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by John Gunter

JUST A NOTE BEFORE YOU READ. SO E OF T!"S ATER"A# AY BE !ARD TO S$A##O$. T!AT%S O&. " EN'OURA(E YOU TO TO YOUR O$N RESEAR'!. DON%T TA&E Y $ORD FOR "T. "NFOR AT"ON "S A)A"#AB#E TO T!OSE $!O SEE& FOR "T. $E A## !A)E A TENDEN'Y TO $ANT TO #")E "N OUR O$N #"TT#E S!E##* A &"ND OF FANTASY $OR#D* AND SO ET" ES TRUT! !URTS. The +n,orm-t+on +n th+s document* .ou m-. use to post -n.where .ou w+sh. . re/uest +s th-t .ou do not -0ter the contents* 1ut pro2+de +t -s +s. " 3now there -re pro,ess+on-0 peop0e who wou0d cut -nd p-ste -t w+00 to m-3e me s-. someth+ng " d+dn%t. " suppose " -m not - 4pu10+c4 ,+gure* so -t th+s t+me* +t won%t pose -s much o, - thre-t. A0so* 50e-se don%t post +t somewhere +t does not 1e0ong* 0+3e under computer progr-mm+ng or someth+ng wh+ch +s not e2en c0ose to re0-t+ng to th+s. Th-n3 You66666 Just to 0et .ou 3now wh-t " -m ABSO#UTE#Y NOT666 " -m not -nt+7go2ernment -t -00. " -m not -nt+ Amer+c-n nor -nt+7Amer+c-n go2ernment. " p-. m. t-8es. " don%t -gree w+th how -00 m. t-8 mone. +s 1e+ng spent* 1ut " st+00 p-. them.. not out o, ,e-r* 1ut out o, true re2erence ,or the 9ust purpose -nd des+gn o, go2ernment. Some o, th+s m-ter+-0 spe-3s o, cert-+n go2ernment-0 -genc+es. For the most p-rt* n-mes h-2e 1een 0e,t o,, e8cept ,or coup0e o, p0-ces. " +n no w-. encour-ge ,0-t7out re1e00+on -g-+nst go2ernment. " do ,ee0 - need* howe2er* to e8pose e2+0 co2er7ups. " 3now ,or - ,-ct* ,or e8-mp0e* th-t not e2er. person wor3+ng ,or the '"A +s e2+0. The s-me +s true ,or the m+0+t-r.* FB"* "RS* -nd -n. other Feder-0 or St-te Agenc.. "t c-n 1e -n honor to wor3 ,or go2ernment +, .ou -re honest* s+ncere* -nd des+re to tru0. ser2e peop0e. " person-00. h-2e wor3ed ,or the go2ernment 1e,ore* -nd some o, the n+cest peop0e "%2e met wor3ed there -s we00. Just -.1e .ou 1+t 3now o, +n,o th+s on -0re-d.* sur2e+00-nce: 1ut:

:. ost Te0e2+s+ons ,rom e-r0. %;<s to present -re e/u+pped w+th = w-. commun+c-t+on c-p-1+0+t+es. The c-10e T) connect+on +n the w-00 +s - st-nd-rd co-8 computer networ3+ng c-10e -nd pro2+des - w-. ,or others to see +nto .our home e2en though .ou -re un-w-re o, +t. see -0so: B0-c3 Bo8es -nd -r10e emor+-0s* '-10e T. ). Snoop+ng =. 5ost m+d 7 %>< -utomo1+0es -re des+gned w+th - computer ch+p wh+ch c-n 1e contro00ed remote0. 2+- s-te00+te. ", des+red* +nd+2+du-0 -s we00 -s m-ss+2e -utomo1+0e shutdown +n - c+t. cou0d 1e -ccomp0+shed. ?Your 2+n @ +s recorded -nd connected w+th .our n-meA See '0+nton%s secret w-r g-mes B. The s-te00+tes wh+ch -re c-00ed 0ow e-rth or1+t+ng s-te00+tes c-n re-d - post-ge st-mp on - tenn+s court. C. The computer s.stem c-00ed the B.E.A.S.T.S. +n Brusse0s* Be0g+um records AT -nd de1+t c-rd tr-ns-ct+ons w+th+n DE seconds. "t +s 3nown wh-t .ou 1ought -nd where .ou 1ought +t. B.E.A.S.T.S. st-nds ,or Brusse0s E0ectron+c Account+ng Sur2e+00-nce Term+n-0 S.stems. "t +s - 'r-. Super 'omputer. See The Be-st o, the Apoc-0.pse: FFF D. gre-ter th-n - GD do00-r 1+00 w+th - d-te o, :;;= or -1o2e h-s - met-00+c str+p runn+ng through +t. You c-n see th+s str+p +, .ou ho0d +t up to the 0+ght. The techno0og. +s +n p0-ce ,or someone w+th the correct e/u+pment to dr+2e 1. .our home w+th - spec+-0 sc-nner -nd 3now -ppro8+m-te0. how much mone. .ou h-2e +n .our home.

"t w-s p0-ced there under - p-rt+-0 truth -s - w-. to tr-c3 drug mone.* 1ut +n re-0+t. ser2es other purposes* s+nce -00 n-t+ons o, the wor0d h-2e the s-me str+p +n them. ?The computers don%t c-re wh-t countr. or wh-t p+cture +s on the mone.* the. st+00 reg+ster the s-me num1ersA F. The B0-c3 he0+copters wh+ch ,0. o2erhe-d -re sur2e+00-nce he0+copters wh+ch use +n,r-7red sc-nn+ng -nd c-n see through .our house. The. -re +00eg-0 he0+copters -ccord+ng to US 0-w* ,or 0eg-0 he0+copters UST h-2e pos+t+2e0. m-r3ed +dent+,+c-t+on on the 1ottom o, them. These do not. B#A'& !E#"'O5TERS EH"ST E. 5o0-r +cec-ps h-2e 1een t-mpered w+th 1. e0+t+sts +n th+s wor0d -nd +t h-s c-used tremendous we-ther sh+,ts wor0d7 w+de. See !AAR5 "nde8: !-rd Truth / $-3e Up Amer+c>. S+nce the :;F<%s* 0-sers h-2e 1een used to cre-te e0ectro7 m-gnet+c ,+e0ds +n the -tmosphere +n order to contro0 we-ther 1. pu00+ng we-ther ,ronts to des+red 0oc-t+ons. !AAR5 "nde8: !-rd Truth / $-3e Up Amer+c;. "n :;;=* +t w-s d+sp0-.ed on the -gend- o, the Eco7e-rth summ+t meet+ng +n R"O DE JANE"RO 1. the 4e0+te4 we-0th.* wor0d go2ernment o,,+c+-0s th-t the present -ttempts to cut the wor0d popu0-t+on w-s not su,,+c+ent... Th-t the E-rth%s popu0-t+on UST 1e cut to = 1+00+on 1. the .e-r =<<< -t $!ATE)ER T!E 'OST. !-2e .ou e2er wondered -1out some o, these new d+se-ses th-t -00 o, - sudden spr+ng up out o, nowhereIIII $e00* $h. not 9ust w+pe out -n ent+re cont+nentI !ow -1out A,r+c-II The crue0t. o, these w+c3ed* ,+0th. peop0e 3nows no 1ounds666 The T+me0+ne o, 5opu0-t+on 'ontro0 :<. As soon -s the. ?4the e0+te4A h-2e - green 0+ght* - wor0d7 w+de econom+c cr-sh +s p0-nned +n order to ,orce one wor0d go2ernment. Destruct+on o, the Tr-de 'enters: Occu0t S.m1o0+sm "nd+c-tes Enem+es $+th+n Our Own (o2ernment ::. "t h-s 1een de2e0oped -nd +s re-d. to 1e +mp0emented: - pos+t+2e +dent+,+c-t+on m-r3 ?- computer ch+p -1out the s+Je o, - gr-+n o, r+ceA to 1e +nserted +nto e2er. m-n* wom-n -nd ch+0d on the p0-net. Th+s w+00 e2entu-00. rep0-ce de1+t -nd cred+t c-rds. $e -re 1e+ng prep-red s0ow0. to th+s 1. the +ntroduct+on o, m+croch+ps +n pets -s we00 -s pr+soners -nd 1-1+es ?so the. c-n%t 1e 0ostA. Th+s wou0d m-3e e2er. m-n* wom-n* -nd ch+0d tr-c37-10e 1. s-te00+te. see -0so: T!E S&"N'ODE Just some +n,orm-t+on ,or .ou: : :/= m+00+on do00-rs w-s spent 1. - med+c-0 center on the e-st co-st wh+ch w-s p-rt o, th+s Un+ted N-t+ons pro9ect w+th un0+m+ted ,und+ng to determ+ne where on the 1od. th+s m+croch+p w-s to 1e +mp0-nted. "t 9ust so h-ppened th-t the m+croch+p +s rech-rged 1. - 0+th+um 1-tter.. #+th+um +s sens+t+2e to he-t ch-nge. Th+s +s wh-t c-uses the rech-rg+ng to occur. A,ter th+s rese-rch* the. d+sco2ered th-t wh+ch mothers new -00 -0ong ... th-t temper-ture r+ses -nd drops the most on the 1-c3 o, the h-nd* -nd on the ,orehe-d. As resu0t* the dec+s+on w-s m-de to +mp0-nt th+s com+ng m+croch+p e+ther on the 1-c3 o, the h-nd or on the ,ore7 he-d. The r+ght h-nd w-s chosen 1ec-use most peop0e -re r+ght h-nded. Food ,or thought +s Re2e0-t+on :B +n the B+10e. -.1e the B+10e w-s r+ght -,ter -00. := Th+s h-ppens to 1e ONE o, the+r 1est -nd most co2ered up secrets:

S+nce the :;D<%s* the '"A/D"A ?De,ense "nte00+gence Agenc.A FB"* &(B* -nd other $or0d org-n+J-t+ons h-2e t-3en -1used ch+0dren -nd p0-ced them +nto the most soph+st+c-ted m+nd contro0 progr-m thought poss+10e where1. person-0+t+es were sp0+t through c-re,u00. p0-nned ne-r7de-th torture unt+0 0+ter-0 s0-2es were cre-ted w+th person-0+t+es wh+ch cou0d 1e used ,or drug7runn+ng* prost+tut+on* esp+on-ge* -ss-ss+n-t+ons* po0+t+c-07,-2ors to n-me - ,ew. !undreds o, thous-nds o, peop0e +n US -0one -re 4-s0eep4 +n soc+et. w-+t+ng to 1e -ccessed 1. these $"'&ED* F"#T!Y hum-n 1e+ngs6 The. 0+2e +n -00 w-03s o, 0+,e: doctors* 0-w.ers* computer progr-mmers* nurses* go2ernment-0 pos+t+ons to n-me - ,ew. The "00um+n-t+: !ow The 'u0ts 5rogr-m 5eop0e* 1. S2-0+: "nde8 -n. o, .ou re-d+ng th+s h-2e he-rd o, u0t+p0e 5erson-0+t+es* or u0t+p0e person-0+t. d+sorder. The s+c3 co2er7up +s th-t -0most A## o, those w+th th+s pro10em were p0-nned de2+ous0. 1. these 4e0+t+sts4 +n the wor0d. You m-. -s3* 4!ow come th+s +n,orm-t+on doesn%t get outI4 The -nswer +s 1ec-use these s-me peop0e contro0 -0most -00 o, the pu10+sh+ng comp-n+es. The. contro0 -0most A## m-9or newsp-pers -s we00 -s B-n3s -s we00 -s News st-t+ons. As .our own person-0 pro9ect* ,+nd out some o, the org-n+J-t+ons wh+ch the m-9or news -nchormen 1e0ong to -nd then d+sco2er who the 0e-ders o, these org-n+J-t+ons -re* -nd .ou w+00 ,+nd out wh. these peop0e don%t

t-03.... the+r 1osses won%t 0et them666 #+3e the one m-n who A# OST succeeded +n gett+ng the Feder-0 Reser2e S.stem. -ud+ted.... OO5S66 th-t ,0+ght <<E o2er USSR wh+ch he w-s on 9ust h-ppened to 40oo3 0+3e4 - ,+ghter p0-ne ... Too 1-d... +t got shot down...9ust co+nc+dence* o, course. :B. True 2+rtu-0 re-0+t. ?not the 2+deo g-mes or much o, the so,t co-ted 42+rtu-0 re-0+t.4 words used to du00 .our senses to when the re-0 stu,, h+ts the m-r3etA +s "NSTANT h.pnot+sm -nd +s p0-nned to put the m-sses o, the peop0e under tot-0 m+nd contro0 o, the ru0+ng e0+te o, the wor0d. +n the s-me e8-ct w-. th-t those who were tortured +nto mu0t+p0e person-0+t+es -1o2e -re under tot-0 m+nd contro0. You m-. -s3: $h-t c-n we doIII 5erson-00.* there +s on0. one th+ng ,or me to suggest: St-rt re-d+ng the B+10e w+th -n open m+nd. These th+ngs were wr+tten -1out =<<< .e-rs -go. Be,ore .ou -re swept -w-. +n the ,0ood* p0-ce the 0+,e 2est on so .ou c-n ,0o-t -1o2e +t -0066 ", .ou do th+s* .ou w+00 not 1e h-rmed 1. th+s com+ng storm o2er our p0-net. "n John (unter #o2e*

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