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Introduction to Psychology II Psychology 1002 D Fall 2013 Instructor: Kim ONeil E-mail: kim.oneil@carleton.

ca *Please note this is the best way to contact me. Email me directly through your Carleton email account. Office Hours: Thursday !"" a.m. # $"!"" a.m. Office ocation! %%&' $"(' !lass "ime: )onday *!+, a.m. - $$!., a.m. !lass ocation: #outham Hall $% "heatre "eaching &ssistant! T'/ 'e(uired "e)t*oo+: Weiten, W., & McCann, D. (2013). Psychology: Themes and variations (3rd
Canadian edition). Toronto: Nelson Education

!ourse Descri,tion: The o0erall 1ur1ose o2 this course is to introduce students to the 2ield o2 1sychology as a social science. Through the use o2 lectures3 class discussions and 2ilms3 students will ha0e an o11ortunity to sur0ey 1sychological research related to social 1sychology3 1ersonality and abnormal 1sychology. 4e will e5amine research being conducted in 1sychology and the a11lication o2 that research in the real world. This course is designed 2or those students considering careers in the disci1line o2 1sychology3 as well as those students generally interested in the course content. The course is also geared to 1ro0ide you with the o11ortunity to 1re1are yoursel0es 2or material co0ered in other 1sychology courses. Psyc $""$ is a 1rere6uisite 2or this course.


E&'./to do0nload 0ee+ly lecture notes1: 7our C8 9E/&N /ccount 2or the course

cannot be created until you com1lete your registration and create your %tudent Com1uting /ccount. 7ou must do this to access weekly download notes :a0ailable in ad0ance o2 the lecture;. 7our grades 2or midterms will be 1osted on C8 9E/&N. <owe0er 2 final course grades will be 1osted by the &egistrars O22ice on Carleton Central not on C8 9E/&N. =t will be your res1onsibility to ensure you are 2amiliar with C8 9E/&N. =t is your res1onsibility to kee1 a record o2 your midterm grades be2ore the website shuts down. Discussion grou,s on C8 9E/&N will be set-u1 to hel1 you get answers between classes. <owe0er to1ics must be related to course content only. Personal discussions not directly related to the course and ina11ro1riate content are strictly 2orbidden and will not be tolerated. P'O&!"I3E &PP'O&!HE# "O E&'.I.4: 7ou are strongly encouraged to be 1roacti0e in $

your own learning 1rocess in this course. This means you should kee1 u1 with your reading3 generate 6uestions regarding any material that you are struggling with3 and make sure you see me and>or the teaching assistant in our weekly o22ice-hours to clari2y anything. )ost im1ortantly3 begin your studying well in ad0ance o2 the midterm and the 2inal e5am. Passi0ely reading your te5tbook will not ensure your learning as much as acti0ely gra11ling with the material3 and getting an early start on your studying. ?urther it is strongly encouraged that you 2orm study grou1s with your classmates to assist 1re1aring 2or e5ams.

!ourse 'e(uirements: There will be $ midterm e5am :Oct. .$ =n Class; worth ,"@ and $ 2inal
e5am during the 2ormal e5am 1eriod3 worth ,"@. The e5ams will not be cumulati0e. Each e5am will consist o2 multi1le choice 6uestions. ?or each o2 the e5ams3 you will be res1onsible 2or all material co0ered in s1eci2ied areas o2 the te5t and in the lectures.

Please bring at least one so2t lead 1encil :<';3 an eraser3 and some identi2ication to each e5am. =llness and berea0ement :with su11orting documentation; will be the only e5cuses acce1ted 2or missed e5ams. =2 you miss the mid-term e5am 1lease obtain the a11ro1riate documentation3 and contact the T/ immediately to schedule a make-u1 e5am. The make-u1 e5am must be written within A days o2 the original e5am. =2 you miss the 2inal e5am3 you must a11ly to write a de2erred e5am :with a11ro1riate documentation; to the &egisterial %er0ices within the time 1eriod s1eci2ied in the current 8ndergraduate Calendar. %u11lemental>grade-raising e5ams are not o22ered in this course. Carleton 8ni0ersity accommodates students3 who by reason o2 religious obligation3 must miss an e5amination3 test or assignment deadline. 7ou must 1ro0ide su22icient notice :minimum . weeks; i2 you will need such accommodation.

Brades are normally made a0ailable within two weeks o2 the e5ams. )idterm and 2inal e5am results will be 1osted on C8 9E/&N. ?inal grades will be made a0ailable through Carleton Central. 'E5-E#"# FO' &!&DE%I! &!!O%%OD&"IO. 7ou may need s1ecial arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. ?or an accommodation re6uest the 1rocesses are as 2ollows! Pregnancy o*ligation: write to me with any re6uests 2or academic accommodation during the 2irst two weeks o2 class3 or as soon as 1ossible a2ter the need 2or accommodation is known to e5ist. ?or more details see the %tudent Buide 'eligious o*ligation: write to me with any re6uests 2or academic accommodation during the 2irst two weeks o2 class3 or as soon as 1ossible a2ter the need 2or accommodation is known to e5ist. ?or more details see the %tudent Buide #tudents 0ith disa*ilities: The Paul )enton Centre 2or %tudents with Cisabilities :P)C; 1ro0ides ser0ices to students with 9earning Cisabilities :9C;3 1sychiatric>mental health disabilities3 /ttention Ce2icit <y1eracti0ity Cisorder :/C<C;3 /utism %1ectrum Cisorders :/%C;3 chronic medical conditions3 and im1airments in mobility3 hearing3 and 0ision. =2 you ha0e a disability re6uiring .

academic accommodations in this course3 1lease contact P)C at ($+-,."-(("* or 2or a 2ormal e0aluation. =2 you are already registered with the P)C3 contact your P)C coordinator to send me your Letter of Accommodation at the beginning o2 the term3 and no later than two weeks be2ore the 2irst in-class scheduled test or e5am re6uiring accommodation :if applicable;. /2ter re6uesting accommodation 2rom P)C3 meet with me to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. Please consult the P)C website 2or the deadline to re6uest accommodations 2or the 2ormallyscheduled e5am :if applicable;. PE"I"IO.# "O DEFE' %tudents unable to com1lete a 2inal term 1a1er or write a 2inal e5amination because o2 illness or other circumstances beyond their control or whose 1er2ormance on an e5amination has been im1aired by such circumstances may a11ly within 2i0e working days to the &egistrarDs O22ice 2or 1ermission to e5tend a term 1a1er deadline or to write a de2erred e5amination. / medical certi2icate or other rele0ant documentation must 2ully and s1eci2ically su11ort the re6uest. Only de2erral 1etitions submitted to the &egistrarDs O22ice will be considered. 6I"HD'&6& 6I"HO-" &!&DE%I! PE.& "7 The last day to withdraw 2rom 2all term courses and other courses that end this term without academic 1enalty is Cecember 3 ."$+. The last day to withdraw 2rom winter term courses and two-term courses without academic 1enalty is /1ril *3 ."$E. OFFI!I& FI.& E8&%I.&"IO. PE'IOD ?all courses! Cecember $$-..3 ."$+. 4inter courses F ?ull-Term courses! /1ril $$-.(3 ."$E. E5aminations are normally held all se0en days o2 the week. For more information on the im,ortant dates and deadlines of the academic year2 consult the Carleton ."$+-."$E calendar9 P &4I&'I#% The 8ni0ersity %enate de2ines 1lagiarism as Gpresenting, whether intentional or not, the ideas, expression of ideas or work of others as ones own. This can include!

&e1roducing or 1ara1hrasing 1ortions o2 someone elses 1ublished or un1ublished material3 regardless o2 the source3 and 1resenting these as ones own without 1ro1er citation or re2erence to the original sourceH %ubmitting a take-home e5amination3 essay3 laboratory re1ort or other assignment written3 in whole or in 1art3 by someone elseH 8sing ideas or direct3 0erbatim 6uotations3 or 1ara1hrased material3 conce1ts3 or ideas without a11ro1riate acknowledgment in any academic assignmentH 8sing anothers data or research 2indingsH ?ailing to acknowledge sources through the use o2 1ro1er citations when using anothers works and>or 2ailing to use 6uotation marksH <anding in Isubstantially the same piece of work for academic credit more than once without prior written permission of the course instructor in which the submission occurs."

Plagiarism is a serious o22ence3 which cannot be resol0ed directly with the courses instructor. The /ssociate Ceans o2 the ?aculty conduct a rigorous in0estigation3 including an inter0iew with the +

student3 when an instructor sus1ects a 1iece o2 work has been 1lagiariJed. Penalties are not tri0ial. They range 2rom a mark o2 Jero 2or the 1lagiariJed work to a 2inal grade o2 I?I 2or the course3 and e0en sus1ension 2rom all studies or e51ulsion 2rom the 8ni0ersity. ?or more in2ormation3 consult the 8ni0ersitys /cademic =ntegrity website.

4'&DI.4 #7#"E% 9etter grades assigned in this course will ha0e the 2ollowing 1ercentage e6ui0alents! /K L "-$"" ' L A+-A( / L *,-* / - L *"-*E 'K L AA-A ? /'% CE? ' - L A"-A. CK L (A-( C L (+-(( C - L ("-(. CK L ,A-, C L ,+-,( C - L ,"-,.

?ailure. No academic credit /bsent 2rom the 2inal e5amination O22icial de2erral :see IPetitions to Ce2erI;

F.D :Failed2 no Deferral; < assigned 0hen the student is a*sent from the final e)am and has failed the course on the *asis of inade(uate term 0or+ as s,ecified in the course outline9 "he course instructor2 su*=ect to the a,,ro>al of the !hair and Faculty Dean2 determines standing in a course9 'E#O-'!E# /?13-@20-2?002 ,hone e)t91 Ce1artment o2 Psychology :.(EE; &egistrarDs O22ice :+,""; %tudent /cademic %uccess Centre :A*,"; Paul )enton Centre :(("*; 4riting Tutorial %er0ice 9earning %u11ort %er0ices ',," 9oeb +"" Tory +". Tory ,"" 8nicentre Eth 2loor 9ibrary Eth 2loor 9ibrary

DEP !TMENT " D!#P $#% P#"&C' ( "ocated outside $))0 "oe* Mail received prior to 4:30pm will be date stamped with the current date. Mail received after 4:30pm will be date stamped with the next business days date. Please ensure to include your name, student number, course code and instructors name. e are unable to distribute without this information. 4rade 'aising O,tions in Psychology 1001 A 1002 /ll students in Psychology $""$ F $"". ha0e the o11ortunity to increase their 2inal grade by electing to 1artici1ate in 1sychological research conducted by Psychology 2aculty3 or by graduate students under the su1er0ision o2 members o2 the Ce1artment. This o1tion will also 1ro0ide you with some 2irst-hand e51erience within the 2ield o2 e51erimental 1sychology. /nother o1tion 2or raising your E

grade is to write a syno1sis o2 research 1ublished in a Mournal. =n2ormation on these o1tions can be 2ound at! htt1!>>>1sychology>undergraduate>current-students>sona>



!E+E! T#/

C#NT CT &N+#!M T&#N

Nunderstanding academic rules and regulations

#tudent &cademic #uccess !entre /#&#!1

"Helping students build a foundation for academic success by facilitating services that foster personal direction and academic competence"

+". Tory 'uilding ($+-,."-A*,"

htt1!>>>sas c>

No a11ointment necessary as all students are seen on a walk-in basis. Nchoosing or changing their maMor N2inding a tutor Nacademic 1lanning guided by an /cademic /d0isor N1olishing study skills

Nde0elo1ing a coherent 1attern o2 courses in the maMor and consultation about o11ortunities 2or graduate and 1ro2essional study

-ndergraduate Program &d>isors

Consult the indi0idual de1artmental website

Paul %enton !entre Na learning disability "Integration, Individuali ation, Independence"

,"" 8ni0ersity Centre ($+-,."-(("*

htt1!>>>1m c>

%tudents can call or dro1 in to make an a11ointment

Nde0elo1ing writing skills

6riting "utorial #er>ice

Eth ?loor3 9ibrary ($+-,."-((+.

htt1!>>>sas c>writing-tutorial-ser0ice>

N1eer assisted tutoring 2or 1reidenti2ied3 notoriously di22icult courses

Peer &ssisted #tudy #essions "PASS workshops integrate how-to-learn (study skills) with what-to-learn (course content) in a fun, relaxed en ironment!

9earning %u11ort %er0ices

htt1!>>>sas c>1eer-assisted-studysessions>

N1olishing English con0ersation skills3 or 1roo2 reading :=nternational students only;

International #tudent #er>ices Office

$.* 8ni0ersity Centre ($+-,."-((""

htt1!>>www$>iss o>

N9ibrary and &esearch hel1H 9earning %u11ort and =T su11ort

%ta22 at %acOdrum i*rary :re2erence ser0ices desk;

htt1!>>www.library.carleton. ca>

($+-,."-.A+, Nco1ing with stress or crisis Office of #tudent &ffairs or Health and !ounseling #er>ices Either e5t. .,A+ or

htt1!>>>stud enta22airs or>health

6EE$ 7 #!HED- E Date "o,ic ( 'eadings

%e1t. %e1t. $( %e1t. .+ %e1t. +" Oct. A Oct9 1B Oct9 21 Oct9 2C No0. E No0. $$ No0. $* No0. ., Cec. . Cec

Course Outline =ntelligence )oti0ation and Emotion Ce0elo1ment Personality .O ! &## - "H&.$#4I3I.4 %idterm E)am C:3@ a9m9 "o 10:3@ a9m9 In !lass /!h,ts9 D-121 .O ! &## < F& <ealth and %tress Psychological Cisorders Psychological Treatments %ocial Psychology %ocial Psyc :cont;H E5am &e0iew T/ /0ailable =n Class O F / E'E&$ Ch1t. $+ Ch1t. $E Ch1t. $, Ch1t. $( Ch1t. Ch1t $" Ch1t.$$ Ch1t. $.

"inal exam will #e held during the formally scheduled exam period $ecem#er, %&'(, and will co er )hapters '(-'* inclusi e .ote: "his schedule is meant to *e a guide only and may *e su*=ect to change9 &ny changes 0ill *e announced in class9

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