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Reflexology Feet have the most pores, you may sweat as much as a 1/2 pint of liquid a day through

your feet. Your feet may be as much 5-10% larger at the end of the day. 28 Bones, 37 joints, 38 muscles and tendons, and miles of blood vessels and nerve endings. Reflexology helps to relax the body. Relaxation is good for all ailments and good for a persons overall health. The technique is an inch worm like movement on specific areas using the thumb. For the top of the foot use your pointer finger. When going over the top of the foot near the ankle use the second and third fingers of both hands. If your hands get tired. Use your knuckles on the bottom of the foot, this is called molding or pull the foot gently. To begin I always use an essential oil blend called Balance. The warm, woody aroma of Balance, is grounding and creates a sense of calm and well-being. This blend contains spruce, rosewood, frankincense, and blue tansy which promotes tranquility and a sense of balance. Right beneath the mounds of the feet at the top of the arch is the diaphragm. Work across the diaphragm. Start with right and then do left food. Work up the lung area the mounds of the toes. Have the person take deep breaths while you are working this area. Working the lung area this will help the lung bring in oxygen. Oxygen is the cornerstone of life. Work from the base to the top in straight lines. Start on the inside of the foot and move out and then work your way back to the inside. This is an example of a reflexology treatment. Do each are on one foot and then the other. Work the inner and outer ankle. The inner ankle corresponds to the uterus and the outer ankle the ovaries. Work each area three times. After doing the inner and outer ankle work your way over the top of the foot (the fallopian tubes and lymphatics. Move up to diaphragm and lungs and pass through this area three times. This area of the left foot is also working on the heart and vascular system.

Work the front of the foot using your pointer finger going down the front between the bones of the foot to work the front of the lungs, breasts, and ribs. Go back to the bottom of the foot and work beneath the first three toes to work the thyroid gland. Move to the corresponding area on the front of the foot to work the larynx, throat, and eustachian tubes. Move to the inner edge of the foot work from the heal all the way up the big toe to work the spine. Go down the inside edge of the first three toes to work the neck. Do this three times on each foot. Work the puffy area that is located in a straight line from the inner ankle this is the bladder. Follow this are up a little in from the edge of the foot. to work the ureter. Close to the top of the arch between the 2nd and 3rd toes is the kidney. Work beneath the diaphragm on the right foot to work the liver, Move to the entire arch to work the digestive system. To the heel to work the pelvis, rectum and colon. The corresponding area on the left foot would be the stomach, intestines, colon, rectum and pelvis. Move to the top of the foot on the mounds of the fourth and fifth toe and the corresponding area to work the shoulder. Go down the outer edge of the foot for more of the shoulder, knee and hips.

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