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21 Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp.

Negotiating Disarmament and
Demobilisation: A Descriptive
Review of the Evidence
Robert Muggah
Pontifcia Universidad Catlica de Ro de Janeiro
porL opcraLions. Sincc Lhc landmark Agenda for Peace (:) and Lhc Report of
the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (:ooo),
DDR has bccn rcpcaLcdly
and inLcnsiLy o armcd conicLs.

Indccd, mosL scLLings involving somc orm

o inLcrnaLional or inLcrnal armcd conicL sincc Lhc carly os havc caLurcd
conicL scLLings, Lhcrc is comparaLivcly lcss awarcncss o Lhc ways in which
disarmamcnL and dcmobilisaLion (D8D) in parLicular arc ncgoLiaLcd and
1 This article is based on Muggah and Reiger (2012). Special thanks are reserved for
the research assistance of Mathias Reiger and the support of CCDP and NOREF.
2 See UNSG (1992) and UNSG (2000).
3 For a review of the literature, see Berdal and Ucko (2009), Muggah (2009), and
Muggah (2005).
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
insLiLuLionaliscd. InsLcad, iL is oLcn simply assumcd LhaL Lhcy arc rcquircd
and cmcrgc on Lhc basis o conscnsus. Surprisingly, Lhcrc arc cw cmpirical
proccsscs and pcacc agrccmcnLs, much lcss Lhc undcrlying raLionalc.

is also comparaLivcly liLLlc inormcd policy guidancc on how mcdiaLors can

and anLicipaLc how sLaLcs and armcd groups bargain and undcr whaL condi-
Lions ciLhcr is prcparcd Lo lay down arms. Tis arLiclc bcgins by addrcssing
Tc arLiclc asscsscs Lhc cxLcnL Lo which D8D (and Lo a lcsscr cxLcnL
arching objccLivc is Lo dcLcrminc Lhc prcvalcncc o Lhcsc Lwo acLiviLics, Lhc
ways in which Lhcy arc cxprcsscd and cmcrging alLcrnaLivc ormulaLions.
Tc papcr ocrs somc LcnLaLivc obscrvaLions on uLurc iLcraLions o D8D
Lhc scalc and scopc o D8D and rclaLcd Lcrms in pcacc agrccmcnLs and Lhc
locaLion o kcy Lcrms wiLhin Lhcm. Tc ourLh sccLion considcrs how Lhcsc
1. Defning Debates
In ordcr Lo undcrsLand how D8D is ncgoLiaLcd, iL is imporLanL Lo rsL bc
and peace agreements, on Lhc oLhcr. OLcn Lakcn or granLcd, an analyLically
clcar nomcnclaLurc is criLical Lo cnsuring conccpLual clariLy and mcLhodologi-
4 The Escola de Cultura de Pau features some limited anecdotal information on how
DDR issues are accounted for during negotiations. See Carams and Sanz (2009).
5 There are, however, some notable exceptions. See, for example, Ong (2012).
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
and rclaLcd agrccmcnLs, onc musL noL rcsLricL Lhc analysis Lo disarmamcnL
Tis is bccausc in many scLLings disarmamcnL and dcmobilisa-
Lion may Lhcmsclvcs bc considcrcd loadcd and pcjoraLivc Lcrms, LanLamounL
cxisL or volunLary and vcricd arms conLrol or acLiviLics Lo hand ovcr wcap-
ons and ammuniLions holdings.
AlLhough Lhcrc is no conscnsus dcniLion
o disarmamcnL, iL is gcncrally considcrcd Lo includc Lhc conLrollcd collcc-
Lion, documcnLaLion, conLrol and disposal o Lhc small arms, ammuniLion,
rcsponsiblc arms managcmcnL programmcs and associaLcd lcgislaLion. Tcrc
cnL languagcs, ranging rom pracLical arms conLrol and wcapons managc-

6 Note that disarmament and demobilisation could also be described as arms control and
cantonment. Likewise, in French, Portuguese, Spanish or other languages, the concepts
are obviously spelt differently. A full search for the purposes of research would, thus,
require searching with British and US spelling, as well as in multiple languages. Likewise,
in many cases, concepts such as reinsertion, rehabilitation and recovery are often added,
resulting in abbreviations for the process such as DDRR, DDRRR and DDRRRR. On the
proliferation of Rs, consult Nilsson (2005) and Muggah (2004a).
7 For example, the use of the concept of disarmament almost derailed major negotia-
tions, including the Bonn Agreement and the Nepal peace process. Thus, wording in
the Bonn Agreement was changed to the following: Upon the offcial transfer of
power, all mujahideen, Afghan armed forces, and armed groups in the country shall
come under the command and control of the Interim Authority, and be reorganized
according to the requirements of the new Afghan security and armed forces.
8 The United Nations has also published a series of reports on related issues since
the mid-1990s. See, for example, Ginifer (1995) and Adibe (1995).
9 For example, disarmament is also spelt as dsarmement, desarme, disarm, de-
sarmamento, controle des armes, gestion des armes, controle de armas, gesato de
armas, gestion de las armas, etc.
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
According Lo csLablishcd UN guidclincs, demobilisation includcs Lhc
ormal and conLrollcd dischargc o acLivc combaLanLs rom armcd orccs
or oLhcr armcd groups.
Tc rsL sLagc o dcmobilisaLion may cxLcnd
rom Lhc proccssing o individual combaLanLs in Lcmporary ccnLrcs Lo
cnLail a limiLcd phasc o disarmamcnL. Tc sccond sLagc o dcmobilisa-
which is also oLcn labcllcd rcinscrLion. As in Lhc casc o disarmamcnL,
Lhcrc is a widc rangc o spcllings

and synonyms or dcmobilisaLion in

pcacc agrccmcnLs, including canLonmcnL and warchousing.
Reintegration, alLhough noL addrcsscd in dcLail in Lhc prcscnL arLiclc,
gcncrally applics Lo Lhc nal sLagcs o a DDR proccss
and includcs Lhc
proccss by which cx-combaLanLs acquirc civilian sLaLus and gain susLain-
ablc cmploymcnL and incomc. IL may also cnLail Lhc provision o a supporL
packagc, as noLcd abovc (dcscribcd as rcinscrLion), and includc a pcriod o

widc rangc o synonyms Lo dcscribc Lhc proccsscs o rcinscrLion, rchabiliLa-

IL is imporLanL Lo also noLc LhaL a comprchcnsivc pcacc agrccmcnL

(CPA) is oLcn dcscribcd as a wriLLcn documcnL produccd Lhrough
ncgoLiaLion. Thcsc agrccmcnLs arc cccLivcly prcscripLivc conLracLs
10 See Module 4.20 of the IDDRS. For a more academic treatment, consult Knight and
zerdem (2004).
11 For example, demobilisation is spelt demobilization, desmobilizao, desmovili-
zacin and the like.
12 See Module 4.30 of the IDDRS.
13 This, in some ways, refects the nexus between DDR and Security Sector Reform.
See, for example, Bryden (2007, 29) and Lamb and Dye (2009).
14 Synonyms include reinsertion, rehabilitation, reintegrao, reinsero, reabilitao,
reintegracin, reinsercin and rehabilitacin.
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
in LhaL () Lhc major parLics in Lhc conlicL arc involvcd in Lhc ncgo-
LiaLion proccss and (:) subsLanLivc issucs undcrlying Lhc dispuLc arc
includcd in ncgoLiaLions. A CPA is dcincd by Lhc proccss and producL
mcnL. In oLhcr words, an agrccmcnL can sLill bc considcrcd Lo bc com-
prchcnsivc cvcn i iL docs noL lcad Lo a comprchcnsivc pcacc. By way
o conLrasL, many Lypcs o pcacc agrccmcnLs arc noL comprchcnsivc,
including LrcaLics, accords, proLocols, pacLs and ccascirc agrccmcnLs.
Dcpcnding on Lhc dciniLion and daLabasc consulLcd, and as Lhc ol-
lowing sccLion makcs clcar, Lhcrc wcrc anywhcrc bcLwccn , and 6o
pcacc agrccmcnLs sincc 8.
2. The Scale and Scope of Disarmament
and Demobilisation Provision
Assuming a mcasurc o agrccmcnL on Lhc dcniLions givcn abovc, iL
is possiblc Lo bcgin asscssing Lhc ways in which Lhc D8D proccsscs arc
rsL Lo considcr Lhc scalc and brcadLh o pcacc agrccmcnLs and Lhcn Lhc
cxLcnL Lo which kcy provisions arc includcd. IiLcrally, hundrcds o pcacc
agrccmcnLs havc bccn signcd sincc Lhc cnd o Lhc Cold War, o which
a considcrablc numbcr includc provisions or cvcryLhing rom arms
cmbargocs, sancLions and amncsLics Lo DDR and widcr sccuriLy sccLor
rcorm (DcRoucn cL al. :oo). Morcovcr, virLually cvcry UN pcacc sup-
porL opcraLion has caLurcd a mandaLc Lo undcrLakc orccd or volunLary
sincc 8 (Muggah :oo).

15 The frst UN-sanctioned intervention combining the hand-over of weapons, the

cantonment of former combatants and their reinsertion and reintegration into ci-
vilian life occurred three decades ago in Namibia. Many more soon followed across
sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, Southeast Europe, South and Southeast Asia,
and beyond. Although the UN remains the chief proponent of post-confict DDR,
many other agencies ranging from the World Bank to bilateral development agen-
cies are involved.
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
Indccd, Lhcrc is an cxpanding rcscarch communiLy dcvoLcd Lo sLudy-
(Darby :oo, ForLna :oo, HarLzcll and Hoddic :oo,, Hill :oo). Fcw rc-
pcacc agrccmcnLs and provisions or D8D and oLhcr rclaLcd conccpLs.
Tcrcarc,inconLrasL,anumbcrosearchable datasets opcaccagrccmcnLs
LhaL can bc uscd Lo Lhis cnd: () Lhc Pcacc Proccsscs and Pcacc Accords
(PPPA) daLabasc (, CPAs bcLwccn 8 and :o:),
(:) Lhc TransiLional
1usLicc Pcacc AgrccmcnLs (T1PA) daLabasc (6o pcacc agrccmcnLs bc-
Lwccn 8 and :o:),
and () Lhc Uppsala ConicL DaLa Programmc
Pcacc AgrccmcnL daLabasc ( agrccmcnLs bcLwccn 8 and :oo).

conLrasLing mcchanisms or conducLing scarchcs.
AL Lhc ouLscL, Lhc PPPA daLabasc includcs somc , scparaLc comprchcn-

Lhus rcprcscnLaLivc), iL allows or a scarch o all scparaLc agrccmcnLs across
disLincL subjccL arcas, including whcLhcr Lcrms and condiLions or dis-
armamcnL, dcmobilisaLion and rcinLcgraLion arc cxpliciLly includcd in
Lhc conLcnL o spccic agrccmcnLs. IL docs noL allow or scarchcs or oLhcr
16 See Peace Accords Matrix,
17 The dataset includes proposed agreements not accepted by all relevant parties
(but setting a framework); agreements between some but not all parties to
conficts; agreements essentially imposed after a military victory; joint decla-
rations largely rhetorical in nature; and agreed accounts of meetings between
parties even where these do not create substantive obligations. In cases where
a series of partial agreements were later incorporated into a single framework
agreement, all of the constituent agreements are listed separately. Where spe-
cifc pieces of legislation, constitutions, interim constitutions, constitutional
amendments or UN Security Council resolutions were the outcomes of peace
negotiations, these are included in the database; however, where these were
viewed as far removed from the peace agreement, they were not included. See
18 The author elected not to assess the UCDP dataset owing to methodological
constraints in disaggregating felds. See
19 The last peace agreement included in the dataset is Cote DIvoire in 2007.
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
synonyms or alLcrnaLivc spcllings. Fvcn so, Lhc PPPA daLabasc allows or a
ull LcxLual rcvicw o Lhc pcacc accords and Limclincs or Lhc implcmcnLa-
Lcmporal and spaLial analysis. A limiLaLion is LhaL iL rcsLricLs Lhc naLurc o
Ovcrall, Lhc PPPA daLabasc rcvcals LhaL ovcr hal o all CPAs includc cx-
combinaLion o Lhc Lhrcc (scc Tablc ). Indccd, :: o , counLrics Angola,
Bangladcsh, Burundi, Cambodia, CroaLia, DjibouLi, Fl Salvador, CuaLcmala,
Lhc Philippincs, Rwanda, Sicrra Iconc, SouLh Arica, TajikisLan, Timor-
IcsLc and BriLain caLurcd Lhcsc conccpLs cxpliciLly in Lhc LcxL o CPAs.
InLriguingly, Lhrcc counLrics did noL includc provisions or disarmamcnL aL
20 South Africa (1990 ceasefre and 1993 peace accord), the Philippines (1993
ceasefre and 1996 peace agreement) and Djibouti (1994 ceasefre and 1994 peace
agreement) excluded disarmament from their peace agreements, opting instead
for demobilisation and reintegration.
Table 1. Reviewing key terms in PPPA (37 agreements)
Demobilisation 20 54
Reintegration 20 54
Military reform 21 57
Disarmament 22 59
At least one of each term 27 73
Source: Muggah and Reiger (2012)
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
By way o comparison, Lhc T1PA daLabasc includcs 6o scparaLc pcacc
Lhc PPPA daLascL, iL allows or a much morc cxiblc scarch uncLion and
is noL Licd Lo prc-sclccLcd subjccL hcadings. YcL, a scarch o Lhc daLabasc
or disarmamcnL suggcsLs LhaL jusL : pcacc agrccmcnLs, proLocols, ac-
cords and pacLs includc cxpliciL provisions. Tcsc arc Burundi (:oo:), Lhc
DcmocraLic Rcpublic o Lhc Congo (DRC) (), Ccorgia/Abkhazia (),
CuaLcmala (6), India/PakisLan (), Iibcria (, ), Nigcr (,),
Sicrra Iconc (,, ), Somalia () and TajikisLan (,). A scarch or
, ), India/Tripura (), Iraq/KuwaiL (), Ncpal (:oo6), Papua
Ncw Cuinca (:ooo, :oo), Russia/Chcchnya (6), Lhc Solomon Islands
Tc T1PA daLascL also lisLs addiLional rccrcnccs Lo dcmobiliz(s)aLion,
(, :ooo), Fl Salvador (, :, ), CuaLcmala (), Mozambiquc
(,, ) and TajikisLan (, ,) arc also includcd.
A nal scarch or
DDR rcvcalcd an addiLional agrccmcnLs, including Cambodia (),
Lhc CcnLral Arican Rcpublic (8), Colombia (, , :oo, :oo), CLc
dIvoirc (:oo, :oo), Lhc DRC (:oo:), Ccorgia/Abkhazia (), CuaLcmala
(, ), India/Bodoland (:oo), Indoncsia/Acch (:ooo, :oo, :oo), Lhc
21 Note that Burundi (2002), Liberia (1993) and Sierra Leone (1997, 1999) also in-
cluded provisions for demobilisation and reintegration.
22 Also included in the reintegration category were Burundi (2002), El Salvador
(1994), Guatemala (1991) and Sierra Leone (1996).
23 Also included under DDR were Burundi (2002), the DRC (1999), Liberia (2003),
Sierra Leone (1999), Tajikistan (1997) and Britain/Northern Ireland (2001).
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
Tus, Lakcn LogcLhcr, Lhc T1PA daLascL includcs somc 66 disLincL
pcacc agrccmcnLs or oLhcr associaLcd proLocols, accords and ccascrcs
wiLh aL lcasL onc cxpliciL provision or DDR. In oLhcr words, roughly
o o all rcporLcd documcnLs includc provisions or DDR. As noLcd
in Tablc :, pcacc agrccmcnLs oLcn addrcss various aspccLs o DDR and
noL ncccssarily always in a unicd manncr. WhaL is noLcworLhy is noL
jusL Lhc scalc, buL Lhc gcographic disLribuLion o Lhcsc agrccmcnLs, wiLh
counLrics in CcnLral and SouLh Amcrica, sub-Saharan and NorLh Arica,
SouLh and SouLhcasL Asia and Lhc SouLh Pacic rcprcscnLcd. Missing
rom Lhis samplc, howcvcr, arc cxamplcs rom Lhc ormcr Yugoslavia,
Rcpublic o Maccdonia, and Scrbia and MonLcncgro.
3. Location and Emphasis of D&D in Peace Agreements
IL appcars LhaL disarmamcnL, dcmobilisaLion and rcinLcgraLion all
igurc promincnLly in comprchcnsivc pcacc agrccmcnLs, buL lcss rc-
qucnLly in all manncr o accompanying accords, proLocols and pacLs.
Table 2. Reviewing key terms in the TJPA (640)
Disarmament 12 12 1.9
Demobiliz(s)ation 14 16 2.5
Reintegration 19 24 3.8
Reinsertion 3 3 0.5
DDR 31 31 4.8
DDRR 0 0 0.0
Rehabilitation 12 13 2.0
Arms control 0 0 0.0
Arms management 0 0 0.0
Weapons or arms 21 23 3.6
Ammunition 1 1 0.2
Source: Muggah and Reiger (2012)
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
Thc ovcrall rcqucncy appcars, in acL, Lo bc lowcr Lhan is oLcn im-
plicd by many in Lhc UniLcd NaLions.
For cxamplc, Lhc DcparLmcnL
or Pcacckccping OpcraLions has sLrcsscd LhaL [d]isarmamcnL, dc-
mobilisaLion and rcinLcgraLion (DDR) has bccomc an inLcgral parL
o posL-conlicL pcacc consolidaLion and LhaL iLs acLiviLics rcprcscnL
LhaL DDR musL bc inLcgraLcd inLo Lhc cnLirc pcacc proccss rom Lhc
pcacc ncgoLiaLions Lhrough pcacckccping and ollow-on pcaccbuilding
In ordcr Lo dcLcrminc Lhc rclaLivc cmphasis aLLribuLcd Lo
Lhcsc conccpLs wiLhin pcacc proccsscs, an corL was madc Lo morc
closcly cxaminc Lhc conLcnL o a sclccLion o agrccmcnLs. To Lhis cnd,
Lhc , agrccmcnLs lisLcd in Lhc PPPA daLascL wcrc subjccLcd Lo closcr
conccpLs. A summary o Lhc kcy agrccmcnLs is noLcd bclow. IL should
bc cmphasiscd LhaL Lhis asscssmcnL is cursory and provisional, Lhc
lisL is noL ncccssarily rcprcscnLaLivc, and iL is likcly LhaL kcy conccpLs
caLurc morc rcgularly in rcccnL pcacc agrccmcnLs sincc :oo (c.g.
SouLh Sudan).
From Lhc dcscripLivc asscssmcnL, Lhcrc docs noL appcar Lo bc a clcar,
disccrniblc paLLcrn in Lhc disLribuLion o disarmamcnL across CPAs.
For cxamplc, in counLrics whcrc clcar provisions cxisL, Lhc allusion Lo
disarmamcnL Lcnds Lo bc locaLcd prcdominanLly in Lhc middlc and cnd
o agrccmcnLs, occasionally appcaring on Lhc rsL pagc (c.g. CroaLia,
Maccdonia), buL morc oLcn cmcrging midway Lhrough (c.g. Angola,
Bosnia and Hcrzcgovina, DjibouLi, Indoncsia, Iibcria, Mozambiquc,
Papua Ncw Cuinca, Rwanda, Sicrra Iconc and TajikisLan) or ncarcr Lhc
cnd o Lhc LcxL (c.g. Bangladcsh, Cambodia, Timor-IcsLc and BriLain). IL
is also worLh sLrcssing LhaL comparaLivcly limiLcd LcxL is givcn ovcr Lo
24 See Ong (2012) and
25 See, for example,
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
morc Lhan Lhc cquivalcnL o onc pagc in LoLal (scc Tablc ). From Lhc
pcrspccLivc o ncgoLiaLors, Lhcn, Lhcrc docs noL sccm Lo bc any common
(or non-promincnL locaLion) arc rclaLcd Lo Lhc scnsiLivc naLurc o Lhc is-
suc or Lo Lhc limiLcd imporLancc accordcd Lo iL.
Table 3. Comprehensive peace agreements and disarmament (1989-2005)
Angola 1992 66 Annex 1 of 10 4 0.94
Angola 2002 27 Annex 4 of 6 18 0.33
Bangladesh 1997 11 Chapter 4 of 4 11 0.00
Bosnia and
1995 149 n/a 9 0.94
Burundi 2000 93 n/a 6 0.94
Cambodia 1991 57 Annex 2 of 5 38 0.33
Croatia 1995 2 Article 3 1 0.50
Djibouti 1994 7 Section 8 of 11 5 0.29
Indonesia 2005 7 Section 4.3 of 6 5 0.29
Liberia 2003 52 Article 3 of 35 6 0.88
Macedonia 2001 11 Article 2.1 of 6 1 0.91
Mozambique 1992 57 Protocol 4 of 7 20 0.65
Niger 1995 11 Clause 12 of 27 3 0.73
Papua New Guinea 2001 85 Article 5 of 8 5 0.94
Rwanda 1993 101 Article 23 of 162 20 0.80
Sierra Leone 1996 11 Article 5 of 28 4 0.64
Sierra Leone 1999 28 Article 6 of 36 5 0.82
Tajikistan 1997 45 n/a 10 0.78
Timor-Leste 1999 29 Annex 3 of 3 29 0.00
United Kingdom 1998 35 Chapter 7 of 11 25 0.29
Source: Muggah and Reiger (2012)
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
Unsurprisingly, Lhcn, Lhcrc also docs noL appcar Lo bc a clcar paLLcrn in
arc cascs in which dcmobilisaLion is ciLcd in Lhc rsL cw pagcs o Lhc docu-
mcnL (c.g. Angola, Burundi, CroaLia, Nigcr, Sicrra Iconc and TajikisLan), buL
and Hcrzcgovina, Cambodia, Iibcria, Mozambiquc and Rwanda) or closcr
onc pagc Lo Lhc conccpL and oLhcrs noL doing morc Lhan simply using Lhc
Lcrm a singlc Limc (scc Tablc ). Tc samc cavcaLs or disarmamcnL abovc
Table 4. Comprehensive peace agreements and demobilisation (1989-2005)
Negotiating disarmament and demobilisation
Angola 1992 66
Annex 1 of
4 0.94
Angola 2002 27 Annex 1 of 6 14 0.48
Bangladesh 1997 11
Chapter 4
of 4
11 0.00
Bosnia and
1995 149 n/a 15 0.90
Burundi 2000 93 n/a 6 0.94
Cambodia 1991 57 Annex 1 of 5 25 0.56
Croatia 1995 2 Article 3 1 0.50
Djibouti 1994 7
Section 8
of 11
5 0.29
Indonesia 2005 7
Section 4.2
of 6
5 0.29
Liberia 2003 52
Article 3
of 35
6 0.88
Macedonia 2001 11 n/a n/a 0
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
Mozambique 1992 57
Protocol 4
of 7
20 0.65
Niger 1995 11
Clause 12
of 27
3 0.73
Papua New
2001 85 n/a n/a 0
Rwanda 1993 101
Article 23 of
20 0.80
Sierra Leone 1996 11 Article 5 of 28 4 0.64
Sierra Leone 1999 28 Article 6 of 36 5 0.82
Tajikistan 1997 45 5 0.89
Timor-Leste 1999 29 n/a n/a 0
1998 35 n/a n/a 0
4. Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilisation
Tcrc is grcaL variabiliLy in Lhc ways in which sccuriLy issucs rclaLcd
Lo Lhc managcmcnL o arms and ormcr combaLanLs arc LrcaLcd in pcacc
proccsscs and pcacc agrccmcnLs. Tc rouLc is oLcn ar rom sLraighLor-
o cngagcmcnL. Common Lo all proccsscs, howcvcr, is Lhc acL LhaL Lhc
hoLly conLcsLcd and rouLincly all shorL o cxpccLaLions (Muggah :oo).
cral, Lhc issucs o D8D arc rcqucnLly connccLcd Lo undamcnLal priori-
Lics associaLcd wiLh Lhc LransormaLion o sccuriLy and jusLicc sysLcms
and LransiLional and rcsLoraLivc jusLicc (Muggah :oo).
Pcacc mcdiaLors arc conscious o Lhc ways in which Lhc dynamics
o Lhc armcd conicLs inucncc Lhc dirccLion and dynamics o D8D
Table 4. (cont.)
Source: Muggah and Reiger (2012)
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
(Muggah :o, CollcLLa and Muggah :oo). Spccically, how a givcn
armcd conicL was iniLiaLcd, pursucd and LcrminaLcd will inucncc
whcLhcr and how warring parLics disarm or volunLccr Lhcir cadrcs or
dcmobilisaLion and rcinLcgraLion. I Lhcrc is a clcar vicLor in an armcd
conicL, or i soldicrs arc rcLurning homc aLcr waging a cross-bordcr
conicL, Lhc Lcrms or D8D may bc morc sLraighLorward. I an uncasy
Lrucc is achicvcd as a rcsulL o a hurLing sLalcmaLc, Lhcn ncgoLiaLions
arc likcly Lo bc morc raughL. For cxamplc, during Lhc o-: ncgoLia-
Lions bcLwccn Lhc Fl Salvadorian govcrnmcnL and Lhc Farabundo MarL
NaLional IibcraLion FronL (FMIN), disarmamcnL was Lhc lasL iLcm on
Lhc agcnda. Indccd, Lhc FMIN insisLcd on a ull poliLical agrccmcnL
bcorc discussing disarmamcnL.
Tcrc arc oLcn acrimonious disagrccmcnLs bcLwccn groups abouL
pursuing D8D as a prccondiLion or pcacc Lalks. Indccd, armcd groups
ranging rom Lhc Ncpal MaoisLs and Lhc Philippincs-bascd Moro
NaLional IibcraLion FronL Lo Lhc Fl Salvadorian FMIN also rcjccLcd
dcmands LhaL disarmamcnL should prcccdc ncgoLiaLions, lcL alonc dc-
in or cmcrging rom armcd conicL (KnighL and Ozcrdcm :oo, Nussio
:o). WiLhouL LransparcnL and crcdiblc guaranLccs LhaL Lhc Lcrms o a
pcacc agrccmcnL will bc cnorccd and Lhc sccuriLy o disarmcd parLics
will bc cnsurcd, Lhc raLional rcsponsc is Lo dcclinc Lhc handing ovcr o
many o us, unLhinkablc, as wc carcd Lrcason and Lhc unccrLainLics o
auLurcwiLhouLLhcavailabiliLyowcaponsasan insuranccpolicy.Wc
had noL rcalizcd LhaL pcacc nccdcd Lo bccomc a onc-way journcy Lhc
LransiLion Lo civilian lic riskcd Lhc cnd o lic as a group, buL also an
idcnLiLy orgcd on Lhc usc o arms (Buchanan 8 Widmcr :oo6).
26 Likewise, issues of civilian arms control, demobilisation and reintegration were also
relegated to later stages of the negotiations. See Buchanan and Chavez (2009).
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
Thc cccLivcncss o DDR parLicularly D8D is incxLricably con-
nccLcd Lo Lhc Lypcs o sccuriLy arrangcmcnLs LhaL arc puL in placc. I
volunLary disarmamcnL is Lo bc pursucd, iL is viLal LhaL any corLs
ncss-raising acLiviLics abouL Lhc inLcnL and purposc o Lhc inLcrvcn-
oLcn, disarmamcnL is lcL Lo Lhc lasL minuLc, Lhc lcgal and program-
maLic pracLicaliLics arc poorly communicaLcd and Lhc proccss rcsulLs
in conusing and conLradicLory mcssagcs bcing communicaLcd Lo Lhc
public. Morcovcr, sincc many o Lhc bcnciciarics o DDR acLiviLics
wcrc aL onc sLagc on Lhc ronL linc and may Lhcmsclvcs havc commiL-
Lcd aLrociLics, lcgiLimaLc conccrns arc oLcn raiscd abouL Lhc jusLicc
and cLhics o providing supporL. Human righLs advocaLcs and com-
muniLy lcadcrs oLcn car LhaL, in Lhc pursuiL o sccuriLy dividcnds,
undamcnLal issucs o LransiLional jusLicc and communiLy rcconcilia-
Lion arc compromiscd (Sriram and Hcrman :oo).
uncLions o wcapons and armcd groups in socicLics whcn considcring
provisions or D8D. Indccd, mcdiaLors should undcrsLand Lhc dynamic
social and hisLorical uncLions o wcapons, including whcn wcapons
owncrship is symbolic and associaLcd wiLh adulLhood and communiLy
Lhc organisaLions sLrugglc and has bccn inLcrprcLcd as prohibiLing Lhc
Lion programmcs LhaL did noL rcquirc ull disarmamcnL. InccnLivcs wcrc
insLcad providcd Lo individual insurgcnLs and Lhcir communiLics LhaL
sidcd wiLh Lhc govcrnmcnL (Ong :o:). WhaL is morc, in many socicLics
bc unrcalisLic and cvcn dangcrous or mcdiaLors Lo scck ull disarma-
groups vulncrablc Lo aLLacks rom ncighbours (Muggah :oob).
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
OLhcr challcngcs acing DDR arc usually adminisLraLivc and burcau-
craLic. For cxamplc, Lhc UN and oLhcrs havc rcqucnLly had a diculL
Limc undcrLaking succcssul DDR bccausc o disagrccmcnLs and conu-
Pcacckccping OpcraLions (DPKO) and Lhc UN DcvclopmcnL Programmc
(UNDP) Lo pursuc an inLcgraLcd approach conronLcd somc challcngcs,
as cxpcricnccs in HaiLi and Sudan can aLLcsL (Muggah :oo,). In boLh
cascs, a lack o clariLy ovcr Lhc dirccLion, Lcrminology and organisaLion
o DDR rcsulLcd in Lhc brcakdown o corLs Lo collaboraLc. In somc
cascs, Lhc hosL govcrnmcnL and Lhc armcd groups Lhcmsclvcs may also
Lry Lo disrupL Lhc proccss. In mosL cascs, DPKO is rcsponsiblc or un-
dcrLaking D8D o ormcr combaLanLs, whilc UNDP, Lhc World Bank and
Lhc InLcrnaLional OrganisaLion or MigraLion supporL cvcryLhing rom
civilian disarmamcnL Lo rcinscrLion and rcinLcgraLion. Tc so-callcd
InLcgraLcd DisarmamcnL, DcmobilisaLion and RcinLcgraLion SLandards
(IDDRS) csLablishcd by an inLcr-agcncy working group o morc Lhan 6
UN agcncics arc inLcndcd Lo clariy rolcs and rcsponsibiliLics, buL Lhcsc
arc noL always obscrvcd.
Too oLcn, gaps cmcrgc in which unding or
criLical accLs o DDR go unsupporLcd and Lhc programmc sLalls.
IL is imporLanL Lo sLrcss LhaL Lhcrc arc no magic bullcLs or all Lhc
arc rcqucnLly dcscribcd as such. Fvcn so, Lhc progrcssivc dcclinc o
armcd conlicLs around Lhc world sincc Lhc laLc 8os suggcsLs LhaL
Lhcsc and oLhcr acLiviLics havc poLcnLially playcd a posiLivc rolc in
promoLing sacLy and consolidaLing pcacc. Howcvcr, ovcr Lhc pasL
dccadc, many alLcrnaLivc sccuriLy promoLion acLiviLics havc cmcrgcd
LhaL havc also yicldcd imporLanL rcducLions in armcd violcncc. For
cxamplc, communiLy sccuriLy acLiviLics, inLcrvcnLions ocusing on
aL-risk youLh, wcapons-or-dcvclopmcnL programmcs and spccialiscd
urban rcncwal schcmcs arc cxamplcs o innovaLivc pracLicc and arc
27 See IDDRS.
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
lcsson, Lhcn, is Lhc imporLancc o Laking inLo accounL mulLiplc pos-
sibiliLics Lo promoLc pcacc in Lhc aLcrmaLh o war raLhcr Lhan always
rcsorLing in a knccjcrk ashion Lo DDR or somc rclaLcd combinaLion.
5. Emerging Alternatives to D&D
A numbcr o bcsL pracLiccs or DDR and rclaLcd D8D acLiviLics arc
cy UN working group in Lhc IDDRS.
Thcsc guidclincs wcrc iniLiaLcd
in :oo and conLinuc Lo cvolvc as lcssons arc lcarncd.
In Lhc casc o
pcacc ncgoLiaLions and agrccmcnLs in SouLh Sudan, or cxamplc, Lhcy
wcrc applicd Lo scL ouL a righLsbascd scL o prcscripLions Lo dcal wiLh
Lhc handing in o wcapons, child proLccLion and prccrcnccs or com-
has bccn inLcgraLcd inLo Lhc IDDRS, as wcll as Lhc work o spccialiscd
UN agcncics such as DPKO and UNDP, which havc advanccd commu-
armcd violcncc rcducLion sLraLcgics.
A numbcr o issucs arc oLcn Lakcn inLo considcraLion whcn iL comcs
Lo posL-conicL D8D and oLhcr sccuriLy arrangcmcnLs. FirsLly, Lhcrc is a
conscnsus LhaL provisions or arms conLrol and Lhc managcmcnL o or-
mcr combaLanLs should bc highlighLcd in pcacc accords and agrccmcnLs
and, i inormcd by Lhc sLandards scL ouL by Lhc IDDRS, can also poLcn-
Lially cnsurc LhaL kcy provisions rclaLcd Lo gcndcr cquiLy and minoriLy
inclusion arc groundcd carly in ncgoLiaLions. Sccondly, alLhough diculL
Lo achicvc in pracLicc, Lhcrc is agrccmcnL LhaL a clcar and LransparcnL
28 Consult IAWG (2011).
29 Modules on DDR and security sector reform have been recently introduced.
30 The World Bank is also frequently involved in supporting national and regional
DDR activities, although it is statutorily restricted from becoming involved spe-
cifcally in disarming warring parties.
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilization: A Descriptive Review of the Evidence
COLINT 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
ipanLs or gcncraLing conicL among non-bcncciarics. Tirdly, a balancc
o individual and collccLivc inccnLivcs and moncLary and non-moncLary
packagcs is nccdcd, dcpcnding on Lhc scLLing. Tcsc should bc providcd
moral hazard and wasLagc. Finally, mosL cxpcrLs acknowlcdgc LhaL Lhc

NoLwiLhsLanding Lhc abovcmcnLioncd principlcs and norms dcsigncd Lo

guidc DDR planning and pracLicc, a kcy lcsson rom pasL corLs is LhaL con-
LcxL dcLcrmincs cvcryLhing (Muggah and Krausc :oo). As noLcd abovc, Lhc
way a counLrys armcd conicL is cndcd and mcdiaLcd, and Lhc shapc o iLs
a socicLys disposiLion Lo disarm and dcmobilisc. Tc way in which a pcacc
proccss is managcd and Lhc cxLcnL Lo which warring groups and civil socicLy
cannoL simply bc graLcd on Lo a posL-conicL scLLing. IL is noL mcrcly a
o acLiviLics LhaL musL bc prcccdcd by a clcar poliLical scLLlcmcnL lcsL Lhcy bc
arc provisions or a rangc o rclaLcd conccpLs in roughly hal o all CPAs
group o pcacc accords, proLocols and ccascrcs ovcr Lhc samc pcriod.
pcacc agrccmcnLs caLuring provisions or D8D in Lhc middlc or laLcr
31 See IDDRS.
Robert Muggah
Colombia Internacional 77, enero a abril de 2013, 316 pp. ISSN 0121-5612, pp. 19-41
should bc pursucd. A widc rangc o synonyms and cxprcssions or DDR
hindcr an cxhausLivc LrcaLmcnL o Lhc subjccL.
Indccd, comparaLivc rcscarch is rusLraLcd by Lhc shccr rangc and
disarmamcnL or pracLical disarmamcnL, cLc. and languagcs in which
and dcmobilisaLion prcciscly bccausc Lhc Lcrms connoLc a orm o sub-
mission or surrcndcr. In somc cascs, Lhcsc conccpLs arc lcL ouL cnLircly
or subsLiLuLcd wiLh lcss ocnsivc Lcrms. OLcn, ambiguiLy is inLcnLional
in ordcr Lo avoid dcrailing carcully craLcd proccsscs.
discussions on Lhc archiLccLurc o Lhc sccuriLy sccLor, Lhc disLribuLion o
highly poliLical naLurc, iL is noL advisablc LhaL ull D8D bc ncccssarily
madc prccondiLions o ncgoLiaLions. Indccd, Lhcrc is amplc cvidcncc rom
alLcrnaLivc conccpLs. Fvcn so, an cmcrging scL o good pracLiccs suggcsLs
sccuriLy promoLion pracLiccs bc considcrcd alongsidc convcnLional DDR.
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