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Cultural Awareness: Stage 1 Outcomes

Cultural Diversity CUS1.4 Describes the cultural, linguistic and religious practices of their family, their community and other communities.

* identifies cultural, spiritual and or religious aspects of their family life * identifies family life in another country * communicates an understanding of ho! families e"press their cultures through customs, celebrations, practices, symbols and traditions * identifies and demonstrates similarities bet!een !ays in !hich people e"press their culture, eg celebrations usually in#ol#e music and food * communicates an understanding of ho! people in another country e"press their culture by mentioning some customs, practices, symbols and traditions * recognises e"amples of ob#ious racism and strategies for dealing !ith these. * identifies the e#ents and acti#ities that are practised by people in another country, eg %orea, India, &apan, Sri 'an(a * recognises the importance of flags and other symbols to cultural identity * identifies languages spo(en in the school and other communities and participates in acti#ities that in#ol#e using a different language * participates in acti#ities that in#ol#e the communication of cultural symbols, practices and customs, eg music, song, art!or(s, dance

Identities CUS1.$ Identifies customs, practices, symbols, languages and traditions of their family and other families.

Teaching and Learning Sequence

)uadrant 1 1 Right Connect /nter the e"perience Capture attention *+ocussing and 0uilds on !hat generating s(ills they (no! , obser#e, 1 Left Reflect -uestion, 1eflects and imagine, infer, analyses di#erge. e"perience Clarifies reason for learning )uadrant 2 R I!age Deepens the connection to student *3atterning, Uses another organi4ing, medium to connect analy4ing s(ills personal to 5 seeing concept relationships, L Teach organi4ing parts 3ro#ides classifying. information Systemic and sequential 6ariety of deli#ery systems 1elate bac( to concept /ach child brings in of photo of a family celebration and gi#es a short tal( about !hat and ho! they celebrate.

Students in our class celebrate many different things. Our celebrations are influenced by our heritage. 'ist countries that influence special occasions celebrated by the class.

7each about #arious celebrations from around the !orld. 8ustralia 58ustralia Day, *see I90. 8n4ac Day /ngland 5:uy +a!(es night India 5Di!ali US8 57han(sgi#ing China, Chinese ;e! <ear &apan, Cherry blossom festi#al 7hailand 5'oy %rathong =anu(ah *I90. *Difference and di#ersity 1acism

)uadrant $ *in-uiring, e"ploring, problem sol#ing s(ills 5 e"perimenting, tin(ering, recording, ma(ing things !or(. )uadrant 4 *integrating and e#aluating s(ills 5#erifying, e"plaining, summari4ing, re,presenting, synthesising

"L #ractice =ands on acti#ities 9or(sheets 3ractice ne! learnings "R Tin$er >o#e to personal usefulness 8dd something of themsel#es /ncourage tin(ering %L& 'valuate and refine Is it !orth doing? =elps mista(es become learning opportunities :i#es guidance and feedbac( %R #erfor! Do it, share it,

Choose a country that is represented in the class. 1esearch festi#als and celebrations of the country on the internet *!i(ispace page. and using library boo(s 3repare a presentation of their choice about the festi#als and celebrations of the country Ongoing e#aluation of pro@ect, conferencing !ith teacher 7hin( about !ays to impro#e de#elop 9hat is the same and different to things your family celebrates?

>ulticultural celebration day

Resources stage1resources.htm hailand !hina "orea #ietnam$ishing/start.htm %&'()*!+

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