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Major legal systems today

The major legal systems are in the world today: civil, common and religious law; however each country has own varied system. Civil law is frequent all over the world, but comes from European continent. t is built on ancient !oman law and medieval canon law. The main source of law is codification in constitutional or statute passed by legislature. Common law and Equity originate from England and was inherited by Commonwealth of "ations countries. #ain difference to codified law systems is doctrine of stare decisis or precedent by court. n some religions, law can be thought of as the ordering principle of reality; $nowledge as revealed by a %od defining and governing all human affairs. n this concept, law also covers codes of ethic and morality. &haria, 'ala$ha, 'indu or Canon law falls into this class. (nited )ingdom of %reat *ritain and "orthern reland is, in difference to (&+, constitutional and unitary monarchy. t is governed by two chambers ,estminster -arliament, which sit separately. 'ouse of Commons is elected body; 'ouse of .ords are mainly appointed members, replacing older hereditary peers. 'ead of government is prime minister, who is usually the current leader of the largest political party in 'ouse of Commons, now it is %ordon *rown, leader of the .abour party. There is no written constitution, but constitutional law consists of statute law, common law and constitutional conventions. /pposite to that, (&+ has written constitution, the oldest lively constitution in the world. t defines the three main branches of government and specifies theirs duties: a legislature, the bicameral Congress; an e0ecutive branch led by the -resident; and a judiciary branch headed by the &upreme Court. (&+ a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district.

Legislative procedure and outcome

Creation of law in () is lengthy and amenable process. The major part of *ritish legal system is created by primary and secondary legislation. The primary legislation, i.e. +cts and statutes, are drafted as *ills in -arliament. There are many reasons of approving new +ct, e.g. amendment of e0isting legislation, ensuring national law compliance with nternational or E( law, consolidation of law, codifying of case law, etc. -arliament has a power to enact any law as well as repeal obsolete law. 1elegated legislation, i.e. statutory instruments, bye2laws and professional regulations, has inferior legal power, and have not be contrary to acts. +ll acts must be submitted to both 'ouses of -arliament. The legislative process involves three readings in both 'ouses. #embers of -arliament can lodge own proposals at the second reading. Then a standing committee scrutinise a provisions to ensure that *ill enshrines the principles debated and approved at the second reading. +t the third reading, the *ill is re2presented. The same procedure is repeated in upper house. The 1raft of legislation is underta$en by -arliamentary Counsel. !oyal +ssent from monarch is the last conditions of legal effect of new law.

Common law

.egal system in *ritain and in *ritish former colonies is based on common law. There are law differences between common and Continental code law. The code precedes judgements, the common law follow them. The code is written, the common law is inarticulated and e0pressed in judgements. +lthough legislation may override judicial decisions, the legislation itself is subject to interpretation in courts. +ccording to principle of binding precedent, the decision of the higher court is binding on a lover court. 'igher courts may also consider the lower court3s decision, but they do not have to follow it. f there is not constituted binding precedents, judge may set the new precedent, which can be cited in future cases. !atio 1ecidendi is a latin phrase which refers to the legal, moral, political, and social principles used by a court to compose the rationale of a particular judgment. Through the doctrine of stare decisis, ratio decidendi is general rule. Contrary to that the obiter dictum has only persuasive authority and include, but are not limited to, words 4introduced by way of illustration, or analogy or argument.5 There is essential e0istence of a comprehensive system of reporting cases in common law system. The .aw !eports, published annually by Council of .aw !eporting, are the most authoritative and frequently cited set of reports.

The court system

Today the concept of providing justice is reflected in the structure of judiciary. t is a branch of government responsible for interpreting the laws and administrating the justice. The major aim of judiciary is determine what e0actly happened in a case. #atters of facts are decided by lower or first2tier courts and upper courts normally deal with points of law. Criminal and civil case has own judiciary, i.e. hierarchy of courts. The simple civil actions are usually heard in #agistrates3 or County Courts. #andatory appellate instances are The 'igh Court of 6ustice or Civil 1ivision of The Court of +ppeal. n civil actions are juries rare, so normally a stipendiary magistrate or three lay magistrates consider both law and facts. 1iscretionary review is possible when appellant apply for leave to appeal to The 'ouse of .ords. 1ecisions of this Court are binding on all other courts but not necessarily on itself. -etit crimes are tried on #agistrates3 Courts. &ometimes court may commit an accused person to the Crown court for more severe punishment, where maters of fact are decided by jury. #inors, e0cept for some specified cases, must be always tried summarily without jury, by a 7outh Court. ndictable offences are reserved for a trial in Crown Court. +ppeal against conviction lies to Criminal 1ivision of the Court of +ppeal. f leave to appeal is granted by that court, cases may go on appeal to the 'ouse of .ords.

The system of tri unal in !"

Tribunal are an important part of () justice system, handling more case each year then ordinary civil courts. They are set up +cts of -arliament and are independent of the E0ecutive. They decide the rights and obligations of private citi8ens towards each other and towards a government department or public authority. The tribunal system in () is part of national system of administrative justice classed as no2departmental public bodies. 1ecisions of Tribunal are subject to judicial review by a higher court. n 9::; the Tribunal &ervice was created serving as e0ecutive agency to manage and administer tribunals. There are many different types of tribunals in (), e.g. &ocial &ecurity +ppeal Tribunal, Employment Tribunal, #ental 'ealth !eview Tribunal, .ands Tribunal, etc.

$olicitor profession

/ne of the legal professions in () is also solicitor. &olicitors, i.e. first touch lawyers, underta$e wor$ such as conveyancing, drawing up contracts, giving a written advice, drafting legal documents or wills. (nli$e barristers, they do not have a right of audience in higher courts. 'owever they can usually be employed direct by client and can instruct the barrister. &olicitors normally form partnerships with other solicitors and wor$ in offices with support staff. The qualification and practice of solicitors are regulated the .aw &ociety, which also provide legal aid to indigent clients.

Legal profession of


*arristers speciali8e in arguing cases in front of a judge and have a right of audience even in the highest courts. They are not paid directly by clients, but are employed by solicitors. (nli$e solicitors, barristers cannot form partnerships but must act as sole traders with unlimited liability. They can be employed as in2 house counsels or in government department, but also can wor$ independently in self employed practises in groups called chambers and practise at the *ar. Chambers are located in four nns of Court in .ondon. nns provide collegiate and educational resources for barristers and trainers. Tenants, i.e. members of chambers, share common e0penses and support services. *arristers provide representation in the courts, draft the documents associated with court procedure, give opinions, etc. They usually are instructed by solicitors or other legal professions on behalf of lay client. *arristers speciali8e in particular areas and are governed by the %eneral Council of *ar and nns of Court.



6ury is a group of people representing a cross section of the community, summoned and sworn to decide on facts in issue at the trial. "owadays the +nglo2+merican system recogni8es two types of jury, i.e. grand and petit jury. The grand jury, which e0ists in the (&+, is body of persons summoned and sworn to determine whether the facts and accusations presented by the prosecutor warrant an indictment and eventual trial of the accused. -etit jury is ordinary trial

jury which pass a verdict, which can be unanimous or majority. This type of jury is chosen in voir dire e0amination, i.e. e0amination with purpose to find a balanced jury. n this process, attorneys can use also statutory peremptory challenges to e0cuse particular jurors. The verdict cannot usually be disputed. 'owever, in some (& states there e0ists an institute of "./.<. ="on /bstante <erdicto>, judgement notwithstanding the verdict. + judgement "./.<. is possible, when a judge determines that the jury verdict have a no reasonable support or is contrary to law.

'udge profession

Candidates for most judicial offices fulfil several mandatory requirements laid down by an +ct of -arliament: must have practise as lawyer for specified time and meet other statutory requirements for specific post. E0perience gained as judge in a lower court is one of the qualification for appointment to a higher court. &enior appointments to the Court of +ppeal and 'igher Court are made by ?ueen following the recommendation of -rime #inister, on advice of the .ord Chancellor. 6udges in civil courts can fine, commit to imprisonment or give a suspended sentence. +n applicant can see$ an injunction against a respondent. The court may grant an interim injunction to stop the defendant from doing something before the hearing of the application. The judge can grant or refuse an injunction against legal person to do or not to do specified acts. The judge can also require an underta$ing from relevant party at the hearing proceeding.


Criminal law and procedure

Crime can be categori8ed as part of the public law. t represents an act which state considers being wrong and which can be punished by state. There is a quite a lot agreements among states as to which acts are criminal, e.g. stealing, murder looting, arson, bribery, rape, smuggle, burglary, etc. There are usually two important elements of crime, i.e. +ctus !eus and #ens !ea. f actus and mens have been proved, a defendant may still avoid guilt if he can show has a defence, e.g. duress, insanity, into0ication, self2defence. Even if the defendant is found guilty, he may present some mitigating circumstances and thus lessen his penalty. The police investigate a crime and may apprehend suspects and detain them in custody. -olice have a duty to provide them #iranda !ights ,arning. f the police decide an offender should be prosecuted, a file on the case is sent to the Crown -rosecution &ervice. C-& must consider whether there is enough evidence to realistic prospect of conviction and wether public interest requires a prosecution. Criminal proceeding can be initiated either by serving of a summons or by warrant of arrest. f accused cannot afford to pay defence costs, the independent duty solicitor represents him in the police station and in court. The English system of justice is adversarial. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt, that the accused is guilty. +ccused can as$ for a bail and be temporarily released. *ut the bail can also be refused if there

are grounds of believing that the accused would fail to appear for trial. *efore trial, there can be a preparatory hearing, where is the statutory requirement for disclosure by the prosecution. -lea of guilty of accused could reduce a sentence. ,hen the verdict is not guilty, the defendant is acquitted.


Civil law and procedure

Civil law concerns disputes among citi8ens about goods, property, debt repayment, breach of contract, etc. The judge performs a role of case manager. -rocedural rules are supplemented by practice directions made by judge. The most claims are initiated by the filling of claim form, which functions as summons. There can be s different type of claims, e.g. for specified or unspecified monetary sums, or for claimant who want to as$ a court to ma$e an order. ,hen the copy of claim is served on defendant with a respond pac$, he can either admit the claim by using a form of admission, or to defend it by using a form of defence. !esponse pac$ also contains ac$nowledgement of service form and counterclaim form. The defendant must respond within @A days of service of the particulars of the claim. f he doesnBt respond, the court issues a default judgement in favour of claimant. Cases are allocated to pertinent regime, i.e. fast or multi trac$, according to their monetary value. 1isclosure and inspection allow parties to loo$ at the relevant documents held by opposed party. &tandard of prove under civil law is based on balance of probabilities. -arties are encourage settling their difference and for this purpose a stay in proceeding may be agreed. Case management conferences give parties an opportunity to review the process and ma$e decisions. There are few civil remedies, e.g. financial compensation, specific performance or restitution, which can be used by judge. f the defendant is orders to pay and fails to do so, the claimant can enforce the judgement in the #agistrate3s court.


Tort* +ersonal injury claim

Tort is a civil wrong e0cluding breach of contract. + tort entitles a person injured by damage or loss resulting from the tort to claim damages in compensation. Tort is built upon decision made in reported court cases and includes for e0ample negligence, trespass, defamation and nuisance. "egligence is the breach of duty of care which is owed to claimant, who in consequence suffers injury. Trespass is direct and forcible injury without lawful justification. 1efamation is publishing a statement which lowers the person in the opinion of others and can have two forms: libel and slander. "uisance is prevention somebody from use and enjoyment of his land. &trict liability, i.e. legal responsibility for damage independent of negligence, is imposed on producers and suppliers, in cases of product defects causing harm to consumers. +mount of damages is quantum and depends on two aspects. %eneral damages are paid to compensate the claimant for the pain and suffering resulting from injury. &pecial damages are calculated more objectively and consist of claims for the past and future financial loss. (sually includes loss of earning and costs of care and necessary equipment required as a result of injury.


Tort* Clinical negligence,

Clinical negligence occurs from delay or failure to diagnose a condition, delay or failure to treat condition, when a treatment goes wrong, use of wrong treatment, or failure to obtain consent by professional in the health service provided care. 1octor or nurse is e0pected to provide care that other doctor would provide. njured person can instruct litigator to pursue a claim on his behalf, but it must be done within limitation period. The li$ely amount of damages has to be enough to cover the cost of investigating a claim. Cirst of all, the medical records are e0plored and then an independent e0pert is instructed to prepare impartial e0pert report. The legal costs could be cover from legal e0pense insurance, -ublic Cunding or paid by claimant itself. *ut usually claim pursued on conditional fee basis, i.e. Dno win, no fee5. Causation between medical advice or treatment and the result of that advice or treatment must be shown. +lso element of negligence is important.


-amily law

Camily law deals with family related issues and domestic relations including nature of marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, spousal abuse, legitimacy, surrogacy, child abuse and abduction, annulment, property settlements, alimony and paternal responsibility orders. Camily law rulings help to resolve family conflicts. This branch of law is very various from state to state. t must reflect changes in society for instance trend of living of couple together without marriage. The most of states recogni8e common law marriage, in which a couple has lived together certain time as wife and husband. n these cases, the courts will treat a common law marriage separation the same as divorce. n other hand, family also deals with a number of family related issues and conflicts including contested or uncontested divorce, paternity, adoption, prenuptial agreement palimony, name changes, emancipation of minor etc. + family law may also provide official recognition of adult3s responsibilities in caring for a child through adoption. .egal guardian of child has same responsibilities as biological parent.


.mployment law

Employment law involves a mi0ture of contractual provisions and legislation regulating the relationship between employer and employee, governing labour relations between employers and trade unions, mainly collective agreements and bargaining. This area is also e0tensive affected by E( directives, which tries to harmoni8e employment law in #ember &tates. The employee have statutory rights including minimum wage, equal pay for li$ely wor$, written statement of employment particulars, itemised pay statement, time off, statutory sic$ pay, health and safe wor$ing environment, family and parental leave, notice of termination employment, not to have unlawful deductions from wages, etc. Contract of employment set out rights and obligations of employer and employee. Clauses of this contract generally deal with pay, deductions, hours

of wor$, time off, place of wor$, absence, confidentiality, restrictions, giving notice, the grievance procedure and variation of contract. n case of unfair dismissal employee can give rise to a claim to Employment Tribunal or to civil court. Constructive dismissal is when an employee resigns because of conduct of his employer. %ross misconduct of employee is a reason for summary dismissal. Employee may be also made redundant, if the employer has ceased to carry on business.


Copyright and patent in system of /+ law

ntellectual property law have some types which are protected. The first of them is Copyright, i.e. automatic right; arise as soon as an original wor$ is created and embodied in a specific media, i.e. in particular tangible form. Copyright also arises in the typography of the published wor$. The copyright owner has e0clusive rights, including the right to ma$e copies, to sell copies to the public, to give a public performance of wor$. The owner may also licence, usually in writing the reproduction of the wor$. The right cannot be registered. + copyright symbol E followed by author3s name and date is available, but for copyright protection, it is not necessary to do this. The second type of - law is -atent. t is a territorial right given to patent holder for a statutory period. (nli$e a copyright must be registered in each jurisdiction in which the protection is required. n () it could be granted by -atent /ffice, in (&+ by the -atent and Trademar$ /ffice. nvention is patentable if it is novel, capable for industrial application, result of inventive step and not be e0cluded thing Das such5. -atent can be revo$ed if invention is contrary to public policy or morality and the patent holder does not have entitlement to it.


Trademar01 domain names1 and remedies for /+ infringement

Trademar$ is ne0t territorial type of - law and needs to be registered at the -atent /ffice to be protected. t can be sign including words, symbols or pictures. ts function is to represent the goods graphically and distinguish them from other goods. + service mar$ is same than trade mar$ but it identifies the source of service. To be capable of registration a trade mar$ must be original and distinctive from other mar$s. t also cannot be misleading or contrary to law or morality. +pplication to the Trade #ar$ !egistry is available at the () -atent /ffice, or a CT# and /' # valid in the E(. 1omain names are unique internet addresses which distinguish one computer from all others connected to the internet. There are two basic types: Top level and second level domains. t can be registered directly at accredited registrars or by buying them from nternet naming companies. 1isputes may be referred to disputes resolution provides, such as , -/. - rights can be enforced through civil remedies or criminal sanctions. !ightholder can obtain monetary compensation for losses. /ther final remedies include delivery up and destructions of infringing documents or injunction. +n

interim remedy may include an interim injunction, a search order and a free8ing injunction.


Crime in cy erspace

+ development of T technologies has also enabled innovative illegal activities. *reach of computer security and unauthorised access to a computer is $nown as hac$ing. There is also distribution of illegally obtain content, as well as virus writing or spreading. Cybercrimes may affect personality, such as credit card scams, aggravated identity theft, etc. /ther cybercrimes may impact on business. There are cyberfraud, such as pharming, i.e. moving user to fa$e by non2genuine sites, and phishing, i.e. disclosing personal information in reply to spam e2mail. nternet users can be also tric$ed into money laundering activities.


.nvironmental law

The main principles of international environmental law are: polluter pays principle, precautionary principle, sustainable development principle, environment impact assessment principle, common but differentiated responsibility principle. nternational environmental law also influenced nation legislation. #any jurisdictions have a body of pollution control law as well as town and country planning. -ublic has a right of access to information and public participation is welcomed. Environmental liability can have significant financial implication, such as damages or injunctions, or may even result in criminal prosecution.


.uropean !nion law

The E( consists of three different Communities: the EC&C =European Coal and &teel C.>, the EC =European Community>, and E(!+T/# =European +tomic Energy Community Treaty>. E( is built on three pillars: Common Coreign and &ecurity -olicy, 6ustice and 'ome +ffairs -olicy and EC&C, EC, E(!+T/#. E( is run by five EC institutions: Council of the European (nion, European Commission, European parliament, European Court of 6ustice and Court of +uditors. Three sources of law are Treaties, secondary legislation and general principles, including human rights, subsidiarity and citi8enship of the E( for every national of #ember &tate. There are five types of legal act which the Community may use: !egulations, which are binding in their entirety on all #ember &tates and have directly effect, 1irectives, which have to be implemented into the national law, 1ecisions of the European Court of 6ustice, !ecommendations and opinions, which have no binding force, but may be persuasive.

+re0ladov2 vety
1,1.1: Niektor krajiny umouj urovnvanie sporu na cirkevnom sde . $ome countries ena le settlement of argument efore religious court .

2,1.2: Sd vydal ro sudok v slade snov!m konom, ktor! "ol v parlamente prijat! i"a nedvno. The court has issued a judgment in compliance with new act1 which was passed only recently in parliament #,1.#: $vrd%me, e sudca je predpojat! . 3e allege that the judge is prejudiced, &,1.&: 'o sa( )udsk!c( prv nem*e "y+ predmetom diskusie. .4tend of human rights cannot e a su ject of discussion.

,,1.,: Sudca ak al "!valmu manelovi asa(ova+ do v!c(ovy det%. The judge prohi ited e45spouse to interfere to up ringing of children, -,1.-: .o ro vode "olo die+a veren do starostlivosti otca. !pon divorce was child committed into custody of the father, /.1./: 0lda "y mala c(rni+ predov1etk!m ujmy svojic( o"2anov. 6overnment should protect mainly interests of its citi7ens, 3,1.3: Systm "4 d a protiv( m a"rni+ dominantnosti jednej o loiek moci. Chec0s and 8alance system should prevent domination of one power, 5,1.5: Na sk1ku "y sme sa mali do"re nau2i+ princ%p de)"y moci. 3e should honestly learn the principle of division of power for e4am, 16,1.16: 7k je va1a interpretcia to(to kona8 3hat is your construction of this law9 11,1.11: .ojem prvny su"jekt a(4a tak 9y ick ako aj prvnick oso"u. The concept of legal person covers natural as well as artificial person, 12,1.12: Systm socilne(o a"e pe2enia patr% do s9ry verejn(o prva . ranch of

$ocial security system

elongs to pu lic law domain,

1#,1.1#: :oln snemova repre entuje v 7n;licku volen 2as+ konodarn(o "oru. :ouse of Commons represents elected part of legislative .ngland, 1&,1.1&: Sd vydal pred"en opatrenie v predmetnej veci. The court rendered interim order in alleged mater, 1,,1.1,: <omory parlamentu asadaj oddelene a s aloen na odli1n!c( princ%poc(. Cham ers of parliament sit separately and are constituted on different principles, 1-,2.1: =e potre"n a"e pe2i+ slad na1ej le;islat%vy s eur>pskym prvom. /t is necessary to provide for compliance of our legislation with .! law, 1/,2.2: 7k je va1a interpretcia predmetnej vy(l1ky miestne(o astupite)stva8 3hat is your construction of the alleged ye5law9 ody in

13,2.#: Nvr( kona o od1kodnen% o"et% komuni mu "ol predloen! do dru((o 2%tania. The 8ill on compensation of victims of communism was su mitted to second reading, 15,2.&: .rijatiu kona predc(d ala ve)mi iv ro prava. ;doption of the law was preceded y very animated de ate,

26,2.,: <to je predkladate)om novely kona o o"c(odn!c( spolo2nostiac(8 Who is the sponsor of amendment on corporations? 21,2.-: <on;res Spojen!c( 1ttov m prvo vyru"ova+ dane, niekedy aj prvomoc ur2ova+ ic( v!1ku. Congress of !nited $tates has a competence to levy ta4es and sometimes also set their amount, 22,2./: 7k nvr( predklad vlda, ide o vldny nvr( kona, ke? (o predkladaj poslanci, (ovor%me o poslaneckom nvr(u. /f a ill is su mitted y government1 it is 6overnment 8ill1 if a su mitted y deputes we spea0 a out +rivate Mem er 8ill, ill is

2#,2.3: =e nevy(nutn noveli ova+ kon o "!van%, (lavne para;ra9 2, odsek /, p%smeno a, vetu iii.

/t is necessary to amend the ;ct on :ousing1 especially section 21 su section %1 paragraph a1 su paragraph iii, 2&,2.5: <odi9ikcia v krajinc( vykov(o prva namen druenie v1etk!c( p%san!c( aj nep%san!c( noriem tematicky do jedn(o s"oru. Codification in common law countries represents collection of all written and unwritten rules topically to one comple4, 2,,2.16: .arlament sa ro (odol ru1i+ astaran! kon a na(radi+ (o v(odnej1ou prvnou normou. +arliament decided to repeal o solete law and replaced it suita le legal rule, y more

2-,2.11: .re ident sa ro (odol kon nepodp%sa+ a vrtil (o do parlamentu na prerokovanie. +resident decided not to sign the ;ct and set it reconsideration, ac0 to parliament for

2/,2.12: 0erejnos+ mala 1irok! priestor na pripomienkovanie predmetn(o kona. +u lic has a wide space to comment the alleged statute, 23,2.1#: Stly v!"or mus% preskma+ jednotliv ustanovenia a a"e pe2i+, a"y nvr( sp@al v1etky princ%py, ktor "oli predmetom ro pravy a "oli ods(lasen v dru(om 2%tan%. The standing committee has to scrutini7e constituent provisions of a and ensure that it enshrines all principles de ated in discussion and approved in the second reading, 25,2.1&: Akony so v1eo"ecnou p*so"nos+ou platia na celom em% 1ttu, kony s o"med enou p*so"nos+ou s platn i"a v istej o"lasti, pr%padne vo v +a(u k ist!m in1titcim ale"o oso"m. $tatutes with general force are valid on whole territory of state< acts with limited force are valid in certain area1 eventually in relation to certain institutions or people, #6,2.1,: Benerlna prokuratra v Slovenskej repu"like nem prvomoc le;islat%vnej iniciat%vy. 6eneral prosecution service in the $lova0 repu lic has not competence of legislative initiative, #1,#.1: Cmotn prvo stanovuje systm noriem, procesn prvo ur2uje sp*so" ic( nap@ania. $u stantive law determines a system of rules< procedural law defines the way of their enforcement, ill

#2,#.2: Ddvolac% sd m*e amietnu+ nmietku odporcu. The court of appeal could refuse defendant=s o jection, ##,#.#: Ee;islat%va je predmetom sdnej interpretcie. Legislation is a su ject of judicial construction, #&,#.&: 0 prie"e(u procesu sa uk alo, e prvny stupca sa opieral o nesprvny precedens. /n the course of a trial it ecame evident that the attorney made reference to a wrong precedent, #,,#.,: 'o (odnutie vy11ie(o sdu je prvne vF n pre v1etky ni1ie sdy. :igher court>s decision is inding on all lower courts, #-,#.-: $to nmietka ne"ola va1ej strany ve)mi v(odn a sd ju nepovauje a relevantn. This o jection was not appropriate from your side and the court does not consider it relevant, #/,#./: <omentr k ro sudku m i"a odpor2ajcu (odnotu. ? iter dictum had only persuasive authority, #3,#.3: 0 7n;licku eGistuje pre()adn! systm a namenvania sdnyc( ro (odnut%. There is the comprehensive system of reporting judicial decisions in .ngland, #5,#.5: Ddsden! vy2erpal v1etky monosti odvolania a sd stanovil dtum popravy. ; convict e4hausted all possi ilities of appeal and a court set the date of his e4ecution, &6,#.16: A nam v trestnom re;istri "ol vyma an! potom, ako sa uk alo, e =o(n je nevinn!. ; criminal record was erased after had een shown that 'ohn is innocent, &1.#.11: Hic(ael "ol o"alovan! podvodu a "ol u nan! vinn!m vo v1etk!c( "odoc( o"alo"y. Michael was accused of fraud and was found guilty in all counts of accusation, &2,#.12: Ho(la ve)k porota v nies+ vo2i je(o manelke 9ormlnu o"alo"u8 Could a grand jury rin0 a formal indictment against his wife9 &#,#.1#: 7pela2n! sd v predmetnej veci ro (odol v prospec( navr(ovate)a.

The appellate court decided the pertinent matter in claimant>s favour, &&,#.1&: Niektor "ierky precedensov o"sa(uj aj ar;umentciu stupcov procesn!c( strn. $ome series of law reports contain also summaries of counsel>s arguments, &,,#.1,: Sd nariadil prepadnutie cel(o majetku odsden(o, tento sa v1ak m*e odvola+. The court ordered the forfeiture of the convict>s property1 however1 he may appeal, &-,&.1: Ilo(ou sdu je na klade predloen!c( d*ka ov isti+, 2o sa v predmentom pr%pade stalo. The tas0 of a court is to find out what happened in the pertinent case according to su mitted evidence, &/,&.2: Ddvolacie sdy sa ao"eraj i"a prvnou strnkou pr%padu, nov 9aktick skuto2nosti s d*vodom pre nov! proces. Courts of ;ppeal deal only with the issues of law1 new issues of fact are the reason for a new trial, &3,&.#: Sd vydal nle vo veci nesporov(o ro vodov(o konania. The court rendered a ruling in non5contentious divorce trial, &5,&.&: Conorovan! sudca m*e ro (odn+ vo veci sm, mierovac% sudcovia asadaj v sente. $tipendiary magistrate may sit alone1 whereas ',+,@s Alay magistratesB sits in the panel, ,-,&.11: =e v 7n;licku mon presko2i+ odvolac% sd a dosta+ vec priamo do Snemovne lordov8 /s it possi le in .ngland to leapfrog the Court of ;ppeal and ring the matter directly to the :ouse of Lords9 ,/,&.12: 7"y "ol sent u n1aniasc(opn!, musia v om asada+ najmenej traja sudcovia. -or a panel to have a Cuorum1 at least three judges have to sit there,

,6,&.,: Br>9ske sdy s prvostupov sdy s prvomocou ro (odova+ napr. mluvn spory, alo"y t!kajce sa n(rady 1kody, alo"y spotre"ite)ov vo2i v!ro"com o()adom nekvalitn(o tovaru at?. County Courts are the first instance courts with jurisdiction to decide contract disputes1 compensation claims1 consumer complaints a out faulty goods etc,

,1,&.-: <onkur n konanie v JS7 nepatri do jurisdikcie 1ttnyc( sdov. /n the !$; insolvency proceedings do not elong to state courts jurisdiction, ,2,&./: H*j klient poaduje n(radu a utrpen 1kodu vo v!1ke ,66 666 JS:. My client demands compensation in the amount of !$D 5))1))), ,#,&.3: 0 danom pr%pade je ve)mi +ak preuk a+ ro sa( psyc(ickej ujmy. /t is very difficult to prove the e4tent of mental injury in the pertinent case, ,&,&.5: Sudcovia o"vodn!c( sdov asadaj "e porotne. Circuit judges sit without jury, ,,,&.16: 7pela2n! sd m*e potvrdi+ pr%padne ru1i+ prec(d ajci ro sudok, ale"o (o vrti+ ni1iemu sdu na novuprerokovanie. The court of ;ppeal can uphold or reverse the preceding decision or remand it to lower court for rehearing, ,3,&.1#: Akon o"sa(uje ustanovenie o dravotnej v!nimke. The $tatute contains a provision a out a health e4ception, ,5,&.1&: Kederlny ka preru1enia te(otenstva e1te atia) nevstpil do platnosti, 2ak sa na ro (odnutie Najvy11ie(o sdu. The federal an of a ortion has not come into effect yet1 decision of the $upreme Court is eing e4pected, -6,&.1,: 'o (odnutie "olo prijat vF21inou v sente v pomere , a a & proti. The decision was adopted y majority of 5 to 4 in the panel, -1,,.1: 7pela2n! sd prijal podanie o"2ana a ro (odol o "e odkladnom novuprerokovan% pr%padu. The Court of ;ppeal accepted application of a citi7en and decided a out urgent rehearing of a case, -2,,.2: 7dvokt sa odvolal na prec(d ajce ro (odnutie v podo"nej veci. ; arrister referred to a previous decision in similar matter, -#,,.#: .oiadali sme o odloenie 2innosti ro sudku vo veci prepustenia na slo"odu. 3e reCuired deferral of efficacy of judgment in the matter of li eration, -&,,.&: <to vypracoval sprvu o potre"c( pacientov s o"med enou sp*so"ilos+ou8 3ho produced a report a out needs of patients with limited capa ility9

-,,,.,: 0o svojej sprve uvd ate, e ste "oli avd an% nepravdiv!mi dajmi. Eou indicate in your report1 that you were misled y false data, --,,.-: <to ur2% ro sa( odpovednosti 1ttnyc( or;anov v podo"n!c( pr%padoc(, ak nie sd8 3ho sets e4tent of responsi ility of state authorities in similar cases1 if not a court9 -/,,./: Nepredloen skuto2nosti mali v! namn! dopad na v!sledok pojednvania. The non5su mitted facts had significant impact on the outcome of the trial, -3,,.3: Ne odpovedali ste dostato2ne ot ku lekrske(o do()adu v pr%pade pred2asn(o prepustenia v1(o klienta. Eou did not answer sufficiently the Cuestion of medical surveillance in case of preterm release of your client, -5,,.5: Sd povauje a nevy(nutn osladi+ an;lick a eur>pske prvo v predmetnej veci oc(rany verejnosti pred psyc(icky naru1en!mi jedincami. -or a court it is necessary to harmoni7e .nglish and .uropean law in the pertinent case of pu lic protection against mentally disordered individuals, /6,,.16:. Sdy so 1pecilnou jurisdikciou s v 7n;licku podriaden v1eo"ecn!m sudom a ic( ro sudky podlie(aj rev% ii v1eo"ecn!c( sdov. Tri unals in .ngland are su ordinated to general courts and their judgments are su ject to review of general courts, /1,,.11: Sent tak(oto sdu sa sklad predsedu a dvoc( 2lenov, ktor% s laikmi v o"lasti prva, ale od"orn%kmi v predmetnej o"lasti. Tri unal consists of a chairman and two mem ers1 who are lay representatives in the field of law1 ut e4perts in the pertinent field, /2,,.12: .red tak!mto sdom sa o"e strany, navr(ovate) aj odporca, vy2ajne astupuj sami. 8efore this court oth parties1 the claimant and the defendant1 usually represent themselves, /#,,.1#: .o1koden strana sa ro (odla nepoda+ alo"u (ne?, ale predloi+ pr%pad sdu a ke? sa vyjasnia ot ku okolo poslednej v*le. The harmed party has decided not to lodge a claim immediately1 ut su mit the case to a court after the Cuestions relating a last will are cleared up, /&,,.1&: 0 pr%pade neod*vodnen(o prepustenia o amestnania m*e "!val! amestnanec %ska+ vysok od1kodn.

/n case of unfair dismissal from wor0 a former employee may o tain high damages, /,,,.1,: 0a1e neprimeran sprvanie nemouje dosia(nutie do(ody vo veci stia(nutia alo"y. Eour inappropriate ehavior ma0es agreement in matter of withdrawal of a claim impossi le,

/-,,.1-: Nklady na konanie (rad% 1tt The costs of the hearing are orne

verejn!c( drojov. y the pu lic purse,

//,,.1/: D"e strany maj prvo vypo2u+ svedkov protistrany a poksi+ sa spoc(y"ni+ ic( svedectvo. 8oth parties have a right to e4amine witnesses of opposing party and try to deconstruct their testimony, /3,-.1: Na1a advoktska kancelria poskytuje prvne poradenstvo nielen skromnmu sektoru ale aj 1ttnym or;nom. ?ur law firm provides legal advice not only to private sector ut also to government agencies, /5,-.2: Na to, a"y ste mo(li astupova+ klienta pred sdom mus%te splni+ konom stanoven podmienky. To represent a client eforeFin the court you have to fulfill all the conditions set y the law,F statutory conditionsFreCuirements, 36,-.#: J 1, rokov sa 1peciali ujem na majetkov prevody, 9 ie a akvi %cie. / have een speciali7ing in conveyancing1 mergers and acCuisitions for 15 years, 31,-.&: Nie je nevy(nutn a"y "arrister po nal klienta oso"ne, v podstate kon na klade in9ormci% a podkladov poskytnut!c( solicitorom . /t is not necessary for a arrister to 0now a client personally1 he1 in fact1 acts according information and documents provided y a solicitor, 32,-.,: EaL Society odpoved nielen a nleit kvali9ikciu a pro9esionalitu solicitorov, ale je kompetentn!m or;nom aj v o"lasti poskytovania prvnej pomoci. The Law $ociety is responsi le not only for proper Cualification and professional s0ills of solicitors ut it is competentFauthori7ed ody also in the area of providing legal aid, 3#,-.-: 0! namn prvnick 9irmy ponkaj a"solventom M.N a E.M monos+ praGe po2as univer itn!c( pr dnin, 2o m*e nesk*r uvies+ aj k dl(odo"ej1ej spoluprci.

/mportant law firms offer to graduates of C+. and L+C option of vacation placement which can later lead to longtime cooperation, 3&,-./: .raktikanti ve)mi oceuj systm cirkulcie v rmci 1iestic( od"orov, ktor! im umouje vy"ra+ si nesk*r t sprvnu 1peciali ciu. Trainees really appreciate the si4 seat system in different law departments that ena les them to choose the right specialism later, 3,,-.3: H*j ttor, ktor! "ol rove partnerom v prvnickej 9irme, mi umonil %ska+ neocenite)n od"orn sksenosti. My seat supervisor1 who was simultaneously the partner in a law firm1 gave me the possi ility to gain invalua le professional e4perience, 3-,-.5: =o(nov nadriaden! pri1iel do 9irmy pred piatimi rokmi s titulom EEH o"lasti eur>pske(o prva a pred dvoma rokmi sa stal mlad1%m partnerom, 1peciali ujcim sa na "ankov! systm. 'ohnGs superior officer joined the firm five years ago with a MasterGs Degree ALLMB in .uropean Law and was promoted to junior partner two years ago1 speciali7ing in an0ing system, 3/,-.16: Na1a kancelria ur;entne potre"uje od"orn%ka na privati ciu a HO7. ?ur office inevita ly needs a specialist in privati7ation and merger H acCuisition, 33,-.11: PSP sa o"va po1kodenia verejn(o ujmu pri poskytovan% vl1tnyc( v!(od a p*itkov. The 8ar $tandards 8oard is afraid of damaging the pu lic interest in providing e4tra advantages and enefits, 35,-.12: Na1a anal! a jedno na2ne nepreuk ala protiprvne konanie. ?ur analysis definitely provides no evidence of wrongdoing, 56,-.1#: =e naivn si myslie+, e po(r do"r(o v%na ale"o l%stok do opery m*e ovplyvni+ pro9esionlny sudok solicitora. /t is naive to thin0 that a glass of good wine or a free tic0et to opera can influence professional opinion of a solicitor, 51,-.1&: Nikto ne"ude riskova+ do"r reputciu pri tak o"rovskej prvnickej konkurencii. Io ody would ris0 good reputation ecause of such an enormous juristic competition, 52,-.1,: .oskytnutie nad1tandardn!c( p*itkov m*e vyvola+ sk*r opa2n! e9ekt. +roviding of e4tra enefits can rather cause the contrary effect, 5#,/.1: 7k c(ce mlad! 2lovek prera i+ v prvnej pro9esii, mus% na se"e ve)mi tvrdo pracova+.

3hen a young person wants to succeed in a law profession1 he has to wor0 very hard, 5&,/.2: Spo2iatku mus% "y+ 2erstv! a"solvent pripraven! na ve)mi n% ky plat. ;t the eginning a new graduate has to e prepared for a very low salaryFpittance, 5,,/.#: 0 d*sledku eGtrmnej konkurencie (ro % na1ej advoktskej kancelrii nik u v krtkodo"om (ori onte. Due to intense competition1 our law firm is at ris0 of the decline in a very short time, 53,/.&: Pe silnej podpory 1ttu a dostupn!c( lacn!c( "ankov!c( verov sa situcia mlad!c( a"solventov pravdepodo"ne ne men%. The situation of young graduates will not pro a ly change without a strong support of the state and availa le an0 loans, 55,/.,: N1 9iremn! prvnik vypracoval detailn anal! u predmetn(o pro"lmu a poskytol aj vy2erpvajce prvne stanovisko. ?ur in @ house counsel wor0ed out a detailed analysis of an alleged matter and rendered comprehensive legal opinion, 166,/.-: <r)ovsk prokuratra amestnva ve)a vysoko kvali9ikovan!c( od"orn%kov nielen o"lasti trestn(o prva. Crown +rosecution $ervice employs many highly Cualified specialists not only in the area of criminal law, 161,/./: Clavnou lo(ou advokta je astupova+ laick!c( klientov pred sdom a pripravova+ podklady svisiace s konan%m. The main tas0 of a arrister is to represent lay @ clients efore the court and draft documents relating to a proceeding, 162,/.3: Na Slovensku eGistuje nieko)ko centier prvnej pomoci, ktor poskytuj prvne rady (lavne menej solventn!m o"2anom. There are some Legal ;id Centers in $lova0ia1 providing legal advice to less solvent citi7ens, 16#,/.5: =o(n Smit( sa dl(odo"o 1peciali uje na pr%pady svisiace s oso"nou ujmou a je v tejto o"lasti u nvan!m od"orn%kom. 'ohn $mith has een speciali7ing in personal injury cases for a long time and he is a respected specialist in this ranch, 16&,/.16: .rijatie do advoktskej pro9esie v 7n;licku upravuj ve)mi presn pravidl, ktor maj nielen od"orn!, ale aj spolo2ensk! c(arakter. ; Call to the 8ar in .ngland is regulated y very accurate rules1 which have not only professional1 ut also social character,

16,,/.11: 7"y ste sa v 7n;licku stali advoktom, nemus%te ma+ primrne akademick! prvny titul. There is no primary need for you to have a law degree to ecome a arrister in .ngland, 16-,/.12: Qtudenti s povinn% dodriava+ podmienky stanoven <omorou, napr. a"solvova+ predp%san! po2et ve2er% v priestoroc( komory. +upils are ound to 0eep the conditions set y the /nn of Court1 for instance to dine a prescri ed num er of times in the /nn, 16/,/.1#: 0 o"lasti %skania monosti praGe v komore eGistuje med i uc(d a2mi o pro9esiu advokta eGtrmne siln konkurencia. There is e4tremely strong competition among trainees to get pupillage in cham ers, 163,/.1&: .raktikanti maj monos+ sledova+ pro9esionlne konanie svojic( renomovan!c( ttorov. +upils have a chance to shadow the professional wor0 of their pupil masters, 165,/.1,: So s(lasom svoj(o nadriaden(o m*u mlad% praktikanti poskytova+ prvne slu"y, dokonca aj vystupova+ pred sdom. Eoung pupils can offer advocacy with the approval of their master1 they can even have the right of audience, 116,3.1: .orota je "or laikov repre entujcic( jednotliv spolo2ensk vrstvy. The jury is a panel of laypersons representing different social groups, 111,3.2: Rlenstvo v porote je povinn a neplaten a je mon sa mu vy(n+ i"a v presne stanoven!c( pr%padoc(. Mem ership in juryF'ury service is o ligatory and unpaid and can e avoided only in some specific cases Fin strictly setFspecified cases, 112,3.#:.rvny stupca v niesol nmietku aujatosti proti potencilnemu porotcovi. The attorney raised an o jection against a potential ias of a juror F challenged for ias of a prospective juror, 11#,3.&: .o2as v!"eru poroty sa uk alo, e "ude nevy(nutn meni+ miesto konania procesu. During selection of a jury the change of venue of the process has shown necessary, 11&,3.,: 7k sa preuke, e porotcovia "oli po2as (lavn(o pojednvania pod ntlakom, sd vy(lsi mFto2n konanie a nariadi nov! proces. /f would e proved that the jurors were under pressure during a trial1 the court will declare mistrial and order a new trial,

11,,3.-: .o2et ostr!c( v!(rad vo2i potencilnym porotcom je o"med en! na vy2ajne nie viac ako 16. The num er of peremptory challenges against potential jurors is usually limited to no more than 1), 11-,3./: .orotca ne verejnil, e je ainteresovan! na v!sledku konania, a preto navr(ujeme je(o vyl2enie. The juror did not disclose1 his concern with the verdict of the case1 therefore his dismissalFdisCulification is suggested, 11/,3.3: .orotcovia maj tendenciu oslo"odi+ atrakt%vnej1%c( o"vinen!c( a uveri+ nepravdiv!m su;est%vnym svedectvm. 'urors have tendencyFtend to free more attractive defendants and elieve false emotional testimonies, 113,3.5: 0e)k porota sa stotonila s n orom prokuratry a vydala 9ormlnu alo"u vo2i podo riv!m. 6rand jury agreed with the opinion of the prosecution and issued indictment against suspects, 115,3.16: .orota prijala ro (odnutie jedno(lasne. The jury made the verdict unanimously, F 'ury delivered unanimous verdict, 126,3.11: 0 pr%padoc( s (ro iacim trestom smrti nie je mon prija+ vF21inov! verdict. /n cases where capital punishment is possi le1 the majority verdict cannot e accepted, 121,3.12: 0 minulosti mo(li v porote asada+ aj )udia, ktor% do"re po nali o"vinen(o. /n the past1 the jury could consist of people good 0now the accused, 122,3.1#: 7j niektor 1tty kontinentlnej poroty po naj in1titt poroty. The institute of jury is 0nown even in some countries of the continental .urope, 12#,3.1&: 7k procesn strana poaduje ekvitn n(radu, nie je jej pod)a stavy JS7 umonen! proces pred porotou. /f a party to a case calls for an eCuita le remedy1 according the !,$, Constitution1 the trial with jury is not allowed, 12&,3.1,: Hno(% o"vinen% sa rad1ej vy(n procesu pred porotou kv*li je(o nepredv%date)nmu v!sledku. Many accused prefer to avoid the trial with a jury due to its unpredicta le verdict,

12,,5.1: Sudcovia "oli vy van%, a"y ro (odli o oprvnen% o"2anov vlastni+ "ra. The judges were as0ed to decide the right to 0eep and ear arms y citi7ens, 12-,5.2: 0iacero o"yvate)ov Sas(in;tonu napadlo predmetn! kon tvrdiac, e odmietaj "y+ neustle o"e+ami trestn!c( 2inov. Many citi7ens of 3ashington challenged the pertinent lawFact1 saying1 they deny to e permanent victims of criminal offence, 12/,5.#: Kederlny odvolac% sd ro (odol o nestavnosti ka u vlastni+ "ra a vy val miestne rady na sa(. The -ederal ;ppeals Court decided a out unconstitutionality of prohi ition to own a weapon and prompted local authority to act, 123,5.&: D"idve strany sa (oduj, e rady "y mali vykonva+ primeran kontrolu v tejto citlivej o"lasti. 8oth parties are agreed that government agencies should impose reasona le control of this sensitive area, 125,5.,: .od)a n oru kon ervat%vnej 2asti verejnosti, Sas(in;ton, :. M jednoduc(o ned*veruje sc(opnosti o"2anov oc(rni+ svoje prva primeran!m sp*so"om. ;ccording the opinion of a conservative part of pu lic1 3ashington D,C, simply does not elieve in citi7ens> a ility reasona ly protect their rights, 1#6,5.-: <rviprelievanie vo 0ir;%nia $ec( otriaslo celou 7merikou a opF+ vyvolalo v1niv de"atu o prve vlastni+ "ra. The loodshed in Jirginia Tech sha0es with the whole ;merica and evo0es wildFpassionate discussion a out the right to own a weapon again, 1#1.5./: .re ident Pus( podp%sal kon, ktor! posilnil kontrolu dajov o nado"date)ovi "rane. The president 8ush signed an ;ct1 which strengthen ac0ground controlsFchec0s on gun uyers, 1#2,5.3: .ria e verejnosti je jedno na2ne na strane prva vlastni+ "ra. The pu lic favour is unam iguously on the part of right to own gun, 1##,5.5: .red Najvy11%m sdom sa (romadilo ve)a )ud%, ktor% mali ujem vidie+ asadnutie sdu naivo. Many people stood in lineFgathered in front of the $upreme Court to see the arguments live F in person, 1#&,5.16: .re ident JS7 m prvomoc nominova+ sudcov Najvy11ie(o sdu, ktor% musia "y+ nsledne sc(vlen% v Sente.

The president of the !$; has the power to nominateFto appoint the !$ $upreme Court judges that must e conseCuently approved y $enate, 1#,,5.11: .re ident Nisen(oLer sa pri odporu2en% Sudcu Sarrena pom!lil a mno( je(o o2akvania sa nenaplnili. The president .isenhower made a mista0e to have recommended the judge 3arren and many of his e4pectations did not come true, 1#-,5.12: Sudcovia Najvy11ie(o sdu s volen% na doivotn 9unk2n o"do"ie. The judges of the !$ $upreme Court are given life tenure, 1#/,5.1#: .arlamentn le;islat%va stanovuje mandat>rne poiadavky pre 9unkciu sudcu. ;cts of +arliament set out the mandatory reCuirements for the position of a judge, 1#3,5.1&: Ilo(ou novovymenovan(o sudcu je taktie o"o nmi+ sa so stavom v npravnov!c(ovn!c( ariadeniac(. The duty of a new judge is to get acCuainted with the situation in correctional institutions, 1#5,5.1,: Hladistv% pc(atelia 2asto dostan podmiene2n! trest a s pod do()adom pro"tora. Eoung offenders are often imposed conditional sentence and are under supervision of a pro ation officer, 1&6,5.1-: Sd vydal pred"en opatrenie a vy val 2astn%kov konania a"y sa poksili dospie+ k do(ode. The court issued interim injunction and prompted the parties to ma0e a settlement, 1&1,16.1: .ol%cia o nmila, e "oli adran% dvaja podo riv%, ktor% s momentlne vo vF "e. The police announcedFinformed that two suspects had een detained and were in custody at that time, 1&2,16.2: .c(ate) nec(al na miete 2inu ve)a d*ka ov preuka ujcic( je(o vinu nad akko)vek poc(y"nos+. The offender left much evidence at crime scene proving his guilty eyond reasona le dou ts, 1&#,16.#: 7"y mo(la "y+ oso"a odsden, mus% ju najprv u na+ a vinn porota loen 12 laikov. To e condemned1 a person must first e found guilty y a jury composed of 12 lay persons, 1&&,16.&: Kormlna alo"a o"sa(uje , "odov, kde v kadom "ode (ro % trest

smrti ale"o doivotn! trest. ;n indictment consists of 5 counts with capital punishment or life imprisonment eing imminent in all of them, 1&,,16.,: Dso"y v (motnej nd i maj o kona nrok na prvne(o stupcu eG o99o. /ndigent persons have e4 lege rightFare entitled to legal aidFto e represented y e4 officio defendant, 1&-,16.-: .rvny stupca o"alovan(o v niesol nmietku aujatosti vo2i potencionlnemu porotcovi. The defendant>s attorneyF arrister challenged prejudice against a potential juror, 1&/,16./: .o2as pred"en(o pojednvania "ol o"alovan! opFtovne in9ormovan! o je(o prvac(. During preliminary hearing the defendant was repeatedly informed of his rights, 1&3,16.3: <ontradikt>rny procesn! system umouje o"idvom procesn!m stranm predloi+ sdu na posdenie silu svojej ver ie. ;dversarial procedural system ena les oth parties to present the strength of their version to e considered y the court, 1&5,16.5: D"alovan! sa po2as dru((o predvedenia pred sdom vyjadril, e je nevinn!. The defendant pled not guilty during arraignment, 1,6,16.16: .rokurtor u avrel s o"vinen! do(odu o vine a treste. +rosecutor arranged plea argaining with an accused, 1,1,@:.@@: &vedo$ vo svojej vFpovedi v prGpravnom $onini jedno8naHne $lamal. The witness was clearly lying in his statementFtestimony during the preliminary hearing, 1,2,16.12: 7k svedok ne(ovor% pred sdom pravdu aj ke? je pod pr%sa(ou, dop1+a sa krivej v!povede. /f the witness does not tell the truth efore the court even he is under oath1 he commits perjury,

1,#,16.1#: D"(ajca vo svojej otvracej re2i (ovoril o svojom mysle preuk a+ nevinu o"alovan(o. The defence attorney was spea0ing a out his intention to prove the defendant>s innocence in his opening speech, 1,&,16.1&: .o2as kr%ov(o v!sluc(u "ol svedok astra1ovan! a ponioovan! o"(ajcom, a preto sudca vy val porotu, a"y je(o svedectvo ne"rala do va(y. During cross e4amination the witness was eing intimidated and

humiliated y the attorney and that is reason why the judge addressed the jury not to ta0e his testimony into consideration, 1,,,16.1,: .rokurtor v niesol nmietku vo2i navd ajcej ot ke o"(ajo"y a (odnotiacemu sudku svedka. +rosecutor lodged an o jection against a leading Cuestion of defense and witness>s opinion, 1,-,16.1-: 0 vere2nej re2i o"e strany sumari uj predloen d*ka y a snaia sa %ska+ porotu na svoju stranu. /n closing arguments oth parties summari7e presentedFsu mitted evidence and try to get a jury to their side, @IJ,@:.@J: -orota nedo$K8ala dospieL $ jednohlasnMmu ro8sud$u, a preto sudca vyhlKsil 8mNtoHnM $onanie a novF proces. The jury was not a le to reach a unanimous verdict and ecause of this the judge announced mistrial and ordered a new trial, 1,3,16.13: Ddsdenmu "ol stanoven! nepodmiene2n! trest vo v!1ke 1, rokov "e monosti pred2asn(o prepustenia. The convict was sentenced to unconditional sentence of 15 years without a possi ility of parole, @IO,@:.@O: +meric$F prKvny systMm umoPQuje v rKmci odvolacieho $onania pouPitie riadneho aj mimoriadneho opravnMho prostried$u. The ;merican legal system allows using oth standard and e4traordinary legal remedies within appeal, 1-6,16.26: 0 pr%pade, e sa o"jav% merit>rne nov! d*ka spoc(y"ujci vinu odsden(o, m tento nrok na nov! proces. /n case that a new relevant piece of evidence Cuestioning the guilt of a convict has appeared1 convict has a right for a new trial, 1-1,11.1: Navr(ovate) poiadal sd o vydanie pred"en(o opatrenia v predmetnej veci. The claimant as0ed the court to issue an interim injuction in relevant case, 1-2,11.2: Ddporca potvrdil o"d4anie o"sielky a alo"y a vyjadril mysel poda+ protialo"u. The defendant ac0nowledged the serviceFreceipt of the summons and the claim and e4pressed the intention to file a counterclaim, 1-#,11.#: Strany sa do(odli na viacer!c( nesporn!c( skuto2nostiac(, ktor teda ne"ud predmetom doka ovania. +arties agreed several non5contentious facts that will not e su ject of evidence, 1-&,11.&: <e?e odporca nerea;oval v konne stanovenej le(ote 1& dn%, sd ro (odol v prospec( navr(ovate)a a vydal kontuma2n! ro sudok.

8ecause the defendant did not respond within statutory time period of 14 days1 the court ruled in favour of the claimant and issued default judgment, 1-,,11. ,: H*j klient poaduje predlenie 2asovej le(oty na nap%sanie alo"nej odpovede. My client reCuiresFsee0s a time e4tension for drafting and filing a claim response, 1--,11.-: Sp*so" prerokovania pr%padu vis% aj od v!1ky poadovan(o nroku. The trac0 of civil proceedings depends also on the monetary value of claim, 1-/,11./: 0 predprocesnom konan% mus% procesn strana umoni+ protistrane o"o nmi+ sa s d*ka ov!m materilom, ktor! m tto k dispo %ci% na podporu svojej ver ie. /n pre5trial investigation the party must ena le the opposing party to ecome familiar with all the evidence held y the pertinent party to support respective version, 1-3,11.3: Sd opFtovne vy !va procesn strany, a"y sa do(odli mimosdne a naria?uje preru1enie konania. The court again encourages oth parties to settle their differences and orders a stay in proceedings, 1-5,11.5: .rvny stupca po2as kr%ov(o v!sluc(u pouk al na ro pory vo v!povedi svedka v predprocesnom konan% a po2as (lavn(o pojednvania. The attorney during cross5e4amination showed differences etween witness statements in pre5trial investigation and also during the trial, 1/6,11:16: .redloen listinn a materilne d*ka y totlne spoc(y"uj ver iu protistrany o su"jekt%vnej odpovednosti odporcu v danej veci. $u mitted documents and e4hi its totally dispute the opposing party>s version a out personal lia ility of the defendant in relevant case, 1/1,11.11: Sd amietol nvr( na amietnutie alo"y a vy val prvne(o stupcu, a"y in9ormoval klienta o monosti ?al1ie(o postupu. The court refused motion to dismiss and as0ed the attorney to inform his client a out possi ilities of ne4t procedure, 1/2,11.12: <e?e mluva o"sa(uje ustanovenie o vopred do(odnutom od1kodnom v pr%pade jej poru1enia, sd nemo(ol v!1ku od1kodn(o nav!1i+. ;sF$ince ecause the contract contains specified claim provision in case of its reach1 the court could not e4tend the amount of damages, 1/#,11.1#: Sd vy val porotcov, a"y predmetn! v!rok ne"rali do va(y, ke?e (o povauje a (odnotiaci sudok. The court challenged the jurors not to ta0e the pertinent statement into consideration1 ecause it is considered as an opinion,

1/&,11.1&: Sdny nalec vo svojej v!povedi pred sdom potvrdil pravos+ podpisu na plnomocentve. .4pert witness confirmed authenticity of signature on the power of attorney in his testimony efore the court, 1/,,11.1,: D"2iansky sdny poriadok, ktor! vstpil do platnosti v roku 1555, aviedol v!ra n meny do konania pred ;r>9skymi sdmi ako aj pred 0rc(n!m sdom. Civil +rocedure Kules that came into force in 1((( in .ngland1 madeFintroduced radical changes to civil process in the County Courts and the :igh Court, 1/-,11.1-: <onkur n konanie v ()adom na je(o 1peci9ik upravuje vl1tny kon. ;n insolvency proceeding1 in respect of its specific features1 is regulated y a special act, 1//,11.1/: <e?e ide o nesporov ro vodov konanie, sd pravdepodo"ne ro vodne u na prvom pojednvan%. 8ecause the pertinent divorce case is non5contentious1 the court will pro a ly issue ruling in the first hearing, 1/3,11.13: 7pela2n! sd potvrdil ro sudok prvostupov(o sdu a nariadil je(o v!kon. The appellate court upheld the judgment of the first instance court and ordered its e4ecution, 1/5,11.15: :aov% poplatn%ci "ud musie+ aplati+ kompen ciu skromnej spolo2nosti, 2o mno(% )udia povauj a nespravodliv. Ta4payers will have to pay compensation to private company that is considered to e unjust y many people, 136,11.26: Sd dospel k vF21inovmu n oru v pomere &:,, e predc(d ajce sdne in1tancie sa dopustili van!c( procesn!c( c(!" a ru1il ro sudok v plnom ro sa(u. The court ruled y 4*5 majorities that previous court instances made serious procedural mista0es and a olished the judgement in full e4tent, 131,12.1: Coci o"2ianskoprvny delikt patr% do o"lasti o"2ianske(o prva, odli1uje sa od poru1enia mluvy. ;lthough the tort elongs to civil law area it differs from reach of contract, 132,12.2: Dso"a, ktor utrpela ujmu m*e poiada+ o pean od1kodn. ; person injured may see0 for monetary compensation, 13#,12.#: D(ovranie, t.j. verejnenie nepravdiv!c( in9ormcii o oso"e, m dve 9ormy: stnu a p%somn. Defamation1 i,e, disclosure of false information concerning a person1 has two forms* slander and li el, 13&,12.&: 0 pr%pade, e c(y"n! v!ro"ok sp*so"% spotre"ite)ovi 1kodu, (ovor%me o t v. .resne vymed enej odpovednosti v!ro"cu.

/n the event that a defective product causes damage to a consumer1 it is said to e strict lia ility of the manufacturer, 13,,12.,: Sp*so"enie 1kody ned"anlivosti v nik vtedy, ak odporca poru1% povinnos+ starostlivosti vo2i alo"covi, v d*sledku 2o(o alo"ca utrp% ujmu. /nfliction of harm y negligence arises when the defendant reaches a duty of care towards the claimant1 in conseCuence1 the claimant will suffer injury, 13-,12.-: Nedovolen asa(ovanie do vlastn%cke(o prva nemouje pokojn u%vanie majetku. Iuisance prevents a person from peaceful use and enjoyment of his property, 13/,12./: Talo"ca m prvo na 9inan2n od1kodnenie, na spFtn vyplatenie m dy ale"o na ekvitn n(radu. The claimant has the rightFis entitled to financial compensation1 to ac0 pay of wages ut also for eCuita le remedy, 133,12.3: .orota vynesie verdikt, t.j. ro (odne na klade predloen!c( d*ka ov a sudca nem*e svojimi in1trukciami asa(ova+ do o"sa(u ro (odnutia. The jury rendered a verdict1 i,e,1 decided upon su mitted evidence and a judge may not interfere y its instructions to the contents of its decision, 135,12.5: 0!1ka od1kodnenia m od rkad)ova+ nielen samotn 1kodu ale"o ujmu, ale m*e ma+ aj odstra1ujcu 9unkciu. The amount of compensation reflects not only the actual damage or injury1 ut may also have the deter function, 156,12.16: D"(ajcovia o"oc( 2astnen!c( strn vopred pripravia vecn a listinn d*ka y a vypo2vaj svedkov, a"y a"rnili prekvapeniam po2as (lavn(o pojednvania. Defenders of oth parties prepare real and documentary evidence and Cuestion witnesses in advance1 to avoid surprises during the trial, 151,12.11: 0 pr%pade, ak niektor o 2astnen!c( strn nie je spokojn s ro (odnut%m sdu, m prvo odvola+ sa na Najvy11% sd. /f either of involved parties is not satisfied with the decision of the court they have a right to appeal to a higher court, 152,12.12: .orota po odc(ode o sdnej siene rokuje o 9aktoc( dan(o pr%padu, o prednesen!c( d*ka oc( a sna% sa dospie+ k spravodlivmu verdiktu. The jury after leaving the courtroom deli erate over the facts of the case1 over su mitted evidence and try to reach a fair verdict, 15#,12.1#: 7k "y "ol "!val pn Poeken sc(opn! v da+ sa 9aj2enia, ne"ol "y "!val je(o dravotn! stav tak! vny. /f Mr, 8oe0en would have een a le to give up smo0ing1 his health had not have een so serious,

15&,12.1&: .ri alo"c( proti v!ro"com ci;ariet porota niekedy u n odpovednos+ alo"cu, inokedy ta"akovej spolo2nosti. /n to acco actions the jury from time to time will admit lia ility of the plaintiff1 another time of the to acco company, 15,,12.1,: Talo"a a poru1enie majetkov(o prva je mon aj vtedy, ak niekto vstpi "e oprvnenia na cud % po emok. ;ction for trespass to land is possi le even if a person enters the land without any authori7ation, 15-,12.1-: Suma od1kodnenia vis% od loitosti pr%padu a v!1ky sp*so"enej 1kody. The amount of compensation depends on the comple4ity of a case and the amount of damage caused, 15/,12.1/: <onkrtne od1kodn vy2ajne a(4a u1l m du, nklady na starostlivos+ aj nklady na nevy(nutn pom*cky. $pecial damages usually involve loss of earnings1 care costs and the cost of necessary eCuipment, 153,12.13: .oru1enie oc(rannej nmky, patent ale"o o"c(odn(o tajomstva patr% do o"lasti prva du1evn(o vlastn%ctva. /nfringement of trademar01 patent or trade secret elongs to the field of intellectual property, 155,12.15: 7k niekto inej oso"e "rni v po(y"e "e jej s(lasu, m*e poda+ alo"u a neoprvnen adriavanie. /f any ody prevents a person from free movement without his consent1 he may ring an action for false imprisonment, 266.12.26: Hanelka alovala manela a sp*so"enie +akej psyc(ickej ujmy. The wife sued her hus and for causing severe psychological injury, 261,1#.1: .r%pady aned"ania dravotnej starostlivosti s "o(uia) v praGi 9rekventovan. Cases of negligenceFnegligence cases are unfortunately Cuite freCuent in practice, 262,1#.2: 7k na oddelen% inten %vnej starostlivosti o novonaroden deti d*jde k predvkovaniu (epar%nom, m*e to vysti+ a do smrti mal(o pacienta. /f at the neonatal intensive care unit Ffor new orn a iesF heparin overdose occurs1 it can lead to death of a young patient, 26#,1#.#: Cerec :enis Uuaid, ktor(o dvoji2ky "oli o(ro en v d*sledku predvkovania (epar%nom, aloval 9armaceutick spolo2nos+ kv*li nejasnmu o na2eniu lieku. ;ctor Dennis Luaid1 whose twins are at ris0 of life ecause of heparin overdose1 sued the pharmaceutical company for no clear indication of the product, 26&,1#.&: .ri manipulcii s koncentrovan!mi liekmi musia la"oranti vykona+ nieko)konso"n kontrolu.

;t handling with concentrated drugs la oratory technicians must perform multiple chec0ing, 26,,1#.,: 0 Eos 7n;elskej nemocnici la"oranti neoverili sprvnu koncentrciu (epar%nu, ktor! dali na detsk oddelenie. /n Los ;ngeles hospital la oratory technicians did not verify the correct concentration of heparin1 given to the children=s unit, 26-,1#.-: 0 d*sledku to(o pr%padu u ampulky s (epar%nom nie s na oddelen% vo)ne. ;s a result of this case vials of heparin ere no longer freely availa le at the hospital unit, 26/,1#./: .rvnick 9irmy maj spravidla oddelenie, ktor sa 1peciali uje na pr%pady aned"ania dravotnej starostlivosti. Legal firms usually have a department speciali7ing in clinical negligence cases, 263,1#.3: <lient najprv is+uje mon! nrok, a"y sa ro (odol, 2i nemocnicu, pr%padne lekra, aluje. ;t first the client tries to find out a possi le claim so as to decide whether to sue a hospital or a doctor, 265,1#.5: .redpokladan v!1ka od1kodnenia mus% sta2i+ na pokrytie nkladov na pre1etrenie alo"y. .stimated amount of compensation must e sufficient to cover the costs of investigation related to the proceedings, 216,1#.16: .rvne slu"y m*e klient 9inancova+ r* nyc( drojov, napr. A poistenia, vlastn!c( pea % ale"o m*e vyui+ "e platn prvnu pomoc. Legal services may e financed y a client from various sources1 e,g, from insurance1 from patient>s own money or he can use free legal aid, 211,1#.11: 7k sa po1koden oso"a ro (odne poda+ alo"u, tak odmena prvnika vis% od v!sledku na sde, t.j. Viadna v!(ra, iadna odmenaW. /f the injured person has decided to lodge a claim1 the reward of a lawyer depends on the outcome in the court 0nown as MIo win1 no feeM, 212,1#.12: 7k m pacient poc(y"nos+ o sprvnom lie2e"nom postupe lekra, m prvo postpi+ vec na sd. /f a patient has dou ts a out correctness of medical treatment1 he has a right to refer the matter to the court, 21#,1#.1#: 7k pacient nem nrok na "e platn prvnu pomoc, m*e si s prvnym stupcom do(odn+ spltkov! kalendr. /f a patient is not entitled to free legal aid1 he may agree a payment schedule with his attorney, 21&,1#.1&: Coci v mno(!c( pr%padoc( aned"ania lekrskej starostlivosti sd ro (odne v prospec( alo"cu, ivot ale"o dravie to pacientovi nevrti. ;lthough in many cases of clinical negligence the court will decide in favour of the plaintiff1 it may not return life or health to the patient,

21,,1#.1,: S2as+ou al*" a aned"anie lekrskej starostlivosti je prvok ri ika. ;n element of ris0 is included in cases for clinical negligence, 21-,1#.1-: .ri aned"an% lekrskej starostlivosti je potre"n! okrem lekrskyc( namov aj ne visl! od"orn! posudok. .4cept of clinical records also impartial e4pert report is reCuired for clinical negligence cases, 21/,1#.1/: .ri alo"e pre aned"anie lekrskej starostlivosti je nevy(nutn tie preuk a+, e med i lie2"ou a ujmou eGistuje kau lna spojitos+. /n clinical negligence actions a causal lin0 etween treatment and injury must e shown, 213,1#.13: Xal1%m prvkom aned"ania lekrskej starostlivosti, ktor! je potre"n! pre alo"u, je prvok ned"anlivosti. The ne4t element of clinical negligence reCuired for a claim1 is an element of negligence, 215,1#.15: Na to, a"y "ol alo"ca spe1n! v sdnom konan%, je tre"a dodriava+ t v. do"u preml2ania. To e successful in the proceedingsFin the trial1 the claimant must 0eep limitation period, 226,1&.1: 'odinn prvo upravuje v +a(y v rmci rodiny, ktor je kladnou spolo2enskou jednotkou. -amily law regulates relationships within the family that is the asic social unit, 221,1&.2: .od pojmom rodina sa ro umie skupina os*", ktor s nav jom pr%"u n pokrvne, so"1om ale"o ro (odnutia sdu. ; notion MfamilyN is understood as a group of people related y lood1 marriage or y decision of a court, 222,1&.#: 'odinn prvo sa ao"er psyc(ick!m ale"o 9y ick!m t!ran%m manelsk(o partnera a det%, adopciou, n(radn!m materstvom, nosom det% at?. -amily law deals with a psychical and physical harassmentFa use of a spouse and children1 adoption1 surrogacy1 children a ductions etc, 22#,1&.&: 'odinn alo"y t!kajce sa otcovstva, v!ivn(o, manelsk(o spoluitia, v!ivn(o na die+aprva na nv1tevy ro (oduje v sporov!c( pr%padoc( sd. Contentious family actions relating to paternity1 alimony1 spousal coha itation1 child support and visitation rights are resolved y the Court, 22&,1&.,: :vojice, ktor spolu ij ako manelia najmenej sedem rokov sa posud uj ako dru( a druka, ijci v spolo2nej domcnosti. Couples who have lived together at least % years are considered as a common wife and common hus and living together in coha itation, 22,,1&.-: 7k je manelstvo ukon2en ro vodom, "u? sa "!val% manelia do(odn na majetkovom vyrovnan%, ale"o o ro delen% majetku ro (odne sd.

/n case when a marriage is terminated y divorce1 the former spouses either ma0e a property settlement or property division will e made y court, 22-,1&./: Hajetkov prva, ro delenie majetku, ot ky v!ivn(o s upraven rodinn!m prvom jednotliv!c( 1ttov Inie rovnako pre oso"1en aj ne oso"1en pry. ; family law of each state in the !nion regulates property rights1 property division1 alimony and palimony of married and unmarried couples in the same way, 22/,1&.3: 7j neplnolet oso"a, ktor iada o povolenie na so"1, m*e "y+ inicitorom tak(o nvr(u. .ven an underaged person can apply for permission for marriage, 223,1&.5: 'odinn prvo upravuje prva nevlastn(o rodi2a na adopciu die+a+a svoj(o partnera. -amily law regulates the rights of a step parent to adopt his partnerGs child, 225,1&.16: 7meri2an :avid Boldman poiadal sd o verenie syna Seana do je(o starostlivosti. ;merican David 6oldman applied to a court for custody of his son $ean, 2#6,1&.11: Caa;sky do(ovor o o"2ianskoprvnyc( aspektoc( med inrodn!c( nosoc( det%, prijat! 2,.16.1536, je viacstrannou med inrodnou do(odou, ktor stanovuje e9ekt%vnu met>du prinavrtenia det% unesen!c( a (ranice jedn!m rodi2ov. The :ague Convention on the Civil ;spects of /nternational Child ; duction signed on 25F1)F1(&)1 is a multilateral treaty that provides an effective method to return children a ducted y one of their parents a road, 2#1,1&.12: 0 ()adom na to, e Pra %lia je jedn!m o si;natrov Caa;ske(o do(ovoru, musia sa "ra %lske sdy t!mto :o(ovorom riadi+. 3ith regard to fact that 8ra7il is one of the signatories of the :ague Convention1 8ra7ilian courts have to follow this Convention, 2#2,1&.1#: Sean Boldman odi1iel so svojou matkou do Pra %lie na nv1tevu pr%"u n!c(, nsledne je(o matka v tejto krajine poiadala o ro vod a novu sa vydala. $ean 6oldman left to 8ra7il with his mother to visit relatives< then his mother applied for a divorce in this country and got married again, 2##,1&.1&: .o smrti matky ostal Sean i+ so svoj%m nevlastn!m otcom a sestrou v Pra %lii aj napriek tomu, e je(o vlastn! otec vyv%jal ve)k silie na je(o nvrat do vlasti. ;fter his motherGs death $ean stayed to live in 8ra7il with his step father and step sister1 even though his iological father tried enormously to have him repatriated, 9RA,@A.@I: -odSa 'elvetia !ibeira, chlapcovho prGbu8nMho, 1avid %oldman sa o chlapca nestaral a ani naQho neplatil vFPivnM.

;ccording to :elvecio Ki eiro1 a oyGs relative1 David 6oldman did not ta0e care of oy and did not pay alimony either, 2#,,1&.1-: 7merick ministerstvo a(rani2ia in9ormovalo, e pri"line -naroden!c( v 7merike "olo unesen!c( do Pra %lie jedn!m rodi2ov, 2%m "oli poru1en med inrodn mluvy. ;merican Department of -oreign ;ffairs announced1 that nearly ## children orn in ;merica had een a ducted to 8ra7il y one of their parents1 violating the pertinent treaties, 2#-,1,.1: 0 jomn v +a(y med i amestnvate)mi a amestnancami upravuje pracovn mluva. Mutual relations etween employers and employees are governed y a employment contract, 2#/,1,.2: Niektor pracovnoprvne spory sa daj urovna+, in sa rie1ia na o"2ianskom ale"o 1pecilnom pracovnom sde v JS7. $ome employment disputes can e settled1 different ones ta0e proceeding efore a civil court or .mployment tri unal in !$;, 9RT,@I.R: Akon c(rni amestnanca pred ne konn!mi rkami o m dy. Law protect employee from unlawful deductions from wages, 2#5,1,.&: <olekt%vne vyjednvanie, ktor(o v!sledkom m "y+ kvalitn kolekt%vna mluva, je 2asto ve)mi d@(av! a komplikovan! proces. Collective argaining1 which should e result in Cuality collective agreement1 is often very lengthy and complicated process, 2&6,1,.,: Smernice NI t!kajce sa pracovnoprvnyc( v +a(ov musia "y+ a2lenen do nrodn(o prva jednotliv!c( 1ttov. .! directives concerned on employment relations must e implemented into national law of each mem er state, 2&1,1,.-: Aamestnanci maj prvo na minimlnu m du, rovnak odmenu a rovnak prcu, na podro"n pracovn mluvu, na dovolenku, rodi2ovsk dovolenku, at?. .mployees have a right to minimum wage1 eCual pay for li0e wor01 statement of employment particulars1 time off1 parental leave1 etc, 2&2,1,./: Akon aka uje diskriminciu amestnanca na klade rasy, po(lavia, seGulnej orientcie, 9y ick(o ale"o psyc(ick(o posti(nutia, n"oenstva, veku, at?. Law prohi its a discrimination against employee on grounds of race1 se41 se4ual orientation1 physical or psychical disa ility1 religion1 age1 etc, 2&#,1,.3: Aamestnvate) a amestnanec maj v jomn prva a povinnosti, presne stanoven pracovnou mluvou. .mployer and employee have respective rights and o ligations e4actly specified in a contract of employment,

2&&,1,.5: 7k s mluvne stanoven podmienky, t!kajce sa nplne prce, odmeny a prcu, pracovn(o 2asu, at?. poru1en, m*e strana, ktor utrpela ujmu poda+ alo"u. /f contractual provision a out content of wor01 payment for wor01 wor0ing time1 etc, is reached1 can party1 which has suffer an injury1 give rise a claim, 2&,,1,.16: Cru" poru1enie pracovnej discipl%ny o strany amestnanca m*e vies+ k okamitej v!povedi. 6ross misconduct y the employee may result in summary dismissal, 2&-,1,.11: Sp*so" predkladania s+anost% je s2as+ou pracovnej mluvy. Method of grievance procedures is component of contract of employment, 2&/,1,.12: 0 JS7 eGistuje kon9likt med i 1ttnymi a 9ederlnymi konmi, t!kajcimi sa u%vania mari(uany na lie2e"n 2ely. There e4ists a conflict etween state and federal laws over a use of medical marihuana in !$;, 2&3,1,.1#: .racovn mluva nem*e "y+ jednostranne menen "e vedomia dru(ej mluvnej strany. Contract of employment cannot e unilaterally varied y one party without 0nowingness of second party, 2&5,1,.1&: 7k amestnvate) poru1% svoje vF ky stanoven v pracovnej mluve, amestnanec m*e poda+ alo"u o ru1enie neplatnej v!povede. /f an employer reach his o ligations specified in contract of employment1 employee may give rise a claim for avoid of wrongful dismissal, 2,6,1,.1,: .racovn%k m*e ukon2i+ pracovnoYprvny v +a( do(odou, ale m*e "y+ prepusten! aj pre nad"yto2nos+. .mployee can terminate employment relation y constructive dismissal1 ut can e dismissed also for redundancy, 2,1,1-.1: 7utorsk prvo predstavuje jeden (lavn!c( typov du1evn(o vlastn%ctva. Copyright represents one of the main types of intellectual property, 2,2,1-.2: 7utorsk prvo v nik o kona v okami(u vytvorenia umeleck(o diela. Copyright arise from statute at the moment of creation of artistic wor0, 2,#,1-.#: 7"y mo(ol "y+ nmet umeleck(o diela c(rnen! autorsk!m prvom, mus% nado"udn+ konkrtnu (motn podo"u. -or protection of su ject of artistic wor0 y copyright is redundant to gain concrete tangi le form, 2,&,1-.&: 7utor, t.j. vlastn%k autorsk(o prva je oprvnen! udeli+ p%somn! s(las na reprodukciu svoj(o diela.

;uthor1 i,e, owner of copyright1 is justified to grant written consent to reproduction of his wor0, 2,,,1-.,: Bra9ick!m sym"olom autorsk(o prva je Z, a ktor!m nasleduje meno autora a dtum. 6raphical sym ol of copyright is O followed y the authors name and the date, 2,-,1-.-: .atent je typom su"jekt%vne(o prva na du1evn vlastn%ctvo. +atent is type of a right of intellectual property, 2,/,1-./: Aare;istrovan%m patent na patentovom rade %skava je(o drite) emne vymed en prvo na o"do"ie, presne stanoven konom. 8y registration patent in +atent ?ffice o tain his holder territorial right for a statutory period1 e4actly settled y law, 2,3,1-.3: Dso"a, ktor m ujem o patentov oc(ranu svoj(o vynle u, mus% preuk a+, e vynle je plne nov!, e je mon (o priemyselne vyui+ a je v!sledkom plne nov(o postupu. +erson1 who have an interest in patent protection of his invention1 have to show that the invention is novel1 capa le for industrial application and a result of an inventive step, 2,5,1-.5: .o are;istrovan% patent sa vynle stave majetkov!m prvom vynle cu, ktor! (o m*e postpi+ inej oso"e. ;fter patent registration invention ecomes a property interest of inventor1 which he can transfer to another person, 2-6,1-.16: NGistuj pr%pady, ke? vynle nie je mon patentovo are;istrova+ d*vodu je(o kon9liktu s do"r!mi mravmi a morlkou. There are some e4amples1 when the invention is not registra le ecause of its contraries to pu lic policy and morality, 2-1,1-.11: Ispec( romnu V :a 0inci(o k>dW "ol pravdepodo"ne jednou pr%2in alo"y, ktor podali autori podo"nej kni(y, H. Pai;ent a '. Eei;( na 0ysok! sdny dor v Eond!ne. $uccess of novel Da Jinci Code was pro a ly one of the causes of legal action1 which rose authors of similar oo01 M, 8aigent and K, Leigh at the :igh Court in London, 2-2,1-.12: Talo"a "ola postaven na tvrden%, e :an ProLn ukradol 1truktru in(o umeleck(o diela, ktor je(o autori pripravovali , rokov. The action ased on allegation that Dan 8rown hijac0ed the structure of another artistic wor01 which its> authors had created five years, 2-#,1-.1#: Sd amietol alo"u s od*vodnen%m, e nejde o poru1enie autorsk(o prva, aj ke? ist pla;itorstvo "olo preuk an. The court dismissed the litigation with reasoning that it is not copyright infringement1 although some limited copying had een shown, 2-&,1-.1&: Bail 'e"uck, predsedn%2ka a v!konn riadite)ka vydavate)stva vyjadrila pote1enie nad t!m, e spravodlivos+ a drav! ro um v%+a ili. 6ail

Ke uc01 chairman and chief e4ecutive of editorship said she was pleased that justice and common5sense had win, 2-,,1-.1,: Sd vydal nle , e predmetn dielo sp@a poiadavky na oc(ranu autorsk!m prvom. Court issued a judgement that pertinent wor0 fulfill reCuirements for copyright protection, 2--,1/.1: N vy internetov!c( domn s s2as+ou prva du1evn(o vlastn%ctva. Domain names are the part of the /ntellectual property law, 2-/,1/.2: Na to, a"y mo(li "y+ v!ro"ky opatren oc(rannou nmkou, mus% "y+ tto re;istrovan na .atentovom rade. -or protection of goods y trademar01 trademar0 must e registered at the +atent ?ffice, 2-3,1/.#: Dc(rann nmky maj emn platnos+ a m*u ma+ podo"u naku, slova ale"o o"r ku. Trademar0s have territorial validity and can e sign y sym ol1 word or picture, 2-5,1/.&: Dc(rann nmka c(arakteri uje dan! v!ro"ok ;ra9icky a odli1uje (o od in!c( podo"n!c( v!ro"kov. Trademar0 characteri7e product graphically and distinguish it from another similar goods, 2/6,1/.,: Dc(rann nmka, ktor m "y+ predmetom re;istrcie, mus% nies+ naky ori;inality a merit>rne sa odli1ova+ od in!c(. Trademar01 which will e a su ject of registration1 must has a signs of originality and e distinctive from another ones, 2/1,1/.-: 0!(odou are;istrovania eur>pskej oc(rannej nmky je to, e plat% vo v1etk!c( 2lensk!c( 1ttoc( NI. ;dvantage of registration of Community trademar0 is fact1 that it is valid in each mem er state of .!, 2/2,1/./: [nternetov adresy, ktor sa tie na !vaj domny, sa ro de)uj na dve kladn skupiny. /nternet addresses1 also called domain names1 are divided on two asic groups, 2/#,1/.3: :omny vy11ej rovne maj dvojp%smenkov k>d krajiny, napr. Jk, ru, sk, dru( skupinu tvoria dru(otn n vy domn, napr. Hc:onald\s v n ve, at?. Top level domains have two letters country code1 e,g, u01 ru1 s01 and the second group forms second level domain names1 e,g, McDonald>s in McDonalds,com1 etc, 2/&,1/.5: 7k su"jekt poiada o re;istrciu domny, ktor je rovnak ale"o podo"n u eGistujcej spe1nej adrese, (ovor%me o cy"ers]uattin;Yu. /f a su ject as0s for registration of domain1 which is same or similar with the successful e4isting one1 we spea0 a out cy ersCuatting, 2/,,1/.16: .oru1enie prva na du1evn vlastn%ctvo m*e "y+ rie1en od1kodnen%, t.j. civiln!mi opravn!mi prostriedkami, ale aj trestn!mi sankciami.

8reach of /ndividual property law may e solved y compensation1 i,e, y civil remedies1 ut also y criminal sanctions, 2/-,1/.11: Sd m*e a poru1enie du1evn(o vlastn%ctva vyda+ pred"en opatrenie, teda ka pokra2ova+ v je(o poru1ovan%. Court may issue interim injunction ecause of reach of intellectual property1 it means court could for id accused to continue in its rea0ing, 2//,1/.12: N1te pred a2iatkom (lavn(o pojednvania m*e sudca vyda+ pr%ka na mra enie akt%v dajn(o poru1ovate)a. ;lso efore eginning of trial may a judge issue an interim injunction to free7e the assets of an alleged infringer, 2/3,1/.1#: 7k v!ro"ky spolo2nosti nie s dostato2ne nme, nie je mon a"rni+ inej spolo2nosti v re;istrcii jej oc(rannej nmky ako internetovej adresy. /f products of company are not sufficiently 0nown1 it is not possi le to prohi it another company registration of its trademar0 as domain name, 2/5,1/.1&: 'e;istrcia oc(rannej nmky na produkt na .atentovom rade ne namen jej automatick re;istrciu na internete. Kegistration of trademar0 at +atent ?ffice does not automatically lead to its registration on the internet, 236,1/.1,: NGistuj v1ak spolo2nosti ale aj 9y ick oso"y, ktor sa snaia pro9itova+ do"r(o mena oc(rannej nmky ale"o o"c(odova+ s n vami domn na klade ic( podo"nosti. 8ut also e4ists companies as well as natural people1 who want to profit from trading goodwill of trademar0 or deal with domain names on the asis of its similarity, 231,1/.1-: N vy domn s re;istrovan na jeden ale"o viac rokov s monos+ou ?al1ie(o pred@enia. Domain names are registrated for one or more years with option of its renewal, 232,13.1: 'o voj in9orma2n!c( tec(nol>;ii a elektronick(o o"c(odu prin1a ve)k mnostvo nov!c( o"c(odn!c( pr%leitost%, ale aj monos+ ic( neuitia. Development of information technology and e5commerce carries a undance new of usiness opportunities1 ut also possi ilities of its misuse, 23#,13.2: Cackin; je ilustrat%vnym pr%kladom neoprvnen(o pr%stupu do po2%ta2a. :ac0ing is illustrative e4ample of unauthori7ed access to computer, 23&,13.#: .o2%ta2ov% podvodn%ci pou%vaj r* ne praktiky, napr. 1%renie v%rusov, ne konn %skavanie o"sa(u data" , at?.

Computer criminals use different machinations1 e,g, virus spreading1 illegal o tain of content of data ases1 etc, 23,,13.&: Ne konn 2innosti s mon len vtedy, ak s servery ne a"e pe2en, teda nemaj primeran oc(ranu. /llegal activities are possi le only when the servers are unsecured so they have not adeCuate protection, 23-,13.,: 0 modernej do"e eGistuje kate;>ria t v. ky"ernetick(o lo2inu, ktor a(4a napr. podvod s kreditn!mi kartami, krde identity. There e4ists the category of cy ercrimes in the modern1 which covers e,g, credit card scam1 identity theft1 etc, 23/,13.-: Mie)om med inrodnej do(ody o ky"ernetickej trestnej 2innosti, ktor prijala 'ada Nur>py a podp%sali ju aj JS7 a =aponsko, je med inrodn spoluprca a v jomn pomoc v "oji proti ky"ernetickej trestnej 2innosti. The aim of Cy ercrime treaty1 which has een accepted y Council of .urope and signed y !$; and 'apan1 is international co5operation and mutual assistance in policing against this type of crimes, 233,13./:NGistuj r* ne typy ky"ernetick(o podvodu napr. p(armin;, pri ktorom ide o presmerovanie u%vate)a na 9alo1n Le"ov strnku ale"o p(is(in;, pri ktorom sa podvodn%k sna% %ska+ oso"n daje u%vate)a. Different types of cy erfraud e4ists e,g, pharming1 where the users are moved to non5genuine site or phishing1 when the fraudster want to gain user>s personal information, 235,13.3: .ranie 1pinav!c( pea % je ?al1%m typom podvodu, cie)om ktor(o je le;ali ova+ p*vod pea % %skan!c( ne konn!m sp*so"om ale"o krdeou. Money laundering is a ne4t type of fraud1 which aid the transfer of illegal or stolen money, 256,13.5: .odstatn!m predpokladom (roma?ovania, uc(ovvania a ro 1irovania in9ormci% o"sa(ujcic( oso"n daje je ic( konn oc(rana. -undamental condition of collection1 store and distri ution of information contains personal data is data legal protection, 251,13.16: .o2%ta2ov% a policajn% od"orn%ci musia spoji+ svoje sily v "oji proti po2%ta2ov!m podvodn%kom ovldajcim stle so9istikovanej1ie postupy. /nformation and police e4perts have to join forces against cy er fraudsters1 who 0now more and more sophisticated methods, 252,13.11: .re 2ely 9oren n(o vy1etrovania mus% "y+ pol%cia vy"aven modern!mi po2%ta2ov!mi pr%strojmi. +olice must e eCuipped with the latest computer technologies ecause of purposes of forensic investigation, 25#,13.12: .od)a projektov(o manara Harka Mastella a -6 percent internetov(o o"c(odovania muselo 2eli+ v minulosti toku (ackerov.

;ccording project manager Mar0 Castell is fact that as many as #) percent of online usiness has already een hac0ed, 25&,13.1#: Poj proti po2%ta2ovej kriminalite a(4a le;islat%vne aj mimo le;islat%vne postupy, (lavnou lo(ou ktor!c( je (armoni cia eur>pskej a nrodnej le;islat%vy. -ight against cy ercrimes includes legislative and non5legislative actions1 that>s main tas0 harmoni7ation of .uropean and states> legislation, 25,,13.1&: NI sa v krtkodo"om .ane ameriava na "oj proti detskej porno;ra9ii, diskrimincii, podnecovaniu rasovej nenvisti a pod. The .! short term target will e fight against child pornography1 discrimination1 incitement to racism1 etc, 25-,13.1,: < mimo le;islat%vnym aktivitm patr% vytvorenie K>ra NI s cie)om v!1enia "e pe2nosti verejnosti a na podporu najlep1%c( postupov v o"lasti "e pe2nosti in9orma2n!c( tec(nol>;i%. ; non5legislative action includes the creation of .! -orum to arise a pu lic awareness and promote the est practises in /T security, 25/,15.1: .rvo ivotn(o prostredia je r!c(lo sa ro v%jajca sa o"las+, ktor priamo svis% s vedeck!mi o"javmi. .nvironmental law is a fast5developing area directly affected y scientific discovery, 253,15.2: 0 me inrodnom prve ivotn(o prostredia o(rvaj d*leit lo(u med inrodn mluvy a vykov prvo. /nternational environmental law encompasses international conventions and customary law, 255,15.#: Qtty s povinn dodriava+ pr%slu1n kony, v opa2nom pr%pade n1aj sankcie o strany med inrodn(o prvne(o spolo2enstva. $tates are o ligated to follow constituted law or otherwise suffer sanctions from international legal community, #66,15.&: Hed inrodn prvo ivotn(o prostredia je aloen na viacer!c(, nav jom sa dop@ajciv( princ%poc(. /nternational environmental law is ased on some mutual supplemented principles, #61,15.,: .rinc%p V ne2is+ovate) plat%W namen, e nklady a sp*so"en 1kodu n1a strana, ktor je odpovedn a ekolo;ick (avriu. +olluter pays principle means1 that costs of damage is carried y the party responsi le, #62,15.-: Hon kon9likty v o"lasti ivotn(o prostredia rie1ia diplomatick nstroje, ak!mi s napr%klad deklarcie o Qtok(olmu a 'ia. +otential conflicts in environmental law area are solved y diplomacy instruments1 such as declaration from $toc0holm or Kio,

#6#,15./: 0erejnos+ m prvo na slo"odn! pr%stup k in9ormcim t!kajcim sa ivotn(o prostredia aj na 2as+ pri ic( rie1en%. +u lic has a right to access to information a out environment and also a right to participation on its solution, #6&,15.3: Nkolo;ick vedomie svetovej komunity sa stalo ove)a citlivej1%m na pre1)apy nrodn!c( vld a nadnrodn!c( korporci%, ktor vystili do po1kodenia ivotn(o prostredia. .nvironmental world pu lic awareness ecomes more sensitive a out infringement of national governments international corporations1 which caused damage of environment, #6,,15.5: =edn!m naj nmej1%c( pr%kladov ekolo;ickej katastro9y je pr%pad tankera NGGon 0alde . ?ne of the most infamous environmental disasters is case of super tan0er .44on Jalde7, #6-,15.16: .ri sporoc( t!kajcic( sa ne2is+ovania ivotn(o prostredia je okrem peanej n(rady 1kody 2ast aj t v. sank2n od1kodnenie. /n environmental damage cases is apart from monetary compensation very freCuent also punitive damages, #6/,15.11:Dd1kodnenie sa pri nva "e o()adu na to, 2i 2in po1kod ujci ivotn prostredie "ol myseln! ale"o sp*so"en! ned"anlivos+ou. Compensation is awarded without reference to fact1 either was alleged action intentional or negligent, #63,15.12: Qpecilne nmorn kony upravuj udalosti, ktor sa stali na otvorenom mori ale"o v po"ren!c( vodc(. Maritime law covers happenings in territorial or coastal waters, #65,15.1#: N ory sudcov Najvy11ie(o sdu JS7 o()adne v!1ky sank2n(o posti(nutia ne2is+ovate)a "oli ro dielne. ?pinions of justices of !$ $upreme Court a out amount of punitive damages1 which should polluter pay were various, #16,15.1&: Nekone2ne dl( rie1enie sporu malo a nsledok 9inan2n stratu aj psyc(ick ujmu o"yvate)ov 7lja1ky. .ndlessly action on dispute cased financial loss and emotional distress of ;las0a inha itants, #11,26.1: 7kko)vek 9ormu diskrimincie na pracovisku je nevy(nutn povaova+ a poru1enie kona. /t is essential to assume every form of discrimination at wor0place as reach of law, #12,26.2: Nur>pska smernica poskytuje oc(ranu aj opatrovate)om vne telesne posti(nut!c( os*". .uropean directive also provides protection of carers of severely disa led people,

#1#,26.#: Rlensk 1tty s avia an noveli ova+ svoju le;islat%vu t!kajcu sa pracovnoprvnyc( v +a(ov tak, a"y "ola v slade s eur>pskymi normami. Mem er states are ounded to amend its legislation related to employment relations to e in compliance with .uropean rules, #1&,26.&: Qpecilny sd prerokoval predmetn podanie a vo svojom ro sudku u nal nrok navr(ovate)ky. $peciali7ed court heard the alleged pleading and ac0nowledged a claim of claimant in his ruling, #1,,26.,: Spolo2nos+ potre"uje d*kladne a1kolen!c( manarov, ktor% si uvedomuj potre"u rovnak(o a spravodliv(o pr%stupu k amestnancom so vl1tnymi potre"ami. Company needs well5 trained managers1 who are aware of reCuirement of eCual and justice approach to employees with special needs, #1-,26.-: Sme pripraven% a"e pe2i+ 9leGi"iln pracovn podmienky vrtane skrten(o pracovn(o 2asu pre amestnancov, ktor% tto potre"u dostato2ne d*vodnia. 3e are prepared to ensure fle4i le wor0 conditions including time off wor0 to employees1 who give a satisfactory reason for his need, #1/,26./: 0e)k vF21ina opatrovate)ov sa sna% osladi+ svoje amestnanie so starostlivos+ou o "l% ke(o posti(nut(o 2loveka. Majority of carers try to harmoni7e theirs wor0 with care for relative disa led person, #13,26.3: Nur>pska nia stoj% na troc( pilieroc( ^ spolo2nej a(rani2nej a "e pe2nostnej politike, spoluprci v o"lasti vntra a spravodlivosti a troc( spolo2enstvc(, t.j. NMSM, NM, NJ'7$DH. .uropean !nion stands on the three pillars @Common -oreign and $ecurity +olicy1 'ustice and :ome ;ffairs +olicy and three Communities1 i, e, .C$C1 .C1 .!K;T?M, #15,26.5: Akladn!m cie)om Inie je ekonomick inte;rcia aloen na jednotnom vntornom tr(u. ?riginal aim of Community is economic integration1 which is ased on common internal mar0et, #26,26.16: Rlensk 1tty odstrnili v rmci Inie v1etky coln prekky a kv>ty, t!kajce sa o"jemu tovaru. Mem er states removed all custom duties Cuotas related with restriction on amount of goods, #21,26.11: Na tovar ne2lensk!c( 1ttov je uvalen rovnak coln povinnos+, t v. MM$. Common Custom Tariff1 or CCT1 is imposed on goods coming into the area from non5mem er states, #22,26.12: .rinc%p su"sidiarity umouje Spolo2enstvu kona+ i"a v pr%padoc(, ak ist(o d*vodu nem*u kona+ jednotliv 2lensk 1tty v rmci svojic( nrodn!c( in1titci%. $u sidiarity principle ena le Community to

act only in cases1 when national institutions of Mem er $tates cannot act for any reason, #2#,26.1#: .ristpenie k Nur>pskemu spolo2enstvu v!ra ne o"med uje prva jednotliv!c( 1ttov a ovplyvuje nrodn suverenitu. ;ccession to .uropean Community evidently limits the power of national states and affects national sovereignty, #2&,26.1&: =ednotn! eur>psky akt roku 153- o"sa(uje ustanovenia akladajce povinnos+ Spolo2enstva podnikn+ nevy(nutn opatrenia na dosia(nutie spolo2n(o tr(u. $ingle .uropean ;ct 1(&# made provisions creating an o ligation on the Community to ta0e the necessary measures to achieve the internal mar0et, #2,,26.1,: Nariadenia NI s priamo aplikovate)n v 2lensk!c( 1ttoc( NI a s pre ne vF n v celom ro sa(u. .! regulations have general application in mem er states and are inding in their entirety, #2-,26.1-: Smernice musia "y+ transponovan, t.j. implementovan do nrodnej le;islat%vy a s pre 2lensk 1tty vF n ()adiska ic( v!sledku. Directives have to etransposed1 i,e, implemented into national law1 and are inding on Mem er $tates as to their result, #2/,26.1/: 'o (odnutia Nur>pske(o sdne(o dvora s vF n pre strany, ktor!c( sa t!kaj. Decisions of .uropean Court of 'ustice A.C'B are inding on those whom are addressed, #23,26.13: Ddpor2ania a stanovisk maj i"a odpor2ajcu (odnotu. Kecommendations and opinions have only persuasive authority,

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