help hi#. ( ,ery lo,ingly told hi# a6out it. .e than9ed #e sincerely. (t was only a short ti#e until he was wor9ing as an e=ecuti,e with an increase of at least three ti#es his salary. %esides that5 the pores of our s9in are for 6reathing and should 6e 9ept clean and open for eli#ination of 6ody poisons. 5. )e 9now a lady who decided to #urder her hus6and. 'he put @ust a little poison in his food e,ery #orning until he died. 'he is still in prison after #any5 #any years. 2raise ;od5 she found Jesus and is a dyna#ic witness in the @ail. ( was thin9ing a6out this in relation to our food inta9e. (f we 9new we would die within thirty days if we too9 a certain a#ount of poison daily5 6ut a6out the #iddle of that ti#e we were cra#ping and ,iolently sic95 could we cry out to ;od5 7;od heal #e8 and get results if we still planned to ta9e poison the ne=t day0 3f course not. (n a si#ilar #anner5 we put foods and drin9s into our syste#s which are actually as destructi,e as poisonsJ 6ut #ay6e not as fast wor9ing. Thin9 a6out so#e of theseE +lcohol5 to6acco5 drugs5 caffeine5 sugar5 por95 too #any greasy fast foods. Then thin9 of what you ha,e 6een taughtE 2lenty of


fresh water5 lots of fresh ,egeta6les5 the right 9inds of #eats5 fruits5 etc. Co##on sense and a nor#al health guide 6oo9 can go a long way in 9eeping us in health5 if we will o6ey the laws ;od ga,e us. ;ods 7health food8 6oo9 is Fe,iticus and in this we can find a guide to healthy foods. %ut what do #ost of us do0 )e go right on ta9ing our little 6it of poison e,ery day in the for# of food and drin9s which we 9now will destroy us. @o you not 'now that you are the temple of /od and that the 1pirit of /od dwells in you5 "f anyone defiles the temple of /od, /od will destroy him# For the temple of /od is holy, which temple you are <( Corinthians E1-51/>. "t is senseless for you to wor' so hard from early mornin! until late at ni!ht, fearin! you will starve to death) for /od wants *is loved ones to !et their proper rest <2sal# 12/E2 TF%>. 3ur i##une syste# is designed to resist diseases. (f it is wea9ened or destroyed5 we are su6@ected to e,ery5 disease in the world. (f we deli6erately5 or un9nowingly5 destroy our resistance to diseases 6y our ha6its and attitudes5 we are in,iting sic9nesses into our 6odies. The #ore ti#e we #editate in the %i6le5 the #ore we find a closeness to the one who too9 all of our sic9nesses on .is 6ody5 and the nearer we get to di,ine health. Frances and ( ha,e not 4uite attained di,ine health5 6ut we certainly reco,er #ore 4uic9ly when we do catch so#e 9ind of a sic9ness. 3ur fa,orite suggestion in reading the %i6le is5 7Father5 what can ( do to please youJ not what you 1*/

can do to please #e.8 This opens great highways into a6undant li,ing5 if we will listen and o6ey what ;od tells us to do: 36edience is the foundation to ser,ing ;od5 and o6edience 6ecause we want to is the route to easy o6edience. ( ser,e Frances in e,erything ( can 6ecause ( want to: (f ( did it 6ecause ( had to5 it would 6e drudgery. ( choose the pleasant route to pleasing her5 and it is wonderful: (t also produces health 6ecause ( always #aintain @oy in doing it5 peace and happiness in doing it5 and she also recei,es that sa#e 6enefit. Frances also follows that sa#e course of wanting to please #e. )e 6oth 9now that Jesus li,es in us5 so whate,er we do or dont do to one another5 we are doing it to Jesus. )hen we lo,e each other and ser,e each other5 we are pleasing the Jesus who li,es in us. (f we chose to co#plain5 say wrong things5 ha,e wrong attitudes toward each other5 we would ha,e to loo9 up to Jesus5 and say5 7That goes for you5 too:8 Then *e will answer them, sayin!, %2ssuredly, " say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to 7e+ <Matthew 25E&5>. Jesus is tal9ingE 4hy do you call me, &(ord, (ord,0 but do not do what " say5 Cveryone who comes to me and listens to my words and obeys is li'e a man buildin! a house# *e di!s deep and lays his foundation on roc'# The floods come, and the water tries to wash the house away# But the flood cannot move the house, because the house was built well# But the one who hears my words and does not 1**

obey is li'e a man who builds his house on the !round without a foundation# 4hen the floods come, the house Fuic'ly falls down# 2nd that house is completely destroyed0 <Fu9e -E&-A&1 ?%>. The %i6le tells us that if we gi,e5 we will recei,e. Jesus pro@ected .i#self into us to do the things .e did5 and e,en greater things. )hat happens if we gi,e healing to others0 )e put oursel,es in line for healing in our own 6odies. (f you s#ile at others5 what do you get in return0 + s#ile. )e 9now that continually #inistering healing to others 6rings health to our own 6odies. )hen the energy of ;ods .oly 'pirit continues to flow through us5 certainly that energy which heals others heals our own 6odies. (f we really want to recei,e and #aintain healing and health5 we should realiDe that what ;od and Jesus say is an a6solute truth. (t cannot fail. +ll of ;ods words and the words spo9en 6y Jesus are for our en@oy#ent and 6enefit. ;od wants us healthy5 wealthy5 and wise. (f we will study the suggestions descri6ed in this chapter5 and in this 6oo95 we can disco,er how all that we are in health and happiness is found in the %i6le5 and we can attain e,erything ;od has designed for us. ?,en our 6odies and #inds were designed to 6e healthy. Cut your finger5 and healing flows 4uic9ly to the in@ury and #inisters healing. +le= 'chneider5 a ,ery close friend5 #ade this co##ent a6out us5 and we want to pass it onto you for your own application and healthE .e said5 7(,e seen you in ad,erse situations 6ut your faith is so 1*1

pure and si#ple that it doesnt affect your @oy. Your assurance in ;od and Jesus perpetuates your outA flowing @oy5 not only in yoursel,es5 6ut outwardly to others.8 This is attaina6le 6y all of ;ods children5 and will 6less all who trust and o6ey ;od co#pletely. + #inister friend de,eloped a ,ery highly successful church5 along with schools5 progra#s5 and #any e=cellent wor9s 6eyond @ust his church acti,ities. Then ca#e strife5 followed 6y tre#endous stress as he tried to #eet the de#ands of those who 6egan to oppose hi#. )e #et hi# so#eti#e later and he said the doctor had diagnosed a serious heart pro6le#. (t was se,ere and genuinely a 6ad heart condition. The ne=t ti#e we saw hi#5 he had also 6een diagnosed as ha,ing cancer. Fife see#ed to 6e co#ing to an end. + solution ca#e to the stressful situation5 he #o,ed to an entirely different en,iron#ent and out of the stressful at#osphere. )e saw hi# a year or so later and he loo9ed wonderfully healthy. )hen we in4uired5 7)hat happened to you08 he said once he was out fro# under the stress5 his health 6egan to i#pro,e5 and the doctor had diagnosed hi# as ha,ing neither cancer or heart pro6le#s. .allelu@ah: )hat had happened0 ;od and his 6ody wanted hi# to 6e healthy and when he #et ;ods conditions5 ;ods laws of health wor9ed wonders for hi#: There is no end5 no li#it5 no height5 nor depth5 nor length to the #asses of pro#ises ;od placed in .is word @ust for us5 6ut we #ust see9 .i#5 see9 to 11!

please .i#5 and o6ey e,ery one of .is laws if we want to recei,e and #aintain health. FinallyE Beloved, " pray that you may prosper in all thin!s and be in health, Lust as your soul prospers < JohnE 2>. .ow can we attain that pro#ise of ;od0 (f we 6ring our soul into align#ent with those words5 it will prosper. Then the other pro#ises will follow we #ay prosper in all things and 6e in health.8 )hen any disease stri9es us5 the doctor will see9 the underlying cause5 and then prescri6e treat#ent. (f you ha,e a 6oil on your 6ody5 treating the outside will ha,e little or no effect5 6ut if you reA #o,e the core5 or cause5 of the 6oil5 then it will find health. (f we are ha,ing health pro6le#s5 or failing to #aintain our healings5 we should see9 the cause and cure. (t is not always so#ething we are doing in our attitudes or ha6its5 6ut so ,ery often that is the case. Foo9 for these and other causesE The foods you eat5 the li4uids you drin9. The hours you rest5 or dont rest. <2rayer #eetings lasting past #idnight are dangerous>. Your attitudesE good or 6ad. Your ha6itsE good or 6ad. .ow #uch ti#e do you spend reading your %i6le5 and when reading are you saying5 7Father5 what can ( do to please you5 and not what can you do to please #e08 Do you li,e to ser,e ;ods spiritual food to others5 or are you thin9ing a6out yourself. Turn outward and let the light of Jesus shineJ not inward where there is dar9ness. 111

Do you not only attend church regularly5 6ut do you ser,e others physically5 #entally5 and spiritually0 'ee9 health <o6edience to ;ods laws>J not cures. 'ee9 ;od5 not the things ;od #ade. Forgi,e those who ha,e hurt us 6y lo,ing their souls5 then we can lo,e the#. )+"T T3 %? .?+FT.Y +"D .+22Y: )+"T T3 D3 (T ;3D' )+Y: Finally, brethren, whatever thin!s are true, whatever thin!s are noble, whatever thin!s are Lust, whatever thin!s are pure, whatever thin!s are lovely, whatever thin!s are of !ood report, if there is any virtue and if there is anythin! praiseworthy meditate on these thin!s# <2hilippians &E*51>. " 'now how to be abased, and " 'now how to abound# Cverywhere and in all thin!s " have learned both to be full and to be hun!ry, both to abound and to suffer need# " 32N @- 2(( T*"N/1 T*,-./* 3*,"1T 4*- 1T,CN/T*CN1 7C# <2hilippians &E1251 >. (n all #y life ( ne,er s#o9ed any to6acco5 dran9 any alcohol5 too9 any drugs5 6ut ( did ha,e a #inor a#ount of 6ad attitudes. ;od showed #e so#ething which ( 6elie,e can help you in 6eing deli,ered fro# ha6its or attitudes. 2eter lo,ed Jesus5 ga,e up his 6usiness to follow .i#5 and would do anything to please Jesus. Then ca#e the testing ti#e. Jesus told 2eter that he would deny .i# 6efore the rooster crowed. 2eter said he


would rather die than do that5 and 2eter #eant that with all his heart. %ut a choice ca#e when 2eter realiDed that if the ones persecuting Jesus 9new that he was with Jesus5 they would destroy hi# also. Cnowing this5 2eter had a choice5 and 6e chose to please 2eter <protect his own life rather than that of Jesus>5 so he denied and e,en cursed Jesus. Then ca#e the day of 2entecost when two things happened to 2eter. .e was endued with power when the .oly 'pirit ca#e upon hi#5 and he spo9e with other tongues the 6aptis# with the .oly 'pirit. The other thing which happened was that tongues li9e as of fire ca#e on 2eter. This fire was the cleansing5 purifying5 purging fire of ;ods .oly 'pirit5 and @ust as the flesh of ani#als was 6urned to dead ashes as sin offerings in the 3ld Testa#ent5 so was the fleshly nature5 the selfish nature of 2eter5 6urned into nothingness. (##ediately5 2eter rose up with 6oldness to proclai# Jesus5 ris9ing his ,ery life5 6ut no longer did 2eter try to protect hi#self. )hat 6ad happened0 2eter now had Christ in .i#5 and it was no longer 2eter who li,ed5 6ut Jesus who li,ed in hi#. "ow 2eter wanted to please Jesus instead of hi#self. .e crucified his desires to please hi#self5 and did what pleased Jesus. 2eter5 who had lo,ed his desires #ore than those of Jesus5 now lo,ed Jesus #ore than he lo,ed 2eter. )hen that happened to #e in 11-*51 realiDed that when ( had a 6ad attitude creep up on #e5 ( 11

tried to protect #e5 6ut the .oly 'pirit re#inded #e that if ( were dead to self5 ( no longer would try to please #e. ( had the power to re,erse #y attitudes and to please Jesus and .is desires5 rather than #y own. ( 6elie,e we can always get rid of any ha6its or attitudes which are not pleasing to ;od and Christ Jesus if we lo,e to please Jesus #ore than to please our own desires 6y continuing the 6ad ha6its and attitudes.


Chapter 4

I 9ill Araise Him!

.ow ( praise ;od for all the healings .e has gi,en #e: Charles often says ( ha,e #ore new parts than original parts: ( praise .i# for the new thyroid .e ga,e #e the day l was sa,ed: ( praise .i# for the new adrenal glands .e ga,e #e the day ( was sa,ed which 6rought a6out #y healing fro# +ddisons disease i##ediately: ( praise .i# for the new heart .e ga,e #e in 11/&: ( praise .i# for the new pancreas .e ga,e #e in 11*5 when .e healed #e of dia6etes: ( praise .i# for the entire new 6lood syste# .e inserted into #y 6ody in 11**: ( praise .i# for the protection .e has gi,en us as we ha,e tra,eled all o,er the world: +nd ( will praise .i# e,ery day of #y life: 'o#e of you are sayingE 7Thats easy for you5 6ecause you ha,e all of your prayers answered: (d ser,e ;od li9e you do if .e would @ust heal #e:8 +s ( a# writing this 6oo95 an interesting situation has occurred: ?ighteen years ago ( fell down two little steps in the dar9. "o pro6le#5 and it ne,er hurt5 6ut twel,e years after that5 we were in %ogotQ5 Colo#6ia. )e had a glorious ser,ice and saw #ore than 1!! people co#e out of wheelchairs and off of crutches: )hat a day to re#e#6er. . #but l left 3olombia in a wheelchair! 115

.ow ( e,er sur,i,ed the trip fro# Colo#6ia to Mia#i5 ( will ne,er 9now: (t was e=cruciating: )e called our secretary and told her to #a9e an appoint#ent with an orthopedic doctor 6ecause #y 9nee was swollen al#ost 6igger than #y head: 2rayer was the only thing that got #e fro# Mia#i to .ouston5 and we went to the specialist directly fro# the airport where he re#o,ed #ore than a pint of water fro# #y 9nee: That is e=tre#ely painful: The 9nee continued to cause such agoniDing pain that ( couldnt stand5 ( couldnt sit5 ( couldnt lay down: +fter praying fer,ently and without ceasing5 ( finally had arthroscopic surgery on the 9nee. The 9nee has gi,en #e a slight a#ount of pain #ost of the ti#e5 6ut a6out si= #onths ago5 it 6eca#e acute: )e ha,e prayed5 we ha,e 6elie,ed5 we ha,e done e,erything ( ha,e told you to do5 6ut as of this writing5 ( a# still wal9ing 6one on 6one on #y right 9nee. The cartilage is co#pletely destroyed and in desperation5 we ha,e #ade an appoint#ent to ha,e a 9nee replace#ent done: ?ither ;od will heal #y 9nee and gi,e #e a new one 6efore you read this 6oo95 or ( will ha,e a replace#ent: The doctors ha,e allowed #e to continue our hectic schedule 6ecause ( did not want to cancel any of our spea9ing dates5 6ut they told #e ( would ha,e to sit down to #inister: ;od has 6een gracious5 and the shot of cortisone they ga,e #e was anointed <the physician is a Christian> and ( ha,e had a #ini#u# a#ount of pain.


+udiences all o,er the nation ha,e prayed for #e in al#ost e,ery ser,ice 6ut the new 9nee hasnt co#e into 6eing Y?T: You #ay wonder why (# telling you this: (t is for a ,ery special reason: ( ha,e heard #any people say5 &"f ;od would heal #e5 ( would really 6e a witness for .i#. ( would really ser,e .i#.8 My last words to you in this 6oo9 are5 7(ll lo,e ;od and ser,e ;od all the days of #y life whether .e heals #e or not: (t doesnt affect #y lo,e for .i# nor #y faith in .i# and ( will always 6elie,e that NOTHING IS IM OSSI!"E WITH GOD#$ )hen <and if> the surgeons 9nife #a9es the first cut into #y flesh5 ( will still 6e witnessing a6out .i#5 .is healing power5 .is #a@esty and .is lo,e: +nd ( will ser,e .i# all the days of #y life:

And s%e d&d#


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