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Technical Design - OBIEE Innoveer Solutions Version 1 Owner: Chenly Paz Last Updated: 06 October 2010

Technical Design OBIEE Copyright Notice The Copyright in this work is vested in Innoveer Solutions Inc. and the document is issued in confidence for the express purpose for which it i s supplied. It must not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or be used for any o ther purpose without prior written consent being obtained from Innoveer Solution s Inc., and then only on the condition that this notice be included in any such reproduction. No information as to the contents or subject matter of this docume nt, or any part thereof, arising directly or indirectly there from shall be give n orally or in writing or communicated in any manner whatsoever to any third par ty without the prior written consent of Innoveer Solutions Inc. Copyright Innove er Solutions Inc. 2010 Revision History Version 0.1 Author Chenly Paz Status Draft Date 09/23/2010 Revisions Initial doc ument created Distribution List Name Organisation Chenly Paz Debu Saha Innoveer Solutions Innoveer Solutions Page 2 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................. ................................................. 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 Document Purpose ............................................................... .......................... 4 Scope ............................................. ................................................................ 4 Related Docum ents ........................................................................... ............. 4 Abbreviations .................................................. ................................................ 5 Toolset Used ................ ................................................................................ .. 6 Implementation Strategy ................................................... .............................. 9 Opportunity Star Schema ....................... ...................................................... 10 UOPS Sales Star Schema ............................................................................ 12 MST Analysis Star Schemas ..................................................... ................... 12 Territory Alignment Star Schemas ........................ ........................................ 13 Course Analysis Star Schemas ....... ............................................................. 14 Overview....... ................................................................................ ................ 15 DWH Tables Definitions...................................... .......................................... 16 Informatica Repository Changes.... ............................................................... 19 DAC Repositor y Setup......................................................................... ......... 20 Overview........................................................... ............................................ 21 Real-Time Answers Reporting .... .................................................................. 22 Dashboards ............................................................................... ................... 24 Siebel Embedded Reports ................................. ........................................ 24 Siebel BI Publisher Report.......... ............................................................... 24 Solution Overview .............................................................. .......................................... 6 2.1 2.2 3 Star Schemas.................................................................... .......................................... 10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 ETL ............................................................................ .................................................. 15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 RPD Guide for Developers ....................................................... ............................... 21 5.1 5.2 6

Front-End Reporting: Guide for Developers....................................... ...................... 24 6.1 6.2 6.3 Page 3 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 1 Introduction 1.1 Document Purpose This document outlines the changes to the current Siebel application configurati on as well as standard Oracle BI Applications v7.9.6.1 modification to be implem ented for the purpose of the JAR 1 and JAR 2 build for Pearson Education 3Sixty Release 1 1.2 Scope This technical design document only includes JAR 1 and JAR 2 deliverables. This scope corresponds to what is required to be built and presented in JAR 3. Please refer to the BI JAR Delivery Schedule to gain more clarity on what is included in this JAR. Data-Level permissions and other security or visibility-related requi rements will be designed in later JARs and will not be part of this particular d esign document. In addition, the following have been deemed out of scope for thi s document due to necessary lag between application design and reporting design: y Reports specific to products analysis only y Product Specialist reporting whe re there is a requirement to link a product specialist to their corresponding FT discipline y Complex requirements related to Product Kits and component level r eporting 1.3 Related Documents These documents can be found in the 3Sixty Project Sharepoint application. Pleas e contact the Design Lead for the specific location of these documents. # 1 2 3 4 5 Document Version OBIEE and ETL Development Standards JAR 2 Functional Design Document Reporting BI JAR Deliver Schedule Oracle Business Intelligence Applica tions ETL Data Lineage Guide Version 7.9.6 / Oracle Business Analytics W arehouse Data Model Reference Version 7.9.6 Author Witold Kusnierz Jane Riff Che nly Paz Oracle Oracle Page 4 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 1.4 Abbreviations # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Abbreviation OBIEE OOTB OLAP ETL DAC BIU / PIU Definition Oracle B usiness Intelligence Enterprise Edition Out of the Box Online Analytical Process ing Extract, Transform and Load Data Warehouse Admin Console Book In Use / Produ ct In Use Page 5 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 2 Solution Overview 2.1 Toolset Used The Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) is a comprehen sive suite of Business Intelligence tools and infrastructure designed to bring g reater business visibility and insight to the broadest audiences of users, allow ing any user in an organization to have Web-based self-service access to up-to-t he moment, relevant, and actionable intelligence. OBIEE comprises of BI server t echnology and BI presentation tools. The platform consists of several interdepen dent components, with the Oracle BI Server at its core. Business Intelligence Se rver The foundation of the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus platform is a true BI server that is designed to be highly scalable, optim izing concurrency and parallelism to make the value of BI applications available to the largest possible audience. It provides centralized data access and calcu lation, essentially creating a large pipe through which anyone can consume any i nformation in any form anywhere in the enterprise. The BI server is central to a ll of the business processes that consume information, including dashboards, ad hoc queries, intelligent interaction capabilities, enterprise and production rep orting, financial reporting, OLAP analysis, data mining, and other Web Service-b ased applications (J2EE and .NET). All of these applications require rich access to broad sets of data across the enterprise, and they all require a sophisticat ed calculation and aggregation infrastructure that the platform provides to deli ver value. The platform supports a full complement of access, analysis, and info rmation delivery options, all in one fully integrated Web environment. Each of t hese components serves different audiences in the organization who have differen t appetites for the same underlying data, but need to access it in different way s. But unlike other BI tools, all components are integrated onto one common arch itecture, enabling a seamless and intuitive user experience. Intelligence Dashbo ards Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards provide any knowledge worker with intuitiv e, interactive access to information that is actionable and dynamically personal ized based on the individual's role and identity. In the Oracle BI Intelligence Dashboards environment, the end user is working with live reports, prompts, char ts, tables, pivot tables, graphics, and tickers in a pure Web architecture. The user has full capability for drilling, navigating, modifying, and interacting wi th these results. Oracle BI Intelligence Dashboards can also aggregate content f rom a wide variety of other sources, including the Internet, shared file servers , and document repositories. Answers Page 6 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Oracle BI Answers provides true end user ad hoc capabilities in a pure Web archi tecture. Users interact with a logical view of the informationcompletely hidden f rom data structure complexity while simultaneously preventing runaway queriesand can easily create charts, pivot tables, reports, and visually appealing dashboar ds, all of which are fully interactive, drillable and can be saved, shared, modi fied, formatted, or embedded in the user's personalized Oracle BI Intelligence D ashboards. The results are new levels of business user self-sufficiency in an en vironment that is fully secure and controlled by IT. Delivers Oracle BI Delivers is a proactive intelligence solution that provides business activity monitoring and alerting that can reach users via multiple channels such as email, dashboar ds, and mobile devices. Oracle BI Delivers includes a full Web-based selfservice alert creation and subscription portal. This next-generation product can initia te and pass contextual information to other alerts to execute a multistep, multi -person, and multi-application analytical workflow. Furthermore, it can dynamica lly determine recipients and personalized content to reach the right users at th e right time with the right information. Reporting Solution for 3Sixty Analytics Reporting For the purpose of JAR 1 and JAR 2 implementation, the reporting solu tion will comprise of OBIEE Platform v10. with Oracle BI Applications v7. 9.6.1 providing all necessary metadata and ETL logic. Oracle BI Applications use Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse - a unified data repository, also referred as Data Warehouse, for all customer-centric data - as a primary data source to s upport the majority of analytical reporting requirements. OBIEE application will be integrated with Siebel and exposed to end users via additional Screens and V iews. Page 7 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Figure 1 OBIEE Architecture Diagram Users will be granted access to selected OBIEE modules - Dashboard, Answers and Delivers depending on their privileges granted in Siebel application. Page 8 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 2.2 Implementation Strategy In a standard OBIEE implementation, there are 5 main areas that require design c onsideration. Database / Data Warehouse Design For this project, the strategy fo r the database design is to leverage (as much as possible) the Out-of-the-box (O OTB) data warehouse schema included in OBI Analytics Applications Version 7.9.6. 1. An exception to this would be the following: y When the source application (S iebel) has been modified to add custom fields or custom functionality. In this c ase, the custom fields or functionality could require new tables or new columns to be added into existing tables. y When the functional requirements cannot be m et with OOTB OLAP schema. y When it is found that for performance tuning purpose s, there is a requisite need to change the table structure or OLAP schema ETL / Informatica Design For this project, the strategy for the ETL or Informatica map ping and workflow design is to leverage (as much as possible) the Out-of-the-box (OOTB) SDE and SIL mappings contained in OBI Analytics Applications Version 7.9 .6.1. An exception to this would be the following: y When new fields and tables need to be added or created. y When the logic of the OOTB mappings are not requi red or do not apply to the current requirements. Data Warehouse Admin Console (D AC) Design For this project, the strategy for the DAC design is to leverage (as much as possible) the Out-of-the-box (OOTB) DAC repository included in OBI Analy tics Applications Version An exception to this would be the following: y When certain subject areas or tasks do not apply to the current implementation of the Siebel application. In this case, a new execution plan will be created t ailored to the functionalities required for JAR 1 and JAR 2 only. OBI Server Rep ository Administration (RPD) Design For this project, the strategy for the RPD d esign is to create a single new Business Model which will be referred to as Pears on Core. The aim is to trim and tailor the OOTB Business Model Core to meet the rep orting needs of the project. Accordingly, custom presentation folders will be cr eated to reflect the new business model and reporting requirements. Answers, Del ivers and Intelligence Dashboards For this project, the strategy for the front-e nd design of JAR 1 and JAR 2 is to create new dashboards using the presentation folders created specifically for this project. In addition, custom subject areas will be exposed to enable authorised and trained endusers to generate ad-hoc re ports using Answers. Page 9 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 3 Star Schemas This Technical Design Document provides information on which physical database t ables and joins will be used to fulfill the business requirements as set out in the JAR 2 Functional Design Spec Reporting document. Note that the following sta r schemas are only in reference to the Simplified Star Schemas as the Combined Subj ect Areas are merely a logical grouping of multiple star schemas. Star Schemas Op portunity Star Schema UOPS Sales Star Schema MST Course + MST Product Schema Ter ritory Account Star Schema Territory Course Star Schema Book In Use Star Schema 3.1 Opportunity Star Schema This will be the main star schema used for all Opportunity related reporting. Fo r the latest logical diagram for the Opportunity Star Schema, please refer to th e JAR 2 Functional Design Document Reporting. Figure 2 below is the correspondin g Physical Diagram. Please note,the implementation of component level opportunity reporting is pending more information on how product bundles will be implemente d in the application. Page 10 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Figure 2 Opportunity Star Schema - Physical Design Page 11 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 3.2 UOPS Sales Star Schema This Sales Star Schema is a custom star schema used to report on actual invoiced sales with data sourced from the UOPS application. Dimensional data will primar ily be sourced from the Siebel transactional system while the records in the fac t table will be extracted, transformed and loaded from the existing Sales Datama rt at the Date, Territory, Product, School and Bookstore level. For the latest l ogical diagram for the UOPS Sales Star Schema, please refer to JAR 2 Functional Design Document Reporting. Figure 3 below is the corresponding Physical Diagram. Figure 3 UOPS Sales Star Schema - Physical Diagram 3.3 MST Analysis Star Schemas There are two MST Analysis Star Schemas. The first (Figure 4) allows for analysi s of Courses by MST while the second (Figure 5) is used for analyzing products w ithin an MST. Figure 4 MST to Course Star Schema Physical Diagram W_PROD_CAT_DH MST Hierarchy W_PRODCAT_DH W_PRODUCT_D Sellable Prod Page 12 of 24 LEGEND: Printed 19/08/11 <<M AIN FAC T TABLE >> <<C US TOM TABLE >>

Technical Design OBIEE Figure 5 MST to Product Star Schema Physical Diagram 3.4 Territory Alignment Star Schemas There are two Territory Alignment Star Schemas. Both are related to which sales reps, product specialist and/or tech specialist is assigned to an account (wheth er this is a school, department or course). Figure 6 Territory to Course Star Schema Physical Diagram Figure 7 Territory to Account Star Schema Physical Diagram Page 13 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 3.5 Course Analysis Star Schemas There are two Course Analysis Star Schemas. One is the Course BIU (Book in Use) star schema which will allow the user to view and analyse which books are used i n a particular course. The second is the Course Enrollment star schema. This sch ema can be used to analyse enrolment by Term and by Course. Figure 8 Course to BIU Star Schema Physical Diagram Figure 9 Course Enrollment Star Schema Physical Diagram Page 14 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 4 ETL 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, also referred as Data Warehouse or OLAP (RO LAP), is a unified data repository designed to store all customer-centric from a variety of Oracle products such as Siebel CRM, Oracle E-Business Suite or Peopl eSoft in dimensional form following best industry practices. Its a database that contains the data extracted and derived from the online operational database(s) OLTP (e.g. Siebel database), where the data structures have been optimized for a dvanced, large volume reporting and analytical processing. The strategy of a dat a warehouse is that the main time-consuming transformations, calculations and da ta consolidation tasks occur during the loading of the data warehouse, which hap pens outside of business hours, rather than when the user queries the data via a report/analysis. The other key advantage of having a separate database as a dat a warehouse is that it has no impact on Siebel CRM application during business h ours as a different database is used. 4.1.2 ETL Process The actual transfer of the data from the online operational database to the data warehouse and the related processing that takes place during this movement is c alled the ETL process: Extract: Moves the necessary data from the online databas e to temporary (staging) tables on the data warehouse. No other processing on th e online operational database takes place to minimize the impact on its resource s. Transform: Processes the data. Cleans, rearranges and derives data. Load: Loa ds the data into the real Data Warehouse tables used by the Analytics applicatio n There are two types of ETL that can take place: Full ETL. This carries out a f ull transfer of all the related data from the online operational database to the data warehouse. Incremental ETL. This only transfers data that has been updated or inserted in the online operational database since the last ETL. Note that in cremental ETLs can follow full ETLs or previously run incremental ETLs but can n ever be the first ETL run on an empty data warehouse. The time for an incrementa l ETL is considerably shorter than the time required for a full ETL. For the pur pose of the Opportunity Pilot project all ETL execution plans will run in a full refresh mode scheduled to run on a nightly basis, outside business hours. Page 15 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Figure 10 ETL - Full Refresh Mode 4.2 DWH Tables Definitions The following section lists the key OLAP tables in Oracle Business Analytics War ehouse, which will be used for JAR 1 and JAR 2 implementation. Note that the tab le below lists the key tables only, none of the standard tables will be dropped from the database i.e. all tables for the standard Oracle Business Analytics War ehouse will be created. For the full specification for the standard tables pleas e refer to Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Data Model Reference Version 7.9.6 .1. The Status field indicates whether the OLAP Table is OOTB or is a new custom ta ble. 4.2.1 Dimension and Helper Tables Table 1 Dimension and Helper Tables Table W_AFFL_AA_H W_ASSET_D W_ASSET_MD W_DAY_D Status OOTB OOTB OOTB OOTB Business Name Account to Account Affiliation Helper Table Asset Dimension Asset Mini Dimension Day Dimension Comments Helper table for Account to Account affiliations. Base calendar dimension for the Oracle BI data warehouse. Stores the date relate d information at the individual calendar day level. Additional fiscal calendar i nformation is loaded from Page 16 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Table W_EMPLOYEE_D W_GEO_D Status OOTB OOTB Business Name Employee Dimension Geography Dimension Comments fiscal_week.csv or the iscal_month.csv files Allows for more streamlined reporti ng on STATE, CITY, ZIPCODE AND/OR COUNTRY Common dimension table based on S_LST_ OF_VAL W_LOV_D W_OPTY_D W_OPTY_MD W_PARTY_ORG_D W_POSITION_D OOTB OOTB OOTB OOTB OOTB List of Value Dimension Opportunity Dimension Opportunity Mini Dimension Account Dimension Position Dimension W_POSITION_DH W_PROD_CAT_DH W_PRODCAT_DH OOTB OOTB OOTB Position Dimension Hierarchy Product Category Dimension Hierarchy Product to Cat egory Dimension Hierarchy Primary Position dimension table used as a source for other Position tables such as W_POSITION_DH or W_POSITION_H Flattened hierarchy of the Position dimension W_POSITION_D Flattened Hierarchy of Product Categories Flattened hierarchy of Pr oduct Categories (W_PROD_CAT_DH) with a link to the Product Dimension (W_PRODUCT _D) Opportunity Sales Stages Custom Helper table for many-tomany Account to Cate gory relationships Custom Helper table for Position to FT relationship (via acce ss groups) Extension to W_PARTY_ORG_D to store MDR information Custom Helper tab le to resolve the relationship between a Sales Rep to multiple Product Specialis ts or one Tech Specialist. W_PRODUCT_D W_SSTAGE_D WC_ORG_CTLG_CAT _H WC_PARTY_CTGRY_ H WC_PARTY_ORG_M DR_DX WC_REP_TO_SPEC_ H OOTB OOTB NEW Product Dimension Sales Stage Dimension Account to Categories Helper Table NEW Position to Categories Helper Table NEW NEW W_PARTY_ORG_D Extension table. Sales Rep to Specialist Helper Table Page 17 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 4.2.2 Fact Tables Table 2 Fact Tables Table W_ASSET_F Status OOTB Business Name Asset Fact Comments Primary Fact Table for Assets and used for Book In Use analysis. Fact table for reporting on Account to Position relationships Primary fact table for Opportunit ies based on S_REVN base table. Primary fact table for UOPS Sales. UOPS Sales is external sales data from the Pearson ordering system. WC_ORG_PARTY_F W_REVN_F OOTB Account to Position Fact SDE, NEW SIL OOTB Revenue W_UOPS_SALES_F NEW UOPS Sales Fact 4.2.3 Required OLAP Changes Selected OOTB tables have been extended with additional columns to store custom attributes required for reporting purpose. All customizations and new tables hav e been documented in JAR 1&2 3Sixty BI - ETL mappings spreadsheet and will be appl ied to Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse using DDLimp utility. 4.2.4 Real-Time Table For the Product Specialist report, a real-time (OLTP) table will be used to allo w for what-if analysis of Specialist to Rep Alignment before the actual Territory Alignment runs in the application. This table will need to be added into the Phy sical Layer of the RPD and is specified as follows: Table 3 OLTP Real Time Table Table S_ACCNT_POSTN Column OU_EXT_ID Description Account or Course ID. This will be joined with the Account ID in Sales Fact for future alignment reporting. Position ID of the Rep assigned to Account or Course Team. This will be joined with the Rep Position in Sales Fact for future alignm ent reporting. Position ID of new Rep to be added, removed or swapped y Add = Re p in NEW_POSITION_ID is to be S_ACCNT_POSTN POSITION_ID


Technical Design OBIEE Table Column Description y y added the Account or Course Team Swap = Rep in NEW_POSITION_ID is replacing the current rep in POSITION_ID. Remove = Rep in POSITION_ID will be removed from the Account or Courses Team 4.3 Informatica Repository Changes 4.3.1 Overview OBIEE suite uses Informatica PowerCenter 8.1.1 as the main tool to perform the E TL jobs. Oracle BI Applications come with a set of pre-defined Informatica data flows for the OOTB Siebel application covering the majority of key Entities used within Siebel such as Accounts, Contacts, Products, Opportunities etc. As part of the customization process, OOTB data flows will be copied and altered to incl ude any and/or columns not already transferred by the pre-defined flows. 4.3.2 Informatica Mappings Informatica Mappings are objects that describe how the data is being processed w ith a data flow including source and destination table definitions, any necessar y data transformations or aggregations etc For the Oracle BI Applications, mappi ngs are grouped in the following two stages: Source Dependent Extract (SDE) Mapp ings, which are responsible for the Extract part of the ETL process, Source Inde pendent Load (SIL) Mappings, which are responsible for Transform and Load parts of the ETL process. 4.3.3 Informatica Workflow/Sessions A Workflow is a grouping of Sessions that in turn contain one or more Mappings. A Session is a particular Mapping instance with definitions for the source and d estination parameters (e.g. database names, etc.). In case of Oracle BI Applicat ions each Mapping has a dedicated Workflow and Session with matching names. 4.3.4 Customisations of mappings and workflow/sessions Its a best practice that none of the OOTB Informatica objects are being modified during the implementation. In order to modify the data flow logic all necessary objects need to be first copied into Custom folders before being altered. All custom and customized Informatica objects have been documented in a Data Map ping spreadsheet - JAR1/JAR 2 3Sixty BI - ETL mappings) used for identifying the i ndividual mappings from the OLTP source tables and columns to the Oracle Busines s Page 19 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE Warehouse target tables and columns, along with the extra ction, transformation, and loading rules. Note: Data Mapping spreadsheet is only intended to document customizations to OOTB data flows and NOT the entire data flows themselves. 4.4 DAC Repository Setup DAC Server is an OBIEE platform component that controls the entire ETL process. It is responsible for execution of all necessary Informatica Workflows in the co rrect order based on dependencies defined in DAC repository (e.g. extracts befor e loads, dimension tables loads before fact tables loads etc). In addition to th is DAC Server takes care of the incremental load process and various database ma intenance tasks related to the ETL process such as dropping and recreating index es or updating database statistics after each database refresh. As part of the p roject DAC repository needs to be updated to in order to: Trim OOTB Subject Area s to reflect used entities and minimize time necessary for ETL execution, Regist er new tasks for all updated Informatica Workflows Register new tables and index es Create Execution Plan and schedule 4.4.1 Subject Areas and Execution Plan This section will be populated upon build according the OLAP tables that will be used. Please refer to section 4.2 of this document for the list of facts and di mension tables that will be used. Page 20 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 5 RPD Guide for Developers 5.1 Overview In developing the RPD, ALL of the following documents (or sections of documents) will be needed: 1. 3Sixty OBIEE and ETL Development Standards v1 2. Logical Dat a Dictionary Embedded in JAR 2 Functional Design Document Reporting y This provi des all the logical definition of the measures and dimension attributes required in this delivery y This document also provides the exact labelling of the measu res and dimension attributes in the Presentation Layer 3. Star Schemas in JAR 2 Functional Design Document Reporting y This section will provide the Business Mo del for the required facts and subject areas 4. Section 3 Star Schemas of this doc ument. y This provides the translation from the Logical design into the Physical Model 5. JAR 1&2 3Sixty BI - ETL mappings y Use this in conjunction with the Lo gical Data Dictionary to determine the OLAP columns to be used in the Logical La yer of the RPD 6. Section 5.2 of this document y For those reports that combine real time reporting with historical reporting, more specifically, the Territory Analysis: Product Specialist report. y This section refers to the real-time tabl es to be used (no ETL required) 7. Section 5.3 of this document y Outer Joins mu st be configured as per section 5.3 Required Outer Joins of this document. Page 21 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

Technical Design OBIEE 5.2 Real-Time Answers Reporting Table 4 Real Time Physical Tables (to be specified in RPD) Table S_ACCNT_POSTN_H Purpose Helper table to report on the future Account Team intersection. This table is to be used after the planned changes are entered into the Sales Assignment View bu t before the Territory Realignment process runs). SQL SELECT OU_EXT_ID, POSITION_ID, NEW_POSITION_ID, OPERATION, CASE WHEN OPERATION = 'Remove' THEN NULL WHEN OPERATION = 'Swap' THEN NEW_POSITION_ID END AS CALC_FUT URE_POSTN_ID WHERE OPERATION IN ('Remove','Swap') UNION SELECT OU_EXT_ID, POSITI ON_ID, NEW_POSITION_ID, OPERATION, NEW_POSITION_ID AS CALC_FUTURE_POSTN_ID WHERE OPERATION = 'Add' Please note, column names may not be exactly as stated above as at the time of w riting, the design of the application has not been finalized yet. Page 22 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

5.3 Required Outer Joins The Special Rules tab of the JAR 2 Logical Data Dictionary states that certain fac ts require an outer join to show dimensions where an event has not occurred. The se rules and how they can be implemented is stated as follows: Entity ID Entity Name Comments Should contain all institutional courses regardless of whether they are coded or not. They will be assigned to "Unspecified" MST) Should contain all accounts re gardless of whether they are assigned to person or not. They will be assigned to "Unspecified" Rep. It will also show all 'types' of accounts (school, departmen t) at all levels of hierarchy Should contain all institutional courses regardles s of whether they are assigned to person or not. They will be assigned to "Unspe cified" Rep. Should contain all institutional courses regardless of whether they have a BIU or not Outer Join Description F3A MST COURSE FACT W_PARTY_ORG_D LEFT OUTER JOIN WC_ORG_CTLG_CAT_H F4 TERRITORY ACCOUNT FACT W_PARTY_ORG_D LEFT OUTER JOIN WC_ORG_PARTY_F F5 TERRITORY COURSE FACT COURSE ENROLLMENT FACT W_PARTY_ORG_D LEFT OUTER JOIN WC_ORG_PARTY_F W_PARTY_ORG_D LEFT OUTER JOIN W_ASS ET_F F6 Version 1 Owner: Chenly Paz Last Updated: 06 October 2010

Technical Design OBIEE 6 Front-End Reporting: Guide for Developers 6.1 Dashboards For this JAR, all non-operational reports will be embedded in separate pages in a temporary dashboard called JAR 2 Dashboard. This will be the only dashboard for all reports. For this JAR build purposes, point the Sales Dashboard in Siebel -> Sitemap to the temporary dashboard JAR 2 Dashboard. IMPORTANT: Create an Action L ink for ALL reports on Master Account, Bookstore, Course and/or Department name to be opened in the application. 6.2 Siebel Embedded Reports For this JAR, the following reports are to be embedded in the application: Reaso n for Report No. Report Title Embed in Location Embedding 7 Account Sales Sales History Tab in Accounts To view Sales History Screen History for a specific Acco unt Please refer to JAR 2 Functional Design Document Reporting for the exact fro ntend design of the above reports. 6.3 Siebel BI Publisher Report There is no specific technical design for the BI Publisher reports. To develop t hese reports, please refer to the requirements in the JAR 2 Functional Design Do cument Reporting. For this JAR, the BI Publisher reports are: 1. Bookstore Adopt ion Report (report number 9 in Report Design Section) Page 24 of 24 Printed 19/08/11

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