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In the Dhyana shlokas of Virabhadra is virtually the Shiva. He is described as having white complexion, holding a mriga deer!, veena etc and adorned with snakes. of such Dhyana slokas.

#$.$. Svethangam Sesha Drutakrishnamrigam )rthonmeelita *etram Suganthi -ushpamalam

%hushangam &hadga Veena dharam Subham ' veeram Shaardhoola(idhavasam '' dham +rinetramcha ,adataram ' Sri Veerabhadram *amamyaham ''

I worship the .hite complexioned Virabhadra, with half closed eyes along with the third eye in his forehead, his matted hair locked as ,atamakuta. He is adorned with snake/ ornaments, tiger skin and garlands of fragrant flowers0 holding an antelope.

#$.#. Shannetram +rimugam %heemam &alamegha Samaprabham 1dharsi(valanam *eelaghatram Shatbhahu Shobinam %anapatrasi Soolekshu 2hapa &hadga dharam Subham %hoothapretadhi Dhamanm dushtarati vinasanam 3eru vasam 3ahesam tam Veerabhadram *amamyaham

' '' ' ' ''

I worship the %lack complexioned Virabhadra in a "ierce form with three faces, six eyes, his hair/locks flaming as fire. His six arms hold %anapatra arrow/case!, sword, trishula, bow, arrow0 and he blesses all who worship him. He tames and controls %hutas and -retas demons and goblins!, and destroys the evil and dwells forever in the Hill of 3eru. #$.4 2haturbhu(am trinetram cha ,atamakuta manditham ' Saravabharana samyuktham swethavarnam vrushadv(am '' Soolam cha abhaya Hastham cha dakshinedhu karatvayam 5adha varadha hastham cha Vama parshvey karathvayam '' Swetha -admasanasoonam Vatavriksha Samasritam ' Veerabhadram Ithikyadam %rahmi roopam dhadha shrnu '' Dhyana/Shloka in )msumadbeda/agama! I worship the .hite complexioned 6ord Virabhadra with four arms, three eyes, ,atamakutam, adorned with ornaments , sporting a flag carrying a nandi image .In his right he holds +risula and gestures )bhaya mudra 0 and in his left he has a gadha and gestures Varadha mudra. He is sitting under the vata +ree, on a .hite 6otus seat7 #$.8. 3arakata 3anineelam &inginee ,alamaalam ' -rakasita 3ugameesam %hanu Soma/)agni *etram 9'' Hariharamasikedatraya &radhandakra Hastham ' Vidhudharam ahi %husham Veerbhadram *amami 9 '' I worship 6ord Veerabhadra, of %lue/%lack complexion, in a fierce looking form of Shiva with the Sun, 3oon and )gni as three eyes representing the Vibhuti of both Shiva and Vishnu, wearing the crescent 3oon in his hair , Serpent garlands , ornaments of bells, and holding the sword, shield and club. #$.:. )kasha/Virabhadra 3antra 9/ &alarudra ;ushihi ',agadhee 2handaha 'Veerabhadra Devata ' Vam %ee(am ' Hoom Shakthihi ' #$.<. 3ula 3antra9 = *amo Veerabhadraya Vairi Vamsha *ivinasaya Sarvaloka %ayankaraya %eema Veshaya Hoom -hat Vi(aya Vi(aya Hreem Hoom -hat Svaha

Veera-Bhadra Murthy

Veera/%hadra though an attendant or one of Shiva 5hanas is usually identified with a variant form of 6ord Shiva himself as one among the SI>+?/"=1; forms of 6ord Shiva. He is said to have flashed forth from the matted locks of an indignant Shiva ;udra/,ata/Sambhava ' ;udra/&opa/Samudbhuta !. )fter Sati immolated herself in the ?agna of her father Daksha/%rahma, Shiva sent Veera/%hadra to kill Daksha and destroy his sacrifice. So he is usually represented as ?anaka/3urthi or as one on his mission of destruction. +here are several forms in which Veera/%hadra is shown. 1sually he is black in colour, three eyed, sporting a garland of severed heads or Skulls and having a Sword and Shield in two hands and %ow and )rrow in upper hands. He also wears Serpents as his ornaments. )s per &aranagama %hadrakali stands on his left while Daksha with 5oat head and horns is on his right in )n(ali posture. Veera/%hadra after beheading Daksha, at the be@uest of the 5ods replaced it with the head of a sacrificial 5oat. Daksha after recovering his life remained in Shiva/Dhyana/-arayana. Shilpa/Samgraha enumerates three varieties in Veera/%hadra Images as $. Sattvic +wo armed !, #. ;a(asic "our armed ! and 4. +amasic Aight armed ! in nature. )ll of them have dark complexion, have ,ata/3akuta and wield various arms. +hus the ?oga/vira is seated in Sukasana with only Sword and Shield in his two arms and his right leg resting on the ground. +he %hoga/vira is standing with four arms and has bow and arrow in the other two hands. He also wears a 3unda/3ala and Daksha is seen standing on his right side. +he Vira/vira with eight arms, is shown in walking posture and carries a +rident, Sword, )rrow and )ntelope in right arms and Skull/cup &apala !, Shield &hadga !, %ow and 5oad 3aBhu ! in his left

hands. +his form is beautifully sculptured in +hiruvannamalai +emple and is worshipped as )ghora/ ;udra/3urthi or 3aha/%hairava/3urthi. In Shilpa/;atna he is eight armed and rides a Vedala/Vahana Vampire ! and is surrounded by his %huta/5hanas *i(a/5ana/Sahita !. He is white complexioned and fierce looking. His tawny red matted locks is tied into a &not in the top of his head ,ata/%handha ! and adorned with the crescent 3oon. His hands carry %attle/)xe, Hand/Drum, Sword, Shield, Skull/cap, Spear and his front two hands are in )bhaya/Varadha gestures. He is clad in +iger skin. In his Digambara "orm, his body is adorned with many Serpents %hu(anga/5ana/%hushana ! and his third eye is e@ually awesome. His eye brows are knit in anger and his hair is like flames ,vala/kesa !. His body is smeared with the blood of the enemies slain by him and he also carried a 5ada 2lub ! and +rishula +rident !. In Sapta/3atruka -anels we find Veera/%hadra is in the right end and 5anapathi is in the left end flanking the Seven 3other 5oddesses in between. )s per ;oopamandanam 9/ Veereswaracha Bhagavan Vrisharoodo Dhanur dhara : Veena hastha : Trisula cha Mathrunaa a!radho "avedh ## Veerabhadra when placed along with the Sapta/3atrukas is seen holding the %ow, )rrow, Veena and +risula, with a Varadha/Hasta in sitting posture with the *andhi Vahana at his foot. +he 1tsava/3urthi of +hiru/-ariyalur on the South %ank of 2auvery near Sembonnar &ovil In 3ayiladuthurai/+arangampadi ;oad ! is six armed with +rishula, 2lub, Sword, %ell, Skull/cup, and )xe. +he Veerateswarar +emple is one of the )shta/Veeratanam Aight -laces of Valour of Shiva ! and the place is also called as &eeBha/-arasalur. +here is a sculpture of Daksha in Shiva/-oo(a in the wall of Sanctorum. +he )rdha/,ama -oo(a 6ast poo(a of the day before closing the temple ! is done for 6ord %hairava in this temple. &aranagama depicts Veerabhadra as one who redeems our Sins, relieves all our sufferings, destroyed the ?agna of Daksha, has four arms, three eyes and sports a ,atamakuta akin to flames, has prominent teeth, wears a garland of bells and a garland of skulls. He is wearing a -aduka in his feet and wears ornaments in ankles. His neck is blue and his dress called C&anchugamD is tightly worn around his loin. +he weapons that he carries are the Sword, Shield, %ow, )rrow, Skull, and -indi/palam. His complexion is fiery red and has fierce eyes. He is also represented with 4# arms in some )gama works. )ccording to Sri/+attwa *idhi, he is four/armed, three/eyed, has a ,atamakuta, has Sword and )rrow in his right arms and %ow and 5ada in his left arms. He also has a beard and wears a garland of Skulls 3undamala ! and also of %ones ;undamala !. He has -aduka in his feet and wears Serpents on his body and ears and is accompanied by %hadrakali. Daksha/%rahma in brahmanical form with 5oat head and two horns is seen on his right in )n(ali posture in Shiva/Dhyana.

Veera"hadra Dhyana-$hlo!a :$vethanga $esha Bhushanga %hadga Veena dhara $u"ha Druta!rishna riga veera $haardhoola&idhavasa ## Arthon eelita 'etra dha Trinetra cha (adatara # $uganthi )ush*a ala $ri Veera"hadra 'a a yaha ## #

CI worship thee, the .hite complexioned Veerabhadra, wearing Serpents as =rnaments, holds the )ntelope in hand, wearing +iger skin in his waist, with half closed eyes along with the +hird eye in his forehead, his matted hair locked as ,atamakuta, and wearing a garland of "ragrant flowersD.

Another Dhyana $hlo!a o+ Veera"hadra :$hannetra Tri uga Bhee a %ala egha $a a*ra"ha # Udharsi&valana 'eelaghatra $hat"hahu $ho"ina ## Bana*atrasi $oole!shu ,ha*a %hadga dhara $u"ha # Bhootha*retadhi Dha an dushtarati vinasana # Meru vasa Mahesa ta Veera"hadra 'a a yaha ## EI worship the %lack complexioned Veerabhadra with +hree "aces, Six eyes, in a "ierce form with flaming "ire as his hair/locks, and with six arms holding %anapatra, Sword, +rishulam, %ow, )rrow, and blesses all who worships him, tames and controls %hutas and -retas Demons and Vampires !, and kills all the evil enemies, and dwells forever in the Hill of 3eruE.

A su ad"edaga a Dhyana-$hlo!a :,hatur"hu&a trinetra cha (ata a!uta anditha # $arava"harana sa yu!tha swethavarna vrushadv&a ## $oola cha a"haya Hastha cha da!shinedhu !aratvaya -adha varadha hastha cha Va a *arshvey !arathvaya ## $wetha )ad asanasoona Vadavri!sha $a asrita # Veera"hadra .dhi!yada Brah i roo*a dhadha shrnu ## E I worship the .hite complexioned 6ord Veerabhadra with four arms, three eyes, ,atamakutam, Sarva/ abharanam variety of ,ewellery !, ;ishaba &odi "lag with *andhi !, ;ight arms having +risula, )bhaya gesture, 6eft arms having 5adha and Varadha gestures, sitting under the )lamaram ' -eepal +ree, on a .hite 6otus seat7E

A!asha-Veera"hadra Mantra :&alarudra ;ushihi 9' ,agadhee 2handaha 9' Veerabhadra Devata 9' Vam %ee(am 9' Hoom Shakthihi 9'



Maragata Manineela %inginee (ala aala # )ra!adita Muga eesa Bhanu $o a-Aagni 'etra :## Harihara asi!edatraya %radhanda!ra Hastha # Vidhudhara ahi Bhusha Veer"hadra 'a a i : ## CI worship thee, 6ord Veerabhadra, of %lue/%lack complexion, wearing an =rnament of %ells, in a fierce looking form of Shiva with the Sun, 3oon and )gni as three eyes, representing the Vibhuti of both Shiva and Vishnu, and holding the Sword, Shield and 2lub, wearing the 2rescent 3oon in his hair and Serpent garlands adorning the body...D Mula Mantra :/ 'a o Veera"hadraya Vairi Va sha 'ivinasaya $arvalo!a Bayangaraya Bee a Veshaya Hoo Vi&aya Vi&aya Hree Hoo )hat $vaha ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I have tried my best to collect as much materials as possible with my limited resources on 6ord Veerabhadra and I welcome any additional information to enlighten everyone on the 5lory of .orship of Veerabhadra. Aven the picture depicted in this %log has been created as per the Dhyana/Shloka given above as a representation of a DH1SH+)/*I5;)H)/)*15;)H)/31;+HI of 6ord Shiva. Sri Veerabhadrar worship relates to veerasaiva sect which could have been started from 2entral India at &alaprars time, spread over south India vai &arnataka.+here are two forms of Veerabhadras created by the 6ord Shiva to destroy the DakshanFs yagna and also to destroy the world at F1BhikalamFi.e.,doomsday. =ne is Sri.)gniveerabhadrar with a ,wala 3akut and with )shta %hairavars in the base destroying Dakshan, and the other is )ghora Veerabhadrar wearing ,atamakutam. ref two beatuful and awesome sculptures in the third prakaram of Sri.Sudraeswar Sannadi at Sri.3eenkshi temple, 3adurai.!Incidentally shri.)gniveerabhadrar is our family 5od worshipped in our native place -allapatti in the -eetam and not in sila roopam..ith regards.V.S.Sukumar, 3adurai. )hat

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