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Sale of honor..!

Matara judge Manjula Karunaratne sacrifices his soul at altar of Maharajas mammon

(Lanka-e-News-1 .!ec."#1$% 11.$#&M' (n No)em*er $# th Lanka e news re+orted that Sirasa chief Kili Maharaja was mo)ing hea)en and earth to get the case file against him in the magistrate court % Matara *, a former Minister and +resent M.&. Mangala Samaraweera % and that Kili Maharaja had made a +lea to somehow e)en arrange a *ri*e to the judge and sa)e him (Maharaja' from a++earing in court . -oda, % when the case was called u+ in the Matara court % magistrate Manjula -hilakaratne confirmed that Kili Maharaja has indeed succeeded in his sordid *ri*er, effort % when -hilakaratne dismissed the +etition on the ground that it is im+ossi*le to conclude *e,ond an, dou*t that Kili Maharaja is the chief of .Sirasa media chain. Samaraweera filed a +etition in the Matara magistrate court on the " th of No)em*er re/uesting court to make a declaration under section 01 of the criminal +rocedure code ordering the Sirasa media chain *elonging to 1a+ital Maharaja &)t. Ltd. to refrain from using the media chain to incite the +u*lic and +ro)oke them in a manner that could cause a *reach of +eace and *reaking of the law2 and there*, a)oid the ensuing legal action that can result from those actions. (n the " th the court issued notice on Kili Maharaja to a++ear in court on the 11 th. 3n the interim howe)er after the law,ers of Kili Maharaja had met magistrate -hilakaratne % in a

most strange manner the notice issued on Maharaja to a++ear in court was withdrawn . 4hen the case was taken u+ last 11th % the law,er who a++eared for Kili Maharaja was 5ien6ie 7resecularatne. 3t is this same law,er who *ecame infamousl, famous *, securing *ail for -hilanga Sumathi+ala on a +o,a da, some time ago. -he whole legal s+here is aware that 5ien6ie is efficient when it comes to gi)ing *ri*es to judges and securing judgments the wa, he wants though he is inefficient as a law,er. Maithri 8unaratne who is maintained and sustained *, Maharaja of course a++eared for Maharaja of his own accord. 3n an, e)ent the main argument ad)anced *, 5ien6ie 7rasekularatne was % the Sirasa media does not *elong to 1a+ital Maharaja 1o. and that it *elongs to the M-9 esta*lishment % and since Kili Maharaja is onl, its !irector and not a managing !irector % it is erroneous to sa, therefore that Sirasas acti)ities are with the knowledge of Kili Maharaja % and is on his instructions. -he law,ers for Samaraweera ne)ertheless maintained that Kili Maharaja is the managing !irector of 1a+ital Maharaja % and M-9 is a su*sidiar, of this grou+ of com+anies. 3t was a most rude shock to all to learn that onl, the judge -hilakaratne did not know Kili Maharaja was the owner of the Sirasa media chain des+ite the fact that the whole countr, knowing it. -hilakaratne who resumed sittings after an hour declared that there is no e)idence to confirm that Sirasa media chain is run *, Kili Maharaja % and dismissed the case outrageousl, tram+ling all the rules of law and legal norms. -hilakaratne *eing a judge and not knowing witnesses are onl, summoned later is something *e,ond *elief. :e did not e)en get a sworn affida)it from Kili Maharaja .-hilakaratne dismissing this +etition merel, *ased on some flims, grounds cited *, Kilis law,er is clearl, an inde; and une/ui)ocal confirmation that the case was not im+artiall, heard for o*)ious reasons. (n No)em*er $# th %Lanka e news in its re+ort re)ealed that Kili Maharaja had announced that % had he known of it on the da, the case was filed against him he would ha)e e)en gi)en a *ri*e and got the decisions changed. <ollowing toda,s court )erdict it is )er, e)ident Kili has succeeded in his efforts . 3n fact the chief justice ( Mohan &eiris' had on the +hone *erated -hilakaratne furiousl, o)er this o*)iousl, misdirected judgment *ased on re+orts reaching Lanka e news. 4e wish to recall another intriguing e+isode +ertaining to judicial )erdicts after the SL judiciar, has *een turned *, Ma5a into kangaroo courts = 4hen Lanka e news we*site was *anned% the 8angodawila magistrate ga)e an order *anning it merel, *ased on a mere 7 > +a+er su*mitted *, the 13! who knew a*solutel, nothing on that su*ject. 7t that time Lanka e news was ha)ing in its em+lo, ten +ermanent em+lo,ees. 3t was not in)estigated how these em+lo,ees are going to e;ist following these )indicti)e and )itu+erati)e actions.

Su*se/uentl, when fi)e we*sites (e;ce+t Lanka e news' filed fundamental rights +etitions in the Su+reme court % e)en without in/uiring or citing an, reason the court dismissed the +etitions. -oda, % another Mara kangaroo court had also fallen in line with that same +attern of judgment % *, gi)ing the )erdict that Sirasa media does not *elong to Kili Maharaja % there*, encouraging the former to continue slinging mud at e)er,one and e)er, +olitico who is antagonistic to Ma5a and his clan. 3n other words the court had indirectl, gi)en a legal order to Sirasa to carr, on its )enomous and )engeful acti)ities o+enl, which it was +re)iousl, doing on the sl,. 3n the circumstances % when the +u*lic and law a*iding citi6ens lose confidence in the judiciar, and when the, know full, well that the, cannot e;+ect justice and fair )erdicts from courts % the, will naturall, and in)aria*l, *e com+elled to resort to other methods of securing justice. 3t is no wonder the crime wa)e and lawlessness in the countr, had s+iraled ra+idl, . Some o++osition sordid +oliticians and se)eral unscru+ulous media coolies are kee+ing their mouths shut when media 3nstitutions are set on fire or *anned when the, e;+ose the regime and o++ose it % entertaining the *elief that the, can safeguard their own nefarious interests onl, then % *ut let them *e warned that when the neigh*ors wall is a*la6e their own are at stake. 4hen action is filed in the court against sordid media 3nstitutions like the Sirasa and go)ernment media coolies who distort the truth and con)e, a wrong +icture to the +u*lic% and engage in attacking and )ilif,ing +olitical leaders who are o++osed to the regime % true artistes and genuine media +ersonnel% the Ma5as Kangaroo courts )iew ( *ased on flims, and nefarious grounds to su++ort the regime' it as attem+ts to stifle the media . ?)er, citi6en seeks justice finall, from the courts. Scoundrels and rascals ma, ha)e forgotten this. @ut let these sinners and satanic *eings (in human forms' who *etra, their souls and +rofessional ethics at the sight of Maharajas and their filth, lure *e reminded that on the da, when the 5aja+akse regime seek filth, drains to hide themsel)es % these *etra,ers will not e)en *e left with a la)ator, cess+it to hide themsel)es.

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