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Energy Psychology - Experience These New and

Effective Therapy Tools

Patzia Gonzalez-Baz

When I tell people I work with Energy Psychotherapy tools, many wonder if I do some
sort of Reiki, or maybe Healing Touch. I don't; "Energy Psychology" is the broad
academic name for a body of work that includes many models developed over several
decades that treat a wide spectrum of psychological and spiritual issues. These
treatment issues range from phobias, limiting beliefs and trauma; to developing
creativity, self-esteem, peak performance and emotional freedom.

Energy Psychology, Energy Psychotherapy, Energy Therapies; seek to rebalance

-methodically and explicitly-certain aspects of the Human Vibrational Matrix. This
Human Vibrational Matrix is electromagnetic and includes several interrelated systems.
I'm going to mention only 3 in this article.

1) The layers of the electromagnetic biofield. Each one of our organs has an
electromagnetic field that can be documented and measured. Among these are the
ones measured medically by the EKG (heart) and the EEG (brain). These EM fields are
overlapping layers that surround the body and they support the inner flow of energy.
The heart's electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical
activity generated by the brain. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart
is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, and
can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-
based magnetometer. This biofield is sometimes referred to as the aura.

2) Seven centers of concentrated bioenergy, or energy vortex, known in India

since ancient times as "Chakras".

3) And pathways of energy, or avenues of energy through which electromagnetic

energy flows through the body, also known as "Meridians"

Basically, energy psychotherapy is all about restoring the natural flow of energy within
your body. Did you know that limiting beliefs, unresolved memories, frightful
experiences and trauma can disrupt this flow?

Did you know that negative emotions in your daily life, such as fear, doubt, anger,
judgment, criticism, blame, anxiety, stress etc., can also be stored in your body and
lead to symptoms of physical and emotional distress?

There are dozens of Energy Psychology techniques. Some of the better known ones
are EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TAT (Tapas Acupressure Techniques), BSFF
(Be Set Free Fast), GSH (Guided Self-Healing), HBLU (Healing From the Body Level
Up), and Seemorg Matrix, DEH (Dynamic Energy Healing), and WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid
derived from EFT), and EMDR.
These techniques have been clinically shown to help with a wide range of psychological
problems. Even though many therapists have been using these extraordinary tools for
over 15 years, and have been astounded by their effectiveness in 80% of cases, these
techniques are still in preliminary stages of organizing research and are therefore still
considered experimental.

Several of these Energy Psychology tools and techniques are very easy to learn and
can be used on your own to take care of yourself and your family. They are
tremendously empowering, simple and rapidly effective: they are outstanding for
addressing phobias, anxiety, fears, pains, allergies, and limiting beliefs. For many
people, relief of these problems is all that they want to achieve. Of course, these tools
and techniques are enormously useful in psychotherapy, counseling, pain
management, stress release, emotional components of illness, and enhancing peak
performance, to name a few areas of intervention.

Using these techniques can lead to deeper levels of work, particularly when there is an
openness to include spiritual dimensions in the focus of therapy. The use of Energy
Psychology tools and techniques have been seen to greatly aid those suffering from
emotional challenges such as addictions & compulsions, anxiety, depression, limiting
beliefs, personality disorders, phobias, stress, and trauma; and in maximizing human
performance in business, sports and the arts; and supporting the healthy development
and well-being of individuals and groups.

ACEP, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, is committed to establish

the credibility of the effectiveness of Energy Psychology through its programs of
certification, education, ethics, humanitarian aid, and research.

Patzia Gonzalez-Baz, B. Sc. Clinical Member, OSP; D-CEP; EFT-Adv; has a Psychotherapy
practice in Newmarket, ON and facilitates EFT and TAT sessions in person and on teleconferences.

Patzia specializes in empowering individuals by helping them release their blocks and
inhibitions, followed by facilitating positive belief patterns, that allows the individual to
step into their own power and bring back their sense of aliveness. Patzia also
integrates spiritual awareness and healing, along with many other approaches in her
practice, matching the therapy to the individual needs of the client. For more
information visit Patzia's website at:

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