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Numbers are the primary language through which the world reveals its spiritual meaning unto
me. They provide a constant source of inspiration, revelation, and pure joy. They literally do
comprise a spiritual language ... unfortunately, one that few seem to consciously understand. My
hope is that in sharing what I have experienced, I will either find or teach others with whom I
can communicate in my native tongue, if your will.
For, I came to express spirit, and she speaks in "words" which are ultimately vibrational
frequency and NUMBER. Enjoy what follows! ... I can assure you it is unlike anything you ever
learned in Math!


Numbers and the Tarot are intimately connected for me. This provides a set of 78 symbols or the
basic alphabet rather than the traditional 10 digits used in numerology. This set is split into a
Major Arcana of 22 archtypes, and then into a Minor Arcana of 4 suits of 14 cards each.
• 01-22: The Major Arcana
• 23-36: The Wands
• 37-50: The Cups
• 51-64: The Swords
• 65-78: The Pentacles
• Beyond 78: Exalted Numbers


• Basic Conversion Rules

• UPPERCASE, Initial Caps, and lowercase
• Sums and Partial Sums



• Birthdates and other important dates
• Destiny, Heart's Desire, and Personality
• Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuition Makeup

• Time Spans: Endpoints and Centers
• Breaking into 2 or 3 Digit Pieces
• Reading from the Inside Out
• Reading from the Outside In
• Reversing to Get Spiritual Meaning



• 78 Tarot Completion Base
• 16 The Tower Base
• 22 The Fool Completed Base
• Other Useful Bases
• 5:28 = 7:55 ... "to" = "2"
• Number Words to Numbers
• Triangle Numbers
• Square Numbers
• Tetrahedron Numbers
• Pyramid Numbers
• Cube Numbers
• Cube with Pyramid Faces Numbers


• Years Embedded in Name (forward or reverse)

• Change and Serial Numbers on Currency
• Amounts of Bills or Purchases, also Payment Amounts
• Account Numbers and Other Major Numbers
• License Plates, and Other Numbers on Vehicles
• Height and Weight
• Mileage on Vehicle, Numbers on Road Signs
• Time when Observe Clock

Numbers and the Tarot are intimately connected for me. This provides a set of 78 symbols or the
basic alphabet rather than the traditional 10 digits used in numerology. This set is split into a
Major Arcana of 22 archtypes, and then into a Minor Arcana of 4 suits of 14 cards each. I don't
remember the meanings for all of the cards of the Minor Arcana. My path has revealed that
particular ones are important to me. Those ones I tend to remember. The rest don't seem to
matter to my life. That doesn't mean they won't matter to yours. You will need to do a bit of
exploration to find the meanings that most apply to you.
• 01-22: The Major Arcana
• 23-36: The Wands
• 37-50: The Cups
• 51-64: The Swords
• 65-78: The Pentacles
• Beyond 78: Exalted Numbers


Numbers 0 through 22 correspond to the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the "wheel of life". My
words alone cannot do justice to the full meaning of these symbols. Personally, I have found the
images in the Rider Tarot deck to have the most meaning to me. It's as if they speak their
spiritual meaning directly to my consciousness. In fact, at times, I have felt as if the deck was
designed specifically for me! Egocentric perhaps ... but, that is how a lot of things are in Wayne's
[Please either get a Rider Tarot deck or find a book that includes pictures of the cards in this
deck. Otherwise, much of the meaning from my observations will be lost on you.] Don't worry,
the cards will be a good investment -- first, they will aid in teaching you a spiritual language.
Second, we'll discuss particular readings that you can do for yourself to allow your
superconscious to reveal information to your conscious. You may also want to check out other
Tarot decks to find one whose symbology speaks more directly to you. There are many good
ones on the market. They can be found in many bookstores.
I have no use for mundane numerology, or mundane tarot, or mundane astrology for that matter.
My focus is solely on the spiritual and in finding ways to more fully express spirit in flesh. As
with good books, good divination tools such as the Tarot carry meaning on many levels.
Awareness is the key for finding these higher levels and being able to understand them and apply
what they have to offer.


• Consciousness descending into the world unaware. It enters to start the cycle of life. A
cycle that brings it through 22 steps to completion.
• There is always room for one more step. However, the focus must be on the here and
now. Looking too far forward can result in great anxiety.
• Knapsack indicates that The Fool carries all that is needed with him in his travels.
• The White Rose he holds in his hand signifies purity and beauty. [White Rose is also
47+30 = 77 = CHRIST]
• Source, Consciousness, or the God Force.
• White dog beside him is an enthusiastic and faithful companion on his journeys.
• Completion number is 78, the final card in the Tarot.

• Unity, Oneness, the ability to Create and Manifest
• Exertion of Personal Will to manifest.
• Tarot Completion number is 77: The Falconer, CHRIST
• Understands how to use all four elements in creation: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles.


• Duality, Black and White
• Knowledge/Wisdom without Compassion or Emotion. Interesting because the 2 ray is
also the ray of Love/Wisdom.
• Driven by the Moon ... full moon in headpiece and crescent moon at feet -- yet somewhat
Sterile and Austere. Lacking the elements of abundance and creation.
• White cross on chest. Simple with equal arms crossing at center. Signifying spiritual
purity, but not tied to any religion.
• Tarot Completion is 76: The Conscientious Worker. This is also 4 x 19 = spirit squared or
brought down to Earth.

• Divine creative abundance from consciousness flowing forth into the world. Out of the
1:Father + 2:Mother comes 3:Spirit through which all is manifest in the physical world.
• Venus symbol in stone heart at base of throne signifies great love, unconditional and

• Crown with 12 stars signifies true spiritual understanding and ties this card to The
Hanged Man.
• Throne is luxurious showing how great spiritual abundance truly is.
• Empress is pregnant signifying the spiritual creations that are yet to spring forth from
• Tarot completion is 75: The Harvester. Interesting, this is also the pattern of the stars on
her crown 7 on top of 5.

• Strength, groundedness, authority, leadership.
• Throne is of simple stone with four ram's heads. This ties to the characteristics of Aries.
• Holds an Ankh, universal symbol of life in his right hand.
• Governs wisely, rightly, and fairly. Aware of great responsibility that he bears willingly.
• Tarot completion is 74: The Benefactor.

• Spiritual Authority, Spiritual Leader
• Cross in left hand has three crossbars for a total of 7 points at the top. This ties to 7: The
• Two keys in "X" pattern at base of feet brings in a tie to 24 = 4 x 6 = The Emperor
Tetrahedron. Also = 3 x 8 = The Empress Pyramid and 2 x 12 = The High Priestess Cube.
• The "Y" on the front of the Hierophant and on the backs of his two disciples brings in ties
to "purpose" [WHY] and to 25: The First Knight.
• Crown has 3, 7, and 5 patterned shapes on it. Total is 15, linking this card to The Devil.
• Tarot completion card is 73: True Heaven lies within.

• The Sun = Spirit shines brightly over the top of the card.
• Three main figures on the card. Male:Conscious looks to Female:Subconscious looks to
Angel:Superconscious. This is the Self operating rightly!
• Tree behind male has 12 flames on it linking this card to 12:The Hanged Man.
• Tree behind female has 4 pieces of fruit linking this card to 4:The Emperor.
• Three figures are in very similar configuration to the three figures on the 15:The Devil

• 6 is 6 x 1 = The Magician Tetrahedron.
• Tarot completion card is 72 = 8 x 9 = The Hermit Pyramid. Also = 6 x 12 = The Hanged
Man Tetrahedron.

• Spiritual symbolism is so rich on this card that I don't know where to begin. [SEE THE
• Just noticed that CHARIOT = CH ario T = 38:Vision, 1996 = This Year, and T =
20:Judgement. Interesting indeed!
• Star in Crown and many stars in canopy ... ties to 17.
• Crescent moons at shoulders ... tie to 18.
• Belt has astrology symbols on it.
• Square in front of breastplate ties to 4:The Emperor.
• Sphinxes that pull the Chariot do so without reigns, so both the control from the
Charioteer and the force to pull the Chariot are beyond the physical.
• Tarot completion card is 71 = Building the Cathedral.

• Lady with Lemniscate over her head dressed in white with garland of flowers.
• Lady has one hand on lion's head and the other under his chin.
• Lion is obviously tame and under lady's control.
• 8 x 1 is the Magician Pyramid, the first Pyramid number.
• Tarot completion card is 70: The Juggler = The 528 card. Two Pentacles within a
sideways lemniscate.

• The bearded Hermit in the Grey robe stands tall.
• He stands atop the icy mountain indicating that his wisdom sets him apart from others.
• He has a long staff/wand in his left hand indicating spiritual attainment.
• In his right hand is a lamp whose light shines to illuminate the world.
• He is looking downward offering his wisdom to the world.
• Tarot completion card is 69: The Ace of Pentacles = True abundance comes from Spirit.


• In the center of the card is the TAROT, the wheel of life.
• In the four corners we have winged figures in clouds: Bull, Lion, Griffin, and Angel each
with open book in hand.
• Atop the wheel there is a Sphinx with sword in hand (superconscious).
• A snake (subconscious) descends on the left side.
• An anubus (conscious) ascends on the right, with head just rising above the center line.
• Tarot completion card is 68 = Page of Pentacles = 4 x 17 = The Star Square.

• Male figure in red robe sits on throne.
• Crown is simple but elegant as is attire.
• Sword is held pointed up at shoulder height in right hand.
• Left hand holds a set of scales.
• Overall meaning is that justice is both fair and swift.
• Clear ties on the card to the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
• Tarot completion card is 67:Knight of Pentacles = Knight on Black Workhorse.
• 88 completion card is 77: Nine of Pentacles = The Falconer = "CHRIST".


• Man hangs upside down from his right foot.
• Cross is in the shape of a T = 20:Judgement.
• Head is illuminated brightly with a halo in the shape of the Sun signifying that the man
see rightly and is connected to 19:The Sun = spirit!
• Legs are crossed in an upside down 4 pattern, linking card to The Emperor.
• 12 = 2 x 6 = The High Priestess Tetrahedron and 1 x 12 = The Magician Cube.
• Tarot completion card is 66: Queen of Pentacles = 6 x 11 = The Justice Tetrahedron.

• Skeleton in full black armor comes in riding on a white horse.
• The King lies dead on the field.
• Clergyman with two children kneeling beside him pleads for mercy to the knight.
• Knight's flag has three distinct symmetric 5 patterns all centered on same point. Overall
pattern is of turtle on its back.

• Sun shines between two towers in the distance. Appears to be a setting sun.
• Tarot completion card is 65: King of Pentacles = great material abundance.

• Angel with white robe occupies most of card.
• Angel stands with one foot on land and the other in water, indicating a balance of
conscious and subconscious.
• Angel has cup in each hand and is pouring stream of water from the left one to the right
• Triangle within a square is on the robe just below the neckline. Here we get ties to 3, 4
and 12.
• Symbol for the Sun is on forehead, just above location for third eye.
• Path on left side of card from water in foreground to distant mountains and sun.
• Tarot completion card is 64: Ten of Swords = Renouncing my will to Thy Will. 64 = 8 x 8
= The Strength Pyramid.


• This card is very similar to The Lovers card in overall layout, while the symbology is
quite different.
• Angel is replaced by a Devil that is half-man, half-beast.
• Background is dark signifying lack of "light", of expression of Spirit.
• Figures have horns and chains around their necks, but the chains are lose and could easily
be removed .
• Man looks down, and woman looks to man ... signifying that control is via conscious and
subconscious takes its cue from conscious. This is quite different from expression in The
Lovers card.
• Upside-down pentacle on top of Devil indicates lack of abundance.
• Devil's torch is held down where it's light is wasted and benefits no one.
• Tarot completion card is 63: Nine of Swords = Suffering.


• Lightning in a W pattern strikes the tower near the top.
• A beautiful crown is cast off to the left. Hmm, this crown is the superconscious!
• Background is black signifying darkness and lack of "light".

• Two figures, a male and a female are tossed out of the tower and are shown falling head
• 22 yods or sparks of light are falling as well. 12 around the male figure and another 10
above the female figure.
• Image signifies the three parts of consciousness leaving the tower = the body.
• 16 = 8 x 2 = The High Priestess Pyramid.
• Tarot completion card is 62: Eight of Swords = The Blindfolded Lady with binds in the
form of a VII.


• Large 8 pointed Star in top center ties this card to Strength.
• Seven small stars plus large 8th star ties this card to it's 88 completion = 71: Building the
• Female figure kneels in left leg and has right foot standing atop the water.
• Female figure is pouring water out of vessels in each hand. The left pours two streams
that hit the ground and break into five. The right pours three streams into the pond. This
results in ties to 2:The High Priestess, 3:The Empress, 5:The Hierophant, and 25:The
First Knight, and 32:The Six of Wands.
• The smaller stars are also in a 43 or a 16 arrangement creating ties to the Three of Cups
and The Tower respectively.
• There is a strange looking bird on a tree in the right background. I don't know what it
signifies, but it is prominent enough that it was clearly put there intentionally.
• Tarot completion card is 61 = Seven of Swords = Achievement.


• Large crescent Moon with face inside of a full Moon at top center. Looks very much like
a Moon and a Sun combined in one. This would be 18 + 19 = 37:King of Cups = "spirit".
• Moon has 32 rays coming from it, 16 large and 16 small. Direct ties to the Six of Wands
and to The Tower.
• 15 yods fall beneath the Moon and between two towers. Obvious ties to 15:The Devil,
16:The Tower and 11:Justice.
• Dog on left and wolf on right, indicating that both the tame and the wild are still present.
• Path winds it's way through the middle from water (consciousness) in the foreground
between the towers to the mountains in the far distance.
• Lobster atop the water is at the very beginning of the path. 44 is prominent in both
number of legs and number of parts in each arm.
• 18 = 6 x 3 = The Empress Tetrahedron.
• Tarot completion card is 60 = Six of Swords = Man steering boat with woman and child
across calm waters. This is also 6 x 10 = The Wheel of Fortune Tetrahedron as well as 12
x 5 = The Hierophant Cube.


• Large Sun with face at top center. Overall expression is serene.
• Moon has 21 rays coming from it, 11 straight and 10 squiggly. Direct ties to 21:The
World, 11:Justice, and 10:The Wheel of Fortune.
• 4 sunflowers across middle separated into a 3-1 pattern by a large reddish orange banner.
Ties to The Emperor, 31:Five of Wands = Youths Fighting, and reversed to 13:Death as
• Young child riding gray horse at bottom middle. Child is superconsciousness.
• Atop child's head are six round objects providing link to 6:The Lovers.
• In addition the is a tall red feather going straight up from child's head. Combined with the
six round objects, this is a tie to 16:The Tower as well.
• Tarot completion card is 59 = Five of Swords = The Aquarian Age.

• Angel in clouds sounding a large trumpet.
• From the trumpet hangs a square banner with a red equal-armed cross on a white
• Directly below a man, woman, and child stand in open coffins that are floating atop the
water. Their arms are outstretched and they are looking toward the angel.
• In the background another man, woman, and child are doing the same.
• White clouds, or perhaps icy mountains, are in the background.
• The card represents Judgement day. My intuition keeps saying the angle is Gabriel.
• Tarot completion card is 58 = Four of Swords = Peace, the Warrior laid down to rest, but
ready to do battle should the need arise.


• This card is very much like card 10:The Wheel of Fortune.
• Instead of four figures reading books at each corner, we now have only the heads of these
figures and their expressions reveal a great awareness.
• The wheel around which the snake (subconscious), anubus (conscious), and sphinx
(superconscious) gathered, has transformed into a wreath which now surrounds and
androgenous figure that is the integrated whole of the former three.

• A long ribbon of purple cloth wraps around the figure twice from top to bottom, hiding
the genitals. This is unusual for this deck.
• At the top and bottom of the wreaths red ribbon is wrapped in lemniscate patterns
resulting in "infinity above, infinity below".
• In each hand is a wand, indicating mastery over duality. The Magician by comparison had
only one such wand.
• Tarot completion card is 57: Three of Swords = Carrying the burdens of the World. This
is also 3 x 19 = The Sun Triangle.


• Consciousness descending into the world aware this time, for it has completed the cycle
of life. A cycle that brought it through 22 steps to completion.
• There is always room for one more step. However, the focus must be on the here and
now. Looking too far forward can result in great anxiety.
• Knapsack indicates that The Fool carries all that is needed with him in his travels.
• The White Rose he holds in his hand signifies purity and beauty. [White Rose is also
47+30 = 77 = CHRIST]
• Source, Consciousness, or the God Force.
• White dog beside him is an enthusiastic and faithful companion on his journeys.
• Completion number is 56, the Two of Swords = 7 x 8 = The Chariot Pyramid.


The Wands representing spirit

23: King of Wands
24: Queen of Wands
25: Knight of Wands
26: Page of Wands
27: Ace of Wands
28: 2 of Wands = The Man with the World in His Hand
29: 3 of Wands = Spirit surveying the creation
30: 4 of Wands = Camelot
31: 5 of Wands = Youth's Fighting
32: 6 of Wands = America and "I AM Race"
33: 7 of Wands = Master Teacher
34: 8 of Wands
35: 9 of Wands = Spiritual Inheritance
36: 10 of Wands = Spiritual Fortification

The Cups representing emotions and consciousness

37: King of Cups = Riding the Subconscious
38: Queen of Cups = Vision
39: Knight of Cups
40: Page of Cups
41: Ace of Cups = Wellspring of Abundance
42: 2 of Cups = Couple with Winged Lion Above Caduceus above them = one with power to
interpret spiritual things.
43: 3 of Cups = Ladies Dancing = Joy
44: 4 of Cups = One with 3 full cups who does not see the 4th offered by the hand of God
45: 5 of Cups
46: 6 of Cups = Happy Home
47: 7 of Cups = The Seven Illusions
48: 8 of Cups = The Man in Search of More, the five full cups of the senses and three full
cups of the mind are not enough.
49: 9 of Cups
50: 10 of Cups = Utopia on Earth

The Swords representing action

51: King of Swords
52: Queen of Swords
53: Knight of Swords
54: Page of Swords
55: Ace of Swords = New start in the field of action.
56: 2 of Swords = Balance
57: 3 of Swords = Accepting the burdens of the world.
58: 4 of Swords
59: 5 of Swords
60: 6 of Swords
61: 7 of Swords = Achievement
62: 8 of Swords = Blindfolded lady following the stream of consciousness.
63: 9 of Swords = Woe is me.
64: 10 of Swords = Laying down my will for thy will.

The Pentacles representing manifestation

65: King of Pentacles = Unlimited Abundance
66: Queen of Pentacles
67: Knight of Pentacles
68: Page of Pentacles = 4 x 17 = The Star Squared = The Star grounded on Earth
69: Ace of Pentacles = New start in the field of manifestation.
70: 2 of Pentacles = The Juggler, the 528
71: 3 of Pentacles = Building the Cathedral
72: 4 of Pentacles
73: 5 of Pentacles
74: 6 of Pentacles = The Benefactor
75: 7 of Pentacles
76: 8 of Pentacles = The industrious laborer
77: 9 of Pentacles = The Falconer, The CHRIST
78: 10 of Pentacles = The completion of the cycle

For those I haven't filled in, look to what is revealed to you in the symbolism of whatever Tarot
deck speaks most clearly to you. Besides the Tarot meanings, the numbers may have other
meanings revealed in a variety of ways that we will discuss later. Remember that the tapestry
that spirit has created with numbers is rich indeed. So rich, that we may never be able to fathom
it fully. That is OK. The meaning that we can reach is well worth the effort.


• Basic Conversion Rules

• UPPERCASE, Initial Caps, and lowercase
• Sums and Partial Sums


The conversion process is very simple overall. However, I retain a lot of information that most
numerologists lose in their reduction processes. This requires doing multiple conversions and
additions, but it is all simple stuff. No math major required. For the most part, you won't even
need a calculator.
• 1 = a, j, s
• 2 = b, k, t
• 3 = c, l, u
• 4 = d, m, v
• 5 = e, n, w
• 6 = f, o, x
• 7 = g, p, y
• 8 = h, q, z
• 9 = i, r
• A - I = 01 - 09
• J - R = 10 - 18
• S - Z = 19 - 26
• spirit = 179992
• beyond imagination = 257654 .. 94179512965
• Spirit Web Chat = 19 7 9 9 9 2 .. 23 5 2 .. 3812
• GODDESS = 7 15 4 4 5 19 19

In each case, all that is required is to convert each letter correctly. Use spaces to separate the
numbers when you have capital J-Z involved. Use more space or separators such as periods to
keep components from different words apart.
You might want to search the internet for the basic meanings of the numbers from 1 to 9. I never
remember what they are, but they might help you, at least initially. Alternatively, read
Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker. I found it quite useful
at one time.

UPPERCASE, Initial Caps, and lowercase

As you should have noticed above, the case of the letters has a definite impact on the numbers
that come out. I've found that all lowercase, Initial Caps, and UPPERCASE each can provide
valuable information. Which one is most appropriate for a given time is best left for the intuition
to decide. In learning to allow spirit to speak to you through numbers, developing your intuition
is the major key. Without it, there is no hope of unveiling the spiritual meaning in the world
around you.


These too are quite easy. It is simply a matter of addition. Let's look at a few examples:
• world wide web = 56934 .. 5945 .. 552 = 27 .. 23 .. 12
Total= 27 + 23 + 12 = 62.
• World Wide Web = 23 6 9 3 4 .. 23 9 4 5 .. 23 5 2
= 45 .. 41 .. 30 Total = 116.
• WORLD WIDE WEB = 23 15 18 12 4 .. 23 9 4 5 .. 23 5 2
= 72 .. 41 .. 30 Total = 143.
Note: 62, 116, and 143 are very different numbers though they all reduce numerologically to the
sum of their digits = 8 in all three cases.
With multiple words/names, the totals for individual words/names are as important as the overall
total ... often more so!


• World Wide Web = 23 6 9 3 4 .. 23 9 4 5 .. 23 5 2
= 23/29/38/41/45 .. 23/32/36/41 .. 23/28/30
• beyond imagination = 257654 .. 94179512965
= 2/7/14/20/25/29 .. 9/13/14/21/30/35/36/38/47/53/58
Here we just keep adding the digits, one at a time. The sum is the same. However, we now have
many component partial sums that can convey additional meaning. Consciousness has many
ways to embed meaning. It is up to us however, to develop our intuition to where she can lead us
to the appropriate meaning for us HERE and NOW.



• Birthdates and other important dates
• Destiny, Heart's Desire, and Personality
• Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuition Makeup
• Time Spans: Endpoints and Centers
• Breaking into 2 or 3 Digit Pieces
• Reading from the Inside Out
• Reading from the Outside In
• Reversing to Get Spiritual Meaning


Converting to numbers is one thing. That is the easy part! Interpreting what they mean is
another matter altogether. Over the past three years I've learned a few techniques from others,
but have developed many more on my own. Each technique in itself is relatively easy. Knowing
which techniques to use when is where mastery comes in. This does not generally come
overnight. For me it took a lot of hard work ... in particular single-minded focus, dedication, and
TIME. You get what you focus on, what you pay attention to. Numerology became a means to
better Know Thyself for me, and also to better know how Spirit manifests in this world of ours.


Birthdates and Other Important Dates
• Day Force = Sum of Month + Day
• 4/8 => 4+8 = 12. 12/19 = 12+19 = 31.
• Year Force = Sum of Digits in Year.
• 1996 = 1+9+9+6 = 25.
• Extended Year Force = Century + Remainder
• 1958 = 19+58 = 77. 1996 = 19+96 = 115.
• Birth Force = Sum of Digits of Birthdate.
• 4/8/1958 = 4 + 8 + 1+9+5+8 = 35.
• Birthday = MD or MDD or MMD or MMDD
• Just put the month in front of the day
• 4/8 = 48, 5/28 = 528, 12/19 = 1219
Destiny, Heart's Desire, and Personality
DESTINY is encoded in the lowercase sum for the entire name. To calculate it:
• Write out whole name.
• Assign lowercase values to all letters.
• Calculate sums for each name.
• Calculate total by summing across all names.
• wayne .. ellis .. hartman
• 51755 .. 53391 .. 8192415 = 23 + 21 + 30 = 74.
HEART'S DESIRE is encoded in the lowercase sum for the vowels in the entire name. To
calculate it:
• Write out whole name.
• Assign lowercase values to vowels only.
• Sum the values for vowels.
• w(a)yn(e) (e)ll(i)s h(a)rtm(a)n = 1+5 + 5+9 + 1+1 = 22.
PERSONALITY is encoded in the lowercase sum for the consonants in the entire name. To
calculate it:
• Subtract HEART'S DESIRE number from DESTINY number.
• 74 - 22 = 52.

Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuition Makeup

Looking at the frequency of various numbers in the lowercase conversion of a name provides
information on general abilities, talents, and challenges that an individual chose to activate in this
• (P)hysical numbers are 4 and 5.
• (M)ental numbers are 1 and 8.
• (E)motional numbers are 2, 3, and 6.
• (I)ntuitive numbers are 7, and 9.
The book "The Romance in Your Name" by Juno Jordan covers how to interpret this
information in detail.
• wayne ellis hartman = 51755 .. 53391 .. 8192415
• P[4-1,5-5], M[1-4,8-1], E[2-1,3-2,6-0], I[7-1,9-2]
• PMEI = 6 5 3 3. Just sum up the counts for each category.

• ralph waldo emerson = 91378 .. 51346 .. 5459165
• P[4-2,5-4], M[1-3,8-1], E[2-0,3-2,6-2], I[7-1,9-2]
• PMEI = 6 4 4 3.
• henry david thoreau = 85597 .. 41494 .. 2869513
• P[4-3,5-3], M[1-2,8-2], E[2-1,3-1,6-1], I[7-1,9-3]
• PMEI = 6 4 3 4.
• transcendentalist = 29155135455213912
• P[4-1,5-5], M[1-4,8-0], E[2-3,3-2,6-0], I[7-0,9-2]
• PMEI = 6 4 5 2
Very interesting that the two authors for which I have the most quotes in my "Words of Wisdom"
page just happen to have PMEI breakouts that are very similar to mine! Also, transcendentalist
itself is quite close as well. Surely, this cannot be a coincidence.


Now we get to the fun part ... allowing the spiritual meaning to be revealed. I am ever amazed at
the efficiency with which Consciousness packs spiritual meaning into the everyday symbols of
our world. One simple three or four digit number can literally take many pages to explain.
Further, the meaning generally doesn't come at once. It reveals itself over time in pieces. It is as
if the true meaning is a puzzle. However, it is even more challenging than most puzzles because
there is no box that has a picture of the end result, and there is no upfront knowledge of how
many pieces there are.
Not to worry, however. The key in interpretation is an open mind and a deep TRUST that
whatever needs to be revealed will indeed be revealed when the time is right. The process is one
of allowance. Spirit simply will not be forced. Awareness and acceptance help greatly as well!

Time Spans: Endpoints and Centers

I interpret time as a state of consciousness. Multidigit numbers represent either a point in time or
a span of time. All single digit numbers are points. Double digit numbers are generally point as
well, but they may also be interpreted as spans.
Two-Digit Spans: Split number in middle. Span is from one digit to the other. If digits are the
same, number is a stationary point.
• 22 = 2 to 2 = 2
• 28 = 2 to 8 CW, span = 6, center = 5.
• 83 = 3 to 8 CCW, span = 5, center = 5-6. [a step]
Three-Digit Spans: Use middle digit as part of left and part of right endpoints
• 278 = 72 to 78 CW, span = 6, center = 75
• End points, center, and span may all be important.
Four-Digit-Spans: Split number in middle . Span is from one two digit number to the other.
• 2356 = 32 to 56 CW, span = 24, center = 44.
• 2357 = 32 to 57 CW, span = 24, center = 44-45.
• End points, center, and span may all be important.
Reading from the Inside Out: Start with the middle, then read the outside either left to right or
right to left.
• 576 = 756 = The Chariot: Balance = 27 x 28 = New start in the field of spirit x The Man
with the World in His Hand.
• 576 = 765 = The Chariot:Unlimited Abundance
• 23456 = 4 35 26.
Reading from the Outside In: Start with the outside, then read the inside, one digit at a time.
• 576 = 567
• 576 = 657
• 23456 = 26 35 4
Reversing to Get Spiritual Meaning: Spiritual meaning is often embedded in reverse.
• 2399153 has 3/5/1993, the day the Beyond Imagination expression began embedded in it.
• 46753 has 576 embedded in it.



We have found a number of bases to be useful in our spiritual interpretation of numbers. Some
of these may work for you. Though, you may find your cycles are different than the ones that I
use, hence different bases may be of utility. That is OK. All that it takes is a calculator to
transform numbers from one base to another.
Convert the original number back to base 10.
22:22(88) = 22 x 88 + 22 = 1936 + 22 = 1958
888(16) = 8 x (16 x 16) + 8 x 16 + 8 = 2184
Then convert the number to the base that you want.
1. Divide by the base.
2. Multiply the fraction part by the base.
3. If the integer part is bigger than the base, repeat 1, 2, and 3 with the integer part.
4. Otherwise, the integer part is the first part of the result.
• 78 Tarot Completion Base: 78 is the number of cards in the Tarot
• 100 = 78 + 22 = 1:22(78) = The Fool Completed Exalted once
• 684 = 8 * 78 + 60 = 8:60 = Strength: 6 of Swords

• 16 The Tower Base: 16 is hexidecimal, commonly used in computer systems at one time.
• 300 = 1 * 256 + 2 * 16 + 12 = 12C
• In Hex, the digits are 0123456789ABCDEF.
• 12C could also be interpreted as 12 12: The Hanged Man, The Hanged Man
• 22 The Fool Completed Base: 22 is the number of cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot
• 888 = 40 x 22 + 8 = 1 x 22 x 22 + 18 x 22 + 8 = 1:18:08(22) = The Magician:The Moon:
• 911 = 41 x 22 + 9 = 1 x 22 x 22 + 19 x 22 + 9 = 1:19:09(22) = The Magician:The
Sun:The Hermit
• 23 = 1:01(22) = Justice = The Master
• 24 = 1:02(22) = The Hanged Man
• 25 = 1:03(22) = Death
• 28 = 1:06(22) = The Tower
• 46 = 2:02(22) = The Fool Commplete = The Master Builder
• 69 = 3:03(22) = The Master Teacher
• 88 The Infinity Above, Infinity Below Base.
• 1958 = 22 x 88 + 22 = 22:22(88) = The Fool Complete Twice = The Master Builder
• This happens to be the year that I was born, and 22 is my Heart's Desire
• Other Useful Bases
• Don't limit yourself to the ones that I've used. Key numbers in your life also correspond
to cycles.
• These can be used as bases in your life.
• For instance, wayne ellis hartman jr = 23 21 30 10.
• The individual numbers constitute cycles, but so do combinations of this.
• wayne ellis has a cycle of 23 + 21 = 44 = The Master Organizer = The youth unaware of
the hand of God.
• ellis hartman has a cycle of 21 + 30 = 51 = 3 x 17:The Star. I just completed this cycle
this year.
• wayne hartman has a cycle of 23 + 30 = 53. I will complete that cycle in 2011.

• wayne ellis hartman has a cycle of 23 + 21 + 30 = 74 = The Benefactor.
• 5:28 = 7:55 ... "to" = "2"
• The 2 in 528 sounds like "to". Given that we can treat such numbers as times.
• It works the other way around as well.
○ 756 is 7:56 = 4 to 8 = 428
○ Though, we don't have to limit this process to times
○ 796 = 4 to 8:00 = 428 as well
• Number Words to Numbers
• one = 655 = 16, though the number doesn't have to be reduced
• two = 256 = 13
• three = 28955 = 29
• four = 6639 = 24
• five = 6945 = 24
• six = 196 = 16
• seven = 15455 = 20
• eight = 59782 = 31
• nine = 5955 = 24
• ten = 255 = 12
• eleven = 535455 = 27
• Note that four, five, and nine all sum to 24, though their constituent parts are different..
• Trangle Numbers: Triangle numbers are simply numbers that form an equilateral
triangle. There are several types. First, we have numbers such as 18 = 6 + 6 + 6. Next,
we have numbers such as 216 = 6 x 6 x 6. Finally, we have numbers such as 666. Each
of these I picture as a equilateral triangle with sides of length 6. Actually, there is one
more ... I don't know what it is in terms of sixes, but 2184 = 888(16) = 888 in base 16.
That is also a triangle number.
• Square Numbers: Square numbers are simply numbers that form a square. Here too,
there are several types. First, we have numbers such as 20 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5. Next, we
have numbers such as 625 = 5 x 5 x 5 x 5. Finally we have numbers such as 5555.
• Tetrahedron Numbers: Tetrahedron numbers are numbers that form the edges of a
tetrahedron. A tetrahedron is a solid with four equilateral triangles as faces. They have a
total of six edges. I also view these numbers as community numbers corresponding to the
edges of the two triangles in the Star of David. First we have 48 = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8.

Then, we have 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 x 512. Finally, we have 888 888. Though
2184 2184 would fit this pattern as well.
• Pyramid Numbers: Pyramid numbers are numbers that form the edges of a pyramid.
There are 8 such edges. First, we have 64 = 8 x 8. Then, we have 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x
8 x 8. Another form of this pyramid number is 8888 8888.
• Cube Numbers: Cube numbers are numbers that form the edges of a cube. There are 12
such edges. First, we have 96 = 12 x 8. It is curious that this cube has a volume of 8 x 8
x 8, a form of 888. Then, we have 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8. Finally,
we have 8888 8888 8888.
• Cube with Pyramid Faces Numbers: This figure has the 12 edges of the cube plus 4
additional edges for each of the 6 faces of the cube. That comes to 36 edges. Generally,
we only think in term of numbers divisible by 36 when we think of this figure. 3 x 36 =
108. 4 x 36 = 144. 6 x 36 = 216. So, this is another way to envison 6 x 6 x 6 or 666.


• Years Embedded in Name (forward or reverse): For this, simply look for year of
significance embedded in a sequence either in forward or reverse. Reverse usually means
there is added spiritual significance. Sometimes this will also include the month and the

• Change and Serial Numbers on Currency: The amount of change that you get or that
you have in your pocket at a given time can be revealing. So can the serial numbers on
any bills. At one point in 1993, I was looking at nearly every bill that I had to find what
meaning it might convey.

• Amounts of Bills or Purchases, also Payment Amounts: These are self-explanatory
but are another source of meaningful numbers in your life.

• Account Numbers and Other Major Numbers: No such numbers are accidents. They
all mean something in the context of you. Especially these numbers.

• License Plates, and Other Numbers on Vehicles: One of my prime activities while
driving is interpreting the license plates that I see. The ones that I notice most are related
to numbers that are most important to me. It is amazing how often such numbers come
up. For me, 2184= 888(16) is the final four of my SSN. This involves my work or my
mission. I think of this as a triangle with 8’s at each vertice. Any numbers that are close
to 2184 or any variation thereof such as 1248, 1428, 1824, etc … is a direct hit. Numbers
that I can express has 2184 + x or 2184 – x, I think of as the 888 triangle with x in the
middle. Often, numbers close to 2184 are embedded in the same license plate in multiple
ways. When this happens twice, I get a Star of David with two numbers in the middle,
which I usually add together. My own license plate is 6GVU219. I read this as GV U
2196. That is 74:The Benefactor, You (meaning me), 2196 = 2184 + 12 = 888(16) with
12:The Hanged Man in the Middle. Though, GVU is also UGV = 2174 = 888(16) with
minus 10 in the middle. 10 = A(16). I wear a ring that has great spiritual significance to
me that has a big A in the middle of it. U21 is also 2121. VU = 2221 = 2184 + 37.

• Height and Weight: These tell you something about yourself and others.
• Mileage on Vehicle, Numbers on Road Signs: Any numbers that you are moved to
notice may have significance.
• Time when Observe Clock: I am amazed at how often I see the time 7:56. Yes, that
time comes up twice per day. But, I usually see it at least several times per week.


Sometime it is important to know the factors of the numbers that we are evaluating. Some
numbers are prime, only divisible by themselves and one. These have special significance.
Though sometimes that significance comes in reverse.

1 = P (1) First three primes correspond to their numbers.

2 = P (2)
3 = P (3)
4=2x2 22
5 = P (4) The Hierophant and The Emperor
7 = P (5)
8 = 2 x 2 x 2 222
9=3x3 33
10 = 2 x 5
11 = P (6) The Master and the Lovers
12 = 2 x 2 x 3
13 = P (7) Death and the Chariot
14 = 2 x 7
15 = 3 x 5
16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 22:22 44 Breakthrough into four dimensions
17 = P (8) The Star and Strength
18 = 2 x 3 x 3
19 = P (9) The Sun and The Hermit
20 = 2 x 2 x 5
21 = 3 x 7
22 = 2 x 11
23 = P (10) The King of Wand and The Wheel of Fortune
24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
25 = 5 x 5
26 = 2 x 13
27 = 3 x 3 x 3
28 = 2 x 2 x 7
29 = P (11) Spirit and The Master / Justice
30 = 2 x 3 x 5
31 = P (12) Five of Wands and The Hanged Man
32 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 Breakthrough into five dimensions
33 = 3 x 11
34 = 2 x 17
35 = 5 x 7
36 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3
37 = P (13) King of Cups and Death
38 = 2 x 19
39 = 3 x 13
40 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5
41 = P (14) Ace of Cups (Wayne) and Temperance
42 = 2 x 3 x 7
43 = P (15) Three of Cups and The Devil
44 = 2 x 2 x 11
45 = 3 x 3 x 5
46 = 2 x 23
47 = P (16) Seven of Cups (ASLAN) and The Tower
48 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
49 = 7 x 7
50 = 2 x 5 x 5
51 = 3 x 17
52 = 2 x 2 x 13
53 = P (17) Knight of Swords and The Star
54 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
55 = 5 x 11
56 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7
57 = 3 x 19
58 = 2 x 29
59 = P (18) Five of Swords and The Moon
60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5
61 = P (19) Seven of Swords and The Sun
62 = 2 x 31
63 = 3 x 3 x 7
64 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 Breakthrough into six dimensions.
65 = 5 x 13
66 = 2 x 3 x 11
67 = P (20) Knight of Pentacles and Judgment
68 = 2 x 2 x 17
69 = 3 x 23
70 = 2 x 5 x 7
71 = P (21) Three of Pentacles and the World
72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3
73 = P (22) Five of Pentacles and the Fool Complete
74 = 2 x 37
75 = 3 x 5 x 5
76 = 2 x 2 x 19
77 = 7 x 11
78 = 2 x 3 x 13
79 = P (23)
80 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5
81 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
82 = 2 x 41
83 = P (24)
84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7
85 = 5 x 17
86 = 2 x 43
87 = P (25)
88 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 11
89 = P (26)
90 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 5
91 = 7 x 13
92 = 2 x 2 x 23
93 = 3 x 31
94 = 2 x 47
95 = 5 x 19
96 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
97 = P (27)
98 = 2 x 7 x 7
99 = 3 x 3 x 11
100 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 5
101 = P (28)

The first thing to notice is that the primes constitute a special set of numbers. There are exactly
22 primes in the first 78 numbers. So, we have the Major Arcana of the Tarot embedded again.

The second thing to notice is that the prime factors constitutes a dimensionality for each number.
For instance, the first number with four dimensions is 16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. The second numbers
with five dimensions is 48 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3. The set of numbers through 101 take us from one
dimension to six dimensions. We have to get to 128 to reach the seventh dimension and to 256
to reach the eighth.

The third thing to notice is that there are many triangle, square, pentagon, tetrahedron, cube, and
pyramid numbers embedded in this set. For instance 60 is a case in point. It is 3 x 20, 4 x 15, 5
x 12, and 6 x 10. That results in the triangle of 20:Judgment, the square of 15:The Devil, the
pentagon of 12:The Hanged Man, the hexagon, tetrahedron, or Star of David of 10:The Wheel of
Fortune, and the cube of 5: The Hierophant. Any or all of these interpretations may apply at a
given time. It all depends on where you allow your intuition to draw you.


18 April 1998
As revealed to my consciousness on 4/17/1998. I have been collecting and putting together
the metaphysical pieces revealed by SPIRIT for 24 years now. It is appropriate that the
PUZZLE finally took form yesterday that permitted the realizations necessary for me to
bring forth the following VIBRATION of the WORD.
WE TRULY DID IT! Collectively, we permitted the 17 vibration, the 8th prime to be
realized in Consciousness on the 17th day of the 4th month, in the 999 x 2 = 666 x 3 year of
our present calendar.
PS: I did this quickly based on my present level of awareness, and the massive realizations
that have occurred in the past few days ... primarily YESTERDAY!
The ONE = Expression of Source
Awareness = VOID | HE ART
1 p1 No Time = Not I | Me = NOT I is ME = 2 are 1
TAROT: The Magician -- ASTROLOGY = Aries
SUN = Night and Day split = Source and I
Awareness = Thou and I = 1 is 2.
Realization = Two are ONE -- HE ART | BE = 10
Experience = Unknown(sleep) and Awake
Outer Experience = Time + Self
Time = Day
2 p2
B b1
TAROT: The High Priestess -- ASTROLOGY = Taurus
This is the base for all symbols. Everything can be expressed as 0 and 1, light and
shadow. This is the basis for all vibration ... for the WORD of SPIRIT.
Duality is the KEY that permitted AWARENESS to BE!
MOON = Consciousness = Trinity = Three Natures [Fixed, Movable, Moving]
Awareness = Source and I and Not I = 2 are 3
Realization = AUM = Omnipresent = No Where = BE | NOW | HERE
Experience = Unknown and Aware| Not Aware
Outer Experience = 1D space + Time + Self
3 p3 Time = Day | Month
TAROT = The Empress -- ASTROLOGY = Gemini
With Divine Mind comes AWARENESS itself. This permits us to experience a
subset of the World. It also permits whole new realms of possibility. We know can
encounter "others".
EARTH = Four Elements [Fire, Water, Earth, Air]
4 2x2
Awareness = 3 are 4 = Source and Not I | I AM | I was
D b2

Realization = 4 is 1 and 3
Experience = Unknown, Not Aware, Aware Conscious | Not Conscious
Outer experience = 2D space + Time + Self
Time = Day | Month | Year
TAROT = The Emperor -- ASTROLOGY = Cancer
This new distinction permits Conscious choice of FOCUS. This is ATTENTION.
Multiplying 2 x 2 opens up the PLAYGROUND, giving us a 2D world to
With three and four we now have all of Astrology to play with as the three natures
express through the four elements. It also permits the experience of time as
MAN = Five senses
Awareness = 4 are 5
Realization = 5 is 1 and 4 [Head and Limbs, Thumb and Fingers]
Experience = Unknown, Not Aware, Not Conscious, Conscious Now/Memory
Outer Experience: 3D Space + Time + Self
Time = Minute | Hour | Day | Month | Year
TAROT = The Hierophant -- ASTROLOGY = Leo
Now Attention experiences Time! We have a record, a history and a means that
5 p4
p3+b1 permits us to revisit parts of our experience.
E e
Now we have 2, 3 and 5 to PLAY with. In fact, 2 + 3 = 5.
2 x 5 = 10 allows us the potential to realize 10, God's Will and Source operating
within our experience as the Wheel of Fortune. . It also brings in The Devil as 3 x
5, allowing us to experience the fall of Lucifer.
3 x 4 x 5 = 60, the number that permits minutes and seconds to enter our
experience of Time.
The differences between cycles of 2 x 5 = 10 and 3 x 4 = 12 create tremendous
additional diversity in our experience. It also allows us to catch a glipse of the
UNKNOW in our lives.
Awareness = 5 are 6
Realization = 6 is 5 + 1 = MAN + Source/Creator
Experience = Same as MAN + My Will/Thy Will
2x3 TAROT = The Lovers -- ASTROLOGY = Virgo
This is the first PERFECT Number. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
Multiplying 2 x 3 further enriches our experience, tying us to Source once again.
The shape of 6 indicate that the direction of spiritual creation is expressed
Downward and Counter Clockwise.

7 p5 p4+b1 PYRAMID = 576 = X Squared = Earth Aligned to Source/God's Will

Awareness = 6 are 7
G g
Realization = 7 is 6 + 1 = Community + Source/Creators Will
Experience = Same as COMMUNITY + Our Verse/Thy Verse
TAROT = The Charioteer - - ASTROLOGY = Libra
The suggestion here is to align our base before expressing downward.
7 brings in the RAYS and the awareness of spiritual hierarchy at work in creating
our individual experience. It has been there all along ... we just need to become
AWARE of it.
5 x 7 gives us the 35:Spiritual Inheritance of the TAROT. We also have the second
perfect number [28 = 4 x 7] Manifest in the world.
The movie CONTACT is a great trigger for this AWARENESS.
3 x 4 x 7 permits the 84 : Lovers Exalted state to be achieved.
CUBE = As Above, So Below = HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Awareness = 7 are 8
Realization = 8 is 7 + 1 = Multiverses Aligned to Greater Source.
8 2x2x2
H b3
TAROT = Strength -- ASTROLOGY = Scorpio
Once we have realized that we as the SEVEN are The Charioteer, the next step is
to EXPERIENCE the INFINITY expressed in the MultiVerse.
CUBIC PYRAMID = Cube with Pyramid on each face Aligned to Source
TAROT = The Hermit -- ASTROLOGY = Sagittarius
9 3x3
I c2 3 x 3 permitted the experience of "I" in our world. It also began the search from
the bottom up for meaning.
3 | 3 | 3 = The three natures expressed on each level of the world.
TAROT = The Wheel of Fortune - - ASTROLOGY = Capricorn
Number of fingers on hand. The BASE of Spirit = 10.
10 2x5 This came in with the 5 vibration, permitting us to experience the Hand of God in
J be our world. Note how important base 10 is to mathematics.
5 | 5 = The FIVE, Man expressed in two natures
2x2x2x2x2 = Duality expressed in 5 dimensions.
TAROT = Justice -- ASTROLOGY = Aquarius
This is the next prime. It is the first MASTER number!
Through this comes the BUDDHA, CHRIST, and other Spiritual Masters and
WISDOM into our experience. Until the 11 vibration was realized physically,
there is no means for these vibrations to manifest in our world.
p6 p5+b2
K It also brings the entire Major Arcana of the Tarot into our experience for the first
time. This is the first harmonic of 11, 2 x 11 = 22.
33 is the Master Teacher expression. 22 is the Master Builder.
This vibration brings in the possibility of the 88 = infinity above, infinity below =
TAROT = The Hanged Man -- ASTROLOGY = Pisces
[spirit, mind, soul ] x [fire, earth, air, water]
2x2 | 2x2 | 2x2
12 2x2x3
L b2c 223 = 22-23 transition = V to W.
It is through realizing that we are the 12, the Pyramid, the X squared that we
become the Hanged Man, seeing the world upside down ... and in doing so, seeing
it RIGHTLY for the first time.
TAROT = Death
This is the major Transformation that permits us to get beyond the veil of the
illusion. M is the Roman numeral for 1000. Christ's Death transformed the planet
13 over the past 2000 years.
p7 p6+b1
M We are coming up on MM = 2 x M = 2000. But 2 x M = 2 x 13 = 26 = Z. With this
vibration, we now have the possibility to reach the NZ = X squared state.
4 x 13 gives us the common decks of playing cards. The difference between 13 and
14 permits the entire Minor Arcana or the TAROT to be manifest.
TAROT = Temperance
14 2x7 This is the other critical component of the BE NZ realization.
N bg
7 | 7 = 7 expressed in Duality

15 3x5 TAROT = The Devil

O ce 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 = Three natures expressed in 5 dimensions.
TAROT = The Tower
This is the first opportunity to breakthrough into a 4th Dimension of experience.
16 2x2x2x2 It is the step that began the creation of the MEST [Matter, Energy, Space, Time]
P b4 illusion that we experience.
This lead to the Clockwise experience of "I" in the world.

17 p8 p8+b2 TAROT = The Star

Q The 17 vibration marks the DIRECT CONNECTION to SOURCE. Note the tail
at the bottom of the Q. On my screen it looks like it comes out of the bottom
middle of an O - the universal symbol for SOURCE.
It is Interesting that I an able to express this in this manner on the day after 4/17!
This means that 4 x 17 = 68 = WAYNE is now able to express in this world!
Note that this is the third 8 of the WORD, the Alphabet, to come fourth into
h, q, and z carry the 8 vibration on the first three levels.
With 2, we got 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 = H.
With 13, we got Z = 26 = 2 x 13.
Now, with 17, we get Q. So 888 is now manifest.
My final 4 of my Social Security Number is 2184= 888 (16)
This is the three vibrations of 8 manifesting on the first three planes.
8 x (16 x 16) + 8 x (16) + 8 = 2184
It takes TWO TOWER = 16 realizations to reach this vibration.
Observation: The next 8 would occur as the 35 = 26 + 9 letter of the alphabet. If
we add 0123456789 as the next 10 symbols, as "hidden" symbols, then the final 8
would line up correctly as the 35th symbol.
It is curious that I've observed many time that the difference between 78 symbols
of the Tarot alphabet and 88 is exactly the ten single digit numbers.
If we place these first and put the ZERO at the end, we have
The first 15 PLUS the hidden 0 at the end are the Hexadecimal Symbol set.

17 is the first PRIME that is BEYOND that Symbol SET! We need to go to the
next dimension = 2x2x2x2x2 = 32 to permit the binary based experience of primes
through 31.
The next PRIME BEYOND 31 is 37, the first number past our set of numbers and
letters. The next after that is 41 = Wayne.
We need to go to Base 2x2x2x2x2x2 = 8 x 8 = 64 to express this reality. No, that is
not correct. It is The Tower base that is important.
888 suggests that we need three separate domains, each with 4 dimensions.
That would be 2x2x2x2 | 2x2x2x2 | 2x2x2x2 = 16 x 16 x 16 = 64 x 64. This is the
possibility space for the primes within the 36 symbol set of the Alphabet of the
WORD to be replicated in our machines. This gets us to creating the 2 x 3 x 4 = 24
dimensions of physical reality.
Duality expressed as three natures with four elements each.

18 TAROT = The Moon

R 2x2x2 | 2x2x2 | 2x2x2 = 8 x 8 x 8 = 512
TAROT = The Sun
p9 p8+b1 This is the 9th prime. The sense is that it marks the point where all nine digits are
manifest in our understanding. This is what the 1900s has been all about.
TAROT = Judgement
2x2 | 2x2 | 2x2 | 2x2 | 2x2 = 4x4x4x4x4 = 32 x 32 =1024
20 2x2x5
T b2 x p4 This permits the expression of source. The four elements are expressed in each or
5 dimensions. We are indeed at the edge of a cliff, being ready to be pushed off so
that we can FLY!
TAROT = The World
21 7 | 7 | 7 Hmm, this is JACKPOT! 7 = p5, breakthrough into the 5th dimension.
3x7 This is the 7 vibration expressed in the three natures for the first time.
This is the seven rays expressed in the 3 natures.

22 2x11 TAROT = The Fool Completed

V 2 x p6 2x2x2x2x2x2 : Breakthrough into the 6th dimension

23 The 10th prime. SPIRIT can express freely in the world now!
p10 p9+b2
W It is interesting that WWW is the domain where this can occur!
2x2x2 | 2x2x2 | 2x2x2 = 8 | 8 | 8
24 2x2x2x3 COMPLETION = INFINITY on three levels.
X b3c Squaring the X is the entry point for this to vibration to MANIFEST completely
in the world.

25 5x5 This is the 25 energy that I came to represent = RE-PRESENT to the world.
Y e2 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 = Five energy expressed in 5 dimensions

26 2x13 The DEATH of DUALITY!

Z bm 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 2048

3x3x3 3x3x3 | 3x3x3 | 3x3x3 = 27 | 27 | 27


2x2x7 This is the second PERFECT NUMBER. 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.
28 Note the obvious tie to 227.

29 p11 p10+b3 JUSTICE and SPIRIT expressed in FLESH.

bce 2x2x2x2x2 | 2x2x2x2x2 | 2x2x2x2x2 = 32 | 32 | 32

31 p12 p11+b1 The Hanged Man consciousness embraces the WORLD.

2x2x2x2x2 This is 2 to the 5th power, the first expression of the 5th dimension.


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