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Snow Leopard+ NyankiBlank Final Release Unofficial port by Nyanki on Use at your own risk

This is a Wineskin port of Percy's (Percival18) YGOPro to make it work on the Mac OS X system. It's likely not perfect and is probably buggy, but it's worth a shot. It was made specifically to combat issues brought on by the 10.7.5 and 10.8.2 updates that made the original version of this port no longer work, but it should work for Snow Leopard, Lion, and Mountain Lion. NyankiBlank is basically an "empty" Wineskin port. It needs the Windows files put in. Learning to add these files yourself allows you to play YGOPro Percy as soon as Windows players are able. This is my final release of ports, seeing as xXTheLord96Xx has also taken up making ports in the same fashion. I began this little project because some of my friends and I wanted to play YGOPro, but there was no Mac version. So, I made one. I filled a gap. Now, that's not needed. However, I realize xXTheLord96Xx doesn't make a version for Leopard, so I thought I'd put this sort of DIY setup so those people

don't totally lose out on playing. The following YouTube videos will help with explaining how to use NyankiBlank: Full Download Updating from previous version Updating from an older version Follow Full Download to make a new/second port, then copy over decks, replays, etc. as shown in this video: Please check out the "troubleshooting" document on how to deal with problems and issues. When sharing this port, I would appreciate linking to the TalkNaruto thread below, or one of the YGOPro Percy videos on the Nyanki711 account, rather than directly sharing the download files. I am not affiliated with Percival18 or YGOPro in any way, this was just something I thought I'd put together for my friends at TalkNaruto. The link to Percy's site is below. Finally, I would like to give credit and thanks to TalkNaruto member Dreamer for making this new Snow Leopard+ version possible.

Happy dueling! --Nyanki

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