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Remember: Sine (sin) theta= opposite/hypotenuse. Cosecant (csc) theta= hypotenuse/ opposite. Cosine (cos) theta= adjacent/ hypotenuse. Secant (Sec) theta= hypotenuse/ adjacent. Tangent (tan) theta= opposite/ adjacent. Cotangent (cot) theta= adjacent/ opposite. You can use the SIN, COS, and TAN keys on the calculator to solve some angles. Angle of elevation: the angle that your line of sight makes with a line parallel to the ground.


Angle of depression: the angle between a line parallel to the ground and your line of sight.

1.) Evaluate the 6 trigonometric functions of the angle theta:

5 12

2.) In a right triangle, theta is an acute angle and cos theta= 7/10. What is sin theta? 3.) Evaluate using the diagram and the given measurements: A= 32 b= 10. B c a
C b A


1.) You would do 5^2+12^2 to find the hypotenuse and get 13.

Sin theta= opp/hyp= 12/13. Cos theta= adj/ hyp= 5/13. Tan theta= opp/ adj= 12/5. Csc theta= hyp/opp= 13/12. Sec theta= hyp/ adj= 13/5. Cot theta= adj/opp= 5/12. 2.) cos= adj/ hyp, so 7= adj. and 10= hyp. 7^2+ b^2= 10^2. 49+ b^2= 100. b= 51. Sin opp/ hyp= 51/10. 3.) tan 32= a/ 10. 6.249= a. Cos 32= 10/c. 10/ cos 32= 11.78 c= 11.78. 32+ 90= 122. 180- 122= 58. B= 58



Initial side: the fixed ray on a coordinate plane. Terminal side: the ray that is rotated about the vertex. Standard position: when and angles vertex is at the origin and its initial side lies on the positive x-axis.

The measure of an angle is positive if the rotation of its terminal side is counterclockwise. It is negative if the

rotation is clockwise. A radian is the measure of an angle in standard position whose terminal side intercepts an arc length r. Degree and radian measure are related by: 360= 2 radians or 180= radians. To convert use Degrees to radians: Multiply the degree measure by radians/ 180 Radians to degrees: Multiply the radian measure by 180/ radians. Conterminal angles are angles whose sides coincide like 500and 140 An angle conterminal angle with a given angle can be found by adding or subtracting multiples of 360 Arc length: s=rtheta. Area: A= 1/2r^2theta

1.) Draw an angle with the given measure in standard position:

2.) Convert 125 to radians.


2.) 125= 125( radians/ 180)

= 25/ 26 radians.

Remember: Function of a circle: x^2+y^2=r^2. sin theta= y/r. csc theta= r/y, y cannot equal 0. cos theta= x/r. sec theta= r/x, x cannot equal 0. tan theta= y/x, x cannot equal 0. cot theta= x/y, y cannot equal 0. These are sometimes called circular functions. The circle which has the center (0,0) and a radius of 1 is called the unit circle. sin theta= y/r= y/1= y. cos theta= x/r=x/1=x. Quadrantal angle: an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies on an

axis. The measure of this angle is always a multiple of 90 or /2 radians. To evaluate an angle without using a calculator, find the reference angle, and evaluate that and also consider if its negative or positive.

1.) Let (-4,3) be a point on the terminal side of an angle theta in

standard position. Evaluate the 6 trigonometric functions of theta.

2.) Use the unit circle to evaluate the six trigonometric functions of

theta= 270
3.) Find the reference angle for theta= 5/3. 4.) Evaluate tan (-240) without using a calculator.

1.) Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the value of r. r= (-4)^2 +3^2= 25= 5.

So sin theta= 3/5. csc theta= 5/3. cos theta= -4/5. sec theta= -5/4. tan theta= -3/4. cot theta= -4/3. 2.) When you draw the unit circle with the angle degree 270, you see that 270 lies on the point (0,-1). You use this find that r= 1. So sin theta= -1. csc theta= -1. cos theta= 0. sec theta= undefined. tan theta= undefined. cot theta= 0. 3.) The terminal side of theta lies in Quadrant IV. So, theta= 2- 5/3= /3. 4.) The angle -240 is conterminal with 120. The reference angle is 180-120= 60. Tangents in the second quadrant are negative, so the answer is: -tan 60= -3.


To solve a problem, such as

Sin theta= x where a< Theta< b use a calculator To find sin arc x. Then add

a to that answer.

1.) Evaluate the expression in both radians and degrees without

using a calculator: sin arc 2/2.

2.) Solve the equation sin theta= 5/-8 where 180<theta<270

1.) You determine the angle that has a sin of 2/2 is 45. You then

convert this into radians using /180 and get /4, or you could have determined the radian using the unit circle.
2.) You would use a calculator to determine sin arc (5/-8)-38.7.

You then would add 180 to 38.7 and get 218.7 as your final answer.

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