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Cause & Effect Essay

Causes & Effects of Womens Liberation

Since the middle of this century, women around the world have been seeking greater independence and recognition. No longer content with their traditional roles as housewives and mothers, women have joined together to create the so called !women"s liberation movement.# $hile the forces behind this international movement vary from culture to culture and from individual to individual, the basic causes in women"s liberation in the %nited States can be traced to three events& the development of effective birth control methods, the invention of labour saving devices for the home, and the advent of $orld $ar ''.

Lead in statement

Importance of topic/Definition of topic Thesis statement showing 3 causes

(he first cause of the liberation of women was the development of effective birth control methods. )irth control methods freed women from the endless cycle of childbearing and rearing. As a result of having a choice as to when and if to bear children, women ac*uired the freedom and the time to pursue interests outside of the home. Because of the development of birth control, women could delay having children or avoid having them altogether+ consequently, women had the opportunity to ac*uire an education and ,or pursue a career -.ameson /0012.

Cause 1 topic sentence

Elaboration, examples from research

3nother cause of women"s liberation was the development of mechani4ed 5abour saving devices for the home. (his resulted in more leisure time and freedom for women. 6or e7ample, fifty years ago, a housewife spent an average of twelve to fourteen hours per day doing housework. Due to the invention of machines such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dishwashers, a housewife can now take care of her daily housework in about five hours -(he %S Economy 89982.

Cause topic sentence

Elaboration, examples from research

(he final event that, at least in the %nited States, gave impetus to the liberation of women was $orld $ar '' -$$ ''2. :uring the war, most men were serving in the military. Consequently, $omen had to fill the vacancies in the labour force. $omen by the thousands went to work in factories and then took over businesses for their absent husbands. (his was a great change for the majority of 3merican women for they discovered that they could weld airplanes and manage businesses as well as change diapers and bake cookies - .ones et al.89992.

Cause 3 topic sentence

Elaboration, examples from research

Cause & Effect Essay

(hese three causes planted the seeds of great change in society, and the effects of this change are being felt at all levels& in the home, in business, and in government.

Transition statement showing 3 effects

3ccording to research into the study of women"s roles -(homson /0;12, one of the biggest effects of the greater independence of women is being felt in the home. (he traditional husband wife relationship is undergoing a radical transformation. )ecause so many women are working, men are learning to share the household tasks of cooking, cleaning, and even caring for children. 'n some families, there has been a complete reversal of the traditional roles& the husband stays at home, while the wife earns the family"s income.

Effect 1 topic sentence

Elaboration, examples from research

(he effects of women"s liberation are also felt on the job. <ore and more women are working, and they are demanding e*ual salaries and e*ually responsible positions. 't is not uncommon for a woman to be the president of a corporation these days. <any businesses encourage women to advance to high management positions, and every year, the nations" schools produce more women doctors, lawyers, engineers and accountants -(hackeray 899;2.

Effect topic sentence

Elaboration, examples from research

=olitics and government are still other areas that are feeling the effects of the women"s movement. 'n some countries, of the world, women are being elected to public office in increasing numbers. (he %nited States currently has several female governors, which is the highest office in a state, and which Smith -899/2 points out would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

Effect 3 topic sentence

Elaboration, examples from research

In conclusion, women in the %nited States are ac*uiring greater independence, which is causing gender role changes in society be it at home, in or!force and in politics. (hese great changes are the aftermath of birth control methods, household appliances, and the $$ ''. >ender mainstreaming in working industry has eventually taken place in the world of work for both developed and developing countries regardless of the building blocks. 't is hoped that $omen"s 5iberation is further observed for the future generations.

!ummar" statement showing all 3 causes and all 3 effects !uggestions

!ummar" sentence, a memorable ending

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