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Bryana Hale Native American History 10am-11:20am

Native American History Course Project

Band Name The Sac and Fox nations have a couple different spellings, Sac is also spelled Sauk. The Meskwaki (sometimes spelled Mesquakie or Meskwahki) are a Native American people often known to outsiders as the Fox tribe. Meskwaki are also called Meshkwahkihaki, which means "the Red-Earths. The Sauc (Sac) called themselves the people of the yellow earth to distinguish them from the Fox tribe. Geographic Location These tribes originate from the Great lakes area, The Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri people and their ancestors have been historically located in Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. The Sac and Fox of the Missouri band were finally settled to the northeast corner of Kansas. They mainly lived in bark houses in small villages. Menominee, Ojibwe, Potawatomi, Stockbridge-Munsee, and the Brothertown were all Greet Lakes Tribes. The Oneida who live near Green Bay belong to the Iroquois language

group and the Ho-chunk of Wisconsin is one of the few Great Lakes tribes to speak a Siouan language. Origin of Language The Great Lake Tribes Languages originated from the Algonquin language. Seeing that the Fox and Sac are Great Lake Tribes as well, they also speak a language from the ancient Algonquin and are Woodland tribes. There are three different, but extremely similar tribes that speak this Fox language; they are Fox, Sac, and Kikapoo. There are only about two hundred to three hundred people that speak the Fox Language when the Kikapoo are included in this count. Lifestyle/Culture The Fox and Sac tribes had a reputation to be individualistic and warlike, whites in Iowa lived next to and with these tribes for about one hundred and thirty years, and do not consider them warlike or violent. These two tribes were very independent, when the French tried to do some trading with them; they had a very difficult time controlling these two particular tribes. The Fox and Sac were very different and had been in many violent wars. The Sac and fox hunted buffalo in the fall and that gave them the ability to have food for the winter. When these tribes had a feast to honor someone they ate dog meat for celebration. These two tribes ate a lot of small mammals like beavers and muskrats, as well as fishing in the early morning or at night. For fishing they had nets, spears and other techniques to catching the fish. They were also gatherers; they gathered fruits like apples, plums, and berries as well as nuts. They loved honey, which was a big part of their diet. Also, they farmed some things like corn and berries of their own. They also traded food when they were able to. For clothing, most didnt have much clothing to wear. The rich ones in the villages had more clothing and goods like gold and silver.

The Fox were tricksters as well as the Sac, they were tricked into signing a treaty that gave away both of their lands in Mississippi. This caused a war; the war was called the Black Hawk War that took place in Illinois. The Fox people were almost destroyed by the French in the series of these battles. Creation Story There are many mythological figures involved in the Fox and Sac tribes. For example, Wisakeha is the benevolent culture hero of the Sac and Fox tribes. Also, Kehci Manito is a divine spirit with no human form or attributes (including gender) and is never personified in Sauk folklore. The name is pronounced similar to keh-chee muh-nih-toh. Thunder Beings are also part of their culture, Powerful storm spirits that live in the sky and cause thunder and lightning. Although they are associated with birds, particularly in artwork, Thunder Beings are described as having human form in most Sac mythology. Manetoa is a fearsome horned serpent that lurks in lakes and rivers and eats people. The only thing they fear is thunder, for the Thunder Beings are their sworn enemies and have the ability to strike them dead with thunderbolts. Paissa are magical little people of the forest, similar to European gnomes or fairies, these names, which literally mean "Little People" or "Little Ones. Sac stories usually portray Little People as mischievous but benign nature spirits, who may play tricks on people but are not a threat. Lodge-Boy and Thrown-Away are mythical twins that were born when their pregnant mother was killed by a monster. They are common to the folklore of many Midwestern and Plains tribes. They are generally portrayed as heroic monster-slayers in Sac legends. Underground Panther is a powerful mythological creature that is a cross between a cougar and a dragon. It is a dangerous monster who lives in deep water and causes men and women to drown.

Animals of Significance Obviously buffalo, fish, beavers, muskrats and other small mammals were an important role in the Sac and Fox tribe. Without these animals, the Fox and Sac would not have food for the winter or the rest of the year for that fact. I could not find any information on significant or worshiped animals to these tribes. Relations with other Bands/Nations The Fox and Sac were very closely related and both lived in the Great Lakes area along with several other Great Lake tribes. The Sac and Fox tribes had several treaties and documents that were signed and established, most of them were throughout the 1800s. One famous one, which was discussed earlier in the paper, caused the Black Hawk War in the 1800s. Reservation The Sac and Fox Reservation of the Sac and Fox Nations are located in southeastern Richardson County, Nebraska, and northeastern Brown County, Kansas. It was created as a consequence of the Platte Purchase of 1836. The Platte purchase is the Platte Purchase was a land acquisition in 1836 by the United States government from American Indian tribes all of which was east bank lands along the Missouri River that added 3,149 square miles (8,156 km2) to the northwest corner of the state of Missouri. This expansion of the slave state of Missouri was done in violation of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which prohibited the extension of slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 3630 north except within the boundaries of the state of Missouri as defined at the adoption of the Missouri Compromise.[1] The area acquired is almost as large as the states of Delaware and Rhode Island combined, and extended

Missouri north and westward along the river. St. Joseph, one of the main ports of departure for the westward migration of American pioneers, was located in the new acquisition. Current Status/Issues The land of the Fox and Sac nations are still currently owned by the two tribes. There are 3,794 Fox and Sac people today, 2,557 live in Oklahoma. To be accepted into the Fox and Sac tribes is 1/8 blood of Fox and Sac is required. Reflection All Native Americans are a significant impact on America, financially and culturally. I am more aware of the arts of the Natives and the positive impact on our society today. Today, so many people take interest in the tribes of America. I believe we should learn from their ways and history to make our future and knowledge much better.

Works Cited EC854C1650666A8B862576950079CFE2

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