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90 Essential Nutrients

For Optimal Health We Need

60 Minerals 16 Vitamins 12 Amino Acids 3 Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 & 6 are essential)

o "hildren( 9nfant to 12 years (One teaspoon per 20

lbs o! body "eig#t)

Nursing & E'pecting )others3 *e1uilders & )a4or Health "hallenges

$ouble up on your %$& o! 'lant $eri(ed )inerals

Nutrition At ,he "ellular -evel

Lack of these essential nutrients weakens the body s ability to rebuild itself and increases the !otential for 900 Nutritional Deficiency Diseases "ritical all 90 nutrients are present for 1iochemical completeness & healthy cell reproduction

Average life of a cell is 1 0 days

!asic "ell "onsist #f$
%roteins En&ymes Li!ids 'fats( )*A + ,*A "hromosomes (Humans 46)

#mmune $ystem "onsist #f$

-hite .lood "ells/%roduce 0iller 12"ells
.ody s defenses a3ainst$ 4iruses5 bad bacteria5 fun3us5 yeast !ro!erties5 free radical dama3e and etc6

%iruses & !ad !acteria "an Damage DNA -hich create mutations or
cancer cells

Antio'idants( (Builds Up Our Immune System) 70 essential nutrients5 .iofla4onoids

8elenium5 Vitamin A5 "5 E and etc6 %lant )eri4ed Minerals

#mproper Formulation or )issing Nutrients( 9s called Fractionated Nutrition5 which can

stall or sto! the cell s !iochemical "ascade *eaction
o May cause false deficiencies of other nutrients

N+,*#,#ONA- NE.A,#%E$
"arbonated )rinks5 "affeine5 Mar3arine (use butter)5 Fried Foods5 :i3h Fiber )iet or %rocessed 8u3ars6

N+,*#,#ONA- /O$#,#%E$
Low carbohydrates diet5 hi3h !rotein meals with snacks 'salted nuts(6 )rink !lenty of !urified water6

/lant Derived )inerals

,ecommended )aily Allowance ',)A( o Adults( 000 mg per 100 l1s2 of body wei3ht
3$0? !m est D$0? !m est 2$0? !m cst 3$0? !m cst 1$0? !m mst 2$0? !m mst

!ody Deto'ification & *e1uilding $ymptoms$

-hen first startin3 on ;oun3e4ity !roducts your body will start rebuildin3 itself and may 3o throu3h a deto<ification !rocess6
12$0? !m !st 1$0? !m !st 12@@@23A722??2 12@AA27122A?27 B)ead )octors )on t LieC BLet s %lay )octorC

)edical 5uestions6As7 Dr2 8oel Wallach= li4e on the radio 'Monday > Friday( Email( Dr2 Edmond De%ory 9 lo3 onto www6youn3e4ity6com bottom left hand column5 click on B*utrition EuestionFC

"onsult :our Healthcare /rofessional !efore +sing :oungevity /roducts

8ym!toms may include all or some of the followin3$ 8ore Goints5 headaches5 outbreak of acne '!im!les(5 foul breath5 body odor5 consti!ation and etc6 May last u! to three weeks or lon3er/ de!endin3 on indi4idual s health challen3es6 ,educe your daily ;oun3e4ity !roduct intake by half or until sym!toms are tolerable= after D to ? days slowly increase daily intake to full ,)A6

)a4estic Earth )ultiples(

#ne of the Multi!les and #ne of the EFA s has all the 90 Essential Nutrients with two e<ce!tions6

(* o+ am , * o+ lun-#(

206@@ @2?0? 21@31 206@3 %MD1? 20673 1023?

0iller .iotic F< (60 -apsules) 9mmu2711 (60 -apsules) )aily (3>0 tablets) "ardio F< (60 -apsules) :e!ol (60 -apsules) "leanse F<5 D2day !r36 (60 -apsules) ?2day "leansin3 !r36

H3D6?0 H276?0 H376?0 H3?600 H266A? H22600 HA@600 H17600 H206?0

23221 .eyond 1an3y 1an3erine (.utra/rystals0)) HD@6?0

28ame nutrients as the 1an3y5 !lus 11? Fruits and Ve3etables

Add6/lant Derived )inerals(

13203 %lant )eri4ed Minerals (32 o+
2N*o added fla4orO

90 Essential Nutrients

13201 Iltimate "lassic (32 o+ 13221 1an3y 1an3erine (32 o+ 13206 1ro!ical %lus (32 o+


HD06?0 HD1600 H3D6?0

2600 m3 #f AA %lant )eri4ed Minerals !er o&6


1320D "heri2Mins (32 o+

2N"herry fla4orO


2300 m3 #f AA %lant )eri4ed Minerals !er o&6

bottle , .o 1itamin 2)

1320? :erbal ,ainforest (32 o+


H27600 HD0600

2N%lus 16 herbsO/*ot for e<!ectin3 Moms 2600 m3 of Anhydrous %lant )eri4ed Minerals !er ca!sule

2300 m3 #f AA %lant )eri4ed Minerals !er o&6 2300 m3 of calcium !er o&6 JAll -i;uids2#nfant to 1 yrs (3 tsp to 20 lbs o! body "eig#t) 4or in!ants add to breast mil5 or baby !ormula

20671 Mineral "a!s (64 -apsules)

LiKuids P 600 m3 of AA %lant )eri4ed Minerals !er ser4in3 JJLiKuids can be added to your daily water or ener3y drink JJ

Essential Fatty Acids <EFA=(

206D1 EFA
260 soft23el ca!sules (= 2> per -apsule)

'#me3a 35 6 + 7(

()inimum %$&6 0732 yrs 8 39 3273: yrs 8 2 and 3: ; yrs 8 3 per day) >>>Nursing or E'pecting )oms( 6 <4& per dayJJJ

@1200 "al 1oddy (32 o+ 13207 #steo2F< (32 o+

(3 o+ pm , be!ore bedtime)

'1 o&6 P 1200 m3 of "alcium as 1ri2"alcium %hos!hate + "itrate(

CSupports #ealt#y bones & DointsE

H1@600 HD16?0 H276?0


21@32 EFA
21@0 soft23el ca!sules (= 23) per -apsule)

2100 9I Vitamin )35 600 m3 Ma3nesium5 1? m3 Qinc

bottle) H37600 2100 9I Vitamin )35 200 m3 Ma3nesium5 ? m3 Qinc5 2?0 m3 M8M bottle) HD1600 2D00 9I Vitamin )35 300 m3 Ma3nesium5 ? m3 Qinc5 2?0 m3 M8M5 ?00 mc3 8trontium

207@7 EFA %lus

270 soft23el ca!sules

13210 #steo2F< %lus (32 o+

#nfant or "hild$ 0a5e s-issor?-ut top o!! o! -apsule and let

in!ant or -#ild su-5 li@uid !rom <4& -apsule or s@uee+e li@uid on toast and spread butter o(er toast to #ide taste

.luco9.el( (&rt#ritis6 > -apsules per day & 3 o+

13216 LiKuid Lluco2Lel (32 o+ 212?2 Lluco2Lel (240 -apsules) 212?1 Lluco2Lel (320 -apsules)

o! t#e li@uid)

)en(RRRRRRRRRRR6 Women(RRRRRRRRRR Nursing or E'pecting )oms(R6

3200 to 3>00 mg per day 3:00 to 2000 mg per day 2000 to 3000 mg per day

HD0600 H3?600 H206?0

Women?s /roducts(
1321? 206@6 206@A 6A?0A D020D ?0223 6A?0@ @2123 21210 21261 207A0 1320@ 1321A 13217

(Impro(e Hormone Imbalan-e)

Fday 3 7 32G Fday 34 7 2HG

JJJJ:el!s rebuild connecti4e tissues5 bones and GointsJJJJ

Additional /roducts(
21211 6A?02 21201 206@2 207A1 6A06@ 13211 13220 206@1 1321D En&ymes (320 -apsules) )i3est %lus (A0 -apsules) 8weet E&e (320 -apsules) %rost F< (60 -apsules) 8elenium (A0 -apsules) Lemon3rass > 30 )B #<ybody "herry .erry (32 o+ bottle) "oco3e4ity (32 o+ bottle) #%"21 (60 -apsules) *oni Loose Muice (32 o+ bottle) H236?0 H3162? H226?0 H336?0 H2D600 H236A? H2@6?0 HD06?0 H26600 H3D6?0

-omen s2F< (32 o+ bottle) .alance2F< (60 -apsules) .ust2F< (60 -apsules) #cean s Lold (60 -apsules)

H316?0 H3D6?0 H316?0 H2A600 H2?6A? H31600 H2?600 H2?600 H2?6?0 H32600 H276?0 H3D6?0 H3D6?0 H3D6?0

.alance "ream (2 o+ ) :6L6:6 ;outh "om!le< (3>0 -apsule) 8u!er 0. (A0 -apsules) ) 8tress (320 -apsules) #steo2Ma3 (60 -apsules) ,esolution (A0 -apsules) 86M6A6,616 F< (60 -apsules) 8!ort s 1ech (32 o+ bottle) ,ebound F< (0ropi-al 0irade732 o+ ) ,ebound F< (Berri Boost732 o+ )

Ener3y )rinks

Alternate the @9day & A9day cleanse every 90 days6folloB each cleanse Bith a 10 day Flora F' /rg2
!est if /roducts are ta7en tBice a day6*efrigerate li;uids after opening2
1hese are all natural !roducts and may o<idi&e6 Mi< liKuids with ? o&6 of filtered water or calcium2enriched Guice Soran3e5 !inea!!le5 man3o5 or !a!aya5 etcRT6 1ake ca!sules accordin3 to the label directions or health challen3e6

90 Essential Nutrients
6A0D2 6A011 6A032 6A03A D3210 6D001 6D002 20672 1o .e -ell > 10 ML FIn!ants to A yrs G 1st )efense > 10 ML F30 yrs and olderG ,a4ensara > 10 ML F/oug# or In!luen+aG 1ea 1ree > 10 ML F4ig#ts In!e-tionsG :ydro -ash (Bi@uid Baundry $etergent) .loomin Minerals (40 lb bag) LiKuid .loomin Minerals (3 @t ) Flora F< (60 -apsules) H26600 H2A6?0 H276A? H176A? H116?0 H6A600 H21600 H276?0

)edical 5uestions6As7 Dr2 8oel Wallach= li4e on the radio 'Monday > Friday(
3$0? !m est D$0? !m est 2$0? !m cst 3$0? !m cst 1$0? !m mst 2$0? !m mst 12$0? !m !st 1$0? !m !st 12@@@23A722??2 12@AA27122A?27 B)ead )octors )on t LieC BLet s %lay )octorC

Email( Dr2 Edmond De%ory 9 lo3 onto www6youn3e4ity6com bottom left hand column5 click on B*utrition EuestionFC

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