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I Nick

... "an Q rn liH"
21-year-old depends on
ordinary people's votes
to win mayoral race
Vol. LXVIII, umb r 101
Friday, February 4, 1977
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Martin suggests a four-day,
32-hour work week for city and,
private industry employes.
When asked if that meant people
would make less money per
week, he said, "No,.they'll make
the same amount of money,
though they work eight fewer
hours.' '
Martin said industry would
make up the revenue difference.
"Let them take it out of their
danm prciits, " he said.
How do we solve Lexington's
traffi c problems? Martin feels
the solution should be controlled
zoning for downtown businesses
and extremely limiting growth
policies. ''The people in power
now would be happy if Lexington
turned into another Louisville."
Another of Martin's priorities
is invdving the elderly in city
affairs, notably in day-care
programs. "It would not only
help them, but it would help the
city as well."
Continued on page 4
Martin cites need for
Continued from page I : Why can they just come in
Martin recently issued a here and set a figure?"
statement calling for a Although the Common Cause
comprehensive nutrition suggestion requires the
program, which edlfcates candidates' approval, Martin
people about proper diets, denounced the organization
howto get the m<ist for their for '-' clos1-ng up the system.
food dollar and demonstrates The people should be the ones
the relationship between to decide what level o.f
proper nutrition, good health . spending they'll tolerate."
and increased productivity. Although other candidates
"In the long run, " he said, also attacked the Common
" the small cost of this Cause figure, Martin said,
program would be far . out- "The. difference between me
weighed by the great value of and the other candidates is
information on good that although they criticize
nuttition. We would soon see tile rgu . th 'II d th
1 1e, ey spen e
the effect of this program in limit. No one else is
less money being spent on responsible enough to set an
public medical programs that example, to show that their
are a great waste of tax true sentiment is not to spend
dollars. " that much money."
Martin feels his message
may not reach tlle public Martin suggests a spending
because he fears the media limit of $20,000 for each
' candidate, because "for a
.will not take his candidacy
seriously. He- complains that $25,000-a-year job, $20,000 is
other candidates can get a lot much more of a ballpark
more media attention than he figure."
and that some of his Martin's only real exposure
statements - have been vir- to polities was running the
tually ignored already. local Gene McCarthy
Martin also feels his can- presidential campaign last
didacy mightbe hampered by year. When asked what that
a $90,000 spending limit campaign taught him, he
guideline set by Common said, "If nothing else, Gene
Cause for mayoral can- taught me that political of-
didatcs . -He denounced the fices -. really are no great
figure as favoring the rich mystery . McCarthy said that
and questioned the role of the is a case of a
Common Cause, a na_tionwide huge overstatement, and I
. citizen 's lobby. think that's true of being
"Who are mayor. There's no great
'W'hom do they represent? mystery."

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