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Renal System NCLEX Questions. 1. A client with glomerulonephritis is at risk of developing acute renal failure.

The nurse monitors the client for which sign of this complication? a) bradycardia b) hypertension c) decreased cardiac output d) decreased central venous pressure 2. A nurse provides home care instructions to a client hospitalized for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Which statement by the client indicates a need for further instructions? a) I need to avoid strenuous activity for 4 to 6 weeks b) I need to maintain a daily intake of 6 to 8 glasses of water daily c) I need to avoid lifting items greater than 30 pounds d) I need to include prune juice in my diet 3. A nurse is caring for a client who has just returned to the nursing unit after an intravenous pyelogram (IVP). The nurse determines that which of the following is important in the postprocedure care of this client? a) encouraging increased intake of oral fluids b) ambulating the client in the hallway c) encouraging the client to try to avoid frequently d) maintaining the client on bedrest 4. A nurse has collected nutritional data from a client with a diagnosis of cystitis. The nurse determines that which beverage needs to be eliminated from the client's diet to minimize the recurrence of cystitis? a) fruit juice b) tea c) water d) lemonade 5. A client with pyelonephritis is being discharged from the hospital, and the nurse provides instructions to the client to prevent recurrence. The nurse determines that the cleint understands the information that was given if hte client states an intention to: a) increase fluids for 2 days if signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection develop b) take the prescribed antibiotics until all symptoms subside c) return to the physician's office for scheduled follow-up urine cultures d) decrease fluid intake if frequent urination occurs 6. A nurse is giving a client with polycystic kidney disease instructions in replacing elements lost in the urine as a result of impaired kidney function. The nurse instructs the client to increase intake of which of the following in the client? a) sodium and potassium b) sodium and water c) water and phosphorus d) calcium and phosphorus 7. A nurse has provided instructions to a female client with cystitis about measures to prevent recurrence. The nurse determines that the client needs further instruction if the client verbalizes to: a) take bubble baths for more effective hygiene b) wear underwater made of cotton or with cotton panels c) drink a glass of water and void after intercourse d) avoid wearing pantyhose while wearing socks 8. A nurse has provided instructions to a client with a nephrotostomy tube regarding home care after hospital discharge. The nurse determines that the client understands the instructions if the client verbalizes to drink approximately how many 8-ounce glasses of water per day? a) 2 b) 8 c) 16 d) 20 9. A client with nephrolithiasis arrives at a clinic for a follow-up visit. The

laboratory analysis of the stone that the client passed 1 week ago indicates that the stone is composed of calcium oxalate. The nurse tells the client to avoid consuming which food item? a) lentils b) strawberries c) lettuce d) pasta 10. A client diagnosed with cancer of the bladder has a nursing diagnosis of fear related to the uncertain outcome of upcoming cystectomy and urinary diversion. The nurse determines that this diagnosis is appropriate if the client makes which statement? a) I'm so afraid I won't live through all this b) what if I have no help at home after going through this awful surgery c) I'll never feel like myself once I can't go to the bathroom normally d) I wish I'd never gone to the doctor at all 11. A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client with nephrotic syndrome. The nurse documents that which important parameter needs to be assessed on a daily basis? a) total protein levels b) weight c) blood urea nitrogen (BUN) d) activity tolerance 12. A client with renal malignancy is admitted to the hospital for a diagnostic workup and probable surgery. During the admission assessment the nurse inquires about the presence of which common symptom related to this problem? a) flank pain and intermittent hematuria b) suprapubic pain and constant slight hematuria c) flank pain and foul-smelling urine d) abdominal pain and decreased urine output 13. A client has undergone urinary diversion after cystectomy for bladder cancer. The nurse assesses the urostomy stoma to ensure that it is: a) pale and pink b) pink and dry c) red and moist d) dusky to beefy colored 14. A nurse is caring for a client receiving hemodialysis who has an internal arteriovenous (AV) fistula. Which assessment finding would indicate to the nurse that the fistula is patent? a) white fibrin specks noted in the fistula b) palpation of a thrill over the site of the fistula c) lack of bruit over the site of the fistula d) a feeling of warmth at the site of the fistula 15. A nurse is caring for a client following a cystoscopy. Which assessment finding requires physician notification? a) bladder spasm b) complaints of fullness and burning in the bladder c) clots in the urine d) back pain

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