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URALCHEM, OJSC Reports IFRS Financial Results for the First Nine Months of 2 !

- Revenue increased to 56.26 bln RUB, compared to 55.96 bln RUB in the first nine months of 2012. - peratin! profit amounted to 1".6# bln RUB, compared $ith 1%.09 bln RUB in the first nine months of 2012. - &d'usted (B)*+& comprised 1%.#2 bln RUB, compared to 19.55 bln RUB in the first nine months of 2012. Mosco#, Russia $%ece&'er !!, 2 !"( -- URALCHEM, OJSC (hereinafter URALCHEM Holding or the Company), the R !!ian holding "ompany of the URALCHEM #ro p, one of the large!t prod "er! of nitrogen and pho!phate fertili$er! in R !!ia, anno n"ed it! na dited %&RS finan"ial re! lt! for the fir!t nine month! of '()*+,
The Groups Key Financial Figures for the first nine months of 2013 and 2012 (million RU ! " months 2013 " months 2012 #ear$on$year change% & Revenue 56,264 55,956 1% Gross profit 29,856 32,266 -7% Gross profit margin ''& (0& Operating profit 14,625 17,094 -14% Operating profit margin 2)& 32& !1" et profit 10,083 18,818 -46% et profit margin 1"& 3'& #$%uste$ &'()*# 17,315 19,550 -12% #$%uste$ &'()*# margin 32& 3)& +as, generate$ from operating 13,141 14,712 -6% a-tivities *Starting from the reporting period of the first nine months of 2013, the Group will announce consolidated financial statements of URAL !"# $S% and its su&sidiaries on a 'uarterl( &asis)

-mitry .onyae/, CEO of URALCHEM, OJSC, "ommented on the Company0! re! lt! for the fir!t nine month! of '()*, 1%n the !e"ond half of '()* the glo2al mar3et !it ation too3 a do4n4ard t rn for fertili$er prod "er!, -e!pite the diffi" lt mar3et "ondition!,

URALCHEM maintained it! re/en e! at the le/el of '()', 5he Company i! one of the leader! in the nitrogen !egment in term! of o tp t of ammonia per prod "tion nit, %t i! a"ti/ely pgrading fa"ilitie!, !ee3ing to red "e "o!t! and de/eloping prod "tion of highmargin ni"he prod "t!, 5han3! to it! "ho!en !trategy, URALCHEM ha! "ontin ed to maintain a leading po!ition in term! of margin!, 4ith the E6%5-A margin at *'7, 5he Company ha! maintained it! finan"ial !ta2ility together 4ith it! a2ility to de/elop !trategi" operation!, a! "onfirmed, among other thing!, 2y ! ""e!!i/e impro/ement! of loan term! pro/ided 2y 2an3!,1 Financial Results Re/en e for the fir!t nine month! of '()* gre4 to 89,'9 2ln RU6, "ompared to 88,:9 2ln RU6 in the fir!t nine month! of '()', Operating profit amo nted );,9* 2ln RU6, or '<7 of re/en e, "ompared 4ith the operating profit of )<,(: 2ln RU6, or *'7 of re/en e, in the fir!t nine month! of '()', - ring the fir!t nine month! of '()*, ad= !ted E6%5-A rea"hed )<,*' 2ln RU6, "ompared to ):,<> 2ln RU6 in the fir!t nine month! of '()', a de"rea!e of )'7, 5he ad= !ted E6%5-A margin for the fir!t nine month! of '()* "ompri!ed *'7 of re/en e "ompared 4ith *<7 of re/en e for the !ame period in '()', Mar)ets &rom the 2eginning of the year, there 4a! a de"rea!e in demand for a&&onia from the ind !trial !egment in Ea!t A!ia and the prod "er! of pho!phate fertili$er! in %ndia and ?orth Afri"a, -emand in the US de"rea!ed 2e"a !e of the late !tart of planting, @artially the mar3et 4a! off!et 2y the de"rea!e in prod "tion in Egypt, 5rinidad and Sa di Ara2ia, Re"o/ery 2egan in early A g !t, 5here 4a! a de"line in eAport! from U3rainian enterpri!e!, and on the other hand, lo4er pri"e! pro/ided for gro4ing intere!t in pro" rement, A/erage B ote! for ammonia in Jan ary-Septem2er '()* amo nted to C;:> D ton, 4hi"h i! only ;7 lo4er than in the !ame period in '()' (&O6 E $hny @ort), %n early '()*, high !ea!onal demand in E rope and the United State!, limited ! pply from Egypt, and lo4 initial !to"3 in the E ropean mar3et re! lted in in"rea!ed pri"e! for urea, Ho4e/er, in mid-&e2r ary, pri"e! 2egan to de"line, red "ing f rther ntil the end of the fir!t half of the year, %mporting "o ntrie! 4ere po!tponing p r"ha!e! in anti"ipation of lo4er pri"e!, 4hile Chine!e eAporter! 4ere a"ti/ely a"" m lating !to"3 eApe"ting the 1eAport 4indo41, %n the 'nd B arter there 4a! a de"rea!e in prod "tion in region! 4ith high "o!t!, namely in Romania and U3raine, Amid ri!ing p r"ha!e! from %ndia, 5 r3ey and Latin Ameri"a, there 4a! a !hort period of !ta2ili$ation in J ne, Ho4e/er, after then, pri"e! "ontin ed to de"line 2e"a !e of ma!!i/e Chine!e eAport!, A/erage B ote! for rea in Jan ary-Septem2er '()* amo nted to C**: D ton, 4hi"h i! )<7 lo4er than in the !ame period a year earlier (&O6 5he 6alti" Sea), Steady gro4th in B otation! for a&&oniu& nitrate at the 2eginning of the year 4a! repla"ed 2y a fall in mid-Mar"h, %n late May, pri"e! !ta2ili$ed, helped 2y t rnaro nd! at

fa"torie! in the C%S, 6y the end of the 'nd B arter, pri"e! in the C%S re"ei/ed ! pport from the ind !trial !egment, - ring Jan ary-Septem2er '()* B ote! for ammoni m nitrate a/eraged C':) D ton, 4hi"h i! ;,9 7 lo4er than a year earlier (&O6, 5he 6alti" Sea), Starting from late Septem2er, pri"e! for ammoni m nitrate 2egan to re"o/er d e to red "ed eAport! from U3raine, a! 4ell a! to the 2eginning of the p r"ha!e !ea!on in the dome!ti" mar3et of the C%S, %n the phosphate fertili*ers !egment there 4a! a glo2al de"line in pri"e! d e to a la"3 of " rrent demand, 5he main rea!on "ame from %ndia, 4here high le/el! of !to"3, red "tion of !tate ! 2!idie! and depre"iation of the r pee again!t the dollar led to a !ignifi"ant red "tion in import!, %mporter! in other region! "hanged their pro" rement ta"ti"! to = !t !ati!fy the " rrent demand, playing on the falling mar3et, A/erage %A+,MA+ B ote! for the three B arter! of '()* fell 2y );,< 7 "ompared 4ith the pre/io ! year, rea"hing C;>) D ton (&O6, 5he 6alti" Sea), Lo4 mar3et a"ti/ity i! eApe"ted ntil the end of the year and in the fir!t B arter of '();, Sales
*omparati+e sales figures of the UR,-*./0 Group for the nine months of 2013$2012 (thousand tonnes!1 2ame of product " months of 2013 " months of 2012 #ear$on$year change%& #mmonium nitrate an$ its $erivatives /rea #mmonia 0,osp,ate ferti1i2ers 03 ferti1i2ers Ot,er -,emi-a1s, in-1u$ing ammonium nitrate for in$ustria1 use Total 1,642.3 868.1 504.3 375.2 455.6 579.7 1,576.0 904.1 503.0 345.7 464.0 564.4 4% -4% 0% 9% -2% 3%




Financial Situation Ca!h generated from operating a"ti/itie! in the fir!t nine month! of '()* amo nted to )*,); 2ln RU6, "ompared to );,<) 2ln RU6 in the !ame period of '()', A! at *( Septem2er '()*, the Company0! net de2t amo nted to '*,8*) 2ln RU6, 5he 4eighted a/erage intere!t rate of the loan portfolio in the fir!t nine month! of '()* eB alled ;,87 ann ally "ompared to 8,>7 ann ally d ring the !ame period in '()',

For &ore infor&ation, please -isit the Co&pan. #e' site http/,,###0uralche&0co& or use the follo#in1 contact infor&ation/ +u'lic Relations %epart&ent URALCHEM, OJSC 2el/ F< (;:8) <') >: >: E&ail/ prG ral"hem,"om 3e'/ httpHDD444, ral"hem,"om URALCHEM is one of the lar1est pro4ucers of nitro1en an4 phosphate fertili*ers in Russia an4 the CIS #ith pro4uction capacities of o-er 205 &illion tonnes of a&&oniu& nitrate, 202 &illion tonnes of a&&onia, 06 &illion tonnes of MA+ an4 %A+, 06 &illion tonnes of co&ple7 fertili*ers an4 05 &illion tonnes of urea0 URALCHEM is the secon4 lar1est a&&oniu& nitrate pro4ucer in the #orl4 an4 nu&'er one in Russia0 URALCHEM8s )e. pro4uction assets inclu4e 9iro-o: Chepets) Che&ical 3or)s, OJSC in 9iro-o:Chepets), 9iro- re1ion; A*ot, OJSC in <ere*ni)i, +er& re1ion; =os)resens) Mineral Fertili*ers, OJSC in =os)resens), Mosco# re1ion0 Some of the information in this press release may contain projections or other forwardlooking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of URALCH !" #e wish to caution you that these statements are only predictions" #e do not intend to update these statements and our actual results may differ materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements$ including$ among others$ the achievement of anticipated levels of profita%ility$ growth$ cost and synergy of our recent ac&uisitions$ the impact of competitive pricing$ the a%ility to o%tain necessary regulatory approvals and licenses$ the impact of developments in the Russian economic$ political and legal environment$ financial risk management and the impact of general %usiness and glo%al economic conditions" ,1- *he decline in net profit $as due to the revaluation of the .ompan/0s share in 1inudobrenia 23erm4 carried out in 2012, as $ell as to the ne!ative impact of the difference in e5chan!e rates in 201# compared $ith 2012 2see &ppendi54.

Anne7 to the press release a'out the unau4ite4 financial results for the first half of 2 !"
E6%5-A i! a profit D lo!! from finan"ial and e"onomi" a"ti/itie! d ring the reporting period, 2efore ded "tion of in"ome taA on profit!, in"ome and intere!t "o!t!, depre"iation and amorti$ation, 1Ad= !ted E6%5-A1 i! E6%5-A for the reporting period 2efore good4ill, profit D lo!! from a!!o"iate!, profit D lo!! on foreign eA"hange differen"e! ari!ing on finan"ial performan"e and profit D lo!! on operation! 4ith deri/ati/e finan"ial in!tr ment!, Ad= !ted E6%5-A i! operating profit 2efore depre"iation and amorti$ation and finan"ial re! lt! of operation! 4ith deri/ati/e finan"ial in!tr ment!, %n a""ordan"e 4ith %nternational &inan"ial Reporting Standard! (1%&RS1), depre"iation and amorti$ation are in"l ded in "o!t !tr "t re, and in the !elling, general and admini!trati/e eApen!e!, %&RS doe! not reB ire the di!"lo! re and doe! not de!"ri2e the "al" lation of E6%5-A and ad= !ted

E6%5-A, among other finan"ial indi"ator!, !o they "an not ! 2!tit te for net profit for the period 4hen e/al ating the re! lt! of operation! or the mea! re of "a!h pro/ided 2y operating a"ti/itie! 4hen e/al ating liB idity, Approa"h to the "al" lation of E6%5-A and ad= !ted E6%5-A, a! de!"ri2ed earlier, may not "oin"ide 4ith the approa"he! !ed 2y other "ompanie!, therefore, "ompara2ility may 2e limited, Ie 2elie/e that E6%5-A and ad= !ted E6%5-A pro/ide !ef l information to in/e!tor! 2e"a !e they are indi"ator! of the !ta2ility and effi"ien"y of o r 2 !ine!! and o r a2ility to f nd di!"retionary !pending ! "h a! "apital eApendit re!, the a"B i!ition of ! 2!idiarie! and other in/e!tment!, a! 4ell a! indi"ator! of o r a2ility to in" r and !er/i"e de2t, %&RS "la!!ifie! depre"iation and amorti$ation to operating "o!t!, 4hile in fa"t they are di!tri2 ted to the " rrent period non"a!h eApen!e! for the a"B i!ition or "reation of fiAed a!!et!, in" rred in pre/io ! period!, and are not affiliated 4ith the mo/ement of f nd!,
*alculation of / 5T6, for the first nine months of 2013 and for the first nine months of 2012 (mln RU ! " months of 2013 2et profit ,dd1 (n-ome ta4 (nterest an$ ot,er finan-ia1 in-ome (nterest an$ ot,er finan-ia1 -osts #mortisation Gain of asso-iates Gain on -,ange in fair va1ue of t,e s,are in t,e asso-iate 7oreign e4-,ange 1oss 5gain6 from finan-ing a-tivities ,d8usted / 5T6, 10%0724" 1,744.2 5558.66 1,746.0 2,690.1 517.96 0 1,628.3 1)%31'40 " months of 2012 17%71742 2,977.9 5364.96 1,870.9 2,455.7 512.36 54,940.86 51,254.96 1"%''040

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