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The University of North America PRAC 515 Communications in the Hiring Process COURSE S !!A"US Professor: Dr.

. Obioma Iwuanyanwu E-Mail: Course #escri$tion% In this practicum course, stu ents raw from e!periences urin" the #ob search process to evaluate their communications s$ills an apply techni%ues to improve their performance in communicatin" with peers an potential employers. Course O&'ectives% &o e!amine the effectiveness of communication techni%ues urin" the #ob search process &o evaluate ifferent strate"ies that improve in ivi ual success urin" the #ob search process &o analy'e the effectiveness of resumes, interviews an follow up urin" the #ob search process Course #e(ivera&(es% (. )omewor$ *ssi"nments +. Moo le Discussion Participation ,. -eflective Paper Te)t an* Su$$orting +ateria(s% .trate"ies: /ettin" an 0eepin" the 1ob 2ou 3ant, +n e .. Mc/raw-)ill. I.45: 678((+(69:6+, ;e4oo$< = 678-:-:7-,>:,(6-6 ;soft cover< Course +etho*o(ogy On-"roun courses at ?O5* are supplemente with online activities usin" the Moo le platform allowin" stu ents to ma!imi'e in-person time in the classroom an support collaborative activities that ta$e place remotely. *ca emic terms are sche ule to inclu e nine sessions, re%uirin" stu ents to atten seven of those sessions in person. Durin" the two practicum sessions, stu ents collaborate online with team members to evelop applie learnin" pro#ects that have real-worl application an impact. In the last wee$ of class, stu ents present their practicum pro#ects to their faculty members an collea"ues. Moodle !earning +anagement P(atform% In Moodle each course has a web pa"e $nown as a course shell. 4y accessin" the course shell, you may: review syllabi, rea in" lists, class sche ules, an eliverable assi"nments obtain copies of class presentations, han outs an notes chec$ out relate web sites liste in the -esources area@ email your professor an fellow stu ents chat with other stu ents an submit assi"nments.

P-*A B(B C Aommunications in the )irin" Process

*ll stu ents are assi"ne a ?niversity of 5orth *merica email account for their use. It is important to use this stu ent email account when communicatin" with your professor or the a ministrative offices so that you o not miss important communications. ,nstructor Avai(a&i(ity% -esponsive communication is a $ey ob#ective of eliverin" %uality service to our stu ents. *s your instructor I will ma$e every attempt to eliver a level of service within the followin" "ui elines: -espon in" to emails within >8 hours Postin" fee bac$ for Dpro"ressiveE assi"nments ;those that a subse%uent assi"nment are reliant on< within B ays of assi"nment submission ;provi e it is submitte on time< Postin" "ra es for assi"nments no later than the ea line of the followin" assi"nment

In a ition, I am available to support you in your efforts to succee . 2ou may reach me in a variety of ways: Durin" wee$ly class sessions ;see sche ule< In OpenForum iscussion boar within Moo le course Gia my ?O5* e-mail ;preferre for in ivi ual %uestions<.

-ra*ing P(an% &he "ra e "iven to each stu ent at the en of the course will be base on a multi- imensional evaluation of stu ent efforts. &he areas of evaluation are as follows: CO+PONENT Moo le Discussions ;6 @ BH each< )omewor$ *ssi"nments ;8 @ BH each< -eflective Paper &otal . O/ -RA#E >B >: (B (::

.tu ents will be assi"ne "ra e e uctions for late assi"nments. *ssi"nments late by one wee$ will receive a re uction of (:H of the "ra e@ those late by two wee$s will receive a re uction of +:H of the "ra e@ an those later than + wee$s will receive a re uction of +BH of the "ra e. &he "ra in" scale which will be use is as follows: !etter -ra*e * *4I 4 4AI A F +oo*(e #iscussions Range 6,.:: C (::.:: H 6:.:: C 6+.66 H 87.:: C 86.66 H 8,.:: C 89.66 H 8:.:: C 8+.66 H 77.:: C 76.66 H 7:.:: C 79.66 H J 7:.:: H

P-*A B(B C Aommunications in the )irin" Process

* "ra e Moo le iscussion topic is poste for each wee$ of the aca emic term. .tu ents are re%uire to participate in the iscussion urin" the wee$ by respon in" to the "eneral topic, an respon in" to posts of other members of the class. .ubstantive an relevant responses are e!pecte for "ra e iscussion forums. * non-"ra e DOpen ForumE iscussion is also available for stu ents to post in%uiries for the professor or other class participants. Home0or1 )omewor$ assi"nments are poste in the Moo le course shell an must be submitte via the Moo le ropbo! by the ue ate. *ny assi"nments submitte via email will not be accepte . .tu ents will be assi"ne "ra e e uctions for late assi"nments. *ssi"nments late by one wee$ will receive a re uction of (:H of the "ra e@ those late by two wee$s will receive a re uction of +:H of the "ra e@ an those later than + wee$s will receive a re uction of +BH of the "ra e. Ref(ective Pa$er .tu ents are re%uire to submit a short reflective paper at the en of the course in which they i entify the relevance of the course materials an learnin" to the wor$place. .tu ents are encoura"e to i entify irect lin$s between course topics to specific wor$ situations or e!periences occurrin" urin" the aca emic term. Aca*emic ,ntegrity Pla"iarism is a violation of the inte"rity of the aca emic community. Intentionally representin" someone elseKs wor$ as oneKs own or usin" anotherKs i eas in a written paper or presentation without appropriate citations an references will result in failure or ismissal. 3e efine pla"iarism as Lthe use of someone elseKs wor s or i eas without proper cre itL an reco"ni'e several types of pla"iarism, such as: Muotin" irectly without ac$nowle "in" the source@ Paraphrasin" without ac$nowle "in" the source@ Aonstructin" a paraphrase that closely resembles the ori"inal in lan"ua"e an synta! without ac$nowle "in" the source@ an .ubmittin" an assi"nment in a course which was previously submitte for a "ra e in another course.

Atten*ance an* C(ass Partici$ation Atten*ance Po(icy *tten ance is consi ere to be essential by the university. *tten ance inclu es presence in sche ule class sessions, participation in assi"ne online activities, an active en"a"ement in "roup practicums. Atten*ance 2io(ations * stu ent may not miss more than +BH of the term activities, or no more than two sche ule class meetin"s or practicum pro#ect wee$s. .tu ents must si"n the atten ance sheet for sche ule class sessions to be consi ere present. Durin" Practicum Pro#ect wee$s, stu ents who o not lo" in an post to Moo le will be consi ere absent for that wee$. &here is no such thin" as an De!cuse absenceE@ either the stu ent is present or the stu ent is not. .tu ents must contact their professor prior to a class meetin" via email if a stu ent must miss class. 3hen a class session is misse , all wor$ misse must be ma e up by the ne!t class 3

P-*A B(B C Aommunications in the )irin" Process

session. .tu ents will be issue a warnin" for the first two absences in a term. If a stu ent misses a thir session or practicum wee$, a failin" "ra e will be recor e , an the stu ent will be re%uire to repeat the course. *bsences in e!cess of three class sessions or practicum wee$s will result in suspension from the ?niversity. For stu ents atten in" un er an F-( visa, absence in e!cess of three class sessions will result in the termination of their .EGI. recor , re%uirin" the stu ent to apply for reinstatement before enrollin" in the followin" term.

P-*A B(B C Aommunications in the )irin" Process

C(ass Sche*u(e
3ee1 ( #ates (:=(6=+:(, C (:=+B=+:(, + (:=+9=+:(, C ((=(=+:(, , ((=+=+:(, C ((=8=+:(, > ((=6=+:(, C ((=(B=+:(, B ((=(9=+:(, C ((=++=+:(, 9 ((=+,=+:(, C ((=+6=+:(, 7 ((=,:=+:(, C (+=9=+:(, 8 (+=7=+:(, C (+=(,=+:(, 6 (: (+=(>=+:(,C (+=+:=+:(, (+=+(=+:(, +OO#!E +OO#!E -eflective Paper +OO#!E 1ob .uccess .trate"ies +OO#!E Follow ?p +OO#!E &he Interview +OO#!E Preparin" for Interviews +OO#!E Aover Netters an *pplications +OO#!E 2our -esume +OO#!E E!plorin" an 5etwor$in" Time +OO#!E To$ics4#iscussions .elf-*ssessment an 2our Future Rea*ings4 Assignments -ea Ahapter ( Moo le Discussions ( Home0or1 1 *ue on 1546746518 -ea Ahapter + Moo le Discussion + Home0or1 6 *ue on 114646518 -ea Ahapter , Moo le Discussion 8 Home0or1 8 *ue on 114946518 -ea Ahapter > Moo le Discussion : Home0or1 : *ue on 1141746518 -ea Ahapter B Moo le Discussion B Home0or1 5 *ue on 1146846518 -ea Ahapter 9 Moo le Discussion 9 Home0or1 7 *ue on 1148546518 -ea Ahapter 7 Moo le Discussion 7 Home0or1 ; *ue on 164;46518 -ea Ahapter 8 Moo le Discussion 8 Home0or1 < *ue on 1641:46518 Ref(ective Pa$er *ue on 1646146518

P-*A B(B C Aommunications in the )irin" Process

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