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\hte luper Seres, No. l

Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork
(LS1LSD Netvork)
lndunupos, lN


20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork. A rghts reserved. Lxcept
us permtted under the Lnted Stutes Copyrght Act o l976, no purt o ths pubcuton muy be reproduced
or dstrbuted n uny orm or by uny meuns, ncudng, but not mted to, the process o scunnng und
dgtzuton, or stored n u dutubuse or retrevu system, vthout the pror vrtten permsson rom luppu
Detu l, 3707 \oodvev 1ruce, lndunupos, lN 46260.

1hs puper vus uuthored by Rosuyn Mcleovn n couboruton vth members o the LS1LSD Netvork.

Suggested ctuton:
Mcleovn, R., vth LS1LSD Netvork. (20l3). Reorentng teucher educuton to uddress sustunubty: 1he
L.S. context, \hte luper Seres, No. l. lndunupos, lN: Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube
Deveopment Netvork.

1hs vhte puper s uvuube on the oovng \eb stes:
luppu Detu l (lDl), lnternutonu Honor Socety n Lducuton\hteluperCctl3.pd
Amercun Assocuton o Coeges or 1eucher Lducuton (AAC1L)
1he Assocuton or the Advuncement o Sustunubty n Hgher Lducuton (ASSHL)
Nutonu Netvork or Lducutonu Renevu (NNLR)

1he Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment (LS1LSD) Netvork s u vountury
orgunzuton o teucher educutors und teucher educuton nsttutons. 1hs group ocuses on the
udvuncement o educuton or sustunube deveopment n teucher educuton nsttutons n the Lnted

Members o the LS1LSD ure uuted vth the oovng teucher educuton nsttutons:
}umes Mudson Lnversty
Muryve Lnversty
Montcur Stute Lnversty
North Curonu Centru Lnversty
Lnversty o lduho
Lnversty o Vermont
Lnversty o \yomng
\ebster Lnversty
\estern \ushngton Lnversty
\htvorth Lnversty
\rght Stute Lnversty
And the oovng nonprot orgunzutons:
1he Assocuton or the Assocuton or the Advuncement o Sustunubty n Hgher Lducuton (AASHL)
luppu Detu l (lDl), lnternutonu Honor Socety n Lducuton
Nutonu Netvork or Lducutonu Renevu (NNLR)

1he LS1LSD s u member o the lnternutonu Netvork o 1eucher Lducuton lnsttutons (1Ll) ussocuted
vth the LNLSCC Chur on Reorentng 1eucher Lducuton to Address Sustunubty ut York Lnversty n
1oronto, Cunudu. 1he lnternutonu Netvork comprses 1Lls n more thun 70 countres.

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #

*+45# $< :$'(#'(2
=%#<+,#7 A Letter to Deuns o Schoos, Coeges, und Depurtments o Lducuton 4
>9 ?'(%$/0,(&$' 7
@9 =$5&,6 +'/ .3A 9
2.l lnternutonu locy Reuted to LSD 9
2.2 1he Lnted Stutes Lugs ehnd 9
2.3 LSD Lmergng n 1eucher Lducuton l0
2.3.l Cobuy l0
2.3.2 ln the Lnted Stutes ll
2.3.2.l Mode Core 1euchng Stundurds ll Muor Lducutonu Crgunzuton Actvty l2
2.4 loces und Struteges or Movng lorvurd n 1eucher Lducuton l3
2.4.l Coursevork, Concentrutons, Certcutes, und Degree lrogrums l3
2.4.2 1eucher Certcuton und Stute Lndorsement l4
2.4.3 lnsttutonu Accredtuton l4
B9 =%+,(&,# +'/ .3A7 .5#C#'(2 $< *#+,-#% ./0,+(&$' l4
3.l LSD ledugoges l5
3.2 Assessment l7
3.3 Dspostons l7
D9 .E&/#',# F+2# <$% .3A l8
4.l Co-Lvouton o ledugogy und Sustunubty Content n the Currcuum l8
4.2 Student Lngugement l8
G9 H0(,$C#2 l9
I9 *-# :$2( $< ?'+,(&$' l9
J9 :$',50/&') :$CC#'(2 20
"#<#%#',#2 20
1KK#'/&,#2 25
Appendx A: \hut ls Sustunube Deveopment: 25
Appendx : \hut ls LSD: 28
Appendx C: Lmergng leces o LSD n ll2 34
Appendx D: bogruphy o Cood lructces n LSD lubcutons 38
Appendx L: lrequenty Asked uestons 39

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork $

A Letter to Leans ol Schools. Colleges. and Lepartments ol Education
Deur Deun und 1eucher Lducuton Leuder:
1he term sustunubty s beng used vdey n nsttutons o hgher educuton, hovever,
the term rurey enters the dscourse n schoo, coeges, und depurtments o educuton. 1he
Nutonu Counc or Scence und the Lnvronment reported thut us o 20l2, there vus u
totu o 759 sustunubty-ocused ucudemc progrums n the Lnted Stutes, ncudng l4l
sustunubty degree progrums, 302degree progrums vth u sustunubty concentruton,
und 3l6 mnor or certcute progrums n sustunubty (Vncent, unn, & Stevens, 20l2).
About u dozen respondng nsttutons o hgher educuton huve envronmentu und
sustunubty ucudemc progrums n u schoo, coege, or depurtment o educuton. C
those, ony 6 nsttutons o hgher educuton menton teucher educuton progrums, none
o vhch huve u sustunubty ocus (personu communcuton, S. Vncent, September l7,
20l3). lt s evdent thut schoos, coeges, und depurtments o educuton ug ur behnd
other ucudemc depurtments n ncorporutng sustunubty nto ucudemc progrums.
Athough the uvureness o educuton or sustunube deveopment (LSD) s ov n the
teucher educuton communty n the Lnted Stutes, the topc s sucenty mportunt thut
the Lnted Nutons decured 200520l5 us the Decude o Lducuton or Sustunube
Deveopment. lurthermore, teucher educuton nsttutons uround the vord huve begun
mpementng LSD n preservce und nservce teucher educuton progrums (Mcleovn &
Hopkns, 20ll). lor exumpe, the lnternutonu Netvork o 1eucher Lducuton lnsttutons
(1Lls) ussocuted vth the LNLSCC Chur on Reorentng 1eucher Lducuton to Address
Sustunubty hus members n more thun 70 countres. 1hese 1Lls huve enguged n LSD
reuted uctvtes, such us creutng degree progrums und veuvng LSD nto coursevork.
1he Lnted Stutes ugs behnd.
At ths tme, vhen teucher certcuton und coeges o educuton ure undergong
tremendous scrutny und pressure to chunge, you muy be vonderng vhy ve ure
ntroducng the topc o reorentng teucher educuton to uddress sustunubty. lt s tmey,
becuuse out o crss comes opportunty. ln purt, educuton or sustunube deveopment
provdes soutons or current L.S. educutonu probems vthn u gobu context.
Compex ssues ke mprovng chd heuth und ve-beng, erudcutng poverty, creutng
resent und peuceube mutcuturu communtes, cmute chunge, und gobuzuton
requre nev vuys o thnkng, couborutng, und sovng probems. Coeges o educuton
huve u vtu roe to puy n prepurng the next generuton o teuchers, schoo
udmnstrutors, counseors, und educuton schours vho ure ube to hep peope o u uges
eurn hov to uddress these dcut chuenges. Yet, coeges o educuton oten ee t s
mpossbe or them to tuke on ths roe becuuse o the pressures o uccountubty,
shrnkng budgets, und un ever-expundng currcuum. Hovever, t s becomng
ncreusngy ceur thut the pressures coeges o educuton experence toduy ure
nsepurube rom these urger gobu chuenges. lor exumpe, the gobu nuncu crss
cuused muny coeges o educuton to huve to gure out hov to do more vth ess. 1o
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork %

compcute ths nuncu condton, coege und unversty cumpuses ure uso restrcted by
the ever grovng und tghty connected nuncu und envronmentu costs o
overdependence on oss ues. Coeges o educuton recognze ther proound obguton
to hep schoos und communtes cose opportunty gups so thut u chdren huve uccess
to u productve, heuthy e. Yet the uctors thut creute those opportunty gups n the
Lnted Stutes ure no derent rom the uctors thut creute proound poverty und u crss n
chd heuth esevhere n the vord.
\hy sustunubty:
! Sustunubty s u topc o conversuton, commerce, und potcs uround the vord.
1o remun economcuy compettve und to be reevunt uctors on the gobu stuge,
students o toduy must be conversunt n the unguuge o sustunubty.
! Sustunubty udds vson to educuton. ln toduy's socety, chdren und udoescents
urrve ut schoo knovng thut somethng s vrong n the vord. lor exumpe, they
see homeessness on teevson und the lnternet or they muy be homeess.
Sustunubty s un umbreu purudgm or uddressng nequtes und nustce n the
vordenvronmentu, socu, und economc.
! Sustunubty gves purpose to educuton. Cerry Conney, ormer Superntendent
o the 1oronto ourd o Lducuton, stuted, 1here s no queston thut terucy und
numerucy ure extremey mportunt n terms o becomng u compettve socety. ut
the mportunt thng or students s vhy. \hut s the purpose o educuton: And n
order to enguge students ve need to ensure thut they ure commtted to und
understund the purpose o eurnngvhether t be scence, muth, hstory, or
vhutever. \hy ure they dong ths: (LNLSCC, 20l2u).
Reorentng teucher educuton to uddress sustunubty s not u rudcu concept thut
presupposes thut 1Lls huve to throv out much o vhut they ure ureudy dong. ln uct,
muny o the pedugoges, dspostons, und pructces ureudy tuught n coeges o
educuton, vhen put n un educuton or sustunube deveopment context, creute
synerges thut mprove outcomes or teuchers, students, und communtes. LSD provdes
un umbreu or unsverng the crtcsms currenty eveed ut coeges o educuton. Vctor
Noet (20l3) ussured thut Cne need not thnk o LSD us somethng nev thut needs to be
shoe-horned nto un overcrovded teucher educuton currcuum. lnsteud t cun provde
struteges or uddressng the chuenges teucher educuton uces toduy (p. 57).
Not uttendng to LSD s egregous. Such deuys uov other countres to udvunce ther
schoos systems und ther economes vhe the Lnted Stutes s mred n pructces
commony used n the prevous mennum. }ohn Devey vurned: l ve teuch toduy's
students us ve tuught yesterduy's, ve ure robbng them o tomorrov.
You muy be uskng vhut you cun do to support LSD n your nsttuton. Here ure some
recommendutons coected rom udmnstrutors und ucuty members ut 1Lls:
! Revse the msson und vson stutement o your schoo, coege, or depurtment to
ncude sustunubty or LSD.
! lrovde proessonu deveopment opportuntes or ucuty members to eurn ubout
sustunubty und hov ther dscpnes support sustunubty.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork &

! Lstubsh und support eurnng communtes or ucuty members to expore
veuvng LSD nto ther exstng courses.
! Creute un LSD reseurch ugendu or your nsttuton und support t (LNLSCC,
! ldenty the socu, economc, und envronmentu chuenges to the ve-beng o
your communty und dscuss hov they cun be uddressed n your teucher educuton
! lncude expertse n LSD n poston descrptons or nev hres.
l you vunt to knov more ubout supportng LSD n teucher educuton, ve recommend
LNLSCC's Cudenes und Recommendutons or Reorentng 1eucher Lducuton to
Address Sustunubty (2005). 1he Cudenes vere vrtten bused on ucton reseurch
curred out by 1Lls und ure nternutonuy ve-tested und proven eectve.
lt s tme 1Lls n the Lnted Stutes on the LSDS gobu ntutve. Your support s essentu
to movng orvurd.
1he Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment (LS1LSD) Netvork

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork '

>9 ?'(%$/0,(&$'
Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment s seen ncreusngy us u meuns to
renev educuton, teuchng und eurnng. (LNLSCC, 20l2c, p. 65)
1he purpose o ths puper s to rume the concept reorentng teucher educuton to
uddress sustunubty, vhch s grovng n nternutonu ucceptunce, n the context o the
Lnted Stutes. Dozens o other countres huve been uctng on ths concept snce the ute
A#<&'&(&$' $< 302(+&'+4&5&(6
Sustainahility is a paradigm lor thinking ahout the luture in which environmental. social. and
economic concerns are halanced. 1he sustainahility paradigm is a major shilt lrom the previous
paradigm ol economic development and growth. with its accompanying socially and
environmentally damaging consequences. Intil recently. these consequences were seen as
inevitahle and acceptahle. Row. however. society realizes that major damage or serious threats to the
well-heing ol humans and the environment while pursuing economic development is not the only
way lorward (IRESC0. :c.:d). Levelopment that takes into account the three Ps!people. planet.
and prosperity!is now a viahle alternative. (HcKeown. :c.. p. .6)

As the term sustunubty s beng used more requenty n the Lnted Stutes und gobuy,
us chuenges to the sustunubty o our punet und our vuy o e ncreuse, und us
potcuns cu or educutonu reorm, the Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube
Deveopment (LS1LSD) Netvork nds t tmey to expore vhut t meuns to reorent
educuton, especuy teucher educuton, to uddress sustunubty.
1o reorent educuton to uddress sustunubty, u busc understundng o sustunubty und
educuton or sustunube deveopment ure necessury. (l you ure unumur vth these
concepts, peuse see Appendces A und .)
L$0% *-%02(2 $< ./0,+(&$' <$% 302(+&'+45# A#E#5$KC#'(
Education lor Sustainahle development (ESL) has lour thrusts:
! Improving access to and retention in quality hasic education
! Beorienting existing education
! Improving puhlic understanding and awareness
! Providing training

ESL allows students to acquire the knowledge. skills. values and perspectives to shape a sustainahle
"#$#%&' )*+,-./. :c.:d).

1hs puper s bused on more thun u decude o ucton reseurch curred out by dozens o
teucher educuton nsttutons (1Lls) uround the vord. 1he uuthors o ths puper reuze
thut much o ths vork hus not been dssemnuted n ucudemc crces n the Lnted Stutes.
As u resut, there s u dunger thut un Amercun ucudemc reuder muy dsmss the concept
o reorentng teucher educuton to uddress sustunubty us unreustc or u ppe dreum
vthout reudng urther to dscover the depth o vork thut hus been done by teucher
educutors und 1Lls on sx contnents. Athough the uvureness o LSD s ov n the Lnted
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork (

Stutes, the topc s sucenty mportunt thut the Lnted Nutons decured 200520l5 us
the Decude o Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment.
1he uuthors o ths puper reuze thut ths cu or LSD comes ut u tme n vhch teucher
educuton s under uttuck ut ocu, stute, und nutonu eves. 1he vdespreud exumnuton
o the eectveness o teucher prepuruton progrums comes ut u tme vhen these progrums
ure ucng the sume chuenges n the ll2 educuton undscupe, ncudng sgncunt
budget cuts, stundurdzed testng or entrunce to teucher prepuruton progrums, the
mpementuton o Common Core Stute Stundurds (CCSS, 20l0), und u pethoru o
poces eudng to the deproessonuzuton o teuchng.
lmpct umong the numerous debutes ubout teucher educuton pocy s the perceved
consensus thut teucher educuton s not eectve n ts current conguruton. \th the
understundng thut the most mportunt eement n student eurnng s the quuty o the
cussroom teucher, trudtonu unversty teucher prepuruton progrums huve come under
re or ung to prepure ther gruduutes or the reutes o the dverse students, schoos,
und communtes they v serve, purtcuury n urbun ureus, vhere teuchers ure expected
to overcome the eects o poverty und dscrmnuton vthout udequute resources or
schoo-bused supports. As u resut o ths perceved neectveness, coeges o educuton
und hgher educuton udmnstrutors ure ncreusngy beng usked to shov evdence o
ther gruduutes' cupubtes n the cussroom.
Currenty, mutpe teucher educuton reorm poces ure beng proposed, poted, or
debuted by vurous stukehoders und pocymukers, ncudng the Cbumu Admnstruton's
Cur luture, Cur 1euchers (L.S. Depurtment o Lducuton, 20ll) und the Nutonu Counc
on 1eucher uuty's 1eucher lrep Revev: A Revev o the Nuton's 1eucher lrepuruton
lrogrums (Creenberg, Mclee, & \ush, 20l3). \hut these reorm poces huve n
common s ncreused uccountubty. Most modes ncorporute the ussessment o
prospectve teuchers' perormunce vth the uchevement o the ll2 students tuught by
the progrum's gruduutes. Hovever, there ure controverses ubout the quuty o
dutu/ndngs usng vuue-udded ussessments und ts use by pructtoners und
udmnstrutors or ocu-eve decsons.
Cven these und other chuenges, the uuthors o ths puper beeve thut reugnng teucher
prepuruton progrums to ncorporute sustunube deveopment, vhe seemngy
mpructcu or uddtve, cun be trunsormutve. y prepurng nev educutors to ncorporute
LSD n ther currcuu, ther students v be more enguged, v be more key ucheve
ucudemcuy, und v deveop crtcu 2lst century sks, vhch ncude systems
thnkng, probem-sovng, und u gobu perspectve. Addtonuy, hgh-quuty
sustunubty educuton muterus cun be ugned to the Common Core Stute Stundurds
(20l0) und the Next Ceneruton Scence Stundurds (Acheve, 20l3) to hep connect
students vth reu-vord ssues. Connectons und purtnershps umong teuchers, students,
und ocu und gobu communtes cun be uctuted through sustunubty educuton by
provdng un engugng context or servce eurnng und proect-bused eurnng
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork )

@9 =$5&,6 +'/ .3A
l huve been et vth u greuter sense o urgency ubout the necessty to
mprove the educuton o our chdren by better supportng the deveopment
o ther hgher order thnkng sks und ther ubty to uppy these sks
eectvey to u broud runge o probems. lt s, n purt, these sks thut v
enube them to nvent und contrbute to the nev vord. (\hot, 20ll, p.
:.. International Policy Belated to ESL
1he LN Decude o LSD (LNDLSD) hus promoted LSD n muny countres uround the
vord. Creut strdes huve been mude vthn the ormu educuton sector to ncorporute
sustunubty nto u eves o schoong (eury chdhood educuton through unversty).
lor exumpe, n Sveden u nsttutons o hgher educuton ure munduted to teuch
sustunubty. lnund s reorentng prmury und secondury currcuu to ncude
sustunubty content. Zumbu hus un 8-pont pun or ncorporutng LSD nutonuy.
Lducuton Muntobu ncorporutes sustunubty nto the vson stutement or the provnce.
1hese ure ony u ev exumpes o LSD pocy vordvde. Cobu progress s best
summurzed by the montorng und evuuuton report o the LNDLSD: ln prmury und
secondury educuton, LSD s ncreusngy recognzed us u vuuube source o nnovuton n
teuchng und eurnng (LNLSCC, 20l2c, p. 66).
:.: 1he Inited States Lags Behind
Lnortunutey, the Lnted Stutes ugs behnd n creutng pocy to promote LSD. Lven L.S.
Secretury o Lducuton Arne Duncun ucknovedged ths n hs speech ut the Sustunubty
Lducuton Summt n 20l0.
lt's been ceur or u decude or more thut educuton puys u vtu roe n the
sustunubty movement. ln l996, lresdent Cnton's tusk orce on sustunube
deveopment ssued ts gous. Cne o them stuted thut u Amercuns shoud huve
uccess to eong eurnng opportuntes so they v understund the concepts
nvoved n sustunube deveopment. l thnk t's obvous to everyone here toduy
thut ve've uen short o thut gou. . . . Hstorcuy, the Depurtment o Lducuton
husn't been dong enough n the sustunubty movement. 1oduy, l promse you
thut ve v be u commtted purtner n the nutonu eort to bud u more
envronmentuy terute und responsbe socety.
lurthermore, lresdent Cbumu mentoned the mportunce o uddressng gobu
sustunubty n hs 20l3 Stute o the Lnon Address.
\e uso knov thut progress n the most mpovershed purts o our vord enrches
us unot ony becuuse t creutes nev murkets, more stube order n certun
regons o the vord, but uso becuuse t's the rght thng to do. ln muny puces,
peope ve on tte more thun u dour u duy. So the Lnted Stutes v on vth
our ues to erudcute such extreme poverty n the next tvo decudes by connectng
more peope to the gobu economy, by empoverng vomen, by gvng our young
und brghtest mnds nev opportuntes to serve, und hepng communtes to eed,
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *+

und pover, und educute themseves, by suvng the vord's chdren rom
preventube deuths, und by reuzng the promse o un AlDS-ree generuton, vhch
s vthn our reuch.
Sustunubty s grovng n currency und mportunce n the Lnted Stutes. As u resut, LSD
s posed or grovth.
:. ESL Emerging in 1eacher Education
2.3.l Cobuy
1Lls n countres uround the vord huve curred out ucton reseurch to creute gudenes
or reorentng teucher educuton to uddress sustunubty. 1he recommendutons ncude
progrummutc-eve uctvtes such us:
! Demonstrute pedugogcu technques thut oster hgher-order thnkng sks,
support decson-mukng, nvove purtcputory eurnng, und stmuute ormuuton
o questons.
! Dscuss socu equty (e.g., gender, rucu, ethnc, und generutonu) vth student
teuchers und denty vuys n vhch the ocu communty exhbts socu toerunce,
socetu ntoerunce, equty, und dscrmnuton. (LNLSCC, 2005, p. 44)
1hese gudenes ncude recommendutons on nutonu, stute, nsttutonu, und
depurtmentu eves us ve us recommendutons reuted to reseurch, undng,
communcutons, und normuton technoogy.
Addtonuy, the Muntobu lucutes o Lducuton LSD Commttee druted Suggested
Actons or Reorentng 1eucher Lducuton n lucutes o Lducuton n Muntobu to
Address Sustunubty. 1he commttee vrote suggested uctons or cupucty budng,
pocy, currcuum, udmnstruton, reseurch, und purtnershps (ucker, 20l3).
1here ure muny vuys to ncorporute LSD nto teucher educuton. Here ure our exumpes
o ucutes o educuton thut huve been movng LSD orvurd:
! Lnversty o the Sunshne Coust n Austruu oers tvo sustunubty courses n the
rst yeur o u our-yeur ucheor o Lducutonut eust one s requred or teucher
certcuton. ln ther nu yeur, preservce teuchers must tuke u course ocusng on
LSD pedugoges (Heck, 20l0).
! Lnversty o Lmerck n lreund requres u students to uddress LSD topcs n ther
mcro-teuchng experence. Addtonuy, gobuzuton und sustunube
deveopment s u key theme n u modue on educutonu pocy requred o u
! Lrdston 1euchers' 1runng Coege n urbudos hus desgned modues o
upproxmutey l5 hours or vurous teucher educuton progrums.
! Huno Nutonu Lnversty o Lducuton undertook u our-step process to ntegrute
LSD nto teucher educuton currcuum: (l) revev the entre teucher educuton
progrum, (2) usng u mutrx, nd commonutes betveen the content o the teucher
educuton progrum und LSD, (3) ntegrute LSD nto the teucher educuton progrum
bused on the commonutes ound n step 2, und (4) mpement LSD n dverse
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork **

vuys (e.g., ectures, bended eurnng, outdoor uctvtes, und ucton reseurch
(Mcleovn & Hopkns, 20ll).
As reorentng teucher educuton to uddress sustunubty s recognzed, understood, und
mpemented, euch country und euch 1Ll needs to dene vhut the phruse speccuy
meuns n the contexts o ts ovn educuton systemenvronmentu, socu, und economc
contexts. As u resut, euch teucher educuton progrum s unque, uddressng ocu needs,
strengths, und chuenges to sustunubty.
2.3.2 ln the Lnted Stutes
Muny nsttutons o hgher educuton ure ncorporutng sustunubty n undergruduute
und gruduute currcuum und chungng the operuton o cumpus uctes to be more
sustunube (1he Assocuton or the Advuncement o Sustunubty n Hgher Lducuton
AASHL, 20l2, Vncent, 20l0, \uton, 20l3). Nevertheess, depurtments, schoos, und
coeges o educuton huve been sover to embruce sustunubty. Noet (20l3) cuptured
the stutus o LSD n teucher educuton n the Lnted Stutes.
Lducuton or sustunube deveopment (LSD) s not yet u promnent euture
o teucher educuton n the Lnted Stutes. Hovever, n pockets o nnovuton
uround the country, teucher educutors huve begun to uddress LSD n the
preservce und udvunced proessonu deveopment o teuchers. Vube
struteges und modes or ntegrutng LSD nto the proessonu deveopment
o teuchers exst . . . und serve us tungbe proo o the vubty o u
trunsormed L.S. teucher educuton system thut uddresses sustunubty. (p.
Athough the term LSD s not used n teucher certcuton requrements n the muorty o
stutes, strunds o LSD uppeur n ll2 educuton. LSD-reuted content hus emerged n
severu nutonu eorts to dene competences or ll2 students (e.g., Common Core
Stute Stundurds (20l0), Next Ceneruton Scence Stundurds (Acheve, 20l3), und
lurtnershp or 2lst Century Sks l2l, 2009) (see Appendx C). lurthermore, LSD
unguuge hus uppeured n the ln1ASC Mode Core 1euchng Stundurds (Counc o Che
Stute Schoo Ccers CCSSC, 20ll). 1hese emergng LSD-reuted uctvtes uppeur to be
pontng tovurd u trend o grovng ucceptunce und mpementuton o LSD.
2.3.2.l Mode Core 1euchng Stundurds
1he ln1ASC Mode Core 1euchng Stundurds vere creuted to hep stute depurtments o
educuton dscuss und creute teucher certcuton stundurds (CCSSC, 20ll). 1he
document ncudes stundurds, perormunce ndcutors, essentu knovedge, und crtcu
dspostons thut ure reuted to LSD. lor exumpe:
Stundurd r5: Appcuton o Content
1he teucher understunds hov to connect concepts und use derng perspectves to
enguge eurners n crtcu thnkng, creutvty, und couborutve probem sovng
reuted to uuthentc ocu und gobu ssues. (p. l4)

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *"

1hs stundurd uses termnoogy consstent vth LSD:
! Crtcu thnkng,
! Creutvty,
! Couborutve probem sovng, und
! Locu und gobu ssues.
(lor dscusson pertunng to dspostons und the ln1ASC Mode Core 1euchng Stundurds,
see Secton 3.3 Dspostons.) Athough Stundurd r5 does not use the term sustunubty,
the ntent und pructce ure strkngy smur. Smury, LSD s cued by muny numes n
other countres mpementng t so thut t s ocuy reevunt und cuturuy upproprute.
Despte the vurous numes, LSD hus u core o knovedge, sks, perspectves, vuues, und
ssues us ve us dspostons und pedugoges thut ure ound n muny subeds o
educuton (e.g., envronmentu educuton, humun rghts educuton, und gobu educuton). Muor Lducutonu Crgunzuton Actvty
A number o educutonu orgunzutons huve ncorporuted sustunubty nto ther ongong
uctvtes. luppu Detu l (lDl), the Amercun Assocuton o Coeges or 1eucher
Lducuton (AAC1L), 1he Assocuton or the Advuncement o Sustunubty n Hgher
Lducuton (AASHL), und the Nutonu Netvork or Lducutonu Renevu (NNLR) huve u
ncorporuted sustunubty n u vurety o vuys. lor exumpe:
! luppu Detu l (lDl), lnternutonu Honor Socety n Lducuton, s u 50l(c)(3)
orgunzuton estubshed n l9ll to recognze und promote exceence n
educuton, provde u reusoned voce or sgncunt ssues, und nk eurnng
communtes o educutors. 1he roout o the Socety's LSD ntutve ncudes
pubshng urtces n the luppu Detu l Record, hostng vebnurs, und promotng
the theme ut ts 49th ennu Convocuton n Duus, 1exus, Cctober 2426, 20l3,
vth u keynote, vorkshops, servce eurnng, und pructtoner exchunges. 1hrough
ts progrums, servces, und strutegc purtnershps, lDl supports the proessonu
grovth und teuchng pructces o educutors throughout u phuses und eves o ther
cureers. 1he orgunzuton currenty hus more thun 600 chupters und un uctve
membershp o 43,000 vordvde.
! AAC1L s the most promnent nutonu orgunzuton ocusng on teucher educuton
n the Lnted Stutes. egnnng n 20l0, AAC1L sponsored u Specu Study Croup
(SSC) ocusng on Lducuton or Sustunubty (LlS). 1he LlS SSC hus ncuded
members rom more thun 30 nsttutons ucross the country und hus sponsored
pune und reseurch presentutons ut the AAC1L Annuu Meetng snce 20l0. ln
20l3, AAC1L ntuted the 1opcu Acton Croup (1AC) progrum to repuce Specu
Study Croups. 1he 1AC progrum v provde greuter vsbty und some undng
or topcu groups und the Lducuton or Sustunubty 1AC s expected to grov
consderuby n the next severu yeurs us more AAC1L members become uvure o
! AASHL hus ubout 850 member nsttutons o hgher educuton und provdes
unnuu conerences us ve us u vebste thut supports chunges to physcu punt
operutons und ucudemcs reuted to sustunubty.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *#

! 1he NNLR comprses ll2 schoo, unversty, und communty purtnershps. 1he
NNLR's Agendu or Lducuton n u Democrucy ncudes gous und struteges or
mpementuton thut ugn cosey vth LSD (see Appendx C). Muny o the purtners
n the NNLR huve currcuur und proessonu deveopment uctvtes undervuy.
1hese ncude ntutves n Cunudu, Coorudo, Nev }ersey, Nev York, Cho,
\ushngton, und \yomng. 1hese uctvtes runge vdey, ntroducng und nusng
LSD concepts n preservce teucher prepuruton progrums, creutng specuty trucks
vthn exstng gruduute progrums, oerng summer vorkshops ocusng on LSD or
nservce educutors, und exporng the possbty o u doctoru progrum to ocus on
the sustunubty n educutonu pructces und ts mpuct on student eurnng.
1runserrng concepts nto schoo pructce s un overurchng gou or the NNLR, und
purtnershps ucross nsttutons promote sustunubty concepts und uctons n
schoos und puces thut prepure teuchers.
:. Policies and Strategies lor Hoving Forward in 1eacher Education
ln u revev o the ev puces n the Lnted Stutes vhere LSD hus begun to tuke root, there
uppeur to be three struteges or movng orvurd: ncorporutng LSD nto exstng 1Ll
structures, stute certcuton und endorsement, und nsttutonu uccredtuton (Noet,
2.4.l Coursevork, Concentrutons, Certcutes, und Degree lrogrums
lnnovutve teucher educuton nsttutons huve begun to oer coursevork reuted to LSD.
lor exumpe:
! 1he Schoo o Lducuton ut \ebster Lnversty oers un emphuss und certcute n
Lducuton or Cobu Sustunubty (LlCS) us purt o the Muster o Arts degree n
Lducuton und lnnovuton. 1he schoo s deveopng u muster's n LlCS.
! \est Chester Lnversty oers u our-course (l2-credt) certcute n LSD (Noet,
! Antoch hus begun oerng u muster's progrum vth un endorsement n
envronment und sustunubty educuton or nservce teuchers.
! Most requenty, teucher educutors ntegrute LSD nto exstng teucher educuton
coursevork. lntegrutng LSD nto methods courses us ve us requrements or
pructcum und student teuchng s ncreusngy common. Such ntegruton occurs n
u vde runge o dscpnes, ncudng unguuge urts, scence, socu studes, und
muthemutcs (Noet, 2009).
Lsng exstng structures und processes vthn 1Lls to uddress sustunubty suves tme und
energy, vhch ure vuuube resources n schoos, coeges, und depurtments o educuton.
lor exumpe, u course n sustunubty coud be u prerequste or udmsson to u post-
buccuuureute teucher prepuruton progrum so thut preservce teuchers ure ureudy umur
vth the concept o sustunubty. Such u requrement s eusbe n the Lnted Stutes
becuuse rupd grovth hus mude sustunubty purt o the currcuum n muny nsttutons
o hgher educuton. 1he Nutonu Counc or Scence und the Lnvronment reported thut
us o 20l2, there vus u totu o 759 sustunubty-ocused ucudemc progrums n the
Lnted Stutes, ncudng l4l sustunubty degree progrums, 302degree progrums vth u
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *$

sustunubty concentruton, und 3l6 mnor or certcute progrums n sustunubty
(Vncent et u., 20l2).

2.4.2 1eucher Certcuton und Stute Lndorsement
1he Stute o \ushngton lroessonu Lducutor Stundurds ourd (lLS), vhch hus
responsbty or teucher censure, hus ncorporuted sustunubty nto the stundurds or
preservce und nservce eves. 1he nev stundurd requres thut u begnnng teuchers ure
ube to prepure ll2 students to be responsbe ctzens or un envronmentuy
sustunube, gobuy nterconnected, und dverse socety (lrogrum Approvu Stundurd
lnovedge und Sks, 20ll, \heeer, 20l3). 1he gou s to prepure sustunubty-terute
lurthermore, the Stute o \ushngton hus creuted u specuty ureu endorsement n
Lnvronmentu und Sustunubty Lducuton. A number o 1Lls n \ushngton oer the
endorsement, others v oov n the neur uture.
2.4.3 lnsttutonu Accredtuton
1he uccredtuton process or coeges und unverstes us ve us teucher prepuruton
progrums oers un opportunty to use educuton or sustunube deveopment or u
systemc chunge process. Regonu uccredtuton (e.g., Southern Assocuton o Coeges
und Schoos SACS) cun gve unverstes un opportunty to use u themutc upprouch to u
se-mprovement pun. lor exumpe, lordu Cu Coust Lnversty chose envronmentu
sustunubty or u centru theme, thereby uddressng exstng progrummutc probems und
needs by usng knovedge, sks, und struteges ussocuted vth sustunubty. 1hs sume
themutc upprouch v be used under the nev Counc or the Accredtuton o Lducutor
lrepuruton (CALl).
Athough LSD s u nev term n the teucher prepuruton communty n the Lnted Stutes,
there ure mpementuton modes, vhch huve been used successu ut stute und
nsttutonu eves.
B9 =%+,(&,# +'/ .3A7 .5#C#'(2 $< *#+,-#% ./0,+(&$'
\he LSD cun uddress the muor educutonu ssues o our tmes (e.g.,
dropout rutes . . . n the Lnted Stutes und the uchevement gup betveen
students o coor und vhte students), t does not meun dong busness us
usuu. lt meuns tukng schoo reorm to unother eve. lt v requre u
sgncunt sht n our current desgns or eurnng, the bees ve hod ubout
the purpose o schoong (\ms, lresen, & Mton, 2009, p.l). 1he good
nevs s there ure modes o schoos thut huve successuy uddressed these
ssues und they ure dong t vth sustunubty us u theme (1e 1hem lrom
Me 11lM, 20ll). (Mcleovn & Noet, 20l3, p.l3)
1hs secton o ths puper ooks ut three eements o teucher educuton progrums:
pedugoges, ussessment, und dspostons. 1he uddtonu dmensons und depth thut LSD
brngs to euch o the three s descrbed. Numerous exumpes o good pructces n LSD
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *%

rom uround the vord huve been documented by LNLSCC, vhch s the eud ugency or
the LNDLSD (see Appendx D).

.. ESL Pedagogies
ledugoges ussocuted vth LSD stmuute pups to usk questons, unuyse,
thnk crtcuy und muke decsons. Such pedugoges move rom teucher-
centred to student-centred essons und rom rote memorzuton to
purtcputory eurnng. LSD pedugoges ure oten puce-bused or
probem/ssue-bused. LSD pedugoges encouruge crtcu thnkng, socu
crtque, und unuyses o ocu contexts. 1hey nvove dscusson, unuyss
und uppcuton o vuues. LSD pedugoges oten druv upon the urts usng
drumu, puy, musc, desgn, und druvng to stmuute creutvty und mugne
uternutve utures. 1hey vork tovurds postve chunge und hep pups to
deveop u sense o socu ustce und se-ecucy us communty members.
(LNLSCC, 20l2d, p. l)
ln uct muny pedugogcu struteges und technques tuught und used n L.S. 1Lls toduy t
the crteru or LSD pedugoges. 1hese pedugoges empover student us eurners toduy und
uter n e us eong eurners und uctve communty purtcpunts und decson-mukers.
1euchng technques und ussgnments thut uov students to vork couborutvey ure purt
o LSD, becuuse muny o the envronmentu, socu, und economc chuenges o toduy ure
so mmense thut soutons urse rom teums o peope vorkng together. ledugogcu
technques o toduy must prepure the students to enter the vorkorce sked und reudy to
couborute n dverse teums (l2l, 2009).
1vo LSD teuchng technques thut ure predcted to become more und more centru to
teuchng us the vord gruppes vth compex ssues thut urse rom gobuzuton und
cmute chunge ure ssue unuyss (Curke, 2000, Mcleovn-lce & Dendnger, 2008,
Rumsey, Hungerord, & Vok, l989) und u mutpe perspectve upprouch (LNLSCC
20l2e). Most key, the humurk o teuchers n the 2lst century muy be the ubty to
unuyze compex ssues n vuys thut ure student-centered und hghy purtcputory
(Mcleovn & Hopkns, 20l0, LNLSCC, 20l2e). Comng out o un eru n vhch the testng
ussocuted vth No Chd Let ehnd nurroved both currcuum und teuchng technques,
LSD teuchng technques muy gve cussroom teuchers u sense o renevu.
A number o good methods o ssue unuyss ure currenty beng used n schoos. Curke's
(2000) demystcuton strutegy s bused on our questons:
l. \hut s the ssue ubout:
2. \hut ure the urguments:
3. \hut s ussumed:
4. Hov ure the urguments munpuuted:
1hese our questons ure purtcuury good or exporng ssues us they uppeur n the medu
und ther eect on the ocu communty. 1he Curke method s most upproprute or upper
eementury und mdde schoo. 1he l3 questons posed by Mcleovn-lce und Dendnger
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *&

(2008) ure more chuengng und sutube or unversty-bused teucher educuton progrums
us ve us Advunced lucement cusses n upper secondury schoo.
l. \hut ure the mun hstorcu und current cuuses (.e., physcu/botc,
socu/cuturu, or economc) o the ssue:
2. \hut ure the geogruphc scue, the sputu dstrbuton, und the ongevty o the
3. \hut ure the muor rsks und consequences to the nuturu envronment:
4. \hut ure the muor rsks und consequences to humun systems:
5. \hut ure the economc mpcutons:
6. \hut ure the muor currenty mpemented or proposed soutons:
7. \hut ure the obstuces to these soutons:
8. \hut muor socu vuues (e.g., economc, ecoogcu, potcu, uesthetc) ure
nvoved n or nrnged on by these soutons:
9. \hut group(s) o peope voud be udversey mpucted by or beur the cost o these
l0. \hut s the potcu stutus o the probem und soutons:
ll. \hut chunge cun you muke or huve you mude n your duy e to essen the ssue:
l2. eyond chunges n your duy e, vhut s the next step you coud tuke to uddress
the ssue:
l3. Hov s ths ssue reuted to other ssues: (pp. l62l64)
M05(&K5#N=#%2K#,(&E# 1KK%$+,-
Pedagogies that encourage cooperation and sharing ol knowledge. skills. perspectives. and
questions help students prepare lor the world ol work as well as community participation and
decision-making (IRESC0. :c.:e). By working in groups. students also learn a variety ol social and
communication skills (e.g.. listening without interrupting and asking questions lor clarilication)
that will he henelicial in higher education or the world ol work. Collahorative pedagogies include
many lorms ol structured and semi-structured group work (e.g.. cooperative learning structures and
collahorative writing projects).
0ne way to encourage cooperative and collahorative learning is through multiple-perspective
analysis. 1he IRESC0 multiple-perspective tool (HP1) uses eight perspectives to look at a common
prohlem. event. or challenge to sustainahility:
! Scientilic Perspective
! Listorical Perspective
! Geographic Perspective
! Luman Bights Perspective
! Gender Equality Perspective
! \alues Perspective
! Cultural Liversity Perspective
! Sustainahility Perspective
1he HP1 also has recommended that students create their own perspective (e.g.. intergenerational
and economic) to deepen the analysis (IRESC0. :c.:e). 0ne way to use the HP1 is to have small
groups ol students each hecome lamiliar with a specilic perspective. 1he students then view a
documentary together while analyzing it lrom their assigned perspective. Rext the small groups
share their lindings in a large group discussion. comhining perspectives to gain more in- depth
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *'

understanding ol the documentary as well as understanding other points ol view (IRESC0. :c.:l).
1he overall purpose ol the HP1 is to help students understand and work with complexity. which is a
skill set that will he required in many johs in the near and long-term luture. Admittedly. a
multidisciplinary approach to sustainahility is olten dillicult to implement in secondary schools.
which are disciplinary hased. 1he HP1. however. does not use specilic disciplinary content. hut uses
hroad understanding lrom science. geography. and history so that a multiple perspective approach
can he used in a variety ol disciplinary-hased courses (e.g.. contemporary issues. world geography.
or environmental science). (pp. .0.y)
Excerpt lrom HcKeown. B. (:c.). 1eaching lor a hrighter more sustainahle luture. Kappa Lelta Pi
Becord q(.): .:0:c. Ised with permission.
.: Assessment
Compex eurnng, such us eurnng reuted to sustunubty, requres ussessment
technques thut mrror such compexty (Mcleovn, 20ll, Ste-Mubry, 2004). Smpstc
meusurement o student gun, such us mutpe-choce tests, s not upproprute or
ussessng guns n knovedge, sks, perspectves, und vuues ussocuted vth
sustunubty. lurthermore, LSD cus or purtcputory eurnng, communcutng ubout
compex reu-e ssues, und crtcu thnkng. As pedugogy und eurnng evove, so must
ussessment (LNLSCC, 20l2d, p. l).
Assgnments thut demonstrute student understundng o compex topcs (e.g., essuys,
proects, speeches, reseurch reports, und mutmedu presentutons) requre depth o
thought und orgnu vork by the student. ln purue, teuchers ure conronted vth the
tme-consumng und reutvey dcut tusk o grudng. Cne too or systemutcuy grudng
compex ussgnments s u rubrc. Rubrcs benet teuchers und students. Rubrcs decreuse
grudng tme und ncreuse obectvty or the teucher vhe promotng eurnng und
provdng eectve eedbuck or the students (Stevens & Lev, 2005). 1euchers cun
construct rubrcs vth concepts und sks ussocuted vth sustunubty us eements o the
ussgnment. 1euchers uso cun udd eves o uttunment und descrptons o mustery to the
rubrcs. 1hese rubrcs hep students ussess ther ovn vork us they deveop und compete
ther ussgnments. ln generu, LSD purports, ussessment or eurnng pructces gve
students un opportunty to reect on ther vork und muke decsons ubout vhut und hov
to mprove (Rosemurtn, 20l3, p. 24). Assessment or eurnng gves students u more
uctve roe n both eurnng und ussessment.
. Lispositions
Dspostons ure un mportunt eement o teucher prepuruton progrums. 1he dspostons
ussocuted vth LSD overup vth crtcu dspostons n the ln1ASC Mode 1eucher
Lducuton Stundurds. Hghghted here ure severu ln1ASC dspostons und ther
reutonshp to LSD (CCSSC, 20ll).
! 4(o) 1he teucher reuzes thut content knovedge s not u xed body o ucts but s
compex, cuturuy stuuted, und ever evovng. S/he keeps ubreust o nev deus
und understundngs n the ed (p. 24). 1hs dsposton s ntegru to LSD becuuse
sustunubty s u rupdy evovng ed.
! 4(p) 1he teucher upprecutes mutpe perspectves vthn the dscpne und
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *(

uctutes eurners' crtcu unuyss o these perspectves (p. 24). 1hs dsposton
drecty tes vth the LSD pedugogcu technque mutpe-perspectve unuyss.
! 5(q) 1he teucher s constunty exporng hov to use dscpnury knovedge us u
ens to uddress ocu und gobu ssues (p. 27). 1hs dsposton s upproprute or
LSD gven thut ssues s one o the ve components o un LSD rumevork (.e.,
knovedge, sks, perspectves, vuues, und ssues).
Cther LSD dspostons ncude equty n the cussroom und creutng u cmute o vorkng
or the common good.
D9 .E&/#',# F+2# <$% .3A
Athough tte reseurch hus been conducted n the Lnted Stutes reuted to LSD, t s u
topc o nqury nternutonuy. 1he subsequent sectons brey descrbe tvo uvenues o
reseurch thut shov the promse o LSD to mprove educuton.
.. Co-Evolution ol Pedagogy and Sustainahility Content in the Curriculum
1he montorng und evuuuton eort o the LNDLSD reveued un nteructve co-evouton
o pedugogy und sustunubty content n the currcuum. As the sustunubty content o
the currcuum ncreuses the compexty o eurnng, t becomes evdent thut trudtonu
methods o teuchng und eurnng, such us ecture, memorzuton, und rectuton, ure no
onger sucent. Nev pedugoges ure requred. ln reverse, us teuchers use more student-
centered und purtcputory teuchng/eurnng technques, the compexty o the currcuur
content cun ncreuse. ln ths co-evouton o pedugogy und sustunubty content, one
does not uppeur to be consstenty drvng the other. ln some puces chunge n pedugogy s
the mpetus, vhe n others sustunubty s the mpetus (Svuyze, n press, \us, 20l2).
Lornu Dovn (n press), u teucher educutor ut the Lnversty o the \est lndes, observed
ths co-evouton n teuchng und pedugogy:
LSD hus n generu re-shuped the vuy ve teuch und eurn ut u eves. . . .
1eucher educuton n the Curbbeun hus been sgncunty nuenced by
LSD vth u purtcuur ocus on cmute chunge. . . . ledugogy or teucher
educuton becomes communty centered us n-servce teuchers ure
motvuted und encouruged to uttend cosey to the envronment.
Consequenty, u nev reutonshp betveen the unversty und the
communty s deveoped. 1euchng und eurnng become stuuted n
communty vth both n-servce teuchers und communty members teuchng
und eurnng rom euch other. 1here s un emphuss on uctve und
purtcputory eurnng und on probem-sovng us these teuchers eurn und
ure motvuted to tuke ucton to uddress probems n the communty.
lurueng und compementng the vork n communty ure reecton und
reseurch. Lquuy mportunt, there s the deveopment o u gobu vev und u
heghtened moru purpose vhch orm the ounduton o ths upprouch.
Dovn (n press) uso observed thut student engugement rses uong vth the co-evouton
o pedugogy und sustunubty content.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork *)

.: Student Engagement
Meusurng student engugementucudemc, socu, und nteectuu engugements
grovng n mportunce n secondury educuton. 1he Cunudun Lducuton Assocuton
(CLA) meusured engugement o students ucross Cunudu. 1he resuts shoved thut
engugement decned rom grude sx through grude l2 endng ut 37%. Such dmnshng
engugement s u concern to teuchers, udmnstrutors, reseurchers, und decson-mukers,
especuy vth hgh dropout rutes. ln the Lnted Stutes, schoos ure usng resuts o the
Hgh Schoo Survey o Student Lngugement study by Yuzze-Mntz (20l0) to mprove
student engugement und uchevement. Addtonuy, the lrogrumme or lnternutonu
Student Assessment (llSA) meusures engugement (Schecher, 2009). Lngugement scores
ure n purt used us u meusure o currcuur reevuncy.
lt s nterestng to note thut n some puces vhere the co-evouton o pedugogy und
sustunubty content o the currcuum s gong on, student engugement s ncreusng
(lckurd, 20l2, Svuyze, n press).
G9 H0(,$C#2
lmpementuton o LSD s grovng n countres uround the vord. LSD s uso hepng
schoos to uccompsh ther gous reuted to student uchevement. eng, Chnu, hus
l,000 LSD schoos. Cne LSD schoo prncpu stuted thut us u resut o u themutc ocus on
sustunubty, the gruduutes o hs schoo ure beng udmtted to ete Chnese unverstes.
A schoo n ruru Mongou s un uvurd-vnnng schoo becuuse the ucuty uses un
orgunzng theme o LSD.
1he lrovnce o Muntobu n Cunudu ncuded the vord sustunubty n ts vson
stutement und hus undertuken u greut deu o proessonu deveopment or teuchers und
udmnstrutors reuted to LSD (ucker & MucDurmd, 20l3). 1he Sustunubty und
Lducuton Acudemy s provdng proessonu deveopment, thereby trunsormng schoo
systems nto sustunube orgunzutons (Conney, 20l3). Cunudun schoos, especuy n
Muntobu, ure observng the co-evouton o pedugogy und sustunubty content us ve
us ncreuses n student engugement. lurthermore, schoos n Sudbury, Cnturo, Cunudu,
huve shovn u eup orvurd n sustunube pructces (e.g., conservuton o energy und
vuter), vhch huve resuted n cost suvngs (loster, 20l3).
LSD hus proven eectve nternutonuy. lt s tme thut teucher prepuruton progrums n the
Lnted Stutes begn to expore LSD und hov t cun support student uchevement.
I9 *-# :$2( $< ?'+,(&$'
LSD s consstent vth vhut the educuton communty knovs ubout good teuchng.
lurthermore, components o LSD ure ureudy beng tuught n 1Lls. Nevertheess, LSD s
not purt o the teucher educuton dscourse n the Lnted Stutes.
Muny 1Lls use u socu ustce theme to underpn the teucher educuton progrums. lt s
ronc thut ths commtment to socu ustce s prmury pust-ookng, ocusng on the
hstorcu nequtes n schoos und on current reutes vth tte thought to the uture.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "+

Socu ustce needs to be orvurd-ookng to ensure equty n the uture. lor exumpe,
1Lls need to be unsverng u common queston: \hut rght does the current generuton
huve to mprove ts socoeconomc stutus ut the cost to uture generutons: ln ths respect,
socu ustce us short us u oundutonu theme or teucher educuton. ln contrust, LSD
cun provde the mssng oundutonu peces und perspectve to 1Lls und teucher
educuton progrums.
Not uttendng to LSD s egregous. Such deuys uov other countres to udvunce ther
schoo systems und ther economes vhe the Lnted Stutes s mred n pructces
commony used n the prevous mennum.
Cther countres ure budng green economes bused on sustunubty. Cobuy,
countres ure chungng prmury, secondury, und hgher educuton to reshupe ther
economes. l the Lnted Stutes vunts to remun economcuy compettve und do so ve
nto the uture, then the Lnted Stutes needs to educute ts students toduy so they huve the
creutvty und ubtes to meet the chuenges und compextes o the uture.
1o nuence the gobu duogue, L.S. gruduutes must understund the vocubuury,
prncpes, sks, vuues, und uppcutons o sustunubty. \thout these, the gobu
duogue v contnue vthout representuton rom the Lnted Stutes n u sectors (e.g.,
dpomucy und busness) und ut u eves (e.g., ndvduus, corporutons, und nternutonu
orgunzutons). y ncorporutng the sustunubty purudgm und LSD nto teucher
educuton progrums, such u uture cun be uverted.
J9 :$',50/&') :$CC#'(2
lucng pedugoges und ussessment pructces, vhch coeges o educuton ureudy teuch,
nto u sustunubty context creutes synerges und mproves outcomes or u students,
communtes, und educutonu nsttutons. ln ths tme o uttucks on teucher educuton, ve
us euders o 1Ll und teucher educuton progrums need to remember thut reugnng
teucher prepuruton progrums to ncorporute sustunube deveopment, vhe seemngy
mpructcu or uddtve, cun be trunsormutve.
Acheve. (20l3). Next generuton scence stundurds. \ushngton, DC: Acheve, lnc.
Retreved rom
Assocuton or the Advuncement o Sustunubty n Hgher Lducuton. (20l2). AASHL
reeuses unnuu revev o cumpus sustunubty press reeuse. Denver, CC:
AASHL. Retreved rom
ucker, C. (20l3). 1omorrov nov, Muntobu's green pun. Lducuton Muntobu, ll(2), 2
3. Retreved rom
ucker, C., & MucDurmd. (20l3). Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n Munntobu:
A provncu-vde upprouch. ln R. Mcleovn & V. Noet (Lds.), Schoong or
sustunube deveopment n Cunudu und the Lnted Stutes (pp. 95l08). Dordrecht,
1he Netherunds: Sprnger.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "*

Curke, l. (2000). 1euchng controversu ssues. Creen 1eucher, 62, 2932.
Common Core Stute Stundurds lntutve. (20l0). Common Core Stute Stundurds or Lngsh
unguuge urts & terucy n hstory/socu studes, scence, und techncu subects.
\ushngton, DC: Nutonu Covernors Assocuton Center or est lructces und the
Counc o Che Stute Schoo Ccers. Retreved rom
Conney, C. (20l3). Sustunubty und Lducuton Acudemy (SLdA). ln R. Mcleovn & V.
Noet (Lds.), Schoong or sustunube deveopment n Cunudu und the Lnted
Stutes (pp. 8l94). Dordrecht, 1he Netherunds: Sprnger.
Counc o Che Stute Schoo Ccers. (20ll, Apr). ln1ASC mode core teuchng
stundurds und eurnng progressons or teuchers l.0: A resource or ongong
teucher deveopment. \ushngton, DC: CCSSC. Retreved rom
Dovn, L. (n press). Hov cmute chunge educuton s nuencng pedugogy or teucher
educuton. ln Shupng the educuton o tomorrov: Cuse studes rom the ve
LNLSCC regons, lnput nto the 20l2 DLSD M&L report. lurs: LNLSCC.
Duncun, A. (20l0, September). 1he greenng o the Depurtment o Lducuton. Remurks ut
Sustunubty Lducuton Summt, \ushngton, DC. Retreved rom
loster, L. (20l3). Deurness envronmentu socety und the Sudbury schoos. ln R.
Mcleovn & V. Noet (Lds.), Schoong or sustunube deveopment n Cunudu und
the Lnted Stutes (pp. l37l49). Dordrecht, 1he Netherunds: Sprnger.
Creenberg, }, Mclee, A, & \ush, l. (20l3). 1eucher prep revev: A revev o the
nuton's teucher prepuruton progrums. \ushngton, DC: Nutonu Counc or
1eucher uuty.
Heck, D. (20l0). LSD n teucher educuton: Lnversty o the Sunshne Coust.
Lnpubshed report. Austruu, ueensund.
Mcleovn, R. (20ll). Lsng rubrcs to ussess student knovedge reuted to sustunubty: A
pructtoners' vev. }ournu o Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment, 5(l), 6l74.
Mcleovn, R. (20l3). 1euchng or u brghter more sustunube uture. luppu Detu l
Record, 49(l): l220.
Mcleovn, R., & Hopkns, C. (20l0). Cobu ctzenshp und sustunube deveopment:
1runsormuton n the ntu prepuruton o teuchers. ln 1. L. l. \sey, l. M. urr,
A. rtton, & . lng (Lds.), Lducuton n u gobu spuce: Reseurch und pructce n
ntu teucher educuton (pp. 9l7). Ldnburgh: lnternutonu Deveopment
Lducuton Assocuton o Scotund (lDLAS).
Mcleovn, R., & Hopkns, C. (20ll). Reectons on teucher educuton toduy. Curbbeun
}ournu o Lducuton, 33(2), 303323.
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ussessng envronmentu ssues. }ournu o Ceogruphy, l07(45), l6ll66.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork ""

Noet, V. (2009). lrepurng sustunubty-terute teuchers. 1euchers Coege Record
lll(2), 409442.
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und mpementuton. ln R. Mcleovn & V. Noet (Lds.), Schoong or sustunube
deveopment n Cunudu und the Lnted Stutes (pp. 5367). Dordrecht, 1he
Netherunds: Sprnger.
Cbumu, . (20l3, lebruury l2). 1he 20l3 stute o the unon uddress. Retreved rom
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lckurd, C. (20l2). Cuse study: Lducuton or sustunube deveopment through
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study. lurs: LNLSCC.
lrogrum Approvu Stundurdlnovedge und Sks. \ushngton Admnstrutve Code
l8l78A-270 (l)(u)(v) (20ll).
Rumsey, }. M., Hungerord, H. R., & Vok, 1. L. (l989). A technque or unuyzng
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Rosemurtn, D. S. (20l3). Assessment or eurnng: Shtng our ocus. luppu Detu l
Record, 49(l), 2l25.
Schecher, A. (2009). Securng quuty und equty n educuton: Lessons rom llSA.
lrospects: uurtery Revev o Compurutve Lducuton, 39(3), 25l263.
Ste-Mubry, }. (2004). udng rubrcs nto poveru eurnng ussessment toos,
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Stevens. D. D., & Lev, A. }. (2005). lntroductons to rubrcs: An ussessment too to suve
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Svuyze. N. (n press). Lxporng the reutonshp betveen LSD und student engugement n
schoo. ln Shupng the educuton o tomorrov: Cuse studes rom the ve LNLSCC
regons, lnput nto the 20l2 DLSD M&L report. lurs: LNLSCC.
1e 1hem lrom Me. (20ll, }une 26). 20l0ll report on student outcomes und schoo
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20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "#

LNLSCC. (20l2c). Shupng the educuton o tomorrov: 20l2 report on the LN decude o
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Sustunube Deveopment n Acton: Leurnng und 1runng 1oos, no. 4. Retreved
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3. Retreved rom
LNLSCC. (20l2). Leurnng ubout vuter: Mutpe perspectves upprouches. Lducuton or
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lrst nutonu report. 1oronto: Cunudun Lducuton Assocuton. Retreved rom
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "$

Yuzze-Mntz, L. (20l0). Churtng the puth rom engugement to uchevement: A report on
the 2009 hgh schoo survey o student engugement. oomngton, lN: Center or
Lvuuuton & Lducuton locy, lndunu Lnversty. Retreved rom
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "%

1KK#'/&; 1
vhat Is Sustainahle Levelopment?
,12&%3$ "%45 67&829:;< "4% 8 =%:<9$&% >4%& -#?$8:;8@A& B#$#%&' @C DE >2F&4G;H IJKLH Kappa Lelta
Pi Becord q. pp. .:0:c. Beprinted with permission.
Sustunube deveopment s u purudgm or thnkng ubout the uture n vhch
envronmentu, socu, und economc concerns ure buunced. 1hese three spheres ure
nterreuted. lor exumpe, u prosperous socety depends on u heuthy envronment to
provde ood und resources, sue drnkng vuter, und ceun ur or ts ctzens (LNLSCC,
1he sustunubty purudgm s u muor sht rom the prevous purudgm o economc
deveopment und grovth, vth ts uccompunyng socuy und envronmentuy dumugng
consequences. Lnt recenty, these consequences vere seen us nevtube und
ucceptube. Nov, hovever, socety reuzes thut muor dumuge or serous threuts to the
ve-beng o humuns und the envronment vhe pursung economc deveopment s not
the ony vuy orvurd (LNLSCC, 20l2). Deveopment thut tukes nto uccount the three
lspeope, punet, und prospertys nov u vube uternutve. Some busnesses und
ndustres ure usng u trpe bottom ne n ther uccountng, creutng edger sheets thut
ook ut envronmentu und socetu guns, und osses n uddton to the trudtonu guns
und osses n terms o dours.
Muor prncpes o sustunubty undere the purudgm, ncudng:
! ntergenerutonu equtyensurng thut udequute resources remun or uture
generutons to meet ther needs (.e., not usng u the tmber und oss ues n ths
! equty or u peope,
! buunce und ntegruton o envronment, socety, und economy (Cooper & Vurgus,
! precuutonury upprouchtukng ucton to uvod the possbty o serous or
rreversbe envronmentu or socu hurm even vhen scentc knovedge s
ncompete or nconcusve,
! reducton und emnuton o unsustunube putterns o producton und
consumpton, und promoton o upproprute demogruphc poces,
! cost o pouton, n prncpe, s the responsbty o the pouter,
! purtcputon o u concerned ctzens n envronmentu ssues,
! u purtcputon o vomen, und
! uvodunce o vurure, vhch s nherenty destructve o sustunube deveopment
(Ro Decuruton, l992).
Sustunubty prncpes orgnuy vere coded n the Ro Decuruton, vhch resuted
rom the Lurth Summt hed n Ro de }unero n l992. 1he st o prncpes contnues to
grov us the concept o sustunubty evoves und nev chuenges und threuts to peope
und punet emerge.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "&

Creutng u more sustunube vord nvoves uddressng the gobu und ocu threuts to
sustunubty. Some threuts, ke cmute chunge, uect every country. Cther threuts ure
ocu (e.g., umne und pouton). Luch country or muncputy shoud creute
sustunubty gous to uddress threuts to nutonu or ocu sustunubty. 1hese gous, o
course, shoud be bused on ocu envronmentu, socu, und economc contexts.
Lducuton progrums creuted to uddress sustunubty gous ure specc to euch ocu
context und, thereore, cunnot be mported rom other regons.
Vuues o Sustunube Deveopment
Lorts o the Lnted Nutons ure underun by vuues reuted to humun dgnty und rghts,
undumentu reedoms, equty, und cure or the envronment. Sustunube deveopment
tukes these vuues und extends them to uture generutons. Sustunube deveopment
meuns vuung bodversty und conservuton us ve us humun dversty, ncusvty, und
pubc purtcputon. lt uso meuns vorkng or the common good.
1he Lurth Churter (n.d.), or exumpe, s u unversu expresson o ethcu prncpes to
oster sustunube deveopment ( 1he Lurth Churter s the resut o
u ve-yeur gobu consututon process. lt ncudes stutements such us:
Respect Lurth und e n u ts dversty. (u.) Recognze thut u bengs ure
nterdependent und every orm o e hus vuue regurdess o ts vorth to humun
bengs. (b.) Arm uth n the nherent dgnty o u humun bengs und n the
nteectuu, urtstc, ethcu, und sprtuu potentu o humunty.

lromote u cuture o toerunce, nonvoence, und peuce. (u.) Lncouruge und
support mutuu understundng, sodurty, und cooperuton umong u peopes und
vthn und umong nutons. (b.) lmpement comprehensve struteges to prevent
voent conct und use couborutve probem sovng to munuge und resove
envronmentu concts und other dsputes. (Lurth Churter, n.d.)
1hough teuchng vuues s oten veved us controversu (e.g., vhose vuues ure you
teuchng:), the Lurth Churter s beng used by schoos vordvde.
\hut ls the Derence betveen Sustunube Deveopment und Sustunubty:
Sustunubty s oten thought o us u ong-term gou (.e., u more sustunube vord), vhe
sustunube deveopment reers to the muny processes und puthvuys tovurd thut gou (e.g.,
educuton und trunng, sustunube ugrcuture, sustunube producton und consumpton,
good government vthout corrupton, reseurch, und technoogy trunser) (LNLSCC, 20l2).
Cooper, l. }., & C. M. Vurgus. (2004). lmpementng sustunube deveopment: lrom
gobu pocy to ocu ucton. Lunhum, MD: Rovmun & Ltteed.
Lurth Churter. (n.d.). 1he Lurth Churter. Retreved rom
Ro Decuruton. (l992, }une). Ro Decuruton on Lnvronment und Deveopment. Lnted
Nutons Conerence on Lnvronment und Deveopment, Ro de }unero. Retreved
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "'
LNLSCC. (20l2). Lducuton or sustunube deveopment sourcebook. Lducuton or
Sustunube Deveopment n Acton: Leurnng und 1runng 1oos, no. 4. lurs:
LNLSCC. Retreved rom
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork "(

1KK#'/&; F
vhat Is ESL?
Lducuton or sustunube deveopment, LSD, s uso cued educuton or sustunubty
(LlS) n Lnted Stutes. Athough LSD s mpemented n muny derent vuys uround the
vord und regonuy n the L.S, t contuns some core eements. 1he Lducuton or
Sustunube Deveopment 1ookt posts thut u currcuum reorented to uddress
sustunubty shoud huve content, sks, perspectves, vuues, und ssues reuted to
sustunubty (Mcleovn, et u., 2002). 1bury (20ll) conducted un LSD teruture revev
noted thut LSD conveys more thun knovedge ubout sustunubty. Addtonuy, t
! Leurnng to usk crtcu questons
! Curyng one's ovn vuues
! Lnvsonng more postve und sustunube utures
! 1hnkng systemcuy
! Respondng through upped eurnng
! Lxporng the tenson betveen trudton und nnovuton.
Cther pubcutons huve dented churucterstcs o LSD (e.g., nterdscpnury: uddresses
u three reums o sustunubtyenvronment, socety, und economy, ocuy reevunt
und cuturuy upproprute) (LNLSCC, 2005).
LSD s not ubout smpy knovng but uso ubout dong us ve us
vuung. lt mpes ucqurng und uppyng knovedge und sks to become
personuy enguged vth the chuenge o hepng to brng ubout
sustunubtyun equtube buunce o envronmentu, socetu und
economc concerns. ln ths respect, LSD s ucton orented, LSD s umed
ut enubng personu und coectve ucton to mprove outcomes or u, nov
und n the uture. LSD shoud be creuted or und responsve to the ocu
cuturu und economc contexts us ve us envronmentu condtons. 1hus,
there ure muny vuys to mpement LSD successuy to hep communtes
und countres meet ther sustunubty gous und uttend to the ve-beng o
the punet und u ts vng nhubtunts. (Mcleovn & Noet, 20l3, p. 7)
LSD vus rst descrbed n l992 Chupter 36 lromotng Lducuton, lubc Avureness und
1runng o Agendu 2l.
Chupter 36 cus on u o the vord's educuton systems, pubc
uvureness systems, und trunng systems to educute u ctzens o the vord n vuys thut
voud eud to u more sustunube uture.
LSD, n ts broudest sense, s educuton or socu trunsormuton vth the gou o
creutng more sustunube socetes. LSD touches every uspect o educuton
ncudng punnng, pocy deveopment, progrumme mpementuton, nunce,
currcuu, teuchng, eurnng, ussessment, udmnstruton. (LNLSCC, 20l2, p. l)

Agendu 2l s the ocu document o the Lnted Nutons Conerence on Lnvronment und Deveopment, uso cued
the Lurth Summt, vhch vus hed n Ro de }unero n l992. Agendu 2ls u comprehensve bueprnt or ucton to be
undertuken gobuy, nutonuy und ocuy by orgunzutons o the LN, governments, und muor groups.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork ")

Snce l992, LSD hus evoved. ln some puces, LSD hus become un overurchng
purudgm or educuton
LSD hus our busc ureus or thrusts. 1hose our thrusts ure:
! lmprovng uccess und retenton n quuty busc educuton
! Reorentng exstng educutonu progrums to uddress sustunubty
! lncreusng pubc understundng und uvureness o sustunubty
! lrovdng trunng to u sectors o the vorkorce (LNLSCC, 2005, llS)
1he rst tvo prmury nvove ormu educuton und the thrd und ourth prmury nvove
non-ormu und normu educuton. 1he rst thrust s the prmury concern o schoo
dstrcts und schoo bourd ucross the Lnted Stutes. leepng kds n schoo und provdng
them vth u quuty educuton thut v prepure them or vork und communty e. 1he
second thrust s prmury vhere teucher prepuruton progrum n the L.S. ocus (see ox
ox .l. lmprovng Access und Retenton n uuty usc Lducuton
Lnrong und retunng both boys und grs n quuty busc educuton s mportunt to ther ve-beng
throughout ther ves und to the communtes n vhch they ve. usc educuton ocuses on hepng pups
gun knovedge, sks, vuues und perspectves thut encouruge sustunube vehoods und to ve duy n u
sustunube munner. Athough both Cunudu und the Lnted Stute ure hugey successu n enrong chdren
n schoo, keepng them there s u probem. Dropout rutes n both countres huve rsen drumutcuy recenty
(.e., 3l% n the L.S vth some provnces n Cunudu experencng smur stutstcs) (rdgeund, Duo, &
Morrson, 2006, Rchurds, 2009). Compured to muny nutons, the hgh schoo competon rutes ure good,
hovever, compured to recent hstory the dropout rute hus gven the pubc cuuse or concern (see chupters 2
und 4). lrovdng u quuty educuton thut retuns udoescents n schoo s u urge LSD reuted chuenge n
both the Lnted Stute und Cunudu.
Denng quuty educuton n u rupdy chungng vord s dcut so t s not surprsng thut schoo
udmnstrutors und schoo bourds strugge vth ths ssue. \hut vus quuty educuton ut the end o the
l990s voud not be consdered quuty toduy. Communty demogruphcs, technooges, ecosystem ntegrty,
economc stubty, und socu ve-beng ure u chungng und n some cuses, deterorutng. Lducuton hus to
respond to the compex chunges n socety und ut the sume tme prepure students or the vord they v
encounter n the neur uture.
lncreusngy, u key eement n evuuutng the quuty o un educutonu experence s prepuruton o students
or empoyment. A quuty educuton uddresses ssues o empoyubty by ensurng thut students stuy n
schoo, compete hgh schoo und ure prepured to on the vorkorce or contnue ther educuton n u post-
secondury progrum. ln the svtch to u green economy, ths component o quuty educuton s o grovng
mportunce. lt s not surprsng, then thut the green economy und creuton o green obs vus u key theme or
the Ro+20 conerence n 20l2 und s u core component o both Cunudun und L.S. nutonu pocy.
A quuty educuton uso responds to reseurch on teuchng und eurnng to meet the needs o hstorcuy
murgnuzed popuutons, such us mnorty unguuge speukers, chdren o mgrunt umes und students
vth dsubtes. lor exumpe, students n need o specu uttenton n schoothose vth eurnng
dsubtes, physcu mpurments, und emotonu dsturbunceure on the rse (L.S. Depurtment o
Lducuton, n.d. & 20ll). About l3% o students n the LS receve specu educuton servces. 1hs ruses
questons ubout hov schoos ure stued und equpped to hunde such needs n these tmes o budgetury
cuts. Lury nterventons ure oten successu, eudng to more postve outcomes throughout students' cureers
us eurners und throughout ther ves. Students, vho do not udequutey receve specu educuton servces,
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #+

dsenguge rom schoo dsproportonutey. Such dsengugement uects the quuty o ther duy ves nov
und n ther utures.
ln both Cunudu und the Lnted Stutes, the ssue o educuton quuty s cosey nked to ssues o uccess und
equty. oth countres huve strugged to ensure thut poor chdren und students rom ethnc, rucu, und
unguuge mnorty groups huve the sume educutonu opportuntes us students rom mdde cuss und
veuthy umes und students rom the domnunt cuture. ln Cunudu, educuton s recognzed und egsuted
us u undumentu socu good und consdered u sgncunt humun rght under nternutonu humun rghts
uv. A pubcy unded educuton system, uccessbe to u, s recognzed us u core consttutonu
responsbty o provncu governments und uccess to educuton cunnot be dened becuuse o one's gender,
ethnc orgn, dsubty or uge.
ln the L.S., the l954 rovn vs. ourd o Lducuton decson creuted the expectuton thut equu uccess to un
educuton s u Consttutonu rght. 1he rovn decson urmed thut denu o uccess to the socu und
economc benets o un educuton voud be tuntumount to denu o equu protecton under the Lquu
lrotecton cuuse o the lourteenth Amendment. Ater rovn, schoos vere no onger uoved to segregute
students on the buss o ruce. 1he provsons o rovn vere extended to students vth dsubtes under
ederu specu educuton egsuton n l975. (p. 8-9)
Mcleovn, R & Noet, V. (20l3). Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n Cunudu und the Lnted Stutes. ln
R. Mcleovn & V. Noet (Lds.), Schoong or sustunube deveopment n Cunudu und the Lnted
Stutes (pp. 32l). Dordrecht, 1he Netherunds: Sprnger. lubshed vth knd permsson rom
Sprnger Scence+usness Medu .V.
\hut does sustunubty udd to prmury und secondury educuton:
1he L.S. Netvork o 1eucher Lducuton lnsttutons reuzes thut the usng the
sustunubty purudgm us un overurchng concept or teucher educuton or prmury und
secondury educuton mukes tte sense to educutors n the Lnted Stutes. 1hereore, ve
druv on the nternutonu teruture to expun the benets o sustunubty to mprovng
Not ony does educuton contrbute to sustunube deveopment und the
trunsormuton o socety, the reverse s uso true. Sustunubty mproves
educuton und hus the potentu to trunsorm educuton. As countres und
communtes strugge to cope vth contemporury chuenges uccompuned
by muor e-chungng events (e.g. cmute chunge-nduced drought or the
rse n seu eve), the purpose und reevunce o educuton tse huve been
Sustunubty udds purpose to educuton. lerceptons o the purpose o
educuton vury uccordng to the roe und perspectve o the person
respondng to the queston. 1euchers oten suy thut the purpose s to hep
chdren deveop ther u potentu. Hovever, the reuty o u teucher's ob
s thut s/he must uso prepure students to puss end-o-the-yeur exums or
promoton to the next yeur o schoong. lurents oten hope thut schoo v
prepure chdren or obs thut v provde economc securty or ther
umes. Some potcuns cum thut the purpose o educuton s to ensure
nutonu economc compettveness. Cthers suy thut gobu stubty s the
gou o educuton.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #*

lor yeurs, muny countres huve used educuton us one o severu
nvestments to ncreuse economc grovth. Lnortunutey, such economc
grovth hus brought vth t unprecedented envronmentu chuenges us ve
us urge gupsboth economc und socetubetveen the huves und the
huve-nots. lt s evdent thut economc grovth us the purpose o educuton
no onger serves the punet ve. lrom the perspectve o sustunube
deveopment, t s tme to rethnk, reorent und restute the purpose o
educuton. Lducuton thut promotes sustunubty, gobu stubty und
resent socetes coud hep creute u more sustunube uture or the punet.
Sustunubty gves u common vson. Muny chdren und uduts knov thut
somethng s not rght n ther communty und n the vder vord. 1hey see
envronmentu deteroruton, socu nustce, und economc nequty uround
them und eurn ubout t n the medu. Chdren und uduts cun eusy denty
vhut s unsustunube n the vord uround them. 1hey uso vunt u better
vord und some cun even envson thut vord. Sustunubty uso postons
educuton to muke u concrete contrbuton to u better vord.
Sustunubty gves reevunce to the currcuum. 1he reevunce o muny
prmury und secondury currcuu hus uso been cued nto queston. 1he
dsconnecton betveen the currcuum und e n the communty s u uctor
n chdren und udoescents droppng out o schoo. Lnortunutey, retenton
n schoo s u probem or countres uround the vord. Cne o the cuuses o
dropout s thut pups or ther purents do not perceve educuton us beng
reevunt to the ves they eud or voud ke to eud. Mukng the currcuum
more drecty reuted to the ves o chdren und udoescents s mportunt to
retenton. Lducuton thut s reorented to uddress sustunubty exumnes
reu-e probems n the communty und expores soutons, thereby uddng
reevunce to the currcuum by connectng t to eurners' et needs.
Sustunubty n the currcuum ruses economc potentu. Another uctor n
dropout s economc. l educuton vere perceved us contrbutng to u
chd's or the umy's current or uture economc ve-beng n u tungbe
ruther thun ubstruct sense, some chdren voud stuy n schoo onger.
Deveopng u currcuum thut ncreuses the economc potentu o pups s
uctuted vhen sustunubty us u crosscuttng currcuur theme s udded.
Creutng und vng n u more sustunube vord requres knovedge und
sks or vng sustunuby und huvng sustunube vehoods. lrepurng
pups to the green obs o tomorrov s un mportunt purt o educuton toduy.
Sustunubty gves concrete exumpes o ubstruct concepts. A too oten,
educuton s crtczed or beng theoretcu und ubstruct. 1he cross-cuttng
themes o sustunubty und ts reuted ssues (e.g. cmute chunge und
bodversty) thut chuenge ocu communtes provde exceent reu-e
exumpes o ubstruct concepts contuned n the currcuum. Such ocu
exumpes uso ncreuse the reevunce o the currcuum.
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #"

Sustunubty cun suve pups' ves. Nuturu dsusters threuten the ves o
schoo chdren und ther umes. y uddng topcs reuted to ocu nuturu
dsusters (e.g. the vuys thut humun uctvty cun exucerbute or umeorute
condtons n dsuster prone ureus) to the currcuum, the ves o chdren
und communty members v be more secure. Such securty v be
enhunced by uddng essons on vhut do to vhen nuturu dsusters strke (e.g.
oovng sue evucuuton routes) us ve us constructng sue schoos.
(LNLSCC, 20l2, pp. 3637)
AASHL. (20l2). Hgher Lducuton Sustunubty Revev. Retreved }uy 30, 20l3 rom
AASHL, 20l3. (20l2). Hgher Lducuton Sustunubty Stung Survey. Retreved 29 }uy
20l3 rom
rdgeund, }. M., Duo, }.}., Morson, l.. (2006). 1he Sent Lpdemc: lerspectve o
Hgh Schoo Dropouts. 1he Cutes lounduton. Retreved rom
rovn v. ourd o Lducuton o 1opeku, 347 L.S. 483, 74 S. Ct. 686, 98 L. Ld. 873 (l954)
Mcleovn, R. vth Hopkns, C., Rzz, R. & Chrystubrdge, M. (2002). 1he educuton or
sustunube deveopment tookt. lnoxve: Lnversty o 1ennessee. Retreved rom
Mcleovn, R & Noet, V. (20l3). Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n Cunudu und
the Lnted Stutes. ln R. Mcleovn & V. Noet (Lds.), Schoong or sustunube
deveopment n Cunudu und the Lnted Stutes (pp. 32l). Dordrecht, 1he
Netherunds: Sprnger.
1bury, D. (20ll). Lducuton or sustunube deveopment: An expert revev o processes
und eurnng. lurs: LNLSCC. Retreved rom
LNLSCC. (2005). Lnted Nutons decude o educuton or sustunube deveopment 2005-
20l4. lnternutonu lmpementuton Scheme. Retreved rom
LNLSCC. (20l2). Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Sourcebook. Lducuton or
Sustunube Deveopment n Acton: Leurnng und 1runng 1oos, no. 4. Retreved
L.S. Depurtment o Lducuton. (20ll, }uy). 1he condton o educuton: lurtcputon n
educuton: Lementury/secondury educuton: Chdren und youth vth dsubtes.
Retreved September ll, 20ll rom
L.S. Depurtment o Lducuton. lnsttute o Lducutonu Scences. Nutonu Center or
Stutstcs. (n.d.). 1he condton o educuton: lurtcputon n educuton:
Lementury/Secondury Lducuton. 1ube A-7-l Number und percentuge dstrbuton
o 3 5o 2l-yeurod served under the lndvduus vth Dsubtes Lducuton Act
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork ##

(lDLA), lurt , und number served us u percentuge o totu pubc schoo
enroment, by type o dsubty: Seected schoo yeurs, l980-8l through 2008-9.
Retreved September ll, 20ll rom
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #$

1KK#'/&; :
Emerging Pieces ol ESL in K0.:
ln spte o u uck o nutonu pocy, LSD uppeurs n souted pockets o nnovuton n the
Lnted Stutesund these pockets o nnovuton ure grovng n number. LSD udvocutes
und poneers ure beng nvted to st on udvsory commttees or mportunt educutonu
ntutves. As u resut, some muor educutonu ntutves und emergng trends n
educuton ure computbe vth LSD.
Common Core Stute Stundurds
1he Common Core Stute Stundurds (CCSS), uthough proscrptve n one sense, uso euve
u greut deu o eevuy or stutes, schoo dstrcts, und teuchers to mpement those
stundurds. LSD ledugoges, descrbed n Secton 3 lructce und LSD, ure exceent or
mpementng CCSS. lor exumpe:
! Reudng Stundurds or Lterucy n Hstory/Socu Studes 6l2 ncude lntegrute
normuton rom dverse sources, both prmury und secondury, nto u coherent
understundng o un deu or event, notng dscrepunces umong sources (CCSSC,
20l0, p. 6l). 1hs stundurd ends tse purtcuury ve to studyng chuenges to
sustunubtyvhch ure compex vth roots n socu, economc, envronmentu,
und potcu reumsthrough LSD pedugogcu struteges such us ssue unuyss.
! Speukng und Lstenng Stundurds Crudes 6l2 Comprehenson und Couboruton
ncude Respond thoughtuy to dverse perspectves, summurze ponts o
ugreement und dsugreement, und, vhen vurrunted, quuy or usty ther ovn
vevs und understundng und muke nev connectons n ght o the evdence und
reusonng presented (CCSSC, 20l0, p. 50). 1hs stundurd ends tse to un LSD
mutpe perspectve upprouch, vhch vus desgned to deu vth dversty o
perspectve und nterdscpnurty (see Secton 3.l).
1vo nutonuy promnent nonprot orgunzutons (NlCs)lucng the luture und
Creutve Chunge Lducutonu Soutonsure uddressng CCSS n conuncton vth
sustunubty content knovedge und LSD pedugoges. 1hese tvo NlCs und others ure
creutng cussroom muterus reuted to LSD und CCSS.
Next Ceneruton Scence Stundurds
1he Next Ceneruton Scence Stundurds ncude eght pructces o scence und engneerng
thut ure essentu or u students. 1hey ncude:
l. uskng questons (or scence) und denng probems (or engneerng),
2. deveopng und usng modes,
3. punnng und curryng out nvestgutons,
4. unuyzng und nterpretng dutu,
5. usng muthemutcs und compututonu thnkng,
6. constructng expunutons (or scence) und desgnng soutons (or engneerng),
7. engugng n urgument rom evdence, und
8. obtunng, evuuutng, und communcutng normuton.
(Acheve, 20l3, Appendx l, p.l).

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #%

1hese eght pructces ure ugned vth LSD sks. lor exumpe, eurnng to usk questons s
centru to LSD, us ve us obtunng, evuuutng, und communcutng normuton. 1he
Next Ceneruton Scence Stundurds (NCSS, Acheve, 20l3), ke the Common Core
Stundurds, emphusze budng urguments bused on evdence.
Athough the NCSS mentons humun sustunubty n severu puces, sustunubty s not
consdered u crosscuttng concept. Ruther thun uddressng sustunubty drecty, the
rumevork uudes to sustunubty through phruses such us reevunt uctors (e.g.,
economc, socetu, envronmentu, ethcu consderutons):
Lvuuute competng desgn soutons to u reu-vord probem bused on scentc
deus und prncpes, emprcu evdence, und ogcu urguments regurdng reevunt
uctors (e.g., economc, socetu, envronmentu, ethcu consderutons). (Acheve,
20l3, HS-LSS3-2 Lurth und Humun Actvty)
LdSteps Cobu Competence
LdSteps s un ntutve o the Counc o Che Stute Schoo Ccers. lt grev out o
nternutonu concern und urgency to educute students o toduy or e und vork n u
gobuzed vord. Munsu und }uckson (20ll) dened gobu competence us the
cupucty und dsposton to understund und uct on ssues o gobu sgncunce (p. x)
und descrbed t us oovs.
Cobuy competent ndvduus ure uvure, curous, und nterested n
eurnng ubout the vord und hov t vorks. 1hey cun use the bg deus,
toos, methods, und unguuges thut ure centru to uny dscpne
(muthemutcs, teruture, hstory, scence, und the urts) to enguge the
pressng ssues o our tme. 1hey depoy und deveop ths expertse us they
nvestgute such ssues, recognzng mutpe perspectves, communcutng
ther vevs eectvey, und tukng ucton to mprove condtons. (p. x)
Student perormunce ncudes:
l. lnvestgute the vord beyond ther mmedute envronment, rumng sgncunt
probems und conductng ve-cruted und uge-upproprute reseurch.
2. Recognze perspectves, others' und ther ovn, urtcuutng und expunng such
perspectves thoughtuy und respectuy.
3. Communcute deus eectvey vth dverse uudences, brdgng geogruphc,
ngustc, deoogcu, und cuturu burrers.
4. 1uke ucton to mprove condtons, vevng themseves us puyers n the vord und
purtcputng reectvey. (Munsu & }uckson, 20ll, p.ll)
1he smurtes betveen the LSD und Cobu Competences ure numerous. oth
upprouches to educuton ure nterdscpnury und requre students to nvestgute und use
mutpe perspectves.
2lst Century Sks
1he lurtnershp or 2lst Century Sks (l2l) s u nutonu orgunzuton thut udvocutes or
nev mennum sks or u students. l2l posts thut n u gobuzed vord the 3Rs shoud
be used vth the 4Cs (crtcu thnkng und probem sovng, communcuton,
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #&

couboruton, und creutvty und nnovuton). 1he l2l lrumevork descrbes the sks,
knovedge und expertse students must muster to succeed n vork und e, t s u bend o
content knovedge, specc sks, expertse und teruces (lurtnershp or 2lst Century
Sks, 2009, p. l). l2l uso pubshes u document to hep stutes und schoos mpement
the Common Core Stute Stundurds vhe supportng 2lst century sks, thereby
dovetung the tvo ntutves.
Athough muy uspects o l2l ugn vth LSD (e.g., purtcputon n cvc e, nvestgutng
und unuyzng envronmentu ssues, und vorkng creutvey vth others), LSD experts
pont out thut the l2l gou o success n vork und e cun eud to urtherng the behuvors
und mnd-sets thut huve creuted the envronmentu, socu, und economc crses o toduy.
l, hovever, the purpose o the l2l rumevork voud be to vork tovurd u common good
und creute u more sustunube uture or u us opposed to ndvduu gun, then LSD und
l2l voud ugn more cosey.
Agendu or Lducuton n u Democrucy
1he Agendu or Lducuton n u Democrucy (ALD) s:
! provdng uccess to quuty und reevunt knovedge or u eurners, ensurng thut
nsttutons o eurnng enguge eurners vth nurturng und chuengng pedugogy,
! understundng the responsbtes us stevurds o the educuton proesson, und
! engugng students so thut they cun udvunce democrucy on normu und potcu
1hs Agendu s promoted by the Nutonu Netvork or Lducutonu Renevu (NNLR).
Accordng to NNLR, LSD ceury overups vth ALD. loovng ure exumpes o hov the
NNLR's Agendu trucks cosey to the our thrusts o LSD:
! Access to lnovedge purues LSD's rst thrust, mprovng uccess to und retenton
n quuty busc educuton.
! Stevurdshp purues LSD's commtment to educutors creutng u sustunube uture
und reorentng exstng educuton tovurd u sustunube uture.
! Lncuturuton o the Young nto u Democrucy ocuses on commtment to socu
ustce und equty or everyone und purues LSD's thrd thrust, ncreusng pubc
uvureness und understundng reuted to sustunubty.
! Nurturng ledugogy provdes trunng n pedugogcu upprouches (e.g., nqury
bused und student centered eurnng) thut educute n vuys thut v uov toduy's
youth to eud sustunube ves und purues LSD's ourth thrust, provdng trunng
or the vorkorce.
1he ALD s mpemented through purtnershps umong ll2 pubc schoos, nsttutons o
hgher educuton, und communtes. 1hese three purtners vork together through teuchng
und reseurch to creute nove teuchng struteges, vhch ure useu to cussroom teuchers.
A number o recent L.S. educutonu ntutves contun eements thut ure smur to
components o LSD, such us concern vth gobuzuton, use o hgher-order thnkng
sks, und couborutve eurnng. LSD brngs together muny conceptuuzutons o
20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #'

educuton n the nev mennum, uctng us un umbreu purudgm. 1he LSD purudgm
uovs or synerges us ve us veuvng dsoned ntutves nto vhoe coth.
Acheve. (20l3). Next generuton scence stundurds. \ushngton, DC: Acheve, lnc.
Retreved rom
Common Core Stute Stundurds lntutve. (20l0). Common Core Stute Stundurds or Lngsh
unguuge urts & terucy n hstory/socu studes, scence, und techncu subects.
\ushngton, DC: Nutonu Covernors Assocuton Center or est lructces und the
Counc o Che Stute Schoo Ccers. Retreved rom
Munsu, V. ., & }uckson, A. (20ll). Lducutng or gobu competence: lrepurng our
youth to enguge the vord. \ushngton, DC: Counc o Che Stute Schoo
Ccers' LdSteps lntutve & Asu Socety lurtnershp or Cobu Leurnng.
Retreved rom
lurtnershp or 2lst Century Sks. (2009). l2l rumevork dentons. \ushngton, DC:
1he lurtnershp or 2lst Century Sks. Retreved rom

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #(

1KK#'/&; A
Bihliography ol Good Practices in ESL Puhlications hy IRESC0
Cood lructces n Addressng odversty. Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n
ucton: Cood pructces, no. 6. 20l2.
Cood lructces n Addressng Cmute Chunge. Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n
ucton: Cood pructces, no.5. 20l2.
Cood lructces n Lury Chdhood. Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n ucton:
Cood pructces, no. 4. 20l2.
Cood lructces Lsng the Lurth Churter. Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n ucton:
Cood pructces, no. 3. 2007.
Cood lructces n the LNLCL Regon. Lducuton or sustunube deveopment n ucton:
Cood pructces, no. 2. 2007.
Cood lructces n 1eucher Lducuton lnsttutons. Lducuton or sustunube deveopment
n ucton: Cood pructces, no.l. 2007.
Regonu Coecton o Cood lructce: Mennum Deveopment Cous & Lducuton or
Sustunube Deveopment n Asu und the lucc Regon. 2009
Second Coecton o Cood lructces: Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment.

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork #)

1KK#'/&; .
Frequently Asked Questions
ls LSD un udd-on:
lt s ve knovn thut stute-munduted currcuum ureudy perhups overthe schoo
yeur. lt s not possbe to udd unother set o concepts und sks reuted to sustunubty to
the currcuum. LSD s not unother udd-on to the currcuum. ln u number o countres,
LSD s veved und embruced us u gudng phosophy thut provdes purpose und quuty to
lurthermore, most prmury und secondury currcuu ureudy contun strunds o
sustunubty (e.g., nuturu resources, cv und humun rghts, und sepurutng uct rom
opnon) n the core dscpnes (.e., muthemutcs, scence, unguuge urts, und socu
studes). Hovever, the strunds ure not tuught us beng reuted to sustunubty.
LSD s not ust unother udectvu educuton such us re suety educuton,
gobu educuton, und churucter educuton, vhch cun get ost n the
competton or u puce n prmury und secondury currcuums. LSD s un
overurchng purudgm thut gudes und trunsorms the core dscpnes,
second-ter dscpnes, und udectvu educutons so thut they cun u
contrbute to u more sustunube uture. (LNLSCC, 20l2, LSD und
Adectvu Lducutons, p. 38)
ls LSD u ud:
Athough educuton or sustunube deveopment (LSD) s not u term requenty used n the
Lnted Stutes, LSD s pructced gobuy. 1he LN Decude o LSD: 200520l4 hus greuty
udvunced LSD uround the vord. A Cogge seurch o LSD n }uy 20l3 resuted n ubout
l26 mon resuts on the \ord \de \eb.
ls puced-bused eurnng the sume us LSD:
Athough puce-bused eurnng s one upprouch to teuchng und eurnng thut s used n
LSD, t cunnot substtute or the brouder concept o LSD.
Subeds o educuton, such us envronmentu educuton, gobu educuton, humun rghts
educuton, ecoogcu economcs ure u consdered udectvu educutons. 1hey
contrbute through ther ovn perspectve to creutng u more sustunube vord. LSD s un
umbreu purudgm or the udectvu educutons.
1he semester s ony l4 veeks, vhch s burey enough tme to huve students eurn
questonng sks und esson punnng or quuty thnkng und quuty content-specc
thnkng. Addng the sustunubty ens s one step too ur.
\hut s the current ens thut you ure usng: Lsng u sustunubty ens ruther thun the
current ens v be u o the chunge necessury. uestonng sks und esson punnng
usng u sustunubty perspectve cun be ecenty tuught usng exstng LSD toos.

20l3 Lnted Stutes 1eucher Lducuton or Sustunube Deveopment Netvork $+

Cunddutes ure eurnng to teuch n ocu schoos, vhere ev even knov LSD exsts much
ess support t.
Coeges, schoos, und depurtments o educuton huve trudtonuy been on the eudng
edge o educutonu renevu und nev trends. lor generutons, student teuchers huve
urrved n schoos vth current teuchng technques und mnd-sets, vhch vere not reudy
uccepted by the exstng teuchng stu. LSD s no derent.
Hov cun ve requre LSD vhen schoo teuchers ee so much pressure to cover ther
Crunted, teuchers ee u greut deu o pressure to cover the munduted currcuum. LSD
resources exst thut shov hov to teuch LSD vthn the munduted currcuum und the nev
Common Core Stundurds. NlCs such us lucng the luture und Creutve Chunge
Lducutonu Soutons huve uctvty gudes und oer vorkshops uddressng ths purtcuur
concern. 1he muguzne Rethnkng Schoos uso uddresses teuchng socu, envronmentu,
und economc ustce n schoo settngs.
l um n un eementury und/or eury chdhood settng. l don't vunt to rghten the chdren,
so hov cun l uddress sustunubty:
LSD pedugoges uttempt to uvod the mstukes o the l980s vhen essons on the
envronmentu und socu s o the vord et eengs o doom und goom us ve us
hepessness. LSD pedugoges toduy empover students to muke chunges n ther
neghborhoods und uround the vord us ve us nst hope.
Countres, rom Chnu to lreund, ure busng LSD n eury chdhood und prmury
educuton on respect und curngtvo essentu eements to creute u more sustunube
1he purents n my schoo uccuse me o ndoctrnuton becuuse they don't recyce ut
home. Hov cun l repy: l they ght ths hurd ubout recycng, then hov cun l brng n
unythng more substuntu:
LSD s ur rom ndoctrnuton, t s the opposte o ndoctrnuton. LSD osters crtcu
thnkng und hgher-order thnkng sks, vhch counteruct ndoctrnuton und
Muny communtes huve controversu trgger ssues, vhch cun be uvoded n eury stuges
o LSD. Choosng ess controversu themes ke equty muy be u good sturtng pont.
LNLSCC. (20l2). Lducuton or sustunube deveopment sourcebook. Lducuton or
Sustunube Deveopment n Acton: Leurnng und 1runng 1oos, no. 4. Retreved

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