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Abortions became legal in 1967 in the UK.

At that time period, contraception wasnt as advanced or as easily available, so there were many more unplanned pregnancies and there ore unwanted children. !an religions permit abortion, i the oetus threatens the mothers li e, such as "slam, #hristianity and $udaism. " thin% that ma%ing abortion legal is a good idea, as it means that women whose lives are endangered due to the oetus can abort and survive. "t should be the parents right to abort their child or not, as they are the ones will have to loo%. &hey may eel that they may not be able to provide or care or the child and there ore should be able to terminate the pregnancy i they want to. " a woman is raped, the scars o the traumatic event are deep enough, without having to in lict the pain o a pregnancy upon the woman. "n this case " agree that an abortion should be available to the mother, as she has already su ered a great deal, and the stress, and grie o carrying a child created through violence, can cause urther disruption and unnecessary pain to the mother. Aborting a child is ta%ing away the potential li e o a human, and this in my opinion is murder, which is condemned by many religions such as "slam' (whosoever has spared the li e o a soul, it is as though he has spared the li e o all people. )hosoever has %illed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all o man%ind *+uran ,-./01. )ith the availability and reliability o contraception, means that carelessness is the main reason o unwanted pregnancy. "n many cases o unplanned and unwanted pregnancies, the parent or parents may try to abort the child, saying that they are not ready, or they cannot provide or the child. 2owever " thin% that the parents should ta%e responsibility or the child and ollow through with their actions. "n the +uran 17-.1 it is written (3ou shall not %ill your children or ear o want. )e will provide or them and or you. &o %ill them is a grievous sin.1 this can be interpreted as a reason not to abort. "t tells the parents, that you may not thin% you are capable or can a ord to loo% a ter the child, but 4od will provide a way or you. &o conclude, " believe that ma%ing abortion legal does not mean that it is all right to abort a child. "n most cases the actions to have created the child have been carried out by the parents and they should ta%e responsibility or those actions. 5or those who become pregnant through methods that were not their ault or cause, 4od will help you to get through this, perhaps it is his will that the child will be able to ta%e away the pain already in their lives, and improve it. By Fathima Mukadam

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