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Newbury Local School District, Geauga ounty, !hio ("Newbury"), "et in regular session on Dece"ber #, $%&', at ()'% *+"+, in the Band ,oo" at the Newbury -unior.Senior /igh School, &0112 3uburn ,oad, Newbury, !hio 00%(2, with the following "e"bers *resent)

4555+ 5555555555555555555555 introduced the following resolution and "o6ed its *assage) ,ES!L7T8!N ,E97EST8NG T/E ST3TE B!3,D !: ED7 3T8!N T! !ND7 T 3 ST7D; !: T/E NEED :!, !NS!L8D3T8!N !: NE<B7,; L! 3L S /!!L D8ST,8 T 3ND BE,=S/8,E L! 3L S /!!L D8ST,8 T 3ND 37T/!,8>8NG 3ND 3??,!@8NG ,EL3TED 43TTE,S (!hio ,e6ised ode Sections ''&&+'1, ''&&+&&) </E,E3S, state law authoriAes the !hio State Board of Education (the "State Board") to conduct a study (the "Study") of the need of consolidation of contiguous school districts, including i"*ro6e"ents in school district organiAation and the desires of residents of the affected districtsB and </E,E3S, the Board has researched the o*tion of consolidation for se6eral years with significant co""unity in*utB and </E,E3S, Newbury and the BerCshire Local School District ("BerCshire") are contiguous, both wholly located in Geauga ounty, and both ser6ed by the Geauga ounty Educational Ser6ice enterB and </E,E3S, the Board intends to retain ?ublic :inance ,esources, 8nc+, to *erfor" such additional financial analysis as necessary to deter"ine the sa6ings and resulting financial i"*act fro" a consolidation of Newbury and BerCshireB and </E,E3S, due to the financial status of Newbury and BerCshire, eD*iration dates of their collecti6e bargaining agree"ents and the $%&0 election schedule, the Study "ust *roceed in order to deter"ine the 6iability of consolidation for either the 4ay or No6e"ber $%&0 ballot *ursuant to EDhibit 3 attached heretoB N!<, T/E,E:!,E, BE 8T ,ES!L@ED by the Board of Education of the Newbury Local School District, Geauga ounty, !hio, a "aEority of the "e"bers of the Board concurring, that)


Section &+ The State Board is hereby reGuested to *erfor" the Study of the consolidation of Newbury and BerCshire+ Section $+ The Board ?resident, Su*erintendent, and the Treasurer, or any of the" indi6idually, are hereby authoriAed to eDecute and deli6er on behalf of the Board any and all docu"ents, re*orts, and agree"ents that are in their Eudg"ent necessary or a**ro*riate in connection with the Study+ Section '+ State Board+ The Treasurer is directed to i""ediately certify a co*y of this ,esolution to the

Section 0+ 3ll for"al actions of this Board concerning and relating to the *assage of this ,esolution were taCen in an o*en "eeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its co""ittees that resulted in such for"al action were in "eetings o*en to the *ublic in co"*liance with all legal reGuire"ents, including Section &$&+$$ of the !hio ,e6ised ode+ 4555+ 55555555555555555555555 seconded the "otion and, after discussion, a roll call 6ote was taCen and the results were) 3yes) Nays) The ,esolution *assed+ ?assed) Dece"ber #, $%&' B!3,D !: ED7 3T8!N NE<B7,; L! 3L S /!!L D8ST,8 T GE37G3 !7NT;, !/8!

3ttest) Treasurer

By) ?resident

E,T8:8 3TE The undersigned Treasurer of the Board of Education of the Newbury Local School District, Geauga ounty, !hio, hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true co*y of a resolution duly *assed by the Board of Education of Newbury on Dece"ber #, $%&' and that a true co*y thereof was certified to the State Board of Education+

Treasurer, Board of Education Newbury Local School District Geauga ounty, !hio


EDhibit 3 R.C. 3311.37 CONSOLIDATION ROADMAP 4ay (, $%&0 Election Date Dece"ber $%&' Acti ! The State Board of Education (the HState BoardI) *erfor"s a study of the need for consolidation+ The State Board "ust consider Hthe *ossibility of "aCing i"*ro6e"ents in school district organiAationI and Hthe desires of the residents of the affected districts+I The State Board announces study findings, including any reco""endations+ The State Board resol6es to *roceed with creating a new school district that will include all or *art of two or "ore contiguous for"er districts+ The State Board files the *ro*osal with the boards of education of any school district with boundaries that will be affected by the *ro*osal and with the go6erning board of the educational ser6ice center or centers ser6ing the affected districts+ 3t least thirty ('%) days after the resolution to *roceed, the State Board certifies the *ro*osal to the board of elections of any county in which any of the territory *ro*osed to be included in the new district is located+ The board(s) of elections shall sub"it the Guestion to the electors in the territory *ro*osed for the new school district at the neDt general or *ri"ary election occurring not less than ninety (#%) days after the certification+ The !hio /ouse and the !hio Senate a**ro6e the new district by "eans of a concurrent resolution+ 8f a "aEority of electors a**ro6es the consolidation, the State Board shall create the new district *rior to the neDt succeeding -uly &+ The State Board shall a**oint fi6e electors residing in the newly.created district to ser6e as the initial "e"bers of the Board of Education (the HBoardI)+ 3 new Board for the newly.created district will be elected in the first general election in an odd. nu"bered year that occurs not less than &%2 days after the a**oint"ent of the initial "e"bers of the Board+ 3.&

Pa"tie# State BoardB Study ?artici*ants Selected by State BoardB o""unity

Dece"ber F, $%&' Dece"ber F.#, $%&' Soon after Dece"ber #, $%&'

Study ?artici*ants Selected by State Board State Board State BoardB Boards of EducationB Educational Ser6ice enter(s) State BoardB Board(s) of Elections

No later than :ebruary 2, $%&0

4ay (, $%&0

Board of ElectionsB Electors in 3ffected Districts or 3ffected ?ortions of Districts !hio /ouseB !hio Senate State Board State BoardB 3**ointed Board 4e"bers ElectorsB Elected Board 4e"bers

Before the State Board creates the new district No later than -uly &, $%&0 No later than -uly &, $%&0 No6e"ber ', $%&2

R.C. 3311.37 CONSOLIDATION ROADMAP No6e"ber 0, $%&0 Election Date -anuary through 4arch $%&0 Acti ! The State Board of Education (the HState BoardI) *erfor"s a study of the need for consolidation+ The State Board "ust consider Hthe *ossibility of "aCing i"*ro6e"ents in school district organiAationI and Hthe desires of the residents of the affected districts+I 3*ril $%&0 The State Board announces study findings, including any reco""endations+ 4ay &$.&', $%&0 8f the State Board elects to *roceed, it "ay resol6e to *roceed with creating a new school district that will include all or *art of two or "ore contiguous for"er districts+ Soon after 4ay &', The State Board files the *ro*osal with the boards $%&0 of education of any school district with boundaries that will be affected by the *ro*osal and with the go6erning board of the educational ser6ice center or centers ser6ing the affected districts+ No later than 3ugust 3t least thirty ('%) days after the resolution to (, $%&0 *roceed, the State Board certifies the *ro*osal to the board of elections of any county in which any of the territory *ro*osed to be included in the new district is located+ No6e"ber 0, $%&0 The board(s) of elections shall sub"it the Guestion to the electors in the territory *ro*osed for the new school district at the neDt general or *ri"ary election occurring not less than ninety (#%) days after the certification+ Before the State The !hio /ouse and the !hio Senate a**ro6e the Board creates the new district by "eans of a concurrent resolution+ new district No later than -uly &, 8f a "aEority of electors a**ro6es the consolidation, $%&2 the State Board shall create the new district *rior to the neDt succeeding -uly &+ No later than -uly &, The State Board shall a**oint fi6e electors residing $%&2 in the newly.created district to ser6e as the initial "e"bers of the Board of Education (the HBoardI)+ No6e"ber ', $%&2 3 new Board for the newly.created district will be elected in the first general election in an odd. nu"bered year that occurs not less than &%2 days after the a**oint"ent of the initial "e"bers of the Board+ Pa"tie# State BoardB Study ?artici*ants Selected by State BoardB o""unity

Study ?artici*ants Selected by State Board State Board

State BoardB Boards of EducationB Educational Ser6ice enter(s) State BoardB Board(s) of Elections

Board of ElectionsB Electors in 3ffected Districts or 3ffected ?ortions of Districts !hio /ouseB !hio Senate State Board State BoardB 3**ointed Board 4e"bers ElectorsB Elected Board 4e"bers


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