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Academy Showcase

5:00-7:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Warren Hall at Earl Warren Showgrounds
International Baccalaureate
Dos Pueblos High School
Multimedia Arts and Design Academy
Santa Barbara High School
Health Careers
San Marcos High School
Visual Arts and Design Academy
Santa Barbara High School
Accelerated Academic Program
for Leadership and Enrichment
San Marcos High School
Engineering Academy
Dos Pueblos High School
Entrepreneurship Academy
San Marcos High School
Lvery chlld, every chance, every day."
!"#$" &"'("'" )#*+,- !./001 2*3$'*.$ 720 SanLa 8arbara SLreeL SanLa 8arbara, CA 93101 963-4331, exL 6206 (Lspanol exL. 6276)
Pupil Services
Intradistrict transfer
forms and info
Accelerated Academic
Program for Leadership
and Enrichment Academy
San Marcos High
Dos Pueblos High
Visual Arts & Design
Santa Barbara High
San Marcos High
Multimedia Arts &
Design Academy
Santa Barbara High
Health Careers
San Marcos High
Dos Pueblos High
!"#$%&' )*+,"#-% ./01
3:00-7:00 p.m., Wednesday, uecember 18, 2013
Warren Pall aL Larl Warren Showgrounds
!""%2%3#4%$ !"#$%&5" 63+73#& 8+3 9%#$%3-*5: #;$ <;35"*&%;4
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1he AcceleraLed Academlc rogram for Leadershlp and LnrlchmenL (AALL) ls focused on academlc excellence,
leadershlp, and servlce Lo Lhe communlLy. AALL ls a four-year course of sLudy ln whlch selecL cohorLs of hlgh
achlevlng sLudenLs follow a rlgorous llberal arLs currlculum. SLudenLs balance Ponors, Advanced lacemenL, SanLa
8arbara ClLy College, and, poLenually, uCS8 coursework whlle galnlng a deeper undersLandlng of organlzauonal and
clvlc leadershlp. 1he academy ls noL vocauonally based, raLher focuses on academlc and leadershlp preparauon
necessary for admlsslon and success aL Lop ranked colleges and unlverslues.

132 LoLal scholars, 33 9

-grade spaces for fall 2014 cohorL.

Appllcauon wlndow opens mld-March and closes mld-Aprll 2014.

AALL lnformauon nlghL wlll Lake place on !anuary 29, 6:00 p.m., aL San Marcos Plgh's room l3.

AALL Shadows avallable now.

!"#$%&$' )*+, -+./0.# (nlelsen[, 967-4381, exL. 362.

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@+- 6A%B2+- >57* )"*++2 ? WebslLe: hup://
1he Lnglneerlng Academy ls a four-year program LhaL ls deslgned Lo glve sLudenLs a real-world, lnLerdlsclpllnary,
pro[ecL-based approach Lo learnlng. 1he program sLrlves Lo creaLe a balance beLween Lheory and appllcauon, and
glves sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn abouL physlcs, arL, compuLer-alded deslgn, and manufacLurlng. uos ueblos
Lnglneerlng Academy ls sLrucLured Lo run llke a buslness, wlLh sLudenLs asslsung wlLh day-Lo-day operauons of Lhe
academy. Cur graduaLes are prepared Lo paruclpaLe ln lnLernshlps and research ln boLh academla and lndusLry whlle
Lhey auend college. SLudenLs musL apply for admlsslon aL Lhe end of Lhelr 8Lh grade school year and musL be
enrolled ln geomeLry (or hlgher maLh course) durlng Lhelr freshman year.

1here wlll be approxlmaLely 100 spaces for lncomlng 9

graders, fall 2014.

Admlsslons process Lakes place ln May 2014. SLudenLs do noL have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo apply Lo Lhe uLA aer
8Lh grade.

Appllcauon deadllne ls mld-May 2014, and all daLes wlll be avallable on Lhe Lnglneerlng Academy's webslLe.

We wlll oer Lours (open houses) from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Lhe followlng daLes (whlch are all before Lhe
lnLradlsLrlcL Lransfer deadllne): !anuary 23, 2014, and lebruary 6, 2014.

We wlll oer a Lour (open house) speclcally for Spanlsh speakers from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on !anuary 30, 2014. 1he
Lour wlll be enurely ln Spanlsh.

!"#$%&$' )1+/2 34%..*5 uLA admlsslons coordlnaLor (emlly[, 968-2341, exL. 4661.

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1he LnLrepreneurshlp Academy wlll creaLe an enurely new and lnnovauve currlculum LhaL wlll equlp Lhe nexL
generauon of clvlc and buslness leaders wlLh Lhe Lools Lo successfully develop Lhelr own buslness ldeas. SLarung
wlLh Lhe sophomore year of hlgh school, sLudenLs wlll be engaged ln a prescrlbed Lhree-year course of sLudy ln
enLrepreneurshlp LhaL expands Lhelr ablllLy Lo spoL opporLunlLy, assess rlsks lnvolved, and undersLand how Lo
eecuvely sLarL and operaLe a small buslness. SLudenLs wlll recelve college credlL for Lhelr work durlng hlgh school
Lhrough our parLnershlp wlLh SanLa 8arbara ClLy College and wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy lnLern Lhrough parLnershlps
wlLh local buslnesses. 1he academy wlll supporL Lhe already Lhrlvlng servlce learnlng pro[ecL, klds Pelplng klds
(kPk), by developlng buslness and enLrepreneurlal skllls ln Lhe classroom LhaL wlll be applled durlng Lhe fall and
wlnLer of senlor year. Addluonally, ln Lhe sprlng of Lhelr senlor year, Lhe academy sLudenLs wlll deslgn Lhelr own
buslness plans Lo paruclpaLe ln Lhe annual Schelnfeld CenLer new venLure Challenge (for hlgh school sLudenLs) aL
SanLa 8arbara ClLy College and sLarL Lhelr own new venLures. kPk and Lhe new venLure Challenge are Lhe capsLone
pro[ecLs of Lhe LnLrepreneurshlp Academy.

33 new sLudenLs each year.

!"#$%&$' 9/.: 34./;"# (asheldon[, 967-4381, exL. 366.

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1he PealLh Careers Academy ls a unlque parLnershlp beLween SanLa 8arbara ClLy College (S8CC), SanLa 8arbara
Couage PosplLal and Lhe 8eglonal Cccupauons rogram. 1he purpose of Lhe Lhree-year academy ls Lo provlde
sLudenLs wlLh a hands-on experlence and prepare Lhem for a wlde varleLy of healLh career experlences, so LhaL,
upon graduauon, Lhey wlll be prepared for skllled enLry-level [obs ln Lhe healLh care lndusLry or enLrance lnLo
colleges, unlverslues and/or Lechnlcal schools. Some requlred courses are aL S8CC, provldlng sLudenLs boLh hlgh
school and S8CC credlLs. All sLudenLs paruclpaLe ln [ob shadows and lnLernshlps wlLh local healLh care
faclllues. lleen sLudenLs compleLe Lhe Cerued nurslng AsslsLanL program aL SanLa 8arbara ClLy College durlng
Lhelr senlor year. SLudenLs musL apply for admlsslon lnLo Lhe PealLh Careers Academy durlng Lhelr freshman year.

1here are 33 spaces for 10

-grade sLudenLs each year.

!"#$%&$' 6%*&.#. <%$. -.=1%# >mnewman[, 967-4381, exL. 287.

D;4%3;#E+;#2 F#""#2#A3%#4%
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1he lnLernauonal 8accalaureaLe (l8) program aL uos ueblos Plgh School ls an lnLernauonally recognlzed college
preparaLory academlc program deslgned Lo fulll Lhe alms of l8 Mlsslon sLaLemenL: Lo develop lnqulrlng,
knowledgeable and carlng young people who help Lo creaLe a beuer and more peaceful world Lhrough lnLerculLural
undersLandlng and respecL. 1he full l8 ulploma rogramme conslsLs of Lwo years of hlgher level l8 courses comblned
wlLh communlLy servlce pro[ecLs, a hlsLorlcal lnvesugauon, exLended essay, and 1heory of knowledge course gulded
by unlque l8 currlcular componenLs and assessmenLs. AparL from Lhe full-ume ulploma rogram, sLudenLs can
paruclpaLe ln a varleLy of courses ln Lhe core four areas of Lngllsh, maLh, sclence, hlsLory comblned wlLh vlsual arLs
and world languages. 1he advanLages of l8 courses are Lhree-fold: (1) favored accepLance by selecL colleges and
unlverslues, (2) prospecuve college credlL for l8 coursework, and mosL lmporLanLly, (3) compleLe preparauon for Lhe
demands of posL-secondary academlc and professlonal llfe.

ApproxlmaLely 33 spaces for 11

graders ln Lhe full ulploma rogramme.

Appllcauon wlndow ls lebruary/March of sophomore year.

l8 lnformauon nlghL occurs ln mld-lebruary.

l8 sLudenL shadows upon requesL.

!"#$%&$' 6%? 6"*%# (mmoran[ or @%*.# A.&,0$.%; (kbecksLead[


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1he MAu Academy oers sLudenLs an academlcally lnLegraLed, career-focused currlculum ln arLs, medla, and
enLerLalnmenL. 1he academy has an enrollmenL of 200 sLudenLs ln grades 10 Lhrough 12. 1he academy has Leamed
wlLh several SanLa 8arbara ClLy College deparLmenLs Lo oer college credlL courses ln grades 9 Lhrough 12. Anchored
ln Lhe Lradluonal arLs, Lhe compuLer arL courses cover dlglLal lmaglng, graphlc deslgn, web deslgn, dlglLal
phoLography, lm producuon, and lm edlung. As parL of Lhelr graduauon requlremenLs, our sLudenLs musL lnLern
for local buslness and nonproL parLners. ln addluon Lo Lhe MAu currlculum, sLudenLs Lake Lhree cusLomlzed
academlc courses ln Lngllsh, hlsLory, and sclence LhaL are llmlLed ln slze. 1eam bulldlng Lrlps, communlLy servlce
Lrlps, communlLy servlce Lrlps, leadershlp Lralnlng, eld Lrlps, guesL speakers, and oLher enhanced learnlng
opporLunlues are an lnLegral parL of Lhe academy's currlculum.

93 spaces fall 2014

!"#$%&$' B%# C+//+%10 (sbhsacademy[

G5-A#2 !34- #;$ @%-57; !"#$%&'
)#;4# F#3B#3# >57* )"*++2 ? WebslLe: hups://
vAuA ls a 10
grade school wlLhln a school" deslgned Lo acuvaLe sLudenL creauvely, masLer arL skllls,
communlcaLe eecuvely, lnLegraLe arL across sub[ecL areas, fosLer communlLy, and prepare for boLh college !"#
career. Smaller classes allow lncreased lndlvldual auenuon and enrlchmenL acuvlues such as eld Lrlps, guesL
speakers, arusLs-ln-resldence, [ob shadowlng, and menLorshlp/lnLernshlp opporLunlues are an lnLegral aspecL of Lhe
program. vAuA parLners wlLh hlgher educauon lnsuLuuons and local creauve communlLy Lo oer sLudenLs real world
experlence ln arL and deslgn elds. All vAuA classes are deslgned Lo prepare sLudenLs for college or posL-secondary
educauon. College rep and Advanced lacemenL-level courses are oered as paLhways Lhrough Lhe program.
College credlL Lhrough SanLa 8arbara ClLy College ls earned for lllusLrauon and ueslgn l and ll.0. vAuA recommends
lnLeresLed sLudenLs Lake an arL class Lhelr freshman year, such as lreehand urawlng, re-vAuA, or Color and
ueslgn. vAuA early appllcauon deadllne ls uecember 18. 1he nal appllcauon deadllne ls lebruary 7. vAuA ls a 10
Lhrough 12
-grade program.

re-vAuA lreehand urawlng ls avallable Lo lnLeresLed freshman, 60 spaces for 10

-grade sLudenLs, school year

vlslL: for more lnformauon.

!"#$%&$' B%#+./ A%*#.? (dbarneu[, 966-9101, exL. 266D


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