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Spyder Ryder of America Sacramento Chapter Meeting Minutes November 19, 2013

Attendees: Anita, Annette, Betty, Beverly, Bob, Dennis, Harold, Laurie, Lee, Lila, Mary R., Mary C., Mel, Nancy, Paula, Poppie, Raylene, Rhonda, Rob, Sharil, Sue, Tim, Tom, Tony, Trish, Walt. Warm Welcome New Members: Robert Williams, Rene and Barbara Barthel. (Not in attendance -Carol and Michael Talbot) Treasurers Report: Viewable via email sent to members. ****Thank Yous!!!!! *A very special Thank You goes out to Tim Robinson and the CHP for giving us an in depth look and tour of the CHP Academy, on October 24th. All were very impressed with the activities and requirements imposed on the cadets, as they go through their training. *Another very special Thank You goes out to Sue and Lee Oelke for opening their beautiful home to our chapter, for the Fall Feast Event, on November 2nd. Many helpful member hands made this a great success. Mo and Leslie for setting up the BBQ and food preparation, Mo, Leslie, Mel and Laurie for purchasing food and drinks etc. Sue and Lee for desserts and wine. Lila, Mary and Nancy for raffle gifts. (Hope I didnt forget anyone) * Thanksgiving Feed the Families Project* *Rhonda Reynolds headed up a team to coordinate providing dinners for two families in need. There are 7 members in each family. One family will receive turkey with all the trimmings, while the other a ham with trimmings. Additional thanks to Lila Cooke, Beverly Barber and Mel Dorman for making this happen. *A card and monetary Christmas gift was presented to our COCOs waitress, Jenna, who does a good job of taking care of us. ****Sue Hopper: Sue Hopper is known for her special art work on all types of bikes. She will be in the Sacramento area in March, and will be available to paint bikes at either Elk Grove Power Sports and/or Twin City Motorsports. There is a chance she may also be at Spyders in the Redwoods this summer. Additional information will be available earlier in the year. ****SRA Chapter News: Southern Utah has added a new SRA Chapter. There are now 19 chapters throughout the Nation. We certainly are a growing community. ****Elk Grove Power Sports: EGPS would like to get a bit more involved with SRA. They would open on a Sunday, provide donuts, coffee and lead the ride down thru the Delta. Date TBD ****Twin Cities Motor Sports Twin Cities hosted a customer appreciation BBQ and ride, Oct 25th. Donuts and coffee were provided before we headed to Sutter Buttes. We enjoyed the beauty Gray Lodge Wildlife Area while we munched on Subway sandwiches. We rode about 175 miles that day and were treated to a nice BBQ and raffle. We all enjoyed the day. Weather was perfect.

****Questions and Answers The floor was opened for questions pertaining to our bikes. Going forward, this forum will be a part of our general meeting. Annette brought up a good question about leaning on curves, for both driver and passenger. Poppie noted that her tires sometimes wobble after hitting a pot hole, and Tony inquired about an owner workshop. ****Group Riding Overview Anita reviewed proper and safe riding procedures when riding in a group. Staggered riding and the 2 second rule was discussed at length. Ride committee meeting will be planned in January 2014. ****GWRRA PLP Sacramento Capitol City Wings Chapter CA-C will be holding their quarterly PLP (Parking Lot Practice), 9:00 AM., January 18th. The chapter president, Bob Harris, graciously approved members of our chapter to participate. We will need to advise how many SRA Sacramento, members will be partaking. The PLP will be held at the Elks Lodge, 6446 Riverside Rd., Sacramento. A reminder will be sent out after the holidays *******SRA Calendar The SRA Calendar had been updated with the following upcoming events. Thunder Valley Santa Toy Run 11/23 Never Forget Our Fallen 11/30 CHPS for Kids 12/6 Christmas Light Ride 12/21

Complete details for these and other events can be found at: http://www.SRASACRAMENTO.COM **50/50 WINNER Sharil Ludingyon $62.50 Congratulations!! November and December Birthday Wishes. Betty Yerby Nov Roger Johnson Nov Tony Younger- Nov Trish Bales-Nov Amy Moore - Dec Bob Williams -Dec Donna Starr Dec Rob Charney-Dec


Best Wishes, Ride Safe

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