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Chapter 5 1Introduce the concept of mass.

(kg) 1Newtons 1st Law inertia - objects at rest remain at rest and objects in motion continue to move at the same velocity unless acted on by an outside force. OR It takes a force to change a velocity.

A FORCE is defined as a mass multiplied by an acceleration! or in e"uation form: v v # = ma 1 $efine a force (vector! %e&ton ' kgm(s)! dynes! pounds)* 1 % ' +.)), lb. -"uivalently! 1 %e&ton is the amount of force &e &ould have to apply to a mass of 1 kg to make it accelerate at the rate of 1 m(s). .here are forces all around us/ Our o&n weight is a force ( 0 =mg )! &here g is the earth1s gravitational acceleration. 2ave you ever seen the video of %eil 3rmstrong on the moon4 2e took a little step and it became a great leap. .hat1s because the moon1s gravitational acceleration is only 1(5 as much as it is here on earth. .hink about the movie! Superman/ .he gravitational acceleration on the planet 6rypton &as 278- compared &ith ours. .hat1s &hy 9uperman &as so strong here/ (3ccording to the movie.) If &e push a la&nmo&er! &e1re e:erting a #OR;-. If &e pick up our child! &e1re e:erting a force that e"uals the child1s weight force. 3mong some other forces &e &ill study are normal force normal means perpendicular/ .his is the force that a surface &ill e:ert on a body perpendicular to it. -:amples< the floor on your feet! push on the &all! book on the table friction force al&ays acts opposite to the direction of motion or &ould-be motion. 9lide the book across the table. =ush book against the &all. 0hat holds it v v up4 f = N

Newtons 2nd Law In case any of you are confused about &hat this means! let1s look at the e"uation<

= ma

0hat does this mean4 0e have learned that force! like acceleration! velocity and displacement! is a vector "uantity (having >O.2 magnitude and direction). In )dimensional kinematics (projectile motion! for e:ample)! &e learned that &e can look at &hat is happening in each dimension (: or y) by itself! independently of the other. .he same is true for %e&ton1s )nd ?a&.


= ma x


= ma y

0hat does it mean if a ' + for either direction44 It means that all of the forces acting on an object cancel each other (or there is no force being applied at all) so that there is no %-. (&hat1s left over after &e add them all together! being careful to use the correct plus or minus sign according to the coordinate system that &e1ve set up) force acting on the object. 0hen this is true! the object can only move at constant velocity (yes! @ero is also a constant/) 2o& to tackle these problems< 1. $ra& a coordinate system &ith picture. ). $ra& in the forces and the body on &hich they are acting. A. Resolve all forces into their : and y-components.

11. BB $riving home from school one day! you spot a ball rolling out into the street (#igure , 1C). Dou brake for 1.)+ s! slo&ing your E,+-kg car from 15.+ m(s to E.,+ m(s. (a) 0hat &as the average force e:erted on your car during braking4 (b) 2o& far did you travel &hile braking4
r r F = ma r v =m t


= (950 kg)


m s


m s

(1.20 s 0) m = (950 kg) 5.42 2 x s = ( 5.1 kN) x


= 5.1 kN opposite to the direction of motion


9.50 m 16.0 v2 v02 s x = = 2a 2 5.42 m 2

) (

m 2 s

= 15.3 m

Newtons #rd Law #or every action! there is an e"ual and opposite reaction.

3ction-reaction pairs< I push on the &all. .he &all pushes back on me. 3 cannon fires a cannonball! the cannon recoils. 9o! ho& does anything ever move4 .he forces! although e"ual in magnitude and oppositely directed! are acting on $I##-R-%. >O$I-9/ 1E. BB I= 3 F1-kg parent and a 1E-kg child meet at the center of an ice rink. .hey place their hands together and push. (a) Is the force e:perienced by the child more than! less than! or the same as the force e:perienced by the parent4 (b) Is the acceleration of the child more than! less than! or the same as the acceleration of the 2 parent4 -:plain. (c) If the acceleration of the child is 2.6 m / s in magnitude! &hat is the magnitude of the parent1s acceleration4 a) >y %e&ton1s Ard ?a& the forces are v e"ual in magnitude and oppositely directed. v #;hild # v v a =arent = ;hild b) a ;hild = m ;hild m =arent >ecause the mass of the parent Gmass of the child! the child1s acceleration &ill be greater (remember that the magnitudes of the forces are e"ual). v v ) # m ;hild a ;hild ( 1Ekg ) ( ).5m ( s ) v = = = +.F m ( s ) c) a =arent = m =arent m =arent ( F1kg ) ;hapter , problems. ;ontact forces<

v #)1


v #1)



BB 3 force of magnitude F.,+ % pushes three bo:es &ith masses and mA = H.E+ kg! as sho&n in #igure , )+. #ind the contact force (a) bet&een bo:es 1 and )! and (b) bet&een bo:es ) and A.
m1 = 1.A+ kg! m) = A.)+ kg!

.he bo:es accelerate together.


F =( m1 +m) +mA )a F a = m1 +m) +mA F.,+ % = 1.A+ kg +A.)+ kg +H.E+ kg m =+.FEFE s) F)!1

.he contact force

accelerates bo: 1.

m F)!1 = m1a = (1.A+ kg) +.FEFE = 1.+H % s)

(b) .he contact force

accelerates bo:es 1 and ).

m FA!) = (m1 + m) )a = (1.A+ kg + A.)+ kg) +.FEFE = A.,E % s)

%o&! let1s do a problem &here &e have to decompose some force vectors/

A+. BB .o give a 1E-kg child a ride! t&o teenagers pull on a A.F-kg sled &ith ropes! as indicated in #igure , )A. >oth teenagers pull &ith a force of ,, % at an angle of A,I relative to the for&ard direction! &hich is the direction of motion. In addition! the sno& e:erts a retarding force on the sled that points opposite to the direction of motion! and has a magnitude of ,F %. #ind the acceleration of the sled and child. >y symmetry! the vertical components of the t&o ,,-% vectors &ill cancel. 0e need only to consider the :-components of these forces.

F = (msled + mchild )a = ()).F kg)a

and so!

F = )(,, %) cos A, ,F % = AA.1%

F AA.1% = = 1., m s ) msled + mchild )).F kg


AA. BB 3n object acted on by three forces moves &ith constant velocity. One force acting on the object is in the positive : direction and has a magnitude of 5., %* a second force has a magnitude of H.H % and points in the negative y direction. #ind the direction and magnitude of the third force acting on the object.

#1'5., %

#)'H.H %

$ince the o"%ect mo&es with constant &elocit'( the net force acting on the o"%ect is )ero* r
Fnet = + Fx!net = Fx + 5., % = + Fx = 5., % Fy !net = Fy H.H % = +

Fy = H.H % r J KH.H % ' J F = 5., % , Fy H.H % = tan 1 = tan 1 = AH + 1C+ = 1H5 5., % Fx F = Fx ) + Fy ) = ( 5., %)) + (H.H %) ) = F.C %

0eight< F0 ' mg 3pparent &eight< 0hat do your feet feel4 8oing up in an elevator (heavier). 8oing do&n (lighter).

#y = m a y 03 0 = ma y 03 = 0 + ma y 8oing do&n/ #y = m( a y ) 03 0 = m( a y ) 03 = 0 ma y (a y is in the negative y direction/) (a y is in the positive y direction/)

0hat happens if ay'g4

0hy are the 9huttle astronauts &eightless4 .hey are actually in free fall. H+. BB I= 3s part of a physics e:periment! you stand on a bathroom scale in an elevator. .hough your normal &eight is 51+ %! the scale at the moment reads FA+ %. (a) Is the acceleration of the elevator up&ard! do&n&ard! or @ero4 -:plain. (b) ;alculate the magnitude of the elevator1s acceleration. (a) .he direction of acceleration is up&ard. 3n up&ard acceleration results in an apparent &eight greater than the actual &eight. (b)

Fy = Wa W = ma
W m = Wa W
W g


m FA+ % 51+ % ) a= E.C1 ) = 1.E m s 51+ % s

HE. BB I= (a) #ind the normal force e:erted on a ).E-kg book resting on a surface inclined at A5I above the hori@ontal. (b) If the angle of the incline is reduced! do you e:pect the normal force to increase! decrease! or stay the same4 -:plain.

(b) .he normal force &ill increase because as the angle decreases cos L approaches one (and % approaches mg).
yM :M

$iscuss the ne& coordinate system< :M and yM parallel and perpendicular to surface of the incline.

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