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On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to separate the Palestine country.

This formed a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an area in and around Jerusalem. One of these became Israel. Since this vote, many things have happenedtheir war of independence to establish themselves as a country, the Yom Kippur war, and the six-day war. When Israel was first starting to become a country, it began with its own independence war. This was the first of many Arab- Israeli conflicts. Even though the large armies swarming into the Jewish state were intimidating, they lacked the organization and coordination that the Israelis had. They won this battle, ending with the armistice agreements signed in January 1949. This established Israel's state status. Another conflict the Arab-Israeli had was called the Six Day war. This was the third conflict they had since Israel's independence. This time, instead of sitting waiting to be attacked by the enemy, they went ahead and started attacking them. They started with the air forces of the Arab League. Then moved onto then two days later most of the Egyptian tanks in the Sinai Desert were destroyed. And finally they crushed the Jordan army. This was a huge disaster for the Arab League. Beach axe they did not expect this much retaliation. This was not only a huge blow to the Arab's self esteem, but a large victory for the Israelis. The fourth Arab-Israeli conflict is called the Yom Kippur war (1973-1979). This was when Egypt and Syria's forces coordinated to launch an attack on Israel on their most holy day, Yom Kippur. In this surprise turn of events, one can see all of

the Arab countries have now joined forces to attack Israel (Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraqi forces.) The U.S. eventually comes to their aid (president Nixon is in office) but delays aid for a week. The Israelis finally got their army in gear and won the war. This ended up a somewhat disappointment for the Arab countries. Syria even ended up voting Egypt out of the Arab League. This stressful and surprising turn of events even caused Israel's Prime Minister (Golda Meir) to step down. This unusual turn of events caused many wheels to start turning and by now the Israelis have settled into their new homeland. These wars have helped shape the couture and people of the country of Israel. This gave experience and knowledge to the leaders and people of the country to help them prepare for the future of their country.

"Israel Record." Israeli War of Independence. N.p., n.d.Web. 17 Sept. 2013. "Israel's History." Israel's History. N.p., n.d.Web. 17 Sept. 2013. "The Six Day War." The Six Day War. N.p., n.d.Web. 17 Sept. 2013. "Yom Kippur War." Television Networks, n.d.Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

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