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States of Consciousness and Dreams Modern materialistic science is not sure about the origin and nature of most

psychic phenomena including dreams. This information can be found in Vedic scriptures. Srimad Bhagavatam 6.16.53 5!" #.#.$5 or #.15.61 describes three material states of consciousness% 1. &agrata" a'a(ened state )beta" 1! $* +,$. svapna" dreaming state )alfa" # 1! +,3. susupti" deep sleep )theta" ! # +,Beyond them is the fourth state )turya- 'hich is non material )SB 6.5.1$" #...3$" #"15.5!-. /n this level the Supreme 0ord can be perceived. 1audiya Vaisnavas describe another" fifth state )turyatitah-" dimension of love bet'een the &iva and 2rsna. 3hat follo's are paraphrases of Vedanta sutra )by Suhotra S'ami- and corresponding Srimad Bhagavatam verses% 4reams are created by the Supersoul to a'ard the living entity 'ith the results of insignificant (arma. )Vs 3.$.1SB 6.16.55 The Supersoul causes ob&ects of desire to appear in dreams as they do in other situations )e.g. the 'a(ing state-. )Vs 3.$.$- SB 11.13.3$ 4reams are features of the Supreme 0ord5s maya. )Vs 3.$.3- SB 11.13.33 Some dreams are omens6 sastra and e7perts so declare. )Vs 3.$.!- SB 1*.!$.$6 $# /b&ection% 3hen one a'a(es from dreaming" he (no's that his dreams 'ere unreal. Therefore no value should be imparted to dreams. 8eply% The manifestation and the 'ithdra'al of the dream 'orld 'ithin the consciousness of the living entity is effected by the 0ord. 9n the same 'ay" bondage and liberation proceed from him also. )Vs 3.$.5- SB 3.#.1* 1$ The state in 'hich consciousness is focused on the physical body )the 'a(ing state- is created by the Supreme 0ord. )Vs 3.$.6- SB 6.16.53 5! 4ifferent statements in the :panisads indicate that deep sleep is the result of the soul entering 1- the nadis )subtle channels that pervade the body from the center of the heart-" $- the pericardium" or 3- the Supersoul. The resolution is that the soul sleeps 'ithin the bed of the Supersoul" after having entered the palace )the pericardium- through the door of the nadis. )Vs 3.$.#- SB 11.3.35" 1.1*.$1 Because the Supersoul is the resting place of the soul in deep sleep" it is the Supersoul alone 'ho a'a(ens the sleeping soul. )Vs 3.$.;- SB 3.$6.#1 <2oran 6.6*% =>nd +e is it 'ho ta(es your souls at night )in sleep-" and +e 'ho (no's 'hat you ac?uire in the day )...-.=@ 3hen the living entity a'a(es from deep sleep" he is the same person. This is certain because of four proofs% 1the living entity continues his unfinished (arma" $- he retains memory of his identity" 3- the scriptures so describe him as returning to the same body" and !- he is bound by the scriptural in&unctions )i.e. it is en&oined that the &iva cannot attain liberation 'hile in the state of deep sleep" so he is obliged by sastra to return to the body from that state-. )Vs 3.$..- SB 11.3.3." 11.13.$#"$; The state of s'oon )mugdha- is mid'ay bet'een deep sleep and 'a(efulness. That is to say" the soul partially attains rest in the Supersoul. )Vs 3.$.1*- SB #.13.5

9nterpretation of dreams can be found for e7ample in >gni Aurana" ch. $$.. Some dreams are produced by ghosts )1aruda Aurana $.$3.1 1$-% Garuda said: 1. 3hat do the ghosts do in their ghosthoodB 3hen do they spea( sometimeB Alease tell me" o 0ord of godsC The Lord said: $. 9 shall tell you about their form" signs and dreams. Being oppressed by hunger and thirst they enter their former home. 3. Though possessed of airy forms" they give signs to their sleeping descendants" o bird. !. They visit the place 'here their sons" 'ives and relatives sleep. 5. 9f a person dreams of a horse" an elephant" a bull" or a man 'ith deformed face" if a person a'a(ened from sleep sees himself in the opposite side of the bed" this is all due to the 'or(ings of a ghost. 6. 9f a man is fastened 'ith chains in dream" if his dead ancestors demand food in dream" #. 9f one snatches the food from him 'hile he is eating in dream" if thirsty" one drin(s 'ater" ;. 9f in dream one rides a bull or moves 'ith bulls or if one springs up in the s(y or goes to a holy place hungry" .. 1*. 9f one spea(s aloud among co's" bulls" brahmanas" horses" elephants" deities" ghosts and demons this is due to the 'or(ing of a ghosts. Many are the signs of ghosts in dream" o bird. 9t is due to a ghost if one sees his 'ife" relative" son or husband as dead. 11. +e 'ho begs in dream oppressed by hunger or thirst should give pindas to the manes to 'ard off coming distress. 1$. 9f one sees in dream his son" cattle" father" brother" 'ife" getting out of house" it is due to the 'or(ing of a ghost.

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