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They hav^ a one-year-old daughter, Karen~ll^ise.

of theSTlsles of the Pacific Christ^flw Mlgaion to Indonesia.^

Winegaj^er, Fish, and Sigafoose families in the Xinistry

Ed and.Louise Furnas are preparing to join ^e Cass,

Both Ed and Louise are 1970 graduates of Lincoln Christian College. Ed majored in Ministerial Science; Louise in Christ
ian Education. Ed has also completed a summer program in

linguistics at the Toronto Institute of Linguistics, Toronto,


Ed served as youth minister at North Terre Haute Christian Church during his freshman year at Lincoln, In March of 1970y

they became members of thei^sj^s of the Pacific Christian Mis-

having left a 2:t^^r''''ministry with the Success Christian

Church, Paris, Ill^ifie4, to enter this new field of service.

They plan to leave for Singapore early in 1971> where they will undertake acculturation and language studies. After a stay of two months to a year in Singapore, they will enter Indo nesia. Their primary task will be village evangelism and the training of indigenous Christian leaders. Ed will also teach field linguistics to the other missionaries on a limited basis.

fir^yegS^HT nf P/H'?T?rtTnmT ^

They afe commended to the brethren by-J^as-ward Kanaaij:)

CpTT^^H^the MarlOn

Haute Christian Church, Terre'Haiite ,In(yreti; .and_the Alex

ander Christian Foundation of Indianapolis, Indiana-.

Church of Christ, Marlon, Indj^fm-; the elders of North Terre

Forwarding Agents for the Furnas family are Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Eastham, Box 3i Vermilion,



They are

eager to receive additional speaking engagements as soon as

Ed and Louise can be reached directly at Lincoln

Christian College, Lincoln,








September Newsletter
Greetings from Bandung,


nesian Bible College student, who works for Bro. Fish and is living in the village where this family lives. Ive have been providing Christian literat\ire to Patah s 18 year old brother Iso, who works for us part-time. In the evenings, we have
to learn more. With this initial liaptism within the family, we are even more^

Again we can report to you victories for our Lord, ^Pata]^i_the_head ol* the_^ large family which we had mentioned in our last letter, has^ust beeyi bapfeifiedr^^ta, Jlhristl And the entire family is showing an i^.^a^g interest in the I^d. ^ch ofthis growth and interest, can be attributed Chinese-Indonesia Christian, who has talked several times to the family as a mio^ and ^so to Paulus, an Indo
talked to Iso and another Indonesian about Christ and they are both showing a desire

confident that the Spirit will soon win the entire family to Christ.

_ 1ftadp We believe this has^ tw^adv^aggs; 1." The average non-^^ Christian person here will most likely be more receptive to the Gospel message if

We have already mentioned in past letters that we plan to direct most of our evangelistic efforts through Indonesia Christians, whom we will help liy giving them

presented by one of his own people. 2. The Christians here, v^o are often seriously lacking in fundamental Bible knowledge and would still be considered babes in Christ will grow in knowledge and leadership ability if they are actively engaged in
evangelism. It seems that most of the Christians with whom we will be working and

sharing are to be found within churches of ^jPentec^tal backgroiind. Pentecostal

Churches are roughly divided into two gre^ups-here

ties to a central government and those which are independent with leadership in the
hands of the local elders.

Highly structured.JKith strong

the guidance of the Holy Spirit, studied the Bible conscientiously and are now Vpersuaded that the church as it existed in the days of the Apostles is the highest
\ ideal we have. Praise GodI

a new "denominations". But if we can help receptive leaders of the independent . ^ . . . . rr, . ^ __J.X r>V.-r.-i C+.-i at Pentecostal churches study God's word and the New Testament pattern of Christianity, these men can instruct their own congregations as well as establish new Christian Churches after the New Testament pattern. Already we have met those iftiio have, with

The law here prevents us from establishing churches of

In view of this situation, we are interested in any quality materials on Pentecostalism, faith healing, the gift of the Holy Spirit, demon-possession,

recommend or send to us.

speaking in tongues and simple but fundamental Bible courses, which you can

If you send such materials, one copy is enough as they

will ie translated into the Indonesian language before being used.

tried to ship it via Houston liut they are taking orders of not less than one ship load until the-r-gl^rikeis-over. So, we will just wait and pray that the strike will
soon end.

No vford

yet on Op: shipme^n^i frcm-Ame^ca. Our forwai^ding agent had

The necessity of masterii


was feeling because she had been having stomach aches. Later in language study, she realized she had Veen using a word for "stomach" which is an Indonesian swear

Louise was asKSgo^^n^^^^^^^i^^or^~TH^'tLrea headman, how his wife

bhA. Indonesian/^lRnguage- is becoming more and more

word but our "quality" dictionary didn't say that. Another time, she was trying
to tell the woman who helps with cooking and laundry that we had things coming from America which would make the work less time consuming. Her reply was that there is no neecj to have lots of onions shipped from America because you can buy them here. For some reason, I don't think she understood. Our lessons themselves are going^ pretty well, Vje are working on making our lessons a two-way channel. ^--si5^ae]^es._us_lajiguage and we give him Chi!isti^ literature and talk to him about He is fanatically Mos3^-m though so only time ivd.ll toll if we are influenc
ing him for Christ.

Via Bro, Lew Cass, we learned that Ron and Ellen Ritchey's visa cleared the Djakarta Immingrations office August 4> so they may be coming anytime now. We look forward to seeing them again and having them to join the work here.

Words from the boss Karen hqis had no apparent problems adjusting to our
new home, but Ed and I must learn to change and grow in many ways.
means our marriage must mature as well.

Naturally, this

It's wonderful to feel God's support and

love during this time of transition.

Regardless of where one lives, we believe a

great witness for Christ is building a home life dedicated to his glory. Thus, we hope that our neighbors will desire to know Jesus as we do because of the happiness

they see in our lives.

We'_ye mqved into the .nicest..of .neighboxhppdsl

The first

day here, d was somewhat disturbed to find a Itoy sitting on top of our tile roof

playing bongo drums...but later we learned he was the son of the R.T,(headman).

enjoyed tremendously the opportunity for a glimpse of tradition here when invited to attend the circumcision celebration for the R.T.'s youngest son. Another neighbor sent over a drink of coconut milk, brown sugar and tapioca roots to tell j;:;? us we had been accepted as good neighbors. V.hen I reciprocated with soft cookies, a novelty here, she sent back duck eggs and soggy soya bean cakes I Hal It was the thought behind her smile that counted! Yet another day, Karen disappeared. We
were so worried, only to find that she had wandered through our nei^bors house,

to his backyard fish pond. An embarrassing but effective way to make friendsl Since then, Ei has often talked to that gentleman about our differing customs and

religions. .. Most of our neighbors are strong_jjoslems but they have given us helpful
advice, small gifts, playmates for Karen'.." .they've given us the open door of


Pray with us that we will be responsible stewards of this opportunity

Forwarding Secretaries
Harold and Jeanie Eastham Box 3

to share God's love.

Yours in Christ,
Ed, Louise and Karen Fumas Djl. Tjiwulan 3 Bandung, Java, Indonesia

Vermilion, Illinois 61955

Isles of the Pacific Christian Mission Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eastham

U. S. Postage Non-profit Org,


For-warding Agents
Box 3

Vermj.lion, IHliT-ions 61955

Vermilion, 111. 41955 Permit #1



' s


^ j/'


October Newsletter

Dear Christian Loved Ones,



Isn't it wonderful to have the blessed Word of God constantly with us?

past few weeks Thre come to appreciate God's sustaining promises In a new,^ freshway. In spite of the warnings we had received concerning "culture shock", I wasn't prepared for the homesickness which began flooding in while Ed has been gone to Sumatra. Many times I've wondered, "Idll I ever be able to adjust to the loneliness of separation from those at home?" A recent reading of Hudson Taylor's Tiiography (which we highly recommend) confirmed the answer in his comments on John 4. If we constantly open our hearts to the power of God through prayer and Bible study, we will "never thirst", never have any unsatisfied needs. Our loving Heavenly Father will always be sufficient for every longing. Praise His Holy Name!

"There is definitely a need for a missionary here, and even more so for Christ ian literature. In most churches, especially the smaller ones, only the preacher has a Bible. The Batak church is the exception, but from what everyone has said, the Batak church is just a social club here...," Ed wrote to me a few days ago. After receiving reports of a great need for and probable increasing receptiveness to the Gospel in certain Sumatra areas due to significant industrial and social changes there, Ed left Oct. 20 for a three week survey of Pakanbaru, Dumai, neighboring coastal and transmigration areas, and some islands between Sumatra and Singapore. Acconpanied by an Indonesian who is serving as his interpreter and introducing him to Christian acquaintances of the area, Ed will utilize many survey questions from the kook Profile for Victory by Max Randall, Prof, of Missions at Idncoln Christian

/^iamong our men of the pros and cons of working through Chinese and/or Pentecostal
God's guidance as they work these things out together.

College concerning such topics as decision-making and family patterns, industrial and educational trends, religious affiliations and influences, these will be used in interviews with religious and secular leaders. A similar trip to the Palembang area is planned before long. We wiH. give a detailed report in our next newsletter. i Please pray for us as during this first year of study and survey, we try to decide Exactly where and with whom God would have us labor, and also for others here who are facing similar decisions. Another matter of concern here is the discussion
churches to reach Indonesians with New Testament Christianity. They want to utilize methods most conducive to a rapid dissemination of the Gospel, and certainly need

As soon as possible following Ed's return, we want to resume formal language study. Pak Husein, our tutor for months, quit September 30. Perhaps this was partly because his discussions with Ed concerning Islam and Christianity were making him uneasy, although all conversations were quite friendly. Husein claims to want to find the truth, and certain aspects of Christianity, such as love and the assur ance of forgiveness to all repentant believers, appeal to him. Yet he seems afraid to investigate to the point where he will know he has to change, because of course that could mean family and social difficulties, ive still have a slight contact with
him, and hope we can help him more.

Iso, one of our household helpers, on the other hand, is actively investigating Islam and Christianity, trying to decide which is correct. As you know, his brother, Patah, was baptized September 19. We were so sure that since Patah is the head of his family, the other members, who had been studying with him, would also accept Christ. However, persuasion of neighborhood and family has thus far caused them to
remain nominal Moslems. For a few weeks, Iso seemed quite su.Tlen and withdrawn,

refusing to discuss Patah, Chrdstnanity or much of anything else with us. But Karen was accustomed to Iso showing her pictures from a Bible storybook written in Indo nesian, so she continued to follow him saying, "Mau (want) wook at Jesus", until he

opened up to her and to us, Iso is a good boy, torn between conflicting loyalties. Please pray for him, earnestly, and also for Patah, that he might have sufficient
faith to be true to his newly found Saviour.

Our personal knowledge of Islam has been enriched during Ramadan, this Moslem month of fasting vriiich precedes the Islamic New Year's Day, November 19. True believers must abstain from eating and drinking between sunrise and sunset, but every evening sirens go off in all the cities to announce permission to eat a big evening meal. As firecrackcrs go off more and more frequently we know excitement
is building in anticipation of the big celebrations,

Ron and Ellen arrived safely October 22,

Thank you for prayers in their behalf.

How good it is to have them here!

V;e have not as yet received any news on the shipment of our personal effects
from the States. Since President Nixon invoked the Taft-Hartley law we pray our goods will be sent soon,

Vi/e give a big thank-you to Duane Terrell of Terre Haute for auditing (and
approving!) our mission books, as they were kept from January 197^^ until June
1971. He is a CPA and a member of North Terre Haute Christian Church, En's home

Thanks to those of you who have sent some of the materials we requested on

Pentecostalism, faith healing, the gift of the Hly Spirit, demon-possession, speak
ing in tongues, I-ve look forward to receiving them.

If you have any specific matters we can share with you in prayer, please let
us know.

Please read Ephesians 35H-21 Ed, Louise and Karen Fumas Djl. Tjiwulan 30 Bandung, Java, Indonesia

Isles of the Pacific Christian Mission

U, S. Postage

Mr. and r^rs. Harold Eastham Forwarding Agents

Box 3

^ ;

Non-profit Org. POSTAGE PAID

Vermilion, 111.

Vermilion, Illinois




NOV 2 2 1971

cu 9





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November Newsletter
Dear Christian Friends:

This is a strange and wonderful Christmas season for us. As Christians, we often take for granted the fact that God became man. Now we find ourselves in a land where by far the majority of people find this impossible to believe, l-tfhy
would God want to so associate Himself with sinful man? We have already seen the

wonder on people's faces when the answer is given, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life," May we be filled again with wonder at the love of God expressed in the incarnation. Can we do too much for Him? Can we do
too much for such a Saviour?

We were given a Christmas present very few missionaries receive.

came to visit us from November 13 - 23.
but Christ's love is with us.

Ed's parents
V/ould you

It was a wonderful reunion.

remember our families in your prayers this Christmas?

Separation is difficult,

Indonesia, as emphasized in its motto, "Unity in Diversity", is a grouping of

people of diverse origins and history. This became a living reality for me as for 19 days, from Oct. 20 to Nov. 8, I had the opportunity to see firsthaudr the progi-ess of the churches in the province of Riau, Central Sumatra. From the animistic, illiterate Sakai nomads to the American church at Rumbi, the Caltex Oil Company base, I found the power of God at work.

Jfy adventures were many. In one of the tribal areas I wanted a picture of two Sakai hunters. As I raised my camera, they raised their spears, for fear I would capture their spirits in my littls box. On our trip to the islands near Singapore, we had to travel for 23 hours oti top of a small river boat. Seeing beautiful tropical birds among lush foliage, with the distant sounds of native drums and elephants was sufficient compensation for severe sunburn, drenchings of sudden storms, mosquitoes, and unbelieveably spicy food. The ship's captain, a new Christ ian, even offered to help me in a future island ministry.

In this area of tapioca farms, pineapple plantations, and swamp, over 400
persons have confessed the name of Christ in just the last two years! This in in spite of Moslem opposition, which in the town of Kulyim alone frightened away 30 interested families. Yet even Moslems are becoming followers of Christ, after claiming to see repeated visions such as a cross in the sky. As many as 10,000 persons in Riau are listed as Christian, but less than 5,000 ever attend church.

Obviously many claimed Christianity in 1965 for political reasons, and still now many do ho because of such things as marriage.

At least half of those who attend church belong to Batak (Lutheran) congrega
The Catholics have several large schools in Pakanbaru and a membership of several hundred. Slightly smaller is the GPIB tions, which are quite isolationist.

(Calvinist) Chujich, which like the Batak group has only one minister in the whole
province. Young Pentecostal groups have just over 200 members total. Finally, there is a small group working in Chinese communities tied to ancestral religions,
and also the interdenominational American Church in Rumbi.

Because of visits with over 20 church leaders in nine towns and one jungle area, I was invited to preach eight times. I was appAUed at the obvious Biblical

illiteracy, which leads to some conclusions concerning the trip:

1. The primary need is intensive, basic Bible teaching and training in the churches. In one meeting I was amazed to learn that the entire congregation, including the preacher, had never heard of the Holy Spirit. At present there are no missionaries at all in the area, though a few nationals could soon hfeilp with necessary teaching. The GPIB, Pentecostal, Chinese, and even American groups have

all requested Christian teachers.

I'm now going through Bible correspondence

courses which could be translated and sent to interested persons there,

2. Here in Bandung, some of our missionaries are in the process of guiding entire independently governed churches into New Testament Christianity through

corrective Biblical teaching.

However, because of strict denominational controls

Legal restrictions

over all the churches in Riau (except the Chinese group), it would eventually be
necessary for new independent congregations to be established. make such an action extremely difficult.

3. Christian literature in the Indonesian language must be made readily avail able. This was stressed even by the head of the area's Department of Religion,
Christian section. Last month we mentioned the extreme scarcity of Bibles. Some

concerned Caltex Oil people offered to buy several hundred Bibles once they realized this situation, and also offered us further help*

. In the short time I was there, I made many wonderful friendsi Over 14 churches and groups asked us to return and work with them^ so the desire to do so

also consider working in other a^eas. The Lord will guide our futiibe as we all
pray together for wisdom.

is great.

But during this next seven months of formal language study, we will

Vte resumed language study December 1, IS hours a week, under a Mr. Nazarudin.
It's good to have help again!

Our shipment may have left L.A. November 21^ We have only a verbal guarantee of extension on our deadli ne of DocGmber 4, but feel quite at peace that God is
taking oarc of this matter.

As an Indonesian greeting says, "For your presence and prayers of

. blessing, our family gives thanks,"

Ed, Louise- and I(dx-un Fmadb Djl. Tjiwulan 30 Bandung, Java, Indonesia

Isles of the Pacific Christian Mission

U. S. Postage

and Mrs. Harold Eastham



Forwarding Agents
Box 3

Vermilion, Illinois

Vermilion, Illinois 61995

Permit #1

/3^ yyy

IsIbs of



Ffe O^57^
December Newsletter
Greetings to-each of you in-the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; In our last letter we mentioned that our new language teacher, Pak Nazarudin, began tutoring us 18 hours a week as of reoember 1. Since that time most of our "work" has been studying. Although this is time-consuming, we firmly believe that

a working knowledge of the language is essential if we are to communicate the Gospel

in its purity. It's even necessary to be able to follow yoiir interpreter's trans lations somewhat unless the missionary knows personally that the interpreter is

well-grounded in Biblical teachings. Last September this point hit home with me when I preached for a small congregation. After reading my manuscript three times the interpreter said he would have no trouble. But afterwards he said that although there were many times he didn't understand my words> the Holy Spirit gave him some thing else to say. Uo wonder the congregation's I'eaction was quite inappropriate for the words I thou^t they were hearing! Language study has other benefits also...
Louise was recently invited by Nazarudin's wife to attend an English conver sation club, held by about 12 wives of Bandung university professors. In a dis cussion of tradition and symbolism within the Sundanese wedding ceremony, she was especially interested by their strongly negative feelings about the polygamy here. Obviously, their purpose is to improve their English and not to discuss religion. Nevertheless, she hopes that in addition to deepening her knowledge of customs here she can also introduce some-of-these Jdoslem ladies to Jesus through a personal friendship with them. She's really looking forward to further conversations. The women were quite gracious and seemed appreciative of the fact that she is trying to understand Indonesian life and people, and especially that she's learning to
speak Indonesian.

It's so easy for the missionary to content himself with preaching, but never
make sufficient effort to learn how to conmunicate. People respond to love, and


love is preceded by understanding.

This means we must know their words, idioms,

problems, ambitions, personalities. It means we must eat their food, frequent the places they do, share their lives. We still have many unanswered questions and many decisions to make about how to relate to people, about how to cross the
barrier of cultural differences.
to Christ.

U L 7

go of familiar means trusting God more. But it will mean souls led
"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that

Acculturation is often means letting t

are ready to be slain; if thou sayest, "Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? and He that keepeth thy soul, doth He not know it? and shall not He render to every man according to his works." - Pro, 2k' 11-12

From time to time we've mentioned the progress (or lack of progress) of Iso,
the boy who works for us 3 days a week. After his brother was baptized, Iso became

ly^^^t'hdrawn. He didn't want to make daily conversation, let alone discuss Christ.
In one brief period since that time he showed more interest, but it soon grew cold


Then about three weeks ago, I took a Sundanese New Testament out to Iso.

(Sundanese is his normal dialect.) He was very cold at first, thinking it was just
another Bible in Indonesian, but after a second glance he said,"Perhaps that is in the Sjmda language?" When I said it was, he asked to see it later on. That

evenirig"iTi^begaff^l!ri Matthew and read for over--ourJtiour5l anothe^iJCQur tne roJ-lowing day_eye^T^""fI]e"
continued every night he has been here since. '

The next night, he read ~ "'

Isaiah 55s 11 says, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Continue to pray for Iso, that ao he reads he will allow the Spirit to work the luii-arne of life in him through the
power of God imt.o p-ilvation, t.hp Holy Gorij^ture.


Our personal goods are still in California due to the dock strike being resumed before it could be shipped. Please continue to pray vrith us that the strike will
soon be ended so that it can be shipped. We would like to thank Bob McLean of the Centinela Christian Church in Inglewcod, Calif, for his efforts in putting our

things in the hands of more capable shippers.


It has now been transfered to San

"Happiness" for us this Christmas came from such things as....receiving a love]^ floral arrangement of baby orchids and candles from Moslem neighbors who
wanted us to enjoy our first Christmas av/ay from America. ....watching Karen play with her blocks, salvaging our little Christmas tree


after she promptly knocked it over, and hearing her say, "Jesus will come back some

"Hallalulah, Pudji Tuhan!" (Praise Ye the Lord)

....sharing fellowship with members of Geredja Bethesda, the congregation with which Bro. Charles V^inegarner has been working. The 3J.ttle building was literally packed to over-flowing for Christmas services. Singing carols during the candlelight service was an especially meaningful experience for us. If we
didn't know the Indonesian words, we just used English.
reluctant to go homei

Despite differences of

language and customs, we felt such a closeness to those Christians as we praised God together. So great was their praise that after four hours they still seemed
....knowing God loves us. During the past several months we have been assured of God's love by the personal experience of His care as we learn to "be at home" here, as well as by the ever strengthenin-'^ ox love we vdth you at home...
and also with the friends we made in a Cri^i-i wc-be, this intangible
ai'e ours

bond of spiritual fellowship is indeed a much

miles whioh'ciKc np
in 1

than the mere }th,ysTcal


ri'aise God for the txes of

Ed, Louise and Karen FiirnAs Djl. Tjiwulan 30 Bandung, Java, Indonesia

Isles of the Pacific Christian Mission


Mr. and Mj-s. Harold East':?.am



Forwardin'';; Agents
Box 3 Vermilion


Venn'l.'i.or., Illinois


A-xrx. Ill
-/6 6^^

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