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So lets get a brief definition of Ethics. Ethics to me, is the system of laws that govern your magickal workings, what should and shouldnt you do with your power. This is a heated debate among witches of old and of new, from the Traditionalist to Neo Witches of the modern era. Now what defines a witch? As noted in the information provided a A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well, without harm to others and in harmony with Nature. The amount of people that I know personally that would be completely outraged by this claim is more then I know that would agree. The problem with this definition is the very fact that it address witch as if Wicca invented the word, and the word is solely used for Wicca, or that Wiccans and Witches are the same. Which is clearly untrue in all its aspects. On that same note, on the principles of wicca. I would very largely argue on the concept of the Christian Devil or Satan. The origins of Satan and Lucifer are far older then the Christian religion, the concept of a underworld god of knowing yourself and magick, is apparent throughout the entire world. Not just the Christian world. I know many people that have patron/matron gods that are all Christian related. People often forget that witches existed in these times, and witches could apply their magick through Lucifer and identify with him. So there are many traditions that involve the form of Lucifer in one way or another, paths that include and not limited to; Sabbatic witchcraft, Traditional Witchcraft, West Country Craft, Folk Traditions, Luciferian Witchcraft, Satanic witchcraft. All these traditions have some type of form of the devil usually or have an idea about the devil. If we are going to define what a witch is we cannot label all witches in the same category. A witch is person that uses magick to change the world around them. Simple, clear, doesnt leave anyone out, also doesnt exclude anyone. Now this is very important that we first define what a witch is. Why? Well because the very difference in the term witch is more varied then anything in this world. The term is used interchangeably with the wrong terms and often among mix concepts of traditions and practices. Whether one wants to acknowledge it, there are MANY witches out there that worship Satan, Lucifer, are not wiccan, are not bound by the concepts of Wicca, or modern magickal laws that have just recently(within 70 years) been brought into the fold. There are more traditions of a witchcraft then just traditional and Wicca Now what are my ethics? Well thats a loaded questions because to a person their ethics will change based on the situation. Ethics radically changed within the last century, before Wicca came into the light, most witches were not even remotely like Wicca. They had no clue where the concepts in Wicca came from. For example wheel of the year. There is literally not a single shred of proof of the concept of wheel of the year. Yes its

known that holidays revolve around the time of the year but its like they had all these pictures of the wheel of year around or something, nor was is called wheel of the year. Another example is the Karma system introduced into Wicca. Gerald based a lot of his work on the workings of Crowley, who was considered one of the most evil, with stories of him killing babies and having wild sex orgies. So before him most people didnt work in a karma sense, there were no laws of the universe saying what you do comes back. We should take a look on the origin of this new concept of three fold. Its origin lay within Hinduism. As I have said in other homework a brief explanation of Karma in Hindu. Karma is the law that states that whatever you do with has a direct effect on the next life, if youre good in this life then in the next life you will be moved up a social class. Now through the telephone gossip effect it eventually made its way to Europe where it became pretty much, whatever you do comes back. Now its not a bad concept to live by but severely limit what you do. Who is to say what is right and what is wrong in a karmic sense, whats justifiable and what is not? These are hard questions that dont always have answers. You can never say I know this wont affect me karma-icly Now my Ethics, we have define what a witch is, and what Karma is, also presented Wiccan laws and how they do not apply to everyone. So magick is grey. To paraphrase a famous move, magick is neither black nor white its both because nature is both, caring and cruel. How my magick works is prices. Whats a price, its the amount of balance needed for the magick to manifest itself. Its like a gift with purchase. Its the best analogy that I can think of and it works. You may not want the free gift JCPenny is giving you but it wont stop the cashier from throwing it in your bag. So in order for xyz to work, currency in the form of power or a consequence is needed to exchange for the desired. If I want to curse someone do I have the power needed to pull the curse off or will I simply perform the curse without the amount needed and just take a consequence.? Now with magick being very grey, how does that affect the other magick preformed? Say things like money and love? Well these concepts of magick against popular belief are forms of self-worship, they are mortal needs, they are something as a mortal you need in your life. Seeing as magick has no good or evil in itself, it will work through someone who channels it. Theres a certain balance of it within the world. Are you taking the magickal energies that making two people who fall in love with someone from them and using them yourself? Are you willing to cast a love spell on a specific person? Well in my world its a big yes, without properly balancing how it works, Ie making someone fall out of love in order for a new love to manifest. Would I cast on someone for my love? No, would I if someone asked me for them yes.

Cursing. So when is it right? To me just like all magick whenever the hell I want it to. Remember the goal of a witch is to change the world around them in order for it to fit yourself. If this wasnt your goal you have rights to call yourself a witch. Does that mean I will go ruin the life of a person for something petty? No, but will I ruin their day, quite possibly. Now when it comes to casting a particular spell on a person who is to say is it wrong? If the goal of a witch is to change the world around them why would it be? I could care less if I got the permission. Its not my job as a witch to ask people if I can cast magick upon them. Would I run up to someone and be like yes hello I am cursing you with witchcraft cause you were a complete bitch to me. Okay have a nice day! I would say that but I would never ask them. So my ethics are I do what I want. I base on if I will curse by my intuition and by asking the spirits. I never asked anyones permission to be a witch and I wont ask a single person if I should be doing this because its my magick, not theirs. Another small note on some of the articles that were in this bunch, it talked about some things that also do not apply to the every witch. Not all magick comes from deities. Witchcraft is a practice before anything else, its a craft, the power comes from where the witch knows the power comes from. My magick has nothing to do with the gods. Its not a gift from them, they do not dictate my magick in anyway. Also the definition of supernatural, Magick is supernatural. Supernatural does not mean not nature it means exactly what it sounds like, naturally super. Supernatural. Nature is nature, but everything about nature is magickal, magick is part of the world, but its not born before natural, its a force that changes natural, shapes it. So its a form of nature that is superior to normal nature. The concept of being one with nature. This is not a concept that is within witchcraft, it just happens that they go well together. Peanut butter and chocolate go well together but go well by themselves. As I have said magick is above nature, so in turn you can be completely be indifferent to the nature world and still be a witch. Nature does not dictate nature, the goal of a witch is not to be one with the earth. Lets not confuse the goal of a wiccan, pagan and a witch

So finally in conclusion in brief summary. My ethics dictate that I may curse someone if I have the required price. My ethics say I may cast a spell on anyone, its not my job to ask for permission to do something to someone, which includes curses. My ethics state my power does not come from a source of gods, they do not tell me what I can and cannot do. My goal as a witch is to change the world around me, to make it suit me the way I want. For I am my own god, I am my own power. I have seen the truth, I ask myself, I ask the dead if what I am doing is right.

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