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3.4. Pronoun
3.4.1. Personal pronouns The nominative case of the personal pronouns There are 8 personal pronouns in Romanian: 1st pers 2nd pers 3rd pers masculine feminine st 1 pers 2nd pers 3rd pers masculine feminine eu tu el ea noi voi ei ele



The pronouns eu, el, ea, noi, ei, ele correspond to I, he, she, we, they, but also to me, him, her, us, them, when used as nominals within the predicate: Eu sunt! Its me! The personal pronouns in the nominative case are not frequently used with the verbal forms in Romanian, since the person and number are indicated by the verbal form itself. The pronoun is used mainly to point out an opposition or to lay special emphasis on the subject: Sunt student. I am a student. Eu sunt profesoara, ea e o student! I am the professor, she is a student! The accusative case of the personal pronouns Full and clitic forms of the accusative Personal pronouns have two sets of forms in the accusative. There is a series of stressed (full) forms, and a series of unstressed (clitic) forms: nominative singular 1st 2nd 3rd m. 3rd f. 1st 2nd 3rd m. 3rd f. eu tu el ea noi voi ei ele accusative stressed (full) unstressed (clitic) (pe) mine m; -m, m-, m-, -m(pe) tine te; -te, te-, -te(pe) el l; -l, l-, -l(pe) ea o; -o, o-, -o(pe) noi ne; -ne, ne-, -ne(pe) voi v; -v, v-, v-, -v(pe) ei i; -i, i-, -i(pe) ele le; -le, le-, -le-


The stressed forms of the personal pronouns in the accusative are always preceded by a preposition, such as: pe on, la at, cu with, pe la at, in, pentru for, lng next to, fr without, dect as, like, than, ca as, like, than, etc. The preposition pe is used both as a morphological marker without lexical meaning (indicating the direct object), and as a preposition with the lexical meaning 'on': Te iubesc pe tine. I love you. (preposition pe without lexical meaning, marker of the direct object) Am fost ieri la tine. I was at your place yesterday.


Are ceva pentru mine. He / she has something for me. Ei au venit mai devreme dect noi. They came earlier than we did. Ea locuiete cu el. She lives with him. The unstressed forms of the personal pronouns in the accusative always accompany a verb. They can precede a verb, or be preceded by the verb: l atepi tu pe Andrei la gar? Will you meet Andrei at the railroad station? Ateapt-l tu pe Andrei la gar, te rog! Please, meet Andrei at the railroad station! (after the imperative affirmative of the pronominal verb) The forms beginning with - (l, i) occur as separate words: l anuni tu c sptmna viitoare avem test? Will you tell him that we'll have a test next week? i anuni tu c avem test sptmna viitoare? Will you tell them that we'll have a test next week? The short equivalent forms without - (with the - elided) are always attached to a verbal form beginning or ending in a vowel: I-ai anunat de test? Did you tell them about the test? (i + ai i-ai) Anun-l tu de test, te rog! Tell him about the test, please! (after the imperative ending in the vowel -: anun + l anun-l) The unstressed personal pronouns combine with verbs in different moods, tenses and persons in different ways. The basic combinations with the present indicative, compound perfect indicative, future 1 indicative and present subjunctive will be presented in this chapter ( Other possible combinations will be indicated within the sections that present different verbal moods and tenses, at Chapter 4. The personal pronoun used as a direct object When the personal pronoun is a direct object and a substitute for nouns that do not designate human beings, the unstressed forms of the 3rd person are used: Punem dicionarul aici. We put the dictionary here. l punem aici. We put it here. Punem cartea pe mas. We put the book here. O punem pe mas. We put it here. Am auzit un zgomot. We heard a noise. L-am auzit. We heard it. Vom citi o poezie romneasc. We'll read a Romanian poem. O vom citi. We'll read it. When being a direct object and a substitute for nouns that designate human beings, the unstressed forms of the personal pronoun in all persons can be used, alone or accompanied by the equivalent full form : M atepi? M atepi pe mine? Will you wait for me ? M atepi pe mine ? Te ascult. Te ascult pe tine. I'm listening to you. l / o iubesc. l iubesc pe el. / O iubesc pe ea. I love him / her. Ne ateptai? Ne ateptai pe noi? Will you wait for us ? V ateptm. V ateptm pe voi. We will wait for you. i / le ateptm. i ateptm pe ei. Le ateptm pe ele. We are waiting for them (masc. / fem.) The stressed forms are used either independentely, in isolated constructions, or for emphasis. When used as direct objects designating human beings, the stressed forms of the personal pronoun in the accusative are preceded by the preposition pe (the preposition pe in this structure does not have lexical meaning, but only the function of a grammatical marker of the accusative case of people), and are used together with the corresponding unstressed forms: Te iubesc pe tine. I love you (I don't love someone else). Pe mine ? (Do you love) me ? Da, pe tine ! Yes, (I love) you !


In other words, in such structures the unstressed forms of the personal pronoun are required, while the presence of the stressed forms is optional. The dative case of the personal pronouns Full and clitic forms of the dative Like for the accusative, the personal pronoun has two sets of forms in the dative : stressed (full) forms and unstressed (clitic) forms. nom. sing. 1st 2nd 3rd m. 3rd f. 1st 2nd 3rd m. 3rd f. eu tu el ea noi voi ei ele accusative stressed unstressed pe mine m pe tine te pe el l pe ea o pe noi ne pe voi v pe ei i pe ele le stressed mie ie lui ei nou vou lor dative unstressed mi, mi, -mi, mi-, -mii, -i, i-, -ii, -i, i-, -ine, -ne, ne-, ni, -niv, -v, v-, vi, -vile, -le, le-; li, -li-


in the 3rd person singular there are two stressed dative forms, one for masculine (lui) and one for feminine (ei); the unstressed forms are identical (i, -i-) in the 3rd person plural there is no gender opposition

The unstressed forms of the personal pronouns in the dative, like those in the accusative, always accompany a verb: mi aduce Dan cartea. Dan is bringing me the book. Mi-ai adus cartea? Have you brought me the book? mi va aduce Dan cartea. Dan will bring me the book. The unstressed personal pronouns combine with verbs in different moods, tenses and persons in different ways. The basic combinations with the present indicative, compound perfect indicative, future 1 indicative and present subjunctive will be presented in this chapter ( Other possible combinations will be introduced within the sections that present different verbal moods and tenses, at Chapter 4. The forms beginning with - (mi, i, i) occur as separate words: mi explici despre ce este vorba? Can you explain to me what all this is about? The short equivalent forms without - (with the - elided) are always attached to another word that begins or ends in a vowel: Mi-a explicat despre ce este vorba. He explained to me what all this was about. The forms ni (1st pers. pl.), vi (2nd pers. pl.) and li (3rd pers. pl.) are used in certain combinations with other unstressed personal pronouns in the accusative: ne + i (3rd pers. pl. masc.) ni-i; v + le (3rd pers. pl. fem.) vi le; le + l (3rd pers. sing. masc.) li-l. The personal pronoun used as an indirect object Generally, in order to express the indirect object, the unstressed forms of the personal pronoun in the dative are used :


mi spui adevrul ? Are you telling me the truth ? i dau o carte bun. I'm giving you a good book. The stressed forms of the personal pronouns in the dative are used independently, in isolated constructions, or as a repetitive element, for emphasis: mi aduce Dan cartea. Dan is bringing me the book. ie? To you? mi aduce cartea mie, nu ie! He's bringing the book to me, not to you ! When the stressed forms of the personal pronouns in the dative are used, the double expression of the indirect object (i.e. using the correlative unstressed form in the same sentence) is required: V explic vou despre ce este vorba, ei tiu deja. I'm explaininig to you what all this is about, they already know. Le-ai spus i lor unde mergem mine? Have you also told them where we are going tomorrow? As for the direct object, in structures with the indirect object the unstressed forms of the personal pronoun are required, while the presence of the stressed forms is optional. Basic patterns of combining personal pronouns in the accusative / dative with verbs The short forms of the pronouns have a fixed position when combining with the verbs in different tenses. The long forms can be used in different positions. With the verb in the present indicative In the present indicative, the unstressed forms of the personal pronouns always precede the verb, while the stressed forms usually come after the verb or may precede the verb ("affected" or stylistically significant order). When the direct object is a noun designating a person, the verb is always preceded by the unstressed form of the pronoun. In negated forms, the particle nu precedes the pronoun in the accusative. The elision of the initial vowel in the unstressed forms of the pronoun after the negation nu, or of the vowel -u in the negation nu before the feminine pronoun o is not required, but it is very common in actual speech. The basic patterns of combining accusative and dative pronouns with verbs in the present indicative are : affirmative negative M ascult (pe mine) i mi (i-mi) rspunde Nu m ascult (pe mine) i nu mi (nu-mi) rspunde (mie). He is not listening to me and he is (mie). He is listening to me and answering to me.
not answering to me.

Te ascult (pe tine) i i (i-i) rspunde (ie). l ascult (pe el) i i (i-i) rspunde (lui). O ascult (pe ea) i i (i-i) rspunde (ei). Ne ascult (pe noi) i ne rspunde (nou). V ascult (pe voi) i v rspunde (vou). i ascult (pe ei) i le rspunde (lor). Le ascult (pe ele) i le rspunde (lor).

Nu te ascult (pe tine) i nu i (nu-i) rspunde (ie). Nu l (nu-l) ascult (pe el) i nu i (nu-i) rspunde (lui). Nu o (n-o) ascult (pe ea) i nu i (nu-i) rspunde (ei). Nu ne ascult (pe noi) i nu ne rspunde (nou). Nu v ascult (pe voi) i nu v rspunde (vou). Nu i (nu-i) ascult (pe ei) i nu le rspunde (lor). Nu le ascult (pe ele) i nu le rspunde (lor).

The same patterns are used with verbs in the imperfect, simple perfect and pluperfect indicative.

59 With the verb in the compound perfect In the compound perfect of the indicative, the unstressed forms precede the auxiliary. When combining the unstressed forms of the pronoun and the auxiliary a avea that forms the compound perfect, the elision / synaeresisis and hyphenation are required: m + a m-a, te + a te-a, l + am l-am, le + am le-am, etc. The unstressed form of the 3rd person singular feminine o comes after the verb. The stressed forms usually come after the verb (the "logical" order) or may precede the verb ("affected" or stylistically significant order). When the direct object is a noun designating a person, the verb is always preceded by the unstressed form of the pronoun. In negated forms the negation precedes the unstressed form of the pronoun. When the pronoun is the feminine o, that comes after the verb, the negation precedes the auxiliary, in which case the elision of the vowel u in nu may occur. The possible combinations of the unstressed personal pronouns with the auxiliary a avea in the compound perfect are: accusative am ai a am ai au dative am ai a am ai au mi mi-am mi-ai mi-a mi-ai mi-au i i-am i-ai i-a i-am i-au i-am i-ai i-a i-am i-ai i-au i ne ne-ai ne-a ne-am ne-ai ne-au v v-am v-a v-am v-ai v-au le le-am le-ai le-a le-am le-ai le-au m m-am m-ai m-a m-ai m-au te te-am te-ai te-a te-am te-au l l-am l-ai l-a l-am l-ai l-au o the form o comes after the verb ne ne-ai ne-a ne-am ne-ai ne-au v v-am v-a v-am v-ai v-au i i-am i-ai i-a i-am i-ai i-au le le-am le-ai le-a le-am le-ai le-au

The basic patterns of combining accusative and dative pronouns with verbs in the compound perfect indicative are : affirmative negative M-a ascultat (pe mine) i mi-a rspuns (mie). Nu m-a ascultat (pe mine) i nu mi-a rspuns He listened to me and answered me. (mie). He did not listen to me and did not answer me. Te-a ascultat (pe tine) i i-a rspuns (ie). Nu te-a ascultat (pe tine) i nu i-a rspuns (ie). L-a ascultat (pe el) i i-a rspuns (lui). Nu l-a ascultat (pe el) i nu i-a rspuns (lui). A ascultat-o (pe ea) i i-a rspuns (ei). Nu a (n-a) ascultat-o (pe ea) i nu i-a rspuns (ei). Ne-a ascultat (pe noi) i ne-a rspuns (nou). Nu ne-a ascultat (pe noi) i nu ne-a rspuns (nou). V-a ascultat (pe voi) i v-a rspuns (vou). Nu v-a ascultat (pe voi) i nu v-a rspuns (vou). I-a ascultat (pe ei) i le-a rspuns (lor). Nu i-a ascultat (pe ei) i nu le-a rspuns (lor). Le-a ascultat (pe ele) i le-a rspuns (lor). Nu le-a ascultat (pe ele) i nu le-a rspuns (lor).


The same patterns are used with the verbs in the optative-conditional and presumptive moods. With the verb in the future 1 indicative In the future 1 of the indicative the unstressed forms always precede the auxiliary, while the stressed forms usually come after the verb (the "logical" order) or may precede the verb ("affected" or stylistically significant order). When the direct object is a noun designating a person, the verb is always preceded by the unstressed form of the pronoun. With negated forms, the rules for the present tense should be followed. The basic patterns of combining accusative and dative pronouns with verbs in the future 1 indicative are : affirmative negative M va asculta (pe mine) i mi (i-mi) va Nu m va asculta (pe mine) i nu mi (nu-mi) rspunde (mie). He will listen to me and will answer va rspunde (mie). He will not listen to me and will
me. not answer me.

Te va asculta (pe tine) i i (i-i) va rspunde (ie). l va asculta (pe el) i i (i-i) va rspunde (lui). O va asculta (pe ea) i i (i-i) va rspunde (ei). Ne va asculta (pe noi) i ne va rspunde (nou). V va asculta (pe voi) i v va rspunde (vou). i va asculta (pe ei) i le va rspunde (lor). Le va asculta (pe ele) i le va rspunde (lor).

Nu te va asculta (pe tine) i nu i (nu-i) va rspunde (ie). Nu l (nu-l) va asculta (pe el) i nu i (nu-I) va rspunde (lui). Nu o (n-o) va asculta (pe ea) i nu i (nu-I) va rspunde (ei). Nu ne va asculta (pe noi) i nu ne va rspunde (nou). Nu v va asculta (pe voi) i nu v va rspunde (vou). Nu i (nu-i) va asculta (pe ei) i nu le va rspunde (lor). Nu le va asculta (pe ele) i nu le va rspunde (lor).

The same patterns are used with verbs in the future perfect and future in the past indicative. With the verb in the present subjunctive In the present subjunctive the unstressed forms of the personal pronouns are inserted between the structural element s and the actual verb, while the stressed forms usually come after the verb or may precede the verb ("affected" or stylistically significant order). In negated forms, the particle nu precedes the pronoun in the accusative or dative. The elision of the initial vowel in the unstressed forms of the pronoun after the negation nu or of the u vowel in the negation nu before the feminine pronoun o, is not required, but it is very common in actual speech. The basic patterns of combining accusative and dative pronouns with verbs in the present subjunctive are : affirmative negative Vreau s m asculte (pe mine) i s mi (s- Vreau s nu m asculte (pe mine) i s nu mi mi) rspund (mie). I want him / her to listen to me (nu-mi) rspund (mie). I want him / her not to
and to answer me. listen to me and not to answer me.

Vreau s te asculte (pe tine) i s i (s-i) rspund (ie). Vreau s l asculte (pe el) i s i (s-i) rspund (lui).

Vreau s nu te asculte (pe tine) i s nu i (nu-i) rspund (ie). Vreau s nu l (nu-l) asculte (pe el) i s nu i (nu-i) rspund (lui).


Vreau s o (s-o) asculte (pe ea) i s i (s-i) rspund (ei). Vreau s ne asculte (pe noi) i s ne rspund (nou). Vreau s v asculte (pe voi) i s v rspund (vou). Vreau s i (s-i) asculte (pe ei) i s le rspund (lor). Vreau s le asculte (pe ele) i s le rspund (lor).

Vreau s nu o (n-o) asculte (pe ea) i s nu i (nu-i) rspund (ei). Vreau s nu ne asculte (pe noi) i s nu ne rspund (nou). Vreau s nu v asculte (pe voi) i s nu v rspund (vou). Vreau s nu i (nu-i) asculte (pe ei) i s nu le rspund (lor). Vreau s nu le asculte (pe ele) i s nu le rspund (lor).

The same patterns are used with the past subjunctive and with other verbal tenses based on the subjunctive (future 2 and 3 indicative). Differentiating the accusative and the dative unstressed personal pronouns When the unstressed pronouns in the accusative or in the dative are identical, the nature of the verb (more precisely its transitivity / non-transitivity) and the context clarify the meaning and eliminate the ambiguity: le direct obj., accus. of ele indirect obj., dat. of ei indirect obj., dat. of ele i direct obj., accus. of ei Le atept la aeroport. (pe cine? pe Adina i Ioana) I will pick them up at
the airport. (whom ? Adina and Ioana)

Le dau nite cri n romn. (cui? lui Dan i lui Ion) I will give them
some Romanian books ( to whom? to Dan and Ion)

Le dau nite cri. (cui? Adinei i Ioanei) I will give them some Romanian
books ( to whom? to Adina and Ioana)

i atept la aeroport. (pe cine ? pe Dan i pe Ion) I will pick them up at the
airport. (whom ? Dan and Ion)

indirect obj., dat. of el indirect obj., dat. of ea ne direct obj., accus. of noi v indirect obj., dat. of noi direct obj., accus. of voi indirect obj., dat. of voi

i cumpr o carte. (cui? lui Ion) I will buy him a book. (to whom? to Ion) i cumpr o carte.( cui? Oanei) I will buy her a book. (to whom? to Oana) Ne ateapt acas. (pe cine? pe noi) They are waiting for us at home.
(whom? us )

Ne cumpr bilete. (cui? nou) They are buying us tickets. (to whom? to us) V ateapt acas. (pe cine? pe voi) They are waiting for you at home. (for
whom? for you)

V cumpr bilete. (cui?vou) They are buying you tickets. (to whom? to
you) Verbal constructions with personal pronouns in the accusative and dative Certain fixed verbal constructions with personal pronouns in the accusative or in the dative are very frequent. They generally indicate physicak condition or emotional states of being, such as hunger, thirst, cold, pain, itchiness, shame, etc. The constructions with the dative are impersonal. The most common such fixed structures are : With the accusative - pe cine doare ce indicates pain: Ce te doare? pe mine m doare ce Pe mine m doare capul. I have a headache. - pe cine ustur ce indicates burning sensation: Ce te ustur? pe mine m ustur ce M ustur ochii. My eyes are burning.


- pe cine mnnc ce indicates itchy sensation : Ce te mnnc? pe mine m mnnc ce M mnnc pielea. My skin is itchy. With the dative - cui i place ce, de cine, unde to like: Ce i place ? What do you like? De cine i place? Whom do you like ? Unde i place ? Where do you like to be ? mi place mult romanul acesta. I like this novel very much. mi place de el. I like him. mi place n Romnia. I like to be in Romania. - cui i e dor de cine, de ce to miss: De cine i-e dor? Who do you miss ? De ce i-e dor? What do you miss ? Mi-e dor de prietena mea. I miss my friend. Ei i este dor de cas. She is homesick. Copiilor le e dor de iarn. The kids miss winter. - cui i e poft de ce to be hungry for: De ce i-e poft? What would you like to eat? Mi-e poft de mncare romneasc. I am hungry for some Romanian food. - cui i e team / fric de cine, de ce to be afraid, to be scared of: De cine i-e team? Who are you afraid of? De ce i-e fric? What are you afraid of ? Mi-e team de acest examen. I'm afraid of this exam. Mi-e fric de tine. I am afraid of you. You scare me. cui i e ruine de cine, de ce to be ashamed of, to be shy: De cine i-e ruine? Who are you ashamed of ? De ce i-e ruine? What are you ashamed of? Mi-e ruine de ce am fcut. I'm ashamed of what I did. Mi-e ruine de el. I feel shy in front of him. cui i pare bine de ce to be glad, to be happy with, of: De ce i pare bine? What are you glad of? mi pare bine de cunotin. Glad to meet you. cui i pare ru de to be sorry about, of: De ce i pare ru? What are you sorry about? mi pare ru de cele ntmplate. I'm sorry about that. cui i e bine / ru to feel good / bad: Cum i e? How do you feel? Mie nu prea mi-e bine. I don't feel that good. cui i e foame / sete / somn / frig / cald to be hungry / thirsty / sleepy / cold / hot: i-e foame / sete / somn / frig / cald? Mi-e foame. Vreau ceva de mncare. I'm hungry. I want something to eat. Asear mi-a fost foarte sete. I was very thirsty last night. Nu mai pot lucra, mi-e foarte somn. I can't work, I am very sleepy. Clima aici este capricioas: acuma ne e cald, peste zece minute ne e frig The climate here is "moody": now we
feel hot, ten minutes later we are cold Combinations of double personal pronouns (dative and accusative) with verbs When the same verb takes both a direct and indirect object, expressed both of them by unstressed forms of the personal pronoun, the two unstressed forms combine in a specific way and suffer certain phonetic and graphic


changes. As a rule, the pronouns precede the verbal form. Within the group of two unstressed pronouns, the dative is on the first position. Below are the combinations of all the indirect objects and the direct objects in the 3rd person with the basic tenses of the indicative mood, as well as with the present subjunctive. The combinations with other tenses and moods are presented in Chapter 4, within each section describing how to form other tenses and other moods. With the present, compound perfect and future 1 indicative The verb used in all the examples below is a trimite to send, since it accepts both a direct object (ce what) and an indirect one (cui to whom). The substituted nouns used as direct objects of three genders are : trandafir rose (m.), garoaf carnation (f.) and pachet package (n.). The adverbs of circumstancials are astzi today, ieri yesterday and mine tomorrow: indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) mi trimite trandafirul astzi. Mi-l trimite astzi. mi trimite pachetul astzi. Mi-l trimite astzi. Mi-a trimis trandafirul ieri. Mi l-a trimis ieri. Mi-a trimis pachetul ieri. Mi l-a trimis ieri. mi va trimite trandafirul mine. Mi-l va trimite mine. mi va trimite pachetul mine. Mi-l va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object fem. sing. (o) mi trimite garoafa astzi. Mi-o trimite astzi. Mi-a trimis garoafa ieri. Mi-a trimis-o ieri. mi va trimite garoafa mine. Mi-o va trimite mine

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object masc. pl. (i) mi trimite trandafirii astzi. Mi-i trimite astzi. Mi-a trimis trandafirii ieri. Mi i-a trimis ieri. mi va trimite trandafirii mine. Mi-i va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object fem. / neuter pl. (le) present : mi trimite garoafele astzi. Mi le trimite astzi. mi trimite pachetele astzi. Mi le trimite astzi. comp. perf. : Mi-a trimis garoafele ieri. Mi le-a trimis ieri. Mi-a trimis pachetele ieri. Mi le-a trimis ieri. future : mi va trimite garoafele mine. Mi le va trimite mine. mi va trimite pachetele mine. Mi le va trimite mine. indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) i trimite trandafirul astzi. i-l trimite astzi. i trimite pachetul astzi. i-l trimite astzi. i-a trimis trandafirul ieri. i l-a trimis ieri. i-a trimis pachetul ieri. i l-a trimis ieri. i va trimite trandafirul mine. i-l va trimite mine. i va trimite pachetul mine. i-l va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :


indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object fem. sing. (o) i trimite garoafa astzi. i-o trimite astzi. i-a trimis garoafa ieri. i-a trimis-o ieri. i va trimite garoafa mine. i-o va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object masc. pl. (i) i trimite trandafirii astzi. i-i trimite astzi. i-a trimis trandafirii ieri. i i-a trimis ieri. i va trimite trandafirii mine. i-i va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object fem. /neuter pl. (le) i trimite garoafele astzi. i le trimite astzi. i trimite pachetele astzi. i le trimite astzi. i-a trimis garoafele ieri. i le-a trimis ieri. i-a trimis pachetele ieri. i le-a trimis ieri. i va trimite garoafele mine. i le va trimite mine. i va trimite pachetele mine. i le va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) i trimite trandafirul astzi. I-l trimite astzi. i trimite pachetul astzi. I-l trimite astzi. I-a trimis trandafirul ieri. I l-a trimis ieri. I-a trimis pachetul ieri. I l-a trimis ieri. i va trimite trandafirul mine. I-l va trimite mine. i va trimite pachetul mine. I-l va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object fem. sing. (o) i trimite garoafa astzi. I-o trimite astzi. I-a trimis garoafa ieri. I-a trimis-o ieri. i va trimite garoafa mine. I-o va trimite mine

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object masc. pl. (i) i trimite trandafirii astzi. I-i trimite astzi. I-a trimis trandafirii ieri. I i-a trimis ieri. i va trimite trandafirii mine. I-i va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object fem. / neuter pl. (le) i trimite garoafele astzi. I le trimite astzi. i trimite pachetele astzi. I le trimite astzi. I-a trimis garoafele ieri. I le-a trimis ieri. I-a trimis pachetele ieri. I le-a trimis ieri. i va trimite garoafele mine. I le va trimite mine. i va trimite pachetele mine. I le va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :


indirect object 1st pers. pl. (ne) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) Ne trimite trandafirul astzi. Ni-l trimite astzi. Ne trimite pachetul astzi. Ni-l trimite astzi. Ne-a trimis trandafirul ieri. Ni l-a trimis ieri. Ne-a trimis pachetul ieri. Ni l-a trimis ieri. Ne va trimite trandafirul mine. Ni-l va trimite mine. Ne va trimite pachetul mine. Ni-l va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 1st pers. pl. (ne) + direct object fem. sing. (o) Ne trimite garoafa astzi. Ne-o trimite astzi. Ne-a trimis garoafa ieri. Ne-a trimis-o ieri. Ne va trimite garoafa mine. Ne-o va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 1st pers. pl. (ne) + direct object masc. pl. (i) Ne trimite trandafirii astzi. Ni-i trimite astzi. Ne-a trimis trandafirii ieri. Ni i-a trimis ieri. Ne va trimite trandafirii mine. Ni-i va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 1st pers. pl. (ne) + direct object fem. /neuter pl. (le) Ne trimite garoafele astzi. Ni le trimite astzi. Ne trimite pachetele astzi. Ni le trimite astzi. Ne-a trimis garoafele ieri. Ni le-a trimis ieri. Ne-a trimis pachetele ieri. Ni le-a trimis ieri. Ne va trimite garoafele mine. Ni le va trimite mine. Ne va trimite pachetele mine. Ni le va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 2nd pers. pl. (v) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) V trimite trandafirul astzi. Vi-l trimite astzi. V trimite pachetul astzi. Vi-l trimite astzi. V-a trimis trandafirul ieri. Vi l-a trimis ieri. V-a trimis pachetul ieri. Vi l-a trimis ieri. V va trimite trandafirul mine. Vi-l va trimite mine. V va trimite pachetul mine. Vi-l va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 2nd pers. pl. (v) + direct object fem. sing. (o) V trimite garoafa astzi. V-o trimite astzi. V-a trimis garoafa ieri. V-a trimis-o ieri. V va trimite garoafa mine. V-o va trimite mine

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 2nd pers. pl. (v) + direct object masc. pl. (i) V trimite trandafirii astzi. Vi-i trimite astzi. V-a trimis trandafirii ieri. Vi i-a trimis ieri. V va trimite trandafirii mine. Vi-i va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :


indirect object 2nd pers. pl. (v) + direct object fem. / neuter pl. (le) V trimite garoafele astzi. Vi le trimite astzi. V trimite pachetele astzi. Vi le trimite astzi. V-a trimis garoafele ieri. Vi le-a trimis ieri. V-a trimis pachetele ieri. Vi le-a trimis ieri. V va trimite garoafele mine. Vi le va trimite mine. V va trimite pachetele mine. Vi le va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. pl., masc. and fem. (le) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) Le trimite trandafirul astzi. Li-l trimite astzi. Le trimite pachetul astzi. Li-l trimite astzi. Le-a trimis trandafirul ieri. Li l-a trimis ieri. Le-a trimis pachetul ieri. Li l-a trimis ieri. Le va trimite trandafirul mine. Li-l va trimite mine. Le va trimite pachetul mine. Li-l va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. pl., masc. and fem. (le) + direct object fem. sing. (o) Le trimite garoafa astzi. Le-o trimite astzi. Le-a trimis garoafa ieri. Le-a trimis-o ieri. Le va trimite garoafa mine. Le-o va trimite mine

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. pl., masc. and fem. (le) + direct object masc. pl. (i) Le trimite trandafirii astzi. Li-i trimite astzi. Le-a trimis trandafirii ieri. Li i-a trimis ieri. Le va trimite trandafirii mine. Li-i va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future :

indirect object 3rd pers. pl., masc. and fem. (le) + direct object fem. / neuter pl. (le) Le trimite garoafele astzi. Li le trimite astzi. Le trimite pachetele astzi. Li le trimite astzi. Le-a trimis garoafele ieri. Li le-a trimis ieri. Le-a trimis pachetele ieri. Li le-a trimis ieri. Le va trimite garoafele mine. Li le va trimite mine. Le va trimite pachetele mine. Li le va trimite mine.

present : comp. perf. : future : With the present subjunctive The same combinations of the indirect objects and the direct objects in the 3rd person can be used with the subjunctive. The combined pronouns will be placed between the structural element s and the actual verbal form: indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) Vreau s mi / s-mi trimit trandafirul / pachetul astzi. Vreau s mi-l trimit astzi.


indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object fem. sing. (o) Vreau s mi / s-mi trimit garoafa astzi. Vreau s mi-o trimit astzi.

indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object masc. pl. (i) Vreau s mi / s-mi trimit trandafirii astzi. Vreau s mi-i trimit astzi.

indirect object 1st pers. sing. (mi) + direct object fem. / neuter pl. (le) Vreau s mi / s-mi trimit garoafele / pachetele astzi. Vreau s mi le trimit astzi.

indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) Vreau s i / s-i trimit trandafirul / pachetul astzi.Vreau s i-l trimit astzi.

indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object fem. sing. (o) Vreau s i / s-i trimit garoafa astzi. Vreau s i-o trimit astzi.

indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object masc. pl. (i) Vreau s i / s-i trimit trandafirii astzi. Vreau s i-i trimit astzi.

indirect object 2nd pers. sing. (i) + direct object fem. /neuter pl. (le) Vreau s i trimit garoafele / pachetele astzi. Vreau s i lea trimit astzi.

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) Vreau s i / s-i trimit trandafirul / pachetul astzi. Vreau s i-l trimit astzi.

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object fem. sing. (o) Vreau s i / s-i trimit garoafa astzi. Vreau s i-o trimit astzi.

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object masc. pl. (i) Vreau s i / s-i trimit trandafirii astzi. Vreau s i-i trimit astzi.

indirect object 3rd pers. sing., masc. and fem. (i) + direct object fem. / neuter pl. (le) Vreau s i / s-i trimit garoafele / pachetele astzi. Vreau s i le trimit astzi.

indirect object 1st pers. pl. (ne) + direct object masc. / neuter sing. (l) Vreau s ne trimit trandafirul / pachetul astzi. Vreau s ni-l trimit astzi.

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