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Hello neighbor. Rest assured I am not going to try and sell you something you don‘t need, or perhaps preach a
new religion to you, I’ll leave that to the “professionals“. I just want to talk about this H1-N1 Flu virus for a

Not a day goes by as of late without some sort of “developing news” in regards to this coming influenza season
and the pending “pandemic” that revolves around the H1-N1 strain. For weeks we have heard stories claiming
that there will be a resulting “shortage” of flu shots. We’re told pharmaceutical companies somehow got caught
with their pants down and that they are “desperately” trying to catch up. On Monday, August 24th, the
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology released a report which predicted somewhere in the
realm of 30,000 to 90,000 H1-N1 related deaths and over 2 million + people flooding hospitals. This of course
started stirring a “panic”.

Yet, later in the week, (Thursday August 27th) the Centers for Disease Control claimed that they “..don’t think
that’s the most likely scenario” and that we shouldn’t be panicking about the estimated 90,000 number. I have to
ask, why the Ebb and Flow with “Panic, Relax… PANIC,….relax…”? Also, are we supposed to believe that the
Whitehouse Council of Advisors are somehow more intelligent than the folks over at the C.D.C.?

Those of us who are old enough to remember will recall the 1976 “SWINE FLU PANDEMIC” that resulted in
only 1 death out of 220 million Americans at the time. The Federal Government’s attempt to “Mass Vaccinate”
society resulted in 25 deaths and over a 1,000 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome after 48 million had already
been vaccinated. Fortunately, public pressure finally ceased this senseless program which violated everybody’s
civil rights.

These days however, rumors abound once again about “Forced Vaccinations” and one state, Massachusetts, is
considering legislation that if passed, would revoke all of their citizens rights during a “pandemic”. For a good
laugh, (or not,) read Mass. Senate Bill 2028. Imagine being told you must evacuate your home because your
neighbors have “Swine Flu”?

In the end, who really benefits from all this hype? If you actually take a few moments to sit and think about it, a
list will start to pop up in your head. As my dad used to say, “Son, just follow the money.”

That’s what I am asking you to do, THINK about this H1-N1 situation. Talk to your county and state
governments, ask what their plans are for a “pandemic”. Inquire about forced vaccinations, evacuations, etc.
Use your computer and Google “SWINE FLU. H1-N1” daily to see what new developments have come to light
during this event. Talk to your neighbors, friends, and coworkers about it.

I won’t tell you what to think friend, your smart enough to draw your own conclusions. I am just asking that we
all take more than a fleeting glance at this situation and really start to see it for what it is. Should you take the
Vaccine (or Vaccines, depending on source)? That’s entirely up to you. We can all apply some common sense in
the mean time and not cough on each other, wash our hands frequently with hand sanitizer or soap and water,
and if we do become ill, stay home from work and/or school. As with everything else, this too shall pass.

Thanks for your time,

Your Neighbor.

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